HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting PLANNER 1/14/2010
Liberty Bank
5.78 acre portion of 17-02-32 TLl04
LDR (Low Density Residential) Zone and CC (Community Commercial) zone
1. What is the development potential for the approximately 1-acre commercially-zoned northern
portion of the subject property based on the zoning and the East Main refinement plan?
The site is within Mixed Use Area #2. The zone is CC (Community Commercial).
The 5.78 acre parcel is Tract A of the Westwind subdivision. That tract is encumbered
by a plat note that states: "Tract" A" shall be for open space to be owned and
maintained by the Delcarant, its successors or assigns (a non-developed area of
wetlands). For potential future development or use as approved by the city of
This note does not preclude development of the northem portion with commercial uses
(CC zone) and/ or the remainder with residential uses (LDR zone).
Tract A will be a single unit of land until iUs further divided with either a partition or
subdivision application.
The precise location of the zoning boundary will be determined during the land division
process and will be based on the criteria contained in SDC 3.1-115. It would be
beneficial to include a wetland delineation to show the CC zone is outside the wetland
SDC 3.1-115 Determination of Zoning District Boundaries
Where uncertainty exists relating to any zoning district boundaries shown on the Official
Zoning Maps, the Director shall determine the boundaries as specified in the following
A. Lot/parcel Lines. Where zoning district boundaries are indicated as approximately
following lot/parcel lines, the lot/parcel lines are considered to be the boundaries.
B. Multi-zoned Lot/parcels. Where a zoning district's boundary line divides a
lot/parcel and the boundary line location is not otherwise designated by ordinance or
other action, the location of the boundary line is determined by use of the scale
appearing on the Official Zoning Maps.
C. Street Lines.
1. Where zoning district boundaries are indicated as approximately following
the centerline of a public right-of-way, these lines are considered to be the district
boundaries. \_ \ A _~/ A
Date Received: _ =.\ ~ U
Planner: SH
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2. When a public right~of-way is lawfully vacated, the zoning district
boundary is the centerline of the vacated right-of-way, unless indicated
3. The lands formerly within the public right-of-way are subject to the same
zoning regulations that are applicable to the underlying property, unless the
zoning is changed by separate action.
D. Water Courses. Zoning district boundary lines shall follow the centerlines of water
courses, unless the boundary lines are fixed by dimensions shown on the Official Zoning
E. Geographic Areas. Zoning District boundary lines may follow ridgelines, the toe
. of a hill and/or specific elevation contours.
2. Are there any zoning overlnys applicable to the commercially zoned northern portion of the
subject property, and if so, at what stage of development are the overlay zone applications
Tract A is outside the Drinking Water Protection Overlay.
The southern portion of Tract A contains wetlands and an endangered species.
3. When each parcel is ultimately developed, it is anticipated by the applicant that access to the
northern commercial parcel will take access off of Main Street and that the southern residential
parcel will take access off of Daisy Street. Please confirm whether staff agrees with this
Access to Main Street is controlled by ODOT. Contact John Downing at 726-2577.
48th Street will be constructed at an undetermined point in the future.
Access to Tract A will be based on the rules in effect at the time of submittal of an
application. Currently, ODOT controls access to Main Street while the city controls
access to Daisy as well as the future 48th street.
4. Are there any storm water capacity constraints in the vicinity?
5. Please provide the applicant with any issues or questions that staff may have about the proposal.
Date Received:) - \ ~ -~()
Planner: SH
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Citv of Springfield
January 14,2010
Steve Hopkins, Planner 11
Jon Driscoll, Transportation Engineer in Training
ZON2009-00028 Liberty Bank
Development Issues Meeting Public Works Transportation Comments
The Transportation Division has reviewed the subject application for the possible
partitioning of Lot 1 ofWestwind Estate Subdivision near Main Street and 48th Street.
1. Question 1:
. Differed to Planning
2. Question 2:
. Differed to Planning
3. When each parcel is ultimately developed, it is anticipated by the Applicant
that access to the northern commercial parcel will take access. off of Main
Street and that the southern residential parcel will take access off of Daisy
Street. Please confirm whether staff agrees with this assessment.
. Yes, the access streets are correct. However, as Main Street is under
ODOr jurisdiction, they would have to be contacted and an access:permit
obtainedfrom them. Springfield does have some concerns with the Main
Street Access, though.
4. Are there any storm water capacity constrains in the vicinity?
. Differed to Engineering Development staff.
5. Please provide the Applicant with any issues or questions that staff may
have about the proposal. .
. Because of the proximity to 48th Street, any future access to Main Street
should be located as far west on the Parcell as possible- but that poses
possible problems with the Fire Station #14 's driveway right on the other
side of the property line. This frontage does not provide the best choices
for access to Main because of these two issues.
Date ReCeived:" 1/ I ~ -~ f 6
Planner: SH
Note: As is stated in your Development Issues Application: The Development Issues Meeting is not a land use
decision and does not confer any development rights, establish any conditions, or bind the applicant or the CitY to any
course of action. The meeting conveys the status of known development opportunities and constraints. The scittus may
change over time as development conditions or standards change.
City of Springfield
January 13,2010
Steve Hopkins, Planner
Clayton McEachern, Civil Engineer
ZON2009-00028 Liberty Bank
Development Issues Meeting Public Works Comments
This response concerns the Development Issues Mee9ng for a possible partitioning of a
portion of the Westwind Estates Subdivision.
1. Question 1:
Differed to Planning
2. Are there any zoning overlays applicable to the CommerciaUy-zoned
northern portion ofthe Suhject Property, and if so, at what state of
development are the overlay zone applications required?
The property is the 99yr TOT zone and not subject to the drinking water
protection zoning nor is the property within any floodplain boundary. The
southern lot does contain a designated wetland with endangered species present.
3. When each parcel is ultimately developed, it is anticipated by the Applicant
that access to the northern commercial parcel will take access off of Main
Street and that the southern residential parcel will take access off of Daisy
Street. Please confirm whether staff agrees with this assessment.
This appears to be feasible, assuming ODOT grants an access permit (likely for
a single commercial lot with no other access to public ROW).
4. Are there any storm water capacity constrains in the vicinity?
Yes. The storm drain pipe in Main Street does not have any additional capacity
available and any increase in runoff from the site would need to be mitigated.
One possible solution would be to utilize vegetative treatment and infiltration to
the south of the commercial area with an emergency overflow to the wetlands.
This may require Oregon DSL approval but is not an unusual circumstance.
S. Please provide the Applicant with any issues or questions that staff may
have about the proposal.
The southern portion of the property will require wetlands delineation before
any development can occur. . . \_ \ A ~I 0
Date Recelved.-
Planner: SH
Note: As is stated in your Deyelopment Issues Application: The Development Issues Meeting is not a land llse
decision and does not confer any development rights, establish any conditions, or bind the applicant or the City to any
course of action. The meeting conveys the status of known development opportunities and constraints. The status may
change over time as development conditions or standards change.
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Note: As is stated in your Development Issues Application: The Development Issues Meeting is not a land use
decision and does not confer any development rights, establish any conditions, or bind the applicant or the City to any
course of action. The meeting conveys the status of known development opportunities and constraints. The status may
change over time as development conditions or standards change.
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