HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 12/17/2009 1Pt-I(ro"l IY' PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE {541 )726-3753 FAX (541)726-3689 www.ci.springfield.or.us CASE NUMBER: ZON2009-00023 APPLICANT: Springfield Cemetery Acquisition LLC NATURE OF THE APPLICATION: Type III Zoning Map Amendment. Proposal to rezone a 2.95 acre strip of land from Low Density Residential (LOR) to Public Land and Open Space (PLO) in order to accommodate existing and planned development within the Springfield Memorial Gardens Cemetery. AUTHORIZED USES: Uses in the PLO district are regulated by Springfield Development Code (SDC) Section 3.2-710, available for review in City Hall or online at: htto://qcode.us/codes/soringfield- develooment!. APPLICABLE CRITERIA: In reaching a decision on these actions, the Planning Commission shall adopt findings that demonstrate conformance with SDC 5.22-115.C: (1) Consistency with applicable Metro Plan policies and the Metro Plan diagram; (2) Consistency with applicable Refinement Plans, Plan District maps, Conceptual Development Plans and functional plans; and (3) The property is presently provided with adequate public facilities, services and transportation networks to support the use, or these facilities, services and transportation networks are planned to be provided concurrently with the development of the property. (4) Legislative Zoning Map amendments that involve a Metro Plan Diagram amendment shall: a. Meet the approval criteria specified in Section 5.14-100; and b. Comply with Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-012-0060, where applicable. SUBJECT PROPERTY LOCATION: 7390 McKenzie Highway (Map 17-02-35-00, Tax Lots 3704, 3705 & 3706). DATE, TIME, AND LOCATION OF THE HEARINGS: The Springfield Planning Commission will hear all testimony for and against the proposal on January 20,2010 at 7:00 p.m. at Springfield City Hall Council Chambers, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The application, all documents and evidence submitted by or on behalf of the applicant and the application criteria are available for inspection at City Hall at no cost and will be provided at a reasonable cost. Seven days prior to the hearing a copy of the staff report will be similarly available. The Planning Commission decision will constitute the final decision on this proposal. CONTACT PERSON: Andy Limbird at (541) 726-3784. Send written testimony by regular mail to: Development Services Department, City of Springfield, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477; or by email to:alimbird@ci.soringfield.or.us; or attend the meetings and state your views. Please reference Planning Case ZON2009-00023 on all written testimonv. The hearings will be conducted in accordance with SDC Section 5.2-100. FAILURE TO RAISE ISSUE: Failure of an issue to be raised in at the hearing, in person or by letter, or failure to provide statements or evidence sufficient to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals on that issue. Rnn Date: January 4 & 11,2010 Date Received:-#~ Planner: AL . . L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: JONES Brenda Wednesday, December 16, 2009 5:14 PM , (Iegals@registerguard.com)' L1MBIRD Andrew public hearing notice. doc public hearing notice. doc (['(ease pu6fisfi tfiis (ega( notice in your January 4,2010 andJanuary 11,2010 editions. (['(ease send confirmation. 'ITiank:You, CBrenda 1 Date Received: / J-/; 7/ JtrD '1 I I Planner: AL