HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Septic Tank 2010-1-25 , .. SEPTIC TANK DECOMMISSION (ABANDONMENT) Township t 7 Range-,,'~ z.~ Section/1/4 Section 4:3 / Tax Lot OJ,()t)1) If you are connecting to an area-wide sewage collection system or you are replacing your septic tank, please don't forget to properly decommission your septic system. An unattended and forgotten septic tank can become a serious danger for everyone's safety, Present Oregon regulations require you to properly decommission the septic tank as described below, Please have this form signed by the appropriate people and return the completed form to: LANE COUNTY SUBSURFACE SANITATION PROGRAM Public Service Building 125 East 81}l Ave Eugene, Oregon 97401 Pumped of sludge on Name of Property Owner vY\ I~ r..MJO J..- :\' _ 9Rn ,I'>e JU Septic tank located at .;JSt"t". GIlA-'AJI'tI '/J'-''f'A- !iJ12... .sRA I?I< , , /-25'- 7.011> by '"""\7A,.k ~_ . (Date) (Signature of Licensed Operator) License ~ -38314 at!h-;-/S'ID6f3 The septic tank located at 2.. SIDe.. t:.6l......JIl:>lWI.q-A -:i)f!... SPR. nR.. , , t!PfIJl!f-f.+.....C,CJ>F) , backfilled with 'BREI OP e.. '_.:. :'~I'I gpo"lll after being pumped of sludge on was rS?-/4/ - ,/ . , Signature 0 .f' 1 - ?'- 2.01 D (Date) erator (may be owner) Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 340-71-185 Decommissioning of Systems, 1. The owner shall decommission a system when: a. A sewerage system becomes available and the building sewer has been connected thereto,or b. The source of sewage has been permanently eliminated, 2. Procedures for Decommissioning: a. The tank(s), cesspool or seepage pit shall be pumped by Q licensed sewage diSposal service to removal septage b. The tank(s), cesspool or seepage pit shall be filled with reject sand, bar run gravel, or other material approved by the Agent, or the container shall be removed and properly disposed, H:\LMD\SANITAlTON\FORMS\Septic Tank Decommission torm,doc Lane County SUbSurface Sanitation Program- 1Z5 East 8'" Aw, Eugene OR 97401 (541)68Z-3754 Fax (541) 68Z-3947 Concrete: Irlurious to eyes.Causes ski1 iTitaboo.Conlains PortIa1d Cement Read the foIbNirvJ WlrTing before ~: Ccrrtad wi1tl wet, ~ araet'e, rratcr, c:errent ()'" canern rrixlLres cal caJSe ski! iTilalioo, SEM!re ctm1caI buns a- serio.Js f!fe dErna;Je. A..m cc:nt.EK:t 'oWh f!j$a1<fsm, Weaw<tffprocigk>tes, afUly-bJ/lmld, b1g-siel>Ie sti1. hJ.Ienglh """'" "..;Iighl_ eyeproledionv.llen1oYOl1<i\i v.i1h It'e;e _, W\<lU havetlsfa1d nwet"'""""', usew;jerproclbOOs tool are i;lht at /l'eq,,,..; tig/l"""lh tl keep ",""",,,1001 I'o.Wg i1lD/I'em. WliistW'goroete,v.eakreepolstlp1lledkroes.A""'coo1aclv.i1h"'lalt'e;ernateials,washclf ,.t,.', v.i1hfreSl,deirlwa!llr,hiectcoo1acl IIm.9hc:Jam,j.as~soprtlTlllymselt'e;e_Ioo1c:Jam,j,Seek_rna<IcO_l\<lUhaveper.;islentasevere discl:rrlort.ln case a eyecootac( 1\Jshv.i1h pIo1lyawa!llrfa at....t5 rrilJIes, C<mA_ i1]redalEIy, KEEP OJlaread1 a_I User a]rees to rrxM!'/ !tis wari"g to cf pa-scns wOO may use Cl ccme ilto a:ntact \Wh wet (i -r" :" ,.'[ cmaete, nntr, C9Tla1t ex cenent rrixtLJes. Aaareaates: Proi:lrged nhalam of 00sl. floo1 a p.teI piOOld may re haza'titxJs,iJ ytM heatl. Meastres t:l cootroI fLgitive dust shook! be talen .... tmlO>;j !lis pnxltrt Hol Asr!'a~ .,,;;; rUsa-<e fure;, A"Iid lreOIIlg lure; !WJ, I\sp'lOI ""Y ca.oe severe """ Wea ~ salel/gea (fooJ """'" pa11sinl Qlates), WbtrnOO, cxdv.i1h...,."..; see a p/rf.lija1, Water added at customer's own risk. Additional water added to concrete will Property Damage Indemnification & Release reduce itsstrength.Buyer's agent agrees to occept responsibility forreduced strength The cperata' d ttis ~ r:A heav,' eqUprneri, WI ~ 1his RE- duelowaleraddedabovedesign. lEASE to)'OUb"yo.rsgMLre,isdlhe~f1atthe~ctttis macI1i'eyn/l'e"""",reqLi'edtlpeOOmos_v.i1h\<lU""Y posslly ca.oe danage tl /I'e I'mises a 1'OPE'1Y, ~ is os Wish tl "'I> \<lUn_lhalwel3\,btAn_tldoffis,/I'e~isaski1l Ihal \<lU sign lis RELEASEe" rooideatia, a /I'e ~''''_'''' a /I'e seier aifsarltradv.i1h 1re,I /I'e II'dernigrod, i'e'eby INDEI.tlIFY /I'e seier "..; ifs elf!lk1;ees fa "'I danage "..; fa aI cfOms tl /I'e I'mises, txJldilg,ufifypipefinesac3lfes,fEIeJtoonefi1es,dli\'ewaya_ appurtenar<:es,at: Anived at job with inch slump. o Added _ gal water ,at customer reque~t Other additions TeslcyliOOers taken . Received by 'X Buyer's Agent receipt of' product and approval of any added items. The addition of any extra products to our mixer may void any warranty expressed or implied by the seller. The seller accepts no liability for any personal injury Incurred by you while adding additional products to our mixer. Signature of Owner or its Agent t= ~t.: J~bSl$'Start D~sCharg1 Drivers' Comments and RELEASE the seller and ils employees from any liability. . CUSTOMER/OFFICE ~1 2569917 Unloading & Standby Excess unloading will be charged at posted truck time rates. Truck standby time charged at posted truck lime rates. limited Warranty The only liability of the seUer fOI product defect is (he return of the purchase price. In no event shaJrthe seUer be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use of the products or arising out of breach of any warranty. All claims for damages or shortages must be made Within 24 hours of delivery.We do not assume responsibility for any damage beyond the OJrb line. Signature of Owner or Its Agent JGtNE 8141' r: ,00~ IJEt I, FUGE M. fJI )"-1 18.:,. ~ t~10 (j i. VEL r. II,HWA o -rGDELTKT090408 Finish ~'SCharg'reave :JOb Site Arriv: Plant I Order No. ,1~l0] , Companyl Cust. No. Customer Job "'>48, Customer U!>I" ,01'. WATE:,R ,Ef Ii ICE'S Customer POI Phase Code TICKET NO, b\ll~ o. Delivery Address ;';:~b", t;RANL 'I 1ST ~ D~ Delivery Instructions :i~'F I ,Gf Id '. T 1 Load Qty Delivered Qty ';0 4 5~ Product Code Order Qty ;0 )( J DUE UN JOE; l'ME '1;:, -~0 PREU TRUCk L.OHD COII~IT LO~~ Sizel!'" UOM Product Description ,\!II!! t I [ut- 1111111!1I11) 111,1111]11I1J1111I1I~1I1 JIIIIII Driver JrRP~ Co. Proj. No. BRUWf'S 1211/' III 25 III ~ Dole Map Zo-e E" E ~~ t: l! ..~p. Unit Price Amount / ~ r~ I N I MUM l UhD CHI,," .c -t\jl fHG .. Tare Weight Trailer Trailer Tak~l'!J~ PitlPlant Sales Tax TOTAL DUE ICh'C:__~_1 Prtld.No,..) OescriptionJIlIl,!1 -'t' 1 }-.ur Slump 1{.I~Type Haul Cd. Tnk: ~ Gross Weight CC Us. Jan 27 10 12:39p Oregon Water Jan 26 10 05:4Sp Mike Kuenne 5413421746- 541- p,1 p. ! ArE Equip...L.";' ~Pecialty Services Inc.. Invoice i 349WI~ Springfield. . ~47'l (541}485-8930 Fu: 541)391-0202 CCBf# 154093 ~Q# 38114 Date Invoice ## 112612010 11294 Bill To OregonWater Services, Inc 30086 rr.ul>AAL LANE EugeDe,'Oil 97402 i ~Ob l.ocf'icln ~ "2-S(P~ (9U1J~ c;;.fUl.,,19~ II I s.-t4- JJ L 0/1'-/77 ~/~;~~~" !,......- ::: ,- ,;~ .~ " ... .~ ' T8III1$ Net 30 Rep MDK ~iP Ui6f2010 EO.B. project -I '\i~ ,..'::.,~, P.O. 'Nuinber '.. .....-.,...." Quantity Item Code 1,000 PUMPING ~;"';or , PUMPED SEPTIC T ANK/F6R TAl' K ABANDONMENT Price Each 0,28 Amount 280.00 f:;.m T~, OC(::;(.',u:Vi.a:t.e-r ~ ~;~,.." _, . JO(}ll:; F.EDERI~ L L:';~' EU15'~ne: OR 97~ CC: .' ":':">"'}~' ,- ._._._----_._--~--.~ _.~-,_." ...-....." " , .~. .M'> ,....__. P.O. t~\J'm,b::;1'; '" hi., ---- 0, Posl..IP Fax Nola' 7671 ___ ", .~._~._ITo'StE:'Je.. c; Il-I\\-Wo........ Tt~;-:i-:. [)ale /- Z.7-10Ip~~~ / 1-:''''--: ..... --". From ' ' t to,~,,,"lU'\-+d", s.,.\Vf "~... ~."." ---,.."."'"", CO. I'",,: ...._:.~..;'. ;.',''',K.';; I I Q'J.;!Jntity H\'?'nI CIC~:.ioapJ4)jJJ n-'\ bl""t"_ _.~__m_-J,-DfX)' -P~"J~I.;.~~\Phone II,: - - Poone #~i1"~ L(2..- I?/f' ..' ...-",----,--.. IF"" S9J-7'Z(.,,-"!;,~7(.. F"" ":_'1';t\-J.... ':':: ...",.'!:~;":,:_ ..'V ,,).i~~r ::. :. ..' .. . "I::~.:t,.-, }-'I~'~~'t)":\:.. -. .. ''',' ..,.._ {\':':6'/'ll,.." TIilii11t~yoU for'yOUr business. I . Total $280.00 '; "'. ....1 ~. >~C,~ .'~~;':'i;':=,r~'. :, , . '1' ~ ,'-':,..." .... ,... ......~~ .,.;..._~.. ..-... . .. r:; \l~:q:5'y :!.'n"-:: "...., ..~h'".'''''''.''' '''__''_)_M' ~..,..._ ...,. , ")C{;b ..?<"\:, " . ", .'(, '1' _...."~..,,'_....,-:,-.1..;.:.:.,-.4''--.-._.. , '. ::.>' ..' .:)'.~ ~~> ':"'f1d :). :' - ----' _. ----.. .........._-,.. ... .