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Permit Correction Notice 2010-2-5
~i!;\I,\/f~I~4W-'-"""~!~;jl""\~",,,,,,~~~~~~^_'~~,,~"""'~''''ifl<'''l''"'''''''/'I'''''';I''','', CI'ty' of Spr'lngfield/DeVeIOP'm'ent Servl'ces " ." '~':"I:Jf~~~~)Uh!o. ~SPR'NGF'ELD ., ::' . }~.'l'<;;"~ ~~'\'19"~' . Building Safety "",;"~~~i;,; >,iJ.W v", .~, 225 Fl'fth Street D t .1:,1'">"":"/,/7"""'1"';1\1/'0 ~ a e. .V~.~. ",,~''::1:2E::.. 'J Job# v cc;f'"' -:il.J i-! '1U Address:_ \ 17.2 r, ?'.MM 1/1 Jh':/ TO: Fc.A-f<' N'1,.,/r t= l):;r'Tf>'rr Inspection Type: Q()()(J+ b/PIyni-rAP l' <t:.I>V,t6!:; tUFf..', -:;'~I.~J &fUJr.u..AJ A-U,., ;(/1;:C-1,~,3iX>.tl-1?AJ5/~J 11)~, N!"'" <<Ll31J ~r--..b ~ II#-.X-, r-s r:- AIl. irJ }.jI'i}11A) tVl;c:-: :53 ~/,z.y 1Ju:.))A-'t:.i2.. AM) I /0" : ..,..,..'. II t" '~ "i', :i.,., "11' J.'" ',-',.' ,,, , ,I- MJ~..r' rH~ f2,(r))({=;L, PWPj; !A/.t1-t=-.Al.# IIk.M'F..{) 'rO IWtA ~ HI't-c.., It VdJ~X j::/:' Ie.. A-,v.o It <' 'r4flU::, DrLtJ<..f; 10 rWl-r r:.tfSIAL f-:rwt _ MtJll..t:.. ~;:.. 71lt: <S t9-M1"- . I''''~.:'' , ,- .,' 'j,,' ,"", ,.,1." " '. :corr~ctiO~~'aiid'~eins~e~i~n'r~~iie~~ shall)e milde ~h:i,in.:"?O ',calendar d~~S:' . . '? r- . . "(JillI f!>r remspectlon cpyes DNa 'Inspector r:..., J y' f) 'r:.,\Jf)J} , '. .Date: /'.. -.'--, - / /') . NN"'N~",,,,~ivN';'~NCallfofinspection 7~6-3769~":'''''''''''''''''''N''''''Questions 726-3759"''''''''''''''''N'''N . ,~,:'...~: '" -, ; ,"..I.\,',j'" _ t,.;. " "__ _.... 0,-..,' ~ . .~,., .,~, ~'" ,~-',,",-. " ",,' :. ~.. "-,:: -"... ." . . ,'f:.,~.. -'.,' . .,', L__""'..:',,'L ''-,oce.i " . .' ...~. ~. : ~l " . f! ~. . , . \;". ::" . ,~ ~\ . "::1,\::,)' 'Pfiw '? vii - f57J L1 5 r- z)'! 5 cJ <-2 ~ ?--;Zr