HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Field Test & Inspection Report 2002-1-16 " Enter Public Wate, System 10 . In box.. below: 14 I' I I fltJMICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS PUBliC WATER SUPPLIES DRINKING WATER PROGRAM '. Name 01 Watel System: L~r.,/ ;>"Q Add,." 2. Ie-j ~'f,.(~ ':l.vlc.._" , City ~r;~~t""J County LAM- Phone Collecllon date and time: -LJ ~I 42.Zt. ~: &t ~. MooUl o.~ VII' HO\Il' Mlft"'U Type of .ampl.: 0 Routlne 0 'Repeat ot SpecIal . II repeal, date oll"ltlal poslUve ~ CoUecledby: ~ DuO-l,.,,..{ Samptepotnt: 'Z""~I'H s".,/.i, c./..~(- J.I../ Chlorinated? .,BYes 0 No Free Chlorine mgll. Return address lor report: Copy Dl.lrlbullon: While Lab Yellow Health DivisIon Pink Water System LABORATORY RESULTS Total coliforms: 0 Present. 0 Absent Fecal coliformslE. coli: Q Present' 0 Absent 'S.. back 01 pink copy lor lnterpuitalion Test Methods: o MTF 0 MF o EC 0 EC+MUG o P,A 0 CF o Nulrient Agar 't MUG Sample Invalid: ,.sample Immediately o Leaked 0 Over 30 hr old a Heavy non-coliform growth (as defined by method)' I\, , 1 I Name '~E'''''(OA S"~~ e.s-.e"., Address "$''''' ~V IlA""A"c.. Clly, slole, zip Tvol",.j,'"" DR. q"Jo~2. Form # 50-90 (Rev_ 1/98) 1:\worklJabslip , @ Send results to: Oregon Health Clvlllon, P.O. Box 14350. Portland OR 97293-0350 Phone (503) 731.-4391 LdL"r.)~,\;'" -'j4r,-::, AYoTESTORE.GON'LLC . 13035 SW Pacific Hwy 0 r/gardOR 97223 . (503) 639.9311 Lab Cert. #31 j",., Lab Gert ,. Sample # Bottle # Date & lime received Received by: Date & time analyzed: Comments: Analyst: Review by: .. . Date: Date: :elee :eleo :}.Q M91^91::j :IS}.19UV L9t""LtL (COS) euo~d 05t'o.t~6~i:,6YO puii1iJOd .'05t~-i XOS- .O.d.-'-uolil^lO~ ~i1i.H-uo8~uO' :0\ sIInS9J p.U9S--" - 'E) dllsqel\llJOI,WI (S61l '^9~1 06-og # WJo:l "t ,OLb (lQ 'Vitlo,-.Ldlz 'elElS '~II:J ~ 'rt..tl I'tS .5fSb, SSOJpp'tf '91 ~ -SS8 -EelS tlO''''~r17 eweN :\Jod9J JOI SS9Jppe uJnlel::j vOw eUIJOl40 99J:l ON 0 S8~ LP918U!J0Ilf::) rig) V:~"""'I ~:'1.~JQ J""/,i f>Jl= :IUIOdetdwes - .;>>.r.,.....(J~--U 'JOJ: - :,(qpel:leuOO "'J~ e^OISod le!llu!)O elep 'leedeJ II . lepeds m leede~. 0 9u]lnoCl 0 :e,dw.. ,0 ed}.!. 11M lnoH InA A_O 4111O~ _~:~ """"""7Q '--." ,-, :ewn PU8 -liP uonoeuo:) 9U04d 1"1":.1'1..1",;;, N!::I ~~~i:<J ''1'''l ..e'POV b"'G 1-;J~<7] :W8l,AS Jlll8^, '0 _WIN :Sluewwo:) :pozAjeue OW1\ 'i elee :,(q P9^le::l81::j p8^!e:>SJ 9W!1 'i 91130 W8lS}.S J91eM lIU!d UOISI^lO I.me9H M01l9A q\Tl 9114M :uonnqIJII'Q '(do:) (pOllleW }.Q peu!lsp se) lflMOJfl WJOJHO:l-UOU MeSH D PIO J4 Ot JS^O 0 p8'1lee, 0 }.IBlelpeWW! eldweSBJ :PIIV^UI 9Jdwes #911109 . " 91dwes 1# ll9:)qel onV'4 + JeOv IUalJlnN 0_ .::10 V'dO !)nl'<+::I3 0 ::13 0 .1'<0 .11'<0 :SP04lBW1S91 . . . UO!111'}ludJljU! JOI Moo )jUld 10 l!:)'Q aas. luasqV 0 .1uasaJd 0 :!J03 '3fSWJOj!lOJ lu:>a:J luesqv 0 '.lU8S8Jd Ll :SWJOJ!lOOlel01 'SllnS3l::l Al::lOl'tfl::108\fl l~ '1J90 q81 , l tf:S-SE9 (EQS) ~ EC2LS HO pJe6!1 . 'MH O!l!Oed MS SE~ ':)'" :,Np03!:lq,lS3.1onY , I'<V~O~d~31VM!)Nt~Nt~O (/I) S311ddnS ~31VM ::Il1Snd SISA 1VNV 1VOI!)010180~::11I'l :,,-9 I }.luno:) ~.,."."..'tI I ~ I V J :MOllq sexoq UI . 01 weldS Jell^, ollqnd Je,u3 it 'I. '~ :; ~ .