HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 10-17 04/19/2010 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD RESOLUTION NO. 10-~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD COMMON COUNCIL ADOPTING A LIST OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS TO BE FUNDED BY STORMW A TER SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGES, AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on July 20, 2009, the City adopted a methodology to be used for setting rates for Stormwater Systems Development Charges; and WHEREAS, ORS 223.309(2) provides that a City shall base an Improvement fee on a capital improvement plan or project list; and WHEREAS, the City Council, on October 20, 2008, adopted a Stormwater Facilities Master Plan setting forth a list of capital projects required to meet the needs of development; and WHEREAS, the City Council has also adopted a Capital Improvement Plan which includes additional projects which are reasonably required to provide stormwater service to areas within the existing city limits; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has recommended that for purposes of ORS 223.309(2) a list of projects upon which Stormwater Systems Development Charges should be based, derived from both the Stormwater Facilities Master Plan and the Capital Improvement Plan should be adopted; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has provi~ed the Council with such list, a true copy of which, bearing date of March 9, 2010, is attached hereto, and by this reference incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, the City duly gave notice that on April 19, 2010, a public hearing will be held on the matter of the adoption of the project list and did, on said date, conduct a public hearing; and WHEREAS, the Council has considered the report and recommendation of the City Manager, andthe testimony at the public hearing; and WHEREAS, the Council having considered all of the testimony and facts, and being well- advised in the premises, finds and determines that it is in the public interest to adopt the proposed project list as the Capital Improvement Project List for Stormwater SDCs for determining Stormwater Systems Development Charges: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Stormwater Systems Development Charge Project List is hereby adopted; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall take effect upon adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield, Oregon, by a vote of 2- for and ~ against, this 19th day of April, 2010. ATTEST: CitYRe~ REVIEWED & APPROVED A~ TO FORM ~ \i:to:J~r.~ ~ Ltt 1"\\,,\ DATE: "-l I '5 f \\':) OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY RESOLUTION NO. 10-17 Public Facilities & Services Plan Ref. No. NA 115 111-8 100 119 121 111-A 108 123 215 stormwater Master Plan Ref. No. 2 4 7 10 12 16 18 NA 12 28 Stormwater SDC Project List Water Quality Projects Project Location/Description Nature of Project FY Ending r- I Estimated Project Cost $0 $1,974,250 $1,472,463 - $522,$75 $1,850,000 $1,965,525 $529,838 $8,975,000 $1,2n,OOO $500,000 $19,066,451 City Wde Growth SDC Eligible in Impervious Cost Per % Area Grcrwth 12.7%___!\ 12.7% $250,730 12.7% $187,003 12.7% $66,342 12.7% $234,950 12.7% $249,622 12.7% $67,289 12.7% $1,139,825 12.7% $162.179, 12.7% $63,5001 Subtotal $2.421,439 Public Facilities & Stormwater Es~mated Cjty Wde Growth SDC Eligible Services Plan Master Plan Project Location/Description Nature of Project FY Ending in Impervious Cost Per % Ref. No. Ref. No. Project Cost Area Growth NA 11 N 'Mllamette Heights drainage study 11/12 $62,484 12.7% $7,935 NA 14 S Willamette Heights drainage study 14/15 $62,484 12.7% $7,935 NA 17 Gateway Gamebird System drainage study 14/15 $62,484 12.7% $7,935 NA NA Cedar Creek Intake Reconstruction Study drainage study 11/12 $125,000 12.7% $15,875, NA 43 Corporate Way Pond Vegetation Plan drainage study 11/12 $60,000 12.7% $7,620, NA 43 Maple Island Slough Study drainage study 12/13 $60,000 12.7% $7,620, NA NA McKenzie Oxbow Study drainage study 10/11 $125,000 12.7% $15,875l NA NA Metro Waterwavs Studv drainSlJe study 14/15 $350 000 12.7% $44,450, Subtotal $907,452 Subtotal $115,246 Public Facilities & Services Plan Ref. No. . 112-A NA 109 115 116 117 NA 120 111-A NA NA 210 NA Stormwater Master Plan Ref. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 13 15 18 19 20 27 NA _~y Creek channEll & Pipe Improveme~ Channel 6 Det Pond, Channel & Pipe Improvements 72nd St Channel N Gateway-Sportsway Flood Control & Water Quality Facility McKenzie Forest Products Mill Pond Water Quality Facility Island Park Water Quality Facility 69th st Open Channel Mill Race Restoration & New Intake Lower Mill Race Water Quality & Riparian Enhancement! Q Street Channel Ripariian Enhancement! New Channel and Pipe and e~sting chann~__ New pond and pipe 14/15 existing channel improvements 19/20 new man made wetland facility 11/12 water quality pond Improvements 11/12 new man made wetland facility 10111 existing channel improvements 14/15 existing channel improvements 10/11 existing channel improvements 11/12 existing channel improvements 14/15 Subtotal Drainage Study Basin Specific Flood Control Projects Project Location/Description FY Ending Nature of Project Glenwood channel & Pipe Impr~vements (Inside City Limits) l2!:a)' Cre~k chann~.!. & E!Pe"'!p~me~ _ _ Jasper Natron Outfalls and assQciated Pipe Systems Channel 6 Detention Pond, Charnel & Pipe Improvements 5eth & Aster and Daisy St Parallel Pipe Irving Slough S 67th St Central Over-Under channel & Pipe Improvements 69th st Open Channel Upstream End of South A Lawnridge Jasper Slough Improvements "S" and '1'" Drainage i New Storm Pipe and existing Channel tmprovemef'\ts New Channel and ~pe a~d eXIsting channel -: New and existing Pipe and Channel improvements New pond and pipe replacement of existing pipe system new pond and existing channel improvements existing pipe replacement existing pipe replacement existing channel improvements replacement of existing pipe system existing pipe replacement culvert and channel improvements new pipes and channel~ 13/14 13/14 11/12 19/20 10/11 14/15 10/11 16/17 14/15 17/18 19/20 12/13 14/15 Subtotal Ongoing City Projects Project Location/Description City VVide Aerial Mapping Ongoing storm Drain Master P1annin!; Participation in minor private projects Water Quality Im~rovements to Accommodate New developmenl Riparian Land Managemen' DrainaQe Channellmprovemen~ FY Ending Nature of Project MS4 Permit Required Planning activitie~ MS4 Permit Required Planning activitiel! MS4 Permit Required Public Improvemen~ MS4 Permit Required Public Iml>rovemen~ acquisition & management of riparian land! reQulatory and environmental reQuiremenu SUbtotal STORMWA TER SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE METHODOLOGY AND SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE ADMINISTRATION FEE . 3/9/2010 ~asin SpecifIC Es~imated Growth in Project Cost Impervious Area $2,000,000. 8.8% $.0 ~1.1~ $2,758,125 83.4% $1,126,375 3.5% $2,156,000 9.5% $2, 196,500 3.5% $312,000 9.5% $2,398,000 1.9% $2,372,500 21.1% $648,000 25.1% $902,000 3.5% $60,000 83.4% $600,000 12.7% $17,529,500 Subtotal SDC Eligible Cost Per % Growth -ll~,~ $Q $2,300,276 $39,423 $204,820 $76,878 $29,640 $45,562 $500,598 $162,648 $31,570 $50,040 $76,200; $3,693,654 . SDC Eligible % Sdc Eligible Cost Per % On Going Project Cost $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $500,000 $200,000 $637,000 $1,937,000 12.7% 12.7% 100% 100% 12.7% 3.5% Subtotal Grand Total $25,400 $25,400 $200,000 $500,000 $25,400' $22.295! $798,495 $7,028,8351