HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 4/23/2010 y,' ' , ;;::'I'f::iVi; ~ ,. .;: ...., "<'.'/" ""'-, .';C:: .<<;.<~ ;->>"1;::: IOA~t1JO,' ..It}, nil and ailltulQr the /ell;m~nl', h~r~dll(Jm"nl~ lmd ..ppurr;n~ncn llnd all othef dtht, thertJunto belo~'~A or In IInYlVlro~... . I )."'c '~-:'r:.>; .~:~ ,t~ ..~;~~ftf~;~~~~::~~~~~~~~~4:~lil~ ':'f~. . ThtJ'dtll" of malu,,'/y' 01 the ebt lecuud by thll ,nstrument" th~' dat 11lI.d abov",'on ...hicJ..lhe /inal.inJtltllni..nt of l11<t "not.. ':'IJ''.;'--~;'''' ',~ - ..;,' '. II " beCQmTod~;o~;~ ~h~a,~I:~f1IY oltn.. d~ed, ~rlJn/"";DlirB~' ." .......,.." " ..:';::.. ....-.,'~:.... :.:: :.c~ ,t... " ::. :' . ,"';: " .' "<>.../~ 1':0'" :" ':.i'~.~r~ I" l. To protect, pro,el"", llnd maJntam c.CJnditiD;,'.a~d.'tepi!ir;.n<Jt 't;,.'r.~'mo'vo' of' d,emolis1i"lJ'ni:'br.i'Udln(t~':';;;;'~\C : ../ :"F':: /,;;"~. t ", '~"':':!I:" ~~::::~;~nff~:'7i~:~0~L~:~E~d~~~~2:f~~:~~~O{Yi~~E:;~~~~;1~:!0~'.i~;.'.~~.~~di~:"~~~'< {~,~r.~!,~.~.;.e;:S~:i~~;rF:~~'{~~~:\~~~~~;);:;~:li~;~#t:k . ....i;<{: , . .! ). To 'co,?,?'Y. with. 011 !QW~, ordlr!'lflc,,~: r,!lluIMicm~:covena'n/"; conditioM l!rid'i~~tr1c/io,:, lllf~c/ing Ihl!' ~toPo.ttY:'ii Ih~..l~~~eJ!dti~Y:;:i.I( .,:~::\t '. ,..," '. ., ~o nquul~, to lOin ,n ll>:...:ulln; such'lrnancml1 sla/ements pUr$Ulltlt 10 the Unllorm CommerCJIlI COde lis the ben~llclary mill' roquiro' IInd .', ,";"~., .,',-, . ... ':':I'.~ to p~y'/rir IiUnC 'IIm~t in Ih~ pro{J<lr. public'oltice' or o//lces, u'wol/:as ,tho eo.t of al/:/ion selln;hos inlld~'bY:lilinl1;ollie..rr"o;s<J;Dri:hinl1::" ..'i;;" "\'~'~"',~.L,':,~ ii' ~~"ncI.ull'mllybedo..moddos/fIlbl..by/htJbonollclllr)'.. '1~ ,J" ;,,',1. " . ". I; . , . J:" :.. ..;.~. To ;provido" tmd conlinuously 'maintain, insuronCtJ' o,i tho buildlnlls' now or,herolJiier, '~'-;ei;'t..d:.on,..tht. piop~riy';i1i1ai;;it 'l~~'s':'~;.;';:: ... \....:1 '. 'damn/tD by Ure'lJnd such olher'huard. III Ihll b~no!icillry may.lrom time.to timo,roqulra,'in un amotlnt not Jess thlln $..::';.:.:;..~.:.....;::;;:.~ ;.." .. ;'./; 7;~~~~~n a~n ~~~:;~:~:,~~,:~;~f/~~~e t~~'nlt~~ ~h;I~1 ;:W!'o~ ;h~"'~:.:o:e;;'":J"oc~~;":n~n~~e:J, 7~~:~~~i:~u~~ i;;U;e~7;:r '~~:.I p~ii~i~~.~~~ta!:1~:lti;;; ;: " . '.1 ': at I......t liJr_n duy.J prior 10 tllo arpirlltion' o/llny polloy 01 insuranco'now.or'heroaJlor'pJaced:on th.. bu,"Jd;n4.;' th.. blJnaUc;arymay'pio:.'. . '. ',\~,~ :" ", cure tho sarna at j!ranlor'" e"p..n.... Th~ amoun(.oollacr~ UrWN any /iro or ot/lar.ln....ran"" policy. m'~Y.'be 'IlPpliad;by:bandidllrY'UpOn:' .' ',.';:"' ". "1' ',' ally i"dabtadna.. ~acurlJd.har~by and"n ~uch ord!,r lIS ~ona/~cifJry mny dattumi"", or at,oprs'on 01 bt1n~Hcituy'lha anl;lI) amount so'collllctad; '.:",' ,., ,:(., ar nny P1Ur. th.raol, f'1llJy.bo ro/allslJd to I!ranlor. Such lJppllcation or r~IMln shall.not cure or waiv.. IIny:dlJfault or'noOce'ol d~/ault hl!!ro.'~:" ",,;: ii .: und..r or ;nvalidnle Ony nc/ dono puriullnl to such noticl!!.: . . . ~... . " ,,:' . ::.; '. . -. .' :.: '. '.' :.... - _ _':: .,~~".:; ~; '-::,",:." .,;,.~ ; : " .', ::', "11':-' . 5. To koap iilo,prop..rty Ir~e Irom conifruct/on liis;,~ endJo pnJ' aU ~U,,~, .fJu"um,;nls'and oth~r:'c!t"'rlJe~.that n-iisy bo'/.vlef;:;';'.. . " .', . .' .... PllfJuod IJpon or olllJ/n.t'tlle proporty bfJfore llny pnrt 01 such lues, nlse"manl~ fJnd .01!Jar'charl!os becom" pad d,,~"or. 'dolinqu.nt and. .~.~ :;".:';1 "1 . promplly deiiv~r'receipt.' Ih~r..lor to bo.nof/:cinry; "lIould tho I1ranlor Illil to mek? pllylTlllnt ~l a~y. ta~e., a"~~mo';t~,./n~"r"'nco prem!ums,'c":1 '.":~~'i: I' . /Inns .or et/'''f !'harl!e,.Plwcb.le by I1.t~ntor,'~r!~or by direct poymont or lJy'provlJmtl.:.bona~Jcl.l1ry ""t~ lun~.r\Y,th .l.vhlch to'.mdo such'pay; ~'.'. . : monl, 'bano/,clary .11lfJy,'iIIt lis apt/on. make p"ym..n/ Iheraol. IIn<l,th.. amoun.1 ""'paid, ....,ih 'Inlttrfl3t Af /h" rnto' Jet 'forth,ln~thc.'fH~tc :,;, ';1" ,,,cuted her~by,.ta~"lhor with 11,.. obflllation. d~icribod'in.pGrllgraph. If 'and 7 ol.this trust do"d, .hllll be add"d'to'llnd bocom...Q piut 01:,.': the dobt 'ocur"d by thlJ tru.t dood, withoui wlIl1Ior o/...ny rll1h1. ar;.ln, Irom broaoh o/any 01 thll'covonllnt. hereol iind lor such payment,:.:.:' . wll1, /nto,,,.t' u fJlor~~a,'d, tho property her"jnbe/o'~ d.,Cribed, fJJ ...,,11 as tho I1ranlor, .hall b..' bound to .tho ",mi" extent: that tlloy:aro .r.' !j' bOlmd.lar the 'paym"nt 01 thl1 obllj!lItion ho"ln duerilJad; nnrl.aW.uch pnymonts .h4ll.bo Immedlat..ly duo "nnd pareb/o wJthout:'lf)iiu;.:'.; 1 lJnd tho nonplJym..n/'tlioreol.hfJlI. 11/./110 opflon of /1'0 b~nolioiary, t..ndor cilium" socur~d bY'IM. trult d~.d ImrrKldllitoly'du.. and.pay....:. I 'lIblellndconst;lu/e'obr"ochol/hl'slru.tde..d. : "'. 'J':" ..:' ".:;':, '::"':":":';"':';"':':',<:t\.,':""'''~';;/:'',,';.;.,.':'::~'.: . '. G. Ta pay all COlts, /UI "nd OX,D<ln.o" 01 tllll (ruII IncJudlnllho cod 0/ titlo Ultch .. woll al the olh~r cQlls and ..lIpetUe. 01 tho Ir".tll<l mcurtod in connect,on wi/h or. In on/orclng tM. obUlla/lon anrl/r!-,,,lao'. and IIttern..y'. loer actual/rineu"od. ;.'i ":',:' \,':. :.' '. ',' 7'.Ta /1ppOOt [n...nd'dcl"nd'lJny IIctlon or proclJedlnll purporlinll !o affect.th.. ucurlty'rillht" or pOI".o,,'ol benellciory~or trll.'c";. "nd In 'lny .ult, action or proceod/nll in,whlch th" bMtJflc/nry or ttu.teo mllY apPOfJr, Including any ,ult lor th(llorllclo,ute ol.lhls'd...d.': 10 pn)'.lJlI COII.l1l1d "lIp"mu, [Ildud[ng av/uencn of tit!" llnd Illn ben~l/clllry'. or:trllsliifJ's'-attornay'i./lIe.; file /1mount:of QUorlltJy','lau:' I merttiontll In thi. para4raph 7.in /111 COIU .h,,11 be:/.od by the Itln! court and in- t1ltJ event 011l/1 llPpoalftrml'/1ny'jurllll11enl or.dectee"of I /he rrli>l e"ur/. I!rllnlor lur/he, nll""'~ 10 p"y ."ch .um lI.. I/la BppGI1l1/e cuurl .hal.t adjuJJ!.e ,..a.on...ble a~ t1",.b~noticlllr}". ar:/ru.tGG'. Ift- '1'1" torn"Y'~~IE~&~;:~;~~:(;:11~~t~or;'on or ~Ii a'; ;h~ ';r~~;/y ~~41~';-b~ ';ak~~"~'nd..r:~h~ ;/4hl '~/,:~~'j~;~~~':~~j~z.~;'.~~~;~~~a;t:I~~:.;L~~~".: 'fic/t"y sll"lI J!l1vo. th.. r.ll1h!,'1I It,.'o ~Iecl~, I.o:r".qul,e thal,lll1 or'"ny p~rt/un"of thtJ mon/" payable u;~?mpenJlIt/M '.Iot:lucll. tnk/nil.: " 'ij' !: .,- i',' " "..r:,!;:! . ......, "".':, , ::'.:ck . ,;.'. '. ,'r,' ::; :: i" ,~ :~ .'''' ".'''-' ',i':: ...'C:. .. .;.',~ , ~~.~ :.:;~. , '\', '::s-: .i" NOTE, lh. Trao' Dud A.I prg.ld.. Ihol Ih. I,u,tu h.,.und., mu.I'b, .lIh., all' ..norn.y,'who:l; on a<tI.. m.mb.r..f>th".~o"ig.,;:SI..I. 110".0 be/l.,', t.a,I compeny 0' .0.lngl and 100/1 allO(Jotlen lIalho/I..,,: 10 do bu.I/I." Ilnd., Ih. low. of Of.glln or Iho .Unltod Stal.., 1I.11II. InlUIOnn ~o;"pllnY.llul".". ,Iud 10 I",u.. 1111010 ...lIl p.op"ly of 11,10..1010,,11. .uboldlllrl.., offllllllol"lIgonll O' bIPM"....Ih. Unlt.d.Sl..I....' ..ny.oo.noY'lh.no', 0' on '.ur..""': nc."'II{."'.dllnd..O~S69~.'O't069idU; ,'.' .,:... .... .; ;'.' .-,,:.".::":.....-...::,:., ,,~.~.::.:,......i.".......'" . :~'./: .;.. TRUST'DEED' ,I .:".,,: .......,.....,..... ,i 'I :1 I O,onh' m"UQn.t."Q;"(;,"QQ~r.,',:":,:",,:,,:;:':,,,,:,,,,:,::, ....:..tl.O.QJ~,.:~~.mJJHr.$;!.Qt.':.:...:....;......:.:.'.;. " """.gllngfl.jg",m,,,,,,~,H.7.~,:,,"""'.m'" ,~~: ,. 'nlcollllr~'.un.:. ;', , ,.:. "n~t1~lo" ;i I:' "tl"r...""lng r'I"'nl.'INo.;,..~U"";Ij'h II .....:'.W.~!,~~~,.~..!:o.9.ft~.!L...."..:..:..:.,,;..:,......:..:~..,,:;,;..:.::',,~'. ;,' " 'l -- ..- . '"____.__.._. '__n~"._'_'_'___'n._.'~'__ "~---"-'-'-' ---...---- ...- ....._-"---_. ..", ..... "'j ----;-" ." " , ;~::::;7-:-:' .""~' ..~9:~i.~.:: : '"".' .l,' "l'...,"' .......... ,'., .:::.,.... : :'; ::~; ~' . , :.~::.A .~. . '.-.",: ',:,.' .' ...~(:: . i::::\,~..~: .:,..,'! ,:'; ;~: I ...111 '. ..!. i II II ! '-,.;.,,, . ':~.' ' .',. ....'.,., ",' ;". ,:, ~~d ~"nt'iho'l1rfli;IOr will ~.;~~nl rind I~r~~(lr delend fhe .IIme "/llIin.t all person,. wh'om.oever, ,,' ..'," ~ :. : ';: ",.' ,:.:'.,., '. 'The Ilrllnlor wlUranl, fhlil Ihe.pr"..~' 01 fh" loan reiUeJ..nlod by fh" abov" 'doJCriblJd nol"~lIni Ihl. iru_t d~"'d Illre: ~ . ':;: '(0)- prImarily lor Ilrantor', personal, fBmily or'hO/Heho/d PUrPOlIU.c$Oe Im'portant. Notl~e below),'" p.:,"; .," .: :',:,. (b) lor an orgllnlzoUlln; or ("veri it Ilriltltor ;! II .nafu~1I1 porson) "'" tor bu,fne",or ~ommordlll'p~rpOStl!., '. : .....'; ,.; >: ,.,.. ... ".',:.' ,'" Thl. deod spplioJ 10, inur". fo .he b""efil of lI'nd bli"J_~'1l11 plIrliu h"relo,:tholr h"lr,,'/ellllte'D.,.d..vi.D"":':lId(l11~i'lrllfor'''''f{tl<.ei.r't;,,;-'::. . 'porsOnll/ repr..'enllllj~"" W~CCUOfJ Dnd 1I"IJln~. The' term benellcillry .hllll m<llIn Ihe-holder llnd owner, Including p/odllee;'ol!lhe 'contrllcl..':'. ~D.:;und,hereby,wh..Iherornolilam..dlu"benalic/llryher..in.'.. .' .... .,'.. ::_.. ...... ':.'. ,..', ' '.:' '. -r"':"c;":'.',";''-; . \, In con.tru/nJl fhl, morlll"ll", Ii' I~ u'ndtmlOlJd Ihtl( th'D m~r/llll~or 'or ';~rIJttlJl~ m~y be:'~o're' than on" p;,r;~n~' ih~t::iJ'thi'~~ntol<t:-'c;.~>,: .: raquire., the ~/nil(Jlar _h,,/I ba tllleen ti;. m~/In amJ Includo Ihe plurlll, IImJ Ihal JI"""rlllly IIl1trommtltfCflI <;hBnte~ _hllll bii made, a"umea'lIna . , impUa<! to malee tho provf,,'otll hDreol tlpply eQually'to <::orportHlonJ tlnd to indivldulIl,. . '," ,. :'.,r 'r.'." 4 ,:", .:: ,'. '( '.> ,. .:' ,..~::'. ;-,~':" . ". . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tll" AtD;tor hlls executed thIS Instrument the dl}Y~lJnd'Ye . j.;s~t Dbov~'~ri~te~. "\": ~TANT NOTlC;, 0.1.,., bV IIl1lno D~!, w...I'....v.r wa"onlV (~larlbll. 'r~- 0" oc~~~~.. .., - ..~~~:.......:,~ ,,"tllppll,obl'jlfw<lrtanIY(oll'<lppllcoblaand ,''', b.n.fl,lary 10 0 cr.dltar ' '. " a. lu,h word II d.lin.d In Ih. Tr~j"'.ln.L.ndlng Ad ond Roll"ratlll~ Z, tho '~ &(~. :........ .. ...... ,.......... ,... ..:...... ...".... ". b.noll,lary MUST <amply wit... Ih. A,t and Roll~lollan by moklng r.q"l..d ' Sandra L. Hughos ~ ' . . dltdo'"r.11 for Ihll pUlp"" ull S'.v.n,.N." form N",lJI9, or .q\ll"cr.~!,.. , ,'. ,_ '.' , .' ~', . ',' ',. ",". ",....I'.:'..WI'h 'h'.A""."::i";:~:~2~f{EJi~ri1fRi~8~~f~2t:~:il.'... kxX:KX:XX~XX.XXXX:x.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJOi'XX~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx.xXXXXKXX::: .-,~ . ~rx,xx ~~~~~~~~?a;X~~~~~~~~~t ., ---......""' '::':::;;l.~#.:t\~Oi;i;~_" My commIssion expires ....,:l.....7;}7.......,.",.".,..,.."":.,,..,.,... ,"-' , L' . .' \~' '- ,'..: I TO: :.:,.........: . .EOUE~l ~.?R /~~~ ~ECON,VEYA.NC: ~;~:;~:'~~. e~r~:.wh~;, .;bl.jo:i.~~~.~' ~~~~: It~,~~' F(~;~r,~'.:; .:/,:-" ," -,.:. ::~::, I ..' Tile und"ro//Zn"d I~ fhD'I;'~/lI'o\~nDr 'nrid I,older oj tl!llndeb(edn~_~ ~~~nd.bY:th". l..i.re/Z'olnd 'j~,t 'do,,;;>AIl_u",n'; ;~<:ur~d 'by Ih-""tiu'.t, ..1 d~ed Ilav" beDll tully pllld fwd utl.fled, You Ilcfcby llro dlr"clod,'on p~j'mllnf to.you:olllny ~Iml clVln~ 'to ,'ou'und~r: /fie' If/fro.. lit. th",,-:,-., I /nl'C and 01 puroullnt to Iftltufo, to ClIne,,1 all ovltlDrlc". ollnd"blll<Jnfllt .tI~ured by Ih.. III1.t dll"d (lvh{<;h'lIfC dellvtlr~cJ to you hertllV/th'''~:, i,il' :1:1;:i;~~I;~/~:~~r ~;~;~-~;r;) ~;,~ ;:C;~;II~~~O \.:I,:~O~~~;.:;~.r.!~ ~,!-:.~~~::..7~.~.~7::~~~t?~;~.t~:/t~;,r~~;~:.r:t:~;..~:~.~~:~,~O~~~~~~R~b:: .. . ., ~ :1 i , I i il 1/ i I 'I ;! ';1 i DATED: ..;..'.",...... "'.""""""""'''''''' ....;19....;..:.... ....",,,"',.....,.,,....,,........,,,.......,,.,..,,., . ., .... , . .' ." :," :,' ,..... , ' Oa M! IDI. er 'd"'fDr lhh T,"II'O..'cl oil lH~ NOlli ~'hJ~~ li',:CUUI. ,.( lhth mlul be ,hUnr.d to'th. 'rul'R. rDr ca~ullalian b.ror." '., r'(D,w'YCII,.wllIb.inc~., . '," .; ....,... '__"__ '_~..._...._n .. _...___+n.....u....... ..-...._.,.. ......,,-..-...- .. . . . '. ........................n.....................":.D~;~li~i~~y..:...".....,..." :':'.,1 " .. .",,=C'-7=~, .~~,:.._"'==-'-~~~=origi~~.,s:b;tt~~- . !.{;}!t.~.:.. ,'; .i:. ";.'. .....-.