HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 07-28 06/18/2007 Resolution No. 07-28 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2007/08 SPRINGFIELD CITY BUDGET, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS, LEVYING A PROPERTY TAX, AND APPROVING THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD'S PARTICIPATION IN THE STATE REVENUE SHARING PROGRAM. WHEREAS, starting on April 24, 2007, and ending on May 8, 2007, the Budget Committee met and reviewed the proposed 2007/08 City budget; and WHEREAS, on May 8, 2007, the Budget Committee held a public hearing on the proposed uses of State Revenue Sharing funds and on June 18,2007, the Common Council held public hearings on the uses of these funds; and WHEREAS, the City of Springfield provides six out of seven municipal services enumerated in O.R.S. 221.760; and WHEREAS, on May 8, 2007, the Budget Committee recommended approval of the 2007/08 City budget for Council adoption; and WHEREAS, on June 18, 2007, the Common Council held a public hearing on the approved budget. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Springfield finds that Adopting the Budget and Making Appropriations is necessary under ORS 294.305 to 294.565. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, A Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, as follows: Section 1. Approval is given for the City of Springfield to participate in the State Revenue Sharing program for the 2007/08 fiscal year, beginning July 1,2007, and ending June 30, 2008. Section 2. The City Manager is directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the State of Oregon, Executive Department, prior to July 31, 2007. Section 3. The City budget for the City of Springfield for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2007, and ending June 30, 2008, as approved by the City of Springfield Budget Committee in the total amount of $344,717,779 is hereby adopted with the following changes: A. The Harlow Road Lift Station capital project increased by $480,000 with the Jasper Road Trunk Sewer decreased by the same amount. B. Carter Property acquisition, expenses and debt service increased by $110,000 with lease revenue increased by the same amount. C. The revised Approved Budget totals $344,827,779. Section 4. The adopted appropriations, for the fiscal year beginning July 1,2007, and ending June 30, 2008, as set forth in Exhibit "A" is hereby adopted. Section 5. BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Springfield hereby imposes the taxes provided for in the adopted budget at the permanent tax rate of $4.7403 per thousand of assessed value for operations and a rate of 0.40 for the voter approved four year Local Option operating taxes for fire operations beginning July 1, 2007 and in the amount of $3,502,109 for bonds; Attachment B - Page 1 of 2 Resolution No. 07-28 and that these taxes are hereby imposed and categorized for tax year 2007/08 upon the assessed value of all taxable property within the district. General Fund Fire Local Option Levy Bond Sinking Fund ,,~~pJe~tto"th~Q~Il:~fal. '. .'Governmellt'I:;inlitation $ 4.7403/$1,000 $ 0.4000/$1,000 L~!cmd~,~jtr~mj~lj~,. .i]"]irtiita ti61i'):.:",:~'}'" $ 3,502,109 Section 6. The City Manager of the City of Springfield is authorized and directed to certify the levy, as authorized by law, with Lane County, Oregon Assessor and the Lane County, Oregon Clerk, and will file a copy of the adopted budget with the Department of Revenue, State of Oregon. Section 7. That the list of fund titles and numbers set forth in attached Exhibit "B " is hereby Adopted, and any fund numbers and fund titles in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 8. This resolution shall take effect upon adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 18th day of June, 2007, by a vote of 5 for and 0 against. ATTEST: ~~~ Council President - Christine Lundberg C]\A.Al~ LO~ City Recorder - A1fiy 3uwa h:::v'IEWED 11 APPROVED ",'\~\.'fg !Frg~M \ L J'=:a"~~ ~ \'C.c-\\~ DATE: G:a [ L\ 10J= OFFICE OF CITY ATIOR!'.I;::'. ,~ . . '"II LEGAL APPROPRIATIONS LEVEL Department Operating City Manager's Office Legal and Judicial Human Resources Finance Information Technology Fire and Life Safety Police Library Public Works Development Services Total Department Operating Non-Departmental Transfers Contingency Reserves Total Non-Departmental Total General }?und Department Operating City Manager's Office Public Works Development Services Total Department Operating Non-Departmental Transfers Reserves Total Non-Departmental Total Street Fund General Fund - 100 Street Fund - 201 Exhibit A - Page 1 of 12 DoHar Amount $ 1,232,427 1,347,364 559,490 808,040 1,349,620 8,986,201 10,971,426 1,259,043 965,469 1,673,021 29,152,101 $ $ 271,288 600,000 6,265,051 7,136,339 $ $ 36,288,440 $ 11,069 5,289,873 55,245 5,356,187 $ $ 415,025 364,432 779,457 $ $ 6,135,644 Special Revenue Fund - 204 Department Operating City Manager's Office Finance Fire and Life Safety Police Library Development Services Total Department Operating Non -Departmental Reserves Total Special Revenue Fund Transient Room Tax Fund - 208 Department Operating City Manager's Office Library Public Works Development Services Total Department Operating Non -Departmental Transfers Reserves Total Non-Departmental Total Transient Room Tax Fund Community Development Fund - 210 Department Operating Finance Development Services Total Department Operating Total DeveJ. Services Capital Projects Total Community Development Fund Exhibit A - Page 2 of 12 DoHar Amount $ 33,166 25,000 487,312 25,740 1,000 3,000 575,218 $ $ 41,537 $ 616,755 $ 210,502 46,042 2'7,881 46,125 330,550 $ $ 423,089 44,394 467,483 $ $ 798,033 $ 15,917 469,182 485,099 $ $ 603,836 $ 1,088,935 ,'. Riverbend Development Fund - 222 Department Operating Fire and Life Safety Public Works Total Department Operating Total Riverbend Development Fund Buildine: Code Fund - 224 Department Operating Development Services Non -Departmental Transfers Reserves Total Non-Departmental Total Riverbend Development Fund Fire Local Option Levv Fund - 235 Department Operating Fire and Life Safety Non -Departmental Reserves Total Fire Local Option Levy Fund Police Local Option Levv Fund;.. 236 Department Operating Legal and Judicial Services Police Total Department Operating Total Police Local Option Levy Fund Exhibit A - Page 3 of 12 DoHar Amount $ 39,629 505,418 545,047 $ $ 545,047 $ 2,410,195 $ 52,451 1,213 ,482 $ 1,265,933 $ 3,676,128 $ 1,181,530 $ 517,564 $ 1,699,094 $ 201,321 1,788,318 1,989,639 $ $ 1,989,639 :. Bancroft Redemption Fund - 305 Department Operating Finance Non -Departmental Transfers Reserves Total Non-Departmental Total Bancroft Redemption Fund Bond Sinkinl! Fund - 306 Non-Departmental Debt Service Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance Total Non-Departmental Total Bond Sinking Fund Rel!ional Wastewater Debt Service Fund - 312 Non -Departmental Debt Service Total Regional Wastewater Debt Service Fund Sewer Capital Proiects Fund - 409 Total Public Works Capital Projects Non -Departmental Reserves Total Sewer Capital Projects Fund Exhibit A - Page 4 of 12 Dollar Amount $ 23,025 $ 600,000 1,336,014 $ 1,936,014 $ 1,959,039 $ 3,304,414 330,780 3,635,194 $ $ 3,635,194 $ 3,702,088 $ 3,702,088 $ 1,860,000 $ 2,045,813 $ 3,905,813 :;. DoUar Amount Ree.Wastewater Revenue Bond Cap. Proiects Fund - 412 Total Public Works Capital Projects $ 76,226,346 Non -Departmental Reserves $ 8,221,870 Total Reg. WW Rev. Bond Cap. Projects Fund $ 84,448,216 Development Assessment Fund - 419 Department Operating Finance $ 89,288 Non-Departmental Transfers Reserves $ 33,025 1,407,147 1,440,172 Total Non-Departmental $ Total Development Assessment Fund $ 1,529,460 Development Proiects Fund - 420 Capital Projects City Manager's Office Finance Fire and Life Safety Public Works Total Capital Projects $ 75,000 3,990,721 389,519 10,086,709 14,541,949 $ Non-Departmental Transfers Reserves $ 1,500,000 1,616,895 $ 3,116,895 $ 17,658,844 Total Non-Departmental Total Development Projects Fund Exhibit A - Page 5 of 12 .. DoUar Amount Draina!!e Capital Fund - 425 Total Public Works Capital Projects $ 1,409,025 N on-Departmental Reserves $ 363,938 Total Drainage Capital Fund $ 1,772,963 Police Buildin!! Capital Proiect Fund - 428 Department Operating Public Works $ 477,079 Total Public Works Capital Projects $ 22,551,357 Non-Departmental Reserves $ 484,000 Total Police Building Capital Project Fund $ 23,512,436 Re!!ional Wastewater Capital Fund - 433 Department Operating Public Works $ 756,534 Non-Departmental Transfers Reserves $ 33,548,216 23,772,750 $ 57,320,966 $ 58,077 ,500 Total Non-Departmental Total Regional Wastewater Capital Fund Street Capital Fund - 434 Total Public Works Capital Projects $ 1,391,997 Non-Departmental Reserves $ 60,365 , Total Street Capital Fund $ 1,452,362 Exhibit A - Page 6 of 12 ';. DoHar Amount SDC Local Storm Improvement Fund - 440 Department Operating Public Works $ 74,201 Total Public Works Capital Projects $ 961,620 Non-Departmental Transfers Reserves $ 25,649 1,509,639 $ 1,535,288 $ 2,571,109 Total Non-Departmental Total SDC Local Storm Improvement Fund SDC Local Wastewater Reimbursement Fund - 442 Department Operating Public Works $ 50,191 Total Public Works Capital Projects $ 205,000 Non-Departmental Reserves $ 112,857 Total SDC Local Wastewater Reimb. Fund $ 368,048 SDC Local Wastewater Improvement Fund - 443 Department Operating Public Works $ 38,151 Total Public Works Capital Projects $ 110,000 Non-Departmental Transfers Reserves ' $ 45,662 14,212 $ 59,874 $ 208,025 Total Non-Departmental Total SDC Local Wastewater Improve. Fund Exhibit A - Page 7 of 12 DoUar Amount SDC Re2:ional Wastewater Reimbursement Fund - 444 Department Operating Public Works $ 1,500 Non-Departmental Transfers Reserves $ 1,234,029 4,179,270 $ 5,413,299 $ 5,414,799 Total Non-Departmental Total SDC Regional Wastewater Reimb. Fund SDC Re2:ional Wastewater Improvement Fund - 445 Department Operating Public Works $ 4,500 Non-Departmental Transfers Reserves $ 1,234,030 6,375,428 $ 7,609,458 $ 7,613,958 Total Non-Departmental Total SDC Regional Wastewater Improve. Fund SDC Transportation Reimbursement Fund - 446 Department Operating Public Works $ 51,993 Total Public Works Capital Projects $ 362,700 Non-Departmental Transfers Reserves $ 10,374 236,400 $ 246,774 $ 661,467 Total Non-Departmental Total SDC Transportation Reimbursement Fund Exhibit A - Page 8 of 12 ., DoHar Amount SDC Transportation Improvement Fund - 447 Department Operating Public Works Total Public Works Capital Projects Non-Departmental Reserves Total SDC Transportation Improvement Fund Sewer Operations Fund - 611 Department Operating Finance Public Works Development Services Total Department Operating Non-Departmental Transfers Debt Service Reserves Total Non-Departmental Total Sewer Operations Fund Re2ional Wastewater Fund - 612 Department Operating Finance Public Works Total Department Operating Non-Departmental Transfers Reserves Total Non-Dep~rtmental Total Regional Wastewater Fund Exhibit A - Page 9 of 12 $ 220,584 $ 2,922,730 $ 1,144,594 $ 4,287,908 $ 9,290 3,050,662 21,833 3,081,785 $ $ 1,358,248 738,752 727,249 2,824,249 $ $ 5,906,034 $ 120,712 13,647,094 13,767,806 $ $ 5,939,997 8,327,461 $ 14,267,458 $ 28,035,264 Ambulance Fund - 615 Department Operating Fire and Life Safety Non-Departmental Transfers Reserves Total Non-Departmental Total Ambulance Fund Drainal!e Operatinl! Fund - 617 Department Operating Finance Public Works Development Services Total Department Operating Non-Departmental Transfers Reserves Total Non-Departmental Total Drainage Operating Fund Exhibit A - Page 10 of 12 DoHar Amount $ 4,500,562 $ 4,995 173,672 $ 178,667 $ 4,679,229 $ 9,288 4,029,655 . 33,367 4,072,310 $ $ 353,641 699,447 $ 1,053,088 $ 5,125,398 Department Operating Public Works Development Services Total Department Operating Booth-KeHv Fund - 618 Total DeveJ. Services Capital Projects Non-Departmental Transfers Reserves Debt Service Total Non-Departmental Total Booth-KeHy Fund Department Operating Public Works Non-Departmental Transfers Reserves Total Non-Departmental Re1!ional Fiber Consortium - 629 Total Regional Fiber Consortium Fund Department Operating Human Resources Insurance Fund - 707 Non-Departmental Miscellaneous Fiscal Transactions Reserves Total Non-Departmental Total Insurance Fund Exhibit A - Page 11 of 12 DoHar Amount $ 11,596 329,486 341,082 $ $ 155,000 $ 438,996 828,132 90,000 1,357,128 $ $ 1,853,210 $ 17,500 $ 12,000 24,867 36,867 $ $ 54,367 $ 704,445 $ 12,737,953 3,148,999 $ 15,886,952 $ 16,591,397 '." Vehicle and Equipment Fund - 713 Department Operating City Manager's Office Human Resources Finance Information Technology Fire and Life Safety Police Public Works Development Services Total Department Operating Non-Departmental Debt Service Reserves Total Non-Departmental Total Vehicle and Equipment Fund SDC Administration Fund - 713 Department Operating Finance Public Works Development Services Total Department Operating Non-Departmental Transfers Reserves Total Non-Departmental Total SDC Administration Fund TOTAL RESOLUTION Exhibit A - Page 12 of 12 Dollar Amount $ 2,200 6,200 3,000 212,500 50,650 208,700 678,688 25,600 1,187,538 $ $ 43,958 5,080,074 $ 5,124,032 $ 6,311,570 $ 23,286 525,981 103,559 652,826 $ $ 1,930 4,610 6,540 $ $ 659,366 $ 344,832,779 City of Springfield Funds Budget Non Budget Fund Number Fund Title Funds Funds 100 General Fund Reporting Fund 150 GAAP General Fund Non Reporting Fund 201 Street Fund Reporting Fund 202 Jail Operations Fund Reporting Fund 204 Special Revenue Fund Reporting Fund 208 Transient Room Tax Fund Reporting Fund 210 Community Development Fund Reporting Fund 214 Housing Rehab Revolving Fund Non Reporting Fund 222 Riverbend Development Fund Reporting Fund 224 Building Code Fund Reporting Fund 229 Urban Renewal District Operating Fund Non Reporting Fund 235 Fire Local Option Levy Fund Reporting Fund 236 Police Local Option Levy Fund Reporting Fund 251 GAAP Street Fund Non Reporting Fund 253 GAAP Museum Fund Non Reportjng Fund 254 GAAP Special Revenue Fund Non Reporting Fund 258 GAAP Transient Room Tax Fund Non Reporting Fund 260 GAAP Community Development Fund Non Reporting Fund 264 GAAP Housing Rehab Revolving Fund Non Reporting Fund 272 GAAP River Bend Fund Non Reporting Fund 274 GAAP Building Code Fund Non Reporting Fund 279 GAAP Regional Fiber Consortium Fund Non Reporting Fund , 285 GAAP Fire Levy Non Reporting Fund 286 GAAP Police Levy Non Reporting Fund 305 Bancroft Redemption Fund Reporting Fund 306 Bond Sinking Fund Reporting Fund 312 Regional Wastewater Debt Service Fund Reporting Fund 355 GAAP Bancroft Fund Non Reporting Fund 356 GAAP Bond Sinking Fund Non Reporting Fund 409 Sewer Capital Projects Fund Reporting Fund 412 Regional Wastewater Revenue Bond Capital Projects Fund Reporting Fund 419 Development Assessment Capital Fund Reporting Fund 420 Development Projects Fund Reporting Fund 425 Drainage Capital Fund Reporting Fund 427 G. O. Bond Capital Projects Fund Reporting Fund 428 Police Building Bond Capital Fund Reporting Fund 429 Urban Renewal District Capital Fund Non Reporting Fund 433 Regional Wastewater Capital Fund Reporting Fund 434 Street Capital Fund Reporting Fund 440 SDC Local Storm Improvement Fund Reporting Fund 442 SDC Local Wastewater Reimbursement Fund Reporting Fund 443 SDC Local Wastewater Improvement Fund Reporting Fund Exhibit B - Page 1 of 2 City of Springfield Funds Fund Number Fund Title 444 SDC Regional Wastewater Reimbursement Fund 445 SDC Regional Wastewater Improvement Fund 446 SDC Transportation Reimbursement Fund 447 SDC Transportation Improvement Fund 459 GAAP Sewer Capital Projects Fund 466 GAAP SDC Projects 469 GAAP Development Assessment Fund 470 GAAP Development Projects Fund 477 GAAP GO Bond Capital Projects Fund 483 GAAP Regional Wastewater Capital Fund 484 GAAP Street Capital Fund 485 GAAP Street SDC Fund 486 GAAP Sewer SDC Fund 487 GAAP Regional Wastewater SDC Fund 611 Sewer Operations Fund 612 Regional Wastewater Fund 615 Emergency Medical Services Fund 617 Drainage Operating Fund 618 Booth-Kelly Fund 629 Regional Fiber Consortium Fund 661 GAAP Sewer Operations Fund 662 GAAP RegionalW astewater Fund 665 GAAP Emergency Medical Services Fund 668 GAAP Booth Kelly Fund 679 GAAP Regional Fiber Consortium Fund 707 Insurance Fund 713 Vehicle and Equipment Fund 719 SDC Administration Fund 757 GAAP Insurance Fund 763 GAAP Vehicle and Equipment Fund 821 Agency Fund 823 Investment Fund 828 Springfield Retirement Trust Fund 931 General Fixed Asset Account Group 932 General Long Term Debt Account 933 GAAP Adjustment Fund Budget Funds Reporting Fund Reporting Fund Reporting Fund Reporting Fund Reporting Fund Reporting Fund Reporting Fund Reporting Fund Reporting Fund Reporting Fund Reporting Fund Reporting Fund Reporting Fund Non Budget Funds Non Reporting Fund Non Reporting Fund Non Reporting Fund Non Reporting Fund Non Reporting Fund Non Reporting Fund Non Reporting Fund Non Reporting Fund Non Reporting Fund Non Reporting Fund Non Reporting Fund Non Reporting Fund Non Reporting Fund Non Reporting Fund Non Reporting Fund Non Reporting Fund Non Reporting Fund Non Reporting Fund Non Reporting Fund. Non Reporting Fund Non Reporting Fund Non Reporting Fund Non Reporting Fund Non Reporting Funds are non budget reporting funds, and are utilized exclusively to create the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). Exhibit B - Page 2 of 2