HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed SUB 2/12/2010 " ~ '~~~~rlT~'-----~'" ' ~~';;':~~::~::j I ~,.L-~~~~ '-.j-'i < -,-: "".:; I .>:'~.'.:.~-f~ i ...~-:~~~ ':'.r-<~'l ~~~,,~l I",~ "";,.. -;;::...... "I' 1- "~ j ~ i I. ! j 'I !~,~ ,,: ',.1 .ii OS",:' > ~" :;;~~{~~:':::':1::i,r;Y";;Sfu~%.~~:Z#;;:";~:;:~.i,~;::'''' ,,,,,",""'C~";'=O';':";.:C;~'~~,",.,, ;:;':~"" : .,/ , '"J L , r:' ! i, .,. ~ . "II:: -, " '; '"r'-,! 'L! 1;( . .....- "!J(;H(ifj WARnANTY DEED e "7 -st.'- /.5: FOR VALVE REOEIVED ClG~~"CO .L. Schococ and ~~rothy' E. Scharer, huaband and,Yi{o. horoln rotllttCd to .ILl an,ntoh, herClby ..rant. bnr,qn.lD. aoU and eGDYGY unto . CLty o[ Sprlnt[lo1d, Q municipal corporation. by tho Sprinsflold UtiU~y BO:Ll"d. bOl'Oht rotolTcd to ILl ~tOOl. the toUawltlw dOlulbod reAl ~::) \ property, wJth tOIlOrDOntll. "orec1l~onb and Loco Sand 6, Block 2 of EXTENDED SURVEY OF SPRINGPIELD, a~ platted and rocordod in Sook "l". Pas.o 1. Lsno Count)' O1'080n Dan~ Recorda, In Lonu Count)', Oroeon. I,n,,-,_,', . '~.',' " . ':!:::\ . ,8 " '" TO IIA VE AND TO HOLD tho GA!d prom1sca unto Hid Gmntoaa. their hc.l" And aulrn. torevor. And the acid Orontora harcby covonant that tho,. I1re lawfully oolzod fn teo Illmplo 01 O4ld promJuO$i thnt tlioy Aro irl!D trom aU Ineumbrancol, . I",., ~ ! " , j 1 O:ltodR". nlld" that they will wal'n\nt and defond tho cbon Jrl'A~tod premllu aplnat aU lAWful cltLima what. loover, axcllpt 1111 abovo llt.at~. . . , '_",~..JO__R"R'''';;;' (0.." '4-J/:<'t:; C....) (UDal) '...:,~'"4.,.'.~.fS.O!l \1'0 {l)li~~ <?F OREGON, 00llnt)' ot Lone, al. . POmaDI1U)' appelU'1ld the above ~od ~ ......... f' . ~;>.... C1n9iN:;.....L. Schorer Gnd Dorothy e. Schoror, husbAnd Gnd w1fo, )..,1 ."'(~ ~}:~ "'t ~O.. 1 tllarr . " . ~.~~r~t.od ;~r~i~:~::'.:~~.?:~;:' and"~~~:,~:i' lee: ....R4u;~rnWJofllb:~m H;~pecaroroPII__ .t:~ 1 L ZUO () d!';l ~, UlEl ~Jh_j . ~U~' e ~'l'f f ~~ dh,~ ;..:br nal Submiltal_ ~" ~~~! '!'-' 0', j _ al is .~. QL ~ H ' Xi ~, il~l: ::00 tl 'I 1 'i i,i i~1 j.'!;!! ~ E ~_. ..' ~ .~ ..,!~...... .,~~. .~,~ ~. t, ~I" s~ rill!; .~ "'11 ! ~11" h i~ ' '....: J'" ...~! I,J,J . ~ I::' c; ~ - ~ .. V), ,~' I OJ . ,a '. a~:: ~ ~ ~ ,U @l'9,1J'JS:.J1T1.E, cO....Il(:., . ~ ':\ . '~ ~~ ~ "'. I') "..... * '.i~ 'I ;... \1) ; ~\ .L 9:!i~ t.~ 1 l j .J , ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~....:!I:".!;.z... i ; , [~li ~';;o{ir~.4'"'C}l~ i! ;g ~i'::~ ~~~~~ ~tt~.e..~ ~~~'t'~~~ tf~.,;~~,:':;";,''''j,;.;(; it'fi:MIf. ":~r ~E~~~f~~ ~~.#-t~~.l;:l ..~ :~'-: ,. , .! 'I ! .... . .;,.' .....:,.. ~~~-;, r. .~.. .~-- -~;?;~;.~~;;.~:-t'-t;~~;~J~~ ;:~:~_~:?if~~~~~i\i:t.-i~:~::;~~~~7-~:.;t~:~:~t" ~r"'J'~ ~,~,,~., ~':';'~~)"r~~lo... ':~Ki"""":-~1'_"""~.:io'h-'lr.'.,"'I'.~...:....,,"..'f/I:c.:.~1;.''ilPv;'',. ',--. .. t-~ ... ~...."~ ,'<;', '}~.~~.~':'-1,;.~"'~:~ !'J....::-..~ ..'l!'t.,.... ~..:~f;j...~...:i..:!J...~~~~1-?',:-~~'::~"il-_ ~"'. 7~:ri~Zl:;'~"'" ~..; -s.'tSJ.' 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":..;:>~t ..,.... -l. , ~ " \ Date Receivec;l: FEB 1 2 2010" Original Submittal i!~'S~;.q). il;. .;.",.' . i",' ... - 05 -1 ", .:i ~ .. 1: ~~\.: " "I: ~ , " ~ " 1 1 " ;' ,] ,I: r .. ;11 'JI Ii .' .1 .. i ! , , I I I ; , !' \! , '" ., ~ . ,;, i.. .. J i ! 1. I;!~ ~l\;',- "0',, f~~}~'i:;i~;t~{~~ :'. ~ 3fi.~i ~l;"'i~~ :':.El.~~:: . ....-. .r....~......."". .--.. . 4/!H'i' WARRANTY D'EEI> FOR VALUE RECEnr.ED SPRINGFIELD MOTORS, ~ p~rtnership consisting of C. L. SctfERER1 D. E. SCHERER, G. O. SCHERER a.nd M. E. SCHERER bere1n referred to as fP'IUIitol1l. hereby arcnt. barpln. aoU and CODvey unto CLARENCE L. SC!lERBR aneS OORO'l'HY E. SCHERER, husband and wife here10 referred to Be Ifaateo:s. the foUowtng descri~ real property, with telWmonta, borodltmlonta .nd ap'purleoBDC8D,. to ",U: . . . Lots 5 and 6 in Block 2 of Extonded survey of springfield. as platted and recorded in yolume 1 pagB 1 of Lane County oregon Deed Records, in Lane county, oregon ,. j I I I Date Received: FEe 1 2 2010 , nriain",1 !':ubmilt"'I ' 1'0 RAVE AND TO HOLD tho oo.ld prem'BCI unto aaJd GratifB6Jl;i'hGrrnifr'i 1MlJ" ~,,~.....,"~ '4Hlr- ~ ADd tbe sald GrAntors hereby covenant: that they arc lawfully aetsed In fee aimple ol &aId premise. i thnt they 8I'Il free from nlllncumbrAll.ctIll. Iil.... ~ . and that they wm warlant and defG:lod Ute above BfAl&t.d prern1ses a..valnat o1J lawful dalmo wbat. 0'1 soever, eJ:08Vt fIJJ abovo stated. ' .. ! D.... "_~P~,GFIELD'.MrORS"'- a ! Bf.~~.f~ pertnersh~~ (SollJ) . i>>".'\7<f'.. ,.7 /", .........."___..,,,"_ (...., .' ;..:~~~~~I' 1. .;'.f" ~hti,rClr .......~~t.th., :~ ,l~'\ s.... fJ.9"&:?'~~EQON. County ot Lane. Ill, .' ;:';;lt~/. "\b, ~~~'l!1',", g ...{:;~~,T..q~ \1; ~~~rcr, individually and as Execut~l" of the Estate a" .0' -'. ~~l! G~'l1>~ Seherer ;h. ..... V ", ~ ,. ~ I\i:-~: ;. -:'\:'\'i~fme ~,loresolD8' lDIJtrumeat to be ~volanta..'y ae~ and deed. Beroro me: ~\\""'~"~?'~'''' .\):,.. . . . . ....~:~~~':;>>... ~ ~.~":').:_.___.__ A.D, IfLfI.J....J/ (- i--U~II'L,.kJ27~.......__~_...__._ : .' ~~~~!r.: : ,'.'....... ".f'lL.:.. ,q., I f/' {.- Notay Publkl tor OftaOl:!. .:..r,l, '. " ., By..../,?,>, J ..J~ M..ti Qcpero..J BY..",>>.t...;r.:..a"~"",-("", ~t. E. Scherer, Executrix of Estate G. O. Scperer ' Perscm.an, appenred the Bbove named . i " I ,. ~l5!l ~U ~ ~iD(1 I~ ~ ~ H>iJl ~l ~ ~ ] ! ..'O~ P. ] t1.e~ ,I!t~ u'll'" ~ fl llj .!l b~-g 1l~ ~i s h i~~ ~h ~ c3 ~ =In 5 d g I ~ ~ ~ , :~ ;.Jjij j_ L 6 6 6 9 OWlllltWlfll'i'Ul COMi'llNY J s J t ,!l ~ ' d~ " ' ~~~ ..; ~'", . ~' 'I::: ~~ ~ ~ ~,;-.... H:::~ ill" V,, i ~ (...., " :_ H ~, i/ ~ !' ~ << ,'-'- ,<, .": " I I i I I, I: :j .~ ., , :j '~ " .:;~ ., I ,I i,. i I , ! I ..~i:\.~~:~")'.~:.;;:::: (?::~;:;~':; ~ <. /,0:' ..,'.. " " , ..' , .. '. .. , .. '.f.' .. 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RECEIVED JAMES E. l~cCLORY and MARtE P. McCLORY I husband end wife Mrcin ..rened 10 u panlon. heKby plllll, b.uptn, K-Q,lIll4 COJlYty Unlo CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, 8 municipal carpor.tion, acting by and through the SPRINGFIELD UtILITY BOA,RD Mflln referred 10 u panlen, LM rOllowfn, ductlbed I", propcrt1'..Y.1lh tmcmenu. hetNltalhtnu, and JpPUfleMflCtJ, to wit: f~c# 1.. Lot 7 and the West 51 feet of Lot 8 in DIock 2 of SPRINGFIELD, a, platted and recorded in Book It, pagel, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. in Lane County, Oregon. Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions of record. Date R sCljlivec FES 1 21010 Original Subm ltaJ i-; TO HAva AND TO HOWlhe aldpfflnWet unLOuId Gl'Inlees,lhelrhelrslnd 'WJN (orever. And lhi laid GfMlDnMrcby COVtlWl1 thlllhlY Irc l,wfuD, "lUd In fe. tlcnple 0111111 prembt.; thallhcy are flee rsom 1Il ~brulca. CXCopt easoments, reservations and rostrictions of record and thlt thoy will wutanl Ind !fgrcllll tha ahoy. &ruled pnmlJDa IpJntl In lawful clablu whDI1OCI'ft', CllCtplat .bon IIIt,cd. Th. ttUO and .ccllll cclluldmUolI ror Odtlrlasrer It ~.3.o.J'UO... Tho rorcloIIls ndlll 01 ~ftlideflUon It 'Jue..1 YCJUy LcUiiWl. D'lIltd ...__B.IL'j.iat_._...r.l1....._._19.b.&.__.__ ____. .._-..;..',....__~_._._(Se.I) I? . LJ11.' ,d?~' , . ,,-~-~ 5};-L< .. -("") (".,/..d"~_..-,-,.&L:c.'!:L ,(""l . ._'~\:l;~t>... , '..:1-0"" STAr! O'CD1t~~'6~nty or lAoe, II. VI' ~ .; "~J- ~cn;: ....~ v' ...~ : ! JAMes E. McCLORY and MARIE P. McCLORY l~\.- &tIC.,'/ If- i" busband and wife m~~~tl~,~~~aoJn' hJllnlllk, nllo lit ..theJ.%. l<llunbry '" ""'~dccd s.rmz:' ~, Oa~G' ." /l , / b:slcd~.:..~~I'..-or:~...J .....tA_A.D.19.6.1. _-4U.4A...t...L o:._.~ MrCOtllll\lllillMb,Ifv'" ,..;-.'){) HouryPllblk:r"o FC.QIIly '!lpwcd lhc .i1ovc rWTIed ~ J .~.. -51 ~I! :.i't ; "l C : iJ-: N , -~ { : . " It:. ~Q-3 g '" .~ " '0 ~; .;1 ~:; N ~ ~. :J i~ p "' ili ~ ~-! J ~ , iii" ~ f~ j ... :~-5"f . .1 I ," ~ 'i-' -31O-ill ",. C =" g 10 .. <<I 10 ~ " ~.. lh ... 0 .- 1:5 \). ~: :,.i ~ 'g 1 ~: w ~ > 8: . j! 1\ 311~ '" ..0....0 i 0'" o:!..,a... !!l H ! ~ '&: '": .!..-: . J l.) ~ u . !; .. ......,,:a-> <l' . \ J '1 ll," . " :!l " au &05: t . 3 !i~ , . . u .)S'r '*' V L 0 z., 0 CIllft!',53l,nE """"'ANY ~ L__. , ___..,.;li ( ,i" I, i I' " '. ;... ," .'~ ',.', .,....,.... :::..): .: .:;.~.~~;.~ '. :~.,' f/.; '1',:,.-; ,.:-:', '.~:,~\: '""'.: . ~."'.,. ";" ..~:. ~.;'...::~ :{~':~;;,~: :~":~Y;/: -~ ....,... ;?irH ." ,~.,:. ..... ~~:42tpAliE35d.':';~' ::<'./};. , ,., . '; 'Tij;~'.t~p~~W!\~:~~ryr~" )"f KarM~,Ii~ ~-r,~~~~I1i.:1i~::::i~!;.~:', . :h'~.~~,~~~. dp!1: ..~~~/ .:::. ., ':' ~'. '.~ :,:::,:~:,'!:;'::::':.. .:', .~..... 't:;.".. ...: ....::., "'~'. 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