HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 3/17/2010 . . HOPKINS Steve From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: JONES Brenda Wednesday, March 17, 2010 12:36 PM , (Iegals@registerguard.com)' METZGER Mark; HOPKINS Steve FW: April 12th Notices RG Notice ZON201 0-o0003.docx; RG Notice.doc Importance: High Jfi <tammy, I'm 6acl{.witfi tfie noticesfrom fie#~. cpfease cancd notices scfietfufedfor }lpri{ 12,2010 as sfiown at tfie 60ttom of tfiis notice. cpfease pu6flSfi new notices attacfied as attacfiment for Z0:N2010-00003 and Z0:N2010-00004. We fiat! anotfier CFu66c Jfearit/{J we fiad to put in prace of tfiese fiearing, so tfiese were pusfied out to anotfier date. cpfease accept my apoCogy for tfie continua{ issue witfi tfiese two notices. '11ian~ !Brenda From: JONES Brenda Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 5: 13 PM To: (Iegals@registerguard.com) Subject: cpfease cfia1l{Je pu6flSfi date for tfiese two notices to ~pri[ I? ?O 10, instead of tfie }lpri{ 19, 2010 date. }lny questions pfease do not fiesitate to contact me at 541-726-3610. '11ian~ !Brenda 3-\7-1() 1 ~)ate Received; Planner: SH ~WI__~~""I:~~ f13fii"3~ ~ I~le""''' ~ .:J1'~(""~:1Jt" .:J ICU\totI\"''''~ .:J ~ [- -~OTICEOF~BUCHEARING r .!!I Springficld Plaming Commission .Q] RE: ZON20IO-oOOO3 A pubtit hoaring Is schcdUo<! for lolaJ 4, QJ 010 at 7:00pm bofore tho Springfiold .-1 ,Planring Commission to ~onsidt:.'f a ~, L chango requosl. Tho Ulott prcporly IS Ell lonto<! At MS 28th Stroot In Springfield.' 9 )'he o>lsting zoring is Ughl Medium I", ~ dustriAl. 1110 proposo' b<ing tonsid"od ~'I' would ohangotho zoning to HOIV)' Indus~ ~ !rial 10 malth lho existing Motro Plan '*! designation lor lhe sile. I = I 1110 heAling will be held In !he Cily ~ COUncil Chlmbefs at the Springfield CiIY' "... .--. I .HaD 225 Fifth Strffi, Springfield. 1I1e --- . j ~ ~ ~itltiDl\ all dOCll1lonlS and ovidence ..__ relied I4lDn by !he appIiQn~ the appltaJ 0" ~ ~Ie triteria and atopy oIlht stall report . . are ayAilable la a free n$peetion and . w.o... 14'i copies will be available at a reasoraable' ,... ".lJ , cost. For more information tontatl SI..e "-' 0 1J Hopkins,-Pl.m<<;at 726-3619. I ......... tI ...........o...r 0 ,..- 1.IlJ Publish Date: April 19, 2010 iii . . r..llt"~\.. ;:.. .... ~ c--.. "*'" (IIfIll W'" Ad! lid o.c... W ... ..... 6,lI)ra-JfO' ,..... $PtLOnN,CrTV(I$ .- Ac~ 100021' ~ Bl c..1 a.uA:.... .- L.,M ru~ 514ft ::tC."'lJnllO sc. JUl'tJlil'O ~~ ~ -r- '''~''''~LItf~1 Yr.......,Hlllr- FWII~I~lIo9"'S 1-' .!l~ IP,..T'lO. .:J~ ~"'~L- .... Pia IBO bK__1 ooo["i"Oi... ,...1ltK ~ n..st ~ 000000.. ...~r-rr;or"'"" I. 1_ OOOr.I. ".lIf. I.. 11-511 fi' fI____ .... ooorT~'o...,. -- faw- L,"-'- ... ., L ~tN"ro rPlQ.... r 0Wn_... rOft....~... -..- I OrIlllNl"'OO -'..JIJ.!l ~""'II:.:&"~"II .........,... n--3~rnr-3 ~ 1,..~rO<1l'.Il .:J1~lCOIt'. .:J IRJ .:JIrlll'lCtofl1<..", .:J IC~eon.lOl'''' .:J ~~A NOTICE OF ~BUC HEARJN(l J -,- ~ Springfield PI.ming Commislion RE: ZON2010-o0004 I no ... tit he.ving Is schcdUo<! for May~, I o . - at 7:00pm before tho Springfield ..-1 Planring Conrnission 10 tonsid<< a zone. L change request. Tho subjott properly is (31 localo<! at 6<<4 lolaln Stroot in Springfiel~ ~ ;rhe e>lstng zoning i. low Densily Resi; ~ dontiAl 1I1e proposal being tonlid",od ;;J I ~~~~~rl~~~~~~i~:~ -- .-t Metro Plan desi~tion lor the sile. i = I 1110 hoaring will be held in !he Cily lOr COUncil Chlmbefs at the Springfield Ciry .,... '-P-' I '"" HaD 225 Filth Str..~ Springfield. 111" '"'- . d .:.J Iii apjllicatiDl\ all dOCII1IonlS and evidence . .__ "" relied I4lDn by !he appIlQn~ the appIta" 0.. ;!, ble uileria and atopy oIlht stall reperl . .. are available fa a free nspection and . --... ~ topies will be avalable al a reasonable ,... ';.!!J , cost. Fa more InlalTlllion tontact MII"Il "-' Metzger; Planner, al726-3715.1 --- 0 1J tPublish Date' April 19, 2010 ........ ...... 0 . .-- .IlJ No.4S6S25I-Aprl19,2010 iii ...SIt-. .c.unn .1..0..... ......I-4'!lU~ - .... 4'.i64"~ W.lf'.. .. ,.. (dl: c-.. ~ (11M SIll....... lId w.a.. VI' ... ..... {i.tl1I12'&>Jtoe c"l II-. I"LDrlN,CITYOI .- "'"'-'11001)21' a.sa:iIIII_ __ L.;1fs ~ Bl -r- rl 1"~"~L-.pI' !:!l _... r- ~ ...~ I~L..,,,,. ISour<' .:Jr- ~IP~T'" .!l~ ~"'-L- ...- Pra .,~ tlIK...rl 000 rooo.. r,DtsoI: ~ tI.Y c-.. 000 000' "'Pr.:.~r~,~tj 1_ OODr.I,.If I" .,M fi' ~~ ... ooorT~.o...,. -- faw- L"-- rUh 51-' J4"tf1010 V. ).,'~IO ... ., '-....ra r__ ro-...... ro............... ~_IltK.... I AIIS-'e-.- .1........ Or""'" 0 0 .......I.'!l6S1StA - .... cS6snl 1kerufa Jones ..JIJ.!l 2 Date Received: Planner: SH :::r17~11J . . J1.aministmtive Syecia(ist Vevefoyment Services 'Deyaytment Community Revitarization ana'lly6an P(anning Divisions 225 :Jiftn Styeet SyYingfieftf, OYegon 97477 54/-726-361O:J.:AX 54/-726-3689 6jones@ci.sJ,Yinnfie({[oy,uS "SP~HG~~~ t~O"GO" ". .f ," ..... ,__.:i,lIed: .-'Ianner: SH 3 1yI7-/0