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Permit Correction Notice 2010-2-25
~'~ r~-',- .~~""",.,'.;'lI.',Q ._!;:,,~,.A;"'="':.~i!.T . ~ .;~~......~,1tr;'1.:r.W-:,<~~ .....:~, l/',.'''-''~~~:.r,lj....;-' ..l{~,:"'"~'',''',j'''''''''''~-e~~.1-.f$.;(-.t::'''..,V~.l''' ;;..o";:'\o,fW~,~-...;Y'"~"".,. .'" ~'. I"";"'~~.'I'~ , . ~~~""'~Wn".'''n''''-''' ~...."~,, ..,-".. W.f\...;.;-'>l...'1-..........."":" .....,',.."..''\V~.... . City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street Date:,12 12 t;, Zo /0 Job# C . 10 - 0025 ,,/ Address: 7.0; 'if -5 / f1 'r II Inspection Type: E I-f.C'rN::rA-L- SPRINGFIELD ~- TO: 1i-I1'!11)1)~) ~AFf)'/IXf. :f,;::. RA/;;: ( .J= 2j~O ,~-6 T rJ Sf IH( 7_ /' .. f\ ,..., _ Ar V!/J,~ G'>. " "7 C-/J. "b (~/lI"),~ '''-IJu~ ,~~. ~..JI//< I Corrections and reinsp~ion request shall be mad~ within. -< 6 calendar days. Z ~ _ Call for reinspection ~yes DNo Inspector (~() Y I) t:'>0J Date: L - &!> -2016 NNNNNNNN.NNNNNCall for inspection 726-3769NNNNNNNNNNNQuestions 726-3759NNNNNNNNN