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Permit Correction Notice 2010-1-25
,>'W':V~i.~~"'If.;~~::;,.4"''''''''''''",...'~..,_.~r''''':~...r ..'.......J.. ,1" '", , . ".4-".~1.. -',',r ..../"~... ....i\ " ;. ....."'~~ -., "". "- ". -'. ..,.:.. ".',<..,.r .,'~.'\..",:". ".(,~.:..., . .., '''''''1.......j.''-,U..,. .J,:,"io....._. ._-."'.'r..~~..."\'~ ^."..';"._., (,:" _: r '-. . Date: I f 2 >/ 20/0 Job# c/o. - Of) () 1--1-;; Address: q LJ b f-, S T Inspection Type:_,1-L1 JAr r::. 1.iY X1!LI" .A-{, J:i:/v"'- C SPRINCFIELD ~- City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street TO: 0f2.../::(./),u FJi'::/XDU <r:Jv.'/-l:u:. \ \ \' ," 2/V' G~\' A 17r) \/(')01 (,0T?"),}U1 'DA~f.).(lUlk.AJ tAl U/-I w '/ (: OU,4;r rttlt-r 1'0 I~{;IS ~[, IS /))= iHE ftE& Rr<P 2 JO, lorE - A t-T/uil I: <; 7?+~f>;.l--t t:;rVJ) AT 7lI7I-l::. / A < r-vfVVAC-i' .' , - .". :,,"-.;. , .' ..' . ' Crirrections ~~dreinspeCi:'ron request ~hall be made within_ 3 () . 'calendar days. / /l '. Call for reinspection []yes'DNo . . In~pector r-,..;;'lOro.''><LJAl .Date:-2S---ZO/v .~~~~~~~,~~~';;~~Call forinspectio", 726-3769N";~~~~~~~~~Questions 726-3759~~~~~~~~~ " '_,. .1 J'. b 1'~ do! :....,. ..~..', ....:. ~~_. ,- '-" ,",". . ,~\-,.'.._... , ~~rdJ . (,,-~ct!~ $L(3 -;-) b83 t -2-C -jCJ . tt {c5S .