HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Curb Cut 1984-4-6 I .. RESIDENTIAL" AFPLICA':ION!PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spr";r~fieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job !:oc~:i,:,": 1'-10 t./ Pi <>-<1Y'n..()nf \rlro9.s~~ dSD8SDors ..~ N SlJ.bdi:r;~ic": C:...".er: G r" Fa.. r oS +IU:I Mar...: l~ol{ (Y.e.dh'\.O~f C!'y: ~g..{d n---;~, n Ad.i!:i"" nR~ftZ. n SPRINCFlEL.O , ~ f N>.J Ta:: Lot II O:=\?JX) ~+. Pr.or..: 7 :;;..tr L( 10 <{ Zip: q-, l{ 7 7 Doscz-:'be flark: ~~ c/ ~ 0/ q.o:~ Up~ U .'!ob-:.Ze ,=!(7!'!,3 8 ~ l!<rt. of A?plicc.'icn I.t - C, -<ii'! :.:on:1":0:or8 Ct1nIIraL PlumDing ~l.<ilctr.:cal Ms:har.ic.:l ~ Corz.stl"'.lC~a-n t.C'tde,. VaZue Add..-e S3 I .\ f?("G.'1J7 .=?cce-:.::t .,J : f!..w,k GJ - 8 f.-:. Ju-' -t .1'2. O.,,,,,JJ ;-:f '" 1.;).00 . q{g ,t~~ "}.(JO ~/9.9~ I I I Siqr.ed: Date: kf!-.J - i.{-tr'K4 [.:':;0. ., E::oir::s Phone ,. / _I I r: is ~nfl ".sFanlJi.biH.:y 0,;" thB penm;~ isol.d..u- CO eee that at! i1Wpectians are r..ads. at :he proper tim~~ t}-.at ~h ::.dd:rSSB is r......:,..:..!. j'rarr CM "Crest. end that the permit: card is 1..xated at the f1"071t of the property. .:!ui.!diJ-.g :;':ui=io:-: c:;r;rot:ed Flan 3;'..cZZ rma~n on tr.. Bu~Zding ~it.: at all tim€s. . ;>.'?O~[)U?~ Fon ;.','S?E~IO!1 REClZST:CALL 726-3769 (rcCOM81"J atateyoW' City desigr..'lted :'01: nta:':'bel'.. job ad,6ocss.. type of in:p6a-:icn ~gquestcd ar~ ~~en you ~Ll be ready Jor ir~pcction.. Con~actcrs or ~~~s ~6 end ~hor.e nu~cr. Re~8~s r8cBi~ed 1:e;1:1'6 1:00 ~ :.'iLt be rrccie th4 sam. CJ:::ob requests meae c.ft;:r 1:00 <rn win be made the n=t :..lOrkin; da-~'. &,402,5 3 ~.....,.t r"'I'-~,.t:i~.'I' o o ST;E ItlSP:;r:::.,.'l: To be /1'C.c.e af:er C'coav.::t::.;I1I.. .;ut prier ~ so.: u? of j"::mns. U:l'O!::?Sr.A3 P:'I.',',{gI.'lC, ~LZC:.'?IC:t!. ~ NECH):JI:::,U.: 70 De maaa oefortl eny uor.ic: is ~ovc]"ed. o F'OO'!'~.'jC 4 FOU:,tD,1TIC.'I: To b. ~c.e aj':lilr :renci:le.s arg 2.:ccvat-2d ar.d terms art\! el'ec:~d.. but pro.wl' :0 pourir.g caner,:,.. !J.'":cnC.~U.'.'D ?!.~'M:!r.':~. S:::'::R. :J.1Z'!'.=?, D.'?AI://..G2: fo b, r.r::.::.e pMol' :0 fi.~. Z. ir.g :rer.cr.Js. D o IJ!JCE.'?!''XC.~ !,~U,'.~r..'C ~ :{!'C!fAN[t;:,!.: '1'0 be 1r.aC.8 prier :a 't.r..n.::z.z.at~on of J7.cor ir.su:Zc:ticn 01' dscicir.g. MST .~,V!) 3E;,,'.{: To be r:".aC~ pr-;"r eo t:ns:al':"::-::Cn o[ [7.001' i,..st.:Za:ior. "1' dock,,,,. o o :UJ~~r.' ?:.~~~!:.'C, ~!:!'~~!"~~.!: ~ :€C.!{- ANI~~~: Jo ~~~ ia :0 ~c cove~ec . W:~.~ l. ;;i:~S-i ";r.spe,c:icr.s ;....::v. .;eer. maa.e =r...:. =??r:rJfl~. F~E?~A';Z: ~;or ~ ?~"-1 .~c.::ing mc..teria"a ar.d b~jore lrc:::tint} inepEc- tier.. o D FP.A.~!.'/I:: l-!u3: be rec-.ltl3:ed a;~:flr cpprcv.::! "f r::1U~h plUr.':'ir-lJ~ Jlec:~. cal & t::ec;..m:.~aZ. AI! 'f'Oo/-;n; br~~r4 ~ chimn~ys.. et~. ~~.st ~fl comol.a:cd. ;':0 ".o.I.:)r< i,.s :0 Oq ccn. . cec:ZJd until :f:i,.:: inst'ec:icn r.as . bc~ ma.:!.: ant! approvEd. ~ raur Ci.ty- Ceoigr.ated Job Numb62" Ia: o I!lSUEA.'1'IO.V/V/iPOR BA.'tRITR INSP!'CTION: To be ma.d.e aftsr aU. i.r.sul.::twn tr".a required vapor ccr:zoro-i.ers are i.n place !:u:t cofore any Zath~ gyp:r.4!l bctn'd OJ" UIU covering i.s appU.ui.. and be.fors any ir.3".lLation ~s concealed. DE.'-::OLZTIOf.' OR .~:O~.:: 3t:ILDIiiGS ::J Sani:aro;/ tJe.Jer :a;rped :::t ~opcrr~' Zi:o:s :=J S.pti:: tank p-",,?~d ar.d f-;~tzd LJith ;ri'"~B~ --, Final... [IJum <:.Xve i:e:::s are c~tBt~d ---1 ar~ when d~Li~r. is complete 01' s:~~- . turs rr.oved an:i pl'rn3eS cleJTUl:!. up. O DRY' "'ALL INSP~CTIO!l: Tc: be made after aU C:roJ".xz.Ll. is in place, but prior to CIty tapir.g. O MASONRY: Staet. lccaticn~ bo1ui. beam3, grouting or verticaLs in accordance !Ji.:h U. B. C. Section 241~. O ;.;ooDSTOV!: After instaLlation is cc:rrpl.at~d. .., r-t..d!R.9 & APPRC~CP. AP.~N: Afta.... .forma L!:J ;;~ erecor;ed out pM.01' ;0 pCta"..ng. . .:onC're te. r:;;(SID.s--,IALX ~ DRn_~~!: For at.~ ?~_ ~ crete pavtng ~~~h~n stroect ~n~- of-wc.y~ eo be made aftar at!. Uca. vatir.g ccnrpLeta & ro~ work & zub- bass .7l:tel"iaL in pLa::e. o ?ENCS: When co:npL.te .- ProviCa gates or movabla secticns tfr.rcugh P.U.E:. NobiLe ifc.~es ~ 3t.ocking and $,t-~p :=J PLumbing co~c:icns -- 8CJ)sr and wa:.r ---, Electric:! Ccnr.ection . BLocki,..g.. 8a~-U? -.--J and plumbing ccmr.sc"tions m-..:.st co appr:JT;.d. befor~ l'6qufl8t~,..g elec:l"icaL ir.spflc:ior: :=J Accessor:,' 3uiz..!-:.ng -, F"in:1.L - l.fta' F:Jl'"Cr.es, --.J ete. are c;:np~B=~d. sJdrt~7'.g.. decY.8~ o o Al.L pro;ec: ~or.di=ion8~ Juch ad tho ~n8=alZa:ian of s:reet :ra~s. ~~~!a;;~~~ of :~ required ?and3ccpir..;~ .~tc. ~ must be sat::sfi.ed b;;:jore :r.e 3I.'rr=l:;C .:'!.'.',u,. ::ocn '::fI r3t;".lsst.:d. ::=J Fr.-:A:' P!:J,'.!8!::C .=:J ?l..,,:,! ....'!:~.rr.A:llC.t! ~:!.'lAL !r.zC:.~I:;'L o :;o~,'JAL aUI:'DI.'IC: The F-:.naL SuiLdir.g !r.s?ec:ion .~.mt be requeated -=~-':,ro :hi1 :inal ;>!ur.:cin.g ~LeccM.~aL, and .l.fechal"".ic~Z rr.spec:ion3 ::a:lJO been ,"r.aal3 aNi c.pp:ooved.. .::J -A-'C, '.'A'lp'f'r:,C' ~,VD Crt"f."C'-<:: ;f"~ 3" 'C....:;o<:'::""!"~r:o 4,"'I.l"C'":'"'r:"""''''0 3t" ~'1cr .'''' .'01"....<:"'10 ...,., ,..,....... I ~....e ... '" ...-..... " "'~'" IJ':_. IJ.... 1;.... ..~.;;...~...'-...J ."\W'Vl......._.,.. ~.~.. ..~.' .....;;J~ 0;-' .-'._ ....:- of 2 I JO B NO. 1> l.{ D ?.S3 I Z""a: Ir.oe Sq. r:o;. I: ~f !.at C.3UIJr=.q. ~ of St"ri.es I Z"a:aL 3..:.gf:: I T_~_.. ..,.hy I::r.'.f /.\1::", 1~'~~iI I::.:r.-cr: 1.~C!:C33":"".J I I ~ 5'. r:c ~T..g VA!!:E Is.o.c. It:C":'CJ 1.5 = Btli.1.di.r.g Per:r.it Stata SW"~h.::rqe Totel C1-.c:-;e3 II;'!.\{ I Fi--::..res lP,ssidz,ntial tl bc:hJ J Sm:it.:::r! Se'~el' :;.'cte.... PlOlmlnng Perr.:i. t Stc.:. Surcr.:u-;e T::tat. Cht:::~es lITE-V , .'?es. Se. r~Q. I NaJ/E--t;;rnd Cil"e"..li ts TenF?Cra:t"!J Se1"TJ'iCB E1..~tM(!aZ Permit St::.ts SurchD:zoce Total cr.c:r-:es I 11'~.~f f't.lr'!"..:eR ?!,'l'S E::ha:.t,t Boo.:! Vent F:11 I ;Jd>odsto~e Perr.t'ic I:1!lu:::n.ca J.(e=;..anic~Z Perr.i.t Sta'tc Sur~~c '!""'t::l C'h:!rJ:1"9 1"0 ' .. . , I I I 1:;0'1 I I I I I I I ,~'C. , -- 2.'iC.::'=ACH,'.!!.':-: -- I ScC"'..u-;e-J !)~=o3it IStor~fl 1'~"ter..::r':4 /Pc=ri: , Ta~~ Z C'Jo.t:r-::cs I Cur';;",,: ISide:.JaZ:C I :~"-=e I Z'tll1c:z-.:c.::r L..=::lIzL ; ! .\foCi!., i/:;r.:s I"""'"'~ .......U.~ "U' . ..J..#t.1J .....;~_.,.. ... ..: SOLA.CCES S C'C-::,"..l.=C:7:C".J -;.""":'.1.::: r:..:-: :y:~ !r::eric:- COl"'1ST Pmio.cndta ~l-de-sac of laLu~ FEE CF.ARGE :':.::';'_=-GZ ::'t"::' C!!AReS I I I I I I I I/:J.q~ I 7.0-0 , I I I I (j /1,9C- ?~q~ 2 I L-COC.o:> R EQ.- t:..:e/Cc"'.s~; 3ol~~01:':S; I Lot :~ces - I I =:'!er~... Scr.l1'~es T:J~a I 5~=='lcY..s ! I }:,'eat: I ?l,. I Haus.:J I ';zoc::e I Access. I I ;,rC'~2r H~~=:n' I!lo:"':it I I I I I Ranqe lEas:: i I I I :f.retJ~c.ce /SO"..:n. I I I :.tooa:; :01..'e IWest i I I rOles Building Value & Permit This perrrr:t i::J grcn:ed on the erprfJ88 eondition :ha: :hs s.aid, construction sha~t, in 'llt respects, conform to the Ordinar~e ~peed oy the :~:~ of SfJring,;~ielJ., ~1tC!ud-;ng :its :On~ng Crd-:.nar.ae, 1"9gult;:-:.r.g ;ns ccr.st"!""..la:-::Cn ar~ uce of buf.Zdings, ar~ m~y ~c Buzpended or revaked at cr.y :-:.~e u~cr. vic- Za:ion oj' ar..y pr::Jvisior:s of said Ordir.ances, I /. I I I I. I Plan Check Pee: I Cat, PaUf.: Rec~ipt II: Is,:g,:ed: Plumbing Permit No person ohalZ construct" ins:.::Z!" a~ter or change any r.Qlr) or e--:.sei.,..g ptumiJing or drainage syste:n in :.Jhate or in part" ur.tes8 such person is tr.lZ wgat possessor of a ualid ptumber's license, e:r:c~pt tr..ct a pe:'son mo.;} do pl..ur..bing wark to propert':I which is C1L1TI.lUi~ l.4lCSQd or operatQd !Jy the appt.i- cant. '__ . I . Electrical Permit W'hBre State LaLJ requires tr.at the electl"'ical work be dens b'y an E1.s~trical Contractor~ th4 slec:ri.caL porticn of this pe~t shalL roOt bs vatid unti.L the label has been signed by t.he Electrical Contractor. I. I I I I I I I I I. Mechanical Permit .., Plan E::::m..ner VC:Co2 f . I I I 1 I I I I I HAve' CAREFUUY EXA.'aNED t.':s compl.ztsd appt::caticn for p8rmi:, and de hereby certify that aLL i:-:fo;or:-.at:ion IuJreon is true an:! correct, :::nd I f.J.1"the:r ci1r:-:.fi/ that any and atz IJX)rk Ferf'or.':1ed 3hatt be do:uJ in aC~::Jr- dancs :.ri:h tita Ordin.:mcGS of :;'.8 City oj" Springfic!,d~ and =h. U::.;S of e;:a Stats of Oreg"n pzr-:.:in:.ng e" the !.lOr_Ie c!BsC%""~bcd here-::71~ c:J".d the.: .VO OCC!J- PL.'ICY 'Mill be .7f%:!.a of any struCt".U'B rJitncu,t parrrtisJion. ~f tits 3uiZding 0-:"- uia-:.on. I f'ur-:haro OBZ'tif~' :}o-2t on.Ly ~071era.::torl! ar.d ~i...;yee8 r,...;..o c::re i.n ~L~ncs with CRS 701.05$ witL os used on this projzct ,,~\ ~u 4-C-&<4 Oa:a