HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 12/22/2009 .\ ~ " PRE-SUBMITTAL DISTRIBUTION LIST: Date Distributed: /:1 -.;2 3 -{)q V Dave Puent - Building ~ fJilbert GordonlMelissa Fechtel:'-' Fire v/Jon Driscoll- Traffic v Matt Stouder- Public Works/Engineering Dennis Ernst/Chris Moorhead, Surveying Planner. >4tA d; J eX ~ . J - PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D . DEe 2 2 2009 'f'R.t:- PA-u.ET City of Springfield Development Services Department . 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726"3689 Fax Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned: PRE2009-00032 Date Submitted: 12/22/2009 APPLICANT: CHILD CENTER 3995 MARCOLA RD SPRINGFIELD OR 97478 Proiect Name: CHILD CENTER ADD 3995 MARCOLA Project Description: Pre-Submittal for Site Plan Review for new outpatientioffice building for the Child Center at 3995 Marcola Road Application Type: Job Address: Site Plan Review 3995 MARCOLA RD Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1702200000700 DISCLAIMER: Applications will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the time of the Pre-Submittal Meeting and Submittal of the Application for Development Review.. Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 with any questions or concerns. A Plaimer will be assigned the following business day and will contact you to confirm the meeting date and time. f'~S 2008 - OO:::Q8 1 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D .DEC 222009 PlanJobPrint.rpt 12/22/2009 2:52:35PM 'Pre-S ubmittal )fe~ting Development Services Departmenf' Room 616 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE: Tuesday, January 5, 2010 1.. . PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2009-00032 (SITE TENT) I J:l~ CHILD CENTER . Assessor's Map: 17-02-20-00 TL 700 II Assessor's Map: 17-02-30-00 TL 100,200 Address: 3995 Marcola Road .. Existing Use: The Child Center The applicant submitted plans to construct a new 5,151 sq ft singletstory outpatient/assessment building with associated site improvements to The Child Center. Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, January 5, 2010 11:00 - noon DSD 616 Planner: Andy Limbird PRE.SUBMITTAl R~C'D DEe 2 2 2009 ,. City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review Applicant Name: rv'u~l / IJI::;(\j-"\:u t;::'f')r7 _ (L.\.H "N7'~ ~c Phone: Companv: IAddress: --r~ (lJ..11 Or 1::X\-rT:?1'7 _ Fax: ~qqc:;_ /V'\P,t7 (..t'J\ ~ "t7n, <sop\? l"'L ~l ~ 1:" ('v Applicant's Rep.: (')il"-'I"~ ~~"" ' Phone: rJJ..i.ln\n - - - / -;- . Companv: ...yfZf..;;t-6<V'1W.\~-r<--, ~ '::''L~II='" /~r, Fax: C--5;;J - Oh76 \ ,I . - I ,Address: 1"'2,--z.-G"'"~""""- \37,~i,)"-,^, t4"r::r 7C)(~1 1::;:;')rA~~\I~ r:I2t:z ~ !propertvowner: CNi'^\6' bf-.. D.;-y".J.('''~^''''-:g,. .-r:, Phone: Icompany: Fax: IAddress: I 17-UZ--c-zo-CO I - ,1:90 'ASSESSOR~S MAP NO: I"":-()?-....."-f'j("\ TAX LOT NO(S): - I'C)<'"' t::.7I''''''' II Property Address: --z,o.o.S'" ~/_'" A.. 07<':"" C-.f"'"' ~ ,/" :--':;:' -=-' tf'lr, Size of Prop~rtv: 4.l..f' Acres 5<J s"J!are Feet [l ! Proposed Nam~ of proJect: -('"w:- (I.l-\lP (0'\;\'1""-717 \DescriPtion of If you are filling in this form by hand, please atta~h your proposal description to thi~,apPlic.ation- Proposal: L;."",.",..- /'o..~. ~_~V,~ C ......--:"-:'"'"~^~-r (~\}?h) IExistinq Use: Vbt?', 1-' / 'PDt,,"'--n:~ L..,rl,..\.-tr")"l - . :. !New Impervious Surface'COveraqe (Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area):! <<"....\01 , - Si natures: Please si nand. rint our name and date in the a riate box !on the next 1 I I \ 1 1 ] sf 1 , Associated Applications: ~a;oc, - ~Cz - v Pre-Sub Case No.: YrL 2cb~ - (]'I:)SYL Date: (OiIVl) )1.) Zz../o1 Signs: Reviewed b~: ~ Revised 11/19/09 ~ \UA o Date: . Reviewed oy: ITechnical Fee: $ \post~ge Fee: $ \ PROJECT NUMBER: ~~<.YQ>D't,_~2~ , I J~ 0 J 2-D / 0 . .~~ flP'R~~$V~MITTAL REC'D . DEe 2 2. 2009 Case No.: Application Fee: $ ITOTAL FE~S: $__ I Owner Signatures This application form'is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting andisubsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application ,. process. I' I An application without the Owner's original signature will not b:~ accepted. I, Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information in, this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act.in his/her behalf. I/we do hereby acknowledge that Ijwe are legally responsible for alii statutory timelines, information~requerts nd r uirements conveyed to my ~epresentative, Owner: 4 /1 . I ,I ~y U/{, Date: /;( -.i<:;z-t1:7 Signature Ii / /J~ lie.. ../;-1/ : "- $,'// Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the CIty, Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the PreASubmittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified.:by the City as necessary for processing the application 15 provided herein or the information will not be provided jf not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted, This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. i:, Owner: Date: Signature Print PRE-SUBMI1[TAL REC'O DEe 2 (2 2009 Revised 11/19/09 2 of 10 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRE2009-00032 3995 Marcola Road r PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O DEe 2' 2 2009 North + The Child Center Site Plan Review Compliance statement I. SUMMARY A. SummarY Of ReoueSt This request is for Site Plan Review approval for a new single-story outpatienVasseSsmentbuilqing with asSociated site irnprov?ments to Th1 Child Center .located at 3995 Marcola Road in Springfield, Oregon. The proposed new . . ,'-- "... ... __'_ .'- . . ...." 'i office guilding is about 5,151 square feet in size andwm be located near the existing office buildings on the site. The Site Plan Review application includes infdrmation for "_. ,'",- '.' _" ", 'f th.e entire development site, although the focus of the request is for prop~;>ed changes to the existing facility and grounds. The proposed new buildingwill shift where services are provided on t]ie site and ir'nprovethe quality of office space. The proposed new building is not intended to accommodateadditiona'j staff but to provide a better environment for counseling and assessment of youth. Th:e proposed new building and other site improvements will illsonptincrease the number of children that will be served on The Child Center campus. . i~ S. ProjectObiectives Operating since 1971, The Chiid Center provides 'a unique, valuqble serviCe to families in Lane County. TheproPosecl site plan primarily addresses the followirig objectives:. <' 1. Enhance the quality of services by improving the office space used Jor counseling and assessment activities. ... , 2. Improve the safety of the site's acceSS and on-site circulation for blJsses, motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians. In. response to suggestil)i1s from EWES and City of Springfield staff, t]ieproject also incorporates relocating the lower parking area to a higher eleVaiion and greater distance frornt]ie river. The existing low?r parking area is very cloSe to a rf1ajor source of drinking WateT for EWER The proposed project will retain the existing unimproved gfavelareafor emergency vehicies but will not be USed on a r~gular, daily basis by the child Center. Relocating the parking area requires q substantial capital inveStment by the Child Genter and is dependenton a successful fyndraising carnpaign. Re10catingtheparkingarea will reduce the potential negative ,i environmental irnpqctson water qUqlity and riparian vegetation., .. PRE-SUBMItTAL REC'O DEe 2 2, 2009 .afrLe Bctrrpp"an.r . 291i Tenfl)f5on Avenue, Sui'te 400 . Eu-gene, Oregon 97408 --. www.arjje.c.om . Phgoe- 541.-344-55.00 Fax 541.-.485-2550 . m~:l!.sr!ie.c om ~~ .,'-;>. C. Overview of The child Center Services The Child Center is a community-baS?d private non-profit agency that has served the Lane County regi()n since 1971. The Child Center provides a continuum of psychiatric and special education programs to children with severe emotional and .inental disorders. Day treatment services include therapeutic and special education programsthaf provide .short-term, intensive, or school-based assistance" to children ages 3 to 1;2. Day treatment services are provided ona oni3,.to,one baSis or insmall groups at The Child Center. The Child Center also proviqes individual or small group counseling at other loca,tiolls including th(l child's horn€! (Jr school. This community- based out-patient program focu~es on children betWeen the ages of3and 18 with emotional, beh?vioral and mental disorders. A crisis hotline is also mailitained to provide a 24-;hour response to a mental health emergency that inCludes a child. This hotline can activate a mobile response team, avariety of respite care options and a referral system that h~lps the child receive appropriate care. Over the past few years, children are increasingly served in area schools. . Approximately 24 staff provide services while working at area school sites. This shift in where services are provided has also resulted in a ,decrease In the number of school busSes transporting chilpren to The Child Center. D. Overview of The Child Canter Camous The Child Canter is located on a generally terraced site on Marcola Road .near the Hayden Bridge Rdad intersection. The entire development site includes about 8.4 acres. The improved portion of the campus is significantly less and encompasses about 42 acres. The existing. campus includes: Outpatient/office building - 784 square feet (to be demolished) Older residence/office - 1,200 square feet Maintenance building -1,200squarefeet Aclministratlon building - 4,7'17 square feet Classroom building - ;2,479 sqlJare feet Office/clasSro,om building - 3,611 square feet Modular officeiclassroom - '1,850 square feet [jbrary _ 1,20b square feet PRE-SUBMIlTAlREC'D DEe 2 2. 2009 Currently, there is a gravel parking l.ot at the lower plat(lau primarily for staff, visitor parking space!'; on the upper ph3teau, and oyerflow parking spaces at the older" residence used for office space. The Property is surrounded by naturai vegetation at the propertyliries to the east and west, the Mckenzie River to the south and Marcola Road to the north. The exiSting J]1e Child center Compliance Statement December 1, 2009 Page 2 of 8 c , ... ,,@: .....,. ,?uildings and site infrastructure are to remain exceptfor the older residence/.1,200 square foot office building. II. SITE INFORMATION. Location: The Child Center is located at 3995 Marcola Road, Sprirgfield, Oregon near the Hayden Bridge Road intersection, (Refer to Vicinity Map . " - I under seP03ratecover.) . '.' TalC Lo~: ' Lane County records identify the site as Lane CoU!1ty ~essor's Map 1 H)2-20-00, Tax Lot 70003nd 17-02-30-00, Tax Lots 100an? 200. (Refer to Composite Assessor's Mapijrider Separate covet.) . :: . I Lee-al Oescriotion: (Refer to Legal Description under separate covJr.) Acreae-E;l: The Child Center's entire development site is about 8.4 acres according to the County Assessmentimd Taxation records. The p6rtion of the site with improvements consists of about 4.2 acres. The area affected l;>y the proposed development is only about 1.9 acres. , Ii Address: 399!;iMarcolaRoad,Springfield, Oregon 97477 Ownershio: The site is owned by Mental Health for Children (The Crild Center). (Refer to the Peed and Preliminary TItle Report under se~rate cover.) I: 'I Surroundihe'landUsesJ Access:. .. I, The site isJoci3tecj at the epge of the Springfield. Urban. Growth Boundi3ry on the south side of Marcola Road. On the north side of the site, across Marcola Road, is property used for industriai activity. On the e(jstsideof the property is open space with the McKenzie River about 50 feet away. The McKenzie . - '.-. " ',- '.- . ", . .' ',_.," .' . ".j' River provides the site with a natural scenic border along this portion of the property~ In general, the site [s fairly Secluded with no development imrri~iately adjacent to the site. The primary access to the site is via Marcola Road. (Refer tq Photographs of Site & Vicinity tirider separatecov~r.) . . . ,Plan Land Use Oesie-nation: , The subject property was i3r\nexed to the City of Springfield inJanu<lry of 1975. At that time the property was designated iri the Metropolitan Area - ,.. ."' -' - ". ' - , . . . ' , .. - ) General Plan as Parks and Open Space. As of April 1, 2000, the Metro Plari biagralT) continlied tocje~igllate the subject property as Parks aricj9peri Space. Perhaps in an effort to resolve the potential conflict between the Metro Plan designation and local zoning or due to a mapping error.~the Metro . Plan Diagram dated Apiil 4. 2004 desigl)atEl(j the subji3l:t property ~s He<iVY Industriat The Metro Plan Diagram currently deSignates the sUbjectProperty as Heavy Indt,istriat . The Chil,d Center Compliance Statement December 1, 2009 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D Ii Page:3<ilH 224p09 ,zoning: The site is zonedPublit Land & Open Space. Pr(lperty to the north is , . zoned either Heavy Industrial or PUblic Land & Open Space. A narroW strip of land to the west, south of Marcola Road is zoned Heavy InduStrial. Property to the south is outside the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary and governed by County zoning regulationS, (Refer to Zoning Map under separate cover.) Ill. - BACKGROUND OFTHESITE In March of 2004, The Child Center initiated a zone change application for the subject property to bring the zoning into compliance with the Metro PlGin designation and to makEl,theuses consistent with the zoning. (Refer to City case no,ZON2004- 00005.) On May 1.8, 2004,lhe Springfield PlanningCornrilission approved the requested change in zoning from HI Heavy Industriafto PLO Public Land and Open Space. According to the Final Order approved by the Springfield Planning Commission, the zone Change would bring the property in'conformitywiththe Metro Plan designation of Parks & Open Space. In addition, the PLO zoning .would permit private, not-for" profit schools and treatment facilities, therefore alleviirting the non-conforming status". The FihalOrder acknowledged that following approval of the zone change, The Child Center intended to submit a Site Plan Review application for the expansion of the existing treatment facility. IV. SITEPlANREVIEW APPROVAL CRITERIA The Director shall approve or approve with conditions: a Type 1/ SitEl Plan Review applicatiohiJpon detennining that approval criteria A through E., below have been ~tisfied.1f cofldiqons caimot be attachflcl to Satisfy the approval criteria, the Director shall deny the application. Decisions approving anappiication, or approving withconditioris shall be based on compliance with the fol/owing criteria in Springfield Devel6pmEli1t Code Section 5.17-125: A. The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram, anef/or the applicable Refinement Plan diagr;;lm, Plan District map, and Conceptl,Jal O?vEl/opment Plan. ThEl Metro Plan desigoatesthe subject site as Heavy Industrial. Thisland use designGitic:1O is intended to provideiand forlJusinesses thClt Will help diverse the ElCOJ1orhy alid that often have Unique characte.ristics with special siting , rElquirements. To provide consistency between the former plan,desigoation of Parks and Open Space and lOCal zoning, the Springfi~ld Planning Commis!:;iori approved a requestfrClffi The Child CentE!r to chahgethe zciningfrpin HI Heavy . Inoustrial to PLO Public Land and Open Space, Accorclin$ to Section 3.2"705, the PLO .zorie is established to ptovict,e l~md for governmentand ectucatipnal .uses. These include schools arid treatrT1erit facmties~ .. .. . The Child. Center Compliance Statement December i 2009 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D DEe 2 2 2009 Page4of8 ." '@; "~' There IS no applicable-City Refinement Plan, PI~m District map, or cpnceptual Development Plan for ,The Child Center. ji B. Capacity requirements of public and private facilities, incJu~i,ng but not limited to, watetand electricity; sanitary sewer and stormWCjter management fai,;ilities; and stree~ and traffic safety contro~ shall not be$XceededaiJd the public improvements shall be availabl~ tOsetVe the site at the time of development, unless otherwise provided for by , this e<>?~ and ~ther applicable ~gulation~. ~he Pilblic Wo~s DirectQr ora utility provi.der shall determme capacity Issues. Ii r The subject property 1$ within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundaty and the City limits. It is'currently served bYthe key urban services as pr~C~ib$d In the Metro Plan except for stdrmwaterfacilitieS. Since there are no stormwater faciliti~ available to the site, the proj~c1: will incluqe retaining, trea~ngi and disposing of all stormwater on,site and thrulhe uSe of vegetatedinftltrati()ll basins (rain gCirdens). . !' It C. The proposed development shall cOinply with all applicable public and private design and tanstruction staiJdards {xlOreined in thisl!:Codeand other applicable regulations. i I' The Child Center is a non-profit organization established in 1971 a~d operating Citthe present site since 1974whsn it purchaSed and oC<;\lpied the , former Town and Country Day SchooL Following the initial land acquisition, The Child Center purchased an adjoining lot to the southeast to exp~nd the facility to serve the growing voltime'of studentS Deeding treatment services. AsSessor's Map i 7 ,02-30-00, Lot 100 remains undeveloped except for a single-family dwelling rented to staff of The Child.Center, The pr()pdked . . changes to the. site are limited toa small portion of the deveiopmerit site. Proposed new site improvements comply with applicable"staridards:ias further discuS$edbelow. I! 1[ Section 4,2-105 PublicStreets ." ... Ii The proposed development does. n9t trigger the n.eed to creCite or e~end any newpllblic streets.. The Child Center will ,contInueto have direct access to -' ..' ", ---','- .,' - .' " ... - .-" MarcolaRoad, a minor arterial street.. The section of Mar cola Roadjadjacent to The Child Center meets the standard street right-of.way and pavi~g width dimensiolls. No additional public ril1.ht-'Of-way or street improvemen1ts are needed, One existing curb cut/driveway on Marcola Road will be clOsed as part of"the project. TlJeclosed curb c\1tfdriveway will be replaced willi a standard curb, sidewal~ and planting strip consistent with the rest dfthe street frontage abtjtting the property on Marcola Road. . RRE.SUBMllTAL REC'D l ii DEe 2 2 2009 The Child 6E.ntet COITlpliance Statement Decemb<;r 1,2009 " :j , I. i; Page 50f8 Ii. ;@;. ~. . . . . ,~ " ;.:' ;,; '. Sectlon4,2 .,. 120 Site Access and DrivewayS Currently there are two driveways on Mim:oia Road that serve The Child Center campus. Both of the existing driveways are located at the northeast area of the Canipu~ and E'!ach allow full turning movements, The centerline of each drive.way is. within. C1bout5Q fee.. tand th. e edg..e of the pavement areas are within 30 feet This driveway spacing is confusing to the motorist and does not meet the spacing standards fqr Safe tuming movements; Furthermore, the mail) drivewaY erttrpnce. has an unu~ualcqnfigurption immediately after entering the site. ' One existing driveway is on AsSessor Map 17 {)2-~O, Lot 700 and the second is on Assessor Map 17 {)2-30,Tax Lqt 100; There is turrentlyi10public accesS from Marcola Road to Assessor Map 17 -:02-30, Tax Lot 200 located in the southemportion of the campus. There is also no public apcess from MClrc,ola Road to Assessor Map 17{)2.30, Lot 100. The proposed development retains two driveways to the site but significantly enhances the~afetyofthe access and on-site circulation by increasing the distance betWeen the two driveways a.nd aligning one driveway with an existing one on the opposite side of Marcola Road. Although the existing driveway to the lower plateau will be retained, it will primarily serve as an additional accesS for emergency vehicles or occasional needs to do repairand maintenance on the buildings or grounds. In general. the driveway to the lower plateauWiU be barricaded and will not b€ aVailableto thegeneial public. According toa publication titled,/TETechnical Committee TENC-l()5-01: School Site Planning, Destgnand Tmnsportation; "Road user safety in and arounq school areas is a highly 5l'!nsitive,subjectamorig thE'! public, school officials, arid local officials. - The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) recognized thIs probiem and established a technica.\ committee to address it. One of the key factors the committee recommends is that access to a school campus should otcurfrom more than one drivewCly.arid major driveways . should be carefully located to avoid left-tum conflicts with driveways and intersections on the opposite side of the street. The prQpo$ed.access to The Child <;enterwill improve the driveway loctltions and on-site circulation thus enhancing public safety. They will not create an unsafe traffitc6nditiQri and will.be less confusing than the current situation to The Child Center patrons (lnd staff. According to Springfield CQdeSectIon 4.~420(A)(i), all developed lots shall have an approved ac<':e5$ iilither directly to a public street, a private streetthat connects to a pubHcstreet; or through an irrevocable joint use/acce~ easement. The Child Genter campus ii1clude~ three developed lots. ;Two of these'lots have frontage on Marcola Road andwil! coritinue to have direct access to a public street. The third lot does not have direct access to the The Cl1ild CentEjr , PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D Compiiance Statement December l,,2Q09Page 6 Of 8 .. .. DEC22Z009.. ..... .- ~ ~. ~(...'1' street and thus requires either a privi'lte street connection or City <:ipproval of an irrevo<;able joint use/access easement. Upon rElquest by the City, the applicant will submit an irrevocable joint use/access 8<jsement fof, Tax Lot 100. The Code.does, not limit a developed lot to one access. AS described ... - - . . '- . . -' ,- Ii above, providing at least two driveWi:lYS to a school is very importapt for safe ingress and egress. ' According to Table 4a-2, the width of i'l 2,"way driveway shall bea [fIinimum of 24 feet and a maximum of 35 feet. The Child 9€nter drivewi'lyswi!' be 35 feet in width aUne property line,to accommodate bus turning movements. Each . - _ _ _, _ _, _ _ . _ . - u driveWi:lY ha.s a throat depth of 60 feet from the startof the drivew~y and at least 35 feet from the property line, exceeding the minimum stan9Frd. Ii AS. stated preViously, the two existingi;lriveways servingThe ChIld qenter are within 50 fIlet. According to Table 4.2-4,the minimum ::;eparatiOri:~hou'd be 200 feet. The centerlirie of the proposEld new driveway locatioris will be about 260 feet exceeding theminimum requirement and resulting in a significantly safer environment. 1: '. I'. O. Parking areas and ingress-egress points have. been designed to: . - .' -' --'.... j(. facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion;provide Connectivity Within the development a~a and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhoOd activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas; minifuize - -'. - "".' . .... . driVeways on arterial and collectQ(streetsas specified in this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOr acCess management standards for State highways. ]1 The proposed driveway locations and the overall site design will pr~videsafe irigress and egreSs for all rhodeS of transportation. Busses will enibrthe . . . I campusJrom the western driveWi:lY and drop off or pick up student:; without any back-up or circuitous turning movements. Students entering dr exiting the ..' - ,'. ,. . '- .'-' -'." "- ','''''!'. bus stop area have safe, clearly defined Wi:llkways to ail attractive outdoor open space and nearby buildings. Bicyclists an;: provided conveni~nt, easy access to covered bike racks and a netWork of pedestriah pathsto'inearby , buildirigs. Pedestrian acceSs will be. provided primarily frpm the eastern driveway with. a series of pedestrian paths providing on-site circulation. The Child Center is not adjacent to a residential area, transit stop, neighborhood activity center, or other uses that would benefrt with:additiona' connectivity to abutting properties. AS stated above, the proposed changes to driveway locations on Marcola Road are in compliance with the Springfield Code standards and address the unique access requiremenj.!; for $Yhdols and other uses servin~ YO~h, Locating the proposed new driveWay further to the east would result in increased paving and unneCessarily impact Ta)( I,.ot 100. Ii The Child Center PRE.SUBMITTAl R~C'D . CornplianG" Staternent Decernber 1,2009 II Page 7 of 8 DEe 2 2 2009' . t I ~. ;@. , ~. E Physical features, including, but not limited to: steep sIQpeS with , unstable soil or geologic conditions; areaswithsU$~ptibilffy of. flooding; signifiCant clusters oftrees an9 shrubS; watercburses shown on the WQLW Map and their associated riparian areas; wetlands; rock or4croppings;o~n sPaces; and areas of historic and/or arc;haeological significanc;e, 'as may be sj:Jecifieci in Section 3.3-QOO or ORS97. 740-760, 35.MOt;,955 and 3Q0:235-240,$f/alibe protected as specified in thiS Code or in State or Federal law; ,. .. . , . . The Child Center campus does not contain any Statewide Goal 5 resources. The proposed site changes avoid development on steep slopes or area SUsCeptible to flooding. To enhance protection of drinking water; the parking area inthe.lower elevations of the site willl:Je relocated to the tipper plateau. There are no we:tiands or rack outcroppings on the site that are impacted by the proposed development. There are no known significant,archaeological resotirce$. The Child Center proposed site plan will result in the removal of a cluster of Fir and Oak trees. (Please refer to the Tree FeiHngPlan submitted under separate cover.) The CI1i1o Center design team carefully evaluated alternative locations for the proposed new building. The proposed design reinforces the main entrance to the camptis thrll the location and orientltion of the new office building. The new building Will provide the optimum safety for children and visitors. For campus security, the new, building will provide staff excellent visual surveillance of people arriving or departing froh1 the campus and a way to ensure only authorized visitors have access to the remainderofthe campus. In reslJOnse to requests from City staff and EWES to relocate the parking area from the lower plateau to the upper elevatiol1. the design also preVemtsthe ability to fully preserve the existing cluster of Fir and Oak trees: Again, for.. . further rationale concerning the number and type of trees being cut, please refer to the Tree Felling Plan submitted separCltely. . PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D DEe 2 2 Z009 The Child Center Compliance .Statement December 1. 2009 Page80f8 ... ;@> ~" 1~/12/~009 15:39 FAX 541 736 1. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW BRANCH ENG 1: @002 " 11 . PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTM;ENT /Enginee11ng Division Fax: (541) 736-1021 .. . I - STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OR: WORK ............" ........".., .................. " ..,.., ....I" ........".." " , ' ."..'\'..:: ':-: :" '~(Areabelow/lrislineJilIet/outfJyApplica"t)- I: ..' ,:',;:,,:' I "(please refu.m /o:fI1tnt StrJut/er@CityufSpringfielt/Public_J'YorlaiEnglneering; Fax # 756-1021,~rhune # 756-10;;5.) Project Name: The Child Center Applicant: BJ'lUlch Engineering. Gi~g Mower. PE I .Assessors Parcel II: 17-02-20 n700 17-02.30 nlOO Date: JO/12/2009 I Land Use(s): Educational Vacanl Phone II: 541,746,0637 Project Size (Acres): 1.8 Fax II: 541.746.0389 I Appro::&;. lm.~e~~W',,1rl?~: 1.3 Email: greg\albrlll)~ellldne~~~onl, ',' j Proj ect Description (Include' a coPY of Assessor' s map): CopstnlOtion of single story 5, J.77 sf ouiparienr/office building with associated site imprtiveme:llts to the existing Ch11dcarc facility, " Ii Drainage Proposal (public connection(s), discharge location(s}, etc. Attacb additional sheet(s) ifnecessa.ry: Stormwater from the proposed building and perking lot wjlJ drain to thc vcgetatcd infiltration basin. Th. veg.tat.d infiltration basin is sized to contain the 25 year stonn event and a emergency overflow is provided for !lIlY stann above the 25 year even!. The discharge ' location is on.site in:liluution I . I Proposed Stormwater lJest Management Practices: Vegetated infiltration swale, trapped cateb basins I'.' . . Ii " , ,\,::, ;~ (Area below this line flUed out bv the en. and ReIJlrnet/ 10 the A71DIimntJ...i- '. " ' , 'rAt a',;,inJ1TrlJn; all.bo:<es checked by Ihe Ciry on thefront and back of/his shoel .,hall be~ubmiaed "..' "i , . .' . ~ ' 11' ,.' . , " " . fOr 071 appli",!/ian to be comple!efar submillal. although other requiremenl.s may be n,es~,aryJ ;:', ...." Draina!!e Study Tvne fEDSPMSection 4.03.2): (Note. lJH may be substituted for Riti.onal Method) o Small Site StUdy - (use Raiiooal Method for calculations) o Mid-Level Development Study - (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations] , ,gJ, Full Drainage Development Study - (use U"it Hydrograpb Method for calculatio,,;) EnviromnentsJ Considerlltions: " ' Rev"'ed 1/1/08 Molly Markarian o Wellhead Zone: ,..IA 0 Hillside Development: 'Nt\" o Wetlancl/Ripar.ian: 'liA g F1oodway/Floodplain: ~~ A1=I 2. t:''-'' f&' Soil Type: tlv.l/luk tit*!; 1t,,~J : J-. 4.b. oJ.~cl 0 Other Jurisdictions: r.cr... DOWDstreamAnalvsis: . ./,),. .,~ __L ,/o6.wI.j II gj N/A Ne-<.lo..$I 'J""'" II4Wl o Flow line for starting water surface elevation: o Design HGL to use for starting water surface elevation: o Manhole/Junction to take analysis to; . , Return to Matt Stouder (iiJ City of SJ>rln2field. omail: mstouder(iijci.sprinlrtield.of.us, FAx: (541) 736-1021 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D , DEe 2 2 2009 " ! I . 9 of 10 10/12/2009 15:39 FAX 541 736 1021 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW -> B._~;CH ENG' I4i 003 c' COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS F.rOlfiCi'!ll,1"Ocly:[5 /O!t2./c1 I .. 8ased upon the information p,'ovided on thefrollt of this sheet, the following repreJenlS a minimum of what is neededfor tm application 10 be comple/efor SZIbmillol wilh'respeel to drainage; howeve", lhis 1~'1 should 1'101 be used in lieu af/M Springfidd Development Code (SDC) or Ihe Ciry,'s Engineering Design Manual, Comp/ianee wilh Ihese I'equircments does nol constilute site approval; Additional sile specific informalian mil)' be required. NOI.: Upon scoping sheet submittal, ensure completedform has been signed in the space provided belcrw; . Interim DesigD StandardslWater Qwilily (EDSPM Chapler 3) ~~~ . . k':'I 0 All non-bui.lding rooftop (NBR) impervioUS surfaces shall be pr....treated (e.g. lDulti~bcred catchbasin wloD filtration media) for stormwater q1.IDlity.AdditionaUy, a mlnlmnm ofSU% of the NBR impervious sUrfaee,sbaIl be treated by vegetated methods. . JZr 0 Where required, vegetative storm water design shall be consistent with interim design standards (EDSFM Section 3,02), set for1h by the Bureau ofEnvirolllDental Serviees (BES) or Clean Water Services (CWS). o 0" FornewNBR impervious area J.ss than 15,000 square feet, a simplified design approach maybe followed ElS specified by the BES for vegetative treatment. . !2( 0 If a stormwater treatmetit swale is proposed, submit calculations/specifications for sizing, velocity, flow, side slopes, bottom slope, and seed mix consistent with either j3ES or CWS requirements. ,0' 0 Walt.1' Quality calculations as req~ired in Section 3.03.1 of the EDSPM o 0' All building rooftop m01D1ted equipment, ar other fluid containing eq1.lipment 10C2lted outside of the building, shall be provided with secondary containme~ or weather resistant enclosure. . - / General Study Requirements \""""'''''.1 Section 4.03) , 0' 0 Dninage study prepared by a Frofessional CiYllllIJ.'9neer licensed in the state of Oregon. 0' 0 A complete drainage study, as req1.lired in EDSPM Section 4.03.1, including a hydrological study map. . [2j'" 0 Calculations sbowing aysrem capa<:ity for a 2-year storm ""ent and overflow effects of. 25-year ston!! event. ~ 0 The time of concentration (Tc) sball be determined using a 10 minute start time for developed basim. Review of DownstreaM SystelD (EllSPM Section 4.03.4.q , o [2j" A downstream drainage analysis.llS described in EDSJ'M Section 4,03.4.C, On-site drainage shall be governed by the Oregon P)umbiJ:Ig Specialty Code (OPSC), " o 0 ElevatiOn< of the HGL and flow lines for both city and private systems where applicable. Design of Storm Systems (EDSPM SectiOD 4.04) l2f 0 Flow lines, slopes, rim elevations, pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on the plan set. 121 0 Minimum pipe cover shall be 18 incbes for reinforced pipe and 36' inc.bes for plain concrete and plastic pipe miuerials, or proper engineering calc~latjons shall be provided when leSs, The COver shall be S'Uflicient to suppOrt an 80,000 Ib load without fai]~ of the pipe strUe;1lre, o IZl Manning's "un vaJuc.s for. pipes shall be consistent with Table 4-) of me EPSP. All storm pip", shallbe designed to achieve a minimum velocity of three (3) feet per second at 05 pipe full based on Tablo4-1 as well. OtherfM.isc IZf 0 ElCisting and proposed eontours, located at one foot interval. Include spa! elevations and site grades showing how site drains . 0" 0 Private storinwater easements shall be clearly depicted on plans when private stormwatcr flows from one property to anodler o er Drywells shall not receive: runoff from any surface wlo being treated 'by one or marc EMFs, with the e"coption of residential building roofs (EDSP Section 3.03.4A). Additional provisions apply to this as required by tbe DEQ. Refer to the website: .www.deo.sta[e.or.uslwc/l2Toundwalui~home.hcm for more information. . o 12( DeleDtion po~ds shaJl be designed to limit runoff to pre-dev~lopm';'t rates for the 2 thrnugb 25-ycar storm events *17,13 form ,',aU be tncluded as /l1l at/llchnum4 iMide the front cover, of the 8/ormll!aJer STUdy * JMPOllIANT: ENGINEE1I PLEASE READ BELOW ANlJ SIGN I ~"::e~nginec' of record, I hereby certify the above rpRE:SUBmMT"'.comPlete ~d ~cluded with the submitted slormWatcr study and Signature: .,A/J. ~j' _... TTAL REC ~ate: 1/-2.6-0' LJeL 2 2 L009 Revised 1{1{08 Molly Markarian iO of 10 '=!J -; .' / r ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ . . ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ u .E "'8 iri~ o 10 ~~ 3-8 8~ "1Ci' ....- .;g E . <:'i::: ~. i"1:l d ~ ~- SCHOOL BUS CIRCULATION SIMULATION FOR 'J.t1JS CHILD CENTER SPRINGIu,LD. OREGON OCTOBER 15. 2009 " ~ \ \ f L' , f, (' I \ L~ \ " ..... / ,,,L----~ ..../ " -----~--~._-----~-~~----~-=...--::- -- - -::....:::.:--- llARCOIA ROAD .~~~~' J' , . , " "-....:......:.t --<~' t -=--- .'. ~ . - : --- - - --'..:=- -==i,~ -d Q !:::< .d)-- ~- S-BUS-4l) --: J .~ """"-'"'~, '- \ - ,-----.. l /:' ~~~~-~,~~:~:_~~-'~'~~~-~--- - "",. (j [ I J 1 - ~,_ ~ulj~ ~ ) L' H__~_~ - - ..~-lJ . .,.... Dl u- - I f ! ........ ..., 40.00 MSHTO S-BUS-40 feet :8_00 : 8.00 : 6,00 : 34.40 c r ['I'I[i'I' . NTS ~ 20,00 I '10[ ~. J 7.00 Width Track Lock to Lock Time Steering. Angle . -' '. IS) 20 1 \ \ f'C"Y" '. I o 40 \ \ I '~ /-...".. - @Branch Engineering, Inc. , Headquarters 310 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 746-0637 :' Salem Office 147 Commercial S1. NE. Suite 10 Salem. Oregon 97301 (503) 779-2577 .) www.BranchEngineering.com Cilu' Structures' Transportation' Geotechinical . Surveying F