HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 7/31/2009 , .- , 'I' ("'X ;-,. . ~~~~S~:~n:~ ~:~:~ ~:u~:c=;~~ 2008-o~9tiJ~ 1lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllP $41.00 01034142200800596380040047 10/30/2008 02:04:39 P" RPR-OEED Cnl=1 Sln=6 CASHIER 07 $20.00 $11.00 $10.00 After Recording Return to: Until change is requested Send tax statements to: Breeden Bros., Inc. 366 East 40lh Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97405 Breeden Bros., Inc. 366 East 40th A....enue Eugene, Oregon 97405 PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED Breeden Bros.. Inc.. Grantor and RainbOW Waler District. an Oregon municipal corporation, Grantee are the owners of 2 adjoining units of land, to be catted Units 1 and 2 in this Property Une Adjustment Deed. Breeden Bros., lnc" Grantor (Unit 1) and Rainbow Water District, Grantee (Unit 2), are setting an adjusted property line between Unit 1 and Unit 2 to comply with lane County land Use Regulations and the provisions of O.R.S. 92.190(4). The purpose is to convey a portion of Unit 1, Grantor property to Unit 2, Gran.tee property. The true consideration for this conveyance is to satisfy the River Heights land Exchange Agreement between Breeden Bros., Inc. and Rainbow Waler District. 1. The description of Unit 1 prior to the property line adjustment: That property descnbed as Unit 2 In a Property Lme Adjustment Deed, recorded on f).T~te.~. ~g 2008 on Document No 2008- 59~.8::> , OffiCial Records of Lane County, Oregon. 59'-3'8 "'_ Following this Property Line Adjustment, the description of Unit 1 will be as follows: An area of land in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 3D, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a 5/8" rebar in the center of a 40 fool roadway; said rebar being North 2600g'West a distance of 494.8 feet. North 87"59'West a distance of 1499.09 feet and South 1037'58" West a distance of 689.32 feel from the Section Corner common to Sections 19, 20, 29, 3D, TownShip 17 South, Range 2 West, WiJlamette Meridian; thence North 78052'03" East a distance of 52.03 feet to a 5/8~ rebar; thence South 1"56'09" East a distance of 20.01 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING; thence South 78052'03" West a distance of 50.07feet; thence along the arc of a 154.81 foot radius curve right (chord bears North 76"51'39- Wes1135.91 feet) an arc distance of 140.70 feet; thence along the arc of a 64.26 fool radius curve left (chord bears North 73"46'59" West 50.13 feet) an arc distance of 51.50 feet; thence South 83015'00" West a distance of 1043.18 feel; thence along Ihe arc of a 1122.76 foot radius curve teft (chord bears South 79046'26- West 136.09 feel) an. arc distance of 136.17 feet; thence South 76"17'06" West a distance of 226.64 feet; thence along the arc of a 429.97 foot radius curve right (chord bears South 88"31'08n West 133.91 teet) an arc distance of 134.45 feet to the center of an irrigation ditCh; thence along said irrigation ditch the following courses: Soulh 30"43'32- East a distance of 400.97 feet; thence South 43"56'32" East a distance of 354.91 feet; thence South 71 "42'32" East a distance of 69.05 feet; thence South 83053'32" East a distance of 373.94 feet; thence South 65059'32" East a distance of 195.92 feet; thence South 48"20'32" East a distance of 104.96 feet; thence South 72056'32- East a distance of 100.52 feet; thence South 73"21'32" East a distance of 124.16 feet: thence South 30051'32- East a distance of 126.35 feet to the northerly ri9ht-of-way of the former Southern Pacific Railroad: thence along said northerly right-of-way, North 59"26'33- East a distance of 456.24 feet; thence continuing along said right-of-way and along a tapered curve left (chord bears North 57"53'20- East 146.53 feet) an arc distance of 146.56 feet; thence continuing along said righl,of-way and atong the arc at a 905 foot radius (chord definition) curve left (chord bears North 47"57'59" East 251.99 feet) an arc distance of 252.81 feel; thence leaving said northerly right-at-way, North 52"41'35" West a distance at 397.14 feel to a 5/8- rebar; thence North 7"56'09" West a distance of 439.86 feet 10 the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING, aU in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Excepting therefrom: Commencing at a 314" iron pipe set in County Survey File No. 13777, said pipe being South 79"18'54" West a distance of 2552.71 feel (record South 79019'55" West a distance of 2552.66 feet) from the Section Corner common to Sections 19, 20, 29, 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian; thence South 16023'52- East a distance of 42.71 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING; thence South 16023'52- East a distance of 189.25 feet to a 3/4- iron pipe set in County Survey File No. 13777; thence South 73"33'48" West a distance of 308.00 feet; thence North 61"35'17- West a distance of 64.44 feet. thence North 26"38'58" Wesl a distance of 58.54 feet. thence North 18024'02- West a distance at 104.83 feet. Ihence North 52"50'20" West a distance of 56.09 feet; thence North 80"30'41- East a distance of 310.31 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING, all in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon Bearings are based on the County Survey File No. 13777 (North line of Roadway on survey) PRE.SUBMITTAL R :C'D JUL 3 1 200 Breeden.Rainbow PLA 2 Page 1 . . . 2. The reference to the description of Unit 2 prior to the property line adjustment: That property described as Unit 1 in a Property line Adjustment Deed, recorded on ~ 09 Zi:j2)[$ 2008 on Document No. 2008- ..Y7' Q..,.!fS , OffiCial Records of lane County, Oregon. 6"1G:a8 Following this Property Line Adjustment, the description of Unit 2 will be as follows: An area of land in the Northeasl1J4 of Section 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a 3/4- iron pipe set in County Survey File No. 13777, said pipe being South 79018'54- West a distance of 2552.71 feet (record South 79019'55- West a distance of 2552.66 feet) from the Section Corner common 10 Sections 19, 20, 29, 30. Township 17 South, Range 2 West, WilIamelte Meridian; thence South 16023'52" East a distance of 42.71 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING; thence South 16023'52" East a distance of 169,25 feet to a 3/4~ iron pipe set in County Survey File No. 13777; thence South 73033'48" West a distance of 308.00 feet; thence North 60036'20. West a distance of 64.44 feet. thence North 26038'58" West a distance of 58.54 feel' thence North 18024'02~ Wesl a distance of 104.83 feet. thence North 52050'20" West a distance of 56,09 feet; thence North 80030'41. East a distance of 310.31 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING, all in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon Bearings are based on the County Survey File No_ 13777 (North line of Roadway on survey) The adjusted property line is underlined In the preceding descriptions. The portion of Unit 1 that is being conveyed to Unit 2 is described as follows: An area of land in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 3D, Township 17 South. Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian and being more particularty described as follows: Commencing at a 3/4" iron pipe set in County Survey Fire No, 13777, said pipe being South 79016'54" West a distance of 2552.71 teet (record South 79019'55" West a distance of 2552.66 feet) from the Section Corner common to Sections 19. 20, 29, 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian; thence South 16023'52" East a distance of 42.71 feet: thence South 60030'41. West a distance of 310.31 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING; thence South 16024'47" East a distance of 226.79 feet; thence North 61035'17" West a distance of 64.44 feet; thence North 26038'58" West a distance of 58.54 feet; thence North 16024'02" West a distance of 104.63 feet; thence North 52050'20" Wesl a distance of 56.09 feet; thence North 80030'41" East a distance of 7.35 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING. all in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon Exhibit A is a drawing of the property after the Property Line Adjustment. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER CHAPTER I, OREGON LAWS 2005 (BALLOT MEASURE 37 (2004)). THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER CHAPTER I, OREGON LAWS 2005 (BALLOT MEASURE 37 (2004)). THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSONS OR PERSONS ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY ALLOWED USES. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL 3 1 2009 Page 2 - . . . Dated this J. 29 - dayol ~oi. .2008 ~~~ Breeden Br05., Inc. STATE OF OREGON) ).. County of Lane ) _ OFACIAL SEAL KATRINA ANTONETTE tONG '. ' NOTARY PUBUC..oREGON COMMISSION NO. 409S60 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG. 31. 2010 On this ~day of ~, 2008, personally appeared before me the aforementioned' Byron Roberts and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed. ,WID Dated this 2. 9/7f day of c:J 77>&"""-. .2008 ~ _ OFFICIAl. SEAL . . KATRINA ANTONETTE KING ", ' NOTARY PUBUC-OREGON COMMISSION NO. 409S60 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG. 31. 2010 . Timothy Hanley, Supe Rainbow Waler District STATE OF OREGON) ).. County of Lane ) On this 2.q.4... day of OC;t"D~, , 2008, personally appeared before me the aforementioned J. Timothy Hanley and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed. ID PRE.SUBMITTAl ~ EC'D JUL 3 1 20 9 Page 3 . ! l.AH[ocuorru1jf'lOltSlnlCI: C.S.n..tIlO. '" PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT SURVEY ! I ~ NORTHEAST 1/4 OF ;;CTIOIl 30. r17S, R2W, ". M :I Ii ttUCt '"" - . IWIO SPRINCFIElJ}. LANE COUNTY. ORECON t~ :? 'IJI'~_ SEPTEMBER '9, 200S I,;/i BREEDEN BRDS. lNe ARIND - =~: ',~.::(I~~ ~ TAX LOT 700 BASIS OF Bf. csr IJ777J 11:1IIO '1S".:t - ~fOO'( IOU" - Ie ..,....wr; ''''"' CH3J' S3J,,'oO"W j~"csr J.,2J) ~...Dur(....,,] (ff8J1.-1I't1CMJ.. =~k .7"C Hl'r) n..NOOA'It & _.or_,1'l1t_~,.M;t-. ~tI1Wrr.CWf(l(Jllc:nuot_ ~~,..",,~ /I'DI'CJT'JTT7 ~~''O.J'W ...... /' )~~. '.. \ TRUE POINT 0' ;; 86CINN1NC \ ~'~."""f/IDICV'''Gf =c;~r:~i:~';'!=~ '1:j,"'''' \ ~~~~~~ \ \ . \ ! \ \ ~'IVOTTClTncc:w VIlO1Ij&ll[t:pIllWIiGICI.V7,~ , CQ,Mn:__ClmI:MtIl(Q:llSlS. nuo f4"tJ?',J:: (tCUlfrJltU$'u.;} \ ~,\ ~Jtfl!1'J!il '<;'" / ~ .a;l!1'.t:.J ..... ~ flG'iClJl...::: ~^....." ~'l:::~;: -....J"..' ...... q;: ...~ ..... '\. ==::(ltAUl:lll,pCUftO '- tG'llll'~"'''''T..''''''''''' , ..... , IIOT TO SCAU: cc ... - m .. % >< w ~;~'( ~~.. -\ \-". \ \ nuo J/'"___""'CST lJT71 #~ /' \\ =~-l' "-/~~~~~::~--l .ll-- ----."': ,../ ~~~~~:-~a:uom:(WIt<<W _ /" _AI. .aR:IS -- BREEDEN BROS.. INC. TAX LOT 800 " t.UDOI"ftI_"IIlI'~IIK' 1IQl_cr:D'_loIQ.m7.s~ CllUln:___~ :::: ~:::~~~ UN:: ~~~l :~~-:r, ~_rr.- ~, \ .-ocn:s_~Il" _USElI."__1P MlIJt~lI('Cp'_lIIQ_l.l ~OCUfn:QllRlClifom::Mt~ CUIHT L< "~. ... ,~... -- ';H.., ',..,.J3' ~ u". u, .~ S",,"'YrclllW ,,""'J1'T 1(IlI, 1/1TM....n..,. $1~ ~. ",.B,# '.J.l" )_~..r.o_~"""'" urust,,~ M7lD' J_.IIRO'IPP04'A_c#"I!IQIJI11 ........ PItQn;SSKlfIAl VJolO SUltVtTOI ~ 'n~, ~\ ~. PACIFIC " ."n' suo' "'~.""":Jll'J" a ,ru'" III.CI:I" VII"''''''''''''' "11.,, .. r ~" ,~ IIn,.' I." s,,'.;,w"'.llf' 1112.,.' .. ~ .... . ~~iI!eJr~ "fIF.",;;&A.f.':J:f OItcu,olD_4Mlr,,", ()MNFJi AND APPliCANT BR<CDOI BI!()$.. <HC. .JU CASr .tOlH AKMIC CfJ(i'OIC. OMCION tl~ RIJN8()Jt IrA1(7l DiSt1I1Cr 1530 M;IlrH 4ZND smar SJ'RM71aD. ORfCON .74" -- AU''''. DAMlU w. ...ktR '178 lll"~S 12/11/09 8AK[f? AND ASSOClA TFS, SlJf?lI!'YORS 'J47 MARKer SIRfH SPFtlNGFlfLO, OREGON (54/) J4J-7]4J .u,p NO. "-0Z.,JI) lAX LOIS 6f)(J AN(} 1101 I CERtIFY tHAr IHS /,lAP W"S F'RO'APtD USN(; A HP.5164.5A IN1( CNl11lt(J(% ON AZ()N IJ_(H44_4 Ml 00VBLr JlATTf