HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Field Test & Inspection Report 2010-1-11 ~. .mjl8lr No. 400ate Permit # 09-C8-1082 Inspector mike mackessy_ I . Type of Inspections Performed ~Reinforcing Steel OStructural Steel Fabrication o Reinforced Concrete 0 Structural Steel Erection "Dconcrete Forms DExpansion Bolts OStructural Masonry OGeotech Observations o Shotcrele 0 Structural Fills ~Epoxy Anchors DSub-grade (footings/slabs) DFire Proofing DPile Driving DOtner: A/4l?nnq Buil~illg~ .tl_o1ef _ Period periodic No. fi j Date Permit # 09-CB-1082 Inspector Dave Tilton Type of Inspections Performed ~Reinforcing Steel DSlructural Steel Fabrication DReinforced Concrete DStructural Steel Erection DConcrete Fonns DExpansion Bolts DStructural Masonry DGeotech Observations DShotcrete . DStructural Fills o Epoxy Anchors DSub-grade (footings/slabs) DFire Proofing DPile Driving Dathec A/1fi/?nolt. Building ~ntpl Period c~ / (O~ 2-- / Non-Compliance Report . CCI Project #1266-001 Rev Date: 1-11-2010 Covering Issued Daily Field Report Through #78 Specific Placement Locations A) Columns@18/A.C, E.25. H; 16/A,. <5, E.2S; 21/H.' B) Shearwall @ A-C/23 C) Epoxy@ column N/B.75. 1) 2nd level deck A-H/ll.5-24 2) 2nd level deck A-R/l-ll.5 Page 1 of2 Description of Problem Observed epoxyofrebarin footing: dO'v\lels,for columns. Epoxy-was HilkHit RE 500 with expo Date 10/09. Work reflects "as-built" condition. Need RFI approved. Embed depth of 8" into column. Holes were drilled with 5/8" diameter carbide tip bit in rota hammer and are ANSI approved. Embed on (2) western holes was 8" and 8-112" on north side 8-1/4" and 8". Holes were cleaned by wire brush and compressed air. Holes were filled and rebar inserted with a twist. Columns and shearwall appear complete, in place and have proper clearances and are ready to close up and pour. Work appears to comply with manufacturers recommendations (epoxy), approved plans and job specs. except as noted. Reference Documents:. Epoxy ESR2322, S2.1 1) On site for in progress inspection of reinforcing steel placement for above noted deck. Contractor placing misc. trim steel and tying tendons. Received copy of structural observation report by Babrak Amiri dated 9/14/09, including revised details for column steel hooks and add steel at'elevator for conflict INith penetrations. 2) It has been determined that the stud rails for the type 2 columns were shipped ~. in two pieces. At the columns of pour#l (1-11.5 line) only (1) of the pieces was -(-. installed, so (g) ,rails with (18) studs each is installed. "As-built" condition, is being reviewed by EaR. f=~La,r "!..L_,iiillBI13 / 525 NW Second Strp.€t. CDivnllis,OrRgofl97330 tf 800.383.8055 ph 541.758-13U2 Ix 541.753.2254 www.claircompany.com Daily Field Report Date: -1/4/2010 Time Arrived: 930 AM Project # : 1266-1)01 No. : 78 Project Name: Hilton Garden Inn I Address: 3328 Gateway, Springfield, OR ---1 ~~~l~.~..~!!.:,__"_ Hotel I Permit#: C81082 Client Name: Associated Consultant i Special Inspection: ~ Period: continuous Weather Conditions: rain 60F --1 Type of Inspections Performed 2J Reinforcing Steel, D Structural Steel Fabrication ~ Reinforced Concrete o Concrete Forms D Equipment D Structurai Steel Erection Type Serial Number _I Structural Masonr~' D Shotcrcte D Epoxy Anchors o Expansion Bolts o Geotcch Observations D Structu'ral Fills o Sub.grade (footings/slabs) D Pile Driving Type of Material: Supplier D D Fire Proofing Other: Mlx# Specific PlaCement Locations Light pole bases. Locations (12) marked on landscaping plan. Siu mplFiow (in.) Material Temp. (oF) Ambient Temp. fF) Time Placed No. of Samples Design Strength (PSI) Total Cubic Yds. Note: II Concrete Grout Mortar Jl II II 11 " II II II II II " II II II II II II II D Previously listed un~orrected Items D Changes to approved plans andfor specifications by Architect,or Engineer D Corrections of previously listed items D Items requiring correction D Materials.and methods of construction D Equipment used (i.e. what was used to proof roll or obtain compaction) FiI'JrJ.Oh~l'rv.ations and'C:omnll'nh ~ Reinforci~g steel w~._c~e_cked in locations listed above, for grade, size, lap, placement and clearances where applicable. On site-to monitor concrete pour of (12) light polibases/footings to ensure proper placement of anchor bolts and clearance ofrebar cage. Concrete placed b{tailgating\vith mechanical consolidation. Po~ha1ted after concrete reached three hours since batch time. Temperature of Wncrete at 67F. within allowable range. or tile (1in~~~i: only(-lO) were poured. , Reference Documcn!~: RFI pending per engine~~d d~~~~~~~,! E5Q~> ("'1' As a mutual protection to clients. the public, aud ourselves, all reports are submitted as confidential property of clienrs and are in fended for the use of aUf dierlts or No other person or entity may utilize the repon or any portion thereof without our written pennission. ITO the best afmy kn~wledge, the work inspected was'in accordance with the building department approved design drawings, specifications and applicable workrpanship provisions of the I.B.C. except as noted: Inspector Name: Mike Mackcssy I' Reviewed by: Dave Tilton / l-n;Lalr .Ii 525 NW Second Street. COlvallis, Orp.gnn 97330 d 800.383.1IlI55 ph 541}51l1302 Ix 541}53.2264 www.cleircompany.com Daily Field Report Date: 12/30/2009 Time Arrived: 8:30 AM Project #: 1266-001 No. : 77 Project Name: Hi,ltoD Garden (nn Address: 3528 Gateway, Springfield, OR Building: Hotel Permit # : C81082 Client Name: Associated Consultant Speciallnspectio'n: ~ Period: Weather Conditions: rain Type of Inspections Performed ~ Reinforcing Steel 0 Structural Steel Fabrication D Reinforced Concrete 0 Structural Steel ErecUon Equipment Type Serial Number o Concrete Forms o Structural Masonry o Shotcrde o Epoxy Anchors D Fire Proofing o Other: o Expansion Bolts D Geotech Observations o Structural Fills o Sub.grade (rootings/slabs) o Pile D.-ivlng II Specific Placement Locations "(12) lamp/light pole footings. Locations marked on landscaping plan. Type of Mate.-ial: Supplier Mix# Slump/Flow (In.) Concrete Grout Mortar Material Temp. (OF) Ambient Temp. r'F) Time Placed II II II II 11_...J1 II II II II II " II II II-.__JI II II Note: No. of Samples Design Strength (PSI) Total Cubic Yds. o Pre,,'Iously listed uncorrected items o Changes to approved plans and/or specifications by Architect,or Engineer o Corrections of previously listed items o Items requiring correction D Materials and methods of construction o Equipment used (I.e. what was used to proof roll or obtain compaction) Fipld Ohsl"n'JJtions and (:omml"nh ~Reinforcing steel was checked in locations listed above, for grade, slze,lap, placement and clearances where applicable. On site to monitorconcrcte pour of (12) light pole bases/footings to ensure proper placement of anchor bolts and clearance on rehar cage. Footings are tilled with various levels afrain watef\and pour was cancelled. Footings need to be pumped out and concrete pour re-scheduled. Reference Documents: RFI pending, engineered detail E502. As a mutual protection to clients, the public, and ourselves, all repons are submitted as confidential property ofdients and are intended for the use ofourcliellls or No other person or entity may utilize the report or any portion thereof without our written pennission. ITa the best of my knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with the building department approved design drawings, specifications and applicable workmanship provisions of the I.B.C. ex.cept as noted: Inspector Name: mike mackessy Reviewed by: Dave Tilton D!iL8Ir / 525 NW Second Street COlvallj~. Oregon 97330 d 800.383.8855 ph 541.758.1302 Ix 541.7S3.2264 www.claircompony.com Date: 12/29/2009 Time Arrived: 10:00 AM Daily Field Report No. : Project Name: Hilton Garden Inn Address: 3528 Gateway. Springfield, OR Building: Hotel Project # : 1266-001 76 Special Inspection: Period: periodic Client Name: Associated Consultant cold 36F Permit#: C81082 ~ Type of Inspections Performed ~ Reinforcing Steel 0 Structural Steel Fabrication o Reinforced Concrete D Structural Steel Erection o Concrete Forms 0 Expansion Bolts D Structural Masonry 0 Geotech Observations D Shotcrete 0 Structural Fills D Epoxy Anchors 0 Sub-grade (footings/slabs) D }<"lr1.' Proofing 0 Pile Dri,,'ing D Other: Specine Placement Locations - Light pole bases (12) - marked on landscaping plan Weather Conditions: Equipment Type Serial Number IJ Type of Material: Concrete Grout Mortar Supplier 'I 'I Mix # 'I II SlumpfFlow (in.) IJ " Material Temp. eF) II II J Ambient Temp. (OF) II II I Time Placed II II I No. of Samples II II I Design Strength (PSI) II II I Total Cubic Yds. IJ II I Note: o Previously listed uncorrected Items ~ Changes to approv~d plans and/or specifications by Architect,or Engineer o Corrections of previously listed Items o Items requiring correction o Materials and meth~ds of construction o Equipment used (i.e. what was used to proof roll or obtain compaction) Field Ohu.rvation.. and Comments ~Reinforcing steel was checked in locations listed abo,,'e, for grade, size, lap, placement and clearances where applicable. Inspection ofrebar cages in light pole base/footings. As per phoneconversation between engineer and Mitch (Express Concrete), length of rebar cages at approx. 84" is acceptable. (3) extra ties have been added_~f.?~op ofcages'""ilsper dwg l1E502. Verts (10) #5 with #3 ties@ 12" OC. 24" diameter of so no tube. Anchor bolts to be wet-set." Top th tie to be witliin'3" of top of form. RFI to reflect changes pending and to be forwarded. Reference Documents: RFI pendine:. engineered detail E502. As a mutual protection to climlS. the public. and ourselves, all reports are submitted as confidential property ofclienlS and are intended for the use of our clielllS or No olherperson or entity may utilize the rcport or any portion thereorwilhoul our written pernlission. ITO the best of my knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with thc building department approved design drawings, specifications and applicable workmanship provisions of the I.B.C. except as notcd: Inspector Name: mikc mackessy Reviewed by: Dave Tilton l-piLa I r .11 Dale: 12/21/2009 Daily Field Report Time Arrived: 8:00 AM Project II: 1266-001 Project Name: Hilton Garden Inn Address: .~,~;_~g~_t:.~'_~y,_~'p.~_i.~_~_field, OR' Building: Hotel Permit#: C81082 Special Inspection: Client Name: Associated Consultant ~ Period: Weather Conditions: Type of Inspections Performed D Reinforcing Steel o Reinforced Concrete o Concrete Forms D Structural Masonry D Shotcrete o Epoxy Anchors o Fire Proofing o Other: nailing Specific Placement Locations 5th floor deck nailing Note: o Structural Steel Fabrication o Structural Steel Erection D Expansion Bolts o Geotech Observations o Stl'"uctural Fills o Sub-grade (footings/slabs) D Pile Driving Type Type of Material: Supplier Mix# Slump/Flow (in.) Material Temp. (OF) Ambient Temp. fF) Time Placed No. of Samples Design Strength (PSI) Total Cubic Yds. o Pre,,'iously listed uncol'"Tected items ~ Changes to approved plans and/or specifications by Architect,or Engineer o COl'"Tections of pre,,'iousl)' listed items D Items requiring cOl'"Tection o Materials and metho'ds of construction o Equipment used (i.e. what was used to proof roll or obtain compaction) Field Oh..("rv:ltion.. and ('nmml'nt.. I 525 NW Second Street. CQrv(llli~, DrAgon 97330 d 800.383.9955 ph 541.758.1302 Ix 541.753.216~ www.cI8ircompeny.com No. :- overcast Equipment Serial Number II Concrete Grout Mortar 'I II II II II II 'I II II IJ II II II II II II II II ORcinforcing steel was checked in locations listed above, for grade, size, lap, placement and clearances where applicable. Inspected nailing for above noted floor. 3/4" OSB sheathing installed with IOd nails per S2.5 Rev. 6. Nailing found to be in general confonnance with plans. One CMSTI6 strap installed@82-5,atcorridorframingon 0 & Eline. CSl4 straps installed at bathroom walls only, not at closet walls. 75 I I --I I I As a mutual protection to clients, the public, and ourselves, all reports are submitted as confideDlial propeny ofcJients and are iDlended for the use of our clients or No olller person or elllity may utilize the repon or any portion thereof without our written pemlissioll. ITO the best of my knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with the building department approved design drawings, specifications and applicable workmanship provisions of the I.B.C. except as noted: Inspector Name: Dave Tilton Reviewed by: Ron Tiland