HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2009-8-18 .... ~ METCO INVESTMENT REALTY, INC. 0..\9. \-03 Sales' Leasing' Property Management Exchanging' Development. Consulting August 18, 2009 Lou Lorge Sharkey's Sports Pub 4221 Main Street Springfield, OR 97478 RE: Building Pennit Dear Lou, In May of this year I forwarded to you the enclosed request from the City of Springfield regarding a sign pe~it for Lucky Lou's I am now forwarding'to you a Warning Citation from the City for the same thing, I respectfully request that you contact the City and arrange for the necessary pennit and inspection now so that we arc in compliance with the City's requirement. Thank you for your cooperation and please advise me when this matter has been taken care of . Siri~,~tli" . V~V RonPe~ ' . Property Management cc Lisa Hopper ""'lo.\]"" '" . 'h ,( ,;:,,:. (ll ~': (, \. '''' .,..: _ '~ . .: :,1 " , " ..... - ,'I ., " . . . .' .~ - 'L ~~:': ',<~ ",.-1\. ;".., :.I;.,.fl...,,'.:.',:', , f,,t .f''',. ..,'. .;"..'..;...".,..... . '.... iF,; -::: ~.l;.~ ;::-: ,: . ...... . ;. (;"Wi..1'\!:((~ :-1 "'a -,1' ",-'; f'I~ :..~h '! . :', ~, ~ ('I L i ~ "l "I ''t'.' ,. :.. ., ~, .~. . . f '1 :,r ',I~ ! ";' '," ,.. .. ,-;\ '.::~kj iC',<'r' .A ,. ~ Il.' ",- :-:~r~+:: '.' " .'.: 'I'l.' !n .'..' ','. : ", ," .:,' " '. 'I , , , : I~'" : ,.or., ,; 1 ' '-, ~.j '~. Commercial & Industrial Real Estate Services 326 Main Street. Springfield, Oregon 97477 . Telephone: (541) 683-9001 . Focsimile: (541) 683-3957 'Nww.metcorealty.com' .' EMail: metco@metcorealty.com . '" - ,. . , .. . .- . .. . ,- ',~' . . ~ .' .. . ...." . I' ~. PHONE (541)726-3753 FAX (541)726-3689 www.ci.springfield.or.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT CODE ENFORCEMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 WARNING CITATION DATE ISSUED: August 14, 2009 CASE#: 2009-609 NAME: Virginia E. Pfeifer Trust 1810 15'h Street Springfield, OR 97477 LOCATION OF VIOLATION: 4215 Main Street, Spfld, OR BUILDING PERMIT REFERENCE NUMBER: COM2008-01190 ORiGiNAL DATE OF PERMIT: 11/13/08 SPECIFIC VIOLATION: Section 305(a) of the Building Safety Code Administrative Code. You obtained a building permit for a sign at Lucky Lous Deli. The permit expired on 6/12/09 without arranging the required inspections to complete the project. REQUIRED CORRECTION: You must renew the permit and arrange for the required inspections to complete your construction project. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Office hours to oblaining permits is between 8:00 a.m. and noon or between 1 :00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. If you wish to discuss the violation, or the required correction, you can contact Community Se/Vic~s staff by calling 726-3753. Thank you for your attention to this matter. POTENTIAL SCHEDULED FORFEITURE: $500.00 first offense/$1 ,000.00 second offense. Each day.a violation continues constitutes a sepa"rate offense. IF COMPLIANCE IS NOT ACHIEVED WITHIN SEVEN (7) DAYS OF THE DATE OF THIS WARNING, A CIVIL INFRACTION CITAITON WILL BE iSSUED. .-copy: . Lisa Hopper, Management Analyst II David Bowlsby, Builairig Permit Review Tech - .. City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97~77 5~ 1-726-3759 Phone 5~1-726-3676 Fax May 14,2009 LutL L(J~ ~ ---- --- VIRGINIA E PFEIFER TRUST. 326 MAIN ST SPRlNGFIELD OR 97477 Jab Number: Lacatian: COM2008-01190 4215 Main St Project: Sign - Lucky Laus Deli Dear l'ermitllolder: The Springlicld Building Sa!Cty Code Admini'strative Cade provides that in arder for a permit to. remain valid, the work whieh has been autharized by the permit must begin within 180 days 0.1' the date or issuance, and an inspection must be requested at least every 180 days. Acearding to our recards, you abtained a permit ror a project at 4215 Main St which is set to. expire Oil 6/12/200'). Ourrecards indicak that you have not requcskd an inspection within the past live (5). months. This letter is written to. natify yau that yaur perrnit(s) will be expiring shortly. Ifyau arc ready to. request an inspection far yaur project, please phane the inspection line at 541-726-3769.. If yau do not request an inspection priar to the expiratian date, your permit(s) will expire and additianal permit fees will be required in arder to. camplete yaur'projeet. .. Ifiau have any questians, please feel free to. phane me at 541-726'3790. -. s~, \\f(\~ . :i Lisa Happer \J ~~ Building Safety Management Analyst