HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 2/26/2010 . . City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Zoning Map Amendment, Type III Applicant Name: Company: Address: Applicant Signature: I/(~ ' Property Owner: c; 1<.. -,- N t::: Company: Address: Owner Signature: BRUlVtfJ Phone: Fax: Property Address: Area of Request If the applic~l.n.ll~er than the owner, the owner her~t;vI ra.~~permission for the applicant to act in his!?rJ1er ~~half ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: / 7 - 02 -3 .4 L TAX LOT NO(S): 0 ! ;. IN mEEI o S- s-:- S Acres: Existing Use(s) of Property: f' ~ . 0/ e f1.- f ct/ L Description of The Proposal: LL" L-V"" Required Property Information (City Intake Staff: complete this section) "7 Case No.: J.->""'" 2oro./ &DoLj Date: - - /. Received by: L Z 2/"-:- (;0 (initials) I ' 3'6 <';.0\) Total Fee: 3'6\.~ Application Fee: -}(-- Postage Fee: Edited 7/19/2007 bjone, Date Received: x ?k--v-- / 2> ~ ~--c.--f" ~ vU {,-~~.{ FEB 1 G 20\0 OrigInal submittal . . Zoning Map Amendment Submittal Requirements Checklist 1. The application fee - Refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate application and postage fee. A copy of the Fee Schedule is available at the Development Services Department. 2. Deed - A copy of the deed to show ownership. 3. Vicinity Map.- A map of the property and the surrounding vicinity whif:.h inctydes the existing zoning and plan designations. One copy must be reduced to 8 y,' by 11" which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. 4. Findings - Before the Planning Commission can approve a Zone/Overlay District Change Request, there must be information submitted by the applicant which adequately supports the request. The Criteria the Planning Commission will consider in making their decision is listed below. If insufficient or unclear data is submitted by the applicant, there is a good change that the request will be denied or delayed. It is recommended that you hire a professional planner or land use attorney to prepare your findings. Criteria of Aooroval (Quasi-judicial) SDC 12.030 requires that in reaching a decision on these actions, the Planning Commission or Hearings Official map approve, approve with conditions or deny a quasi- judicial Zoning Map amendment based upon approval criteria (a)-(c), below. (a) Consistency with the Metro Plan policies and the Metro Plan Diagram; (b) Consistency with applicable Refinement Plans, Plan District maps, Conceptual Development Plans and functional plans; and (c) The property is presently provided with adequate public facilities, services and transportation networks to support the use, or these facilities, services and transportation networks are planned to be provided concurrently with the development of the property. ~~~ 12:~~~ ()~:~ 1>~1~\8~1 IW 14 ;\~t. '?'L_~_ .<:La:: .,. <A~T ~If- ~ 13(> ~ "'IJo 11 ~,' C' '/ ". ,f7,o"r:,. (f) " 14 r. </' I ~;. 15 ~ '" C1 . " n 3700 g I':' ~~ 4 ~~ 2 ~ ~ ~~.., ~ig ~6 3800-<: 0"1' :7 ; /~'?'~ I 0' - ,I-. </' IL{)~ 7r 17 7Z!>1 16 1<..0 18 '''UTIAl. fb.NT 241. !)I' 1 aA4 3' "", '"'' ~~ '.lolL-- I ./.2. /tX",i! /;<, r 5600 ~ ~'4IU' ~, ..-.,,,' ~"Irw ST ~-<;~ --~ :.~ - ;;.I'.I'J' .r'"O",..,,-., ~. .,;:....::;,,-.... .....ol'..-c,:.~. U' ;900 -:.-...-::-:-~ -0,""" - - -;r....- 't:."_ os .....-.... ........ 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"'; Coorl<1u,_ &., m~""'-~~~ ~,(~~.'..' 9JZEfY26 2010 ..-. ~.. -..-.... ~'-'-".' -. C:C:O Qor aBed Original Submittal 31111 NOD3HO gLIO-C:~&-&Og ~66~ L~:9~ paM 9~-Qa~ ~ "OREGON TITLE · Insurance Company ?,n.., -I~r,/ 008589 . 9634569 RECONVEYANCE OF TRUST DEED RECITALS A. Oregon Title Insurance Company, an Oregon corporation, herein "Trustee," is the trustee under the trust deed whose parties, date and recording information are as follows: -5-- 0' I Grantor Original Trustee Beneficiary Date Recording Date Recording Reference County of Recording : Bruno Gartner : Oregon Title Insurance Company : George D. Tr~vess and Vivian R. :January 11, 1991 : January 14. 1991 : Reel 1673 Reception 9101851 : Lane Travess, husband and wife* B. Trustee has received from the beneficiary under the above trust deed a written request to reconvey, reciting that the beneficiary is the holder of the obligations secured by the trust deed and that the obligations secured by the trust deed have been fully paid and performed. RECONVEYANCE Trustee hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys, but without any covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, to the persons legally entitled thereto, all of the right, title and interest under the above trust deed now held by Trustee in and to the property covered by the trust deed and more particularly described as follows: As described on original recorded Trust Deed. Date Received: FES 2 6 2010 ~2Z~HAY.24'96ij08REC 22Z~MAY.24'96ij08PFUND 5.00 10.00 *or the survivor thereof Original Submittal '"