HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Compliance Report 2010-4-12 -.~-~- .- ........ ~ \ y. .. . \", ..... ~,--,-, " ...- l' -T-_~ ~...;. .J ::'~., ., t;,... . :';: ~'Io .'!-fj . , ... "'~"~'" ~:" 'f. ~"Y..l ..... . .... ~:..~:..., ":~ of'..' ~.~t,: ~.J~~I . .... . . ~...,J"'~ ,'I:, . ", ,.,,,,.r , '.. e._.~ ~ : ". J \ ~ :~~r~it No.: (OM?OOC, - (j /231( j ,. -+ r;., . Site Address: ~ TJI f .tCJ..5 3 . A-5kr- sJ- i'. ':';;. .. AS4 , Subdivision/Lot: 'F;fr, --L-. - - , and/or. I 0 Map and T~x Lot: ~ 7 . A 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD,OR97477 'I. PHONE (541)726-3753 , . FAX {541)726-3689 , .f-WWW.ci.springtield.or.us ~ . . '" , ,'~" J .' I \ mGR-EFFlCIENCY LIGHTING SYSTEMS '1' } OREGON RESIDENTIAL SPECIALTY CODE (ORSC) .... r " ~ I ~ .... -- " . " ..... yJ. &J rJi c-r?'-lj)/ -' ~ ( ~1 1l4e;J" '-':S } ()'~ rJ'vIS I (1-- . ,-. i 'I. 'i:~. -1 \K .~I,. 1 Bymy signature.below, I c.erti~ that a ~um 0: [l E~\50) perc~t.' It s;;enty-~:e (75)fe:cent, 0;' f(, 4 the pelmanently illstalled lightmg..!ixtures ill the above mentioned bUlldmg ve bee~~tal~d W1* compact or hnear fluorescent, or a lighti.rl~ source that has a IIJinimum efficacy of 4 lumens per )m?8.t watt. (Orego:! Residential Specialty Code Nil 07.2)1_ '" I, I , 1'" * Cheek the 75% box if the additional measure 'selected to comply with ORS N?[10l.1 d Table NllOl.l(2) reo.uires 7 of lighting fixtures to ha energy effi~ient lamps. ~' J . -' \ ,,;. ~ - . .' Signe,d:.. Date: Lf r.-t< ( 2 -I 0 Olvner-/General ContTactor/Aut~ e, gent " - /'. ,~ f ~./" . ~\ D {A~ :;~~ >e-' '~11 r Ot ~ ,:!3 ~ ~ f ( I 2- r l~ Jurisdiction , '.,,' ,l. ... '!'. . , .', . ' .. ~- ,: .' " ..,.: . Print. .., ,'. t; Name: . -..., '.;' ':.' :' .. ,. ~ 'f, ~~ ~ , . ,.""".,!" ... ~1! ',' : ~t'~. 1~'otitr,actor's CCB # ....!' ,~" . o/it.1' - ., ....~ :' , :- ~ 'f' ',"." Jt.,:,.; . . '..'~ 'w ...... ~. ....... ~, ...'~. ."., ... "',. .if ...: ..--: ...;... . t'"'\. , "'-"- ,,,-...,~..,, .Jl. ',"".,: .~..~.. '. , W ~ " <';;'.'0:;. . .. \ r : ' ~...: I O~~ecnon'NII07.2. 'Hi -Efficiency Lighting Syslems. A minimum of fifty (50) percent of the p~nently install~d , ',", ltgb,ting-lixtt\ie's. seventy-five ,5%) percen!, if the selecled additional energy code measure, in the Table NIIOl.l(2) requIreS I, ::" . gteate't"lig~fihg ef!i~i~ncy, ,hall b~ ,~lalled with Compact or linear fluorescent; or a'lighIilt source that has a mimmurn efficacy of , , , .. 40,lumens peNnput wall. $crew:tn compact fluorescent lamps comply with this requirement. ' ;'.~'. t . . ." ' ,. ~ .: I, " . .. ~ ' . ~ .. ..... . .~".' . . fl ~.' The B~iling.offiC'i~15~1l ~e ~titie.d in wri)ing at the.~l insoection that a minim~ of the required percentage ?fthe , : , permanently mslalled ligbting fi:1<tures are compacl or linear fluorescen!, or a minimum efficacy of 46 lumens per mput wall. .' . --.. . .0:,. ~ Ii! , . '.~ . " . . ~ ~ " . t' "~. . ....~... '.' . ~.,,' . ~ ,~. '. t ,C~\High-Efficien~~uid ",,'l:\" .... ", .' \~ ,I "Ii _..~- --..:---. ". ~ _....... .J.. ~ ., 'j_ 1 ( \ ~ ( Expiration Date: 2- . -f; ~ '.. ({) ,. - " .... , '" I: " , - 't1i. i. . \ I . ,\ I 1 .;/ . \ " , 'r- -../' -