HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Miscellaneous 4/9/2010
L1MBIRD Andrew
Mary Bridget Smith [mbs@emeraldlaw.com]
Friday, April 09, 2010 8:31 AM
L1MBIRD Andrew
Fwd: RE: The Child Center Appeal
Hey Andy,
In response to your voice mail. This is the latest I received from Bill on the waiver. I'll call him if I don't see it by the
end of the day. Please let me know if he sends it to you directly. Go ahead and schedule the May PC meeting. Let me
know if you need anything else.
Mary Bridget Smith
188 West B Street, Bldg. N
Springfield, OR 97477
(541) 746-9621
*Please note my new mailing address.
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>>> Bill Kloos <billkloostCillanduseoreqon.com> 4/7/2010 4:15:10 PM >>>
I think John D has done his work and is happy. Please feel free communicate directly with our Planner and
TRN guys, copied above.
Running late; will get the extension to you tomorrow.
Bill Kloos
Law Office of Bill Kloos, PC
375 W. 4th Street, Suite 204
Eugene, OR 97401
Phone: (541) 343-8596
Fax: (541) 343-8702
e-mail: billkloos@Ianduseoregon.com
Web www.LandUseOregon.com
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mail communication may contain confidential and/or privileged information intended only for the addressee.
If you have received this e-mail in error, please call immediately at 541-343-8596. Also, please notifY me by
e-mail. Thank you.
Dale, rf{eceived:~~/"
Planner: AL
: From: Mary Bridget Smith [mailto:mbs@emeraldlaw.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 4:03 PM
To: Bill Kloos
Subject: RE: The Child Center Appeal
Excellent, I'll keep an eye out for the extension. I was thinking too that we have not heard from John Driscoll
(from the City) about the cad work he was going to do for the intersection. I'll check on that.
thanks for the analysis on the LUBA jurisdiction issue.
>>> Bill Kloos <billkloos@landuseoregon.com>4/7/2010 8:35:49 AM >>>
MB: I will get that extension back to you today.
Bill Kloos
Law Office of Bill Kloos, PC
375 W. 4th Street, Suite 204
Eugene, OR 97401
Phone: (541) 343-8596
Fax: (541) 343-8702
e-mail: billkloos@landuseoregon.com
Web www.LandUseOregon.com
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mail communication may contain confidential and/or privileged information intended only for the
addressee. If you have received this e-mail in error, please call immediately at 541-343-8596. Also, please
notifY me bye-mail. Thank you.
. From: Mary Bridget Smith [mailto:mbs@emeraldlaw.com]
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 4:59 PM
To: Bill Kloos
Cc: alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us; j donovan@ci.springfield.or.us
Subject: The Child Center Appeal
Hello Bill,
I wanted to confirm our phone call today and copied Jim and Andy on this email to make sure we are all on
the same page.
The plan as I understand it is as follows:
1. Your client will execute a 30 day extension of the 120 day time limit
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,.inner: AL
2. The City will issue an amended staff report addressing the conditions we discussed at our recent
3. The scheduled Planning Commission Meeting will be postponed
4. The fee issue is not addressed in the amended staff report and if your client chooses, he can still appeal
5. The current appeal on the remaining conditions will be withdrawn
Did I summarize that correctly? Please let me know if anyone has something to add.
Mary Bridget Smith
188 West B Street, Bldg. N
Springfield, OR 97477
(541) 746-9621
*Please note my new mailing address.
This e-mail is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and contains information belonging to Leahy, Van
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Date Received: ~1'/,;>DI.
Planner: AL