HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 5/19/2009 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review , .. . . . .. . . . Major Site Plan Modification Pre-Submittal: MCljor~ite PIClllfJIodification Submittal: Site Plan Review Pre-Submittal: ~ [Site Plan Review Submittal: 0 , . -~- " -- .~'. - -.--. . -. , ,- ~ International Church ofthe Foursquare Springfield Faith Center Applicant Name: ron'"r" Em J',rhenh,rhec Phone: 541.579.1508 Icompany: IAddress: i IAPplicant's Rep.: Greg A. Mower, P.E. Icompany: IAddress: I International Church of the Foursquare Springfield Faith Center Property Owner: ronf~H".t. Tim Pc:rhf>nh~r:hpr Icompany: \AddreSS: , IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-23-34 ITAX LOT NO(S): 12600 &12700 I Property Address: 600 Hayden Bridge Way, Springfield, OR ISize of Property: 4.13 \ Proposed Name of ProJ.~~: Springfield Faith Center -current name International Church of the Foursquare Springfield Faith Center Fax: 600 Hayden Bridge Way, Springfield, OR 97477 310 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: 541.746.0637 IFax: 541.746.0389 . Phone: 541.579.1508 1 Fax: Branch Engineering International Church of the Foursquare Springfield Faith Center 600 Hayden Bridge Way, Springfield, OR 97477 Acres I2<:J Square Feet 0 Description of If you are filling in this form by handl please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: See attached Proposal Narrative I Existing Use: Religious Sanctuary I New Impervious Surface Coverage (Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area): 17,473 sf ISignatures: Please sign and rint your name and date in the ap ro riate box on the next page. . -. .. . . - , ,.. . Associated Applications: \pre-sub Case No.: PeE:2t(A-OOD lC; Icase No.: IAPPlication Fee: $ '34-&00 \TOTAL FEES: $ ~ Lf'(.,.DO I :~:'. :.", _. - , , ", ,". ' , ,'.' 0 ,-'-";1'~,'" ."O'.~;,~ ,..,,; ... ,. .-: :'.':;: ::0 ,:. Signs: Date: 6 .\0 O~ Reviewed by: ~? Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian Date: Reviewed by: ITechnical Fee: $ . \postage Fee: $ ....eR€:SY~M,l"T~l..~f!'~~~..~.~,~.~~~:f.~~:.~,'Q.,..; MAY 1 9 2009 1 of 10 Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. Owner: c------~, Q!lA'\ )c ~C ~nature C'C- Date: ,5- It; -,09 . "T,l/lll Print t=j-"'h<f~>l, /) ~<t- Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the. Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as ... submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. owner(~ ~-I-~~ CS=:_~C_ /" SIgnature \ / \......--/ Date: ~- Ilf-O '7 ~, / , ^^--- Print Lrt' L""", L.-:. r L.."l..- PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 1 9 2009 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 10 May 18, 2009 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: Site Plan Review Application Narrative Springfield Faith Center Project Address: Assessor's Map & Tax Lot: 600 Hayden Bridge Way Assessor's Map 17-03-23-34 Tax Lot 12600 & 12700 Owner: International Church of the Foursquare 600 Hayden Bridge Way Springfield, Oregon 97477 Contact: Jim Eschenbacher Proposed Development Request The proposed development request is for approval of an addition and remodel. of the existing Springfield Faith Center facilities. The addition will include an addition to the south side of the existing building totaling 900 square feet in one floor and an addition to the north side of the existing building totaling 14,060 square feet in two floors. The proposed development will also include additional parking, infrastructure, landscaping and a trash enclosure structure. A new stormwater infiltration swale will be designed to accommodate the new impervious area stormwater runoff. Sanitary sewer service is provided by a existing 6" stub provided to the subject property from the north. Water will be provided via the existing building. Additional details regarding this proposal are provided on the Site Plan Review drawings. Existing Conditions: This Site Plan Review request applies to Tax Lot 12600 & 12700 of Lane County Assessor's Map 17-03-23-34. The existing Springfield Faith center site is approximately 4.13 acres (179,775 square feet) in size. The subject site is located on the north side of the Hayden Bridge Way and 7th Street intersection and takes access off Hayden Bridge Way. The site is located within the Springfield City limits and Urban Growth Boundary. The Springfield Faith Center property is zoned Low Density Residential (LDR). Surrounding properties are also zoned LOR. The site has an existing building with associated parking and landscaping. The site is relatively flat. The site has parking for 269 existing parking spaces. Existing storm drain system is in the existing parking lot in existing drywells. PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O MAY 1 9 2009 City of Springfield Site Plan Review Narrative Design Team: Owner and Apl?licant: International Church of the Foursquare 600 Hayden Bridge Road Springfield, Oregon 97477 Contact: Jim Eschenbacher (541) 579.1608 jim@springfieldfaithcenter.com Aoolicant's Reoresentative: Branch En~neering. Inc. 310 North 5 Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Contact: Greg Mower, PE (541) 746-0637. Fax (541) 746-0389 gregm@branchengineering.com Civil Enqjneer and Survevor: Branch En~neering, Inc. 310 North 5 Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Contact: Greg Mower, PE (541) 746-0637. Fax (541) 746-0389 g regm@branchengineering.com Architect: Nagao/Hansen Architects 1680 Pearl Street Eugene, Oregon 97401 Contact: Doug Murkley (541) 687-9600. Fax (541) 687-8142 Doug@nagao-hansenarchitects.com Landscaoe Architect: Schirmer+Associates, LLC 375 West 4th Street, Suite 201 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Contact: Carol Schirmer (541) 686-4560. Fax (541) 686.4577 carol@schirmer-associates.com PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O MAY 1 9 2009 "J. . / ~ ,j '41'1''---:''-~ " ~)I';"r-l! I ~..I ." Ir jj:lJl'I'I'I'I'I"I'I'I'I'fi.-~ ~ 'I': ft Alia f~ ~I 11 :"!,""",""",,-'M'~~"~"'j~ =r[11. ;' ! : ~=>< ./' ~ ~ '---~I ' I -:': _~_ U j ~__'-~'~III 0.:-' III ~I" l i"'l i '~iiITiTii"! I I I :~___: '~ "I L~ I U---"'+-.l I r\-i-U ~ -' f l-::: ' i ! =).:..-:. ~ i !I.~!I I , .---t--- I' 1'-' 'l . [i! f1 ----t---- --" I~ r-= lJ .----- -l'1hJ :=1=~= ci .1 0 'f ~ Ii ~}- L_~--+-w=~f=~ ~ 11 .. I ~ t 1 I j r ,_."....~.~) --... "'~ ~ I ~ "&klLbill~'~~~_""~~~ Ji c-,. ." 11-' \ '. . .. ~ \-' ." I, I~ ." BAYDKN BRIDGE rAY (lID' ~nY) TAl' MN' I~~ TAX LUIS 1%800 NG f27llO I SITE PLAN FOR I SPRINGFIELD. i FAITH CENTER -- a'ofl.Pl..AHS: SHrrTCO CO\ERSHEET SH!E1Cl ~Gc:tINDflI(WS. """...... SHrETC2 g~PlAN SHEETCJ GRADtNGAHtJPAvrNG PlAN AND DflAl.S 91EV C4 UYlUrr PlAN MaIIrrCTlJfML PlANS: SHmAl CROIJNOFtOORPlAN SHaT A2 I.JPF'fR FLOOR PlAN SHEET"'J ElEVArKWS a TRASH ENCl.OSlJRE ....."""""'" SH!ETlJ IRRICAITlCWPf..NI 94EE:T L2 PVJmNG PlAN !!1BIJN -- """"'" SPRIHCFJaDf'NTtICOlTDl' U1OHAYOCN~WAY SPRIHGFJflD. CRCOON fl7~71 CCWTACT:.lIlCSCHOlBACHER (5<fl) 578-16Da ~ NAGAQ-HANSDi AROII1rCTS 1680PrARLSTREET EUGENCOREGCf/ll74ll1 CCWTACT:DGtIG~ !S41)M7-tIWJ -"" ~~Am~ """"'" 8R~f}/GlNCERlNG,IHC. JIO 5TH S7RaT SPRWGJllUl, ~ 117471 CCWTACP.GREGIIOIlEltP.E. (1541) 74a-06.J7 ., SOIJRJoIONIoSSOOA1ESl.t.C J7.5 llGT 4TH STREET SlA'1I" 20T ruGEM OR 117401 CONTACT:CARCl.SCHfiItICR (54I)eM-.fMO _. "''''''''''' 'ARO/I7rCT 'I,' ~I 'f. -J!: ---- "' _~::- ; _LL--L Uff1lIN1J -- ~- _r.uu;n ~ ~ ~- .~- a:qc-,..-. - - i::] - . "_I.QTUlHT b -- . - / _r.uu;n~ ~- ~- --- D-- ~ N I . -- , '. . . - ..,..,..., PRE-SUBMITIAl RECIO MAY 1 9 2009 ~.- i:: l!! ~ ~~ ~ i!;~8@ 8 ~~iii~ ~ ~ ~~~~ .~~ .~l!l!~ '",", ~ii!~"., ;~~ a>>tiiiS~~VlU Lli t I;!a ~ Ifi! III ~ !Ii! ~ ~I' &:i" _8 ~ .~ Iii IlIAY7. 20011 I ,....lO. ~~ = --~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ","", t"""',"" SHEUHO. ,~ UJ/JSA ~ Oti-ZG7 co OI"~SHITT(S) , " ~_u,.~~'''"~ 111111111111111111111111111 11111 11111 1111 Im, ~ CASCADE TITLE CD. STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT SUPPLEMENTAL SPRINGFIELD FAITH CENTER ATTN: JIM ESCHENBACHER 600 HAYDEN BRIDGE WAY SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Our No: CT-0261S7S Date: MAY 4, 2009 Charge: $200.00 Government Service Fee: $25.00 As requested, Cascade Title Co. has searched our tract indices as to the following described real property: ( A T T A C H ED) THE INTERNATIONAL CHURCH OF THE FOURSQUARE GOSPEL A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 1 9 2009 and as of: APRIL 29, 2009 AT 8:00 A.M., we find the following: vestee: Said property is subject to the following on record matters: 1. Covenants, conditions and restrictions, including the terms and provisions thereof (but omitting covenants or restrictions, if any, based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, or source of income, as set forth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or restriction is permitted by applicable law) in Declaration recorded May 26, 1960, Reception No. 670, and amended restrictions recorded July 27, 1960, Reception No. 5771, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. (Parcell) . 2'. Utility easement over the South and North 6 feet and East 10 feet as set forth on the Plat. (Parcell) 3. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted Rainbow Water District, by instrument recorded January 17, 1980, Reception No. 8002732, Lane County Official Records. (Parcel 2) 4. Deed of Trust (Line of Credit), including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, Grantor, to Evergreen Land Title Company, Trustee, for the benefit of Key Bank of Oregon, a state banking corporation, Beneficiary, dated June IS, 1993, recorded July 13, 1993, Reception No. 9342884, Lane County Official Records, to secure payment of a note in the amount of $SDO,OOO.OO. (Parcel 2) Said Deed of Trust was modified by Agreement dated May 23, 2003, recorded July 9, 2003, Reception No. 2003-062768, Lane County Official Records. continued- MAIN OFFICE' 811 WILLAMETTE ST. . EUGENE, OREGON 97401' PH: (541) 687-2233 FLORENCE' 1901 HWY 101 - S. 2 . FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 . PH: (S41) 997-8417 EUGENE FAX: 48S-0307' E-MAIL: info@cascadetitle:'corn . FLORENCE FAX: 997-8246 " s. Assignment of rents due or to become due and accruing from said property, including the terms and provisions thereof', from International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, to Key Bank of Oregon, dated June IS, 1993, recorded July 13, 1993, Reception No. 934288S, Lane County Official Records. (Parcel 2) 6. Annexation Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between the City of Springfield, an Oregon municipal corporation, and International Church of the Foursquare Gospel (Springfield Faith Center), recorded December 21, 2007, Reception No. 2007-083845, Lane County Official Records. (Parcel 2) NOTE: Taxes, Account No. 019S527, Assessor's Map No. l7 03 23 3 4, #3100, Code 19- 03, 2008-2009, EXEMPT. Taxes I Account No. 0193845, Assessor's Map No. 17 03 23 3 4, #12600, Code 19-00, 2008-2009, EXEMPT. Taxes, Account No. 01938S2, Assessor's Map No. 17 03 23 3 4, #12700, Code 19-00, 2008-2009, EXEMPT. NOTE: This report is being supplemented to update the report-NO CHANGE. This report is to be utilized for information only. This report is not to be used as a basis for transferring, encumbering or foreclosing the real property described. The liability of Cascade Title Co. is limited to the addressee and shall not exceed the premium paid hereunder. CASCADE TITLE CO., by: 71 ar/Title Officer: KURT BEATY PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 1 9 2009 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PARCEL l, Lot 2, Block 6, ROYAL DELLE, as platted and recorded in Book 29, Page 2l, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL 2; Beginning at an iron pipe set 90 feet West and 600 feet North of a point 42.78 chains South of the Northeast corner of the Jacob Halstead Donation Land Claim No. 47, Notification No. 3810, in Section 23, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon; thence South 00 01' 15" East 90 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 890 53' West.31.5 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 00 01' 15" East 150.60 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 890 53' East 127.59 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 359.50 feet to a point in the center of Hayden Bridge Way, being on the West line of the William Spencer Donation Land Claim No. 50; thence along the centerline of Hayden Bridge Way 365 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner of Block 6, ROYAL DELLE, as platted and recorded in Book. 29, Page 21, Lane County Oregon plat Recordsi thence North along the East line of said Block and its Northerly extension 600 feet to an iron pipei thence South 890 53' East 265 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING that portion conveyed to Lane County by instrument recorded May 12, 1992, Reel No. 1761, ,Reception No. 92-26056, Lane County Official Records, in Lane County, Oregon: PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 1 9 2009 .--- -- "'''' ,<,,,,,,,,," ,","" "" ~ / 0 - / . Sp,"ingfiel.d 1::~;CI'Oh'.' Inc. 85UU'191 u lnternational Church of tha Four Squara C-c">'s pe T' - - -. - -.. -- -.... -. - -. - -......... ouo._ un.. -- u. - uo - --...... -.- eo 9.7.7.~2..Main..SL...........___......... ........................--- :r:. Spr'ingfield, Oregon 97~77 "-1 d~ ! &; I L- 0'0 I, ;~ .., 0 ~u . , . ~1~ " " 0 ..' u o " . - . , ~ "'1 ... ~ ;;;~...... o-u .- ~ ~ - <J ,- ... -'" <J" . " u '" ;.,... -~" u :':... ~. . ".<: 3 o , 0 " o u 0 u . ~ . ~, ~ " , " 0 " , , . 0 0 -u. -::c::: ~ '.\ ' J \; IKUO Centenni81 nlvd Spr'ingf'ield, Oregon ~)7477 8S00fJ35 - -- '" c<:> C"') ;: c u . ~ ~ << ~~ ~ " ~ . Ou J">- ','" G/\~ . o NAME::, AOOHESS, zn' Until a chan9~ i~ r~quesle'-'. mail all lall Hatelllt:nlS 10: .. '" ,..-.; '" "" >, ;..., o 0 , , o 0 uu o . o c . . ~~ n ~ ~ ;:; u ~ '" . o ~ ..._.+_____.._____............______......__...____.._..._....._...__h..... NAME. ADDRESS, ZIP ~ .J ') ) CORPORATE WARRANTY DEED-STATUTORY FORM E L-T- '-(-7 b{, NORTH SPHINGFIELO CHURCH OF CHRIST . . ..... .... ............... ... ............. ........h...... ........................... ...................hhm..m'......................___.......a CO rpora tlon duly oro"anizcd and existing under the'laws of the State of Oregon. Grantor, CQOY\:YS .nd warr~nts to . 1l91::,AOu1 01/0';1/85 EIr--'u"",4'. 0 0 .............. u' .Hrrr:RN^T LUN^L ..clWRCIi ..oLTHL_FO!iRs'QUARE :..G.OSPEL.___ u u .__. n 0 0 04u--.------u..... ___ uu....:.. uu u..u Grantee, thc following deseribed real property free of encumbrances except as "pecifically set forth herein situaicd ill Lalle...founty. OrcgonL to.wit: ____.. _... .. ___"u,_ "._'_' _h_.. Beginning at an iron pipe set 90 feet \.lest and 600 feet Nortb of a pOInt '~-1-:-78 chains South of the Northeast corner of the Jacob Halstead Donation Land Claim No. ~7, Notification No. 3810, in Section 23, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of ~ the Wi Ilamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregof); thence South 00 01' 15" East 90 ~ f~et to an iron pipe; thence North 890 53' West 31.5. feet to an iron pipe; thence ~ South 00 01' 15" East 150.60 feet to an iroll pipe; thence South 890 53' East 127.59 ~ feet to an iron pipe; thence South 359.5~ feet to a point in the center of Hayden ~ Bridge Way, being on the West line of the William Spencer Donation Land Claim ~ No. 50; thence along the centerline of Hayden Bridge Way 365 feet, more or less, ~ to the Southeast corner of Block 6, Royal Delle, as platted and recorded in Book 29, page 21, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence North along the East line of said ~ Block and its Northerly extension 600 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 890 53' ~ East 265 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon: fJ '" -1 "This instrument does not guarantee that ny particular use may be made of the '< d property described in this instrument. A buyer should check with the appropriate ~ city of county planning department to verify approved uses." 3 The said properly is free from all encumbrances except condi linI)s. restriclioilS, rcseI~vations ) and easements l) f ,'eeurd, .i r any. 45931\001 ~ol;i03/8S EL T ;-I 'J'r'ue consideralion 'fot' this cui'ivyance is $67,500. **0004** 3 Done by ol'der~ uf the grantor's board of directors on January 2. 1985 ~ ::J ~ Ibled Januar'y 2, 1985.. , ~ 4.00 .' '. RINGFIELD',P!J.(RCH OF CHRIST. "'f.~- ?APresldenL NOI1TH by: / by:(jf. '- ;. j( A rfr a-- / f.( STAll'. OFOREGON,CoulI(l Of.X~.... .. SS. .u.. ...........:2.......u_mu.m. mu m, 19ut.C..u '.' . P<r>umlly Jpp~aredu ~ .'I'. u~u ..um um.. and h..ub1,..'1:?~u . u.. u... who, each b~lIIg llfsl duly SWOIII, d,d s,'y Ihallhe fumIer IS Ihe (-""'<;l president and that the latter is the (~t) secrelJrY of Ihe corpurali9)'I, anq. Iha!. said il\strum~nt WJ.s sigIl~d and sc:alcd in behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of dirc:clors. alld ca;:~?-~.t.~~;'.I.ackn.Owkdged said instrulllenl tu be ,ts vulnnta,y ,act ~nd d'6(: . ' (OH:li:I't\;, S'I'AL)" . PRE.SUBMITTAl RECID ~~~~rr~ ';:blic io;~~~;i~jimu MAY 1 9 2009 Secrelary ('", .,' " . . , STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN AND DRAINAGE STUDY FOR Springfield Faith Center Building Expansion . 600 Hayden Bridge Way. Springfield, OR May 18, 2009 Preoared For: International Church of the Foursquare 600 Hayden Bridge Way Springfield, OR Branch Engineering, Inc. 310 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone (541) 746'0637 Fax (541) 746'0389 "@ Branch ~ngineering, Inc. PROJECT # 06-267 PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO MAY 1 9 2009 COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS Il'm-omc;,'u",,,,,,y: C/;1/1 *" Based upon the information provided on th~.fronl of Ihls sht!t!t, the following represents a ",inimumo/ what is needed/or an application to be completefor submirtaJ w;llJ respect to drainage; howeucr, this list should not be used in li~ Oflh~ Springfield Development Code (SDC) Dr the City 's Engin~erlng Design Manual. Compliance with these requirements doe.r /1()1 conSI/lUte site approval; Additional sile specific informaHon may be required. Note: Upon seaping sheet S1Jbm;rrQ~ ensure completed form has been signed in the space provfded be/ow: InIerIm Design StaDdardslWater Quality (EDSPM Chapler 3) Req'd NIA 1&1 0 All ooo-building rooftop (NBR) impervious suIfaces shall be pr-e-lreated (e.g.liIulti.cbam~ered catchbasin w/oil filtration media) for .lOnnwater quality. Additionally, a minimom of 50% of the NBR impervious swface shaJJ be treated by ve8erared methods. ~ D Where required, vegetative stonnwater design shall be consistent with interim design standards (EDSPM Section 3.02), set forth by the Bureau of Environmenlal Servi... (BES) or Clean Water Services (CWS). ~ 0 For new NBR impeJV10US area less than 15,000 square feet, a simplified design IlpJ1foach may be followed as specified by the BES for vegetative treaanenL I3J D If a stonnwatertreatment swale is proposed, submit calculations/specifications fur sizing, velocity. flow, side .lopes, bottom slope, and seed mix consistent with either BES or CWS requirements. I25J 0 Water Quality calculations as required in Section 3.03.1 of the EDSPM IX! 0 All building rooftop mounted equipment, or olher fluid containing equipment located outside of the building, shall be provided witb secondary containment or weather resistant enclosure. General Study Requirements (EDSPM Section 4.03) ILSl 0 Drainage .tudy prepared by a Professional Civil Engineer Iieeosed in the sl.ll1e of Oregon. 11:1 D A complete drainage study, as required in EDSPM Section 4.03. I, including a hydrological study map. IX] 0 Calculations showing system capacity for a 2-year Slonn event and overflow effucls of. 25-year storm event B?J D The time ofeoneentration (Tc) sball be detennined using a 10 minute start lime for developed basins. Review ofDoWJIstream System (EDSPM Seetioo 4.03.4.C) D IL9 A dOWIl5tream drainage analysis as described in EDSPM Section 4.03.4.C. On-site 'drainog. shall be governed by the Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code (OPSC), . . D ~ Elevations of the HGL and flow lines for both city and private systems where applicable. Design of Storm Sy.tems (EDSPM Section 4.04) , tB D Flow lines, slopes, rim elevations, pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on the plan 6eL . . 0 ~ Minimum pipe cover shall be 18 inches for reinforced pipe and 36 inches for plain concrete and plastic pipe materiats, or proper engineering calculations shall be provided when less. The cover shall be sufficicnl to snpport an 80,000 lb load without fuiIure of the pipe structure. D ~ Mannin8's"o" values fur pipes sboll be eon.istOllt";;th Table 4-1 of the EDSP. AII610rm pipes.han be designed to achieve a minimum velocity oflhree (3) feel per second at 0.5 pipe full based On Table 4,1 as well. OtberfJ\lfue ~ 0 Existing and proposed conto",,", located at one fnot interval. Include spot elevations and site grades sbowing how site drains [l]. 0 Private storm water easements shaH be clearly depicted on plans when private stonnwater flows from Doe pmperty to another 18 0 Dtywells shan not receive runoff from any .wface w/o being treated by one or more BMPs, with the exception of residential building roofs (EDSP Section 3.03.4.A). Additional provisions apply to this as required by the DEQ. Refer to the,website: www.deo_st'ate.or_us/wohrroundwaluichome.hcm for more information. lZ3 D .Detention ponds shall be designed to limit nmoffto pre,developmenl rates for the 2 through 25'yeer stonn events "Th/sfonn shall be lndJIded as an aItIll:hml!lll, insilk the front corer; of the rlIJnnllllJ1er 5lU1Iy . IMPORTANT: ENGmLLn. PLEASE READ BELOW AND SIGN! As the engineer of record. I hereby certilY the above required items an: complete and included with the submitted stonnwtller study and plan set. ..-it Signature: ~ /) ~ Date: ~5-1g- D' Il.ev;s<>d 1/1/08 MolIV Markarian PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D ~ 10 of 10 MAY 1 9 2009 100 Iii ~d a13Id~NIHdS dO ALIJ 1~01 geL ItS XVd to:Sl SOOZI6ZIZl 12/29/2008 15:02 FAX 541. 736 1 ClTY OF SPRlNGFlELD PW 141001 SPRIr<<iFIELD ~ :-~:- . .- -~ 00' PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT /Engineering Division Phone: (541) 726-3753 Fax: (541) 736-1021 STORMW ATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK - (ArClZ belli"' this line jilled l1ut by A.ppUcI11ll) - (pletJSe l'e1U11I tD Matt Stl1uder@ CIJy I1fSprbrgfield PublIc ",olks Englnl!l!1ing; FlU # 736-1021, Phl1ne # 736-1035.) Project Name: Sorin!l:field Faith Center.. Applicant: Branch En,o,ineering. Inc. - Greg Mower Assessors Parcel #: J7-03-23-34, Lot J2600 & 12700 Date: 12/2412008 Land Use(s): ill - Low Density Residential Phone #: 541-746-0637 Project Size (Ac:res): 4.13 FIIX #: 541. 746.0389 Appro~ ImpeI"YiOl1S Area: 137,000 sf 07,800 sf new) Email: gregm(aJb...nche~eerin~.com : ',:,: '.: I " " '" "., "', ., ':{. ~ ":."': ~.",., :::'., '.:: . i " ;.', - . ' . - :..;;;. - , ,..:.;, . . .. .. .. Project Description (Include a copy of Assessor's map): Construct an addition to lbe north and south. sides of the existing Springfield Faith Center building. North addition is approximately a 10,000 s.f. foot print and the south addition is approximately 900 s.L Parking to be added 10 the north side and shall have approximately 15 parking spaces with associated drive aisle. Drainage PropOsal (public connection(s), discharge loeation(s), etc. Attach additional 5heet(s) if necessary: On-site retention on nnrth side ofpropo,ed north addition. Existing impervious area to continue to existing system. An existing 48" slonn pip. 10 the east ofproP'!rty is available if needed. Proposed Stormwater Best Management Practices: Velletnted retention >wale ::"";','fAr"" beJl119 this line filled out fill the 9te rmd Returned to th. ADDIi"""t~"";:' . , (AI 0 minimum. all ~oxes check<U! by lhe City on/hefront and hack of this sheet shall b. S~bl"itt.d for an application to be complete for sl/hmilliJl, although other requirements may be necessary.) Drama!!e Studv TvDe mDSPM Section 4.03.2l: (Note. DR may he substituted for Rational Methodl. o Small Site Study - (use Rational Melhod for calculations) o Mid-Level Development Study - (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) 1/1 Full Drainage Development Study - (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) . .". Environmental Considerations: it Wellhead Zone: <:;-101,,'" Tv r o WetlandlRip~an: AI I A i o Soil Type: -1lq ':'JJo,. 1-11,/...;<- Downstn:am Analvsis: it N/A - A~pfJ<r~ fr," L;Y'C. ,-m C45t hllx- $G.Me. CAFul;' o Flow line for starting water surface elevation: o Design HOt to use for starting water surface elevation: o Manhole/Junction to take analysis to: o Hillside Development: J./ IA o FloodwaylFloodplain: AJ I P. o Other Jurisdictions: t'Avn~.. tZ> , IJ It.J..c, J v lleturn to Man Stouder{lil City ofSnrindield. email: mstouder(li/ci.snriDI!6eld,or.us. FAX: (541) 73&-1021 PRE.SUBMITIAL RECIO MAY 1 9 2009 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 9 of 1m Storm Drainage Evaluation Springfield Faith Center Building Expansion Introduction . This storm drainage evaluation was prepared for the Springfield Faith Center Building Expansion project. The Springfield Faith Center is located at 600 Hayden Bridge Way in Springfield, Oregon (Tax Map: 17-03-23-34, Tax Lot: 12600, 12700). The site stormwater design includes a grassy infiltration basin, area drains and piping. Existing Conditions The existing impervious area for the site consists of a church/parking lot and the pervious area for the site consists of a grassy field. Runoff from the impervious area flows to two drywells located beneath the parking lot (See Appendix A for Site Plan and Existing Drainage Basin Map). According to the Soils Survev of Lane Countv. Orellon. by the Natural Resource Conservation Service, the soil at the site is Salem (119) and is hydrologic soil group B. Soil infiltration rate for the first 26 inches is 1.96 inches/hour and beyond that is 19.7 inches/hour. The water table depth was not specified (NRCS, 2006). An infiltration test was conducted at the site on 3/3/2009 by Brach Engineering. The test consisted of one infiltration test pit and the measured infiltration rate was 6.6 inches/hour (See Appendix B for Infiltration Test Report). Proposed Development The proposed water quality treatment and storm water destination for the new impervious area is a grassy infiltration basin. Proposed drainage basin for the treatment system is 26,770 square feet, which consists of 17,623 square feet of new impervious area and 9,147 square feet of existing roof area. City of Springfield regulations state the 25-year storm event (4.8 in/24hr) must be used for destination requirements. Runoff from the drainage basin during this design storm is 0.92 cfs. The proposed dimensions for the retention basin is 17 feet wide, 162 feet long with 3: I side slopes, and two feet deep. A safety factor of 2 was applied to the design infiltration rate by reducing the measured infiltration rate of 6.6 to 3.3 inches/hour. During the 25-year storm event, the depth of water in the infiltration basin is 1.8 feet. Appendix C contains grassy infiltration basin calculations and a detail. During larger storm events, the infiltration basin is designed to overflow to the existing parking lot to the east. This parking lot will have adequate storage volume to retain large storm events until the existing parking lot drywell can infiltrate the runoff. The proposed runoff will receive water quality treatment by percolating through the topsoil of the grassy infiltration basin. Percolation process will remove pollutants through adsorption, filtration, sedimentation and biodegradation. PRE-SUBMITTAL REeD MAY 1 9 2009 Branch Engineering, Inc. ' Page 1 APPENDIX A PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O MAY 1 9 2009 ~ ~, :::1 f::~f-- ~, 'l'::;-P: ~i ~~~ .51 ~;C3 t:U:II.......~z ~i :e/"-.,[:! ~'t;~g~ PRE.SUBMITTAl R[ ell' !Ui \ ~ M~~U ,/ MAY 1 9 200~ ~) ,. I / 0/'" f ~&i~1J \ ,# \ ~~J -~~--~ ! -"'-" ~_~ .~--=--~---- j j 0/ \ -: LGRAS~ // /' . ,- ~,i, I I }-., " //! t \ 'I,,~ \ 1 / ,."/// ~_~~~__~. lr' " .~ } 0/ \ / 1 ~! // --",/ LGRAss, 1\ :.'~ r....;. I 1 1\ J // / ill', f II I 1~~,-.,' '~J I '1\1--- / , :" t ~ h' I I n~;;'I-------'"--. -'--- I I :-r-r., -,--- , '~ : I ~i I ,# I /1 -, :: )\!iil f . ,- ! i"' sp'Y,Vl!//i;UJ ~ ..I.;Q i \.; .~, ,I W, Ii " I /1 I FAITH CENTER x. - . -# I 'I ~ 600J&:=~~_ ~_.~ '~l ~ liT f ~ I 1>. ,.F.Jo......?40 Y.' ~ \.' -, I ,f" ;;v @ ~ '::I:; I 0/ i ,~~ ?i1 ,10 -4-' lL I I {L.~'~ ~.-t~~-rrmm: I J I ~ : 1', ".;..!',.lito \ "I I 0/' , I ,I I'i if'(Y)I7/ ..... '- "I '1_1 '-'-'-, '_,_,_,...L,[ '-I,'~- ~''1W--'!"".~rr7-'-\-'- ---',,-,_,__._,_,__,,_,_,_,__,L I . w ~( ~ : I ~I , ! . I 'f' I I I I ~ I \ \ \ \ \ \ ~_~~.U_III: Il ~,I "I , I ", -1 H--1l iT r ~ ~ 1C' r \\ 1---; r I \1 ii,' r---, l :-t.:,~ ..' ---; I;' I ' fl. .' ! \-"-"~"-='t I II , ;:= J ) ,';: ..J" ---,,-!~ ~.'L,""~,,.. -l ~EX 250' i; ~ /' ),c "; -, L +-p- ! .^,..,,,~, 1 n ~!~~ J jl f--- 1 ~, f I ' I ~ 1 :,! ll!1 "" n -.I ----. I #' i I 11 i J I ] g~/~:~LGL f d j 0/ ~ I Ii 1 ~ ~ 1C' I U I ~ I t 1 Ii r- l I ~: I jl Jj! ~ J L ~, !l~.: ..:: ',1 -, iI II I/'''-.. . ~ : I fl , " [? I: .------' I I /~ I i :-~~__[UJ.LJ,J.L~lJJ.lll.kLil___J'_! JI_J______ i i i I. -. ,#' LEGEND SITE ASSESSMENT OF EXISTING CONDITIONS DUSTING IMPROVEMENTS ----PROPERTy LI'JE . ADJOINING TAX LOT ----- EASEMENT ---- SETBACK CONCRETE WALK TO BE REMOVC[) -,.,.-,~--- EDGE ASPHALT/CONe STRIPNG -~-.-~- FENCE -S!-~S1- STORM PIPING f=JaRTIN6 r.t'lNnJTION<; DlfWRIPTlO/lt T~ EXISTING SITE HAS AN EXISTING BUILDING THA T IS BEING USED. AS A CHUROt THERE IS AN ASSOCIATED PARKING LOT TO TI-€ SOUTH AM) EAST OF TI-I€ eut..ONG- THERE IS LANDSCAPING AROUN() THE PE:R/METER OF TI-E SITE AND A LARGE OPEN SPACE TO THE NORTH -OF THE B/.JLDNG_ F)()~TIN('; CtwroT/ON8 rnRr:RiPTION< THIS' PLAN HAS OCf:N DEVEL.OPEO AND IS SUBMITTED BY BRANCH ENGINEERING. NC.. THE REOIJiRED PROFESSIONAL SEAL IS SHOWN IN THE f10RDER OF EACH SHEET CWTAKD IN 11-fS PLAN SET. A VICNITY MAP IS PROVIDED ON TH1S SITE PLAN AND IS SHOWN IN THE TOP-RIGHT CORNER OF THS COVER SHEET. _'_)_l_ TELEPH~ --,-r-[-,- ELECTRiCAL WATFR DUAliTY' I!MT<CO WloTl'"1<' rf'lll1?= >.M<> FEAnJRF~ THERE ARE NO WA fER COURSE FEA TURES THA T OCCUR ON TI-lSSlTE. LEACH LINE -"W-W'1r-- WASTEWATER FlOOD PLAIIIfr BASED ON FLOOD NSURANCE RA"TE MAP NO. 410390134 F. T!-IS PROPERTY IS OUTSIDE THE SOQ-YEAR FLOOD ZONE r-~ B"'-DWG ~ " PARKING LOT LIVHT "" CA TCH BASIN '" MAILBOX b- ADA STRIPWG ,. TREE --30 GRADE ARROW r-. CONTOUR tJ ,f AO~ TAX LOT MJMBER WFI I Hf:ilD PROTFrTION> AS LLtJ$TRA TED IN THE wn_LI-EAD PROTECTION AREAS MAP. PARTITIONS OF THIS SITE IS WITHIN THE _ 5. /0 AND 20 YEAR TIME OF TRAVEL TO T/-IE EXISTrvG OfASE WELL ""'--lJ'EI:S' ACCORDtJG TO THE SOILS SURVEY OF LANE COUNTY. THE EXISTl/\lG SOL IS 1I9'- SALEM-URBAN' LAND COWL-EX THE I-llGH WATER TABLE DEPTH IS GREATER THAN 6~EET eaow GRADE. A GEOTECH EVALUATJON HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED FOR ThlS SITE. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS CONCRETE WALK Cl.RB AND GlITTER ST"""'" ':"'. c:::::J BtALDING ADDiTION :~/ . o " ~ z ~Q z" o~ ~;I I gl I "- "- ~ >-~ :c:: ~()) w U:Z:l...J6 ::cO<.::lr.:> I-cn91..J -2;:0:::0:: ~"'C{CX)o 0.. , a><::C::o -JL..JL..J~ W aw ~~~G: .::~a::C~ ::z: C:t:~aa: ~Q..~CQ... (.) lr)COIOlf) tr)Q. :z:<{ a:::!' t:::z: Q- :z:tr) a<{ c,)co lu ze,.,e,., S!:Z: <{ ~~Z -tr)- t;-~ V>><~ ~L.JQ i1 ~ ~g >o~ ''-~ I ..:.i 2:~ ;.;g ~ l.:i5 i:::: l:::l~ J- ij-":: ~ t5~ ~ >oc 06::::::.' g: B;iS " N D~TE 3/17/2009 i seA LE DRAWN JSA BY jf?ESIGNERI LB/JSA I C"'i{[D I La GRAPHIC SCALE PROJECT 06-267 '" 0 " '" '" .!iUMeCR ... -..; j [ SHEET NO. '''FELl> ~ OF , SHCn(S) HAYDEN BRIDGE WAY (80' RIGHT-OF-WAY) TAX MAP /7-03-23-34. TAX LOTS 12600 AND /2700 I , ,'" ,0 <-' . -------~/------l~-~,~~:~ ',,~--- -------<------- : [( ~>,- -ft!~'.' .. . D"-"-"-"-"-"-"-'''-''--'''''' I ( /' '" ~ ' ) -.------------,! . - ~, .. , r " , r-_,~ I-+-- 1\, 0, /' // ,.~! - -", 1I " \,. ~ GRASSY / , '. 1 1 .' ~\.c"~~ INFIL TRA nON BASIN ,.'< i GRASSY\INF/L TRA nON ,~ ~r ...... /, BASIN DRAINAGE BASIN I' ..... / " ro.61 ACJ\ 'I' '.I). <.. __ =,.1 \ . :I"''''~'~::__:~:'''0'h~~~~" ! \~-H--"Yl ,n_n I \, /' NORTH ~ l~ I I h //!at ~lT!:;tf, &P. I; j ib I II ~, r -. 2nd If.OC)B- ",080 8-'. 1'1 " P.I.JL 44.'1.40 I '.' ___ ----- --,,,__ 10 1 ' I 'It i ) I ,# j .<.1. t!,'l I I ~. I II ' , , 'I'II,~ I -I' \ "'. , , ,0 I I ib ' I 'I I I I. 1 I 11 I I '0 I I ~ I ,,'0<9 I, 'I <-' I ~ I I :. 1 , \1 I I " ~ il 1 1 '" I' L_______________________ ~C:L. :--:::-t- =-:":=:;; I i I , I;; 1 I I ~ . I I 'I' I '\ 1;;'1 "", 1 \ 11 I '" r I ill r 'I \ I q ! 1 11 JI;; I I ! I I 1 I ,;. I \. j! H----t!, I ,I , ; I : I f I \ ~ t; I I ~ I \ U I I I ....... '; rf'"c''' ! I I' i I ~\./D'hWELL It; 1'1 y~" IC' ~ I ::0 -----\ __~T~51~S'-Sl-S1 \ ST-ST-ST-tT-sl-ST----I I -" ,} I 1 I \ ',' lOlSll"~ 5101<1.' I .. I ~::. "",,.l(R STU!lCUT ,_ T' ,# , <-' -e>'" , '" ,'" ,0 "'. _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _~~i- - '. , ,# ~~'0:~'X~;. :", " '" ~ ~ '1 '/ "-" <-' ~-i \~I \ '. ~ ...() ,~ i~ - I '~ I I I, I f /L _ _~w- ~"" I'~ y. ) ~ ..----- '~/ ,,~~i:; It-. ,~Jf U.;t: ,)Xi'~ , r,:&)-0' 'l;!J;-'-W I I I I I \ ~, '. ':-..1 \ EXISTING SPIIINGFIELD FAITH CENTER BUILDING (TO REMAIN) 600 flA )'DE,.... BRIDCE RD. F.F.E. 44"1.40 \ ~ \ h )<. ."'.....,.::........ , , , oft'" \ ~ .'" . <-' 0J ~ . ~ ~ ROOFUN[ ~~??f~@' PROPOSED SOUTH ADDITION -----. IIDQ2 MtU= IJOO B.I. "- Poi.... 447'.40 '\ .J6 I ioJ{) DRiVEWAY 100",,,,; , \c \' ) 4' I ~ , , , ! ; . ~ -L.,~__ \ <-' EXISTING DRYWE~~ ....., I 1 I .._"-,, 12' "._5...---'. " 5,_-51 --' TAX MAP 17-03+23-3~. TAX LQTS /2600 AND 1270C 14- , LEGEND ~XlSTWG IMPROVf:MENTS ---- PROPERTY lJIE ADJOINiNG TAX LOT ----- EASEMENT --- SETBACK CONCRETE: wALK TO BE REMOVED -"'----- EDGE ASPHALT/CONe ST"","" -x-x-x-FENCE ~ b~ " !;l .. 0- e --J> <" ~ ""om PARKING LOT LIGHT CA TCH BASN "'LBOX ADA STRF'WG ADJOMNG TAX LOT NUMBER TREE GRADE ARROW " t, CQNTOlI? 'p '. PROPOSEf) rMPROVEMENTS ,'.': : .,..:,::..~~-:;'Jo; CONCRETE: WALK ctRB ArE) GUTTER sr"","" C=:J Bl.ILOING ADDITION I I i ORAPHC SC"'-E o 10 20 , I ' - .' I ,..FEET) '. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 1 9 2009 ~ i GRAPHC SCALE ?O 0 15 30 I... _...: . . -- - IHI'U11 . o ;: ~ z ~. z" 0" in- LI a I _L_L~ 'p "- '" "- ~ >-~ ~ ~o. ..... <"'>2::lU~ :rO~t) "-'Vl9~ -:z:Q:O:::: ~<(cnO 0..", ' 9~lU9 ..... a..... ~C,:)>-G.: ~z.q:(,,) .:.: zCSJ:;z c:i tk:=on:: a e,~~~ '" ZQ. O<l: j:::::E Ciz z- 0'" u<l: co Qlu ..lu ~ ~V) ~ ;:::0< !:!:Q.- "'O<l: b:Q: 0:: ~Qa ~ ~ ~I ~ ",~ ! c: r-.... __I r-r-I- J-o, ~:;ei ~ "':;~ .~~ 'i ~~; ~ bC"':! IT.I-a:gc:. ...c: :1';'-- g ~~~~ Cdl ~.s-=-!i ~ ~~e8 i Q ~g z~ ~ .." ~~. ;:!~ " "" ~~ ~ <::u u" "'3 g::s V>~ " " '0 . ~ DATE .3/17/2009 SCALE DRAWN JSA BT DESIGNE:R LB/ JSA CHECKED LB BY PROJE:CT 06-267 _NUMBER SHEET NO. OF _ SHEET(S) I . APPENDIX B PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO MAY 19 2009 tQ~ Branch Engineering, Inc. 310 5th Street. Springfield, Oregon 97477 . (541) 746-0637 . FAX (541) 746-0389 March 30, 2009 PRINCIPALS: James A. Branch, P.E., P.L.S. Rene' Fabricant, PE, S.E. Michael Lane Branch, P.E. Damien Gilbert, P.E. Renee C. Clough, P.E., PLS. Springfield Faith Center Attn: Jim Eschenbacher 600 Hayden Bridge Way Springfield, Oregon 974770 RE: INFILTRATION TESTING SPRINGFIELD FAITH CENTER 600 HAYDEN BRIDGE WAY .SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 BRANCH ENGINEERING PROJECT # 06-267 EXPIRES: DECEMBER 31, 2009 Introduction Branch Engineering performed a Falling Head Irifiltration Test at Springfield Faith Center on March 2, 2009. This test was performed to determine. an infiltration rate for a proposed surface infiltration structure. The infiltration test was conducted in the area of the proposed surface infiltration facility and the location of the test area is on the Infiltration Test Map in Appendix A. Soil Classification The soil on the site is Salem Urban Land Complex (Soil Number: 119, Hydrologic Group: B). This soil is on a stream terrace and the parent material consists of gravelly mixed alluvium. The soil is well drained and water movement in the mostrestrictive layer is moderately high. There is no zone of water saturation within a depth of 72 inches. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 4 percent{NRCS, 2.006). Appendix B contains relevant excerpts from the NRCS Soil Survey of Lane County for Salem Urban Land Complex. PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 1 9 2009 CIVIL STRUCTURAL TRAFFIC & TRANSPORTATION GEOTECHNICAL SURVEYING InfIltration Test The infiltration test was based on the City of Eugene procedure for the Falling Head Infiltration Test (See Appendix C). The results of the test can be reviewed in Table 1. Table I: Falling Head InfIltration Test for TP-I Test Depth of Drop in Water Time InfIltration Rate I Number Water (ft) (ft) (min) (inlhr) 1 1.2 0.85 57 10.7 I 2 1.2 0.35 55 4.5 I' 3 1.1 0.46 57 5.8 1 Average 1.2 0.55 56.3 7.0 *Test pit location can be seen on Infiltration Test Map in Appendix A *Test Pit I (TP-l) was 2.5 feet below existing ground Based on the three tests, the proposed infiltration rate for the surface infiltration structure is 7 inches/hour. Groundwater Information about the groundwater depth at the site was obtained from the Department of Water Resource well log database, test pit observation and NRCS Soil Survey of Lane County. The closest well log to the site was recorded in 2006, 0.75 miles away and measured a static water level of 21 feet below grade (See Appendix D). Neither ground water or seepage was observed in the test pit at the time of the infiltration testing and there was no indication of soil molting to suggest prior groundwater inundation. NRCS Soil Survey of Lane County did not provide an estimate for the groundwater depth. Limitations The conclusions and, recommendations described inthis report are subject to the conditions described in this report and are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee and their representatives for use in design and construction of the development described herein. The analysis and recommendations may not be suitable for other structures or purposes. Services performed by the geotechnical engineer for this project have been conducted with the level of care and skill exercised by other current geotechnical professionals in this area under similar budget and time constraints. No warranty is PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 1 9 2009 herein expressed or implied. The conclusions in this report are based on the site conditions as they currently exist and it is assumed that the limited site locations that were physically investigated generally represent the subsurface conditjonsat the site. Should site development or site conditions change, or if a substantial amount of time goes by between our site investigation and site development, we reserve the right to review this report for its applicability. This report is not intended to address any environmental impacts that may be associated with the on-site disposal of storm water. Sincerely, Branch Engineering, Inc. ~~~~ Ronald J. Derrick, P.E. Project Geotechnical Engineer PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 1 9 2009 j '. A ~-~3~_:J-:-X A PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 1 9 2009 , / I I / """7 ~ / INFILTRATION TEST PIT MAP ~ ~ . ~ . . ",0 ~~ V;~ ~ - ~ ~ - I _:~--- ~ / ~ +' I- ~ ,.,_..""".....,..d ,v-R " ~ INFlLTRAllON TEST PIT LOCATION i in; 1D"r,a..,,,: 5'. ..! I ""I :01 :, \ ~I '!'~ . ~f j'I' HAYDEN 8RI()f>E j;lD~ .J :g;~ .;;;, ~'i T"'~~_! ~: e' I -5- <:'T,---- -I -!'11-'a ik , /-r ....Y.L It'", ;:I: CiElVOTES BUS STOP <;It' LO~A liON. g I I " le\ III Ii Illcr IIII rn , , / ~ FOR " ~""~7 / ~ " ;+' i .~j "'1 .1 , I 1 SPRINGFIELD FAITH CENTER I' I " ~--- PROPOSlID NORTH ADDITION __~aI. __.....aI. ,JI'......,..... .C- ST,: ;,-- lfL- I , i l~ Iv I ! i ~l 1-' r:;;r ~~-' -- __J ~ @;>!$~/'4W:iV,j~~,_, . --1;-- I' ;>, 'I.I~ i, ,'" ~ m-~ '~ ~':~ :~- :~~ slfA~HfJ.l) ~ .) ..c FAITH CE./;TEP ~ . I ~~'fl~~ d ' .oo...n~l:Zmo.rD V, IJJ. ..,.~ ;1:; , <>0 L ~;-- '..o~ , y~ ~ ~ ~;; t : .0; ~ ~ ~ ..xr~r--L; ;:;i;~-~~l-~ '=$.@;-QX%'Z~,,;w~~'rf; '.'. /---- . :>"'} ];I"';;'-~~ ..d.. <!-j..l.' I r -80,JJJf-~N- -:-. #'~::t".~1f. ,_........__ -", -i,.,//,;.i'~ '1'.1'............ 1~'<{~>L1ii/'""l.{;,...... .... l 'I (\.;.,)-' ~iY,}'" i~7 \ "':;~m.7 J !: "-:r:;{."*,v / i j; ~y I r! i ~ l--l-f~-~Jil,ll i.) r i ,! 1 J \___t _ _ I' ., .' I] Ii I! I~ .1; lif I'.' ,. ... . ~ / ~ VICINITY MAP / ~ '\+- \..- \ 1:.- NOT TO SCALE Cl. ~ >- lIJ ~ " <>: " ~ )..~ :2:: ~O) .... UZ.....a :J:OCo t-Ci;9loJ -ZQ::O::: ~..:.(cno 9~~9 .... a.... ;-0)..;- .....Z..:.(..... ~~a:J:~ ~o::::!oii.: ae,~~~ , , 1 I , 1-' I v 1 I LEGEND , , ~ EX18TWG M'ROVOENT8 PRtJl>ERTY UE AIJ.XJNNG TAX LOT - R_' - ._, - EASEJENT _~w_ ~CK ----- CONCRETE WALK - TO BE REMOVED -,._.._~---,,-- EDGE ASPHALT/CONe '. ." -'" 8TRI'PiG .,,---- ~ o ;:: --<l: iSQ:: i::1--. ~~ ,,""- :::~ c_ 7 / ~ ;, +,i__ ._ ~-1l~FfnTn U~~r[>Q I . . I . -~----~._-.-- FENCE /.~;U!:l!""7 . r~""""'''''~ h.:..:E.il.T. '0 &. ~ ~ """"'" " , ,:' !..... I , I , < PARltJIG LOT UGHT \ ADA 8TRPING ) ~( \'" ~, I Ii' 1 :;. i !~.;, Ii Y i I ! u ~~.c, mEE , ~ TAX LOT M..N8ER ---.J 1 ~ , ~ I r'i > , ., ~ , .' L,{~~.....,-,. "";"'/ , ----, r~=~: ~ ----j \ ~ I r: ~ r'tl .----J il -t _~_..~__~e_._---' !~ST-Sr--sl~:~ I _ ,':.:_s, s ". -J-.. ~ ",,':t.~~, (\-..,--" ). ~ , ----, "..."",. L I L.""'-M7 .."''-':-.. ~7 ~ , -I ~ -..L.J :; ~ -I ~ I ----, , -, PRC:F08ED M"ROvaENT8 ~ WALK .-- l J ]1 ~ _I S bt. ~ .S !;~I .... ~- Q) S;j Q) - l:::J " CI j:l};~ ~8 'I' ..;8Q ~C'04 ,<0 ;l~' Ii tl, ~ !~~!~ g E~ .... 1~~;\8 ~ ~'" ~"" ~ - ~ d~ I ~ ~~ o Q:~ '" ..'" .. "'.. "'" AID GUnE1l STRPm = L- 'Gi,.u i, ,- , ;-- i I I I I I , , I ," I~ I t I I ~ 1 ,. I ! I ~I,.i! I ' I i j " ~ I , i I 1 :, i ~ , "', i..... :: D """"'" AOOmON (8) IIFLTRATlON TEST PfT !~. -= , .--- , , , ~ ~ , . I . . I " ~ ] ; t'! ~ , , \i- I .--- I r--- , r- .--- f--. , r--- , r-- r-- , L.~ I ~r r L .1 'I ,\ l J i L.c,,-.'" :;,/ r;<~ , , ~ I , I , ,.1"" , . . , -' , "'''''' " L;-;;~ e ,1 l J .,,""" PRE.SUB~~Al REC'O MAY . 9 2009 , -----, ; ----, , I ~ DArE: 3/9/2009 SCALE AS SHOWN DRAWN JSA BY DESIGNER LE/JSA CHECKFD LE BY PROJE.CT 06-267 HU",SER SHErr HO. OF SHEET(S) .....<t-<91 . . I I i "..-:.u L""d':7 ( i . . I "J I f\ i It! I \ I. I' ..-~! ....."""";0<<;,-, "UlIIW'Il~II~1 ('\ \ 1 ,,.,~ J i 1 ~ =:,~~,:..:.... ;,",I~.:._., _' - ',' ----' 1 "'-"'He OCALE ~ f? I;; ~ h,. _ ._'~ ... .....11 60 ; HAYDEN BRIDGE WAY (80' RlGB1'-O"-"~Y) '-~~..., TAX IIAP '7-03-23-34. TAX LOTS '2600 NoD 12700 I A- )~- -'\"1 --X 3- _ _ _ '_ _ ~ _ _ ~ _ J _ PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 1 9 2009 Map Unit Description (Brief. Generated) Lane County Area, Oregon [Minor map unit components are excluded from this report] Map unit: 119 - Salem-Urban land complex Component: Salem (45%) ..... .... . .);.~Gr " The Salem.componeilt makes uP. 45 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 3 percent. This component is on stream:te.'tra'c.e's.~:'The parent material consists of gravelly mixed alluvium. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The naiural'diainage:class is well drained, . Water movement-in the most restrictive layer is moderately high. Available water. to a depth of 60 inche's;is;low,':..j.:'~ ' Shrink-sweJ/.'potential is low; Thissoil1s not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water, saturation within a ~epiiitoi/i2;inches: OrganicmafferoConient in ihe 'surface horizon is about 4 percent. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 2s. irngateaJra"/jo.capa'biJity classification'is2s:"This soil,do~~not meet hydric criteria. '" . " ~:?~~:#?l~;~S~;~f;~;:;~:. Component: Urban land (45%) Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major soif components, The Urban land is a miscellaneous area. PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 1 9 2009 USDA Natural Resources r~ Conservation Service Tabular Data Version: 5 Tabular Data Version Date: 12/22/2006 Page 1 of 1 '119: Salem Urban land Map symbol and soil name Hydrologic group B o -c ;:::c rT'1 , :s:: en ~ c=: CCI :s: - ~ <C "" .-- = ;:::c = = rT'1 ("") 0 USDA Natural Resources ~--. Conservation Service Surface runoff 'Jan-Dec Jan-Dec Water Features Lane County Area, Oregon Water table Month Upper limit Lower limit Surface depth Ft Ft Ft Tabular Data Version: 5 Tabular Data Version Date: 12/22/2006 Ponding Duration Frequency None None Floodin9 Duration Frequency None None This reporl shows only the major soils in each map unit. Others may exist Page 1 of 1 Physical Soil Properties Lane County Area, Oregon Erosion factors Wind Wind Map symbol Moist bulk Saturated Available Linear Organic erodi- erodi- Depth Sand Silt Clay hydraulic water extensi- and soil name density conductivity capacity bility matter bility bility Kw Kf T group index In Pct Pct Pel glcc micro m/sec Inlln Pel Pet 119: Salem 0,7 .. -, 15-20 1.20,1.50 4.00,14.00 " ,O.J1'O,17,',;~0.O'2:~i ,'29:62.:,.:.20 .28 :l 6 48 . 0.09,0.17... '3:0,5.9"" '. . 7,26 .25-35 ,1.20,1.50 4.00:14.00 . 1.0'3.0,__ .20' . ,37 0,15 0.1,1.6 i.-. . 26,60 1.30,1.60. 141. 0.03,0.05 0.0,2.9 . .02 .15 00,705.00 Urban land 5 8 0 ...0 rn . :s:: ~ ~ c: ccr .- :s:: <C ~ r--> r-- = ;::c = u:> rn ('") d USDA Natural Resources ~ - Conservation Service This report shows only the major soils ;n each map unit. Others may exist. Tabular Data Version: 5 Tabular Data Version Date: 12/22/2008 Page 1 of 1 A ~J3NU -x C PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 1 9 2009 .r. ,jY c) r t: (/ 6 ~ ~ fALUr'6 I-ISAD ,fVF'c...ITLirit)~ TF-f) 2.4 INFILTRATION TESTING To size stormwater management facilities, it is often necessary to know the infiltration rate of the soil at the actual facility location. _.....A._._._._._._._...._._._...._...._......._.....,'_"_'_'_"""'_'_'_""_""_'_""_"_'_'_'_'_'_'_'_'_'_".'_'_'_".'_".""'.'_'_......._._._._.._...._'-"_'_'_""_""_'_._, . . Note: Facilities that are sized using an infiltration rate of 0.5 inches per hour and that will be located in NRCS soil types A or B are not required to perform infiltration testing. . . . . :.v......'v.._w..........."........................,..,.................................,......,...........w............................................................."''''.....,..,...................,...........................'''.w........................._............._...............' Facilities that are sized using an infiltration rate greater than 0.5 inches per hour or that will be located in NRCS soil types C or D must perform infiltration testing. The following general criteria apply to all proposed infiltration facilities: 1) For all infiltration facilities, a minimum infiltration rate of 0.5 inches per hour is required. Infiltration rates shall be determined by performing the constant head-, the falling head-, or the double-ring infiltration testing. 2) Testing can be classified into three categories, (1) initial feasibility testing, (2) design testing, and (3) post-construction testing. (See Exhibit 2-5) 3) Design testing includes (1) a test pit to determine soil formations, groundwater and bedrock levels, and (2) an infiltration test. . 4) Testing shall be conducted or observed by a qualified professionaL A Qualified Professional includes registered professional engineers, soil scientist, geologist, architect, landscape architect, professional testing service with specific training and/ or experience in determining the permeability of soils, or others as approved by the City. 5) Testing data shall be documented, including a description of the infiltration testing method. 6) Initial feasibility testing need not be conducted if the NRCS Lane County Soil Mapping shows the soils of the development site are a hydrologic group A or B. 7) Testing for groundwater elevation is not required for soakage trenches and surface infiltration facilities which (1) are located in areas with a depth to groundwater of 6' or greater, as shown on the Infiltration Limited Areas map, and which (2) are shown not to exceed a maximum facility depth of 2 feet. 8) Well log data within 200 feet of the site may be used to demonstrate ground water elevation. 2.4.1 Initial Feasibility Testing Initial feasibility testing is conducted to determine whether full-scale testing is necessary, and is meant to screen unsuitable sites and reduce testing costs. It involves either one field test per facility (regardless of type or size) or previous testing data, such as the following: Storm water Management Manual Eugene 2008 rKE-5UBiviiiiAl Ri:C'D MAY 1 9 2009 Page 2-16 . Septic percolation testing on-site, within 200 feet of the proposed facility location and on the same contour; or . Previous written geotedmical reporting on the site location as prepared by a qualified geotechnical expert; or . NRCS Lane County Soil Mapping showing unfeasible conditions such as a hydrologic group "0" soil in a low-lying area. If the results of initial feasibility testing as determined by a qualified professional show that an infiltration rate of greater than 0.5 inches per hour is probable, then the design and post-construction testing shall be in accordance with Exhibit 2-5. Public Works will waive design-testing if existing testing data is on file with the City for the site. In the case of infiltration testing, an encased soil boring may be substituted for a test pit, if desired. Exhibit 2-5: Infiltration Testing Summary Table Type of Initial Design Testing Post-Construction , Facility Feasibility (Section 2.4.2) Testing Testing (Section 2.4.3) (Section 2.4.1) Drywell Required Minimum one test pit and Recommended II . System one test. Soakage Required Minimum one test pit and Not applicable. Trench one test per soakage trench. Infiltration Required Testing of an existing Recommended Sump sump in the vicinity, or System construction and testing of one sump. Surface Required Minimum one test per Recommended Infiltration facility area. Facility 2.4.2 Design Testing The following test pit procedure shall be followed: 1) Excavate a test pit or dig a standard soil boring to a minimum depth of the proposed facility bottom elevation. 2) Determine depth to highest seasonal groundwater table (if less than 4 feet to the proposed bottom of all surface infiltration facilities and soakage trenches, and less Stormwater Management Manual Eugene 2008 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D MAY I 9 2009 Page 2-17 than 10 feet to the proposed bottom of all other underground injection system facilities). 3) Determine USDA or Unified Soil Classification System textures at the proposed bottom and 4 feet below the bottom of the facility. 4) Detennine depth to bedrock (if within 10 feet of proposed bottom). 5) The soil description should include all soil horizons. 6) The location of the test pit or boring shall be within 50 feet of the facility location and having the same NRCS soil formation; test pitl soil boring stakes are to be left in the field for inspection purposes and shall be clearly labeled as such. Existing well log data within 200 feet of the proposed facility may be used to indicate the depth to groundwater. 7) At least 1 test pit or borehole per 50-foot length of trench shall be tested. 1) Install casing (solid 6-inch I Exbibli'i-6:Falling Head Test diameter, 36-inch length) to 24 inches below proposed facility bottom (see Exhibit 2-6). 2) Place 2 inches of 1/2- to %- inch gravel in the test pipe to protect the bottom from scouring action when the water is added. 3) Remove any smeared soiled surfaces and provide a natural soil interface into which water may percolate. Remove all loose material from the casing. 4) All test pits and boreholes shall be "field saturated" prior to test. The I test pipe shall be filled with at least 12 inches of clear water. This depth shall be maintained for at least 4 hours. If, after filling the pipe twice with the 12 inches of water, the water seeps completely away in less than 10 minutes, the test can proceed immediately. 5) 24 hours later, refill casing with another 12 inches of clean water and monitor water level (measured drop from the top of the casing) for 1 hour. Repeat this procedure (filling the casing each time) three additional times, for a total of four observations. Upon the tester's discretion, the final field rate may either be the average of the four observations or the value of the last observation. The final rate shall be reported in inches per hour. 6) Testing may be done through a boring or open excavation. 7) The location of the test shall correspond to the facility location. 8) Upon completion of the testing, the casings shall be immediately pulled, and the test pit shall be back-filled. Falling head infiltration test procedure: Stormwater Management Manual Eugene 2008 &istingground SUJface Excavate or use soil- boring casing , PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 1 9 2009 Page 2-18 9) Charts, graphs, calculations, and supporting narrative, specifically listing the infiltration rate to be used for the underground injection system designs. If used, the double-ring infiltrometer test procedure must follow ASTM D3385-94, standard test method for infiltration rate of soils in field using double-ring infiltrometer. 2.4.3 Post-Construction Testing If post-construction infiltration testing is performed, test data shall be kept on file with the operation and maintenance records. Post-construction testing on city-maintained facilities shall be performed as directed by the privately engineered public improvement permit. 2.4.4 Laboratory Testing Grain-size sieve analysis and hydrometer tests where appropriate may be used to determine USDA soils classification and textural analysis. Visual field inspection by a qualified professional may also be used, provided it is documented. The use of laboratory testing to establish infiltration rates is prohibited. PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O Storm water Management Manual Eugene 2008 ~.t\y 1 !l zooa Page 2-19 Project Name: Springfield Faith Center Project No.: 06-267 Project Location: 600 Hayden Bridge Way Date of Field Work: March 2,2009 Comments: InfIltration Test No. Depth of Test Pit Diameter of Pipe Test Bellan j: '-2. P,., Test Ended 1-/:25 PA Initial Denth of Water 1.2. F I InfIltration Test No. Depth of Test Pit Diameter of Pipe Test Bellan '-/3 VPr- Test Ended 5: 2. S Initial Denth of Water I.? F I InfIltration Test No. Depth of Test Pit Diameter of Pipe Test Bellan \,) : 3 'I " ~ o Test Ended Initial Denth of Water 1,/ n-- Cj:3/4-, Final Denth of Water o. '5 SF7 Final Denth of Water O. ii' n-- Final Denth of Water O.66n' PRE-SUBMITTAL REeD MAY 1 9 2009 AJJ~N ~--X' _ _ --' U__ _-J PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 1 9 2009 .....AKA Rcsounc:s BE,-:- C:::~II=U n.BE.GQtJ DaIe......d (... ~'-'1" v':; Lomole.-d (., - U, -0 S (unbooded) Water Wdl Constru~ifi~tion: I certify that the work I r-::~'--':- on the construction. alteration, or a:.." :'_ .,," _. l of this well is in compliance with Oregon wal.er supply well ( . _..~ __ .;~ ""_ standards. Ma1erials used and information reported above are true lo the best of my knowledge andbeti<f. ~ AI WWCN.-..i73LJ Signed ~ ~_ ,/,?'b~ Dale '7-t?-~ (bo~at~ell Conslruclol' CertificaLion: - I accept responsn;iity for the construction, alteration. or ). ~, !".. . :ot work: performed 00 lfUj well duringtlJt; coqmuction dales reported aOOvc. AU wort perfo~ ~g ~s time ,is iJ'/~liance with Oregoo waler supply weD construction s4n.djlrds. This(~. 10$ troe to the best of my knowledge and beli~ \:~ . !~..., . WWCNumber 102. ~('j c Signed /;f /11 .- V f ____ Dale I! z ')/ <\ FIRST COPY - CONSTRUCfpii: S.~.<;D~rJ:OPY - cp~~1JBMITIAl REC'O MAY 1 :l 2009 .~ WATER SUPPLY WELLREPO~,' (as required by ORS 537.765) , ,\' Imtrudions for cOlDPldiol! this reoort BritO the last paee of this form. --- (I) O}XNER: , \ r Well Number ---1. Name~. Hf't:L\+\... OT C)f-~ Address a,e,/ln ~ \ \)0 ...~l s\.... 'Sr,Ai \<.. ~t-O City-f-~' s"", De.. __~ip_~ (2) TYpEQIi'WORK ~cw Well ODcepening 0 Alteration (repair,lrecondition) 0 Aba...:_____; (3) DRlLLMETHOD: fitko<<aryAir ORo<<aryMud Oc.hle OOlber _ (4) PROPOSED USE: o Domestic 0 Community 0 Industrial OThermal [llnjectioo nUvestock (5) BORE HOLE CONSTRUCTION: . SpecialCooslI1Ictionapprovall:ll(YesONo Depth' of Completed Well ~It. Explosives used 0 Yes ~o TYPe AmOtmt HOLE T SEAL . o Auger o Irrigation ~er{), wQ.~r ~ Diatndcr From To Material From To 10'" a 't~ ~>k.. n 5 Sacu or pooDds 6 'S~\C., How was seal placed: Method 0 A IS Other ~t-d lladcfill ploced from It. lo It. Gravel placed from ~ ft. to ~ It. (6) CASlNGILINER: Diamder From To DB DC OD DE Material Size of gravel V'1. . la. II. ~~ Casir~' GaDle Steel .....'" Wdded Tuuded 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 "8 0 0 0 g ,gj 0 0 0 0 Liner. ~" ~~ "tI) ,--- Fmalloc:a1im of shoe(s) (7) PERFORATIONSIs.."",,,,..S: o Perforations Method ~= Type~<lh.J",'5n^ Slot ~ To, she Number DiaPJder JA 'In .100 (,," Casla! o o o o o Material P\I L Tekfplpr ,Iu --- (8) WELL TESTS: Minimum testing time is 1 bour @ump Yield ~aVtnI. L.On o Bailer DrawdoWll \5' Rowing o Artesian nm. I hr. o Air DrWslemat TempernIllre of Wafer F..~ Depth Artesian Flow Found Was a water analysis done? 0 Yes By whom Did any strata contain water not suitable for intended use? 0 Too little o Salty 0 Muddy 0 Odor 0 Colored 0 Other Depth of slnIla: ORIGINAL - WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT "lEu.. LD. # , ,;TART CARD # 131# :J-\5 IlJ (9) LOCATION OF WELL by legal desaiplioo: County ~ n. ~ _ Latitude Loogitude Towrnbio t"\. N or@)Range ~ E oc@WM. Sectioo. 7 ..... --Al W 1/4 t.J W 1/4 Tax Lot lOt) t) Lot Block: Subdivision StreetAddre..ofWeU(ocneamtaddress) _, '" ..:\ (,..rJv\.o. h-~"'" <l ~e!,\.~C-\-f \d t Oe. ~~_Y:?\.:r ..= (10) 'STATIC ATER LEVE : . A ; It. below land surface. . D3!e.Go - -z.e, - '5 Artesian pressure lb. per square inch. Dale (11) WATER BEAR.lNG ZONES: Depch al which wa1er was fust found From R To !-to Estimated Row Rate IC)t) SWL W (12) WELL LOG: Ground Elevaticr Material r "....}""d. flv,," ~tr ~u.r" c\ro...,.p_\..... From o \ To \ "to (',. SWL REeEtV~u .. Lblltr 3 o o o o JUL U ( IUU~ WATer. f:E;:;;:;tlRlJf:S UI:PT c.llleM. ORE60i'l Ht-I ,t-IVt-1 J JU~ ~ Ii 29Q~ ""'0 ;;c rn . s: c;" ~ c::= co .... s:: <:.C ~ '" r- = ;;C = <.0 rn n d .~~ bttC.t':~ =-.-: ~ i ~ c~ I McKenzk Sprlngfl~ r . GeliIway Mell McKenzie, Eugene, Oregon -hitr-Way r ,) : I fJr"'..I"'<' IV'! t-Jril<;, ~ .. n -~. \ 'C-*.I_J"II . 6'\ ~ ill .-,./ ~i ur 1 .; ~ / a .j: (J o v ,. 1-', I, I' ~tL~ ~~\ ! .) . o ml 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 Copyr~ 0 1988-2001 Mcroeon Corp. anci'or IlItuppll.... All r!ghtl ,..NI'YOd. htlp:JIVM'w.m1ct01Oft.ccmflteetl I o Copyr\glt 2000 by GIIOgRlphlc OM Ttd'l'lology, Inc:. All nghtl......Md. 0 2000 Nlvlgatlon Tectlnologla. All rtgrrtl roMMd. "'1, dale lnc:lud..In1011T11t1on t8k., wttI'l pennlulon frOm Clnlci.n luthor1U.. 0 Her Mljelty the QUMn In Right of Canadfl. o ~ 2000 by eompu.M::h MO"CI'nIrketlng Data and Syltema ltd. ) \v~. E)C"...{,ON STATE OF OREGON GEOTECHNICAL HOLE REPORT (as required by OAR 690-240-003S) LANE 66475 08-09-2006 Page 1 of2 Fjrsf Name Last Name Company PEACE HEAL THHOSPIT AL Address 123 fNTERNA T10NAL WAY City SPRINGFIELD State OR (1) OWNERlPROJECT Hole Number B-6 (9) LOCATION OF HOLE Oegal description) County Lane Twp 17.00 S N/S Range 3.00 W See 23 NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 Tax Lot 1000 lax Map Number Lot Lat "or --- Lon 0 ' "or g--- r Street address of hole (0: Nearest address pE OF GAME FARM RD & BEL TUNE DR INTERSECTION, SPRlNGFIELD EJW WM Zip 97477 DMS or DD DMS or DD (2) TYPE OF WORK ~New 0 Deepening ~ Abandonment o AJteration (repair/recondition) @l CONSTRUCTION URotary Air DHand Auger DRotary Mud Deable DOther (4) TYPE OF HOLE: @Uncascd Temporary OUncased Pennanent QOther Other: (5) USE OF HOLE WATER SAMPLES ~ Hollow stem a~ger o Push Probe (10) STATIC WATER LEVEL Date IExistmg Well / Precleepening I F=ompleted Wel] b7-05-2006 Flowing Artesian? 0 Depth water was first found 21 SWL(psi) I II II + SWL(ft) WATER BEARING ZONES OCased Permanet OSlope Stablity SWL Date I ~ I I (11) SUBSURFACE LOG Ground Elevation Frnm F..tFlow 'WI1 t 'Wt (~ lL IL IL To Material From o 10 To 10 24 l3ROWN SILT pRA VELS WI SAND I Materi"l Special Standard DAttach copy) : I sacksl I Amt n.... I :1 I Date Started 07-05.2006 I Completed 07-05-2006 (6) BORE HOLE CONSTRUCTION Depth of Completed Hole 24.00 ft. BORE HOLE Dia From To 12 0 24 Backfill placed from Filter pack from o ft. to ft. to (7) CASING/SCREEN Casing Screen Dia + K) ( 1 I IU K:i (~ I K.5 ( I I[J k: j i_I 18 K:i (8) WELL TESTS o Pump 0 Bailer Yield 2al/min nmwdown SEAL From To I: II II 24 ft. Material BENTONITE ft. Material Size (12) ABANDONMENT LOG: sacks! Amt Ih~ 23.56 S From To Gauge Stl Plstc Wid Tlrrd II( ) ( r: ] 10 r I () ( , I ~ ) H I ( j Material From lBentonite 0 I I To 24 o Air 0 Flowing Artesian Drill <;.tem!Pllmn denth Ouration(hr) I I Date Started07-05.2006 Completed 07-05,2006 Professional Certification (to be signed by an Oregon licensed water or monitoring well constructor, or Oregon registered geologist or civil engineer). I accept responsibility for the construction, deepening, alteration, or abandonment work performed during the construction dates reported above. All work performed during this time is in compliance with Oregon geotechnical hole construction standards. .This report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. PQ~.Stl8~A.I19Ai ~EC'g Temperature OF Lab analysis 0 Yes By Supervising GeologistlEngineer Water quality conCerns? DYes (describe below) From To Descriotinn Amount Units LicensefRegistration Number. 1740 Electronically Submitted Fi,st Name MARLEN Last N'M"9RQS~ ~~rn Affiliation Geo-Tec~ Explorations a Div. of Boart Longyear Co. o"JJ ORIGINAL - WATER RESOURCES DEPARTJvlENT THIS REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS OF COMPLETION OF WORK Form Version: 0.36 GEOTECHNICAL HOLE REPORT - ' Map with location identified must be attached and j include an approximate scale and north arrow Map of Hole N v LANE 66475 08-09-2006 ".....,......."", ..j..... ..,Ii;. Page 2 of2 II. .. .~ , .. I I ,... '. - 1 "'~4_.t. . fo..-rM Nt..lJ" ~d p~ \-\ tJ t-\-\ , ~f~\t>1 . J " !r~ ~-\ ~.... Ifrp, G ...-- .~ "~~ &-1 .. ! -i ftOr',td ' f4/1L", fl.1 ~M~'{.. I .~';' -,,'1 , j - PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'e MAY 1 9 2009 APPENDIX C PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 1 9 2009 I Grassy Infiltration Basin Calculations During 25-Year Storm Event I II' ft 11m I Runoff Area Al..-..l'" I 26,170 I L__~"I 136 n , 0.016 , 0.02 eN 98 , ISolllllflltraUon Rate 33 ",/I" 7.6E-QS "" l inches IActUal L~~ 25-YearEvanl 0.63 1n/24Hr E &ldeslooeJ.:1 3 IbottOmwldth l IMAX(ft) " Topwoih/1I1 162 15O Max Polld Depth In) 2 I ~ Width E aldeslooe .:1 3 I bottom width " ToP WIdth 1ft) 17 5 1.1:110' (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (6) (9) (10) (11) (11b) (12) Stonn Incremental Incremental Cumulative Horizontal "" Innow- Incremental Stored Cumulative Cumulative "" Time R~ff Innow Dep~ Dep~ Wetted area Oo.~ 00_ Innow. Volume Dep~ Deplh Allowable Volufl'l& Increase Increase Ootnow Deplh ~ Cds) Idl Iff' {fl.) -"!fl. Ids) (ds) Io" Idl .finl .In) 300,00 0.14 8"3.4"8 Dog--- 1088 1109.17 0.08 005 3:i.65 464:71 4.57 0.38 2,00 K1QOO 0.14 83.48 0.07 1.95 1133.90 0,09 0,05 31.51 496.22 4.98 0.41 2.00 320.00 0.14 83.48 0.D7 2.02 1157.82 009 0.05 30.42 526.64 5.18 0.43 2.00 33000 0,14 83.48 0.Q7 2.09 1180,95 0.09 005 29.36 555.99 5.46 0.46 2.00 340,00 0.14 83.48 0,07 2.16 120331 0,09 0,05 28.33 584.32 5.74 0.48 2.00 350.00 0.16 96.72 0.08 2.24 1235,03 0.09 0,07 40.11 624.44 6.14 0,51 2.00 360.00 0.16 96.72 0.08 2.32 1265.71 0.10 006 38.71 663,14 6,52 0.54 2.00 ~7000 0.16 96,72 0,07 2.39 1295.39 0.10 006 37.35 700.49 688 0.57 2.00 380,00 0.16 96.72 0.07 2.47 1324,08 0.10 0.06 3603 736.52 7.24 0.60 2.00 39000 0.16 96.72 0.D7 2.54 1351.82 0,10 0.06 34.76 nUB 7.58 0.63 2.00 400.00 0.16 96.72 0.07 2.61 1376.64 0.11 0.06 33,53 804,81 7.91 0.66 2.00 41000 023 136.42 0.10 2.70 1435.31 0.11 0.12 70,64 875,44 6.60 0,72 2.00 420.00 023 136.42 0.09 2.79 1490.16 0,11 0,11 68.12 943,56 9,27 0.77 2.00 430.00 0.23 136,42 0.09 2,88 1543.31 0.12 0,11 65,69 1009.25 9,92 0.83 2.00 440.00 0,31 183,25 0.11 3.00 1631.51 0.12 0.18 108.48 1117.73 10,99 0,92 2.00 450.00 0.31 183,25 0.11 3.10 1717.05 0.13 0.17 104.56 1222.28 12.01 1.00 2.00 460.00 osa 346.15 0.18 3.28 1930.14 0.15 0.43 257.68 1479.97 14,55 1.21 2.00 470.00 0,92 549.76 024 3.52 2304,92 0.18 0,74 444.12 1924,09 18,91 1.58 2.00 480.00 046 274.88 0.11 3.63 2444.71 0.19 0,27 162.83 2086.92 20,51 1.71 2.00 490.00 0,31 18325 0.07 3.71 2503,90 0.19 0.11 68.49 2155.41 21.16 1.77 200 500.00 0,23 136.42 0,05 3.76 2521.94 0.19 0,03 20.83 2176,24 21.39 1.78 2.00 ~10 00 0.23 136.42 0,05 3.81 2539,32 0.19 0.03 20.04 2196,28 21.59 1.80 2.00 ~2000 0.23 136.42 0,05 3.87 2556,05 0,20 0.03 19,27 2215.55 21.n 1.81 2.00 530.00 015 89.59 0.04 3.90 2533.04 0,19 -0,04 -26.51 2189,04 21.51 1.79 2.00 540.00 0.15 69.59 0.04 3.94 2510.94 0.19 -0.04 -25.49 2163.55 21.26 1.77 2.00 560.00 0.15 89.59 004 3,97 2469.72 0.19 -0.04 -24.52 2139.03 21,02 1.75 2.00 560,00 0.15 89,59 0,04 4,01 2469.33 0.19 -0.04 .23.59 2115.44 20.79 1.73 2.00 570,00 0.15 89,59 0.04 4.05 2449,74 0,19 -0.04 -22.69 2092.75 20.57 1.71 2.00 580.00 0.15 8959 0.04 4.08 2430,92 0.19 -0.04 -21.83 20/0,92 20.35 1.10 2.00 590,00 0.15 89.59 0.04 4.12 2412.84 0.16 -0.03 -21.00. 2049.93 20.15 1.68 2.00 6OU.0u 0.1b 89,b9 0.04 4.16 23&5.40 0.16 -0,03 -20.20 2029.73. 19.95 1.66 2.00 "m 0.00, Maximum Depth. 1.81 ,ft) Maximum Runotr. 0.916 (cta) Southeast Vegetative Infiltration Basin For Water Quality Storm Event 2.50 2.00 - = 1.50 - .c - Q. 1.00 CD c 0.50 ~ J ............ - Water Depth '- ~ Top of Pond / ~ _.--/ --- -. 0.00 0.00 " 500.00 1000.00 Time (Minutes) 1500.00 PRE-SUBMITTAL ~tC u MAY 1 9 2009 12/29/2008 15:02 FAX 541 7J6 11 . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Ph I4J 001 PUBLIC \\,OR1(S DEPARTMENT I Engineering Division $PR'NGAEl.D ~ 2 , " -~~'""'-~ ~<.....,.. ............. . Phooe:(541)726-3753 . . Fax: (541)736-1021 " -.' -. .' .' - -. .: "", . STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM S<=OPE OF WORK . . ' ~ (Area below Ozis lineftJled outbyllppUcQllt) ~ (plense re1lln/ to Malt Stouder@ C/1y ofSpriJrgfleld Public Work9 EnglneeriJIg; Fax # 736,102!-, Phone # 736-1035.) . " ' ' - .". " - -.' ','.. Projel:tl'iame:. Sprimdield Faith Center '_App~cant: Bl'llllcbEn.cineering.lnc. - Greg Mowe,. AssessoJ'!ll'sr:ce1#: . i7-03-23-34. Lot i2600 & 12700 Date:... .12/24/2008 . LandlJsll(s):" :LD - Low Density Residential Phoiie #:541-746-0637 ProjeCt Size(~crell): '4.13' Fax #: '541.746.0389 ApPTlI;L llDpen10us Area: 137.000 sf 07,800 s{new) Email: . gre~iaJbran~hen~~g:com .'. :\.,:.,:_\ . :,,: ',... ".," ". "\"~~;"'::.:;:,\i:.-'i';,':-,,' ,-.' -. .' '. - . : ... . ... ""'" .. .... Project Description (Include a copy .of Assessor) lTJap): ConstruGt 8D addition to the north and ~outh sjd~. of the existing Springfield Faith Cent"" building. Northa4dition is approximately a 10,000 s.J: foot print O1)d the south addition is approximately 900 s.t. Parldng 10 be.~dded 10 the north side. wiii shan have approximately 15 parking spaces wit)1 associated eJriyeaisle. .. .' , ' . I I I I I . . '-.....: . . - .. .' Draimlge PI:oposal (public connection{s), discl,large location{s), etc. Attach additional sheet{s) if necessary: On-.ite relention OD north side ofpropo,ed north addition. Existing impervious ar.a to continue to e>Osting system, An existing 43~ 'lorm pipe to the east ofpropcrty is available i.1 needep.. . ." .. '.. '.' . '... '.: "',' ", '. ~. . . '. -.' ....-.. .- . .... . '. -, .... , .' Propos~d Stormwllter Best Managell1ent Pr~ctices: . Vegelatadrelenti9D >wa.le ..:- . . ' . .::" . 'fArm below ibis line filled out I1v the em, and Returned to the {lDtJ/lt:1Jm! ---':.. . :, :;, ' : .:(AI omillimum. 011 ~o= ch.ecked.by Ihe Ciryon ,"efront ana back oflhissheel shall be s~blni".d '. . . : for an application to becamplete for >7/bmilliJ/, althouglr orher reqt,iremenlS may be net:essoJ'Y,) Draina!!eStudy TvDe ~SPM Section 4.iriji:~ote. IJlI may be n1bstitutedfor Ratio~aJ Method). o Small Site Study -(use RationalMethod fo; G~IGulations)' . . . o Mid-Level DevelopmelltStudy"; (use Unit HY,b-o'graph Method for calculations) )iil Fl1l1~ag~ DeveloplI\ent Study ~ (?se Ul)it l!ydrogJilph Method (orcalcl!\ations) Environmental Consideration.~: ,. . . . . Ii Weill;~~dio~e:'C;-)()~,.(' Tv r 0 Hillside Development: }.j/A o Wetlwd!Riparian:AlJA I 0 FloodwaylFloodplain.: AJ/A o SoilType:IFr .:..^)~.. l:id...i<.- 0 OtherJurisdictions: Cw'~1 m ~ I.t~c. DDwnstn:am Analvsis: .11 N/A :-Af>pf.M~!.> h" L.,'Y'<. -fb e45t l,,,~ $(..Me CAFu7 o Flow line for startiog water surface elevation: o Design HOL to use for starting water surface elevation: o Manl1ol~/Junctionto take analysis to: :Retnnl to Matt Stouder Ilil City of SprinefieId, eD1llil: mstDudel'(iild.sprin~fleJd.ot.JlS.FAX: (541) 736-1021 '., ,.., '.. .. ,'. ...... . .......... . . .. ',' . . . .' . <PRE-SUBMITIAl REeD MAY 19 2009 Revised 1/1/08 Molly.MarKarian ". ..9 of ltl COMPLETE STUDYI'IEMS I ForOffic;DIU"'OrtIy; (..:,;VI * Bosed rlpon the informalian provided on tht!fronl a/this sluUJ. the following represents Q minimum ofwhal is needed/or 011 application to be completefor submittal with respect to drainage.. bowever, this list should not be used ill lieu oflhe Springfield Development Code (SDC) or the City', Engineering Design Manl/a!, Compliance with Ihese reqlflremclfls doer 110t CO/1stltule site approval; Ar1dit/~onal sile .fPl!cific Informa/ion may be required Note: Upon .reo ping sheet stJbmjlta~ msUN! compleledfonu has been signer! ~J'l ~he.spac~.pro~fded. b.e!ow: :. - . .... . . .' . . Inter1m Design StandanlslWoter Quality t"''''''''',{ Chapter 3) Req'd N/A '. ...: . . '. .' '.' . '. ..:" . ". . l&I . 0 AD non-building rooftop (NBR) impelVious NIfacc:s shall be pre-treated (e.g, muJti-cbambered calchbasin w/oil . '. filtration media) for slOImwator quality. .Additiooally, a minimum .of SO% of tho J-lBR impervious sUlfaco shall be treilted by ~ogclaiod methods. '. : . : . .',. '. .:. ". . . . .... . ". .' l0J 0 .Where required, ~eget~tive stonn~ater design shanbe collSistent "(ith interim design SlllndlU'ds (EDSPM Section 3.02), set forth by the Bureau ofEnvironmentaJ SelVices (BES) or Clean Walm Sorvices (CWS). ...:..:.... ~] 0 fornewNBR intp~oUsar~a'les. ihan 15,OOO~tJa..e fee~ a sjmplified d~ign .~pproach maybefollowedasspecified . 'bYthoBE"forvegetative.treatm.enL,':"':.,"::'..:.<"':', .....,. ,'. ".:. . fiQ ..D)f a sloimwai~rb:":tment s;v.le is proposed, submit calCUJationslsp';';ificatinns for ~g. velocity, fio",. side slopes, . "bottonlSlope, and seed niixcoM,istool with either B~SorCWS requirements, : . ' . . . . . I~ 0 WalerQuilitycai~~alion~asreqUiied in Section3,il3,lof~eED"p'M . . . - . 'lEI 0 All building rooftop lIi"wted equipmen~ or orller fluid COlltaining equipment located outside of the building, shall . "beprOVided~iiJJ Sec~nd~conialmlle;;torweil1berr..i'~Ie;;dosure. ,," : .... .... ....... . . '. :" '. '" "'.' . . .' GenerlllStndy Req';ire';'e~1s (EDSPM Sect;ob ~.03)' 0.-<.',':: " .' '. .1L9 0 Drainage ;~dyprepared byaPr~iessi~nril Civil Engineer licensed in the state of Oregon. ,~ 0 A eomplet~ dr.unj,ge~dy, as r~Uired U;EDSP)vlSe~lion ,4.03. i, in~l~diog a hydrOlogical study map. .[) 0 Calfulatioll5 sh~wirlgsYstem'c,apacity'fora'2-year Sto.rmevont and overflow effects ofa 25-yeBr storm evenl . .[iig .0 The time ofcon~.,;lr.ition (Tc) shan be deteimined using a JO minute start time for developed basins. ....., . .' ....::.;... ..:..:..;;.,..';.....<:: :'.:: .:.....:.-:::- ':.; -: .: "; ."<, : ~'. '.". ......- . ::.":" .: .: .","'. '. '. " .Review Orn"lVnmeam Sysiem(EDSPMSee!ioQ 4,03.4.C) ,.......:. <',. .: .... ',', .... Df.Cl.A do~draii,~gei.n.ltys~~ desc:,i,ed in ED.SPM Section 4.03.4,C. On-site drainage shall be gOVerned by the . Oregon PllitnbingSpecjaltyCode (OPSC). '.' ..... ....',. ::,: ..... ". .. . o .~.Eley~ti~ns ~ftl1~ H?LO?d flo,,,, ,Ii~~s,for both. dty ;md J>riYat~ Sys~~ll1~whe~applicable. . J)esignofSlormSYS~em'(EDSPl\1St>cli.n.s.ll4) '. .... ........'. ". : '. .' .... '. . t:z::I . D Flow' lines, slopes, rim elevations, pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on the planse!. . . . 0 .~ ~int~. pipe cii"e;. shall be 18 illches for reinfor~ed pipe and 36 inches forplain concrete and ptll5tic pipe materials. ':" or proper engineering calcuiations silallbe pr?vided when less, The cover shall bo .sufficient to. support an 80,OOOlb load ",ithoUl fuilureofihe pipe structure. . ....,., .', '.:: ., ......,.:, ,...:-.' . 0:: ..': . . .' . . . '. ".., , D~ M~ing's ''n''val~esfur pip';;shaJl be conSistent with TobIe 4- I of lbe EDSP, . Ail storm pipes shall be designed 10. . . . achieve a minimum veloci.ty of three (3) feet per.s~nd at 0.5 pipe full bas.don.Tab!e 4.1 as well.. '. .' OtberlMisc ..... . : . . '.: ......., ". ....... ........... ...... ,":'. . .... .' .....' ". '. <.: ...".. " ..' . ~ DEx~ring and proposedco)]tours, located at ,?"e foo~ interval. Include spotel~v.tions and site grades sbowing how site draIns : ", . ..:". '.' '. '.'. .' '. '" .:'. ..... ." . ". '. . .... '. . [B 0 Privoie slormwater eas~ments shaJl'be clearly depicted on plans whenpnvate sttJrmwater flows trom Doe property to anothor . i ' . , '- '. . . :' . . : ..:. '. .' . . . . . -. . . ...... .... .. . . . IS 0 Dry;.,eIIs shan n~t receive runoff from any sUlfa.. wlo being treated by one or more BMPs, with iIIe exception of residential building roofs (EDSP Scction 3.03.4.A.). Additional provisions apply" to' this as required by ill. DEQ, Refer to the webs~te: WWW.d~o..sta[e.or.US{WD..rrQundwaluichome.hcm for t'Qore jnformation. .' '.' lZ3 0 ne"']]tion ponds sh~1l bedesi~ed 10 limit nmofflopre:.Jevelopmenl.tates for the 2 through 25,year storm e.vents "T1,1s form shall be Induded as an aIIru:/"nenl, inside the front cover, of the rlormllJater JlUdy "IMPORTANT: EN.GlNEER PLEASE READ BELOW AND SIGN I As the engineer of recoid, I hereby cerliiY the above required items are complete and inc1udeej with the submitted .tonnwater study and --" . .... .... . . ......... . . '. Signarure: Date: ...........: PRE~SUBMIJTAl REC'D . MAY 1 92009 . . .... .10 of 10 R@v;sed 1/1/0B MolIV Markarian TOO lEI ".lid (J131d~NllldSdO Ul:J . TGOT geL T~S XVd ~O:ST SOOG/6G/GT