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Permit Correction Notice 2010-5-3
""{.")"~'~/~"""",,~J~, ""-+:'~""""~.$l/\iJ,.':'.i.4,...,,<,J'"c,. . ';1 r' '(,.~,~~~. ~r .,....,...-. .~.~,:.".:.~-,...,-';tf'l...;.l~,./.[J,.-;;..:."r-- " ~ ";:' .-c..,I",'- 'l'~ ........ . ...... ....~-.i'"'....l,.....~.."-,,..~.......,. ", " " , . . -r'J.'''''f.t~ .. ", City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street Date: c;- / 3 / / 0 lob# r>l() - (J1j<Z-I' '7,1- c..r Address: ~ l-! h 2w ./ Inspection Type: .<:; f .1'JJ.r..-tL- SPRINGFIELD ~,., TO: ~B'lAJ Civf; POf'4rH ~ tJi "5T./) F ~v:r (AtAS /1)f?);4) u. Fr./c -r ? /"f7.AuAA'l'? 1/ t" M~ IA)(?U-Fr? ~ E,r.-tMJ /1)..R~L, (0 P; f;:. RdtJ D II+P. flJt::1lNf;. 13t..flA.Hi-tV !i-L1 H-A!:rL:- 1+ T/1J <,rR,.U :t-^JI. .M(),)it" I n r) /1 1M 0vr- <:; j) I)r-./M~ <P~F- q' r~/~}f)'- &U-f-/7/ Nl;(...\ 2-3d 'Z-t(, /f Corrections and reinsJ!..e&ion request shall be madjl,within 30 calendar days. r: .7 ;'} Call for reinspection ~yes DNa .\ Inspector' ~r;Y .I )7/fQ{) Date: '? --.') -/ u ~~~~~~~""~r::",........Call for inspection 726-3769.....................................~~Questions 726-3759....~~~~~....~~ ';'" ~, "1' tb-~ riff: NA'PtL D 1l.&HxJ--/:::ri I) /l H..L-: 7/0' '8' I /1/1:'& ; Z <;;'0. 5"3 ./L13..c..?-){) . [, 6 J)vI) nk ()~ lVWr- , ~'tAk.t ::;-' M<Pr.:.,z . Z 5-0 - 7'~ 'Pi / /-!..6-><. ,':/PA-</)dA-;:::T' / I (f $.'3 fI 0/ Z Iffl'l. t7r~..I' Dil.oP &Wn_ FUr ~