HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 4/8/2010 :City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 . . Land Division Tentative. Plan Partition, Subdivision pplication Type (Applicant: check one) o Subdivision Tentative Pre-Submittal: ~ Subdivision Tentative Submittal: D D Partition Tentative Pre-Submittal: Partition Tentative Submittal: Required Project Information (Applicant: complete this section) Applicant Name: Andrea McKinney, Trustee I Company: IAddress: PO B()x 1352, Springfield, OR, 97477 I 'c"<l' ._,.~;-- .w-,.....''''.~..~_-_...r~ W. " IAPPlicant's Rep.: Renee Clough, PE, PLS, AICP Icompany: Branch Engineering Inc. IAddress: 310 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 1'.._ ".oi<..">> "^'^ "",-".",,-n ,,0_'.". -_".. ....F~ <.............-..- I Property Owner: Same as applicant Icompany: IAddress: 110- ~ '" .... ,,.-......;.,, -" <<<; t. il..k:--"" IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-34-44 Phone: 541-746-2543 Fax: -. .'!'.h'~~__~~' "';'_~ Phone: 541-746-0637 Fax: 541-746-0389 ''"' _.'~ iV" ""- w' Phone: Fax: ,. <>> "'" 'i ..'" ~ 0 " I I I I , I \ sf IDensity: 12 du/acre I ro riate box on the next ITAX LOT NOeS): 1201 Property Address: 6595 Main Street Size of Property: 17,811 Acres D SQuare Feet ~ I Proposed Nam~ ~f_ Sub_~yi~'~O'~:d' mm .. d~_'. _J-," Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. proDo~al: Two parcel oartition to separate the existinq four-olex from the existino sino Ie family residence Existing Use: Multi-family residential _# of Lots/Parcels: 2 IAvg. Lot/Parcel Size: 8,905 Si natures: Please si n and our name and date in the a .. . . - . . a _ Associated Applications: Signs: ~t\ Pre-Sub Case No.: Pn. db/Q - NXl(Y-{ Date: .' I Reviewed by: Icase NO.:SUiS J-D l(l -DCfJ62--- Date: tf I ?d 10 I Reviewed by: r;, tttkJ IAPPlication F~~: $ if~11 DU ITechnical Fe~:l $' 'J.~~. S'S Ipostage Fee: $/0 0 ~U , r 11.J h L uate Ij<ecelvecl. (J- oJ; 111M I i TOTAL FEES: ~ ~ ~;. ~ I PROJECT NUMBER: 'JIf.--J dOtO -W\.UI ~l'H . 0 Lulu Revised 11.19.09 1 of 10 Original Submittal Owner Signatures . . This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner-signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. I/we do hereby acknowledge that I/we are legally responsible for all statutory timelines, information, requests and requirements conveyed to my representative. Owner: Date: Signature Andrea McKinney Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: ~~~', ....Signature v' ~ Date: 4-g -10 Andrea McKinney Print Date Received: APR - 8 2010 Original Submitt;ol Revised 11.19.09 2 of 10 Land Division Tentative Iplication Process . 1. Applicant Submits a Land Division Tentative Application for Pre-Submittal . The application must conform to the Land Division Tentative Submittal Requirements Checklist on pages 4-.6 of this application packet. . A pre-submittal meeting to discuss completeness is mandatory, and pre-submittal meetings are conducted every Tuesday and Friday, from 10:00 am - noon. . Planning Division staff strives to conduct pre-submittal meetings within five to seven working days of receiving an application. 2. Applicant and 'the City Conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting . The applicant, owner, and design team are strongly encouraged to attend the pre- submittal meeting. . The meeting is held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning Division and is scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. . The Planner provides the applicant with a Pre-Submittal Checklist specifying the items required to make the application complete if it is not already complete, and the applicant has 180 days submit a complete application to the City. 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application, City Staff Review the Application and Issue a Decision . A complete application must conform to the Land Division Tentative Submittal Requirements Checklist on pages 4-6 of this application packet. . A Type II decision, made after public notice, but without a public hearing, unless appealed, is issued within 120 days of submittal of a complete application. . Mailed notice is provided to property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the property being reviewed and to any applicable neighborhood association. In addition, the applicant must post one sign, provided by the City, on the subject property. . There is a 14-day public comment period, starting on the date notice is mailed. . Applications are distributed to the Development Review Committee, and their comments are incorporated into a decision that addresses all applicable approval criteria and/or development standards, as well as any written comments from those given notice. . Applications may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. . At the applicant's request, the Planner can provide a copy of the draft land use decision prior to issuing the final land use decision. '. The City mails the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the decision, which is effective on the day it is mailed. . The decision issued is the final decision of the City but may be appealed within 15 calendar days to the Planning Commission or Hearings Official. Date Received: APR - 8 2010 Revised 11.19.09 Original Submittal 3 of 10 Land Division Tentative Ibmittal Requirements checlst NOTE: "lAD "/AD ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. o ALL of the following items MUST be submitted for BOTH Pre-Submittal and Submittal. o If you feel an item on the list below does not apply to your specific application, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the pre-submittal and submittal stages. Land Division Tentative Application Form Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the existing use of the property, and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken. Copy of the Deed Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. Copy of the Land Division Plan Reduced to 8Y2"X 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. Right-of-Way Approach Permit Application provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility. Three (3) Copies of the Stormwater Management System Study with Completed Storm water Scoping Sheet Attached - The plan, supporting calculations, and documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. ' Three (3) Copies of the Traffic Impact Study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC 4.2-105 AA. Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system. In general, a TIS must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system in terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systems. A TIS must also address, if needed, City, metro plan and state land use and transportation policies and objectives. Seven (7) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Pre-Submittal OR Eighteen (18) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Submittal [gJ All of the following plans must include the scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, north arrow, and date of preparation. ~ All plan sets must be folded to 8Y2" by 11" and bound by rubber bands. a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions Date Received: [gJ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer [gJ Vicinity Map APR - 8 2010 Original Submittal, w Revised 11.19.09 Revised 11.19.09 ~ The name, location'd dimensions of all existing site Itures including buildings, curb cuts, trees, and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed. For existing structures to remain, also indicate present use and required setbacks from proposed property lines. N/A DThe name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services Department N/ A D The 100-year floodplain and flood way boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision ~ The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department ~ Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 V2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings ~ Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table b. Land Division Tentative Plan ~ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Land Surveyor N/A D City boundaries, the Urban Growth Boundary, and any special service district boundaries or railroad right-of-way which cross or abut the proposed land division ~ Location and width of all existing and proposed easements on and abutting the proposed land division ~ Boundaries of entire area owned by the property owner, of which the proposed land division is a part, as well as dimensions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimensions of each building site indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale ~ Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting, including type, height, and area of illumination ~ Location, widths, conditions, and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed land division. Proposed streets should also include approximate radius of curves and grades and relationship to any projected streets as shown on the Metro Plan, TransPlan, Conceptual Development Plan, or Conceptual Local Street Map. ~ Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public facilities ~ Location and dimensions of existing and proposed driveways ~ Location of existing and proposed transit facilities ~ Location and width of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways and bike trails N/A D Location, size and type of plantings and street trees in any required planter strip Date Received: APR - 8 2010 5 of 10 Original Submittal ~ Location and size o~isting and proposed utilities on at adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points N/A D The locations of all areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use, with the purpose, condition or limitations of the reservations clearly indicated ~ Future Development Plan where phasing or large lots/parcels are proposed as specified in SDC 5.12-120 E. c. Stormwater Management Plan [gJ Prepa'red by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer N/A D Planting plan prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system [gJ Roofdrainage patterns and discharge locations [gJ Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns [gJ The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained ~ Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals) N/ A D Amount of proposed cut and fill D Additional Materials That May be Required IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING PRE-DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 5.1-120: N/A D Proposed deed restrictions and a draft of any Homeowner's Association Agreement N/A D Additional plans and documentation for submittal of a Cluster Subdivision proposal as specified in SDC 3.2-230 N/A D Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW [gJ A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present N/A D Where the development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards of the overlay district N/A D If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5.19-100 ~ A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted for review Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the ~~~i~nd and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to develojJment APR - 8 2010 ~ N/AD Revised 11.19.09 Origin~f~Ubmiltal N/AD N/AD N/AD Revised 11.19.09 Where apPliCabl~ny Discretionary Use or variance' specified in SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100 An Annexation application, as specified in SDC 5.7-100, where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban service area and can be served by sanitary sewer All public improvements proposed to be installed and to include the approximate time of installation and method of financing Date Received: APR - 8 2010 Original Submittal 7 of 10 @ . Branch Engineering, . Inc. Corporate H.adquaners (541 "7,~6-063t 310:5'" Str.et Spnngfieid, OR 97477 Salem Engineering Ofnc. (503)'771l-2577 ,147: Commerci.,I,Street:NE "Suite '1 0 ,Salem, OR 97301 , Principal. M,Lane'Srench, PE Damien Gllbsrt,PE RenosClougli, PE, PcS, AICP Rene: Fabrloent,PE,'SE RoneldJ::Delfick,F'E www.BranchEngln.iririg;co... April 5, 2010 Steve Hopkins City of Springfield 225 Fifth St. Springfield OR 97477 Dear Steve, This is a complete submittal for the Andrea McKinney partition at 6595 Main Street. A completeness review meeting was held at II :00 on Friday, April 2, 2010. The items deemed incomplete at the meeting have been addressed as follows: FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY (Gilbert Gordon) No items TRANSPORTATION (Jon Driscoll) Provide additional dimensioning between the easements and parcel lines to help visualize easements in field. The requested dimensions have been added to the plan. Revise the parking area for the house to reflect the current conditions. A site visit revealed that the previously concrete parking area is now grassy gravel. The drawing has now been revised accordingly As a heads-up item, the Conditions of Approval will require the rhododendron and sign to be removed from the vision clearance triangle. Thank you for the advance notice. PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING (Eric Walter) No items incomplete, but there was a discussion of some confusion regarding existing and proposed easements. The lines for the proposed easement have been darkened to help define the limits. Date Received: APR - 8 2010 Original Submittal CIVIL STRUCTURES T~ANSPOIUA,T10N GEOTECHNICAL SURVEYING . . PLANNING (Steve Hopkins) No items Please feel free to contact me at 746-0637 if you or anyone else has any questions. Sincerely, ~ ~:CIough, PE, PLS, AICP Principal Surveyor Branch Engineering, Inc. Date Received: APR - 8 2010 Original Submittal 0 :::!, co :S' 0 !!t en > III - s:: -0 <D 0' :::0 :::0 3 I ;:;: <D Iii co ~ ...., <=> ct - <=> <D a. . . . ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ " " . ~ 0 ~ - ~ i :.: \. I jl II: '.1 '.. 111 1'"[ ~ l'I I: ..,~ ... Ii I'" 1" II rhD~i1 : i~u ,-'rooT 2ll.ge ~Ii ,I':~ -, :i'1 . ~~'~j:~flJ;:::~~~(~~r;~~,r~~,,~1t T~i i .~_ _..~.~~, .~~~~ T~~~~~~ ~-~ - -~\ ,~:. ,.;;,,":, -.1 I '- <, /'$, '- i 1"'1 ~. II i;' 8:',:!' +~, "', ,;,-'-'I,llllii" ,. '," , \ I!'L ~'''''~~d', ,/ ::, ;'1'1' I ~ '10 I ~.. )''''_ _ .1..,1 "'i. -~, I 1- _ -"r ,. \'l , 1"1, ,5:: I,' ~~- 'f' . 8 I l'I"' j I - ~ i':;'~;: I .; ift"i"1 ~~-( II ~ I !.., , ~T ~ "~':~;~qH -~ ~i_~j( I . n r:j:l!i ." '\~~~ ,1< Ill: dC'~', , '.-c+i ''-#-,' .' " 'I ., ,~,..^' '" w" \. 't,' th! ! " 'I' ~~'l'~(~l.n;:;f1-'ll' ~~I!I~rli')~'~1 L"i ~'1'j:-tW g'l~ ~jL- ~-1 .,' _ 1";;+:::::,_,,,,;'''10;: v.! I I I:', , ",,,-,---. I 171if1 <<to \: - - - -", ,'",,- c:J----iI-c:"~,.,., ~'_. ^-....,_"~..:.." I I, I' -"', /;;;.' I I, f' I . 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"T} ill' . II! .. I "'" ' ~!~:..,'i "t' ~ -__ I ~'~. ,";",.";',:1 . . ~ -~ ~" . .... t" I , ,,~ ~ , ..: ~1'I~Branch En!ineuin!, Inc.1 --<!I;;i'4~" ....- ~ ~~"m ill ~ ~ t-o 1"11'_ . , PROJe:CTTlTL(: TENTATIVE PARTITION' PLAN FOR ",.", 6595 & 6597 MAIN STRErT I SPRINGFIELD.. OREGON" .: "-~':'.::...... ., 'I' ~e ~8 li >:~ g ~ r'~ '~p-- f """ ,.f= J I DSIT'[nASSfSSMENT or ,-- ""'_'.20' EXISTING CONDITIONS AND LAND DIVISION TENT. PLAN -... ....- ",-..1<1. -" __mol 11011_" ! ~ ~ .......--.."""...... . <Ioil'-....._._.......... , --...... . . WRITTEN STATEMENT FOR THE TENTATIVE PARTITION ApPLICATION This application is a proposal to partition the property at 3545 Oregon Avenue (Map 17- 02-31-43, Tax Lot 2101) into two parcels. Currently, the site is developed with a single-family house on Parcell (9534 sq. ft. :fo); this residence will remain on Parcell. However, the garage will be removed to allow room for the panhandle portion of Parcel 2 (7355 sq. ft. :fo in the flag portion). In conformance with the Low Density Residential classification of the site and surrounding properties, Parcel 2 will eventually, be developed with single-family residences. It is not necessary to dedicate any land to the city. Since the layout and location of the future house on Parcel 2 is not known, no trees will be removed or earthwork performed at this time. Two neighborhood mailbox units exist at the Northeast comer of the property. If the panhandle lot were to have its own driveway and curb cut, these mailbox units would need to be moved. The developer preferred to leave the mailbox units in place and construct a shared driveway utilizing the existing curb cut on Oregon Avenue. It is unlikely that any trees will need to be removed from either parcel for construction of the driveway or future house construction on Parcel 2. Oregon Avenue is fully improved so no off- site improvements are necessary now or in the future. The Lane County Soil Survey shows the site as having Coburg-Urban Land Complex (32) across the Southern portion of the site and Malabon-Urban Land Complex (76) across the Northern portion of the site. The Soil Survey indicates that Coburg-Urban Land Complex has a seasonal high water table of 1 Y:. to 2Y:. feet from November to May and that Malabon-Urban Land Complex has a high water table below 6 feet. It is doubtful that the water table changes so drastically across such a small site. Most likely, the water table is somewhere between these two values. The Survey also indicates there may be problems with low soil strength in the Coburg- Urban Land Complex soil. The Malabon-Urban Land Complex may have troubles with moderate shrink-swell potential and moderately slow permeability. The existing houses in the neighborhood and the house on site were not recently constructed and none of these houses show indications of adverse impacts from the soil. For this reason, no Geotechnical Report was obtained. Parcell meets the qualifications for a solar lot. Parcel 2 is not a solar lot since its North- South dimension in the flag portion is only 75 feet. A modification for this should be granted under 34.0l0(3)(d) since the existing house on Parcell is far enough from the line between the two parcels that any shade cast on Parcell by a structure on Parcel 2 is not likely to reach the existing house. It is possible that the parcels could have been laid out to conform with the solar lot standards, however, the existing hedge and fence create a natural screen between the two lots that would be lost if the line were moved to conform with the solar standards. This project does not require any additional planning applications. Date Received: APR - 8 2010 Original Submittal . . STORMW ATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Site Plan Review Application 6595 Main Street 17-02-34-44 TL 1200 /z.-J/_o::'~ For: Michael Brandt-Drury Prepared By: Branch Engineering, Ine, August 2004 [j!\lt~ f1t~e~iv~d: APR = a 2010 Original Submittal . . SUMMARY OF PROPOSED MANAGEMENT PLAN Site Plan Review Application 6595 Main Street 17-02-34-44 TL 1200 Currently the project area has a main residence and accessory dwelling; the remaining area consists oflawn, weed grass and a small amount of wetland, The soil on site has very low penneability causing the majority of the rainfall to runoff under current conditions, The site naturally slopes towards the northwest, but the highway to the north causes the runoff to channel along the south side of the highway, eventually entering the drainage system in the highway, The wetlands are a result of stonnwater ponding at the base of the hill to the south of the project area. It is not believed that the wetland water enters the Main Street system under the existing conditions. Maps showing the topol,'faphy of the area are included in Appendix A The soils in the area have a seasonal high water table that is between 1.5 and 2,5 feet below the surface (per the Lane County Soils Survey). The Lane County Soils Survey also lists the soils on the site as having a slow percolation rate, Due to these two factors, the majority of stonnwater exits the site as runoff under the current conditions. Appendix B shows that 0.33 cfs currently enters the ODOT system from this site. The project proposes to keep the main residence, but replace the accessory dwelling with a fourplex, two duplexes and a parking area, The driving and parking areas associated with the development need to be drained to a treatment system then released from the site, A 36" stonnwater pipe is being installed at the Mountain Gate subdivision this swnmer, but is far enough away that an extension to this site is not practical. The only other option is to drain the water from the development to the drainage system in Main Street. An application has been submitted to ODOT for pennission to drain the runoff to Main Street and the stonnwater quality measures have been designed to meet the ODOT specifications. A grassed swale is proposed between the existing residence and the proposed fourplex, The on-site paved area will drain to this swale for filtration before leaving the site, The swale will be planted with a standard swale grass seed mix as called out on the landscaping plan in Appendix A Runoff from the roofs and pervious areas will not be treated since these are not considered to be contaminated areas. However, the roof runoff will be channeled through the orifice to control the discharge rate. The roof drain pipe was not able to daylight in the swale due to the maximwn possible flowline being lower than the swale flowline. Consequently, the roof drain pipe taps into the swale catchbasin. The only design specification that the swale was not able to meet is the 100 foot minimwn length. Due to the shape of the lot and the locations of the existing house, fences and wetlands, it was not possible to make the swale any longer than 70 feet. However, it was still possible to exceed the minimum residence time, The calculations associated with the water quality portion of the swale design are included as Appendix C. As already mentioned, a seasonal high water table exists in the area, To prevent groundwater inflow, the bottom of the swale is set to be approximately 1.5 feet below existing ground (the maximum expected water table elevation), As shown in Appendix D, the post-development runoff has been limited to the pre- development runoff. This does cause some ponding in the swale, but as shown in the calculations the maximum water surface elevation (515.97) is a foot below the jowe:Rtop of.. . i. Vale Kecelved: I' t APR "s 2010 Orl!:lil1!l! l';iybmitlaL ~ l . . swale elevation (517) and only half a foot above the bottom ofswale (515,56), This amount of ponding is minor arid will not cause any adverse impacts to the residents in the area or require an additional overflow. These calculations were done for a 10 year, 24 hour storm per ODOT requirements, Appendix E checks the 25 year, 24 hour storm per the City of Springfield requirements, The calculations included in Appendix E show that the 25 year storm causes'an equally minor amount of ponding, I I ! eate R~lil~iVtid; APR m 8 2U1O Original SubmlUal . . APPENDICIES APPENDIX A APPENDIX B APPENDIX C APPENDIX D APPENDIX E Maps Current Runoff Conditions Water Quality Storm Calculations 10 Year Storm Calculations 25 Year Storm Calculations , Oate R!i7r:J!i1ived: ! APR = 8 2010 Original Submittal . . APPENDIX A Maps Including: USGS Quad Map City of Springfield Topo Isopluvial Maps Tax Assessor's Map Proposed Grading, Paving and Drainage Plan Proposed Landscaping Plan [)~t~ Rl7itl~lved: APR ~ 8 2010 Original Submittal . on .ch . , . . . M o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 ~. r o 0.09 0.18 0.27 0.36 0.45 .1 M" 00",,,. urn 10 50714" 4876946N (WG584/Nf"'l3) , projectio~~;iG~~~~n~u~gr~~~~3 Datum ... e~fe Reeejvt;l~~: og APR "8 zura Or/glnlil/ SUbmIttal -'..~.-' ~".' .,'.~.' ~t~6D8~~~:~/'tiJ!' ~~'l-.'- \. ;'TREES a ?SRUIH .~",k~fk-., I!~ .:ll~' "l~:.~"-:...~..~",-,:.;....,!<:-;w".~~_:-,--~,.~...11~-.--:'~~~:~~~:1~~~: '. .. ,/ U:.';' ~ I /~ / j' f~\ \ ". . s~ '~J~8" ~;o:".:- . ~" ~l i,f:,.' ~~r.':.:STRE:E:f'::'<;: ,.tr~;?:;9'JJI Ie; d', -.~ \) S' _ . x.. :~ r,] "\. . I~" .I v~87 p' _ I~ .~~__~-.:..k=:___,,,,,,,"""'-'"'._""':'_":;"";":"':-~~~/~&:"--'~"";n~~ :::. ~. \, / <,' 0 '-':0-<:: . " j. ..,~- -" -~ ,/' 9' I~F.L '.'IC.'9.C o' ~I-I-~' .1'....,,---,---7.: . "-;'./~ 'I... ;,;...~ ~...'.>~..'.,~..:..{.:":"." , Os ~ ".; Z ~:"'" > " ~. \ ,~ '.O+FLoIO..;. '. I L..i.' " "":"'~I '" 10,'<. :"Fi..i i ~ \5/2 :f IjCC, l,~~ l>Jf\~i:;:;:,\Hff~I'~Jt,~'15'2 ~:~>; ~ :m}'j~':,~::", 't,Ul'o~ ,:jl'60~ {. 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ST' l.".,.,J~ ". /-, ...--.'" \. 1 J i~ _ :/-;,: \.] E ~_. ,-.xL.... \"\ r I f _-:::r-,....~\ / /-;::~-----"', ---'(:,) ABR~8101D .:-------~-,~~7-"'::,-c"'--'\y ~U'STKEo.,it~~~(~~\\--illf j,------ "IT\k~'d. .... r" :.;: _ \ oJ -p _ ~i.(n~Srl.SI . ........ ~ -.\ \ t'<. ~......, I 'V........v D .SD l~-.',~, no f'} Ii V~. 1/1. Fj.~ 5/~.1' ' :1 5:-); 'r;f)O --....... l".. ". ,.".,-'-"':'.....,.., c____'-l. :. '. 0, 1...... . ~ ---.. ii ,~..-.., 'lit : 1,:.11051'#,,.., _u~_'- ~- /" ~v u_ \, ,_' _-,..,. >S~';':':-=-=--~' 1-' ~~ ~ ~ ~O '~. 'lJ~~I~al SubmittaL ' ; (~j ,""" II,;'; I' I ". - ______... ", \ . ____ ~_ ____ . ::--::::- ''1..,"' -...... _ ' I!. I' J ---- - -.:::......~:--_, _': :u,'; __ ----- --- ~~c ~ -,) '. "'.'- , . ","" /. I \ ,: ' / ' ---- --- ,,' -- ----- ,," -~ --- --~, 1 "?'J .', d " '/ ' -__:-",uHU' -,- -~~' -,..., 1 ,,--, I ------:.<~2~:"~:~-~::::: ---=_~:..~-=:::=:' '------ 0'20< . \ ; ,'-. I (I. '",,,,, \.... L----&.r&_~~_..l\ '. "'. .. ---______ ::-:.,;:'"':10.~..:::;: --- '< ----~=----- -----.$ .',-._.,.~ .L_..- .>0: : . .../. f .......-.., ......................_'J_.........-X ~......I '. <-~~ ----- . .~-~- --- 3.0 "-~ i[<s I~ 'l ,^~ /' .' ~"".:. , -- --- 55 ~ - ...-::-/ = ~~ - ,:::::;:=:,:c-:-=-=:-"':'--- ___ ~ __ .'....... . 2 ' .... . ," .... -t ';~~~~-::~~~~~-- _ ~~~~Z~~:~:~"_u~~~~~ ~;--(~.?~-::_-) ~~.~.:-,--~_~,::J:,~ > > ~ ,(.i >~ l~. ~'. (v] P: ,~ , ,') x ~ l2.6 ~', ?"" i'-V. --:-......... -1'\ . -- . . . . ~ r- >- ~ ~ 'J ~ S2 :: :s ~ r- en o 'J -< " -~ .... is c: " ~ " '" (') ::; =< >- :j o z Z -l '" Z :j on o ." >- Z Z [) t ,0 I ! , U o I" ~r 2;L I~ 0 ^ r g ~ 2 ~ ~ E ." o " ::;:, m en -l m " Z o " m C'l o z I' I ~IP)'I ~: U g i i,'ll' .' ;;c ' ,~ ! -, :-:~, ..' :!f. ri~: _ ~ -~_~~ ii ~0T or\; ~o ----!" " f i ~"'" _~ ..J ~"" ,..... ,.. j ./, -. , :.-~-: I_~'{ ;'i :,'.:,' I J< , i ~:';"T' ,-, ~. 1. ll-'",~_~_J~; :--:=-~ ~^~~-----!--- Ii; ~~. ~- ~ t.~ I ' i1'-; ,,- Ii'" " f I ~1-(_. d '.~-.;_< _ ~:__~--t.~ '" _., --'~.J{- r.". '~~-.~ "~''-li':;-""''S---~--'>-''''''~~''~l : ,..--~}' 1\~ ~---::~.~.-' ; f- .f ;5:'f'H ii if. . .." ....'0 !! < ! rr "1,/ I , ;1 Original Submittal C'lc: r:1:Z ;=::i g9 r.;": >-~ r-::; ~~ "c <m r:1"":l -<>- ~ ::: m Z -l o ." =! m Z -l m " is " . . ISOPLUVIALS OF 10-YR 24-HR PRECIPITATION I Original Submittal III ~.%"''':~''' ~ ~ . . ISOPLUYIALS OF 25-YR 24-HR PRECIPITATION II , Qr!gln'!l ~YI}!f1mli!l_ . . APPENDIX B Current Runoff Conditions lncluding: Lane County Soils Survey Data Time of Concentration Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph .' '.'.,' . . . DETERMINA nON OF VARIABLES FOR APPENDIX B rime of Concentration It is assumed that the wetland water stays within the wetlands and does not drain to the storm system in Main Street Under pre-development conditions, the longest flow path is from where the north line of the wetlands intersects the east line of the site to the northwest comer of the site then along the south edge of Main Street to the area drain at the northwest corner of the neighboring property, The area drain can be seen on the city topo map and the width of the neighboring property can be seen on the Tax Assessor's Map, both are included in Appendix A. L = 340 + 120 = 460 ft The change in elevation across the flow path can be seen on the city topo map, ~elev = 517.8-516 = 1.8 ft slope = ~ = 0,004 ft/ft 460 An equation for velocity is given in Appendix F ofthe TR-55 Manual. v = 16.1345(s)"' = 16,1345(0,004)5= 1.01 ft/s T 460 8 . = - = mm , 1.01 Drainage Areas The entire drainage area (the sitearea North ofthe.wetlanPs) is counted as pervious. Rainfall Denth Based on the isopluvial maps forOrego~ the 10 year, 24 hour rainfall is 4,3 inches, Curve Number Because the soil over the m<tiority of the drainage area is cb<<ified as Hydrologic Group C and . the lawn grass is in good condition; Table 2-2a of the TR-55 Manual specifies a Curve Number of74. ,. ..I ',' ...... .., '1"4'~I~.":-."l:; ";~~.;:;ac ...............- ',_ 1/._ ',:\;") ... .. .;;:-.- - l I: {~\ --~ I ' - " ( j ~~: '~~I ; j =- j! 1!.iih>. t~~~:;:': ; ..... ,,',. " .: \,,'[ i"d, , . ~ - ~ l~t;), l~,", "....,n. -----:::; 'i!~:';!ll ';.- ii 2"::2;;;, JT - '1;1"/1,. '.. l-~/ 'TTf';-;'" i rj'ii}~:\~:~ , ';:'; , . \ =t ~l~\(;-:::j: ~j~~:-::rYl-i'!:'(;,! }r .::,,,"') ';:;;~"- ;~; .Wl:"'. :I"i '. i~~ i! .:.,: ~,qih~ <:'; 1'-" 0'-" ; ! r~'..~i'7,1~::tf':;'-- ";;ii 'I''',), .". 'I' '.""1 " ".::" .'''....1 '\~ .t.. .~ .... ",N," I I". n' 1"' ,""" ""--o.,;:;--~1~!~~ ..;.,........:~,. '::>2 \ 05-0, --., '-- -1- - .II.~,- Lj 3c. l '89 r: ,"'.C10D ) . r 50 lower part to a depth of 60 inches or more is multicolored sand. Permeability of this Cloquato soil is moderate. Available water capacity is 9 to 14 inches. Water supplying capacity is 19 to 26 inches. Effective rooting depth is 40 to 60 inches or more. It is limited by the sandy substratum. Runoff is slow, and the hazard of water erosion is moderate. This soil is subject to occasional, very brief periods of flooding from November to March. The disturbed Cloquato soil has been covered by as much as 40 inches of fill material or has had as much as 30 inches of the original profile removed by cutting or grading. The fill material is commonly from adjacent areas of Cloquato, Chehalis, Chapman, Newberg, or McBee soils that have been cut or graded, The characteristics of the disturbed areas are highly variable, Urban land consists of areas where the soils are largely covered by concrete, asphalt. buildings, or other impervious surfaces that obscure or alter the soils so that identification is not feasible. This unit is used mainly for urban development. It is also used for yards and as open areas around and between buildings. If this unit is used for urban development, the main limitation is the hazard of flooding. Roads and streets should be located above the expected flood level. In summer, irrigation is required for lawn grasses, shrubs, vines, shade trees, and ornamental trees. Plants that tolerate flooding and droughtiness should be selected if irrigation is not provided. This map unit is not assigned a capability classification. 31-Coburg silty clay loam. This deep, moderately well drained soil is on low stream terraces, It formed.in ., silty and clayey mixed alluvium. Slope is 0 to 3 percent. Areas are irregular in shape and are 5 to 100 acres in size. The vegetation in areas not cultivated is mainly Oregon ash, Douglas-fir, Oregon white oak, and poison- oak. Elevation is 300 to 800 feet. The average annual precipitation is 40 to 60 inches, the. average annual air temperature is 52 to 54 degrees F, and the average frost-free period is 165 to 210 days. Typically, the surface layer is very dark grayish brown silty clay loam about 18 inches thick. The subsoil is dark brown, mottled silty clay loam and silty clay about 35 inches thick. The substratum to a depth of 65 inches is dark brown, mottled fine sandy loam. : . Included in this unit are small areas of Conser, Malabon, Oxley, and Salem soils. Included areas make up about 15 percent of the total acreage. Permeability of this Coburg soil is moderately slow. Available water capacity is about 10 to 12 inches. Water supplying capacity is 20 to 26 inches. Effective rooting depth is more than 60 inches. Runoff is slow, and the . Soil Survey hazard of water erosion is slight. A high water table is at a depth of 1.5 to 2.5 feet from November to May. This unit is used for small grain. grass seed, pasture, orchards, irrigated vegetable crops, recreation, and urban development. This unit is suited to many kinds of crops. In summer, irrigation is required for maximum production of most crops. Sprinkler irrigation can be used, but water needs to be applied slowly to minimize runoff. Grain and grasses respond to nitrogen; legumes respond to phosphorus, boron, sulfur, and lime; and vegetables and berries respond to nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Crop residue left on or near the surface helps to conserve moisture, maintain tilth, and control erosion. Orchards and vegetable crops should have cover crops to help protect the soil. Restricting use of machinery when this unit is wet minimizes compaction. This unit is suited to pasture. Proper stocking rates, pasture rotation, and restricted grazing during wet periods help to keep the pasture in good condition and , to protec:t the soil from erosion and' compaction. If this unit is used for recreational development, the main limitations are the high content of clay and moderately slow permeability. If this unit is used for urban development, the main limitations are the seasonal high water table, moderately slow permeability, and iow soil strength, If buildings are constructed on this unit, properly designing foundations and footings and diverting runoff away fron' !>pilding'; help to prevent structural damage as a Jesuit of shrinking and swelling. Roads and streets can be built if they are designed to compensate for the instability of the subsoil and if a maximum amount of base rock is used. Landscaping plants that tolerate a seasonal high water table and droughtiness should be selected if drainage and irrigation are not provided. , This uriit is in capabiliiy subclass IIw. 32-Coburg-Urban land complex. This map unit is on low stream terraces, Slope is 0 to 3 percent. Areas are irregular in shape and are 5 to tOO acres in size. The . native vegetation is mainly Douglas-fir, Oregon white oak, and poison-oak. Elevation is 300 to 800 feet. The average annual precipitation is 40 to 60 inches, the average annual air temperature is 52 to 54 degrees F, and the average frost-free period is 165 to 210 days. This unit is 45 percent relatively undisturbed Coburg silty clay loam, 10 percent disturbed Coburg silty clay loam, and 30 percent Urban land. The components of this unit are so intricately intermingled that it was not practical 'to map them separately at the scale used, Included in this unit.are small areas of Conser, Malabon, Oxley, and Salem soils. Included areas make up about 15 percent of the total acreage. The relatively undisturbed Coburg soil is deep and moderately well drained, It formed in silty and clayey mixed alluvium. Typically, the surface layer is very dark . Lane County Area, Oregon grayish brown silty clay loam about 18 inches thick. The subsoil is dark brown, mottled silty clay loam and silty clay about 35 inches thick. The substratum to a depth of 65 inches or more is dark brown, mottled fine sandy loam. Permeability of this Coburg soil is moderately slow. Available water capacity is about 10 to 12 inches. Water supplying capacity is 20 to 26 inches. Effective rooting depth is more than 60 inches. Runoff is slow, and the hazard of water erosion is slight. A high water table is at a depth of 1.5 to 2.5 feet from November to May. The disturbed Coburg soil has been covered by as much as 40 inches of fill material or has had as much as 30 inches of the original profile removed by cutting or grading. The fill material is commonly from adjacent areas of Coburg, Malabon, Salem, Conser, and Oxley soils that have been cut or graded. The characteristics of me aisturbed areas are highly variable. Urban land consists of areas where the soils are largely covered by concrete, asphalt, buildings, or other impervious surfaces that obscure or alter the soils so that identification is not feasible. This unit is used mainly for urban development. It is also used for yards, parks, and open areas around and between buildings. If this unit is used for urban development, the main limitations are the seasonal high water table, moderately slow permeability, and low soil strength. If buildings are constructed on the unit. properly designing foundations and footings and diverting runoff away from buildings help to prevent structural damage as a result of shrinking and swelling. Roads and streets can be built if they are designed to compensate for the instability of the subsoil , and if a maximum of base rock is used. Landscaping plants that tolerate a seasonal high water table and droughtiness should be selected if drainage and irrigation are not provided. This map unit is not assigned a capability classification. 33-Conser silty clay loam. This deep, poorly drained soil is in depressional areas along drainageways. It formed in silty and clayey mixed alluvium, Slopes are 0 to 2 percent. Areas are irregular in shape and are 5 to 100 acres in size. The vegetation in areas not cultivated is mainly Oregon ash, Oregon white oak, hawthorn, rose, sedges, rushes, and grasses. Elevation is 300 to 500 feet. The average annual precipitation is 40 to 60 inches, the average annual air temperature is 52 to 54 degrees F, and the average frost-free period is 165 to 210 days. Typically, the surface layer is very dark brown silty clay loam about 9 inches thick. The upper 5 inches of the subsoil is very dark grayish brown silty clay, and the lower 27 inches is very dark gray and brown, mottled clay and silty clay. The substratum to a depth of 60 inches or more is dark grayish brown, mottled loam and . ~ 51 sandy loam. In some areas coarse sand and gravel are below a depth of 40 inches. Included in this unit are small areas of Awbrig, Bashaw, and Coburg soils. Included areas make up about 15 percent of the total acreage. Permeability of this Conser soil is slow. Available water capacity is about 9 to 12 inches. Water supplying capacity is 15 to 20 inches. Effective rooting depth is limited by a high water table that is at a depth of 0 to 1.5 feet from November to May. Runoff is slow, and the hazard of water erosion is slight. The soil is subject to rare periods of flooding. This unit is used mainly for hay, pasture, and grass seed. Where drainage is provided, it is also used for corn and other cultivated crops. This unit is suited to water-tolerant or shallow-rooted crops. Deep-rooted crops are suited to areas where an adequate drainage system has been installed. In summer, irrigation is required for maximum production of most crops. Sprinkler irrigation can be used, but water needs to be applied slowly to minimize runoff. Returning all crop residue to the soil and using a cropping system that includes grasses, legumes, or grass-legume mixtures help to maintain fertility and tilth. Crops respond to nitrogen and phosphorus. Grazing when this unit is wet results in compaction of the surface layer, poor tilth, and excessive runoff. A tillage pan forms easily if the soil is tilled when wet. Chiseling or subsoiling can be used to break up the tillage pan. If this unit is used for recreational development, the main limitations are wetness, slow permeability, and the content of clay in the surface layer and subsoil. !f this unit is used for homesite development, the mair limitations are slow permeability, wetness: the content 0 clay in the surface layer and subsoil, high shrink-swell potential, and low soil strength when wet. Perimeter drains and properly designed footings and foundations help to reduce wetness and prevent structural damage from shrinking and swelling. Roads for year-round use need heavy base rock. Landscaping plants that tolerate a seasonal high water table and droughtiness should be. selected if drainage and irrigation ar8 not provided. This map unit is in capability subclass IlIw. 34-Courtney gravelly silty clay loam. This deep, poorly drained soil is in drainageways and other depressional areas of valley terraces. It formed in gravelly and clayey mixed alluvium. Slopes are 0 to 3 percent. Areas are elongated or irregular in shape and are 3 to 100 acres in size. The vegetation in areas not cultivated is mainly grasses, sedges, rose, hawthorn, ar d Oregon ash. Elevation is 300 to 800 feet. The average annual precipitation is 40 to 60 inches, the average annual air temperature is 52 to 54 degrees F, and the average frost-free period is 165 to 210 days. 'I . Lane County Area. Oregon swell potential, moderately slow permeability, and low strength of the soil when wet. This map unit is in capability subclass Yle. 105A-Pengra silt loam, 1 to 4 percent slopes. This deep, somewhat poorly drained soil is on toe slopes and fans. It formed in stratified alluvium. Areas are irregular in shape and are 5 to 40 acres in size. The vegetation in areas not cultivated is mainly Oregon white oak, Oregon ash, wild blackberry, wild rose, poison-oak, grasses, and scattered Douglas-fir. Elevation is 350 to 1,000 feet. The average annual precipitation is 40 to 60 inches, the' , average annual air temperature is 52 to 54 degrees F, and the average frost-free period is 165 to 210 days. Typically, the surface layer is very dark grayish brown sHt loam about 6 inches thick. The subsoil is very dark grayish brown and dark grayish brown, mottled silty clay loam about 15 inches thick, The substratum to a depth of 60 inches or more is very dark grayish brown and dark grayish brown, mottled clay. Included in this unit are small areas of Courtney, Dupee, Hazelair, Natroy, and Panther soils. Included . areas make up about 15 percent of the total acreage. Permeability of this Pengra soil is very slow.' Available, water capacity is about 8 to 10 inches. Effective rooting depth is 18 to 30 inches. It is limited by the clay substratum and by the high water table that is at a depth of 1.5 to 2.5 feet from November to May. Runoff is slow, and the hazard of water erosion is slight. This unit is used mainly for small grain, grass seed, hay, and pasture. It is also used for recreation and as homesites. If this unit is used for hay and pasture. the main limitation is wetness. Grazing when the soil is wet results in compaction of the surface layer,poor.tilth,and,,. excessive runoff. Only those hay and pasture'plants that.. ' tolerate a seasonal high water table are suitable for use in undrained areas. Fertilizer is needed for optimum growth of grasses and legumes. This unit is sui1ed to grass seed and small grain. It is limited mainly by wetness. Tile drains and open ditches can be used to lower the water table if a suitable outlet is available. Use of grassed waterways helps to control erosion. Grain and grasses respond to nitrogen, and legumes respond to phosphorus and lime. If this unit is used for recreational development, the main limitation is wetness during much of the year, IOhis unit is used for homesite development, the main limitations are wetness, high shrink-swell potential, very slow permeability, and low soil strength. If buildings are constructed on the soil in this unit, properly designing , foundations and footings and diverting runoff away from' buildings help to prevent structural damage as a result of shrinking and swelling. Buildings and roads should be designed to offset the limited ability of the soil to support a load. The maximum amount of base rock is needed to prevent settling and cracking of roads and streets. If . 121 drainage and irrigation are not provided, plants that tolerate a seasonal high water table and droughtiness should be selected for landscaping. This map unit is in capability subclass IlIw. 106A-Pengra-Urban land complex, 1 to 4 percent slopes. This map unit is in broad, slightly concave areas on fans and toe slopes. Areas are irregular in shape and are 3 to 30 acres in size. The native vegetation is mainly Oregon white oak, Oregon ash, wild blackberry, wild rose, poison-oak, grasses, and scattered Douglas-fir. Elevation is 350 to 800 feet. The average annual' ' precipitation is 40 to 60 inches, the average annual air temperature is 52 to 54 degrees F, and the average frost-free period is 165 to 210 days. This unit is 50 percent relatively undisturbed Pengra silt loam, 10 percent disturbed Pengra silt loam, and 25 percent Urban land. The components of this unit are so intricately intermingled that it was not practical to map them separately at the scale used. Included in this unit are small areas of Dupee, Hazelair, Natroy, and Panther soils. Included areas make up about 15 percent of the total acreage. The relatively undisturbed Pengra soil is deep and somewhat poorly drained. It formed in stratified alluvium. Typically, the surface layer is very dark grayish brown silt loam aboUt 6 inches thick. The subsoil is, very dark grayish brown and dark grayish brown, mottled silty clay loam aboul15 inches thick. The substratum to a depth of 60 inches or more is very dark grayish bl'Owll and darf. grayish brown, mottled clay. Permeability of the relatively undisturbed Pengra soil is very slow. Available water capacity is about 8 to 10 inches, Effective rooting depth is 18 to 30 inches, It is limited by ,the clay substratum and by the high water ',' '. lablelhails'at a depth of 1:5'to 2.5 feH from November to May. Runoff is slow, and the hazard of water erosion is slight. The disturbed Pengra soil has been covered by as much as 30 inches of fill material or has had as much as 30 inches of the original profile removed by cutting or grading, The fill material commonly is from adjacent areas of Pengra, Hazalair, Dupee, Natroy, and Panther soils that have been cut or graded. The characteristics of the disturbed Pengra soil are highly variable, Urban.land,consists of areas where the soils are largely covered by concrete, asphalt, buildings. or other impervious surfaces that obscure or alter the soils so that identification is not feasible. This unn is used mainly for urban development. It is also used for yards and parks or for greenbelts that are maintained to facilitate rapid removal of surface water by storm drains or floodway channels during periods of heavy rainfall. If the relatively undisturbed Pengra soil is used for urban development, the main limitations are.the high . . \ .soil name and map symbol TABLE l4.--S0IL AND WATER FEATURES--Continued -~--=~_===~PloodTnq---'-----== =---=-H iqh wa~tab1e-- Bedro"Ck--- ~ Potential Hardness frost _~__~ction __Risk ofco---rr.asion_ Uncoated Concrete ~teel Hydro- logic _~_ _QE.o~p_ _ ---..------ ---- ------- --~t In 30*: Urban land. 3]-----------,---- Coburg 32*: Coburg----------- Urban land. 33---------------- Conse r 34---------------- Courtney 35D, 35F, 35G----- Cruiser 360--------------- Cumley 37C. 37E---:..------ Cupola 38---------------- Dayton 39E. 39F---------- Digger 40H* : Digger----------- Rock outcrop. I 41C, 41P-, 41F----- Dixonv ille 4 2E*: Dixonville------- Ilazelair--------- Urban land. 43C*, 43E*: Dixonville------- Philomath-------- Hazelair--------- Frequency Duration Months Depth Kind Months Depth C None-----,...-- 1.5-2.5 Apparent Nov-May >60 High----- Low. e None -------- 1.5-2.5 Apparent Nov-May >60 High----- Low. 0 Rare-------- 0-1.5 Apparent Nov-May > 60 H igh----- Moderate. D Rare-------- 0-1.5 Perched Dee-May > 60 High----- Moderate. n None-------- ) 6.0 .)60 H igh----- High----- High. e None-------- 2.0-3.0 Apparent Nov-Apr > 60 High----- Moderate. R None-------- ) 6.0 >60 Moderate Moderate. O' None-------- +1-1.5 Perched Nov-May! > 60 High----- Moderate. e None-------- ) 6.0 20-40 Soft Low------ Moderate. ! e None-------- ) 6.0 20-40 Soft Low------ Moderate. , e, None-------- ) 6.0 20-40 Soft High----- Low. e None-------- ) 6.0 20 -4 0 Soft High----- Low. D None-------- 1.0-2.0 Perched Dee-Apr 20-40 Soft H igh----- Moderate. e ;. 6.0 High----- Low. 20-40 Soft None-------- D None-------- " 5.0 High----- Moderate. 12-20 Soft o 1.0-2.0 Perched Dec-Apr 20-40 High----- Moderate. Soft None-------- See footnote at end of table. -_.__._--~:....- r '" ::J ll> (') o c: ::l " )> ;;; jll o ~ ll> <0 o ::J . . "" <Jl ~ Soil name and r.1ap symbol 98---------------- 0 Noti 99H*: Ochre[lts. Umbre[lt5. 100--------------- oxley 101 *: Oxley------------ Urban land. 102C-------------- Panther l03C ": Panther---------- urban land. l04E, 104G-------- peavine 10SA-------------- Pengra l06A* : Pengra----------- Urban land. 107C, 108e. 108p-- Philomath 1 09P*: Philomath-------- Urban land. 110* . Pits 1110. 111F-------- Preacher 112G*: Preacher--------- 80hannon--------- TABLE 14.--S0IL AND WATER FEATURES--Continued Frequency Duration Months Depth Kind Months ----......-~ Hia-Ii w-a-ter ta_ble --- ---gedrock-==---.------ -Jc~k_.qfs?..F_rosCon- Potential -. frost Uncoated Concrete action ~~____ . =-=----=-~-=~_ ~!.2.~c!:~,__ Hydro- logic __ .9-r::~u--p__ Ft Frequent---- Brief----- Oct-May 0-1.0 Perched Oct-May B Nonc-------- ) 6.0 B None-------- ) 6.0 C None-------- ) 6.0 See footnote at end of table. Depth In ) 60 40-60 40-60 20-40 Hardness Soft Soft Soft High----- High. High----- High. High----- High. Low------ High. r " :J <1> o o c: :J .:;;: :>- ro !" o ro <0 o " '" Ol "r ~ ,/ . . 350 Soil Surve- TABLE 13.--PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PRQPE:RTIES OF SOILS--Continued --- -- -- --- ~--- -- -------- ------- ..------ Eros ion Soil naroe and Depth Clay Moist Permeability Ava ilable Soil Shrink-swell factors Organic map symbol bulk water reaction potential matter dens i ty cap'ac~ ty K T In Pet G/cmJ 1nl n~ 1n/ln l"! Pet 28C, 288--------- 0-7 IB-27 1.30-1.40 0.6-2.0 0.19-0.21 5.6-6.5 Low-------___ 0.28 2 3-5 Chehulpum 7-13 20-30 1.30-1.40 0.6-2.0 0.18-0.22 5.6-6.5 Low---------- 0.2B 13 ------------- 29--------------- 0-14 5-15 1. 30"1. 40 0.6-2.0 0.20-0.22 5.6-6.5 Low---------- 0.32 5 5-10 Cloqua to 14-50 5-15 1.30-1.40 0.6-2.0 0.19-0.21 6.1-7.3 Low---------- 0.32 50-60 2-10 1.30-.140 0.6-2.0 0.08-0.10 6.1-7.3 Low---------- 0.24 30*: Cloquato-------- 0-14 5-15 1.30-1.40 0.6-2.0 0.20-0.22 5.6-6.5 Low---------- 0.32 5 5-10 14-50 5-15 1. 30-1. 40 0.6-2.0 0.19-0.21 6.1-7.3 Low---------- 0.32 50-60 2-10 1.30-1.40 0.6-2.0 0.08-0.10 6.1-7.3 Low---------- 0.24 Urban land. 31--------------- 0-18 27-35 1.20-1.40 0.6-2.0 0.18-0.20 5.6-6.5 Moderate----- 0.32 5 4-6 Coburg 18-53 35-45 1. 20-1. 40 0.2-0.6 0.18-0.20 6.1-7.3 Moderate----- 0.37 53-65 15-30 1.20-1.40 2.0-6.0 0.13-0.15 6.6-7.3 Low---------- 0.24 32*: Coburg ---------- 0-18 27-35 1. 20-1. 40 0.6-2.0 0.18 -0.20 5.6-6.5 Moderate----- 0.32 5 4-6 18-53 35-45 1.20-1.40 0.2-0.6 0.18-0.20 6.1-7.3 Moderate----- 0.37 53-65 15-30 1.20-1.40 2.0-6.0 0.13-0.15 6.6-7.3 Low---------- 0.24 Urban land. 33--------------- 0-9 27-35 1.20-1.40 0.6-2.0 0.19-0.21 5.6-6.5 MOderate----- 0.37 5 4-B Conser 9-41 35-50 1.20-1.40 0.06-0.2 0.14-0.16 6.1-6.5 High--------- 0.37 41-60 15-30 1.20-1.40 0.6-2.0 0.16-0.18 6.1-7.3 Low--------__ 0.43 34--------------- 0-15 27 - 35 1.30-1.40 0.2-0.6 0.16-0.19 5.1-6.0 Moderate----- 0.20 2 3-5 Courtney 15-28 50-60 1.30-1.40 <0.06 0.11-0.14 6.1-6.5 High--------- 0.20 2B-41 27-35 1.30-1.40 0.2-0.6 0.07-0.13 6.1-6.5 Mode r<,_ t ( 0, ]7 41-60 0-5 1.30-1.40 6.0-20 0.03-0.05 6.1-7.3 Low---o--o_____ 0.1 ('0 350, 35F, 35G---- 0-15 0.B5-0.95 0.6-2.0 0.20-0.25 4.5-6.0 Low---------- 0.17 5 4-6 Cruiser 15-55 0.90-1.00 0.6-2.0 0.17-0.20 4.5-6.0 Low---.-- ~..--- 0.24 55-65 1.10-1.30 0.6-2.0 0.10-0.16 4.5-6.0 LOW-~i___,____.o 0.]4 360-------------- 0-14 27-35 1.20-1.40 0.6-2.0 0.18-0.20 5.1-6.5 Moderate~<---- 0,24 5 4-6 Curnley 14-60 40-55 1.30-1.40 0.2-0.6 0.14-0.16 5.1-6.0 High----...~-... . 0,24 37C, 37E-------..:-- 0-6 0.85-0.95 0.6-2.0 0.17-0.20 5.1-6.0 Low-----_____ 0, ] 5 3 4-B Cupola 6-32 1.20-1.40 0.6-2.0 0.10-0.13 5.6-6.5 Low-----~---_ 0.10 32-60 1.40-1.60 0.2-0.6 0.05-0.08 5.6-6.5 Low------____ 0.02 38--------------- 0-7 15-20 1.30-1. 40 0.6-2.0 0.lB-0.25 5.1-6.0 Low------..--- 0.43 5 1-4 Dayton 7-16 15-30 1.25-1.40 0.6-2.0 0.18-0.22 5.1-6.0 Low------____ 0.49 16-45 40-50 1. 25-1. 40 <0.06 0.03-0.05 5.1-6.5 High--------- 0.32 45-60 40-60 1.30-1.40 0.06-0.2 0.05-0.10 6.1-7.3 High--------- 0.37 39E:, 39F--------- 0-4 15-25 0.90-1.10 2.0-6.0 0.10-0.14 5.1-6.5 Low---------- 0.10 3 3-5 Digger 4-17 15-25 0.95..,1.10 2.0-6.0 0.10-0.12 5.1-6.0 Low-----_____ 0.20 17-37 15-25 1.00-1.40 2.0-6.0 0.10-0.12 4.5-6.0 Low---------- 0.24 37 ------------- 40H* : Digger---------- 0-4 15-25 0.90-1.10 2.0-6.0 0.10-0.14 5.1-6.5 Low--------__ 0.10 3 3-5 4-17 15-25 0.95-1.10 2.0-6.0 0.10-0.12 5.1-6.0 Low---------- 0.20 17-37 15-25 1.00-1.40 2.0-6.0 0.10-0.12 4.5-6.0 Lo.....---------- 0.24 37 ------------- Rock outcrop. 41C, 41E, 41p---- 0-14 27-40 1.30-1.50 0."-2.0 0.18-0.21 5.6-6.5 Moderate----- 0.32 3 3-6 Dixonvil1e 14-26 40-60 1.30-1.60 0.06-0.2 0.12-0.17 5.6-6.5 High--------- 0.24 26 ------------- See footnote at end .of tab Ie. . . '\ Lane County Area, Oregon 355 TABLE 13. --PHySICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF SOILS--Continued -- .----------.- ~---,- .. .- -- ------~- -Eros ion- soil narre and nepth Clay Moist Permeabili ty Available Soil Shrink-swell ~~~s_ Organic map symbol bulk water rea ct ion potential ma t te r "~~*~Y_----rnZ~ --"~i~~~V--~t!-- K T In --Pct--- -- Pct--- 98--------------- 0-9 10-18 1. 00-1. 30 0.6-2.0 0.16-0.20 4.5-5.5 Low------'---- 0.28 3 4-6 Noti 9-34 ' 10-18 1.10-1.30 0.6-2.0 0.14-0.18 4.5-5.5 Low---------- 0.32 34-44 5-10 1.10-1.40 2.0-6.0 0.08-0.10 4.5-5.5 Low---------- 0.20 44-60 5--10 1.40-1.60 0.06-0.2 0.04-0.06 4.5-5.5 Low---------- 0.02 99H It: Ochrepts. Urnbrepts. 100-------------- 0-17 15-27 1.20-1.40 0.6-2.0 0.13-0.18 5.1-6.0 Low---------- 0.20 5 3-5 Ox ley 17-23 27-35 1.25-1.40 0.2-0.6 0.14-0.17 5.6-6.0 Moderate----- 0.24 23-41 10-35 1. 25-1. 35 0.2-0.6 0.06-0.14 5.6-6.0 Low---------- 0.20 41-60 5-15 1.30-1.50 2.0-6.0 0.05-0.07 6.6-7.3 Low---------- 0.20 101 *: Oxley----------- 0-17 15-27 1.20-1.40 0.6-2.0 0.13-0.18 5.1-6.0 Low---------- 0.20 5 3-5 17-23 27 -35 1.25-1.40' 0.2-0.6 0.14-0.17 5.6-6.0 Moderate----- 0.24 23-41 10-35 1.25-1.35 0.2-0.6 0.06-0.14 5.6-6.0 Low---------- 0.20 41-60 5-15 1.30-1.50 ~.0-6.0 0.05-0.07 6.6-7.3 Low---------- 0.20 Urban land. 102C------------- 0-10 25-35 1.20-1.30 0.2-0.6 0.19-0.21 5.6-6.5 Moderate----- 0.24 3 3-5 Panther 10-42 60-70 1.30-1.50 <0.06 0.13-0.16 3.6-6.5 High--------- 0.24 42 ------------- 103C*: Panther--------- 0-10 25-35 1.20-1.30 0.2-0.6 0.19-0.21 5.6-6.5 Moderate----- 0.24 3 3-5 10-42 60-70 1.30-1.50 <0.06 0.13-0.16 3.6-6.5 High------..:-- 0.24 42 ------------- Urban land. 104E, 104G------- O-B 30-40 1.10-1.30 0.2-0.6 0.18-0.20 5.1-6.0 Moderate----- 0.28 3 4-8 Peavine 8-38 45-60 1.10-1.30 0.2-0.6 0.13-0.16 4.5-5.5 Moderate----- 0.28 3B ------------- 105A------------- 0-6 20-27 1. 30-1. 40 0.2-0.6 ,0.19-0.21 5.6-6.0 ' Low---------- 0.28 5 4-6 Pengra 6-21 27-')5 1.30-1.40 0.2-0.6 0.19-0.21 5.6-6.0 Moderate----- 0.28 21-60 60-70 1.40-1.60 <0.06 0.10-0.12 6.1-7.3 High--------- 0.24 106A*: Pengra---------- 0-6 20-27 1.30-1.40 0.2-0.6 0.19-0.21 5.6-6.0 Low---------- 0.28 5 4-6 6-21 27-35 1.30-1.40 0.2-0.6 0.19-0.21 5.6-6.0 Moderate----- 0.28 21-60 60-70 1.40-1.60 < 0 .06 0.10-0.12 6.1-7.3 High--------- 0.24 Urban land. 107C------------- 0-6 40-55 1.30-1.40 0.6-2.0 0.18-0.21 5.6-6.5 High--------- 0.32 1 2-4 Philomath 6-14 40-60 1. 30-1. 40 0.06-0.2 0.14-0.16 5.6-7.3 High--------- 0.24 14 ------------- 108e, 10Bf------- 0-6 40-55 1.30-1.40 0.6-2.0 0.14-0,17 5.6-6.5 High--------- 0.28 1 2-4 Philomath 6-14 40-60 1. 30-1. 40 0.06-0.2 0.14-0.16 5.6-7.3 High-h------ 0.24 14 ------------- 109F*: Phi1omath------- 0-6 40-55 1.30-1.40 0.6-2.0 0.14-0.17 5.6-6.5 High--------- 0.28 2-4 6-14 40-60 1.30-1.40 0.06-0.2 0.14-0.16 5.6-7.3 H igh--h----- 0.24 14 ------------- ----I Urban land. I I 110*. I Pits I I See footnote at end of table. . . .-0 Known: Pervious Area = Imoervious % Imperv. = Area = o acres Site Area = 0.81 acres w = 0.3846 Answer: Maximum Design Flowrate = T - p - Total Runoff Volume = Total Rain = 0.33 480 5351 eN = eN = Storage" Storage" in. Time Incr, " cfs min. cu,ft. 3,51 cu. ft, 0.20 cu. ft. 10 min, 0,28 = 0.2S = 0.70 cu. ft. 0.04 cu. ft. Tc = min, ,~ , ) Pervious Area Impervious Area Time Rainfall Rainfall in ACCUmUl.j ACCUmUl.jlnCremental Accumul. Incremental Total Instant I Design Runoff Volume Total Runoff I Increment Time Distribution increment Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Flowrate Flowrate in Increment Volume min. fraction inches inches inches inches inches inches inches cIs I cfs cu.ft. cU.ft. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 I 2 10 0,0040 0.0172 0,017 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0,000 0.00 I 0.00 0 0 I 3 20 0.0040 0.0172 0,034 0.000 0.000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,00 0,00 0 0 I 4 30 0,0040 0.0172 0052 0.000 0.000 0,001 0.001 0.000 0,00 I 0.00 0 0 I 5 40 0.0040 0.0172 0.069 0,000 0.000 0,003 0,003 0.000 0,00 I 0.00 0 0 I 6 50 0,0040 0,0172 0.086 0.000 0.000 0.008 0,005 0,000 0,00 I 0.00 0 0 I 7 60 0.0040 0.0172 0.103 0.000 0.000 0,015 0,006 0,000 0,00 I 0:00 0 0 I 8 70 0.0040 0,0172 0,120 0,000 0.000 0.022 0,008 0,000 0.00 I 0.00 0 0 I 9 80 0.0040 0.0172 0.138 0.000 0.000 0.031 0,009 0.000 0,00 , 0.00 0 0 I 10 gO 0.0040 0.0172 0.155 0.000 0.000 0.041 0,010 0.000 0.00 I 0.00 0 0 . 11 100 0,0040 0,0172 0.172 0.000 0,000 0.051 0.010 0.000 0,00 I 0.00 0 0 12 110 0.0050 0.0215 0.194 0.000 0.000 0.065 0.014 0,000 0,00 I 000 0 0 I 13 120 0,0050 0.0215 0.215 0,000 0,000 0.080 0.015 0,000 0.00 I 0,00 0 0 14 130 0,0050 0.0215 0,237 0.000 0,000 0.096 0.016 0,000 0.00 , 0.00 0 0 15 140 0.0050 0.0215 0.258 0.000 0.000 0.112 0.016 0.000 0.00 I 0.00 0 0 16 150 0.0050 0,0215 0.280 0,000 0.000 0,129 0.017 0,000 0.00 I 0,00 0 0 17 160 0,0050 0,0215 0,301 0.000 0.000 0,146 0,017 0.000 0,00 I 0.00 0 0 18 170 0.0060 0,0258 0.327 0,000 0.000 0.167 0,021 0.000 0,00 0.00 0 0 19 180 0.0060 0,0258 0.353 0.000 0.000 0.188 0,022 0,000 0.00 I 0,00 0 0 20 190 0.0060 0.0256 0.378 0.000 0.000 0,210 0.022 0,000 0.00 I 0.00 0 0 21 200 0.0060 0.0258 0.404 0.000 0,000 0,233 0.022 0.000 0.00 I 0.00 0 0 22 210 0.0060 0.0258 0.430 0.000 0.000 0,255 0,023 0,000 0,00 I 0.00 0 0 23 220 0.0060 0,0258 0.456 0.000 0,000 0,278 0.023 0.000 0,00 I 0,00 0 0 I 24 230 0.0070 0.0301 0.486 0,000 0.000 0.305 0,027 0,000 0,00 I 0.00 0 0 I 25 240 0.0070 0.0301 0,516 0,000 0.000 0.332 0.027 0.000 0.00 I 0,00 0 0 ~ 26 250 0,0070 0.0301 0.546 0.000 0.000 0.360 0,027 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 27 260 0,0070 0.0301 0.576 0.000 0.000 0.388 0.028 0.000 0,00 0.00 0 0 28 270 0,0070 0.0301 0.606 0.000 0.000 0.416 0,028 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 29 280 0,0070 0.0301 0.636 0,000 0.000 0.444 0.028 0,000 0,00 0.00 0 0 30 290 0.0082 0.0353 0.672 0.000 0.000 0.477 0,033 0.000 0,00 0.00 0 0 31 300 0.0082 0,0353 0.707 0.000 0,000 0.510 0.033 0.000 0.00 0,00 0 0 32 310 0.0082 0,0353 0.742 0,000 0.000 0.543 0.033 0.000 0.00 0,00 1 1 33 320 0.0082 0,0353 0,777 0.002 0,001 0,577 0.034 0.001 0.01 0.00 3 5 34 330 0,0082 '0.0353 0,813 0.003 0,002 0.610 0,034 0.002 0.01 0.01 5 10 35 340 0.0082 0.0353 0.848 0.006 0.002 0.644 0.034 0.002 0.01 0,01 7 17 36 350 0,0095 0.0409 0.889 0.009 0.004 0,683 0.039 0,004 0.02 0,01 11 28 37 360 0.0095 0.0409 0.930 0.014 0.004 0,723 0.039 0.004 0.02 0,02 13 40 38 370 0.0095 0,0409 0.971 0.019 0,005 0,762 0.039 0.005 0.03 0.02 15 56 39 380 0,0095 0.0409 1.011 0.025 0.006 0.802 0.040 0,006 0.03 0.03 18 73 40 390 0.0095 0,0409 1,052 0.032 0.007 0.642 0.040 0.007 0,03 0.03 20 93 I 41 400 0.0095 0.0409 1.093 0.039 0.007 0.661 0,040 0.007 0.04 0.03 22 115 I 42 410 0.0134 0,0576 1,151 0.051 0,012 0.937 0.056 0.012 0.06 0.04 34 149 J ,~ I Pervious Area Impervious Area I Time Rainfall Rainfall in Accumui. Accumui. Incremental Accumui. Incremental Total Instant I Design Runoff Yolume Total Runoff Incremant Time Distribution Increment Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Flovvrate Flovvrate in Increment Volume min. fraction inches inches inches inches inches inches inches cis I cfs cu. ft. cu.!l. 43 420 0.0134 0,0576 1.206 0.064 0,013 0,994 0.056 0,013 0.06 I 0,06 38 187 44 430 0.0134 0.0576 1.266 0.078 0,014 1,050 0.056 0,014 0.07 I 0.06 42 229 45 440 0.0180 0.0774 1.343 0.099 0,021 1.126 0.076 0.021 0,10 0,08 62 290 46 450 0,0180 0,0774 1.421 0,122 0.023 1.202 0.076 0.023 0.11 I 0.10 68 358 47 460 0.0340 0.1462 1.567 0,171 0.049 1.346 0.144 0.049 0.24 I 0,16 143 502 46 470 0.0540 0.2322 1.799 0.261 0,090 1.575 0,229 0.090 0.44 I 0.30 265 767 I 49 480 0.0270 0.1161 1.915 0,311 0.050 1.690 0.115 0.050 0.25 I 0,33 146 915 I 50 490 0.0160 0,0774 1,993 0.346 0.035 1.767 0.077 0.035 0.17 I 0,24 104 1019 I 51 500 0,0134 0.0576 2.050 0,374 0.027 1.624 0.057 0,027 0.13 I 0.17 80 1098 I 52 510 0,0134 0.0576 2,108 0.401 0.026 1.661 0.057 0,028 0.14 I 0,14 62 1160 . 53 520 0.0134 0.0576 2.165 0.430 0.029 1.936 0.057 0.029 0.14 I 0.14 64 1264 54 530 0.0068 0.0378 2.203 0.449 0.019 1,976 0.036 . 0,019 O.Og I 0,12 56 1320 I 55 540 0,0088 0,0378 2,241 0.469 0.019 2.014 0.038 0,019 0.10 0.10 57 1376 I 56 550 0.0088 0.0376 2.279 0.488 0.020 2.051 0.038 0,020 0.10 0,10 58 1435 I 57 560 0.0088 0.0378 2,317 0.508 0.020 2.089 0.038 0.020 0,10 0,10 59 1494 I 56 570 0.0086 0.0378 2,355 0.528 0.020 2,126 0,038 0,020 0.10 0,10 59 1553 I 59 580 0,0088 0.0378 2.393 0.549 0.020 2,164 0.038 0,020 0.10 0.10 60 1614 60 590 0.0086 0,0378 2.430 0,569 0.021 2,202 0.038 0.021 0.10 0.10 61 1674 61 600 0.0086 0.0376 2.468 0.590 0.021 2.239 0.038 0.021 0,10 0.10 62 1736 62 610 0.0088 0.0378 2.506 0.612 0.021 2.277 0,038 0,021 0.10 0,10 62 1796 63 620 0,0088 0.0378 ' 2.544 0.633 0.021 2.314 0.038 0.021 0.11 0.10 63 1661 64 630 0,0088 0.0378 2.582 0.655 0.022 2.352 0.038 0.022 0.11 0,11 64 1925 65 640 0.0088 0,0378 2.620 0.677 0,022. 2.390 0.Q38 0.022 0,11 0.11 64 1989 66 650 0,0072 0.0310 2,651 0.695 0.Q18 2.420 0.031 0.Q18 0.09 0.10 53 2043 I 67 660 0.0072 0,0310 2,681 0.713 0.018 2.451 0.031 0,018 0.09 0.09 54 2096 I 68 670 0.0072 0.0310 2,712 0.731 0.018 2.482 0.031 0,018 0.09 0,09 54 2150 " 69 680 0.0072 0,0310 2,743 0.750 0,019 2.513 0,031 0.019 0.09 0,09 54 2205 70 690 0.0072 0.0310 2,774 0.766 0.019 2,544 0.031 0,019 0.09 0,09 55 2259 71 700 0,0072 0.0310 2.805 0.787 0.Q19 2,574 0,031 0.019 0,09 0.09 55 2315 72 710 0,0072 0.0310 2.636 0.806 0.019 2.605 ' 0,031 0.019 0.09 0,09 56 2370 73 720 0,0072 0.0310 2,867 0,625 0.019 2,636 I 0,031 0.019 0.09 O.Og 56 2426 74 730 0.0072 0.0310 2,896 0,844 0.019 2.667 I 0.031 0.019 0.09 0.09 56 2483 75 740 0,0072 0.0310 2,929 0,864 0,019 2,698 I 0.031 0.019 0,09 0,09 57 2539 76 750 0.0072 0.0310 2.960 0.883 0.019 2.729 I 0.031 0,019 0.10 0,09 57 2596 77 760 0,0072 0,0310 2,991 0.903 0,020 2.759 I 0.031 0.020 0.10 0,10 57 2654 78 770 0.0057 0.0245 3.016 0.916 0.016 2.784 I 0,024 0.Q16 0.08 0.09 46 2700 79 780 0.0057 0.0245 3,040 0,934 0,016 2.808 0,024 0.016 0,08 0,08 46 2746 80 790 0.0057 0.0245 3,065 0.949 0,016 2.833 0,024 0,016 0.08 0.08 46 2792 81 800 0.0057 0.0245 3.089 0.965 0.016 2.857 0,024 0.Q16 0,08 0,08 46 2838 82 810 0.0057 0,0245 3.114 0,981 0.016 2.881 0.024 0.016 0,08 0.08 47 2885 83 820 0.0057 0.0245 3.138 0.997 0.016 2.906 0.024 0.016 0,08 0.08 47 2932 84 830 0.0057 0,0245 3.163 1,013 0.016 2,930 0.024 0.Q16 0.08 0.08 47 2979 I Pervious Area Impervious Area Time Rainfall Rainfall in Accumul.l Accumul. Incremental Accumul. Incremental Total Instant Design Runoff Yolume Total Runoff Increment Time Distribution Increment Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Flowrate Flowrete in Increment Yolume min. fraction inches inches inches inches Inches inches inches cfs cfs cU.fl. cU.fl, 85 840 0.0057 0,0245 3.187 1.029 0.016 2.955 0.024 0.016 0,08 0.08 47 3026 86 850 0.0057 0,0245 3.212 1.045 0.016 2,979 0.024 0,016 0,08 0,08 47 3073 87 860 0.0057 0,0245 3.236 1,061 0.016 3.004 0.024 0,016 0,08 0.08 48 3121 88 870 0.0057 0.0245 3.261 1,078 0.016 3.028 0.024 0,016 0.08 0,08 48 3169 89 880 0,0057 0.0245 3.285 1,094 0.016 3.052 0.024 0.016 0.08 0.08 48 3217 90 890 0.0050 0.0215 3.307 1.108 0,014 3,074 0.021 0.014 0.07 0,08 42 3259 91 900 0,0050 0,0215 3.328 1.123 0,014 3.095 0,021 0,014 0,07 0.07 42 3302 92 910 0.0050 0,0215 3.350 1,137 0.014 3.117 0.021 0,014 0,07 0,07 43 3344 93 920 0.0050 0,0215 3,371 1,152 0,015 3,138 0.021 0.015 0.07 0.07 43 3387 94 930 0.0050 0.0215 3.393 1.166 0.015 3.160 0,021 0.015 0.07 0.Q7 43 3430 . 95 940 0.0050 0.0215 3.414 1.181 0.015 3.181 0,021 0,015 0.07 0.07 43 3473 96 950 0,0050 0,0215 3.436 1.196 0.Q15 3.202 0.021 0,015 0.07 0.07 43 3516 I 97 960 0,0050 0.0215 3.457 1.210 0.015 3,224 0.021 0.Q15 0.07 0.Q7 43 3559 I 98 970 0.0050 0,0215 3.479 1.225 0.015 3.245 0.021 0.Q15 0,07 0.07 43 3603 I 99 980 0.0050 0.0215 3,500 1.240 0.015 3.267 0.021 0.015 0.07 0.Q7 44 3646 I 100 990 0.0050 0.0215 3.522 1,255 0.015 3,288 0,021 0.015 0.07 0,07 44 3690 I 101 1000 0,0050 0.0215 3,543 1.270 0.015 3.310 0.021 0.015 0.07 0.07 44 3734 I 102 1010 0.0040 0.0172 3.560 1,282 0.012 3,327 0.017 0.012 0.06 0.07 35 3769 I 103 1020 0.0040 0.0172 3.578 1.294 0.012 3,344 0.017 0,012 0.06 0.06 35 3804 I 104 1030 0.0040 0.0172 3,595 1.306 0,012 3,361 0,017 0.012 0,06 0.06 35 3839 I 105 1040 0.0040 0.0172 3,612 1.318 0.012 3,378 0.017 0.012 0.06 0.06 35 3875 I 106 1050 0.0040 0.0172 3.629 1.330 0.012 3.395 0.017 0,012 0.06 0.06 35 3910 I 107 1060 0.0040 0,0172 3.646 1.342 0.012 3.412 0.017 0.012 0.06 0,06 36 3946 I 108 1070 0.0040 0,0172 3.864 1,354 0.012 3.430 0.017 0.012 0.06 0.06 36 3981 I 109 1080 0,0040 0,0172 3,681 1.366 0.012 3.447 0.017 0.012 0,06 0.06 36 4017 I 110 1090 0.0040 0.0172 3.698 1,378 0.012 3.464 0.017 0,012 0.06 0.06 36 4053 1 ~. 111 1100 0,0040 0,0172 3.715 1,391 0.012 3.481 0,017 0.012 0,06 0.06 36 4089 112 1110 0,0040 0.0172 3.732 1.403 0,012 3.498 0,017 0.012 0.06 0,06 36 4125 1 113 1120 0.0040 0.0172 3,750 1.415 0.012 3.515 0.017 0,012 0,06 0.06 36 4161 114 1130 0.0040 0.0172 3.767 1.427 0.012 3,532 0.017 0.012 0.06 0.06 36 4197 115 1140 0.0040 0.0172 3.784 1.440 0.012 3,550 0,017 0.012 0,06 0.06 36 4233 116 1150 0,0040 0.0172 3,801 1.452 0,012 3.567 0,017 0.012 0,06 0.06 36 4269 117 1180 0.0040 0.0172 3.818 1.464 0,012 3.584 0,017 0.012 0.06 0.06 36 4306 118 1170 0.0040 0.0172 3,836 1.477 0.012 3,601 0.017 0.012 0.06 0.06 36 4342 119 1180 0,0040 0.0172 3,853 1.489 0.012 3.618 0.017 0.012 0,06 0,06 36 4379 120 1190 0,0040 0.0172 3,870 1.502 0.012 3.635 0.017 0.012 0.06 0.08 37 4415 121 1200 0.0040 0.0172 3.887 1.514 0.012 3.653 0.017 0.012 0.06 0.06 37 4452 122 1210 0,0040 0.0172 3.904 1.527 0.012 3.670 0.017 0,012 0.06 0,06 37 4488 123 1220 0.0040 0.0172 3.922 1.539 0.013 3.687 0.017 0.013 0.06 0.06 37 4525 124 1230 0.0040 0.0172 3.939 1.552 0.013 3.704 0,017 0.013 0,06 0.06 37 4562 125 1240 0.0040 0.0172 3,956 1.564 0.013 3.721 0.017 0,013 0.06 0.06 37 4599 126 1250 0.0040 0.0172 3.973 1.577 0.013 3,738 0.017 0.013 0.06 0.06 37 4636 ," I Pervious Area Impervious Area Time Rainfall Rainfall in Accumul. Accumul. Incremental Accumul. Incremental Total Instant Design Runoff Volume Totai Runoff I Increment Time Distribution Increment Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Fiowrate Flowrate In Increment Yolume min. fraction inches inches inches inches inches inches inches cfs cfs cu.ft. cu.fl. 127 1260 0.0040 0.0172 3.990 1,589 0.013 3,756 0,017 0,013 0.06 0.06 37 4673 128 1270 0.0040 0.0172 4,008 1,602 0,013 3,773 0.017 0.013 0,06 0,06 37 4710 129 1280 0,0040 0.0172 4,025 1.615 0.013 3,790 0,017 0.013 0,06 0,06 37 4747 130 1290 0.0040 0.0172 4.042 1.627 0.013 3.807 0.017 0,013 0,06 0.06 37 4784 131 1300 0,0040 0.0172 4,059 1,640 0,013 3,824 0.017 0,013 0.06 0,06 37 4822 I 132 1310 0.0040 0.0172 4,076 1.653 0,013 3,841 0,017 0.013 0,06 0.06 37 4859 I 133 1320 0,0040 0,0172 4,094 1.665 0.013 3.858 0.017 0.013 0,06 0.06 37 4897 I 134 1330 0.0040 0,0172 4.111 1,678 0.013 3,876 0.017 0,013 0.06 0.08 38 4934 I 135 1340 0.0040 0.0172 4,128 1.691 0,013 3,893 0,017 0.013 0.06 0,06 38 4972 I 136 1350 0.0040 0.0172 4.145 1.704 0,013 3,910 0,017 0.013 0,06 0.06 38 5009 . 137 1360 0,0040 0,0172 4,162 1,716 0.013 3,927 0.017 0,013 0.06 0.06 38 5047 138 1370 0,0040 0,0172 4,180 1,729 0.013 3,944 0,017 0.013 0.06 0,06 38 5085 I 139 1380 0.0040 0.0172 4,197 1.742 0.013 3,961 0,017 0.013 0,06 0.06 38 5123 140 1390 0,0040 0.0172 4.214 1.755 0.013 3.979 0,017 0.013 0.06 0.06 38 5161 141 1400 0,0040 0,0172 4.231 1,768 0.013 3.996 0.017 0,013 0,06 0,06 38 5198 142 1410 0,0040 0,0172 4.248 1,761 0.013 4,013 0.017 0.013 0,06 0,06 38 5236 143 1420 0.0040 0.0172 4,266 1.794 0,013 4,030 0.017 0,013 0.06 0.06 38 5275 144 1430 0.0040 0.0172 4,283 1.807 0,013 4047 0.017 0,013 0.06 0.06 38 5313 145 1440 0,0040 0.0172 4,300 1,820 0,013 4,064 0,017 0,013 0.06 0,08 38 5351 . Design Hydrograph 0.4 I I ., I J I i I I 1 < 0.35 I ; II I , J . .! I ~ 0.3 " :1 I ; 1 j ...... , ! J!! I , I , \.l 0.25 , - I 1 J!! , i I j ~ I i 0.2 I 1 I " j u: I ...j C , I 01 I 'Cij 0.15 I I III I , I 0 , \! I I _\ I : I 'I , I 0.1 I I I , . I I I :~: J , I H I I 1"-- , I i--I I I 1\-,1 I 0.05 f I II I I I , I I I I / I I I I / I 0 y 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Time (min) '. ..j. ".' . . APPENDIX C Water Quality Storm Calculations , , Including:.' .' .' ,. . Tiine,of8oncentration;,... ..... ~anta.&arbar~LTrbanflYdfogi-aRh. , .' Swale Floweharacteristics ' . p,:.. . .. ,',' , ,'", ,", . . ,~,' .'. '. .; . . DETERMINA nON OF VARIABLES FOR APPENDIX C Time of Concentration The Time of Concentration path is shown on the Paving, Grading and Drainage Plan that is included as part of Appendix A. The first portion of the path is sheet flow which can be calculated with Equation 3-3 in the TR-55 Manual. Table 3-1 of the TR-55 Manual specifies an 'n' value of 0.011 for concrete surfaces. The length can be scaled from the Paving, Grading and Drainage Plan as 64 feet Based on the isopluvial maps for Oregon, the 2 year, 24 hour rainfall is 3,3 inches, Based on grades given on the Paving, Grading and Drainage Plan, the slope can be calculated as 0,008 ft/fl. T = 0,007(0.011*64)"8 =72sec t (3.3)"5(0,008)04 Figure 3-1 of the TR-55 Manual indicates that the remainder of the flow across the concrete will have a velocity of 1.59 ft/s. The remaining length of flow across concrete can be scaled as 122 feet on the Pa'ii.ng, Gcading and Drainage Plan. 122 T =-=77 sec I 1.59 I Tc =72+77=2,5min However, standard practice is to use a Time of Concentration no less than 10 minutes, Drainalle Areas . ' The only area draining to the swale is the concrete parking and driving areas which are , , ImpervIOUS, Rainfall DeDth Based on the isopluvial maps for Oregon, the 2 year, 24 hour rainfall is 3,3 inches, However, ODOT requires that 1/3 oftrus value be used since the site is west of the Cascade Range, but no more than 1 inch. Since 1/3 oD.3 inches is 1.1 inches, I inch is the rainfall depth for the water quality storm. ... .)" . . Curve Number Based on Table 2-2a of the TR-55 Manual a Curve Number of98 applies to the impervious areas, Manninl!'S 'n' A Manning's 'n' value of 0.24 was chosen by comparing Table 3,1 in the TR-55 Manual, Table 5-6 in Open Channel Hydraulics by Yen Te Chow and the 'n' value specified by ODOT for a vegetated swale, .'. . . ., , Known: Pervious Area = Imoervious % Imperv. = Area = acres 100 acres Site Area = 0.25 acres Answer: w = 0.3333 Maximum Design Flowrate = Tp = Total Runoff Volume = Total Rain = 0.05 480 718 CN = CN = \ cIs min, cU.ft. Storage = Storage = in. Time Incr. = 3.51 cu, ft. 0.20 cu, ft, 10 min, 0.2S = 0.28 = To = 0,70 cu, ft. 0.04 cu. ft. min. ." '-., .'. Pervious Area I Impervious Area Time Rainfall Rainfall in I Accumul. Accumul. Incremental Accumul. Incremental Total Instant Design Runoff Volume Total Runoff Increment Time Distribution Increment Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Flowrate Flowrate In Increment Volume min. fraction inches inches inches inches Inches inches inches cfs cfs cu,ft. cu.ft. 127 1260 0.0040 0,0040 0.928 0.014 0.000 0.721 0.004 0,004 0.01 0,01 4 655 I 128 1270 0,0040 0.0040 0.932 0.014 0.000 0.725 0.004 0.004 0.D1 0.01 4 658 I 129 1280 0,0040 0.0040 0.936 0,015 0.000 0,729 0.004 0,004 0.01 0.01 4 662 I 130 1290 0.0040 0.0040 0,940 0,015 0.000 0.733 0,004 0,004 0.01 0.01 4 665 I 131 1300 0,0040 0.0040 0,944 0.016 0.000 0.737 0.004 0,004 0.01 0.01 4 669 I 132 1310 0.0040 0.0040 0.948 0.016 0.001 0.741 0,004 0.004 0.01 0.01 4 672 I 133 1320 0.0040 0.0040 O,952 0.017 0.001 0.744 0.004 0.004 0,01 0.01 4 678 I 134 1330 0,0040 0.0040 0.956 0,017 0,001 0.748 0.004 0,004 0,01 0,01 4 679 I 135 1340 0.0040 0.0040 0.960 0.018 0.001 0,752 0.004 0.004 0.01 0.01 4 683 I 136 1350 0,0040 0.0040 0.964 0.D18 0.001 0.756 0.004 0.004 0.01 0.01 4 686 . 137 1360 0,0040 0,0040 0.968 0.019 0.001 0,760 0,004 0,004 0,01 0.01 4 690 138 1370 0.0040 0.0040 0.972 0.019 0.001 0,764 0.004 0,004 0,01 0.01 4 693 I 139 1380 0.0040 0.0040 0,976 0.020 0,001 0,768 0.004 0.004 0,01 0,01 4 697 I 140 1390 0,0040 0.0040 0.980 0.020 0,001 0.772 0,004 0.004 0,01 0,01 4 700 I 141 1400 0,0040 0,0040 0,984 0.021 0.001 0.775 0,004 0,004 0.01 0,01 4 704 I 142 1410 0.0040 0.0040 0.988 0.021 0.001 0.779 0.004 0,004 0.01 0,01 4 707 I 143 1420 0.0040 0.0040 0,992 0,022 0.001 0,783 0.004 0,004 0.01 0,01 4 711 I 144 1430 0.0040 0.0040 0.996 0,023 0.001 0,787 0.004 0,004 0.01 0,01 4 714 I 145 1440 0,0040 0.0040 1.000 0,023 0.001 0,791 0.004 0.004 0.01 0.01 4 718 . " -... - Pervious Area Impervious Area Time Rainfall Rainfall in I Accumul. Accumul. Incremental Accumul. Incremental Total Instant Design I Runoff Yolume Total Runoff Increment Time Distribution Increment Ralnfail Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Flowrate Flowrate in Increment Volume mln, fraction inches f inches inches Inches inches inches inches cfs cfs cU.fl. cu,ft. 85 840 0.0057 0.0057 0.741 0,000 0.000 0.542 0,005 0,005 0,01 0.01 5 492 86 850 0.0057 0,0057 0.747 0.001 0.000 0,548 0.005 0.005 0.01 0.01 5 497 87 860 0,0057 0,0057 0.753 0.001 0.000 0.553 0.005 0.005 0,01 0.01 5 502 88 870 0.0057 0.0057 0.758 0.001 0.000 0.559 0,005 0.005 0,01 0.01 5 507 89 880 0,0057 0.0057 0.764 0,001 0.000 0,564 0.005 0.005 0.01 0.01 5 512 90 890 0.0050 0.0050 0.769 0.001 0.000 0,569 0,005 0,005 0.01 I 0.01 4 516 91 900 0,0050 . 0.0050 0.774 0.001 0,000 0.574 0.005 0,005 0.01 I 0,01 4 520 I 92 910 0.0050 0,0050 0,779 0,002 0,000 0.578 0.005 0,005 0,01 I 0.01 4 525 I 93 920 0,0050 0.0050 0.784 0,002 0.000 0.583 0.005 0.005 0,01 I 0.01 4 529 I 94 930 0,0050 0,0050 0,789 0,002 0.000 0,588 0,005 0.005 0.01 I 0.01 4 533 . 95 940 0,0050 0.0050 0,794 0,002 0.000 0.593 0.005 0,005 0.01 I 0,01 4 538 96 950 0.0050 0,0050 0.799 0.003 0,000 0.597 0.005 0.005 001 I 0,01 4 542 I 97 960 0,0050 0.0050 0.804 0,003 0.000 0.602 0.005 0.005 0,01 ,i 0,01 4 546 I 98 970 0.0050 0.0050 0.809 0,003 0,000 0.607 0.005 0.005 0.01 I 0,01 4 551 I 99 980 0,0050 0.0050 0,814 0.003 0.000 0.612 0.005 0.005 0,01 I 0,01 4 555 I 100 990 0,0050 0,0050 0.819 0.004 0.000 0.617 0.005 0.005 0.01 I 0.01 4 559 101 1000 0,0050 0,0050 0.824 0.004 0.000 0.621 0.005 0,005 0.01 I 0,01 4 564 I 102 1010 0.0040 0.0040 0,828 0,004 0.000 0,625 0,004 0.004 0.01 I 0,01 3 567 I 103 1020, 0.0040 0.0040 0,832 0,005 0.000 0.629 0.004 0.004 0.01 ! 0.01 3 571 \ 104 1030 0.0040 0,0040 0.836 0.005 0,000 0.633 0,004 0.004 0,01 I 0.01 3 574 I 105 1040 0.0040 0,0040 0.840 0,005 0.000 0.637 0.004 0,004 0,01 I 0.01 3 578 I 106 1050 0,0040 0.0040 0.844 0.005 0.000 0.640 0.004 0.004 0.01 I 0.01 3 581 I 107 1060 0,0040 0,0040 0,848 0,006 0,000 0.644 0.004 0,004 0.01 I 0.01 3 585 I 108 1070 0.0040 0.0040 0.852 0,006 0.000 0.648 0.004 0.004 0.01 I 0.01 3 588 I 109 1080 0,0040 0,0040 0,856 0.008 0,000 0,652 0,004 0,004 0.01 I 0,01 3 592 I 110 1090 0.0040 0,0040 0,860 0.007 0.000 0.656 0.004 0.004 0,01 0,01 3 595 111 1100 0,0040 0,0040 0.864 0.007 0.000 0,660 0.004 0,004 0,01 0,01 3 599 . 112 1110 0.0040 0.0040 0.868 0.007 0.000 0.663 0,004 0.004 0.01 0.01 3 602 113 1120 0,0040 0,0040 0.872 0.008 0.000 0.667 0.004 0.004 0.01 0.01 3 606 114 1130 0.0040 0.0040 0.876 0.008 0,000 0.671 0,004 0.004 0.01 0.01 3 609 115 1140 0.0040 0,0040 0.880 0.009 0.000 0.675 0.004 0.004 0.01 0,01 3 613 116 1150 0,0040 0.0040 0.884 0,009 0.000 0,679 0.004 0,004 0.01 0.01 3 616 117 1160 0,0040 0.0040 0.888 O.OOg 0.000 I 0.683 0.004 0,004 0.01 0.01 3 620 118 1170 0,0040 0,0040 0.892 0.010 0.000 , 0.687 0.004 0.004 0,01 0,01 3 623 119 1180 0.0040 0.0040 0,896 0.010 0.000 I 0.690 0.004 0.004 0.01 0.01 3 627 120 1190 0,0040 0.0040 0.900 0.010 0.000 I 0.694 0,004 0.004 0.01 0.01 3 630 121 1200 0.0040 0.0040 0,904 0.011 0.000 'I 0.698 0.004 0.004 0,01 0,01 3 634 122 1210 0.0040 0.0040 0.908 0,011 0.000 I 0.702 0.004 0,004 0.01 0.01 3 637 123 1220 0.0040 0,0040 0,912 0,012 0.000 I 0,706 0.004 0,004 0,01 0.01 3 641 124 1230 0,0040 0,0040 0,916 0.012 0.000 I 0,710 0.004 0,004 0.01 0.01 3 644 125 1240 0,0040 0,0040 O,920 0.013 0,000 I 0,714 0.004 0.004 0.01 0,01 4 648 126 1250 0.0040 0.0040 0.924 0,013 0,000 I 0.717 0.004 0.004 0,01 0,01 4 651 , ~ ", Pervious Area Impervious Area Time Rainfall I Rainfall in Accumul. AccumUl.llncremental AC(;umul. Incremental Total Instant Design Runoff Volume I Total Runoff I Increment Time Distribution Increment Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Flowrate Flowrate In Increment Yolume min. fraction 1 inches inches inches inches inches inches Inches cfs cfs cu,ft. I cU.ft. 43 420 0.0134 1 0.0134 I 0,281 0.000 0,000 0.130 0.010 0,010 0,02 0.01 10 "I 118 44 430 0,0134 I 0,0134 I 0.294 0,000 0.000 0.141 0.011 0.011 0.02 0.02 10 1 128 45 440 0.0180 I 0.0180 1 0.312 0.000 0,000 0.155 0.015 0.015 0.Q2 0.02 13 I 141 46 450 0,0180 I 0,0180 I 0.330 0.000 I 0,000 0.170 0.015 0.015 0,02 0,02 13 I 154 I 47 460 0.0340 I 0.0340 1 0.364 0.000 I 0.000 0.198 0.029 0,029 0,04 0.03 26 I 180 I 48 470 0.0540 I 0.0540 I 0.418 0.000 1 0,000 0.245 0.047 0.047 0.07 0,05 42 1 222 I 49 480 0,0270 1 0,0270 I 0.445 0.000 I 0.000 0.269 0,024 0,024 0,04 I 0.05 22 I 244 I 50 490 0.0180 I 0.0180 I 0.463 0,000 1 0.000 0.285 0.016 0.016 0.02 I 0,04 15 I 259 I 51 500 0,0134 1 0.0134 I 0.477 0.000 I 0.000 0.297 0.012 0,012 0.02 I 0.03 11 1 270 I 52 510 0,0134 I 0.0134 1 0.490 0.000 I 0,000 0.309 0,012 0.012 0.02 I 0,02 11 I 280 . 53 520 0.0134 I 0,0134 I 0.504 0.000 I 0.000 0.321 0,012 0.012 0,02 I 0,02 11 I 291 54 530 0,0088 I 0.0088 I 0,512 0.000 I 0,000 0.329 0,008 0.008 0.01 I 0.02 7 I 299 55 540 0.0088 I 0,0088 I 0.521 0.000 1 0.000 0,337 0,008 0.008 0.01 I 0,01 7 I 306 56 550 0,0088 I 0,0088 I 0.530 0,000 I 0,000 0,345 0.008 0.008 0.01 I 0.01 7 I 313 57 560 0.0088 1 0.0088 1 0.539 0,000 I 0.000 0,353 0.008 0.008 0.01 I 0.01 7 I 321 58 570 0,0088 I 0.0088 I 0,548 0,000 I 0,000 0.361 0.008 0.008 0,01 I 0.01 7 I 328 59 580 0.0088 1 0,0088 I 0.556 0.000 I 0.000 0.369 0,008 0.008 0.01 I 0.01 7 I 335 60 590 0,0088 I 0.0088 I 0,565 0.000 I 0,000 0.377 0.008 0,008 0.01 I 0,01 7 I 343 61 600 0.0088 I 0,0088 I 0.574 0,000 I 0.000 0.386 0.008 0,008 0,01 I 0.01 7 I 350 I 62 610 0,0088 I 0.0088 I 0.583 0,000 1 0.000 0,394 0.008 0,008 0,01 I 0.01 7 1 357 I 63 620 0.0088 I 0.0088 I 0,592 0,000 I 0.000 0.402 0.008 0.008 0.01 I 0.01 7 I 365 I 64 630 0.0088 1 0.0088 1 0.600 0.000 I 0,000 0.410 0.008 0,008 0.01 I 0.01 7 I 372 I 65 640 0.0088 I 0,0088 I 0.609 0,000 I 0,000 0.418 0.008 0.008 0,01 I 0,01 7 I 380 I 66 650 0,0072 I 0.0072 I 0.616 0.000 I 0.000 0.425 0,007 0.007 0.01 I 0.01 6 I 386 I 67 660 0.0072 I 0.0072 I 0.624 0.000 I 0.000 0.432 0.007 0,007 0.01 I 0.01 6 I 392 i 68 670 0.0072 I 0.0072 I 0.631 0.000 I 0.000 0.438 0.007 0.007 0.01 0,01 6 I 398 I 69 680 0.0072 I 0,0072 I 0.638 0.000 I 0.000 0.445 0.007 0,007 0.01 0.01 6 404 . 70 690 0.0072 1 0.0072 I 0.645 0,000 I 0.000 0.452 0.007 0,007 0,01 0,01 6 410 71 700 0.0072 I 0.0072 I 0.652 0,000 I 0.000 0.459 0.007 0.007 0,01 0.01 6 416 72 710 0,0072 I 0.0072 I 0.660 0,000 I 0,000 0.465 0.007 0.007 0.01 0.01 6 422 73 720 0.0072 1 0,0072 1 0,667 0.000 I 0,000 0.472 0,007 0,007 001 0.01 6 428 74 730 0,0072 I 0.0072 I 0.674 0,000 I 0.000 0.479 0,007 0,007 0.01 0.01 6 435 75 740 0,0072 0.0072 0.681 0.000 I 0,000 0.486 0.007 0.007 0.01 0.01 6 441 76 750 0,0072 0,0072 0.688 0.000 1 0,000 0.492 0.007 0,007 0.01 0,01 6 447 77 760 0.0072 0.0072 0.696 0.000 I 0.000 0.499 0.007 0,007 0,01 0,01 6 453 78 770 0,0057 0,0057 0.701 0.000 1 0,000 0.505 0.005 0.005 0.01 0.01 5 458 79 780 0.0057 0.0057 0.707 0.000 I 0,000 0.510 0.005 0.005 0,01 0.01 5 463 80 790 0.0057 0,0057 0.713 0,000 I 0,000 0.515 0.005 0.005 0.01 0.01 5 468 81 800 0.0057 0.0057 0.718 0,000 I 0.000 0.521 0,005 0.005 0.01 0.01 5 473 I 82 810 0.0057 0,0057 0.724 0.000 I 0.000 0.526 0.005 0.005 0.D1 0.01 5 477 , I 83 820 0.0057 0.0057 0.730 0,000 I 0.000 0.532 0.005 0.005 0,01 0.01 5 482 I 84 830 0.0057 0.0057 0.736 0,000 0,000 0,537 0.005 0.005 0.01 0,01 5 487 .' - c:....-. I Pervious Area Impervious Area I I Time I Rainfall Rainfall in Accumul. Accumul. Incremental Accumul. Incremental Total Instant Design Runoff Volume Total Runoff I Increment Time Distribution Increment Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Flowrate Flowrate in Increment Volume , min. fraction incheS- inches inches inches inches inches Inches cfs cfs cU.ft. cu,ft. I I 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 2 10 0.0040 0.0040 0,004 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0,00 0 0 I 3 20 0,0040 0.0040 0.008 0,000 0.000 0,000 0,000 0.000 0.00 0,00 0 0 4 30 0,0040 0,0040 0.012 0,000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 5 40 0,0040 0.0040 0,016 0.000 0.000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,00 0.00 0 0 6 50 0.0040 0.0040 0,020 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.00 0,00 0 0 7 60 0.0040 0.0040 0.024 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.00 0.00 0 0 I 8 70 0,0040 0,0040 0.028 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 I 9 80 0,0040 0.0040 0.032 0,000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 I 10 90 0.0040 0.0040 0.036 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0,00 0.00 0 0 . 11 100 0.0040 0.0040 0.040 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 12 110 0,0050 0,0050 0,045 0,000 0,000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0 0 I 13 120 0,0050 0.0050 0.050 0,000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0,000 0.00 0,00 0 0 I 14 130 0,0050 0,0050 0,055 I 0.000 0,000 0.001 0.001 0,001 0,00 0.00 0 1 15 140 0.0050 0.0050 0.080 I 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.00 0.00 1 1 16 150 0,0050 0.0050 0.065 I 0.000 0,000 0,003 0.001 0.001 0.00 0,00 1 2 17 160 0.0050 0.0050 0.070 I 0,000 0.000 0,004 0.001 0.001 0.00 0.00 1 3 I 18 170 0.0060 0.0060 0.D76 I 0.000 0,000 0.005 0,002 0.002 0.00 0.00 1 5 I 19 180 0,0060 0.0060 0,082 I 0.000 0,000 0,007 0.002 0,002 0,00 0.00 2 6 I 20 190 0,0060 0,0060 0,088 I 0.000 0.000 0.009 0.002 0,002 0.00 0.00 2 8 I 21 200 0,0060 0.0060 0.094 I 0.000 0,000 0.011 0,002 0.002 0.00 0.00 2 10 I 22 210 0.0060 0.0060 0.100 I 0.000 0.000 0,013 0:002 0.002 0.00 0.00 2 12 I 23 220 0.0060 0,0060 0.106 I 0.000 0.000 0.016 0.002 0.002 I 0,00 0.00 2 14 I 24 230 0.0070 0,0070 0.113 I 0.000 0.000 0.019 0.003 0.003 I 0,00 0.00 3 17 I 25 240 0,0070 0.0070 0,120 I 0.000 0.000 0.022 0.003 0.003 I 0,00 0.00 3 20 I 26 250 0.0070 0,0070 0.127 I 0.000 0.000 0.026 0.003 0.003 I 0,01 0.00 3 23 . 27 260 0.0070 0.0070 0.134 I 0.000 0,000 0.029 0.004 0,004 I 0.01 0.01 3 27 28 270 0.0070 0.0070 0,141 I 0.000 0,000 0,033 0.004 0,004 I 0.01 0.01 3 30 29 280 0.0070 0.0070 0,148 I 0,000 0,000 0.037 0,004 0.004 I 0,01 0.01 4 33 30 290 0.0082 0,0082 0.156 0.000 0.000 0,042 0,005 0.005 I 0,01 0.01 4 38 31 300 0.0082 0.0082 0.164 0.000 0.000 0,047 0.005 0.005 0.01 0.01 4 42 32 310 0,0082 0.0082 0.173 0.000 0,000 0.052 0.005 0.005 0.01 0.01 5 47 33 320 0,0082 0,0082 0.181 0.000 0.000 0,057 0,005 0,005 0,01 0.01 5 52 34 330 o 0082 0.0082 0,189 0,000 0.000 0,062 0.005 0,005 0,01 0.01 5 57 35 340 0.0082 0.0082 0.197 0.000 0,000 0.068 0.006 0,006 0,01 0.01 5 62 36 350 0.0095 0.0095 0,207 0.000 0,000 0.074 0,007 0,007 0.01 0.01 6 67 37 360 0.0095 0.0095 0.216 0,000 0.000 0,081 0,007 0,007 0,01 0,01 6 74 38 370 0.0095 0,0095 0.226 0.000 I 0,000 0,088 0,007 0,007 0.01 0.01 6 80 39 380 0.0095 0.0095 0,235 0.000' I 0.000 0.095 0.007 0.007 0,01 0,01 6 86 40 390 0,0095 O,O095 0.245 0,000 0.000 0.102 0.007 0,007 0.01 0.01 6 92 41 400 0,0095 0.0095 0.254 0,000 0.000 0.109 0.007 0.007 0,01 0.01 7 99 42 410 0,0134 0.0134 0.268 0,000 0,000 0.119 0,010 0,010 0.02 0.01 9 108 o '" o o ... o o Ol 0, o ::! 3 CD CD - 0 3 0 ::s ~ ~ 0 0 0 ~ '" o o ~ ... o o ~ Ol o o . o o o ~ I ===-1 \~-I \1 ==:s- \ \. \1 ~- " Design Flowrate (cfs) 0 0 0 0 0 0 '" VJ ... I I I I I I 1_1_- IJ [- 1 I -+ --- . o o en --I I I , --~ I I -=l ._-,--~ --~ r -J I----~~-~-------~---- - r --_________ . I I ---, , i 1\ r I 1 r~ ( I II V I ----- ---I ...mm ,'.". .,....t...,.",. ____I I' I --I I i , I --- IJ 1- ---I I _ 1- ..J.mmmJ.J.J.J -+-~ --~ : I t-- I , i I i -~ [ ....J . .' o o Q) o CD UJ (0 ::::I I '< 0.. ~ o (Q .., ro u ::T .. .. Trapezl'-rdal Channel Analysis & Des1gn Open Channel - Uniform flow Worksheet Name: water quality swale Comment: Solve For Depth Given Input Data: Bottom Width..... Left Side Slope.. Right Side Slope. Manning's n...... Channel Slope.... Discharge........ Computed Results: Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . Veloci ty. . . . . . . . . Flow Area........ Flow Top Width... Wetted Perimeter. Critical Depth... Critical Slope... Froude Number.... 3.00 ft 7.00:1 (H:V) 4.00:1 (H:V) 0.240 0.0050 ft/ft 0.05 cfs 0.13 ft 0.10 fps 0.50 sf 4.46 ft 4.49 ft 0.02 ft 3.1228 ft/ft 0.05 (flow is Subcritical) Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 . APPENDIX D 10 Year Storm Calculations , Including:.. . '. 'ComputetMbdelPriiltout . . . . XP-UOD2000 Version 7.55 Cllpyrlght(c)XPSoflwar8 Outlet AreaOrain f" ~1 BrandtMDrury 10.Year Storm Licenced To: Branch Engineering [66-750-0285) Pond ~r' Outflow .~ Juction Roof2 Roof1 PZ f1 08/03/04 Page 1/1 " , Input File: C:\SWMM Files\03-109\On-,XP Current Di~ectory: C:\XPS\XP-UDD-l Executable Name: C:\XPS\XP-UDD-l\swmmengw.exe Read 0 line(s) and found 0 items(s) from your efg file. *~==============================================* . I XP-SWMM2000 I Storm Water Management Model I Version 7.51 I 1..................................=....===..===1 I Developed by I 1================='=============================1 I I I XP Software Ioc. and Pty. Ltd. I 1 I I Based on the U. S. EPA , I Storm Water Management Model Version 4.40 I I 1 I Originally Developed by I I Meteal f & Eddy lIne. I I Uni versi ty of Florida I I Camp Dresser & McKee Ioc. I I September 1970 I I I I EPA-SWMM is maintained by I I Oregon State University I I Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. I 1'==============================================1 I XP Software October, 2000 I I Data File Version ---> 9.0 I *===============================================* Brandt-Drury Proposed Conditions lO-Year Storm ###################################### # Rainfall input summary from Runoff # ###################################### . Total rainfall for gage # 1 is 4.3000 inches ################################################### # Table RI. SUB CAT C H MEN T D A T A # # Physical Hydrology Data # ################################################### Subcatchment Number Name Per- cent Slope "n" Imperv ft/ft Imprv Channel or inlet Width ft Area ac -----~ ----- -~---- ----- 1 Roofl#l 2 Roof2#1 Roofl Roof2 20.000 20.000 Deprs Deprs Prcnt -sian -sian Zero "n" Storge Strge Deten Perv Imprv perv -tion ,79000E-01100.00 0.020 0,014 0,030 0,000 0.000 .50000E-01100,OO 0.020 0,014 0.030 0.000 0.000 ===== ===== ===== 0.00 0.00 , 3 Pond#l Pond 4 AreaDrain#l AreaDrain 40,000 75.000 .25000 ,17000 100.00 0.020 0.014 0.030 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.40 0,020 0,014 0.030 0,000 0.000 0,00 *************************************************************************#****************** # Table R2. SUBCATCHMENT DATA # # Infiltration Data # . * Infiltration Type Infl *1 InU *2 Infl n IntI #4 * * SCS -> Camp eN Time Cone Shape Factor Depth or Fraction * * SBUH -> Camp eN Time Cone N/A N/A * * Green Arnpt -> Suction Hydr Cood Initial MD N/A * * Horton -> Max Rate Min Rate Decay Rate (l/secl N/A * * Proportional -> Constant N/A N/A N/A * * Initial/Cont Loss -> Initial Continuing N/A N/A * * Initial/Proportional-> Initial Constant N/A N/A * * Laurenson Paramters -> B Value Pervious "n" Impervious Cont Exponent * ******************************************************************************************** Subcatchment InU InU InU InU Number Name * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 --------------- --------------- 1 Roof1#l 98,0 0.167 0.000 0.200 2 RaefZ#-! 98.0 0.167 0.000 0.200 3 Pond#l 98.0 0.167 0.000 0,200 4 fl.reaDrain#l 74.1 0.167 0.000 0.200 ***************#*******************************#************ # Table R3. SUBCATCHMENT DP..TA # # Rainfall and Infiltration Database Names # **********************#***#*#*********#*#******#*i********** Subcatchment Gage Infl trn Routing Rainfall Database Infiltration Database Number Name No Type Type Name Name =============== =========== ----------------- ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- 1 Roofl#l 1 ses Method SBUH ses Type lA ses TYPE e - Horton 2 Roof2#l 1 ses Method SBUH ses Type 1A ses TYPE C - Horton . 3 Pond#l 1 ses Method SBUH SCS Type 1A ses TYPE e - Horton 4 AreaDrain#l 1 ses Method SBUH SCS Type 1A ses TYPE e - Horton ************i#*******#************#****#********** # Table R9. Summary Statistics for Subcatchments # ****#********************************************# Note: Total Runoff Depth includes pervious & impervious area Pervious and Impervious Runoff Depth is only the runoff from those two areas. Subcatchment.......... . Area (acres)........... Percent Impervious. Total Rainfall (in).... Max Intensity {in/hrl.. Roofl#l 0.07900 100.00000 4.30000 1,39320 Roof2#1 0,05000 100,00000 4,30000 1. 39320 Pond#l 0.25000 100.00000 4.30000 1,39320 AreaDrain#l 0,17000 0.40000 4.30000 1.39320 ; Pervious Area Total Runoff Depth (in) 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 L 80613 Total Losses (in) . . . . . . 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 2.48662 Remaining Depth (in).. . 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) . 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.07317 Total Impervious Area Total Runoff Depth (in) 4,04593 4.04593 4.04593 0.00725 Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) . 0,08901 0,05633 0.28167 0.00029 Impervious Area with depression storage Total Runoff Depth (in) 0.00000 0.00000 0,00000 0.00000 Peak Runoff Rate (cts) . 0.00000 0,00000 0.00000 0.00000 Impervious Area without depression storage Total Runoff Depth (in) 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) . 0.00000 0,00000 0.00000 0.00000 Total Area . Total Runoff Depth (in) 4.04593 4.04593 4.04593 L 81338 Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) . 0.08901 0.05633 0.28167 0.07346 Unit Runoff (in/hr)... . 1.12669 1.12669 1.12669 0.43212 ===> Runoff simulation ended normally. ####################################################### # Entry made to the HYDRAULIC Layer(Block) of SWMM # # Last Updated October,2000 by XP Software # Brandt-Drury lO-Year Storm Pond *==================================================* Table El - Conduit Data *==================================================* Trapezoid lnp Conduit Length Conduit Area Manning Max Width Depth Side . Num Name 1ft) Class I ft^21 Coef. 1ft) 1ft) Slopes ------- ------- -------- ------- ------- --------- ------- 1 Pl 96,00 Circular 0,20 0.01300 0.50 0.50 2 P2 66.00 Circular 0.20 0.01300 0.50 0,50 3 P3 105.00 Circular 0,35 0,01300 0.67 0,67 4 P4 15,00 Circular 0,54 0.01300 0,83 0.83 Total length of all conduits .... 282,0000 feet *===================================================* Table E3a - Junction Data ~===================================================* lnp Junction Num Name Ground Crown Invert Qinst Elevation Elevation Elevation cfs Initial Depth-ft --------- --------- --------- -------- -------- , 1 Pond 7.0000 4.6900 4.1900 0.0000 0,0000 2 Juction 7.0000 4.8600 4.1900 0,0000 0.0000 3 Roafl 8.0000 6.1900 5.6900 0.0000 0.0010 4 Raaf2 8.2000 5,2200 4.7200 0,0000 0.0010 5 Outlet 8.1900 3,4600 1.6300 O.ODOO 0,0000 6 AreaDrain 6.5000 3.5200 2.6900 0,0000 0.0010 *~~=================================================* Table E4 - Conduit Connectivity *===================================================* . Input Conduit Upstream Downstream Upstream Downstream Number Name Node Node Elevation Elevation -------- -~------- ---------- --------- --------- -------- --------- ---------- --------- --------- 1 P1 Roofl RaafZ 5,690 4.720 No Design 2 P2 RaafZ Pond 4,720 4.190 No Design 3 p3 Juction AreaDrain 4,190 2.690 No Design 4 P4 AreaDrain Outlet 2.690 2.630 No Design *==========================================* Storage Junction Data *==========================================* STORAGE JUNCTION JUNCTION NUMBER OR NAME TYPE MAXIMUM OR CONSTANT SURFACE AREA (FT2) Pond Stage/Area 1219,6800 PEAK OR CROWN DEPTH CONSTANT VOLUME ELEVATION STARTS (CUBIC FEET) 1FT) FROM ------------ --------- ----------- 1051.5573 7.0000 Node Invert *=====================~============* Variable storage data for node IPond *==================================* c. Data Elevation Depth Area Volume Point ft ft ft"2 ft"3 --------- --------- 1 4.1900 0,0000 4.3560 0.0000 2 5.5600 1. 3700 4 . 3560 5.9677 3 6.0600 1.8700 740.5200 139,5796 4 7.0000 2.8100 1219.6800 1051.5573 *==========================================* Orifice Data *==========================================* From Junction To Junction Type Area (ft21 Depth Iftl 0.00 Discharge Height Above Coefficient Junction (ft) Pond Juction Circ Side 0.04 0.620 0,000 ====> EQUIVALENT PIPE INFORMATION FOR ORIFICE 1 CONDUIT NAME......... _................. ORF # 1 . Upstream node.......................... .Pond Downstream node...... _................. . Juction PIPE DIAMETER........................ 0.23 PIPE LENGTH.......................... 323.48 MANNINGS ROUGHNESS................... 0.0024 INVERT ELEVATION AT UPSTREAM END..... 4.1900 INVERT ELEVATION AT DOWNSTREAM END... 4.1800 *~===============================================* FREE OUTFALL DATA (DATA GROUP II) BOUNDARY CONDITION ON DATA GROUP Jl *================================================* . Outfall at Junction... .Outlet has boundary condition number... *===================================================* Boundary Condition Information Data Groups JI-J4 *==~;~~~======~=============================~=======* BC NUMBER. . 1 Control water surface elevation is.. *=======================================================* Tim e His tor y 0 f the H. G. L. ( feet) I *=======================================================* Max Ground Elevation: 7.00 Time Max Crown Elevation: 7.00 Junction: Pond Hr:Mn:Sc Elevation Depth Totl Area Node Area . o 10 0 o 20 0 o 30 0 o 40 0 o 50 0 100 1 10 0 1 20 0 1 30 0 1 40 0 1 50 0 2 0 0 2 10 0 2 20 0 2 30 0 2 40 0 2 50 0 3 0 0 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Volume 4.1905 4.1909 4.1931 4,2237 4.2616 4.2878 4.3028 4,3135 4.3217 4.3281 4.3416 4.3529 4,3595 4.3641 4,3677 4.3706 4.3832 4.3908 0,0005 0.0009 0.0031 0.0337 0.0716 0.0978 0.1128 0,1235 0.1317 0.1381 0.1516 O. 1629 0.1695 0.1741 0.1777 0.1806 0.1932 0.2008 45.8983 45.8983 45.8983 64.1354 88.9987 98.5124 101.4724 102.8603 103.4297 103.6417 103.3927 102.4262 101.4744 100.6699 99.9212 99.3213 95.6382 92.6234 4.3560 4.3560 4.3560 4.3560 4.3560 4,3560 4.3560 4.3560 4.3560 4.3560 4.3560 4.3560 4.3560 4.3560 4.3560 4.3560 4.3560 4.3560 0.0022 0,0038 0.0097 0.1451 0.3102 0.4254 0.4908 0.5375 0.5733 0.6016 0.6597 0.7093 0.7380 0.7581 0.7740 0.7866 0.8413 0.8746 3.13 feet. Inflow 0,0000 0.0000 0,0005 0.0029 0.0074 0.0117 0.0152 0.0181 0,0205 0.0226 0.0277 0.0316 0.0340 0,0358 0,0373 0.0385 0.0438 0.0473 1 Outflow 0.0000 0.0000 0,0000 0,0006 0,0043 0.0098 0.0139 0.0171 0.0198 0.0220 0.0261 0.0307 0.0335 0.0354 0.0370 0.0382 0.0424 0.0469 , 3 10 0 4.3905 0.2005 92,6777 4,3560 0.8734 0.0491 0.0487 3 20 0 4,3949 0.2049 90.6527 4.3560 0,8922 0.0503 0.0500 3 30 0 4.3978 0.2078 89.2098 4.3560 0.9053 0.0512 0,0510 3 40 0 4.4008 0.2108 87.3207 4.3560 0.9181 0.0519 0.0517 3 50 0 4.4243 0.2343 82.1534 4.3560 1. 0192 0.0573 0,0536 4 0 0 4.4444 0.2544 76.6452 4.3560 1.1080 0.0605 0,0597 4 10 0 4.4527 0.2627 73.1180 4.3560 L 1442 o . 0621 0.0615 4 20 0 4.4590 0.2690 69,9449 4.3560 1.1718 0_ 0629 0.0625 4 30 0 4.4651 0.2751 66.5726 4.3560 1.1984 0.0635 0.0631 4 40 0 4.4737 0,2837 61. 8695 4,3560 1. 2354 0.0640 0.0634 4 50 0 4.5035 0.3135 54.5875 4,3560 1. 3644 0.0704 0.0682 5 0 0 4.5283 0.3383 50.5189 4.3560 1.4733 0.0740 0.0733 5 10 0 4.5382 0.3482 50.1935 4.3560 1.5166 0.0756 0.0752 5 20 0 4.5430 0.3530 49.9275 4.3560 1. 5377 0.0764 0.0762 5 30 0 4,5458 0.3558 49.7418 4.3560 1.5500 0.0768 0.0767 . 5 40 0 4.5478 0.3578 49.5993 4.3560 1.5586 0.0772 0.0771 5 50 0 4.5808 0.3908 45.3832 4,3560 1.7012 0.0841 0.0821 6 0 0 4.6078 0.4178 39.1373 4.3560 1. 8193 0,0880 0.0873 6 10 0 4.6180 0,4280 36.0716 4.3560 1. 8643 0.0896 0.0893 6 20 0 4.6226 0.4326 34.6156 4.3560 1. 8842 0.0903 0.0901 6 30 0 4.6250 0.4350 33.8251 4.3560 1.8946 0.0907 0.0906 6 40 0 4.6265 0.4365 33.3059 4.3560 1. 9014 0.0909 0.0909 6 50 0 4.7444 0.5544 25.7672 4.3560 2.4121 0.1116 0.1083 7 0 0 4.8110 0.6210 20.0182 4.3560 2.7045 0.1211 0.1208 7 10 0 4.8345 0.6445 18.7588 4.3560 2.8068 0.1250 0.1246 7 20 0 4.9362 0.7462 11. 2699 4.3560 3.2505 0.1404 0.1385 7 30 0 5.0619 0.8719 6.4383 4.3560 3.7960 0.1585 0.1578 7 40 0 5.5921 1.4021 49.3064 49.0404 6.6558 0.2550 0.2226 7 50 0 5.8217 1.6317 388.7197 388.2456 43.6638 0.4020 0.2499 8 0 0 5.9532 1.7632 583.2959 582.8331 89.4688 0.3321 0.2631 8 10 0 5.9707 1.7807 609.7311 609.1799 97.0338 0.2417 o . 2 651 8 20 0 5,9202 1.7302 535.1844 534.8167 76.5166 0.1799 0.2607 8 30 0 5.8111 1.6211 374.6547 374.2179 41.0489 0,1559 0.2506 8 40 0 5.4636 1.2736 4.6210 4.3560 5.5477 0.2016 0.2194 8 50 0 4.8718 0.6818 10.5288 4.3560 2.9761 0,1294 0,1346 9 0 0 4.6488 0.4588 17.2688 4.3560 1. 9993 0.0944 o . 0956 9 10 0 4.6185 0.4285 20,0564 4,3560 1.8671 0.0892 0,0899 9 20 0 4.6063 0.4163 21.8827 4,3560 1.8135 0.0873 0.0876 . 9 30 0 4.6017 0.4117 22,4909 4.3560 1.7934 0.0866 0.0867 9 40 0 4.6001 0.4101 22,7013 4.3560 1.7862 0,0863 0.0864 9 50 0 4,5995 0.4095 22.7705 4.3560 1. 7838 0.0862 0.0862 10 0 0 4.5994 0.4094 22.7886 4.3560 1. 7832 0,0862 0.0862 10 10 0 4.5994 0.4094 22.7885 4.3560 1.7832 0.0862 0.0862 10 20 0 4,5994 0.4094 22.7818 4,3560 1.7835 0,0862 0.0862 10 30 0 4.5995 0.4095 22.7731 4.3560 1. 7838 0,0862 0.0862 10 40 0 4.5996 0.4096 22.7638 4.3560 1. 7841 0.0863 0,0863 10 50 0 4.5592 0.3692 26.3502 4.3560 1.6095 0.0778 0.0802 11 0 0 4.5290 0.3390 27.4295 4.3560 1.4773 0.0732 0.0742 11 10 0 4.5181 0.3281 27.5202 4.3560 1.4294 0.0716 0.0719 11 20 0 4.5141 0.3241 27.5511 4.3560 1.4120 0.0710 0.0711 11 30 0 4.5127 0.3227 27.6395 4.3560 1. 4057 0.0707 0.0708 11 40 0 4,5122 0.3222 27.7319 4. 3560 1.4035 0.0707 0.0707 11 50 0 4,5120 0.3220 27,7616 4.3560 1.4028 0.0706 0.0707 12 0 0 4,5120 0.3220 27.7683 4.3560 1.4027 0.0706 0.0706 , 12 10 0 4.5120 0.3220 27.7667 4.3560 1. 4027 0.0706 0.0706 12 20 0 4.5120 0.3220 27.7621 4,3560 1. 4028 0.0707 0.0706 12 30 0 4.5121 0.3221 27.7566 4,3560 1.4030 0.0707 0.0707 12 40 0 4.5121 0.3221 27.7508 4.3560 1.4031 0.0707 0.0707 12 50 0 4.4784 0,2884 32.5029 4,3560 1. 2574 0.0627 0.0655 13 0 0 4.4422 0.2522 40.7942 4.3560 1.0990 0,0584 0.0603 13 10 0 4.4323 0.2423 80.3749 4.3560 1.0555 0.0569 0.0572 13 20 0 4.4298 0,2398 80.9547 4.3560 1. 0446 0.0563 0.0564 13 30 0 4.4289 0.2389 81.1471 4,3560 1.0406 0.0561 0.0561 13 40 0 4,4286 0.2386 81.2140 4,3560 1.0392 0.0560 0.0560 13 50 0 4.4285 0.2385 81. 2368 4.3560 1.0387 0.0560 0.0560 14 0 0 4.4284 0.2384 81. 2437 4.3560 1. 0386 0.0560 0.0560 14 10 0 4.4284 0.2384 81.2449 4.3560 1.0385 0,0560 0.0560 14 20 0 4.4284 0.2384 81.2440 4.3560 1. 0386 0.0560 0.0560 14 30 0 4.4284 0.2384 81.2423 4.3560 1.0386 0,0560 0,0560 . 14 40 0 4.4284 0.2384 81.2404 4,3560 1. 038 6 0.0560 0,0560 14 50 0 4.4177 0.2277 82.7913 4.3560 0.9922 0.0523 0.0535 15 0 0 4.3989 0.2089 88.4124 4.3560 0.9105 0.0503 0,0520 15 10 0 4.3929 0.2029 91. 53 66 4,3560 0,8839 0.0495 0,0496 15 20 0 4.3920 0.2020 91.9601 4.3560 0.8800 0.0493 0,0493 15 30 0 4.3916 0.20'16 92.1359 4.3560 0.8784 0.0492 0.0492 15 40 0 4.3915 0.2015 92.1980 4.3560 0.8778 0.0491 0,0491 15 50 0 4.3915 0.2015 92,2190 4.3560 0.8776 0.0491 0.0491 16 0 0 4,3915 0.2015 92.2248 4.3560 0.8776 0.0491 0.0491 16 10 0 4.3915 0.2015 92.2252 4.3560 0.8776 0,0491 0,0491 16 20 0 4.3915 0,2015 92.2236 4.3560 0.8776 0,0491 0.0491 16 30 0 4,3915 0.2015 92.2212 4.3560 0.8776 0.0491 0.0491 16 40 0 4.3915 0.2015 92,2186 4.3560 0.8776 0.0491 0.0491 16 50 0 4.3780 0.1880 97.1399 4.3560 0.8194 0.0439 0.0455 17 0 0 4.3776 0.1876 97.3744 4.3560 0.8175 0,0410 0.0415 17 10 0 4.3743 0.1843 98.3302 4.3560 0.8029 0.0399 0.0400 17 20 0 4.3734 0.1834 98.5754 4.3560 0.7989 0,0395 0.0396 17 30 0 4.3730 0.1830 98.6703 4.3560 0.7973 0.0394 0.0394 17 40 0 4.3729 0.1829 98.7051 4.3560 0.7967 0.0393 0.0393 17 50 0 4.3729 0,1829 98.7175 4.3560 0.7965 0.0393 0.0393 18 0 0 4.3728 0,1828 98.7216 4.3560 0.7965 0,0393 0.0393 18 10 0 4,3728 0,1828 98.7227 4.3560 0,7965 0.0393 0.0393 18 20 0 4.3728 0.1828 98.7228 4,3560 0.7965 0.0393 0.0393 . 18 30 0 4.3728 0.1828 98.7224 4.3560 0.7965 0.0393 0.0393 18 40 0 4.3728 0.1828 98.7218 4.3560 0.7965 0.0393 0.0393 18 50 0 4.3728 0.1828 98.7213 4.3560 0.7965 0,0393 0.0393 19 0 0 4.3728 0.1828 98.7207 4,3560 0.7965 0,0393 0.0393 19 10 0 4.3729 0,1829 98.7201 4,3560 0.7965 0.0393 0,0393 19 20 0 4.3729 0,1829 98.7195 4,3560 0.7965 0.0393 0.0393 19 30 0 4.3729 0,1829 98.7189 4.3560 0.7965 0.0393 0.0393 19 40 0 4.3729 0.1829 98.7184 4.3560 0.7965 0.0393 0.0393 19 50 0 4.3729 0.1829 98.7178 4.3560 0.7965 0,0393 0.0393 20 0 0 4.3729 0.1829 98.7173 4.3560 0.7965 0,0393 0.0393 20 10 0 4,3729 0.1829 98.7167 4.3560 0.7966 0.0393 0.0393 20 20 0 4.3729 0.1829 98,7162 4.3560 0.7966 0,0393 0.0393 20 30 0 4.3729 0,1829 98.7156 4,3560 0.7966 0,0393 0.0393 20 40 0 4,3729 0.1829 98,7151 4.3560 0,7966 0,0393 0.0393 20 50 0 4,3729 0.1829 98.7146 4.3560 0.7966 0,0393 0.0393 21 0 0 4.3729 0.1829 98.7141 4.3560 0.7966 0.0393 0.0393 . 21 10 0 21 20 0 21 30 0 21 40 0 21 50 0 22 0 0 22 10 0 22 20 0 22 30 0 22 40 0 22 50 0 23 0 0 23 10 0 23 20 0 23 30 0 23 40 0 23 50 0 24 0 0 Mean Maximum Minimum 4.3729 4.3729 4.3729 4,3729 4.3729 4.3729 4.3729 4.3729 4.3729 4.3729 4.3729 4.3729 4.3729 4,3729 4.3729 4.3729 4.3729 4.3729 4.51 5.97 4.19 0.1829 0.1829 0.1829 0.1829 0.1829 0.1829 0.1829 0.1829 0.1829 0.1829 0.1829 0.1829 0.1829 0.1829 0.1829 0.1829 0.1829 0.1829 0.32 1. 78 0.00 98.7136 98.7131 98.7126 98.7121 98.7116 98.7111 98.7106 98.7102 98,7097 98.7093 98,7088 98.7084 98.7079 98.7075 98.7071 98,7066 98.7062 98.7058 4,3560 4,3560 4.3560 4.3560 4.3560 4.3560 4.3560 4,3560 4,3560 4.3560 4.3560 4.3560 4.3560 4.3560 4.3560 4.3560 4,3560 4.3560 0.7966 0.7966 0.7966 0.7966 0.7966 0.7966 0.7967 0.7967 0,7967 0.7967 o . 7967 o . 7967 0.7967 0.7967 o . 7967 0.7967 0.7967 o . 7967 *==~===================================================* Table E9 - JUNCTION SUMMARY STATISTICS I 1 The Maximum area is only the area of the node, it I I does not include the area of the surrounding conduits I *==~===================================================* Junction Name . Pond Juction Roof! Roof2 Outlet AreaDrain Ground Elevation feet 7.0000 7.0000 8.0000 8.2000 8.1900 6.5000 Uppermost PipeCrown Elevation feet 7.0000 4.8600 6,1900 5.2200 3.4600 3.5200 Maximum Junction Elevation feet 5.9741 4.3831 6.0016 5.9911 3.1300 3.1351 Time of Occurence Hr. Min. 8 8 8 8 o 7 Feet of Surcharge at Max Elevation 6 7 4 5 o 52 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.7711 0.0000 0.0000 *======================================================* Table E10 - CONDUIT SUMMARY STATISTICS Note: The peak flow may be less than the design flow and the conduit may still surcharge because of the downstream boundary conditions. *======================================================* 0.0393 0.0393 0.0393 0.0393 0,0393 0,0393 0.0393 0.0393 0,0393 0,0393 0.0393 0.0393 0.0393 0,0393 0.0393 0.0393 0,0393 0.0393 Freeboard of node feet 1. 0259 2.6169 1.9984 2,2089 5,0600 3. 3649 0.0393 0.0393 0.0393 0,0393 0.0393 0.0393 0.0393 0.0393 0.0393 0,0393 0.0393 0.0393 0.0393 0.0393 0.0393 0.0393 0.0393 0.0393 Maximum Junction Area ft^2 614.0060 12.5660 12.5660 12.5660 12.5660 12.5660 Conduit Maximum Time Maximum Time Ratio of Maximum Depth > Name. Design Design Vertical Computed of Computed of Max. to at Pipe Ends Conduit Flow Velocity Depth Flow Occurence Velocity Occurence Design Upstream Dwnstrm Name (cfs) (ft/s) (in) (cts) Hr. Min. Ift/sl Hr. Min. Flow Iftl Iftl ------- -------- -------- ------- ----------- ------- ---------- ------- -------- -------- . . , PI 0.5640 2.8725 6.0000 0.0950 7 40 1. 1688 6 57 0._1684 6.0016 5,9911 P2 0,5028 2.5608 6.0000 0,1389 8 39 0,7026 8 39 0.2762 5.9911 5,9741 p3 1.464 4.1515 8.0400 0.2653 8 7 1.6786 8 8 0.1813 4.3831 3.1351 P4 1.371 2.5339 9,9600 0.3271 7 52 1. 0361 7 52 0.2386 3.1351 3.1300 ORF # 1 0,0945 0,4976 2.7081 0,2653 8 7 6,6292 8 7 2.8061 5.9741 4.3831 FREE :/I: 1 Undefnd Undefnd Undefnd 0.3272 7 52 ===> Hydraulic model simulation ended normally. ===> SWMM Simulation ended normally. ===> Your input file was named C:\SWMM Files\03-109\On-.DAT ===> Your output file was named: C:\SWMM Files\03-109\On-.out *==============================================================* SWMM Simulation Date and Time Summary *==============================================================* Starting Date... August 3, 2004 Time... 8:39:52:93 Ending Date... August 3, 2004 Time... 8: 39: 58: 51 Elapsed Time... 0.09300 minutes or 5.58000 seconds *~~~~~~~=========================~=========================~===* . APPENDIX E 25 Year Storm Calculations Including: Computer Model Printout . ,- Input File: C:\SWMM Files\03-109\On-.XP Current Directory: C:\XPS\XP-UDD-l Executable Name:' C: \XPS\XP-UDD-l \swnunengw. exe Read 0 liners) and found 0 items (5) from your efg file. *===============================================* . XP-SWMM2000 Storm Water Management Model I Version 7.51 I looooooo~~oooo~~~....~~~~..o.....o~.....~.......1 I Developed by I 1.~~.........~~..........oo~....o.~.........~...1 I I I XP Software Inc. and Pty. Ltd. I I I I Based on the U. S. EPA I I Storm Water Management Model Version 4.40 I I I I Originally Developed by I I Metcalf & Eddy I Ioc. I I Uni versi ty of Florida I I Camp Dresser & McKee Ioc. I I September 1970 I I I I EPA-SWMM is maintained by I I Oregon State University I I Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. I 1....o......o~......~......~.....~~....o~...o...1 I XP Software . October, 2000 I I Data File Version ---> 9.0 I *===============================================r Brandt-Drury Proposed Conditions 25-Year Storm . ************##********#*************** # Rainfall input summary from Runoff * *#********#*****#**********#**#*#*#*** Total rainfall for gage # 1 is 4.8000 inches *###*#*******#*#******###*#*# # Data Group Fl # # Evaporation Rate (in/day) # **##***#*###*##***###*#*##### *#*#*#*#**###*##*#*#*####*#*##*#**#*##*###*#####**# # Table RI. SUB CAT C H MEN T D A T A # # Physical Hydrology Data # #*#***#*#*****#***#***###**#####**####****#######** Per- Deprs Deprs Prcnt -sian -sian Zero Subcatchment Channel width Area cent Slope "n" "n" Storge Strge Deten Number Name or inlet ft ac Imperv ftfft Imprv Perv Imprv Perv -tion --------------- ======"'= ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- --------------- 1 Roof1#! Roofl 20.000 .79000E-OIlOO.00 0,020 0.014 0.030 0,000 0.000 0,00 2 Roof2#1 Roof2 20,000 .50000E-OIlOO.00 0,020 0.014 0.030 0.000 0.000 0,00 3 Pond#! Pond 40.000 ,25000 100.00 0.020 0.014 0,030 0.000 0,000 0,00 4 AreaDrain#l AreaDrain 75.000 .17000 0.40 0.020 0.014 0.030 0.000 0.000 0.00 ##########################################################i################################# # Table R2. SOBCATCHMENT DATA # # Infiltration Data # . # Infiltration Type Infl #l Infl #2 Infl #3 Infl #4 # # ses -> Comp eN Time Cone Shape Factor Depth or Fraction # # SEUR -> Comp CN Time Cone NfA NfA # # Green Arnpt -> Suction Hydr Cond Initial MD NfA # # Horton -> Max Rate Min Rate Decay Rate (l/sec) NfA # # Proportional -> Constant NfA NfA NfA # # Initial/Cont Loss -> Initial Continuing NfA NfA # # Initial/Proportional-> Initial Constant NfA NfA # # Laurenson Paramters -> B Value Pervious "n" Impervious Cant Exponent # #i#############!!##!!!!#!!#!!####!##!#!!####!#####!.######################################## Subcatchment Infl Infl Infl Infl Number Name # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 --------------- --------------- 1 Roofl#1 98.0 0.167 0.000 0,200 2 Raof2#1 98.0 0.167 0.000 0,200 3 Pond#1 98,0 0.167 0.000 0.200 4 AreaDrain#1 74.1 0.167 0.000 0.200 ############################################################ # Table R3, SUBCATCHMENT DATA # # Rainfall and Infiltration Database Names # ############################################################ . Subeatehment Gage Infl trn Routing Rainfall Database Infiltration Database Number Name No Type Type Name Name --------------- ----------- ----------------- ================ --------------- ----------- ----------------- 1 Roaf1#! 1 ses Method SBUH ses Type lA SCS TYPE C - Horton 2 Roof2#l 1 SCS Method SBUH SCS Type lA SCS TYPE C - Horton 3 pond#l 1 SCS Method SBUH SCS Type lA SCS TYPE C - Horton 4 AreaDrain#1 1 SCS Method SBUH SCS Type lA SCS TYPE C - Horton ################################################## # Table R9. Summary Statistics for Subcatchments # ################################################## Note: Total Runoff Depth includes pervious & impervious area Pervious and Impervious Runoff Depth is only the runoff from those two areas. Subcatchment.......... . Raafl#l Raof2#-! Pond#l AreaDrain#1 Area (acres)... .... .... 0.07900 0.05000 0,25000 0.17000 Percent Impervious..... 100.00000 100.00000 100,00000 0,40000 Total Rainfall (in) .... 4.80000 4.80000 4.80000 4.80000 Max Intensity (inthr). . 1. 55520 1.55520 1.55520 1. 55520 Pervious Area Total Runoff Depth (in) 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 2.18900 Total Losses (in) . . . . . . 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 2.60220 Remaining Depth (in) . . . 0.00000 0.00000 0,00000 0.00000 Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) . 0.00000 0.00000 0,00000 0.09238 Total Impervious Area Total Runoff Depth (in) 4,54282 4.54282 4.54282 0.00879 Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) . 0.09960 0.06304 0.31518 0.00037 Impervious Area with depression storage Total Runoff Depth (in) 0.00000 0,00000 0.00000 0.00000 . Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) . 0,00000 0,00000 0.00000 0.00000 Impervious Area without depression storage Total Runoff Depth (in) 0,00000 0.00000 0.00000 0,00000 Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) . 0,00000 0,00000 0.00000 0,00000 Total Area Total Runoff Depth (in) 4,54282 4.54282 4.54282 2.19780 Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) . 0.09960 0.06304 0.31518 0.09275 Unit Runoff (inthr).. . 1.26071 1. 26071 1.26071 0.54558 ===> Runoff simulation ended normally. ####################################################### # Entry made to the HYDRAULIC Layer(Block) of SWMM # # Last Updated October,2000 by XP Software # Brandt-Drury 25-Year Storm Pond *~=================================================* . Table El - Conduit Data *==================================================* Trapezoid lnp Conduit Length Conduit Area Manning Max Width Depth Side Nurn Name (ft) Class Ift^21 Coef. I ft I Iftl Slopes ------- ------- -------- ------- ------- --------- ------- 1 PI 96,00 Circular 0.20 0.01300 0.50 0.50 2 P2 66.00 Circular 0.20 0.01300 0.50 0.50 3 p3 105.00 Circular 0,35 0.01300 0.67 0.67 4 P4 15,00 Circular 0.54 0.01300 0.83 0.83 Total length of all conduits 282.0000 feet *======:============:=========::=:==================* Table E3a - Junction Data *================================:==================* lnp Junction Ground Crown Invert Qinst Initial Num Name Elevation Elevation Elevation cfs Depth-ft -------- --------- --------- ----~---- -------- -------- 1 Pond 7,0000 4,6900 4.1900 0.0000 0,0000 2 Juction 7.0000 4.8600 4.1900 0.0000 0,0000 3 Roof! 8.0000 6.1900 5.6900 0.0000 0.0010 4 Raaf2 8.2000 5.2200 4.7200 0.0000 0.0010 5 Outlet 8.1900 3.4600 1,6300 0.0000 0.0000 6 AreaDrain 6,5000 3.5200 2,6900 0.0000 0.0010 *================~==================================* Table E4 - Conduit Connectivity *===================================================* . Input Conduit Upstream Downst'ream Upstream Downstream Number Name Node Node Elevation Elevation -------- --------- ---------- --------- --------- -------- --------- ---------- --------- --------- 1 P1 Roofl Raaf2 5.690 4.720 No Design 2 P2 Raaf2 Pond 4.720 4.190 No Design 3 P3 Juction AreaDrain 4.190 2.690 No Design 4 P4 AreaDrain Outlet 2,690 2,630 No Design *~~========================================* Storage Junction Data *==========================================* MAXIMUM OR STORAGE JUNCTION JUNCTION CONSTANT SURFACE NUMBER OR NAME TYPE AREA (FT2) Pond Stage/Area 1219.6800 PEAK OR CROWN DEPTH CONSTANT VOLUME ELEVATION STARTS (CUBIC FEET) IFTI FROM --------------- --------~ -------~--- 1051.5573 7.0000 Node Invert *=~================================* Variable storage data for node IPond *==================================* . Data Elevation Depth Area Point ft ft ft^2 ===,,====== 1 4,1900 0.0000 4.3560 2 5,5600 1.3700 4.3560 3 6,0600 1.8700 740.5200 4 7.0000 2.8100 1219.6800 Volume ft^3 0,0000 5.9677 139.5796 1051.5573 *==========================================* Orifice Data *==========================================* From Junction To Junction Type Area Ift21 Depth Iftl Discharge Coefficient Height Above Junction (ft) Pond Juction ci rc Side 0.04 0,00 ====> EQUIVALENT PIPE INFORMATION FOR ORIFICE 1 CONDUIT NAME.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ORF # 1 Upstream node.......................... .Pond Downstream node........................ . Juction PIPE DIAMETER........................ 0.23 PIPE LENGTH.......................... 323.48 MANNINGS ROUGHNESS................... 0.0024 INVERT ELEVATION AT UPSTREAM END.. ... 4.1900 INVERT ELEVATION AT DOWNSTREAM END... 4.1800 *~=========~=====================================* . FREE OUTFALL DATA (DATA GROUP III BOUNDARY CONDITION ON DATA GROUP J1 Outfall at Junction... .Outlet *================================================* 0.620 has boundary condition number... *===================================================* Boundary Condition Information Data Groups JI-J4 *===================================================* BC NUMBER.. 1 Control water surface elevation is.. *=======================================================* Tim e H ~ s tor y 0 f the H. G. L. ( feet) I *=======================================================* 3.13 feet. 0.000 1 Max Ground Elevation: 7.00 Time Max Crown Elevation: 7.00 Junction: Pond Hr:Mn:Sc Elevation Depth Totl Area Node Area Volume Inflow Outflow . o 10 0 o 20 0 o 30 0 o 40 0 o 50 0 100 1 10 0 1 20 0 1 30 0 1 40 0 1 50 0 2 0 0 2 10 0 2 20 0 0.0005 0,0009 0,0081 0.0508 0.0899 0.1126 0,1265 0.1371 0.1450 0.1512 0.1659 0.1775 0.1841 0,1887 4.1905 4.1909 4.1981 4,2408 4.2799 4.3026 4.3165 4.3271 4.3350 4.3412 4.3559 4.3675 4.3741 4.3787 45.8983 45.8983 45,8983 76.8516 50.1657 52.8754 53.7324 53.9916 54.0067 53.8827 53.1907 52.1692 51. 3843 50.7323 4.3560 4.3560 4.3560 4,3560 4.3560 4.3560 4.3560 4.3560 4,3560 4,3560 4.3560 4.3560 4.3560 4.3560 0.0022 0.0038 0.0253 0.2214 0.3907 0.4899 0.5509 0,5968 0,6314 0.6587 0.7221 0.7731 0.8019 0.8219 0,0000 0,0000 0.0012 0,0048 0,0108 0.0153 0.0192 0.0224 0,0250 0.0271 0.0331 0.0373 0.0400 0.0419 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0018 0.0076 0,0136 0.0179 0.0214 0.0242 0.0266 0.0313 0.0365 0.0394 0.0415 2 30 0 4.3822 0.1922 50.1467 4,3560 0.8371 0.0433 0.0430 2 40 0 4,3850 0.1950 49,6533 4,3560 0,8492 0,0445 0,0443 2 50 0 4.3988 0.2088 46,5319 4,3560 0.9094 0.0506 0,0499 3 0 0 4.4092 0.2192 43.8425 4.3560 0.9544 0.0544 0.0530 3 10 0 4.4289 0.2389 42.7822 4.3560 1. 0405 0.0563 0.0557 3 20 0 4.4335 0.2435 42.2338 4.3560 1.0607 0.0576 0.0572 3 30 0 4.4371 0.2471 41.7163 4,3560 1. 0762 0.0585 0.0582 3 40 0 4.4400 0.2500 41.2499 4,3560 1. 0890 0.0592 0.0589 3 50 0 4.4629 0.2729 36.2243 4.3560 1.1877 0,0652 0,0625 4 0 0 4.4990 0.3090 30.1698 4.3560 1. 3457 0.0688 0.0678 4 10 0 4.5094 0.3194 28.2706 4.3560 1.3912 0.0704 0.0700 4 20 0 4.5149 0,3249 27.5466 4.3560 1. 4150 0.0713 0.0711 4 30 0 4.5183 0.3283 27.5190 4.3560 1. 4301 0.0719 0.0717 4 40 0 4.5209 0.3309 27.4977 4,3560 1. 4414 0.0723 0.0722 . 4 50 0 4.5543 0.3643 26.7344 4.3560 1. 5858 0.0796 0.0773 5 0 0 4.5816 0.3916 24.7555 4.3560 1. 7052 0.0836 0.0828 5 10 0 4,5926 0.4026 23.6083 4,3560 1.7537 0.0852 0.0849 5 20 0 4.5978 0.4078 22.9872 4.3560 1.7764 0.0860 0.0859 5 30 0 4.6007 0.4107 22,6231 4,3560 1.7892 0.0865 0.0864 5 40 0 4.6027 0.4127 22.3701 4.3560 1.7978 0.0868 0,0868 5 50 0 4.6454 0,4554 17.4481 4,3560 1.9826 0,0947 0.0931 6 0 0 4.6728 0.4828 15.9352 4.3560 2.1027 0.0989 0.0984 6 10 0 4.6836 0.4936 15.9039 4.3560 2.1500 0.1006 0.1004 6 20 0 4.6884 0.4984 15.8901 4.3560 2.1709 0.1014 0,1013 6 30 0 4.6909 0.5009 15.8828 4.3560 2.1817 0.1018 0.1017 6 40 0 4.6924 0.5024 15.8772 4.3560 2.1885 0.1020 0.1020 6 50 0 4,8082 0.6182 12.3964 4.3560 2.6909 0.1218 0.1198 7 0 0 4.8776 0.6876 10.4620 4.3560 2.9937 0.1320 0.1307 7 10 0 4.9262 0.7362 8,2288 4.3560 3.2060 0.1391 0.1385 7 20 0 5.0482 0.8582 5.9818 4.3560 3.7343 0.1571 0.1550 7 30 0 5.2114 1.0214 4.6210 4.3560 4.4491 0.1794 0.1783 7 40 0 5.6664 1.4764 161.9336 161.0482 12.7750 0.2773 0,2336 7 50 0 5.8790 1.6890 472.7879 472.5278 61. 3231 0.4495 0,2556 8 0 0 6.0265 1.8365 690.7568 690.5749 122.4525 0.3712 0,2698 8 10 0 6,0602 1. 8702 740.8967 740.6307 139.7405 0.2690 0,2731 8 20 0 6,0302 1.8402 697.3619 697.0387 124.6036 0.1982 0.2706 8 30 0 5.9622 1.7722 597.8323 597.2085 93,5562 0.1699 0.2645 . 8 40 0 5.8622 1.6722 450.7122 450.0809 56,2938 0.1609 0.2554 8 50 0 5.6912 1.5012 198.2742 197.5572 16,0826 0.1381 0,2389 9 0 0 4.8729 0.6829 16.6153 4.3560 2.9748 0.1303 0.1355 9 10 0 4.6776 0.4876 15.9202 4.3560 2.1243 0.0997 0.0998 9 20 0 4.6661 0.4761 16.1913 4.3560 2.0742 0.0975 0.0978 9 30 0 4.6611 0.4711 16.5153 4.3560 2.0523 0,0967 0,0968 9 40 0 4,6593 0.4693 16.6300 4.3560 2.0445 0,0965 0.0965 9 50 0 4.6587 0.4687 16.6684 4.3560 2,0418 0.0964 0.0964 10 0 0 4.6586 0.4686 16.6789 4.3560 2.0411 0.0964 0.0964 10 10 0 4.6586 0.4686 16.6794 4.3560 2.0411 0.0964 0.0964 10 20 0 4.6586 0.4686 16.6765 4.3560 2.0413 0,0964 0.0964 10 30 0 4.6587 0.4687 16.6724 4.3560 2.0416 0.0964 0.0964 10 40 0 4.6587 0.4687 16.6680 4.3560 2,0419 0.0964 0.0964 10 50 0 4.6087 0,4187 21.4237 4.3560 1.8253 0.0868 0,0889 11 0 0 4.5771 0,3871 25.0876 4.3560 1 . 6865 0.0818 0,0828 11 10 0 4.5647 0.3747 26.0587 4,3560 1. 6326 0.0800 0.0803 11 20 0 4.5603 0.3703 26.3490 4.3560 1.6129 0.0793 0.0794 " 11 30 0 4,5586 0.3686 26.4470 4.3560 1. 6058 0,0790 0.0791 11 40 0 4.5581 0.3681 26.4808 4.3560 1.6033 0.0790 0.0790 11 50 0 4.5579 0.3679 26.4918 4.3560 1.6025 0.0789 0.0789 12 0 0 4.5578 0.3678 26.4946 4.3560 1.6023 0.0789 0.0789 12 10 0 4,5578 0.3678 26.4944 4.3560 . 1. 6023 0.0789 0.0789 12 20 0 4.5579 O. 3679 26.4932 4.3560 1.6024 0,0789 0,0789 12 30 0 4.5579 o , 3679 26.4916 4.3560 1. 6025 0.0789 0.0789 12 40 0 4.5579 0.3679 26.4899 4,3560 1. 6026 0.0789 0.0789 12 50 0 4.5174 0.3274 27.5222 4.3560 1.4277 0.0701 0,0728 13 0 0 4.4865 0.2965 31. 6422 4.3560 1.2919 0,0653 0.0664 13 10 0 4,4751 0.2851 32.9352 4.3560 1. 2420 0,0635 0.0640 13 20 0 4,4702 0.2802 33.8371 4.3560 1.2209 0.0629 0.0633 13 30 0 4.4535 0.2735 35.9012 4.3560 1.1917 0.0627 0.0631 13 40 0 4.4597 0.2697 36.9634 4.3560 1. 1748 O. 0626 O. 0627 13 50 0 4.4587 0.2687 37,2317 4.3560 1. 1704 o ' 0625 o . 0626 . 14 0 0 4.4585 0.2685 37,2908 4.3560 1.1694 0.0625 0.0625 14 10 0 4.4584 o . 2684 37,3039 4,3560 1.1692 0.0625 0.0625 14 20 0 4.4584 o . 2684 37.3045 4,3560 1.1692 0.0625 0.0625 14 30 0 4.4584 0.2684 37.3011 4,3560 1.1692 0,0625 0.0625 14 40 0 4.4584 0.2684 37.2962 4.3560 1.1693 0.0625 0.0625 14 50 0 4.4421 0.2521 40.8112 4.3560 1. 0988 0.0584 0.0602 15 0 0 4.4300 0.2400 42.6228 4.3560 1. 0454 0.0562 0,0566 15 10 0 4.4265 0.2365 42.9793 4.3560 1.0301 0.0553 0.0555 15 20 0 4.4252 0,2352 43.0938 4,3560 1.0246 0,0550 0.0551 15 30 0 4.4248 0.2348 43.1335 4.3560 1. 022 6 0.0549 0,0550 15 40 0 4.4246 0.2346 43.1476 4.3560 1. 0219 0.0549 0.0549 15 50 0 4.4245 0.2345 43.1524 4.3560 1. 0216 0.0549 0.0549 16 0 0 4.4245 0.2345 43.1538 4.3560 1. 0216 0.0549 0.0549 16 10 0 4.4245 0.2345 43.1541 4.3560 1.0215 0.0549 0.0549 16 20 0 4.4245 0.2345 43.1538 4.3560 1.0216 0.0549 0.0549 16 30 0 4.4245 0.2345 43.1534 4.3560 1.0216 0.0549 0.0549 16 40 0 4.4245 0.2345 43.1530 4.3560 1. 0216 0,0549 0,0549 16 50 0 4.4041 0.2141 44.6015 4.3560 0.9338 0.0490 0.0529 17 0 0 4,3818 0.1918 50.1578 4,3560 0.8355 0.0458 0,0463 17 10 0 .4.3860 0.1960 49.4668 4.3560 0.8539 0.0446 0.0445 17 20 0 4.3839 0.1939 49.8327 4.3560 0.8446 0.0442 0.0441 17 30 0 4.3838 0.1938 49.8536 4.3560 0.8441 0.044 0 0.0440 17 40 0 4.3836 0.1936 49.8762 4.3560 0.8435 0.0439 0.0439 . 17 50 0 4.3836 0.1936 49.8850 4.3560 0.8433 0.0439 0.0439 18 0 0 4.3836 0.1936 49,8876 4,3560 0.8433 0.0439 0,0439 18 10 0 4.3836 0,1936 49,8883 4.3560 0.8432 0.0439 0.0439 18 20 0 4.3836 0,1936 49.8884 4.3560 0.8432 0.0439 0.0439 18 30 0 4.3836 0.1936 49.8882 4.3560 0.8432 0.0439 0.0439 18 40 0 4.3836 0.1936 49.8879 4.3560 0.8432 0.0439 0.0439 18 50 0 4.3836 0.1936 49.8876 4.3560 0,8433 0,0439 0.0439 19 0 0 4.3836 0.1936 49.8873 4.3560 0.8433 0.0439 0.0439 19 10 0 4.3836 0.1936 49.8869 4.3560 0.8433 0.0439 0,0439 19 20 0 4.3836 0.1936 49.8866 4.3560 0.8433 0.0439 0.0439 19 30 0 4.3836 0.1936 49.8863 4.3560 0.8433 0.0439 0.0439 19 40 0 4,3836 0,1936 49,8860 4.3560 0.8433 0.0439 0.0439 19 50 0 4.3836 0,1936 49,8857 4,3560 0.8433 0.0439 0.0439 20 0 0 4.3836 0,1936 49,8854 4,3560 0.8433 0.0439 0.0439 20 10 0 4.3836 0.1936 49.8850 4.3560 0.8433 0.0439 0,0439 20 20 0 4.3836 0.1936 49.8847 4.3560 0.8433 0.0439 0,0439 : 20 30 0 4.3836 0.1936 49.8844 4,3560 0,8433 0.0439 0.0439 20 40 0 4.3836 0,1936 49,8842 4.3560 0,8433 0.0439 0,0439 20 50 0 4.3836 0,1936 49.8839 4.3560 0.8433 0,0439 0,0439 21 0 0 4,3836 0,1936 49,8836 4.3560 0.8434 0.0439 0,0439 21 10 0 4,3836 0,1936 49.8833 4.3560 0,8434 0.0439 0.0439 21 20 0 4.3836 0.1936 49.8830 4.3560 0.8434 0.0439 0.0439 21 30 0 4.3836 0.1936 49.8827 4.3560 0.8434 0.0439 0.0439 21 40 0 4.3836 0.1936 49.8825 4,3560 0.8434 0.0439 0.0439 21 50 0 4.3836 0.1936 49.8822 4.3560 0.8434 0.0439 0.0439 22 0 0 4.3836 0.1936 49.8819 4.3560 0.8434 0,0439 0.0439 22 10 0 4.3836 0.1936 49.8817 4.3560 0.8434 0.0439 0.0439 22 20 0 4.3836 0.1936 49.8814 4.3560 0.8434 0.0439 0.0439 22 30 0 4.3836 0.1936 49.8811 4.3560 0.8434 0.0439 0.0439 22 40 0 4.3836 0.1936 49.8809 4.3560 0.8434 0.0439 0.0439 22 50 0 4.3836 0.1936 49.8806 4.3560 0.8434 0.0439 0.0439 . 23 0 0 4.3836 0.1936 49.8804 4,3560 0.8434 0,0439 0,0439 23 10 0 4,3836 0.1936 49.8802 4.3560 0.8434 0.0439 0,0439 23 20 0 4.3836 0.1936 49.8799 4.3560 0.8434 0.0439 0.0439 23 30 0 4.3836 0.1936 49.8797 4.3560 0.8435 0.0439 0.0439 23 40 0 4.3836 0,1936 49.8794 4.3560 0.8435 0.0439 0.0439 23 50 0 4.3836 0.1936 49.8792 4.3560 0.8435 0.0439 0.0439 24 0 0 4.3836 0.1936 49.8790 4.3560 0.8435 0.0439 0.0439 Mean 4.56 0.37 Maximum 6.06 1. 87 Minimum 4.19 0.00 *==================================================:===* Table E9 - JUNCTION SUMMARY STATISTICS I I The Maximum area is only the area of the node, it I I does not include the area of the surrounding conduits I *======================================================* uppermost Maximum Time Feet of Maximum Ground PipeCrm-m Junction of Surcharge Freeboard Junction Junction Elevation Elevation Elevation Occurence at Max of node Area Name feet feet feet Hr. Min. Elevation feet ft"2 . -------- --------- -------- -------- --------- --------- -------- -------- I?ond 7,0000 7.0000 6.0603 8 9 0.0000 0.9397 740.6661 Juction 7.0000 4,8600 4.3860 8 10 0.0000 2.6140 12.5660 Roofl 8.0000 6.1900 6,0884 8 6 0.0000 1.9116 12.5660 Roof2 8.2000 5,2200 6.0784 8 7 0,8584 2.1216 12.5660 Outlet 8.1900 3.4600 3.1300 0 0 0,0000 5,0600 12.5660 AreaDrain 6.5000 3.5200 3.1360 7 52 0,0000 3.3640 12.5660 *=============================~========================* I Table ElO - CONDUIT SUMMARY STATISTICS I I Note: The peak flow may be less than the design flow I I and the conduit may still surcharge because of the I I downstream boundary conditions. I *======================================================* Conduit Maximum Time Maximum Time Ratio of Maximum Depth > . .. Name Design Design Vertical Computed of Computed of Max. to at Pipe Ends Conduit Flow Velocity Depth Flow Occurence Velocity Occurence Design Upstream Dwnstrm Name (cis) (ft/s) (in) (cts) Hr. Min. (it/s) Hr. Min. Flow (ft) (ft) ------- -------- -------- ------- ----------- ------- ---------- ------- -------- -------- P1 0.5640 2.8725 6.0000 0.0964 7 37 1. 4 08 6 6 48 0.1708 6.0884 6.0784 P2 0.5028 2.5608 6,0000 0,1487 7 52 0.7481 7 52 0.2957 6.0784 6.0603 P3 1.464 4.1515 8.0400 0.2731 8 10 1.7158 8 11 0.1866 4.3860 3.1360 P4 1.371 2.5339 9.9600 0.3520 7 52 1.1133 7 52 0.2557 3.1360 3.1300 ORF # 1 0.0945 0.4976 2.7081 0.2731 8 9 6.7855 8 9 2.8888 6.0603 4,3860 FREE # 1 Undefnd Undefnd Undefnd 0.3520 7 52 ===> Hydraulic model simulation ended normally. ===> SWMM Simulation ended normally. ===> Your input file was named C:\SWMM Files\03-109\On-.DAT ===> Your output file was named: C:\SWMM Files\03-l09\On-.out *==============================================================* SWMM Simulation Date and Time Summary *==============================================================* Starting Date... August Ending Date... August Elapsed Time. . . 0.09000 3, 2004 3, 2004 minutes or Time... 8:36: 8: 5 Time... 8:36:13:45 5.40000 seconds *==============================================================* . C 1990.20oa STEVENS.NESS LAW PUBliSHING CO., PORTlAND. OR www.$\eveO:lIleS5.(XIm ~ FORM No. 6~3-1 - WARRANTY OEED (rndlvk:lu811. . EOB ~ If) NO P~RTOFAN'f STEVENS-NESS FORM MAY BE REPRODUCED I,N ANY FOAM OR BY ANY ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL MEANS. ~. Afterlv.cordll>aRoIm!ITfi ., ~ Flrst~IoIl1lTIIhl Division of Chief Deputy Clerk ~OIO ooeOIA --. -~~--~~--~:-,,~-~~--::~-:~-ry--llI~~~~~~~--------- Lane County Deeds and Records ,. g , .:~~Ei~~~i~rt~~~~j,;.~1~1?;~~~;~~~::::::::::======== 1111111""1111111111111111111 I 111111111 $42,00 IS Sh_,!~_,:~_,:~~~_~~_IO__~!__!'.p._ _~il~9_~L:!-'_lOtl.~~_~~__ -'113 12432010I.J0.;01400100... PO__!l_~~J~g_,_______________P'?.~~_':~_,~c:~~?_~!:.L, 02/0412010 01: 19 :51 PM n Springfield, Or 97477 RPR-DEED Cnt=l Stn=l CASHIER 05 -----------------0'''...'''',,;;;,.,-.....;;,------------------ $5,00 $11.00 $16.00 $10.00 ., n After rocordl'!S. return to ~8me, Addre!!, ZIp): . BRANDT YINANCIAL Services, Inc. p(j--Bo-,(--f3~2----------------------------------------- S~~=f~=~;=f~=~~=~==~~==~=~~=~?=========:=:::=:::===::=:= Division of Chief Deputy Clerk Lane County Deeds and Records 2010.010~2~ Unlll requested otherwise, send aU lal( statements 10 (Name, Address, ZIp): BRANDT FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. I P-6--Bo-,,-13W---------------------------------------- i:'.., siPr-iiillf-ie-id-;-(jr--9-i4-i7------------------~----.-- ----"'-------'----------'=:t1~1'.:I'~-<j<7'1~i1.-<::- -------'--------~<7''T~;!'~-.1\I~j"------''- 111111111111'111111"1111111111111 11111111111 $42,00 0113547.21110 '1182 '001001' . 03/05/2010 10:26:07 AM RPR-DEED Cnt=l Stn=6 CASHIER 04 $5.00 $11.00 $16.00 $10.00 WARRANTY DEED KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS Ihat _________,T,!_J!~__jjJMIJP..'!:::_P..!lJ[I<:L____________________________________,_,___ i~J~ig16~~~~~~~t~~~:i~~:~~A~i~~~i~h~;~i~~ft~;~~~i~d:-t~-~:~~t~;~~id-b;-I~~!~~:~:~~~~~~~=j:~~~P:~:~~::::==~ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, hereinafter called grantee, does hereby grant. bargain, sell and convey unto the grantee and grantee's heirs, successors and assigns, that certain real property, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any way appertaining, situated in _________r,~E,,________d___________ County, State of Oregon, described as follows, to.wit: I ;! I i II PARCEL 1, LAND PARTITION PLAT 2008-P2306, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED OCTOBER 28, 2008, AS RECEPTION NO. 2008-058921, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON. RE-RECORDED TO CORRECT LEGAL DESCRIPTlOO (IF SPACE INSUFFICIENT, CONTINUE DESCRIPTION ON REVERSE) To Have and to Hold the same unto grantee and grantee's heirs, successors and assigns forever. And grantor hereby covenants to and with grantee and grantee's heirs, successors and assigns, that grantor is lawfully seized in fee simple of the above granted premises, free from all encumbrances except (if no exceptions, so state): __________________ _________!j_(l__~~c:eJltJLolls------------------------_________________,______________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------,-----------------------------.--------------------------,---------_____________________________________c__, and that grantor will warrant and forever defend the premises and every part and parcel thereof against tbe lawful claims and demands of all persons whomsoever, except those claiming under the above described encumbrances. Th d I 'd' 'd' h' , d't fdll '$49999000 Gll' }, e true an actua cons I eratlOn pal lor t IS transler, sLate In erms 0 0 ars, IS _____1_____.!___________. '. ,'W ,,~ ~~, '...,e .............I............;..:........~~..H. ....,,",...:"'~'" vi v. :......1.....:...... "'c:,.... 1-'."'1-'.....; "'. ....:..... 6:........., Y."',..;"'.....: ",,:.:...:.:... E3 '~,"" ""~.,,,I..... '-' 1-'......"'; .~..... \H.U.......... wL.J(~ ........,,:,.;.......:"'...<D (The sentence between the symbols <Il, if not applicable. should be deleted. See ORS 93.030.) In construing rhis deed, where rhe context so requires, the singular includes the plural. In witness whereof. the grantor has executed this instrument on _____J1"'_q"'Jl!!?J~1'__;U..._.?_QQ2____________________; if grantor is a corporation. it has caused its name to be signed and its seal, if any, affixed by an officer or other person duly authorized to do so by order of its board of directors. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT. THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULO INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS. IF ANY. UNDER ORS 195.300.195.301 AND '95.305 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 1', CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY OESCRIBEO IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS A REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PER ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED IS A LAWFULLY ESTABLISHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFlNEO IN ORS 92.010 OR 215.010. TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO OETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES. AS APR 8 OEFINEO IN ORS 30,930. ANO TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING - 20lO PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNOER ORS 19S.300, 195.301 ANO 195.305 TO 195.336 ANO SECTIONS 5 TO 11. CHAPTER 424. OREGON LAWS 2007. Lane Q" I S STATE OF OREGON. County of --------------------------------- 'IJ!Jma U889ilta/ This instrument was acknowledged before me on _J~~s:.~!I!i?~!'_J_~L?________________m_____; .,g~J.~~li~~~~:-"."'~"q;~~~=~=-=-:::-:: MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 19, 20_'3, ,. RecQrded by Firsl Amencan flUe Insurance Company of Oregon as an PUBLISHER'S NOTE: If using this form to convey real property subJect to OAS 92,021, Include the required fellllronce. accommodation only. No liability --- --~_.;.;...;..:;p&J._;u. __..~:::....;...I::i~...._. validity, SUffIciency, or effect of dOCII~"'" (ROM Br'andt Financial . (TUE)MAR 23 2010 .1/ST10:10/No,6868513057 P 1 BRANDT FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. 806-A North A St - PO Box 1352, Springfield,Or 97477 1-541-746-2543 . FAX 1-541-746-8223 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION Date: 3/22>1 LO We arc transmitting To: Company: ATTN: Fax No.: From: Name: Message: W~I ~ pages (s) including this one. ~M^,..R ~<Ch '0.- '(,Jo"-~ !) "tl t-t '1-b. - D ~ ~ q ~ ~W1M ~te&M~'~ ~ ~ ~~\ --i\~ s \ ~ ~ Date Received: APR - 8 2010 Original Submittal FROM Br~ndt Financial . (TUE)MAR 23 2010 .l/ST 1010/No 6868513057 P 2 ..'Ii .....If.,,!; "~j:-First American ....~... . Rst~ 7i11B~~ytf{hjJl>l 600 CIlUl\IJy Club Road l:lJge... OR 97401 Flln " (541)'181-2900 Fax. (541)484'73~1 . ,.;.,,~...,j:~ I'..:/:"J f':: FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE; 03/23/2010 10:55:03 AM ALE NO.: 7199-1533318 TO: Brandt Financial Services Inc Attn: BJ. Brandt FAX: 1(541}746-8223 FROM: Mike Rutherford Spedal Instructions/Comments: Following Is the title report you requested, together with our Invoice. Mike Date Reeeived: APR - 8 2010 Original submittal 71IlmIr You For YDfII' I1IIs/nt.Is$! w. Know You /Mile A ChtJIc& IMPORTANT NOTICE, Shotdd MY at these paper.; require an ORIGINAL SlGN41VRE lr1d '(OIJf fax mocfl~ prod"ces ~ focslmIe on ~rmoI p_, please PHOTOCOPY thtn slgn me pholocOVf. We wil'"not" llOO!pt an Original Slgnalu'e on 'IHERMAL fax P~. lllank V<IU for vour cooperation In this matter. IF TRANSMISSION OF AU. PJlGES IS NDT COMPI..El"E OR IF AN ORJGINAL IS NEEDED, DI E:arl: IV'\IlrT'A,... __ ea.mca ~ROM Brandt Financial . (TUE)MAR 23 2010 .11/ST 10:ID/No 6868513057 P 3 .. ,.,. ,~ ~ (. ~ ~I#" First American ""'~7ItAr, j.,,,,. ....., ....... " ",~ 600 Cou-..y Club Road Eu_, OR 97401 Phn. (541)48+2900 Fox. (541)48+7321 FOR ALL OUESTIONS REGARDING THIS PRELIMINARY REPORT, pi Fa<;e CONTACT: Mike Rutherford, TItle Officer Phone: (541)-Hl4-2900 - Fax: (541)484-7321 - Email: mgrutherford@firstam.CXlm Brandt Financial SelVices Jne S06A N A St Springfield, OR 974n Order No.: 7199-1533318 Marth 23, 2010 Ann: BJ. Bra nlit Phone No.: (541)746~2543 - Fax No.: (54 1)746-8223 EmaiJ: Re: Preliminary Title Report 2006 ALTA OWner. StaManl C..~ 2006 AWl Owner. E-.ct COVeBge 2006 ALTA L.er<l<ls Stardo.d Cove<bge lOO6 ALTA L.eoo... Extended Coverage Endorsemert G<Wt SeIVEll ~rge Othw Pr<im..ary Title Report uabillly $ UOIliIIly $ LiObiIIly $ uatIiIly $ Premium $ Premium $ Premium $ Premium $ Ptemium '$ Date Received: Cost $ Cost $ 15.00 2d\BIil - 8 2010 We are prepared to issue Title Insurance POliCy Or Policies in the form and a~~1 :.~, ;.." title to the following described land: PARCEL I, LAND PAAIDION PLAT NO. 2008-P2306, AS PLAITED AND RECORDED OCTOBER 28, 2008, AS RECEPTION NO. 2008-058921, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON. and as of March 17, 2010 at 8:00 a.m., title to the fee Simple estate is vested in: Shalece M.B. Amor Trust, UA 6/28/02, Trustee Andrea McKinney Subject to the exceptiOns, exclusions, and stipulations which are ordinarily part of such Policy form and the following: 1. Taxes or o~""""ments which are not shown as existing liens by the reCXlrds of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the publiC records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. This report is r..!he exdus... use o(!he Parties hor... shoom 'nd is p.eiminary 10 !he iSsu."", of a ....... ;--,--~- .....1._. .....'" .....~II.....___ "&'" ,...1&...... __1._.;.. ;_,..~ ............. #.'" _..__~_ _...... FROM S(andt Financial . (TUUMAR 23 2010 .11/ST.l0:10/No 6868513057 P 4 Pfelimtnary Re_ Order No.: 7199-1533318 ~e2o" 2. Facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an Inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, or claims or easement, not shown by the public records; reservations or exceptions In patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. 4. DiScrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments or other facts which a correct survey would disdose. S. Arry lien, or right to a Den, for services, labor, material, equipment rental or workers compensation heretolOre or hereafter furnished, Imposed by law and not shown by the publiC records. The ellceptions to coverage 1-5 Inclusive as set forth lIlbove will remain on any subsequenUy issued Standard Coverage Title Insurance Policy. In order to remove these exceptions to coverage In the iSsuance of an Extended Coverage Policy the followIng items are reqllired to be furnished to the Company; additional exceptions to coverage may be added upon review of such information: A. Survey or alternative acceptable to the company B. Affidavit regarding possesslon C. Proof that there is no new construction or remodeling of any improvement located on the premises. In the event of new construction or remodeling the IOlIowing is required: i. satisfactory evidence that no construction liens will be filed; or ii. Adequate security to protect against actual or potential constructiOn liens; iii. Payment of additional premiums as required by the Industry Rate Filing approved by the Insurance Division of the State of Oregon 6. Taxes for the year 2009-2010 Tax Amount Unpaid Ba/a nee: Code No.: Map & Tax Lot No.: Property ID No.: $ $ 01900 1702344401201 1826138 2,736.68 2,736.68, plus interest and peoaltleS, if any 7. Easement, induding terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: september 21, 1909, Book 83, Page 377 In Favor of: City of Eugene For: right of way (Blanket easement) Date Received: . APR - 8 2010 B. Highway Construction Permit, including terms and provisions thereof. Original Submittal Between: Robert M. Richardson, et ux And: The State of Oregon, by and through its Oregon State Highway Commission and the Crt:y of Springfield Recorded: June 14, 1966, Reception No. 50713 1!!!!I_"_~_'r.""". FROM Brandt Financial . (TUE)MAR 23 2010.11/ST.l0:10/No 6868513057 P 5 Pre!iminOly Report Order No.' n 99-153331. PageJ OfS 9. Easement, Induding terms and provisions contained therein; Recording Information; July 25, 1967, Reception No. 92663 In Favor of: City of Springfielcl For; right of way 10. Covenants, conditions, restrictions ancl/or easements; but deleting any covenant, condition or restriction indicating a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, refigion, sex, handicap, family status, or national origin to the extent such covenants, conditions or restrictions violate Title 42, Section 3604(c), of the United States Codes: Recording Information: June 28, 2005, Reception No. 2005-Q47488 11. Easement, lnduding terms and provisions contained therein; Recordlng Information; June 28, 2005, Reception No. 2005.047489 In Favor of: City of Springfield For; public utilities 12. Deed of TRlSt and the terms and conditions thereof. GrantorfTrustor: J.M. Brandt-Drury Grantee/Beneficiary; Brandt Financial Services, Inc. Trustee: Evergreen land Title Co. Amount: $351,125.00 Recorded; November 10, 2005 Recording Information; 2005-090124 (Covers Additional Property) ModifICation and/or amendment by instrument: Recording Information: June 04, 2008, Reception No. 2008-031181 13. Restrictions ancl/or notes shown on the recorded plWpartition. 14. Easements as shown on the recorded plat/partition. 15. Declaration of Private Easements, Including terms and provisions thereof, Recorded: October 28, 2008, Reception NO. 2008-058922 16. Affidavit of Correction to a Partition Plat, indudlng terms and provisions thereof. Recorded: December 29, 2008, Reception No. 2008-067954 17. Deed of Trust and the terms and conditions thereof. GrantorfTrustor; Shalece M.B. Arnor Trust UA 6/28/02, Trustee Andrea McKinney Grantee/Beneficiary; Brandt Rnanclal Services, Ine.. Trustee: First American Title Insurance Co. AmOl.lnt: $499,990.00 O~ti f.<ie~lv~fI: Recorded; February 04, 2010 Recording Information: 2010-006015 APR ~ 8 2010 Re-recorded March 05, 2010, Reception No. 2010-010825 Original Submitta' er_._.."",~..'r.u.. FROM' S'randt Financial . (TUE)MAR 23 2010.121ST 10:10~N~:.6~!~~:O.57 P 6 Prehmlnary ~epott Order No,: 71911-153331' Page4of5 18. Unrecorded leases or periodic tenancies, if any. 19. In order to insure a transaction invOlving the herein named trust, we will need to be provided a Certification of Tl1Jst purSlJant to ORS 130.800 through ORS 130.910. - END OF EXCEPTIONS _ NOTE: We find no judgments or United States I nternal Revenue liens against Shalece M.B. Amor T I1Jst, UA 6/28/02 Situs Adclress as disdosed on Lane COIJnty Tax Roll: 6595 & 6597 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97478 THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING FIRST AMERICAN mU! WE KNOW YOU HAVE A CHOICE! cc: Shalece M.B. Amor Tl1Jst, UA 6/28/02 cc: J.M. Brandt-Dl1Jry I Oat; ~@e~ived: APR ~ 8 2010 Original Submittal l:f_A_..r....._......._ FROM'Brandt Financial . (TUE)MAR 23 2010 .121ST,10:10/No~ 6~~~5,1~~57 P 7 prelimit>ay Report Ord.. No.: 71"-1533318 Page 5 015 ~. '. ~# First Amerlc8n TItle Insurance Company of Oregon SCHEDULE 0" EllCWSJONS "ROM COVERAGE ALTA LOAN POUCV (06/17/06) 'rtIe: roDowlng mat'tEn we expressty excluded rrom the <xM!rage of this JIJIICV. a-ld the ~ wln MOt fli!Y Iosl!; or d.fM'}l!, (ll)St:s, ilIttDmeyS' rCl5, 01' ellpemIcs tn&t ar1se by 'ClSQn at: 1. (a) Any law, ordlnence, ~t, or goVerT'lmc=ntaI te9uSa1ion (IndUdlng !hQse leI~ 10 bulId~ aftd zonng) reslJ1djnIJ, regul6Jv. prctllbltln;, (J' rt:L1dngto <I> d'It 0C0Jp.ancr, use., orc:njoo,menr of the !....and; (II) the dtantCter, dlll'1015ions, or loation of Illy ImpRl\lCm(!nt erected on the lAndj (HI} tlll! subdMsloo of rind; or (Iv) enVIronmental Pl"tItcdion; or the ~cd of allY Violation 01 ~ laW!l, ordinances. 0' lpo'Emrn01taJ regubtlons.. ThIs e>!duslon l(.a) docs nor: modify lY limit the ClM!ratje pm~ ..- CDv<nd ...k s. Cb) Anr9OVCm~ ponce powet. Thfs~usIon lIb) ~ notmodl'yorlmltthcaM!l'al}e; provided ~rCcM!tedR:1sk 6. 2. Rights of emJ1lCJ1! dom.tln. ThIs eccluslon dol!s l'I()t mOOlty or IImi the C<h'C:~ pnwilkd under C:Owcred R~ 7 or 8. J. Oe:~, 1l1!ftS, CncumbrancC5, ~rsc claims, Of other macttn (~) aeaced, suffered, aSSUmed, Dr agroed to by the Insu~ Calmant; (b) noe Known m the Company, not remrdcd In doe PUblIC R:~ . Dart: 01 Pdlcy, DuIIVloNn to the 0'I5um1 CJa/mant and not dl:sclosed b1 wr1ttng to the: Coml*1y by the Insured Oatmlnt prior 10 the da<<e d1e lnsuo'l!d Cb.lmant became an Ln$Urt:d unde- the policy; ee) resull:lng In no loss or damOQe: to the lrt2uro:r Oall1Wlt; (d) i!ItIChIn9 Df'"cre~ subsequerrt to ~ ~PoUcy (howC'ller, tnlSdocs no! rnodIfyor limit ~ ewer-age provided u~Cover/';d Risi 11, 13,0( 14); '" (c) resulting In loss or damage thai: would not have been sust!lned If die lrIsum:l O.tImMlt had patd vaILIr:: for ltle [Mured MoI1ril... 4. C."-". ..~..')/Ilfyo/ ttlcllen rldlc lns~ Mortgage becau~oI the Inabllltyarrbllul1!: of .er'llnsured to CCIl'TIpty ~ applicable doingI-bus1nessla\'S d the stat:ewhcrethet.ancllssltuacP.d. S. Invaik1Jty or unenfcrcc:mllIly In ~ or In P=irt of me IJen d the 1nSJ.Rd Mortgllltlc that ~ses cut d !he msar::tIQtl C'lldenced by the lnsured MatrJage h11s Da5ec:I upon l.iS1RV or any con!umer credit: pmtectIOrl or truttHn-kn:::lJng 'tw. 6. Ant dalm, by' reason at the Opaadon of roJeJ-aI bntupeq, mtc Insolvency, or similar odors' "9hts laws, th~ the !1.ar'1$O(Uon m::cng the lien d the Insured Mortgage, Is (a) ar~CDrM!Yanc:eorfrauduli:nt~,or (b) a prererent1ll tJansfe-'Of.wry reason not state<t In Coven::d RJsk 13(b) of tfJl5 po/Icy. 7. Any lien on the TltIr: for r~ c:sbu ~es ~ CESeSSI'l'lOlts .ftlpostd bt governmentaf auchorffy and (Tcab!!d or aftldllng between Date or Policy and d\e dak of recording of dte Insured Mortgage tn the Public Records.. This ElldusIon doc:s not modIPf or limit c:hc: coverage PI'OYIded under QweR!d ~1Sk l1(lJ). AL TA OWNI!R'S POUCY (06/17/"6) The rotbwIng matte1 are e:wpt'C:Ssty E!<<'1uded from the ClM!I'"age of this polICy, and the Comp.Y1v WIN not Parr' loss or ~, <DSZ:S, 4ftomeys' lees, or ~ th.orartse ~ re.Jsonar: 1. (a) Any lAw, ordJn<<K:E, pe""'f,. or go~nl:dl I"t9UlatIon (/nc:tudlng tho<<: relaong to buJId...., n lDOIng) rC5tJ1dJl\O. r'OJ&daI2ng, prdlllJltJng, 01 ~lMfnoto (I) ltIeOCCl.opoll1CY,use,ore~tofrtlcL.ond; (II) thedw'kttr, dImensions, or IoGatiQo rJ ...,y 1mpn;weI'flCntcrooedoo the land; (III) !he subdhislon 01 land; or (Iv) "'~"'"""""'I"OleCIlon; 01' the etl'ect of any vtotldon oIlf'1esc laws, OI'dIn.n:es, or ~~ ~s. TlM! e.dlJSkJn l(a} cIl:Ia I'D: modIry or Ilrnlt the CWI'!'* provided uI'ldel"Coven=dRlskS. (b) Anygovernmen", poolcepoo..cr. '"" El<cb_ l(b)_ no< rnodlfyo'''''~thc CllV<f1r/C_ u",,",Cai<tod """ 6- 2. Rlqhts 01 eminent <bmiIln. ThIs Etclusloo doe! not modIfY or UmIt the elM!'" provided ul\do- Covered RIsk' or a. 3. Oe~.Ilms:, enc\lm~ ~c1a1nl~ orod'lef'mdws (6) aeated,. curt"enad, asswncd, or ogn:::rd to bv ttJ:: lnsured oafflant; (b) not Known to the Con\p;!ny, net recorded In the PubIc: ~ecords at o*: of ~, but Kno,o,n to !;he """Itd Calmant and not dlscbia:l' In ""'t1ng rn the Company by the I~ OaIrn.antpriortotnedoRthe lnsun!dOJlmant became i!Ifllf1SU'Cd unde'ftlis policy; (c) I't::SUblg ~ no loss or damaqe ID the ll"l9lJ"ed Oalmant; (d) ctod1tng or aClb!d subsequenr: ro O<<e of PdIcy (howevq, ChIs (be!; not modify or 11m. the COWJ'1Il}e PI'OVtded under Covaed RIPS 9 n:t 10); or (e) I'1!:suluog In bs:s Or'4amage that \'QAd lKlI: have Deen sustalOed tthe Insured a.lm.w half pakfvoJlue '01' the lltle. 4. My da1m, by mason of the operadon of fedenl1 bank~. slate Insalveocy, or slmDar aodft:ors' rights I.s:, Ih<< the lL._-''-...., Vl!Sttng the TMe <<5 _In_... (a) a fnuduloltCDnYty..-.ceor IroI.ldule1t tr.,Sfcr, or (b) a pn:terentiallJansr~fo, ""V re.son not stIi&l::xlln Covemt lUst 9 flthls policy. 5. Any lien on the Ttic for reot c:st!te I~'es (I'" ~ments Imposed I1t lJDVemmental authoI1ty and Cn:ated or atlad1lng befwcm Oace Q( PoIlcy end the dale or n:CDrd1rro of the deed Or other Ir\sb"ummt 0' cr...sfer In dle Public Records: mat vests l1tSe os ~ In .scheu.de A. , SCHEDULE OF STANDARD EXCEPIlONS 1. Tales or e.cmnenrswhld'l an! I10t $I)JoMl6OCI5ttng liens by the I1!:COrdsof arwtodng &'dl~ thai: levtes Calles or BSt:ssmEflt$ on A!a1 pmperty or by the pubMcremrds; proo:edJngs by 1I pubbc.sgcncy ~1CtI ftI~ resl.ft In taxes ara~Il'leIltl, orndlCeS ofsuch,..v......_.~, whdmr or 1lOt&hcMn "'the_ofwch~"'b)lthepublO:""onl<. 2. fa(!!J;, r1gtlts:r Inte~ord&lmswhlctl on: nc( stmwn br ttEpubllc fEXCI'ds but wIlk:h aMJld' be ascertllned bya"In5pE!d~ar the land at bymaklng inquiry of PeBCIflS In possesslon d1erP.fll. J. Cu._.._....., CI(flims of eu<:mcot, not show1 by' Ihe: publk: ~~; I1!:SeI'VtItIons or excepIlons In P4lcnts 01' In Acts ~uthot1zfn9lhe Issuance thereof'; water I1Qhts, clalrn:s or tide to wbr. 4. Any E.'nCTOaI:hmcnt (of cJdstlng ~.~, C '-J- Ioc.trd on I'le: subJect lond O'lCD adjoining land or of etIst1nq Improvcmencs Ioalc:d CIl ad)olring land onto Ihf! ~ubJcct land), . _ . ec, vtJlalbrt, vWlbn, Of ~e~ Clr(umstJnct .rrecD"lg !:he ntte !t\.af:WQUJd bc:disdosed by An l((ur4tl:.,d coml>lCCt IMtdSUl'Vefofth~ 5Ub,loctJand. ....J"\ t Rece",ved. $. Alty lien" or nghI to a lien, for setVIC~, labor, material, equipment I'et'lIlII rI wo!tC't'li,,_ '~.. ,"C~. hereeoroR! IF here.~a e . """ls~d, Impo$ed t.., I.wt RI not $l)own by the pub6c f&:oltk. NOTE: A SFt!ClMEN COPY OF TIt! PO..ICY FODt (OR ~MS) 'w1u. Be 'tJAAlSHED 1JIIOH REQUesT AtJR~' 8212tl~o r/..-....___,__ _.. Qrlgln\l\ ~ligm\ttal F - ~ '" ~LO_J_.U.__. l'Q;;;;-~ \.~~l ~-:-- ,-' . _.-r..." <(" ~n): ;:- -~...,., ~~, r :::;:.w 1':: ..... 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J.,' .~. 5 :. ,:' r- ~: ~_ . ":\,, ~ !~~ ~ l::"~:': ::~:~ ~~ i ! i s .111 s i \: ,.LL:~".'..\" ~ ;!~;i ~\ i , i ;11; i ~~,~~~ iti.;;i~~: ,'J,! ~ i ~ I "1= ,."." , ..~ r , .. iSiia .::; ~.. ,;j..... ..':',.'::::'-:: I Date Recei~ Id: ,~. 2.. ~~f! (Il' lOll.... lIZND'ftI,L:I3JJ,S NIYW ~ iYir: ~ f~},i~ i :,,; '1' APR - 8 20ft ".~' ~ ~,:. ~c._1 I ffi2~~ ~~~ i ~ (...,;';11""''':1~ ~ L~!.?' L:'~~'J ~l illl Ii! , iil UI II f!i r-~;;'''':'''>'ill' 1,....,11 {.,.~(;\ ~~:..:~. ..~t.~j l-_u' L::~':'" ~ ... .. ... .. --- -- Original Submittal I ~ I i . 1 . . l ~ ~ ~ . J.. ~ !~ t-a i ~;il i U~ PROM"B;andt Financial ~1~lli ~I ~ !li- N I i ~ i h =w I! ! Jil n I i' ~: U:~ ~ H ii ~ i I 1-['" i 'l ~11:1 .-...1 ~. 0 ~ ~!J E u E:l ~ w e. D: ac t!! 110' . -.: 3 !l'i Q. ~ >-. ~ ~tii :::;, tt;~ I ~Q~t~ ..I !:! ~ ~s;;eij' ~~~~I I~~i '! ~~ I ..,; '" [' i . ~ .. n. _ _ __ _ _ . _~~~)_MA.~..23 .2.0.~O_ .1J!~~,.1 0: 1 ~/~.~ ~8~~~ ~3_057 P 10 :9 ~.G i! tli~ ii u ~~ g V i *1 i:1 ~;~ filA i III Ii! Iii! la : !l~ I 5 ~~: ilH i I!e 1:1 :ji i31; i is: ~~~ 1:1 :~~i i ~~! ti! i!l !~!! ~ !J~ I U:f ':1 ~ filii!! ! :'1 a ~~!~ !.H ~ ~ ~Ih 't~ilil~al~~I:j~II!~iil;i ~~%!illili!;II~i~j~II:I~ Iliaiil~~!g!lii;!!~~i!l~ 111&fl!i!;!li!:~!:i!iif!!: ~ ~~X' ~ ~Vg.'i-~~-- B iii~~j~j!i ~ig~iiil~~i~ 1~'!~l!I!II~i!ii:~!~!il~ ~~i!ll<i'~'~if..g!l~ ~I! !!IA~ g~r~ga~~~ll! ~~~.~ ~ ~X~~!I~l~~I~~Ai~!i I~si~ ~ 1~":~i!IIH:i:~I~iUi!:; 1 i5h:f~d~I~U~lb!im~i Ii I ~! h. tP 'd ~~ ~ Ii · ~. I ii ~ , i is !l.' 6n~ lq~ ~u d .. Ix ~r ~ h rt 6~~2E S! ~1;V!~v.r8 niU ~; k -r.A3h, ..lrE~ d rnl~~~i :i~ib i~ ,Jili~i~i il A~'i ~r ~~_~.~-! ~Iii~@ ~~ '~lllij~~1 !~d~ ~~ !ba~hd. !!~id (r ~ii:hli!! ~ .1 .6r!( n~~l:JIV'~ i.'l1~~~~i ~ lii"W"ld>>;. E; 'i;i f' A :"~ !2t~ Ii:"h ,>I~' I~r tll~l~ i .II j~i!g!a~~. !'> . ~dl 5~~ h~fi!!!11 ~ ~!~l~; ~!I ;~l~hm~ ~ ~t~~it ht hl!Ulm HI I ~" I a ~ , \/n I e ~ ' f ~ I III It ~ II 'I I , I! " , a I ~ I~ ~: ~!; t . "I 12 } '. ~~ ' a ;~I! : ' I i ~ \ 'g ! i l~ ~ II ',I ~ ~1ii '~"i I s IlQ ........B.!~ ~} I i!~!l ,~ ! iHI: ;] i ! ~~g ,- -. ~ ;~A "~~iGi" 1 ~ j! .;! ,,~Ig;~! ' ~l ~ ~ ~ I ~ ! .: ~ 8 i If ' ~ I j i~ ~ 1.1 ~ : h ., ~!' ! ! Pi'IIOate R~ H J.~d * 'i I ~ ~ i f APR Ji ~~j ~ \!~ e,. _i ~ ()rll:1l~al SU?m~1 l : fa . . Renee Clouqh From: Sent: To: Subject: STOUDER Matt [mstouder@eLspringfield,or.us] Wednesday. February 03,20101:19 PM 'Renee Clough' RE: Seoping Sheet Renee, Thanks for the information. For the minor scope proposed with this application (in addition to the work already constructed), I don't see the need for a scoping sheet to be required. Please use this email in lieu ofthe scoping sheet if there are any concerns at the front counter with the permit intake. Thanks, Matt Stauder, PE Supervising Civil Engineer Ph (541) 736-1035 Fax (541) 736-1026 mstouder(ii)ci.sorinafield. Dr. us From: Renee Clough [mailto:Renee@branchengineering.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 11:58 AM To: STOUDER Matt Subject: Scoping Sheet Matt, I have attached a scan of the stormwater scoping sheet for a two parcel partition at 6595 Main Street. The site has previously been through a multi-family site review process and a three parcel partition. During the site review process, a drainage swale was permitted and constructed on the site. Since the swale drains to Main Street, ODOT was the primary permitting agency. The partition is not proposing any changes to the existing development so I am not proposing any changes to the stormwater system. The purpose of the partition is to separate the two buildings on site allowing the owner to more easily sell them. Currently the parcel has 5 dwelling units which requires a commercial loan. After the partition one parcel will have 4 dwelling units and the other will have 1 dwelling unit, allowing them to both qualify for residential loans at a much lower interest rate than commercial. If you have any questions feel free to let me know. Renee Clough, PE, PLS Branch Engineering 310 5th Street Springfield OR 97477 ph 541-746-0637 fax 541-746-0389 Dat~ Reeelved: APR . 8 1010 Original Submittal 1 , ., . I . Oregon Division of Slate lands . Attn.: Wetlands Program leader 775 Summer Street NE. Suite 100 Salem; OR 97301-1279 Business phone # (541) 913-8039 Home phone # (optional) - . o Applicant 0 Owner Name, Firm and Address: Michael Brandt-Drury 7906 Thurston Road I Springfield, OR 97478 . Consultant: Name and Address: FAX # E-mail: Business phone # 541 933-3318 FAX # 541 933-2003 E-mail: pstcon@aol.com. Pat Thompson P.O, Box 1240 Marcola, OR 97454. --, The information contained in the atlach.!d report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, I either own the property described below or I have legal authority to allow access 10 the property, I authorize the Division to access the property for the purpose of confirming the information in the report, after prior notification to the primary contacl/.:\ ~ ' Typed/Printed Name: Pat Thompson/for Michael Brandt-Drury Signature: <..:Y... * A ... _ ~ Date: 10/19/04 Special instructions re!lardin!l site access: Notify Consultant Fir I' Project and Site Infonnation (for latitude & long~ude; use ~..;.v;~ of s~e or start & end points of linear project) Proiect Name: Brandt-Dru.rv Prol)ertv Proposed Use: low Density Residential , latitude: N 440 02' 40' Tax Map# 17"1)2-34 LonQitude: 122054' 36" Project Street Address (or other descriptive location): 6595 Main Street Township 17S Range 02 Sections 34 . Tax Lot (s1.1200 Waterway: NA River Mile: NA "S any:~ the property crop land? I ;f yes, is ApplicanVOwner a USDA Program Participant? ': If yes, has a NRCS Form 026 been completed for the site? I , Does Local Wetlands I~ventory. if any, show wetland on parcel? If yes, lWI wetland code: PEM, PFO Has a previous delineation/application been made on parcel? , If applicable, previous Division of State Lands # i, NWI Quad Name(s): Springfield I I I I J j No . o o o '. . . o o . Corps Project #: Date Delineation Received: For Office Use Onlv DSL Wetland Mgr.: / DSL Project # DSL WD # / Date Review Completed: / / Related Case Number(s): , 'I A:\drury Del Rept Cover Fonn.doc I 061te Received: APR "6 20lD Orlgil1ljl ~b1Dfl1ll1f1!l. . Unknown o o o o o 11.1 " " ". " . . " Ie ~ .01, '-. ,...,.. II ..... ..' , WETLAND DELINEATION . for BRANDT -DRURY PROPERTY - 6595 MAIN STREET Tax Lot 1200 - T17S, R2W, Sec. 34 SPRINGFIELD, OREGON by PATRICK S. THOMPSON, CONSULTING P.O. Box J240 , Marcola, Oregon 98454 Phone: (541) 933-3318 Fax: (541) 933-3319 Emai1: pstc@ao1.com October 2004 '1, . I.. L O. I. 0, .10.. ._.. ~.., ,....,.1 I. I ..".. I.. ."..... 11111 . I . 011 ~ I, , Date Received: APR - 8 2010 1 Original Submittal , " ". , ~randt Property - 6595 Main _e,-Springfield., Orego~ ' . Pagei TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 1 2.0 PROJECT ME'(HODOl DGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.1 SOURCE MATERIAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . 1 2.2 TECHNICAL CRITERIA ...................................'....... 1 2.3 FIELD METHODOLOGY .......................................... 2 2.3.1 Previous Wetland Delineations. .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 2.3.2 NWI Map Review ...................,....................... 3 2.3.3 Local Wetland Inventory .........,............................ 3 2.4 CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA........ .........,.............. ..... ...3 3.0 WETI,AND CHAR ACTERTSTICS . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. , . ,3 4.0 WETLAND DELINEA TTON ....,.............,........................... 4 5.0 mSCUSSTON AND CONCLTJSTONS .......................................5 6.0 REFERENCES. . :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS A Data Sheets B Climate Data C Site Photos LIST OF FIGURES 1. Site Map 2 Local Wetland Inventory Map 3 Soils Map 4 Wetland Delineation Map Date Received: APR ft 8 2alO Original Submittal Patrick S. Thompson Consulting October 2004 . . 1.0 TNTRODTJCTTON Patrick S. Thompson Consulting (PSTC) has contracted with Michael Brandt-Drury to perform a wetland delineation on Tax lot 1200, located at 6595 Main Street on the south side of the McKenzie River Highway just west of South 67ili Street in Springfield, Oregon. The delineation is needed to locate all wetlands on the tax lot so that the portion of the tax lot not containing any wetlands can be developed. The project site is comprised of old pasture land and wooded pasture along with a house, apartment and outbuilding. The lot is long and narrow. The northern half is flat and is where the buildings and most of the pasture is located. The southern halfhas an approximately 100 feet long gentle slope which then becomes an abrupt northern facing slope covered with Douglas fir . trees. Along the eastern edge of the property is a small manmade ditch which helps to drain the surface runoff away from the site. There are two wetland types on site which blend into each other. These are palustrine emergent in the noth portion blending into palustrine forested at the base of the steep slope in the southern portion of the site. Initial field hydrology review was conducted by Patrick S. Thompson on April 17, 2004 during a site determination conducted to determine for planning purposes, the safe boundaries for construction activities. Site work for the delineation was conducted by Patrick S. Thompson and Carla J. Cudmore on September 22, 2004. , 2.0 PROJECT METHODOLOGY 2.1 SOURCE MATERIAL The main source docUment used in this investigation was the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, 1987 (herein referred to as the Manual). Other sources of information used in the site analysis include the U.S. Geological Survey (U.S.G.S.) topographical quadrangle map for Springfield, Oregon; the National Wetland Inventory (NWI) map for Springfield; the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Soil Survey of Lane County, Oregon; the U.S. Fish and Wildlife National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands: Northwest (Region 9); and the City of Springfield Local Wetland Inventory (LWI). 'This information was reviewed to assess the location of potential wetlands prior to collecting the field data. 2.2 TECHNICAL CRITERIA The Manual provides mandatory technical criteria, field indicators, and recommended procedures to be used in determining whether an area is a jurisdictional wetland. The Manual represents a consensus of four federal agencies: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Natural Resource Conservation Service, as related to wetland jurisdiction. Date Received: Three mandatory technical criteria are required to be present in an undisturbed natural area before it can be considered wetland under federal jurisdiction. These ~rialjU'201O Patrick S. Thompson Consulting Original Subffin'l~fr 2004 , ~randt Property - 6595 Main let -Springfield, Oregon . Page 2 hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils and wetlands hydrology. Hydrophytic vegetation consists of those plant species that have adapted to growing in substrates which are periodically deficient of oxygen due to saturated soil conditions. Five basic groups of vegetation are recognized based on their frequency of occurrence, in wetlands, These categories, referred to as the "wetland indicator status" are as follows: Obligate Wetland (OBL) plants are estimated to occur almost exclusively in wetlands (>99%); Facultative Wetland (F ACW) plants are estimated to occur 67-99% of the time in wetland; Facultative (F AC) plants occur equally in wetlands and non-wetlands (34-66%); and Facultative Upland (F ACU) plants usually occur in non-wetlands (67-99%). If a species is not assigned to one of the four groups described above it is classified as NL (Not Listed) and is assumed to be an Obligate Upland (UPL) plant, which is estimated to occur almost exclusively in non-wetlands (>99%). Hydric soils are those that have formed exclusively under wet conditions, and are defmed as soils that formed under conditions of saturation, flooding, or ponding long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part. Wet conditions are characterized by the following: high water tables, ponding or frequent flooding, or saturation for extended periods during the growing season. Soil saturation is related to soil drainage class and soil permeability. All three criteria for jurisdictional wetlands, however, may not be required to be present for areas that come under the designation "disturbed". Disturbed areas have been modified, by either human activity or natural events. Disturbed sites have been altered to the extent that identifYing one or more of the criteria is made more difficult as a result of the disturbance. Agricultural disturbed sites usually apply to situations where vegetation is manipulated, removed or disturbed to the extent that it is not a reliable indicator. 2.3 FIELD METHODOLOGY Prior to beginning field work, a compilation of available information and data was ' conducted. This included a review of the Lane County Soil Survey, the U.S.Q,S. topographic quadrangles, and the Local Wetland Inventory. These efforts were made to develop a preliminary indication of where potential wetlands may exist and to facilitate the on-site gathering of data. Observations of soils, vegetation, and hydrology were made using the "Routine Onsite" method of the manual. Numerous soil profiles were examined around the site, we then selected eight of those locations that verified the changes in the three parameters, and used them as data points to delineate the wetland boundaries (See Figure 4 _ Wetland Delineation Map). Each of the profiles were pvowo;"ed for hydric soils and wetland hydrology field indicators. In addition, a visual percent-cover estimate of the dominant species of the plant community for a 30 foot radius centering around each soil pit was performed. Data was recorded in the field and subsequently transferred t~~ceived: wetland delineation data sheets (See Attachment A). , APR ~ 8 2010 \ Orl!llnal Submittal October 2004 Patrick S. Thompson Consulting 'Brandt Property - 6595 Main .et -Springfield, Oregon . Page 3 2,3.1 Previous Wetland Delineations There have been no previous delineations of the property, 2.3.2 NWI Map Review The NWI map shows no wetlands on this l'wl''''';Y' 2.3.3 Local Wetland Inventory (Figure 2) The Springfield Local Wetland Inventory mapped in 1992 and I 993 and then published in 1997 by David Evans and Associates identified one probable wetland area on the site. The findings of this delineation were very similar to the L WI. The . PEMCIPFOC wetland found during our delineation occupied the same lower position in the landscape, just with slightly differing limits. 2.4 CLIMATE DATA The site was visited twice, once in March of2003 to determine if wetlands were present on the site and again in September 2004 to delineate the wetlands. The hydrology determination is based on what was observed during the March 2003 site visit. The yearly average for normal rainfall was 95% of normal. During the two weeks previous to the site there was 3.26" ofrain. Climatological data is included for both the April 2003 and September 2004 visits (See Attachment B). 3.0 WF:TLAND CHARACTRRISTTCS The project site is comprised of pasture and wooded pasture along with a house, apartment and outbuilding. The lot is long and narrow. The northern half is flat and is where the buildings and most of the pasture is located (See Attachment C - Site Photos). The southern halfhas an approximately 100 feet long gentle slope which then becomes an abrupt northern facing slope covered with trees. This hill side continues offsite to al'l',vAimately a 1200' elevation. The property's high elevation on the south side is approximately 680' and the north has an approximately low of 520' elevation. The northern half of the property where the house and buildings are located was filled for building purposes years ago. The portion of the property with the home site lies al'l'WJJmately two feet higher in elevation that the adjacent pasture land where the wetlands are located, There are two different types of wetland on site that blend into each other, palustrine emergent (PEMC) and palustrine forested (PFOC), both are slope/flat wetlands. The wetland area occupies the lower position in the landscape on site between the hillside to the south and the filled home site, apartment building and outbuilding area to the north towards the base of the hillside. Both wetland types (pEMC and PFOC) have been grazed recently. This wetland is part of a larger, historic, fragmented weltand, and currently extends off site to the west where the hydrologx is greater than on site. The property to the east is slightly higher in elevation an~fA ~elJ2I~: Patrick S. Thompson Consulting MPi1 09tobU)l!!004 Original Submittal , ~randl Property - 6595 Main tel -Springfield, Oregon . Page 4 18" drainage ditch on its boundary with the subject property, which has helped to drain the eastern side of the subject property. The hydrology source for the wetlands is subsurface flows and surface water runoff from the steep hillside on the south side which causes seasonally high water in the lower elevations, as wellas, direct precipitation. The soils mapped for this area by the NRCS are listed in Table I which summarizes the drainage classifications for each soil. (See Figure 3 Soils Map). Table 1 - Soil Drainajte Summarization , Name Mapping Drainage Description Hydric Unit Classification YeslNo Coburg-Urban Land 32 Moderately well Located on low stream terraces. No Complex 0-3% drained Combination of undisturbed Coburg slopes soils along with fill materials with varying characteristics. Dixonville- . 43C Moderately well Located on rolling foothills and toe No Philomath-Hazelair drained to well . slopes, Generally shallow soils with complex 3-12% drained moderate to high erosion capacity. slope Nekia Silty Clay 89F Well drained Located in footbills, Moderately deep No Loam 30- 50% slope soils with high erosion poteotial. Pengra Silt Loam 105A Somewhat poorly Located on toe slopes and fans in Yes drained stratified alluvium, Clay substratum and high seasonal. During the field investigation the soil matrix color of this area did not range significantly only from 10YR 3/1 to IOYR 3/2 with slightly varying mottles of7.5YR4/4 to lOYR 4/6 varying in depth from 2 to 18 inches. Through many of the probes burned material was found buried through out the profile indicating that burning activities and past plowing of the area had occurred. The soils in the wetland portions of the site were saturated during the February hydrology review. Despite the grazing of the site, the vegetation went along with the findings of the soils and hydrology. The primary wetland vegetation included meadow foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis) Oregon Ash (Fraxinus latifolia). The portion of the site with the 100' gradrui1 slope contained several mature (25" in diameter) Oregon ash. Some of the these were in the delineated wetland but others were in slightly higher position in the landscape and the soils, hydrology and other vegetation were indicative of upland. Some of the volunteer ash seedlings were noted in the pasture area. 4.0 WETI~AND DELINE A TTON A total of 0.20 acres of wetland were delineated within the four acre Era!~t~~~~d!200). Patrick S. Thompson Consulting APR - 8 20lDOclober 2004 Original submlttal_ . Brandt Property - 6595 Main tet -Springfield., Oregon . Page 5 5.0 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS A total of 0.20 acres of potentially jurisdictional wetland was identified by PSTC within the four acre project site. The location of the wetlandlnon-wetlimd boWldary was dictated by a combination of indicators ofwetlandlupland plants, soils examination, topographic change and hydrology, This report documents the investigation, best professional judgment and conclusions of psrc. It is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. It should be considered a Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination of wetlands and other waters and used at your own risk unless it has been reviewed and approved in writing by the Oregon Department of State Lands in accordance with OAR 141-090-005 through 141-090-0055. Date Received: APR - 8 20ID Original SubmittaL Patrick S. Thompson Consulting October 2004 . Brandt Property, 6595 Main"et -Springfield, Oregon . Page 6 6.0 REFERENCES City of Springfield, Local Wetland Inventory, 1997. HitchocI{, C. Loe and Arthur Cronquist, 1973. Flora of the Pacific Northwest. University of Washington Press. Northwest (Region 9). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, St. Petersburg, FL., NERC-88/18.37. Taylor, George H., Oregon Weather Summary, Online Edition. Oregon Climate Service, June 2004 through September 2004 Monthly Precipatation Observations and Means. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1987. Wetland Delineation Manual, EnvirorunentaI Laboratory, Vicksburg, MS. I U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1987. Soil Survey of Lane County, Oregon. U.s. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1987. Hydric Soils of the State of Oregon. U.S. Department of Interior, Geological Survey. 1967, Photorevised 1986. 7.5-minute Springfield, Oregon, topographic quadrangle). U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife. National Wetlands Inventory Quadrangle, Springfield, Oregon, 1994. Date Received: APR - 8 20lO Original Submittal Patrick S. Thompson Consulting October 2004 .~- . '/low. ..~ a(ah~ru~vVetland Delineatio,l,itekt1a. /.....'.'. ...,. ,.~~;--_._----~-~-~.,. , . ,.t, .~ '[)J~!3aTdiInsJ"m N 'A .~.. Imp,~-~ ~:. - / ~. '.. ---~~ ,. I ,I :' I "j . .. ,r .1' ~.' d(?i ~.t,17:..l'; fl.--1-,,,, , " ,~. - ~lliJ " lmMOOiO?ialCemelsry :::1 I " Smilh-....,...._s"..CerneterJ , l ~.. r .\. . ' '. .1 i '1' . . ., \ .1 ~.. r '-t:J 1-- , r ~~~'~~ Irr'---' . ~~ J). ----n. . l5a~i\,ed: - """"""" I '- .20DOft \ .\.. Msp.IItIage.CI\l8lad,Ualng-Pl8CISlonMappillg.SlnIata 4.0 "'t~j''''',~.,_oo Original Submittal . . 'Si+e.' ( 1401 I 'u, , 1500 401 400 . 100 -(,.;.0, . j " ' , ::r: 5:J t- r-... "" 402" . 403, 404 V). 150J ASTER Sf '.-- .."05'. '.{O6 407 + $' 30 2>" <:'_1~ I 301 \ + I 300 501 1300 . 1 I / 1'- (. 1300 SOD J ,~ '. + S~2 3 . f/.' i~'-i '--, 0,75 ACRES .\1- 3 6 . B1l0 901902 903 04 /1-37 0.40 ACRES r >-17 BLUEBELLE CT t- v.> . ,. ''-.....: ~ 809 808 .607 r-... '-D v.> 810. 811 812~' 813, . , 14 . ~ ' BI9 CA::UAB~BIS 11 B~ 704 705 .r 6811; ~ 1700 820 82' B22 923 824 1&00 . DOGVOOD ST /832/929/ B2B I B311 I r B25 I ~ 70& Brandt-Drury Delineation Figure 2 LWI Map Date Received: APR - 8 2010 Original Submittal . . Brandt-Drury Delineation Figure 3 Soil Survey Map 32 43C 89F 105A Coburg-Urban Land Complex 0-3% slopes Dixonville-Philomath-Hazelair complex 3-12% slope , Nekia Silty Clay Loam 30- 50% slope Pengra Silt Loam Date Received: APR - 8 201D Original Submittal .. ... ~ fj '" .... I fI! ' :!i1t i i II: II:' ,~ I .. t, :I!. II : ~ ci . ~ I!! ~ ;:: ~ k ::>- ....0' >'lu,- ~ ~ i ~ ~ ... ....... ~ IJi f-- Z leJ :z ...0 ~i= (f)"',;( '>- l.dX:.J tf) 4...:z; lI] f- 0 4_0 Z n::.~ o l1. . ~ ~ J~1i . ~ g ~ , '~ , '- ~ ,!_-=-j- 1J I ~~ . ,,' --o- j ~3 ; :~~i i ~.~I! ,.... I -- I ~ i~.I" I .'--__ ~. t, '" t ~ r..--'J.'-'~ "..,J1r'_~~_.~.. 'J- , ':0',. _P'1W ?(') 'J I"nf'f'II'\l-, IT L.,... ~1lfa.O(I,Mt.. 1:'--:;-':::;. ~..,.-..f 1''''''- t."J.;Jd [i . ;, .'(J'\ ..c:..=~ ~~:~.} D-~~.l.ltrmJ3S . -c ....., c-, ir-~ "".j -,::S ..--' "" V I ! i' \ ." 1"-'~:I1l' g-; I~ i .~ 11." o;;':;:~:.-:o _ ;"'\ \',:-.:::'~ ; . i '1. '~;;h~Q. ! ,=,.d- * .t~~:I" " !, /' "GI o ~ 0 , . ~ .. "O"li '(.d-i,~ S ). : """ l i ~ I ~ ; ..G~.~..t.r.~.- "'",,,,., U'l"'tl" rl^tllT\ln OriglllaI8u.bmltt/i11 TIT 1 1/"1......... "'1"'11 I..I"I(Y"] ~T 1':'1/"l . - e..: l'1.l' I ~ (6Jn ~ ~- -- '''- GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 50 100 I I I I r-.-..-, I I ( IN FEET ) . {, . [J D 200 I ~. / ~ ~ \~ilil .l~pl;, 11,\\ "/1/; h. I. /1 \ ~ . '\ .~J~ .-- ""-. ,,/ . . .. .... 0,:,,1- 13, ZVQI.{ /" REGISTERED "- PROFESSIONAL LANQ SURVEYOR ~~ OREGON' JULY 20.1993 REXA BETZ '- 1I?fl0fl .-/ [-[C e;c/" 1'L/31 /Oe;, @BranCh Engineering, Inc. 310 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-0637 FAX (541)746-0389 branchadmin@branchengineering.com Civil. Structures. Transportation. Surveying 'NOTE: THE ACCURACIES OF THE WETLAND MARKERS SHOWN ARE ONE FOOT :l: IN RELATION TO THE PROPERTY LINE. 'NOTE: THE SITE IS 4 ACRES, THE PORTION TO BE DEVELOPED IS 0.8 ACRES. THE WETLANDS COVER 0.2 ACRES, Date Received: APR - 8 2010 Original Submittal . ~(C:s1. ,._ . i I / -~""..." " " 517 <... -----..J ~r ~ I' ~ k~ ~ , i I ~~ ------ "7~ ""- GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 15 30 I I I I r--~ I ( IN FEET ) 60 I . . -"17 A7 ;;:,' D ~> vtv- '" 's- X D '" "~<P. ...;: . ~'> A.t)'> (:)'~X A""> "'O'~ &.0 "JO.~ ~ 7" ~ ~" .. 'b 8~'~> .s: "'o'>~ . ~ 'i~ 7 '" 10 ,,\~~..::,q,/ .,' " X(" X", '\,~-2 it( "", ;:..,..... V~ ..", '-........'7 . "---- "FND WET-#" OR "FND UP-#" INDICATES 4 FT LATH WITH LABEL AND NUMBER AS NOTED "FND RED" INDICATES 4 FT LATH WITH RED FLAGGING 'NOTE: THE ACCURACIES OF THE WETLAND MARKERS SHOWN ARE ONE FOOT :l: IN RELATION TO THE PROPERTY LINE. 'NOTE: THE SITE IS 4 ACRES. THE PORTION TO BE DEVELOPED IS D.8 ACRES. THE WETLANDS COVER 0.2 ACRES. @ Branch Engineering, Inc. 310 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-0637 FAX (541)746-0389 branchadmin@branchengineering.com Civil . Structures . Transportation . Surveying :JcJ 1"3, cOoL( REGISTERED ' PROFESSIONAL LAN)) SURVEYOR - ,Lvc /pt:7r.' - OREGON JULY 20. 1993 REXA 8ElZ ,. ~"t::"" .... -'..,""""'. --/ J-.'( Co-)"'(? Iz..h,/o~ /' X " 'O'1-_,,~ " ...- ':>~ ~!f;)~~ .,~ X~ .$')'.)0 ~~'b "'>0 c:/..o. -?<o 'it "8....../\ ./ Da.te ReceIved: APR - 8 2:110 Original Submittal . . ATTACHMENT A Date Received: APR - 8 2010 Original Submittal PATRICK S. T.PSON CONSULTING '. WETLAND DETERWTION DATA FORM Date: 9/22104 File #: U Det. By: PtICC Plot #: 1 County; lane Projec1fCorrtact: Brandf-Drury Delineation Plant Community pasture and wooded ~ Plot (ocatlon: 8' from easten proOO.111 line Do normal environ. conditions exist? YES: Has vegetation: Soil: Explain: ~ NO: _Hydrology: Explain: been significantly disurbed7 VEGEl A liON Dominant SOFries Tree Stratum Total Cover. 0% 1. 2, 3, 4, Sanliqa/Shrub Stratum Total ('.over. 0% ,. 2, 3, 4, 5, (Indicator I Dominant Soecjes I Status % Cover HP.rb:lr.P.nIL<; !;frarum I Total Cover: 100% 1. ,Aorostis sso. 2. .Festuca arundinacea 3. Gemnium mo1Je 4. ChfVSilJ1themuml8L~.,....., ,,_'ffl . 5. ~ros oratensis 6. Cirsium 8IVenSe 7. 6. 9, '0, 11, Jndicator Status FAC FAC- NL NL FACW FACU Percent Of Dominant Species that are OSlo FACW, FAC: Other Notable Species: Criteria Met? YEs: 33% NO: X SOilS Map Unit Name: CobuJo:~rban land ComlJlex Taxonomy: Pachlc Ultic Aroixerolls Drainage Class: On Hydric Soils Ii~? MWD No INC: YES - Conser Depth Horizon I Matrix Color Redox c............,'u....,)fls. ! Redox Depletions" leXlUre Struduffi (}.12" lAP 110YR312 I lsl~oM!v ~ ISAB 12-18" IA12 11OYR312 110YRAJ.4 (fJ)?\ Isliahllvstickv ISAB I I I I I I I I I I Hydric Son Indicators: Hlstosol HIstlc Eplpedon Sulfidic Odor Reduclng Conditions (test positive) Gleyed Redox. Features (w I in 10") Conttetlons I Nodules (w I in 3M; > 2 mm) High organic content in surface ( In Sandy Soils) Organic streakings (In Sandy Soils) Organic pan (In Sandy Soils) Usted on Hydric Soils list 01hec . Criteria Met? YES NO~ . abound.lsizelcontrasUcolorllocatlon (matrix or pores/peds) HYDROLOGY RecordM ~ X Field Dat~ Recorded Data Available: No Recorded Data Available Othec Aerial Photos Stream Gauge Depth of inundation: Dept to Saturation: <18" Depth to free water: Pimary Hydrology Indicators: Inundated Saturated in upper 12 Inches Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Drainage Pattern Criteria Met? YES NO ~ Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 or more required): Oxidized Root Channels (upper 12'') Water-stained leaves local Soil Survey Data FAC - Neutral Test 01hec DETERMINATION WETlAND? YES NO x Comments: Does not meet criteria Date Recei'v'6d: APR - 8 2010 Original Submittal I % Cover 1 50% I 15% I 15% I 5% I '0% I 5% I I I I I PATRICK S. T.PSON CONSULTING' WETLANDDETEYTlON DATA FORM I Indicator IDominant Soecies I Status % Cover Herbaceous S1rahJm . ITotal Cover: 100% T I 1. Afo/lOCUIlJS oretensis I .2. Festuca amndinama I 3. Aprostis~. I 4. Chrvsanlhemum leucanthemum I 5, I 6, I 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, County: Lane Project/Contact: 8randt~Dru_rv Delineation Plant Community PEMC wetland . PIotIocation: A~atetv:15'westofUo1 Do normal environ. conditions exist? YES:-----!- Has vegetation: Soil: _ Hydrology: Explain: pominant Soedes Tree Stmtl.lm Total Cover: Trace 1. Fraxinus fetifalia . 2. ,3. 4, SaoljnalShrub Stratum Total Cover: " 2, 3, 4, S, Percent of Dominant Species that are DBL, FACW, FAC: Other Notable Species: Criteria Met? YES: X Map Unit Name: Pen.ora Taxonomy: Tlfoic Haolaouolls Depth I Horizon IAo 1..&::12 I i I Matrix Color 110YR312 110YR3J2 I I NO: Date: o9i221ci4 File#: W Del. By: PlICC Plot #: 2 NO: Explain: been significantly disurbed? YEGET A T10N I Indicator I Status I % Coved I 40% I :>c% I 40% I TI FACW FACW FAC- FAC NL 66% SOILS Drainage Class: On Hydric Soils list? SPD ~ INC: Redox Concentrations. 0-7" 7_18M Hydric Soil Indicators: x Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Reducing Conditions (test positive) Gleyed Redox. Features (w I in 10") Criteria Met? YES ~ NO Rp.C".nrded Data X Fiefd Data Recorded Data Available: No Recorded Data Available Depth of inundation: 10YR 314 (fD2l Aerial Photos Redox Depletions* Texture Slrudure notslickv stickv I I granular ISAS I I x Concretions I Nodules (w I in 3"; > 2 mm) High organic content in surface ( in Sandy Soils) Organic streakings (in Sandy Soils) Organic pan (in Sandy Soils) listed on Hydric Soils List Other. * abound.JsizeloontrastlcolorJ\ocation (matrix or pores/peds) HYDROLOGY Stream Gauge nth., Oept to Saturation: Depth to free water. Pimary Hydrology Indicators: Inundated Saturated in upper 12 inches WaterMarks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Drainage Pattern Criteria Met? YES ~ NO WETlAND? YES x NO Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 or more required): Oxidized Root Channels (upper 12") Water-stained Leaves X Local Soil Survey Data FAC - Neutral Test X Other: Hvdrotoov determined from 'p'rior determination March 2004. Neighbor confirmed that wetland area is satuated all winter Prominent hummocks DETERMINATION Comments: Ca~ ~.~r:'p.i"ed: 1'Iowerthan Uo 1 APR - e 2010 Original Sublllittal PATRICK S. WPSON CONSULTING - WETLAND DETER.TION DATA FORM County: Lane Project/Contact: Brandt.Dru_rv Deljr>Fl~'~n Plant Community PEMC wetland Plot location: North end ofwestlanrt, 70' SEof mlthuildinlJ Do normal environ. conditions exist? ' YES: X Has vegetation: SoIl: _ Hydrology: Explain: Dominant ~Decies Tl'P.e!=;tratum Total Cover: 5% 1. Fraxinus lalifolia 2. 3. 4. ~ol!np/Shrub Stratum Total Cover: ,. 2. 3. 4. 5. Percent of Dominant Species that are Del, FACW, FAC: Other Notable Species: Criteria Met? YES: X Map Unit Name: Pen,ora Taxonomy: Tvoic HaolaauoJls Depth Horizon Matrix Color 0-<1- 6-18" ~'? A12 10YR 3~ 10YR312 Hydric Soil Indicators: x Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic OdOr . Reducing Conditions (test positive) Gleyed Redox. Features (w I in 10") Criteria Met? YES L- NO Recorded Data X Field DatB Recorded Oata Available: No Recorded Data Available Depth of inundation: Pimary Hydrology Indicators: Inundated Saturated in upper 12 inches Water Marts Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Drainage Pattern Criteria Met? YES ~ NO WETLAND? YES x NO NO: Date: 09/22;04 been significantly disurbed? VEGETATION File#: W Det. By: PtfCC Plot #: 3 Explain: Ilndicator I 100mim:mt R~p_'l 1 Status % Cover! Herbacenus mratum I I I FACW I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I 66% NO: 5% ITotal Cover. I ,. I 2. I 3. I 4. I 5. I 6. I 7. I 8. I 9. I 10. I 11. SOILS Drainage Class: On Hydric Soils list? Redox Concentrations* 10YR 3/4 (102\ Aerial Photos Dept to Saturation: x HYDROLOGY 100% i!foo.!!cums orafensis Festuca amndinacea IlndicatOrj ~ Status % Cover , FACW r 65% 1 FAG- 1 30% I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPO ~ INC: Redox Depletions'" Texture Structure notstickv stickv _Hranular rB Concretions I Nodules (w I in 3ft; > 2 mm) High organic content in surface ( in Sandy Soils) Organic streakings (in Sandy Soils) Organic pan (in Sandy Soils) Listed on Hydric Soils list Other. '" aboundJsizelcontrastlcolorllocation (matrix or poresfpeds) Stream Gauge Other Depth to free water. Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 or more required): Oxidized Root Channels (upper 12") Water~stajned leaves X local Soil Survey Data FAC - Neutral Test X Other: Hvdraloov determined from prior determination" March 2003. Neighbor confirmed that wetland area is satuated atl winter (anthiUs) DETERMINATION Comments: t- ~~..,.,.j"",~. f'ia \;1 I'.,"...... -. ~ APR - 8 2010 Original submittal PATRICK S.1I'PSON CONSULTIN~. ,c. WETLAND DETERWTION DATA FORM Date: 9/22104 File #: U Det By: PtlCC Plot #: 4 County: lane Project/Contact: Brandt-Drurv Delineation Plant Community pasture and wooded oasture Plot location: 300' south of north orooertv tine Do normal environ. conditions exist? YES: X NO: Has vegetation: SoIl . == Hydrology: Explain: .Domjn~nt Soecies TrP.P.!;tmtu1l'! Total Cover: 0% ,. 2. 3. 4. Saol!nolShrub Stmtum Total ('..over 50% 1. Rubus discolor 2. 3. 4. 5. been significaOt/y disurbed? ExpIajn: VEGETATION jlndicatorl DominBnt!=:~$1 Status % Cover Herbaceous Stratum Total Cover: 50% 1. Festuca arundinacea 2. ApIDDVlDIJ reoens 3. Phleum matense 4. 5. 6. 7. B. 9. 10. 11. Percent of DominanlSpecies that are OBL, FACW, FAC: Other Notable Species: Criteria Met? YES: Map Unit Name: Cobu!<{"Urban Land Comolex Taxonomy: Pachic Ultic Araixerolls Depth 0-18- Hydric Soil Indicators: Criteria Met? RecamM o~ x Fiek:lnAt;l Horizon Matrix Color AP/A12 10YR3J2 Histosol Hlstic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Reducing Conditions (test positive) Gleyed Redox. Features (w lin 10") YES NO ~ Recorded Data AVailable: No Recorded Data Avaaable Depth of inundation: FACU- NO: X I 50% I i I I I Q% SOILS Drainage Class: On Hydric Soils list? MWD No INC: YES - Conser Redox Concentrations. x Redox Depletions. Texture . Aerial Photos slinhttvstickv BAB Concretions I Nodules (w I in 3"; ). 2 mm) High organic content in surface (in Sandy Soifs) Organic streakings (in Sandy Soils) Organic pan (in Sandy Solis) listed on Hydric Soils list Other: . abound.Jsizelcontrastlcolorllocation (matrix or pores/peds) HYDROLOGY. Stream Gauge Other Dept to Saturation: <18" Depth to free water: Pimary Hydrology Indicators: Inundated Saturated in UPper"12 inches Water Marks Drift lines Sediment Deposits Drainage Pattern Cmeria Met? YES NO ~ WETLAND? YES NO Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 or more required): Oxidized Root Channels (upper 12") Water-stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data FAC - Neutral Test Other: DETERMINATION Comments: Does not meet criteria ~l~"'r",ived. APR - 8 2010 Original Submittal I Indicator j Status % Cover. FAG- 50% FAG- T FACU T Structure j I I. I PATRICK S. WPSON CONSULTING' WETLAND DETER.TlON DATA FORM County: Lane Project/Contact 8randl-Drurv Delineation Plant Community PEMC/PFQC wetland Plot location: 14' west of U~ Do normal environ. conditions exist?' Has vegetation: Explain: YEs:~ s"t _Hydrology: Dominant Soer:ies Jree Stratum Total Cover: 25% 1. Fraxinus latHo/ia /2!i" 0ameterl 2. 3. 4. SaDfino/Shrub Strn1um Total Cover: 1. Rubus laciniatIJ,,, 2. 3. 4. 5. Percent of Dominant Species that are OSLo FACW, FAC: Other NOtable Species: Criteria Met? YES: X Map Unit Name: Pen,ora Taxonomy: Tvoic HaofaolJolls Depth 0-<1- 6-18~ Hydric Soil Indicators: x Clitena Met? Recorded Da~ X Field nata Horizon Matrix Cofor ~l:! A12 10YR312 10YR3/2 Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Reducing Conditions (test positive) Gleyed Redox. Features (w I in 10") YES X NO Recorded Data Available: No Recorded Data Available Depth of inundation: Pimary Hydrology Indicators: Inundated Saturated in upper 12 inches Water Marks DriftU~es Sediment Deposits Drainage Pattern Criteria Met? YES ~ NO WETLAND? YES x NO NO: I Indicator I Status I I FACW I I I I". I I FAClJ+l I I I I I I I I 66% NO: Date: 09/2ir04 Fae#: W Dei. By: PtICC Plot #: 5 Explain: been significantty disurbed? VEGETATION I Dominant Soecies % CoverlHerbaceous Sffatun! ITotaI Cover: 100% 25% I 1. Alooecuros oratensis I 2. Fesiuca arundmacea I 3. Juncus oatents I 4. Juncus eflusus I 5. I 5. T I 7. I 8. I 9. I 10. I 11. I Ind""'", 1 I I status % Cover FACW I 65% I FAc.. I 30% I FACW.I T 1 FACW I T I i I I I I I I I I SOILS Drainage Class: On Hydric Soils list? SPD YES INC: Redox Concentrations" 7.5YR4I4 (c02\ Aerial Photos Dept to Saturation: Redox Depletions* Texture StrucIure lnot~ Islickv p:ranular SAB I I x Concretions / Nodules (w / in 3"; > 2 mm) High organic oontent in surface ( in Sandy Soils) Organic streakings (in Sandy Soils) Organic pan (in Sandy Soils) Listed on Hydric Soils List Other: * abound.lsizeJcootrastlcolortlocation (matlix or pores/peds) HYDROLOGY Stream Gauge Oth", Depth to free water: Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 or more required): Oxidized Root Channels (upper 12") Water-stained leaves X local Soil Survey Data FAC ~ Neutral Test X Other: HyClrolon" ~~p.~ined from prior dpt~rrnination. March 2003. Neighbor oonfinned that wetland area is satuated aU winter anthills DETERMINATION Comments: ~ete ~eceiv,=':l. APR - 8 2010 Orlglnal Submittal PATRICK S. .MPSON CONSULTIN~:" WETLAND DETEWATION DATA FORM Date: 9122104 File #: U Del By: PtICC Plot #: 6 Coumy: Lane Project/Contad: Brandt-Drurv Delineation Plant Community P!I.sture and wooded castors Plot location: 30' west of eastern I?rooertv 600 Do normal environ. conditions exist? YES: ~ NO: Has vegetation: SOIl: _ Hydrology: Explain: Dominant Soecies Tree stratum Total Cover: 0% ,. 2. 3. 4. $8p1iJ)offihhlh !=:tmtum Total ('..over- 60% 1. Rubus' adniatus 2. Rubus Drocero~ 3. 4. 5. Percent of Dominant Species that are OSL, FACW, FAC: Other Notable Species; Criteria Met? YES: Map Unit Name: Dixonville-Philomath-Hazelair ComlJlex Taxonomy: Pachic U!tic Amixerolls ;.0-18" Depth I Horizon IAP/A12 i I I 10YR312 MalrixColor Hydric Soil Indicators: . Criteria Met? BP.f"'..orded Data X FieldDma Histosor Histic-Epipedon . Sulfidic Odor . Reducing Conditions (test positive) Gleyed Redox. Features (w I in 10~) YES NO x Recorded Data Available: No Recorded Data Available Depth of inundation: Pimary Hydrology Indicators: Inundated Saturated in upper 12 inches Water Marks Drift Lines . Sediment Deposits Drainage Pattern Criteria Met? YES NO ~ WETlAND? YES NO Ilndicator 1 Status I I I I I I 1 FACU+ I I FACU I I I I NO: X Explain: been significantly disurbed? VEGETATION I DOfl'linant ~oedP.s % Cover Herbaceous ~tratum . TotaICover: 40% 1.l!orosfisSSD. 2. F8stuca 81l1ndinacea 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 20 40 25% SOILS Drainage Class: On Hydric Soils list? MWD No INC: Redox Concentrations. Aerial Photos Redox Depletions. Texture s1iohtlvslickv Concretions I Nodules (w f in 3"; > 2 mm) High organic content in surface ( in Sandy Soils) Organic streakings (in Sandy Soils) Organic pan (in Sandy So~s). Listed on Hydric Soils List Other: . abound.lsizeJcontrastfcolor1locatiorl (matrix or poresfpeds) HYDROLOGY Stream Gauge Dept 10 Saturation: <18" x Depth to free water: Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 or more required): Oxidized Root Channels (upper 12") Water-stained Leaves local Soil Survey Data FAC - Neutral Test Other: DETERMINATION Comments: Does not meet criteria n",t", h'~r:p.ivt::J. I Indicator ~ I Status l % CovP.r I . I FAC I 10% i FAG- j. 30% f I I I I I I I I YES . Panther Structure SAB r I 1 .1 O\her APR - 8 2010 Original submittal PATRICK S. T.PSON CONSULTING - . WETLAND DETE"ATION DATA FORM County: Lane ProjectfContact: Brandt-Dru]V Delineation Plant Community PEMC wetland PloUocation: 18' ",ruth (If IIn R Do normal environ. condffio~s 'e~? Has vegetation: Explain: YES:~ Sool _Hydrology, Dominmrt Roecies Trae Stratum Total Cover: 25% 1. Fraxinus fafifalia {2S" diameterl 2. 3. 4. Sapl!nalShrub Stratum TntalC'..nver. 1. Rubv.'S I aciniatus 2. Rubus OIOCefUS 3. 4. 5. Perrent of Dominant Species that are OSl, FACW, FAG: Other Notable Species: Criteria Met? YES: X Map Unit Name: Taxonomy: Pennffi Tvoic -HaolaouoUs Depth Horizon Matrix Cokx 0-2" 2-18" A~ A12 I I 10YR 3J2 10YR3I1 Hydric Soil Indicators: x Histosol IHistic Epipedon Jutfidic Odor ~educing Conditions (test positive) GJeyed Redox. Features (w I in 10") Criteria Met? YES X NO BecordAd Dam x Fleldn~e Recorded Data Available: No Recorded Data Available Depth of inundation: Pimary Hydrology Indicators: Inundated Saturated in upper 12 inches Water Marts DriflLines Sediment Depos~s Drainage Pattern Criteria Met? YES X NO WETI.ANO? YES x Ilndicator I Status FACW I I I I I I FACU+ I I FACU I I I I I I I NO: NO: 66% Date: 09;22104 File#: W . Det. By: PtICC Plot #: 7 Explain: been significantly disurbed? VEGETATION Dominant S~!t % Co\l'er : .._.~_.__.lS Stratum Total Cover: 60% 25% 1. AloOftCUms aratensis 2. Festuca arundinacea 3. 4. 5. 6. T 7. T 8. 9. 10. 11. I Indicator I Status SOILS Drainage Class: On Hydric Soils list? SPD YES INC: . Redox Con.......,'u..uu,..s* Redox Depletions* TexIu", Structure not.SticIN s1iclv _granular ISAB I I 110YR4I6and7.5YR4/4 (mD2) I I Aerial Photos Dept to Saturation: NO x Concretions / Nodules (w I in 3~; > 2 mm) High organic content in surface ( in Sandy Soils) Organic streakings (in Sandy So~s) Organic pan (in Sandy Soils) listed on Hydric Soils list Othec . * abound.lsizelcontrasUcoIorllocation (matrix or pores/peds) HYDROLOGY Stream Gauge Other Depth to free water: Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 or more required): Oxidized Root Channels (upper 12") Water~stained Leaves X Local Soil Survey Data FAC . Neutral TeSt X Other: Hvdroloav detennined from prior detenninatio., March 2004. Neighbor confinned that wetland area is satuated all winter anthills DETERMINATION Comments: l' lOwer than Uo 8 Date Received: AI'lK - H zmo Original Submittal FACW FAC- %cOVP.rl I 70% J 30% J I I I I I I ~ PATRICK S. TWSON CONSULTING - WETLAND DETERM.TION DATA FORM County:. Lane Project/Contact Brandt.orury Delineation Plant Community ~sture and wooded oaslt!re Plot location: 60' west of eastern ~ror;!8rN line, near base of slooe Do normal environ. conditions exist? YES: ~ NO: Has vegetation: Soil: _ HYdrology: Explain: !1Om~nant Soer..ies T~Strattm1 Total Cover: 20% Frmdnus /atifolia (25" diameter! CaMus comma ,. 2. 3. 4. pl'mlif!O!Shrub ~ Total Cover, 70% 1. Rubus~rus 2. Rubus fadniatus 3. 4. 5. Percent of Dominant Species"that are DBL, FACW. FAC: Other Notable Species: Criteria Met? . YES: Map Unit Name: Dlxonvllle-Phltomath--Hazelair Comolex Taxonomy: Pachic Ultic Araixerolls Depth "Horizon Matrix Color 0-18" AP/A12 I 10YR 312 I I I Hydric Soil Indicators: Histosol Hlstic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Reducing Conditions (test positive) Greyed Redox. Features (w I in 10'') Criteria Met? YES NO~ Recorded Data X Field Dala Recorded Data Available: No Recorded Data Available Depth of inundation: Pimary Hydrology Indicators: Inundated Saturated in upper 12 inches Water Marks , Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Drainage Pattern Criteria Met? YES NO ~ WETlAND? YES NO Dale: 9122/04 File #: ..!:!..-- Del By: PtICC Plot #: 8 beerI significantly dlsurbed7 Explaj~: VEGETATION ndicator I Dominant S~Jp.s Status % Cover HerhaceoI.Jg ~um Total Cover: 30% FACW 20% 1. ~erisradJcate FACU T 2. Festuca arondinacea 3. 4. 5. 6. FACU 70% 7. . FACU+ T 8. .9. 10. 11. 33% NO: X SOILS Drainage Class: On Hydric Soils list? MWD No INC: YES - Panther Redox (.................""..00$.. Redox Depletions" Texturn Nolslicl<v Concre'lions I Nodules (w I in 3"; ::. 2 mm) High organic cordent in surface ( In Sandy Soils) Organic streakings (in Sandy Soils) Organic pan (in Sandy Soils) Listed on HYdric Soils List Other: .. aboundJsizelcontrastlcolorllocation (matrix or poresJpeds) HYDROLOGY Aerial Photos Stream Gauge Dept 10 Saturation: <18" Depth to free water: Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 or more required): . Oxidized Root Channels (upper 12') Water-stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data FAC - Neutral Test . 01her. DETERMINATION x Comments: Does not meet criteria Dd<:- p,,!,,~hll!~J: ~.t;;I !~~....-" APR a 8 2010 OrigInal submittal I Indicator I I Sfatus % Cover I I I FACU I T I FAC- I 30% I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L_smdure Olhe, . . . ATTACHMENTB e~t~ Reeeived: APR ,,8 lOID Orlglnal Submittal . . cugti ~ Ul ~ . PRELIMINARY LOCAL CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA (WS FORM: F-6) , PAGE 2 [TEMPERATURE DATA] AVERAGE MONTHLY: 60.1 DPTR FM NORMAL: -1. 6 HIGHEST: 84 ON 10 LOWEST: 38 ON 21 [NO. OF DAYS WITH] MAX 32 OR BELOW: 0 MAX 90 OR ABOVE: 0 MIN 32 OR BELOW: 0 MIN 0 OR BELOW: 0 [HDD (BASE 65) TOTAL THIS MO. 143 DPTR FM NORMAL 28 SEASONAL TOTAL 163 DPTR FM NORMAL -28 [CDD (BASE 65) TOTAL THIS MO. OPTR FM NORMAL SEASONAL TOTAL DPTR FM NORMAL 1 -31 .329 88 [REMARKS] #FINAL# STATION:~~ MONTH: \ SEPTEMBER \ YEAR: 20n~. J LATITUDE: 44 7 N LONGITUDE: 123 13 W [PRECIPITATION DATA] TOTAL FOR MONTH: DPTR FM NORMAL: GRTST 24HR 0.70 2.07 0.53 ON 18-19 SYMBOLS USED IN COLUMN 16 1 2 FOG FOG REDUCING VISIBILITY TO 1/4 MILE OR LESS THUNDER ICE PELLETS HAIL GLAZE OR RIME BLOWING DUST OR SAND: VSBY 1/2 MILE OR LESS SMOKE OR HAZE BLOWING SNOW TORNADO 3 SNOW, ICE PELLETS, HAIL 4 TOTAL MONTH: 0.0 INCH 5 GRTST 24HR 0.0 6 GRTST DEPTH: 0 7 8 [WEATHER - DAYS WITH] 9 X 0_01 INCH OR MORE: 8 0.10 INCH OR MORE: 6 0.50 INCH OR MORE: 2 1.00 INCH OR MORE: 0 CLEAR (SCALE 0-3) 8 PTCLDY (SCALE 4-7) 15 CLOUDY (SCALE 8-10) 7 [PRESSURE DATA] HIGHEST SLP 30.39 ON 21 LOWEST SLP 29.72 ON 18 Please note that this information is preliminary and unofficial. Official and certified climatological data can be accessed at: National Climatic Data Center Date Received: APR - 8 2010 Original Submittal http://www.ocs.orst.edulpub jtp/climate _ dataJdaily/lcd/eugene/eug0904.txt 10/13/04 . . . Page 2 of 2 MONTH: JANUARY YEAR: 2003 LATITUDE:. 44 7 N LONGITUDE: 123 13 W [TEMPERATURE DATA] [PRECIPITATION DATA] AVERAGE MONTHLY: 45.2 DPTR PM NORMAL: 5.4 HIGHEST: 61 ON 23 LOWEST: 29 ON 18 TOTAL FOR MONTH: DPTR FM NORMAL: GRTST 24HR 1.03 6.67 -0.98 ON 29-30 SNOW, ICE PELLETS, HAIL TOTAL MONTH: 0.0 INCH GRTST 24HR 0.0 GRTST DEPTH: 0 [NO. OF DAYS WITH] [WEATHER - DAYS WITH] MAX 32 OR BELOW: 0 0.01 INCH OR MORE: 16 MAX 90 OR ABOVE: 0 0.10 INCH OR MORE: 12 MIN 32 OR BELOW: 7 0.50 INCH OR MORE: 6 MIN 0 OR BELOW: .0 1. 00 INCH OR MORE: 0 [HDD (BASE 65) TOTAL THIS MO. 606 CLEAR ( SCALE 0-3) 2 DPTR FM NORMAL -163 PTCLDY (SCALE 4-7) 9 SEASONAL TOTAL 2438 CLOUDY (SCALE 8-10) 20 DPTR PM NORMAL -266 [CDD (BASE 65) TOTAL THIS MO. DPTR FM NORMAL SEASONAL TOTAL DPTR PM NORMAL o o o o [PRESSURE DATA] HIGHEST SLP 30.48 ON 5 LOWEST SLP 29.84 ON 22 ,. SYMBOLS USED IN COLUMN 16 1 2 FOG FOG REDUCING VISIBILITY TO 1/4 MILE OR LESS THUNDER ICE PELLETS HAIL GLAZE OR RIME BLOWING DUST OR SAND: VSBY 1/2 MILE OR LESS SMOKE OR HAZE BLOWING SNOW TORNADO 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X Date Received: APR - 8 ZOlO Original submittal - http://www.ocs.orst.edu/pubJtp/climate_data/daily/lcd/eugene/eugOl 03 .txt 10/13/04 . L~~T=~2~; . . [TEMPERATURE DATA] [PRECIPITATION DATA] AVERAGE MONTHLY: 42.5 DPTR FM NORMAL: -0.3 HIGHEST: 59 ON 14 LOWEST: 25 ON 9, 8 TOTAL FOR MONTH: DPTR FM NORMAL: GRTST 24HR 1.02 2.79 -3.56 ON 16-17 SNOW, ICE PELLETS, HAIL TOTAL MONTH: 0.0 INCH GRTST 24HR 0.0 GRTST DEPTH: 0 8 [NO. OF DAYS WITH] [WEATHER - DAYS WITH] 9 X MAX 32 OR BELOW: 0 0.01 INCH OR MORE: 14 MAX 90 OR ABOVE: 0 0.10 INCH OR MORE: 7 MIN 32 OR BELOW: 13 0.50 INCH OR MORE: 2 MIN 0 OR BELOW: 0 1. 00 INCH OR MORE: 0 [HDD (BASE 65) TOTAL THIS MO. 621 CLEAR ( SCALE 0-3) 7 DPTR FM NORMAL 6 PTCLDY (SCALE 4-7) 11 SEASONAL TOTAL 3059 CLOUDY ( SCALE 8-10) 10 DPTR FM NORMAL -260 [CDD (BASE 65) TOTAL THIS MO. DPTR FM NORMAL SEASONAL TOTAL DPTR FM NORMAL o o D o [PRESSURE DATA] HIGHEST SLP 30.45 ON 3 LOWEST SLP 29.69 ON 13 [REMARKS] Page 2 of2 SYMBOLS USED IN COLUMN 16 1 2 FOG FOG REDUCING VISIBILITY ; TO 1/4. MILE OR LESS THUNDER ICE PELLETS HAIL GLAZE OR RIME BLOWING DUST OR SAND: VSBY 1/2 MILE OR LESS ~ SMOKE OR HAZE BLOWING SNOW TORNADO 3 4 5 6 7 Date Received: I APR - 8 20ID http://www.ocs.orst.edu/pub _ ftp/climate_data/daily/lcd/eugene/eug0203.txt Original Submittal 10/13/04 " . [TEMPERATURE DATA] AVERAGE MONTHLY: 49.2 DPTR FM NORMAL:. 2.9 HIGHEST: 78 ON 30 LOWEST: 32 ON 2 [NO. OF DAYS WITH] MAX 32 OR BELOW: MAX 90 OR ABOVE: MIN 32 OR BELOW: MIN 0 OR BELOW: [HDD (BASE 65) TOTAL THIS MO. DPTR FM NORMAL SEASONAL TOTAL DPTR FM NORMAL [CDD (BASE. 65) TOTAL THIS MO. DPTR FM NORMAL SEASONAL TOTAL DPTR FM NORMAL [REMARKS] 484 -80 3543 -340 . . Page 2 of2 MONTH: MARCH\ YEAR: 2003 -) -Lh~~~UU~; q4 7 N LONGITUDE: 123 13 W SYMBOLS USED IN COLUMN 16 1 FOG 2 FOG REDUCING VISIBILITY TO 1/4 MILE OR LESS 3 THUNDER 4 ICE PELLETS 5 HAIL 6 GLAZE OR RIME 7 BLOWING DUST OR SAND: VSBY 1/2 MILE OR LESS 8 SMOKE OR HAZE 9 BLOWING SNOW X = TORNADO Date Received: APR - 8 2010 Original submittal http;llwww.ocs.orst.edu/pub_ftp/climate _ dataldailyllcdJeugene/eug0303.txt [PRECIPITATION DATA] TOTAL FOR MONTH: DPTR FM NORMAL: GRTST 24HR 0.84 5.68 -0.12 ON 7- 7 SNOW, ICE PELLETS, HAIL TOTAL MONTH: 0.0 INCH GRTST 24HR 0.0 GRTST DEPTH: 0 [WEATHER - DAYS WITH] o o 1 o 0.01 INCH OR MORE: 25 0.10 INCH OR MORE: 15 0.50 INCH OR MORE: 4 1.00 INCH OR MORE: 0 CLEAR PTCLDY CLOUDY (SCALE 0-3) 2 (SCALE 4-7) 14 (SCALE 8-10) 15 o o o o [PRESSURE DATA] HIGHEST SLP 30.48 ON 28 LOWEST SLP 29.28 ON 14 10113/04 . Page I of2 . [. PRELIMINARY LOCAL CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA (WS FORM: F-6) STATION: EUGENE MONTH: ~ YEAR: 2003 . LATITUDE: 44 7 N LONGITUDE: 123 13 W TEMPERATURE IN F: :PCPN: SNOW: WIND :SUNSHINE: SKY :PK WND ==~============================================================================= 1 2 3 4 5 6A 68 7 8 9 .10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 AVG MX 2MIN DY MAX MIN AVG DEP HDD CDD WTR SNW DPTH SPD SPD DIR MIN PS8L S-S WX SPD DR ================================================~=============================== 1 52 39 46 -2 19 0 0.06 M M 11.2 29 230 M M 9 35 240 2 49 37 43 -5 22 0 0.04 M M 15.0 24 180 M M 7 3 29 180 3 51 37 44 -4 21 0 0.42 M M 10.8 25 210 M M 8 1 30 210 4 50 38 44 -4 21 0 0.25 M M 4.5 15 360 M M 9 1 21 340 5 47 37 42 -6 23 0 0.39 M M 12.8 21 180 M M 9 1 24 180 6 56 38 47 -2 18 0 0.07 M. M 9.4 22 170 M M 7 25 180 7 63 46 55 6 10 0 0.04 M M 8.8 16 240 M M 8 22 180 8 69 47 58 9 7 0 T M M 9.3 20 270 M M 4 23 260 9 61 46 54 5 11 0 0.01 M 0 4.4 10 270 M M 8 13 270 10 56 49 53 4 12 0 0.13 M M 6.3 14 230 M M 10 1 15 170 11 63 48 56 7 9 0 0.53 M M 5.9 15 180 M M 9 1 17 180 12 60 46 53 4 12 0 0.74 M M 6.0 17 250 M M 9 13 21 250 13 59 40 50 1 15 0 0.03 M M 7.9 25 250 M M 6 29 240 14 58 39 49 0 16 0 0.02 M M 10.4 21 190 M M 6 24 190 15 55 44 50 0 15 0 0.14 M M 6.2 14 190 M M 9 l. M M 16 57 44 51 1 14 0 O. 16~. M M 4.6 13 260 M M 9 1 16 270 17 56 42 49 -1 16 0 0.13 M M 8.7 21 280 M M 9 1 24 250 18 57 38 48 -2 17 0 T M M 3.7 9 350 M M 5 10 350 19 64 37 51 1 14 0 0.00 0.0 M 5.4 12 220 M M 1 13 240 20 63 42 53 3 12 0 0.71 M M 6.2 16 270 M M 8 1 18 260 21 54 46 50 -1 15 0 0.13 M M 3.0 12 300 M M 10 18 13 350 22 58 44 51 0 14 0 0.00 0.0 0 5.3 14 150 M M 7 17 160 23 54 41 48 -3 17 0 1.08 M 0 7.7 26 210 M M 10 1 31 190 24 54 37 46 -5 19 0 0.11 M M 8.7 22 220 M M 6 25 210 25 53 35 44 -7 21 0 0.16 M M 5.4 35 220 M M 8 125 46 220 26 56 39 48 -3 17 0 0.02 M M 11. 7 26 200 M M 6 32 200 27 63 36 50 -1 15 0 0.00 0.0 M 7.2 15 350 M M 4 12 18 350 28 57 46 52 0 13 0 0.03 M M 5.8 13 10 M M 5 15 10 29 64 41 53 1 12 0 0.22 M M 4.7 24 200 M M 6 13 26 210 30 64 42 53 1 12 0 0.00 0.0 M 5.1 12 290 M M 6 16 220 ================================================================================ SM 1723 1241 459 0 5.62 0.0 222.1 M 218 ================================================================================ AV 57.4 41. 4 7.4 FASTST PSBL % 7 MAX (MPH) MISC ----> 35 220 46 220 ================================================================================ NOTES: # LAST OF SEVERAL OCCURRENCES COLUMN 17 PEAK WIND IN M.P.H. Date Reoeived: PRELIMINARY LOCAL CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA (WS FORM: F-6) , PAGE 2 APR -8 2010 STATION: EUGENE MONTH: APRIL Original Submittal http://www.ocs.orst.eduJpub_ftp/cIimate _ dataldaily/lcd/eugene/eug0403. txt 10113/04 . . . Page 2 012 YEAR: 2003 LATITUDE: 44 7 N LONGITUDE: 123 13 W April '2-00~ (TEMPERATURE DATA] [PRECIPITATION DATA] SYMBOLS USED IN COLUMN 16 AVERAGE MONTHLY: 49.4 OPTR FM NORMAL: -0.4 HIGHEST: 69 ON 8 LOWEST: 35 ON 25 TOTAL FOR MONTH: DPTR FM NORMAL: . GRTST 24HR 1.15 5.62 1. 96 ON 23-24 1 = FOG 2 FOG REDUCING VISIBILITY TO 1/4 MILE OR LESS .3 = .THUNDER 4 = .ICE PELLETS 5 HAIL 6 GLAZE OR RIME 7 BLOWING DUST OR SAND: VSBY 1/2 MILE OR LESS SMOKE OR HAZE BLOWING SNOW TORNADO SNOW, ICE PELLETS, HAIL TOTAL MONTH: 0.0 INCH GRTST 24HR 0.0 GRTST DEPTH: 0 8 [NO. OF DAYS WITH] [WEATHER - DAYS WITH] 9 X MAX 32 OR .BELOW: 0 0.01 INCH OR MORE: 24 MAX 90 OR ABOVE: 0 0.10 INCH OR MORE: 15 MIN 32 OR BELOW: 0 0.50 INCH OR MORE: 4 MIN 0 OR BELOW: 0 1.00 INCH OR MORE: 1 [HDD (BASE 65) TOTAL THIS MO. 459 CLEAR (SCALE 0-:3) 1 DPTR FM NORMAL 16 PTCLDY ( SCALE 4-7) 13 SEASONAL TOTAL 4002 CLOUDY ( SCALE 8-10) 16 DPTR PM NORMAL . -324 (CDD (BASE 65) TOTAL THIS MO. DPTR PM NORMAL SEASONAL TOTAL DPTR FM NORMAL o o o o [PRESSURE DATA] HIGHEST SLP 30.26 ON 18 LOWEST SLP 29.56 ON 12 (REMARKS] Date rteeeivtld: APR - B 2010 OrigInal Submittal http://www.ocs.orst.edu/pub_ftp/climate_ data/daily Ilcdleugene/eug0403.txt 10113104 . . . . A'l"l'ACHMENT C Date R@eelved: APR . 8 2010 Original submittal . ~ . . Photo 1 - Looking south toward wetland from north side of property. Blackberries on the north side of the wetland, looking across the pasture area wetland into the forested wetland. The steep hillside is noticeable in the background. Photo 2 - South side of the forested wetland/upland boundary. Staking shows~Efficeived: changes at the boundary with the blackberries occupying the upland areas and grasses iIi the.. . wetland. APR .. 8 2010 Ori~if1!~\ ~Y!imllt!il! o :::1. :!fa. :>l I!!!. 'S> 'c: IU 3 ;;:;: ,- '!l!. Photo 3 (Above) - Shows the western property line (fence) where the wetland extends off site, Adjacent wetlands are slightly lower and have a longer hydro- period than wetlands on the subject property. . Photo 4 (Left) - Looking north across the wetland toward the apartment on the subject property. Wetland/upland boundary is at approximately the blackberry line. . . Ronald J. Derrick P.E. 410 NW Maxine Ave. Corvallis, Oregon 97330 PfI. 541-913-0220 Fax. 541-75U563 September 15, 2004 Me Michael Brandt-Drury 7906 Thurston Road Springfield, Oregon 97478 RE: LIMITED GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION MULTI-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT 6595 MAIN STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Introduction Preparation of this report has been requested by Ms. Renee Clough of Branch Engineering, Inc for the purpose of evaluating the subject site with respect to geotechnical engin.....;.." issues that may influence the design and construction of the project. A site reconnaissance and limited subsurface investigation was conducted on August 28, 2004. Backhoe exploration services were provided by Blue Pool Construction, a representative of the owner. Proiect Location and Descriotion The subject site address is 6595 Main Street in Springfield, Oregon, which is currently occupied by a single-story residential structure and two out buildings. The Sl'....;d~ portion of the property pertinent to this investigation is located in the ......:...1 portion of the property, see Figure 1. The project site is flat and covered with short grass. The proposed site develol'.......; is for two duplexes and one fourplex multi-family structures with associated parking and utilities. Investiaation Summart The following sources were reviewed for pertinent site information: United States Department of the Interior Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5 Minute Springfield Quadrangle Map, Photorevised 1986 . 1987 Soil Survey of Lane County Area, United States Department of Agricultural (USDA) Soil Conservation Service Oat~ R~{;eived: APR .. 820m Orlglnel eUbfnlital . . 6595 Main Street Page 2 USGS Geologic Map of Oregon, USGS 1991 o Relative Earthquake Hazard Map of Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area, IMS-14, Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) 2000 o Three backhoe test pits were advanced on site in the location at the approximate locations shown on Figure 1. The test pits were dug to a maximum depth of 7.5 feet below existing surface grade. Oregon Department of Water Resources Well Logs (attached) The USGS Quadrangle Map shows the site an approximate elevation of 520 feet above MSL. The soil survey indicates that the site is in the transition of the Coburg-Urban land complex and is described as silty clay alluvium overlying gravels and sands. The test pits excavated on site revealed there is a 2 foot thick topsoil zone underlain by rounded gravel set in a sandy sin and clay matrix to a depth of 4- to 6-feet before encountering a zone of obar-runo gravel material. A more detailed description of the subsurface conditions is described in the attached Test Pit Logs. None of the three test pits contained static ground water, however, TP-2 had slight seepage at a depth of 5 feet. Water was poured into TP-3 at a depth of 2.5 feet and the water rapidly infiltrated iridicating well drained soil. There was no caving of sidewalls, and no indications, such as soil oxidation or soil mottling, that would be the result of ground water table fluctuations above the excavated depths of the test pits. The 1 :500,000 Geologic Map of Oregon shows the site in the are of H_:__:..... age alluvial deposits. Interpretative Map Series 14 (2000) shows the site in the lowest hazard category for Relative Earthquake Hazard and Relative Amplification, and no hazard for Relative Slope Instability. There are no known or mapped faults in the vicinity of the subject site and the potential seismic hazard for the site is low. Well logs from the general vicinity of the site indicate alluvial sediments consisting of silts and clays underlain by sands and gravels at 4- to 6-feet below surface grade. The static water level.,,"~~,,";ed on the well logs range from 9- to 9.S-feet below surface grade during the winter and late summer, respectively. The depth to static ground water at the subject site is anticipated to be greater than 8 feet below the surface grade at all times of the year as there was no observed seepage and no indication of a fluctuating water table was observed in the test pits. Conclusions and Recommendations The near surface site conditions appear to be consistently underlain by alluvial soils consisting of silty clay and gravel with sandy silt and clay matrix. The site soils are suitable, both geologically and geotechnically, for the installation of the proposed multi-family housing units. It is recommended that the foundation areas be overexcavated 2- to 2.5 feet to remove loose topsoil. Soils below the 2- 2.S-feet depth are suitable for an allowable bearing capacity up to 1,500 pst. The expected static groundwater level is below 8 feet and will ~ adv~~ ~~~~1:1: , ~ APR '" 8 20lD Original ~UDIYiIltI!lI . . 6595 Main Street Page 3 proposed structures, although shallow perched water may be encountered during the wet season and deeper excavations for utilities may encounter ground water. Excavations to 6 feet should expect to encounter OSHA Type A Soil. The subgrade soils have a moderate shrink/swell potential and Ct....:.. ,ll; moist. F .v..c...;.ies should be impl~...",..;",j during foundations excavations to mitigate soil moisture fluctuations by covering with plastic sheeting or a p, v;","';;ve compacted aggregate layer at least 4-inches thick. Wet season excavation will require covering the foundation excavations with at least 4-inches of compacted aggregate to mitigate soil softening due to precipitation. The near surface site soils are well drained and although percolation testing was not I''''.;;,.....'''J on the site, it is anticipated that infiltration of surface storm water is viable. The site conditions do not warrant further investigation for the proposed development. This report was prepared for the Michael Brandt-Drury and his authorized agents for planning and design purposes associated with the specific project described herein. The report conclusions are based on the site conditions as they currently exist and it is assumed that the limited site locations that were physically investigated generally represent the subsurface conditions at the site. Should site develo,...,.:...; or site conditions change, or a su;"';"'.;;al amount of time goes by between our site investigation and site development, we reserve the right to review this ''':'I'w,; for applicability. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at 541-913-0220. Sincerely. Ronald J. Derrick, P.E. cc. Rene Clough. Branch Engineering Inc. Date Received: APR - 8 2010 Original Submiltpl . .- . . *~ ............... , ~ ,/ '\ :1 ~:! /r,1 i.1 ~. 0- ,i II' / ~ / '~ . I I r / 1 II . " I ~--77 :.,,,-.._.._ a.ct I;,., I . ~;:. 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" ~.//y','20V/)< Q.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I L~:;':i-151.. :'(j'j' , i '~.; r' ,'. . i & <5 ":" '\J 18~.f7 Sf',Sa> j ~ 30' :"iU"'_,,"T'.'L~'" _ l~~ "- ,t -.. ': ~ ~ SAE ~.'~-:-: ::.- .':.:-"'.. --1~.'-.t'J::1. ,-.-fr :I EXlSTIKi ~ ;(,,)8)</<; 20' l~.;.-", PFJ,~lfD ACTIVE Ifr STRUCTLfiE.... ><':l / ' .. s.'x!2:.,S _ 3,936 SO FT TP 2 ' . r-- 1....- . ' .. J I I RECREATION '. (fOREMAN)( ~ ,,7, . _ (GROSSFLOOR. ~ --~..,- ;0-........ .a" _ ".C -I 2'~FT ~'Vio"r ~>6'? .;;~ AREAl Pf 1i'!I!iII. Y/////.":.~.I...I'. '..'.' .:,:.<.::..".,.;,1 I ,,~."" - . ~ ," '" ." 'w/Zvj". I . , . .. ... -----, ':_T, ~ Q; '^ " -s:.~ ; -"-." ':'-"T;. -... ':--~:~.":ri1;': -1..'f....~._S\'(...f:.... '",'5 6 I I '>'V')<20;y:,;<.6,( . ", , ~ ,'::Y.. '1..12.'. .,,;,,' -. .. _ . I PROPOSED I .:...--'" -n x../IB x ,< . 6'.x61 --.J. --:-;'. .C J ." I. .~. DUPLEX -I. L \].. ~ -'-~ ":':'7" ~ ~ ~.i:. I .;, .1...'. .' ------~ 2AI68OFT . ,. - ---- "'... =-----..~- .'.1.1' (GROSS flOOR , ,. ,', ,', .--~...,--L> ...... ,g../I..- '72..,. ...c.8 I AREA! I -< '.'.',..' TP-3"':' ....-'---.~...""'n.-'-I.75.... ..', . . ..,. 7 I ;l~J · -a'8TM. . ~.1M /- L ~___.",. _ _~I'lo:,~,',i'J,:~-';9;J~'.'.1----oate ~e(eived: I :,~P") ) >=T'. ,[4 I. t A.~ ~R ?~m y ,. i' I j .. ... l,.j , : Original Submittal. I I : ~ =~" iJ;\ + " (' (;+ \, 11\1 1111 II11 ... t:illl I~ II~ 11II till ;I~ II~ 1I11 "I ;Q' '" " ~ >- CIl ~ I ~ ~ :J: ;j i;i >: !:! u ::t ~ 66' PAIWG 80' RIGHT-oF-WAY l. I ~ q ~ is ~ ~ ~ ',. /liil ' ,. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ il: q J 1..1... . FIGURE 1 - SITE PLAN , , . . OREGON DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES WELL LOGS Date R@eeived: APR ~ 8 laID Original Submittal I .1 j , I ~ LAN\::: "STATEOFOREGON .0'144 WATER SUPPLY WELL REPORT. . (uroqUocl by ORS m.76S) 1Ddrudi0ld for c:ompllltlftll thi. report a" OIllhe rut page of lbl. form. ') (1) OWNER: W.U N_ N_ ~..'"JtI ~{e4J!A~ Addrou Y-i-:-r.IV~ ~6 r"'Jr ~lV <;"..If/IAld..1=,~~..I2. . S_ ~If (l)-TVPi'OFWORK .----.- W....WOU or ..,..:.~ OAltmllioo(ropoir~)OA .., ... '.o\ (3j .,lULLMJ!:IHU": oRoloryAir oRoloryMud ~Cabl. oAugor q~. (4) PKOPOSED USE: laDomoolic DC.. D~ LlThonllal OIDjoolloD au-- (5) IlUIlt 8UU; CUNSTKUCTlON: SpociaI CCIlIIIUdioo ~oI oYu ~No DopdJ of ColqIllllocI WOU ..zJ:.n. E>pIotivu_ DYu ijlNo Type - BOLE SEAL ~ rr-,.. MaItrW,.... T. 8Mb....,..... --./t? J!J d czl'1.Jtltf . 0 IJ I~ ~ JL .1< .~ C!2!Ln oJnipli<la 0- ~ Medaod DA IJIC 00 DE DB How wu oul~ o~ Bod:fiIl p1l1<Ol1_ _ n. 10_ fL Gmelp__ __fL 10 fL (6) CASING/LINEIl: ~ Fnm ,.. 0.... 8'" CuiDg=---6 7-L 2L'gg. 181 o o o 18 MaloriaI Size of.....l - w..... ,........ 0 III o. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Liol::r: "'"' FiDa1locatiOl1oflhoo(.). 1'1. _. . (7) I'EKI"OIlATlONSlSCREENS:-. Op"f- Medaod os"".... Type .... From. I'll .. .N_mIaa'. DIuadn CMq o o o o o MalcrIaI ToIol,1po , - ~ (8) WElL TESTS: MlDlmum IesllDIl1lme Is 1 boor OPluq> ThY: ~ Bailor Dnw4o.. If' Flowing OAlto.11II n- 1m. o Air DrlD....... . WI!lLI.D.'L ".2-'7 ..- r'f,< START CARD'..,(O '71 ,r, (9) LOCATION OF WElL by lop! drsaiptloa: . County LA NllF LoIi1udo LoogItudo ToWDJllip 1 > '5" N or S Raoge "2. t:4J E or W. WM. SocbOl1 ~"'" N.F .1/4 M #" 114 fuLol .I" / Lot Bloct S "., ::, .: ... S_Addru.ofWoU(or__)Jr~- At.., &6 ,.~ li8) STATICWATEltEvgc,---. . __...__.__nU 9 fL below bod Ilriace. AIlooi..pmaun: Ib."",___ (11) WATEIl BEAlUNGZOm'F: Dale :V""'~ DIIo DopIh.. wIUcb w_ wu fnt fouud :Vi' I From J 7:- I I I I (U) WElL LOG: Gmmd ElovaliCll 'Bllltn...tNI Plow RaIe 6/'> To SWL ~ !U. To 4< It' 2~ 'J3 ,..,- SWP. I u.... o o o o o I _ From It;/' .s ,)/ 1. -:? I!!"A A.,N >-I 1~I'f~Nr4'", d'..~ A.,,,, /1! V~"'8n"""=D SAN07'6-P_I/' ::2~ ~ND "'~"'J'''~ 7_' I I I I I I I I I I I I Ongmi II ~uon Imal_. I I Daleotartod ~:z.~9" L..:...l '2/:U<~J? (UIlboadod) w..... wiil Coaotructa< CertfIkalIm: ol.lu~~~..;;t:.:id,~":.;.;,;;;pp~...~U.~~~.. MaloriaI.uIOdODdIDf. ...,.:.. roportodabove.._ IolllebutofmytDow....... ODd belief, ....... WWCN_ Oalo ~ ~.. L i:llt1 r l:i~t;;I;y "J. MAK U:> 1:1:1:1 .~D~ _ C ~n~ \ ..-..~lEf: ;'i(fj{.'i,;~::~..y;",..l & d!;M,g "._ ... ........4 SiBDed (booded) W..... Well ~dDr CertIIICllliCll: h=pl....,....;bility for Ibe 00I1IInIdi00, oItendi.... Of ,,'",...,.... """" ,_c, .' .; 011 lhis well duriDallle ...,..:. . dsturoportodsbove. AU """" p<ilfulDJO!! durieg lhi. time ,ill in COIJ!PIiaoce _ Oregcio ...- .upply woU _ .". d' ,.. lbisreportllb1lelolllebutatmy :... "J:.I..lIDdbeUer. ~ " ~ WWCN_M:t _ Siguod,., ~ ILh e?". _ Oalo ""/~ tf/?~ ORIGINAL & FIRST COPY-WATER RESOURCES lJEPARTMENT SECOND COPY-CONSTRUcrOR TlllRD COPY-CUSTOMFR TomponlIun: of w_1.i . DopIhAneoi.. Flow Found Wu . wM<<lPS!yIiI dooe? 0 Yes By wbom Did any 111'.... taDtain wiler DOt JUltlble f<< iDtcodcd Ute? 0 Too little OSIIly OMuddy 00d0r OColored O~ DopIh of mals: ~~!iB;~=~~~:~!:~~:~~F~~~~/ a;~ - :'/"\.1 1-1\ '~':~I- - . (l)OWNERlPROJECT: WElL NO. TW-l' <:~I r:t-j O@illU€ATIONOFWELLBylegaIdescrlption N,me Ca 1 vi n Ha 1 e - '\'kll Location: County Lane Adrlress 1448 Cheek Street Thwnship T17S (N~e R3W (Eo~Section 36 City Spnngfleld.slJiliO OR lio .97477 I. Nj: IJ40f SF 1/4 of above section. (2) TYPE OF WORK: '2. .Either Street addressofwelllocatioo 26QO Mai n Stre.et Soringfield. OR 97477 or Tax lot number of well locatioo 17-03-36-/1.-1-700 3. ATfACHMAPWITHLOCATION.LO~"J.~.a..t.u. Map shall include ":"'rr--.":-~te scale and north arrow. I BORE HOLE CONSTRUCTION * NOT A WELL * 'res No ial Standards 0 IXJ Depth of ",,"'I'~ted we!! 20 ft. .\h:a{T~ _a.. = _",,' :;ili ~. . .,,;.ti ~~~%J:~ ~ :~~6~(J:~ .0: ..,:<3: .r::F'.<3: material ,. .1).,. . .1).,. _;:'610: ~ oi'61o~ ","lded Threaded Glued 9'ttil . ~ .9.'tjil~ o. 0 Q "".liP" ~_.'..'/i'" . Pj;:<i ~~ B~~ Liner tD\~. ~ ~.D\~.t diameter .. in, -~fC%fl ~ ~ ~f@~~~ material ~..~..~.4.~..;;,. ~ ~ ~..?'.;'.;~.'.._..~.'...~.. "'"Olded. ThreaOded GlOUed ~"_~ ~ ~ "~ Gravels_ with somp ~l~:1 ~~:g~~I.; -:~:::Bentonite _ ~:~~-l:~:~ at I?"'. 1:<:l~.j1~~ ~1df: Amount 3/8" (400 lb~ I ~~'?;~~~ ~~;:;;~~i.. Groutweight14.11bsl ..G.\^~\,,'l~. n\^~v"l~ wI . elt~:~~~ ~1_~:1i-1 Borehol.diameler gal. ~~nrl. o.~~~l::2: ~ ~ K~"~~, 8 in. ~li"Q.'o ~.~ _ __ r- ~t.~'i. . .::' '.~. .;-:,".')Y':r ~~~ _ Bento~ p~ at least 3 ft.lhick F::::----"""l ",,'~l.'. ;....{.r"!.'::i':::Wft_!J~' Screen __ 1 ler ..... <3.....<;l. ':'.".. ."<..,,,. ...,. . - malena! ....-- a: . ..<>"....,.",... ..,.,.".......""g,."', ro:'~11 ~~~~ . ./' ~ S:~f{;, "?/{,,;;;;\.Q:~~~ sUe ~ KJ New co~~~n o Conversion o AIterii1!oril~pairlReconditioD) o DeePening . D! Abaudoumeut (3) DRll.,LING METHOD o Rolllly Air 0 RotarY Mud KJ Hollow.StemAu~er 0 Other o Cable . T 'lIld surface w"ter-tight flush vault ~eal _fL ro-< ~ft. (7) STATIC WATER LEVEL: 9 . 5 . F.t:. b.elow laud surface. Artesian Pressure l~'-sq. in. Date Date 8/19/94 SWL 468' Th SWL 6" 2' Q' 1'" .2.0' I I I I I I I 9~f:~ ~€ :~!'!~~ I Ark ~ i lUlU Signed AU9/Q/I. (5) _ _ i.unb_~ndedtMonitor Well Constructor Certification: I certify that the' work 1 peifonned on the construction. alteratioo,-or . abandonment of this well is in compliance with Oregon well construction. statldards. Materials used and information reported above are true to the best - knowledge and belief. (8) WATER BEARING ZONES: Dep~ at which water was first faun" Q....!' I I l"rom Th EsL t<low Rate 9.5' 20' I-300m (9) WELL LOG: Ground elevation WELL TEST: OPumP . OBat1er D Air~' Permeabilitv Yield Conductivitv - - PH .'Thmperature of water 55 ('Fi: Depth artesian flow round Was water analysis done? [l yes t:JNo By wbom? Paci fi c Northwest Laboratories Depth of strata to be aualyzed. From 9. 5 ft. to 20 RemMb: Grab water samole from hollow stem -- .;'!:I F1owing~~ian . GPM . in. --....: I JA~Ohrtlt ...en. ~ hprl Material From MWC Number l)al~ f!, . cbO~d~) M01i.t~; Vokll Constructor Certification: . I accept responSibility for the COnstruCtiOD. alteration, or abandonment . work. performed on this well during the construction dates reported above. All f1. work performed during this time is in compliance with Oregon well construction aUQer$Utdard~':' Thisr is lruetotheb fmyknowledgeaudbeJief. ~--;fl~~ MWCNmnber 10288 Name of supervising GeologistlEngineer SteDhen Lawn Signed ~A.~ I)at. 9/19/94 OR1GINAL&F1RSTCOPY-WATERRESOUR~DEPARTMENT SEC C PY-C R TIIJlU)COl'Y-CUS'rOMER o rn.c.k.4l.\^avf> 1 fi" ..5..iltv rlRv _ hlRrk ?' Q' ,,,, ntigln' I !'l"b!roitl.1 Date started All Q/q4 Complet~ ," . :1-;';' . N" . . . . LEGEND -f'ftB-5 [Z] . '.' , . o 10 30 ,.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.1 .. 5 20 (FEET) RECEIVED I I 'fFormer i Gasoline UST -.i Location i~.-.~-- *8-3 j L..____________. I r.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.J i% I ~07) : 0//1 I I I I i Stearn Cleaning . Area HALE SITE, 2600 Main St., Springfield, Oregon SITE PLAN Bergeson-Boese ~ As~ociates, Inc. Environmental Englneenng 65 Centennial Loop Eugene, Oregon 97401 (503) 484-9484 ..-_11-111.-- _ I.. "_I _1_:___ . .-/ Former ~ Heating Oil I x;;1- .: Location Shed-! .8-il I..... ! '~;.\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , . .MAIN STREET Soil Boring location and Identification Number Building Property Une _ _,,_ /I!,......u.. .,"-'--'-___"-. r--J '~'- /ShOP~ i ~ i I Former '/ / i Location //1 I I I I I I I I UST I I I : SEP 2 0 1994 I NATER RESOURCES DEP.1 I SALEM, OREGON I . P - t . Steam DISCharge om ! from Contiguous Property I Date ~$eelved: APR - 8 2010 Original Submittal. AGURE 2 IJOb Code: HALE-OI CAOD Fila: F'SA\ LVt\.HALEOl IScale:," ,; 30 fEET Drown: ERIC GR6P~ Chack.d:STEPHEN~LA~ I Dote: 1/29/9" . 'vp.~~ AUG 3 1 1999 STATE OF OREGON L"..... WATER SUPPLY WELL REPORT ? VlA1ER LERtMSOOURHE(;GtS Ui:PI (utoOjUiredbyORSS37.76S) SA , ON Instructions tor rollJl)IdiDI' lbiA report are 011 tbe lasl pqe of lblA Im-m. (\ (1) OW~:A...,Q..I n WeUNumber 1'1.... ~\;!'~0~ 'S'rh=l (f):~. tLl'1 Addrrn ~~ 5 Mm ~ 9!L~ ' s.... tj2 Zipq!:rfll (1) TYP OF ORK 1l!1NewWell ODoepening OAlIenlliOO(repair/fe<OOOi'ioo)OAb . d... ..t (:Ii DIlILLMETHOD: !B'R-YAir ORolaryMDd Oeahle OAuger DOdler (4) I'ROt ""...... USE: ODomeatic OConmmlty OIDW.1riaI OIrrigalioo + q'lbonuol Olnjodioo pL_~Odler._-ks _'" (~) IIOlU>liOU l.;UNSi'a(U(;llON: SpecillICOllIIrudioo~a1 Oy..~No Deplluilc..,.,letedweU ~II. . Explosives uoed 0 Y.. 81 No 1ypo Amoont HOLE SEAL DIamdar ,.... To MaWtaI p,.. TIt 8ad1a or,..... \'2.. D 2D k~~ 0 2J:J 32- Q '10 ~ (\ Boww..~pIaced: Mdbod OA DB DC OD DB 00 Odler a..; 9t' O~ ~D-.2.IQ-~ _ill p11COd from _ II. 10_ II. MalerioI Gravolplacedfrom _..11. 10_ II. Sizeofgravol (6) CASING/LINER: m Dlmaeler From ,..GMIp S.... Plude w.... TIn.... (AainB--1- ~'l 1$ ~ ~ 8 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 Lioer. III o o o o o o o o o o o f'\ Finallocatioo of Iboe(.) iT) I'ERFURATIONSISCkEENS: ~Pedontioaa Mothod --5.kr OSae... 1ypo . Slot ~,.;; lji- :i ~201 Malcrial TIIoIpIp< .... c..... 1lI ~ Iil IX! o t) I -I (8) WELL TESTS: MiDlmum testlnt\= . tp{J( cwH>ur IV'a.t1 Flowing gfP\uq> - 0 Bailor 0 Air 0 Ane.i... YIelj uUmI. DrawdOW1l DrBI .... .. TIme 'M'l) q,? Ihr, ?,[,,!,\ I 0'1 ~ tJ T__._.ofWaler ~l. DopthAne.illlFlowFound w.. . waIor aoaIy.is dooo? 0 Yea By whom Did any strata contain water DOC lAIitablc for intcoded UIe? 0 Too littk OSalty DMuddy 00d0r OColured OOther Depth of "'ala: . WEU.1.D." :2:2.545 START CARD, \\ lroRq (9) l,OCATION OFWELL by legal d..mptlon: County ~ Latibldo Loog;b1do Townabie " S Nor S Range 7 ~ B or w. WM. Scctim:::!14 Nil) 1/4 N€ 1/4 T", Lot:;:PO Let . Blode Subdivilion S_Addm.ofWeU(or.......taddresa) ~ ~ s-W ~~lI-(S~ Q&. ~~-{l' , (ii) 'If. C ATERUVEL: ...1,....100. 2.q II.bolowland_ DaIe~ AnelianprCllUlO !b.po"quore iIlcIl. Dale (11) WATER BEARING WNl!S: Depth II which waIor WIll rnt_ 2<;/ I I I I r (U) WELL LOG: Grouud E1ovali.. EJtimated Flow Ra1e 'J;fl ....~ +?cS -t '''''5 -L-:- ISWL Zq 1"U1 Ie.'f :~ From ~ '''2' i<< i'1.7 To It"p Ilo:t fr,,'7 :1SI.J u... o o o o o I MalerioI From I To """~o;1 f) l{ ~J '!'.lM 1.m&J. <,~I'" ~ L\ ?2. ~J ......1~ J"2.?- "1~ r~l ;:f~'~~~ ~1 i~ --RS 1;-1.11 """ I S,,-.1 "".uy 1\1.\ '!- a.....,1 ~.... \ \ CI 1.!7 G'nvhL.s..... <.~ \.,~ .\lI7l .Gm-o..e I ""- ....,~ I;'~ }.. \ liD ..2P.. I~'~: l~~" I I I SWL nEe 1 /; W11, r'\. ,t"" I"'le ~-I'''-.,l. fr.r\; ~ i ,~\I..., vow.... WA1tR~,-. , CW&M, QRE9'Or';'Q" .. ~Pi~ - i 2nl~ I VII!::llllall~ulJllll,~l.gJ-:-- Dalellar1ed~~1--I'lq _0lmp1e1ed --.adSICf<jl (""bmded) W.....W.IIC~Cet1lll..dOD. . ... ~ I certify that the work I pedormcdoo the CXlOItruction, aJtcratim, or .-. .". .;.... ..._ of Ibis wolJ is in complianco wilh Oresoo w..... _Iy weD CODJInlctioo _ Malcri~.uoed lIDd inflll1Dlllion lCpOrtcd abovo ore truolo Ibo best of my knowledge aDd belief. . . WWC Number Dale >.I..........~ .........' ...........................~~ GEOTECHNICAL HOLE REPORT , Jas required by OAR 69()..240-035) . (1) OWNE~. /.. H~Number /L Name ~...-C _: .~..... ~ Address ~..,--"'? 9 ~~ g. City "".....~~~/ St.le ~. (2) TYPE ()F g:fNew DDeepening DAJleration (repair/recondition)[\f Abandonment (3) CONSTRUCTION: .- ORotmyAir o Hand Auger DHollow Slem Auger ORotary Mud o Cable Tool %PuShProbe D01her (4) TYPEOFHOLE: reuncased Temporary 0 Cased Permanent o Uocased Pennanent D Slope Stability D Other (5) USE OF HOLE: . / ~ 77'..&..- r.;;' 4...1. "" Z;p~...;Z ; .~ .~ ....---~.. (6) Bv"",,, nvLE CONSTRUCTION: Special Construction approval D Yes ~n Depth?f Completed Holed!... ft HOLE SEAL Diameter From 1b ~att9U ~ From To ..1..5"1""/ ).-o/~(1.." ~I ~"}~'~ I I I I I I I I II Sacks or potDuls -2.<\ 45.s. I accept responsibility for the construction, alteration, or abandonment work perfonned during the construction dates reported above. AU work perfonned during this time is in compliance with Oregon's geotechnical hole construction st.andards. This report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. / License or Registration Number ;b~ Sign1!~~~./5..~.- Dale /D-c?J - )? - - - ,,--, - - /' Affiliation 7 ~<<,,~;'(/~ ~~;- THIS REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT WITHIN 3fDAYslaet&MR~M~RK I FIRST COPY -CONSTRUCfOR SECOND C9fPlR CY1fom Backfill placed from .::::::... ft to.....:::::.. fl Fi1terPackplacedfrom~ ft to~fC. Material Size of pac... Casil'~' (7) CAS Screen: To Gauge Steel I I~ ~ I ./,... I I I I /' 7 (8) WELL TEST: o Pump DBailer D Air Permeability Yield Conductivity - PH Temperature of warer ...55'" (ilt Depth anesian flow fou~d Was water analysis done? ~Yes 0 "No By whom? ~~ Depth of strata analyzed. From /Ii> ;' Remarks: o Rowing Artesian GPM ft. to /~/ '17""".._... ~~ ~ 4A ",',4- - > ()RIGINAL - WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT - 'fh<<"'<<I o o D D D D "- ......-- ft. ,- . (9) LOCATION OF HOLE by legal description: County ~ ,/ - - - L- Latitude Longitude Township ~" /;r- N o([)Range Ae-3 E O@WM. Sec'ion . ~ A/e:" 114 S€ 114 Tax Lot -. Lot _ Block Subdivision Street Address of Well (or nearest address) ~ 7' /P'?'ca.......: '~ c;;.: ~7'........~. ~~. -. ,;' ./ . wi location Identified must be attached (10) STATIC WATER LEVEL: ~ ' fl below land surface. Artesian pressure ...-- lb. per square inch. (11) SUBSURFACE LOG: Date /0 -.;;7/- Date Ground Elevation ~()" I Material Description From I>l"AIl'/~~-.4...r..... ~. I I 0' I ~ .G _ ,J:,':.. sc..L.~ 7'----:+--~ ' ~~. ~ /--:;z.r ~~?.. -~~_/._~ . <"...----...... ;-j'C: ~ 1-' Dale Started /6 - ~ - 0" Date Completed To S~ I"f .. I /,,2 I I I /o:~ /<> -~-o ~ (12) ABANDONMENT LOG: I Material Description From To I Sacks or Pound I _ ~ --?/h"" ~~ 0" ~I".:JS) /~ c: JK:C(~U ) NUV (l 7 7nfl~ / WA"ij:R RESbUR~Js' DEPT Date started k -~~~ ~ D'le~MiOI}i>lO~-", ~ ...---. ProCessional Certification (to be signed by a licensed water supply or monitoring well constructor, or Orego registered geologist or civil engineer). ft. ':"i(linal Submittal. tl , II 2'30" 5AooD B70oo0 FEET "74 J' 'J.... . SITE TEST PIT LOGS . Date Re(:;eived: APR ~ 8 lOlO . Original Submittal .TEST Pit LOG By:RJD .T PIT No. 1 . OF LOG: 08/28/04 Depth In Feet Sample I Moisture . In.situ Dry I Type \COntent (%1 )ensity (pctf uses Soil Description by ASTM Method 02488 o Clav (CLl. Dark brown,Ioose, slightly moist Topsoil 1 2 :3 Gravel (GM) 2" rounded gravel in a sandy silt matrix, dry to slightly moist very dense 4 5 Gravel (GM\ 4" rounded gravel with sand matrix, gray moist to very moist very dense 6 7 8 Bottom of Test Pit @7.5' No ground water or caving encountered 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Date Received: APR - e 2010 16 Original Submittal 17 'fEST PI1' LOG By:RJD .T PIT No. 2 .E OF LOG: 08128/04 Depth Sample Moisture In-situ Dry ~ In Feet Type Content (%) )ensitv (pet . uses Soil Description by ASTM Method 02488 o Clav (CLl Dark brown, loose, slightly moist Topsoil Soil appears 10 have been farmed in !he past 1 2 3 Gravel (GM~ Rounded gravel in a silty clay matrix with cobbles to 8", moist dense 4 5 Siltv Clav (CLl light brown, moist, firm to stiff, slight seepage at 5' 6 7 Bottom of Test Pit @ 6' No ground water or caving encountered 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 6ate Ret\:eived: APR = B 2010 16 Orlglnal Submittal 17 .. :nSST PIT LOG By:RJD .T PIT No. 3 . OF LOG: 08/28/04 Depth In Feet Sample . Moisture In-situ Dry I Type Content (%) )ensity (p~ . . uses Soil Description by ASTM Method D2488 o Clav ICU Dark brown, loose, slightly moist Topsoil 1 2 3 Sillv Clav ICU Brown, moist, finn good drainage PP 1.51sf 4 5 6 GravellGMI Rounded ~ravef in a silty day matrix with cohhlA~ tl'\ A... rn"i~t 7 Bottom of Test Pit at 6' No ground water or caving encountered 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Date RfJeelved: 15 APR ~ 8 2010 16 Original Submittal 17 ". . Oregun Theodore R Kulongoski.. Governor . Department of Transportation ODOT District 05 644 'A' Street Springfield, OR 97477 (54]) 744-8080 Fax: (54]) 726-2509 jeffrey.r.lange@odot.state.or.us .\ March 01, 2006 James Branch Branch Engineering Inc. 310 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477.-4643 I Notification of Satisfactory Construction and Transmittal of , Permit to Operate, Maintain and Use a State Highway Approach Highway Number 015, (McKenzie),[ at Mile Point 7.2 Application Number 3173 Subject: Your approach has been satisfactorily constructed. ODOT can now issue the Permit to Operate, Maintain, and Use a State Highway Approach. Upon notice from you, ODOT has inspected the completed approach and has determined that the approach was constructed in a satisfactory manner. Thus, a Permit to Operate, Maintain, and Use an Approach can be issued, and is enclosed. NOTE: The approach(es) can now be legally used. The effective period of the Permit to Operate Maintain and Use an Approach is set forth in OAR 734-051-0300, as follows: 734-051-0300 Effective Period of Permit to Operate, Maintain and Use an Approach (1) Except as otherwise provided in the Special Provisions, a Permit to Operate, Maintain and Use an Approach shall ue in effect for an indefinite period of time from the date of issue of . the Permit to Operate, Maintain and Use an Approach, unless: (a) Sooner revoked by mutual consent, or by the Region Manager for failure of the applicant to abide by the terms and conditions of the Permit to Operate, Maintain, and Use an Approach; (b) There is a change in use of the approach, as set forth in OAR 734-051-0 I 10; (c) There is a significant increase in the volume of traffic using the approach, a change in the character of the traffic using the approach, or a change in the highway facility such that the approach can no longer be operated without undue conflict with other traffic, as set forth in OAR 734-05 I -0380; (d) The highway facility is significantly improved to meet classification of the highway and the highway segment designation objectives, highway mobility standards, spacing standards and safety criteria that are inconsistent with the approach; or Date Received: (e) By other operation oflaw. APR - 8 2010 Original SUbmittal .. ., .' . . Notification of Satisfactory Construction and Transmittal of Permit to Operate, Maintain and Use a State Highway Approach Highway Number 015. (McKenzie), at Mile Point 7.2 Application Number 3173. Wednesday, March 01, 2006 Page 2 (2) The Permit to Operate, Maintain and Use an Approach, the privileges stated therein and the obligations of the applicant thereby shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of the applicant, including successors in interest to the property being served by the approach. (3) The operation, maintenance, and use of an approach is subject to the control of the legislature over the state highway system, The Permit to Operate, Maintain, and Use an Approach shall not be deemed or construed to be beyond the power or authority of the legislature to control the state highway system, The applicant in accepting the Permit to Operate, Maintain, and Use an Approach acknowledges that the rights and privileges may be changed or relinquished by legislative action. If you have any questions regarding the operation, maintenance or use of your approach(es), please contact me at (541) 744-8080. I welcome the opportunity to assist you. Sinc;erely, . ~W~ Michael Wilbur, Permit Specialist ODOT District 05, Maintenance Office Attachments (Permit(s) to Operate, Maintain and Use a State Highway Approach) eat" RifJeived: APR = 8 lDlD Original Submittal FAX: ( ) Property Information I AddreliS: 6696 Main Street Sorlnafield OR 97479-7006 County: Lane HIghway: McKenzie I MllePolnl: 7.20 l.andmarKs: Plan View o~onDepe~ntiff/~~ , -u;;r 'P Application Id: 3173 Highway Number: PERMIT TO OPERATE, MAINTAIN AND USE A STATE HIGHWAY APPROACH MilePolnt: 7.20 Reason for Request: New approach PERMIT NO: 51643 016 N ---- >-= /T ~--~ -- --~- x: w co . ~ E .a :J rn m c m "C o Applicant Information I N'J~mes Branch I Company: Branch Enalneerinalnc. Addreas: = , 310 5th Street Springfield OR 97477-4643 Route: ORE126 . Phone: (541)746-0637 eMMall: Engineering Station: 320+81 tslCle01 Hwy: R Natl !'-orest?: Approach CIL is 9' West of N. 66th Street CIL Effective Period A permit to operate, maintain and use an approach shan be in effect for iU1 indefinite period of time unlessl (a) revoked by mutual consent; (b) Revoked for failure to o.bi.dc by the terms and conditionsl (c) A change of use occurs lla set forth in OAR 734-051-0045j (d) Safety or operational problems exi5t Il.8 set forth in OAR 734-051-0275; (e) The highway facility issignificandy improved to meet classification of tbe highway, highway mobility standard standards and safety criteria that are incol1sistent with ehe approach orj (t) By other operation of law. Failwe of the applicant to comply with any of the terms and conditions of the permit shall be sufficient cause for c; the pennit and may result in removal of the facility by the Oregon Depl1nment of Transponatiol1. The Permit is issued subject 10 the provisions of Oregon Administtauve Rules 734-051-0045 through 734.051..Q355, reference made II part of this permit; and which are in effect at any particular time in the dwation of the pennit. Specification Widttl{W): 24.00ft wrn~Wldth(X): 4.00ft I PavIng Lmt(P1): .00ft I sur1{Ds): 33.00ft I Culvert: None Sub 8ase Cr&e: Angle (A): 90 Curb-Sdwlk(l<): 6.0011 Pavlngl.ml(P2): .00ft Diem; Len: .001n .00ft Thickness: ~aintenance of Aoproach Prior to performing any malnte""nca work on tha approach, which will interfere with or interrupt traffic upon or along the highway, the applicant ehall obtain approval snd necessary permits from the District Office, In all cases where traffic sIgnals have been required, signal maIntenance will be performed by the Oregon Department of Transportation or as assigned by a Cooperative Cost Agreement. BaseCrse: 19mm - 0 Allarellats Base (314" - 01 I LevelCl1le: Iwearcrse: Reinforced Concrete Thickness: 12.001n Thickness: . Thicknes$: 8.001n Property Owner Information Address: 3801 Hawthorne Ave. Eugene OR 87402-1846 I Tax Lot Information II Township Range Section Tax Lot J 17 02 34.44 1200 This permit is not valid until signed by a duly authorized representative of the Oregon Department of Transportation. Name: Wayne Shantz Company: Phone: l641) 688-6769 eMail: FAX ( I AUlhOrlZep9nature /J T7?<3'7LA' /~.<L Pagelof1 Date 3/0/'06 -. CHAMPS. d_rpl:Jlermit_apprch_use Printed: 03/01/2006 09:40:07 AM . . '. PERMIT NO: 51643 PERMIT FOR ENCROACHMENT, CONSTRUCTION ON OR USE OF STATE HIGHWAY Oregon Department of Transportation 1i "0 ~ > Applicant: James Branch Company: Branch Engineering Inc. . $ 150.201 Within 48 hours before beginning permit work and again after completing permit work, the Applicant (or agent) shall notify the District permitting a?; representative. Q:! 150.501 The permitted work is located within the Oregon Utility Notification Center (OUNC) area. The OUNC is a utilities notification system to notify ownW of utilities about excavation work performed in the vicinity of their facilities. The utilities notification 5ystem telephone number is 1-800-332-2344._ 170.303 Applicant shall be responsible and liable for (1) investigating presence/absence of any legally protected or regulated environmental resource(s) in~ the action area; (2) determining any and all restrictions or requirements that relate to the proposed actions, and complying with such, including bcir"': not limited to those relating to hazardous material(s), water quality constraints, wetlands, archeological or historic resources(s) state and federal threatened or endangered species, etc; (3) complying with all federal, state, and local laws, and obtaining all required and necessary permits and approvals. Application Id: 3173 Highway Number: 016 MilePoint 7.20 PROVISIONS Reason lor Request: New approach lithe applicant impacts a legaily protected/regulated resource, applicant/permittee shall be responsible lor all costs associated with such impact, including, but not limited to all costs of mitigation and rehabilitation, and shall indemnify, and hold harmless ODOT lor such impacts and be responsible and liable to ODOT for any costs or claims that ODOT may have. 225.051 Submit the following In writing five days before the permitted activity. _ Proposed Traffic Control Plan (TCP) showing all Traffic Control Measures (TCM). Include the proposed order and duration of ell TCM. Do not start work on any stage of construction until all TCM are In place and the TCP is operating satisfactorily. 1.000 SPECIAL PROVISiONS: 2.000 This permit 15 conditioned upon appiicant gaining all required approvals from the City of Springfield. 3.000 Applicant Is required to complete all construction within the right-aI-way to the satislaction of ODOT and according to ODOT specifications. 4.000 The applicant 15 required to keep vegetation trimmed back to maintain approach sight distance. CHAMPS - d_rptprov_woasb Page 1 of 1 Printed: 03/011200609:40:09 AM ~ =- c-.:. cO to Iii :0: E .13 ::1i CD! tiii a:: .OJ, .t:"- o a::: CL- <C