HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 12/12/2008 " / . . / I.: ..' I jEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT j . , ./ 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 , , , February 4, 1998 Mr. Dean Helfrich 2587 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Subject: Amended Decision for Minor Partition, Journal Number 96-12-252 Dear Dean: Your partition application (10. No. 96-12-252) received Tentative Approval on February 13, 1997, and included several "primary" and "secondary" conditions of approval. As you may know, the most telling distinction between primary and secondary conditions relates to the time when these conditions must be completed. A primary condition invariably must be completed prior to or in conjunction with filing of the Final Partition Plat. A secondary condition of approval is usualiy an obligation that's met during construction or for final occupancy. Because the City allows only one year to file a Final Plat, primary conditions are much more time sensitive than secondary conditions. Y our req~est to amend Primary Conditions 2-11 so that they become obligations attached to construction rather than Plat recordation is based on the premise that the need for these conditions does not exist in the absence of new construction allowed by your partition. I agree with this premise for Conditions #2, #5, #6, #8 and #9 and will make the appropriate changes in your decision to make these Secondary Conditions of Approval. In addition to these changes, any reference to a Future Development Plan (FDP) in your original decision will be deleted from the amended decision because the requirement of an FDP applies only to new parcels between 5 and 10 acres in size. None of your proposed parcels are larger than 3.5 acres. Conditions #1, #3, #4, #7 and #10 must remain as Primary Conditions as specified in Section 34.090 of the Springfield Development Code. These conditions are renumbered and read as follows: '.: #1: The applicant has until August 14, 1998, to complete all Primary Conditions of Approval and obtain Final Plat Approval. A separate application and fee ($260.00) are required. The application must be submitted to the Springfield Development Services Department. Upon signature by the Planning Manager, the Plat mylar may be submitted to the Lane County Surveyor. Upon signature of the Lane County Surveyor, the Plat and any necessary secondary documents (deed restrictions, street improvement agreements, etc.) may be recorded with Lane County Deeds and Records. #2: Submit a Final Partition Plat that shows a 5' PUB in the location of the overhead line that runs north, south and east, or a 5' PUB on each side of the common property line of Parcell and Parcel II. Date Received: Planner: AL I)J~~!' / / i / ! A -< '-+ 1-' '._l'. ,<'".r- .~~ <-?/F I / / / i . '. . -. ~ , #3: Submit a Final Partition Plat that shows a 7' street side PUE along Yolanda Street, 19th Street, and Hayden Bridge Road. #4: Submit a separate drainage plan showing storm water drainage for each parcel. 11ris plan should include, where practicable, systems such as temporary ponding of water, natural percolation and drainage ways, and on-site filtration or skimming of run-off that will enter natural drainage ways. The plan should indicate if the public storm sewer in Yolanda can accommodate Parcel I, and if future storm sewers in 19th Street and Hayden Bridge Road will connect to the Yolanda Street line or will drain to the north. #5: Establish a permanent monument showing feet above seal level for parcels in the 100 year floodplain. The location of this monument must be shown on the Final Plat. The following shall be Secondary Conditions of Approval: # 1. Obtain land and drainage alteration permits for any filling in the floodplain and any fill or removal of more than 50 cubic yards of material on any area not within the floodplain. #2: Obtain tree felling permits for the removal of more than 5 trees with a breast-height diameter of 5" oflarger on any of the property within the urban growth boundary. #3: Development of Parcel I, including new construction or additional land division, requires--~~ annexation to the City of Springfield and connection to sanitary sewer. P?y&J ~ ~~ #4: Development of Parcel ill with a permitted residential use requires one of the following: a 213 improvement of 19th Street from Yolanda to its intersection with Hayden Bridge Road (if access ?~ 1lJ comes from 19th Street); or a 2/3 improvement of Hayden Bridge Road to its intersection with 19th . d . S... (if= ~ ..... "''''''' Bridoo Rood). ill bo<h =. .. impro,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, t'--'" shall include storm and sanitary sewer, the latter only after approval from the Lane County. L to f 0 Boundary Commission for extra-territorial extension of sewer. The sewer line in the Hayden Bridge Road option shall be a "dry line" unless 19th Street has been improved with sanitary sewer, in which case these lines shall be connected. A fire hydrant shall be included in the public improvement of either street and shall be located as close as possible to the intersection of Hayden Bridge Road and 19th Street. All public improvement plans, including stormwater and sanitary sewer facilities, shall be reviewed and approved by the City of Springfield, Department of Public Works. #5: Development of Parcel II with additional dwelling units requires a redivision of land, either -t L- 1.,.0'1 subdivision or partition. A partition will require 213 improvement of 19th Street from Yolanda to the north property line of the existing Parcel II as a condition of building permit approval on any new parcels created. The improvement of 19th Street will include storm and sanitary sewer, the latter only after approval from the Lane County Boundary Commission for extra-territorial extension of sewer. A subdivision will require full improvement (or bonding) of 19th Street from Yolanda to the north line oftbe subdivision, including storm and sanitary sewer, prior to Final Subdivision Plat approval. All public improvement plans, including stormwater and sanitary sewer facilities, shall be reviewed and approved by the City of Springfield, Department of Public Works. ~u~....:\' (:;r! pvJ -.;.( ():.>y<..,v. [" \ Date Received: /Q1 )1-/ ?co~ Planner: AL " r' ./ i '// I! " f /y ,} -./ // j ; , ! / . :/ " 1/ . jI ,I 1,/' I /i ,", /1 . l/ Ii . . This Amended Decision shall replace all Primary and Secondary Conditions of Approval that were included in the original decision on Jo. No. 96-12-252,dated February 13, 1997. lfyou wish to appeal this Amended Decision, you must do so within 10 days of the mailing date of this letter. The appeal must be in accordance with the Springfield Development Code, Article IS, APPEALS. Please contact the Development Services Department at 726-3759 if you have any questions regarding the appeal process. ~~-Jk- Gregory Mott Planning Manager Dat., i~Gceived: Planner: AL If.;ho /