HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Curb Cut 1983-4-25 .. RESlrfNTlAL" APPUCATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Sprir~field, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ,. SPRINGFIELD . Job L.oc.::tian: I ~ '-I 3 /J .--U..dmon i:- \ l\ ()?1 ?J.o<4. \ T"" Lot .~ \L\'1~O {!tvJ; ed ~ ~ \~~vr~c. L/ .2 &, -&-'.3- Va!u" A8aeSG02"$ ,\!ap ,1/ StdJdivisicn: C',...:nel': LI rs. /i7e/Jee l u ,2,a...nu- J AdtbeS3: City: n n 11 n '/"",",1 Addi ticn Remade Z .'!obi.l2 Flame Eate of Applicaticn ~ont;l'act'01'8 Lffia.A:li f'\ Cenel"'a Z PLumbing aectM.cal Nfl~har.ic:: l CO"st~~ct~an L~ndel' Phon.: /1l/UJ -20/t.! Zip: Desc1"";be rl'ol'k: o-K. AddzoeS3 . .=?cce:.:::;; .'1. (oO,g<; 1 I I I I , ,y.-(r ~ Siqr.ed: Date: ~ l.J -'Z..S-'K3 Lise. i! ~il'C8 Phon~ [: is the l'eSF071aibiti.:y of eM penrri.t holder eo see that aLZ. incpections are .-::ade at ~he propel' :imc~ tr.at ~ch .:=:idress is l'ea&G:e Jrom ehB street;, and that: the pcrr:n.t: ca..""'ti. is t...xated at the front of t;.r.e property. ..Sui!di....g zn:Ji::io~ approved pl.an sr..cU remain on the Eu.:.Zding $ita at aU times. PROCEDURE P'OR fNSPEC'l'IOtl REQUE'.",.:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state 'fOur Cit!' desigr.ated ,iob n.w;:ber. .io1, adirf:59., type of ~r.~:UI'C;:1:CI1 raquestca a:"'.d W}:en you /JilZ. be ..eady fo'l' ir.spacdon~ Contractors or Ct..'?1el"S ,...eme .::.r.d phone number. Requests recei1.:OJd hefere' 1:00 c::i :.'iZl. os lr.a.de the same dcy~ requests mGde afta' 7:00 em /Jilt boz made the nat :.JOrking day, !1ea-J.i.,."d T"n.s~"ct~CT!g O <I"'~ ....Sp.,.....O./. ".. . ... 1._ 1.... ':..._.0:.' I,. ~o oe maae excavativn~ bu: prier ~ se: forms. o ajter up of UND~BSL~a ?E~~BFYG. EL2C?RIC.1L ~ l~.'ECiiA:liC""'[,: To be Tr.ade bBforB work is o:ovc1'ec. o F'COTI;/G ~ F'O!.HIDAT:C.'l: To bo ,-:-aCe after trenches are e:c~Jated and ferms are erected.~ but:: prier to pourir.g c.=n.C1'et,;;. o U.VDZRGROU,'!D P!:.UMBE;G. SE:.t2t!, :J.1TE'R. ORAIHAG2: To be fTlC.'ie prior ~o li~- Zir..g trer.ches. o UNDERF':OOR !J!..U.'..'EElG -1 ,'.f::':H.4.VICAL: To be maCe prier :0 ins<;al.i..Jtion of f100r insu~<;ion or decking. POST AND 3EAU: To be rr.ade prior :0 'nstal.l.a:ien o[ [toor ir.s:..:Z.atior. or deckirl{;. o o ROUCH ?r:.W~!!T,'!G_ E!..2C':'P.!C;';;, 1 ,'.fE:c.rr- AHICA~: So Jor~ ~a ~o ~e co~ered until ;~csa :r~~ec:ior.s h=v~ ~€er. made cr.d =?pr?ved. FI.~:;PL':'CE: ?r>ior to pLa.cir.g fc:.c......ng materials ar.d before frZTir.g in3pec- tior.. o o F'R.A.'~I.'Ir;: Must:;e reque~ted af:;er approv.;;l of rough ;lur.';'ing, eZectl"i.- cal & mecr.ani.:al.. Al.Z '['Qofir.g bracing d chi.T.r.cys~ 6t~. ,~~St be . col'lTt1le=cd. .'10 -.;ark is to be C011- "cec'l.<id ur.:il. :his ir.svec~cn r.a.s 'boen mad~ end aPP1'Qved. Your City. Deaigr~ted Job Number Is: u lllSOT.AT!ON/"/APOR 2.4RRIER IHS?!C'!'ICtl: To be :/'xIde after all inS'.d..:;.t~n a:".a 1'cC'"J.ired vavor tCIIT""~el"S are in :."lace but Oe;01'6 azy l.c.th~ gypsum ccdre or wZZ covering is cppZied, c:r.a. oe;-or"3 any in3Ul.at::ion ~s concealed. <6'81{0 34 D2:-.'OLITIOH OR ;~:aV!'; 3UILDI'-i'CS :J Sa:ni tary Be"Jer ~ap?ed ::t r:.::::lpcrt"i l.ir:.a ~ Septi.:: tank p:...~ed t::nd ,r':"lZed '..Jith ~a""fJZ :J Pinal - flhen abcve ~~t;e,~s are cC,T;r)let&c and. when de~cli:ior. is c~?Za=e 01' st~~~w ~~e ~ov6d ar~ ?r~..;3as .::leanad up. !.JcoiZe .-:c:::es ::J 3lockir4 and Set-~p ~ PZumbing connec;ior.s -- scwer ar-d wa=~r ::J Electrical Ccnnect~on - Blockina~ Bet-u~ and pZwnbing connections ~...:st .t~ C?pr:n::'d. before requesting e~ec;~~caL ins~ec;io~ ~ .4c::essc:";i 3uiZd~r.tJ :J Final - .1/,t;:r ;~rcr.esJ etc, are a~pZe=cd. 3K-:'r;-=.ng~ deC;':3, any o DR:!WAJ:L INSP!CTION: To be rI".ace alter all drywalL is in place~ oue prior to a:ny <;aping. o ALL ~rojec: condi:ions~ ~uc~ as :r~ ins:allac~on. of street =r~es. ~~7.?!a~~Q~ of the required 'laruisccpir.g~ etc. ~ must be satisf~cd o-'.-'ore the aUI!.[)[;'.'G FI::A.l. :::::n te raCC--'3s:.:Jd. D. FINAl. P!'UXBI.'lG D. FnlAL NE':HA.'IICAL D. FINAL E!:.EC':'RIC:':' ,,=:J o PINAL BUILDING: The Final 8uikiing Ir.s?ection :~:'.Lst b~ requested r:ftel' the Pir.al ?!:.L':":bing Electrical, and !~cr~~iccL Inspections hava been ~ad.e ar~ apprcued. o ,~SONR:!: Steel location~ bond beam:J, &TO'~ ting or vertic:::: la in accordance !J"'~th U.B.C. Section 241~. .fALl; NANflCf-ES AND CL!ANOUT5 :lUST BE AC~E.'SSI3r.~. AEJL'S7'::Z::'!' TO 32 g.1Dt !!T ;":0 -:-:S':' 7Q Cr::! I ~""~OJ of 2 o i-f"OODS'!'O"/E: AftO!r instalZation ';8 ccmpl.,at€d, [K] CURB & APP.~CACH lJ.PRON: Afta;> forms are ere.::ted out:: prior to PC"J.T"";ng ~Mrete. SIV!WALX <'1 DRTI/EWAY: For all ccn- crste paving within street right- o f-wt::y, to be mc:ie a;'ter a l! e=cc- vating compZe<;e & fo~ ~rk & =ub- base ;r.c:terial in ?i.a.::e, o o ~2NCt: Wher. compl~te -- ?rovide gates or movable 3€ctions through P.U.E. o P=.ga 2 ! JOB NO. ~~Io'3lf SOLAR.CESS REQ.- i :C"'!a: QCC"...t=:anc':J Grou::;: Lot Sq. F~. ~ Jf tot CJVeraq& .# of StOT"";es I 1'otaZ P..ricit-: 1 - I Topogrcphy I I IIE.'I I ,'k:in !~=ca I I C,zr::::r,: I. I :ic~sssor':J SQ. FTC 7OT.!/!. ;'ALUE Is.D.C. 1 1.5 ::: (1,:C:;.U.t::) Zui l.ding ?erm"; t State Si.U'cn.::rge TotaL :r.a......ge3 IIIEM I F1--tu.res 1':?eai.:1entiat U bath) I Sc=r.i.tar'j Sewsr I ;.,'a~e!' I 11i0'1 I Plumbing Pem t State Surcr~e T-'tal Chcraes 1!I'Df '.l?es. Sa. f~a. 1.'0'1 Now/Ertend CiroMts Tempcrary Service Ele~trical Pe~t St.:::te Sta'~ha.rae Total O.arC6S I I?E.~ IIC'I --" I F':a-r..::ce ?TU'S I E=haust Hoo.:!. I I Vent Pan I I I iloods:o;;e I I Pemt I3su::nca Mecr.anic=l Permit Stat~ Sur~hc.!'!1e '!",,~,-:l~'7&!tJ Z.'lCRCAC!:.'.\'S:!T SeC"...t~;tu D2=:03it Stor~e I "1ain'tenar...::'e I Pcrr.ri.t I i Cur;"'"t I Side:Jal~ i ?n,,. I Etec:r"":.caZ , l.Vobild H~e Total C'nar7cs f'}' U:.b e l IrOTAL ANOU.'lT DUE:" ['OT T'!?E Ir.terioro Corner Panhandle Cu.L-ae-sac x Value FEE CHARGE ;;'::'1:' C.i'ARGE CHARce I I 11 !:::leA Id.84 . , L-COG~ T;'oe/Cor.3t: 3edr?0rr:s: I Lot Faces - I I 2nerau Sou.r~es rure I Sl!!tbacks I I h.'eat I P.L. I Hous< I Ca:zoaqe I Access. I I lIate'1' Ht?rz'!:.?t' lflorth I I I Ranqe lEast i I I I FireoLc.ce ISouoh I I I Wooa.1:;o;;e I;'>est i I I P2es Building Value & Permit This permit ic groanted on the I!!:::press ~onditi.on that the a,aid. const!'U.c::ion shall, in alt '1'espcctc) confc~ to the Ordinar.ce adopted by the Ci:;? vi Sp'ri.,..cf'-:.eZd, -:.nc~uding the Zonina Crdi,..ance, '1'eO".A.lc.ti,~a th~ CCr.Si:'F.lC:;-:'Cr. ar.a ~;~ of buildi.,.~s, c.nd m~u bav~uc~ended or r;voked ~t ar.~ t~me ~;~r. vie- lation 0/ 'J:J'!.y pr~visior.s of ;aid Ordi.,..cnces. .. I I I I I. ( Plan Chpck Fee.- Date Paid: Rec;:,ipt #: ISig>:ed, Plumbing Permit No pereon shall construct, instaL!, aZter 01' change czny l".elJ cr e::isting plumbi~J or drainage system in ~itole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, e=cept tr~t a pe~son ma~ do plumbing ~ork to proper~d which is owned, laased or operated by the c.ppli- cant. I I. Electrical Permit Where State Law requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an E1.eatrical Centr'acto'!', the electrical portion of this permit shall r~t be valid untiL the 7.abeL has been signed by the Electrical.. Controactor. I I I I. Mechanical Permit . , Pl..an ~ner L.:ar;,a I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED t.:',8 completad ~plication for permit, end do he'!'eby certi.fy that aLL i'-:fo:-ma:ion hereon is true ar.d corot'cct, ar.d I f.l.1'-:her cet'tily that any a,..d alL :.:ork ;erfor:ned ahaZl be do:-:e in ac::o'l'- dance ~th the Ordinances of the City of Springfic::ld, and th:; l.c:.:3 of tha .. State of Oreg.:m pzrt.::ining to the wor.:':: d.escribed heroein, cr.d that NO OCC!J- PMICl will ba nrl.:ie of any atl'Uct:a'2 wi thou: ?:3rmi3aio~ of the Building r:r:.- vision. I further ~ertifY tr4t o:-:Zy ccntra::tors and ~l~ye6s who are in c~~pliance with CRS 701.055 wiLL be used an this proj~ct ~fJQ1rl~C~~ 'siGn2d -V I IX '7-'<5-K3 Y Da\.