HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-10-29 .---....,..".--.....-...... - .. RESII!r:NTlAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding, Division 726-3753 . ":';;' SPRINGFIELD ~ Job Location: / ~ 9/ ;;Jr; tV/JUfh/ /703 c9..5' 3d Tcz Lot # ,/ . fJ /, I "1,1ClA1f. CJeJ!/tvz o;XJ- /Y11 Fi.~~~' ASDeS80rs Map H Subdivision: CUneI': Address: City: OL/7VO Phone: -1/j~ -J,C/cj/ It! 6- 7;?-~ C/ .. -~.~..' lOt/If ( -I Zip: Receipt f J~ J!l-(~/c- ~ C))J, III \ [Lm., n AMi ticn n Remodel n :-fobile Roma Describe f/ork: GIJ 0.0 cLo--l-&-lK.- "~. PNL-L~ . .10. -'7..C/- i\ 'I. VaLue iuidres8 Date of Applicaticn_. C:ontractors General PZwnbing Electrical Mschar.ical Corurtrl.lction Lender It u the responsibility of ths permit holder to 8ell that all inspections are mads at tJuJ proper tim~~ that each cJdrB88 is rsadab'Z.E frcnr t1ul street. and that the pormit card is located at ths front of the propsrty. .Bu.i!di~ {}t;vicior.. approved plan shaH remain on tha Building Sits at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:OUEST:CAll 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job ntD7':ber. job address; typo of inspecticn raquested and when you will be ready for inspection. Contractors or Owners name and phone number. Requssts received befcre 7:00 ar.t I :.'"ill he made the same day~ requests made after 7:00 am LJiU ba ma.de the nat :.JOrking day. Raaui~p.d I"8op.~ticnR o [] SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation. but prior tc set up of forms. UNDERSLAB PLUMRING, 8LECTRICt1. L_ ~ : MECHANICAL: To be made before any wrk is covered. .0 FOOT ING ~ FOUNDA T ION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected. but prior to pouring ccncret.. I ~. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING, SEWER. W.1TER~ .-J DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fi l- .lir.g trenches. . 1--,. UNDERPWOR pT,.rl/.fBTNG & MECHANICAL.: --.J I To be mad6 prior to inotallation of 11001' insuLation or decking. o POST AND BEAM: To. be made prior to installation of floor ins~lation or . decki".. o o ROUGH PLUMBING. Er,ECTRICAL & ~CH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered- ,ur.til those inspections have beer. mads and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to p1.acir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. O FRAHING: Must be requeoted after approval of rough plwr.bing~ electri- cal /I mechanical. AU roOfing bracing ~ chimneys. etc. nr"'st be :' completed. No work is to be con- ,.~.~.cealed until this inspection has ~b6~n made and approved. .~.-' Signed: Date: CC /0- Z,q f'7 Phone Lisc.# ExpiNJS Your City Deoigr.ated ,!ob Nwnber Io: O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be ma.de after all inoulati::m lr.".d '. required vapor barriers are in place . . but before any lath. gypswn board or !.XJ.tz covering is applied. and befo~e . any i7113ulation is concealed. O DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made after aU drywaU is in place. but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location. wna beams. grouting or verticals in accordance LJith U. B. C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE.,: After installation is ccmpleted. o CURB & APPROACH AP.I:{()N: Afte:, forms are created but prior to pouring conarete. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- pf-way. to be made after all exca_ vating ccmplste & tOm! work & suh- , base material in place. o o FENCE: When complete -- Provide . ~~~~h. op mova~n :eetic.e thmugl:. ~ UJ(lt~ tthvv ~\.I I , ?57eJ 93 ( DE/.fOLITIO.'1 OR i::OVED BUILDINGS .=J Sani tary SBUer capped ~t rn:..oplJr~~ line =:J Septi~ tank P-""'P<d and fiU<d L>ith gravei I Final - r.'hen above items are complGted ---1 ar.d when demolition is complete or 8tru~- t.ure moved and premises cleaned up. I Nobile Hemas =:J Blocking and Sst-~p =:J Plumbing connections sewer and water ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking. set-up --.J and plumbing connections nr~st co approved I before requesting elec=rical inspoction =:J Accessol"b' Building . -- I Final - After p:Jrches. skirting. dllCk.s. ~ etc. are completed. o ". All project conditions. such as the instaLLation of street trees~ c~~lotion of the required land8capi'l"4. etc.. must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requestrJd. o FINAL PLUMBING o FINAL MECHANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL o o FINAL BUILDING: Th9 Final Building Inspection must be r8qu.eoted alter the Firtal Plumbing Electrical~ and Mechanical Inspectiono hauo been made and approvad. "'ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE~ ADJUST!rENT TO BE MADE AT NO COST TO CITY "page of:2 I I JOB NO. F/Jn [$31 SOL leme: Occu Lot Sq. Ftg. S of Lot COIJerag< # of Storie. TotaL Height Topography I lITEM 1 Main leaz.an. I Caroo:rt I Accessol'1I I I Is.D.c. -/ SQ. FTC x TOTAL VAWE (value] , 1.5 J: raga z I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Building Permit State Surcharge TotaL Charge. lITEM I Fixtures I Re.id""tiaL II bath) I Sani tary SelJar I Water I NO. I I I I I I Plwrrbing Permi t State Surcr.a.rge , Total Cha1'QOS lITEM Res. Sa. fta. I NSLJ/Extend Cil'cui ts I Temporary Service n I I , I I I Ele~t:rical Permit State Suraharae Total Charpes ITEM I Purrra.ce !!TV'S I Ezhaua t Hood I Vent FE!!.-. b/;;dem./ _ I r t1JO -~I Psrrrrit'Issuance Me~hanical Permit State Suraharoac Total CharaeD -- ENCROACHMENT __ , Secul'it", Devosit J Storage I Maintenan:!e I Permit Total Charq~_ FEE CHARGE ., . T' elCor.3 t: l-cod~ Bedrooms: Lot Faces - Enal'q}l Sources Heat T~'Oe CHAlICE Setbacks : House I Caraqe I I I I I I -j I j I I I Range / =tJireOlaoe Wood:; tot:e I. '_ FEE CIIARGE I Access. I Water .l{I:mtP.l' I I I I ~S .0'0 I I I I \S.<>o I I I j I I I. ~ I J I /. I I I I I I J I I. J I I I I I . Building Value & Permit This permit'io gmnted on the express condition that the sa'id construct1. . shall. in all respects. confo1'm to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, inaluding the Zoning Ordinance. regulating the ccnstl'ti.ctic and use of buildings. and m~y be suopended or revoked at any time upon v lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. \ I Plan Check Fee: I Date Paid: IR~OeiPt #: S'Lgned: Plumbing Permit No perDon shall construct, install. alter or change any new cr existing plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part. unless such person is th legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do plumbing work to property which is owned. leased or operatod by the appli otmt. Electrical Permit Where State La1J requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Ele!;Jtrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the Zabel has been Signed by the Electrieal Contractor. Mechanical Permit ./~Il . I Curb=~ I Sidsl.Ja Lk 1.!i'en:::B / ELBa trica I Labs l I Nobile Home TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' ~s 00 / I I [ I. I I J I j ,. Pt..an EXC:lTl'Lner va.e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED ths completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all infoPmation hereon is true and aorrect. and I .further certify that any ar.d alZ work pel'foP.11ed shall be done in accor- dance with the Ordin::mces of the City of SpringfieZd. and th;; La:.Js of tha State of Ol'eg:m p~rtaining to the LXJrk dBBcribcd hersin. and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structura without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that only contractor's and,e~pZ~yees who arB in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this proj~ct ,. / ~4~~~~~ Signed ~ ~ IO-2-C;-t? Date .. RESIDLe IAL" APPLICATION/PERI 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 , :s en \...)~ V ~ " Ph'fe: ~ zJ I (-I~~ \. ~ AddJ'es3 "'- \ "" '\ -"'- It is tlw l'esponuibiLity ermi~~ to see that alt inspections are made at the proper timb. tr.at each .:ddrB88 is rca.:::ab:e from the Btreet. and that the p 't~~~~ated at the front of the property. .Bui!di~ Di.vicior: approved plan 8 ~ remain on tha Bu.i'Ldirtg Sit~ at all times. Pl?OCSDu.r~E FOR INSPECTION R~OUEST:CAlL 26-3769 (recordsr) state your City designated job . er; job adi:rc8s:tyP6-c>f in3pec:icn requested a:--.a w.':en you will be ready for 'r.spaction. Contractors or OI.me:os ncme and p TlU.r.lbcr. Requsst"s receit:ed beJCI'a 7:00.:::-; :..~z.z. be made the same day, re~est8 made a. er 7~oo.am win be made the ncxt :JOrki y. ) , Your City Deoigr.atea Job Nwnba Io: gL, 0 ~ Job Location: AB3e8GOr~ Map II Subdivision: Q.mer: Addrass: FJ\~ \~ql PIQ City: n n n n Mm.' Addi ticn Remodel .'.!obi le Boma Date of Applicaticn Cont"rac:ol'S General PLwnbing Electrical l1echar.ic.::l Constl"'Ueti071 Lender J?,!,!,r;~",! T,.,,:,,:?:~~~,,:"'"'":r "I SITE IllSPEclroN:~o be .-.J excavation.. ~PM.~ to forms. ::J UIIDERSLAB PLUMB '. . ELECTRICAL NECHA:JICAL: To be e before an ~rk is covered. ::J FOOTING 8 FOUND,1TION: To e after trenches are excavated a forms are erected. but prior to pourir~ concreto. UND!RC.WUHD PI-UJ.fEING} SEWER, W.1TE.~ DRAINAGE: To be rrruie prior to fil- ,lir.g t;renches. =:J :J I/NDERFW0-9 Pr,UJ,,$ING & Ur::C.flANICAL: To be made-pr~or to-~n3tal~tion of /1001' insulation or decking. POST AND BEAN: To be rr.adc prior to installation of floor insuZation or deaking . ROUCH PLlP..'BI!!G. ET,ECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to DC covered ,until these inspectior.s have beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. FRA!~I!lG~ Muct be requeated aftep apppov~l of rough plwr.bing, electri- cal & mechanical. AU roofing bracing B chimneys, etc. ~~st be ,completed. lIo work is to be ccm- ..l. cealed until thia inspection has 'b6~n made and approved. ::J =:J =:J =:J 0170D ~l(1o~0Cj41 O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPE?:<Prm. To be made after all inBul~tian ~~ " raquiped vapor bC!1Tiers are in place but before any lath. gypswn board or wall covering is applied. and before . any inauZation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after aU dryl.JaU is in place. but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location.. boTuJ beams. grouting or verticals in accordance with U. B. C. Section 2415. o WOODSTOVE: After installation is camp letsd'. .Rcce;at< ../lr 61 f 2.3 "J U' V1L o CURB & APPROACH APRON: After forms are erected but prior to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK & DRH'EWAY: For aU con- crete paving within street right- of-way. to be made after aU exca- vating complete & fo~ work & sub- base materia l in p Za.::e. " ~ {'JV:; f'C;t"t t7 / , ,w^, ,):.,)6 II \i'1 o O YENCE: Wher.. complote -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. ' Si{1r..ed: &; II-/f-fdo Date: . . Li:;c.# Phon;: E=r;iros - - '.)L:,.,,,,,,....J..J..z.7:m OR gOVE:; BUILDI.7GS ~ Sani tary 8e'...)er capped ~t p~op::rt":i line ~ Septic tank F.&?ed and fiUe~ !.lith ;ra:Jei I Final - fl'hen ab.?ve ite.'718 are cc,-:rpletcd ~ and when d~olitior. is complete OP Btru~~ ture moved and prcmtses cleaned up. , . Nobile Hcmes ~ Blocking and Set-up ~ Plumbing connections scwer and ~~er ---, Electrical Connectjon - Btocking. set-u? ~ and plumbing connections nr~st be appro~ed before requesting electrical inspection ~ Accessory Building --, Fi1UlZ - I.ft::r porc1:es. sk-;rt"ing. decks. ~ etc. are compZe;~d. W 4-~ r 0 o \:) I~S~ 'Q IHY t>N\ All project conditions..3uc~ as the installation of street trees. c~~letion of the requirad Zandscapir".g. etc.. must be satisfied bcfore the BUILDING FINAL can be raquestad. :J FIliAL PLU!,fBIIIG ::J FIliAL f.IE~HANICAL :J FINAL ELEC':RICI.L =:J o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must ba requested cfter the FiruJ.l Plumbing Electrical. and Mechar.ical Inspectiorw have been made and approv.d. "ALL NANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE. ADJUST!!E,'J'!' TO BE !.~I\DE I'.T /.'0 C~ST TO CITY I P:2~a :1 of 2 I JO B NO.ofo'r:> ~3D ! Zona: ILot Sq, Ft;. 1:1: of lot Caverage: I # of Stories ,Total Height , i Topography 'ITE:.! l SQ. FTC ,Main . Gc::raae Car:::ocrt Accessor':J TOTAL VALUE 'S.D,C. (VC.LUC) 1.5 ::: Building Permit State Surcharge Total Cha.~ge3 ITEM Pi=:ures Reswentia l (J bath) sar.itary Se-..'cr ;.rate!' PZ;.l:7:bir:g Perr.:i t State Su:rcr.arge Teta! cr.arnes 11'Df .T?es. So. f't::. N~/EXtend Cir~~its Temporary Service Ele~~rical Permit St:=te Slddurroe Total Cha:t>ccs i';':;".~ I I I I '4uL~ Jk~oI I Pe'l'rr';"~ t Isswzn.ce , ?urr.ace PTU' S E=haust Hood ~ent Fan iJoodsto;;e Me:::r.ar:ic::.l Pel'mit State SurcharGe Tn~cl C1-nY"am; -- EilCROACHMENT ~c~~ritu DZ~03it ltarape ~ain.tcnar..:!'~ "'crmi t Total C'n.cT'aes .'urbcut ;idewaZk 'cn:::c -lectl'ical Labd 'obile Harne ".JTAL ANOU.':T I t.'O. I NC. I ::0. SOLAR A'AESS Occu'Oancu Gl'O"J.'" LOT TYPE Interior COI"ner Panhandle Cul-de-sac X Value FEE CHARGE C.i"":'HGi;, F":;' CHARCE \S.dO L~ . c-o \5." V I I I I I I I lS t>O REQ.- L-COG-.lo . Type/Cor..st: Beiroor.:s: I Lot Faces - I I P.L. North lEast ISoz.otn IWest I I jl:.ccess. I I II I II I II En.2r(7~ Soarces h.'cat T"~e Setbacks I Hou.se Caraae I I I I I I I I J Water .4f?att'!' Hanpe Fircnlaca WooQ:;tot:e F2es ) I I I I I I I, , I I I, I I I I I I I I I, Building Value & Permit This pernr:t is granted on the express condition that the said construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Crdinance. regulcting the ccnst~~cticn and use of buildings. and m~y be suspanded or revokec at cr:y time upon vic- lation of any provisions of said Ordir~nces. IPlan Check Date Paid.' Recdpt #: Sigr:.ed: Fee: Plumbing Permit No percon shall construct, instalL, aZter or change cny neW C1' e=isting plumbing 01' drainage systen in whole 01' in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr4t a pe~son mQ~ do pl~bing work to property which is owned. leased 01' operated by the Q?pli- =nt. I I I I I I I, Electrical Permi t Whel'e State LaLJ requi'Pes th.at the electricaZ WOl'k be done by an EZe::t'Pical Contl'actor, the electrical pOl'tion of this permit shall not be valid ur.til the Zahel has been signed by the Electr>icaZ ~ont'Pa~rol'. I I I I It,. ' I \,l I~ I I l, I I I I Mechanical Permit (.(.\. Plan Excnn,nep vaLe , I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, end do hereby certify that all i-r:fo::orr.ation hepeon is t:rue al".d correct. cni I further certify that any ar.d all work perfor;ned sh.all be do~e i~ ac::ol'- dance ~th the Ordinances of the City of Sprinafield, and th~ L~~B of tha State of Oreg~n p$rtaining to the work described hcre~n. cr~ tr~t NO OCC~- Pl.NCY will be made of any structure without parmis3io~ of the Building Di- vision. I furthel' certify that o~ly contractors w:d c~pl~YCCB who are in compZiance w~th ORS 701.05E wilZ be used on this p'Poject \ LuL/'/ Sign2a' ~ Date ----- \H~-~