HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Correspondence 1996-7-12 .. -. -. O!;Ye-LOPMErn SEHVICES OEPIIRTMENr 225 FII-Tr! STni,[r SPlilNG':I/oLo, or! ,1i',li'7 (/..11) 72c.:,.:;;-':i:. FAX (51~ r) 726-.')0.9.:} July 12, 1996 Don Maloney 922 B Street Springfield, OR 97477 Subject: Occupancy Inspection at 214 Pioneer Parkway West, Springfield, Oregon. Proposed Use: Antique Shop Dear Mr. Maloney, At your request, the Community Services Division/Building S~fety conducted an inspection of the building at the above address. The purpose of the inspection was to determine the suitability of the building for the proposed use as indicated. Based on. the proposed occupancy, the existing.conditions which are mentioned below do not meet the minimum Building Safc'ty Code requirements. Corrective measures must be taken prior to occupancy to install, repair, replace or modify the following items in order for the building to conform to applicable safety codes: SIRIJCTlJR~ . Handrails and their extensions shall be placed not less than 34 inches or more than 38 inches above the nosing of treads and landings. At least one handrail shall extend in the direction of the stair run not less than 12 inches beyond top riser and not less than 12 inches beyond the bottom riser. Ends shall be returned or shall terminate in newel posts or safety terminals. . Guardrails arc required at enclosed floor and roof openings, open and glazed sides of stairways, landings and ramps, and balconies or porches which arc more than 30 inches above grade_ The top of the guardrails shall not be less than 42 inches in height. Open' guardrails shall have intermediate rails or an ornamental pattern such that a sphere of 4 inches in diameter cannot pass through. . Exit doors shall be openable from the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort. An exception would be that key-locking hardware may be used on the main exit when the main exit.eonsists of a single door or pair of doors if there is a readily visible, durable sigil on or adjacent to the door stating THIS DOOR MUST REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS. . . Consult with John McCoy (744-3777) on commercial energy code eompliance_ " , . A second stairway exit is required for the second floor to be utilized as retail spa~e. -~ ,...-' -. . Occupancy Inspection 214 Pioneer Parkway West July 12, 1996 Page 2 Acce<sihilil): Twenty five percent of the project cost shall be dcsinated to the .removal'of architectural barriers. In choosing which accessible elements to provide, priority shall be given to thosc elements that will provide the greatest access. Elements shall be provided in the following order. I. Parking 2.. An accessible entrance 3. An accessible route to the altered area 4. At least one accessible restroom for each sex or a single unisex restroom 5. Accessible telephones 6. Accessible drinking fountains and 7. When possible, additional.accessible elements such as storage and alarms Fire and l.ire Safm . One 2A-1 Olb fire extinguisher is required for every 3000 square foot of floor area. Fire extinguishers should be wall mounted 4 feet above the floor. . Coordinate location with the City Fire Marshal. Planning Any.time a business changes use or cxpands by less than 10,000 square feet or 50%, the site is required to meet minimum development standards (MDS). The following improvements are required to meet MDS at this site: . A paved and striped parkilig space must be provided. The required number of parking spaces depends on the size of the establishment and the use proposed. For a retail sales lot you must provide one parking spa~e for every 300 square feet of sales area. 1 All parking spaces must be striped with concrete wheel stops installed where the parking abuts landscaping, structures or side~alks. . I have enclosed the. MDS applieation for your use. There is no fee for this application..Please. contact Julia Powell at 726-3753 if she may assist you with the application.' . 9 , " ... 'I. ~ -.- , _r" Occupancy Inspection 214 Pioncer Parkway West July 12, 1996 Page 3 - . . '. ,- ". If you nced any further informatiOli or have any questions regarding the above requirements, pI case contactmc between the hours of 8:00-9:00 a.m., 1 :00-2:00 p.m., or 4:00-4:30 p.m. at 726' 3759. '3 ~I J1~ Tom Marx . .Y Building Inspector . cnclosure TM:tn -I. II_...:~ &CI\lLlCrt: _ . Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services. -Complete items 3. 48. and 4b. Cl'I . Print your name and address on the reverse of this form 80 that we can return this Gi card to you. -.. _ : h .- > -Attach this form to the front of the mallpioce, or on the back il space does not !: permit. -Write "Return R8C6ipt Rsquestoo' on the mailpiece below the artide number. -The Return Recelp1 will show to whom the artlde was delivered and the date delivered. -3. Article Addressed to: . .... .. _.- b o tw\ f'\fla1 Mvt q'L 1.. ~ (jhrt~-+ 5pn vv.y 1l-10I I C5t. ~n4-17 -5. Received By: (Print Namo) {/ ().: Z-I'l-P ph] BUILDING I also wish to receive the following solVices (for an exlra fee): 1. 0 Addre..oe's Addro.. 2. 0 Restricted Oolivery Consult p~stmaster for fee. 4a. Article Number 7.. 1~o ()'?J"r (J1q 4b. SelVico Typo o Registered o Expre.. Mall o Return Receipt for Merchandise 7. o"7J)$ery f~ B. Mdre..ee's Addr... (Only il roquoslod and 100 Is paid) !i ~ ell 1i il " a: E :l II - il ,.. ... lii ~ [WCertlflod o Insurod o COO Domestic Return Receipt r I I I I I UNITED STATES POSTAl SERVICE' First-Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G.1D . Print your name,address, and ZIP Code in this box. '-' ".-' , ". ' r~.,;: -l-. t., ')FV[I_OPl\ilENT SERVICES ,:~5 FIFTH STREET ~:'RII\!GFIELD. OR 97477 1I.I"Il!,I,I"II",IIl!,I,II,,1