HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWE 3/9/2010 . . MEMORANDUM City of Springfield DATE: March 9, 2010 TO: Andy Limbird, Urban Planner FROM: Eric Walter, Civil Engineer SUBJECT: ZON2010-00002 Dukes and Dukes Partition DIM Public Works Engineering Comments The subject application involves tax lot 11300. The applicant submitted plans to discuss partitioning one lot into two parcels. This lot is currently under construction with (4) duplexes. Public Works Engineering responses to the applicant's questions are as follows: Applicant's Questions: 1. We have designed the partition to have equal parcels after recording. This will keep the current density at 14.6 units/acre (non-conforming use) on each parcel, but will not increase the non-conformity to the density standard. Will thc City of Springfield accept this logic and allow the partition to be approved in regards to density standards? Planning Department will respond to this question. r 2. The existing lot is only 70 feet in width. Therefore, a minor variance would be required to adjust the minimum lot width requirement in the code. The code requirement is 60 feet, and to keep this as a minor variance, the maximum adjustment could be an 18 foot reduction (30%). We are proposing to reduce the width ofthe frontage 5 feet to a lot width of 55 feet. Would the City of Springfield support this variance for this proposal? Planning Department will respond to this question. 3. Since the lot is now LDR, the code only requires a panhandle with of14 feet. Therefore, we do not believe a variance would be required for the panhandle width. We still will construct a 20 wide driveway in the easement that was sbown on the site review to maintain safe ingress/egress and for fire safety. Does the City of Springfield agree that a variance is not needed for the panhandle as proposed? Planning Department and Transportation Section will respond to this question. 4. We did not see any other variances that would be needed to meet code criteria for a partition. Does the City of Springfield see any other issues with this proposed partition that would prevent approval? The subdivision lots, to the south, are served by the existing 8" sanitary sewer main running east-west along the northerly property boundary of the subject property. The partition plan will need to include all existing and proposed, private and public easements on subject property. Each sanitary sewer lateral (from southerly lots) that is crossing subject property will need to be located in a private easement and detailed on the partition plans. The existing (or proposed) public sanitary sewer easement shall be included on plans for the existing 8" sanitary sewer main running east-west. 'to,,"'t" .. .\ Date Received:-..!A/;..'" . Planner: AL / . . The original site plan approvedfor this development includes a storm water facility that indicates a water quality bio-swale on the South-west end of property. The approval of proposed partition will require that storm water facilities be constructed as approved on final site plan and all necessary storm water easements be provided as property will now be divided. Please also review the water quality bioswale for possible conflict with the proposed water line running east-west along the south side of property. Additional Staff Comments: The tentative partition plan will need to include a 7' PUE along the street frontage for all public utilities including the existing SUB electric power lines. The tentative partition plan will need to include a PUE, with a width acceptable by SUB electric for containing the existing SUB power lines running along the south side of property. Date heGeived:......t!r.?<>'. Planner: AL . . '~.... ,', ..