HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-3-18 .. RESIDENTIAL" APPLICAT:a-'PERMIT 225 North 5th Street ~ Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Locat;.on: lL-f z,B. P;fil tYlt I'\J.- 5h'aj.... AmBoo"" Map N nQ'3d. S3~ Ta:r: Lot NO~ Subdivision: CUner: Ndolvn ffJrf/ffiVl \4-1)), rt"ed/oo.a...T Address: City: D.&M' n Additicn n RemodeZ n !wb~!e Hom~ -~ \K-8~ Date of Application"- Contractors . General : Plumbing i ~lechanical I El.ec t:rica 1 Superv~;ing (3cu..c -e....f-So" cJ 13 e"Co,", E/-H r Elec t r.i c i.:\ n ~- Receipt N \oY \ \ c1)~ ~/, Phone: 7 ~ 6 - 3$'0'( Zip: Describe fl'Ol'l~: ~ ~c\ ~~ S;.gr.ed: Dats: M~ Lf)CJ ;S-IR- K<{ Value QCD.a:) Aclclress Lise. 1/ "731 'l.. 'Bldrs Board Reg. Phnnf' 7V6~'t6 0 "I. DRYI,ALL INSPECTION: To be made aftel' all dl'!fIJall is in placeJ but prior to any taping. D MASONRY: Steel locationJ bond beamaJ grouting 01' vertioals in accordance uith V.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTO'lE.: After installation is ccmpZetcd. o o CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte" fomB are cl'eated but priOl' to pouring '::OJ1.:'l"ete. Expires 6.'1?-~ 9' It is the l"esponDibility of the permit hoU1el" to 860 that all inopections are made at the proper tim~, that Qcoh ~BSS is roadab:e from ths street, and that the permit card is located at the f1'Ont of the property. .8ui~ing Lr;vi=io~ approved plan shall remain on the Bu~lding Sits at all times. P.'?OCSDURE Fon rllSPECTION RE:OUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state yaup City des~gnated job nwr.bep, job address, type of in3pec~iclI requested a~d when you will be ready fop inspection, Contractors or OWners ncme and phone number. Requests receiv6d b,fore 7:00 ~ :.'ill be mado the. same dcy, requests made after 1:00 am IJill b3 rrr:zde ths nc:ct OOrki~y. ~"(/"i.~"d r~'r""ti.r."' YOU" City Deo;'fJ".atcd Job Numbe" 10: ^ q()I.......\~ ~ O SITE INSPEC':'ION: To be made after 0 INSULATlOHIVAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION: DENOLITION OR !IOVED BUILDINGS ucavation, but pricl' to Det up of To be made after aU insulati::m a.'1d forms. . required vapor barr-iers are in pZaoe ~ Scini~y SBlJel' :Japped a:t p:.opcrt:,' Zir.e O UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & but I:efo"e any lath, gypBwn boCU'd or MECHANICAL: To be made before any wll covering is applied, and before --, Septia tank pumped. and fin~d IJith ara"l work is ~ovcped. any inoulation is concealed. ---l o FOOTING ~ FOUND,1TIO": To be "",de after trePlchao are excavated and forms are erectad, but prior to pouring ccncret~. UNDSRCrlOUND P:'UM!JINC. SSWER. W.1TE.Il. DRAINAGE: To be roo.:J.e prior to fil- ling trenchee. '0 I O UNDERFWOR PWMBING & MECHANICAL: . To be made priop to inatalLat'Lon of 11001' insutation 01' decking. ID I D POSt AND BEAM: To be made proiop to instal~ation of floop ins~Lation 01' deckiYl{;. ROUGlI pr,lJ.'1B me _ Fr.F:CTR TeA r.. ,.; AlFCR- AN/CAL: No work- iD to be COl..-cI'ed until these inspec:ior.o have bear. made and approved. FIREPLACE: Prio~ to placir~ facing materia~s and before [r'aming in spec- tior.. PRA}~/Nr.: Must be requeDted after approval of rouah pluw~ina, electri- cal & mechani.zal. AU roOfing bracing t chimneys, at;:. IIT'..lst be : completed. No work is to be con- ; cealed until this inspection has 'bs~n mad~ and approved. D o D SIDErIAl.K ,( DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-wcy, to be made after all exoa- vating ccxnplete & fOml work & cub- base matenal in pla~e. J Final ~ rlhen above items are ccmpletcd . and when demolition is complete 01' st1'U~- turD moved ~ pr~3eB oleaned up. /oJobi le Hemes :::J Blook;.'rig and S.t-up :::J Plumbing connections -- s~er and wa~er ---, ElDotrioal Conneotion . Btooking, set-u? --.J and plumbing conneotion. trr..lBt t-B apppo",",d before requeBtinq eleo~rical inspec~ion ~ ACaS8S0l"'J Bui1.~ing J Final . Aft~'I' pt:'rche8~ etc. arB cCJnplstcd. I skirting, decks. O !'ENCE: Mihan complete -- Pl'ovide gatea or movable sections through dJ:'t h ~ ':. ~ ~~~ , [J :All project conditions, Duch as the installat~on of streot troes. c~~lotion of t~e . required lal1dscapir:g, eta., must be satisfiad before tho BUILDING FINA4 ~an..be J"squeot3d. o FIlIAL PWMBIIIG o FINAL NECIIM/ICAl, o FINAL El.ECTRICI.L o o FINAL sUIDDINC.. The Pinal Building Inspection must bs requested aftor' tho Final Plwnbing Eleatriaal, and Mechar.ieaZ Inspectior:n havo been made and appPOvl1d. 'AU, IWIIICLES AND CLEANOIJTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/lENT TO BE IMDE AT 110 COST TO CI~Y I Pa!1t.? ! of :: I