HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 7/31/2009 (4) I I , , . . E:;AT. ~!lp '. ~, ''';,~'' . .', --':':"-"':'-'. .,- -. ..':;- " !J297;1 ~ (/,-<1-) J'o-n-..7w, 'i.{,cs (., "AllRAN'rY DE!:D FOR VALUE REC!IVED, 'SIC MOE ilnd KAY MOE, nus band and IJife, he,l!~n r.efe"ed to as' Gt'ancors ~ her-eby grllln!:, bargain, sell and convey unc.o RAINBOW WA~.-:- D!STRICT. " .,;., / an Oregon domestic water supply cor?oration. he,ein referred to as Granc.~es. the follawtng de5c~tbed ceae propercy, ~i:h tenements, her-editaments and appur:enances. to-wit: 1 I 1 r. 'I: ('( ',,\ 1- -. t . \.....l.'_ I : '\I_,\'s: \ BRCDmrNc at a poine: South 790 19' 55" \Jest 2552.66 fee:; f.om :::e Section c:Jrner C:::t::mOn ::0' Sec::.ons 19, 20, 29, )0, Township Ii' South, Range 2 ~est of the Willamet:e ~e,idian, run Lhe~ce Sc~c~ 160 21.r J5".E.ast 231.98 feet, thence South 7]035, 25" \.lest. :J8.00 "''!eec, Chel1ce North 160'24' 35" West 230.:'4 fe.et, thence along ::'e arc.of a ci=c~lar CU~Je to the right naviag a radius ~i 5i1. ~3 :~e: (the long chord of wnich bears Nor::n iJo LB' 15" Ease J03,01 :'ee:) to the Poine of Beginning, all in Lane CQU~regon. .....;.::.ge!:her 1I,it.h an easement for"':;-:='<1dway..and wate.r~pipes...~d i:he ,:.gh: of lngre9s and eg~ess for construction of same ~ver and across ::he fOllowing des~:~b~d :eat , property:. . BEGINNING at a point on the North ~argin of a 40.00 foot ~oadway South 850 22' 15" WeSt 2703.20 feet f~om ::he Section corne~ commcn to $ec::1ons 19, 20, 29, 30, !ovnship Ii South, Range 2 ~est of :he 'Willamet:e Meridian, run thence South 6045' East 283.':'':' [eec, the:1r:e along the" arc or a circular r:lJrve to the lefe havLng a :-adLus Ot 571.58 reet (the long chord of.....hich bear'S South iZo 26' ':'5" West 20.:35 feu), tpence North 6045'. Wese 247.25 feet to :::he South mar-sin .of a' 40.00 foot :-oadvay, :::hence along ::he said Soueh rn3q,;in Soue," 830 15' West 240.00 ieee, ~hence along the arc oE a ci:-cular CUt"Jl~ to the leit having, a radius or 1122.76 feet (the long chord of wIde."'! bear, South 790 46' Wese l36.4J feet), :::hence South 760 17' ~est 204.09 feee, thence along ~he arc: of a circular cur~e to :he ri~hc having a radius of 429.26 :eet (the long chord of which bears Nor:h 83 Jl' JO" . West 296.33 feet), thence along:~he arc.of a circular ~urVe to the left ~av1ng a radius of 382.09 feet (Che long chord of w~ich bears North 760 33' 30" lJ!!st 174.83 fl:!ec) , chenc!! North 89047' West 327.15 feet to th~ centerline "of Councy Road No. 753 (31st Street)". thence North 00 Ii' 20" East along the said centerline 40.00 feet :0 the Nor::h margin of ~ 40.00 foot roadlola{), thence along the said North margin South 890 47' East ..327.09 feet, thence along the arc .of a circular curve to thl!' .ight having a radius of 422.09 feet. (the long chord of which bears South 7o~ ..JJ' .lO~'__!.ast 19~~.13 fel!t) , chence alon.g. the arc of a circular curve ::t\ chI! left having a radius of 389:26 feec (the long chord of which b~ar~ South 830 31' 30" Ease 268.72 feet). thence Nonh 760 17' East 20.(..09 feet, thenq along the are of .J. 'ci:-cular eurve Co the right having a radius of 1162.76 feet (the long chord of vhich bears North '790 ':'6' Ease 141~29 feee), thence Norch B30 15' East 260.00 feet to che ?~Lnc oi -Beginning, all in L.ne County, Oregon. . "- '\/ DJ] v. \..: '. . That the easement' herein granceo is for che exclusiv~ use of"che G.ant~('s h~['C'in ur 1 - War~ancy Deed " PRE-5UBMIITAl REC'D JUL 3 1 2009 . . L:~>.~';"ot",,-.e~.ors i.o iill:ere.t~::~l~ be a perpetUaL ......."" for the ~ ~.. . "_.~~o..., ~f moUlting aDd ""_iI1U~ do....t.ic vaeer .upply pipe. f"om 00. .ropsrei.. .t: ~-ber'eiii c.otrV'e,'ed. co och~r proper,=.ie"s ser'Vl!:d 0., controlled by the Crantees and for "a - ! .' raa~~~. t~ be used for ingr~8~ and egress and all other fO~6 of aCCl!:SS :0 :he .~ ... ~~ ?roperties cOnVe~o the Grantees. That said roadway easemeut shall be ~"tclusi'/e , :to the vehicular traffic of th~ Grantees herein, their agents or suc:essor~ in ~ncerest. except ~th the ~itten appraval of th~ Grsntors herei~fter obtained. '-:In a'ddit1on to the easement above set torch the Grancors he:-e::..n d.cknowledge .~-- .;!1at:.... t..h~'y bav~ a.djoining. properties. and char: l:hey do. he.eoy grant ~nd c~nvey unto ::,e Giantees herein an additional ea6~ment over said proper:~es, which :hey ~ ~djoi~i~g .,. : the proper:ies herein described. for the ?urpose' ot ::.'--~s..- -=-. .~~ae3'during che.?er~od ~f con3cruccion;~ wace~ ing-=ess and egrer:o..:; am. :o~ road .. ~ =eserlC?irs and ":"~e:'" inst:J.U:B.c'::'~ns ~oot~pla~ed :0 be made an t~e properties above descr:bed-by the Grantees. That ':'.,. - , ,.. the easement ,he:-ein specified is noc neN'designated. buc snall'oe agreed upon and ~es1gnaced by cbe ?a~ies prior :0 ~ts use and snall :e~inace ac suc~ t~e as ocher a.dequa.te roads are available. to. the Grantees at" ac such t:...-ne as the :ocal insc'31:.J.cion for'water pu.-poses as contemplated by tbe Grantees herein have been ~crmplececi ~it~out ~e ~cessi:y of the parti~s herein doing any act ~hacsoever. Provided further chat in the event Grantors berein at any time during the continuance of this easemen~ sell or' ~ispose of tbe pTO;ler:'ies covered .by such ~ase~n~ to c.hi=d ?t!::-sons c.~ac t,'1.e provision sbalL noe. bind such third pe~sons and ':he prope=ty shall be :r3nsfer=ed to .such third persons. !r~e and clear of the ?rovisions. of che easement herein tor cousCrnction and shall be subject only ~o ~he designated easement by desc:'"ipc~on on . Page 1 of this agreement. Grantors) however, d~ hereby agree ~ith Gr~ntee co provide a re~8oa4bla aecess for r~advay for const:uction ~c all cimes. ~ HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises unto said Grancees. thei: heirs and assigns ~orever4 And the said Grantors hereby covenant ~~ac they are lawfully sei=ed in fee ,simple of said premises; that they are free from all incumbrances, and that ~y will warrant and defend the above granted premises against all lawful claims ~atscever. except a8 above stated. DArED February / f " . 1965. ~:#<"c. / 0~, """" "'" '~ . Page 2 ~~ W'ar::-aricy Deed PRE-SUBMITIAl RECIO JUL 3 1 2009 .---. I () . . ~;'-~~~~ '.' J.- _ : '-;::,::--.. f) ~ - ,~t .:;,,~ ''':'"' - ~ I' f~/::.J~~:o=: ; .., ~J2~J7: ~ ~ -. . and acknowledged",the forego:t~ instrument to be chei~ volunl:a.ry a.ce and deed Persona~ly'app.eare:d the above named SIC MOP; and KAy MOE, husband and wi;e,. 1....efore ',:De: /~~ed; lit <><~- . . (J .,.,.:......' . "\\\,!\I~UI1',,,:;,_ , ,~\\\~"'~!T."r....11J:. . ~~_~ir."_ ....,...~ .....t,.~-... $......,~.'V;.i~(..'CA ~ T .!"~,." ...."1'. 4;'!U""OT:IlI/'j;,\I~" =--"i__~;. S\ ~:~...~'~':t{~: i ~ ""Pt/ridC-;..." ~,..lo\" ._:/~: ':::.~..,,.".:'''';''''~.''\,~L-.rf' '''II ~ 0 F 0 \\~~-' '1///".,...11......,. ;g 17 tf..:5 (/;J NeT ARY PUWC ,OR Mv C()m:n;~s;rn trl'lreS r. " Page ) - Warranty Deed . ';REGCN ~. 10. !957 '--- . PRE-SUBMITTAL RECtD JUL 3 1 2009 ('\ () l. . V'. I i .\. o ~. . '" --- \:. .x /. . . . . , " c-:J 1'-' .::l C'J ~-oI -;- \'.------- j.....~ ..... . , \., ~ v- -, ~"~' '. .." y :. i ~J~ . c ::'1 '" c, , , , 0.. ::, , - .- - , ~ ., . .' ~,.; = . - -:: : ':--: 5-<"'; ~ ~.~~ ... ~...- '-, ..... '.- - PRE.SUBMllTAL REC'O JUL 3 1 2009