HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 2/4/2010 .. ;'.,...,., City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 S~'N''''~;;iij liL~. . Tree Felling Permit . . Aoolicant Name: Mt:>li\~}" . ~~ I:::~'\Z_/,U;\\~\;;V'-\m ~hone: Icomoany: --n:i-t-::;- (u.lI_ (,""""-...,.. IFax: !Address: -:2,cqq-C;-'^;^v-"-Q"'-?"'" 0p~r""-'C' ~ /APPlicant's Rep.: Ooli'''V'~ .c..,,~..,. " Phone: ~l' \nlf) Icompany: -I"',-:eJ. ~u,',~u~',""_ ~ 1=1~^\"":=>"'- /-G.\I Fax: td61- O(~;;Zc:::- [Address: \"Z..7. r::;-~ R.~,.,,~.., ~~ ';.tN:'; L::::,.\-C>..lell^\'? ~. IPropertv Owner: c..A',^.'~ ~_'H""rr Phone: IComoany: Fax: IAddress: I I. Ii. 0"2.: -z.o.oo ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: (,. I'Y? ,n. n-> IPropertv Address: q 1-1 ISize of Property: .J,... , I Description of If you are filling, in this form by hand, please 'attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: c"=..f ~.~,.~.,,:= ~"?'V':'-A"'" It:..t:tb.L\~ ISifjnatures: PI~ase si9n an~ Pfint yo.ur name and date in. the appropriate box on the next paqe. . ~ t ::.... '" , ~.' III 1 -7OU TAX LOT NO(S): - ,,~'" $. ""<"V~ i ~~ ~...".,.." 'fr"'Y"'F!ca:b t){7 Acres Ii(] Square Feet n -< I 3<:Y> .k;l:A . Associated Cases: Il)tZc 11\1 b.- Ocr:xJ4 c.:;'~l CS"\Jln.c, (OI.iII. SiQns: Icase No.: ~ C. 1..1)10 - (--IA~ c;- I Date: '2. / t.// 10 Reviewed by: IAPPlication Fee: $ /13Sq!> [Technical Fee: $ 74.t'3 IpostaQe Fee: $ / (,0 of:) 1 ITOTAL FEES: $ /7/ q ~ ,I PROJECT NUMBER: 91\<.. \ ~ - 0)DZCO I I ,': "'.,'. ~,,".', ',- . -">.~.,,, ',"., ,; ,', ", or:'; .....p.p,;' "~-"".,>.,.,,, ~.o. "c'y',';;, "!"':.""<-..'~' '~", ;"~';' '.'"'1'_'~",'" '",':" 'TV..." . ,.~ ,."-~!.' ".,< '~',".>",tv;. 'y'~, -..P ',~<"<'''''' I Date Received: FEB' - 4 2010 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian , I I , I.. I I , I I I , I I I I I I . .-t-...., .' Signatures Applicant: A~;;d2tionint. ;SignaThre f l5:/1 uJe.. (!a.. t/J! Print application is correct and accurate. Date: ~ - 3 ~/ 0 If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Owner: Date: Signature Print Date Received: FEB - 4 2010 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian C of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number ORC20 1 0-00005 ORC20 1 0-00005 ORC20 1 0-00005 Payments: Type of Payment Check cReceintl RECEIPT #: 3201000000000000041 Date: 02/04/2010 2:45:07PM Description CTY >10 Trees Base + Per ACRE + 5% Technology Fee Postage Fee Type II, $160 Amount Due 1,485.00 74.25 160.00 $1,719.25 Paid By THE CHILO CENTER Item.Total: Check Number Authorization R~c.e}yed By"" Batch Number Number How Received Amount Paid $1,719.25. $1,719.25 tj 28205 In Person Payment Total: ,I.. ;l;;..j'. Date Received: FEB - 4 2010 0rlg\l'l81 Submittal " Page I of I 2/4/2010 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP DRC2010-00005 3995 Marcola Road I North + Date Received: FEB - 4 2010 Original Submittal v ././ ./ '.... ././ ./ , , VICINITY MAP N,T.S "" 4l~"::;~ '" TREE FEL ~1I"_H1 LING PLAN ~te Receivd:' FEB - 4 2010 Original Submittal ~ , , GENERAL NOTES ~'l!I:lIIl:I't'I'~lIJ._ ~~ ~ 3. :",,,,,,,''"''''irOl~~~~'''''' ==~:11'I~~AroolJ'~ 4 -=r~~1l'l~~.":lt .~flIZI:I ..u ':2tiKJ_=T>amuc""" mml:I1leEr:~~m SITE PLAN LEGEND y--- ~ ~-- ___~m_ II .........xJ5cnM~~""'" .~ ~~:a:-~1ft. Ac_ ~~ -.,WO=<_ _ ""'- ~""SImli Q--_._~~-- ,- . /' =1fi.=:""fiI."::'- \:.C' .~. ) .:::::.-..- ,,,.,,,,~-~-"-"" //p.....-arm-CIII<ll "'-- __J ~ ""1llDr'Q!CD~~~.....' ~L DESCRIPTION ~~ - ~.ouooo ,,~ ~EE REMOVA'~~~ATS ~~~""""'_.-. . =="''''';;:.,';''...........''''''_......''''''..., :-llrI'== ~.....=.~~ =E:'~............l"-ar.- = Tcirii.rrm": r; :::::r:..':s-III""ar."""I"> .. """'''''''...". ,. """'..."."';". : ~mHn<>~ . . ......,..,,"""!ll:n.'aMNfOJJ'lJ-...........'IAIO~ """',.,....,...,........., SITE AREA . ~~..:^...:CULA TIONS ~ -.......""'- =-"- :RYIWMIII.-. ~..:=. """'~'::::"--- ~ ~.=:: ~1I7f"''' --. -' -~- =..:."':::' ~1I>fH.'" 1IP<l!IIll"'- """,,,, ""'" ::'f': ::.::::::: I'l~:",......., "" ""H.... =:.:~~_.-. OM"'" ::: - .........~ .....--:.:=""'- ~t~ ""...... Q..4,. :::::: TBG ARCHITECTS!. PlANNERS/INC 'U'l'!""';:.";;".';":, W'....()'''lJO''.,.." r",:~;:),;;:~::~ . ,.. .D..... c ~' iil " "". . .Q ..- ' ~ ....- ....,6F~Q~,:. ~ ~ I.bl I- Z l.I.Iu U<::, z C~ ...I I '" _u~ .,.03 ~ "'L.l... U 0" UIO Z 1-::::: 0 :;;: I 51~ I.I.II~ :SO :J:--l I 89' -< I- ",w ~.,( ~5 1-L.l.J cO If"l~ ~ 0 ~,~ TREE FELLING PLANS F>lOl'cr. """"'~ (:H'O:lO OM' ""~" o '" ''''1'''~ ,~'" TFPl .,~~~".~._._- -,::, ..~:""l:'1';~' '::j/:< ~ .nl" .., 1: ..1. ~ ___+ __ _.lb)jL-r,,::1t.;.... tt-~: tf;..J" The Child Center Tree Felling Plan Compliance Statement Date Received: FEB - 4 2010 I. SUMMARY Original Submittal A. Summarv of Reouest This request for a Tree Felling Permit is submitted for concurrent review with The Child Center Site Plan Review application. According to Springfield Code Section 5.19-110, the Tree Felling Permit is required since more than 5 trees 5-inch dbh (diameter at breast height) or larger are planned for removal as part of The Child Center proposed project at 3995 Marcola Road in Springfield, Oregon. B. Proiect Obiectives Operating since 1971, The Child Center provides a unique, valuable service to families in Lane County. The Child Center strives to enhance the quality of services being provided and improve the safety of the site's access and on-site circulation. In addition, to address concerns regarding the impact of the existing gravel parking area on a key source of drinking water for EWEB customers, The Child Center proposes to relocate the parking area to an upper plateau causing the necessary and unavoidable impact on a number of large trees. In light of the extent of tree loss on the site, The Child Center has created an ambitious plan for new landscaping and will continue to preserve numerous trees on areas of the site outside the area impacted by development. C. Overview of The Child Center Camnus The Child Center is located on a generally terraced site on Marcola Road near the Hayden Bridge Road intersection. The entire development site includes about 8.4 acres. The improved portion of the campus is significantly less and encompasses about 4.2 acres. Currently, there is a gravel parking lot at the lower plateau primarily for staff, visitor parking spaces on the upper plateau, and overflow parking spaces at the older residence used for office space. The property is surrounded by natural vegetation at the property lines to the east and west, the Mckenzie River to the south and Marcola Road to the north. The existing buildings and site infrastructure are to remain except for the existing outpatient/office building of about 784 square feet. arlie (~rc()lTIpany .. 291.:1. Tennyson Avenue, Suite 400 0 Eugene", Orego-n 97408 www.arlie.com . Phone 541-344.5500 Fax 541-485-2550 . Illail.arlic.com 'tv., ',-,- Date Received: FEB - 4 2010 II. SITE INFORMATION Original Submittal . ~-.= ~\ ....:: .:_'~i~'. :- :." lItH' Location: The Child Center is located at 3995 Marcola Road, Springfield, Oregon near the Hayden Bridge Road intersection. .'.. Tax Lots: Lane County records identify the site as Lane County Assessor's H'ffl-j.,. . ."",HI' . '. Map 17-02-20-00, Tax Lot 700 and 17-02-30-00, Tax Lots 100 and 200. J..e!!al Descriotion: (Refer to Legal Description under separate cover.) Acreage: The Child Center's entire development site is about 8.4 acres according to the County Assessment and Taxation records. .The portion of the site with improvements consists of about 4.2 acres. The portion of the site affected by the proposed project is approximately 1.9 acres. Addres.c;: 3995 Marcola Road, Springfield, Oregon 97477. Ownershio: The site is owned by Mental Health for Children (The Child Center). III. TREE FELLING PERMIT CRITERIA The Director shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny a Tree Felling Request based on the following criteria In Springfield Development Code Section 5.19.125: A. Whether the conditions of the trees with respect to disease, hazardous or unsafe conditions, danger of falling, proximity to existing structures or proposed construction, or Interference with utility services or pedestrian or vehicular traffic warrants the proposed felling. The condition necessitating cutting trees pertains to: 1) proximity of trees to existing and proposed new structures; 2) re-Iocation of an existing parking area; and 3) enhanced pedestrian and vehicular circulation. School safety was a primary design factor as The Child Center considered various site designs. The location of the proposed new building will provide visual surveillance of anyone entering the site from Marcola Road. Its prominent location on the campus will help create a welcoming entrance with clear, safe circulation for those driving, using the bus, or bicycling to the site. The Child Center initially did not envision relocating the lower parking area. In :..early consultations with City staff and utility providers, the original concept presented by The Child Center retained use of the existing gravei parking area The Child Center Tree Felling Permit Compliance Statement December 1, 2009 Page 2 of 4 f?;i;- "\; ~. ,/IE-:~ :.... in the lower plateau. this alternative design would have retained more trees in the upper area of the site, but did not sufficiently address concerns about ground water contamination from the proximity of the lower plateau parking area to the river. After careful consideration of a number of factors, the proposed design best addresses the core objectives of The Child Center and pUblic agency staff. The proposed design shifts the parking area to the upper plateau close to the main buildings on the campus and farther away from the river. B. Whether the proposed felling is consistent with State standards, Metro Plan policies and City Ordinances and provisions affecting the environmental quality of the area, including but not limited to, the protection of nearby trees and windbreaks; wildlife; erosion; soil retention and stability; volume of surface runoff and water quality of streams; scenic quality; and geological sites. The subject property does not contain any Statewide Goal 5 resources. The subject property is designated in the Metro Plan as Heavy Industrial although the City of Springfield zoned The Child Genter campus as Parks and open Space consistent with a former Metro Plan designation and to reflect the existing use of the property. About half of the development site will retain all existing trees and will not be impacted by the proposed development. To the extent practicable the proposed site plan preserves existing habitat areas for wildlife; minimizes changes in the existing grade; and retains, treats, and disposes of all storm water runoff on-site thru the use of bio-swales. The proposed tree felling will have a significant impact on the scenic quality of the site. To mitigate for the proposed tree felling, a landscaping plan has been prepared that will result in 84 new trees being planted on the site. These trees will provide seasonal color, habitat areas for a variety of wildlife and a greater variety to minimize concerns about disease or infestations. C. Whether it is necessary to remove trees in order to construct proposed improvements as specified in an approved development plan, grading permits and construction drawings. The Tree Felling Permit is necessary to allow trees to be cut to construct proposed improvements to The Child Center. Please refer to The Child Center Site Plan Review application being processed concurrently. D. In the event that no Development Plan has been approved by the City... No tree removal that requires a Tree Felling Permit will occur until the City has approved The Child Center Site Plan Review. .,. Date Received: . The Child Center Tree Felling Permit "., Compliance Statement ;1'\ . ~ .~.; I' December 1. 2009 FEB - 4p~B of 4 ~ .- I ~ I"",' . ,. Original Submittal , ".<", !~i ".,'. E. Whether the applicant's proposed replanting of trees or vegetation Is an adequate substitute for the trees to be felled. The proposed replanting plan provides a substantial number and variety of new trees. Extensive new landscape planting beds are proposed along Marcola Road providing an attractive visual amenity and on-site stormwater treatment areas. There are also several new landscape planting beds surrounding existing buildings and the proposed new outpatient/assessment building. A new plaza area will provide an amenity for The Child Center campus and increase the variety of trees on the property. The proposed landscape plan preserves a significant number of trees on the development site and provides a greater diversity of plants that will result in a wider range of forage and habitat areas for wildlife. Although 23 trees will be removed, the Planting Plan (Sheet Ll) and Site Plan (Sheet L2) indicate 84 new trees will be planted on The Child Center campus. This will result in a replacement ratio of 3.6:1. For every tree removed at least 3.6 new trees will be planted. F. Whether slash left on the property poses significant fire hazard or liability to the City. Prior to any tree removal, The Child Center will design a strategy to ensure that large, unattended piles of slash are not left on the site in a way that would pose a significant fire hazard or liability. The Child Center plans to promptly remove and recycle debris. ,. G. Whether the felling Is consistent with the guidelines specified In the Field Guide to Oregon Forestry Practices Rules published by the State of Oregon, Department of Forestry, as they apply to the northwest Oregon region. The Oregon Forestry Practices apply to State owned forestland. The Child Center campus is not owned by the State nor is it considered forestland: The Child Center will follow safe forestry practices while felling trees on the property including careful attention towards maintaining a safe environment for students and staff. H. Whether transportation of equipment to and equipment and trees from the site can be accomplished without a major disturbance to nearby residents. The Child Center is not adjacent to any residential property and has direct access to Marcola Road and is frequently used by heavy trucks for the transportation of equipment and logging trucks. There will be no disturbance to residents in the area. I V',,'::,, .)'" Date Received: The Child Center Tree Felling Permit Compliance Statement ., v' December 1. 2009 P~~ ':! ~ 2010 i,~J _" .r~jHril '!ll, l.'IIIJ\,I. Original Submittal Date Received: .- =- CASCADE TITLE co, FEB - 4 2010 II/Ii! 11111 ~IIII~~ 1111111111 ~1II1111111~ Original Submittal STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT AMENDED CASCADE TITLE COMPANY ATTN, TOM MCMAHON 811 WILL~lliTTE STREET EUGENE, OR 97401 Our No, CT-0264813 Date, JANUARY 12, 2010 Charge, .NO Ca4RGE As requested, Cascade Title Co. has searched our tract indices as to the following described real property: ( A T T A C H ED) and as of: NOVEMBER 25, 2009 at 8:00 A.Mol we find the following: Vestee: MENTAL HEALTH FOR CHILDREN, INC. an Oregon non-profit corporationl dba T~' CHILD CENTER Said property is subject to the 'following on record matters: 1. Rights of the public in and to that portion lying within streets, roads and highways. 2. Rights of the public and governmental bodies in and to any portion of the premises herein described now or at any time lying below'high water mark of the McKenzie River, including any ownership rights' which may be claimed by. the State of Oregon as to any portion now or at any time lying below the high water mark. 3. Any claim based upon the assertion that: Said land or any part thereof is now or at any time has been below the ordinary high water mark of' the McKenzie River. Some.portion of said land'has been. created by artificial means or has accreted to such portion so created. . Some portion of said land has been bro~ght within the boundaries thereof by an avulsive movement of the MCKenzie River, or has been formed by an accretion to any such portion. 4. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted the City of Eugene, recorded.D~cember. 301',1924/ in Book 142, Page 275, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. , - to... 5. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted the City of Eugene, recorded:~:A'ugust ~.7'lr 1.927 I in Book 155 i Page 110 i Lane CO'l..!.!:.ty Oregon Deed Record.s. 6. Easement, including the terms and prOVisions thereof, granted Mountain States Power Company, rec'6r'ded .Ma:y.:20, .1943, in Book 247, Page 136/ Lane County Oregon Deed Records. continued- ~~rN OFFICE * 811 WILLAMETTE ST. * EUGENE, OREGON 97401 * PH: (541) 687-2233 FLORENCE" 1901"'.EWY 101 - 8. 2 * FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 * PH: (541) 997-8417 EUGENE FAX: 485-0307 * E-V~IL: info@cascadetitle.com * FLORENCE FAX: 997~8246 ... ~_':'. ~; .1 '-li';' II ;~. I . . . 7. Rig-ht Mabel 1955, l,' . j'I'" " of Way and easement ~orlroad purposes, as set forth In Warranty Deed from A. Hansen, to Harvey H. Hansen and Jo Alice Hansen, recorded October 28, .Reception No. 69492, Lane County Oreg-on Deed Records. 8. Permit and easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted the City of Eugene, for the use and benefit of the Eugene Water & Electric Board, recorded June 7, 19.79, Reception No. 7933353, Lane County Official Records. 9. Deed of Trust, including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by Mental Health for children! Inc. dba'The Child Center, Grantor, to Evergreen Land Title Co., Trustee, for the benefit of McKenzie State Bank, Beneficiary, dated July 24, 2000, recorded July 26, 2000, Reception No. 2000-042707, Lane County Official Records, to secure payment of a note in the amount of $237,600.00. (Parcel 2) Said'Deed of Trust was modified by Agreement dated May 5, 2005,' recorded May 9, 200S, Reception No. 2005-033679, Lane County Official Records, 10. Assignment of rents due or to become due and accruing f~om said property, includin~' the terms and provisions thereof, from Mental Health for Children, Inc. dba The Child Center, to McKenzie State Bank, dated July 24, 2000, recorded July 26, 2000, Reception No. 2000-042708, Lane County Official Records. (Parcel 2) 11. Right-of-Way Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted unto the city of Springfield, a municipal corporation, acting by and through its springfie]d , Utility Board, by instrument recorded September 6, 2002, Reception No. 2002-06916(, Lane Coun~y Official Records. . , ," "' NOTE: Taxes, Account No. 0109775, Assessor1s Map No. 17 02 20, #700, Code 19-00, 2009-2010, EXEMPT. , Taxes, Account No. 0113462, Assessorls Map No. 17 02 30, #100, Code 19-00, 2009-2010, in the amount of $1,585.43, PAID IN FULL. Taxes, Account No. 0113488, Assessor's Map No: 17 02 30, #200, Code 19-00, 2009-2010, EXEMPT. .-' ., " J .. ' ... ,'~ This report is to be utilized for information only. This report is not to be used as ~ basis for transferring! encumbering or foreclosing the real property described. The liability of Cascade Title Co. is limited to the addressee and shall not exceed tre premium paid hereunder. C~SCADE TITLE. CO., by: Date Received: sm/Tit1e Officer: -~BEATY FEB - 4 2010 Cc: BILL WELLARD EMAIL: BWELLARD@THECHILDCENTER .ORG Original submittal Cc : DAN DUNNINGTON E~~L: DANIEL.A.DUNNINGTON@SMITrlBARNEY.COM Cc: BRANCH ATTN: E~~IL : ENGINEERING, INC. GARY CARTIER GARY@BRANCHENGINEERING.COM q PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1: Beginning at a point 24.0 feet North of the corn~r common to Sections 19, 20, 29 and 30, in Township 17 South, "Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregoni run thence North 25" 301 East 453.80 feet to a point, said point being referenced by a S/811 iron rod; thence No"rth 29" 421 West 27.33 feet to a point on the Easterly right of way line of Marcoia Road, said point being referenced by a SiBil iron rod; thence run" South 60' 221 24l! West along the Easterly right of way line of said Marcola Road 311.27 feet.to a point marked by a s/a" iron rod found marking Engineers Centerline Station 30 plus 77.57 P.T. (and being 54.85 feet Easterly when measured at right angles to the said centerline of Marcola Road)! continuing along said right of way line South 60' 22' 2411 West a distance of 172.31 feet to a point marked by ,a 5/811 iron rod set at a point 51.72 feet Easterly (when measured at right angles to.the centerline of said Marcola Road) of Engineers Centerline Station 29 plus 00 P.D.C.; thence along the arc of a curve left (the chord of which bears 'South 5S' 16' SSu West 195.23 feet) to a point marked by a 5/8:' iron rod (said point being 46.51 feet Easterly of (when measured at right angles to the centerline of said Marcola Road) at Engineers Centerline Station 27 plus 00 P.O.C.; thence leaving the Easterly right of way line of said Marcola Road and run South 6' 57r 5011 West 261.48 feet to. a point marked by a 5/811 iron rod; thence North 85. 15' East 362.06 feet to a point that bears 162.39'feet South 25- 30r West of the point of beginning; thence North 25' 30' East 162.39 feet'to the point of begir~ing, in Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL 2: BegiD~ing at a point 24 feet North of .the corner.of ~ections 19, 20, 29 and3p, in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the willamette Meridian, and running thence South 250 30' West 191.7 feet to the left bank or the McKenzie River; thence North 70C 40' East 90 feet to the meander corner on the left bank of the McKenzie River between Sections 29 and 30, of the same Township and Rangej thence North 700 East 349.8 feet to the meander corner between Sections 20 and 29, on the left bank of the McKenzie Riveri thence along the meander line of the ~eft bank ,of the McKenzie River, North 520 30' East 96.6 feet; thence North 330 East 44.3 feet; thence North 80 ~ast 317.1 feet; thence North 860 11' West 132.8 feet; thence North 450 37' West 161.0 feet to the center of the County Road; thence South 610 West along the center of the'. County Road, 84.8 feet; thence South 290 42' East 74.1 feet; thence South 250 30' West 453.8 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. :""n''';"'t 'v"3.~' t~. ..t . I) f j:~' . . . j . Date Received' - '-'., --, ", I!.;~ . FEB - 4 2010 Original Submittal * '" 8.: .1 G 0 I ~ . 0 0' ui , ": I (Q rl' \~ .p. .- '--../' '" ...... ru ~m ~ Lll q UG '" . l;t@ @;B 'c}z. clz:. ~h. :k cA <.. 500 /,0'1.5'& . ~~o(r ( 1301) 0.89 AC. Date Received: FES - 4 2010 Original submittal' . " '114 "1' 30 ,< o -l"'~"."-'.~J' ~. -. .. . ,,~,,~C' 11 - Co> c... - sa. -ex:::, TKIS MAP IS TO ASSIST LOCATING PROPERTY, THE COMPMfI ASSUMES .....~.. NO LIABILITY FOR INACCURACIES, Date Received: FES - 4 20ID Original Submittal .l,d ./If' . f.~V f;i} I ! .... ! i , , ., Sf ~I ~I ) .c. .~I'J ~~", fii',..I9;' riIJ j06-,"j'I q/J, , . JI". f};!l~::f'81P ( ~":._W{,o'7' . i-' . II . . . 0~: j. p 11'." <;5 .. 'u.,rfJ {J "'}~I:~' 0' c;j ~~~~ql'~ )$GG/ ,.>,." ~~'f~~~;;#.k~;;. ~i~~~,,,~d;i.~ iii','. /7-02- LO-IOCJ 7<:.\0100 ~ i"".5/i.c7 ...-. ~~~4::~:- Fg~ !!o:...Yi~~-Sle'::'''.!U.'!~e'" tcwJ~."b!;jh1nll.fo.'LPO'!.lC"E._O~,.!.n:.~ __ .~ '.J.~/:Jj_b_.__ ._.__ _. l--' r .....I,l !~V:r/~ ' .. WARntlN:~D_ST~~~~~O~;~~~';" - .h,_ -h---@i'l :-;.-;>Ii ,.::~ INOIVIDUAL. Gn"NTOR I .,.t;J ;~:: ! .J:!~i:\,..i\..'hhM.Qhl!:'.I...?-.!!,d...N."nr. h~!.....N.Q.h-J.~I..,. hl\~.ban,d..-"l)"i\'hl~H.("h'''' .... G,antor II "} 'conveys l1nd warrant3 to ..t!~.D-.t.~).....B.~.~_r~_h.J.::_QJ::nJ~;h_~IQ..t_~.ii~;'h'JJ1~..-....I._u9.Q..~;L_Ih~.n_~P,i 1.~..~.C.e.1J,~t:~.I:.n ..1 ";-,,"'.' ....-...................._.....................__........h.___--.......................--.............._....................Gcantee. the following described real pr.operly I ftee of el1cumbl'a~Ce.:i except as specifically. set forth herein situa.tcd in.....L.g..lJ.~..... ......... . .County. Oregon, fa-wit: ..Beginn>ing-'at :it-point '24 feet North of the corner of Sections 19, 20, '. 29, and 30, TOI'ffiship'17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, " ,~; and running:. tJ.>enc,: South.. 25 0 30 I West, 191. 7 feet to the left bank .. ., kofO'.the McKenzre R1-VeT; tlience North, 700 .40' East, 90 feet to the-meander: :: ?corner. on the left bank of the McKenzie River between Sections 29 and. ". /130, of the sa1ll.e :r.o"'1l~hip"and Range; thence. North. 70' East 349.8 feet .'to the meander .'c.orner between Sections 20 and 29, on the left bank of :..;the McKenzie River; thence along tile meander line of the left bank of .,. .the McKenzie Ri:ver, Nortl1 .5.20 3(T' East, 96.6 feet; thence North 33' East, 44.3 feef; th.ence North 80 East, 317.1 feet; thence North 86' ):,. ,II' West, 132.8 feet; thence Nortli 45' 37' West, 161.0 feet to. the center) "Q!; the CountY' Road; th,MIi.'" ,~liHl2r&, E;1;."ul~mFTi/Jgi\l~vEy!1o"centerof the County I . ~.: Tne said property is free from encumbrances except . easement for pipeline and r;.ght to 'inspecj, maintain and repair the same, granted the City of Eugene by 'instrumert ~~:~?~~~~~~~~i~:~i~.?}~i:~~~~~~~~~~Y:~:~~?~~j'f , ., ,1."._m--_...m.._...._........................m...:~:;c.:;.;............. ....m... ............................,.....,....ll.-..s ..........n.d9-lH.!....H.n.[j.6. I, ~ ; '... ,;. Daled this ../.f."..... day 01 ..~~ ........... .. 19ZYi,... ' _ ,,;::: \~}~!t~,~ '...........m ...m. ........... ............. .....,...~....... -~.~.:....~~............_..~_....._....,_........ ~';il ':t<~.:~~;' ':;:;;;:';:"il -.--........-......-.-.-..-... -............------........-: : -\ _.A1.I_.~~n _.. n..._.._.:.._._....... _'::_.__..._.... .....;..' I':' . ~ \~~nmi1uiil' . , A ~ , _"'.1 L '. _..,'-'-~...,~;.~,.,..... T ...~'-;-;F' o.Jt-C''lrrc.-.'t" 1"';;:'''.-- .... '--)- .h"Xl:;L.;-;V~-I""'.().'r~ -'/~.'-"19..""/.r_; .... i ~..- ':-'V'~~t-:-'.~~!!.~(l.$\o.'...., S A-'Jf.p U 11 liu, douhn YbO "-v/'~~d.. .........d.,I.~s. Q~A....".,' ."':'>1;'.;'''r;;:--'''~::; . ...,...., ..:~ , l~ ...., I "'\":l~"" ....,. ':t. ersona7.UfJPpellrl.l t e D oV6~n .-.....fr;j:tt. tdJ..- n.. ..,-.L~.........n..~..n...._..._.. ! "': ~"-~...:f' '~".'~'J~.~"'\~ ~ h... 7'Vt. . I ~.~ \{f;~~I~%t~.\ ~ ~. ~:~a- a~kn~~e.d~~.~h~..i~.;..a.~J:~A. i-;~~~;;,.~-;;t-;~..b~.~..~.:~.-...~..~~i;;~~~;~~~-,;;;.d~d: :;. .:~~ ,?~~i~~i:. Belor';v:t:r;.p~l~~;;;;;;i~~.;;~i~~;;.=:::;;?::::~f::~7.lfr=::== . .1, " ': .1.~~.~e- o~.n" ."," t .~j: ~;fr,;.....",'"Il1ll"J"'.- WARRANTY DEED , '~:i.,l' . Hl1gr.old A~:':':'&. MaD'_!1.Jio!:ll~r. ___ -' ~ta1 H~.~!h...fQ.:L!m,lg;r~D-I..._..~~~.~.~~.._ :-:: InC. . .J!i;J1!_1h.'LChj.1.q.J;gn:t~L._ "'r<T<< .- i. . j'; STATE OF OREGON I I ...j i I Me~ t al._He~lj;:JL.f.Q.L.j;,hJ)Jir en . ii~~~~-i;t".r..~Qll\...RQ"..!L _..____ ~p.....i ndJ.!lJJ;!,.....Q.R........J...L4..7.7 Inl . SPAt;E RE:umV[D >OR COlJnty of _...._........._.____..__. I cartiEr that the witilrn instru- ment was received for record on the ..........:...day of .._................_... 19___..._., aL..................o.clack.n._M., and recorc1~d in book .n..........._on page ..._..._._or as lile/reel number ....._._...:.h._.._..__._...., Record 01 Deeds of said Couniy. . ,\ Witness my hand' and seal of ~. County llifixed. e:.....NT...,... ""cnE:!I!l_Y'" Allar fCl('rdlng talum 10; RECORDill:S USE I Unlll a ch..n9D if III'luu,'ad, ..Ill.... :'clllmllnl' I ,hell bo Il!:nl 10 th. fallowins cu!:drcu: M.ent.aL.H.eal.t.h...:fo,L...Ghildr..e:n......In' : . 399.5 Mar.c 0.1 a. .RD.a.d..._..._.h_.......,~..,_..__h.. .l spti;~.fieid~.:'O.R..._..97.4.7..1...:......_....__... .....-..~-.N;..uE:~~RE-5s:-iiP--._....._...... ............................._u......__._..__.......___...._.... By,_ Recordin~ Officer '. ..................,.....,.._..,.............Deputy .'.1 aat" ., . - . ~_.;.""I.VvU. . . ...._-._..._-...__.._...N-;..;;;.-.;;;~~~ii~~;~-..._-_._.._.._-_. FEB - It 2010 Original Submittal ~f~;t~i';~'li'" . &1,,-=,. g~""'~,,1. ,;! 'ii"., ....'~1:,~'-;:.~. '-:t.< ~-' . .',~ ." ~ Road, ,84.8 feet;. thenc.e ~.,~_.:~.,,{..,.;. ." 2Sc 3D' West 453 S.-ceet f;;:r!~!:'!; ,', ""'".,,. ,~~,:,:,,:,; ~ or: :! ~...::1- -,',,' '~':r ~. ,,'~:.., ",..r - ":'iUn(," '~~~::A~:>r"' .-';-.:. :.0(.- .~,.; ~~~ e; ~::.l: ~t. ..' ! " ,..;: . "':'< :/" ,'. ,,- -~. : ~~ "',-"1 ,."..1. 79.Q, '" ":>11 4:: ..V~r..'..L.D -:-:, ~ ..~ .~~: "-...of ;:r~ l:~~1 _' ......... "." :\' ,>.~:.~. .. "\' :,:'l ! .. i~ ., ..,.,. ,". ',I' _.~,:: . ".- '....,.'l._ thence;.Si:)uthq,.:r ". ':~ r= :'.~: ;,.'.',.':.;-..'...;'..';:.."".:.:..'r;'~_~."...":;.::.. .).j"!"::.. . f,,,. . ~;i, ~,', ..~ ,- :~r~~:.:';': !..;.(.f~.;,:~l~i .....i':~~~....~~r;::~....i:;:)',. ,. '. ," ,:: .,~~i::~,:,i:i,;;ji';i:;;211~ ".t" :,:.""." .~,.~1.:~~~:~. :, " "".f', ',l~. South 29" 42'.Ealt,. 14~1 f~et~ . to. the' ,Place: 9:1;., h~ginni~g. ". .-;-.-. -.C . ,- 'l..:; r.;,~.,. ~;.' ',\; .:. " f,"'>' ",1;' -,:: '1 ;; .'~:'l: ,', r .:~ * ',. .;;, /,.-, ::',:: ;' ~<\. . '", i. ~ , . : . ,.:!":. .;:,::Eugene by instrument recorded December: 30. .ij,:;,Lane County Oregon Deed Records '. :, . i: l}'o"QDn!.l ......., ~!~: <:!'::., , ~ ~~ fM a~ *~! ~ .,..........1_-'._ ,.._~" ."", '-~:; .i..'. {~ ...:,. ~~. ~ '<"'1. A~ \,,, '<'.1' o (l~ l:'- .:', ,.. i 1 \ \ !r:~ ; '1" ,lJ11 fi-S! I~~' " ,~ . t:'a :E :;'w;t! o 0 . o.zll)'" ... ......co::! -5~.w"E. -.:;~~g ~ l:lo 'Z 2: ~.s.;:-'D ~~.~:g CL!:! i::;. -ti t -; _.v>-u ,Boo.g ::: g <i ~ :g. ~ t,.c;t- o c 0 -" ~ 1I.l"tl ~ ,0 0 0.'0 ~ g - .... I:: .. <= :;I'.... 58.5 ,; - 'I . 0 o . ~o 2" 0'0 - ~ '- o . ~ o. ai8 .. "...." ..--.." .." '1- .'" .. " '. .~ 'C ~ .. a- t .-- ;jz \,,- . ~ "\. N '\J.:i' 0' ----', .~..,.,4"_ r: " ".' ~~ t'" ~ CJ.l " o 0: ,";, .1924 in Book H2,.Page 275'1"' ." '. . ( ... ~-:,~. ~ :" ...r....... ,. :e' ~r" .' ,~ ..~-::.f;~. I, :; ~. t.':' .......- :~ .. ""~~,7~~?)<~i:{!1~T - ... .' . 'r~ t::li~':~~JA ',' .,l';"!::,, ,.~.( . ~. B ~ -' -< <3 r;: "" o ,., ;; g " 'i- o . .3 o ~ . . \\ ~ " o -5 ~ o " S u ~ i5~ u 1!'E '" . ~~ .. e ~ ~ ':: ~ o 0- '-=I '..._~. Original Submittal Date ReCeived: ,.. F.EB 42010 RETUnN TO CASCADE TITLE CO. 30-=1P" (ClJ1 ~I)(J 17-();2 - TITLE: NO. 223/667 ESCROW NO. EUQO-9960 TAX ACCT. NO. 113462 ~ TAX ACCT. NO. 113488 I , Division of enluf Deputy Cl~rk Lono Counly DCGd~ and Re~grdB m0.0~1811 ,. """""'" ;;r.; CASi::AOE TrTLE CC. /11111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111 $31,00 eele371S2eeee0~2B71002 . RPRDEED _ 1 _ 3 CRSHIER ~JIZ71200009:01 :01 AM Sle.ee Sll,ee $le.ee WARRANTY DEED.. STATUTORY FORM RARVEY H. HANSEN, G:::-a:1tor, conveys and warrants to MENTAL HEALTH FOR CHILDREN, INC., an Oregon non-profit corporation, dba THE CHXLD CENTER, Graut~a, the following described real property free of encumbranceg except ~a specifically set forth herein: . SEE EXHIBIT A WdICH IS MADE A PART HEREOF BY THIS REFERENCE TRIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW US~ OP THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS .INSTROMENT IN VIOLATIOn OF APPZ,:rCABLE: LAND USE LANS AND RBGUI...ATIONS. BEl"a~ SIGNING' OR ACC:e;PTING TJD:S DfS....n.u."""'~u', THE PERSON ACQUIRING FER TITLB TO 'I1IB PROPERTY SBOOLD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRliTB CIn OR COUN'I'Y PL.ANN:ING DBPARMENT TO VERI?'! APPROVED lJ'S:29 AND '1'0 DETE:RMrNll: ANY Lnnors ON LAWSUITS AGAINST PARMINlJ OR FOBST PRACTICES AS DEFINED ~ ORS JO.SJO. ~ept the following encumbrances: 2000/2001 taxes which are a lien but not yet due and payable. ~. ~"", COVENANTS I CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND' BASEMENTS OF RECORD. The txue consideration for this conveyance ia ,- .......1 $297,000.00. <(. '.. -,,~~ . .. Dated this ,:)./. day of Cl.t..-f., ~ r d-~/ 7'1 -NC0-ft'-'/, HJfRVEY HI HANSEN' . At'rl . #f';";l .J,t.. . '<.;' l.=~1:~ Ri~O'J'iRao:ttmRu,= .- -~- ----- - - ~ STATE OP OREGpN, " This instrument was by~1 NC~~_~ ~dblic for Oregon My commission expires: County 0 ~ t:'"1"--- acknowledged before roe on \9B, CL&. , tl i' ;<&, 20~, , /" -/7-<J3 , .. . ',~ - HARVEY H. HANSEN P.O. BOX 356 ~OAKRIDGE. 'OR 914.63 GRAN'l'OR' 5 NA.t.1.E AND ADDRESS Until a chaoge is requested all tax statements shall be sent to the following address~ ..... SAME AS GRANTEE: *** ':\1'. MENTAL HEALTH FOR CRILD~~:::.:s 3995 MARCOLA ROAD SPRINGFIELD. OR, 97477 GRANTEE1S NAME JUnJ ADDRESS (:"1_ AfteI recording return to: CASCADE TITLE CO. 811 WILLAMETTE EUGEh~, OR 97401 Date Received FEB - 4 2010 Original Submittal .1- "T .. ~ ~~ CT-223667 &,j- PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Beginning at a point 24.0 feet North of the corner common to Sections 19, 20, 29 and 30 in Township 17 South Range 2 west of the Willamette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon, run thence North 250 301 East 453.50 feet to a point, said point. being referenced by a S/8'1 iron rod, thence North 290 42' West 27.33 feet to a point 'on the Easterly right of way line of Marcela Road; said point being referenced by a S/8" iron rod, thence run South 60D i21 2411 West along the Easterly right of way"line of said Marcola Road 311.27 feet to a point marked by a 5/811 iron rod found marking Engineers centerline station 30 plus 77.57 P.T. (and being 54.85 feet Easterly when measured at right angles to the said centerline of Marcola Road), coptinuing along said right of way line South 60 g 221 24" West a distance of 172.:31 feet to a point marked by a 5/811 iron rod set at a point 51.72 feet Easte:;-ly (,when measured at right angles to the centerline of said Marcola Road) of Engineers centerline station 29 plus 00 P.O.C., thence along the arc 'of a curve left (the chord of which bears South 550 16" 55" West 195.23 feet) te a point marked -by a 5/Bn iron rod (said point being 46.51 feet 'Easterly of (when measured at right angles to the centerline of said Marcela Road) at Engineers centerline station 27 plus 00 P.O,C'.I thence leaving the Easterly right of wEl;Y line of 'said Marcola Road and run South 6C 571 SOli West 261.48 feet to a point marked by a 5/811 iron rod,' thence North sse 151 East 352.06 feet to a point that bears 162.39 feet South 25e 3D' West of the point of beginning, thence North 250 3D' East 162.39 feet ,to the poi~t of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: FEB - 4 2010 Original Submitt~1 ," , l:L <.;, t~ ! ,'d' ',i'r .....:..:. . "..~ ~ :": "" ". ~'f5~:~h~U:u:~ ~~~;B~;j:~; ;~~;";:.:,:..:: ".:,_,,1. .:...,' 'r.tu...- ~ ',' M..... ., _ >;. /;~ :"! '-"/ -~ . ".'- ..:-: "~':\ .;.... . ....... ..~'-".,,~.:. .;''';'! Original Submittal " ~. ". ~9 - >': ;: , " :f f' ":i I;' r~ ~.~ 'c '.. '-': .: ; J .,'T'. Y!} ed: . .,..,.."v,,~ ~ l""'~ ;h'\ ",!", ...~':J-.' N-.~"f"""~""'. -. . f . -, 'D' Illt~~~l~iflr,~f~i}ti;:_' ,:; " ..'. 1'01' ~b.g" dQ:; o.nd oct';'~a't; 192a'~' ,",. ,~. "-' ."- ""GmSl e .n< :, , -. FEB - 4 2010 Original Submittal /55 '... ..... ':.,. ..-'---"---'-'-----'-,..>_._.,:,.-~.." -....-, ,...,. ...,-'.... ~.~ ,-~[tl~{@~{~z::{};; -.':' ~. ..- B36B~ . ~ ;,s..,' .h. ..'_i." ,l. ,,"..' ~-,: ,. ';,1,1 . ""=" . ,. ., 52 = C'..l 4- S - I 'E <1> CD .0 LLI ::> - IL. en Iii c '6> ';:: 0 r ., , ~. ;>T~ , , aa::'!l8r oo:m::on to eeatiOlltl 19, 20, ;!9" (I.1:l~ 30, T. 17 9.- a. 2 VI, W.L~. ".1" a=-~n:~~;~;:~~::::~~~;::~::~~~~~-::::;':;~:=~~:~'=:::::~::::~;:~:::.:~.~~~~eo~~~~~~a~_~~~.~ j . ]\lrtbor rights llIld prlv11e[fas ,to bo' oODveyec. -bY"sa:Jc.!Faemont are "d.esert 'bed:'1!.B fellows: !!;bll pnrt;v of thf! aeaond ,pe:otl throl,gh ita e.gei1tel' she.n bEva the 'right to enter upon said ,lCJ:lil.!1 fer the purpO!lB at: ocnel;ruo-t1n5. building, :1nY!Zl&'i PBtrollingi P..nd:'~:zie.intabi.ng thereon n plpa linll for tto cOl1veyaJ:loQ."c'!: !ra.te::.-, lcoludi:l5 allch.'rOJ:l!lYle.1sj' l'opai'l:'s, .reple.oementa 0::' 1'8- movale as lIley, from ,time to time; be rel'luh'odi with th.e. r'1:sht to'rllmaVD such., obatruetiOIlc l!.S ~ laB.,}-" latcrtere w,lth the cD~t!"Ucticl1 or oporl!.tion of !laid pille 11nBl~ sc:td.lili'bil.t,'~eJ.1:t be 'pe~et.. .'"i. usl so lons: as said eH,y sha.ll Op9I'B:ta a .pIpe i'o~ oarrying 'i'mter ac::-onG~a1d l'lllJd; but EIhould. ; aUid oity oaaee .to uae cllid :pitlo limr:e.::lIi abent!.on. the SEll'lC, then lll1. ri'!;hts and p:t'1nleses ~ conveyed by 'ouoh' aaeement eha'll l:allsB 'nnd 'e.:l1 riglit and tftlo thereto shall rev-art to the S::-n.nth or_ot' :laid. eaaenent,' B!! 'eiJooelJ"Sors~ heira or assigns; . It 15 f"arthsr provided that .::laid .pillS line eh.e.l1 bo S:l laid that the tOil tb.ereof sha.ll be buried .e.t laBnt 18 inohss balo',.., the ZlatureJ. 'ourfa.oa of the Ground 'o.;:;oo;pt e.t low spots whare I ra.viollO or slOUGhs, not in cultiv!!.~ioni 'nro c:'_o eeed, nt.. ';7hlDh':=.-!lo1n~1l tha top c:f tho 1I1pe mBy" i be at m;ch olavatlons I!.S thlt Ctt;y~i!'q-.d:Bo1d.ei .prov1bd,'it: shall .!lot inter.f'e:re \1ith the DOIltin" 1 1 uad UOD or thll 'le.nds oj' the partr.:,o:f! th9"flrst,.p.~t ae. they e.re.new Ulle~' _ ~. 'It is ru=ther Q.g:oee\1 that tbo'.'c1 by. E1ha11.'!li.EiVEi; .the l'l!l'h~. to. bu11,i' 'I!.t the aurfauos; ot the f. 'ground :lUcb entranoes to tbe._plpe"'line:, ';1!.1l me,y. .be' required:. :pl'ov;1ded.' tba.t' cueh" ope.ains;e will ~ not be ia=gllr,than- tour ,reot...equarlli' v:111".be~bunt a.o;Ca.5'.l:l.ct.:to'extetld.;lIIo:'e.t~. a, fay; inches above ground. lavalj and vril-l..bB.,: eo BOVlIl'ea. ea.. to be',aata:'for-eioossiIig;o':r stook.-'er vehiolos'- -~&.Gity will, 1:r .n!la8IHlaryl~~,:re..qiillBted<:to- dO~BO-,",bu1lJ1: ~nd.,-mgj:ntB:in"d'uri'nS' the':time":lIoi:1Elt~'_ oUen \'IOl'.!!: is under Wayl eldtnblii''t'brid;gea.'ro.r''ll.Se 'ot :p~,t~.:ot:".the'.:first. part ~1:Ji'-o:pa:tiDi11g'\!ltoak or '{ehicl~.5 'sorOSD tho strip' o:r;1B.nd..rBtsr'1"ed:~:t1F;1n'BELid;I'ea.iie!li-eDt... !I!!:.e riGht ot..way .sbo-;-e~re:rllrrBd....tO. e.tld:. ooverBd"by.,.a.nd':ii:Jloltlf!ld'.in, tI11's:-'oaaem!!nj;'''-Sh:al.l Don" .. sist of a stri,~ .of land 10 feet 'in w1d.th. be1ng,;:5.teet on-,e! tlier'~aide o:!,.'tlis'.oonter l1illl-or ranta hereto fora d.ssoribed. It ill :rurther UIlderlltocd..l:Uid ag:'lIsa. that ..tha';Oit,y::slinll:'.bava the add1tlonal...rlght and. ,p'1".1- v118gB duritiS oonat!"ll.cticn to. ooouPY. lYi.th exo.avat'ea: t18.tariu..-con9trJ.ct1on~!lIahrn!J. cr.eq'ti:1;..p- mant, nn additional str1.p o!'.lo.l1d c.llJaa!lnt:ta, ant!.' qn'eaGt .side cf the scove"de'8ori'ced strip o:r: :r:1gh,t of way, that is 25'~8.et on thB.nor,thar13,::or.lott eUe'.ot' the abon:.~BBorl1iB'd:'.Iltrlp end. to tbe limite o~' the' aeon dDDo,r.1b~'l.n;n!i-s.'.on tbe",flouthc.r:J.3;-'or'?l'ght;' s1d:e"ot.-aa'j:d' strtp :or' ;oigb.t Dr Vf~ a.m 'it '.1a..undaratoDd. !!.nd, agr8ed'-:tlint :tb8" ocnE:.tdBrat1on"hC!reitt~':nanio.d' _llb:illc'_',bo-iJ:1. full for.-o.l.l- dn:nr:q;ee.,!:Usto.il:I,lid".by.\tho ''pll:i:'t:!:',:o~.-thft-..:ti'rtlt po.rt.1'O;to" U30 'a~ 'landj'. o:r:l;'..1l:lcOnTCnt-~tio~ during t1-me 01' aOIlBtrriotioc.:'p-rov1d.'sd, htlwovlIr~'tba.t aho'Ul~. e.Dy grcw'1ng"c.t'ci:P3"bs'doet:,oYBdl :tb"s', same.5P_all...ba,';pa.id._:foI' . in'e.dd.i't1~l:l,..'_.t 0 . tho' iQ.:bo:u, :rim.:..!tiid..-;Il't."tbe"ourrent; .TJilue'~01'-'S~'d.~a~cps:' I.t....t".1:ur:tJ:1e.r ,C.I9.~~:d..',thE.t" upon' aomI'!l.e.tj,ol1l.ot ,.oon;a:hma.ti"ol:l!.,'.or:'o.;y :!JUbes'q,UBnt'.. ''1'''el:lani:I~i:q'l).t.;; ion .or! .repai'1'i'4?B:;D1t;y;,;~;il:'_o!!,uae ,the lirotmd~ 'v_D,>bB~-fi:J:lad: .DvQr..:IlO,1:,;'~Xtle:Tat-f~pa"ine:a:e~;aiJcf'.fu:"Rt-: '. : ::~;~:1~~~e:;~::;:''::~,,;;:;;~~~~;S;:~.;:~~:;~~~~:~~'::i~:~~.~;o:.:::~::=~::~~::~~~::.. : :lI!I.ll.ne:r.e.s.,p!:leepi..1e)..'iin.~~:thll.t..-:th.lirDa:f'te:r, tb.B lltlr.tz. 'of' .tho' first. par..:; r.1~l:' hilvs -1'ull.lf.e.S' o:f:'":the' .; land to .~h;f~h !If4!l:"B~e.~~ent!"e.i;pli!l6r 'subjeot) 'on:4o": to the' .righte 0:1:' -said. ,City .:t'el,lttiva:. tc~. ~nBpec; i tiOD, 'rllP&i--r-_s"~"io6illEUieCliin~.~:,. . , It. i.e;!pio~viJi'~_~; ~~ba"lf'''h!!re::',ne'.o_es.fl!!-''7....to, ,rsmDv.9','or:; ~tor:10no.aB': or.-Ct,the%!.:. :p'1"apert.r...:~the'''Ol t,y : ::~~:::~;"~~I~;1~;;j;~r;~i1!~;~~;i6~::::~mE~~:~~:;~:;~;:::=~;1;:::::~] ~ ~~~f~~?ifi~iE:si;;;ii~F Buoh 11e.~i:eB sa.'and: when.. they. Qo"6"u,b:a4Ifitton'".:ttio1ih'sJ Efr:1Q'lfD.t.':ot'i'P1u.lA.t8~~'h!lra1.n'itlr<be:;:pli1:d-':::.;t'or tbl!i:' e~~.~~!3'~l't,..h.~~.eJ-!i.,i~.!l'~:::~lle~~ ,.,: ',> '~,. ',.' , ".; ,;'.!:-:::;',~;~.:: ' "~.J,'-;> .': .....,... ':-,. t;.:: .~. ' ": ~.,< ;.,:: -:~..;.: ,. . . TO:.RhV!: ..AIlri. 'r'Q '~-:iiCI!:'!i,: th'EI.::~iiiL'd; p!-~ta:raaa" W1'tli:~ tb:o'j.-r~app11r,l;aD.ll.naes. 4Uiitd1:in:ia.~ae.1O. lei ty . ~ " " ]; I ,rn ,. '. :\ l I ..~Jc.". :'v ". '!<m Date Re~ved: or ...,. II: ,tbe"presli:nije~;O:f: Evil. J:.,;UoA:t'.thu:c J. \7'. :',tCAt-thur .;.'.:;~~,~. . ,. i":~ .~~. I.::>~{.... .';"".~;..",.. FEB - 4 20\0 tV -ina\ submittal ':'. . ...."",,-,.. ....r~BTA'l'1: 0::' oa60::r) ... .,..... . ~ ", __" . ~8 ': .:J.:'!~9~~01'\-ThUfE l' . "<"~j:,;:;,~~ . :TEIS OER'l'IFIES tbA.t ot!..:.tI;f5"~~~~_h-.da.,t O~. 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'''t' .;1 -i~.. ...f/r,,:," l '<'3;33353 IN i'i1TNESS , 'n1EREOF. . \'-G. ) the undersigned nas . 19.J..i.. exccuted.this~instrumcnt ~hi~ ljT' doy: of ".'. >, L. -',:r.f~ #.IJ/J",,,__~: ~' c~ '----n# .r -~#.-. 1 ";:'.:;{! . /1'd% ~~,j c4U'7Cb10~:;; . .. ::. :\~ '..,,,. ";'". ....,;:. STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF . .';.-.' ...... :.,~._:..,..(.- . >,~:::':.;";..~'." ' . On this . day of \o?i thin n"nmed ..r":"'i,.92. .i-:. ",".C.._' ...;.". .:.; Irnown to me to be. 'the identlt.n::'!ndiVidual. :desc:rio'ed' in :,and'.wno instrument freely and- -voluntarily.. . ."'.- ',: "':." :.;. .~ . ..Mf.~::~:::~:~~!it~i~~;.j')~~i ~':~::~~}. ... ,:!I' /'\ On thfs .y -. day of 77"7 .:;tjl- 1!tlZ~:~E&o;~;$n'~~: .!-#td..*,' c;.: -j)....~.---.....~... ___and "'"":':>~ ~~ .~~ '<_ ~::-~~~~':.... bpth to me persaniJlly known! wli'a belng du.ly-"swom. di?ay;h~J;;i!:tne~safiJ '(:;J~ . _'-'.~ I'; , . (Is fh~.,n."':__ p;resldenf. and'he. the sa[d~..w: j i.J. -:~~~'iS?~~~~ ...... ,.,....,_~.__ of MF!ntal H"a1t1-/."f"~r-"GfLLJd"'en'::'";f.Inc.-!.., -~'.'i::h'j",..","'t..!",,-,\)/ff _ ';r-<r!'arria.'d:-O-DtP.b~Jp'n;. and th~~t- he.S<}J..~'.rn~rrlffJJ~nl..;..W,.~~,.S[~9f!djrr"b~~. ~~/:~~t~i~f!if!' / ""'Its' Board ot DJrec'Ii:Jr9, and;. :.f:G.-r.t'~U;th,;:,. 1. ."-' :.....ld~2;2:L~-il!:.a?..:F:~ -'". . ." .f .')'Jns.tQJ1ir''efil'tb.~tWf1e. (ref! a and deed or said Cq;po~tatiQn; . . ' .~~ .' .' A~;.- ~ _. .' , )~~,i -f~:.t~f.-:-..~ ~.4>. c; r ";."~ .';~ IN. TESTIMONY ~HE(1,EqF:~ f.~h_~~f~.e~e:~~.t#Y~:~~@~["f;W,~W~~~K.,-o" ';~i\.~lI~\"\"r,~,u,a~~\"l ;:If ,"f my oftrt:ffll 3eaf.thfir:day..anq,;year..'!a~t~l}bove~wrl ~. ~""!L:'i{....,.,i;'I\'.,.. 1("',. l" .-RA ....~.. ._1... ....'~...~.'"<:;, .."".. ;;::i,.!.\::,~~::-::>', .,. .MYC:~iss::~6:::1AriJlI~~~~t~~ '.'.;.;; .. .::';';":/Permi t and !::!.::;~mcnt, Page 2' ::i:.:.(~i.rG 'Electiic 'Onl}" ,\'/i.th E;(hiblt,. .. .. (~-'78) i. , ~;J/r~~i~~~~t 2.010", ," ~ ~. ~'~~'/:.:~i I~ ~if&!~t~ .rilIt'iZ.~ !.~ ;\ FEB 4.. ,'<;11 Original Submittal '1iiiii!iJ ........-.. ':...~~~ . !: 'I \(. ,'!"" '?:1 ., :,:,;,;;,::':.'i.'!:' .:',:. .1.'" . ".~. ~;t.,::~;'\ .j "s;..~:-,.: ,:';'W.:,:l~.'~i.I~~~~:~;,;\{W~~tf:~~i,:.;:~ \~\tt:H~:,Y\ ~;:~!m~1i;: pn~f(.~r ~): ":~ '- , ~F..;'" ..--T61.:{~~7~.;YJ~ .: . ',~. ',','" 'f': < , , I . J ~- .'-.... i' . .... }~~f,~ir' I .:"" 1jf~1~~ o 5:)'; !CO SCALE INFF.l!T :i):. .:';~"' .:"......,,-,..,. '-:1 ...,~X,: 11.[ttDIiEQ11D IllfllnMATIOlf ..., . ~~')~::':i' ':: . . .~r" I "n""''''-IJ~.ll ..,',. .' -~,. ,'".,';" .~';\:.S;~~ '''';;,,-,-,:'-'~. '- ;,~.'". ;n.LIl100 1102lll ~i";":}"~::;':~" I".. n;~F::b!. '. . ~'/- '",'.. ,\,A~:;i ~~;;i;~iC~'~" ':.rr',l~ Gt~ :';~r(i~.. :~::\:~: ..: ',,:, ~. MENTAL HEALTH, FOR CHILCREN, INC, ..~.~~ WI' .CHICO CENTER flEEL ~~.1-ltiSTtNo.'~~91l15 " " , ....1 t.b C.) t.) CJ .-g,., ~ ':,~", ~ : .' '~"'+'~~'~::~J" : : .F~~j\~;G\' ...~~ ~:: ..~ .-".':'", ~ .,~"...,:!cO ,:,'r..'(:\'1it~i[' ,-.'.' IA.; . \/;;)1' Q)'-' "~~~<-:$!'~' . V.l, .' :~~"'1i~:Y:4f~~"'?:~~ q.), g ..m ::!'.;-! .:~~7:'~~>,'4j_lf!!'~' or ,,',.';,i~ti:,,' ,.~-_ ~:~I'~I'j'fl~+;A_w.o ~~.;jL (J) a. ....:'~i ~::;: ,. tM'U\'~~~'liiCii~; ARE:,AIl'fitjig,!ATE,AND. : ..~~~~~~r~~~ '.:;,;.." .-','. !".j .. . "'''''' , ,,!..,,;,.l EUG'EN.e::.WATElftrELECTRIC BOARD ':'.:-,:::.:;S::~:r:.;'ffy~Q!r,':'~~HP~",..: . .". ....NIi..-... ';" -.::y.i:'~ .:.:/~;:;.~r I.':;' ~,:.:. ....,',,~ ".:; ....... .:,'. . ,.' ,"i~ j~t@]~ISjii: . ~'... ,..;'" :;.. .. ,'~'. J- ,:'-:":~:'<, 'r~~if~'~~;"'. I, .'....:. ":~'::;.,:.i. ~.t. :. '. :.'.. . ,- "--.. ur t '!) ". 1\. '..' .>:>.~, >~.~ '~~l~'i~';;:i:;t.... .h. .'. :..;....::i,.: :~~;~?,;,#j:' ' .~;:'x')g~~"rfi,l~~}WiR~~'t::_. '7933353 StntuurOrccon, County ul LBno-lllI. I, n.M. Pmrold. DutflDr 01 tho Depart. mt!bt of GCn~rDfServl<:4s, io aDd for the. ~ CounlY. dD hereby ""rtlry thDl lb. wil''''' ~trllrill!.llt we u:ah'C'd far tc'l:ord It "I. . 7 .1.0179 14:..,a 'g..;:.-/,,; ~t.f;;-'- n~I,,~9j9i4ll ".J;anll C:llli~ty OFFJCI~L n~l:~rdlJ. . d. - . . . . ~D.JJ. Pl!l1fold; Dlrectllr DC lh. D~pllftm&9lt Dr , G~per.l'" Iflii~ (./), '. Bf~7.".U .'~bL : : /i U'r~IJ. cn." // . ". :... ::~ {;: ~ ,. :~: " .:''''; ~~ ,', ::, ~.~ )~, " . - ~ \. ,-. .., ~) " \:' ~ r. ,.,jt:',~if~;\I\\!:~l~~i~l~j);fft\M%;;ijl~?~~~i~i'i~; ~. "'" "'" "'" ~ u - ~. - - "" .. . " " ",'.' '.;',': I'; :;~ '.' .. " ",~; ~,:;.. ")"... ' , ,_., '. .' i!." ;.'.'< ,..::-~': ~ \J~ :~/':: l..... ,i.:' ...._..~ ..{ k~: t.~ ;..~' ~,r ~ X{1J:ill;~tf;~@\'~iW~!t~[, o .., ce' :i' ~ (J) ,.C ,CT ',3 ;:;: - ,;!!!.. "';:',: .....:..' I ...c- "-> .~ = . .....'.. ;'].~~t' ." JT'J OJ o II) - (I) ;0 (I) o (I) <' (I) 0- . . " !''':i/ ;;'i} ,{\~i .'-". ~:~;~~~ l~:~,~:\t~~ .',' ,/.' ." .\ . 1 ~ ,^ , ",.: . . e. c.> ~ I- ;::: = z. 5 tB "" ~ "" ~ Cl .... ~ ~ RECORDATION REQUESTED BY: \~h McKenzie Slate Bank PO Bcx67 5251 Main Street Sprlngnedd, 'OR .'57477 FEB - 4 2010 Date Received: ",{l''..,t' WHEN RECoilDED MAIL TO: Original Submittal McKenzie State Bank PO Box 67 5251 Main Street Springfield, OR 97477 r , Division of Chlof Depuly Clerk Lane Counly Deeds and Records ~~~~.~m~~ $46.00 SEND TAX NOTICES TO: Menial Health lor Children, Inc. dba The Child Center 3995 Marcola Rd. Springfield, OR 97478 '111111111111111'1111111111" '1111111 1III1I 10103547200 la0427080 l5 07/26/2000 01: 54: 27 PM RPR RSN - 1 - ! CRSHIER 01 $25.130 $113.1313 $11.013 .." ~.: J F: vr:: ?J '2 yq'1 SPACE ABOVE THIS UNE is FORRECORDER'S USE ONLY ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS THIS ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS IS DATED JULY 24, 2000, between Mental Health for Children, Inc. dba The Child Center, whose address is 3995 MarcolaRd., Springfield, OR 97478 (referred to below as "Grantor"); and McKenzie State Bank, whose address is PO Box 67, 5251 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477 (referred to below as II Lender"). . " ASSIGNMENT. For valuable consideration, Grantor assigns, grants a continuing security Interest in, and conveys to Lender all of Grantor's right, tille, and interest in and to the Rents from the following described Property located in Lane County, State of Oregon: . On Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated. herein by this reference. '" The Real Property or Its address Is commonly known as 3995 Marcola Rd.;'.Sprlngfleld; OR 97478. The Real PrtJparty tax Identification number Is 109775. ' OEFINmONS. The foUewing words shall have the following meanings when used In this Assignment Terms not otherwlse definedln this Assignment shall have the meanings attributed to such terms in the Uniform Commercial. Coda, All references Ie dollar amoUnts shall mean amounls In lawful money of the United States of America. . Assignment. 'The word . Ass{gnment". means this Assignment of Rents between Grantor and Lender, and Includes without limitation aU assignments and security inlerest provisions relating to the Rents, ExIsting Indebtedness. The words "Existing Indebtedness. mean anexisUng obligation which may be secured by this Assignment Event at Default The words "Event of Default" mean and include wilhaut limitation any of the Events of Default set forth below In the section -UUed "Events 01 DelaulL ~ Grantor. The word "Grantor" means Mental Health for Chndren, Inc. dba .The ChOd Center. Indebtedness. The word DlndebtednessD means all principal ancl interest payable under the Note end any amounls expended or, advanced by Lender to discharge obligations of Grantor or expenses Incurred by Lander to enforce obligations' of Grantor under this Asslenment, toe ether with lnlsrest on such amounts as provided in this Assignment In addition to the Note, the word Dlndebledness. Includes all oblIgations, debts and lIabifities, plus interest thereon, of Grantor to Lender, or anyone or more of them, as wen as all claims by Lander against Granlor, or any onB or more of them, whether now existing or hereafter arising, whether relaled or unrelated to the purpose of Ule Note, whether voluntary or otherwIse, whether due or not due, absolute or conUngen~ liquIdated or unl1quidated and whelhar Grantor may be liable individually or Jointly with others. whether obligated as guarantor or oU1erwise, and whether recovery upon such Indebledness may be or hereafter may become &)y any smtule of limitations, and whether such Indebtedness may be or hereafter may become otherwise unenforceable. (lnlUal Here . -:.. ) Lender. The word "Lender" means McKenzIe Slats Banlc,ils successors and assigns. Nole. 1110 WOiG "Net,;" maans thG prorThssori note or ;;;iedit agreement dated July 24, 200C. In the or~gInal prfiiclpol .siiOC:.;..t of $237,600.00 from Granlor 10 Landar, together with all renewals of, extensIons of, modifications of, ,refinanr;:lngs of, consolidations of, and substitutions for the promissory nole or agreement Property. The word "Properly" means the rea] property, end all improvements th&r8on, described above tn the -Assignment" section, Real Property, The words -Real Prope~ mean the property, Intaresls and rIghts descrtbad above In the DProperty DefinllionD secUon. Related Documents. The words DRelated Documents" mean and Include wlltJout limItation all promIssory noles, credIt agreements, loan agreements, enVironmental agreements, guaranties, security agreements, mortgages, deeds of trust, and all other Instruments, agreements and documents, whelher now or hereafter exfsling, executed in COMection with the Indabledness. Rents. The word DRents- means aU rents, revenues, Income, issues, profits and proceeds from the Property, whether due now or Iatar, including without Iimitatjo~ all Rents from aJlleases described on any exhibit attached to this Assfgnment. THIS ASSIGNMENT IS GIVEN TO SECURE (1) PAYMENT OF THE INDEBlEllNESS AND (2) PERFORMANCE OF ANY AND ALL OBLIGATIONS -.mrm::-.~;:,:".::'.,:.:.,:,~;,;.:::~:.:--:... . 07-24-2000 Loan No 5053050411 J '.' ~ . ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS (8 (Continued) Date Received: Page FEB - 4 2010 , OF GRANTOR UNDER THE NOTE, THIS ASSIGNMENT, AND THE RELATED DOCUMENTS. rnlS ASSIaIllAIl""-ISl:Gl!LEI>I.MIDoACCEPTEO C oj THE FOLLOWING T81MS,' . ..., '!:I"'" "UUTnIlI<:l1 ;'1> . -- . PAYMENT AND F'ERFORMANCE. Except as otherwise provided In this Assignment or any Related Document, Grantor shall pay to lender all amounts secured by this Assignmenl as they become due, and shall slrir:lly perfonn all of Grantor's obligations under lhls Assignment Unless and until Lender exercises its right t?, collect the Ren~ as provided below and so long as there Is no default under lhis Assignm8n~ Gr8lltor may ramaln in possession and control of and operate and manage 111e Property and collect the Rents, provided that the granting of the right to collect the Rents shall not constitute Lender's consent to the use of cash coUateral in a bankruptcy proceeding. GRANTOR'S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE RENTS. WIII1 respect to the Aents, Grantor represents ant warrants to lender that Owner~hip. Grantor Is entitled 10 receive the Rents free and clear of all rights, loans, liens, encumbrances, and claims except as disclosed 10 and accepted by l1mdsr In writing. Right to Assign. Grantor has ~a full righ~ power, and authority 10 entsr into this Asslgn,ment and to assign and convey the RenLs to Lender. No Prior Assignment Grantor has not prevIously assigned or conveyed the Rents 10 any other person by any instrument now 1~ force. No Further Transfer. Grantor will not sell, assign, encumber, or ot1erwise dispose of any of Grantor's rIghts In the Rents except as provided In this Agreement. LENDER'S RlGHT TO COLLECT RENTS. Lender shall have the right at any time, and gven though no default shall have occurred under this Assignment, to coUect and recelva the Rents. For this purpose, lender Is hereby given and granted the following rights, powers and authority: NoUce to Tenants. lender may send noUces to any and all tenants or the Property advisIng them of thts AssIgnment and d!recl:ing all Rents to be paid directly to Lender or Lender's agent Enter the F>>roperty. lender may enter upon and take possession of the Property; demand, collect and receive from the tenants or from any other persons \lable therefor, all of the Rents; insthute and carry on alllegaJ proceedings necessary far the protection of the Property, fncluding such proceedings as may be necessary to recover possession of the Property; collect lhe Rents and remove any tenant or tenants or other persons from the Property. ' . MaIntain the Property, Lender may enter upon the Property" to maintain the Property and keep the same In rnpair; to pay the costs thereof and of all services of all employees, including their equipment, and of all continuing costs and expenses of maintaining the Property In proper repair and condillon, and also to pay all taxes. assessments and water utilities. and the premiums on fire and other insurance effected by lender on the Property. " . Compliance wllh Laws. Lender may do any Bnd a1llhings to execute and comply with the laws of the State of Oregon and also. aD other laws, rules, orders, ordinances and requIrements of all other governmental agencies aH:ecUng the Property. .': . Lease the Property. lander may rent or lease the whole or any part of the Property for such term or terms and on such c_onditions as Lender may deem appropriate. ~ ,..Slt:-.~.-,*- .r Employ Agents. Lander may engage such agent or agents as Lender may deem appropriate, either In Lander's nl3!Tla.or~.1n G~ntor's nama, to; rent and manage the Property, Including the collactlan and application of Rents. . ",~.~'-~",:'" ; Other Acts. Lender may do all such other things and acts wilh respect to the Property as lander may deem appropre'~d ~y act excIU~lvel; and solely In the place and stea.d of Grantor and 10 have aU of the powers of Grantor for the purposes stated above. 1 ':~_.; ~".\:'., No Requirement to Acl Lender shan not be requIred to do any of the foregoIng acts or things, and the facllhat Lsnde~snan ha...~pertcrmed one or more of the foregoing acts or things shan not require Lender to do any other specific act or thing. \L~~ c?': ',. , APPUCATlON OF RENTS. AD costs and expenses mcurred by lender In connection with the Property shall be for Grantor's accoUnt and Lender may pay such costs and expenses from the Rents. Lender, In its sola discretion, shall determine the application of any and all Rents received by I~ however, any such Rents recefved by Lender which BIe not applied 10 such costs and expenses shall be applied to the Indebtednes~. All expendttures made by Lender under this Assignm.ent and not reimbursed from the Rents shan become a part of the Indebtedness secured by this AssIgnment, and shall be payable on demand, wIth interest at the Nola rate from data of expenditum until paid. FULL PERFORMANCE, It Grantor pays all of the Indebtedness when due and otherwise performs ell the obligations Imposed upon Grantor under this AssIgnment, the Note, end the Releted Documents, lBnder shaR execu1e and deliver to Granlor a suItable satlsfactlon of this Assignment and suitable statements of termination of any financing statement on file evIdencing lender's security interest in the Rents.and the Property. Any termlnation fee required by law shall be paid by Grarrtor, if permitted by appficebre law. . . "..::;;l.;1~..:. . . EXPENDITURES BY LENDER. If Granlor falls to comply with any provision of this Asslgnmen~ tnoludlng any obllgafion 10 maintain existing indebtedness In good standing as required balow, or if any action or proceeding Is commenced that would materially affect LBrider's Interests In the Property, lender on Grantor's behalf may, but shall not be required 10, taka any acUon that lender deems appropriale: "AnY amount that lender expends in so doing will bear interest at the rate provided for In the Note from the dele Incurred or paid by Lander to the date of repayment by Grantor. All such expenses, al Lender's option, will (a) be payable on demand, (b) be added 10 the balance of the Note and be-ap'Poft/.oned among and be payable with any Installment payments to become due during eIther (ij the term of any applicable Insurance polley or (Ii) the" remaining Iarm of the Note or (c) be treated as a baUaan payment whlch wm be due and payable at the Nota's maturity. ThIs Assignment also wnl securu payment of these amo~nts. The rights provided for 1n this paragraph shall be In addillon to any other rights or any remedies to whlch lender may be ent!1led en accounl of the default. Any such aclion by lender shall not be construed as curing the default so as t6 bar lendsr from any remedy that It otherwIse would have had. . . .," ut;FAULT. Each oi !he following, at the option of Lender, shall constitute an event of default eEvent oj Deiault") under thIS ~sslgnment '., Default on Indebtedness. Fallure of Grantor to make any payment when due on_the Indebtedness. ~ .. '.... ' Compliance Defaull FaUure of Grantor to comply wllh any other term, obligaUo.'1, covenant or condition contaln_ed In this. A;5slgnment, the Note or in any of the Aelated Documents. . ~.. ""_>.., Default In Favor of Third Parties. Should Borrower or any Grantor default under any loan, e>ctenslon of credit, security agreement, purchase or sales agreement, or any other agreement, In favor of any other credItor or person thar may materially affect any ot Borrower's property or Borrower's or any, Grantor's abnity 10 repay the Loans or perform their respective obliga.tions under this Assignme~1 or any 01 the Related Oociimi:mts. .'. ~ False Statements. Arr; warranty, representation or statement made or fumlshed to Lender by or on behalf of Grantor under this Assignment, the Nola or the Related Documents Is false or mlsleadlng In any material respect, either now or at the time made or !umlshed. .'Oefective CollateraliZatlon. This Assignment or any 'of the Related Dooumen13 ceases to be rn fun force and eHeet {Including failure of any , '''0- - ,. ,.. -..., -~ <- ':~ :. .' ,~<;.;; '<t J ~ : '. " - 07:24-2000 Loan No 5053050411 . ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS. (Continued) Page 3. coUateral documents to create a valid and perfected S8:Cu!itY interest or lien) at any time and for any Teason. Other'Defaults. Fanure of Grantor to comply with any term, obligation, covenant, or conditlon contained In any other agreement bet',o,Ieen Grantor and Lender. Insolvency. The dl~olutlon or terminatlon qf Grantor's existence as a goingbusm8ss, the insolvency of Grantor, lhe appointment of a receIver for any part of Grantor's property, any 8ssignmanUor the benefit of creditors, any type of credItor workout, or the commencement of any proceeding under any bankruptcy or insolvency laws by or against Granlor. . Foreclosure. Forfe[tur~ etc. Commencement of foreclosure or forfeiture proceedings, whelher by judicial proceeding, self.help, repossession or any other method, by any creditor of Grantor or by any governmental agency against any of the Property. However, this subsection shall not apply in the ,event of a good faith dispute by Grantor as to the validity or reasonableness of the claIm which is the basis 01 the foreclosure or forafeiture proceeding, provided that Grantor gives lender written noUes of such claim and furnishes reserves or a surety bond for the claIm Satisfactory to Lender. Events Affecting GUarantor. MY of the preceding events occurs wlUl respect to any Guarantor of any of the Indebtedness or any Guarantor dies or becomes incompetent, or revokes ar dlsputes the vaHdlty of, or JlabDity under, any Guaranty of tt1e Indebtedness. Lender, at its option, may, but shall not be required to, permit the Guarantor's estate 10 aSsume uncondilionatly the abHgalians arising under the guaranty in a manner satlslactory to lender, and, in doing so, cure fhe Event of Defa~t Adverse Change: A material adverse change occurs in Grantor's financial condition, or Lender believes the prospect of payment or performance of the Indebtedness Is impaIred.. . InsecurIty. Lender In good faith deems itself if1Sec:ura. ExlsUng Indebtedness. A default shall occuru~der any Existing Indebtedness or under any Instrument on the Property securing any Existing Indebtedness, or car:nmencemenl of a~y suit or .qthsr .a~tlan to foreclose any existing lien on the Property. Right to Cure. If such a failure is curable and if Grantor has not been given a notice of a breach of the same provi51on 01 thIs Assignment within the preceding twelve (12) months, it maybe cured (and no Event of Dafaull will have occurred) if Grantor, after Lender sends written notice demanding cure of such failure: (a) cures the failure within fifteen (15) days: ar (b) if the cure requires mare than fifteen (15} days, immediately inlUales steps sufficient to cure the failure and thereafter continues and completes all reasonable and necessary steps sufficIent to produce compliance a5sooo' as reasonably practic~1. I.E>". , RIGHTS AND REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. u'pbn iIi'a occurrence of any Event of Dafault and at any time thereafter, Lender may exercIse anyone or mora of the followIng rights and remedies. in addiYon 'to any aUlar rights or remedIes provided by,law: Aeeelerate Indebtedness.. Lender shall have.tho 'right et its option wilham nollce to Grantor to declare the enllreIngebtedness immediately due and payable, including any prepayment,penalo/ ~I"!ic.h ~fcJ!1tor would be required to pay.. . "'"~.. ..' - ~,. ....,. . . COllect Rents. Lender. shall have the rtciht. without notice to Grantor., to take possession of the Property and collect the Rents,.including amounts past due and unpaid, and apply the net proceeds, over and ebnvel.ender's costs, agamst the Indebtedness. In furtherance of this right, lender shall have all the rights provided lor l!llhe Lender"s,Right toColleclSecUon, above. If the Renls are collected by Lender, 1hen Grantor Irrevocably designates LenCter as Grantor's aUomey-In-(~c~,to endorse Instruments, received In payment thereof In the nama of Grantor anD to negotiate the same and collect the proceeds. Payments;byYt~aniS or'-other users 10 lfndar In,respanse to Lenders demand shall satisfy the oblIgations for which the payments ara made, "whether 6r',n~o.t anY proper grounds for the demand exIsted. Lender may -exercise its rights under this SUbparagraph erthar tn person, byag"imt, or through.a receiver. . . . _ AppoInt Recelver~ Lender sh~1 h'~~~'lli'eright'trii~~~'a :~~ivBr appointed to take pos~essJon of all or any parfof the Property, with the power!o prolect and preservB the Property, to operate try.e PR?Perty preceding forecfosure or sale, and to collect the Rents.from the Property and apply Uie procesds, over and above the cost of the receivership, against the Indebledness. The receiver may serve without bond if permitted by law. lender's rlght to the appointment 'of a :recelver shall exlst whether or not the apparent value of Ihe Property exceeds the Indebtedness by a substantial amount Employment by l~nd8r sh~lI "n9t disquafrfy a persen from serving as B receiver. Other RemedIes. Lander shall have all oWlsr rig'h~ 'and remedies provided in this Assignment or the Note or by law. WaIver; Election of' RemedIes. A waiver by any party of a breach ot.a prOVision of this Assignment shall not conslituta a waiver of or prejudice !he party's rights otherwIse to demand strict compliance with that provIsIon or any other provision. Election by Lender to pursue any remedy shall not exclude pursujt of any other remedy, and an election to make expendItures or take actlon to perform an cbllgatlon of-Grantor under'thls AssIgnment after failure of Grantor to perform sha!l. n~l affect Lender's right to declare a default and exercise its remedies under this Assignment Attorneys' Feesj Expenses. 1f Lender instituteS 'any suit or action 10 enforce any of the tanns 01 this AssIgnment, lender shall be entitled to recover s!Jch.sum as the CO\Jrt may adjudge rs!!sonabla as attorneys' fees at trial and on any appeal. Whether or not any court action Is Involved, all reasonable expenses incurred by Lender that In Lander's opinion are necessary at any Ume for the protecUon of Its Interest or the enforcement of its rights, shall become a P,2t1of.u,e Indebtedness payable on demand and shall bear Interest from thedatsOf expsndilure until repaid at the rate provided for'in!he Note. 'Expenses covered by this paragraph Include, without limitation, however subject.to any limits under applicable law, Lender's attorneys' tees and Lander's legal expanses whether or not !.here Is a lawsuit, Including attomeys' fees for bankruptcy proceedings (IncludIng efforts to modify or vacate any automatic slay or injunction), appeals and any anticIpated post-judgment collectfcn servicBS, the cost of searching records, obtaining title raports (includIng foreclosure reports), surveyors' reports, and appralsal1ees, and 11116 insurance, to the extant permitted by applicable law. -Granter ~,I:~ wlll,pay any court costs, in addition to all other sums provided by law. ...... .~l"_.\",,_, ,.... ~_. . MlSCELlANEOUS PROVISIONS. . ~.~. fP'~owi~g m.~scellaneous provisions are B part of this Assignment Amendments. This' Asslgn'm'en~;tCgeUier with any Related Oocumsnts. constItutes the enUre understanding and agreement 01 the parties as to the matters set forth In this Assignment. No aUsration of or amendment to this Assignment shalt be effective unless given In writing and signed by the party or parties sought to be charged or bound by the alteration or amendment. ~.;. '-." ...., ,,' . Applicable Law. This AssIgnment has been delivered to Lender and accepted by Lender in the State of Oregon. This Assignment shall be governed by and constru~.!!l.accord~nce wlt~ the laws of the Stata of Oregon. .,. ... ~. ....., .. Multiple Parties; Corporate Authority~ AI! obligations of Grantor under this Assignment shall be Joint and several. and all references to Grantor shall mean each and every Grantor. This means tha~ each of the persons sIgning below Is responsible tor all obligations in this Assignment. No Modmcaflon; Grantor shall norenler Into any B. greemenf with the holder of any n1ortgage, dsed of trust, or @Itlar s~~ ~Q!eerrent which has 'priority over thIs AssIgnment by whIch that agreement Is mo::llfied, amended, extended. or renewed" wilhclUl8t~&J1A1n1?f cender. Grantor shall neither request nor accept any future advances under any such security agreement without tl19 prior written consent of Lender. Severability. If a court of competent, jurisdiction finds any provlson of thIs Assignment to be invaHd or unentarcrE~~Oftron or c O:ir;!na: StihfYJtt?L_ ., 07-24-2000 Loan.No 5053050411 ,... ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS . (Continued) Page: j~ circumstance, such finding shall not render that provision Invalid or unenforceable as to any other persons or circumstances:. If 'feasible, any such o<<ending ~rovisiOl\ shall be dggmad to be modified to ba wilhin Ihe nmils of enforceablflty or vaffdlly; however, IT !he Offending provision cannot be . so modIfied, it shari be stricken and all other provisions of .this Asslgnmanlln all other respects shall ramain valid and enforceable. Successors and Assigns. Subject to 1he limitations stated [n this AssIgnment on transfer of Grantors Interest. this Assignment shall be bindJnQ upen and Inuie to the benefit of the parties, L1eir successors and assigns. If ownershIp of the Property becomes vested in a parson other than Grantor. Lender, wllhout notice to Grantor,may deaf wIth Grantor's successors with reference to this AssIgnment and the Indebtedness by way of forbearance or extensIon without releasing Grantor from 'the obligations of this Assignment or liability under the Indebtedness. Time ls 01 th~ Essence. Time Is at \he essence in U1e psrlormance at this AsSignment Waiver of Homestead Exernptlon. Grantor hereby releases and waives all rights and benefrts of the homeste~d exemption laws of the Sla1a of Oregan as to all Indebtedness secured by this Assignment Waivers and Consents. Lender,shan 001 be deemed to have waivsd any rights underthls Assignment (or under the Related Documents) unless such waiver is in writing and signed by Lender. No delay or omission on the part of Lender In exeiclsing any right shall operate as a waiver of such right or any other right A waiVer by any party 01 a provisIon of !.his Assignment shall not constitute a waiver of or prejudice the party's rlght othel'Wtsa to demand strIct compliance with \hat provlslon or any otl1er provision. No prior waiver by Lendsr, nor any course of dealing between Lender and Grantor, shall constitute a waIver of any of Lenders rights or any of Grantor's obligations as '10 any future transactions, Whenever consent by Landar Is required in lhis AssIgnment, the grantIng of such consent by Lender!n any Instance shaD not constitute contlnulng consent to subsequent instances where such consent is required. GRANTOR ACKNOWLEDGES HAVING READ ALL THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS, AND GRANTOR AGREES TO rr~. TERMS. ---,'-'--- GRANTOR: Me.ntal H~ for ~renl rnc;. cfba ~ ChIld # By' /1/ /-1 d/J~ Bill Wellard. executive Director "- CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF Or P5.~r- , \ )ss COUNTY OF I"'.... ( 1 .. OFFICIAL SEAL JOHII RAlEIGH . .. NOTARY puauCo OREGON .. COMMISSION NO,301986 IKt COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 10, 2001 ~;.1[s:'-,.~ :', -~(.;~'" ~~.;.:' . On this "z, '1. day of '5u I ~ ".f,};': i'~: ~ ~~>-:6~- ',.. before me, lhe undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared Bm Wellard, .,' ExecutiVE! Director of Mental Health for Children, l"c. dba' The Child Center, and known to me 10 be en authorized agent of the corporatlon that executed the Assignment of Rents and acknowl~ged.ths Assignment to be the free and voluntary aot end deed of the corporation, by authority of Its Bylaws or by resolution Ofti:ts board of dIrectors,. f.or thE!. us. e. -s and purposeS \herem mentioned, and on oa\h stated that he or she ls authorized to execu~e !hI ~'gnment d fact executed th~ ~!E".~er~ on ~ehalt of the corporation. () .. / , <, 'I'.', '. <'l-.('ns;f;l'!./ /"/7 Bv ~',......., ."... . R.eslding at::,r "" \.. Notary ~bllc I~ and for the Stale of Or 'c... d~ ,,' My commIssl~n expires C /, d) Z (J:J I LASER PAO, Reg. U.S. PaL4 T.M. Olf., Var. i2Dc (c) 2000 CFI 'Pros6I11'iC~, 1i1C::-AiJ'rlghlS reserved. [OR-G14 E3.2B ilia MaITALUiCl.Ol/ll Date Received: FEB - 4 2010 Original SubmittF'1 " " ,I., -. " o . .~ , ,', :~ . "~'J~?' . .. Exhibit "A" a"ached to that said DEED OF TRUST and ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS dnted 7/24/00: Exhibit "A" . Beginniljg at a point 24 feet North of the corner of sections 19, 20, 29, and 30, Township [7 South, Range 2 West ofthe Willamette Meridian and .running thence South 250 30' West, 191.7 feet to the left bank of the McKenzie River; thence North 700 40' East, 90 feet to the meander corner of the left bank of the McKenzie River between sections 29 and 30, 'of the same Township and Range; thence North 700 East 349.8 feet to the meander comer between Sections 20 and 29, on the left bank of the McKenzie River, thence along the meander line oflhe left bank oflhe McKenzie River, North 520 30' East, 96.6 feel; thence North 520 30' East, 96.6 feet; thence North 330 East, 44.3 feet; thence North 80 East, 317. [ feet; thence North 860 11' West, 132.8 feet; thence North 45037' West, 161.0 feet t center of the County Road; thence South 610 West along the center of the.Cou'nty Road, 84.8 feet; thence South 290 42' East, 74, J feet; thence Souih 250 30' West, 453.8 feet to the Place of Beginning: Mental Health for Children, Inc. d, The ;!yld Center By' A/ /J4L~ . . ," . Bill Wellari:J;Execulive!Jirector ::. ., "',.1\,' l'. '.....-rtlf_:t'i;. ,- .-~~" ~ Date: Julv 24.2000 Date Received: FEB - 4 2010 Original Submittal .~" .-:::~':.....'~--":""'".., -,-~- ",. , DivisIon of ChieF D..uiy CI.rk 2002.^enjee L~ne Caunly Deeds and Reco~ds Vg~ UU 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $31,00 '00333221200211l11lS916S~020020 2 09/0612002 10:40: 2 AM RPR-ESnT Cni=l Sln=8 CRSHIER Dl $ID.DO $ID,OO $11,00 v:t ~~::-::... f:., .4.~., " Date Received: FEB - 4 2010 Original Submittal ," .. . '!. .J,' f\;,::o.: ,3, .,<,1-' .. .. ~ .. ~:~:-,);-::'~::~. . '1,i,',::t" ,:\' r~;'~:: c--,l~ -~;- "1-,/',) .'" " , ~ 'J.! _ ii- ~ . "'P';l~ .j' , ~ .:1'.:...-",;: - ,.' '. ~, .. " ,,~. d '-" E1 t- o "" :s 2: w ~ = ! '" >- z "" ~ c:= [.1.:"1- ?: <02.-0 'i SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD RlGHT-OF-WA Y EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, thai the undern;gned, MENTAL .HEALTH FOR CHILDREN. fo~ a good and valuable consideration.. of the payment of the sum of $0.00, the receipt whereof is hereby ncknowledged, docs. hereby grant unto the City of Springfield, a municipnl corpalU[ion, ncting by and through it's SPRINGFrELD UTILITY BOARD, and unto its successors Dnd a~signs. the right to enter upon the lands of the undersigned situated in the City of Springfield, Stale of Oregon, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point24.0 feet North oflhe comer common to Sections 19, 20, 29 and 30 in Township 17 South Range 2 west oflhe Willamette Meridian, in LaDe County, Oregon, run tbenc:c'North25' 30" East 453.80 feet to a point, said point being referenced by 115/8" iron rod, thence North 29.42' West 2733 fe~t to a point on the Easterly right of way line of Marcela Road. s.aid point being referenced by 5/8" iron rod, thence ron South 60. 22' 24:n Westnlong the Easterly right of way line ofsnid Mnr;:olll Road 31127 feet to 11 point marked by n 5/8" iron rod found marking Engineers centerline station 30 plus 77.57 P.T. (and being 54.85 feel Easterly when meaSured at right angles to the said centerline of Marcola Road), continuing along said right of way line South 60' 22' 24" West n distnncc of 17231 feet to u point marked by n 5/8" iron rod set ot a point 51.72 feet Easterly (when measured ilt right angles to the centerline ofsuid Marcola Road) ofEnginecrs centerline slation 29 plus 00 P.D.C.. thencc along the arc ofa curve left (the chord of which bears South 55. 16' 55" West 195.23 feet) to a point marked by a 5/8" iron rod (said point being 46.51 feet Easterly of (wheo measured at right angles to the centerline of said Marcola Road) at En~ne~ centerline station 27 plus 00 P.D.C., thence leaving the Easterly right of way line of said Marcola Road and run South 6' 57' 50" West 261.48 feet to a point marked by a 5/8" iron rod, thence North 85& 15' East 352.06 feet to D point that bears 16239 feet South 250 30' West of the pomt of beginning, thence North 25. 30' East 162.39 feet to the point of beginning. in Lane County, Oregon.. . Also known as: Tax Map #17~2-30-o0, Tax Lo~ #00100 Does hert:by grant Springfield Utility Board an easement beginning at lhc North East comer of the above described property where it meets the Easterly right of way line of Marcela Road; thence South 290' 42' East 27.33 feet; thence South 600 22' 24" West 10 feet; thence: North 290 421 West 2733 feet; lhence North 600 22' 24" East 10 fectto the point of beginning. And to place,- conStruct, operate, rcpcir, maintain, relocate, and replace thc:n:in Wl overhclld electric distnoution . ant! telecommunication lines., including poles, guy wires, vaults. transformers. and other Oeces5~ . fl:icilitieS: to fCmove and replace fences and lawns to the extent necessary to construct, maintain., and prO:t~t said lines, to cut nnd trim trees and stuubbery, and to trim and remove all dead, weak, leaning, or dangerous bl1lnches or entire trees that are high enough to strike wires. No part of any building or permanent structure will be placed UpOn this easement., other than uspbaltic pavement. curbs. sidewalks, ll?d ~vewa.y aprons. . '~. '1,.- < ~'.:, ~ . The undersigned covenants that they art: the owners of the above-descn'bed property and that such property is frtt and clear of encumbrances and liens ofwhalsocvcr cbaracter. wdL /A)JJ!/ 9- :)-Q L WIllinm Wellard, Authorized Representative for Mentnl HeDltb For Children Date Date Received: .'1....' ., , "" FEB - 4 2010 ST~TfOFOREGON ) )ss. COwtlY,orUlle ) Original Submittal BE IT REM:EMBERED, That OD this tJ'h-day Of~fY1~OOZ, before me; the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared the w.ithin named WilLIAM WELLARD. AlITHORlZED REPRESENTATIVE FOR MENTAL HEALTH FOR CHILDREN know to me to be the identical individual described in and who executed !.he within instnuoent Qnd acknowledged to me that sbe c:)tecuted the same freely nnd voluntarily. ." "f .". IN TESTIMO~ WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hond and affixed my official scal the dllY and year last above writtl"'l ~^ J .- _ tiI j /'1", hh-. ). It OFt'lCW.iS!.!.. t. 'tJ.JJ..t/JJ1.Jl. w{b{JjD It..../ a r"'I/":lRA\'E".,...fSTOH -. - '~j:.; '. . . .r,ii~GON Notary Public for Oregon . ,:r_:. OFflCI}J.SW.~'''-'- My corrunission expires: a -~6~03 .wIORA LE WEST ---P'.I' J!-.. J, if' ep~~~-g><;~ ~~, .;u..M/~ MY COMM1SS1DN EXFIR5 Fa 25. 2DJ3 Robert C. Lmahan, P.E. Electric Opttations Director . P!cosereturn to: SUB. 1001 Main Stre~t, Scnnl!ficld. OR 97477 Attn:Tony TDlbot I 5.19-125 Criteria The Director, in consultation with the Public Works Director and the Fire Chief shall approve, approve with conditions or deny the request based on the following criteria: A. Whether the conditions of the trees with respect to disease, hazardous or unsafe conditions, danger of falling, proximity to existing structures or proposed construction, or interference with utility services or pedestrian or vehicular traffic safety warrants the proposed felling. B. Whether the proposed felling is consistent with State standards, Metro Plan policies and City Ordinances and provisions affecting the environmental quality of the area, including but not limited to, the protection of nearby trees and windbreaks; wildlife; erosion, soil retention and stability; v?lume of surface runoff and water quality of streams; scenic quality; and geological sites. C. Whether it is necessa'ry to remove trees in order to construct proposed improvements as specified in an approved development plan, grading permits and construction drawings. D. In the event that no Development Plan has been approved by the City, felling of trees will be permitted on a limited basis consistent with the preservation of the site's future development potential as prescribed in the Metro Plan and City development regulations, and consistent with the following criteria. 1. Wooded areas associated with natural drainageways and water areas shall be retained to preserve riparian habitat and to minimize erosion; 2. Wooded areas that will likely provide attractive on-site views to occupants of future developments shall be retained; 3. Wooded areas along ridge lines and hilltops shall be retained for their scenic and wildlife value; 4. Wooded areas along property lines shall be retained to serve as buffers from adjacent properties; 5. Trees shall be retained in sufficiently large areas and dense stands so as to ensure against windthrow; 6. Large-scale clear-cuts of developable areas shall be avoided to retain the wooded character of future building sites, and so preserve housing and design options for future City residents. E. Whether the applicant's proposed replanting of new trees or vegetation is an adequate substitute for the trees to be felled. F. Whether slash left on the property poses significant fire hazard or liability to the City. G. Whether the felling is consistent with the guidelines specified in the Field Guide to Oregon Forestry Practices Rules published by the State of Oregon, Department of Forestry, as they apply to the northwest Oregon region. . H. Whether transportation of equipment to and equipment and trees from the site can be accomplished without a major disturbance to nearby residents. Date Received: Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian FEB - 4 2010 5 of 5 Original Submittal