HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 5/5/2010 J't ",..,<<1 . . " !City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Historical Review Application . ~ . . . , (Applicant:'check one) ~ . . . . 'thislsection) , - - Application Type Historical Review Tel - Minor Alterations; Sites or Structures: Historical Review Ty e II - Major Alterations; Sites or Structures: Historical Review T e III: Addition of a Site or Structure to the Historic landmark Invento Removal of a Site or Structure from the Historic landmark Invento Demolition of Historic land Mark Structures Address: ~d Phone: Gl.{I- j'f")-f"U)C e+ 1-S6'l-s:i-~D {)(2.. q=l-4:f:t- A licant Name: r.:';"''''<"'''' A licant's Re .. Phone: Com an : Fax: Address: Owner: ,",._e" "':.~'''-"'' w~ Phone:~~ . ~LO~ 6'fl-'S'S'-/ -S::f '56 Address: 3').. j) "3-+, ~ d. ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 11 ~ 0'3-"3 --TAX lOT NO S ~ \\) S~ ~ o : ::jC)DO ,. --,,;;~ Description OlJ" If hO~ ar~, filling in this form by han~, please attach your propo.~1 description to thi;; ap'plication. Proposal: ~ v0COck-..-.., U_n ",d..l9-J..JS LP t +f.-.. ~ t ,,-~ \J\~ u3ln~S I~\ ~"2,~ ,~ a..S'I~ '~J~ e&~ ~ . <c..l- I-A 1~-<6L~G -.' 'J. ~'-' I ~- P c)L,)h-- Q~~' ~c V /1 .-~.. G 'u" . _I 7b I .. Q . - ..... Associated A lications:' Case No.: 'I Cad (J- ~Ii.( A lication Fee: $ 00 03~ Date: tJ/SI ID Reviewed b : ~ .3 TOTAL FEES: $ PROJECT NUMBER: - Revised 1.16.09ddk Original Submittal 1 of 7 . . 'I ' \i-. ~ ........ " Signatures An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. The undersigned aCknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate. Applicant: ~u.~ Signature &rD'1h llv W e,US Print Date: 3. -0/'-"/D If the applicant J_s_not the owner, the owner~~~by grants permissio_n for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Owner: (1/f A ~~' '1J )UlJZY, Si9';-;~;v tr. CO-xol1 h (/. LV dL '5 Print Date: 3..- ti -to , Date Received: , MAY - 5 2010 Original SUbmittal Revised 1.16.09ddk 2 of 7 . . WASHBURNE HISTORIC DISTRICT Springfield, Oregon ' Property Information Summer 2003 Address 532 D Street , Assessor's Map # 17-03-35-24 #7500 NR classification Compatible/Non-contributino Date of construction ??? Historic name (if known) FEATURES Architectural classification Vernacular # of stories 1'.5 Foundation material(s) Concrete Roof form(s) and material(s) Gabled with composition shinole Siding material(s) Raked shake sidino Decorative material(s) None Window type(s) and material(s) Vinyl sliders Aiteratlons/additions Window replacement Associated resources 2-car aaraae Landscape features Concrete retainina walls, small trees Date Re(,eived: Integrity Good Condition Good MAY - 5 2010 PHOTO Original Submittal, I ~ I - f -- ~'-~~ :=~J -:or- ._ :~ ,- '* I '1ii - - 'E .0 :J en '1ii C 'c, 'C o . --- ~...- . ...~ ~~ -. ..... ~-""'- - --- r, r = 5 I c-.. .!!! Ll"'> ,,=, I E ~ ~ =:; ~ (f) ro c: 'c 't: 0 . . SPRINGFIELD mSTORlC COMMISSION Minutes: March 9, 2010 Present: Ted Corbin Paula Guthrie Kuri Gill Judy Williams Kerry Barbero John Tuttle Tara Jones - Staff Absent: Joe Pishioneri - City Councilor Molly Markarian - Staff Guests : Lisa VanWinkle Craig Murphy Carolyn Wells Where: Datel Call to Order Library Meeting Room 03/09/10 at 5 :30pm I ITEM 1: Public Comment There was no business from the audience. I ITEM 2: Minutes Approval February 2010 minutes were approved with two changes to Item 3: Pam Lawrence is the Director of McKenzie Personnel Systems (filling in the 'X'); the second sentence of the second paragraph under Ebbert Church should read "Commissioner Tuttle said that lap siding should be used (hardiplank if cost is an issue)." I ITEM 3: Land Use Applications 744 E Street - Street Tree Removal Staff Jones reported that the City wishes to remove a Walnufstreet tree in front of this property that has been topped and is in poor condition. Notification will be made per City requirements. 532 D Street - Window Replacement The property owner, Carolyn Wells, spoke about her desire to replace the windows on this property. She would like to replace the street side windows with double clad, double hung windows because the current windows do not open. She proposed non-grid windows. No changes were proposed to the opening or trim. Commissioner Barbero asked if Ms. Wells has seen old ~~i the house, and Ms. Wells responded that she had not. Commissioner Tuttle said thatlgndded windows would be preferred, and he asked if Ms. Wells had looked into wood windows. Ms. Wells said that she cannot afford wood windows, and that if she did change them to wood, the opening would have to change. Date Received: March 8, 2010 MAY - 5 2010 Page 1 00 Orioinal Submittal . . Ms. Wells said that she wants to change the front porch, as well, by extending the stoop out and across the left side of the house because her mother has a hard time getting into the house. Ms. Wells cited an example on E Street where this has been done. She would also like to extend the roof of the porch to reduce the penetration of heat into the front of the house. Commissioner Corbin asked if the porch modifications would be permanent or temporary. Ms. Wells said that the porch changes would be wood. Commissioner Corbin asked if she was considering a ramp, and Ms. Wells said that she was not. Commissioner Corbin said that the Commission would need to review drawings for porch alterations (floor plan and elevation). Ms. Wells asked what modifications would conform to the current design of the porch. Commissioner Tuttle said that if she extends the eave by two feet then it should drop 10 inches. Commissioner Gill said that Commission will want to see the scale and the footprint of the changes. Commissioner Corbin added that the Commission needs to make sure the proposed modifications will fit with the neighborhood and the structure. Commissioner Barbero suggested that Ms. Wells take pictures of a house that has the same roofline that she wants. Ms. Wells also said that she has a retaining wall that she is considering removing. Commissioner Corbin said that replacing the wall would be expensive because it would have to be replaced in kind and that landscape pavers would not be approved. He suggested that she investigate repairing the retaining wall. Commissioner Gill added that the wall contributes to the character of the neighborhood. Commissioner Tuttle suggested that a portion of the wall could be replaced and that there is an example of a house on 6th Street where the owner patched their wall. I ITEM 4: EmX Station Interpretive Signage Ms. VanWinkle ofLTD was present to share initial draft signage designs for the future ErnX E Street station. Ms. Van Winkle started by reviewing the feedback she heard from the Commission at the February meeting: . full color not sepia . not too heavy on text but more pictures . convey who is Washburne . have photos not diagrams . involve kids . map of walking tour, if space . silhouette of the Washbume District Ms. Van Winkle presented two design ideas depicting the architecture and the life during the time when the Washburne Neighborhood developed. One example included a section oriented towards children. The Commission provided feedback at the meeting, and Commissioners Barbero and Williams volunteered to work with Ms. VanWinkle on the suggested revisions: . include a map . only list four types of homes . add more history of people . make Washburne photos smaller Date Received: MAY - 5 2010 March 8, 2010 Page 2 on Original Submittal ---~ . !]C ~u<\u~ i/c; 110 '" , Scouts, attended to discuss the proposal to replace the existing 8x8 shed with a l2x 12 shed. The existing shed is used by the Boy Scouts to store their equipment, and replacement is desired due to vandalism and deterioration. The new shed would be constructed to match the existing garage next door. Commissioner Tuttle said that he would prefer that T-I-11 siding not be used since the structure is visible from D Street and 6th Street. Commissioner Tuttle said that lap siding or hardiplank should be used if cost is an issue, and Mr. Ewing agreed. Commissioner Tuttle also discussed the pitch of the shed and the corner boards to match the garage. Commissioner Corbin asked if the Commission had any additional concerns. Commissioner Tuttle said that the shed is considered a temporary structure and can be moved. Staff Jones said that there is a deed restriction on the property so that if the property is sold then the shed will need to be removed. Commissioner Tuttle made a motion to recommend approval of the application with the recommended changes in pitch, siding, corner boards, and shingles to match the adjacent garage. Motion passed without dissent. 532 D Street Staff Jones reported that the owner wants to replace the windows. The house was built in the 1940's and is compatible but non-contributing to the Historic District. The current windows are wood with aluminum storm windows. Commissioner Gill said that if the owner is looking for energy savings, she likely will not see any compared to the aluminum storm windows. Commissioner Tuttle surmised that the owner may be seeking ease in cleaning and opening the windows. Staff Jones said that she will talk to the owners to ascertain their motivation for changing the windows. I ITEM 4: Mohawk Neighborhood Survey results Cara Kaser, Architectual Historian from SHPO, presented the results of the Mohawk Neighborhood Survey of mid-century homes. She noted the progression in floorplan and correlation to cultural trends. She also mentioned that Willamalane Park is very significant and could be considered eligible for the National Register. The survey was . the very first in Oregon for a mid-century neighborhood. I ITEM 5: Commissioner Updates Commissioner Guthrie typed up the minutes from last meeting. She is continuing to work on the website. She passed out a draft F AQ document and requested that Commissioners and Staff review it and provide feedback prior to the March meeting. Commissioner Barbero contacted the owners at the historic house on Daisy Street to tour it. Commissioner Williams has been working on the website along with Commissioner Guthrie. Commissioner Corbin created drafted the meeting invitation for the Mohawk Neighborhood. Date Received: I ITEM 6: Staff Updates and Other Items MAY - 5 ZUlU Original Submittal , /' ,,, ,.. lU/ \\ ---.--., "DIvision of Chief Deputy Clerk '008.0~8J~O Lane County O..ds and Records , \11"\111\ 1111\\111 \1"\"1\ \ "'\11\ ,,\\ "11\1111 $36,00 0099792520080028350003003205/2112008 10:18:08 AM RPR-OEED Cnt=1 Stn:6 CASHIER 07 $15.00 $11.00 $10.00 .. . . STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Rachael Anne Zahler, Grantor, conveys and warrants to Carolyn V. Wells, Grantee, the following described real property free of liens and encumbrances, except as specifically set forth herein: See Legal Description attached hereto as Exhibit A and by this reference incorporated herein. Subject to: 1. Covenants, conditions, restrictions and(or easements, if any, affecting title, which may appear in the public record, induding those shown on any recorded plat or survey. The true consideration for this conveyance is $179,900.00. (Here comply with requirements of ORS 93.030) Date Received: MAY - 5 2010 Page 1 of 3 Original Submittal Aller Reccmling Return To Fim American Title PO 80, 10146 Eugene. OR 974-40 '( I\oM F.", ~... "., ... . If. '" 'fJf """ After recording return to: First American Title PO Box 10146 Eugene, OR 97440 Until a change is requested all tax statements shall be sent to the following address: Carolyn V. Wells 532 "D" Street Springfield, OR 97477 File No.: 7191-1221816 (DKM) Date: May 19, 2008 1703352407500(0312106 .' .. ;; . . APN: 0312106 Statutory Warranty Deed . continued File No.: 7191-1221816 (DKM) Dale: 05/19/2008 BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORs 195.300, 195.301 AND 195.305 TO 195- 336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, OF CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPUCABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED IS A LAWFULLY ESTABUsHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEAN ED IN ORs 92.010 OR 215.010, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORs 30.930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORs 195.300, 195.301 AND 195.305 TO 195-336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, OF CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007. Dated this 1. 0 day of May, 2008 ) )55. County of Lane ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on this ~O day of May, 2008 by Rachael Anne Zahler. ' ~ ;1JW-. / STATE OF Oregon . OFFICIAL SEAL OIANE MOl NOTARY PUBLIC -OREGON ../ COMMISSION NO. 11389336 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES APRIL 8. 2009 Notary Public for Oregon My commission expires: 4-.~' 01 Date Received: Page 2 of 3 MAY - 5 2010 Original submittal .. . . ;'. APN: 0312106 Statutory Warranty Deed - continued File No.: 7191-1221816 (DKM) Date: 05/19/2008 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THE EAST ONE-HALF OF LOT 6, AND WEST ONE-HALF OF LOT 7, BLOCK 1, KELLY'S ADDmON TO SPRINGAELD, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK W, PAGE 20, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. THIS LEGAL DESCRIPTION WAS CREATED PRIOR TO JANUARY 01, 2008. Date Received: Page 30f 3 MAY - 5 2010 Original Subrnittal