HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 3/2/2010 ~ . . !City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Historical Review Application .~ . ., o.e--, Historical Review Tel - Minor Alterations; Sites or Structures: Historical Review T e II - Major Alterations; Sites or Structures: Historical Review T e III: Addition of a Site or Structure to the Historic landmark Invento Removal of a Site or Structure from the Historic Landmark Invento Demolition of Historic Land Mark Structures . ~ . -... ~ A licant's Re .. Phone: Com an : Fax: Address: Owner: Address: ~,~'.'~^&:,,,,,~,,,~.. ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please atta h your proposal description to this application. Proposal: II . I I( Ii 0e.~ 14Tta..c.heot m+:Ovynt(7iOrl Si Associated A lications: Case No.: 01<.c...:2ol0.- tJ.X:o:C, Date: . /z I/o 0'" Technical Fee: $ 3 . I AOo Iication Fee: $ lOU -e- A TOTAL FEES: $ ~'U' lo~oO PROJECT NUMBER: Date Receiv t. ",,_I+tiiF;rg;;;'/wU?#iWi:;;'iiiWNjY;;WIiJ:;;F~MW;10W&;aQ,"*'fj}iliji':,!fu~i;~,;,i,~ Revised ;.16.09ddk MAR 1-)7 2010 Original Submittal ..~ . . 4 jSSignatures An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. ""'" Applicant: The undersigned acknowledges that the mformatlon in this application IS correct and accurate. s,goof.:!! jJ~ ."., Fe Pcu-n S. L wrrA1~' Print If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to ~ct in his/her behalf. Owner: iJ.- 1/ - - D,rC:Gk, Date: Signature/" -k:,r rr7c/ten~"c R::rsohnd olD Petw"\ .s, Print La. w r,-nc f:' D,'V'r-d-or 6+ 2>V s -kn-, , Me kc:n.z...;e. ~r:soY)nel <3 Date Received: MAR - 2 2010 Original Submittal Revised 1.16.09ddk 2 of 7 i . . Alley (0 O/;, Iv~ .~e <:) ~'\ ~, ~e (}v ~v g ~\ McINTYRE CONllTRlJCDON lNe (541) 687-2841 z :) 0.. W I- CI) ~0 ~~'f- '!$> (j Proposed ~v ~ g ,ADA Ramp CD t-- . ~ C t-- +-' 0 C "<t en 0 0 0 t-- 0 - 0) 0 , en Q) ..c 0 N ..... Q) +-' N ..- CD ..... a: ..- a.. - 0 L{) Cf) CD 0) -0 N l!) Q) c ..... :;:: CD C') Ol C ,~ .;:: () a. ~ Cf) CD I" SITE PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 66.00' "I- S St. 66.00' o 8' -I 16' ~ SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" Date Received: MAR - 2 2010 Original Submittal 32' NORTH CD THESE DRAWINGS ARE THE PROPERTY OF MciNTYRE CONSTRUCTION INC. AND ARE NOT TO BE USED OR REPRODUCED IN ANY MANNER EXCEPT WITH THE PROPER WRITTEN PERMISSION OF MciNTYRE CONSTRUCTION INC. REV1SIONS BY DAlt 03.02.2010 SCALE DRAWN REH JOB SHEET C1 , . III ..10 McINTYRE " CONSTRucnONINC '0 I " ------ (541) 687-2841 ~ . (2) 0 Z I :5 '<;j" ll.. '<;j" ll.. I .. ~ I'-- <( 0:: <( Cl CD <( " , .' -* 5'-0" ~ 27'-0" ~ 5'-0" ~- I"- - I"- Q) '>t c: I"- 0 0) CJ) c: ..... .,..j 0 NOTES: Q) CJ) Cl a... Q) en ... CB~REMOVE (E) DAMAGED DECK Q) LO 0 N ,.... "'C ,-- 71 c: (V) Q) :0 // (2) REMOVE (E) DAMAGED LANDING Q) '+= , I ~ Cl , I / (.J c: :0 / I / 0 ~ 'C (N) ADA EXTERIOR DOOR TO c.. , I / CJ) l/' / MATCH EXISTING I I 1/ I I - I ",0 I I~ 0 REMOVE (E) SLIDING DOOR I , I , '" REVISIONS BY , I '\ I "'-, 0 MATCH EXISTING SIDING I I , I , '" '\.' I - , , I I - '\ : . .,.1..,...... ............... ................. ..... ............................................. .... ............................. I Date Received: I CD I I (2) DATE 02.08.2010 I I '---",,\ , I , , , MAR - 2 2010 SCALE I , '- -., I ., I DRAWN REH . . .- JOB """Il'''Q SHEET C0 ~C~~:~~~o~LAN Q. 1'~4" 2'-8" 5'-4" . NORTH THESE DRAWINGS ARE THE PROPERTY OF MciNTYRE CONSTRUCTION ~ I I (J) INC. AND ARE NOT TO BE USED OR REPRODUCED IN ANY MANNER A2 EXCEPT WITH THE PROPER WRITTEN PERMISSION OF MciNTYRE SCALE: 3/8" = 1 '-0" CONSTRUCTION INC. .v~.~rv :--/ j(di' ,./~~ ~%~/:--- 3' (111 / ~I.;--~ r& ~ ~~~::::---::: ~. II " "~ - ---: ~.-;~~ ~ ..' ~.---- ---=-:: ~ - --- ~~ r---- -- ___ r- -=-,~---- / "'--:;111- , · - --- ~~I~ ::::::::-- -= II --;::::::: ~::I:::::I mll===: - ... - -::::::: :: ::- - 11'== r-- HIT:=-==: ~ F~-~ ;==---= I.' 1 .- - ~t _ E=-- _0, S- l-..,~r 1- := I ::::; - - :: I ==- - - -- - ...-- ~ "' ~~ _2 ~r - l-~ ==== ~ - fit=-; =111- Dr ' III ... ; or r .1) r r r r : . .d: I r ,:'11'/ (l'lt /I U :' L! III :~\\\\\\rl J'''' . I, 11; II: IIIIII /--t!l""" I U'MU~ l[ l \\\\\11111 II' lEEpS \.* - L . - -, - - - -!! . . February 9, 2010 City of Springfield Development Services Department Historic Comission Review 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Or. 97477 Please review our application request for a minor alteration to property address 315 B Street Springfield, Or. 97477 "The Flannery House". We are a non-profit agency that works with adults with disabilities and are in the process of purchasing this building. We would like to put an ADA accessible wheelchair ramp in the back side of the building. Please see attached copies of pictures and the elevation plan. The project will consist of a concrete ramp with metal railings. We would also cover 400 sq. ft. of new asphalt over the current driveway. If needed in the future the ramp could be removed so we don't believe it would affect the integrity of the building. Thanks for you consideration in this matter, Pam Lawrence McKenzie Personnel Systems Date Received: MAR - 2 2010 Original Submittal ~ lnI McINTYRE ,0 , CONS'DlUCJIONINC ------ (541) 687-2841 "0 ~ b CD z , :5 '=t 0.. 0.. 'r ::;; F- , ~ <( 0 <( G) T ~ L t- ..... * 5'-0" 27'-0" 5'-0" Qi ..... .. "i <:: ..... 0 0> l/l " ~ Ci5 0 Q) '" NOTES: a.. <D ~ CD REMOVE (E) DAMAGED DECK Q) I{) 0 'N ~ "0 <:: M ~ r- - 1 / CD REMOVE (E) DAMAGED LANDING Q) C, :0 ,/, .>t:. u " , 1 , ::2: "&. :0 / I / o (N) ADA EXTERIOR DOOR TO Cf) , I MATCH EXISTING 1 V- I / . 1 [\,0 I "'-, o REMOVE (E) SLIDING DOOR , I -, REVI~ONS I , I o MATCH EXISTING SIDING 1 '\ 1 "-, I 1 ."'- 1 , 1 , I " 1 - '\ ...J......... ................ .... .............. ............................................ .... ............................. , "" , 02.08.2010 , CD G) , ..--.., - ~ ~~ , , , ".- M'~ , REH , ~ $>tEET 0 1'-4" N' 5'..... NORTH THESE ORA'MNGS ARE THE PROPERTY OF MciNTYRE CONSTRUCTION A2 ffi ADA RAMP PLAN ~- 1 eD INC. AND ARE NOT TO BE USED OR REPm~~e EXCEPT WITH THE PROPER VoIR1TTEN PE - CONSTRUCTION INC. A2 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'.0" ''''A' .. 'IR" = 1'-"" MAR - 2 2010 Original Submittal