HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Correspondence 1992-2-4 ttrA";;,'5ei 1Ir",'/..b, ell ~'L' ~ ~ .f' fll..,) t,'LI #~~"fc 1.{~e{~)'\~0~sP:'~ELo, ,'" ""'-"",' ' [', :fZ~:'~:"t,,~~j~~\~~ 4"~~ ~~)Sf~ 1'-_:1I'l ~ ~.'~~~'~:~.J1~~~ ':.:t~*t;r;, ,~",,:-,,~-':.f.'..i , DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ".., 'u.. Wi~ 7:': FiFTh 5;=::;:;; PUBLIC WORKS . ~J' ~ S,"'FUIiGFIELJ, 0:; 9;";7 METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT 1503; 726.3753 CERTIFIED LETTER February 4, 1992 iiarry ~lortimer 39&02 Laying Creek Road Culp Creek, OR 9/~21 Subject: Courtesy Inspection at 3319 Pheasant Blvd. Springfield, Oregon. Uear Mr. Mortimer: At the request of your tenant, the Springfield Building Safety Division conducted an inspection of the property located at the above address. The inspection revealed items which do not meet the minimum City Housing Code requirements and must be corrected. They consist of the following: Plumbing 1. The existing hood h~ating appli~nce is installed too close to c0~tustible materials creating a potential fire hazard. The heating appliance shall not be used until necessary corrections are approved by this office. Development Code 2. The property is zoned Low Densitv Residential. khich alloks [or single family dwellings only. The garage has been converted into an apartrent and kill have to be vacated. if ~:ou Ileed an)" further information or ha\:e ail~' qu~stiO[lS regarairlg tl1e 2i)o\"e requiremeIlts: please COI1tact tIle appropriate i!)specror ]10ted ~~~c,w ~et~E~n the h0urs of S:l,O-~:(I(1 a.m.: 1:vU-2":0U p.~.. or ~:00-~:3t! p.~. Et J2b-.),S~. :-::ince.r€-ly: J. \.) C:;-"'\\ \1 I i l((..jVy:.~ "!'()ffi :"j2tl"X L:ui i ,ji n~ 1 ns pl.':'''::, t .:..1 --'7 f-'/ ~ .,..c;,/.. _,"d~~-u'/ Ra10, Sl'dloi ?lUfi:i!~/'"l~(I). ]I1S~~Ct(il- "."... : ..:!:!'.;_~ j":.;erIL. !'Ull'J}~:"':' '..'ll.1(JbJ Tom Marx P 760 ~S/q I-JA-..t<tSPvn 404 559 ~ Cert1fied Mail Receipt No Insurance Coverage Provided r.. Do not use for International Mail ~~ (See Reverse) I Sent 10 Ha rry ~1ort i mer 15'398N02 Laying Creek Rd. ~ I"Oc~i,~,zZrc::k, OR 97427 C ....I I Postage $ 5 .29 lD I Certirled Fee 1. 00 I Special Delivery Fee I Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing 10 Whom & Dafa Delivered o m ~ Return Receipl Snowing 10 Whom, ~ Date. & Addre~1 D~!-+!'Y ...... " ., I TOTAL !'os",..,:/," '" ',$ c:i A Fees '::';'/. " Q; Post.mark o~:Dale.l..!... f ~i.' r (~- M '~~"1' , n" E ' 'ft; y.g)" & ,h.-/ en ~ a.. 1 --- . 1. 00 2.29 mCK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST ClASS POSTAGE, CERTIFIED MAIL FEE. AND CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTED OPTIONAL SERVICES (II' tront). 1. It you want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the receipt attached and present the article at a post office service ...nndow or hand it to your rural carrier (no extra charge). 2. It you do not want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address ot the article. date, detach and retain Ihe receipt, and mail the article. 3. If you want a return receipt, write the certified mail number and your name and address on a return receipt card, Form 3811, and attach it 10 the front of the article by means of the gummed ends if space permits. Otherwise, affix to the back of article. Endorse front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to the number. 4. If you want delivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the addressee, endorse RESTRICTED DEUVERY on the front of the article. 5. Enter fees for the services reQuested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt. If return receipt is reQuested, check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. 6. Save this receipt and present it if you make inQuiry. tlUS.G.P.O.1t9C).27D-153 .,. ~ . ~ 0 '" ~ ,I " <: => .., = CO CD ... E of C/l 11. . ~ Trom M~I"X SENDER: . Complete items 1 andfor 2 for additional services. . Complete items 3, end 48 & b. . Print your neme and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this cerd to you. . Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not permit. . Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number . The Return Receipt Fee will provide you the signature of the person deliverec !,O end the 0llt8 of delivery. 3. Article Addressed to: I also wish to receive the following services {for an extra feel: 1. 1XJ Addressee's Address Ha,Try nort bel" 39802 Laying Creek Rd. Culp Creek. OR 97427 2. 0 Restricted Delivery Consult postmaster for fee. 148. Art cle Number P760 404 559 4b. Service Type o Registered [jl Certified D Express Mail D Insured o COD D Return Receipt for Merchandise 7. Date of Delivery 5. Signature (A~ ~e~entl _ :2-/~-9:L PS Form jii 11. November 1990 8. Addressee's Address (Only if requested and fee is paid) .U,5. GPO, '99'-287_ DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Official Business ~ ~ PENALTY FO~ PRIVATE USE, $300 \ . Print your name, address and ZIP Code here . '1-' ..... ~ ,'::iH Sr::iiVic_,' S~'-R~;:~( ~I:"I (1'-, J \ /, .~ .. COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATION (RENTER REQUEST) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DIVISION ===================================-----====================-------============= DATE: V / :l. 9 1':2 JOB NUMBER: q 7 JX.:fSo ADDRESS OF INSPECTION: 33 Ie; ;f/h!"'aStf,vj b Iv of. 5fl';.N;;+"'f'!i 0 R, OWNER: -J:1d-y' C' /!tf;e;t7 41o~/;"'rtf:f?. PHONE NUMBER: ? 9'ft - !~Olf OWNER'S ADDRESS: .:;:1~O!J.. LI}tlll;r- DpP.I!. I?j cur (~M ,07'1:27 RENTEI(;s) J?~D1J~11 ~ir~ s/-lrrf.; .r+",,-Hler?... PHONE NU~: ff- ;)7lS- SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTER): / A/~~ .-/ ~;"/?4- FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE NUMBER: ;Z~/- 62~~ ===========================================-----~----=========================== / ~ TYPE OF DWELLING: SINGLE FAMILY ~ DUPLEX 0 MULTIPLE 0 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROBLEMS: Ut.....sdlMA ro~d~A 8(\j Itf...fif.-fme+ jl\l,<;"d,.,p 11.c "",i",^ <:,\~p rOENJ/d,q w;t-h. ~:.N0r _ . -. U <J - r ~ () ) f'J-er../-vl'n-f-j le./-(, l~J tAlC: <Jv.t.e.- DIVe- /,uf;}/,pS<; ()AJfl ~" (]r.fJ (( ilAf (){J: <,4-fl'I~ r2CJ...,MP- ~.J.e ~~ .5t-f-J '7) ~k\,o i.AJPR~/J~Jo.v1JJ/~t/j l,f ()(Jrj sft'lv{"/ ~ [I) i (( I o^jr; 1'\+ ~ n J,f' &Jde NO -r I) /2..J,..., CoAp 9 (-Il1z.flIl-d.5 J /;./ heN )d1L<; iAJt;~'Ir?Pri (',blle,l jl; x; ,,J r I :!J-11[,:> Cl fc,f"/, :.,..:Jr - Al-IA I(^J~L dA~'C (NOll. qJ J L.C1Nd~{(1 c1frJ;'f'o) Flb6/~rr1, -r;'llr{. g~.)+VL ; fs'/eNr)tfi 1\\ 0{ t o-Il bullJiJ'J(j ;N>2,q. C7UA<.F>f' p~o,~/e~. l--~~QK1:-~L~tI'L61-~_-~-~e~--ltQJ51:__~_~~~_____________________ , '_0. Nfl ,/~LJlC3-_____Q.L\..L_~~~_~~~~~_~~~_~~:~____..B&c&__:::::_ r/)~li~J(J -7' DATE OF INSPECTION: COURTESY LETTER SENT: ' NOTICE AND ORDER ISSUED TO OVN~K: DATE FOR COMPLIANCE: COMPLIANCE OBTAINED - DATE: IN-€' C{ij R..-eNle~c>-r 53'1<1 fhe(ASrt~"bllJd, do rVol- +eJ +h.~t ~ul- !tt(lfd/Of(j 0,4.5 i;J<5uf-t:d US ().{2- , ri ~t to Uk 5Id-G~ f<<lIieer1'eNts o..vJ uJ6U 1/ Ii!(f:.- Ufly r'Y1Jch C\, rv(/ t ttOR..OVQK- .iJ\J5fc:v+/o-J. rJ1 lIi,A) Wj~;,()6; -fo tlOJ5C KeefS fOffli;Ufr" f+= I tf,h'lt-c15 ~evesfeJ "tN -e, cd-/Cicie"v -OetJ Jed. GA-~(f A-(ltd-(l\<e,,+ ~b6I {<"eo&.) {JI,vdf6td fhrlt'-e0 JJ- ~{{(P o;J 1'+ I ~