HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 4/30/2010 ., , '!' .' . ,City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Plat Partition, Subdivision A licant Name: Breeden Bros., Inc. Phone: 541-686-9431 Com an : Address: Same as above 366 East 40th Avenue Suite 250, Eu Fax: on 97405 A licant's Re .. Daniel W. Baker r--- Phone: 541-343-7243 Com an : Baker and Associates Surve ors, Inc. Fax: 541-343-7242 Address: 1574 Cobur Road PMB 144, Eu on 97401 :+'" ,;',;:::>~'~'f>:;"'. Owner: Same as owner Phone: Fax: Com an Address: ."'''', ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-30 TAX LOT NO S : 700 & 800 None 35.39 Acres [gJ S uare Feet D Pro osed Name of Subdivision: River Hei hts Description of Pro osal: If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Subdivide the into 57 iots and 2 tracts Existin Use: Vacant Tentative Case #: SUB2006-0006 Associated A lications: Case No.: <;U~2010- A lication Fee: $ 4 TOTAL FEES: $ :l;D 1..-156. ~ Date: &J 10 Technical Fee: $ \ APR 3 0 2010 Reviewed b : O. . ..1 .....~~k_lr..+4...1 . n~\~n~~I~""'l.' ;ld..'::'.. Reviewed b: ~ Pre-Sub Case No.: Date: PROJECT NUMBER: Ie...;:} 'UJ(Jl:; - 0007/ Revised 11.20.09 1 of 6 . . Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. I/we do hereby acknowledge that I/we are legally responsible for all statutory timelines, information, requests and requirements conveyed to my representative. Owner: Date: Signature Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. owner~~D~_~_ (jul)Y Date: ~? ~ature Robert L. Breeden, President Print Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal Revised 11.20.09 2 of 6 , . . D Post Monumentation Deposit as required for subdivisions only. City Survey Section has current fee schedule and templates. D Location of Any Floodways in accordance with SDC 3.3-400. D Existing Easements Clearly Identified with Their Recorded Reference. D New Easements and Reserve Strips Referenced in Owner Certificates of Dedication and Purposes of Easements Identified on Plat. NOTE: When, as part of the approval process, the application has been conditioned so that the recordation of a document is required, the applicant shall be responsible for paying the Lane County recording fee for any such required document. Documents which may require recordation include, but are not limited to: Development Agreements; Improvement Agreements; Deed Restrictions; Future Development Plans; Easements; Joint Use Access/ Maintenance Agreements; and Dedications of Right-of-Way. Land Division Plat Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. D Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The application, technology, and postage fees, where applicable, are collected at the time of complete application submittal. ~ Land Division Plat Application Form ~ Two (2) Copies of the Deed ~ Two (2) Copies of a Title Report issued within 30 days of the date Lane County will record the plat. . ~ Original Plat on Mylar with notarized owner(s) signature(s) and signed surveyor stamp. ri ~ Original and Copy of all Required Documents with signatures where appropriate. Copy of the Mylar on Bond Paper Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal Revised 11.20.09 6 of 6 . . River Heights Hillside Development Manual Fire Protection Requirements Due to the forested setting of the subdivision, certain fire protection measures should be observed. Measures required by Lane County for dwellings located within forest zones and Oregon State Dept. of Forestry guidelines specify primary and secondary fuel breaks which help to protect dwellings within a forested environment. Lane County's standards are as follows: "Primary Safetv Zone" The primary safety zone is a firebreak extending a minimum of 3 0 feet in all directions around the dwelling. The goal within the primary safety zone is to exclude fuels that will produce flame lengths in excess of one foot. Vegetation within the primary safety zone could include green lawns and low shrubs. Trees shall be spaced with greater than IS feet between the crown and pruned to remove dead and low branches. As the slope increases, the primary safety zone shall increase away from the house as indicated in the following chart. % slope o 10 20 25 Primary Safety Zone 30 30 30 30 Down Slope Safety Zone 30 50 75 100 "Secondarv Fuel Break" The secondary fuel break extends a minimum of 1 00 feet in all directions around the primary safety zone. The goal of the secondary fuel break is to reduce fuels so that the overall intensity of any wildfire would be lessened and the likelihood of crown fires and crowning is reduced. Vegetation within the secondary fuel break shall be pruned and spaced so the fire will not spread between crowns of trees. Small trees and brush growing underneath larger trees shall be removed to prevent spread of fire up into the crowns of the larger trees. Dead fuels shall be removed. Fuel breaks applicable to city sized lots may deviate from those applied on larger rural parcels due to many factors including: The area available to install fuel breaks (size of Lot); Urban policies promoting the retention of vegetation; Availability of access by fire fighting equipment; Proximity and efficiency of the city fire equipment and personnel; Water availability; and Natural fuel breaks on adjacent lands resulting from surrounding development. An appropriate modification for this urban setting would be to utilize the 3D-foot primary fuel break standard with no down slope extension and to apply the secondary fuel break standard down slope from the dwelling except where the slope extends beyond the boundaries of the property. Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal Page I of2 . . Conditions and Requirements Applicable to All Lots All lots are subject to a maximum 35% impervious surface per the City of Springfield. All structures shall have Class A or B roofing as specified in the Oregon State Structural Specialty Code. All lots are subject to wildfire. All buildings with a gross area in excess of 1,500 square feet shall be constructed within 50-feet of an approved fire lane or public street. Fire apparatus access shall be provided to within 50-feet of the building. A wildfire defense plan for each lot, approved by the City of Springfield Fire Marshal, will be required prior to the issuance of building pennit. Additional restrictions may be contained on the recorded River Heights Subdivision final plat map and Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&R). Copies of these documents are available from Lane County Deeds and Records and the City of Springfield Department of Planning & Development. Slope Easements contain cut and fill embankments outside street right of ways that were constructed as part of the street support structure. Fill material shall not be removed from within slope easements unless an alternative method for slope stability is designed by a licensed civil engineer, is approved by the City of Springfield, and is installed in a manner that maintains the structural support provided by the existing fill bank material. Cut slopes may be altered provided that if they are steepened, measures are implemented which prevent the sloughing of soil into the street and sidewalk and such alterations are designed by a licensed civil engineer, and are approved by the City of Springfield. The easement areas may otherwise be landscaped, used and maintained without restriction. Preservation Areas will be maintained and enhanced in a manner that is consistent with the natural forest. Plants that are native to the project area should be used for any understory planting within Preservation Areas. Trees planted within Preservation Areas will be selected from the list of approved trees identified below. Preservation Areas should be kept free of invasive vegetation while at the same time preserving, encouraging, and enhancing/supplementing native understory species. Building structures are not pennitted within Preservation Areas. All landscaping within or outside of Preservation Areas is subject to the conditions on the fire break plans set forth below. Preservation of native understory vegetation within Conservation Areas is encouraged, but not required. Lot Owners are encouraged, but not required, to use native species for understory plants in Conservation Areas. Trees planted within Conservation Areas will be selected from the list of approved trees below. All landscaping within or outside of Conservation Areas is subject to the conditions in the Fire Break Plan set forth below. Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal Page 2 of2 J ,\ 1 I. r- I. 1'-/ I I. I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I [I I I . r ~- .-. ~ i/i..' -'~. ~~~~' o r i;;'~. ; , ~ ~ ,""".--.- [ ( :f C C [ --..J -' >G)"tl " cnm:O D cnOm = m-ir ~ ~ cnmi: cnO- S:::tZ ~ mZ> Z-:o , -iO-< > " -a r ( .,....-, ~~ C~~. '" " ., - ~ ---- ~' "-- ---..-- :>- "... ---- .) ~} '- , -------- = ~~'- .Q -' , '" -- /' .~ ~ , , --.... , t ....,==~='=' e: == =; o ."'.,....:=,~P.z_2 _ -_ c;:-:'-"._*'-:::~~~~_ ~-:3 r -, ~ '-. -:: . '-. PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL ASSESSMENT Proposed River Heights Subdivision Springfield, Oregon August 13,2007 Prepared for: Byron Roberts Breeden Homes, Inc. 366 E. 40th Avenue Eugene OR 97405 Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal . . TABLE OF CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................... ii INTRODUCTION ............................................................. I FIELD EXPLORATION ........................................................ I Methods ............................................................... I Results ................................................................ 2 Soil Units ........................................................ 2 Rock Units ....................................................... 3 DISCUSSION ................................................................ 4 CONCLUSIONS .............................................................. 7 RECOMMENDATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 LIMITATIONS .............................................................. 13 LIST OF FIGURES FoUows Page Figure I: Figure 2: Figure 3: Figure 4: Location Map. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Site Map, Proposed Layout, and Test Pit Locations ....................... I Rock Unit Distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Design Areas ..................................................... 6 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A: Test Pit Logs Appendix B: Site Photos Appendix C: Atterberg Limits for CDS RU-306 Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 River Heights Subdivision, Prdiminary Gcotec:hnicaJ Assessment GeoScience. Inc., August!3, 2007 Original Submittal . . EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The area proposed for the River Heights subdivision, north of the intersection of Marc 01 a Road and 42nd Street in Springfield is suitable for the proposed development. A preliminary geotechnical assessment was perfonned in February, 2005 and May, 2006 which included installation of a total of28 test pits to maximum depths of 14 feet. The assessment indicates that the site is underlain by three main rock types. The oldest rock unit consists of clastic sedimentary rock ("sandstone", RU-402) which was found in one test pit in the extreme northwest portion of the site. An igneous rock unit (designated RU-IOI) underlies the central, eastern and southern portion of the site, and this unit was quarried previously in the south- central part. Near the top of the ridge above and to the southeast of the quarry, fresh-state rock is located close to the surface and may require use of hydraulic hammers or blasting for installation of excavations more than 5 feet deep. In other areas, the unit is sufficiently weathered to allow for excavation using conventional means. The areas underlain by RU-lOI are suitable for residential construction using conventional shallow spread footings. The western and northwestern portion of the site is underlain by a completely decomposed pyroclastic rock unit (designated RU-306) which consists of nonnally- to over-consolidated high- liquid-limit clay. Over-consolidated portions of the unit are expected to swell and lose strength significantly when subjected to wetness. As a result, in the area underlain by RU-306, it is recommended to construct residential foundations either as post-tensioned concrete slabs, or on auger-cast piers with above-grade concrete beams. In addition, in this area, it is recommended to construct roads on full-bench cuts wherever possible. Alluvial sediments, consisting of sand and gravel deposited by the McKenzie River are located in the low-lying area in the extreme southern portion of the proposed subdivision. Perched groundwater was encountered only in TP- I, and it is assumed to be present within RU- I 01 and the overlying soils above the contact with RU-306. Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 River Heights Subdivision, Preliminary Gcotcdmica.l Assessment GeoScience. Inc.. August 13.2007 ii Original Submittal . . INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of a preliminary geotechnical assessment of a proposed 57-lot subdivision on 23.3 acres of a 33-acre parcel located on "Moe Mountain" just north ofMarcola Road (Figure I). The focus of this assessment was to determine the feasibility of constructing the subdivision infrastructure, develop generaI recommendations for residential foundation system design and placement, and provide conclusions regarding existing slope stability conditions and recommendations for site grading. The work was conducted for Breeden Homes, Inc. The proposed development is located on the north, east, and southeast flanks of a hill ranging in elevation from approximately 475' above mean sea level (AMSL) in the southeastern portion to 620' AMSL. The site is partially forested with douglas fir trees and other species. A former quarry is located in the southeast-centraI portion of the property. The parcel is currently undeveloped, with the exception of a 4-Million-gallon water reservoir built at the highest portion of the hill by the Rainbow Water District in 1996. An original2-Million-gallon reservoir had been constructed immediately west of the current reservoir in the mid-1960s. According to the recollection of Rainbow Water District personnel the construction of the original water tank required blasting in order to achieve a level area at the top of the hill. A foundation assessment for the new reservoir, conducted by CH2MHiIl in 1993 included installation of six backhoe (Case 580) test pits in the area of the current reservoir. The pits encountered some fill generated during the construction of the original reservoir in the 1960s over in-place igneous rock with some intercalated "stiff red-brown, moist, clay to silt material, which contains small pebbles and rock fragments, probably a volcanic mud or ash flow. or volcanic tuff" Reportedly, approximately 1,000 cubic yards of Controlled- Density Fill were utilized in the construction of the current reservoir to account for the uneven upper surface of the in-place "basalt". FIELD EXPLORA nON Methods Two episodes of subsurface exploration were conducted. On February 17 and 18,2005, 16 test pits were excavated on the site using a John Deere 135C track-mounted excavator with a 2-foot bucket. The machine weighs approximately 36,000 Ibs. On May 22, 2006 12 additional test pits were installed using an approximately 36,000-1b Caterpillar excavator with a30-inch toothed bucket Soil encountered in the test pits was classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) using ASTM Method 0-2488 (Visual-Manual Procedure). Rock units were identified and classified on the basis of origin and degree of weathering (VFS- Visually Fresh State, STS-Stained State, PDS-Partly Decomposed State - <50% re-moldable, and CDS-Completely Decomposed State _ > 50% remoldable). Where applicable, groundwater was noted as to depth and volume of flow. At some locations the unconfined compressive strength of cohesive soil or completely decomposed rock was measured using a pocket penetrometer. Test pit locations were approximately determined using contours and landmarks such as roads and boundaries of forested areas included on a topographic map of the site prepared by Baker and Associates Surveying. River Heights Subdivision. Preliminary Geotechnical Assessment GeoScience, Inc., August 13, 2007 1 Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal ~ , :,;'..~":, ~.y", 1'1 ' , -t"., ,.,~ '. I '~~.? ...~.. " ,. :..- /i:".... .:P"~\i' ~ :::-..,....~. -._ .-. .~~!~.~~~ ~.} ~ '~, ~r_~...~~ t~~~t-~l.:~~~H~ N , {jJ.. f', ..l':,~~~c i\ 1\\3 "......, \, ~ "'" ~" ; \ .,., ./ 83 --... - ;...- - .... . &A1 ,. ~ ~- ~ .......... .l'I " , ( I " 0: ,;~ ~~1.1 . , 1(' I. I' . , " , , , . . " " .'01 r ;. ~ :~ ".; .Jj . ;"; .' -, ., , .-: -' . ,'. ..;.::.....,...'-- :' 1 . . ~ ~'~.'#& ',..'" .', t .-...... ., r~ ~ ". ~ . * -. , , ,~ ~ >; =: L. t . . '" ~ ~ UJ.I..,~ .u- E,.-... 1;0. . I I:' 1~'ln'~.'~ ... 0&. . o.q,(...(o~ ." 17' E 'P("#\I'" ~. ~ ~ "j,~t'..I.t.ll. <i!. ... ~ - .r"L' ~ii-~ . .> location: 044'04'04.7' N 122'58'21.1' W Caption: Fogure 1: Location Map APR 3 0 2010 l! Name: SPRINGFIELD Date: 811312007 Scale: 1 inch equals 2000 feet Qti'"C:I'~O! 8uhr"!t~EI w := < ... ., == ~. tIC =- - '" Vl C Q" Cl. -. < [ Q ::: . Vl ~ :::!. ::: tIC .... is' is: "'C ., ~ 3" -. ::: ;0 ., '< ~ ... Q - ... " =- ::: - " ;0 - >- '" '" ... '" '" . J-~~ I "j I, ; .\ r\. '.L t ;u -to'" -', I n' "" n r - - . -..~'......'U (,.. \ ~'" ')d : . >>/ , II ._~-,...-;" Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal . . Results A map of the site and the test pit locations is shown in Figure 2. Test pits from the first episode of exploration were designated TP-I through -16 and test pits installed in 2006 were designated TP-2A through -2L. Test pit depths ranged from 2 to 14 feet, with an average depth of6.7 feet. A total of six soil units and four rock units were distinguished. Soil Units Surficial soil at the site consists of sandy lean to fat clay with varying amounts and sizes ofigneous rock fragments, and varying amounts of finely disseminated organic matter and roots near the surface. These units were designated SU-B and SU-D for purposes of this report Soil Unit B was identified in TP-I, -4, -5, -8, -14, -15, -16, -2A, -2B, -2C, -2G, -2H, -21, -2J, -21(, and -21. SU-B is a dark brown sandy clay containing up to 60 % (by volume) fragments ofRU-l 01 (see below) ranging in size from a few inches to several feet. The matrix of the soil has high toughness, very high dry strength, and no dilatancy. As a result, the unit is classified according to the USCS as a gravelly, sandy fat CLAY (CR). The unit is interpreted as having been derived from weathering mostly of the pyroclastic rock units (RU-306 and RU-307). It has accumulated on the slopes by slope wash and creep. The thickness of the unit ranges from 1 to 5 feet, generally thickening with distance from the top of the hill, especially towards the north and northwest. Soil Unit C was found only in TP-l, and there only 1 foot thick. It consists of a tan sandy clay with very high dry strength, high toughness and no dilatancy. It does not contain igneous rock fragments. The unit is interpreted as having been locally derived from weathering ofRU-306. Soil Unit D was found in TP-2, -6, -7, -9,-10,-11, -12 and -13. The unit consist ofa dark brown to brown sandy clay containing angular to subrounded fragments of RU-l 01. SU-D has medium toughness, high dry strength and no dilatancy. As a result, it is classified as a gravelly sandy lean CLAY (CL). The thickness ranges from 1 to 3 feet, generally increasing with distance from the top of the hill. Soil Unit E was found only in TP-3, where it was 1.5 feet thick. Its characteristics are similar to those of the matrix of SU-D (dark brown to brown sandy lean clay). However, SU-E does not contain igneous rock fragments. Soil Unit K was found only in TP-2D. It consists of a silty sandy gravel with well-rounded cobbles. The unit is classified according to the USCS as a silty sandy GRAVEL (GW). It is interpreted as an alluvial deposit of the McKenzie River. Soil Unit S was found in TP-2D and TP-2E. It consists of a brown silty SAND (SW-SM). In TP- 2D, it represents an interbed within SU-I(, whereas in TP-2E it represents most of the alluvial deposit. River Heights Subdivision. Preliminary GeotcchnicaJ Assessment GeoScience, Inc., August 13. 2007 2 Date Received: APR ? n ""'11 0"" .~; .J ..;..;..~ ;~.. ,rpl""io .-- (.. ~- --J-. . - :-___"'- ~- . ~. ~---j~ ",~~:...;, ~::.,\ " " I - ~ \:::'-: J - I ....- \ ..1, '" "'- c_:-, TP-1 '- if, \ " ~. - '. /1: \..~ -. ," TP-1P ~ -~:. -/ -~-I OJ'\o....,.t....:_,....: ~~-- 1 - ~ ~------ ,\:: '\.:-*r' ,'-'"""1 ,---- ~ ::.-: - ~- ... , . " J ..-- ~. / TP~ ... "" --_J--"_.._.~:./'\.-----;"~;'-?-'.~~:J .~----- , - . ~'- TP=3 ~" """"'-..". -, -. ---~. I'~ ........~,-;;:::t"--~ .- ~ \ . "'-=" ~. r . - .;;,., . '" LEGEND Quaternary Alluvium (Sand, Gravel, and Fines) RU-101 (Fine-grained Igneous Rock) . RU-30X (Pyroclastic Rock) RU-402 (Sandstone, Flne- to Medium-grained) ~-- ~- '0 I <V <=> > ;S '(j) C'o..I 0 <=> (ij <V - "" 0:: ...., E <V 0:: .Q Q. :J - <t en m 0 (ij ,E Cl 'C 0 River Hel~hts Subdivision, Sprln~f1eld, Preliminary Geotechnical Assess . . Rock Units 1bree rock units were identified, consisting of an igneous (indeterminate if extrusive or intrusive) rock body, designated RU-I 0 I for purposes of this report, which underlies the central, eastern and southeastern portions of the site. It is underlain by a pyroclastic rock unit which was designated RU- 302 and -306. The pyroclastic rock is probably related to the igneous rock body and may be coeval, representing the bottom phase of an extrusive igneous rock body. RU-402 was found only in TP-2L in the extreme northwestern portion of the site. It consists of an agglomeratic sandstone containing coarser angular to subrounded rock fragments. It probably pre- dates the igneous and pyroclastic rocks at the site. In visually fresh state, RU-I 0 I consists of a gray to greenish-gray very fme-grained igneous rock with an estimated density near 170 pef. In TP-3, portions of the unit were identified as having been vesicular when emplaced. Vesicles have been filled by secondary mineralization. The unit ranges from completely decomposed state (CDS) where more than 50 % of the material can be remolded with finger pressure to partly decomposed state (PDS) where less than 50 % of the material is remoldable to stained state (STS) where the rock is discolored (usually yellow-brown to rust brown) to visually fresh state (VFS) at the core of less weathered portions and in the quarry area. The distances between open planes of separation (in three dimensions) ranges from a few inches to several feet, with the distances generally increasing with depth. Some of the near-surface and surface-parallel open mass planes of separation are probably related to "unloading" by erosion. CDS RU-lOI ranges in color from tan to light olive-brown to yellow-brown to rust-brown. When moist, the material remolds to a sandy fine-grained soil, mostly with low to medium dry strength, low toughness, and rapid dilatancy. In some very near-surface portions the dry strength is high and the toughness is medium to high with slow dilatancy. Therefore, the material (after remolding) would be classified as a sandy silt (ML to MH) to sandy lean clay. The deepest CDS RU-IOI was encountered in TP-2A where the material extended to a depth of 10 feet. However, even at a depth 00 feet in TP-3, the unconfined compressive strength of the material (at natural moisture content) was 7,000 to 9,000 pst: PDS RU-I 0 I generally consists of nearly unweathered portions of the rock surrounded by CDS material. STSNFS RU-lOI is usually yellow-brown to rust-brown stained on the outside of rock fragments but the staining only penetrates fractions of an inch to the inside of the fragments. The rest of the rock is gray to greenish-gray. At TP-6, essentially at the eastern portion of the top of the hill, where fractures in the material are spaced at 4 inches to 18 inches apart, the material could be excavated with the 36,000-lb trackhoe (2-foot bucket) to a depth of 6 feet. At TP-9, located along the top of the ridge upslope from the old quarry, excavation refusal was encountered 3.5 feet below the top of original ground (the test pit was excavated through a minor layer of locally derived side-cast downslope from a trail. At TP-2C, along the current road alignment southeast of the quarry trackhoe refusal was encountered at a depth of 1.5 feet both at road level and at the top of the existing cut. River Heights Subdivision, Preliminary Geotechnical Assessment GeoScience. Inc.. August 13. 2007 3 Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal . . RU-302 was identified only in TP-2B, along the alignment of 37th Street. The unit was found in CDS, underlying RU-t 01 at a depth of 8 feet. The unit consists of a dark red to maroon, partly vesicular (filled) pyroclastic unit. It was difficult to impossible to remold with finger pressure but could be cut with a knife. The material resulting from remolding had low dry strength, low toughness and rapid dilatancy. As a result, the fines are b ML. RU-306 was found only in CDS. The material mostly consists of varicolored, over-consolidated clay, with high to very high dry strength, high toughness, and no dilatancy. As a result, using ASTM Method D-2488, once remolded, the material would be mostly classified according to the USCS as a fat CLAY (CH). Colors range from white to tan to yellowish to brick-red to maroon to chocolate brown. In TP-t4 the different colors were present as angular splotches less than one inch in diameter, resembling rock pieces (see site photos). Based on these observations it appears that the material has a pyroclastic origin, possibly partly as the top- or bottom-phase of an extrusive rock body or as clastic sediments derived from nearby volcanic sources or as air-fall volcanic ash. The material was not encountered in VFS or even STS, in any of the test pits. EGR & Associates collected three samples of CDS RU-306 at stations 4+00, 6+00, and 12+00 of River Heights Drive. Using ASTM Method 04318 (Atterberg Limits), the plasticity indices were determined to be 17,20, and 16, respectively and the samples plotted as CL, ML, and MH soils respectively (see Appendix C). With the exception of minor fill slope failures on the south side of the pad for the water reservoir, no evidence of slope movement (leaninglback-rotated trees, c1osed-contour depressions, sag ponds, benches, or convex slopes) was observed at the site. Due to the slope direction, the existing fill slope failures will not affect the proposed subdivision. DISCUSSION Initially, based on the presence of the quarry in the south-central portion of the site and on the presence of hard RU-lOl in the rail-road cut at the southeastern edge of the property, the main concern of the assessment was to determine whether infrastructure for a subdivision (roads, underground utilities) could be installed over much of the site using conventional excavation equipment. Based on the test pit information it appears that this is feasible, with the possible exception of the top of the east-southeast trending ridge above the quarry. Excavation refusal was encountered at a depth of 6 feet in TP-6 and at a depth of3 feet below top of original ground in TP-9 In the two test pits installed at location TP-2C, excavator refusal was encountered at a depth of 1.5 on fresh-state RU-I 0 I. None of the other test pits had material which appeared to present challenges for conventional excavation equipment (excavator, dozer). It is likely that deeper excavations are possible even in the vicinity of TP-6 and -9 as long as the excavated area is larger than a test pit. Alternatively, it is possible that hydraulic hanuners will be required for sewer installation in that relatively small area. In the area of TP-2C, hydraulic hanuners will be required to place Quarry Ridge Drive along the alignment currently proposed and it is possible that blasting would be required in that vicinity. In that case, a blasting plan will need to be submitted to the City by a qualified River Heights Subdivision, Preliminary Geotechnical Assessment GeoScience, Inc., August 13, 2007 4 Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Orig;nal SUbmittaL . . contractor. Some concerns have been raised regarding the potential impact of blasting on the water reservoir. Based on the rock distribution, topographic configuration, and distance, the risk ofimpact to the reservoir from blasting in the area near TP-2C is thought to be very small. The area between the potential blasting site and the reservoir is underlain by massive RU -10 I for a minimum distance of more than 800 feet. In addition, energy transmitted through the rock body will mostly be lost at the quarry which is located between the potential blasting site and the reservoir. Therefore, the largest risk of the potential blasting operation is fly rock, which can be addressed by appropriate placement of charges and adjusting the powder factor. At all other locations, excavation even for deeper road cuts, such as approximately 15 feet, required near the northeastern entrance to the subdivision, has been shown to be feasible using conventional equipment. TP-2B was excavated at the proposed location of the deepest excavation along 37th Street and no significant difficulty was encountered in reaching a depth of 14 feet. TP-2A was excavated in the area of a relatively deep through-cut along Vitus Drive, and the test pit encountered CDS RU-IOI to a depth of 10 feet. Isolated pockets of less decomposed RU-IOI may be encountered during construction, but no large-scale excavation difficulties are expected. Therefore, the main constraint at this site appears to be the presence of both normally consolidated and over-consolidated high-liquid-limit clay (fat clay - CH) in the form ofSU-B, SU -C, and portions of CDS RU-306. Based on the dry strength and toughness characteristics, it is probable that the material contains expansive clay minerals. As a result, if excavated during construction, it is not recommended to use this material as structural fill under structures or roads, unless the material is treated (e.g. with lime or CBR PlusTM or similar) to eliminate the expansive characteristics. The probable expansive characteristics of SU-B and CDS RU-306 also place constraints on the construction of street improvements in the northern and northwestern portion of the proposed subdivision. In particular, it is recommended to place the entire road prism on a cut bench in the approximate area of Lots 1 through 7, rather than placing part of the road on cut and part on fill. This approach will require higher and longer cut slopes on the uphill side but potential stability issues due to expansion and creep of the expansive materials beneath the fill section can be avoided. Similarly, the main constraint for residential foundations at this site is the presence of expansive soil. Conventional spread footing foundation systems are appropriate in most areas in the subdivision, in some cases after removal ofSU-B. In the northwestern and north-central portion of the subdivision (Lots I through 9 and Lots 39 through 42), underlain by CDS RU-306, foundations should be designed for the presence of over-consolidated high-liquid-limit clay. Appropriate foundation systems consist of end-bearing auger-cast piers with above-grade concrete beams or post-tensioned concrete slabs. In the areas underlain by RU-IOI (regardless of state of decomposition) shallow spread footing foundations bearing on RU-101 or on compacted select fill placed on RU-IOI are appropriate. If construction is to occur during the winter, it may be necessary to remove portions of CDS RU-l 0 I which is expected to lose strength when exposed to significant precipitation and disturbance. River Heights Subdivision, Preliminary Geotechnical Assessment GeoScience. Inc., August 13, 2007 5 Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal . . Based on the geomorphology and findings in TP-2D and -2E), the low-sloping area in the southern portion of the site is underlain by alluvial deposits of the McKenzie River. The two test pits excavated in that area during the second round of subsurface exploration (TP-2D and TP-2E) proved the presence of alluvial sediments (SU-K and SU-S) in that vicinity. Groundwater was encountered only in TP-I, perched on top of SU-C. It is probable that deeper in the hill, the water is perched on top of RU-306 within open fractures of RU-IOI. Maximum groundwater levels are not known and are difficult to ascertain given the relatively dry winter months preceding the site visits. Based on the distribution and characteristics of the soil and rock units, the site bas been divided into four design areas (DA-I through -4). These areas are discussed in the following section and more specific geotechnical recommendations are presented for each design area under the recommendations section, below. Design Area DA-I: This area encompasses the areas underlain by CDS to PDS RU-I 01 at depths ranging from I to 3 feet. It appears that this includes most of Lots 12 through 27, 32, 33, 40, 41, 42, 46,47,48, and 52 through57. It also includes the south half of Lots 10 and II the north half of Lots 49 through 51, and small portions of Lots 29, 31, and 42. Maximum depth of CDS RU-IOI in the test pits is 10 feet in TP-2A. In some areas, PDS RU-IOl consists oflarger STSNFS fragments surrounded by completely decomposed rock. Design Area DA-2: This area is characterized by the presence of hard, fractured STSNFS RU-101 in the shallow subsurface, below 1 to 2 feet ofSU-D. This area is located near the top of the ridge to the northwest of the old quarry and encompasses all of Lots 28, 34 through 39, the north half of Lot 29, and the south half of Lots 49 through 51. Design Area DA-3: This area is characterized by the presence ofRU-402 under SU-B. It is located in the extreme northwestern portion of the site and includes Lots 1 and 2. Design Area DA-4: This area is characterized by the presence of CDS RU-306 under SU-B. Based on the test pit observations the area includes all of Lots 3 through 10,43 and 44. It also includes the north half of Lot II and the east half of Lot 45. Design Area DA-5: This area is underlain by alluvial sediments of the McKenzie River. The area includes all of Lot 30, and the south half of Lots 29 and 31. Date Received: River Heights Subdivision, Preliminary Geotechnical Assessment GeoScience. Inc., August 13.2007 6 APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal 1;>.6 DA.4 I -,.' TP:4 _1R-~ \T~('l'l. ~ TP.2J "" _ ~ - _~-' ~', rr' - "" " " TP,.2K . '- _ ~- TP,7" ,h_, ~ _ ., ....,' 'T? 14 P, I , ~ ~ ~p-.~ . T~2f \ \...., ~ ~ IT P i5 \.' '. ", "i. DA-1 TP.'3 " ,\'" ~.,,~~..... ._..,....-...-r...-.......-.-\ ,_' \~ .,) ............ . ~ ~ . .~ ~ ,.1:p,.~~\..... ...... , '. ~ ""'.', ,. '.. ~:>...: .... ..----....--------.- -'~~..~~.. ~:~ d"~~-n~.-..--..-:j ~~'q::: ,,~, ::;zt ......;,: _ " ...~,,-. '''''"... "'". " --::::':-;~{.:;;.,t.: '::" DA;J.- _. - . .", .....-.... DA.3 TP.~ .. ..~-.., ~ ~ , "' .;D . LEGEND OA.l Design Area 1 Design Area 2 Design Area 3 Design Area 4 Design Area 5 loq eA-~ IOA-4 OA.5 'P 1 ,. Tit' '0 Ql > 'Ql (J Ql 0::: Ql .... <U Cl c::> CS <"'-I = <'"> 0:: c.... ~ / .....-......., TP-2 .... \..l'\ Tp. B '~ \\ --. -- ") II \ II II '" II I' "'11 ~ TP-TO , - '. ~... ..- ,\----, ",.. . ,-. ~ ....... ~ ----:= .~. River Heights Subdivision, Springfield, Preliminary Geotechnical Assess (ij - - 'E .0 ::J (/) (ij c: '0, ';:: o . . . CONCLUSIONS The area proposed to be developed with the 23.3 acre River Heights subdivision is suited for the development. A total of 28 test pits, installed with a 36,OOO-lb trackhoe indicate that the site is underlain by three major rock units: The central, southern, and eastern portion is underlain by RU-IOI, which consists of fine-grained gray to greenish-gray (in visually fresh state) igneous rock, which may be intrusive or extrusive. The unit is differentially weathered, with some areas underlain at less than I foot depth by STS to VFS rock and other areas underlain by CDS rock to depths up to 10 feet. The western and central northern area is underlain by a deeply decomposed pyroclastic rock unit, which was designated RU-306. RU-306 may be coeval with RU-I 0 I, representing the bottom phase of the igneous unit. At this time, RU-306 consists nearly entirely of over-consolidated high-liquid- limit clay, portions of which have characteristics consistent with the presence of expansive clay. Weathering of this unit and slope processes have resulted in formation of I to 5 feet of expansive clayey soil (containing fragments of non -expansive igneous rock) covering the rock unit. The extreme western portion of the site is underlain by an aggiomeratic sandstone, which probably predates the igneous and pyroclastic rocks at the site. The south-central portion of the site is underlain by alluvial sediments of the McKenzie River. RECOMMENDATIONS The following recommendations are presented for each design area: Design Area 1: Excavation and Gradiml It is expected that all excavation necessary for construction of the subdivision infrastructure is possible with conventional methods to depths up to 15 feet. However, due to the wide spacing of test pits for this assessment, the possibility cannot be ruled out that isolated pockets of harder RU- 101 are encountered during construction, which may require the use of hydraulic hammers. Cut slopes in STSNFS RU-I 01 can be constructed at II2H : I V or steeper provided that loose rock is scaled. Cut slopes in PDS/CDS RU-IOI can be constructed at 1.75H: IV and cut slopes in SU-B, -0, and -E should be constructed no steeper than 2H : I V, with the tops rounded. Run-off should be directed away from cut slopes underlain by the soil units or CDS RU-I 0 I. This can be achieved by insta1ling shallow drainage swales a few feet back from the top of cut slopes. Date Received: River Heights Subdivision, Preliminary Geotechnical Assessment GeoScience, Inc., August 13,2007 7 APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal . . Fill slopes constructed on STSNFS RU-lOl can be placed at 2H: IV or up to 1.25H: 1 V for rock fills. Fill slopes constructed on CDS RU-lOI should be placed at 2H : I V. Foundations Conventional spread footing systems and concrete slabs-on-grade are appropriate in Design Area I. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-IOI or on compacted sclect fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STSNFS RU-lOI can be designed for allowable bearing pressures of 6,000 psf. Footings on PDS/CDS RU-lOl should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of ],500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. Drainalle With the exception of areas immediately adjacent to Design Area-3, shallow groundwater is not expected to present significant problems. Foundation drainage should be installed on the up-and side-slope sides of deep excavations (such as for garages and day-light basements). Areas adjacent to foundations bearing on CDS RU-lOl should be graded to direct run-off away from footings. Use of Materials VFS/STS RU-IOl, portions ofPDS RU-IOI, and silty portions of CDS RU-101 can be used as structural fill although moisture control may be difficult or impossible for CDS RU-101 during wetter periods. Due to probable content of expansive clay minerals, SU-D and -E should be used for landscaping purposes only. Stabilitv If the above recommendations regarding cut- and fill-slopes are followed no adverse impacts on slope stability are expected. Design Area 2: Excavation and Gradinl! Excavation should be conducted with relatively large equipment and excavations beyond five feet in depth may require use of hydraulic hammers. After scaling ofIoose rock, cut slopes in STSNFS RU-l 0 1 are expected to be stable at slopes of 1/2H : 1 V or steeper. Permanent cut slopes in PDS/CDS RU-lOl can be constructed at 1.75H : IV. Pennanent cut slopes in SU-D should be sloped no steeper than 2H : 1 V and the tops should be rounded. Run-off should be directed away from. the tops of cut slopes underlain by SU-D or CDS RU-IOI. This can be achieved by constructing shallow drainage swales (i.e. 18 inches deep) a few feet back from the top of cut banks. Ri\"l~r Ilcighls Suhdh"isiun. Preliminary GcolcchnicOII ASSl.'Ssnk."rll (iL"\ISciL.11CC. Inc.. August 13.2007 Date Received: 8 APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal . . Prior to placement of structural fill, SU-D should be removed from RU-I 0 I where practicable. In that case fill slopes can be constructed at 2H : I V (or up to 1.25H ; I V for rock fills). Fill slopes placed on SU-D should be constructed at 2.5H ; IV. Due to the required width of the road and associated public utility easements and sidewalks, it is possible that the construction of Quarry Drive in the area southeast of the existing quarry will require blasting. In that case, a subcontractor experienced with blasting projects should be retained and should prepare a blasting plan to ensure that blasting does not result in fly rock impacts to Marcola Road. Due to the distance involved (more than 800 feet), and the topographic configuration of the site, the risk from blasting activity at this location to the Rainbow Water District reservoir is judged to be very small. Foundations Shallow spread footing foundations and concrcte slabs-on-grade are appropriate in DA-2. Installation of daylight basements will present difficulties with excavation. Ideally. spread footings are constructed bearing on PDS orSTSIVFS RU-101 oron compacted select Ii II placed on RU-IOI. On STSIVFS RU-I 01, foundations can be designed for allowable bearing pressures up to 6,000 psf. On CDS RU-I 0 1. bearing pressures should not exceed 1.500 psf unless additional measurements of soil strength are conducted at the specific site. Drainage No significant drainage issues are expected in this design area. It is possible that water run-offwiII occur along the top of RU- I 0 1 during very heavy precipitation events. Use of Materials VFS/STS RU-IOI, portions ofPDS RU-IOI, and silty portions of CDS RU-lOl can be used as structural fill although moisture control may be difficult for CDS RU-lOI during wetter periods. SU-B, -0, and -E should be used for landscaping purposes only. Stabilitv If the above recommendations regarding cut- and fill-slopes are followed. no adverse impacts on slope stability are expected. Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 River Heights Subdivision, Preliminary Geotechnical Assessment GeoScience. Inc.. August 1 J. 2007 9 Original Submittal . . Design Area 3: Excavation and Gradinl! Excavations in SU-B and the CDSIPDS portion of RU-402 are expected to be possible using conventional equipment. Deeper excavations (e.g. for daylight basements) in SIS portions ofRU- 402 may require use of a small toothed bucket on a large excavator or a hydraulic hammer. Cut banks in SU-B and CDS portions of RU-402 should be sloped no steeper than 2H :IV. Cut slopes in PDS/SIS RU-402 can be sloped at 1.25H: IV. Structural fill should only be placed on RU-402 after removal ofSU-B. If the larger road embankment required in this area is not constructed on SIS RU-402. it is recommended to install a drainage blanket consisting of a 6-inch layer of open crushed rock between two layers of non-woven (felt-type) geotextile (e.g. Amoco 4551). Other fill slopes placed on CDSIPDS RU-402 should not exceed 2H :lV. Rock fills placed on SIS RU-402 can be sloped at 1.25H : IV. Foundations Foundations in this design area can consist of conventional spread footings or concrete slabs-on- grade constructed directly on PDS/SIS RU-402 or on compacted select fill placed on these units. SU-B should be removed from beneath bearing areas. Drain8l!e Foundation drains should be installed on the up- and side-slope sides of residences. The ground adjacent to the finished structures should be sloped to direct run-off away from the footings. Use of Materials With the exception ofSIS RU-402. none of the other materials should be used as structural fill. All other materials can be used as landscaping fill. SloDe Stabilitv No evidence of natural slope stability issues (with the exception of shallow soil creep) was noted in this area. If the above recommendations are followed, no slope stability issues are expected to arise from the development. Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 River Heights Subdivision, Preliminary Geotechnical Assessment GeoScience, Inc.. August 13.2007 10 Original Submittal . . Design Area 4: Excavation and Grading All excavations in this area are expected to be completed using conventional equipment. During dry weather construction, temporary cut slopes up to 4 feet in RU-306 can be installed at vertical angles. Sloping or benching at I H : I V will be required for temporary cut slopes more than 4 feet high. Similar sloping (1 H : 1 V) will be required for temporary cut slopes less than 4 feet high during wet weather construction. Permanent cut slopes in SU-B or RU-306 should not exceed 2H : IV and should be rounded at the top to prevent minor sloughing. Cut slopes with a total vertical height of more than 15 feet should be evaluated during construction to verify long-term stability at 2H : 1 V. It may be necessary to retain such slopes using other means (e.g. rock buttress or similar). Where possible, roads should be constructed on full-bench cuts. Roads in this area should be constructed on CDS RU-306 and be placed on at least 12 inches of compacted crushed rock after covering the native subgrade with geotextile (e.g. Amoco 2002). Prior to placement of geotextile, it is recommended to conduct proof-rolls of the native subgrade to identify potential soft areas. If present, such areas should be over-excavated and replaced with compacted select fill. If unavoidable, fill slopes bearing on RU-306 should be constructed at no steeper than 3H : 1 V and the toe of the fill keyed into in-place RU-306 by at least 4 feet. Wet weather construction in this design area is expected to be difficult, both for infrastructure and residences. The near-surface layer of soil and CDS RU-306 is expected to lose strength significantly during and following precipitation events, making vehicular and equipment access difficult. Foundations Due to characteristics consistent with expansive soil and over-consolidated expansive clay, conventional shallow spread footing systems are not recommended in this area Foundations should consist of either post-tensioned slabs or of auger-cast concrete piers. For the pier systems, the piers should be designed as end-bearing piles extended to hard over-consolidated RU-306. A person familiar with such systems should ascertain that suitable bearing material has been reached. In that case, the piers can be designed for allowable bearing pressures of at least 6,000 psf, and possibly 9,000 psf. Concrete beams connecting the piers should be designed above-grade by I to 2 inches to allow for swelling of the underlying soil without stressing the pier connections: Drainage Due to the probable low permeability of RU-306, significant run-off or shallow groundwater discharge is expected in this area. Therefore, provisions for drainage should be installed at the up- slope and side-slope sides of foundation pads. Soil in the vicinity of structures should be sloped away from footing areas as much as possible. The tops of cut banks for roads should include a shallow drainage swale which discharges parallel to the road alignment. Date Received: River Heights Subdivision, Preliminary Gcotcchnical Assessment GcoScicncc.lnc.. August 13. 2007 II APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal . . In addition, in this area it is recommended to line utility trenches with geotextile, and backfill with open crushed rock, construct water stops at changes in grade and collect water accumulating in the trenches for discharge to the storm-water system. Use of Materials Neither SU-B/C nor CDS RU-306, if excavated from this area is suitable for use as structural fill. I[ deep excavations (e.g. for roads) encounter less expansive material (e.g. PDS RU-I01) this material can be evaluated for use as structural fill. Otherwise, the materials cari be utilized for landscaping purposeS. Stabilitv Provided the above recommendations regarding cut- and fill-slopes and drainage are followed, no long-term adverse effects on slope stability are expected.. Design Area 5: Excavation and Gradinl! All units encountered in this design area can be excavated using conventional methods. Even temporary cut slopes are expected to require shoring, retaining walls, or sloping to less than I.5H : 1 V. Fill slopes can be placed at 2H : 1 V after removal of the organic-rich uppermost layer of soil. Foundations This area is suitable for construction using conventional spread footings or concrete slabs-on-grade. Without further site-specific measurements, it is recommended to design footings for a maximum allowable bearing pressure of 1,500 psf. Drain8l!e Based on the observations in the test pits, it is probable that this area is well-drained. As a result, . no special drainage provisions appear required. General Recommendation for Further Work It is recommended to verify the conditions as presented in this report and refme the understanding of the location of design area boundaries during construction of the infra-structure for the subdivision. At that time, extensive excavations will be performed for the roads and underground utilities, which are expected to allow detailed delineation of the design area boundaries and improved understanding of foundation conditions at individual lots. A qualified geotechnical professional should be retained to review and document these excavations as they proceed. Date Received: River Heights Subdivision, Preliminary Geotechnical Assessment GeoSciem:e.lnc.. August 13.2007 12 APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal !--- . . LIMITATIONS This report "as prepan:d ror the use orBreeden Ilomes.lnc. and their authorized agents ror planning and design purposes. Our proressional services were perrormed. and our recommendations provided in accordance with generally accepted principles and practices. The analyses. conclusions. and recommendations in this report are hased on site conditions as they presently exist and assume that the limited numher or points investigated are generally representative or suhsurface conditions. The report is not a warranty of suhsurrace conditions. II'. in the future. conditions arc found which ditTer sicnilicantlv Irom those presented here. GeoScience must he advised at once so that these conditions ~ . and our recommendations can he reviewed and revised. if necessary. Should a substantial lapse of time occur hetween this investigation and ruture site activity. or ifeondilions have changed due 10 nearhy construction or natural causes. the data contained in this report should he reviewed to detennine its continued applicability. This report is not intended to provide a seismic risk evaluation or the suhject property. The report should be made available to potential contractors who will perrorm the construction work. GeoScience cannot he responsihle ror any deviation rrom the reeonu11t:nded construction methods or means discussed in this report. likewise. our linn cannot he responsible for construction activity on other sites whieh neighhor or abut the subject property rererenced in this report. Iryou have any questions ahout this report. plcase do not hesitate to contact me at (541) 607-5700. Respectfully suhmitted. GeoScience. Inc. ,- Ij~~ 0Uit't/ ak&u . GUllnar Sehlieder. Ph.D.. CEG Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original submittal Kl\l.:r I klghb SuI1JI\ ISltlll. I)n:ilnun.ill) (IClllcchnical ..\..scso;,mcnl (;<oS,,<o<<. 101<. .\ngu,' 1.1. 2(K17 13 .c .. , , c c , , ~ ~ CII .~ a " : , , . ;.- ~.. "'- . " F~~ , r. ~.,... .Q ico ~---:- ,.,. ,- .,.:.<'.~ ,~- ~- n , ~ r 0 O'l]rn -ir< cn)>m ~zr -i 0 ::J: 'l] D:C s: ? C ~ ::) ~ -i 'J o " '" ~' -. . . ."",..., u .. -,..-,-- . ~=-- - - - -~ - - ~ - ~. - ""''\:....,;. ~-- ,., ~ ~ " RIVER ~EIGHTS SUBDI"'SION - LOT 1 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT. RECORDED COVENANTS. CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS. AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR FULL DETAILS. 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown ore approximate and the recorded tinal plot sholl be consulted for 011 legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations sholl meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot sholl be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For foundations in Design Area 3 they con consist of conventional spread footings and concrete slabs-on-grade constructed directly on PDS/STS RU-4020r on compacted select fill placed on these units. SU-B should be removed from beneath bearing areas. ~L ~ ~ ~ ~ <P ~ , / / I ...............\ I _ ..............,.. \ I I _--- / ......--<': ", \ I -<--- // ....." ',\ / \ / ......~ " " \ / \ // ......<:... '''... ''', " \ / \ / /,,,, ""'"",',',' """,\ / y~ /" """, '\ / / \~ ""'''' L0J # f'...., l / /'\'0.. '\, "''', ".. / \ -I-- 14 ft PSVIE \ ':::..../\ '\., '\., '" 'i., \ / ,...-"1 ',\ .. ',~.. I', ,I \ ",tt '-".. <f":. ~ -:.:?........ / '..}\ ...-\ ',\. ~ .... ".. --<1l)'1~ 0.(0 ''I, )..,\ or:- \"... '''<'A ~ /' / 'I Or<- '" ,~~. ", ~<S; , / ""j/' . 51.: 1'1' -'\~ '<', /"" "V.h /.'/ ,1 cclJ,t....: 497' / ~;~,x". "o'>-.j->' / t.{>.:J<- <ei b,~/\., /// ~", "....~~<7(/J / \ 'J:/>' / .. '.......,... I /' ,/ ", ............ -'i-___ / "1.5 ...... // '. . /' / 37...J / / ..... I __-- ./ ............ I "/------- ,/ /' ..........} / .-/ -----1_____-- 40 ft, R,W,D. EASEMENT LOT #2 ~-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA ~ o 40 { Date Received~ APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal RIVER.EIGHTS SUBDI~ION - LOT 2 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR FULL DETAILS. 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For foundations in Design Area 3 they can consist of conventional spread footings and concrete slabs-on-grade constructed directly on PDS/STS RU-4020r on compacted select fill placed on these units. SU-B should be removed from beneath bearing areas. In Design Area 4, due to characteristics consistent with expansive soil and over- consolidated expansive clay, conventional shallow spread footing systems are not recommended in this area. Foundations should consist of either post tensioned slabs or of auger-cast piers. For the pier systems, the piers should be designed as end bearing piles extended to hard over-consolidated RU-306. A person familiar. with such systems should ascertain that suitable bearing material has been reached. In that case, the piers can be designed for allowable bearing pressures of at least 6,000 psf, and possibly 9,000 psf. Concrete beams connecting the piers should be designed above-grad by 1 to 2 inches to allow for swelling of the underlying soil without stressing the pier connections. - 40 ft. R.W.D. EASEMENT ~ CONSERV A nON AREA --- LOT #3 ~ ~___ J IMPACT AREA ~ 0 40 LOT#! --- --- { :1S \)\l-. \ l\~\G\\' Date Received: ~~\l- APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal RIVER ~IGHTS SUBDIV1!rON - LOT 3 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR FULL DETAILS. 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reparts by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recammendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For foundations in Design Area 3 they can consist of conventional spread footings and cancrete slabs-an-grade constructed directly on PDS/STS RU-4020r on compacted select fill placed on these units. SU-B should be removed from beneath bearing areas. In Design Area 4, due to characteristics consistent with expansive soil and over- consolidated expansive clay, conventional shallow spread footing systems are not recommended in this area. Foundations should consist of either post tensioned slabs or of auger-cast piers. For the pier systems, the piers should be designed as end bearing piles extended to hard over-consolidated RU-306. A person familiar with such systems should ascertain that suitable bearing material has been reached. In that case, the piers can be designed for allowable bearing pressures of at least 6,000 psf, and possibly 9,000 psf. Concrete beams connecting the piers should be designed above-grad by 1 to 2 inches to allow for swelling of the underlying soil without stressing the pier connections. LOT #2 , '. , , , ......, \ , , "',~ , , , " " \ L'o.T #j......, \ '''', "...\ . "... i '\, ''''.. "".. \ ""'" "" --~&-a"-' \ - ....-~ ~,- , . "", ~ ___II (" I ... - -DE I .11 ___I --" \ 7FfP - CONSERVATION AREA :\-~ ~~J IMPACf AREA 12' SLOPE EASEMENT ___1- -- 1 ! ~ Da;e ReCeive:: ~ --- RIVER HEIGHTS DR. APR 3 0 2010 ---- Original Submittal RIVER ~EIGHTS SUBDI~SION - LOT 4 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR FULL DETAILS. 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2 Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. In Design Area 4, due to characteristics consistent with expansive soil and over-consolidated expansive clay, conventional shallow spread footing systems are not recommended in this area. Foundations should 'consist of either post- tensioned slabs or of auger-cast piers. For the pier systems, the piers should be designed as end-bearing piles extended to hard over-consolidated RU-306. A person familiar with such systems should ascertain that suitable bearing material has been reached. In that case, the piers can be designed for allowable bearing pressures of at least 6,000 pst, and possibly 9,000 pst. Concrete beams connecting the piers should be designed above-grad by 1 to 2 inches to allow tor swelling of the underlying soil without stressing the pier connections. 40 ft. R.W.D. EASEMENT - CONSERVATION AREA :\-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA ,', , , , ' , " , ' , ' k " , ' , " , , , ' , " \Q"" \ ,. ''''... I'" " " , , , , , l_-_-_-_-_-_.t~....,~ --- -' ~ , ' , " { ~ ~ o 40 RIVER HEIGHTS DR. Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal RIVER ~EIGHTS SUBDI~ION - LOT 5 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR FULL DETAILS. 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2 Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. In Design Area 4, due to characteristics consistent with expansive soil and over-consalidated expansive clay, conventional shallow spread footing systems are not recommended in this area. Foundations should consist of either post- tensioned slabs ar of auger-cast piers. For the pier systems, the piers should be designed as end-bearing piles extended to hard over-consolidated RU-306. A person familiar with such systems should ascertain that suitable bearing material has been reached. In that case, the piers can be designed for allowable bearing pressures of at least 6,000 psf, and possibly 9,000 psf. Concrete beams connecting the piers should be designed abave-grad by 1 to 2 inches to allow for swelling of the underlying soil without stressing the pier connections. ~ . CONSERVATION AREA 40 ft. R.W.D. EASEMENT :\-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA 20 ft. R.W.D. EASEMENT 12' --- ~ ~ y 0 40 (tate Received: APR 3 0 2010 RIVER HEiGHTS DR. \ I \ I \ , \ I \ I \ \ Original Submittal RIVER ~EIGHTS SUBDI~SION - LOT 6 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR FULL DETAILS. 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown ore approximate and the recorded final plat sholl be consulted for 011 legal boundary issues. 2 Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations sholl meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations. by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. In Design Area 4, due to characteristics consistent with expansive soil and over-consolidated expansive clay, conventional shallow spread footing systems are not recommended in this area. Foundations should consist of either post- tensioned slabs or of auger-cast piers. For the pier systems, the piers should be designed as end-bearing piles extended to hard over-consolidated RU-306. A person familiar with such systems should ascertain that suitable bearing material has been reached. In that case, the piers can be designed for allowable bearing pressures of at least 6,000 psf, and possibly 9,000 psf. Concrete beams connecting the piers should be designed above-grad by 1 to 2 inches to allow for swelling of the underlying soil without stressing the pier connections. ~ . CONSERVATION AREA 40 ft. R.W.D. EASEMENT :\-~ ~~J IMPACf AREA { ~ ~ o 40 RIVER HEIGHTS DR. Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal RIVER ~EIGHTS SUBDI~SION - LOT 7 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL lOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A lEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2 Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. In Design Area 4, due to characteristics consistent with expansive soil and over-consolidated expansive clay, conventional shallow spread footing systems are not recommended in this area. Foundations should consist of either post- tensioned slabs or of auger-cast piers. For the pier systems, the piers should be designed as end-bearing piles extended to hard over-consolidated RU-306. A person familiar with such systems should ascertain that suitable bearing material has been reached. In that case, the piers can be designed for allowable bearing pressures of at least 6,000 psf, and possibly 9,000 psf. Concrete beams connecting the piers should be designed above-grad by 1 to 2 inches to allow for swelling of the underlying soil without stressing the pier connections. 40 ft. R. W.D. EASEMENT r\-'\j ~~J IMPACf AREA ~ . CONSERVATION AREA , , , , , , , " , , , --- {~ ~ 0 40 Date Received: --- RIVER HEIGHTS DR. APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal RIVER "EIGHTS SUBDI~ION - LOT 8 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL lOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A lEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2 Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. In Design Area 4, due to characteristics consistent with expansive soil and over-consolidated expansive clay, conventional shallow spread footing systems are not recommended in this area. Foundations should consist of either post- tensioned slabs or of auger-cast piers. For the pier systems, the piers should be designed as end-bearing piles extended to hard over-consolidated RU-306. A person familiar with such systems should ascertain that suitable bearing material has been reached. In that case, the piers can be designed for allowable bearing pressures of at least 6,000 psf, and possibly g,OOO psf. Concrete beams connecting the piers should be designed above-grad by 1 to 2 inches to allow for swelling of the underlying soil without stressing the pier connections. - CONSERVATION AREA 40 It R.W.D. EASEMENT K-'\j ~~J IMPACT AREA 27' LOPE EASEMENT _______L-- --- ~ 1 Date Received: ~ o 40 RIVER HEIGHTS DR. APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal RIVER ~EIGHTS SUBDI~ION - LOT 9 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2 Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. In Design Area 4, due to characteristics consistent with expansive soil and over-consolidated expansive clay, conventional shallow spread footing systems are not recommended in this area. Foundations should consist of either post- tensioned slabs or of auger-cast piers. For the pier systems, the piers should be designed as end-bearing piles extended to hard over-consolidated RU-306. A person familiar with such systems should ascertain that suitable bearing material has been reached. In that case, the piers can be designed for allowable bearing pressures of at least 6,000 psf, and possibly 9,000 psf. Concrete beams connecting the piers should be designed above-grad by 1 to 2 inches to allow for swelling of the underlying soil without stressing the pier connections. 40 ft. R.W.D. EASEMENT - CONSERVATION AREA ~-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA RIVER HEIGHTS DR. {~ ~ 0 40 Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal RIVER ItEIGHTS SUBDI~ION - LOT 10 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for grophic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-101 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STSjVFS RU-l0l can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 pst. Footings on PDSjCDS RU-l01 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. In Design Area 4, due to characteristics consistent with expansive soil and over- consolidated expansive clay, conventional shallow spread footing systems are not recommended in this area. Foundations should consist of either post tensioned slabs or of auger-cast piers. For the pier systems, the piers should be designed as end bearing piles extended to hard over-consolidated RU-306. A person familiar with such systems should ascertain that suitable bearing material has been reached. In that case, the piers can be designed for allowable bearing pressures of at least 6,000 psf, and possibly 9,000 psf. Concrete beams connecting the piers should be designed above-grad by 1 to 2 inches to allow for swelling of the underlying soil without stressing the pier connections. 40 ft. R. W.D. EASEMENT . ~ CONSERVATION AREA j----........ ---- -""'" --- --... -- t " " "--"'1 I', " " " : : "".. "".. '''.. '''..: : " "'''.. '''.. '''.. I 27't.., "'''''''' LCR:,#10'''",-, '1 EA$E'tYI.NT "'~' "" "" i ~ "" I lL ".. .. '''.. '~ l' " .. " . L~",-----_~,---____ ,95.16' " I I', ,,----,____', : . '\. .. ',----~ L ".. ".. '''.. '<":----- _____~~ ........ "".. I 7 ----r~ " ,-':...-_1 { I ,---' I "75-- I ", 7FT~'--__ . 0 ~-~ ~~J IMPACf AREA SLOPE RIVER HEIGHTS DR { ~ Date Received: ~ o 40 --- / APR 3 0 2010 ~ Original Submittal RIVER ~EIGHTS SUBDI~ION - LOT 11 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-101 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS/VFS RU-101 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on' 6,000 pst. Footings on PDS/CDS RU-l01 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. In Design Area 4, due to characteristics consistent with expansive soil and over- consolidated expansive clay, conventional shallow spread footing systems are not recommended in this area. Foundations should consist of either post tensioned slabs or of auger-cast piers. For the pier systems, the piers should be designed as end bearing piles extended to hard over-consolidated RU-306. A person familiar with such systems should ascertain that suitable bearing material has been reached. In that case, the piers can be designed for allowable bearing pressures of at least 6,000 psf, and possibly g,OOO psf. Concrete beams connecting the piers should be designed above-grad by 1 to 2 inches to allow for swelling of the underlying soil without stressing the pier connections. 40 ft. R,W.D. EASEMENT -- ,------.------~------------, 1 " .. " I .' , ~ ' , f ",', " I '''' ... .. ... I I '''.. " " '''.. \ I .. " " 'I ['''.. ""'..Lot'#] 1 "''''', '\ t'" "",~" I " " '" l.. " " ',- .. .. .. ... I.. N ... ... 1 ".. v(: '" ''', : '\'.. ~ 7>( ".. ,1, " ',L", ',\ ~-./ .. ... ,-.A'" ", -,-...', 6"",', ',1S.;l' " ", I : -~,.... "".6'l.. "<"'~'" "1 ...:---__ '~..........._ IV, '''', ~-1/' ,J ............. ---~--,-....... " " " ./ .................. to ~V' -- J?IVe 'l? IIsla 'l/l'S DJ? - CONSERVATION AREA K-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA {~ l 0 4{) Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal RIVER .EIGHTS SUBDI\eSION - LOT 12 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-l0l or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS/VFS RU-l0l can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 psf. Footings on PDS/CDS RU-l01 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. ~~ q> 4~ 041'<5' ~1. ----_...;:----_...;~ ,----'", " , ' , I " ", ~, ", " "'"'' l' ... .. I" " .. , \ ", '''', '..., "'''' I', " " I.. .. .. .. \ I .. .. .. ',\ \ " " " .. \ \"" "'"'''' L6T,#13l"" "':\ I" " " " \ \ ", ".. ", "... \ \ ", ", ".. ", \ \ , , , " " .. .. .. ..\ ~_ I'" ", ", ", '\ /~,,"...._I ", ", ", ", \ '''', ", "... ", '\, .. \ }', " " ',___\.. I : . \ ", ''>------)..- . ~ ".. -~....----- ~ l.. I --- -.to. , .. '. , I , , , , , I , , , , , , I , I , , , , , , I , I , I , , , l--- 10 FTPRlVATESTORM I DRAIN EASEMENT , SEE CC&Rs 5.2 PRIVATE EASEMENT I , I , , , , , , I , , , , , I ~-~ ~~J 40 ft. R.W.D. EASEMENT IMPACT AREA - CONSERVATION AREA ~ 1 ~ o 40 Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal RIVER ~EIGHTS SUBDI~SION - LOT 13 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-101 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STSjVFS RU-101 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 pst. Footings on PDSjCDS RU-101 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. LOT#12 I I I , , I o ........., ............ " \ ",,'" '\ ........ '\ ,<...... '''.. "\ .-('............ '''.. '.., \ ..... .. .. \ ..<............, '''.. " \ ........... " ".. " '''.. \ ,,<", '''.. " '''.. '''.. \ \ '" " " " " \ \ """'- ".. LOt"fi13 '''', ''',\ \', '''', " '''.. '\ \ "', .. " .. \ , ".. ''', '''.. ''''- " " " '... '" .. " .. " I . ';".. ~ .'t\..? '''.. ".. 'I \ " -? ~<'A ~"''', " f \. \ ',& ~ " ',......' 'f-('> "'~ (C' "............ ...r", ,,:<:~~..., ~......... '" \',', ','A _ ',........ .. ,.V,.>o 10-' "'.. ~', ......... '\ ~',I,J....,. ...~...... ......"\.\','~f'> '< '.. J'i , " , LOT#15 ~-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA ~ 1 ~ o 40 Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original SUbmittaL RIVER !!EIGHTS SUBDI~SION - LOT 14 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner noiification and ;s NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-l01 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS/VFS RU-l01 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6.000 pst. Footings on PDS/CDS RU-101 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. LOT #15 , , , , , , 27' \ \ ,..sLOPE EASEMENT -: \ 1 ~;------~--_____ \ \ " .. .. ......-- \ I ", "... " ", -----n 1', " " ',I, \ I" .. .. ... ~ I'" J "", ", ", '''', ~ ';:l " " " " .. II \p.- I'... " " " '1\1 \1-' :', " " " ,\ " , , ", (D.I,'" I " " " ',I \ Il, ",LOl'#14 "" ",J \ I', " " .. 7' , \ ", '... ..., i' 1 \ 1.. .. .. .. r:1 I \ l ", ""'" '\., SLORr-l \ \ J"" "" "" E),'C:EM~NLT \ \ 1 ", ", " ~,f \ I .. " " ',' \ / ~, ", ", ", "J r_.J / t" ", r-lo..-_" \ / I .. .. I -----~..---_-f \_ _ ___/ : ", ",,' I .. ----I - , " '1- 7 FT PUE 1", --"', I " , RIVER HEIGHTS DR. '"" -.l :;- ~ .~ .-1 Date :\-'\j ~~J IMPACT AREA { \ ~ o 40 ceived: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal RIVER "EIGHTS SUBDI~ION - LOT 15 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL lOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FilES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representotion and owner notification and is NOT A lEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-101 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STSjVFS RU-101 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 psf. Footings on PDSjCDS RU-101 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. k!ve1( lfelG '1/1'8 D1(. , , I , , I LOT # 13 -..------..., " ", "~......... /.' " ',............ " .. ',"', ,", "" ',\ I '\. " "I ,1.... ", '''', ",\ (", ", ", '\ \ "" L01; #15'" \ t, ", " ',\ \".. " ".. ", \ \', ", " ',\ \ ", "... , , , , ' , ... \ " '\. -";-------'. ". SLOP"" .. .. .. ~ ""'''' "',..., " \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ u.l -1 ~ ~ m M LOT#14 { ~ :\-'\l ~~J IMPACf AREA ~ Date Received: 40 APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal RIVER "EIGHTS SUBDI~ION - LOT 16 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area ,. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-l01 or compocted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements con be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS!VFS RU-l01 con be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 pst. Footings on PDS!CDS RU-l01 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values con be developed from additional field measurements. LOT #12 ~ en - I "," I "'::\ I ().. I \\l?! I ~ ~ I . "' I ~ ~ , '< ~ I ~ lit I ",0-\ I '" I ~ I ~ I "' I ~ \ I r ---""'--- -~--- "'"'C"'-- J '\." " ", f', " " I', ... ... , , r----.._..... " 40 ft.1R.w.D:~ASEMENT r,... '..., ", , , , : ", ", , , :\-'\j ~~J IMPACT AREA I I I I I I I \Q I I I I I , , \~ \-;), \", \~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ':S ~ ~ \ ;...>. { \ ~ o 40 LOT #15 Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal RIVER ~EIGHTS SUBDI~SION - LOT 17 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR FULL DETAILS. 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown ore approximate and the recorded final plot sholl be consulted for 011 legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations sholl meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot sholl be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot 0 conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-101 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements con be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS/VFS RU-101 con be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 psf. Footings on PDS/CDS RU-l01 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values con be developed from additional field measurements. F:Z.~;\"r.l lc.~~'cC c~,j :\-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA -- -- - " " PRESERVATION AREA -.---.---.- --'-'-.---.---.---.---.---.- ~ ~ if' $ ~ l; .." .-\ ~ m '" \'j, ~ ~ Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 ~ Original Submittal o 40 , \ \ I \ I I \ \ \ \ \ I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ , { ~ RIVER ~EIGHTS SUBDI~ION - LOT 18 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed On this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-101 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS/VFS RU-101 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 pst. Footings on PDS/CDS RU-101 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. LOT # 17 ~ 'E1 ~ c> \;l ~ \;". o .... \ I \ \ I I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \-' ~ t; -B \ \ \ \ \ I \ I r- rn \ \ \ LOT #19 APR 3 0 20\0 O. ;n.,.1 submittaL '- ng1',:;t. ~-'\J ~~J IMPACT AREA [r?'~7:J tl~,"'c:~sd PRESERVATION AREA i \ ~ o 40 RIVER ~EIGHTS SUBDI~ION - LOT 19 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL lOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FilES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A lEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU~101 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS/VFS RU-101 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 pst. Footings on PDS/CDS RU-101 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. :\-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA I-< ~ t;; 13 r- '" , " II ,\ ''',II 'IUl N'.J.\ 1(f1 0 i1.\ n 't~ "11 I \ ..._n___....~_l ~-l ',I () <~1l\. 1\' I \-----" '\, \ I '(:0 \ \ --1'"-"", .. ',I I; 'Xl ~'" --1--1'" I 'tUiW, 'I.,.. \ -.....l " """" '''.. _____\ ~ ~ " \ \ ',I UJ " "I __ ~ I(:> \ \ ,I. " .. '" ------...---,....)0 \ .. }P"! " " ,,\---...., ....., ~,..{) -~.~\----l~ "" LOY., H 19 "" "" ", , '< i/,. \ ,... ~--,..).-,-.. " -c: \, " "'\)otci w 'I 0\ I ' .. .. .. .. -- t/'J I p.. \ ~ " " ,...______....____.. ttI f-.\ , ,', ' '"-----M-ENT '"' )> I '::\ ': '--~'--sT6PE-[ASE , ~"~ I \ ',17 ,~~,\\\ 6m:\ ,",,,,1\ \ \ ~ r'~ ~\ I \ "\.. \\ I, I I .. 11 \ lJ'" 18:?5~~ _l-'-:~'\ ", 'IS-:;--- \ _----- t" ' , I -- " ...J- -'1FTPUE ,----- \ .. o ::\ ~ \il "' rn ~ ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , , , , , , , \ RIVER HEIGHTS DR. Date Received: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ { \ APR 3 0 2010 ~ o 40 Original Submittal RIVER "EIGHTS SUBDIv!;ION - LOT 20 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-l01 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS/VFS RU-101 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 psf. Footings on PDS/CDS RU-101 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. ~ \ \ \ \ \ RIVER HEIGHTS DR. \ \ I I -,' ---, p.U.E. -1 \ \ \ \ I \ \ I \ I I \ \ \ I ~ ~ -B t- en 7FfPU~_ --!.':;.Vf--::...----- 14' / - - ! '''.. ..........-...... j ,', \.".. -,,::-.....- I , .. .. ........ / I', " ',-7 { / "'''''\. ''', '''..,' 1:3 \ /".. " '''.. 'l p.\ I', " " I t-' \ / '''.. \.".. '''.. / ~_~ l...., ",,~Ol\i(20 ''/ \ -"',_j', " '" " ".. '''.. ''',/ .. \', " .... : ~\ , , .. I '" '''.. " ''',! .. " ''', '../ "-1,..~', v V''.. ".. ".. / 4... '\ ".. ',I I -.....--:~~_____:'..._____~~_I I , I \ , I \ Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ " o '" .-\ ~ \ll en (;, en ~ .-\ LOT #21 Original Submittal I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ I \ :\-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA I \ I \ \ \ \ I I I I \ { \ . ~ ~ o 40 RIVER ~EIGHTS SUBDI~SION - LOT 21 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-101 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS/VFS RU-l0l can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 psf. Footings on PDS/CDS RU-l01 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. ~ ~ \;i; 13 r- <" LOT #20 \ \ \ .. '" "" -l ~ oJ to t, to ~ \ I \ \ \ I \ I \ i \ I \ I I I I I I I I \ \ 14' p.U.E. I <0\ /.......,.,';,......_ (,0\ / ',"'-__... OJ, A', -...,,_ oO I'.. ,--__ --1--\ " ".. " ", ......_... ~\ I, ",', "'.. I ___ f..',... I p...\ \VI "', ", " 'f 1-\ ",OJ. ~ /',', '..... / r-\ \1--'" / ""..., LO~,#21 ""'..,,/ ..._\.._~(}1... i.. " " 'i ".. \ \--~:-..../ ''', ".. "'.. / "l \ .. " .. .. I f'r- ~2.:, SL 'of(E EA!$EMt/v T _ I 11t:.rJ " " '" ......__It.,J.., " " " I I T.....-,'.. " ", 'J \ IlIJ, " " " I 10'>,", " ',/ 1\..... " " ',/ I \ ...._-...__~______':.._______ I' I I I I I I \ \ \ \ \ \ / I . J:' .' '- .. '- , LOT #22 , \ \ I \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ :\-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ 1 ~ o 40 Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal RIVER ftEIGHTS SUBDI~ION - LOT 22 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-l0l or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS/VFS RU-l01 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 psf. Footings on PDS/CDS RU-101 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. - I I J J I I I I J I I I r / I / LOT #23 I I J I I / ~ I 0 40 -J8ate Received: LOT #21 f:-< (;Q & C/J oS t-- M I : ,----...-------'1:------.......---. I I I " " ',I I : i k 12"':ZLOPf."EA5Ef~ENT / I I I', " ',1,4 U E J I, " " " "'1 ~I ! t " " Q.,,/ II,', ", ", , t/ 1/', " " J I I'" " " !:i--f-( ""'"LOT4(22"! / ',I l ", ''''''', ", I '" l ", " " I '1.. " " '" I -~"'i.>" """" "'" j 12' Q 1 i L,- "" ", S;rOPE EASEMENn \ ---...-----__~~.../ I \, _ _ _ _ ,-------1---------J-- 7 FT roE -I- - - - ~ - - ~- ,- , 49.66 I VITUS LANE APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal ~ :\-~ ~~J rMPACT AREA i \ RIVER ~EIGHTS SUBDI~SION - LOT 23 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown ore approximate and the recorded final plot sholl be consulted for 011 legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations sholl meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot sholl be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot 0 conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-101 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements con be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS!VFS RU-101 con be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 psf. Footings on PDS!CDS RU-101 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values con be developed from additional field measurements. LOT #21 J J I 14' P.U.E. ! -, I I LOT #22 ! I J J I I J J I I ----r- I \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ II ~0-O 1\ __ I I.c.~ ~ ~f~ " ~""I " I '" 9'0..1;''''" I " "I'(? I "" %(< I ....^, /' /:;'-1 I """""...........:>~ s€ I -</ "''''', '1t r "...."" "'...... "- "''''....<:, "......,\ "'..,', ( ..,.:.... "'...... "... "...', r" ""... " " " "- J\ '\ ... '\ .. 1\ " \...... "'...... " 1\ '\ '\ '\ ' I \'..., "",LOT'it23 "".. "'...... J \ '" " ... " "'...... \... ... ... ... ... I \ "12' "'..... ""...,\ "'...... "''''...'// SLOP.f EA5EMrNT .... ..... )' I ~ , , , ,( \... I'" ... ... " --L-____\_~~t,?_~~~~---::~~~-, """'''''' '~'\ __ ...1 I " " '\1 " ~__- ---~===~==-~==-~~-~~~p~ :\-'\j ~~J lMPACf AREA ! \ ~ IT"1 40 o VITUS LANE APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal RIVER ~IGHTS SUBDI~ION - LOT 24 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-101 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS/VFS RU-101 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 psf. Footings on PDS/CDS RU-101 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. :\-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA { \ ~ o 40 LOT #25 ,," 10FT PRIVATE STORM D. E.-r- SEE CC&Rs 5.2 PRIV ATE EASEMENT RIVER ~IGHTS SUBDI~ION - LOT 25 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for grophic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread foating system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-l01 or campacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS/VFS RU-101 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 pst. Footings on PDS/CDS RU-l0l should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. VITUS LANE ~-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA { l ----- , - .. ",- -)\"'1- \.. --.;-.. /------\-~~- \\, \~ / \"', 1\ / \ '\, ',\ / \,,,.. .. 1/ \'\\.., ""\\" 1"\<:\ I _-" '\, \,\ '\~\ I -----~,.. ... ... I ...........-"C', \,\ ", '\. \ ...-..., '" '... " 1'\ \ ro, "", ", .. .. " .. p..jl\ ", . '\'\LOT#25 ""\ \'\, \\ 221 \"', ", ", " ..., \,\ \ ~l \', " "', " I" '...--- t.L.j \', ", '''', ", :,>-__"'-- t-I \ ", "... ", __~~--i'" I \ \,\ " :'\.-'" 1\ .. \...---- I \~:~----~~-----~ I I LOT #24 ~ ~ U -< ....:! A< ~ l'- <') o 40 Date Received: , '<>" /~9/ ~'<>~ ~' ~'\o // t-?~ , '\.~ ./ <v~ ;;-..\~ ./ .;;. , ~o/ /' 0<;- ,,^ , ~~ ~,_~V;. T,/ ",'Y " , "" , 11-'- , , CO . '" ,,~ LOT #26 RIVER ~IGHTS SUBDI\!t;ION - LOT 26 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area .1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-l0l or compacted select fill placed on this unit. II is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STSjVFS RU-101 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 psf. Footings on PDSjCDS RU-l01 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. I\-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA i \ tJ S Q., IS I"- <") .J__ LOT #25 #51 ('''.. .........- a..'I', --...<. f-<: I" ':~"'-...... I.!..,I " .. -_... f'.t~, '''.. '''.. -..._~_ _JI " " ".. "',"''''-, J '\., " " ""1 "J " " " I I',.. ''', """, """, / I', ".. " ',I "J '''.. " '''.. 7 .....1',.. ".. ".. ".. I II '\., '''.. '''.. ""1 (j , " " ,LOT #26 J'.., '''.. ".. '''.. / '''" " " / , " " , , , '''.. / "'I , ~ o 40 LOT #27 CONSERVATION AREA APR 3 0 2010 Ori inal Submittal RIVER ~EIGHTS SUBDI~ION - LOT 27 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final. plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area I. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-l0l or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS/VFS RU-IOl can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 psf. Footings on PDS/CDS RU-l0l should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. For this lot shallow spread footing foundalions and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 2. Installation of daylight basements will present difficulties with excavation. Ideally, footings are constructed bearing on PDS or STSVFS RU-l01, foundatons can be designed for allowable bearing pressures up to 6,000 psf. On CDS RU-l01 bearing pressures should not exceed 1,500 psf unless additional measurements of soil strength are conducted at the specific site. (,~ . ~'y~ -<'<'" :\ ~" 0, ~- IMPACT AREA CONSERVATION AREA LOT #28 { ~ Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 ~ o 40 Original Submittal RIVER ~IGHTS SUBDI\!t;ION - LOT 28 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site ond is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot shallow spread footing foundations and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 2. Installation of daylight basements will present difficulties with excavation. Ideally, footings are constructed bearing on PDS or STSVFS RU-l 01, foundatons can be designed for allowable bearing pressures up to 6,000 pst. On CDS RU-l01 bearing pressures should not exceed 1,500 psf unless additional measurements of soil strength are conducted at the specific site. LOT #29 \,\-p..C~ 31'\\\ :~-'\J ~~J IMPACT AREA ~~ 'If'lP\..1S_-_/ __~ I I _- __---0-;;: \ ... :r--_----""~ "', 1 I', __ _'"" -- \---..-:;, " "~,I 1____ .. " " , -r',.. '''-. .. .. \ \', ..., '''.. '''', \ \ '''.. ", '-'-. '..., \ \ "-'-., Ldl: #28'-'-., ".. \ '''' .. .. .. '" \ '-'.. -'''.. ".. '\., ''\ \ ".. ".. ...., ".. \ \.. ..., " ',\ ,-', "''', ", __~,"__J -.......... " --...~~-----_:~-----~--- LOT #27 ~ . CONSERVATION AREA ./' { \ Date Received: ~ o 40 APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal RIVER ~IGHTS SUBDI~ION - LOT 29 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS. AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurfoce exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot shallow spread footing foundations and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 2. Installation of daylight basements will present difficulties with excavallon. Ideally, footings are constructed bearing on PDS or STSVFS RU-l 01, foundatons can be designed for allowable bearing pressures up to 6,000 psf. On CDS RU-l01 bearing pressures should not exceed 1,500 psf unless additional measurements of soil strength are conducted at the specific sile. :\-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA .- yrfl1 l'L~CB --- r.._ / '~~"'....... /0.., ',_ ............. I LOT #29 --'':.~-___ }. """ '\, "....., I" ','" " / ", " " 't / " "........'" / , "", ".. / / ",', '{ l... ",' ',,_ ,,/ .. ..? " " ',/ ~?~~~---~---~---~------ " " " " I ".. 10FT Pl\lVATE S1:0RMD. ~S.EMENT --___.:;E~ CC&Rs 1-2 PRIVATE EA1EMENT ........., " ", l "', ',r...... ',' ...............;7 .............f Q LOT #28 ~ . ---- CONSERVATION AREA LOT #31 ----- --------------- ----------- ./ { ~ Date Rec~ o 40 APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal RIVER ~IGHTS SUBDIvt;ION - LOT 30 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurtace exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For foundations in Design Area 5 construction using conventional spread footings or concrete slabs-on-grade is suitable. Without further site- specific measurements, it is recommended to design footings for a maximum allowable bearing pressure of 1,500 pst. I I \ \ \ \ \ \ , " " "- "- " ACE 311tl \,1- LOT #31 _------ __ _ ---- -------- _--- -------- SBMBNl I __~-- L_____; A.CC"ESS EA. t---:::::----;; PRIY "w U1\L1~\V "w E"SEMENT --,----22' SLOPE20 SEE CC&Rs 5.2 , \ EASEMEN { ~ ----- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ o 40 :\-~ . ~~J. IMPACT ~ CONSERVA1l0NAREA Date ~eceived: APR 3 0 2010 () Original Submittal RIVER ftEIGHTS SUBDIv!sION - LOT 31 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL lOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUB[lIVISrON PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A lEGAL BOUNDAI~Y DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-1D1 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STSjVFS RU-101 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 psf. Footings on PDSjCDS RU-101 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. For foundations in Design Area 5 construction using conventional spread footings or concrete slabs-on-grade is suitable. Without further site- specific measurements, it is recommended to design footings for a maximum allowable bearing pressure of 1,500 psf. - -- , lFfPu~_----- ;~---- ---~'... :'J (\\;..~ ---- \....._"'\._---"'l~- " ......... .~" " ... '...'" ':> v \', " " " \ /~ \ "".. 'LOT #31 "''''...,S )< \~"w' 0 ...'...... """'... \ / ......... \ " ',', \ / ") \ ''''... ',\ / /\ . '6 II / 22: OPE , "', ._- I \..__ ',_- / " EASe, ::..---...- _- I t" ' " ,'\'"...--- __ - -..-__ I I '''', _- ...___ ... / \ ...~--"\-- ---.,.------,,~~NT " I I _---... "''''''''-'''C"SS EAStl'lll-', " I I --- \ ...... & AC p ... l' " t"'--:t:::---"~:r;RN~'fE VTlL~~W ATE ~Asm~\~ " --+.~--- T', 20 ... E CC&R5 5 2... ... 1 " : ''''... s~ ... \ "''''...\ " , :\-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA ~~- Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 \ \ \ Original Submittal ~ \ ~ o 40 RIVER ~IGHTS SUBDIv!5ION - LOT 32 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-101 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STSjVFS RU-101 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 psf. Footings on PDSjCDS RU-101 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. For this lot shallow spread footing foundations and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 2. Installation of daylight basements will present difficulties with excavation. Ideally, footings are constructed bearing on PDS or STSVFS RU-1 01, foundatons can be designed for allowable bearing pressures up to 6,000 pst. On CDS RU-101 bearing pressures should not exceed 1,500 psf unless additional measurements of soil strength are conducted at the specific site. :\-'\j ~'~J IMPACT AREA P;~'~'--7:l L~j:x~:Lj PRESERVATION AREA { ~ ~ o 40 Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal RIVER ftEIGHTS SUBDI~ION - LOT 33 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-l01 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS/VFS RU-101 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 psf. Footings on PDS/CDS RU-101 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. ~ ~-~ ~~J IMPACf AREA FJ,?:\'~'~:l I>,::" ,..,'J tij~::::;~;J PRESERV A nON AREA LOT #34 VITUS LANE "," ,'. ~ { u <r: ~ ....l p.., ~ E-< c-- ~ M :',,'.'\ .,..-,1 , .:-;.:>-<\ '. , :,' .-~'. "'. . ".'". o 40 , , , , , , , , Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal RIVER ~IGHTS SUBDI\!t;ION - LOT 34 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER T9 THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown ore approximate and the recorded final plot sholl be consulted for 011 legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations sholl meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the Individual lot sholl be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot 0 conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-101 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements con be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS/VFS RU-101 con be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 pst. Footings on PDS/CDS RU-101 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values con be developed from additional field measurements. For this lot shallow spread footing foundations and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 2. Installation of daylight basements will present difficulties with excavation. Ideally, footings ore constructed bearing on PDS or STSVFS RU-101, foundatons con be designed for allowable bearing pressures up to 6,000 psf. On CDS RU-101 bearing pressures should not exceed 1,500 psf unless additional measurements of soil strength ore conducted at the specific site. - / K-'\J ~~J IMPACT AREA VIrus LANE , , " ,____ T---_L.:." -. 5.29' 12' SLOPE EASEMENT 7 FT PUB ----- f"7:-' ":7;"7.~J .' I"...'....' , I t~~~.LLJ \'"':;-'--::',--:7:7'-'--._ " \(-.:-:'''-- .. \ y:.:'.':" \ f:" \ \," :",. >..... \ I . .. \~" .' I..,..." t.' . t..'":-:': I..... ,,;.: I(..~." \," . I': ---,,j ," .,' ..- PRESERVATION AREA Date Retived: APR 3 0 ~OIO Original Submittal ~ o 40 RIVER frEIGHTS SUBDI~ION - LOT 35 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot shallow spread footing foundations and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 2. Installation of daylight basements will present difficulties with excavation. Ideally, footings are constructed bearing on PDS or STSVFS RU-l01, foundatons can be designed for allowable bearing pressures up to 6,000 pst. On CDS RU-101 bearing pressures should not exceed 1,500 psf unless additional measurements of soil strength are conducted at the specific site. VIrus LANE - :\-'\j ~~J IMPACT AREA -- , ' ---!-->1~~9' I l ',' -- -1- 7 FTPUE r__J".., '~,~~ ---"~~:-:.~=r-=-=-=-=-=- - - - -_ t" ", ", '''.. I 6450;--'--- I" " .. .. I . I', .. " ',I I "".. '''.. "'.. '~ I .. .. .. I ~, ...., "'''' ".. I 12' SLOPE I, .. ... "', l ! "" L AT #35', ", i EASEMENT I .. V"1 .. '1 , " " " I ~, "'.. '''.. ".. l l'.... "", '''.. ...., I 1', '''.. '''.. "..J I ''', " '''.. i ~ ".. ".. " I l~~______~______~______~____ p7:-'-:-r~ hL~;"c2~lU PRESER V A TION AREA ------ ,-:.----:--,---~--~-- ,. ~ 1 ~ o 40 , , , , , , , , , : Date Received: APR 3 D 2010 Original Submittal RIVER ~IGHTS SUBDI~ION - LOT 36 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areos shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is. summarized in 3 r!3ports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot shallow spread footing foundations and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 2. Installation of daylight basements will present difficulties with excavation. Ideally, footings are constructed bearing on PDS or STSVFS RU-l0l, foundatons can be designed for allowable bearing pressures up to 6,000 pst. On CDS RU-l01 bearing pressures should not exceed 1,500 psf unless additional measurements of soil strength are conducted at the specific site. )~.:::> ~ I - - -...,-. " ,...,..:.., ............... '../ 7 12' SLOPE C' S,.<t.-",!:..UE / EASEMENT ! "" 6:'11~~_--___ ! ''-.. ", ", -"'-...) -- f.., " " ", I I" " " "I I', " " ',I I " " " ,/ I " " \, l f'... " " '" / /', " ", ", I f "" LOl: #36'", 'I I' " '" " I f " .. ... ',/ I'" " " "I ! ", ", ", ''/ ~ ", " " I ......-...-... ", ", ", / ...-..._~ ", ''I -...----...- ", ! --~....../ ~-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA vrrus LA.NE [.?:'~'~r:TI tij~L~~,j PRESERV A nON AREA --- ;.....-:-... ..:-.... "': ".">::>.--... ~ '">'''~~-~.:;~::....... '::~:'~'~::"'':"-~7"'-:---;,;:-,-,:"-,-, -:-...-- ~,...-,-;:-:- -: 7.-: - - - - -- { ~ ~ o 40 ........;'. ""';., Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal RIVER LIGHTS SUBDI~ION - LOT 37 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consul1ed for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reporls by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reporls. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this 101 shallow spread foofing foundations and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 2. Installation of daylight basements will present difficulfies with excavation. Ideally, footings are constructed bearing on PDS or STSVFS RU-101, foundatons can be designed for allowable bearing pressures up to 6,000 pst. On CDS RU-101 bearing pressures should not exceed 1,500 psf unless additional measurements of soil strength are conducted at the specific site. :\-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA VI1'u 0' {<tve r:;;\'-'-r~ :<;......., ...>j ti;::,"'jj~J PRESERVATlON AREA { \ ~ o 40 Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal RIVER ftEIGHTS SUBDI~ION - LOT 38 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL lOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A lEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown ore approximate and the recorded final plot sholl be consulted for 011 legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations sholl meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot sholl be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot shallow spread footing foundations and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 2. Installation of daylight basements will present difficulties with excavation. Ideally, footings ore constructed bearing on PDS or STSVFS RU-1 01, foundatons con be designed for allowable bearing pressures up to 6,000 psf. On CDS RU-101 bearing pressures should not exceed 1,500 psf unless additional measurements of soil strength ore conducted at the specific site. LOT #39 ~l>. Us < '1<v~ LOT #37 :\-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA [7?;~'-~,-:l tlj~L:Lj PRESERVATION AREA { \ ~ o 40 Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original submittal RIVER IPEIGHTS SUBDI~ION - LOT 39 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED fOR INfORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REfER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY Of SPRINGfIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT fiLES fOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. for this lot shallow spread footing foundations and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 2. Installation of daylight basements will present difficulties with excavation. Ideally, footings are constructed bearing on PDS or STSVfS RU-101, foundatons can be designed for allowable bearing pressures up to 6,000 pst. On CDS RU-101 bearing pressures should not exceed 1,500 psf unless additional measurements of soil strength are conducted at the specific site. ~-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA ~-----~------~----- ~~:--- 'to ", "... ".. " .. ... .. \~', '\, ", ".. \ ".. ... ", ", , , , , , LO'r,#39"'" , , , , , , " " ' , , , , , , , , """'''''''' .. [~;;'.~"~;:J tlS'~'cC~;~,j TRACT "B" PRESERVATION AREA ! \ LOT #38 ~ Date R~ceived: 40 APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal RIVER IEIGHTS SUBDIv!;ION - LOT 40 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-101 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STSjVFS RU-101 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 psf. Footings on PDSjCDS RU-l0l should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. 20.00 FOOT ACCESS EASEMENT WILL BE CREATED OVER LOTS 40 AND 41 FOR THE BENIFIT OF LOTS 40, 41 AND 42, WHEN LOTS ARE DEVELOPED :\-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA LOT #41 { \ ............ '''.. ',.......... ........ "'- ................, , .......~, " .. \ \ ~ ............ 12' \\\ \ \ ,......., ........... .. /' \ / SL~PE IA'Sf:MENT- \ \ ~ '\. ,...~_.......... \ .. \\, \, \ \ l> q " "', \ '\ " '\ \ \ ...', " ......> " \. \ \-" " .. '......... .... \ \ "';>: ", '\'\ LOT #40 '\ \ \ ~ ", ", '\, \\ \~ " " \ \ \, \ \ ',\ \ ", ',\ \ ",',~\ \ " "'\:"-'T-- , , \ ",\ \ '~', ,~\ \ "~""------~-~ \ '1\--- ~ o 40 TRACT "B" APR 3 0 2010 Original submittal RIVER ~IGHTS SUBDlv!;ION - LOT 41 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR FULL DETAILS. 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-101 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. " is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS/VFS RU-l0l can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 pst. Footings on PDS/CDS RU-l 01 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. 42' SLOPE EASEMENT 27' SLOPE EASEMENT RIVER HEIGHTS DR. - LOT #42 .c. ~ C rfJ r ~ t!'I J\-'\j ~~J IMPACf AREA ~ o 40 Dat~ Received: LOT #40 ~ 20.00 FOOT ACCESS EASEMENT . AP'l 3 0 2010 ~~L~~: TC:EEA;i~IF~v~RF ~~;~ ~~, A~~ Original Submittal AND 42, WHEN LOTS ARE DEVELOPED RIVER ~IGHTS SUBDI\it;ION - LOT 42 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR FULL DETAILS. 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown ore approximate and the recorded final plot sholl be consulted for 011 legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations sholl meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot sholl be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot 0 conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-101 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements con be constructed In this area without difficulty. Footings on STSjVFS RU-101 con be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 psf. Footings on PDSjCDS RU-101 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values con be developed from additional field measurements. Date Reteived: APR 3 ~ 2010 20.00 FOOT ACCESS EASEMENT , WILL BE CREATED OVER LOTSJ~{iln~g;ubmlttal 41 FOR THE BENIFIT OF LOTS 40, 41 AND 42, WHEN LOTS ARE DEVELOPED , \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ I 49' SLOPE EASEMENT RIVER HEIGHTS DR. o 7 FT r~~ \ ---t --\O--~ \ . \ ,- - -~'i?; I \ \ ,,\.5".. \ \ g' -,------' ~ \ --------~-~;~~-~~~<"", \_-------..\----------- ,,,(: '\., '''... "... "''', ""''''' --I ...... \...... ", "... "'..... "... "... I ....\" " " ... "', I I .........; ...'...... ", '0... L0T #42 "''''''' "'.., \ .t.-. (\~;>,," """" ", "'" "'~,. """" """,:"": \ \.t.J \,\' 1'1 ',.... " '..', I \ ~,1'.. ...... ".. .. '''.. .... ".. "'..\ \ \ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..' \ \ \ '.. "...... ',', ...., '\ \ 1-- 20 ft. R.WD. bASEMEN>:." ", .. \"""'-1 \ '...... ...., \ '.. 't: .,' ... LOT #41 --- < :\-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA ~~::i~ PRESERVATION AREA ~ o 40 RIVER LIGHTS SUBDI~ION - LOT 43 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL lOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR FULL DETAilS. 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A lEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface explorafion has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-an-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-101 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS/VFS RU-l01 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 psI. Footings on PDS/CDS RU-l01 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. In Design Area 4, due to characteristics consistent with expansive soil and over- consolidated expansive clay, conventional shallow spread footing systems are not recommended in this area. Foundations should consist of either post tensioned slabs or of auger-cast piers. For the pier systems, the piers should be designed as end bearing piles extended to hard over-consolidated RU-306. A person familiar with such systems should ascertain that suitable bearing material has been reached. In that case, the piers can be designed for allowable bearing pressures of at least 6,000 psf, and possibly 9,000 psf. Concrete beams connecting the piers should be designed above-grad by 1 to 2 inches to allow for swelling of the underlying soil without stressing the pier connections. RIVER HEIGHTS DR. 49' SLOPE EASEMENT --- --- 7 Ff PU!!.______"'--- - F--~,----~, ", I " " " ~, '\ " " I" " " " :\-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA LOT #42 [~~~i] PRESERVATION AREA LOT #44 ~ o 40 Date Received: APR 3 0 20~ N Original SUbmittal-J- RIVER ~IGHTS SUBDIv!;ION - LOT 44 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR FULL DETAILS. 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown ore approximate and the recorded final plot sholl be consulted for 011 legal boundary issues. 2 Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations sholl meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot sholl be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. In Design Area 4, due to characteristics consistent with expansive soil and over-consolidated expansive cloy, conventional shallow spread footing systems ore not recommended in this area. Foundations should consist of either post- tensioned slobs or of auger-cast piers. For the pier systems, the piers should be designed os end-bearing piles extended to hord over-consolidated RU-306. A person familiar with such systems should ascertain that suitable bearing material has been reached. In that case, the piers con be designed for allowable bearing pressures of at least 6,000 psf, and possibly g,OOO pst. Concrete beams connecting the piers should be designed above-grad by 1 to 2 inches to allow for swelling of the underlying soil without stressing the pier connections. LOT #45 RIVER HEIGHTS DR. 27' SLOPE EASEMENT --- --- :\-'\J ~~J IMPACT AREA r.7,:7.;:-:7.'1 ::\:C,.....":: tiZ~:i~~d PRESERVATION AREA LOT #43 Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal ~ o 40 ! \ RIVER ~IGHTS SUBDIvfsION - LOT 45 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR FULL DETAILS. 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown ore approximate and the recorded final plot sholl be consulted for 011 legal boundary issues. 2 Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations sholl meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot sholl be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. In Design Area 4, due to characteristics consistent with expansive soil and over-consolidated expansive cloy, conventional shallow spread footing systems ore not recommended in this area. Foundations should consist of either post- tensioned slobs or of auger-cost piers. For the pier systems, the piers should be designed os end-bearing piles extended to hard over-consolidated RU-306. A person familiar with such systems should ascertain that suitable bearing material has been reached. In that case, the piers con be designed for allowable bearing pressures of at least 6,000 psf, and possibly 9,000 pst. Concrete beams connecting the piers should be designed above-grad by 1 to 2 inches to allow for swelling of the underlying soil without stressing the pier connections. \ l' 5t)"t~\ t tl' 5,-0<<> 27' SLOPE EASEMENT \)~. <1.,\S x,\0'P ~~~ ~\"'-l :\-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA FT~~~F';l ::>;'.".;'1 L~-'~c":::-,d PRESERVATION AREA LOT #44 Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal ~ o 40 { \ RIVER ~IGHTS SUBDIvfsION - LOT 46 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL lOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A lEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-l01 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS/VFS RU-l01 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 pst. Footings on PDS/CDS RU-101 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. RIVER HEIGHTS DR. ". :\-'\J ~~J IMPACT AREA .G. ~ c Cf1 r ~ \:!I LOT #57 { \ ~ o Date Received: 40 APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal RIVER IEIGHTS SUBDIv!;ION - LOT 47 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSlcence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-101 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STSjVFS RU-101 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 psf. Footings on PDSjCDS RU-101 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. :\-~ ~~J IMPACf AREA rT;~'~'-::T:l l~~~'c:~:~,j PRESERVATION AREA ~ 1 22' ~ o 40 SLOPE EASEMENTO ate Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal RIVER 1tEIGHTS SUBDlvfsION - LOT 48 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for grophic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for canformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, faotings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-101 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STSjVFS RU-101 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,DOD psf. Footings on PDSjCDS RU-101 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. For this lot shallow spread footing foundations and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 2. Installation of daylight basements will present difficulties with excavation. Ideally, footings are constructed bearing on PDS or STSVFS RU-101, foundatons can be designed for allowable bearing pressures up to 6,000 psf. On CDS RU-101 bearing pressures should not exceed 1,500 psf unless additional measurements of soil strength are conducted at the specific site. ["".7"":"".;;-::.'1 i '.- - :....:<-1 Li~,-'ci:::~;j PRESERV A nON AREA :"\-"\j ~~J IMPACT AREA Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 { l Original Submittal ~ o 40 RIVER ~IGHTS SUBDIV!;ION - LOT 49 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND 'CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-101 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS/VFS RU-101 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 pst. Footings on PDS/CDS RU-101 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. For this lot shallow spread' footing foundations and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate In Design Area 2. Installation of daylight basements will present difficulties with excavation. Ideally, footings ore constructed bearing on PDS or STSVFS RU-101, foundotons can be designed for allowable bearing pressures up to 6,000 psf. On CDS RU-101 bearing pressures should not exceed 1,500 psf unless additional measurements of soil strength are conducted at the specific site. :\-'\j ~~J IMPACT AREA LOT #48 P":'T:C:- :.;-; 'C.'! i....../.. ,'. :'1 1:..:1 L i~Lc: ~;Lj PRESERVATION AREA APR 3 0 2010 1 I LOT ii50 Date Received: Original Submittal o 40 RIVER ~IGHTS SUBDI~ION - LOT 50 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for grophic representotion and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and oreas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site ond is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-l01 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STSjVFS RU-l01 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 pst. Footings on PDSjCDS RU-l01 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. For this lot shallow spread footing foundations and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 2. Installation of daylight basements will present difficulties with excavation. Ideolly, footings are constructed bearing on PDS or STSVFS RU-l01, foundatons can be designed for allowable bearing pressures up to 6,000 pst. On CDS RU-l0l bearing pressures should not exceed 1,500 psf unless additional measurements of soil strength are conducted at the specific site. ~-'\J ~~J IMPACT AREA --~~.:._~"-'- -. ...>.... p',' . ~ " . , . . --~"""----'------~~'::-' .," p-'c:-';:-'.;-::-;-."l '/':>'>>1 ':..1 I. ..... ...;-<] L~.....',,"'",-.::c'::.;:J ....r. LOT #49 PRESERVATION AREA LOT #50 -- -- -- LOT #51 Date Received: ~ APR 3 0 2010 I - - -Original Submittal --- VIrus L 4NE ~ o 40 RIVER ~IGHTS SUBDIv!;ION - LOT 51 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence ar other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread foofing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-101 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS/VFS RU-101 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 psf. Footings on PDS/CDS RU-101 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. For this lot shallow spread footing foundations and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 2. Installation of daylight basements will present difficulties with excavation. Ideally, footings are constructed bearing on PDS or STSVFS RU-101, foundatons can be designed for allowable bearing pressures up to 6,000 pst. On CDS RU-l01 bearing pressures should not exceed 1,500 psf unless additional measurements of soil strength are conduc1ed at the specific site. ~-'\J ~~J IMPACT AREA .: :.',d". rc:":: 7;::7 J ':..1 L ~~'~'c.~~:j O WSWATION;>REA ale ~ecelved: ..,'-. LOT #50 .;r~~~:,<(~~:g~?t'. / I', ... ", } L '\', '''', '''', / /''''''" "... "'-'''', ''''... l......... I'" " ... ',, ,( "" Lor #5'1-- '.,;-. " ... ... ... ~'1 I', " 2'2' " .., l , , ~ , I /, 'SLOPE- EASEoMEN"F, / / " " '..., " '" ------t___ ''', r......~':...... 1...... ''''".,,1 t --""',;-1---- -..._ ~... '.../ / "''''''''''' ! -----~." .::);:::>-~~:'~ ---- - --.' ... I (j ----__ ,-- ... I /', .......,-- ... I -__ APR 3 0 2010 Original SUbmittjl LOT #52 , 1 --- ~ -- o 40 - VIrus LANE - RIVER ~IGHTS SUBDI~ION - LOT 52 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-l0l or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS/VFS RU-l01 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 pst. Footings on PDS/CDS RU-l0l should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. LOT #53 I \ \ \ \ \ '" LOT #51 --- VIrus LANE 17' SLOPE EASEMENT. - - :\-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA w --l ~ r.n >-3 ~ m >-3 rT~~\"r.l t~j~c.~;~,j PRESERVATION AREA { \ ~ o 40 Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal RIVER ~IGHTS SUBDIv!;ION - LOT 53 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-101 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS!VFS RU-101 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 pst. Footings on PDS!CDS RU-101 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless sile-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. ~ l\-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA .. '1FfP\JE~(~, --', '~--/""", " ,---, ~ ',,, "- ---------.. \ """ "', " \ "'''.. '''.. // "'''.. "'''.. " , \ " ','<, " '''.. '''.. \ '\ ".. '''.. '''', '..., "".. \ \ '..., " ''', " " \ '> ", " " ',', \ ......., " "'''.. " ".. ", ,'.. " .. " .. r, ',', " " \, '...~ " "'''.. " ".. " \\,.... "',', " .. " ..( '''.. ".. LOr #5l.... ",../' \ "" .. .. ... '\, '''.. '''... '''.. ,/' \ "'''.. '''.. " )." \ " " '''.. /' \ .. .. .... ',', y \ ".. ''', ,," \ ''', :v'" \ " / \ v \ \ ~:~~::j RIVER HEIGHTS DR. PRESERVATION AREA ti ~ r.f) p r <'1 i \ ~ <-,' o 40 \ \ \ \ , ate Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal RIVER ~IGHTS SUBDI~ION - LOT 54 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL lOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FilES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A lEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown ore approximate and the recorded final plot sholl be consulted for 011 legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations sholl meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot sholl be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot 0 conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-l0l or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements con be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS/VFS RU-101 con be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 pst. Footings on PDS/CDS RU-101 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values con be developed from additional field measurements. RIVER HEIGHTS DR. __ I " -........ ... J l -- -- ~~:::.-.-.! Pi PUE : -,;;;;1", "", -<~:"~~~---i- , r---" ',I I " .. ----~ .. I I I", ", 8/_'2.~----~--,..----___1 17'/ SLlJF?E """',,' "''''' "'1'3.54 EA{Jf;MEN-T.. "" "'" i I "", "''''"L0'1...#54 "'1 , " ... .. I ", " " " : I.. .. " '" ", " .. .. r :', " " '" : " '''', ".. 1 l " " " I .......------.:>..._____.. '" --- :\-~ ~~J IMPACf AREA ('":":-",:-",,,::'1 :\.>.<; L~.jc..''''''~' ;:.;J PRESERVATION AREA Date Received: APR 3 0 ~OIO N Original SUbmiltaL\ I':. ~ o 40 RIVER LIGHTS SUBDIv!;ION - LOT 55 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL lOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A lEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown ore approximate and the recorded final plot sholl be consulted for 011 legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations sholl meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot sholl be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot 0 conventional spread fooling system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-101 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements con be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS/VFS RU-101 con be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 psf. Footings on PDS/CDS RU-101 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values con be developed from additional field measurements. 1(1Vl] l( l/SIO 'If'J'S /) '1(. i\-'\J ~~J IMPACT AREA r7~;:7;-:-;~ LL~'c:2~:J PRESERVATION AREA -- ~ 1 ", ~ o 40 Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal RIVER ~IGHTS SUBDI~ION - LOT 56 THIS DOCUMENT is PROViDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for grophic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meel lhe recommendations of lhese reports. Prior 10 home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance wilh these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-101 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS/VFS RU-101 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 pst. Footings on PDS/CDS RU-101 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. , 17' SLOPE"A., EASEMENT ~t-. ~ ~ 7Q ~ll J'-o ~ :\-'\j ~~J IMPACT AREA tT70'~'-:-:D liS~~~~U PRESERV A nON AREA 27' SLOPE EASEMENT { \ ~ o 40 Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal RIVER ~IGHTS SUBDIvt;ION - LOT 57 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown ore approximate and the recorded final plot sholl be consulted for 011 legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this sile and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations sholl meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot sholl be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSlcence or other applicable professional. For this lot 0 conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-101 or compacted select fill piaced on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements con be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS!VFS RU-101 con be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 psf. Footings on PDS!CDS RU-l01 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless sile-specific, higher values con be developed from additional field measurements. Date Received: 12' SLOPE EASEMENT 1Qv~1( 1f~/GIf l'Sj) ~ 48c8-1-'._ : -~ -----~..., --"-1--1 - - - r~ _ (~ . (~\ \~'w, , .y ~ 'I l------",---I__~_ . ", , . ", ~;;:,,- -........"..>....;\,: " ,... ": /' ----....-.1 " ',....... I " Pu. l ~." ", ',",j ,~ I", '.;to.;', "reo. :', .." ',en', ~ ,- :\,.-- . " irf" "", ~ "~, ./ "" " cp, "_! W:f #5"1-", 0''''<'''' "\ ,', " " ,"1":\ _'oA _\;- l... "... "... ", :-ct---7-"\.- .................. ", "... "~,I \ .............'..... " 1 \ ....~------~~____' " \ , :\-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA F-c7~\'~r,l :0: .' .;"C] L2,...:"'.::.:.~....:d PRESERVATION AREA ~ 1 ~ o 40 APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal --~-- - V Street \ " '\ i I 1 ) --.-- ~ PRESERVATION AREA CONSER V A TION AREA ~ ~ DEVELOPMENT PLAN RIVER HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION - . ~ ------. ,Y------ , \ LOT #20 \ \ \ , I \ LOT #2\ \ i f LOT #22 i ~ ;. _~..c=::=:::::::. \~ V < , ", --" LOT #23 "'-.... -, -'- Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 ~ . . After recording return to: . Breeden Bros. Inc. 366 East 40th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97405 Send tax statements to: Breeden Bros. Inc. 366 East 40th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97405 AFFIDAVIT OF CONSENT Know all men that Umpqua Bank, is the beneficiary of a Line of Credit, Trust Deed, recorded on Document No. 2008-005464, Lane County Oregon Official Records and modified by Document No. 2008-035590, Lane County, Oregon Official Records. Know all men that Umpqua Bank, the beneficiary of the above-mentioned Deed of Trust, does hereby grant permission to the subdividing of the property described as River Heights, a subdivision, recorded and platted on Document No. 2009- , Lane County, Oregon Official Records. ~ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT . OfFIClAI.SliAL III\IlCWlETIQIRWERS NOrAIn' P\JBIJC. OREGON CQMl8,'lIJN NO. 412189 II( COMMI8OON EXPIRES NOV. 2&, 2010 STATE of Oregon) )ss County of Lane ) There personally appeared before me the above named B:JJ HuhAcu.:I. ' as a representative Umpqua Bank, who being duly sworn, says that he represents the beneficiary for the above-mentioned Deed of Trust, and acknowledges the foregoing instrument to be his Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal . . BREEDEN BROS. INC. TO: STEVE HOPKINS FROM: BYRON SUBJECT: RIVER HEIGHTS DATE: 4/29/2010 Greetings Steve, I think everything is done. Hurrah! Let me know when it will be on the schedule for the Council. Thanks, Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal . . ~[ll]~W@W~[1iJ~ &~~~@w~~ /l@Il !}!!!lDfffJ!J (jJ!J1dl ~Wf})fiillJffl@!JmIiJ!l@~!J ...~ Name of Plat: River Heights Subdivision (to planning) I have checked through submitted documents, and the following have been submitted: B'" Mylar of plat (and bond copy for Planning) [9/Declaration ofCCR's - vV e ktA vC IB"'Affidavit of Consent from trust deed holder (Y/Stormwater Maintenance Agreement - g/Gurrent Title Report Ef"A copy of each of the previous for Planning c"f'l t/- Heve does. Tude! t\Q. S These documents are the only ones the Survey Division requires for the Final Plat submission and filing. Sincerely, ~ ~v~'-9 City Instructions: This form is to accompany the plat and the supporting documents i'o thc"PubJlc Works Department of the City of Springfield at the time of final plat submittal. The purpose is primarily to notify the planning offi~.e that the SUf\~eying Division has received a!1 th.e ~oc.!lmen!si.t ~equJre:'i for finaJplat submittaL County Instructions: This form is to accompany the plat and the supporting documents to the Lane County Surveyor's Office at the time of final submittal for recording. The purpose is primarily to notifY that office of which items need to be recorded simultaneously with the plat, but it also serves to remind the developer/surveyor that these documents need to be included in the final submittal package to the County Surveyor. Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal V:\sURVEY\P!at Drawings\Cogo'd Drawings & Letters\Subdivisions_on plat 80B_& review comments\River Heights\plat submitlal transmittal (to planning).doc . . - ~ CASCADE TITLE ca. *025817 STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT 3"" SUPPLEMENTAL BREEDEN BROS., INC. ATTN: ROB BREEDEN 366 EAST 40TH AVENUE EUGENE, OR 97405 Our No: CT-0258173 Date: August 6, 2009 Charge: $200.00 . Government Service Fee: $25.00 As requested, Cascade Title Co. has searched our tract indices as tojthe following described real property: ( A T T A C H ED) and as of: August 5, 2009, at 8:00 A,M. we find the following: Vestee: BREEDEN BROS., INC. said property is subject to the following on record matters: 1. Taxes for the fiscal year 2009-2010, a lien not yet payable. 2. Rights of the public in and to that portion lying within streets, roads and highways. 3. Rights of the public and governmental bodies in and to any portion of the premises herein described now or at any time lying below high water mark ~of the unnamed slough, including any ownership rights which may be claimed by the .State of Oregon as to any portion now or at any time lying below the high water :mark. 4. Any claim based upon the assertion that: Said land or any part thereof is now or at any time has been below the ordinary high water mark of the unnamed slough. : Some portion of said land has been created by artificial means or has Accreted to such portion so created. Some portion of said land has been brought within the boundaries thereof by an avulsive movement of the unnamed slough, or has been formed by an accretion to any such portion. 5. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted td Benham Irrigation Company, recorded July 17, 1919, in Book 121, page 66, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. . 6. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted to the City of Eugene, recorded December 3D, 1924, in Book 142, Page 276, Lane ~County Oregon Deed Records. 7. Roadway grant, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded September 8, 1947, in Book 355, Page 506, and corrected by instrument recorded January 9, 1948, in Book 364, Page 185, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. Date Received: continued- MAIN OFFICE * 811 WILLAMETTE ST. * EUGENE, OREGON 97401 * PH: (541) 687_2~~R 3 0 2010 FLORENCE * 1901 HWY 101 - S. 2 * FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 * PH: (541) 997-8417 EUGENE FAX: 485-0307 * E-MAIL: info@ca.cadetitle.com * FLORENCE FAXOri@iflal:al8bmittal . . 8, Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted Ci~y of Eugene, by instrument recorded January 28, 1965, Reel No. 258, Reception No. 90327, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 9. Easement and maintenance provisions contained therein, includini the terms and provisions thereof, granted to Rainbow Water District, recorded rebruary 19, 1965, Reception No. 92973, Lane County Oregon Deed Records 10. Deed of Trust (Line of Credit), including the terms and provisio~s thereof, executed by Breeden Bros., Inc.. to First American Title Insurance Company, Trustee, for the benefit of Umpqua Bank, Beneficiary, dated Janu~ry 24, 2008, recorded January 31, 2008, Reception No. 2008-005464, Lane County Official Records, to secure payment of a note for $3,300,OOO.OQ. (Includes additipnal property) Said Deed of Trust was modified by Agreement dated May 28, .2008, recorded June 25, 2008, Reception No. 200B-03SS90, Lane County Official Records. 11. Assignment of rents due or to become due and accruing from said property, including the terms and provisions thereof, from Breeden Bros., Inc" to Umpqua Bank, dated January 24, 2008, recorded January 31, 2008, Reception No. 2008-:005465, Lane County Official Records. 12. River Heights Land Exchange Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between Breeden Bros., Inc., and Rainbow Water District, an Oregon municipal corporation, recorded October 30, 2008, Reception No. 2008-05963:6, Lane County Official Records. NOTE: Taxes, Account No. 0113595, Assessor's Map No. 17 02 30, #700; Code 19-00, 200B-2009, in the amount of $8.52, PAID IN FULL. Taxes, Account No. 0113603, Assessor's Map No. 17 02 3D, #BOO; Code 19-00, 2008-2009, in the amount of $3,439.20, PAID IN FULL. This report is to be utilized for information only. This report is ~ot to be used as a basis for transferring, encumbering or foreclosing the real property! described. The liability of Cascade Title Co. is limited to the addressee and shall not exceed the premium paid hereunder. CASCADE TITLE CO., by: ?~ ar/Title Officer: KURT BEATY Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal . . PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1: An area of land in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a 5/8 inch rebar in the center of a 40 foot roadway; said rebar being! North 260 09' West a distance of 494.8 feet, North 870 59' West a distance of 1499.0~ feet and South 10 37' san West a distance of 689.32 feet from the Section Corner common to Sections 19, 20. 29 and 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian; thence North 780 52' 03" East a distance of 52.03 feet to a 5/8 inch rebarj thence South 70 56' 09" East a distance of 20.01 feet to the true point of beginning; thence South 780 52' 03" West a distance of 50.07 feet; thence along the arc of a 154.81 foot :radius curve right (chord bears North 760 51' 39" West 135_91 feet) an arc distance of ~40.70 feet; thence along the arc of a 64.26 foot radius curve left (chord bear;:; North 730 46' 59" West 50.13 feet) an arc distance of 51.50 feet; thence South 830 15' OO"iWest a distance of 1043.18 feet; thence along the arc of a 1122.76 foot radius curve- left (chord bears South 790 46' 26" West 136.09 feet) an arc distance of 136.17 feet; thence South 760 17' 06" West a distance of 226.64 feet; thence along the arc of a:429.97 foot radius curve right {chord bears south 880 31' 08" West 133.91 feet) an arc distance of 134.45 feet to the center of an irrigation ditch; thence along said irrigation ditch the following courses: south 300 43' 32" East a distance of 400.97 feet; thence South 430 56! 32" East a distance of 354.91 feet; thence South 710 42' 32" ;East a distance of 69.05 feet; thence South 83D 53' 3211 East a distance of 373.94 feet; thence South 650 59' 32" East a distance of 195.92 feet; thence South 480 20' 32" :East a distance of 104.96 feet; thence South 720 56' 32" East a distance of 100.52 feet; thence South 730 21' 32" East a distance of 124.16 feet; thence South 300 51' 32" :East a distance of 126.35 feet to the Northerly right-oE-way of the former Southern Pacific Railroad; thence along said Northerly right-oE-way, North 590 26' 33" East aidistance of 456.24 feet; thence continuing along said right-oE-way and along a tapered curve left (chord bears North 57D 53' 20" East 146.53 feet) an arc distance of 1'46.56 feet i thence continuing along said right-oE-way and along the arc of a 90S foot radius (chord definition) curve left (chord bears North 47D 57! 5911 East 251.99 fe~t) an arc distance of 252.81 feet; thence leaving said Northerly right-of-way, North .520 41' 35" West a distance of 397.14 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar; thence North 70 56' 09"~ West a distance of 439.86 feet to the true point of beginning, all in Springfield, Lane:County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: Commencing at a 3/4 inch iron pipe se:t in County Survey File No. 13777, said pipe being Soutb 790 18' 54" West a distance of 2552.71 feet (record South 790 19' 55" West a distance of 2552.66 feet) from the Section Corner common to Sections 19, 20, 29 and 3D, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian; thence South 160 23' 52" East a distance of 42.71 feet to the true point of beginning; thence South 160 23' 52" East a: distance of 189.25 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe set in County survey File No. i3777; thence South 730 33' 4B" West a distance of 308.00 feet; thence North 610 35' 17" West a distance of 64.44 feetj thence North 260 38' 58" West a distance of 58.54 feet; thence North IBg 24' 02" West a distance of 104.83 feet; thence North 520 50' 20" East a distance of 56.09 feet; thence North aDo 3D' 41" East a: distance of 310.31 feet to the true point of beginning, all in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, continued- Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal . . PARCEL 2: A 40.0 foot wide strip of land, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the centerline of said 40 foot wide tract of land that is 1499.09 feet North B90 571 West and 689.77 feet South 10 44' West of:the stone set at the Southwest corner of County Survey No. 1271 that is 494.8 feet No~th 260 Og! West of the corner for Sections 19, 20, 29 and 30 of Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian; and running thence on a 134.81 foot radius curve right (the long chord of which bears North 760 421 West 117.98 feet}a distance of 122.11 feet; thence on an 84.25 foot radius curve left (the long chord of which curve bears North 73Q 451 West 65.85 feet) a distance of 67.65 feet; thence south 830 151 West~lQ43.44 feet; thence on an 1142.76 foot radius curve left (the long chord of which:curve bears South 790 461 West 138.36 feet) a distance of 138.95 feet; thence South 76~ 17' West 204.09 feet; thence on a 409.26 foot curve right (the long chord of which ctirve bears North 830 311 3011 West 282.52 feet) a distance of 288.46 feet; thence on a;402.09 foot radius curve left (the long chord of which curve bears North 760 331 30" West 183.98 feet) a distance of 185.62 feet; thence North 890 47' West 328.4 feet to the centerline of County Road No. 753. EXCEPT THEREFROM: that portion thereof lying within Parcel 1. ALSO EXCEPT THEREFROM that portion described in deed to the city of Springfield recorded July 21, 1994, Recorderrs Reception No. 94-53874, Lan~ County Official Records. ALSO EXCEPT THEREFROM that portion described in deed to Breadner Parker & Associates (Ambleside) LLC, recorded October 1, 1997, Receptio~ No. 9766814, Lane county Official Records. Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original submittal . . . -- =r= CASCADE TITLE CO. *025817 STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT 3~ SU1'PLEMENTAL BREEDEN BROS., INC. ATTN: ROB BREEDEN 366 EAST 40TH AVENUE EUGENE, OR 97405 Our No: CT-0258l73 Date: August 6, 2009 charge: $200.00 Government Service Fee: $25.00 As requested, cascade Title Co. has searched our tract indices as to. the following described real property: ( A T T A C H ED) and as of: August 5, 2009, at 8:00 A.M. we find the following: Date Received: Vestee: BREEDEN BROS., INC. APR 3 0 2010 said property is subject to the following on record matters: Original Submittal 1. Taxes for the fiscal year 2009-2010, a lien not yet payable. ~ 2. Rights of the public in and to that portion lying within street~, roads and highways. 3. Rights of the public and governmental bodies in and to any port~on of the premises herein described now or at any time lying below high water mark :of the unnamed slough, including any ownership rights which may be claimed by the State of Oregon as to any portion now or at any time lying below the high water :mark. 4. Any claim based upon the assertion that: ; Said land or any part thereof is now or at any time has been below the ordinary high water mark of the unnamed slough. Some portion of said land has been created by artificial means or has Accreted to such portion so created. . Some portion of said land has been brought within the boundaries thereof by an avulsive movement of the unnamed slough, or has been formed by an accretion to any such portion. S. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted to Benham Irrigation Company, recorded July 17, 1919, in Book 121, Page 66, Lane Cou~ty Oregon Deed Records. 6. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted to the City of Eugene, recorded December 30, 1924, in Book 142, Page 276, Lane ;County Oregon Deed Records. 7. Roadway grant, including the terms and provisions thereof, reco~ded September 8, 1947, in Book 355, Page 506, and corrected by instrument record~d January 9, 1948, in Book 364, Page 185, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. continued- MAIN OFFICE' 811 WILLAMETTE ST. . EUGENE, OREGON 97401' PH: (541) 687-2233 FLORENCE' 1901 HWY 101 - S. 2 . FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 . PH: (541) 997-8417 EUGENE FAX: 485-0307 * E~MAIL: info@cascadetitle.com * FLORENCE FAX: 997-8246 , . . 8. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted City of Eugene, by instrument recorded January 28, 1965, Reel No. 258, Reception No:' 90327, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 9. Easement and maintenance provisions contained therein, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted to Rainbow Water District, recorded :February 19 I 1965/ Reception No. 92973, Lane County oregon Deed Records 10. Deed of Trust (Line of Credit), including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by Breeden Bros., Inc., to First American Title Insurance company, Trustee, for the benefit of Umpqua Bank, Beneficiary, dated Janu~ry 24, 2008, recorded January 31, 2008, Reception No. 2008-005464, Lane County Official Records, to secure payment of a note for $3,3001000.00. <Includes additipnal property} Said Deed of Trust was modified by Agreement dated May 28, :2008, recorded June 25, 2008, Reception No. 2008-035590, Lane County Official Recor~s. II. Assignment of rents due or to become due and accruing from said property, including the terms and provisions thereof, from Breeden Bros., Inc., to Umpqua Bank, dated January 24, 2008, recorded January 31, 2008, Reception No. 2008-:005465, Lane County Official Records. 12. River Heights Land Exchange Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between Breeden Bros., Inc., and Rainbow Water District, an Oregon municipal corporation, recorded October 30, 2008, Reception No. 2008-05963;6, Lane County Official Records. NOTE: Taxes, Account No. 0113595, Assessorts Map No. 17 02 30, #700, Code 19-00, 2008-2009, in the amount of $8.52, PAID IN FULL. Taxes, Account No. 0113603, Assessor's Map No. 17 02 30, #800 ; Code 19-00, 2008-2009, in the amount of $3,439.20, PAID IN FULL. This report is to be utilized for information only. This report is ~ot to be used as a basis for transferring, encumbering or foreclosing the real property: described. The liability of Cascade Title Co. is limited to the addressee and s~all not exceed the premium paid hereunder. CASCADE TITLE CO., by: ?;7 --:> ar/Tit1e Officer: KURT BEATY Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal ; . . PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1: An area of land in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willarnette Meridian, and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a 5/8 inch rebar in the center of a 40 foot roadway; said rebar being: North 260 09' West a distance of 494.8 feet, North 870 59' West a distance of 1499.09 feet and South 10 37' 58" West a distance of 689.32 feet from the Section Corner common to Sections 19, 20, 29 and 301 Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian; thence NorCh 780 52' 03" East a distance of 52.03 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar; thence South 70 56' 09" East a distance of 20.01 feet to the true point of beginning; thence South 780 52' 03" West a distance of 50.07 feet; thence along the arc of a 154.81 foot ~radius curve right (chord bears North 760 51' 39~ West 135.91 feet) an arc distance of ~40.70 feet; thence along the arc of' a 64.26 foot radius curve left (chord bears North 730 461 59" West 50.13 feet) an arc distance of 51.50 feeti thence South 830 15' OQ":West a distance of 1043.18 feet; thence along the arc of a 1122.76 foot radius curve' left (chord bears South 790 461 26" West 136.09 feet) an arc distance of 136.17 feet; thence South 76Q 17' 06n West a distance of 226.64 fee~i thence along the arc of a:429.97 foot radius curve right (chord bears South 88031' 08" West 133.91 feet) an arc: distance of 134.45 feet to the center of an irrigation ditch; thence along said irrigation ditch the following courses: South 300 43' 32" East a distance of 400.97 feeti thence South 430 561 3211 East a distance of 354_91 feet; thence South 710 42' 3211 :East a distance of 69,05 feet; thence South 83e) 53' 321/ East a distance of 373.94 fee~i thence South 6Se) 59' 32/1 East a. distance of 195.92 feet; thence South 480 20' 32/1 iEast a distance of 104.96 feet; thence South 720 56' 32" East a distance of 100.52 feet; thence South 730 211 32" East a distance of 124.16 feet; thence South 300 511 32" :East a distance of 126.35 feet to the Northerly right-of-way of the former Southern: Pacific Railroad; thence along said Northerly right-of-way, North 590 26' 3311 East a\distance of 456.24 feet; thence continuing along said right-of-way and along a tapered curve left (chord bears North 570 53' 20" East 146.53 feet) an arc distance of 1'46.56 feet; thence continuing along said right~of-way and along the arc of a 905 foot radius (chord definition) curve left (chord bears North 470 571 59n East 251.99 fe~t) an arc distance of 252.81 feet; thence leaving said Northerly right-of-way, North 520 41' 35" West a distance of 397.14 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar; thence North 70 56' 09": West a distance of 439.86 feet to the true point of beginning, all in Springfield, Lane [County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: Commencing at a 3/4 inch ~ron pipe se':t in County survey File No. 13777, said pipe being South 790 18' 54" West a distance of 2552.71 feet (record South 790 191 55" West a distance of 2552.66 feet) from the Section Corner common to Sections 19, 20, 29 and 30, Township 17 So'uth, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian; thence South 160 23' 52" East a distanc~ of 42.71 feet to the true point of beginning i thence South 160 23' 52" East a: distance of 189.25 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe set in County Survey File No. i3777; thence South 730 33' 48'1 West a distance of 308.00 feet; thence North 610 35' 17'1 West a distance of 64.44 feet; thence North 260 38' 58n West a distance of 58.54 feeti thence North 180 24' 02" ,west a distance of :104.83 feet; thence North 520 50' 20" East a distance of 56.09 feet; thence North 800 30' 41" East a: distance of 310.31 feet to the true point of beginning 1 all in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. continued- Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal . . PARCEL 2: A 40.0 foot wide strip of land, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the centerline of said 40 foot wide tract of land that is 1499.09 feet North B90 57' West and 689.77 feet South 10 44' West of:the stone set at the Southwest cerner of County Survey No. l271 that is 494.B feet North 260 091 West of the corner for Sections 19, 20, 29 and 30 of Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian; and running thence on a 134.81 foot radius curve right {the long chord of which bears North 760 421 West 117.98 feet)a distance of 122.11 feet; thence on an 84.25 foot radius curve left (the long chord of which curve bears North 730 451 West 65.85 feet) a distance of 67.65 feet; thence south 830 151 West~1043.44 feet; thence on an 1142.76 foot radius curve left (the long chord of which:curve bears South 790 46' West 138.36 feet) a distance of 138.95 feet; thence South 76~ 171 West 204.09 feet; thence on a 409.26 foot curve right (the long chord of which c~rve bears North 830 311 30" West 282.52 feet) a distance of 288.46 feet; thence on a:402,09 foot radius curve left (the long chord of which curve bears North 760 33' 30" West 183.98 feet) a distance of 185.62 feet; thence North 890 471 West 328.4 feet to the:centerline of County Road No. 753. EXCEPT THEREFROM: that portion thereof lying within Parcell. ALSO EXCEPT THEREFROM that portion described in deed to the City of Springfield recorded July 21, 1994, Recorder'S Reception No. 94~53874, Lan~ County Official Records. AlSO EXCEPT THEREFROM that portion described in deed to Breadner Parker & Associates (Amblesidel LLC, recorded October 1, 1997, Reception No. 9766814, Lane county Official Records. Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal . "' 2~~~.~~~D~D 1111I1111111111111111I11I11111111111111I111111111 $51.00 01034138200800596360060060 10/30/200& 02:04:39 PM RPR-AGRE Cnt=1 Stn=6 CASHIER 07 $30.00 $10.00 $11.00 . (f) ~S"I RIVER HEIGHTS LAND EXCHANGE AGREEMENT This agreement is between Breeden Bros., Inc. ("Breeden") and'Rainbow Water District, an Oregon municipal corporation ("Rainbow"), regarding an exchange of land owned by the respective parties located in River Heights Subdivision on Moe Hill, in Springfield, Oregon. This agreement supercedes the agreement with this same title, signed by the parties on March 12, 2008. The parcels involved in the exchange are described on Exhibit A, for the property belonging to Rainbow and Exhibit B, for the property belonging to Breeden and incorporated by this reference. RECITALS: A. Rainbow owns property adjacent to its Moe Hill water reservoir. Rainbow has determined after public meeting that the property is not needed for public purposes and that property owned by Breeden would benefit the public. B. ORS 271.300 to 271.360 authorizes an exchange of property subject to the requirements stated therein. C. The parties agree to exchange their respective properties as described above, subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. Appraisal. The parties will share the cost of an independent appraiser for the purpose of verifying the property being received by the District is of equal or superior useful value for the public use. 2. Preliminary Title Reports. Each party will provide the other with a preliminary title report showing the condition of the title of property to be free and clear except for easements, reservations, and restrictions of record. If either party in review objects to the state of the title, and such objections cannot be resolved, this agreement may be cancelled by written notice to the other party. 3. Legal Description - Breeden will prepare the legal description and property exchange documents at Breeden's cost for review and approval by Rainbow. 4. Deed Restrictions. a. Site Conditions. The parties acknowledge that conditions exist on the respective properties and the proposed lots in the River Heights Subdivision which abut Rainbow's property, that prior to development will require slope stability evaluation, house foundation pad evaluations, a review of rock fragment hazards, and fencing standards. Date Received: Agreement - Rainbow Water District I Breeden Bros. _ Page 1 APR 3 0 2010 After Recording Return to Rainbow Water District. P.O. Box 8, Springfield, OR 97477 Original Submittal . . b. Report. The parties have reviewed Gunnar Schlieder's report of 4/27/07, which is attached hereto and incorporated by this reference as Exhibit C, setting forth the geologic and topographic issues and their solutions on the affected properties. c. The parties will develop deed restrictions to apply to each specific lot (property) which abuts Rainbow's property. The deed restrictions will include detailed requirements to protect Rainbow's property and all of the abutting lots from potential hazards incurred by their development, prior to issuance of building permits on any of the lots. Such deed restrictions will have specific provisions to allow specific enforcement by either party, their agents, or assigns. 4. Fencing Standards. The parties acknowledge that fencing is required as a part of the exchange. The City of Springfield's site approval conditions for the River Heights Subdivision include a requirement for fencing the entire Rainbow site and Rainbow's access road to the tank, (referred to as Tract "B"), with 6' chain link fencing and entrance gate. The fencing shall be installed during construction of the public improvements in the subdivision and shall be completed prior to final ownership transfer from Breeden of any lots in the subdivision. The cost of the fencing and its installation will be shared equally between Breeden and Rainbow. All fencing materials will be black in color and will meet the following minimum standards: a. Corner Posts - 2 7/8" diameter, schedule 40 galvanized steel, bury depth (set) 3' in concrete. All fence corners which are located at all iron rod property corners will consist of two posts, separated from the property iron rod a minimum of 2', or other agreed distance, to allow the property corners to remain undisturbed by the fencing installation and to allow the fencing fabic and other fencing materials to run behind the property corner (on Rainbow's property). b. Line Posts - 2 3/8" diameter, schedule 40 galvanized steel, bury depth (set) 3' in concrete. Post spacing at equal intervals, with maximum post spacing 10' e.e. c. Top Rail - 1 5/8" diameter, schedule 40 galvanized steel. d. Chain Link Fencing Fabric - 9 gauge galvanized steel. e. Bottom Tension Wire - 6 gauge cold drawn wire with hog ring connections to fencing material at 24" C.C. 1. Fencing Fabric to Post Ties - 9 gauge steel at 16" e.c. g. Gates (2) - Two full height gates which together span the full ~%~ceived: access road to Rainbow's parcel, (Tract "B" as shown in the River Heights . APR 3 0 2010 Agreement - Rainbow Water District / Breeden Homes - Page 2 Original Submittal . . Subdivision Improvement Plans by EGR & Associates, Inc, dated 4/25/2007) at a location on Tract B to be mutually agreed by the parties. The gates shall be fabricated with 1 5/8" diameter, schedule 40 galvanized steel frames continuous welded at the corners, all welds coated with cold galvanizing material and top coated with aluminum top coat. h. Gate Posts - 4" diameter, schedule 40 galvanized steel, full height, minimum bury depth (set) 3' in concrete base. i. Protective Fencing - The parties acknowledge that the fencing standards cited herein do not meet the criteria for a protective fence cited in Mr. Schlieder's letter (page 3, paragraph 4). If a protective fence is chosen as part of the remedial measures cited in paragraph 4 above, these criteria will be modified, as necessary and mutually agreed to by the parties in writing. 5. Applications and permits. The parties agree to cooperate and assist in the filing of any necessary applications for subdivision or similar modifications with any government entity. All such modifications shall include a reference to deed restrictions that are to be specifically developed, recorded, and applied to respective lots. 6. Disputes. If the parties are unable to agree upon language for deed restrictions or other provisions of this agreement, this agreement may be terminated by ten (10) days written notice, listing specifically the issues of disagreement. The parties may agree to meet and discuss any areas of disagreement prior to the effective date of a termination of this agreement. All notices shall be sent to the parties at the addresses listed below: Superintendent Rainbow Water District P.O. Box 8 Springfield, OR 97477 Breeden Bros., Inc. 366 E. 40'h, Suite 250 Eugene, OR 97405 Dated thisZ'1~ay of 0(>1 ,2008. RAINBOW WATER DISTRICT: BREEDEN BROS.: By: ~~~ Title:' 0'-" 4', on '.l51 ~ BY~e~ Title: (' eo Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Agreement - Rainbow Water District / Breeden Bros. - Page 3 After Recording Return to Rainbow Water District, P.O. Box 8, Springfie@r~'ijubmittal . . State of OREGON County of LANE This instrument was acknowledged before me on October 30.2008 by Byron G. Roberts of Breedcn Bros.. Inc. and J. Timothv Hanlev of Rainbow Water District. . OFACIAL SEAL KATRINA ANTONElTE KING \. i NOTARY PUBUC-OREGON COMMISSION NO. 409560 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG. 31, 2010 Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Original SUbmiltal_ . .. L . ExhibIts, A. B. and C. to River Heights and Exchange Agreement, page 1 Exhibit A. to River Heights Land Exchange Agreement That property described in a Warranty Deed, recorded on February 19, 1965 in Reel 126, Reception No. 92973, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. Exhibit B. to River Heights Land Exchange Agreement That property described in a Warranty Deed. recorded on February 24, 2006, on Document No. 2006-012730, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. Exhibit C. to River Heights Land Exchange Agreement April 27. 2007 Date Received Mr. Tim Hanley, P.E. Superintendent Rainbow Water District P.O. Box 8 Springfield OR 97477 APR 3 0 2010 REo Original Submittal LAND EXCHANGE AND SLOPE STABILITY, MOE MOUNTAIN RESERVOIR Dear Mr. Hanley: I am writing this letter to summarize the findings and recommendations regarding the slope stability ramifications of the proposed land exchange at Mae Mountain between Breeden Homes, Inc. and the Rainbow Water District. The water district owns the western top portion of the hill and maintains a water reservoir there. The top portion of the hill was graded flat in the 19605 to accommodate a smaller water tank to the west of the current reservoir location, and more grading was performed in the eastern portion of the water district property to construct the current, larger reservoir. The initial tank was demolished. The top of the hill is underlain by a fine-grained ib'l1eous rock unit which was also previously quarried on the southeastern flank. The fresh-state rock is mantled by a weathering zone of variable depth. In the saddle between the east~m and western high points of the hill, test pits excavated for the geotechnical assessment for the River Heights subdivision indicate that the rock is completely decomposed (more than 50 % remoldable with finger pressure) to a depth of 10.5 feet. At the top of the eastern knob and in the quarry area, fresh-state rock is present from I to 3 feet below the surface. On the north-facing slopes below the reservoir area, the in.place decomposed rock is covered by an additional thickness of colluvial (slope-wash) deposits, consisting of a silty sand, with medium dry strength, low toughness, and rapid dilatancy. In the area in question, immediately north of the water district property, the soil is almost non-plastic, indicating that the content of fines is probably on the order of20 to 25 %. The grading for the construction of the \Vater tanks resulted in exposure and excavation of more than an estimated 1,000 cubic yards of fresh-state rock, which was placed mostly along the edges of the graded area 10 provide Oat areas which can be used for service vehicle access. Maximum fill depths are probably on the order of 10 to 12 feet with much of the fill placed at least 6 to 8 feet deep along the margin of the tank pad. In the northwest portion of the site, all the fill exposed on the slope consists of rock fragments up to 4 feet in maximum diameter, and practically no fines are exposed on the fill slope. In this portion, the full slope is at angles ranging from 80 to 90 %. In the northeastern portion, larger igneous rock fragments are mixed with finer crushed rock, soil, and concrete residue. The fill slope in this area was measured with a clinometer at an overall. angle of67 % with a maximum slope angle of76 %, Observations were made on the slopes below the entire perimeter of the water tank pad. No evidence of slope movement (tension cracks, scarps, buried or leaning trees, closed-contour depressions, mid-slope benches etc) were noted in the east-southeastern, northeastern, and north.northwestern portion of the site, where the slopes below the edge of the fill slope are on the order of 40 % or less. However, at several locations, rock fragments up 10 3 feet or more maxImum diameter were noted to be either piled behind larger trees or laying on the slope up to 100 feet or marc north of the north edge of the fill slope. These rock fragments appeared to have originated at the fill slope and some appeared to have been in place longer than others. Minor tension cracks and looser rock fragments were noted on the west side at the west edge of the fill, in an area where the slope is in excess of 80 %. More significant movement, resulting in minor (1 to 2 feet high) scarps, tension cracks and leaning smaller trees, was noted on the southwest-facing portion of the slope around the tank pad. And more deep-seated movement with displacement possibly on the order of several feet was noted in the south-southeast faCing ponion of the fill slope located approximately south-southwest of the existing tank. A mid-slope bench is also located in this area, an estimated 200 to 300 feet south of the south edge of the fill, which may be the result of a much older slope movement. Several large fir trees, estimated at 150 years or more old are growing on this bench, indicating that much of the movement that formed the bench predates the trees. Older fir trees are absent between the bench area and the top oflhe fill slope, indicating that more recent movement may have precluded larger trees from growing there. The property line(s) have been surveyed and the stakes placed along the eastern boundary of the water district property indicate that the toe of the fill for the tank pad is located several feet, if not close to 20 feet east of the propcrty line, extending onto Lot 38 of the proposed River Heights PUD. . . Exhibit C to River Heights Land Exchange Agreement, page 2 Due to road grades relative to lot elevations, it appears to be more easily feasible to access lot 38, 40 and possibly lot 41 from a shared driveway starting at lot 39. In order to minimize the impact to the lot sizes, Breeden Homes is interested in a land exchange with the Water District where the northern boundary of the water district property is straightened and moved southward. In exchange, Breeden Homes would provide the Water District an equivalent amount ofland in the area currently located west of the water district property, which would allow future filling in that area for construction of another water tank of a size equivalent to the existing reservoir in the western portion of the water district property. . Discussion With the exception of possible, older, larger~scale slope movement on the slope to the south of the existing water rank, which may have resulted in the larger bench down the slope, no evidence of large-scale preexisting- slope movement was noted on the slopes below the water tank pad. Portions of the fill in the western and southwestern portion of the pad appear to have been subject to minor slope movement, mostly as a result of placement of the fill in places at angles exceeding 100%. None of the areas with evidence of either old slope movement or more recent fill slope failures is located on or above portions of the hillside which wiil be subject to residential development under Breeden Homes' plan. As a result, no remedial action appears required at this time. If and when a new water tank is constructed in the western portion of the site, it is recommended to conduct a slope stability foundation assessment in that area at that time. Therefore, two main concerns related to slope issues remain associated with the planned lot line adjustments. The first issue is the fact that the new lot line will be located very close to the northern toe of the fill slope in the northeastern portion of the site where the eastern toe of the fill slope is already located over the property boundary. Because the fill appears to have been placed essentially at the angle of repose (steepest un-retained angle which can be achieved with the fill), any cutting at or close to the toe of the fill may result in minor failures of the edge of the fill, which would then progress headward, potentially impacting the width of the access road around the existing tank. This risk can be addressed by requiring the toe of the cut slope to be located no closer than a 2H : I V slope from the toe of the fill. Alternatively, any driveway in that area could be constructed entirely as an embankment, possibly utilizing mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) technology. An actual design of such a driveway is beyond the current scope of servIces. Similarly, the location or elevation of the house pad on Lot 38 may need to be adjusted to allow for a 2H : I V.slope from the toe of any cut to the toe of the current fill slope, or a retaining wall may need to be constructed along the west side of the residence to preclude a risk offill slope failure as a result of the construction. These measures serve to address potential issues with fill slope failures as a result of grading on the PUD property, which may affect the usable flat area around the water tank. However, this does not address the risk to future homes on the POO property from rock fragments dislodged from the fill slope either by natural causes or by human activity. In order to reduce this risk, it is reconunended to either install a topographic barrier (e.g. adverse south-facing slope) along the toe of the fill slope to capture rolling rock fragments, or to construct the fence required in the agreement along the property boundary as a protective barrier. or both. Again, whereas these measures are clearly feasible. a detailed design of this mitigation system is beyond the scope of this assessment. In addition, it is recommended to move rock fragments which have already piled up behind trees on the slope above the proposed home sites in order to preclude these fragments from being dislodged by wind-throw of the trees. Recommendations Prior to design of the driveway(s) for Lots 38 through 41, it is recommended to conduct a detailed survey of the location of the toe of the fill slope around the tank pad. Per discussions with Byron Roberts of Breeden Homes, it may be cost-effective to perform this task during road construction. Once a detailed survey is available. design of the driveway and house pads can be conducted to comply with one of the options for safe grading outlined above such as maintaining a minimum 2H : I V slope from toe of cut to toe of fill, or embankment-type construction, or some other alternate method which would result in a similar reduction of the risk of slope failure. Provisions should be included either in the grading or fence design along the northeastern and northern boundary of the water district property to preclude larger rock fragments which may be loosened from the fill slope by natural causes or human activity from impacting residences on the slope below. In addition, it is recommended to move rock fragments currently located immediately upslope of larger trees on the slope below the actual fill slope in order to preclude re- mobilization of these boulders as a result of wind-throw of the trees. I hope that this discussion and the recommended risk mitigation measures serve to address the issues of concern related to the proposed lot line adjustments and the proximity of residential development to pre-existing Water District facilities. If you have any questions regarding this matter please do not hesitate to contact me at 607-570~ate Rece \.0 '0,_ _..,. Sincerely, GeoScience, Inc. APR H ", 1 Gunnar Schlicder, Ph.D., CEG cc: Breeden Homes, Inc. Original Subm',l'f . .'1' ~;. (> . ~~~~S~:n~~ ~:~:~ ~~:u~:c~;:~~ ZOO~-o~95J~ 1111I1111111111111111I11I111111111111111111111 $41.00 01034142200800596380040047 10/30/2008 02:04:39 PM RPR-OEEO Cnt=1 Stn=6 CASHIER 07 $20.00 $11.00 $10.00 After Recording Return to: Until change is requested Send tax statements to: Breeden Bros.. Jne. 366 East 40111 Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97405 Breeden Bros., Inc. 366 East 40111 Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97405 PROPERTY LINE AD.lUSTMENT DEED Breeden Bros., Inc., Grantor and Rainbow Water District, an Oregon municipal corporation, Grantee are the owners of 2 adjoining units of land, to be called Units 1 and 2 in this Property line Adjustment Deed. Breeden Bros., Inc.. Grantor (UniI1) and Rainbow Waler District, Grantee (Unit 2), are setting an adjusted property line between Unit 1 and Unit 2 to comply with Lane County Land Use Regulations and the provisions of O.RS. 92.190(4). The purpose is to convey a portion of Unit 1. Grantor property to Unit 2, Gran.tee property. The true consideration for this conveyance is to satisfy the River Heights Land Exchange Agreement between Breeden Bros., Inc. and Rainbow Water District. 1. The description of Unit 1 prior to the property line adjustment: Thai property descnbed as Umt 2 In a Property Line Adjustment Deed recorded on nT6.t'!,6€!,,~, ~g 2008 on Document No 2008- .59&-e S- ,OffiCial Records of Lane County, Oregon. ;59<;,3'8 "'_ Following this Property Line Adjustment, the description of Unit 1 will be as follows: An area of land in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West. Willamette Meridian and being more particularly described 35 follows: Commencing at a S/8" rebar in the center of a 40 foot roadway; said rebar being North 26"09'West a distance of 494.8 feet. North 8rS9'West a distance of 1499.09 feet and South 1"37'58" West a distance of 689,32 feet from the Section Corner common to Sections 19, 20, 29. 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, WiIlamette Meridian; thence North 78"52'03" East a dIstance of 52.03 feet to a 5/8" rebar; thence South r56'09" East a distance of 20 01 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING; thence South 78"52'03" West a distance of 50.07feet. thence al~ng the arc of a 154.81 foot radius curve right (chord bears North 76"51'39" West 13S,91 feet) an a;c distance of 140.70 feet; thence along the arc of a 64,26 foot radius curve left (chord bears North 73"46'59" Wes! 50.13 feet) an arc distance of 51.50 feet; thence South 83015'00" West a distance of 1043.18 feet; thence along the arc of a 1122.76 foot radius curve left (chord bears South 79046'26" West 136.09 feet) an arc distance of 136.17 feet; thence South 76017'06" West a distance of 22664 feet; thence along the arc of a 429.97 foot radius curve right (chord bears South 88"31'08" West 133.91 feet) an arc distance of 134.45 feet to the center of an irrigation ditch; thence along said irrigation ditch the following courses; South 30"43'32" East a distance of 400.97 feet; thence South 43056'32" East a distance of 354.91 feel; thence South 71042'32" East a distance of 69.05 feet; thence South 83"53'32" East a distance of 373.94 feet: thence South 65"59'32" East a distance of 195.92 feet thence South 48"20'32" East a distance of 104.96 feel; thence South 72"56'32" East a distance of 100.52 feet; thence South 73"21'32" East a distance of 124.16 feet: thence South 30051'32" East a distance of 126.35 feet to the northerly right-or-way of the former Southern Pacific Railroad; thence along said northerly right-of-way, North 59026'33" East a distance of 456.24 feet; thence continuing along said right-of-way and along a tapered curve left (chord bears North 57"53'20" East 146.53 feet) an arc distance of 146.56 feet; thence continuing along said right-of-way and along the arc of a 905 foot radius (chord definition) curve left (chord bears North 4r57'59" East 251.99 feet) an arc distance of 252.81 feet: thence leaving said northerly righl-of-way, North 52041'35" West a distance of 397.14 feet to a 5/6" rebar; thence North 7"56'09" West a distance of 439.86 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING, aU in Springfield, lane County, Oregon. Excepting therefrom: Commencing at a 3/4~ iron pipe set in County Survey File No. 13777, said pipe being South 79"18'S4" West a distance of 2552,71 feet (record South 79"19'55" West a distance of 2552.66 feet) from the Section Corner common to Sections 19, 20, 29, 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian; thence South 16"23'52" East a distance of 42.71 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING; thence South 16023'52" East a distance of 189.25 feel to a 3/4" iron pipe set in County Survey File No. 13777; thence South 73033'48" West a distance of 308.00 feet; thence North 61~35'1T West a distance of 64.44 feet. thence North 26038'58" West a distance of 58.54 feet. thence North 18"24'02" West a distance of 104.83 feet. thence North 52~50'20" West a dislance of 56.09 feet; thence North 80030'41~ East a distance of 310.31 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING, all in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Bearings are based on the County Survey File No. 13777 (North hne of Roadway on survey) Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Breeden-Rainbow PLA 2 Page 1 Original submittal . . . 2. The reference to the description at Unit 2 prior to the property line adjustment: That property described as Unit 1 in a Property line Adjustment Deed, recorded on ~ 3Zj Zd2>8 2008 on Document No. 2008- J7 a-s , Official Records of lane County, Oregon. 6?~ Following this Property Line Adjustment, the description of Unit 2 will be as follows: An area of land in the Northeast 1/4 of Seelion 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, WH1amelte Meridian and being more particularly described as follows' Commencing at a 3f4D iron pipe set in County Survey File No. 13777, said pipe being South 79"18'54" West a distance of 2552.71 feet (record South 79019'55" West a distance of 2552.66 feet) from the Section Corner common to Sections 19. 20, 29, 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian; thence South 16023'52" East a distance of 42.71 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING; thence South 16023'52" East a distance of 189.25 feet to a 3/4" iron pipe set in County Survey File No. 13777; thence South 73033'48" West a distance of 308.00 feet; thence North 60036'20" West a distance of 64.44 feet- thence North 26038'58" West a distance of 58.54 feet. thence North 18024'02" West a distance of 104.83 feet- thence North 52050'20" West a distance of 56.09 feet; thence North 80030'41" East a distance of 310.31 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING, all in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Bearings are based on the County Survey File No. 13777 (North line of Roadway on survey) The adjusted property line is underlined in the preceding descriptions. The portion of Unit 1 that is being conveyed to Unit 2 is described as follows: An area of land in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West. Willamelle Meridian and being more particularly described as follows' Commencing at a 3/4" iron pipe set in County Survey File No. 13777, said pipe being South 79018'54" West a distance of 2552,71 feet (record South 79019'55" West a distance of 2552.66 feet) from the Section Corner common to Sections 19, 20, 29, 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian; thence South 16023'52" East a distance of 42.71 feel; thence South 80030'41" West a distance of 310.31 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING: thence South 16"24'47" East a distance of 226.79 feet; thence North 61035'17" West a distance of 64.44 feet: thence North 26038'58" West a distance of 58.54 feet; thence North 18Q24'02" West a distance of 1 04.83 feet; thence North 52050'20" West a distance of 56.09 feel; thence North 80030'41" East a distance of 7.35 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING, all in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Exhibit A is a drawing of the property after the Property Line Adjustment. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER CHAPTER 1, OREGON LAWS 2005 (BALLOT MEASURE 37 (2004)). THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER CHAPTER 1, OREGON LAWS 2005 (BALLOT MEASURE 37 (2004)). THIS INSTRUMENT WilL NOT ALLOW USE Of THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION Of APPLICABLE lAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSONS OR PERSONS ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY ALLOWED USES. Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 Page 2 Original Submittal . . Dated this .;/. 29 - dayof ~oi. ,2008 ~~2f-- Breeden Bros., Inc. STATE OF OREGON) )ss County of lane ) I) OFAClAl SEAL KATRINA ANTONETTE tQNG ". i NOTARY PUBlJC-OREGON COMMISSION NO. 409560 MY COMMISSION WIRES AUG. 31, 201 0 On this ~day of ~, 2008, personally appeared before me the aforementioned' Byron Roberts and acknowledged the foregoing instrument 10 be his voluntary act and deed Dated this 2. 977-/ day of C:J r-v&<'>'L ,2008 ~ I) OFFICIAL SEAl KATRINA ANTONETTE KING \. " NOTARY PUBUC-OAEGON COMMISSION NO. 409560 MY COMMISSION WIRES AUG. 31, 2010 , Timothy Hanley, Supe nt Rainbow Water District STATE OF OREGON I Iss County of Lane ) R On Ih;s ~q aforementioned J day of Oc.:t"D ~ , 2008, personally appeared before me the Timothy Hanley and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed. at Public for Oregon My ommission Expires' ( . Date Receive APR 3 0 20\0 Page 3 Original Submittal_ ! l>>I:~rr_~cna C.UUIIO. (-) PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT SURVEY .1'" NORTHEAST 1/4 OF ;;CTION 3D, r,78, R2W, W.M. ~ ~ 0'tUl0 ~ _ . "SIO SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY. OREGON i C ~ POt.-nor IlrAOllIt! SEPTEMBER 19. 2008 l~:/;j BREEDEN BROS. INC. NO = ': ~f,':'?,=,~ ~ . TAX LOT 700 BASIS OF BfAr; IJ11~ UMl~ '''"11- :t - ~'()O'c J04J-. - ,,,- (/Il'U31'''~ 11:lI.." ~ V.-__ (HIJJ' 54,""OO'w I":'~ ,J491J) _..$IW.t7'(~, _1IAI._r ,cvl'''' (H8J",,'4'"C 104J.J1- =~"'~',.", - ~n; 14.J1~' ~~';:-r VoSPIO<,",_..lIJtCl$IIIIICT \ \ mMPJ/4"__PDfCSTIJ171 am..M4 1C'tD'_,.." ."".1 lMC"---r / - .- lMDItIS_ln$D',TT. cn.wn;~~~ ,\ S[l:JJaIG'~ n..JQ",s..~..."""- lD<<;1H.."....f,,,.m II c:w_n-........ ~~~7/'~r:/':"'-'/ I/o l(Jlol:O OOIP-JIllnO"I!I"Il ",Jr IItA , ...- , ~:UT.I".~" \ \ _I.. _llr' .----.~; /' /' ~~:?~r;:~QUffl';'-:<<W /"" f)frD__ /' RAINBOW .....04 TER DISTRiCT TAX LOT 801 /' , /' ~ /~(UI__rr~ .V' \ I'LAI .....:{:. \ ",41 /"" \ "~O'f '..... ,// I ,~ , I DETAIL ,... CMOUnID_~ncw"""'NIY ~ ... _'n.IWJl:"'~OIX.Wn:~ .~ /' ."...."""r _.....~.. .- ~--. . /' Ul#!'- ,,1'~; ". 4 I \ ~.-gg:r( / ,.>>. \";; ~\~-1 . NOT TO SCALE cC ... - m .. :z: >< w Ufi&lW @ _ .--,,,.. _ ~ 'TACOW" "","""""'_"lA' ucn:J IIOIPl 0_ - tDWJItS~,:.U!'f.l$'- '~IltIl:;U'f~~ "_~~~c.Jf:'Jt.J:l' r":"o,:w twIQ]) III _ GotIa.t.AI(D"CINt(IItJrSCTJ }_iIII1ll:*&Mr.._~_ UOU:SSODolJN!R"IIOIU1 }_JIROIII/M'A-CSTMOIJ771 QHNFR AND APPlfCANT BRffi)(]IBROS.,fHC .J66 CAST 40TH AIIO/UC CUG'OiC.ClRCQtJNlll4a5 RAINBOW II'Aml' DiStRICT r5!O NafrH 42P4J SrncT !il"RlNMEW. OREGON 9U77 IIIAP NO. '7-02pJl} 'AX LOTS lJOO AND 110' n..-.oCUl _"r_'''''_~''A<<-' lAoO/I"CI;;U<rY.C6rCt1OIIuncu.r."f\XIIllS. ItUO J/f'_~ /-~'= s,.~w"w ,- \';" i ;..m. i, 'l/ C, \ TRUE PO/NT 0' / BECINNING nJU1&.",.'_1VfCV.",t1!I ~ =tIf,',..;"-:Oi.:'nu,:.;=~ S"'~~.. ~W"~'":~~..,~ ~M 1/r>l'".1I7 .... ~ .. "n~'~ .". STn.'1 '" "'" .w UN€ TABU ~ . " " -\ \-,.. \ \ \ \ iI I .! \ \ ~,ItICI'"rT~ \ /.-al IX IliRlt7'IlCft NI1 fORT. ~ Y (:QMn:_aPnA.I.~ \ \ I _ iif/?:J \"-.. /-lfJ'/?,trJ '- ~\o. f;lf;'~4&= /".............. ~'~:t~ trlfWJ'~J '- ."" ,,'l> ',,>C/tI =:::~ CUM;) " lCl'fC~'''''''''T. .,H'" ; '- /' BREEDEN BROS., INC. TAX LOT 800 fCll'fJl(JPfJfn'1.Mr ...., _PrIt7OIn'U\If" ...., m.- 1/1':'= \ --~'~, Aa:nS"tllO~Il" USDl,r_WAIP Dl'SIII'C!;-'I'CP'_lIfllnPT3, L4W:OOl.IWn:(lIl!fllCIf(l'71al(~ . -;l ~a "'" n;uo .J/'"___ KIICSTfJ"T CUlIYr T.tB" rr....,. ''''''.J:I' .$"",:,'1"_'" ... '"'' SlIIlU".JTT 1(11 ,~~. u.. "'J__."".)4' -. a_ ,,~ .. " 'fU." ,u "1111'''>> IJ,S." " ,..,.. ",~' ",:r..."...~'r ~ "u.'" I.'_OZ' s"..,:......,"".... ""-'" ,tllr "'1$"""10. ~ "n.,.' l:Jur 5,,',.:2II"'-'JIl':" "u.,.' ,,,.fI' ,~w ''-1$' .. - . ~ ~.x..y.... . NARRA TIVE - 1MlI_1t1'..u1lAlX"'.ulE.IN!I;IlOlSEl"~ _.ro.wn _......,.tJT IloUP _ AS5OQAIfS" sunoatS fCII' ~ _ IJrIC: IN H" _lHtA$r 1/. tJTlR'IDoIJll /tlW'II5NIO'Il$1OOII'(_lwsr. ~_, IHr l'UPa5tcr1NSSU'nO"PS"'AtU.lSrlJ<[~f'lKJl'PrrlJllr..-r.uJo1J<[ ""'tPPt"'~IIIIAS_M:I. ,,_(1I_.TAlI"LDT_~-'O$.llI(:J~ 11lN'JIID. I1-ct--Jll r.lXLOr_P__I(IIILI'SIltICr:l IN"~DT__ n.r 1Ja~-.sIH("_""tIC"(Fa::u<n"$Ull1I'l"1U1IO 1~1'OI~ _I1Aao:lnllltll(ll$l!.....,_t1C1'JItDIftIU'Cl~rcrrCUlIIIU .lHot_~()TClD$I.CDT1'_'O'_;IIf7llIIII"~ALl..t,Clllill!7<r. ~'--:f'CM'DT T1G_",rlSot 'h.~AS/IIIOIflIAS_IN CCUl'rrSUO'lI'l"rulOG'lfP1SC1wrr.u_IOOYClDSCItt.-n;aoDD/SrMI/X 1JIDIA~otU'rr.oUlICN""'-l'H!'_l>of",ASr$rC"-~()T #C_.Jll;.IHfWl!lll.r___~tlTTAJ(LO'IQ:l"AS~",<*r~ ~~~~n"~~%~~~~~~~~r SC:U1H_Mr(FI7C"TJlPSrNX/l_IO~~~ru:,." SUlCS"'IO~..a._....."a,%II"Cf;UII'n:t:1IfCf'/Of'/PI.A,IItlXlfilP$Dlf' lII('S/DItr-..,.ror rAll"lor_rs _CVt~()T IHfDl$I...:!llCll.OlAS ~~Clll.I<'n"_l'trru:NO "v~ _LUDrtI1f INrFllOl'Dtn" ASfWt;lRlID(JH~rlfOllIllII_orUJCltAlotlXUl'n:(lIIlfcarrllmi:Ul. IItCO'll?S. 1Hr$tll,l_rlCUlCWtror r.u tor CIO/S A tIC" "'l'O:rpMAUll '" ,....$UlltOI1lCfJo'ltI'U'C"arlH("$W_PAanc~ --p~ "_IN:_rcrrA.ll'LorllOlIMSDI7PY'C~A~1'O ftR<<W rarvr tll:SlIlltr.u ~ ~ lIIl1 -. WS"'l.Wfr 110 ""~ L.Iu'Il (XlM1T,(JI!(~D'JlCJA.I.",,(XIIlIlSJ.-~AIdJ~rrv"'ctVirr :sur1'fTru:IIO'J111.I7C"SOlIJHII(SI~orCClHrr_lI[rru:IIO'J," ..s lIt-nr.oalS'C Ir A C/<5TAIf(X-CJ//IJJNKZ f'I01D!:5f'C1I(W. H ~ ~!Xr f'IO 1NlI_1O"~~IUl.I>t.f/l./fJD.~.I>t>nJ_PI.A$II(: c:.....s...-m "D_ u.qrr I'l-S "".. ~~.~ ~,',~..,;., ...-.:.t;,.. ... ....';: ~,~ ..... . :0\ ~ (l) iD SOm:HERN jCJFJC LROAi!::> (') ~ll> ~ ~. - < = (l) 0.. BAK[R AND ASSOClA TrS. SURVEYORS fJO MARK[ r S [n SPRINGFIELD, OR[GOIJ ( I) JO-724J I .~. PItOFtSSIOMJ.l lAND SURY["(OR , [ll"~S 1:1'/31/" I comFY m.,u 1M5 IIAP WAS PRV'ARco V$NC A 1d>~'64JA INK CAA1/IIt1XE ON AZ()N 1.1-0444-. MIL DOU8t.E JJAtTl: , \..\''''''''~~~ \, $rot_"IHl " . ~ I It>; ~ Ililllll~fllf~tll~ 1~lllul~lllf~lll~ IIII 2~~~.~~;~~~. 01034141200800596370040040 10/30/200S 02:04:39 PM RPR-DEED Cn1=1 Sln=8 CASHIER 07 $20.00 SII.00 $10.00 After Recording Return to: Until change is requested Send tax statements to: Breeden Bros., Inc. 366 East 40lfl Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97405 Breeden Bros., Inc. 366 East 4011'1 Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97405 PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED Rainbow Water District, an Oregon municipal corporation,. Grantor and Breeden Bros., Inc., Grantee are the owners of 2 adjoining units of land, to be called Units 1 and 2 in this Property Line Adjustment Deed. Rainbow Water District. Grantor (Unit 1) and Breeden Bros., Inc" Grantee (Unit 2), are setting an adjusted property line between Unit 1 and Unit 2 to comply with Lane County land Use Regulations and the provisions of O.R.S. 92.190(4). The purpose is to convey a portion of Unit 1, Grantor property to Unit 2, Grantee property. The true consideration for this conveyance is to satisfy the River Heights Land Exchange Agreement betw-een Breeden Bros., Inc. and Rainbow Water District. 1. The description of Unit 1 prior to the property line adjustment: That property described in a Warranty Deed, recorded on February 19, 1965 in Reel 126, Reception No. 92973, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. Following this Property line Adjustment, the description of Unit 1 will be as follows: An area of land in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 30, Townsflip 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a 314" iron pipe set in County Survey File No. 13777, said pipe being South 79018'54" West a distance of 2552.71 feet (record South 79019'55" West a distance of 2552.66 feet) from the Section Corner common to Sections 19, 20, 29, 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, WjIJamette Meridian; thence South 16023'52" East a distance of 42.71 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING; thence South 16023'52" East a distance of 189.25 feet to a 3/4" iron pipe set in County Survey File No. 13777; thence South 73033'48" West a distance of 308.00 feet; thence North 16024'47" West a distance of 226.79 feet to a 3/4" iron pipe set in County Survey File No. 13777; thence North 80030'41" East a distance of 310.31 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING, all in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Bearings are based on the County Survey File No, 13777 (North line of roadway on survey) 2. The reference to the description of Unrt 2 prior to the property line adjustment: Tha! property described in a Warranty Deed, recorded on February 24,2006, on Document No. 2006-012730, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. Following this Property Line Adjustment, the description of Unit 2 will be as follows: An area of land in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a 518" rebar in the center of a 40 foot roadway; said rebar being North 26009'West a distance of 494.8 feet, North ar59'West a distance of 1499.09 feet and South 1037'58" West a distance of 689.32 teet from the Section Corner common to Sections 19, 20, 29, 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian; thence North 78052'03" East a distance of 52.03 feet to a 518" rebar; thence South rS6'09" East a distance of 20.01 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING; thence South 78052'03" Wesl a distance of 50.07teet; thence along the arc of a 154,81 foot radius curve right (chord bears North 76051'39" West 135.91 feet) an arc distance of 140.70 feet; thence along the arc of a 64.26 foot radius curve left {Chord bears North 73046'59" West 50.13 feet} an arc distance of 51.50 feet; thence South 83015'00" West a distance of 1043.18 feet; thence along the arc of a 1122.76 foot radius curve left (chord bears South 79046'26" West 136.09 feet) an arc distance of 136.17 feet; thence South 76017'06" West a distance of 226.64 feet; thence along the arc of a 429.97 foot radius curve right (chord bears South 88031'08" West 133.91 feet) an arc distance of 134.45 feet to the center of an irrigation ditch; thence along said irrigation ditch the following courses: South 30043'32" East a distance of 400.97 feet thence South 43056'32" East a distance of 354.91 feet; thence South 71042'32" East a distance of 69.05 feet; thence South 83053'32" East a distance of 373.94 feet; thence South 65059'32n East a distance of 195.92 feet; thence South 48020'32" East a distance of 104.96 feet; thence South 72056'32" East a distance of 100.52 feet; thence South 73021'32" East a distance of 124.16 feet; thence South 30051'32" East a distance of 126.35 feet to the northerly right-of-way of the former Southern Pacific Railroad; thence along said northerly right-ot-way, North 59026'33" East a distance of 456.24 feet; thence contjnuing along said right-of-way and along a tapered curve left (chord bears North 5r53'20" East 146.53 feet) an arc distance of 146.56 teet; thence continuing along said right-at-way and along the arc of a 905 foot radius (chord definition) curve I~-t (chord bears North 4r57'S9" East 251.99 feet) an arc distance of 252.81 feet; thence leaving said north~ e right-of-way, North 52041'35" West a distance of 397.14 feet to a 518" rebar; thence North 7"56'09" West a distance of 439.86 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING, all in Springfield, Lane County, Ore90n. Breeden.Rainbo..... PLA 1 Page 1 Recei ed: APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal . . , Excepting therefrom: Commencing at a 3/4" iron pipe set in County Survey File No. 13777. said pipe being South 79018'54" West a distance of 2552.71 feet (record South 79019'55" West a distance of 2552.66 feet) from the Section Corner common to Sections 19, 20, 29, 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian: thence South 16023'52" East a distance of 42.71 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING: thence South 16023'52" East a distance of 189.25 feet to a 3/4" iron pipe. set in County Survey File No. 13777; thence South 73033'48" West a distance of 306.00 feet: thence North 16024'47" West a distance of 226.79 feet to a 3/4" iron pipe set in County SUlVey File No. 13777; thence North 80030'41" East a distance of 310.31 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING, all in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Bearings are based on the County Survey File No. 13777 (North line of roadway on survey) The adjusted property line is underlined in the preceding descriptions, The portion of Unit 1 that is being conveyed to Unit 2 is described as follows: An area of land in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, WiIlamette Meridian and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a 3/4" iron pipe set in County Survey File No. 13777, said pipe being South 79"18'54" West a distance of 2552.71 feet (record South 79"19'55" West a distance of 2552.66 feet) from the Section Corner common to Sections 19, 20, 29, 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, said iron pipe being the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING; thence South 16"23'52" East a distance of 42.71 feet; thence South 80"30'41" West a distance of 310.31 feet; thence North 16"24'47" West a distance of 3.65 feet to a 3/4" iron pipe set in County Survey File No. 13777; thence along the arc of a 671.58 foot radius curve right (chord bears North 73"16'48" East 308.07 feet) an arc distance of 310.83 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING, all in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Exhibit A is a drawing of the property after the Property Line Adjustment. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER CHAPTER 1, OREGON LAWS 2005 (BALLOT MEASURE 37 (2004)). THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER CHAPTER I, OREGON LAWS 2005 (BALLOT MEASURE 37 (2004)). THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSONS OR PERSONS ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH niE APPROPRIATE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY ALLOWED USES. <="- , 2008 STATE OF OREGON ) )ss County of Lane ) ~ _ . OFFICIAL SEAL 1 KATRINA ANTONElTE KJNG =; c.... NOTARY PUBUC-OREGGN J COMMISSION NO. 409560 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG 31, 2010 On this 2'1"'- aforementioned J. day of ()c.:rtl1S OZ , 2008, personally appeared before me the Timothy Hanley and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed. " ived: No My APR 3 0 2010 Page 2 Original Submittal . . Dated this 2 91: day of cq ,2008 ~~ Breeden Bros., Inc. STATE OF OREGON ) )ss County of lane ) _ OFFlCLALSEAL KATRINA ANTONETTE KING .....i NOTARY PUBUc..oREGON COMMISSION NO. 409560 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG. 31, 2010 On this ~day Of~, 2008, personally appeared before me the aforementioned Byron Roberts and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed. I) 'U>IV Date Received: . APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal PageJ ~~~ ~I "~~B~ .. ts;; l' / !~ n ~~~ft~ l / .:~ ~: Sl!~~~ ~,~" I ~~I SQ I .1;1; ~ If ! i~. I\. If- I ~. !U~ \: I l ~ . -\--- ~~<.. iii \ ~ - - "'" 7 i~~ s\\---- ~"'. ~--.:.,: ~h ~ ~ J .~ ;~B i! ~~ .ij oj Ib~ ;;~iA ~ d6~lg'~ G~ "t .;~ · " ., I.' ~I i ~~.i; "' 8 I t.~ · ~" ~.!.ft ~ .., /'B;~. ' " J ~ ~Ii ~. "' >.: /' ~'R~ ~~ 0 ~~~.~ ~ ~ '6 ~~\.~'~l, A iA R~'.'~! ~ ~ t~ ~~In~ \" . i. ~"\ ~~ I~ \0~~ J \ ~~. (\ ~~~ >.. ~d.~~ \ m ~ ~~n~. \ ~ r~~ \ ..., r~.;.f \ VJ ~ ~!I:lt \ E-. It' ~!!~~ \ . ~ ~ ,. r',-.r.fJf' . ~ .8 "-_ ;,<; ~ ~ (il- ~ . ~ .,.. .. - '" . ,~ . I . ~ S Ql::'~ . I t- q ..., "'M i--..\ ~~ ~;; Q ~ 8.. q~ I ~ ~~ '<l; ;:: ~ . \... ~ r....~~~~ r.j l__I-::'-=--~"\ ~ii ~~\\ ~ ~:l~ :s ,__ \ ~~ ..... C<it: , ~ \ ,--'I ""':;&Q CI:lQ ~ ~!::., C C ~ ~ -r..; a::t'-, ..~ E E-. ~~ :8 1~1 ~_ ~ ~'l: ~...:. t ;::: f:! :J; ~ '" ~~ ~t -.;:: "' ~ oil ~ ~ ! ~ JIA ~ I.ft . ~ -. I' 1:1 - 4'.. -. .. ! HL \ " " I ~~ \ i I..), ..;~ ;. 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NO. 0113629 MAPrrAX LOT NO. 170230 #800 MAPrrAXLOTNO. 170230#700 MAPrrAX LOT NO. 170230 #900 WARRANTY DEED -- STATUTORY FORM f)~grl MOE AND KAREN MOE, TRUSTEES OF THE MOE TRUST UNDER TRUST AGREEMENT DATED FEBRUARY 14,1974, Grantor, conveys and warrants to BREEDEN BROS., INC.. Grantee, the following described real property free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein: SEE EXHIBIT A WHICH IS MADE A PART HEREOF BY THIS REFERENCE BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER CHAPTER I, OREGON LAWS 2005 (BALLOT MEASURE 37(2004)). THIS INSTRUMENT DOE5 NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY UNDER CHAPTER I, OREGON LAWS 2005 (BALLOT MEASURE 37 (2004)). Except the following encumbrances: Covenants, Conditions, Reslrictions, Easements and Rights of Way of record, if any. The true consideration for this conveyance is $1,200,000.00 Dated 2. \ day of re--io"~:J' 'Z.~. Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 BY, KAREN MOE, TRUSTEE Original Submittal State of Oregon County of LANE ~ 5kM.n~ This instrument was acknowledged before me on to e..-Io" I.A.O- r ....t 2-1 _ . 2006 by ~ MOE A:Wa- K '~Dr IlOE, TRUSTEE OFTHE MOE TRUST UNDER TRUST A REEMENT DATED FEBRUARY 14, 1974 OFFICIAl SEAL I) OEM MULLIKIN tfOTARY PUBUC . Ofl.~"iOH \,./ CQMMISSIONNO.316111 ' ,.' VtCOMMlSSIONEXPlRESAffil111,2IlIl& A,ltLQ. (Notary1'ublic for Oregon) My commission expires '-\ - \}- 0 ~ ~ MOE TRUST DATED FEBRUARY 14, 1974 Until a change is requested GRANTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS all tax statements shall be sent to the following address; ...SAME AS GRANTEE." BREEDEN BROS., INC. 366 E. 40TH AVE EUGENE, OR 97405 GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS After recording return to: CASCADE TITLE CO. 8 I I WILLAMETTE EUGENE, OR 97401 WRE ~ . . . - .-. CASCADE TITLE CO. TITLE NO. 0246339 ESCROW NO. EUOS-2148 TAX ACCT. NO. 0113603 TAX ACCT NO. 0113595 TAX ACCT NO. 0113629 MAPrrAX LOT NO. 170230 #800 MAPrr AX LOT NO 17 02 3D #700 MAPrr AX LOT NO. 170230 #900 WARRANTY DEED -- STATUTORY FORM STEVEN MOE AND KAREN MOE, TRUSTEES OF THE MOE TRUST UNDER TRUST AGREEMENT DATED FEBRUARY 14, 1974, Grantor, conveys and warrants to BREEDEN BROS" INC., Grantee, the following described real property free of encumbrancese;\;cept as specifically sel forth herein SEE EXf-HBIT A Wi-DCH IS MADE A PART HEREOF BY THIS REFERENCE BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS I]\'STRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER CHAPTER I, OREGON lAWS 2005 (BALWT MEASURE 37(2004)). THlS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRffiED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEfORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITII TilE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST "'ARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS30.930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGlrrs OF NEIGlffiORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY UNDER CHAPTER I, OREGON LAWS 2005 (BALLOT MEASURE)7 (2004)). Except the following encumbrances: Covemmls, Conditions, Restrictions, Easements and Rights of Way of record, if any. The true consideration for this conveyance is $1,200,000.00 Datedth;s 1<.., d'yof ~. . "2-<>0(,.. MOE TRUST DATED FEBRUARY ]4; 1974 BY: STEVEN MOE, TRUSTEE BY~,j>",)~~'" .N MQE, TRUSTEE -'" Stateof~ ~--'~ Countyof~ '})KJ'~ JE)i Notary Public, State 01 Texas My CommisSion Expires OCTOBER 16, 2006 remeon f~b. ) ~ ,2006byS'FE':Etlt1QI;::.rm-""<- E TRUST UNDER TRUST AGREEMENT DATED FEBRUARY ]4, ..,- """,.;;:q'~{4. .''iJi......' ~"'.. "'., -. -- . . . ~...: " ; * ~ - . . . . \:::.~Z:~:~.,:~i~~/ My, MOE TRUST DATED FEBRUARY 14, 1974 Unlilll change is requested GRANTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS all lax statemems shall be sent to the following-address: *"SAME ASGRANTEE*** BREEDEN BROS., fNe. 366 E. 40m AVE EUGENE, OR 97405 GRANTEE"S NAME AND ADDRESS After recording return tDate CASCADE TITLE CO. g 1 [ WJLLAMETIE EUGENE. OR 97401 Received: WRE APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal .~ . . EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL 1: Beginning at a point on the centerline ofa 40 foot wide roadway that is 1499.09 feet North 89' 57' West and 689.77 feet South l' 44' West ofthe stone set at the Southwest comer of County Survey No. 1271 that is 494.8 feet North 26' 09' West of the comer Sections 19, 20, 29, and 30 of Township 17 South, Range 2 West, WiIlamette Meridian; and running thence along the centerline of said 40 foot wide roadway on a 134.81 foot radius curve right (the long chord of which curve bears North 76' 42 West 117.98 feet) a distance of 122.11 feet; thence on a 84.26 foot radius curve left (the long chord of which curve bears North 73' 45' West 65.76 feet) a distance of 67.65 feet; thence South 83' 15' West 1043.44 feet; thence on an 1142 foot mdius curve left (the long chord of which curve bears South 79' 16' West 138.36 feet) a distance of 138.95 feet; thence South 76' 17' West 204.09 feet; thence on a 409.26 foot radius curve right (the chord of which curve bears South 87' 49' West 163.69 feet) a distance of 164.80 feet; thence leaving said roadway and traversing the center of an irrigation ditch South 32' 23' East along the Easterly line of that tract conveyed to Bruce L. Barnes, et ox, by instrument recorded November 14, 1977, under Reception No. 77-72572, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon, a distance of 424.86 feet; thence continuing along the center of said irrigation ditch and the Easterly line of said Barnes tract South 45' 36' East 43.52 feet to the Northeast corner of that tract conveyed to F. Grant Hurd, et ox, by instrument recorded April 22, 1963, under Reception No. 7852, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon; thence along the Easterly line of said Hurd Tract and the center of said irrigation ditch South 45' 33' East 311.39 feet to the Northeast comer of that tract conveyed to R.H. Pierce, et ox, by instrument recorded September 12, 1952, under Reception No. 84848, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon; thence ruIUling along the center of said irrigation ditch and along the Northeasterly line of said Pierce Tract to the Northwesterly margin of Southern Pacific Railroad right-of- way the following courses and distances; South 71' 30' East 69.05 feet; South 83' 41' East 373.94 feet; South 65' 47' East 195.92 feet; South 48' 08' East 104.96 feet; South 72' 44' East 100.52 feet' South 73' 09' East 124.16 feet; South 30' 39' East 126.72 feet; thence traversing the Northerly margin of said right-of-way to the most Southerly comer of the tract conveyed to Kathryn L. Hefuer by instrument recorded November 10, 1976, under Reception No. 76-59667, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon, the following courses and distances: North 59' 21' East 523.87 feet; North 54' 29' East 193.46 feet; North 44' 17' East 145.39 feet; thence along the Southwesterly margin of said Hefuer Tract North 54' 36' West 190.48 feet to the most Southerly comer of that tract conveyed to Douglas S. Leavitt, et UX, by instrument recorded September 09, 1959, under Reception No. 77827, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon; thence along the Southwesterly margin of said Leavitt Tract North 540 361 West 135.12 feet to the most Southerly corner of the tract conveyed to Douglas S. Leavitt, et ux, by instrument recorded January 23, 1974, under Reception No. 74- 02615, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon; thence to a point in the center of a 40.00 foot wide roadway the following courses and distances along the Westerly margin of said Leavitt Tract; North 52' 42' 40" West 73.12 feet; North 7' 57' 27" West 458.41 feet; thence along the centerline of said 40.00 foot wide roadway South 77' 21' West 52.12 feet to the place of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT THEREFROM: the following described portion thereof: Beginning at a point South 79' 19' 55" West 2552.66 feet from the section comer common to Sectinns 19,20,29 and 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 west of the WiIlamette Meridian, run thence South 16' 24' 35" East 231.98 feet, thence South 73' 35' 25" West 308.00 feet thence North 16' 24' 35" West 230.44 feet, thence along the arc of a circular curve to the right having a radius of 671.58 feet (the long chord of Continued- Property description continued- which bears North 73' 18' 15" East 308.01 feet) to the point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL 2: A 40.0 foot wide strip of land, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the centerline of said 40 foot wide tract ofland that is 1499.09 feet North 89' 57' West and 689.77 feet South l' 44' West of the stone set at the Southwest comer of County Survey No. 1271 that is 494.8 feet North 26' 09' West of the comer for Sections 19,20,29 and 30 of Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willarnette Meridian; and running thence on a 134.81 foot radius CUIVe right (the long chord of which bears North 760 42' West 117.98 feet)a distance of 122.11 feet; thence on an Date Received: LEGAL APR 3 0 2010 Original Submittal w . . " 84.25 foot radius curve left (the long chord of which curve bears North 73' 45' West 65.85 feet) a distance of 67,65 feet; thence south 83' 15' West 1043.44 feet; thence on an 1142.76 foot radius curve left (the long chord of which curve bears South 79' 46' West 138.36 feet) a distance of 138.95 feet; thence South 76' 17' West 204.09 feet; thence on a 409.26 foot curve right (the long chord of which curve bears North 83' 31' 30" West 282.52 feet) a distance of288.46 feet; thence on a 402.09 foot radius curve left (the loug chord of which curve bears North 76' 33' 30" West 183.98 feet) a distance of 185.62 feet; theuce North 89' 47' West 328.4 feet to the ceuterline ofCouuty Road No. 753. EXCEPT THEREFROM: that portiou thereoflyiug withiu Parcell. ALSO EXCEPT THEREFROM that portion described iu deed to the City of Springfield recorded July 21, 1994, Recorder's Reception No. 94-53874, Lane County Official Records. ALSO EXCEPT THEREFROM that portion described in deed to Breadner Parker & Associates (Ambleside) LLC, recorded October 1, 1997, Reception No. 9766814, Lane County Official Records. PARCEL 3: A tract ofland located in the N.E 1/2 of Section 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 west of the Willamette Meridian in Lane County, Oregon: Beginning at a point on the Southerly boundary of Southern Pacific Railroad right of way; said point being 456.47 feet North and 697.14 feet West of the N.E. corner of the Wilmer Comegys Donation land Claim No. 59 in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence South 58' 36' West along said right- of-way, boundary for 370.22 feet to a ]/2 inch iron pipe; thence South 47' 34' East for a distance of 132.00 feet to 1/2 inch iron pipe; thence South 470 34' East for a distance of20.00 feet, more or less, to the centerline of County Road No. 278; thence along the centerline of said County Road to a point which lies South 40' 30' East of the point of beginning; thence North 40' 30' west a distance of56.00 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPT THEREFROM a tract of land located in the Northeast quarter of Section 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 west of the Willamette Meridian in Lane County, Oregon; Beginning at a point on the Southerly boundary of Southern Pacific Railroad right of way; said point beginning 456.47 feet North and 697.14 feet West of the Northeast corner of the Wilmer Comegys Donation Land Claim No. 59 in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence South 58' 36' West along said right of way line 20.22 feet to the true point of beginning; Continued- Property description continued- thence south 58' 36' West along said right of way boundary for 350.00 feet to a 1/2 inch iron pipe; thence South 47' 34' East a distance of 132.00 feet to a 1/2 inch iron pipe; thence South 47' 34' East for a distance of 20.00 feet more or less to the centerline of County Road No. 278; thence along the centerline of said County Road to a point which lies South 400 30' East of the true point of beginning; thence North 40030' West a distance of70.00 feet more or Less, to the true point of beginning. ALSO EXCEPT THEREFROM: any portion lying within that parcel of land described in deed recorded December 22, ]997, Recorder's Reception No. 97-86376 and deed rerecorded December 9, 2003, Recorder's Reception No. 2003-1] 8513, Lane County Official Records. ALSO EXCEPT THEREFROM: any portion lying West on the West line of certain parcel ofland described in deed to Sig Moe and Kay Moe, recorded June 13, 1973, Recorder's Reception No. 7326772, Lane County Official Records. Date Received: APR 3 0 2010 LEGAL Original Submittal