HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Miscellaneous 2010-4-21 04/21/2010 23:03 FAX 5414e55e~4 rVAUJ:. r.nuJ.1'lJ:oc.nJ.I'.... U.S. DEP/lRTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY FedeIaI Emetgen<y """'_'11_ NIlticll'ae FIDod rnsuranee Progra'!' ELEVATION CERTIFICATE OMB No. 1660-0008 Expi.... Marcil 3'. 2012 Important: Read the in&1rWions on pages 1-9. SEC1lON A. PRun:;K' r INFOIUIATION I I '. '\;:;.l::.-:-:;;~~.-' ,,'.:: .:;-~~ -, __<h _ ,_ _h .~_........---. ~~- ~.""-- : .~.~~ .~'~~F-' ':. . --~ --------~.__.. Al. BulldingOwnet'.--... ' ,. 0 l...'o.lbA ~Lr<2.-lC.K- A2. BlJlldlnQ. S~tAddreS$(tndvdingApt.. Unit. Suite. anlflor Bidg. No.) 01 P.O. Route and Bo)CNo. -z.~~ I ~ ""l.O>!: '~'-~T CIty ". s"" "':>4> 12.1 ~ f'" lf4-b AD -l< ... Q..I. A3. ?_ ~Ian (1.01 and B_ __. Tax P_ Number.le98i Desaiplion. ""'I R' (,> <'It' \ '-"">-L1I) p,o.LT'ITIO'" PLI'-'r' -.J.D. ~ClO"" - P 'Z."';idZ.. A4. Building U..la..:. R_ntlal, N.....RosIdenli... Addition, A""""-V. ""'.) ~..J.Q.r,<."'" TIA-L- AS. W!lJdeJ~tude;LsL ~ W1'2><>(....) Long. \'2.1...'1~ (Vol) Hori<ontalllaturn:"ONA01927 ~1W A6. Attacn at lea&! 2 photogrephs of the buiId~ if the C.rtificatB is being used to obUf,i" flood in&ur3na:rt. A7. B_ 01_ Number q AS. F..-. bu"';ng with. Crawlspace or endosure(.), A9. For a building wtth an atlactle<l garage: ..... a) _foolagGoIcraw1sI>aceorendoounll') Z'5'35 sq. a) Squa..foolagOofatladted_ ~ sq. b) No. of perm...... flood openitlgs in the crawtspace of "7:=;' b) No. Df pennanenl1k>od openingf. in the atta~nge end05ure(s) wi"'", 1.0 fOOf abow adlac:ent grade ~ _ within 1.0 tJot above adj;Kent grede c:t TobIl net illVa of flood openingS in M.b ~~~ sq en c) Total net area oftlood openi1gI in A8.b ICI in d) Engineen>d lead openings? D V.. 0 ND OJ EnginolllOd flood opening.? 0 V.. . Z1PCode",,4,., SECTION B _ FLOOO IHSlJRANCE RATE MAP (fIRIol) INFORMA11ON 62. County Name L.-J>.l-l E- . 93.' ate ,~O~ 87. FlRM Panel EffectivslRevilad Dale 410 IS? (O.O'Z-'<::\ 810. Inclice1e the 6QUl'CB of tM Base Flood Elevation (BFE) d~\a or base flood depO'l entered irlltem aQ. DFlSProflle DFIRM COrnmunityOe1ennined ~(D_) P'JP-ol.-\""~ OI-l Pl.Jl;'\ Bl1. lndicale_..",musadfotBFEinllemB9Ji5UlC3V01B29 DNAVO,988 Ooa-(DaWIbe) 812. Is the bUiding ~d in a Coa!>tal Banter Re~ SYlitBm (CBRS) area ~fWi5e p,tJCeded AroB (OPA)? 0 Yea tQ'1 No Oe$ignalion 0.", . D CBRS U D?A r 98. Flood Zone(.) A."E- Bll.1las8 Flood EkMItion(s) (Zone AD. use bue tiood dop1h) 4sZ-.1 SECTION C. BUILDING ELEVAllON INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1. Building Blevat40N are based on; 0 Con,truc.1ion Dtawlngs. 0 Building Under Constt'UCdotl"' (if Finished Construdion .A new eJevallon Certificate will be required.when eonswaion of the building i$ compJete. r C2. ElevatiOnJ _ Zones A1-A30, AE. AM. A (Wirh BFE). ve, V1-V30. V (w1U1 Bt:E). AR. ARIA, ARJAE. ARJA1-A3D. ARJAH. ARlAO. Compete Items C2.a-h 'beIow ,ccording to.the buUdl:nQ di:Ollgmm specified In Item A7. Use It'e Silme ditum as tt're 8FE. BanchmarkUIIIlled' lZ..M 4?-, V,rlIc:BID_ Com/eI'SktntCommetdS .1 ChKk (he meas...-ement u58Cl. ~4-~ A i:31i,;, B ...... (1'uefto Rico only) ~'!!>"!> . z.. [31;., mote.. (""""" Rico only) ~. bl-" 0 me.... (1'uefto Rioo only) 4 . '2.. trlllfl' D meters lPuello Rico only) 4~30 ~ Orne1... (1'uefto Rico only) ~ ,4-.~ 0...- (Puer1o Rico only) <r.5O .~I 0 "'a"'" (PUOtIO Rico only) ~ ~~1 0 mete.. (Puer1o Rico only) .) Top of boll... _ r""""""o baSotIlllnt. craw1sp8Ce...- ~ Ilocr) b) Top afthe oaxt higher noor cj _ of the iOwesl horizontal 5InJdUrai member (V 2..... only) d) AU_d ....go ~op of slab) .) Lowest etevetion of machina'y or equipment senridng the buicdng (Delia"ibe type of equipmeot DtId location in C~) ~ ~.~ (finishedl.,me'-" building (lAG) III H;ghn1"'~n' (tinislledl grade nexI to building (HAG) h) Lowest aq)acenI goade at _51 ........ 01_ or s1an.lndlOIing _....port SECTION D _ S~OR. BIG_I'D, OR ARCHITI!CT CER11FICA11ON This cet;ti6<:8Pon i... 10 be Ilgned and R3Ied by a land s..wyor. efllPneer, or archited auIhottzed by ta~ to certify eIeva1iDf1 Infatmation. , carlily thM the ir2IonnatiotI Of) this CatfJlkaro repmsents my befit ~ (C Jnt9tJ'f8l rtJe dlIt8 8V11i1sb1e. . , understandth"8IlyfajsQ~emetJ'maytaepunislJiJbIobYfineOl'imprisonmentum1Bl 'lJ U.S. Code, Section 1001. o Check hG~ If comments ~ provided on ~ of farm. VIIere laItude and IofViIude ir\ Section A provided by a Iicensed..........yor? Dy.. 0 No CeAifie(.NIme lo""~' A.. A &'\. , Uamso_ber'. -1/>...,,- ~ ~T'1""1--"~-~ a2Jjj.f...OF-1-L..<:.,. LAOS Company Name L ~_~s.V,,\I~i..e4!..l~ '"( ~e>.LE:tI~ I~. . L- ~ ZIP Cod ~e .(0 Tefe .~. see reverse side fer continuation. Tide C-M.I.r. ><:::J..)0t~- Addrul Signo.... Rapl.... .ti pnMouS FEMA Foon'B1-31. Mat 09 04/21/2010 23:04 FAX 5414~5".4 rVAUc. C.1'UolHIJ,..,,,,un,ll I1III'ORTAJlT; In lIIese spaces, ~ theconespondlDg Information - - A. BuIId~ _....d.....l-..!in; AI>L. Unit. SUlle, """"" Bldg. No.) or P.O. Roue _ Bolt No. 'l..e> . t-!.00f2..T'-'\ -=~ ?...-n~T C"" SOl.. ZIP Code ~I2JFIE.l-h. ~ <\14-'1'1 SECTlON D - SURVEYOR. I:NGINEER, OR ARCtIITECT CERTIFICA nON (CONTINUED) copy ba" sldos of this _n c..,;r""ta fa, (1) com"""" a_, (2) .....anal agentI<Ompally. snd (3) bUlkIlng ......r. Comment>-n:t1;' UTiL.I" 2-4i<.1"-~~ "1'0 V~~ ~"0J.4 c.-Z(s.'> \<-,,' ~ b~ ~ \ltL ~T \<./.~ ~--':;'1Il- ' S~A.~OCk ~21\C o Che<l<hen>h.ach...... $I!CT1ON E. BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE! PC AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) For Zoncs AO 8m1 A (wi\t1<iut BFE). complete 110m. E1-ES. 'INlCertlficalOls ittended'."4'P.rt .lO...... or lOMR-F ""1_ canplOl8 S..-A, B, and C. For IWII'!$ E1-E4. uae natufal gracIe. if svoilabJe. ChBdC the measuremeni used. In Puerto Rka Oft~. enter meters. E1. Pr_ _ntnfDmll1lonf<<lhe_ng.... cnedc!he ~ boras" _wno"""'" e_..""" ..._the hisf'esl oolja..... g.... (HAG) .nd Ihe _ adlllCl!nt !l'ma (lAG). . 0) Top ofbollomlloor(1I1dud01g _, c:rawIqlaCO, ..............ps_._ 0- 0.- 8= or 8-1ho HAG. b) Top of bottom ftoo'('''''''''g basomenl. """""""oe.ora-""")is_,_ [)eel 0- or _IhoLAG. EL FotBuilding DiogqI... 8-II..h .-I"a"..d_ open.... ~ in SediQ!!/o _8 ~81-1l!lI'" 8-11 of 1_), tho null1igtel'lIoor (elevationC2.bin"'BcIiagtarnS)of1nebulcfjng~ _._0 teet Urneten;. UabOveor UbeIowtheHAG. . 51 A__(lopof-).. ._._0.... 0-1> 0 _or 0 below IlloHAG. 64. Top of~,," olma_ .ndJ.requi~....w;ng "abullding is_,_ 0 - 0- 0 -... Obelowlhe HAG, Es. Zone AO only: If no IDod depth nLmlber . ...,..W&.. i$1he top of the bottom Ioor eI8vatBd in accordance Witt1 the comfDlJrify's f100dptain Jt1llnag.mca'lr _ne.? 0 Ves 0 No 0 UnIc..... Th.Iaca'offi6aI....' C8IlIfy.thIs Infonnation" So<IIOn G. SECTION F _ PROPeRTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTAllVE) CERTlPICATION Thlt prDperty owner or owner'5 authorirad represent81ive wOo complot8S $edlons A, 8, JInd e rDr Zone A (wllhOUl a FEMA-tssuecl or c:onvnunlty..fssued BFE) or Zr;ma AO m~ sign~. 7lJe ~nts In Sections A, S, and E BtO comICI to the be.st 01 my Ivlo~ '~. Property Owner', or ().mef', AuI1oriz8d R8~tltive'a Name ~'~i.~.:.~l;-"~::..--:,-,-., ' :.-:::_ ~~~; 'I__=;:j~_,':_...:....~;._{_____._'_' H~, I, . ~-.-. '..':. <,' ..... :I~-;t:-:';~; : ,:;' ~.-:-:: . , - . ---- -.---------'. -_._~- SlgnallJre COmments. City DaIll State ZIP Coda Address . T.leph.... o Check hBtft If anachmerQ SECTIDH G. COI/iMUNITY INFORIIA TION (OPTIONAL) Tho _ .fficial wtlo is _ by tow at _10 admin_the cummunlly's ftoodplain menogoment ....- csn CllflIOe\e - A. B. C (or El, and G ofthill EIeya1ion ~... Complo!ll lheapp6cable ilem(s) and sign below. Cl1ed<1t>o.....- US<d1n ttoms G8 .....Ga. . tal. 0 The Informetion in $ectian C wa& take~ from other doaJt\'IenUIIiO that hat been $ignad and ati~d by a kensed' aurveyor. tnglneer. f7 sn:hitajJd who Is IUIhoftud by ~ ID C8f'tify eleva1ion infonnatiDn, (lMIca1e the SOU"Ce and d(dlf at 1hD eleva!lon data to tl-.e Comments area below.) (;2, 0 A oommUJliI)' oftlda' ~ted SedIon E lor. building _.... .. Zone A (wIIhout . FEMMssUOd at camrnuri1y.i.....d BFE).. Zone AO, G3. 0 TIW' foUowing infonnatiort (Items G4-G9) ts provided for carnrnonfty~oodpl8io management putpD&8S. . I Gl. Permit Number I G5. 0'" I'otmh ,...... '---1 Ga. Oate CertiIIJ;aIo 01 ~DsnoeIOccuponcy Iso'" GT. Thl> Pf""'it has .... issued for; 0 Now Conslludion 0 s_a1lmplOllOmonl Ga, e_ of as-buiIl_ .... (""'udInG ....mon\) 01 the ........ 'G8. IlFE at (In Zone AO) doplh 01 ft~ 11\ tllO bulding "'" . G10. COmmunity's design lIood ~levatioo D- O- 0_ o moIerslPR) O-(PR) 0...- (PR) 0..... 0._ Datum ~OCIII OIiciat"s. Name . c;;;n7tr:ily Name To"" T."'P"""" . Sign_ 0... eomments o Cl1oCl< h"'" ff oftachmonbJ Replaclis all preomu. edilionft: 'FEUA:FOlTT1 81-31, lIIar 09 Apr 20 2010 9:11AM LOWES WEATHERIZATION INC. 15414852292 pac:e 1 -...................-.., I I -' -~/; Q;r GUARDIAN FlBERGLASS INSULATION 1000 East North Street Albion. MI 49224 PREMIUM LOose.4'lLL FIBERGLASS INSl/lAllON INSULATION CER IFICATE . . -. ". - :su - 2II.lI 7 11-44 au D.IIOlI - 2lL2 lI.IilI4 R-aO 111.6 0 tU 0JI48 Ulll U75 11-11 tJI 7.171 7-'71. -1 U GMI' lI.OO 5.00 1 U 111 4.25 . .us I I ."1NOIlI ~lOtINI"lhI,.,..DNIR-v11Dt. ........tholrlluld'1l....,.yoar.......hfcl......OOR.._.... bQVRIglI::,......aaua.~$Ous..I'ar~"'*'*'Olip.Nat_=~.,...,1IhIMt _be 1nIZIIW.._venla.1lwnllII,.-...___ . I 1rt~.."BTUCUJ'_ASTuC51..TNt~_Clf'_...... &adl#lSTlllC1'lW"'1~1. li'..'.-... .:.~.'...'-...h...(.a,..-..".........;..:.....................;Ift...:.~............)... '~'.' . . r" . ... ,. " ,,~,. , .W.... ......."......... UUA . <.V.iie', .,~:~~~ }i~~~. 1L/;. " I I I "~I - - Fall - a.-AII CeIlings Q Q Q Q r& ...1L Jj.1} CI '/101 Q Q Q Q Q F100ra Q Q Q Q a Q Q Q Walls Q Q Q Q Q a Q Q Builder's and Applicator's Certification Signature ThIs Is to certify the Insulation as InstaUed confonns to the requlremelilB indicarad on this card 10 provide thermal resistance value 01 R...11.. using ..!l- bags of Insulation 10 ~r: ., L t/ square feet area. Depth of previous insulalion!1.L.. fI Iff . Type of insulallOl1; ...t~ OUpgrade ~ew Consfruction I InctIIa fIowlu. . ~Eto. fI:. J"/~ oJ /,~. ~ i 'l. l.:DI'fI 1-.J~~ ...I"""'''~r~ ~u. . ~'iI-tfl\...97Rl- tI-- i c..p.nyHMr'~"" .. ,..... !kJIdIr.._..... r I . ! I - -....- ".,IJ", Ad"- ...... ----- i L.__. <.\Iii <I IE .....n......__... --.-...-....-...-...........-...-....-.......-.. ~ BFU'mo o:IQJ f'lt*d~u.u. o ou...Ekti1a~ fnc.