HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 4/23/2010 . . ." ,. :City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 ~4'11 Minimum Development Standards A licant's Re .. Phone: Fax: Com an : Address: Owner: Phone: Address: / ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: i1-C-z.,- 3>( - Lj 7.... 12- '- N ~lf '8" " -fj Size of Pro e Acres 0 S uare Feet 0 Description of Pro osal: Existin Use: . -. Associated Cases: Case No.: ~(2.c W IO"~66b)'1- Date: '1 Reviewed b : ~ A lication Fee: 12io -'2,)0 Technical Fee: Posta e Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: PROJECT NUMBER: Date Received: APR 2 3 2010 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian Original submittal 1 of 6 A . . Signatures Applicant: 2- Date: L.j - ::z.. - 20/0 Signa ure . __ F~6--:D 13 Uc- t+ bl<- .J11oN I? b E. 1/ c.tqlfLS Prmt If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Owner: /?;Jf)?u&;O ~ Signature - 1V/ 0 N/(O IE.- IJ;{ q JI-e s Print Date: Plot Plan Preparation: I certify that I prepared the attached plot plan and that it contains the information specified in the submittal requirements checklist. I certify that the plot plan is accurate based upon field locates and the best available i rmation. I understand that City staff will rely upon the plot plan in making any decisions regard' 9 th Minimum evelopment Standards application. I accept fuff responsibility and liability in the 7tthat~are :11s,:~~es in the P:~::~. fJ( 2010 Plo~an P eparer S~ture / {R~D ~UC_ tf6~ Print Date Received: APR 23 2010 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 6 Detaile Written Explanation o Proje name o Size and location of property o Zoning and plan designation of the site and adjacent properties o Proposed use-of,the development area and scope of proposed development o Access OJ . o Proposed off-site improvements (i.e. installation of sidewalks, fire hydrants, sewer main, etc.) o Current use of the site and any existing improvements '--0 . Special site features (i.e. wetlands, watercourses, steep slopes, etc.); a general statement addressing soil type and drainage conditions o Estimated quantities and type of materials involved if any fill or excavation is proposed o Number, type, and size of any trees to be removed o Explanation of any land to be dedicated to the City o Proposed modifications being requested o Additional planning applications. required for proposed project D Justification for proposed MDS exceptions D Time line extensions being requested FivMcoPies of a Plot Plan Including the Following Information: o p~ed buildings and/or additions: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area), setbacks from property lines, distance between buildings, and height o The scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100' " O Date ReceIVed. North arrow D Date of preparation o All existing and proposed easements Revised l{l{OB Molly Markarian D @ D . . Right-of-Way Approach Permit Application provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility. - ;2s>rV\^-J- it, ~ c.v.r\::> OV\ jVl~ "" - ru:. s.Hw 6. (ca..-.. OV' ,M. ~ '" . See ~ u.f A-ppC\cJ-i 1;\..0 . f the Proposal to Include: aPT I APR 2 3 2010 Original submittal 4016 . . D Location of proposed or existing fences, outdoor equipment, storage, trash receptacles, and signs D Location, dimensions and number of typical, compact and disabled parking spaces; including aisles, landscaped areas, wheel bumpers, directional signs and striping D On-site loading areas and vehicular and pedestrian circulation o Access to streets, alleys and properties to be served, including the location and dimensions of existing and proposed curb cuts and curb cuts proposed to be closed D Location of street lighting D Location, type and number of bicycle parking spaces D Existing and proposed landscaping D Connections to public utilities . ~ of the Plot Plan reduced to 8'12" by 11" when full-sized plans are submitted above Date Received~ APR 2 3 2010 Original Submittal Revised 1{1{08 Molly Markarian 5 of 6 . '" A ~.. ~ ~ ~x~rgn:~n . P.O. BOX 931 . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE: 541.741.1981 FAX: 541.741.0619 W\\'W.evergreenlandtitle.com P.O. BOX 10211 . EUGENE, OR 97440 PHONE: 541.687.9794 FAX: 541.687.0924 www.evergreenlandtitle.com DATE: April 6, 2010 FRED BUCHER 122 N 36T11 STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 ORDER NO: 10-2324 CLIENT NO: N/A RE: MONROE HUGHES FEES: PARTIAL BILLING ADDRESS: 122 36TH ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97478 $200.00 BALANCE DUE $200.00 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS, LET US KNOW IF WE CAN BE OF ANY FURTHER ASSISTANCE. ACCOUNTS NOT PAID WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE DATE OF ORIGINAL INVOICE WILL BE CHARGED INTEREST AT THE RATE OF 1.5% PER MONTH (18% J.J ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE) D1) ~ 'I \ ~\d ~ ~ ~( l\~1 ~ \ .YA'{'\\' ~~~- \\,.CPl \ ~ Date Received: APR 2 3 2010 Original Submittal \ \." "',j \ '\ FR JHI ~II" ""jli\. r 01.,1',\ I " . . 0.) Detaile Written Explanation hf the Proposal to Include: ~. 0 Proje name !Jlue llird Aulo Silles UAll('~(' o Size and location of property 172 feet X 111 feet 1<2 North 36th Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 o Zoning and plan designation of the site and adjacent properties South section is presently zoned for trailers. d f t ks cars, and motorcycles. North section of property is zone or rue , o Proposed use of the development area and scope of proposed development South section (111' x 60'6") zoned for trucks, cars, motorcyles, and trailers. North section remains the same (111' 6' x 111') zoned fortrucks, cars, and motocycles. o Access Access for South section will be from the west through Wheeless Trailer property, and the east off of 36th street. Access for the North section will betwo different entry driveways off of 36th street. o Proposed off-site improvements (i.e. installation of sidewalks, fire hydrants, sewer main. etc.) The only off-site improvement will be converting the driveway west of the Bus Stop to a sidewalk. o Current use of the site and any existing improvements South section is zoned for trailers and existing improvements are: Four-sided six foot fence asphult (100%) . " ,storm draln and sille 01 trailer North section is zoned for repair and sales of trucks, cars, trailers, and motorcycles. The existing improvements are thr0e-sl'(1~,r1 fcnc~ L' L ((, [el't). 1~phalt, storm drain, and building (40' x 80'). . o Special site features (i.e., wetlands, watercourses, steep slopes, etc.); a general statement addreSSing soil type and drainage conditions There is already asphalt and two storm drains whe~ade~~~Qs and trailer will be park0d. APR 2 3 2010 Original Submlttai . . D"Estimated quantities and type of materials involved If any fill or excavation is proposed The excavation will be the removal of the driveway west of the Bus - Stop and replacec by a cement sidewalk. Approximatelyy two yards of cement. o Number, type, and size of any trees to be removed No trees will be removed. o Explanation of any land to be dedicated to the City No land will be dedicated to the city. o Proposed modifications being requ~sted On the South lot we are propsing that we may be able to sell cars, trucks, motorcycles, and trailers, instead of just trailers. o Additional planning applications required for proposed project No additional planning application~ are required. o Justification for proposed MDS exceptions -_!....... . Renter Wheeless Trailers can not afford to pay the full rent has paid per mo per month for years, because his volumn of sales has drastically declined. Blue Bird Auto Sales needs more than seven spaces, because it's used car sells has increased. o Time line extensions being requested At this moment we feel no time .line extensions will be nece'ssary. Date Received: APR 2 3 2010 Original Submittal . '. r- ,.r~t~"~,' '.' .~.\~. , ":"~":";", ..:.,,~ .. .',,"." ~ > . :,:~. ~ ,.' ~ {.~.~: . r ,-' t" ]f , . ~ b N 0'1 ... \;J 6" ~ \P' + .~ '" o .... ~. " "'I~~ _. ~ tI) C::J ~ '" '" (::, ~~C) .... 0) ~ ~ ~V) o~ ~..::-- ~~ l't>K !'r) ~ (::). CS'\' ....c -:0 y. )( '- - (pCO . . 1 :, .~ mAivtT.~ ~ ~ .. ?t,Vrn30!S 0 "1VM;la/s 'J' , :' .'i1:'f}iJSfJIJ. ,. \:'/n:G~~r~,:';:.:,};;:>i~ ~~:j'&.' ,gji,#t!Q;"::} , ~ ~ \' ~~. '? ,A %cJ' . . ~ No. 2""~' l?,. (J) % 11'>. ('II '- OJ' ,~ ~. ~"f. .., \" 0 V\ . ~, ~ '"\~ ~;<"J' ~~.. 't .~"t.~ - '" 9-'f') II _~\l-. ~ ~I' ,.' >> ~I -0) ~ $- ~ b \::>-:-}.. ~ ~ ~ ~~ II ~ or) ~~- ~~ ~ ~ e '.,. ,~ t 0\~~ ~.--W~ \ ..' '\',~ ~ co\~ - _ '1l ( 'I'. In , ;to ~ 1'11// .... ... " , -c .~. &. " .>('" 0"'r: - ",,<T- O> . . <.1' '\ :)', ~ i~ ~~. ~c>o' I!f ~- K~~ "'i-J <~ '- 't. ..... - E)'. ., 'I II ~N l ~lD ----t, ~. ~ o /I> --.......0 ~~ ~ '-C) ~ "":D s:.-,; o ~ -tl - '---' <.f\ ~ '0 -'Q ~x IS 'ill 18 flltA/Jl,('.t1'~ '6,,'0 9'1 1.8. r, .. '"' ..... 1(,' )~ Z-f'--'JIj q}( 18. 0..... erelDNG FcNCE Date Received: APR 2 3 2010 ?< Original Submittal .' .. " . Oregon Theodore R Kulongoski, Governor . Department of Transportation District 5 644 "A" Street Springfield OR 97477 (541) 744-8080 Fax: (541) 726-2579 April 7, 2010 MCKENZIE AUTO SALES ATTN: FRED BUSHER 122 N. 36TH ST. SPRINGFIELD, OR. 97477 Enclosed is an Application to Perform Specified Activity within State Highway Right of Way. THE APPLICATION IS NOT A PERMIT. Please read the application and special provisions, sign the application in the box marked APPLICANT and fill in the date space. Return the application along with any of the items checked below to this office. (X) liability Insurance (see below). (X) Performance bond in the amount specified on form. (form attached) (X ) Signature of local government official (X) Permit requires traffic control. Submit traffic control plan for ODOT approval. A copy of the permit and all attachments (to include ODOT stamped and approved traffic control plans) shall be available at the work area during construction. If liability insurance is required, prior to starting any work on the right-of-way, you will need to provide the Oregon Department of Transportation with an insurance certificate namino the department as additional insured. The Minimum Limits are: BODILY INJURY $ 200,000 PER PERSON, $500,000 EACH OCCURRENCE PROPERTY DAMAGE $ 50,000 EACH OCCURRENCE, OR $500,000 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT, The insurance certificate may be supplied by your contractor. ODOT also requires a 30-day written cancellation notice. Failure to provide insurance is cause to eancel any permit. ~~~ Aaron Ketch Permit Specialist Date Received: APR 2 3 2010 ak c: file Original Submittal -- allI_....--~. APPLICATION AND PERMIT TO OCC OR r PERFORM OPERATIONS UPON A STATE HIGHWAY See Oregon Administrative Rule, Chapter 734. Division 55 CLASS: I KEY# I GENERAL LOCATION PURPOSE OF APPLICATION ITO CONSTRUCT/OPERATE/MAINTAIN) HIGHWAY NAME ANO ROUTE NUMBER D POLE TYPE I MIN. VERT. CLEARANCE MCKENZIE HIGHWAY (126) LINE N1A HIGHWAY NUMBER COUNTY I c1cURIED TYPE 015 20 = LANE CABLE NIA BETWEEN OR NEAR LANDMARKS D PIPE TYPE , LINE 35TH ST. & 36TH ST. NIA HWY. REFERENCE MAP DESIGNATED FREEWAY IN U.S. FOREST NON-COMMERCIAL I FEE AMOUNT AML DYES IZJ NO DYES IZJ NO D SIGN' $0.00 APPLICANT NAME AND ADDRESS IZJ MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS AND/OR FACILITlES AS MCKENZIE AUTO SALES DESCRIBED BELOW FOR ODOT USE ONLY ATTN: FRED BUSHER BOND REQUIRED REFERENCE: AMOUNT OF BOND 122 N. 36TH ST. IZJ YES D NO OAR 734-55 $1,000.00 035(21 SPRINGFIELD, OR. 97477 INSURANCE REQUIRED REFERENCE: SPECIFIED COMPo DATE 541-746-4999 IZJ YES D NO ~::',;34-55 4/01/2011 . . PERMIT NUMBER DETAIL LOCATION OF FACILlTY(For more space attach additional sheets) MILE MILE ENGINEERS ENGINEERS SIDE OF HWY OR DISTANCE FROM BURIED CABLE OR PIPE SPAN POINT TO POINT STATION TO STATION ANGLE OFCROSSING k;ENTER OF PVM R/W LINE DEPTH/VERT. SIZE AND KIND LENGTH 4.03 4.03 151+45 151+65 LEFT VARIES VARIES xxx xxx xxx DESCRIPTION AND lOCATION OF NON-COMMERCIAL SIGNS OR MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS FACILITIES PERMIT IS FOR REMOVAL OF UNPERMITTED APPROACH SPECIAL PROVISIONS (FOR MORE SPACE ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS) TRAFFIC CONTROL REQUIRED - OPEN CUTTING OF PAVED OR SURFACED AREAS ALLOWED? . IZJ YES 10AR 734-55-025(611 D NO . DYES 10AR 734-55-100(2) IZJ NO (OAR 734-55-100(1) . AT LEAST 4B HOURS BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. THE APPLICANT OR HIS CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE AT TELEPHONE NUMBER: 541686- 7626 . OR FAX A COPY OF THIS PAGE TO THE DISTRICT OFFICE AT: NIA SPECIFY TIME AND DATE IN THE SPACE BELOW. . A COpy OF THIS PERMIT AND ALL ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE A V AILABLE AT THE WORK AREA DURING CONSTRUCTION. . ATTENTION: Oregon Law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notific:ation Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-001 -0010 through OAR 952-001-0090. You may obtain copies of the rules bV calling the center at (503) 232-1987. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-332-2344 COMMENTS - OOOT USE ONLY PERMIT & PERMISSION TO REMOVE UNPERMITTED APPROACH AND REPLACE WITH SIDEWALK AND CURB. ALL WORK TO MEET CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND ODOT STANDARDS. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PERMIT. SIDEWALK AND CURB TO MATCH EXISTING. MANHOLE WILL NEED TO BE RAISED TO BE FLUSH WITH SURFACE OF NEW SIDEWALK. IF THE PROPOSED APPLICATION WILL AFFECT THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT, THE APPLICANT SHALL ACQUIRE THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL'S SIGNATURE BEFORE ACQUIRING THE DISTRICT MANAGER'S SIGNATURE. LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL SIGNATURE "1\1"- p.-vpo '" .;, \0<..< "s TITLE I rc-U(.ttv.L"J. ~dv"'" "'-f'p(Ao;::-h.~l... '"0"\ X "--"tt::-c", ..-=--, O<<'-UIC- c"'~ 1"2.. T IC.V\V\ A~PLlCANT SIGNATU E APPLICATION DATE TITLE X When thilllPplication is llpproVed by the Depllrtment, the llPplicant is subject to, ea::epts llnd llpprOVes DISTRICT MANAGER OR RE tho M:rms llnd provisions contained llnd lIttllChed: llrd the terms of Oregon Administnltive Rules, ChlIpter 734, Division 55, which is by this reforence made a part of this permit. APPROVAL DATE X APR ? 3 734-3457(7-06) Original Submittal SPEC'L & GENERAL PROVISIONS. FRED BUSHER MCKENZIE HIGHWAY (015), MP 4.03 . "APPUCANT/PERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE AND UABLE FOR (1) INVESTIGATING PRESENCE/ABSENCE OF ANY LEGALLY PROTECTED OR REGULATED ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE(S) IN THE ACTION AREA; (2) DETERMINING ANY AND ALL RESTRICTIONS OR REQUIREMENTS THAT RELATE TO THE PROPOSED ACTIONS, AND COMPLYING WITH SUCH, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THOSE RELATING TO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL(S), WATER QUAUTY CONSTRAINTS, WETLAND, ARCHEOLOGICAL OR HISTORIC RESOURCE(S), STATE AND FEDERAL THREATENED OR ENDANGERED SPECIES, ETC.; (3) COMPLYING WITH ALL FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL LAWS, REGULATIONS, RULES AND ORDINANCES, WHETHER ENVIRONMENTAL IN NATURE OR OTHER, PERTAINING TO THE PROPOSED ACTION, AND OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED AND NECESSARY PERMITS AND APPROVALS. IF APPUCANT/PERMITTEE IMPACTS A LEGALLY PROTECTED/ REGULATED RESOURCE, APPUCANT/PERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COSTS ASSOCIA TED WITH SUCH IMPACT, INCLUDING, BUT NOT UMITED TO ALL COSTS OF MITIGA TION AND REHABIUTATlON, AND SHALL INDEMNIFY, DEFEND AND HOLD HARMLESS ODOT FOR SUCH IMPACTS AND BE RESPONSIBLE AND UABLE TO ODOT FOR ANY COSTS OR CLAIMS THA T ODOT MA Y HA VE. " NOTHING IN THIS PERMIT IS INTENDED TO GRANT RIGHTS OR IMPL Y APPROVAL NOT FALUNG WITHIN THE AUTHORITY AND JURISDICTION OF ODOT. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPUCANT TO DETERMINE THE NEED FOR AND TO OBTAIN SUCH LICENSES, PERMITS OR OTHER FORM OF APPROVAL WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED BY OTHER STATE AGENCIES, FEDERAL AGENCIES, CITIES AND/OR COUNTIES OF OREGON, UTlUTY OR RAILROADS. OAR 734-055-055. SPECIAL PROVISIONS ALL WORK SHALL BE ACCORDING TO YOUR PLANS & MEET ODOT AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION 2008. GUTTER BAR CUTS SHALL BE FULL DEPTH CUTS. JOINTS SHALL BE PINNED TO NEW SIDEWALK AND CURB PER ODOT STANDARDS. ALL JOINTS/CUTS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED, (ODOT QUALIFIED PRODUCTS LIST), MODIFIED POLYMER ASHPAL T SEALANT. (CRACK SEALANT). RAMPS AND SIDEWALKS TO BE CONSTRUCTED/REPAIRED IN FULL PANEL SECTIONS (SEAM TO SEAM) AND MEET ODOT AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD STANDARDS. IF PANEL IS PARTIALLY REMOVED, CRACKED OR DAMAGED IN ANY WAY, PANEL IS TO BE COMPLETelY RE,MOVED PRIOR TO REPLACEMENT. SIDEWALK TO BE CONSTRUCTED/REPAIRED AS PER OREGON STANDARD DRAWING RD720. 4 INCH MINIMUM AGGREGATE BASE REQUIRED. RAMP TO BE CONSTRUCTED/REPAIRED AS PER OREGON STANDARD DRAWING RDn5. 4 INCH MINIMUM AGGREGATE BASE REQUIRED. IF CONSTRUCTION DOES NOT ADHERE OREGON STANDARD DRAWINGS, DRAWINGS MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR ODOT APPROVAL. APPROVED PLANS WILL BE SIGNED BY AN ODOT REPRESENTATIVE. ANY CHANGES TO PLANS ARE TO BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. " " . . I!.. A:'G.., BL"'-. ~-- ~~\ . ~1iil'" '" ,4~~ Everg' 'reen ldr\d TltIe compaflV TITLE INSURANCE SERVICES. ESCROW CLOSINGS 1651 Centennial Blvd. . Springfield, OR 97477 P.O. Box 931 . Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: 541.741.1981 Fax: 541.741.0619 625 Country Club Rd . Eugene, OR 97401 P.O. Box 10211 . Eugene. OR 97440 Phone: 541.687.9794 Fax: 541.687.0924 April 06, 2010 Order No. 10-2324 Fred Bucher 122 N 36th Street Springfield, OR 97478 Attn: e-mail: PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT Partial Billing Additional Chain TOTAL , $200.00 $200.00 We are prepared to issue on request and on recording of the appropriate documents, a policy or policies as applied for, with coverage's as indicated, based on this preliminary report. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEE EXHIBIT."A" ATTACHED HERETO MONROE HUGHES Showing fee simple title as of March 31,2010, at 8:00 a.m., vested in: Subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to the terms, conditions and exceptions contained in the policy form. No liability is assumed until a full premium has been paid. Order No.: 10-2324 Page 1 of 4 Date Received: APR 2 3 2010 Original Submittal ;. . SCHEDULE B . GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority'that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2. Facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the public records; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments or other facts which a correct survey would disclose. 5. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, material, equipment rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. . CURRENT EXCEPTIONS, 6. Taxes, Map No. 17-02-31-42-04100, Code 19-00, Account No. 0123206, as follows: 2009-2010, a lien in the amount of $2,692.14, plus interest is unpaid. 2008-2009, a lien in the amount of $2,647.42, plus interest is unpaid. 7. Easement, granted to the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, in Lane County, Oregon., including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded March 14, 1963, Reception No. 3044, Lane County Oregon Records. 8. Highway Construction Permit, including the terms and provisions thereof, between the State of Oregon, by and through its Oregon State Highway Commission, and the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, by instrument Recorded July 27, 1966, Reception No. 55634, Lane County Oregon Records. 9. Improvement Agreements with the City of Springfield, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instruments Recorded November 29,1977, Reception Nos. 77-76064 and 77-76065, Lane County Oregon Records. 10. Deed of Trust, including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by Monroe Hughes and Sandra L. Hughes, husband and wife, as Grantor(s), to Merwin C. Logan, as Trustee, for the benefit of Monte Cooper, as Beneficiary, Dated October 10, 1995, Recorded October 25, 1995, Reception No. 95-60759, Official Records of Lane County Oregon, given to secure payment of a Note for $20,052.63. 11. Unrecorded Lease, including the terms and provisions thereof, between Monroe Hughes, Lessor, and J R Zukin Corporation, d.b.a. Meadow Outdoor Advertising, a California corporation, Lessee, as disclosed by Memorandum of Lease Recorded September 23, 2008, Reception No. 2008-053471, Lane County Oregon Records. 12. Judgment against Monroe Hughes dba McKenzie Auto, in favor of Bill Becker, entered July 11, 2003, Lane County Circuit Court Case No. 16-03-12612, in the amount of $2,246.00 Judgment Costs and Court Costs. NOTE: Taxes, Map No. 17-02-31-42-04100, Account No. 1835667,2009-2010, $245.05, paid in full. NOTE: Affects leasehold interest of Meadow Outdoor Advertising. Date Received: Order No.: 10-2324 Page 2 of 4 APR 2 3 2010 Original submittal " ~ . . NOTE: The address of the property to be insured herein is: 122 36th Street, Springfield, OR 97 4 78. NOTE: As of March 31, 2010, there are no liens for the City of Springfield. INFORMATIONAL NOTE: Evergreen Land Title Company finds unpaid personal property taxes assessed to McKenzie Auto Service, Inc. associated with this Tax Lot No. as follows: Taxes, Account No. 5263148, as follows: 2002-2003, a lien in the amount of $406.59, plus interest is unpaid. 2001-2002, a lien in the original amount of $561.98, of which $17.91, plus interest is unpaid. NOTE: These are NOT a lien on the real property. INFORMATIONAL NOTE: EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY FINDS NO NOTICE OF RESCISSION RECORDED IN THE LAST 24 MONTHS. INFORMATIONAL NOTE: The current vesting deed and all changes back to the deed which vests ownership 24 months ago are as follows: BARGAIN AND SALE DEED RECORDED JUNE 24,2005, FROM MONTE O. COOPER, TO MONROE HUGHES, RECEPTION NO. 2005-046227. Very truly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFFICE By: t wJ/-<- Jeffrey K. Walker Advisory Title Officer cc: N/A NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PAID. IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CANCELLED, A MINIMUM CANCELLATION FEE OF $200.00 WILL BE CHARGED. Date Received: Order No.: 10-2324 Page 3 of 4 APR 2 3 2010 Original Submittal ., '-, . . EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Beginning at a point 1489.24 feet South 0 0 33' West from a point on the South line of the Lucinda Comegy's Donation Land Claim No. 81, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, 1006.3 feet East of the Southwest corner thereof; and run thence South 0 0 33' West 191 feet to the Northerly right-of-way line of the McKenzie Highway; thence North 89 0 44' West along said Northerly right-of-way line 107 feet; thence North 0 0 33' East to a point 107 feet South 89 0 31' West of the Point of Beginning; thence North 89 0 31' East 107 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion conveyed to the State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway Commission, by Warranty Deed Recorded August 10,1966, Reception No. 57177, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: APR 2 3 2010 Order No.: 10-2324 Page 4 of 4 Original Submittal THIS MAP IS TO ASSIST 4300 " , LOCATING PROPERTY , . E COMPANY ASSUMES NO ABILITY FOR INACCURACIES (: ~ \01.0' 1\ N COURTESY OF 4201 W+E , EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CO. . . S 741-1981 " , . 107.0' ;,,; , 4202 , ~ . . .. , l <ri 10'.0' , 4200 , ~ . . 0 , . N./19~.3I'E. " . 4100 * ~ I \~ 101" TH U . . McKENZIE F 7'T'TTT'7 195:37' --- ~-' " I~ dN'-_' 5001 n7TTT 'TT"T"f'TT 'T'7"TT'T7 195".37' 'fJ.~BS; ~ 122.' J.>' ","' "'" 4701 4902 4801 ,0 .5006 , ~ ' , ~ . " , . ~ , , ~ -' , , ~ (), ,...,.' 1::1"\1"") , . < " ~ 2 ~ I,. S89'44'EIll.6S' 1 L..:..- I a~'H': IP. ....: 'c! r- I '" 1 S.4102S@.....~ '<> OQ \..,O.1ZAC. ""R;\w)o~ " If',.,..,. I ~~ ~CL~(lF1T ~\Q) :.0 ~ UJ i ~ S 89'~~'39'" '" ...... , . 902'~'" '" e ~... ~ 1",80.11" AC. ~(j;j{!?8. ~ " : t P~~oF2~"lb "':i 4.BO' I S69;,it;?l" SIfYOH'E 4 r- - -M:!t7" N8Q"44'IJ ~","6' 4.17'4,52' 50,QO' 1000 0.17 AC. ~ ...;'l co ~ g 112 ~ ::. ~ ~ <: :." ~ ~ If]. 48 b- fg ~ ~ g~ "- /; 02- 3800 loyt. (.-4 , g 1~ 2900 , " .. ~t 13"""..:;A' /2.9.64f' , 2800 , 3900 ~ ~ . " ~---- -- G~~ '::t9....,. 1>1.&9.3".. /1'7' k------ 4001 ~ 2700 2 ;" ~ ""e.",r 1;Z.9.~; .' ~ ~" " , . 2600 '. ~... ~- - -- /'/7' C ,'1/#9''',;'/$ , " 4000 -:- 2500 Q <i Q ." ~ ~ ci ~ ~ , 2501 0 ti ~ '- ::- ':t.f.7/ ->. r \~4',...4' -J r ;/~,~B" ,//1,;/" , . , . 2300 , ... ~-(iil.le!') - 1300 ;14,#" ~I I ,\ 115.11' 2401 ';, ~ ~ II~.I\' ,..,aq~45'ZI>'''' ~&Y41'?O"E. ":P'<, 111.4<..' . ~ 1203 1 ~ 0,15 AC. . ",- 'k\'" ~9;~51. I I " 2402 I' L IIS.II' I, 2~~;~'20'W I 3 I 1,'>.11 H.ep..4';,'20"W ~_<;.B' 1-iliQQ) -. I ~~7J;"2405 j ~ 0.27 AC. .. 01 ::r:~ L-~NI .- I 2406 1'-"', 0.27 AC ...... ~I ~ ,) , .. , .'i!' 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Case#. . . . .. 160312612 Lane County Circuit Court Becker Bill/Hughes Monroe Civil Transcriptive Jgm EV 4/05/10 Status Closed 2:29 P INAC 1 Judgment Transcript Docket Entry Date... Judgment Date....... Judgment........... . Jgm Court Costs..... 7/11/03 4/11/03 $2,100.00 $146.00 Judgment Status... . Docket Entry Time. .. Volume/Page..... .... PTY JGMT ROLE 1 Plaintiff PLAINTIFF BECKER BILL ROLE Creditor JUDGMENT STATUS Unsatisfied PTY JGMT ROLE 1 Defendant 1 Doing Busi DEFENDANT HUGHES MONROE MCKENZIE AUTO ROLE Debtor JUDGMENT STATUS Unsatisfied EVT ENTER DT 1 7/10/03 FILE DT____EVENT/FILING/PROCEEDING 7/10/03 Transcript of Judgment SCD DT TIME ******** END OF DATA ******** Date Received: APR 2 3 2010 Original Submittal .r ".:._'J. "":1: ., :..{!{~._..:;--..: ...."'-;.. '.1-. i;' .1..... '-,"" .,,.' ,'. ."~ '\ b- I~ 1nr' - f( ~ ~~~i " '. . .. '" .\~ \" o~~ 0 Q, ~' '1 tJ'~ '" ':::l- ~.\ \rJ . . ~ it ~ '- 'i ~K ~ I! Jj~J ;;r ('\ " \ ;i ~r:o "':":::';--' ~~ ~ II ,., G ~ <c, ~3' -~1i '" ,'-.[0. . ~~ ." . ' . . ~ .' , ." .~}; .. ',.-. ..,,": :"i:' , .... ,.);,:' OS'l '.j~ v - 6 Z 5 8 9 ,9-H.HV\l Date Received: APR 2 32010 . ',~ Original Submittal ""';! . . " ,. ./ ,".". , . ':",.;' :'>:,,0.:.1\/',' . '~,>:.:;,;;,'." . (~;,:;iE~i ",'c_ ,,~ "'\":; ::.:/i;:.~J::::': --,"h,'.i." . .'~.'" . ., <;'-:".~; ..':' .,~ "../: ',Y" '.".";.~!. " ,'.'''~ ' ,-.; ~'. :h , -~'I' .. ~. I:' "", ...."'".." ":"':.M;:; .. ',...;; .;' . . ;.::.:'~~:; ".:, .,- .,,:' ,'",'r <.:;,.'; ','" ":,:, ":::.! ;i ',. " , '. 7~~l . ',' ,~ . ~':..:; , '.:,. i II ". " ,I !! NOTE' Tho T,u", Dud Atl pro.,d.. Ihel Ih. r,uII.. 1I.,.und., "'Y,I b. III~., .." cllornoy; who "Ii an ..,II". .".mb.,' ,':t~. Or.a~';:$lor.'l!a;.' a b,,"k,.'~.:' 1...1ll i~mllgn~ 0' .a~lng. 'Dnd loan ci,,'o(/Gthin' aul"o,lz.d 10 d~ bu.I",,, ~nd., lh. lawl ,,' Or.gon or Ih. Unlf.d SIGI.;, CI.tlll. Inn'CIMII ~o",panl"o~th~.".: :l~:~, .~,=:.~~~ ~~\\d.':~O'~'s"~;~~~~'~)',:16~~~~~\::.; \1, ",b',hll"!',,, a"l\~al..,.ai.nh ar b~nn<...."lh.. Un!'~d $I_~.l~! ~r ~~~,?D~nly"I~"~o', ._0.' ~;," '~1U0~.:. '.TRUST: DEED., .. Ii r .,; \1.........,.................."." i' . 'I :1 " Q,.n,.. I~"CI ~UUlVlo' :.. :~l?'1II,.: ':,' ., nICollltlllll'IIIII' ...:::~I.Qn.t'"Q,~,Q.~9P.P.r..:,:":,:.,,..:..::::....:..,....:::.:.......:..:."" .,....II,Q,Q..N.:,,:1..nQ..~,\r.~,'L...,:'..':"m':':..:....,,:..,:.me"~ ....;.~bldOl~J19.~g,..9..n.......nu~.:..: ...~....:~.....;..:;.;.....~, ',,'.' ", "'.' .'..,,':.:. ...... 1...11.10...... II I" Ah.........I.i t.J.,n ,. INo",~, A~~,.'" %Iph II I, I. ,I, " ',' ,,' '. . ..::::Jy[:W;:~:tt~:i~~:~i::<'::::::::::.::::::.:~~::::~~<:~::~::i;:::: ...."SPr.lngriald...,QR,.,,,U7,47.7....:,,..,,.,,m,,..,,.,,..,,....: ....-----.--- - ,,-.-...-.....--....----..- n' , .--~_..- ......_._~- '_._-~. ..._~- - -_._-"._---,._.~ . . .,; .....--..-..--.- :!'. , . , . ,. '. . .,-----.. '. . :~",:".::c' '...,. ,\ ".,. .. ~d. . . ,'iR:~;..~'::: '. ' .'" .':. . .' ...... ....;..9~f)075.9:. ......,> ..',.' ....... ....,.:)i::..i.';i~;~i~}t;}~i';t;t'~i~(;~ ~~hic1r. lIr~(jn "x<;e~"ol.tha 11IJ~lWn{ ni.qUfred'to P!lY,.Il~tI$R'o~tJbl" C.OIIf~,'up"n!"".lI,!d.tJt~O!n"y'." ~"~,, nt!Ceu~rlly:p.ajd,ol.lnooriod bY_llrantd;.,':':,;~ In !uch'proc""dln~".'"hall be.plI/d to benal/dluy find llpp/lt>d by:,t Iltst,upeJlllIllY; r"uonllble ccut"'lnd upellSt!s"6.nd:attorntiy'iJ [iJlIs'.lioth'".'; ~ ;n'thlt trla/'arid iippollll/II court;, ni>'c;eullrily paid Or incurred. by bom,lJeillry in such proeti"dinlls, 'IInd tilt. balance' t.pp/It.d cipoii,th,j'Hid~b'(lId_ :'i,;:, :~: ?;':~~~:ri: ":~~~~~;~~J!;;~~~~;~~#~;.t:; :.~~:~s ;;'~;l;:i~~::";:_~:~~~:.~ ,~5~~~:~!~~!}f~~'~~f~ :'._"i:~~~I.:; ~~,~.~.:..~~:~~~~t~;{~;:~~;~1,~.~:',~f~~i;ff~,;tt~}; " _ .:. 9. "At nny t'm.. lInd [rom lim.. IO'f,m..'upcm'wrlf!..n ~..q,!....1 01 b",!ofIC'tl~y, pllytnll!'t,c(!t".l....".tlnd,pr.."'nt..tion.o/'thl..d..~d.llrrd.:"~ ".:tho 1I0to lor ondouomont (in CtIS.. 01 fulfroconveyan<f"..'lor Ctln~l1tlllf!!,),_w;thout'..~f"cl/ni1 ~ho liability ol.tJllYPOf$On./or,tho'Pllym;,itt 01,'.:" ,::Iho ;ndoblodnau;'lruste/l may (a) coment'to' ./ho' making of'~n~:m(Jp or plat.ol.tho"p'roptJt/y; (b):ioln';n' ~rllntit;1! Imy'04stimMt or ac,"Qt-':';';(<: . ,-ing ,any rostriction th"rtJOn~'. (c) 'joln In'tJny 5Ubardlnlltion:Or. o~h..r.."llt~""m..nt'lIf~..ctin"lhi":.'do"d:'or/tho,J1on,o"'_ ehiirl.~thoioaf;'.'(a)H;:; "reconvoy. wi/hout lVl>rrllnty,'all,or IIny Pllfl'ol Ih,,'proPtJrlY.' Th"'l2ranle" in ..rry:roconvoyllncO 'may' be<,d,,"icriliMJ tIS'Ih"..'~.'p..non' or "Per.on,'.,';.': lotiillJy Otitlllrn1'IIt~rol(J:'" 0,,,1: lito' ;,,;;;1;'1,: Ih;';'o/n '0'/ ,allY 'ml1li..r3',or :lllcti",litill;b-.. -conclu./v,,; Ptoo/~ 01 :11l"ti;ttuthlulriii..~thoieoC Triiile;,'i';1.~ .I"e,. ~cir. ."ny. o/,tho:wrvice,'menlioned In Ih,.. pnr~l:r..ph:.~al.!'bti.nOI I..n th~n'$~:"'^!:'_':'..-~-'~''".~:.~'-.,',. ;,: ~i( :'::::::,';"r\<: ;):'~>~::;;,!4\!:)~':?'Y,;;) . :_1~. Upon IIny dofault by Aranlor hMound..r, '/)dneltc'tlry m:'!y lit llny 11m.. without nol..;..;../thel' 111 pttf.on, by,tttont (>r'by.tI roenlVor,'~-, 10 b<l. appoint"d by t1!eourl, '..nd .wilhoul'r../tard.lo Ih.. tld..qU:tJcy.ol ..ny,security'/or..thtl.lnde~tC:lne"'h..r..bY "cured, ..nlor<upon'i1nd.tD.k';;'!'~ pcuttl5/on of' the prop..rly or'any pnrl:ther"o/,'in it~'own namo ru...cr olh..nv!.,,'coll..ct.lh..'r..nl,,'/uue.:lInd prolifs,:incluCJinA.thou"past.1.';. ._: "~'., '.' au....llm/'unpeld,'llnd.lIpply th.. 'sam.., 'Iess eOllI. ..nd,'..rpon~"ot'optJrtJl1on;and:col1ection;.in<;ludlnrl reuonllble:lllttlrn"'Y'.'ton':lipoil'snyt~" . '~:~.:" '." indobt..dncu .ccured. h"r..by..enatin .uch oraer 1l1'b<lnollcinfY.mllY,a..l..m;in,,-.->,. ::<~::,.~...: "":":.':'. '-."~,,:: ';'.'>', ,';;'.'!.:.,,:,.. f~:, ;':f>:">' ;~'~'.:5:.;'; . .' H. The ~mttl,inA upon Ilna tllklnA possu.lan of,the.prop..rly, the colltJCtlon 01 .uch r"nt" 115UU tJrtd'profit" or'llI" prec..id"ol'ft're '.,., . and oth..r insurl!nc..'poUel"" or compttn.l!t{on or a"'"ra" for any.laking or .d"fflllrl" ot th..'proPtJrly, "nd'th.. opPUCJllion or ~el0eS"'lhar..ot U,I: "', ~/oro'lIla, sh,,/! nOI' "uro 'Ilr. Wlli".. any d..lnull o~ nolic..' o/,du/llull .~..rtJu'!r!..r 0': ~f!vtlJidsl..: .any 'IlC~'~'?!l',,:'pufSUa(ll.to' such:notice.;' :;.: . ~'I' ::, .: , '" 12. Upon delllult by t/ranlor in ptlym"nt 01 tiny Indttblodn"ss ",curea horttby or /tIeranlor I porlormat1C8 of.llny ""ftS"~nt hMeund..r, limo;, ~ -.'boiIlA 01 th.. u.onC<'l wJth raspact ta'roch paymttlll tlnd/or porlormqnC<'l, th.. ben..fieiary mllY declor"'1I11 sum; .eaued.I,"r..by imm;'dltlt../y,,'~ : duo and'par..blo. "In such qll Ilvent tha benttflclnry may e/..ct'lo proeaod 10 lorec1018;thi,'tro'l do..d in...quity II! tJ mQrtt..t/.. Or dlr..ct.the~'. <.:: ,truiteft to bu"cln3" this trUSI alllld. by IIdvertisement 'and Sill.., 'or may direct: Ih... ttu!ttJ.. 10 piuiuti sny' otlle, rlt/h( or :t'tlm'..ay;' oithttr Ilt l:' ~: IIIII' or in ..quity,wh/ch'Ihe b..n..lld..~y:m"Y'h..v... In th.. ovonl tho ~nallciary'../ttcb.to 10rtJclo",,'by.1.avttrtl.emont'.tld ,sl.."th.. be;'.._: ...., - lIcf.lIry or tho 'tfU~t~" shaJ/ u..cut.. and ciruse to b.. rtJcordocl,q wrltton notice 0/ d"lault .nd olection 10 sol1lh.. prop~rty 10 ,qti.ly tho ob1iA.':":'~ . " lion .JocUr"d httr"by wh"r,;upon Ih" truslc" shall 11" th.. 11m.. lInd pl"ci, '01 ,1I1.;o,iv.. nolle<t"lh..rrtol '....-then, required: by' IlIw. and 'pie>ceeCJ c: . to ff!rttc{oso Ihi. Ir.ulf d"ad.in th...malln~r providea in ,!RS 85.73S /086.795. '~. ': " ,: .: "." /;' ;'.~: .(".~-:/ ,..... ", . :.' >~.,. ,:.::\~;:....,,~.; ";'/:';:.. ., 13. Allor Iho tfu.t..a:hu.commem:ad lor..c/osur" by qdverl'18~nt.tlnd 181.., and.t any,t'm.. pflor,to.S.allyJ.botor...lh,,'dlll.. th..' ., trusfo.. {;onduch' Iha'sa/e, thll 'Arllntor'or 'any'other.'per,on 'so.ptivilfl~ed,by ORS'85.753, mtiy cUr...the de/oult'o; d../eull!. 'It tlle'iJdault:-:' .. ,,"'. . com;Ila 0/ tJ tailure to' pay, when duo, lum! $Ocur..d'by"th6' trult dud, tha dttlau/t may,&" cured. by paylnt Ih" en/ire'amount 'duo 'nt'tj,tJ' ~~ time 0/ 'th.. "cur.. oth"r.lhlln such '"ortlon'.s would not th..n ba aue had no 'd"~lIul/.OcCtlrrrta. Any~..th..r'a..la'u/t.fhet :ii capabl.. o/:be;n,>' curod mtty.b".curoa by,t..ndttr/ng the pttrlorm.ne<t:rttquir"d.una..r.tl,.. obliiJllt/on or tru,t d"d. In' llny Cll'';, 'In ttddllioll!to'cuflnt/ the'd...<,;;, tllult or. defau/h, Ih.. p..raon...lIllcting'"fh.., cui. ,hal/ p"y .to,Ih..,ben..t;c1llry:all;c05ts'andc'up..n~, ac/uulJy"incurrea ,in:..n/orclnt!,'.;. Ih" obl/Antlon ot ~he' trust deed'lagath.i 'with trusle..', and:c,ttotnay', Itt"s not a"ceed;ng Ih.. ..mounts'providttd'by)"",;,:',:' ....~_, ", ,/::::. ~:..: < . 14. Olhttrwl,o,'th,,-'..I.....hllll,bo.httld.on:the aalo nnd at Ihe'tlm.. and plttc'l'defittUllttd in'.the'n..tlCtJ Q/'ul..,or;tha.tlmo'lo.whj"h'.'.:.: Iho '''/0 mllY bil pOllponad II. provld..d by ItJw, Thtt fruSle.. m..y ",/I th.. property ollh..r in ono parC<'l1 or III up..rllto pi"cttl, and shall ~/("; Iho plltcol or PlltCtJl. Ilt Ilucl,on to th.. hiiJhul blaaer tor <:::lsh. ptJyablo al tI,,, limo of ulll. TfUJI..c ,hall dal,v..r 10 Ihe purCha~llr ,Is d....d 1-..,' . In lorm ns r..qulrcd by law cotll'..yme Iha proptJflY '0 sold, bul w,lhout any """"nIlnl or w.rranly, tJ"pr"ss Ot impll..d ThIJ r..",tab m tho' ,',' 'k. "" _, 'dtt..d',,1 any malt..r. of tact ,h..1I bo c"nc1u"",, prool 01 tha Irulhllllncu/hor..ol Any PtJrsQn, ..n/urf.mt th.. Iru.t~, but inC!,ualn( th... l-r.,-~::::::'[i~; ,g~~nl~rS."~h~~n~~;~::'J':l~y :u~:~:~st" 1:1 /taa ;~::~r~ '~ro~;ded.hetein, 'tr~;I"~ 'sh~1Io~~iy ih~ 'p;~e;d":~1 ,';;e'lo' ;,~yi;,;;;i'~I'(i'J:;;':';"'~~:::;~'I!<~,:",:'f,:,.p,: i' :~nso. ot .q/ll" includ~'ng'lho comptJn~"I;on ortl,~ .lru.llSo ..nd.a'rall.on"b!o chllrt/.. by,tru'I~"" ~ttf!ftI0Y, (:1) to Ih~ oblit1lion '..cur..~.~yy'~ ~.'.:<::::'.'j:'j~ Iho IrUl1 dc..a;(3).to..1I pOliO"" havtnA. Tocornttd /...ns ,ubs~quenl 10 thel!,lttro.t of Iho.fTUJt",! /n.th~ ttus.~.d..ed 1l..,lh"lr. inl..r...I'. mar:,.."" I,.,...<;:,,-,;.>i~ ~ ...ppur in Ih,,'ordllr o/lh..ir,plio,;ty "nd (4) thtJ .urp!u., i/lIny; 10'lllc iJrlJntor'or 10'anY'1lI1CC8UOr in int..r,,"t'..ntltled.to Juch'!$urp/u..: '.\< ~::...'.'(.."',,^,. ,':: 16.' Bono/ici"ry,moy lrom limo 10 lim.. ,ppoint:tJ suecossor or:wcc..S!or..to:llny trU~tea:nnmod:'h..rcin or,Io'lIl1y~sueCII';'or: ffU'te..:..':>, :.,-.,":Z~'{".:::l.: .lIppointod hefe'wdllr. Upon ,uch appoinlment, and wUhaut.conveyqnc.. to tho IUCCOUor lrust...., th..:latt..r:,hall b..,vIJ.tad.wlll,....lI'tltl.....'~! I ;:---":'F.'::.: power. llnd dut/a. conl..rred upon any Iru.leo h..rein nll/n..d'or appo/nled'htireundllr.:.Esi:.h::.uch:'8ppO/ntm~nt..ttntl:subst1tutJon'ihall bo~!/ ':<:~"::"i'~.,.'r,-f I .m..att by ~ri~lttn imtrumonl ..tecUloa. by bon"Uc,'''ry; whichi,w.hdtl recoraed i!" th.. mort411tl" f.ttcf!td!, 01 ~h.;, CO~?ty:..~r ~~'n.t!~" .1n."!Nc.h:th.(:~~ ,,:,l".-' ..~,/r' , properly.u "'Iflated. .h..U b" conc/ullV" pruof 01 prop"r tJppomtmont ol.lh.. lucceS!or trultu. .",r. ,." ',' . '. ,..., ".' .':.' ; ...~~>.,,'.,/.":,.. _ ..: ' '11. Trust;'.. ace"pts IMs trust when thi, d"oa, duly.cucutod.and lI"kno~/..dg..a, is made a pubUc ',..cord.G. pro"vided by 1~'w.;Tr';lt.;ti:.: " i~ not nbl1l1ated 10 notlly any party h"relo 01 p"nain/J IlI/O under an~ olher.dccd o/.tros.t or 0./ anY'lIdlon or'proCllfld/ntl In'whir;h',rantor:,;;, - .: btlncficlary or tru.fttO !hall ba II' parly UIII..U'IIUCh a'ction',or preet/odlnll i. btouJhI by: truslo,,-. ,:;:';"".; ~ ;...:. :'.- .: .", ",,,<;.(',,:';':.-i ~;..~:~~6 . : ,:: . Thll /lr.nlor cov"nllnt, and "Arcos to "nd wilh the benaficJRry'ana Ih" Nnollcillry'. SllcCtJuar:in Jnt..re.t'that th" tr,tn'tor./s:/..wfully :.:',,/zeCi in Ic.. simp!c'ol Ihll ro,,1 pfoperty IInd hll. a.velid, uMnCtlmberoa,til!tt' th..t.tito';.;: . .' :';__':".<' .;:. ......:-> '.>~>:;:'.c~.':':,;;:;>,;,,'I' ',1 ~;, '.. ..... .. , ',,' ,,~" .' '. "'~ ,.. .' 'r.' ,-.... ";-::~ 'f, '!:~i .':;:':::':':~~' ...;.:,i.r.....:<.> . ,n.,: :;_ . '-~: ' .'.." :'<..,t}:~., ",,:,'., '~,:. .' ::;~:'i\: ~ ,., . .,....,. :', :,', .. ,~~ ~,~ ': \: :';j~;::~, ','" '."';:.;;', "'/'" it."';' '.. " - "-~-""-~--'-' ';" .:~:n.".:.::.::;.';,.i' '. ,_ - ~'!r.~'.I,'~:.~'<.":,: "J,.-',", ., ":2"'~ ';.-/-:P~~"t~'.'~, ,;}., ,." '<~:':",,".\' '~"c' .:-;;~/: '.,,' ';':;<7.-"'"'-"""'" ,<.:- ~>: .;", ...',,'- .-. ~,':1 .,[".1 ..-s. ;~';F. '.'ir;' ',;i::"i ,,:,::..;, ,. 'r:Z' ":"-'J'::'.,., ':,C\'. . ..;;:." '1". '.... ,~. . .,' , ' . .' . I '~~d ~i,dl th,,'tirll',,'lor will wa;~~nt '"n~ l~rIJ~..r d~l.nd Ih~ sam.. ot/llin"t a/l patlon. ;;';om;".,v..r. , . ".:;.- ,,~ .~ II ~ '.:.'.' Th" 1l"'fItor Wllrrllnts tlllit Ih...procoad.'ol lh",lol!n teproJtlt1t"d by th.. abov..-do,eribad nol.. IInd thflinut d~od."r..:' I ..':. ;(a)O pr/mllfily lor #1r."lor', Parsonlll, family orhexn..hold purpo"' (Ill.. ImpofltJnl NotIce below);..,....,: . ':: J'" ': : '~(b) lor "n or/ltJoizalion; or (tJveri II /lrllntor i, n naluttll p""on) II',.. lor buslneu,iu.comm..rc1al pur~' .: ..', "', . < ^. . ,," , .' _ .... .:' Thl. deod uppl/o. 10 Inu~ol to tho ben~fil 01 ~'na bltiif..../I pallltt,'horeto.:their holr.;'I~#1alei.r, dev{."""I:"~d;"'/~;;;rj,lo;;,-'..~oci;t;'~;'.;' porsontll r"pr..senlatlva!. n1~ceuo,. and IISsilln.. The'tum bttn..lle,'"ry Ihllll mtton th....haldttr a~d own..':, /ncludi.nl1 p/"dtc..~ 01 Ih.. C{)nlr"ct, "":',.' 1 locuredh..r..by....lI..lherorFlOtll.moda'aben../icfaryhor..ill......' " ,", '.' ;:" :.'.:.:.,....,.-., ", ":',',,:-''-''':'.:;.'';..",q " 1 '... ./n coml,uinA. this marl,:".!.., {I:i. u'nd..r.iOad Ihat.lh'o m;';rtta~or '''1 ~;"tJlaAOtJ' m~y be' mOle than one petion;' ii,;.,:it 'ttli:cJnttillt:'O':i-':1 I .. feqlllru, tho sinRulo;' .h'all be loken,lo mean ana inc/udo Ih" plufol, IInd Ihllt gen..rally 111/ trammad",,1 chanll'" ,hnll b., mad... tluum..d'Ond" C',' I"'pli..d to mak.. Ih.. provi,,'onl "er"ol tJpply oqu...lly'to corporqllonl IInd to individual,. ." :. ," :'.,~ . ' ~.'," . " ,... _ :' ,.'::. ";',~. ,,'. :':'. ; i'. _' : Ili, - . IN WITNESS WHER.EOF, tl1~ Art.l,,:tor lUlU execu/ed thIS Instrument t:~Ym:.nd~i 'j'''!:;;tilt'~:' ;: ~TANTNOTJCE'O.I.II,by Hnlnll..ul.whl(h.....' w.."only (oJ or Ib) I. ~~10'"OC~~~''' ........._.:....,::....::..: .' t nOloppU,..bl.llfwa,,,,nlY("II,oppU'ablaondlk.bu.flc1otyl.ou.direr ..' . ^ , I: al lu.h wetd II d.Unld In .hl T,ulh.ln.tlndlnll A., ond hgulallan Z. th.'~ .... '. . .... ... :....... ... ......,.... .......... ~ blnlfl<!ary MUST 'amply wllh lh. A<' and hllulatlon by maklno r.q"lrod Sandra L. Hughes _ "_" " , [I ~,I:~~;;,:'~,:'~:~i'J:';;:~. ':;;i;;~~~~t~~~~:~;'~;;;:;;lid~~~E~L=;:~>..:.::~)b~:,;;;iYt; . II . :~~~:j;!E;;;:;f~;J~!iE!2i~E~1&~~a~~~", I ." .I! :! ':1 ., ii' . ,UOUEST 'OR.FU~lIECO~.ViYANC8.ITo, b..ul~~"on!y.wk:~~..gblia~i!~'~.~'.~~~.~:I.o~~. ~(~.J..... :~:.-' . . ." t:~ ;"::~' ':".: " II TO: ..:.....................:..:........L..;........:...:.....:...:....:L~:'............:....::.:,:...., T;:~lle.. .i:''- - '.7" "., ',' ,', ".'~ " ',:".:, ~ '. , ". ,~, ,;'; ',; ,:'~:' ..:... :;~..:.' .l.:; ~r:...., .',.' :..: 'II .' Tl,c ulldllrlliJn~ Is Ihe'l..ta1"..,vllor 'imd Ilo/der 01 IIl1lndabt..dn,,~j 1~~f6d by'th..'J~~et/olnt/ in;" d~;';;,~AI/ .u~" ;a~ur..'d by' ill~' t;u'll .,' ~ dc"d bllve heM /ully pnlrJ ;rnd Illl/dl..d. Vou herttby ar.. d/rtlctod;on p~}'mant to,}'ou'of IIny,..,ml owlnl1 to )'ou'unil..r.lha l..rm..of.fhlJ' ~f:' tlUot dud or punullnt 10 Itllful.., 10 uncolaU ovldenca. nl Ind..bladnell ucurod by.th. tnllf,d...a'(lvhlch'.r.. d..lIv..rttd 10 )'ou,h"r..wll11; ,., .1,,'1 10~0~1~~r..\.v!lh.~IJ" ~t,!GI.d~~d) tJnd to reconvoy, wllhout ...arr..nlY"f~ t.~l.~ pnrt!u d~~llIn~tl~ .~r t~'! !.~rm..?! f.~~ 1!~!,f,d,,"d.I~_.. ~..~~to'.f!~~u:'/< l,a:d .bY,~oU un~~r th.. ..an.l~; Mall. re'coil~..yon~.. ~.~. ~~~mallf~, ~l!. .:. ...................... ..::::~.:::.::~:;:::..;::.::.:::':..,~..;~,.;~.:..:,::f.>'~;::~:::~.:p~:~~:.~~.~..: :/ .~:~ef::. ttr .d..;~~.~..,~.;;.~:~~;!.~~~~ o;';:~'~:6;~'l,~:i:~";/;~:~:~~',,:;;"".' ... ,." .'. ....;~' ~ ..:.:T.~....:......,:.:......:...:.::,.:...-:.:..." ...._:~:.p:...R...."..:;:~.~,...::;:.i :1 balh mU.II b. tl.Uv.l.d 10 IhllrYlfu f..r canc.lIallen b.re..: :. ,: -.' :,,>:.. F ..............:..:...:......:............:..: J!:\ 1 3 010" :1 r."'n.~.yanu will b. mad.. . .!. . :. ,. ,'., -', . n..r1tt/;oIJlrY '..' ,.... ....~: <.' . . .......-,~'~~c.".,."'.,. ._;;_;".,~c=~c,;,~_~=~.'c,: :~;~:_~,~" L,-L .-.:;",,;~o;;g;~~.,~~b;il~1 .,-,,' "::'~'PrtNf;:,.', , ".:r.;~~':" '';11'' .". :' :.. '".' ~1:".: ',:'~~ ::'~Y/:~: ..'^:" " -'. ..:. ...:........ .':t- i ',I:' :-:' di :i' ,'I' .": I '''-,1 il 'Ji;"!Z~~\ ',,' .\: ,', .,.' ! 'il ~hl OJ ~-\;, At ~ "~ " , iW~ g' fnl';\.., 1 f ~ti <'l ~ ~ a~: LIl ~ ,', , tj ~!!. :1 a~.li.;~~s ~ 'rw a a.:I ..I! """"... ,'" "'d. -I'"~ " " i!'\::'," ,,' ',.,.: ""'. r'. ""1,. .' ::","10 4"" ,;, ,".,:.t, '; ~I., 1I,1...p,I'l' " ",''''I.' . '::"I.j'" ":."" 1'111""""'" ;,,' 1",.":;!,r.,I..;!'.' ~( . .....' ',,0 "1 ,\ ....'.; ri.:.I'':: .,.,...... . ',', 'n,-',.,' ;'..~".I 1 \ ", ' !j P. ~ fa ~ 0 5~ I riH ~ 1 ! ~ 11 e ~J ".~ '". .\ ," ',: -!~ ' 81l~ ~)OO.. " ,iH ;)'rt'J' .,.:.~ i;, ~ ~ ~,~ !jG 'j ..' '.. ':' ""'i '.-(' ~ IJ" ".' r Date 'Received: .. ," .,"": ';"":"; 'APR''Z rtOlo' . ~;!, i, I"..:: '. II";""':. . , '.' . ,:, 'I i,,,,, ;""" ," """"Ongmal Submittal' ." J '(''''I:,'r.UII., ;,l\h,l!; , ,."::::~'~~ii~!~;,~:r::~::.,, '.\''-'7\. ,,' 7776~~'ilJVL~llll ,II,II[ II'lLUI JrI CONSIO([/f\TIOII 01' thr. C;OVell~!1t~ hf!""llI n'dt(!d, thl: rity nl "lll'iIHlfil'l.t, hl't"f!ill- aftG" !"~ff!I'I'~d lo ,IS r.iI,y, .lllt'L,!..IlL ~~....f..c!<:?l!~.r ,:"~~~!,,~c;...!.~~~t'.~~,, hl!n!in,lftCI" rcfCl'1"Cd to as AIlPllcdllt, do Cn,yel\illll. ,'lid ol'lrl!c ol~ rflt lUI"',: WHEREAS f\/ll'li!;iint df!~il"f!~ ,1 Illlildin!' pr~l'mil 11"0111 Cit.\': ,I:ul \-IIIEflrAS, till! d(!yclopn"1l1 01 ~"id Illlildillq (~) \'Iill (,\lISf! bnlh ,111 irllnledt.,W dlld long-tenn dl!llIclnd on till! Vdl"iUIlS [llllllic f[lCilltics of the ell,\': rrm.' 1IlF.IlHflflJ:. Lln: f\lII,lif:i1l1t ,HId Cill' ,\IIi'f!P ll1 rhl! fill I 1I1'd IlII ~c1ll!II\lr(l :If putllic.: facility improvements [ulll t'l!SIIl~C:l.ivl' r.n~l. a~~lImpll;;n [101 it.\': . ,,,0...> ~tr"11t illlp"lI\"!II'l.'llls ":'":>..1111. .i_I!'lJr~V~!..~~"t~. ~!Ut~.I.~~_~Jr~!!l J i9ht~ f<!I' Main StrelJl .11~.D~.!!LtillLv..!2P.e!._t~m_t.t~L~.!.2I!.:.."__""~ Olher Lr.Il,il !I('~Cl"illtioll: llc'linflinll ,ll " poinl II1RlJ,7.11 lCI!!. Snuth 0" D' \.lest f"om ,I point 011 the South linc lJ( lIlt! Lut;illdil r:ollle'.JY'~ [JOIl,IUnll l,tnd r:laim Nn, Ell. lownship 17 SOllth, Il,lIHll! 3 Wp.~1 of Uw \.lilltlll_!tte M~dd;.ul. lU06.] feet [ast nf the S(J(/I,hw(!s~ mnll!f' tfwrco(; ,/Of! ,'11/1 t!lImcl' '>0,)/1, (J" '1.1' Wc~;t 191 fer.t to 1IH! Nort!lCI"ly ,'ifjhl. of way line of thl~ McKellzie l1iqhw<lv: UH"ICI! NOt.tl. RQ' 111\' W~c;t ,llong ".lid IJurthe,'ly l'iyhl. IJf w.\y lint' 107 teet.; t!l('IICl' t/ol"lh I)" JJ' I.,l~;l lo 'I I'oint 107 feet South 89" 31' Wesluf tILl' point ()f tJeqirmi1lq: thcnce North 89" 31' East 107 teet to the puint of he~/i/lltin9. ill Ldfl(! County. Urcgoll, /'t1" (~), -".:.-f.!1 -..~ (, n: Il i" ll1rt 11"1' IInllt'f',II1".1 III., I j',I'JI I i 1:,11\ 1 ,1111'1'1". It I ',i 'In ,HI<' ,Ind ,,11 1'1,1; ,..(!r~. P!! l i f ions. con ~ !! II ! r" ,111 d ,I I I : II II f' " ,I,,, 1111"11 I,r, Ill' r:" " '..I " I' r II nil I ,1 i II III" .1 Ii (l V" ] i " ! I~ d ,1 II II 1 I '" " Ii I (! i 1'1;11'0 V I! _ merll\ I.md"r ,lily i"'IIl'OY01111'111 "I': (I" pnll,".dilH) "I lIH~ \[,,11' III (11'1"1011. 1.,1111' till/illy, (II' (il.y of Sp 1'1(1 II ( I" 1 01 ,1', 111,1 \' h" II rljl'''~(! II ",' II hIp t ,'d ,11\(1 l II \'1,1 i \'1' ., I I ,. i 'Ill! I (I rr~Il~ll1o; l I" ,1I (! ,PI,1 i ns t such i'IlI',"{jI'I!:'''''' I'" IHlI ,,,,, 1 I", I' i 'I'll 1," 1',"OI,I!',1 111<> ,11"''''111. '" """",,,,' ,,( ~(l'"r:,1riirlfl lll': c\S~~S'.'n"I:l ll1l"'1"r. II (1"'_"'"'''' ~1l"lI 'J!'I!!:"" Lu Allllllt:dl1t. lolll',ll" II1f'rll1ll.lllly 01' UIlI,)il'ly UIJOfl ~,Iid ("'(JlI~,"I.'.r 'II Apld /r..IIII,; 1101/ 1III:PJ'II1I'! 1]1/' I.i [.,' ,"Ii''''''. U,.II, ^p"l i"dlll ", 1'\1" 1I1, i "'1 ,1,,01 1't'l"f""Il1,Jll('! Or tlll' tCrt\1', oj [hi, I\q 1-",':"1'11 I ',Ii II h" iI",'II''',1 It, I,,' """'1,1 idOl"" ',/IIIt tl", 'It,\"', 1'1,11('( 1lr.I'l,lininlJ to 11"1".O\'I!II~'"r, 1{1'<Il1lrl~lIh'!1I_', ,111'1 il ;,Pllli'oIlll (lIlllpliw. ill "I'""', '."~I""'[ \./ill, ,111 nth,.". . ,1 /ll' : i 1 .01, I I' i '''1', "I I ",' "I ,I t t. . ,I I' ". q 1111. I ,1/1" I, (,iii 1 I \" ,11 III I I II' f. i I\', l "l~ 'io ,I i Ii II) Ipl i c ,111 t. Sh[lll hi' cntitl,!!! 1'1 Ill" I',',".!II'I' ,!I 01 hlllldillll p"n'lit: .pu! III ,,1I11Irl(lll, lip. r"" l1lt'!"10n II! nil' 1'11'1,1"'. 11I:...~11, :I:,l! I',,' (OV"IIM11.', h"'I'I'ill COrl 1,,11 'I:'I! ~",lll 1'1111 1/1 I II I I,.' ) ,llld 11('1"" 'j ,I,".,.'; I"!d, "rid -.h,\ I! ~". III ,,.It IlIl (1(1011 tl\l' hI' i "', . 1':""..,1'<1"" ";'.i'l"',. "':"I'I;',~"..I;Il" .~",: I,,"' .,11" ,,r th,: ",.':1"" h''':'~~'.2..:1~U ~'\illl !'!: f; till', I ,",;': rI I ~, I" ' 1!1f' 11 j;.' ii' I ;,;'. I" " II 111-"";1 . 1/''''' .! -,,,, I' I'< II If' " I, I '", ,'" I r, 01, ~', I: ri h e tI. '_ HI i~, ^, I I"L! elllr.lll ~h<l 11 I... ...., ",'d!'d 1<1 I h,' I ,II;" , "1110", i ;,','01 1;,.<,,, '\', J, :"'IIL!.:Li'I1;.:L. l,,,, I'." :.;,.. '!IJ: 11'1)' 11~" !l.bl.1~fW&:-, /'.0:lUO "'I." "~/*' ~"'''~j''r~~~\,~ ~ ';, ....,.. \ ~:;l:fW. .." , "'. ....;:'., {/ )rl}.... . ..yd...."\'"..."''''...... """ 11 ;\'.,,"'" '.""It..... i\'IV" ',,, I Ii,,,,,' ",HI,i "",j ~"" i 1"1', "-Zl c[r'-lO"'~.I2l~ll~'1 Ily , LJUJ/ II '"I~ I: I 111' 11 f ' III, I i I: lIll r I ,\1'1'111:1\111 'J X-~_li.., !>..:.1Jt S T,\l L nf (j I!J.I~~1:1 ',',. COUll I Y (Il I.AlII On lill'. 4fl' dol',' "i /ltlt;,:!l'7tJ~:::.._____.__...' 1'1)) Ill"." 1""',,"II,,!ly ,I PIle,,!"!!!! III!fnrl~ . mn .lnt! ';111"ii;;,(-1\1I' .)hll\'".',I,1(II"";II: ~"b7/~./",_, c---;' !!;t;:,d .l~>..~~l_."'.'~l_,.....'_'.I~__'b__"r,_'_'!.~luRhe~ ~L;_/,,~<<--- ,u, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. NOTMY I'UIlLlC Ny Commi ~s illll [:..(1 i rl!~.: ----.!(--z_~:" ?:2'~_________"__"...." Date Received: #14A .. APR 2 3 2010 Orig';" S"bmi"'~ . " J> L ---'111 ~ .~ I ..~ .~ .' i:.;!r. .,. g" .. ~_5-5~ :i;; e "0] ~ ~ :.0 ;;01 f" f.<BJ! "" .~ ". r- I :::;i ( .u.~ ri I -a~-f ~ ~j~ij; ~C1 ~~.s; I !l;:' .0;;,0 ~j -iH g --{ ~ .;' j Rl ~ j ~ ,~ ~ H":l 6! 1,':1".' 1: I:: d t:: t- l5 6 Ie OO~ ,I ~" li1h .~ ~ "':" ",' . .l d '" , _ ol! ~'E ~ = L f-' Oat ... e Receivedi APR 2 3 2010 O' . ngmal Submittal ......~.. .. , ' ,\101011111111 in r,'d ll~;l, UI" (i tv 01 r':JI'illllfi(!lrI, hl'l.....ill. .!.!!~_~~~..~l':l~l~~:' h~r()in,'rtal' fl?fc,:..cd 'to WIEH[^5 Applicant dl!~il'cf, " hui Idillll 1I!!l"Inil 11'0111 City; ,,'Id IIHEnEAS. lhl~ d....vell)pllf!rlt nf ';i!(r1 huildillq (',J ~till (.PI';l! hnlh ,111 inuncdl"lc and lon9-lcnn dell1d1HI on lIle yllt'lrHIS [lull I ie IM;i lllic~ of the r.i ty; 11011 Tllfnrrnl!r, t1\f' fll'I,II"'ll1t. illltl eil" MII'I'1' I.n till! fullr'I.Ii'1l1 <;dwd~lIc of public fAcility imllrllVeUK!I'I.$ ,WI! n~~l'r~f;tlYI' trl~t ,1~~LJniptiotl poli,y: 7~"''''; ~t!.,,~t inl,l1"nVI'111r:n'~' ,.'~..s.a)A..i!1.1!"!l_'LC~!l.t.S_t$L In.G.1lJ9f:'. pav.j!1!:L~,i tb_.curbs.~_gullerh-- ~,i.P_e:!'filJJs_~._sJ..rf!p.Ui.9ttJ.~. ~/I.n_(I-5_to~er...s.....1nr.J5.th...S,trJlcLuloruLt.he_frnnt-o'Iap flf lflftdu.:operty described balow. LCII,ll (Jl'scl'iptinll: lIc9innln'l ,1t ,1 point 1<109.24 feel South 0" ])' West from point 011 the Sout.h line of the Lucind,1 r.omcgy's 00l1l1liol1 l.,ml1 f,J,lim No. 81. Township 17 501lUl. llilllQe) West of the Willamette McrirlLm, 1006.] feet Easl of thl~ SvulJJwesl corner there;,f; ,tOd run thenCf! South 0" ]]' We~;L 191 fl'el. to the Norttle,'ly riqhl of Wily lint! of the McKenzie lliqh\"I,W; thence florth RI]" 44' i-lco;t ,llong :;,}irl Northerly right 01 W,lY line 107 feel'; thenc(~ NMlh ()" )]' [,lq to il Iloint 107 feel South Ill)" )1' WC5t of UH~ point or bcqir1l1inq; thencc North B9" ])' Cast 107 feet to the !loint of bllyioninCj, ill ldne County, Ore90n. .'?(>':!I "'II/".I_;"':~ I I I i ~ I !ill! a i It i'. fll,'IIl"" 1!l1l!..,.'.I'''''1 Ih.11 {'1'1,1'1:,1I,1 .1'11"'''', tn ',1'1" ,IIlI .11111.111 \lolivl'!r'" 11"titions, con~(!r1V., ,llll! ,\11 ~Hllf'r <I,"III'i"I1I', '1"1"'.'",1",' I" ohldill It", ,11,,,...,, li',II'd .1p"lic,'lJl,~ inlpl'II"'~- men!'. IJllrl~I' ,11\,>, 1l"11I'''1,,,,1Ir'1I1 01" III' f'l",,,,,;o.lillll fir II.., ',f.,11' "t 11""'1"11. LIlI" (ounb', nl" [it\' of Sp I' i n II r i T' t ,I ,1', III" \. Iw I"" 'I ''''i (' ,j 11 I' ., 'I!'['I '~'I ,11111 I." \'1,1 iv,' ,,\ 1 I' i 'IIi I t (1 r"~'('II\~ l 1",1 I r. .1 '1,1 ins t 'iurh i 1III'r(l\,":"'?"! '., l'"1 "'" "I" 1": 'III' III jl ,'n' r~':! I !\" .11':11111\ I. n,' ....llllll". "' ',(I I"r>il cI 1 rlll III" ,lS<;f'!5<:'''''~I~1. 1111""'111, if II." ,....'.' sh.ll: '1I'11l!,'I' Lo 1'1'i'li'.c1111. 1(1 Ill"!' lIH~qllil,lllly or unf.ll,'ly upon ~.I i:1 II,'UPI',"'; n I 1',1'111" ,'''I.: 1101/ I III. 1'1 i" \ I J', I l)t, , I I. ,1' " "I" t I' ,I t (, Illl I i '- "Ill' " . 1'1 : I Ii", I ," lr I p"" I" r,,~,ul C f' n I , h ,. u:n"'. nl 1111', fllI,.I"'I""'11 "i II I:" ,I"", I" I". nll"l'l i...",' I/i II. 11,.. f i I \"'. 1'(11 icy 1'I'!"(.1 ilJi'\~l lo 1<"1' ,." ,'f' ff:" II 1 I:'" t ~ I , ""r.'~ "Ill j, _~ 1 . j) I i I' ." II : /It,.1' I i 1". , II .":," '. ,'" ',p'" I ~,i' j I .1 I 1 () r It f' ,. ,\PI' I it,'hk 1.\11" III Itlt' '" ,II., .1 '1""'1/111, /.,"", ("11111',', "Id Ih" CI1'i, lh,' ~,1"1 ApIl1 i..:,uH Shi\ll h" ent.ill,!.! lo L111' )'."1"'1(" I~I.I hlrildilll1lll'n~ll',; ,~1Ir1 III (,llIll flnll. it j,. I:", '<11. ,\1,.'11 "I II", 1'.1.-1.1.... 10",,,1.. 'Ii'l' II,,, q''-'''IIM11.'i IH'l'Cill COil I ,I 1 !I.~d 511,11) 1"1111 1'1' I II ! JII' 1.11\.1 111'1'" III ,11",' " it,,'.I, 0111" '.r" I I :.,. 1,'.:,11'11' 1II11'l1l '.11" JII'i "" e.'.l!:'lIl~!"~" ..I~.:.IHI)"., .'11:::1'1:'. :".1101" ,..' ,:!:.II".:.:~," :,: :hl' ;:.11'~1'- ~:'.,.I'!.:1..,1lIlI,:h.lll.I.(l C(III',l.l'IIr.'d 1.,\ Ill' .\ IlPl1"! \1 .111'\ ,I 1,1),',"'" III"'" 110,. ,"")1","1,,< h"I" I J, ,l,'~" I" I,,~,:. lllh,.. ^'1fl!l'lI'Clll slrall h'! 'T"I'nl...1 "1 IIII' I .11'" J,lllm~', 11",'d I~", ,'I ,I,. ." WltlHt.flll,l.. lq 7/. t 11 L' P ,I 1'1. 1 . ". Ih1 V I~ ~,~ L 1'1 I! ), II d 11 d d II oJ :,l~ <I I 11,1'. 4!!.! d'l;.p' NW~I'o'lQPL. ._,-- .. ".n...."", . .;..' '. ",,""\0 03 tJO"""" "ifJ'I'III'.MI1 f\;~~~.,...,.......,V'o'\ - . 'eJ~~,a-- j{;::L,f;;f{~ \ '- T~:(15'(;.R1 . ~-. 1))C,",!<L~':' 0. j!;; !' I <:;'J1;'l'~~f:J,/;..,,{l/:: '0':,f!.........<;'; .' """'" :] \"'\ \..\\"~ .",,,,,,,,,... ~~ T~.~?~~t'I;'i:'" ,. 51r\1I. II!' UIII"I;'.1:1 couruy or l.NlI 011 !lll', 4J} rI,l': 111 /'I;)()FI.'1.!I!-_='~____ nl~ Mid r. r;j/le~r'1)1I' "h'Il'I' dol< ,",.,,,1 d(5-?C-~;;U:;J"N'~c{ . lIorAllY IllJl11.IC I~' 7...? ' !I""" PI'I"',flIhl1Iy dlllleolrcfl hC!Qrc 1l,1.1,..,~.1 .1.'.' !;"ujl'" :11l!J f~!'!"~l!;. !!!lSE.!l!!...__._ My COI1""i<:,',i'Hl I ,'\,II"c,: _m_'_/!.:~,~_=_~_____ Date Received: -, APR 2"3 2010 Original S,u.b.rl)it~al . L I .~ --ij ~1=-:;;; ....~ R.' II ,~)\.. ':;; .~ . . C;hOvJ Return to: Meadow Outdoor Advertising P.O. Box 331 The Dalles, OR 97058 . --- --------" ~OO~.O~J~71 1111111111111\ 1111\ 1\ llIlll\ lllllllllllllll 111I1I $31 ,00 01027163200800e34710020023 09/23/2008 11:02:49 AM Division of Chief Deputy Clerk Lane County D..ds and Records RPR-LEAS Cnt=l Stn=8 CASHIER 01 $10.00 $10.00 $11.00 MEMORANDUM OF LEASE By an instrument in writing dated 5:e,f> .,. e ~ ;) t;. , :+ 6 P 7 , /vIo/Jp' ~~ /.J. u ,Ae5, , Lessor(s). leased to J R Zukin Corporation, d.b.a. Meadow Outdoor Advertising. a California Corporation, Lessee. and granted to Lessee a right of first refusal to purchase. the following described real property in the County of L...A,ltE , Stale of ORetJ s-IJ JfS~e :):S6~'S frl A f'.:l! I' <> ';/3/4;;) TlJ.L", ""'-#-J!f/c>.o 17~ V"""'rl-o. 5( n.. o;:-n(E'I,'"f- - St'R......'<:./e/1 ",,,-. L~AL Deocr./It....f#7'"/DN An-.4c~J .11<, /_-rl~"It'?, "'of".. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES. This memorandum is executed to evidence and confirm the agreement referred to above, to which reference is made for its terms and conditions_ DATED this -4 '"0, ",m serr~=. l( J:!1RrVt5fd Lessor: M4JJ~Oe- I u -;.)"C s Lessor: STATE OF .0 ~& ~./ County of 1- A 1(1 F ss. :5epi-e-l/IIbe~. q. ~oc;!B , , Personally appeared the above named NO f'!. "" AN M" N R ",Ii" lfu'J.e€Md acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and" deed. """"'0"= Rf'FORE ME: . OFFiCIAL SEAL " BERT E STREETER '" ../ NOTARY PUBLIC OREGON COMMISSION NO. 396713 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOV. 14,200> ~~"'~;"'-:-'--" &i:-:?; ~ ' Notary Public for Oil. e 1~1J '-' My commission expires: 1/~/t.-'}66 'f . Date Received: APR 2 3 2010 Original ~u~!l1~taL...:=-..,.-::c= .-- ): - ._~) . ,'1r: . . Preliminary Report Orrler No.: 1199-1129347 Page 5 of 5 Exhibit nAn Real property In the County of Lane, State of Oregon, described as follows: BEGINNING AT A POINT 1489.24 FEET SOLmi 00 33' WEST FROM A POINT ON THE SOLmi UNE OF THE LUCINDA COMEGYS DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 81, TOWNSHIP 17 sOLmi, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMETIE MERIDIAN, 1006.3 FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER THEREOF, AND RUN THENCE SOLmi 00 33' WEST 191 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY UNE OF THE MCKENZIE HIGHWAY; THENCE NORTH 890 44' WEST ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY UNE 107 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00 33' EAST TO A POINT 107 FEET SOUTH 890 31' WEST OF THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 890 31' EAST 107 FEET TO THE POINT BEGINNING, IN LANE COUNTY, ,- -. .h_..__ ORECON EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF OREGON, BY AND THROUGH THE STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION BY DEED RECORDED AUGUST 10, 1966, RECEPTION NO. '.i7177, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON. Tax Parcel Number: 0123206 and 5263148 Date Received: APR 2 3 2010 Original Submittal First Amenean ntJe -- --- .- . - -- - -~- .--~---- --- . . ",1. ;. ;~ ~1"' )C4- vi 'fv'cf BARGAIN AND SALE DEED Monte o. Cooper, Claiming Successor to the Small Estate of Hazel P. Cooper, Grantor, conveys to Monroe Hughes, Grantee, the following real property situated in Lane County, Oregon, to wit: Beginning at a point 1489,24 feet South O' 33' West from a point on the South line of the Lucinda Comegy's Donation Land Claim No. 81, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, 1006.3 feet East of the Southwest corner thereof, and run thence South O' 33' West 191 feet to the Northerly right of way line of the McKenzie Highway; thence North 89' 44' West along said northerly right of way line 107 feet; thence North O' 33' East to a point 107 feet South 89' 31' West of the point of beginning;. thence North 89' 31' East 107 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane COUl"lty, Oregon; The also known as 122 N. 37th St., Springfield, oregon. ~ (Map and Tax 'Lot #17023142 4100) ,Atl.cl: .....~C('('"'tt'" ~ IAT&T Account #123206) fori-1 0 t\ Q.&t1 true consideration for this conveyance is $18,100.00. ~ S~. 6.{2- ~ -3"/ 2000. 4l:I + "Ih/"OUfl. .+s S e.&lM""-",,,. S 50'.... ..... If'. ~ h.r.-..~ 'O~c,c., :J:I;. S-7 t .., ? 01 c . '"" ~ ~ ""'"0t4 Gob ~t--'- ~0c.\M.~ C)re, ~ Dated: THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES. ...- / 7;- /~ Monte O. Cooper STATE OF OREGON SS. County of Lane . <L'C . acknowledged before me on ~.icJ 31-; 2000 This instrument was by Monte O. Cooper. _ llFFiClALSEAl IWIEHLOGAH , ....NrtPUBlJC.OAE!lClI ..... COMMISSKW NO. 3Of962 1ff'~EXI'IESAlIIlSTZ.1Df ~~ Notary Public fo Ore 0 My Commission Expires: ~~6)J Barga~n and Sa e Deed Monte O. Cooper, Grantor Monroe Hughes 29814 Kelso St. Eugene, OR 97402 Grantee After Recording Return To: Hamil ton W. Budge, Jr. 725 Country Club Rd. Eugene, OR 97401 Send Tax statements to: Date Received: Monroe Hughes 29814 Kelso St. Eugene, OR 97402 APR 2 ~ 2010 Original submittal -;i. .. I , ,', . . r Division of Chl.f Deputy Clerk . l.n. County Deeds and Records , ~~~5.~4m' $31.00 111111I1 III 1111 11I111111I1111111 11II111IfIfll/f/1 00707063200600462270020021 06/24/200511:12:31 AM RPR-OEEO Cni=1 Sin=6 CASHIER 07 510.00 511.00 510.00 . Date Received: APR 23 2010 Original Submittal .'