HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-4-22 -, Rcce;pt.' / J37 (" .. RESIDMJTlAL" . APPLICAT./PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding. Division 726-3753 Job Location: '215f J'!ff:" 7.MWl!""C.n ~/?AYJ.yA'y h/.€?>/ AS06SGOl''s Map II Tc:::r Lot # Z/~.IY .MC>i!..C>#~ 7' ~~J?~~~~4Y/t/ . .<);z>~,_ ~?1>, I' Subdivision: Omel': Address: City: UN""", n Addi ticn n Remo.:el n ."fob'i-le Rom3 Phone: /0/'6"- /77-"S" Zip: 9'7 Y 7--;;> \ \ \ I:. /,eO \ Describe II'ork: ;R€?~,.w~? a"'" c:5lP~?/~ &~ ;?<<>X ~~/.::;q l' .4r//7.?~?- ~~ . ~~P~/'?7'" /9O"'E~~ 1f/~T($7J/~ #A?~. . Date of App!ication . i/.7"'8-B&- Value ~ =6 ~;/I{ Siar.ed: Date: .k 'I - ~~- -Sf:' G'ont"ractors Genera! ~ 0?~~ PlLOnbing El.ectrical. Me::har.ic:: l Const"-lction Lenda It u tM ,.esponsi,bility of tns permit holder to 808 that all. iMpections are r.tade at the proper timc~ t}o.at ~h ::dd:roSB is rea.dabz'" from tM etJoeot, and that ths permit card is 1.ocated at the f:t'C'flt of the property. "Bui!dir:g Divicior: approved plan sheZl remain on the; Bu:.l.ding Site at all. times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REOUEST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your City designated job nur.:ber, job adircss, type of in3pec~icn requested a~.d when you wil"l be ready for ir.spcction, Contractors or OI.me:-s name end phone number. Requss~s received befere 7:00 c-:: :..'il.l. be rrruie ths awne day, requests made after 7:{)O a:n wil.1. ba made the "crt :.Jerking day. Address Lise.!! Expires 91/-;11' A/ VJ'l)_E;?D_~";.cn-:_ /::;'2'7'''9.?Z>. ,r;-:Z'7-$S , I R~r.n1i~~1 T"~~~~tir."q O SITE INSPEC':'IO/!: To be rrade after excavation, but prior te set up of forms. D UIIDERSLAB PWI.f8ING. ELEC'1'l1IC.1L & I~CHA:.'IC:'L: To D8 made before any LJOrk is .:lovcred. . o FOOTIIIG ! FOUND.1TICII: To be "",de after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pourir.g ecncret.z. =:J UNDERGROW.'D P[.U!.fBING, SEWE.~, W.1TER, DRAIlII.CE: To be ma.;1.'e prior to iil- .lir.g trencnec. =:J UllDERFLOOR PLUf.$I....C to MECHANICAL: To be made prior to instalLation of 11001' insuLation or deeking. POST AND BEAM: To. be 11'.adc prior to installation of floor inskLatior. 01' decki". . =:J =:J \? IJ tr, ~ FRA'!J!:C: Must be rcqueDted after ~ approv~l of rough pl~hing, electri- cal & mechanical. AZZ. rOOfing bracing t chimneys, et.::. 11r..lst be ;' completed. 110 L.J:)rk is to be con- .....osc.led until this inspection has - b6~n made and approved. ROUGH PLCP.!BI!.'C. El..EC'J'!?!CA!... t. UECH- AlIICAL: No :.Jark. is to bc cOl..'ercd .ur.til these inspectiar.s have beer. made and approve.:!. FIREPLACE: ~o~ to pZacir~ facing materials and before framing inspec- tior.. Phone 99,$f~~9i' 5"8; . y;"" City D6oigr.ated Job Numb.,. Io: 1i?,gc>:f:3 / O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after au' insu~.:;ti.:m w.d '. required vapo~ bo:rriers are in place . but before any lath, gypsum beard or wu, eovering is applied, and before any inaulation is conceaZed. O DRYWALL INSPECTION..: To be made after all d:rywa~l is in place, but prior to any taping. O ~.fASONRY: S:~el Zocation3 bomI Deems, gl'Ouv~ng or vcrticals in accordance 1.1i th U. B. C. Section 2415. D WOODSTO'IE: After installation is ecmpleted. D CURB & APPROACH APRON: Aftezo forms are ere.::ted but prior to pouring con.::rete. SIDEWALK & DRIVEI/AY: For all con- erete paving within street right- of-way, to be made after all exca- vating complete & fo~ work & cub. base material in pLace. . DEUOLITIOn OR gOVE; BlJILDI;;CS :=J Sani~ Be".J81' capped at ~opcrt'~ lir.s ~ Septic tank rr.c~:;u:d a:-ui fiz.z.iI~ fori,th gra~eZ I Final - r/hen above ite.~s are ccmpZeted ~ ~d uhen demolition is complete or stru:- ~ure moved ani!. premise!J cleaned up. Nobile Hemes :::J Blocking and S~t-~p :::J Plumbing conneetions B~er and water :::J Elcetrical Connection - Sloeking, Bet-up and plumbing connection!J m:~st ce approve~ beforo requesting elec~rieal ins?ec:io~ :::J Ac::esco1"',,' Building ---, Fi~l - Aftcr porcr.es, skirting, decks, ---1 ete. are complet~d. D All project conditions, such a8 the installation of street trees, ca~letion of the required Zandscapir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be r~qt4e8t~d. :::J FIliAL PLU/.flJI/IG ~ FIliAL I.fECHA/lICAL ~ FINAL ELECTRIC;'L I~ \/1 @ FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be raqueDted alter the Final Plumbi"3 Electrical, and Mechar.ical Inspections hava been made and approv2d. o o D !'ENCE: Wher: compl.zte -- Provide gates or movabZe sections through P,U.E. . "ALL UA/:HCLES AND CLEANOIJTS lfUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUsr!!E:/'!' TO BE f.!.1D! I.'!' ".0 C'JST TO CI"!'Y I P:2!1s ! of 2 This pBrm:.t io g1'anted on the express condition that the said. constru.ction. shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by tho City of I Springfield, incZuding the Zoning C'rdinance, regulating the ccnst1""04~tic" I and use of buildings, and m~y be suspended or revoked at cr.y time upon vic.' lation of any provisions of said'Ordir.anccs. . ' . . ~ __ . h~,z>EC//O;Y A"....T/<:.~.' ?~ ~;5~ ~~ r""A h'E4'i..>/ 71~?> Lj &>7d-",~n: tF ~p~.,:S'~;?""... I ,r;;. ~;?/dz:? r-....r=;- ~.?/p~<E /"'i:->7Z-'/r.c ! . W'~,l??,n#~ Mr:$~.T //YPT~;J?-.T,;e:>"'}r , ~~_!i"O I ~_'2)> I. 7'6" .7'3 1..- '). '. I' ~ NO.f;~9::";:;"3f'/ SOLAR ACCESS ! Iz011c: OCCUPQ7tClI c4 Lot Sq. Ft;;. LCT TrPE S of Lot Cauerag~ Interior !i of Stories Corner Total Height Panhandle Topography Cul-de-sac I!'!'EN l/oklin l Gerace CarvCl"t I SQ.FTG I I i I I&~d,.~./ Value x Acccssoru ~m#,E:Y TOTAL VALUE Is.D.c. 1.5 % lvel-tlc) Building Permit State Surcharge Total Cha......gca lITEM I Firtures I Residential 11 bath} I Sanitary Set.)cr 11.'0. I FEE Cr.ARGZ I I.: I I I I. Water Plumbing Perr.:i t State Surc:J-.apgc Tata! cr.crocs lITE/.: Re.":. Sa. ft::. N~/E=tend Circuits I Temporary Service 1;';0.1 I I I I F:~=: .....t'l...J~ Ele=trical Permit St:::.te Sur=harae Total Charces I '"o\' FUrn::%C~e ETU'8 I F.=hauet HOO'::'- I I Vent Fan i 1 iloodsto;;c I j':C. I I I CH/-.iiCE F22 Permit' Issuance. Me::hanic::. Z Perm t State Surcharne Tt:J~r! ChnY't:1"'ff -- ENCROACHA'E:.'T :Sc~~ritu DZP03it Staraae Maintenar...:!t: Permit Total C'nal"acs Cur.?cut SidelJalk .I:'(!~e Electrical Label Mobile Hame I 1 I I /fG. 73 :"OTAL AMOU.'lT DUE:" REQ.- L-COC"lo Ti..;peICor.st: . Beiro~s: I I Enera:J 5cr.Lrces I Heat I I II II II Tur-c Lot Faces - P.L. INorth lEast ISouth IWeBt Setbacks . House ' Caraae Water Hr.'1~f'!" Range Firocvlaca Wooa.-:tot:e I A.ccess. I I I I Fees Building Value & Permit ... I Plan Check Fep.: I Datc Paid: I Recdpt N:' IS,;g,:ed: 'Plumbi.ng Permit :' No ecreo" ehall cons"truct~ instaz.!, a!ter 01' change any r.elJ cr e--isting pl~hing or drainage SY8t~ in ~hote or in part, u~teBs 8uch person is the legat possessor of a vaLid plumber's License, except tr~t a person may do pl~bing work to property which is owned, Leased or operated by the appti- cant:~ '. , Electrical Perm it Where State LaLJ requires tr~t the eLectricaL work be done by an EZe!!tr1.caL Contractor, the elec:~~caZ portion of this permit shaLl r~t be valid until the 1.ahel has been signed by the ELectrical ~ontra!!tor. I I I ,. I I I I I I I I I , . Mechanical Permit /?~~ YiP" E=m'ne>< /' r-~B;8 uatC I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.'!INED the co:r.pl.eted application for pe1'r.lit, and,do hereby certify that aU i'!:fo-:-rr-.ation hereon is true ar.:i correc:, and I further certify that any ar~ alL work perfo~cd sh~lZ be do~e i~ ac!!or- dance :..n.th the Ordinances of tite City of SpringficZd~ an.:! th.:: La:.:c of tha 4 State of Oreg~n p~rtaining to the uork cescribcd herein, ar~ that NO OCCU- PlllCY will be trade of any structW'2 witho~t parmis3io~ of the Suilding Di- vision. I further certify that o~Ly contra=tors ar-d ~l~yecs who are in compliance with ORS 701.05~ will be used on this project {iL.aYf~~ 4/.:~ pr tote