HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 12/22/2009 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review Applicant Name: Mt~l _ UI:='N--nJ. t::"~ _ ( 1.\.\( N71~ ~c Phone: :'\ Company: -r~ r iJ.1 \ '7) f i:;cy-rr717_ ,Fax: Address: '"L,qC\s: MP.\7 u')\ ~ "t7T::>, L:it'm"\C~":;'"t:"' 02 1 Applicant's Rep.: () ".....I",~ ~-*T7' ' Phone: C1-.i - \(')\(J 1 Icomp~nv: -r1Zf- ~"17c",,~~ ~ -~ _A;',^II;?"'- /~,c- Fax: r;,~-7 - ()h7~ I IAddress: 13-L--. ~~~;--r"'"" ~'~l"'\"'-'^ ?str:::' 7'Cln, 1:;;:')(^\=4"~ r:;)? - J \ --- ----- - . 1 c~ ,,, 16" b.f-. b-I'f' Y' ",~~ _-l~ Phone: 1 Fax: 1 1 I 1 , \ Property Owner: !companv: IAddress: \ 17-0Z---"7-D-(X) I ~ ,1JiO 'ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: ,,,,: _f]?-.....,.., - f'"Y") TAX LOT NO(S): - I ,(y"') t:' '70,.., \propertvAddress: -zo.qS-"^""{Yi.O!"-.; 17~ C-..f""''''/C''-''C'7' rf)" :' ISize of Property: 4.t.f Acres ~ sqJare Feet 0 !proposed Name of Proj~ct: -\~ (\kHP C 0'~'717 II , ' I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, piease attach your proposal dese-ripiion to thi~:apPiication_ Proposal: ~",.,.",.- f'.-'^<("'-t'.....I^VI-::- ~-::\CT~^'--r (~~",...,) !Existing Use: -r-'ht?, /.:. / 'Pr7h'''''''''-;::- L,nl.-(l"')<,\' / -- ; I New Impervious Surface'Coverage (InclUding Bldg. Gross Floor Area}:;' <<::;'2-\0\ Si natures: Please si nand rint our name and date in the a riate box 'on the next sf Associated Applications: ~2a,0 - ~Cz COiM", I Pre-Sub Case No.: '?y-(.. 2o?::P~ / orb'?> L. Date: ~/ Zz.Jo1 Case No.: Signs: Reviewed by: ~ 1 Reviewed oy: \ \ \ I: 1 Technical Fee: $ Postage Fee: $ 1 l PROJECT NUMBER: (j)R~i.o'O-~Zc:t _ Date: APplication Fee: $ ITOTAL FEES: $ Revised 11/19/09 ~o '\ w:>-. J?l-t,. CJ J .21Y/O 'I u: (5IJ fl1i ~-;,$V$MI1TAL REC'D DEe 2 2 2009 , Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be acce_pted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf, Ijwe do hereby acknowledge that I/we are legally responsible for- all statutory Ow.,,, 4/:/77","meo~.:::'"~:t._ :;:;;'" Signature ~ I-/J~ /~ v'rt/ '- !?,// Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm, the information Identlfiect' by the City as necessary for processing the application is provIded herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted, This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertain'jng to a complete application. ' Owner: Date: Signature Print PRE-5UBMIlTAl REC'O DEe 2 2 2009 Revised 11/19/09 2 of 10 ... ~', , :City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spf'i.ngfield, OR 97477 Wi~~ Tree Felling Permit . . , Applicant Name: lJ\,~~,"":,\- ~~-\H~~l, +rll'/ Phone: Icompai1V:--r-~ ~1~"'7' r,~';t::t,:"""?"" . IFax: .. I !.~,~~~,:,~,~;,.,;,,,,,,, "!c,",\".,,,",3~2s:::n:~,G..il,,,~~,:,,,,-,,,,, <,i~-'f::;~f,;~~~~.".CJ?,;";,,,,,,,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,"",,!.! IAPPlicant's Rep.: '__11....)'~ /'1 '?T>P'; Phone:, ~. fGl1J I 1::;:':::'~"I~:::'~~:!",~ ~::~=~~~ rx~?< ..1 i~';:::~:~:~:~':'>-'Z::;~:;~'.:"'-;~~;;~J::~';;::~;-_:~'::::~"'''''''''''!;~~W~~''~'''~~'"~';I Icompany: Fax: I IAddress: ] 1::;;~;:::;'~::;"::;',~':~l~~~~~~4'''%''r;:~''::;''::~;;';'~'=)~"7~~';"~;;;"'''&N;'n,,'',"' i " I Property Address: ~q~ t\^-#>C~IA.--: ~ i 'ST'f'U-.IV., +..... ~' .flt-. I ISize of Propert.,.: <2'.t.t AcresljJi: Sguare Feet [1 I ""-';."M'" :..".,'.:jl~",~4':m-;)))""ht;;;:I>-1;C;';:i:;::sw":T~~9,jtt:''-fr#-;'';'1};~i:\<,,j;,,"~"""~";:::'!!~,,"!iq:i:;;;"'M;~'";:j{,<~t,,;~i~~a~_~~'?ii>~'~""W'~"'}.'''!t,~rU;,,,iit'..li:.;;O;',j;~iO!ll!~!'~.t, ;-.-:;j~1i{~~ffi:;~~'.1tt~':'I!,;~:,~;;.t~'~"'idj'\f~",~:rOi!~:F;~:"iI ;;'/{cif~::'.\::;j-C;:"1'Jli>.R.e!!Z~~:;rs:.'~(~ it .S'i';j-~..~-I!I; J D,escriPti~n of If you are filling in this Form by hand, please attach your proposal description tt this application. I Proposal. <::::.~ ~~""i"'t:" (p\.....'P' .~':.~ L;.....~....j^-:>e:'~ Signatures: Piease.siqn and rint your name and date in the a ropriate b~X on the next I . -. Associated Cases: Icase No.: IAPPlication Fee: $ ; ITOTAL FEES: $ Siqns: I Date: ITechnical Fee: $ . Reviewed by: I I: Post~qe Fee: $ PROJECT NUMBER: L Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 5 " Signatures The undersigned acknowledges 'that the information in this application is correct and acc~rate. . Applicant: Date: Signature Print If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Owner: Date: Signature Print Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 5 : Tree Felling Permit Application Proc.ess 1. Applicant Submits a Tree Felling Permit Application to the Development Services Department . The application must conform to the Tree Felling Permit Submittal Requirements Checklist on page 4 of this application packet. . Planning Division staff screen the submittal at the front countE;r to determine - whether all required items listed in the Tree Felling Permit Submittal Requirements Checklist have been submitted. .- " . Applications missing required items will not be accepted for submittal. 2. City Staff Conduct Detailed Completeness Check · Planning Division staff conducts a detailed completeness check within 30 days of - I submittal. · The a:ssigned Planner notifies the applicant in writing regarding the completeness of . the application. ' . An application is not be deemed technically complete until all i,nformation necessary to evaluate the proposed development-,its impacts, and its compliance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code and other applicable codes and statutes have been provided. . . Incomplete applications, as well as insufficient or unclear data, will delay the application review process and may result in deriial. 3. City Staff Review the Application and Issue a Decision . This is a Type II decision and thus is made after public notice" but without a public hearing, unless appealed. . . . Mailed notice is provided to property owners and occupants w,ithin 300 feet of the property being reviewed and to any applicable neighborhood association. In addition, the applicant must post one sign, provided by the Ci~y, on the subject property. '. , .- There is a 14-day publiC comment period, staring on the date!notice is mailed. :; . Applications are distributed to the Development Review Committee, and their comments are incorporated into a decision that addresses all applicable approval. criteria and/or development standards, as well as any written 'comments from those given notice. . Applications may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. · The City mails the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the decision, which is effective on the day it is mailed. . The decision issued is the final decision of the City but may be appealed within 15 calendar days to the Planning Commission or Hearings Official. Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 3 of 5 ., /-." Tree Felling Permit submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ' o Submitted Concurrently with Site Plan Review or land Division applications, where applicable. . o Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are . collected at the time of complete application submittal. o Tree Felling Permit Application Form o Copy of the Deed o Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days docymenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. o Narrative explaining th'e proposal and any additional information that milY have a bearing in determining the action to be taken, including findings demonstrating compliance with the Tree Felling Permit Criteria as specified in SDC 5.19-125 (see page 4 of this application). NOTE: Before the Director can issue a Tree Felling Permit, information submitted by the applicant must adequately support the request. All of the Tree Felling Permit Criteria must be addressed by the applicant. Incomplete applications, as well as insufficient or unclear data, will delay the application review process and may result in denial. In certain circumstances, it is advisable to hire a professional planner or land use attorney to prepare the required findings, The Director or the Public Works Director may require the applicant. to provide the services of a professional forester (approved by the City), licensed hydrologist, or licensed lan'dscape architect in order to address the standards in SDC 5.19-125 for undeveloped property greater than 10 acres in size or 15% slope or above an elevation of 670 feet. o Three (3) Copies ofa Plot Plan drawn to scale to include: o The species or common name of the trees . o The location of trees to be removed and their sizes o The method of tree removal and the hauling route to be used o A desc~iption of any plan (Vegetation and Re-vegetation Report) to r~place, landscape or otherwise reduce the effect of the felling that addresses the applicable criteria in SDC 5.19-125. o . Copy of the Plot Plan Reduced to 8'12" X 11",which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. ' 4 of 5 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian , I 5.19-125 Criteria :~ . The Director, in consultation with the Public Works Director and the Fire Chief shall approve, approve with conditions or deny the request based on the following criteria: A. . Whether the conditions of the trees with respect to disease, hazardous or unsafe conditions, danger of falling, proximity to existing structures or proposed constructiO'n, or interference with utility services or pedestrian or vehicular traffic safety warrants the proP9sed felling. B. Whether the proposed felling is consistent with State standards, Metro ~Ian policies and City Ordinances and provisions affecting the environmental quality of the are,a, including but not limited to, the protection of nearby trees and windbreaks; wildlife; erosion, soil retention and stability; volume of surface runoff and water quality of streams; scenic quality; and geological sites. C. Whether it is necessary to remove trees in order to construct proposed improvements as specified in an approved development plan, grading permits and construction drawings. ,'! D. In the event that no Development Plan has been approved by the City, f!llling of trees will be permitted on a limited basis consistent with the preservation of the site'sJuture development potential as prescribed in the Metro Plan and City development regulati6ns, and consistent with the following criteria. II 1. Wooded areas associated with natural drainageways and waterareas shall be retained to preserve riparian habitat and to minimize erosion; I ~I " 2. Wooded areas that will likely provide attractive on-site views to o:ccupants of future developments shall be retained; 3. Wooded areas along ridge lines and hilltops shall be retained fot their scenic and wildlife value; !: 4. Wooded areas along property lines shall be retained to serve as' buffers from adjacent properties; . :i, . , 5. Trees shall be retained in sufficiently large areas and dense stan,ds so as to ensure against windthrow; , 6. Large-scale clear-cuts of developable:areas shall be avoided to 'retain the wooded character of future building sites, and so preserve housing and design options for future City residents. " E. Whether the applicant's proposed replanting of new trees or vegetation is an adequate substitute for the trees to be felled. F. Whether slash left on the pr(lperty poses significant fire hazard or liability to the City. G. Whether the felling is consistent with the guidelines specified in the F'ield Guide to Oregon Forestry Practices Rules pUblished by the State of Oregon, Department of Forestry, as they apply to the northwest Oregon region. H. Whether transportation of equipment to and equipment and trees from 'the site can be accomplished without a major disturbance to nearby residents. I' Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 5 of 5 .' The Child Center Tree Felling Plan Compliance Statement I. SUMMARY A. Summarv of Reouest This request for a Tree Felling Permit is submitted for concurrent review with The Child Center Site Plan Review application, According to Springfield Code Section 5.19-110, the Tree Felling Permit is required since more than 5 trees 5-inch dbh (diameter at breast height) or iarger are planned for removal as part of The Child Center proposed project at 3995 Marcola Road in Springfield, Oregon. B. Proiect Obiectives Operating since 1971, The Child Center provides a unique, valuable service to families in Lane County. The Child Center strives to enhance the quality of services being provided and improve the safety of the site's access and on-site circulation. In addition, to address concerns regarding the impact of the existing gravel~tparking area on a key source_of drinking water for EWEB customers, The Child Center proposes to relocate the parking area to an upper plateau causing the necessary and unavoidable impact on a number of large trees. In light of the extent of tree loss on the site, The Child Center has created an ambitious plan for new landscaping and will continue to preserve numerous trees on areas of the site outside the area impacted by development. C. Overview of The Child Center Camous . The Child Center is located on a generally terraced site on Marcola Road near the , Hayden Bridge Road intersection. The entire development site includes about 8.4 acres. The improved portion of the campus is significantly less and encompasses about 4.2 acres. Currently, there is a gravel parking lot at the lower plateau primarily for staff, visitor parking spaces on the upper plateau, and overflow parking spaces at the older residence used for office space. The property is surrounded by natural vegetation at the property lines to the east and west, the Mckenzie River to the south and Marcola Road to the north. The existing buildings and site infrastructure are to remain except for the existing outpatientjoffice building of about 784 square feet. - arlie (?company . 2911 Ten'n~'son Avc"nue, Suite 400 0 .Eugellc',~,Oregon 97408 w w w . a r lie. C 0 n1 . P h 0 n e 541- 344 - 5 5 0 0 Fax 54 1 . 4 8 5.2550 .. III a j I . a r I i ~ . com .',', ';@,i ,,,,' II, SITE INFORMATION Location: The Child Center is located at 3995 Marcola Road, Springfield, Oregon near the Hayden Bridge Road intersection. Tax Lots: Lane County records identify the site as Lane County Assessor's Map 17-02-20-00, Tax Lot 700 and 17-02-30-00, Tax Lots 100 and 200. l,&!!al Descriotion: (Refer to Legal Description under separate cover.) Acreaqe: The Chiid Center's entire development site is about 8.4 acres according to the County Assessment and Taxation records. The portion of the site with improvements consists of about 4.2 acres. The portion of the site affected by the proposed project is approximately 1.9 acres. Address: 3995 Marcola Road, Springfield, Oregon 97477. Ownershio: The site is owned by Mental Heaith for Children (The Child Center). III. TREE FELLING PERMIT CRITERIA . The Director shall approve, approve with conditIons, or deny a Tree Felling Request based on the following criteria in Springfield Development Code SectIon 5.19-125: A. - Whether the conditions of the trees with respect to disease, hazardous or unsafe conditions, danger of falling, proximIty to existing structures or proposed construction, or interference With utility services or pedestrIan or vehicular traffIc warrants the proposed felling. The condition necessitating cutting trees pertains to: 1) proximity of trees to existing and proposed new structu-res; 2) re-Iocation of an existing parking area; and 3} enhanced pedestrian and vehicular circulation. School safety was a primary design factor as The Chiid Center considered various site designs. The location of the proposed new building will provide visual surveiilance of anyone entering the site from Marcola Road. Its prominent location on the campus will help create a welcoming entrance with clear, safe circulation for those driving, using the bus, or bicycling to the site. The Child Center initially did not envision relocating the lower parking area, In early consuitations with City staff and utility providers, the original concept presented by The Chiid Center retained use of the existing gravel parking area The Child Center Tree Felling Permit Compliance Statement December 1, 2009 Page 2 of 4 ~@;. _in the lower plateau. This alternative design would have retained more trees in the upper area of the site, but did not sufficiently address concerns about ground water contamination from the proximity of the lower plateau parking area to the river. After careful consideration of a number of factors, the proposed design best addresses the core objectives of The Child)Center and public agency staff. The proposed design shifts the parking areaiito the upper plateau close to the main buildings on the campus and farther aytay from the river.. B. Whether the proposed felling is consistent with State standards, Metro II Plan policies and City Ordinances and provisions affecting the environmental quality of the area, including but not limited to, the protection of nearby trees and windbreaks; wildlife; erosion, soil retention and stability; volume of swface runoff and water quality of streams; scenic quality; and geological sites. - ' The subject property does not contain any Statewide Goal 5 resources. The subject property is designated in the Metro Plan as Heavy Industhal although the City of Springfieid zoned The Child Center campus as Parks and open Space consistent with a former Metro Plan designation and to reflect the existing use of the property. About half of the development site will retain all existing trees and will not be impacted by the proposed development. To the extent practicable the proposed site plan preserves existirighabitat areas for wildlife; minimizes changes in the existing grade; and retains, treats, and disposes of all stormwater runoff on-site thru the use of bio-swales. The proposed tree feiling will have a significant impact on the scenic quality of the site. To mitigate for the proposed tree felling, a landscaping plan has been prepared that will result in 84 new trees being planted on the site. These trees . will provide seasonal color, habitat areas fora variety of wildlife ~nd a greater variety to minimize concerns about disease or infestations. C. Whether It is necessary to remove trees in order to construct proposed improvements as specified in an approved development plan, grading. permits and construction drawings. ., The Tree Felling Permit is necessary to allow trees to be cut t6 construct proposed improvemel1ts to The Child Center.. Please refer to The Child Center Site Plan Review application being processed concurrently. D. In the event that no Development Plan has been approveci by the City... No tree removal that requires a Tree Felling Permit will occur until the City has approved The Child Center Site Plan Revie~. The Child Center Tree Felling Permit Compliance Statement December 1, 2009 Page 3 of4 ;~i E. . Whether the applicant's proposed replanting oftrees or vegetation is an adequate substitute for the trees to be fel/ed. The proposed replanting plan provides a substantial number and varfety of new trees. Extensive new landscape planting beds are proposed along Marcola Road providing an attractive visual amenity and on-site stormwater treatment areas. There are also several new landscape planting beds surrounding existing buildings and the proposed new outpatienVassessment building. A new plaza area will provide an amenity for The Child Center campus and increase the variety of trees on the property, The proposed landscape plan preserves a significant number of trees on the _development site and provides a greater diversity of plants that will result in a wider range of forage and habitat areas for wildlife. Although 23 trees will be removed, the Planting Plan (Sheet L1) and Site Plan (Sheet L2) indicate 84 new trees will be planted on The Child Center campus. This will result in a replacement ratio of 3.6:1. For every tree removed at least 3.6 new trees will be planted. F. Whether slash left on the property poses significant fire hazard or liabifity to the City. Prior to any tree removal, The Child Center will design a strategy to ensure that large, unattended piles of slash are not left on the site in a way that would pose a significanUire hazard or liability. The Child Center plans to.promptly remove and recycle debris. G. Whether the felling is consistent with the guidelines specified in the Field Guide to Oregon Forestry Practices Rules pUblished by the State of Oregon, Department of Forestry, as they apply to the northwest Oregon region. The Oregon Forestry Practices apply to State owned forestland. The Child Center campus is not owned by the State nor is it considered forestland. The Child Center will follow safe forestry practices while felling trees on the property including careful attentiontowards maintaining a safe environment for students and staff. H. Whether transportation of equipment to and equipment and trees from the site can 'be accomplished without a major disturbance to nearby residents. The Child Center is not adjacent to any residential property and has direct access to Marcola Road and is frequently used by heavy trucks for the transportation of equipment and logging trucks. There will be no disturbance to residents in the area. The ChHd,Center Tree Felling Permit Com pliance Statement December 1, 2009 Page 4 of 4 ~ " ",:./ ;~.@J' Ii I Ii -jl I JOB NQ: "7.-Ulr~7_t 1 PROJECT: --n:wz ~~ c~- I- ]i I' Ii I II DATE: /'~. ?--l '~ _ 1 FROM: U.v-.u..I~ li~~" 1 VIA: 0 Mail 0,1 Courier 0 ~ick.up I \IX'! Hand.del)vered 0 , 11 DESCRIPTION Ii .., ... ii l"'h,<.e.t'\.'^^-'.~ _ I........~.:...r .~ljIIl \ h . , - I' I .,..,. ~.,,~ ""', ~ '12""''1 ~.~,~ "'l>>"JN~IEiA'~'':"'; ....~II::;: ~'F ~"- '_"'7. '.' "0. ~,~ A"'f>II'Y-1. e:l'~"""''''''' ...... ~_~,__,,,," "'-,....., ~. t..: - \. . - - ~ r IJ - _..~\ - 17..7.N\ ':""~~ 1 -r""",~ p~~ Ii -- <S~'?~..... ~L~ ....,....., ,CG'''''-T'\..t~'<:: 1~~3"^"'-"^tj Is \. ("/.I,' ~f-;- ~ T">':-~.."...:..,.,._ !!' I! ,I, II JI II THESE ITEMS ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW OR OTHERWISE NOTED II OD Submitfor Distribution ill Returned After Loan [] As Indicated Below I: , LETTER OF TRA~SMITT AL I TO: 1 fill ~\" l--l,^^-~ 'I 0 .\ to, . .,./ ......... g ~ ~b'''''~A\6'X- 10 10 10 COPIES DATE I 1'Z..:ll:. f)q 1\ 1\ II 1I \I .'.' D Approved as Submitted D Approved as Noted D Returned with Comments D Rejected , D Resubmit for Approval D As Requeste~ REMARKS: TBG ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS/INC 132 EaSt Broadway, Suite 200 ,'Eugene, Oregon 97401 c Tel: 541.687_1010 Fax: 541.687.0625 tbeC@tbe:-arr:h.r:o"m I 1 I I I 1 I 1 " I 1 D For Approval , D For Your Use o For Review and Com-ment j'~ II JI Ii PQE.SUBMITIAl RI:~'D nt:r 22:2009 I! I' JI If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone ,)...A., \J Job/Journal Number PRE2009-00032 Payments: Type of Payment Check cl{eceintl RECEIPT #: 3200900000000000829 Description CTY Site Plan Rvw Tentative Paid By THE CHILD CENTER Received By tj .' Page I of I Item Total: , Check Number Authorization Batch Number Number lIow:IReceived " 28090 In Person I' Payment Total: Ii " (',"';' of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department I Public Works Department " Date: 12/22/2009 2:54:30PM Amount Du'e 346_00 $346.00 Amount Paid $346,00 $346.00 PRE.SU~MITTAL REC'D DEe 2 2 2009' 12/22/2009 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRE2009-00032 3995 Marcola Road J!:! ~ tc Q. I rRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O DEe 2 2 2009 North + o. ('.j , ~' " The Child Center Site Plan Review Conmliance Statement t SUMMARY A. Summarvof RequeSt, This request is for Site Plan Review approval for a new single-story, outpatienVqssessmept bliilding witha~ci~ted site improvements to Th~ Child Genter located at 3995lViarcola Road In Spnngfield~ ,Oregon. The proposed new office building is about 5,151 square feet in size and will be located nea,r rhe_ existing office buildings on the site, The Site Plan Review application includes information for the entire development site, although the focus of the request is fo'f propbsed changes to the existing facility and grounds. The proposed new building '1ill shift where services are provided on the site andir'nprove the quality of office space. , . The proposed new building is not intended to accommodate additional staff but to provide abetter environment forcounseiing and assessment of youth. ,The proposed newquildihg and other site improvements will,also nptincr~asettJe number of children thatwill besenied on The Child center campus: S. Proiect Obip.ctives Operating since 1971, The Chiid Center provides a unique, valuable serviqe to families in Lane County. The:proposed site plan primarily addresses the fbllowirig objectives: 1. Enhance the quality of services byil1!proving,the office space us~d.for counseling and assessm,ent activities, ' 2. ll1!prove the safety of the site's access and on-site circulation for busses, motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians, In response to suggestions from EWES and City of Springfield staff. the project also incorporates relocating the lower parking area to a higher eleVation and g,;eater _distance from the river. The existing lower parking area is very cloSe to a ~ajor s()urce of drinking wat~r for EWER The proposed projectwiH retain the existing unimproved gravelar~a fot emergency vehicles but will not be:used on a regular, daily basis by the child Center. Relocating the parking area requires a su~stantial . sapital invf"!stmentbYthe GhHdc;enterand is dependent on a successful fypdraising campaign. Relocating the parking area will reduce thepotentiainegatJve ' environmental impCic1sonwCiter quality and riparian ve~etation_ .' PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O DEe 22 2009 .arfLe',c,1'ctnllP"an.y . 291.1 Tennyso.n A,v8flue, Suite '400,. t<J-ge,rle. Oregon 97408 ..,~ i; t_,fi\~_.: 'w,Vy\.'.'.e:riie.com. PhCl'ne 541-34ii,-5500 Fax 541.~4S5-2550 . maI!.3rlie.co-m ji ' . ", " C. Overview of The Child f.enter Services, The Child Center is a community-based private non-prQfitagency that has served the Lane County region since 1971. the Child Center provides a continuumof . psychiat/'ic and 'special education programs to childr~n with severe emotional. and mental disorders. Day treatment services include therapeutic and special edU(:ation programs that provid~ .sho(t~term, intensive, or school-based assistance" tochildren ages 3. to;12. Day treatment services are provided on a on&-to:-one basis or in small groups atThe Child Center. The Child Center also provides individual or srrli3ll gr()up counseling at other locations'including the child's home or schoo!. This cOrTlmunity- based out,patient prograni focuses on ctiilcirenbetweentheages of3 and 18with emotiona,l, behavioral and mental disorders. A crisis hotline is also mainta.iried to - provide a 2~hour response to a mental health emergency thatinetudes a child. This hotlinecan activa.te a mobile response team, a_variety of respite care options and.a referral system that Mips the child receive appropriate care. Over the past few years, children are increasingly served in area schools. Approximately 24 staff provide services while working at area school sites. Thissi1ift in where ,services are provided has also resulted in a decrease in the nUl}lber of school busses transportingchildren to The Child Center. D. OverView of The Child _Center Campus The Child Center is located on a generally terraced site on Marcola Road :nearthe Hayden Bridge Road intersection, The entire development site includes about 8.4 acres. The improved portion ofthe campus is significantly less and ericompasses about 4,2 acres. The existing campus includes: Outpatient/()ffice building ~ 784 square feet (to be demolished) Older residence/office - 1,200 square feet ' Maintenance bUilding -1,200squareJeet Administration buiiding - 4,717 square feet Classroom building -2,479 sqiJare feet Office/classroom building - 3,611 square feet Modular office/classroom -1,850 square feet Wprary _ 1,200 square feet PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O DEe 2 Z 2009 Currently, there is a gravel parking lot at the lower plateau primarily for staff, visitor parkingspac~ on the upper pla~eau, and overflow parking spaces at the ol,der residenGe used for office space. ' _ The property is~urroundedl;)y natural vegetation atttle property lines to the east and , west, the Mckenzie River to the south and Marcola Road to the north, The eXisting The Child Center Compliance Statement December 1. 2009 Page 2 of8 .:; I ,- - ~: " -.;,,"'.... t;>ulldings,and site infrastructure are to remain except for the older resider]cej1,200 . . '. ." ,- . . ~! square foot office l:lUHdirig,' .- : 1\ II. SITE INFORMATION Location: The Child Center is located at 3995 Marcola Road, Spri[igfield, Oregon near the Hayden Bridge Road intersection. (Refer to Vicinity Map under sepllrateGover.) ; t Tax Lots: Lane County records identify the site as Lal1eCou~ty AJeS:>or's Map 1i.02-:W,.Q0, Tax Lot 700 llnd 17,.Q2~30,.QO, Tax Lots100ari~d200. (Refer to Composite Assessor's MapiJnder Separate cOver.)' .:1 I: Jell's! Descriotion: (Refer to Legal Description under separate covrr.) Acreagg: The Child' Center's entire deveiopment site is about 8.4'acres . accordingto the County Assessment and Taxation re.cords. The p6rtion of the site with improvements consists of about4.2 acres. The area affected by the proposed development is only ab6ut1.9 acres. ., Address: 3995 Marcola .Road"Springfield, Oregon 97477 Ownership:. The site is owned by Mental Health for Children (The <;hiJd Center). (Refer totheDeecl and Preliminary Title RepoitiJ"nder separate cover.) " Surrouridim1' Land:Usesf Acces5l: The site isloeated <iHhe edge ofthe Springfield Urban. Growth Bouridaryon .-. -. -, '-." - ". '.. .'. , '- l~' the south side of Mar cola Road, Qnthe north side of the site, acrOss Marcola Road, is property used forindustrial actiVity. Oil the east side of t~e property is openspace with the McKenzie River <ib()ut50 feet aWaY, The McKeni:ie River provideS the site with a .riCltural scElnlc border along this porti!mof the property: In general, the.siteis fairly secluded withnodeve!opment imrnediately adjacent to the site,. The prirnaryaccess to the site islvia Marcola Road. (~efer tq Photographs of Site & VicinitY under separate cov~r.) , Plan Land Use De..~i~nation: The subject property was ilnnexed to the City of Springfield in January of 1975. Atthat time the property was designated ih the Metropolitan Area General Plan as Parks and Open ,Space. AsofApri11, 2000, the Metro Plan [)iagrarn continlJed to desigllatethe subject property as ParkS ar'idOpen Spate. Perhaps in an effort to res61vethe potentiaLconflict between the' Metro Plan designation and local zoning or due to a rnapping'error, the Metro Plan Diagr';l[ndated April 4,.2004 d<;isiMatedthe subject property:~s HeilVY Industrial. The tvletro Pian Diagram currently designates the subject property as Heavy Industrial. ,. The Child Center ComplianCe stat13.me,nt , December 1, 2009 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D Page 3 of)8.{ 2 2~P09 "', Zoninlt The site is zoned Public Land & Open Spa~e. Property to the north is zoned either HeavylndiJstrial or Public Land &OpenSpace. A narroW strip of land to the west, south of Marcola Road is zoned Heavy Industrial. Property to the south is outside the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary and governed by County zoning regulationS. (Refer to Zoning Map lmder separate cover.) III. BACKGROUND OF THE SITE ~ In March of 2004, The Child Center initiated a zone change application for the subject property to bring ~he zoning into compliance wlththeMetro Plan designation and to make the uSes consistent with the-zoning. (Refer to City case no.ZON2004- 00Q05.) On May 18, 2004, the SPril)gfield Plannirig,Commission approvedcthe requested change iri zoning from HI Heavy Industrialto i:>Ld Public Land and Open Space. According to.the Final Drderapproved by the Spririgfield:Planning Commission, the zone change would bring the property in conformity with the Metro Plan designation of Parks &Operi Space. In addition; the PLO zoning 'wo~idpermit private, not-for~ profit schools and treatment facilities;theref()re alleviatingthe non-conforming status'. The FinaiOrder acknowledged that following approval of the zone change, The Child Center intended to submit_a Site Plan Review application for the expansion of the existing treatment facility. IV. SITEPlAN.REVIEW"APPROVALCRITERIA The O;;-ector shall approve or approve with conditions: a Type II Site Plan Review application upon determining that approval criteria A. through E., below hi2vebeen satisfied. If conditions canriotbe attached to ~atisfY the approval criteria, the Oirectorshall deny the application. Decisions approving an application, or approving withcon"dliions shall be based on compliance with the following criteria in Springfield Development Code Section 5.17-125: A. The zoning is consistent with the Metroplan diagram, and/or the applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Pla(J. The Metro PJandesignates the subject site as Heavy Industrial. This.land use designation is intended toprovidel.and forqusinesseSth?t will help di"erse the economy aM that often have,Ul'lique characteristicS .;yith spe.cial siting requirements. To provide consistency between the former plan.designation of Parks,al)d Operi $pace and local zoning, the SPringfield Planning Commission approved a requeStfrqmTheChild Center to change the zoning from HI Heavy Industrial to PLO Public Land and Open Space. ,Accordingto Seclion3:2~705, th~PLOtcineis establ.ishedtoptovid~land for governmentand educational uses. Tt;tese inciudeschools arid treatmerit facilities. ' , - The Child, Center COrnplianc~ Statement December 1, 2009 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D DEe 2 2 2009 Page4of8 ~-@:: "'~' ".,...~. " , There is no applicable City Refinement Plan, Plan,District map, or COnceptual Development Plan for The Child Center. I;. B. Capacity requirements of ptiblic and private facilities. includIng but not limited to, water and electricity; sanitary se~er andstormw4ter ,. management faCjlities;andstreel;$and traffic safetycontruls shall flOt be exCeeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve "", ,,-," - ," , .' '. ..' ,- . - . the site at the time of development, unless otherwise provided far by ., .' , " , " '; , ," - _,' ' , ~ I' _' _ _. this code and other applicable regulations. The PiJblicWdrJ{s Director . . -- . ," . ,- . .' ,."" .." . Ora utility provider shall determine capacity issues. " The subject prapertyis within the SpringfiE!ldUrban .Growth Boundary.and the City limits. It is currently served by the key urban services as prescribedinthe . '.' . - ',. .... . .... I;", . Metro Plan exceptfor storm water- facilities. Since there .are no stormwater . _ ': .' . 1_ ,- ,. ," .. . facilities available to the site, the project will include retaining; treatingiand disposingof all stormwater on .siteand thruthe use of vegetatedinpltration basins (rain gardens). ~, C. The proposed development shall comply withallappllcable pUblic and private design and construction standards containedin this'iCodeand other applicable fl:lgulations. . '. ..'. . The.Child Center is an()n-profitorganitation.establishedin 1971aQd operatingatthe prElSent site since 1974 when itpun:;hased and o~upied the forrner Town and Country Day School.- Following the'initialland acquisition, The.Child Center purchased an adjoining lotto the southeast to exqaJ'ld the , facility to sef\1e th_egr6wing volume of studentS needing treatment services. ASs'essor's Map 17..o2c30-00, Lot 100 remains undeveloped excepJ: for a 0,_ ," ", _ ,'_' " .- _,' " _ ."1' . single-family dwelling rented to staff ofThe Child Center. The propOsed . , cha~ges t6the site are limited toa small portion of the developrhent site. .-.' .".' ,"-' . '.., '.' , . - -' ," /' Proposed new-site improvements complyWitl1 applicablestandard~as further discussed,below. Section 4,2-105 PublicStreetS . . The proposed development does n()ttrigger the need to create or ex1;enc:i any- neWp~blicstreets.The Child CenterwillcontinlJeto have direct adcess to Marcola Road, a minor arterial street. The section of Marcola Roaq adjacent , to'The Child center meets the standard street right-<Jf-way and paving width dimen~ions. No additional public right-<Jf-way or street impr6vemehts are . needed. One existiilg.curb cutjdrivewayorrMarcola Road will be closed as part ofthewoject The. closed curb cutjdriveway,will berepJaced with a standard curb, sidewalk and plantillgstiip consistent with the rest 9fthe .. streetfrbntage abtjtting the property on Marcola Road. PRE-SUBMITIAL REC'D DEe 2 2 Z009 The Child Center COinpliance'Statement December i, 2009 Page 5 0(8 ~~ ~, ~"'" Section,4.2 '" 120 Site Access and Driveways Currently there are two driveways on . Marcola Road that serve The Child Center campus. Both of the existing driveways 1jre locatedaqhe northeast area of the campus and each allow full turning movements. The centerline of each drive\'lay,is ~jthi[laboLit 50 feet ?l1dthe edge MUte pavernent ~reas are within 30 feet. This driveway spaCing is confusing to the motorist and does not meet the spacing standards for safe tumingmOvements:, Furthermore, themail1 drivewgy entrance has an unusual c~nfiguration irjimediately after eJiteringthe sit~.' One existing drivew<:lY is,on.AsSessorMap 17-:02-20, Lot700 arid _the .second is on AssesSor Map 17-02-30, T8)( Lot 100: There is currentlyl1o.pUblIc . acceSs from MarcOla Road to Assessor Map 17.,()2-30, Tax Lot20010cated in the southern portion of the campus. Th~re is also no public access from Marcola Road to AssessOr Map 17"{)2-30, Lot 100. . . . . . . -..... -.' ,-. . , ." . . - . The proposed development retains two driveways to the site but significantly enhances the safety .of tile ,access and, on-site circulCltiqn by increasing the distance betWeen the tyio driv~'i-'ays and aligning one driveway with an existing one on the opposite side of Marcola Road. Although the existing driveway to the lower plateau will be retained, it will primarily serVe as an additionalaccessfor emergency vehicles or occasional needs to do repair and rriaintenance on the buiidings or grounds, In general, the driveway to:the lower plateau will be barricaded arid will notbe availa~le to the general public, According to a publication titled, /TETechniccil Committee TENC-10S-Ol: SchoOl SitePlam1ing; DesigMmd Transportation; "Road user safety In and around school areas is ahighlYsensitjvesubject among th~ public, s\;hool officials; and local officlals:"- The Institute ofTrnnsportiItion Engineers (ITE) recognized this probierriand established a technical commitlee to address it One of the key factors the committee recommends is thl'ltaccess, toa school Campus should occur from more than one driveway, and major driveWays should be carefuUy located to avoid left:turri conflicts with driveways and intersections on the opposite side of the, street. The proposed access to The Child Center will improve the driveway locations and on-site circulation thus enhancing public safety. They will not cr~ate an unsafe traffiCC9nditiori and will be less confusing than the current situation to The Cl1ild Center patrons and staff. According to SPringfield Code Secti6n4.27120(,l\)(1), all developed lotS shall have an approved access either directly to a public street; a private street that conne~s to a pUblic street; or through an irrevocable joint use/access easement. The Childc:enter Campusincludes threede,veloped lots, Two of these lots tiave frontage on Marc{)la Hoad and will colitfriue to have direct access toa public street The third iot does not have direct access to the PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O December 1, 2009, . Page 6 018 .'.' DEe 22 Z009 .'. The <:;hild Center Compliance Statement - . ".~: ~~~. CiJO''- , - " street and thUs requires either a private street connection or Cityapproval of an irrevocable joint use/access easenient. Upon request by the _City; the ."'.. ' - '-., _' - ' 1\ applicant will submit an irrevocable joint use/access easementforl,Tax lot 100. The Code does not liniit a developed lot to one access. As described above, providing at least two driveways to a school jsverYimporta~t for safe ingress.and egress. . According tl)Table 42-2; the width of a ?"way driveway 1)hall be a Ininimum of 24 feet and a maXinium of 35 feet. The Child Center drivewaYSWiil be 35 feet , ", . . ..,.,..:- ..: '-.; - -'. _..,' -'-. .. __ '. ..-. '., l -", inwidthat1he property line.to accommodatebusturningmovemer\ts: Each driveway has a throat depth of 60 feet from the start of the drivew~y ,:lnd at least $5 feet from,the property line, exceedingthe minimum standard. As,statedpreviously, the ,two existingdrivewaysserving_The'Child Genter are, within 50 feet. According to Table 4:2'-4; the minimum separation should be . - """, - .._',. '__' -' ... . . '."' .'- ' , f' 200 feeL The centerline of the proposed new driveway locations will be about "-: .'. '.. ". ".. . '- -.. -- -'I 260 feet exceeding the minimum requirement and-resulting in a significantly . , . l' safer environment. D. Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffic, bicyCle arid pedestrian Safety to avoid congestion; provide cOnnectivity within the de~lopment a~a andto adjacent reSidential areas, transit st:o~, neighborhood actiyity centelS, and commercial, industrial and public areas; minitnize driveways on arteriill and cOllector streets as specified in this Cocje or other applicable regulations afld comply withthe ODor acCess management Standards for State highways. ; The ProP9sed driveway loc"!tions and the ()vera.1I site design v:iIl pr9vide safe mgressandegress for all modes of transportatIOn. Busses will enter,the . . - 1 campus from the western driveway and drop off or pick up students without . any back-up or_ circuitoustuming movllmentS. Students entering dt exiting the bus stop area hiolVe safe, clearly defined waikways to an attractive butdoor : open space and nearby buildings. BicyclistS are provided conveniJnt, easy access to covered biKe rackS ahd a nt~twork-ofpedestrian paths tel nearby buildings. Pedestrian acceSs will be provided primarilifroh1 the eastern . , "-.' .' . - F driveway with a.series of pedestricm paths providing on-site circulatioli. The Child Center IS not adjacent to a residential area, transit stop, , neighborhood activity center, or other uses that would benefit with!'additional con nectivity. to abutting properties. As stated above; the proposed'changes to driveway locations on Marcola Road are in compliance with the Springfield Code standards and a~dress the unique access requirement? for sch,ools and other uses servingyol,lth. Locating the proposed new driveway further to the east would result in increased pavilig and unnecessarily impactTaj( lot 100. The thiid .Center . Compliance Statement December 1,2009 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D . Ii Page 7 of 8 DEe 2 2 2009 Ii Ii " i@~ .-;.~.; - E. PhysiCal featureS, including, but not limited to: steep stopeS with unstable soil or geologic conditions; areaswith sus~ptibility of flooding; significant clusters of trees and shrubs; Watercourses shown on the wQLW Map an(j theirClssociated riparian areas; wetlands; rock Outctoppings;open spaces; and. areas of historic and/or atchaeoiogicaJ significance, as .may be specifiedin Section 3.3-fjOO or ORSQ7.74-1J-,760, 358:90~955aiJd 3~0.23f?-240, sha." be protected as specified in this Code or inStat~ot Federai law. ' .' The Child Center campus does not c()ntain any Statewide Goal 5 resources. The proposed ~ite challgesavoid development on steep slopes or area !iuSceptible to flooding. To enhance protection of dri'nking water; the parking area in the lower elevations of the site will be relocated to the upper plateau. There are no _w~tlands or rbckoutcropping~ on the sit~ that are Impacted by the proposed development. There are no known significant archaeological resou rces. The Child Center propOsed site plan will resuit in the removal ofa cluster of Fir , , and-Oak trees. (Please referlo the Tree Felling Plan submitted.under separate cover.) The Child Center design team, carefully evalu.atedalternative locations for th~ proposed.new building. The. proposed design reinforces the main entrance to the campus thru the.location and orientation of .the new office building. The new building will Provide the optirnumsafetyfor children and visitors. For campussl;curity, the, newbuildingwili provide staff excellent visual surveillance of people arriving or departing from the campus and a way to ensure only authorized visitors have access to the remainderofthe campus. In response to requests from City staffandEWEB to relocate the parking area from.the lower plateau to theupperelevati6n, the design also preVents the . ability to fully preserve the existing cluster of Fir and Oaktrees; Again,for furth-er rationale concerning the number and type of trees being cut, please refer to the Tree Felling Plan submitted separately. , . PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O DEe 2 2 2009 The Child Center ComplianeeStatement December 1. 2009 Page 8 of 8 ~~- ~:' ;"'- 10/1212009 15:39 FAX 541 736 1c, CITY OF SFRINGFIELD FW , , BRANCH ENG I4i 002 I! ' PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTIv\ENT I Engineering Division 'fax: (541) 736-1021 Ii STORMW1\}':E:Rl\1A}.JA,crEMENT SYS,TEM SCOPE OF,: W9~ , ',:'" '_'' :" '~(Areabelo",llrtslinejiIiedoutb]!Applu:a."t)- , ""':;"_.' , (please r~m to}{atJ 8/ouder@ CiJy a/Springfield Public Works Engineering; Fax # 73&;1021,~Pho."e # 73&;lOilS.) , Project Name: The Child Center .Assessors Parcel #: ,17-02-20 n.700 17-02-30 n.100 Land Use(s): Educational' VaoanT Project Siie (Acres): 1.8 Approx. IlI1pervious Area: 1.3 . ... ':. ". : '.~: " .~:.: \....:~. Project Description (Include a copy of Assessor's map): associated site improvements to the existing Childcarc faCl1ity, - Applicant: Date: Phone #: Fax#: Email: BTlUlCh'Ellgilleenng. Gleg Mower. PE 10/12/2009 ,I, 54J.746.0637 ,'1 541.746.0389 II greg(cilbrancbengineeriD'g_com -I , ....i... ........-." .... COJ)Stl1lction of single story 5,]77 sf outpatient/office building wilh- . b - . DrainageProposaJ (Public connection(s), discha;ge locarion(s), etc. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary: Storrowater from the proposed building and parking Jot will drain to the vegetated infiltration basin. The veg.tat.d infiltration basin is sized to contain the 25 year stonn event end a emergency overtlow is provided far any storm above the 25 ~ear event. The disch,!,"ge location is on-site infillIation ' Proposed S~u.~" ater Best Management Practices: Vegetated infiltration swale, tliIpped catch,' basins . , ': '- ,: :, ;':-. (Area below this line filled out bv the 9iIp and kelJlrnedlo Ihe AVlJl1cJJnl) + ' , ',' . -,. :(At a ;;'inlmun; oll.bo:<es checked by rhe Ciry on theftOnl and back a/this shee/sholl be submiaed 0,:' 'i : -- '-, -,c', /or';" applicqlian to be comp/e/efor sllbmilla/, u/though alher requirement. may be n..~~-,sor;y.) :";:, '-'-;,: Dr3.ina!!e Study Tvne lEDSPM Section 4.03.2): (Note, DR may be substituted for ~tionill Method) ~ . o Small Site Study - (use R.tiooal Method for calculations) , ' o Mid-Level Development Study - (use Unit Hydrograph Melhod for calculations) J&l. Full Drainage Development Study - (use Unit Hydrograpll Method for calculation;) Environmental Considerations: o Wellhead Zone: NA 0 Hillside De~elopment: rJ.^ , 0 Wetland/Riparian; #I't g Floodway/Floodplain: :hJr!~ AI:" 2. l:'~ _ .QSf Soil Type; t/u.\H.u-k, ~t.1kiy 1t,,~/,::14 ~'- O/7cl _ ~ Other Jurisdictions: Nt.- D alv . - a., (~. c ownstreamAn SlS: .I.h, '/-k...L / ) _ ~ N/A . Nt<<./fJ..$1 'J '--:J IIXMYI '. o Flow line for startillg water surface elevation: o Design HGL to use for starting water surface elevation: o Manhole/Junction to take analysis to: , - . I ' Return to Matt Stouder (llJ Citv of Snrlogfield. cmail: mstouder(llJci.springfield.or.us. F~: (541) 736--1021 PRE-SUBMIllAlREC'D - Ii DEC2 2 ?009 11 J' , , ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markarl~n 9 of 10 10/12/2009 15: 39 FAX 541 736 1021 <;- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW .,. .~CH ENG I4i 003 COMPLETESTUDYITEMS . I ForQjjjCIMl,l"ODly:15 ID!tZ.!c? I "8l1!:ed upon the Informer/Iotip,'ovided on thefront of this sheet, tll_followlng represenls a minimllm ofwht1t is neededfor em application 10 be cample/efor Sl/bmilrol with respect to drainage: how""e", this h,lshould not be used In Ii"" of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) or Ihe Ciry'-"s Engineering Design McmuoI, Compliance with these requirements does not constitute site approval; Addin'onai site specific. information m"J' be required. NOIe: Upon scoping sheet submit/ai, ensure compleledfarm has been signed in the space provided belaw: Interim Design StandllrdslWlller Qwilily (EDSPM Chapter 3) ~'d N/A . .. ,. ~ D All non-bui.\ding rooftop (NBR) :"'r-' . :ous surfaces shall be pre-tr~ted (e.g. multi-chambered catchbasin w/oi.\ filtnltion media) for stormwater quality. ,Additionally, a mlnlmum'ofSU% ofthe.NBR impervious sUrfacc sball be treated by vegetated methods. ' J2f D Where required, vegetative stormwater design shall be consisteDr with interim design standards (EDSl'M Section 3,02), set for1h by the Bureau ofEnvironmeatal Serviccs (BES) or Clean Water Services (CWS), o 0' For new NBR impervious,",ea Jess than 15,000 sguare feet, a simplified design approach may be followed as specified by thc BES for vegetative treatmenL 121 0, Ifa stormwater D'eatmetit swale is proposed, submit calculations/specifications for sizing; yelocity, flow, side slopes, bottom slopc, and seed mix consistent with either BES or CWS requirements. ' 0' D Wat<-r Quality calculations as required in Section 3,03.1 of the EDSPM o 0' AIl building rooftop mOUDted equipment, or other fluid containing equipment located outside oftbe building, shall be provided with second~ containOJe1)t or weather resis!ant enclosUfC. General Study lUquirements (EDSPl\f Section -4.03) , l2f 0 Drunage sllldy prepared by a l'rofessioDal Civil En~eer licensed in the state of Oregon. I2f' 0 A complete drainage study, as required io EDSPM Section 4.03.1, including a hydrological srody map. I2f D Calculations showing syStem capa<:jty for a 2-ycar storm ""eal and overflow effects ofa 25-ye.,. storm event. ~ 0 The time ofconcel)nation (Tc) sball be det.rmined using a 10 minute starr time for developed baiins. Revi.,," of DOWDstreaDl SysteDl (El)Sl'M Section 4.03.4.Q o [2( A downstream drainage analysiS as described in EDSPM Section 40i4.C. Oa-site drainage sball bc govcrncd by the aregon Plumbil),g Specialty Codc (OPSC), D .0" Elevations of the HGL and flow lines for both city and private systems where applicable. Design of Storm Systems (EDSPM SectiOD 4.04) . 0" 0 Flow lines, sJopes, rim elevations, pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on,the plan seL o 0 Minimum pipe cover shall be I & inches for reinforced pipe and 36 inches for plain COllcrete and plastic pipe marenals, or proper engineering calculatio.ns shall be provided when Ie:ss. The cover shall be sufficient to. support a.n 80,000 Ib load without failure of the pipe strUc;ure. . o IZl Manning's "n" va]ucs for. pipes shall be consislent with Table 4-1 of the EDSP. AU storm pipes ~baD'be designed to achieve. lninimum velocity of three (3) feet per second at 05 pipe full bascd On Table 4-1 as well. Other/Misc [2! 0 Existing and proposed contours, located at one foot intervaL Include spot elevations and site grades showing how site drains o 0 Private stonnw.ter easements shall be clearly depicted on plans when private stollllwatcr flows from one property to <!lIOOler -. o lZf DrywcUs shall not receive runoff from any surface w/~ being D'eated by one or more BMPs;with ll,e exception of . residential building roofs (EDSP Section 3.03.4.A). Additional provisions apply to this as required by theDEQ. Refer to the website: 'www.deo.s!are.or.lls/wc/li!1"oundwaluichome.hcm.for more information. . o 12( Detention ponds shall be designed to limit runoff to pre-deveJopm;"'t rates lbr thc 2 through 25"year stonn events "17,1s fonn sflau be included as IDI at!achmen4' inside thefran/ caver, of/he stormwaleJ' 'lUdy - · lMl'ORIANT: ENGINEER PLEASE READ JJELOW ANlJ SIGNI As !he engincer of record, I hereby certify the above rew;ired items are complete and included with the submincd stonnwatcr study and plan ~eL r/ . PI<E-SUBM/ITAL REe" . ' SIgnature: "~ //, ~j' . !:bate: //- Z6 - 0 'I r ut.L :& 2 Z009 Revised 1/1}08 Motly MarkarIan 10 of 10 ,. - \, _;I o STORMWATER MANAGElVIENT Ii . .PLAN AND DRAINAGE STIUDY Ii "...,-,..".,..~ FOR . The Child Center Marcola Road Springfield, OR Ji I' December 1, 2009 Preoared For:. TBG Architects 132 E. Broadway, Suite 200 Eugene, OR 97401 Branch Engineering, Inc. . 310 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 PhOl:'e (541) 746-0637 Fax (541)746-0389 . "@BranCh' Engineering, Inc. ~ Branch Project # 09-051 . PREiSUBMITTAl REe'D . iDEe 2 2 2009 Storm Drainage.Evaluation The Child Center Introduction This evaluation was prepared to summarize the drainage system proposed for the Child Center development. This storm drainage evaluation will determine the type and size of water quality treatment devices that are acceptable to the City of Springfield. The Child Center is 19cated on the south side of-Marcola Road and west of the McKenZie River at the intersection of Marcola Road and Hayden Bridge Road in Springfield, Oregon. The proposed project site is comprised of two tax lots, TMI70220 TL 700 and TM170230 TL 100. Existing Conditions The existing site is bounded by Marcola Road to the north and west and the McKenzie River to the south and east. The site consists of a existing buildings, driveway and landscaping. The impervious surfaces consist of roofs and concrete sidewalks and asphalt driveway. The pervious surfaces consist oflandscaping. Runoff from the existing site sheet flows to the west towards Marcola Road and also to the east to the McKenzie River. There is apparently no public storm system serving this property. According to the Soils Survev of Lane County. Oregon. by the Natural Resource Conservation Service, the soil at the site is Fluvents (Soil Number; 48, Hydrologic Group; C), Malahon silty clay loam (Soil Number: 75, Hydrologic Group; C) and Nekia silty clay loam (Soil Number; 89C, Hydrologic Group: B). Refer to Appendix A for existing conditions plan. Refer to Appendix B for soils map information. Proposed Site Conditions The proposed project includes the addition ofa single story 5,177 sf outpatient/office'building with associated parking, sidewalks and landscaping. The parking and drive aisles will consist of asphalt pavement and the sidewalks will be concrete. Water Quality Treatment and Storm Water Conveyance System Eugene Water and Electric Board (EWEB) has expressed concern for the quality of-the stormwater runoff-from the proposed site. The EWEB water intake station is just to the east of-the property on the McKenzie River. Reasonable efforts to protect any water entering the McKenzie River from the site will be put forth to accomplish this goal. Infiltration testing was conducted and the site was determined to have adequate infiltration rates to serve the proposed improvements. See Appendix B for the infiltration testing report. A vegetated infiltration swale will be used for disposal of the 25 year storm event. The vegetated infiltration swale will be landscaped with appropriate vegetation and topsoil to allow treatment and infiltration of stormwater. There are two vegetated infiltration basins, one on either side of the proposed east driveway approach_ The two vegetated infiltration basins have varying infiltration rates. See Appendix C for the proposed Drainage Basin Map for location of infiltration test pits, The east swale had lower infiltration rates than did the west swale. The location of the swales determined the infiltration rates that are being used. See Appendix D for the Infiltration Swale Routing Data_ The two vegetated infiltration swales are hydraulically connected by a 12" storm pipe and are acting' as a single swale. The parking lot will sheet flow runoff to the vegetated infiltration swale. However, there are some portions of the parking area that will require being directed to double chambered catch basins with filter inserts and piped to the vegetated infiltration swale. The double chambered catch basins with filter inserts will help improve the water quality of the storm water before it enters the vegetated infiltration swale. The building will drain to the infiltration swale via storm pipe. An emergency . overflow outlet is provided for storm events larger than the 25 year storm. The existing buildings drain to an existing storm drainage system that exits, to the east. The proposed building, c~S(jBMlrrAl REC 'D' DEe 2 2 2009 ,- / .' Storm Drainage Evaluation Ie The Child Center landscaping and the parking lot will have the stormwater runoff directed to the infiltration swale. See Appendix C for the proposed Drainage Basin Map. " The vegetated infiltration swales have 3:1 side slopes. The swale bottom is proposed at elevation 477.00 and a top elevation of 480,00. The runoff flowing to the vegetated infLitravon swales during the 25 yearstorm event is 1.70 cfs using the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph me)bod. A factor of safety of2 for the tested infiltration rate is being used in the design of the infiltratiOn facility. The 25 year storm is routed through the vegetated jnfiltration swale and the depth of the stormwater in the vegetated infiltration basin is 2.28 feet and reaches an elevation of 479.28. See Appendix D for storm water runoff, routillg and infiltration swale stage-storage-outflowcalculatioris. See Appendix E for Infiltration swale section and double chamber catch basin with filter insert. "'. ~I~"';' PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O DEe i' 2 2009 I' I , " II I: I' I' :) ;~ Ii Appendix A SoilMaps and Soil Data Storm Drainage Evaluation The Child Center PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D DEe 2 2 2009 44'A'fB' Cl fT1 n to:> t.:l r-.> = = <.a ~ -c::JI 0 AJI ~- rT1 ~ . en c::: CD S:O _N ;:::I~- >~ r-- ^' rT1 n,; d- . 44'4'9" , . ;" . 1J Soil Map-Lane County Area, Oregon (Child Center, Springfield. OR) " . " . ~ o ~ ~ .- ~ . . 4<1'<1'16" 5Q2BOO . g -~ ~ . 0 0 ~ . " ~ ~ -. . . . 0 ~l',. 0 ~ -~ ~- . o . o ~- 44'<1'9" g -~ ~ . o . . -~ . . o N o .~ . . J ~ 502590 , 502BOO 502650 5Q2740 602770 502600 002860 , i Map Scale: 1:1,540ffprlnled cnAsfle {B;5"x11',sh!let o o ~ N ~ N N N A 'ters o 20 40 80 120 o 200 -eal 300 so 100 USDA !:;- -=::' Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soli Survey National 'Cooperative 'Soli' Survey 1011212009 Page'1'of 3 Cl fl1 " WI t-:> I'-> 0" <::> <0 .0 ;0 rn c'., C=. C'~ :;::- -" =:1 i!~. :::I:J g C' Soli Map-Lane County Area; Oregon (Child Center, Springfield, OR) MAP LEGEND Area of Interest (ADI) Area of Interest (ADIl Solis Soil Map Units Special Point Features \:J Blowout 181 Borrow Pit )\<( Clay Spot . Closed DepressIon X Gravel Pit .. Gra\lelly Spof, @ Landfill A Lava Flow ... Marsh or swamp " Mine or Quarry @ Mlscellanl'wusWaler @ - Perennial Water v Rock Outcrop + SaUne Spot ,. Sandy Spot - Severely Eroded Spot 0 Sinkhole 11 Slide or Slip y1 Sodle Spot '- SpoiIA~~a. I) StonySpcl r---::rl Natural Resources --:r~j~cons9rvatlon'servlce m very Stony Spot t' WetSpol .&. Other Special Line Feat\Jres ~. Gully .' . $hort Sleep Slop!:! "...". Other Political Features Q CitieS Water Features fa Oceans Streams and Canals Transportation +t+ Rails N Inlerstate HIghways US,Roules Major Roads /v' local Roads Web Soil Survey Natlonal-Cooperatlve'Soll-Survay MAP INFORMATION Map Scale: 1:1,540 if printed. on A size (8.5" x 11").sheet. The sol/surveys that comprfse your AOI were mapped at 1 :20,000. Please rely on the bar scale on each l}lap ~heet for accurate map measurements. Source of Map: - Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: htlp:llwebsollsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov Coordinate Syslem: UTM Zone 10N NA083 This product Is generated from the USOA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soli Survey Area: Lane County Area. Oregon Survey Area bata: Version 7, Aug 12, 2009 Date(s) aerial Images were photograph~d: 8/4/2005 The orthophota or other base map on which the soli lines were compiled and' digitized probably differs.from the ba~ground Imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shlfling of map unit-boundaries may be evident. 1011212009 page-2'of c. Soil Map--lane County Area, Oregon. Map Unit Legend I I !48 175 Isse ITotals for Area of Interest Map,Unit Symb.ol. L~ Natural Resources Conservatiol) Service" . . : Lane'County Area, Oregon (OR637) ft..'ap Unit Name Acres In AOI . Ruvents, nearly le.vel Malabon silty clay'/oar;n Nelda silty clay loam, 2 to 12 percent slopes I. ~..,,~, ,,,," Web Soil Survey National CooperativeSoil Survey I , 0.7 ! 5.0 2_1 7_8 " - Child Center,.Spring1ield, OR Il " P~rcent of ADI j 8_6% J 64_2%1 27.1%j 100_0% I ii II I~ ~ i ,11 Ii I' !i i. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D II DEe 2 22009 10/121200S Page 3 of3 <<" 4' 16" o IT1 n Nl Nl ....., = = tQ 44""'9" Hydrologic Soil Group-Lane County Area, Oregon (Child Cenler, Springfield, DR) 5026BO I S02BOO I 502860 .; ~- ~ , ff%';:- :i- :;:J;"~.' ..' ~ ~I: 0- ~ t ~ -U~ - ::::o~- rn~ . . en c=: 0::. s:: ~ i- .- ;::c rn ("") o g ~- ~ " ~ E Map Scale: 1:1,640Irprlnled onAslze (8.5"x 11")sheel. I Meiers 120 N A - BO 20 40 o , 200 300 o 50 100 !1.SDA Natural Resources ~--;-Con5ervation Service Web Soil 8Ulvey Natlonal-CooperativeSoJl .::>L1rvey 10/12/2000 I-'age 1 of4 44"4'HI" -~ -~ . a . -~ a , -0 , . . a . -0 ~ a . . -0 , . . a N -5 . a . -0 , . . , 502B90 44"4'9" ~ ~ E Cl fT1 n N to:> "" = = u:> "'C ::0 '''T'I . ,:a .5:j s: .~ !::: :c "T'I :-) ::5 Hydrologic Soli Group-Lane County Area, Oregon (Child Center. Sprtngfield, OR) MAP LEGEND Area of Interest (AOI) Cj Area of Interest (ADI) Salls Soll'Map Units Soil Ratings QA D ND 618 d 81D DC ~ CID DD Not rated or nol avanable Political Features o Gilles Water Features II] Oce~.ns_ Streams and Canals Transportation +t+ Rails _. Inle_rslate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads ~........~ ~ [21 Natural Resources Conservatfon Service Web Soli Survey Natfonal Cooperallve.SoU"SuNey MAP INFORMATION Map Scale: 1:1,540 If printed on A size (8.5" l( 11") sheet. The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1 :20,000. Please rely on- the'bar scale on each map sheet for accurate map measurements: Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: htlp:tlwebsollsurvey.nrcs,usda.gov CoordlnaleSystem: UTM Zone 10N NADB3 This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the versi~n dale(s) lisled below. . Soli Survey Area: LaneCounlyArea, Oregon Survey Area Data: Version 7, Aug 12, 2009 Dale(s) aerial Images were photographed: ~/4/2005 The orthophoto or other base map on whIch the soli lines were compiled and "digitized probably differs from lhe background imagery disptayedon these maps, As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. . . 10/12/2009 Page 2 of4 Hydrologic Soil Group-Lane County Area. Oregon Chitd Center, SplingTield. OR . Hydrologic Soil Group I Hydrologic Soil Group- Summary by Map Unit - Lane County Area, Oregon I Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating'l Acres in AOI I 148 IFluvents, neartylevel C i O.7[ '175 I Malabon saty clay loam C I 5.0 i l'agG I Nekiasilty day loam, 2to12 B 2.11 percent slopes I I I Totals for Area of Interest 7.01 Percent of ADI 8.6% 64.2% 27.1%J 100;O%J Description Hydrologic soil groups are based on estimates of runoff potential. Soils are assigned to one of four groups according to the rate of water infiltration when the soils are not protected by vegetation, are thoroughly wet, and receive precipitation from long-duration storms. The soils in the United States are assigned to four groups (A, B, C, and D),and three,dual classes (ND, BID, and CID). The groups are defined as follows: GroupA Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet These consist mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Group B. Soils having a moderate infiitration rate when thoroughly wet These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group C. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when' thoroughly wet These consist chiefly of clays that have a high shrink-swell potential, soils that have a high water table, soils that have a clay pan or clay layer at or near the surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. If a soil is assigned to a dual hydrologic group (ND, BID, or C/D), the first letter is for drained areas and the second is for undrained areas, Only the soils that in their natural condition are in group D are assigned to dual classes. Rating Options Aggregation Method:' Dominant Condition f-,sj LLi Natural Resources" Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O UI:L 2 2 2U09 10/12/2009 Page 3 of4 Table C-2 RUNOFF CURVE NUMBERS Runoff curve numh~rs for urhgn 8re8s* Cover description Cover type and hydrologic condition Open space (lawns, parks, golf courses, cemeteries, etc.): Poor condition (grass cover <50%) Fair condition (grass cover 50%to 75%) Good condition (grass cover> 75%) Impervious areas: Paved parking lots, roofs, driveways, etc. (excluding right- of-way) Streets and roads: Paveq.; curbs and st~nn sewers (excluding right-of-way) Paved; open ditches (including right-of-way) G.ravel (including right~of";way) Dirt (including righf-of-way) Urban districts: . Commercial and business Industrial Residential districts by average lot size: 1/8 acre or less (town houses) 1/4 acre 1/3 acre 1/2 acre 1 acre 2 acres Runoff curVe nnmhe~ for other Rl!.I'ricultural hmds* Cover descrintion Cover tyoe PastUre, grassland, or range-continuous forage for grazing <50% ground cover or heavily grazed with no mulch 50 to 75% ground cover and not heavily grazed >75% ground cover and lightly or only 'occasionally grazed M~adow-continuous grass, protected from grazing and generally qlowed for hay Brush-weed-grass mixture with brush as the major element - <50% ground cover 50 to 75% ground cover >75% ground cover Woods-grass combination (orchard or tree fann) Stormwater Management Manual Eugene July 2006 Curve num'bers for'bvdroloeic soilgrOUll Average percent impervious area A c B D 68 79 86 89 49 69 CD 84 39 61 80 98 98 @ 98 98 98 98 98 83 89 92 93 76 85 89 91 72 82 87 89 85 89 92 94 95 72 81 88 91 93 65 77 85 90 92 38 61 75 83 87 30 57 72 81 86 25 54 70 80 85 20 51 68 79 84 12 46 65 77 82 CurVe numbers for hvdroloeic soil e;rouu Hydrologic condition A B C D Poor 68 79 86 89 Fair 49 69 79 84 Good 39 61 74 80 30 58 71 78 Poor 48 67 77 83 Fair 35 56 70 77 Good 30 48 65 73 Poor 57 73 82 86 Fair 43 65 76 82 Good 32 58 72 79 PRE-SUBMITTALREC'D DEe 22 2009 Page C-4 Appendix B Infiltration Testing Report Storm Drainage Evaluation The, Child Center PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D DEe 2 2 2009 " (.r-_ l~;p!lInformation ~..,. .1bBuildOn Engineering' Consulting. Testing August 12, 2009 Mr. Bill Wellard Ex:ecutive Director The Child Center 3995 Marcola Road Springfi,eld, OR 97477 Re: Infiltration Test Results The Child Center 3995 Marcola Road Springfield, Oregon 97477 PSI Report No.: 722-95015-2 Dear Mr. Wellard: PSI has completed the ,infiltration test along Marcela Road located fn Springfield, Oregon. Preliminary project information was provided by TBG Architects, Further infonnation was provided Damien Gilbert, P.E., Civil Engineer with Branch Engineering, Purpose and Scope of Work The purpose of our work is to provide infiltration rates for the solis at the project location. The following describes our specific scope of services: . Install one (1) infiltration pipeiil the field west of ih;/existing Child Cent~r along Marcola Road; depth approximately ten (10) feet below existing ground surface. . Documentation of soil, rock, and groundwater conditions encountered in eflch te~t location, Measurement of the infiltration ,rate after soaking period; CalculatiOn of the infiltration rate; and \ Provide a written letter report summarizing our observations, testing and conclusions. PRE-SUBMIlTAL REC'O DEe 2 2 2009 J: Professional Service IndustrIes, Inc. . 104Q-AShelley Street,. Springfield, OR 974n . Phone 541/746-9648 . Fax 5411746-7163 Professional Service Industries, Inc. information To Build On' 1l1fillration Test- Marcola Road PSI Report No.: 722.95015-2 August 11, 2009 Page 2 TABLE 1 INFIL TRA TION RESULTS 1 Test Approximate Test Elevation Measured (below Visual Soil Classification . Percolation Location ground Rate surfacel 220' SE of existing 5 feet 0-1' Light brown clayey silt ,6 Inches I hour I ) driveway 1'-5' Dark brown silty clav 130' SE of existing 04' Dark brown silty clay 4 li2inches I C 5 feet 4'.5' Light brown silty clay with driveway pebbles hour L, 80' SE of existing drivewav 5 feet 0'-5' Dark brown silty clay 1 inch I hour J 0'-2' Dark brown silty clay 2'4' Light brown clayey silt 150' East of Marcola 10 feet 4'.9' Dark brown sandy silt with 20 inches I x:: Road claystone hour 9'-10' gray sandstone 10'-14' bar run Test No, 2 3 4 LIMITATIONS We have prepC!red this report for use by Mr: Bill Wellard for specific application to this site and project. The data and conclusions contained in this report are based on site and subsurface conditions at the time of our work. These conclusions" and interpretations should 1J0t be considered as warranty of the subsurface conditions,' Experience has shown that ,subsurface soil and groundwater conditions can vary significantly over small distances. Incon'sistent conditions can occur between explorations and not be detected by a geotechnical study. If, during future site operations, subsurface conditions are encountered Which v~ry appreciably from those described herein, PSI should be notified for review of the findings ofthi,s report, and revision of such if necessary. Sincerely, Professional Service Industries, Inc. Reviewed by: Raymond V. Aliperti, Project Manager .B~ '1r1. ~ PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D DEe 2 2 2009 Devon M. Nickels , Geotechnical Services /~ '-, Appendix C Proposed Drainage Basin Map '- ' Storm Drainage Evaluation The Child Center PRE-SUBMITIAl RECIO DEe 2 2 l009 I~ "( -......... \ -:>- ~/ .> // / // / // / . ~/ // '" / // / '{/,.// ,/ / ~~ ~cmur g;mEil I 11 I ()1):\ . SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY.. ' OREGON ,~ DECEJIBRR 1, 2009 : !.. [r '" SCALE 1'=40' I ~p-- r UrJZND ,<\ }';;< W""'." r\ ~ I hf...i. i:. '.'.;.,: \ I')~<':.'~n '1}~;{~i(i i !~,.~::{ . ( ,:::-.:.-:,'.):.:::: .~! '.' /f[~,:}~ ~:~-; ...1 ,,'" -iI/III.>),!,':. . /J;jj!;,~,~~.::;>.;_:; ~BI'anch Enl!ineerm~. Inc. -~s...'i --::.-_ """ I ~~SlgMII_ "7~S\.NI, ~ tpriIlclld4,OrqnIU?'I S>.llolg I (!.I.I) 7U-0U'! Sol...., ~ mol (5Oi!)'l'i"HS'n I ","".:er."ch2qin.oni.nl.~.m CIriI.StnIctuu.~lloo..~cWoaI'~ , I PROJECT #09-.057 r'""'lll ORAlr<<GEBOS/N ,/ \ 5' FlHI5HfD (;IWJE: ComptJF/ I' F1NlSHfD GRADE: CompUR 5'EX1SfJNGGlV.Dr~UF/ "OIST!NGGRl.DE:COHTOUR "'''" . ,/ / -...--' ,/'/ ~-- ~~1:' , ~t~~~:i:~~=_ l1mr.DtttmN sr.il.l' .!lBCDOlf ,1.-,1.' I~ PRE,SUBMITTAL REC'D DEe 2 2 2009 , Storm Drainage Evaluation The Child Center Appendix D Stormwater Runoff & Infiltration Swale Sizing Calculations I: . , PRE-SUBMITIAl REC'D DEC2 2 2009 Storm Drainage Evaluation The Child Center S.C.S. TYPE-1A RAINFALL DISTRIBUTION ENTER: FREQ(YEAR) , ,DURATION(HOUR), PRECIP(INCHES) 25,24,4,8 - , ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************** S.C.S. TYPE-IA DISTRIBUTION ******************** ********* 25-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 4.80" TOTAL PRECIP. ********* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER: A(PERV), CN(PERV), A(IMPERV), CN(IMPERV), TC FOR BASIN NO, 1 0.46,74,1_3,98,10 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA (ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) A CN A CN, 1.8 .5 74.0 1.3 98.0 10_0 PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAJ<(HRS) VOL (CU-FT) 1.70 7.83 25205 RESERVOIR ROUTING INFLOW/OUTFLOW ROUTINE, ROUTING DATA: STAGE (FT) 477.00 477.25 477_50 477.75 478.00 478.25 478_50 478_75 47 9.00 479 _ 25 479.50 DISCllARGE{CFS) _00 .15 .18 .21 .24 .27 .30 _32 .34 .36 .38 STORAGE (CU-FT) ,0 429.0 890.0 14 30.0 2051_0 2752.0 3537.0 4376_0 5263.0 6197.0 7180 .0 PERM-AREA (SQ-FT) .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 _0 ,0 .0 .0 AVERAGE PERM-RATE: ,0 MINUTES/INCH ENTER Ed:] [path]filename[.ext] OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: 09051.dev INFLOW/OUTFLOW ANALYSIS: PEAK-INFLOW (CrS) PEAK-OUTFLOW (CFS) 1. 70 .36 OUTFLOW-VOL (CU-FT) 25164 INITIAL-STAGE (FT) TIME-OF-PEAK(HRS) .00 10.83 PEAK-STAGE-ELEV{FT) 479.28 PEAK STORAGE: 6310 CU-FT PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D DEe 2 2 2009 , ; ~ " Storm Drainage Evaluation The Child Center AppendiX E Vegetated Infiltration Swale and, Double Chambered Catch Basins with Fossil Filter- Insert , I " , PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O DEe 2 2 2009 INFILTRATION SWALE ROUTING DATA The Child Center (09-051) Routing Data Swale 1 Tested Infiltration Rate: Factor 01 Salety: Swale 1 Design Infiltration Rate: 6_00 in/hour 2_00 3.00 in/hour Swale 2 Tested Infiltration Rate: Factor of Safety: Swale 2 Design Infiltration Rate: 1.00 in/hour 2.00 . 0_50 in/hour Swale 1 Design Infiltration Rate: 6.94444E-05 flIsec Swale 2 Design Infiltration Rate: 1_15741E-05 flIsec B C D E F G H I -J K Swale 1 Swale 1 Swale 1 Swale 2 I Swale 2 Swale 2 Total Surface Storage Infiltration Surface Storage Infiltration Storage Overflow Actual Stage Elevation Area Volume Rate Area Volume Rate Volume Discharge Discharge (ft) (sq_ft) (cu.ft,) (cis) (sq.ft) (cu.ft.) (cfs) (cu.ft.) (cIs) (cIs) 1 477.00 1340 0 0_00 435 0 0.00 0 0_000 0_00 2 477.25 1641 373 0.11 548 56 0_04 429 0,000 0_15 3 477.50 1945 821 0_14 665 69 0.05 890 0_000 0.18 4 477.75 2253 1346 0_16 786 84 0_05 1430 _0_000 0_21 5 478_00 2565 1948 0_18 909 103 0_06 2051 0_000 0_24 6 478.25 2880 2629 0_20 1037 124 0_07 2752 0_000 0.27 7 478_50 3198 3388 0.22 1175 148 0_08 3537 0_000 0_30 8 478_75 3388 4212 0_24 1257 164 0.09 4376 0_000 0_32 9 479.00 3573 5082 0.25 1342 181 0.09 5263 0,000 0.34 10 479.25 3760 5998 0.26 - 1429 199 0.10 6197 0_000 0.36 11 479_50 3949 6962 0_27 1517 218 0.11 7180 0_000 0.38 ;:;0 rn . 0 en rtl c::: n co t>:l s: t>:l ~ '" = r-- = ;;0 <.0 rn 0 d .. / '[BMP_not ;-UIC I Simplified Approach Design Criteria Vegetated InfIltration Basin , ; -.4) . ~-. ~;{r ~~ ~.;~b 110 Q;,. <9,b.,d e. ~ "It <1)[l0j - " 6J '" Swale inlet via pipe or sheet flow .' 18" Growing medium High Flow By- Pass Pipe, top of pipe set 6" below top of basin. II 12" to 18" depth ,----,l. ~. '1 ! I , 6 ft. minimum Flows to approved disposal point Section Nof.to Scale Permeable filter fabric - I l!MP Source: City afPortland, Storm Water Management Manual, Revision #2, September 1,2002. BMP is subject to change for the 2004 manual revisions. UIC determination is made by DEQ PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D DEe 2 2 Z009 Oregon Department of Environmental-Quality page 12 of 15 03-WQ-007 0112005 : .' Nova FM N548 SERIES (7100) SPECIFICATIONS LENS/HOUSING: One-piece wraparound lens! housing with ten alignment security tabs for baseplate engagement (U.v. stabilized, high impact, virgin injection molded polycarbonate). Clear Prismatic refractor. Nominal thickness .125', BASEPLATE: 16-gauge CRS. Baseplate provided with eight-point moun~ing holes and one wireway hole - see Cross Section/Details. TGIC polyester powder coat - 5-5tage pre-treatment. Salt spray test: 1,000 hours; Reflectance: 92%. DIMENSIONAL DATA Cross Section I Details Baseplate J---(g~~~ ~I p--.l Le.os;;...;st-outand w~ Ifl"EMTKO 1..-- 1197' 1- (JSSrm1) ~.h" I (121mm) 2"Oi.. I J' (8)fll'O'''-Mo\JtltiniHole. Corner Mounting Adapter (eM) ORDERING INFORMATION Series lens Type N548 I c Lens Type C Clear Prismatic LampQty I LampOty 1 Orlelamp 2 Two Lamps Lamp Type 28 F28T5 lOne lamp only)' 32 F32TB 40B F40Tf ITwo lamps only] " CEILlNG/WALL MOUNT/SURFACE Lamps: T5, TS, Biaxial Dimensions Nominal 5' x 4S' Width 5' Length 49.S' Depth 4,5' I PROJECT INFORMATION IJObName I Fixture Type I Catal~g Number I Approved by HARDWARE: Six stainless steel POSIGRlpTM fasteners secure lens/housing to baseplate. INSTALLATION: Eight-point mounting required for Peace of Mind lifetime Guaranteeâ„¢. "Twist- out" sections, with gaskets, permit 1/2' conduit access on each end .without special adapter. LISTINGS/CERTIFICATIONS: UL and CUL listed for Wet Location - covered ceilings only. UL and CUL listed for Damp\ocations - wall mount. U.S. Patent Nos. 24l?330; 4025780. Convenience Outlet (CO) & Internal Reflector (IR) Voltage I Options I Accessories (2)I~S~f.o.Ji.~).., (I~) i 24.72" J~)~l Hfo 0 (4)(::lWeldNllts .: .!L [Illm:n) I I ' 41.~. -- 2 (6) 38" Hole!; I 21 72' (1053mm) (Slmm) (SS2rrrn) c@us ELECTRICAL: Class P ballasts. Fluorescent electronic 120/277/347 and dual voltage ballasts high power factor. One-lamp 90 minute nickel- .cadmium battery pack lEll includes inverter charger, test switch and charging indicator lamp - indoor use only. SOCKETS: Shock-resistant sockets with internal locking collar to ensure positive lamp retention. GASKET: Die-cut closed cell neoprene gasket seals lens/housing to mounting surface. . 135" ,'}4~rlIn) ~9.38" (125-4m11) I ~ Options CO Convenience Outlet" Non GFIReceptacle (Wall Mountl 120 Volts only El One-Lamp Indoor Battery,Pack(3zgf) E12 1100 lumen One-lamp Indoor Battery Packl3ZSlFj FS Single Fuse & Holder IR Internal Reflector {Wall Mourit) PS PushSwitr:h{Wall Mounq TN 5 Watt Twin Tube .NPF Night Light Accessories CM Corner Mount Adapler- qamplocationsonly CMW Corner Mount Adapter- Wet Location Covered Ceiling only SA Surface Adapter- Wet Location Covered Ceiling only 9500 POSIGRIPJMScrewdriver PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D DEe 2 2 2009 ~~~~'\-WM~~ t;</t;i;:>i.~~~:C;",~;w, N548081 009 1020 lakeside Drive Gurnee, Illinois 60031 847-360-8200 FAX 847-360-1781 www_kenall.com /~~.L 13.97" I (3SSrlInJ-----1 "=to'" o (5rrtnJ o 000 0 o 0 0 0 16.75" I 6.75" I r-(I71m.0l;"-T"(17Imm)1 49.44" (125&rm) J' e_1 ~. 21.72" 0>>-' Lamp Type I Ballast Type I BallastD.ty I Ballast Type IS Instilnt Start Electronic <10% THOnB) RS Rapid Start Electronic <10% THO (CFL, TB,T5) CW ColdWeath~r SB Specified Ballast. BallastQty 1 One T Tandem Wiring Vo~age . 120 120V61ts 277 277 Volts 347 347 Volts DV 120/277VoIts (<10% THOI, electronic ballasts only' -' ,- fA LITHDNIA LIGHTING" - - FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE Ideal for a wide variety of low- to medium-height ceiling a pplications including cammer- cial,retailandhospjtalityspaceswhereawetl~cationlensedfixtureisrequired.l.deaJ forshowerandoutdoorapplications. DPTlCAlSYSTEM Aluminumfull reflectors are opti cally designed to maximize lumen output and to provide superiorglare control.The blackorwhite baffled reflectors have a specular upperfinish with white painted flange standard. Glasslenses are available in clearflatgJass, tempered prismatic orfresnel glass lens to prDvide qptimaJ visual comfort and improved aesthetics. MECHANICAlSYSTEM Utilizes an extruded soc ket housing that atta ches to th"e reflectorvi a key hole mo unt, whichprovidessuperiorheatdissipationandeXtendedlamplife.Sockethousingalso adjuststoaccommodatevaryinglamplengths. Heavy-gauge, die-formed galvanized steel mou-nting frame. Attached to frame are vertically adjustable mounting bra cketsforuse with C channels, 1J.!" steel conduit or 16- gauge flatbar hangers included, standard. Frames are equipped with galvanized junc- tion box UL Listed forthrough-wire a ppli cations. Junction boxes equipped with(2)W and (4)Y.!" conduitkrlOckoutswith pryoutslots and removable access doors. ReflectorclipspackedwithrefJectorforinstallationonrough-in. Maximurn1-1/2"ceilingthickness. ElECTRICAL SYSTEM Electronic ballastwith end of lamp life protection standard. Class P thermally protected ballast protects againstimpropercontactwith insulation. Minimum starting temperature isooF/-180C, Ratedfor#12AWG conductorthru-branch wiring. Minimum 90" supplywire. Ground. wire provided. I ;:>m"Snl'kI>tR.:l~e~ DlT 4-pin lamps- 13WIG24Q-ll; 18W IG24Q-21;26WIG24Q-31 TRT 4_pin lamps- 13W IGX24Q,l); 18W (GX24Q-2);26W &32W IGX24Q-3); 42W(GX24Q-41 LISTING Fixtures are UL Listed forthru-branchwiring, Non-IC recessed mounting, wetlocation, andto U.S. and Canadian Safety Standards. ORDERING INFORMATION Catalog Number. Notes IType. Compact Fluorescent Downlighting 6" lP6FN .:::2 0 WET LENS Vertical'1-Lamp, DDuble Twin-Tube (DTT) or Triple-Tube (TRT) ()\' I 10-3/4 ~ p7.31 L_,_7-1/2~ 1{19_1I--1 Specifications Max, height: 10-3/4 127,31 Ceiling opening: 7 (17.8) Overlap trim: 7-1/2 {19.1) length; 13133,01 Width: 11127_91 ill~'. f-7-1/2''--j All dimensions are inches lcentimetersl. For shortest lead times, configure product using ~tandard options (shown in bold). Example: LP6FN 26-42TRT 6LRFl MVDL T LP6FN I I Series IWattage/lampl Reflectort.lens3 Voltage I I LP6FN 13DTTl 6lRFl White splay, clear lens MVOlT' AOEZ 180TT 6lRFBl Black baffle, clear lens 120 260TT 6LR4 White splay,fresnel 277 OMHl 13TRT' lens 3475 laTAT 6lRB4 Black baffle, fresnel El 26-42TRT' lens 6lRF73 White splay, tempered ' ElR 26TRT prismatic lens ElRHl 32TRT 6lRFB73 Black baffle, tempered 42TRT prismatic lens PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D DEe 2 2 2009 NOTES: 1 Not available with ADEZ or DMHL 2 Not available with DMHLorWLP. 3 White painted flange stanclard; 4 Electronic multi-volt ballast capable of operating any line voltage from 120-277V, 50 or 60Hz. 5 Not available with ElorElR. 6 Add 3~ (7.6) to width and 4;1{2" (11.4) to length. 7 Not recommended for field installation. . ~.._---'~:" Downlighting and Track Options. Advance Mark 10â„¢ electronic dimming ballast, 120V or 277V. Minimum dimming level 5% Lutron Comp'~ct .SETM electronic dimming ballast, 120Vor 277V. Minimum dimming level 5% Emergency 'batterv..pack with integral test ' switch. Lens removal required before El testing6 Emergency ~attery pack with remote test switch6 High lumen ,output emergency battery pack. Remote test,'switch provided. Maximurn average lumen output 1300 (42 watt).7. GMF Single slow~blow fuse, must specify voltage BD P Ballast disc'onnect plug (meets codes that require in-fixture disconnect) RIFl Radio interference. filter .lBH Less barhangers WLP 35K lamp (Shipped separately) Accessories Order .as separate catalog n~mber SCAB Sloped ceiling ad~ptor. Degree of slope must be'specified (100, 150,200,250,300) Ex: SCA610D. CTE6 Ceiling thickness extender is used when ceiling thickness is greater than 1-112,13.8). Maximum thickness 2 (5.t). Sheet #: LP6FN-WETLENS " 6" LP6FN Vertical Hamp, DoubleTwin-Tube (DTT) or Triple Tube (TRTl, Wet Lens " Distribution Curve Distribution Data Output Data Coefficient of Utilization LP6FN l/26TRT 6LR4 MVOLT, III 26,W TRT lamp, 1800 ratea lumens, 1.0 s!mh, Test no. LTL1075,9 Intensity Distribution pI 20% 0 Horizontal Angle Zonal Lumen Summary po 80% 70% 50% SO' Vertical Anqle 0 Zone Lumens%Lamo pW 50%30% 50%30% 50%30% 70' 0 340 0" _ 30a 311.2 17.3 0 56 56 55 55 52 52 50' s 350 0" _40" 507.9 28,2 1 50 49 49 48 47 46 15 370 O' -60" 761,8 42.3 2 45 42 44 42 42 40 SO' 25 380 O' - 90" 847.5 47.1 3 40 37 40 37 38 36 3S 317 90"-180' 0.0 0,0 ",4 36 33 36 32 35 32 40' 45 213 O. .180" 847.5 047.1 05 33 29 32 29 31 28 55 100 . "Total Efficiency "'6 30 26 29 26 29 25 55 56 7 27 23 27 23 26 23 30' 7S 25 8 25 21 25 21 24 21 85 3 9 23 19 23 19 22 19 (,n 10- 20' 90 0 10 21 18 21 18 21 18 LP6FN 1/18TRT 6LR4 MVOLT, (1)18W TRT lamp, 1200 rated lumens, 1.0 s/mh, Test no. LTL9929 ". Intensity Distribution pf 20% , " Horizontal Angle Zonal Lumen Summary po SO% 70% SO% 80'. Vertical Anole 0 Zone Lumens%l.amo '," 50%30% 50%30% 50%30% 70' 0 229 0' -30' 197.9 16.5 0 50 50 48 48 46 46 ". s 231 O' -40' 312.5 26,0 1 4543 44 42 <\2 41 15 237 0' -60' 448.8 37.4 2 40 38 39 37 38 36 SO' 2S 238 O' - 90' 500.0 41.7 3 36 33 35 33 34 32 3S 185 90' - 180' 0.0 0,0 ",4 32 29 32 29 31 28 40' 45 107 O' -180' 500,0 '41.7 :is 29 26 29 26 28 '25 55 58 "Total Efficiency 6 27 23 26 23 26 23 as 33 7 25 21 2<\ 21 24 21 30' 7S 15 8 23 19 22 19 22 19 200 as 2 9 21 18 21 18 20 17 u' 10' 20' 90 0 10 19 16 19 16 19 16 '. ;t, I'" PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O DEe 2 2 2009 fA L'THON'A L'GHT'NG~ - Lithonia Lighting Recessed'Downlighting and Track Olle Lithollia Way, Conyers, GA30012 PhOlle:800-315-4935 Fax:170-918-1209 www.lithollia.com An~cuityBrand5 Company Sheet #: LP6FN-WET LENS @2009Aco'ty 8"", Ugh"'g, 100" 8/31/09 -' , fA LfTHONLA L.lGHTfNSO, - - FEATURES & SPECIFfcATIONS INTENDED USE Streets, walkways. parking lots and surroundillgar'eas. CONSTRUCTION , Rugged, die-cast, single piece aluminum housing with nominal wall thick- ness of 118", Die-cast doorframe has impact-resistant tempered. glass lens (3116- thickl. Doorframe is fully gasketed w~ one-piece tubular silicone. fiNISH Sta"ndard finish is d~rk bronze IDDS) corrosion-resistant polyester powder finish, with other architectural colors a.vailable. OPTICAL SYSTEM MIRO finish, segmented reflectors for superior uniformity and control. Re- flectors attach' with tool-less fastener and are rot'atable and interchangeable.. Four full cutoff distributions availahle: Type 11 (roadway). Type III (asymmetric I, Type N sharp cutnff {torward throw} and Type V {sym- metric square). ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 5OW~15DW utilizes a high reactance, high .power 1actor.ballast 35$ utilizes a reactance high power factor ballast 175w metal halide' utilizes a constant~ wattage auto transformer ballast Ballasts are copper wound and 1OD% fac~ tory tested. Porcelain, medium-base socket with copper alloy, nickel-plated screw shell and center contact, LISTING Listed and labeled to Ul standards for wet locations. Listed and labeled to CSA standards {see Options}. NOM Certified lse"e Options). IP65 Rated. ORDERING INFORMATION Choose the" boldface catalog nomenclature that best suits your needs and write it on the appropria~e line. I MRl I I Series I MR' I I Voltage I 'lll lll8' 240' zn 347 48ll' TB' TBII' Ballast .tv1Pt::llhll!inp::lll.r1.' hinhnr!><:;';:llrl'<:;orliurn (blank) Standard magneticba1Ja~ CWI Constant wattage isolated5 PIII<::I'-<::11lrtml't:;lh:;lirlFl SCWA Super CWA ballast Wattage Mptlllhlllirll' 5llM' 10M' 100M ,- 'JSM HiohnfP<:;_<:1JN - 3SS' 5llS 70S ,OOS 15llS Distribution SR2 SR' SR4SC Segmem-edType Il road,^,ay Segmented Type III asymmetric Segmei1ted Type IV forward :throw, sharp cutoff Segmented Type V symmetri~ square SPA RPA SR5S WBA NOTES: 1 Noiava~ablewith4BOV. 2 12OVonty. 3 Consult factory for availability in Canada. 4 Optional mlllti-t<lp ballast (1 20, 208, 240, 1J7Vj; \120, m, 34IVin Canada); 5 Optional penta-tap ballast 02D, 20B, 240, 277, 4BOV; 'not available in Canada). 175Wmetal halide only. Isolated lwo-coilsystem meets Canadian electrical code requirements fcir2DBV,240V arid 480VappHcations. 1 Mounted in lens,up orientation, fixtUre is damp location rated. 8 Must specify voltage. Not avail.able with TB Dr TBV_ 9 SF, DF or QRS options cannot be orJ:lered together. 10 lamp by others. 11' Maybe ordered as an accessory. .12 Must be specifie,d. Outdoor Catalog Number Notes ITYP' OM'ERe@> Architectural Area & Roadway Lighting .~/ ---- ) MRl METAL HALIDE 50W-175W HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM 35W: 150W Specificstions Length: 24.5" (52-23cm) Dia: 18_626" 147.3075cml Overall Heig~t 6.3758 (16.1925cm) Max. Weight 27 Ibs (122 kg) EPA: 0_541 All dimellsions are inches (ceTTtimetersl unhlss otherwise specified. Example: MR1175M SR3 TB lPI ~ I" L Options Lampl2 ,I Shinnl>n in~::lJlprl in fiytH~1l lPI lamp included Lesslamp Mounting 5Quarepole mOUJltinglstd_1 Round pole mounting WaJlbracketfup I ordown}1 SF Singlefuse020,m,347V}t!I DF Doublefuse{20B,240,480VjU PER NEMAtwist-IoClcreceptacleonly !nophotocontrol} CR Corrasion-resistantfinish(epoxy cJearcoatoverpaint} fiRS Quartzrestrjkesysteml.l~ HS Houseside shield !SR2,SR3i EC Emergency circuit TP Tamper-proof' CSA listEdan<llabeledtilCanadian saftnystandaras NOM NOM Certified Shil'lTI-..rlo::pn:;T::ltI'I1I11 ,.. " -. PEl NEMAw,;st-\"CkPElr~S!0BMIITAl REC'O PE3 NEMAtwist~lockPE{347V1 PE4 NEMAtwist-lockPE!411OVI DEe 2 2 2009 PEl NEMAt>Nist~lo,cI:.PE(277Vi SC Shorting cap for PER option MR1VG Vandal guard . lILP SSA204CDMl9AS 1 at 90 degrees 2at180degrees 2at90degrei!s 3at90degtees 4at90degrees 3 at 120 degrees (round pol:es only) When ordering poles, specilytht! appropriate drilling panero. See below example. Example: DM19AS DM28AS DM2!lAS DM39AS DM49AS DM32AS Ii m NIGHTTlME FRIENDLY Consistent with LEED. goals & Green Globeslll criteria for lig~t pollution reduction Sheelll: MR1-M-S Al-160 MR1 Metal Halide, High Pressure Sodium MR1175M SR3 TEST NO: LTL10087 MR1175M SR4SC TEST NO: LTL10088 0.25 0.5 1.1 2,5 ~ ~" -" , )) I !/:.; /-1 ~r-- 2,5 ',5 1.5 , " -0 .1Ui " .0 z 0" z o Q " " Q 2~ . o 3' w u z 4~ ~ 15 5 " " o -1 W " o z o~ o o " ~ 2~ . o 3' w u Z 4~ ~ 15 5 0,5 0.25 4 4 175Wlamp,~lecl12800 lumens. Footcandlevalues based on 20' mountingheighL OaSsification:Type 111,MedhJrn, Full Cutoff 175Wlamp, rated 12800 \umens.Foolcandlevaluesbasedon20' mountingheighL Classification: Type IV, Short, Full Cutoff MR1150S SR3 TEST NO: LTL10091 MR1 150S SR4SC TEST NO: LT,10092 , MR1175M SR5S TEST NO: LTL100B9 'l ',5 " " o -1 W " o z 0" z o Q " " Q '2~ . o 3' w U Z 4~ ~ 15 5 6 2,5 1.5 1.1 0.5 0.25 ;.r '^/ ,0 -,. 3 2 175W lamp,raled 12800 lumens. Foolcandle valuas based on 20' mountingheighL Classilieation: Undassifilld (Type III, Very Short), Full Cutoff MR1,150S SR5S TEST NO: LTL10093 , --2 ' -2 ~ " " ~~I . I " " 0 0 ' 0 ~f' -1 w -liIi --1iii " " " 0 ~ 0 0 :;. ;) z O~ z 0" ( 0" z z z 0 0 H 0 0 <:>, 0 0 " = " ,~ ~ ~ , ~ ..- 0.5 '" r- / 2~ 2~ , 2~ - 0.5 "-./ . . . 0.25""",- . 0 - ./ 0 0.25 0 3' = 3' 3' w w w u u u 4~ 4~ 4~ " ~ ~ ~ 15 15 15 5 5 5 2 150Wlamp,ratad15BOO lumens. FootcandlElyaJuesbased on 20' mounting height . Classification: Type III, Medium, Full Cutoff 150Wlamp, rated 15800 lumens. Foolcandle valul'ls basad on 20' mountingheighL Cluslfication: Unclassified [Type IV, Very Short), Full Cutoff fA LITHDN/A L/GHT7NG" -- An~ityBrands eompanY Sheet#: MR1-M-S @2006ActiityLightingGroup,lnc.,Rev.8/06 2 lSOWlamp,raled1S800 lumens. Footcandle values based on 20' mounting height. CllIssffication:Type 1II,M"dlum, Full Cutoff PRE"SUBMITTAl REC'O DEe 2 2 2009 LithoD;a lighting Outdoor lighting OM Lithonia Way, GonV8~,GI\300'2-3957 Phooe:770-922-9000 Fax:n0-918-1209 wwwJlthonia.com ~ ~ ,'-- i' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ - ~ " ~ ~ ~ - ~ 8 ~ ~ o ~ o ~ , ] " ~ " ;c u .E ~8 -0 ~- o 10 ~~ ~8 8~ ~16 .;,j- ;.;8 E o Ci:, ~o .i~ d ~5ID tc'_ SCHOOL BUS CIRCULATION SIMULATION FOR ~'~. t;nll.D CENTER SPRING'UlLD, OREGON OCTOBER 15. 2009 ~__=_.._, ~ ....".._ >= =.,-.=,,= -= r "-. ! ,. . / \ fl" ., / \ ...... _L~~ ,-=-='=' \ ! \ / ."."L = . = =-..~~ ~~..~.-_~ ~s-e.:~.; ~.I.. -~ ~ -"""'- . . r?~ .'1. .: ., -~,oc .0- L.....--. ~-~ ___ MARCOU ROAD. - - -c=P = ~ -I. ((ll .. . U-----~-:=--:::~U- j------ , , -,,-,1 Jj ...... I F. ...... 40.00 MSHTO S-BUS-40 feet f I) I 1 , I i r=1 i 1 I 1 i . 1 i [T]~ Width : 8.00 -L Track : 8.00 ~~. ~~ Lock to Lock Time : 6.00 ~I Steering Angle : 34.40 NTS 20;00 7.00 j 1 :~ 20 , . \ \ \ \ I ~ /7'5'" I_ 1lll1IIi...... o I 40 - www.BranchEngineering.com Civil' structures' Transportation' Geotechinical . Surveying , F"-- ;. .~ lI!IIl!llIi!iE1 == CASCADE TITLE ,,CO. I' - Ii IIIII~ III~ 11~1I11~ ~III ~IIIIIII ~Il !~ll STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT CASCADE TITLE COMPANY ATTN: TOM MCMAHON 811 WIL~4ETTE STREET EUGENE, O~ ,97401 Our No: CT-0264813 Date: DECEMBER'2, Charge: NO CHl'.RGE 2009 II I; i As requested, Cascade Title-Co. has searched our tract indices as to described re-al property: !i the following ( A T T A. C H ED) 'and as of: NOVEMBER 25, 2009 at 6:00 A.M., we find the following: Vestee: MENTAL HEALTH FOR CHILDREN, INC. an Oregon non-profit corporation, dba THE CHILD '-~".LJ:aA Said property is subject to the following on record matters: Rights of the public in and to that portion lying within streets, roads arid highways. I' II Rights of the public and governmental bodies in ,and to any portion of the premises herein described now or at any time lying below high water malk of the McKenzie River, including any ownership rights which may be claimed byl:the State of Oregon as to any portion now or at any time lying below the bigh watJr mark. Any' claim based upon ~he assertion that: _ -, Ii - Said land or any part thereo~ is now or at any time has been below the ordinary high water mark of the McKenzie River. . I Some. portion of said land has been created by attificialjimeans or has accreted to such portion so created. Some portion of said'land bas been brought within the bo~daries thereof by an avulsive movement of the McKenzie River, or has been formed by an accretion to any such portion. l' . Ii 4. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted if the City of Eugene, recorded December 30, 1924, in Book 142, Page 275, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. I' 5. Easement, including the terms and provisions tbereof, granted!ithe City of Eugene, recorded August 17, -1927, in Book 155, Page 110" Lane County Oregon Deed Records. " .Ii PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D : DEe 2 2 2009 HAIN OFFICE.. 811 WILLAMETTE ST. . ~u~~.~, OREGON 97401. PH: 1541} 687-2233 FLORENCE'. 1901 HWY 101 - S. 2 · FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 · PE, 154~) 997-8417 EUGENE FAX: 485-0307. E-MAIL: info@cascadetit1e.com. FLORENCE FAx: 997-8246 [ I , I I 1. 2. 3. continued- 6. Easement, including the terms and prov~s~ons thereof, granted MoUntain States Powee Company, recorded May 20, 1943, in Book 247, .Page 136, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 7. Permit and easement, 'including the terms and provisions thereof, granted the City of Eugene, for the use and benefit of the Eugene Water & Electric Board, recorded June 7, 1979, Reception No. 7933353, Lane County Official Records. ' 8, Deed of Trust, including the terms and provisions thereof, exe~~ted by Mental Health for Children, Inc. dba The Child Center, Grantor, to Evergreen Land Title Co., Trustee, for the benefit of McKenzie State Ba~, Beneficiary, dated July 24, 2000, recorded July 26, 2000, Reception No. 2000-042707, Lane County Official ,Re~ords, to secure payment of a note in the amount of $237,600.00. (Parcel 2) Said Deed of Trust was modified by Agreement dated May,S, 2005, recorded May 9, 2005, Reception No. 2005-033679, Lane County Official Records. . 9. Assignment of rents due or to become due and accruing from said property, including the terms and provisions thereof, from Mental Health for Children,'Inc, dba The Child Center, to McKenzie State Bank, dated July 24, 2000, recorded July 26, 2000, Reception No. 2000-042708, Lane County Official' Records, (Parcel 2) . 10. Right-of-Way Easement, including the terms. and provisions thereof, granted unto the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, acting by and through its Springfield Utility Board, by instrument recorded September 6, 2002, Reception No. 2002-069166, Lane County Official Records, - NOTE: Taxes, Account No. 0109775, Assessor's Map No. 17 02 20, lI700, Code 19-00, :1.009-2010, EXEMPT . Taxes, Account No. 0113462, Assessor',s Map No. 17 02 30" lII00, Code 19-00, 2009-2010, in the amount of $1,_585.43, ,PAID IN FULL. Taxes, Account No. 0113488, Assessor's M~p No~ 17 02 30, #200, Code 19-00, 2009-2010, EXEMPT, ' This report is to be utilized for information only. This report is not to be used as a basis for transferring, encumbering or foreclosing ~he real property described. , The liability of Cascade Title Co. is limited to the addressee and shall not exceed the premium paid hereunder. CASCADE TITLE CO., by: ~ / 2 PRE-SUBMITTAl REC'O DEe 2 2 2009 sm/Title Officer, KURT BEATY Cc : BILL WELLARD EMAIL: BWELLARD@THECHILD",""",,,,,.ORG "'-~'_._-'-~ _.....:?....~ Cc: DAN !.JUl.~~'f.&..u03TON . EMAIL: DANIEL.A.DUNNINGTON@SMITHBARNEY.COM PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1: . I' Beginning at a point 24.0 feet North of the corner cornman to secti6ns 19, 20, 29 and 30, in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, If in Lane County, Oregon; run thence North 25" 30' East 453.80 feet to a paint, saidlpoint being referenced by a 5/8n iron rod; thence North 29' 42' West 27.33 feet to a point on the Easterly right of way line, of Marcol-a Road, said point_being refer&nced by a 5/8" iron rod; thence run South 60 '22' 24" West along the Easterly right of Ii way line of said Marcola Road 311.27 feet to a point marked by,a 5/8n iron rod found marking Engineers Centerline Station 30 plus 77.57 P.T, (and being 54.85 feet Easterly when measured at right angles to the said centerline of Marcola Road), continuing along said right of way line South 60,' 22' 24" West Ii distance of 172.31 feet to a poiht ,marked by a 5/8" iran rod set at a point 51.72 feet Easterly (when measured at right angles to the centerline of said Marcola Road) of Engineers Centerline Station 29 plus 00 P.D.-C.; thence along the arc of a curve left (the chord of which bears South 55' 16' 55" West 195.23 feet) to a point marked by a 5/8" iron rod (said point being 45.51 feet Easterly of (when measured at right angles to, the centerline of said Marcola Road) at Engineers Centerline Station 27 plus 00 P.D.C.; thence leaving the Easterly hght of way line of said Marcola Road and run South 6' 57' 50"West 261.48 feet to a pbint 'marked by a 5/8", iron rod; thence'North 85' 15' East 362.06 feet to a po~t that be~rs 162,39 feet South 25' 30' West of the point of beginning; thence North 25' -30' East 162.39 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, -Oregon. ii , I 1\ I: " PARCEL 2,: Ii Beg;nn'n:::- at a point 24. feet North of the corner of Sections 19,' 216, 29 and 30, in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willarnette Meridian, and rubning thence South 25' 30' West 191.7 feet to the left bank of the McKenzie River; th~nce North 70' 40' East 90 feet to the meander corner on the left bank of the MCKenzf~ River between Sections 29_'and' 30, of tb~ same Township and Range; thence North 7;:0' East 349.8 feet to the meander corner between Sections 20 and 29, on the, left bank of the McKenzie River; . ' . - Jl thence along the meander line of the left bank of the McKenZ1e River, North 52' 30' " East ,96.6 feet; thence North 33? East 44.3 feet; thence North 8' East 317.1 feet; thence North 860 11' West 132.8 feet; ,thence North 45' 37' West 161.0 feet to the center of, the county'Road; thence South 610 West along the centerjpf the County Road, 84.8 feet; thence South 290 ,42' East 74.1 feet; 'thence South' 250 3,0' West 453,8 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. PRE-5UBMIlTAl REC'D DEe 2 2 2009 " t ;1 l': !i I! I: " "1/4 ~ COR. '~- SI6.j,jecf-, f", . F1tJoch'?jf J; '" 8.2 o "' '" . o '" Ui w . )=l~ ~ y' " '" 8 ,~. @~I~ 1'1 ..... .,'- 'D,NO ~'68{ .' '~ 'clz a,7z. ::h.. :h. . 'h { 500 '{5"8 . ~'1.o'9" ~=OO { 1 30 J } 0.89 AC. PRE.SUBMIlTAL REC'O DEe 2 Z 2009 1 9 IJmf:rq't.Jc P-"d(ip,;'p) Jfpfl~ rfltf -' rf/!!t/9'J,'. ':r L., 30 ^i.e. 29 .....~~" :;>o.'E>~ tl - c::.'Z.. - sQ,-~ THIS /v\,~p IS TO ASSIST LOCATING PNROPERTf, THE CDMPMi'1 ASSUMES o LlABILlTf FOR INACCURACIES, , w.,C. , PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D DEe 2 2 2009 , pjJ~-:!:', If?~~.'t8b1 11.- f1, , Y(." ' P .' ' J ~ " t.;i po"~ 66.36 AC. Tor. t.;i . , 3d.};ii ~' ~ " J;,~f~\',,p~I'~ ~,,01 '..;r~ ~'iff@J,'f~{, ~~::~i'f~;iJ '- ' 17 - 02 - LO' 10 (; f-";" I ' " 7 ,r I-"J~Fa!!~ ~o:. ap3-Sr~::IU.Nell ~lIw_~ubHlhlng_~.. i'OIIICl"~~r~'l:n~ __7.9r;~j_6.::.:..-:_=_: ~ . _ .___ ___~~ ~ 1 ,~;;< I,~ - lV,umANTll DE>JD-ST:lT11TO~Y. FOl'" * '--' -~ 'NOIV'DU^, aRANTD. ,: -' , J:!.~_rQ____cl,___<\. .__..I1,9.1.1.:!.!\!_:r",~,!)_g _N.a,ry "M_,,,J19!11_~r_, "hu,~_p'a,_!).g _"a,J1.d"1~if~__:..,, _...,. " ." _Grantor, conv.ys "nd warrants 10 ,-~!gnt.a,-l,,,I:!-E!-,,,,tt.h_,,f.Q_r..._C;;.l:!~J_q.x.E!n_,__,,In;;:.-,,,~__Ap'_a,,,.Ih.E!~_G)1il,d____C,e.n,t,!\!_r._,,__. ':,~,:: ......~........h.... ...:.. ....-,""."' .............--......-............-., ..............._..................... '" .._...__.Orantee, the following des.cr.:hed r~l property f{ee of encumb.'ance.:i except as specifically set forth herein' situated'in.....L.~_n.em.. m....., . .County, Oregon, to~wit: ,Beginning at a point 24 feet North- of the corner of Sections 19, 20 J -'.. 29' and 3D, T01<1l1ship 17 South, Range 2 I~est of the Willamette Mer~d:i,an, .. .~, ,!;and r.unning-thence South- 2S' 30' West, 191.7 feet to the left hank' {;.of.the McKenzie River; thence North' 700.40' East, 90 feet to the-meander:'. (CorneT, on the left bank of the'McKenzie River between Sections 29 and- ;:'.30, of the same Township and Range; thence, North 700 East 349.8 feet ,'to the meander corner hetween Sections 20 and 29. on the left bank of ,.the McKenzie River; thence along tne meander line of the left hank of the McKenzie Ri:yer J Nortn '5'20 30" East, 95.5 feet; thence North 33D ' East, 44.3 feet; thence North So East, 317.1 feet; thence' North 86D .11' West, 132.8 feet; thence Nortli 450 37' West, 161.0 feet to the center of the Count!, Road; tn,\W;,s, lhilil~. ~Nu'Mtl'TiMgil1iv.tJlIlDElcenter of the County . The said property is free irom encumbrances except . '_1 easement for pipeline and r;_ght to -inspec1 , maintain and repa,ir the same, granted the City of Eugene by 'ins1:rumel.t , ecorded in Book 155, Page 110, on 'August 17, 1927, Lane CC:lUnty; _Oregc " Deed Records, and easement for ~ower line conveyed to the City -of ,The true consideration for this conveyance is $..l~..Q...g.g.Q_,Jl,j). (Herd comply with the requirements of ORS 113.030) , ...-....-.....-.--..-...-....-..............-..............-........-...... .-.-----..............-...-..-.... -' .; .:,~.......-.......-..~=~..~~::-:~:==::::::::::::::::::-::~:::~;::::::::::::::::::::::: :::~;::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::e:::::a::::;:li:;;:i9::{~6:H'0-0-0-6. L ~ "::'J Dated this ..LiL......day of ..~-'......,.......... 197"._. . . ~,:: ~{;::'i'~~~. ................................___..___.. _.....,..___.._.....,..,~..___.... ...~~....~~>......."....~ . .-,,;\''::-''.'',C<' . ~j:,'\r-'" . '~~...-....-".":".;::.."......_...:..,..: :~.A1..:,~ft:l. , __...,...'-'''.,.........".... L 1~'..~~"'~~'~Ii~:?"J.. . 4_~~'_..__.. . ........~._- ..- '--_.~-;,~~W-4-C1-.-l~-.~..4'- ._ .""",.,.. .' b.f~'k ~lifi, I~";.::' STA),"lrt:JF OR.c.tiON, County Ol...it)~"'''''''d.)''''' ..""", --r:>iI.';-r;,:--"'"-:''''~''' 19-L"'-.... _,..:', . ~...~~.. ~...~",,'~ Pcrsona1!l. .appeared the aboVCl.ri~npi .__..~,. €J..A_,-.,jr~..~_._....._.. .'i ~[.!~eT}~.~;'t::\. ~~d'~~~i~:;A--'''?!-Q4'':g~''-;;;;.~~ t~"b.'-:7Ji;;:;;.:..-::::;;,i~~;ct and deed. ...._,., :Iilt~ ~:._.G'J't~"~.~.... :., '.;'ir','>i,oU '. \C; i !_,.#,- . '~{~ ~~~~~:~~/ :- Befor"tv~;:;.p" ":- . U;r oreio~;;;;'i~-;;;";~i;~~;:~~;;[=-~.!L:::ZB.=--== " '::I?'tt.-..e-or:'"ni~~ .~J; ~I'''\.. _ ._-", 0;0: ,f.!!f~ "'I'"Utt"J''' WARRANTY DEED .: 'F,I." "!;'!fg.:rqld J\,..J\ !-fap M. ~1ol:11<lI._".. , ijental H!l.a1th For._ CQj,;l~:rJ!(l. D"N~_ ..'::Inc_. dba -The Chi1q~.!ltm:.,,_,,:,"~~_ I I Altar rCl~rdJn9 tolum 101 STATE OF OREGON Ml!,n.t.8"LI:i~il,_)J:lLf.Q.r....J;_v i Idren. 4~95 Uar~ola Road ~,i!lltf i ~14......J2R.. In !!lP.C~ RESEltVED .c. RECOROSII"S USE . . .,ss.. County of _.............__,__._ 1 cutily thot the. witllin inStru- ment was received lor:: record on the ...._....:._day of ..__.._._....:..__. 19.___.. at.....__...........o.claclc...:_M., and recorded in book ................on pase _.__or as file/reel number _..........:.._ ....., Record of Deed. of .aid. County. "" Witntss my hand' and real of ~ . County e1fixed. .........NTttIr."S anCl'U'ns~" 97477 -..--..------.....-.-..-.---.........-....-..- NAME, ADDlIas. UP Unlll Cl ~ha"8. 1s roqIJlIS1Gd, aU 10. ~faIGmlln'S liudl bD COllt hi tful 'allawlng addran: "'--'taL Ii~" 'th "O~ ,."" d.I:eD......ln':, ...._............'...__....__...._,...".._...........___... . .=.u. .. y,,--"- _.J. ~...4J.L-U.. , -Reccrdin4 Officai : , 3!l.9.5...MaI.C.o~a....Ro.ad..._..__, - pinE /1l( D -'-1 ~~~~~dieH-.C\ll__~-1.4..2.1.._---.--~ n -SUBMITTAL REC u --'..-----.....--.-..........-..-;-"'....... .putT. N,UIlE, ADDRESS. %11" n r (' .... r. '/n,\n . ..... /III .. ~- -'~ , --' :,. ,~',. ......... '''..." 79.f,\.1 ?1 i' .. U~r.:;;'_Lo.D ..,. ll.9~~,.84 . 3 Xi;;:~,}S'::;3~,; ..w.~st, feet;. thenc.e South 290 42' East, 74;1 feet; 453.8' feet to, the' ;plac~: elf, heginnblg. ~..., "" .T......,. ":,,:;::;";i.'<,.- ',- . ;~~~ :.i", :::;,:: !.~':1 ~~:t 1;\~ . t;;.~ " ~:,,' :;[", ~~~ , ;'.itt~ ':'~: '. . . '.~ " ~.: ~ " .. ,~ -,;':r;"! .,"" ," {~:'i i~': ~;} ~\ ~I."! , -';-,:: (;' ,',. -J', .... ~b';;~~ :.::~ -'j '.' : . . .~.. ~. .:- thence.Sciuth .": : U~~:~'~~f,.;. .;;:'" .d:>::.r0-r . ~"'b:~ .~..~:.it: : .~' ijii,;'k . ~ ' .,;-,. "._{:.?' i I " . ";. ~~. " '-'"0'-' :"', Eugene by instrument recorded December ',i" Lane County Oregon Deed R~cords. . , 30",1924 in Book 142,'Page 275;'.' '. . ; .,' . ~":".~'~ :' ,', ., 1'\-' '. I .'J!i:J ~ (1 '<:. F-; 15. .~7: ;:i:': ~~ ~';~. i8, ::;.s~ ~ '.'~ ~ ':$~\ ."..... :;~:: ..~.:. 1N"~_i4-41~ ~t< "}.f !" ~ ~. N ~ C) "', I:'" \ \ \ l "11 ,,-\! '.~ .~ .. f~ .~'l"'_ '.' *,~j .... i'g'i Q..sa .. r: g".;=I 5~ "2 1-\~ ~li! ',i ~.s >..~ ", ~ai:::- .= Q 1::-g QJ:!:?j:> ,... ,; :2 ~ >-"5 c , . ..6!rnie ,- " .; I atl!; '!: . . . "'. . ". to. 0= 0... ~, .... :!! 1Ill"O c: .... O'Q ,0 ~ ~ '~\l 0_ :.; ";~ . Q ... :II . . -~;~ . - . ~ 0\",,;' ~r5 lds .:i a ~~ -' < 13 ~r;: '" ..... 0 ....., !l ~g <> ! . . 0: ---- --'---'-- j" '0 .. Ii ~ . It '" J! ~ '; - s u u 5~ .~ :i~ oS . ~~ '" ., ~l<_~ \,.~...... ... " "., '. " " .~ .1 :;.. :!,:' , : ", ,~ . f"~' .\'. ";'40::' I I t' :i\~' !,' .~' . j'- - ,0"';':1:' . "'ll'.!...,\I......wt,.. .... . , 1 \ i:e :....,. .,., ~~.:......~...'t,o,' ," ,~.f ' ..t......',.. . .....".. ".,~';' : ""'~I!'.,1'o! ....,' , ~ ~~; ~ ,.., - '1 1. #~:;;.' \~~~;-:.~,~.:~ :~;~;i.. '.'" }?r. -=~... . .......~......;....... " -" .... "'~-, i " , i' ".' .:~,l.;". ;;,-:' 'f' ..' PRE~suBMmALREc'D DEe 2 22009 ........ 0II'fiil CASt:AOE TlT'-S CQ. ~mmM ,Q ~ASCp;OE mu:. ca. /7~!J? ~ 30 ::g:::- (~I ~()(J ,.. TITLE NO. 223/557 SSCROW NO. SUOO.9950 TAX ACCT. NO. 113452~' TAX ACCT. NO, 113466 ( Division 0' Chi or D.puty Clark '0~~ :14'011 Lane Counlv Oe.ds and Recorda , UU~ ,~ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. $31.00 001037192000004ZS71002 RPR DEED _ 1 _ 3 CASH1ER ~J'271200009:01 :01 A~ $10.00 $11.00 SI~.~0 , WARRA,'ITY DEED - STATUTORY FORM HARVEY H. HANSEN; Grancar, conveY9 and warran~g'tc MENTAL HEALTH FOR CHILDREN, INC., an Oregon a,ou-profit corpora.tion, dba TSZ CHILD CKHTER, GrantBB, the following described real property free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein: SEE EXHIBIT A WHICH IS MADE A PART HEREOF BY THIS REFERENCE 'l'HIS .....~~....n.uu~.u, WILL NOT ALLOW 'OS! OF '1'HB PROPERTY DKSCRI8SC IN THIS INSTRUMEN'r IN VIOLM'ION OP APPLICABLE t.AND aSE LAWS JUm t\3Gm..AnONS, . lJB!'ORS SXGN1:NG. OR ACC:SPTING THIS .....,........UUl;!.j.u:, TD PERSON ACQ~ING FBI 'TITLE 'I'O 'l'Hl!l PltOPBRTY !3'BOtJLD c:u:l!:CK WI'rH '1'RB UPRCPJUA'l'2 CI'l'Y OR COUN'1'Y PLANNl:NG DBPlUUmNT '1'0 Vlmn'Y APPROVED 'lJ'SES AND TO DE.....toA.o..........c. ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FUMING OR. POREST PRACTICES AS ...t:.~.......o... IN OKS 30.910. . Except the following eneumb~ances: 2000/2001 caxes which.are a lien but not yet due and payable. COVTlNANTS, CONDITIONS. RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTs OF RECORD. The ~ consideration for ~s conveyance is $291,QOO.00. Dated this ..:1./. day of M ,4-w "11 -;V""",,,,t,/ m&;~ HI HANSEN , . .AII.;rd . ~. -~~~'-J "1!f__lIIlI1IlIII1J,llIll..i STATE OF OREGON'r C'Qunty ofL, '-'" , )u. Thia instrument was acknowledged before me on by HARVEY R. HANSEN ..~ Not~Public for oregon MY commission expires: 10 -li~3 CL.&. / tl (' o<~ ,. 20~, HARVEY 11. KANSEN P.O. BOX 356 OAKRIDGK. OR 974EiJ GIUUn'OR'S NAME AND ADDRESS Until a change is requested all tax statements shall be aent to the following address; . u sAME AS GRANTEE ... ~AL HEALTH FOR CRILD~~iI.bB 3991;;; MARCOU\. ROAD SPRINGFIELD. OR 974" GRANTEE'S NAME ANn ADDRESS ..J. ~ter recording return CAsCADE TITLE CO. 811 WILLl\METTE EUGENE, OR 97401 to. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D DEe 2 2 2009 '1 ... ~~ CT-223557 .[;p./ PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Beginning at a point 24.0 feet North of the carner common to Sections: 19/ 20,'29 and 30 in Township 17 South Range 2 west of the Willamette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon, run thence- North 2Sa 30' East 453.80- feet to a poine,' said point being referenced bya sIan iron rod, thence North 2913 42','dest 27.33 feet to a point on the Easterly right,of way line of Marcola Road, said point being referenced by a 5/6" iron rod, thence run South 60. 22' 24" West along the"Easterly right of way line of said Marcola Road 311.27 feet to a point marked by a slsn iron rod found marking Engineers centerline station 30 ,plus 77.5''- P.T. (and being 54.65 feet Easterly when measured at right angles to the said centerline of Marcola Road). continuing along said right ,of way line South 60. 22' 24" West a distance of 172.31 feet to a point marJ:;ed by a 5/BII' iron rod set at a point 51.72 feet 3asterly (when measured at r~ght angles to the centerline of said Marcola Roadl of Engineers centerline station 29 plus 00 P .O'.C., thence along the arc 'of a curve l_eft (the chord of which bears South 55.,16' 55" West 195.23 feetl to a point marked by a 5/B" iron rod (said point being 46.51 feet, Easterly of (when measured at right angles to the centerline of said Marcola Roadl at Engineers centerline station 27 plus 00 P.O.C., thence leaving the Easterly right of way line of said Marcola Road and run South 6. 57' SO" West 261.4B feet to a point marked by a 5/B" irbn rod, , . , thence North B5' 15' East 362.06 feet to a point that bears 162.39 feet South 250 30' West of the point of beginning, thence North 250 30' East 162.39 feet to the point of beginning, in. Lane County I Oregon. . II PRE-SUBMITIAl RECIO DEC2 22009 ,;a.mu 'j!. Moci:il-:at .a.l::.:'f:' PRE-SUBMITIAL I ~EC!Jj; ~.'n:.b;.~in~c:.",::,,:.,;~~~ ~r5 Iii~U-M-.:MaaI9 -thh-'l"i~;:>'-;-a -'00' \~i~<'It:{';j~:'ri'a',tiri.;. ~'t: lb:" " : ~..., Blast .:-': ,,',1, .... ~i \~~~g~~~~,'~~ .- '~~~1it~~ tlJment,~ '~F.lnd: l1PP~~a~!IO:~'~ j~!':;~~tO":' !J,lt)" _ ': -. "':" . ~"', ':'- ...'..- . .~ , ~".. .. :r.-' and r.av~i'~~D~'t.u.~9!Ba:l,ii~ii~.:,:(p:~:~.r' c"'tll's.,s' ~'pa:ifj 2~' "';' '~}i; ,>.: > .~ B'!!II.'8 Q! 'rT.1LIlltrIS")'. coUn':'Y'(lF..COOI~. ,..),SB,' ,.,., , ., ,...,"'.., I. 't"aJ~ifN,t:!bli;,;.1. f! iJot~ !n:1fl!o !.i1",nd' tdr~8Iilii':""9oitnff oDd: l5t~~~~. da.1i"oi'libi '~'~~iiii~'hfut ~,~ on th1.a,,''S1i't~b~t'ii'''aD;;i Df UeolllDbar- A~.Ii':'~~9a4t";per.l:('-'<J:i~lIipim~Q::'1i~:ton mq:~~\'lf.,'3B'lIriorf ~ . :::;~~f:l;~~*~~~~~t~~~l~:~.~" .~.:i;.~rL~"'~"~'~'. ~.' ':.".,,:..;,,-::_' ....,..,. "." Uotar 141 S~'~~.~(. ;'. n';-":U,:I:-::.:' ':;.';"..". .:.,~,'-' -, '.,".'-''', .~:-"'.'{:-:F" ....-- . - ',.., )~8~.~...{ ,.lj:-~;.... ,,~,. . tho --;,~;;;-:,",:,~,. a );t7J!;:ll~~JI~~~l?J~',~t~~!!~!rc~';fI~ .- - -~ ......".... tb8nae.,',rr,'141', "'o;'.9}5CFalia'~ li filial! jll~l:r4iiJ~ir~~tr~~f~: . ,r ~~.~~nt.~'~~o:::Il".;60"aijr'3S:' 'm~l"t1"or ?~~~I!;;,~%." i,..v"".....'..i...'I1ii..:...iIf.".....~.'..., ~i~~ri . ;lPlB;;;t~i ..aDt~,l' 1hsrd 1m i. ..~1th\:iity.'Of'~OOt!Obil~' . .' '<'ll~!;~:'}~~ )h~;i];jil.i:;:.: . ,.;. " .~.L..l'9~'.:.!li6fore.,.li:ie:..,:it;,::'19'.i;- 'lIlDA:rtbtlr _ . ,..,~:~:;:!,~~~!E~:.:~1:."1. ~ ~mIli.\~~:~a;ff~'>. ";'&fi:!?a181"~~'88'1 the do !n~ ~~ 'i:,",_".;;'(~~~~ ~'~::.l~;: ",('7 ~.;::i;~~%~:.~L~;C.i~;f/;~1.::""' ,1_ ..,. 1 7 I~ ~j4.""";~' I ,,'-"':.',.-'" ......-J, .-":"",.~-~ - '.,-:!",.::"....... I,~.~"..' ",1. .._~.,;.ot~1:a l%lll.n;aftar 411:1:,,- aoant;r of I.nn8 ~, ~ ~~~:~'tii:'::~:~r~31{,::-:~~ .~~.<~.:- ::./~~.y.~~~~1-;~~~.~.;'~~~:~~~~~:~,9,~~,~~. ~ ':' " ~ "'" .-::1 Ji....~ . _':; I"~;;' ..: ':.:.:,.;~C!/~:;.;;~~"J. ','" ~~ ~Joidiai:8810b O:qIirea.Oa'ti"J;ill 1'928. . !l';"':":-'-.'" ::'<:'!i::,::-~~~'r.:;j,~;<:.- ;'~. ';r.~~~;:::": :.~; /.-":'. - . ' . . ~ a ~ .:j\:':t;~.:,,')":'\'1'....;.~471~'.!f.~ .......-.i;-.....-..'" '-:'. ~ e....- II ~. . ',~..:;' ~~...:.'.,.",' '.. , ;::~" __7 - - - ~8' ~~ ~~~ i~ ,~.. "- ~1r~~~ ,.;j)7~~ii1f!1in:tytlllSn..ao'ti8.1t'f.Vi.tJ11l and :1;;8%7 ~......~ w',..".....,. _ ., -. - ~?e4\ ....,!J~~.~.~r;'~.~~.lp~.;t.'9.0rp~~8.:.loD. b:v and ~ .1" :;.,~ .i~!'ft::;;?J~':<.~:.;.:;....:.:;:,~.:~~~~::,:.: '.. ,'~;J;, uusut _ . ~.jnac'J1ii;fQ,cins1i!l!ii.Bt.~CIir! of:7ffit-:'stilll'of ~1;t@ ;'l!~" "'a;~'iYJ(,~'iff1~f" " e"i!\';~~'~111!ITAl REC D l~~,~ _~1~t~~~~@~~j~~.~~(1.,:!-'t ~fl~ili'f1r;i!IDi&{. ;t-:\f.:~T~~~~~{;;m_~{._ DEL 2 2 2009 /55 "",. .tl~'''"~'''''i!::l;'''~'i'rr...rt!!Wfl'',r.~'!.\~'''a;ft~4S''''''g7f~~.r.-rr,\'''-,;;';'s1'.r~}'' ,.,f,~1~~1f;WJ~~-ffl'!;~~ilil~Ii#.$<S-;;j~f{!~~11~1,;?~ill},~lir?:~w~m~m ,,"'--':':~\::::>':;;:'~i?:!:/:~::::)..,::'.~~,;;tJhi::r:.;.:.:,:".. '",. ..:-.~--:..;.-.., . - :.>::.- "";:',. :::\>:../;.; ~i.::>'li\'lf< 1'\~4!;'!rr.'~"'~''''~1t''.e;.. ~a' '. ~. hi(i.:~g!~1'i.i~F"Rif~1i;:Ji~W-::!ffil'. . ~._, it - . - Q;,.'~~~~l:;jkt!..u!;~Ij~'iI., .... ;;.-...::. ....... ~2: ::~,:":';,:'",:>:, :.;;:.., ".'.'_,i,--,~,~_._ _._~ or:=a- ", ;.:,~..~'l:.:;::;:;::~ -..~.: \~:-:.:..:. . 'r';;.,;," .1" . :I4:i1':..~~ttU.~OD . i ~:l ,~"..'~!ar~~\~Citt:8:l! . . ~~:hea ~ @ :!!!a. ....-... ..... ." ":;'.. :.:-.,,:.... ~. .;; ....,. . """.." "-';1'" '~~~~ gun 'LJ a3691 . ~SUBMITTAl ~~Cl[ :::,DEC 2 2 2110~ -':-.__.L":':~.....-: :..... _.IMiI!l;R!Jl![~ nm~~ ~!!;Blil! , " ....-.------ ------------ oornsr ClOmmOn to aeotiona 19, 20. 39" lUJd. 3.0, 'J!. 11 Si R. ,3 I'J. W.lll.. !hi~.o~~1aa~9~~!i-~8~~i~!!~~~~~-~e~~s~-e~'~~~P3:-~~1~~~~~~~g~~~eOO~3Dr~-a~-~~!,~ of-~at~.~~ra~~~~~~~and-5ha!i~ba_~~~.~~a~baaat!1~~~-~~-~saQoD!~~&~~~ F'llrth!J~ l."!~l1tB Ilnd !ll'hllegee to ba"!lOD're,y'3d .bY''''sa:ld,;tBiLaemont are d"asol':lbed:-as tri'Uowe: The pBl.tr .ot ,the .~aQolld .part. throl1gh ita aganta," .shall b&ve tha'right to eatel." !;upon said ll!J1rla tor bbe purposo ot' o~natt'Ua.t:1nGJ bu11d1J15'1 "'lay1Da't patro1l1I1g'j FUld':ma.t.ntaining i,therun !l pipe llna fol' thlt conV'eY6lloo,'ot ':rato:". iaolud!n; QUoh:reneYlaJ.a.' ~epa.L1:s. 1"!Jplallsmez1.ts or :1'e- movals e.a ,'Day', tram. .t.ime to Ulna; be .l:'equ1-redi with th.e.risht ~o' :t'1!mo'fa such-' Q!iiiWtt~ttODs as. may 1aht't~ra with the aO!1S~l"Uatiott 0:: D;lartlt1oD at sa.id pipe l1%lel,:saJ.d.;:.,.cl'gh;b"aha:ll:/~ct l'srpet- " . J ua.l so long Ba said aity alia.U O!I'ara:h a,pipl! to:c' oarry!Jl/J ;yahr ll.aros'Paid. 11Ulll; but ahoul4. a~id. 01ty aBBse ,to uae aaid pips liD~:and abandan'th& same, than all.r1ghtB and privileges aOIlV'syed. by 'su.oh' easement I3halllapae.IlI3ll.!1l.1 :rigJi'!; and tUle thal'o~o shall rne:c'1l t~' the B1'Q.t~ or_of said. SSIISIIIIUlfl,' ~a 'B\ltlaeaao-raj hsira or asa1gna. , , It U furt~e:t' pro'71ded that seU. -pille lins shaU bQ so laid tha.t 'IIee tap tlh.e'"reo~, IIhs.J.l be I; bunsd at lea.st 16 inohes below the natural -surfa.oe of the aro1ii:u1 'IJ%QOpt at low ~rpot~, when ravines or slougho, .I1ot l.DotI'l~i"ationi "81"8 or.a saedj a,t.. wb1oh"",po1.l1ts the top o~ thep1pe mov bea.t E1uob. elsvat-ioDB as 1ibe' C'i'far'."d.eotde, .prortd:ed.'1ir: abBll. J1lJt interfere 'dUb the oonttn- I' I' ) uad uss: of tbe 'l9Jl.da Df lIhe pa1>t:(",01 th8"fJi!st,.p~ as'tllsy are'Dow used,.' . l \ tli 1a tu:otlher ,ag1"lIed. that tbo".lJity'. eha1:l;'?UVU;-t1he rlgb;b to. buH4,'at 1lIle Burf'aaB~ ot lIhe - ' " .... -. . ," ;rwnd suobentranoEUl. bo the,.p~'lJe"llna'. ';&8 1Il&I" ,bs'i.oeq'lUBd. :pJ!'o-v;1:ded. . that. such' oile~a wiU not bo iarSlJ1"' tbeU' tour .teall..,squarej' ?l111".be.-builv ao'~'aa'l1gt.::to'eZtal1d' moru.than:'fI" few !.naMS I above ground lsvO"1. and'111l.,b8< so Govel'ed a.a..t1~ be',Ga:rB'f'OJ7..c~oga.1ng:;o':r stoak,cor "'~'b1ll1loB. J - . - ~ .. ,i 'nle aity will. if .ZlaoBBSar;r;.s.i1d,:N"qiiest84;..to' do.;,sa.,:ibu1ld: _.maJ:ntail1"'~ui':Log th8':tbis'::aaum" 'I ' ... '.' ,. " i' CUOD worle 1s under \'1D7~ Bu1tabltft'-b:'1d-PI'Fto~"uBB 'ot",lIu~~a::r,.,th~f'.1:1"si: puil ;.1;D':~p8t:nJ1:ag.lstolSlt f Ol.'" '/lJhiolu 'e.arOSD tho strip' 0:t;lan4.. 'i'atenedf:'tQ':;1n'sB.1d:"'ia86iit8D.t.~ . ". !' ! !l!ha ~ti.ih'b of"\'lBTabovs"1"8hnad.':"to. aaa;. oon1"8ll';b;y','-a:nd':;~l1:i!.etl-'ia. bU's .'oaaelDea.t-,I~ 1)0.0"' \ sis'!; of' a. ahtn ,of' led: 10 f'e.et"in width. 'oe1.a&;:5 .teet oD':e1tlie'ii"~a.1d8 Of'.'thIHSeD:ber UDIt"Or ~: routu here:tafore. d~f10l"1 bed.' ~ . ; ( It 1l:J turthar UDders,toed, BJii a~911ll tha~ ..tu';Oit7:itiall:'.'h&ve th~ lll1d1 t1ona1.,,~:1:sb.lI and .:P1".i" 1 vllep durt:ag a.aDst:l:UOt1an to, OIlOUp;. wUb. sxo'o'n:tled uter!.a1...o,'QOust:ruct1C1Zl':utb:ral ~'gZ"equ1.p- l mentl aD add.1b1anal stri.p a-i laDd ,11dJ8.a9nt;ta, andi ~'eu'b tide at the s.bo~e.'411'11onbed 'Vip i 'or right Df way. thatls 25'~.et aD the .D~,ilb8~:.'or,left ride-.ot imo a.bDV4t"4"~o:niB4:'Dt:1p ~ and to .tl1e lllllita of' the aboV'e I1SBl)rlba4H1B:lllia-~oD the"8DUtltb1T,-'al!".rigb.t:'811I."Qt"sdt~~'Btr1'P:oir I . _ .,' . .. ~ right of' way and it .1a..1lD,dol'stood, and- a~oed,.:tmnt ;tu' 1I0DG1'dIii!aUOD."h81'e1n~'i1Bli1id: eh:LU',. '~ba. 1J1' \ :fall :tGr..'e.1.l. d.alaaauB""w.~m.'.by<ths ,Pai'!t.rr:o:t..the-".:ri'1!'lJIr part. far 'UlJG '01' 'la:adl" aD. "~oon:,;'annal;', i 1ln~1ng time' at QQnstriot1a.D,,'pr~v1.d'ed. hcwoveri'thall ahculd,lUIf ,g%'ow1ll.g"orops'.be'dae~ed, ~tb.lt, ~ same s!:tall,..bB,'~pa1ct..:Ol' . 1D 'e.d.llJlt10~.',.to .tl"~';a..bo:V.B':Blim.~'s.i:id..~at'~1Jh8""Q~Gnt; ,V:d.ltiG'~Df":~~Qrop~t;. ~ tt:Jq. '~~8.1' ,,~,.a.., :,thaill' UllOll"" lIom~.~~QIli .of'. .ooi:l;s.t1!l1c.tf"OD' 'i'~: ~ :subse'l[Ii'ont!\, '~~oo~~is:U" ~ ion or, ~.iJtla:1~,.'t~8dJl~':~~~'_O~1I9 ,th~ '_~~t.Q';,.'b.~W:ed:. JSV8J!';&.u3':'.{it:to",::",,:"~'~'~~iItai!;e-:I~\~~ :. ! reJ:lOV8",~~::,:sPo.u..-,:.~.':'~ lI~tB.r~I':ft.C~..~./Pa~l,..' Cfla7 OJ:" J:~::Z'=:.the:-:lSd:'.aaaail~~"tlilijl;~' . a:rily, ~~'1I~e:'~.e)Deme',~DP:J1::.1iI;r~,"'19: tooit,.~~:~..,'~n:e: deslI1'ibiiti: 'i!. 'aa:':Bmo.ot.ti(.'iI::DI1:"WG.i'~" lIUU1J18J!'. as, P9SB$.~,lll).,:~...)ha.-t..'.~e-roa:f..1I1u:,. bb's Pn:dr. -ot .tho' ftrst. ps:i:!b 'Will' MYII -:tnll,~it, c~e' lend to .w:~19h SB:l;~.:.It~l":~U:t!'...pplieB. subt1dctt.\-O~: to iihs' 'd:ahtll Qt"sa1d..~lv .reJrB.-tive'::to.. ~BpeQ' tieD, 'rOiI.!Lj;i:>.s:'~"j,6J1:a08mii~,~'.' , ... I,~' ~ . . It .1s;:pr~..t~~; ..~baJr,"hll!re'.:',"!S_e~., :to, ,1'8mov..,:o:e; ~1i81':..;tIJDO,eB': 01'. .~.tl:1.~ pepertY.i"; ;tb.e'.-alty :::aam:~:~~1~:t,~~:~.:;:':~:i:::~=~::~.~:~;r~~~.::::~:~ ~-::S:'~:~::~:= . Bat 18fB,lJtar:;",J;I.aAti~".ilj.!O~~:1~',tif;1.;:~~hj~iz.~.!l,Pi~~'t~~;\.~1r'81::,'1I11ri::~~~~:ld',~tb.Gr,I"ns:8~:t1liaiin'~!"b9l1U :~.i;~;J;~:~.~~.~.,~~:~~,:~,~:~U~:~;,~,~~'~:'.~:~~f~~~,:\7::.~~$:,~.~,~ pu~,~~.~;"~~:'~,1iO;~.~r~~~i'~~blt It ..ilS":tUr.thBr."a~Bed;,.,tli.~~,ii';":Bh.QuU;~srii'!f1~QriP8;.:.ar.:~a:ilJi.e:t"!!'prtfp~h~':b8!..,.dBJii8.ss&~;bt,~.tb.e;lait;y' ~ !lv. ,.,;lIllu,;h\U!, ,,,'. . --". ,"'c"",'..'f;c,'Illi"".. , o-@"".'."D=-_C \ 1. VI-. 'lloArthm:' " . /TAL REC'D _ 2 2009 '~;Jf.i?~h'411IYi~~;~1tr!~ri~~~t~1i~V~~J~{f~~~i~t{ftTl'~~iIT~if;\~~i~T' , !.'6~:fr}"t;;'~tclt\JI."~.~~JJ1i!r.ii.J;..::l4I':i~"'\'f~!I.J,:.~J!\W'~\1:,iJt\\i~~'li"M::':;(1!;,I"~::r,I"~""~Pll::. " .~.",:.i;~~'~,,, 11. ,i"':%d..'.:t(~.<\".;\f';;I~IJ"ll<-,-,:J,.n.,""..<<,,;j _(~~lt,,; 1.II.i::"";:l,'<1:'",\1~,::;.! ~~;U;' . ! l"".~"";",,, j :::".;.., I; saa.l the da.y :: ;'.:~;. t::~.~~)\:~.': ." "...,. in and.'tar tb,s Oaunty :,.',;" "\, Ij;;~~ ,!~~ff~iaI~.~; ~, .,' ~~~~;p~uak~*1r'iil lOti 1928 v "~'" . ,:i'il~' B3683 !i':;f,~j' " , .;.',"", .... " :~,:' ' aa:d '" ~-----_.------'~-._- ~ ~.._'''' .,-:..::.;;.... ,,:.... -~... . l.l_'- ..,.-..... ::;f:~.,:..... :f~~f.:::>!'.<."..i.,:. .. ~;:.'" '.' ;~~t~~:~;~.;.>:;': ," ~ :,'::',;,;;:-:'~,:,-:",~,,' ..... .' . ., .........:.;::.:.."". i,' ~...:.;.;:. .,',,' ~~':1;',::- ~~>r:' Jf~::::.' '';., i~.; . .....; '.'" ';*ith frS!i!' . .... . '"-,::'~~:.z.'::>"" '. , '''',! " ...D:..'j.;...;.... ,,,:..;..' --, ....,;:):~:;}:~..: .; 'J... -......,...,'.... ,...... <.: ":'..', "'". '. WI TNESS': 1-- 9','--':,""_:3",:, ',:,':,' , ':"':';:', ',':f"" , , " ''' , 1"' r~:..~.::~;:';... . ..-;':-';:' . '. -.:..':--- ,'.:'..' '.. .:..:;:.~.;-~:>:..:,'::< '.,:; ..... .... .:....}:,...:.:,i;,h.....' .. \":.",;';,::. ._,:,.: ;~.' .- ;,::~';::"';" ., ..,'. ,..... . .... :;...,.:.,.. ....~~~f!llr)i ..- '. . '. 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" , , '....... ...f:';..:" ":';;\;" : ;:,~:.:.:. '.~ .'";.:.:.::';' .,'. :.' '.. ~ _::,~.::!~t~:: ~:. ...;' . :. :,....; ":',;:;:,:-:.. .!.' '-;"':" . ......~ "." :...~~.':" ~ oq~~\:.: ,-' . ..' '" ,. ",0 :';-cc,::::' _~,',:". .::_,::,~,~.;,._'I_,~,:,!:,',,:;:,{,I,~,;,,:?i~r%t&~{:c;";:TI;{iii,:f;:, ._ ,.:~.~>;:,....:....,;.. - -.' .' '-.... '~';":'~'.-:.;.:~.,;:;;_.: ..~-:.:~...., . ~ ..<"::.; ....... .., ~i~<? .,' -. ,. ..:.... ...... .~.~??>t\~~(~,.:~;~:;:.~;;. ; :::.:. .~.::. " . .. . . - . ''',.'' ";~\;'::!:':;:.'.:.: .::-;.... 7gj335~ ~' ,"'~M~~ ::~'::::,:~) /f...L'-'- ~"~g'",\" :.:'~." "'~;N -.." ".,,' . .,;; '..,. " p~'lU.lh .iNti EASe.iEN't ~@~ ~\~ ~~'~;!i ~!l\~ ",',., .;",...;jj~ kNOW ALL )IEN BY iIlESE PRESENTS, th.t ~lent.l Health, for Children, ,-.Inc.", db. Thei ChtId"llenter,-<uy " -.-::-.-:-":.,. .. ;"':'_'~".~"':;;7.-J.'S-;;t.;., \':~::';',f~',ii the Grantor henin, daes hereby CQVenant. tl1a.t: it 1i~the' owner. 'of ttli!l.;fOl'10W'i.ng'.desc:r1ba'drr-~:,:::;\:;~7,~~~ real property in Lane Caun"ty, Oregon, to-wit: .. .';-. '... ,. . ',.';~~;,~'i;'(>::,::;:2::;~ ~~~~~r~u"io~ ~~~;~~ i;e~o~~~~h R~~g;h; ~~:~/~h:~~~~~;~e:": _.i:jj'~# MeTldian. and nmninll thence South '2S"30'.-11est, 191:.;.6'.feet....ta-..~..:... '..,. --:'~.:"",' .'.._.:.~T,~.--,'~,f,.: the left 'bank of the McKenzie Riverj thenco NOl'th 70 4:0" 'East, I :,_~'.~~.. 90 feet 'to the meander COT1'1er on the left bank of the Mc.Kenzie .....'....:i:\' Rive;- bet,...ecn Sec.~ions 29 and 301 of. the same rown5hip~:~~",' ; ::.~'::',--::"', :~;;0~~~ Range: thenct!i North 700 East 349.8 feet to..the:.me_ander::,:.comar...,:...._:,..,... .'. .:.~::~':;."'.;,:o.:.,::':';!~~ .~~~~~~~{~~~!.ff~!i"'i~1 algng. the center:. of. the"C011I}tto~~aa.~ '~~!+:~~~~~1.i~WJ:t~~e~~Q.'{;~ '.-' 29 4-2' 'East,'.. 74.-.~11:.f'e&t;:....t;hence~So4th:.::~S~~DJ;1.1f,e'S'1:/i4_S3.~.;8\~ieij' .'.'.::.' to the pfaee :'~f' begirininf~' ',.,;-' .:',:' :,', .~:~,,-."I . i"~! : ....; .....,.. .':.~::.~,:.:.:.:.:,~......::.:":.;;!:.~. The intentled ""ute and Bi'Proximate locatiOn 'or t1ie'~~~;;;;drli~l~t;";'" equipment; is shown. on the attached Sketch _ .A~099:t ',,:).;,__, .:~iU::~~~~~~;f a part hereof. It is tD1deTstood and agreed tha1:,7~.~tlaJ:.::cori~ric#~:z:W~~~:,~ equipmen t may diffe-r from the intended route' and "app~c~~ii ~l:)c~'#'.~:~:'~:i:) '. ". .~.:~~--~ POt" the purpose of furnishing alectric semel!" by. the .arail'i.eii:ijef~:t4~';: premises. the undersigned a.s Grantor does he.reby ~t'imtO.1 thQ..tl.TYfiQF:';'~' ORE'l:llll. for the use and benefit of the euaen; IVA-reRc,,','ELEtt'riiC.: BDtuUrt[:O:ii,{ pet:pS'tua'1 'perinit and'.ease1Den~ for all unaergrt1cnct ~!earl:c:::'di.:s,,:.;.bU#'an.;i"''-:'. ... _.', appurtenancos thereto. under. and acrass. tha-.abo\re~des.:r;~~.<-ra~.i.'.;p~~mC~...:il and. location' as aetiJa-rly consuuC1:ed' ""d' i.ruit'all~d.: 'TliihGiaator'iiieilliiic.l'CI;i(c'Yr any and all equipment or replacement: t}urteof'v,:Ulmn.ed'~~dIi-aiir:.'-o~:;a~5:'~r.;..:'l:.:''''~ said Grintes. shall remain..the 5o1e.jn-ofeftr:df.;ri$~~~a:n"t~.~an~~_Wli;~~:~."::~~ " r-"'r,"'-"/ .ill: . any tim& at the discretion'of .i:fie..'~uK~~\ra~i:r1tf;.EreCt:~i~.;t8p~~~~;:f!f. . :'. , ,,'~. '.' .i'::'l~'.. ,:..,-' '" '~\;' :;.::.r;,~.;. .;':~i.~,~~\-t-:;::::~~."... TD3etliilr 'witb any joint user with ,li!riIm"G,riii~..ay, ,..._'..;,~;'r:-ci' '''d''>i&et.;i;'~ii!ii( a."\d. egress over said PTOllOtt)' f"OT':1;he '. . -'io~;'oE:'~_"_""~~ai:ij:~:-' _ ''''''. . . sUch lines and appurtfimBnces and e~;".::~.ar:n~1i1:.i..~ifereay..!~n~~;.r~~;~~:~~~~~~~f(:. At no time shaUany buildiDB be m~'~'or'Pla~~~ ~T~h~~D~~~~!:~;J~;11;i~}ii~illi;~"t;;- SU~ECT: to the foregoing' limitations satd. '~ht:-:Q~way may .b,e::us:~Q~.&j;l~~'6~~~~~;;~:~"~!l'>~"!: ~~..~::. road, p:a:rking, Ot' a.riypurpose not inconsistent 'With said,:~emeri.e..:. :.1. ....::~!?:::.';:/~~..~,~c~:.~ . .:_.....; ~;' . :'_'.7 :~';>'.:.~..:i::!:~";;.:i~r All 9uch rights hemtmder shall cease. if 'and',when.:Sttc.h 1:irii:t-;"sba:n,;"hrie:;b~...h~;:aiki'li" Other than the agreements herein contained theri.- 10: no' CiJn"i.Qriti:;~~;'~~~~'~~iy~~~~~o. TO HAVE: AND TO HOLD' the same urttQ. the Grant-ee. its sueeesson 3nd;~usf~~"":Z~.:'?:.:~!..?-.'r.:f'~.<;,..i the rights. conditions and provisions of".this .e~seillentsHii1~' inure ~a.::~~~\~~#'.t_ ., be bindin& upon the' hr:iu. Bxe.cut-ors;' a.dMiniStrators.. successors anQ:':~'Sign~;-i:9;f'::7'~, re~~ctive ..1UU:~BS h~~t~: . .. '>~~?(7!ftl~ ,f~rj~~ . J" r:- (11,.1,,- i."'... .,/.- .. ',','''' ".,p' "''"';1tl~~:t .,-T.t~; iS7'ifC.1/1)..i _:. " .' -::,;31::.~,;I~;i1is~n~~:~'!~1~y s:~ /7 r,? O:j' .," , ~',':-';;;;}~~;;':!';l~m\f i-:..... '.... . '. PRt.SU~tv.;~ht\1:q~hfi .~.;;.; .;:-.": 1 " ';t.::: OEt'~;:~' 2'd{jS';;!~;~:{ti~1.~~ '. :..'.;\. :~~\~~;~ '.:,' ';1.:;'; ';;': ,,, .... ~~f ,', ~~t~ ~1 ;fa:~ ~I:;,;.,~t; ~~H1.:. t~~~ ~:~l'"" ~{; ~i~ ';i;~ R~~ .fta,ii },t!,'.:I ~ ~~~ !i!~~, ?;r~ ;~~ ~~J !},],. :-:.:..,.: '.".: '::.J::i );~;:: .',.!';:.i" ,'~;'~'j: ':"';'. ",,;.;" \:;j ~. ,..,.,. '::. ".~". \~~t d~i~ ~Wi~~ . '<~;T .' ~ ~!: ."-" .'." ::i:',i .~::::~. ':-".'- ........ .,',. "': ':'1 Parmit ~nd EAsement, Pago 1 ua Electric Only "ith Exhibit (2-7B) '. : :.~;; ::'~~:(Pe:1ini t and I!IlSemcnt. Page 2. '-';>'.'UG 'Eleotrlc 'Only ,IUth ExhibIt' ,--'''- (2.-;8) 7:;';33353 IN i'iITNESS , ~JHEREOF I KA') the undersi~ed has .' 19..l'L. exc~utca .thi'S).nStTUmen': thi:l 4'f'\,.' day: of." ...~. ":"';". '1.'-)"':''': '-"":1.:;''';:::;- _J..... ~,~.rf~ ~~,;.;: ... STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF -- - - ::~'...:_,:' ~ .:.i..;,!,;iilJi ., ,;";'-.'" _. ...... .~.._ :;,:t~~,:::.~.'.~~~:~.~:~~;~~t~;~~;;~~_~, On this , day of within n-amed . known to me to tJe-.t.he jdent"i~ "lnd1V:t~:"'-':"desc:ri.tJed inst.rum-ent freely and'.voluntarily,. . ,. '.-1:.., .~~ ..' '.'~!:b:. "':'""- " " 57 ArE OF OReGON, k /\ On film -Y-. -::- day of '?;>-:1 ,,;tot- ' . . . '." ~'1~~~:. J-:t'~,~. /., -})--~ _.I and ~~,~~>~.~:._',?;;:-~<:::-'I-'~__..::. . '1i"h- to m. pen;anBlly known,wIi1l being duIv^'OlY!Jm;'.~~'fiia'.'liIrr--ll.~~:~ . f Is the Jltesldent. and'JJe, the-saJd'?n.' '. 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G.;;: f.' .,.,-.l.'r-....- .... 999 R .JtlllloCali~tYOFFICI~LRt~da.. .' .;;:z ., - . . 'g;~.~;,~~.l~:'t'~..~.(<h,D....~....i.r . " , - l ~ ' ,II .', /' - .....i ' CI 'u. _!1:J . . ::;0 . Tn . en c:: <:;::or_ s;: :;;::J ." ._Ii> ' '';""- . :';.\:l~' -'.~}i\ .;;::. o fT1 rJ ~ .."" ',N o 'c::; U? 'g' .~."') <:. -0"" .:~tJi.,~:f:.:. . :~! y~~. '" .. . " "" ",i .,"_.-:'''"' .j".",' '".i'.'"''' :;. " ~t;~Ei ' .~. ii ~;~ i :'i I' --'..f'i-::;}: ~:; . ",;".. " .,j ~\~~~rr" ibI.! e- ...., ~ ;:: a ~ ;;!!;. l:tl i 1 .., RECORDATION REQUESTED BY: McKenzle Slate Bank PO Box 67 ' S2S1 Main Street Sprlngneld, OR <rT477 , ~ PRE.SUBMITIAl REC'O , DEe 2 Z 2009 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: McK.nzIe State Bank PO Sox 67 5251 Main Street Spr'ngfl.'d, OR 97477 '\ Division o( Chi.' Deputv Cl.~k Lane Coun~y Deeds and R8CO~ds " l~OO.0~l1~~ ~4U0 <:> SEND TAX NOTICES TO: I- 1[2 ~ II1I ~ m 1111111 !IIIIIIIIII .0.1..."m0B.A.a....7080..El 07/26/2000 01:54:27 PA RPR ASH - 1 - 5 CASHIER 01 $29.00 $10.00 $11.00 M.ntal Health lor Chlldren, Inc. dba The Child Center 3995 Marcol. Rd. Sprlngfleld, OR 97478 ~ .. . .: ~ J f: f..;1': -.;:::! 1('1 '9' SPACE ABOVE THIS UNEilS FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS THIS ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS IS DATED JULY 24, 2000, between Mental Health for Children, Inc. dba The Child Center, whose a.;.ll,.... is 3995 Marcola Rd., SJlringfleld, OR, 97478 (referred to below as "Granto...); and McKenzie Slate Bank, whose address Is PO Box Dr, 5251 Main S~ Springfielll, O~ 97477 (, .I.. _.11 to below as "Lender"~' , ASSIGNMENT. For valuable consideration, Grantor assigns, grants a continuing security interest In, and - . . ~ conveys to Lender all of Grantor's right, tiUe, and :..:~~l in and to the Rents from the following described Property located in Lane County, Slate of Oregon: h On exhibit "A" attached hereto and Incorporated herein by this reference. The Real Property or Its address Is commonly known as 3995 Marcola Rd., Springfield, OR 97478. The Real Property lax Identification numb.r Is 109775. " DEFlNmONS. The foUawing words shall have lh8 lclIowing meanings when used In this AssIgnment T9ITl1s not O1Iierwlse defined In 11110 Assignment shaD have lh8 meanings atlributed to Such tstms in lI1e Vnila"" C~,.",,_,.lI Cad.. All references to dollar amounts shall mean amounts In iawlul money cf lh8 United Stales of America. Assignment. . The WOJd 'Asslgnmenr mEl8l'ls Illls AssIgnment of Rents belween Grantor and .Lender. ~ includes wilhout IImiIatIon all ass;". " ,_.~ and security interest provisions rele8ng to 111'; Rents. . . " I:xJst/ng Indebledn.... The words 'Ex/sl1ng Indebledn.... mean an axlsting obligation which inay be secured !'Y 1h1s AssIgnmenL . . E_t 01 Default The word. 'Event 01 Oelaulr mean and ln~lude without IlmllaIlon any ofllie Events 01 Oefau~"sel for1h below iii 1I1e section tilled 'Events 01 Default' '" Grantor. The wort! "Grantor" means Menial Heelth for Chadren, Ina. dba The Child Cent.r. Indebtedn.... The word ,nd.btedn.... mean. all principe! end interest payimJ;, under lh8 Note and any amounts _...'_... or adVanced by Lander to dfscharge oblIgallons of Granlor or expenses rncuned by Lender tD enIcn:e DblgaJlciIS 01 Granlot uniler this AssIgnmsnI, lDgs\her with Interest on such amounts as provided in II1fs Assignment In addition to Ihe Note. the wanl .lndebtedn.... IricJuclell all cbIlgelions, debts and Ileblfilies, plus inlereet thereon, of Grantor to Lendar, or any one or more oIlhBm, aa well as .U claims by I.enilar against GllII1Ior, or any one or man> af1l1.m, whether now existing or hereafter arising, whether related or unrelated ID lI1e purpose ol1he Note, whether vOluntary or olherw/se. whelller due or no. t due, ebsoIulIl or. oonlIngent, liquidated or unIlquldated ai1d ,.- ,,' . Grantor me. y be 1,IabIa lnd, IvIduOJ1y or J~" oth2ts, whether obligated as guarantar or olliBlWise, and wh.1I1ar recovlllY upon such Indebtedness may be ... here8fter may become U'Y any s~ of l/m!fatJons, and whether such IndebtednsS9 may be or hereafter may bllCClllll olherwise un.nforceeble; (lnluaJ Here ) Len<!er. The word "Lender" IT1BlII1$ McKenzie Slate Benk, its successors and aaslgns. ' Note. The word 'Nole' means !he promissory note or credit agreement dated July 24, 2000, In the original principal amount af $237,600.00 from Grantor 10 Lend.... together with ell renawals Of, axlenolans 01. madlRCaUons 01, reRnan.ings 01, __...:.:.J1ons 01. end subsUlulIons ror Ihe pnll11Issmy note or agreement . , r. Property. The word'Property" means Ihe reel property, end all imp_aments Ih.roon, dllScribed above In lI1e "Assignment' seollan. Rea' Property. The WOlds 'Real Property" moen the property, Intarests and rights ~escrlbed above In the 'proPerty Oel1rilllon' sec:lion. lielated Documents. The words 'Relalad Oocuments' mean and include without UmltaUon all promissory notes, crodtt .....~.~.~, loan ' ......,,~;S, .nvlronmenllll egreements, guaranties, seculily ......;....~. mortgege., deeds of trust, and aU oll1er Instruments, agreernenls and documents, Whethor now or hereafter axlsting, oXeeuted in connecllon with lI1e Indebtedness. . Rents. Tho word 'Renls' means all renls, revonues, Income, Issuas, profits. and proceeds from lI1e Property, whether due now or taler, including W/Ihoutllmilatian all Rents from all leases dasclibed on any oxhlbtt a1lai:hed to this Asslgnm.nt . . 'RiIS ASSIGNMENT IS GIVEN TO seCURE (1) PAYMENT OF'RiE 1,""""".;0., .5S AND (2) PERFORMANCE OF AllY AlID ALL OBUGA110NS .' . 11 . ... .~.,,~ ., I. iL. ..." ".. .... 10... ..".. .,'-II.il~.._..Io.,,_..,. ...... .n".'."", ",.......... 07=24-2000 Loan No 5053050411 , ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS , (Continued) , Page 2 I OF GRANTOR UNDER THE NOTE, THIS ASSIGNMENT, AND THE RElATED OOCUMENiS. THIS ASSIGNMENT IS GIVEN AND ACCEPTED 0 ~ THE FOllOWING TEAMS, PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE. Except.. othelWiso provided In this Assignment or any Rela'ed Documen~' Grantor shall pey 10 Lender all amounts secured by this Assignment as they become due. and shan striclly perionn all 01 Granto~s obiigations under this Assignmenl Unless and unUllender e.ercises ils right 10 collect the Renls as provided below and so long as !here is no default under this Assignmen~ Grantor may remain in possession and control 01 and operate and manage the Property and collect the RenlS, provided that the granting of lI1e right to coiiect the Rents shall not constitute Lendel's COl1Sent Ie the use 01 cash COllateral In a bankruplcy proceeding. GRANTOR'S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE RENTS. With respect to the Rents, Grantor represents and war ranis to Lende, thet Ownership. Grantor Is entitled to receive lI1e Rents free and clear of all rlghls, ioens, liens, encumbrances, and c1eims e.cept as dlsolosed to and aceepled by Lender in writing. Aight to Assign. Grantor has !he fullrigh~ power, and euthonly 10 enter inlo this Assignment and to assign and conyev the Renls to Lender. No Prior Assignment Grantor hes not previously assigned or convsyed the Rents to any other parson by any instrument now In foree. . No Further Transfer. Grantor will not sell, assign. encumber, or otherwise cflspcse of any of Grantor's rfghts In the Rents except as provIded In this Agreemenl LENDER'S RIGHT TO COLI.ECT RENTS. Lender shall have the tight at eny lime, and eyen though no defaull shall have occurred under this Assignmen~ 10 collect and receive the Rents. For this purpose, lender Is hareby given and granted the following rfghts, powers and authority: Notice to Tenants. Lender m.y send notices 10 any and all tenants of th. Prop.rty advising them of this AssIgnment and directing all Rents to be paid dlrecUy lo Lender or lende~s .gent Enler th. Properly. Lender may enter upon end lake possession 01 th. PtoPliitY; demand, collect and recalve from !he lanants or from any other p9ISOllS 1IallI. lherelor, all oIlhe Rants; insll\ute and carry on all legal proceedings nseessaJy for !he pmtectlon of lhe Property, Including such ......JL ,,.. as may ba necessaJy 10 recover possesslon olth. Property; coIIllct the Rl!n1s and remove any teneri. or tenants or other persons fromth.~MIy. . MaIntain the praparty. Lender may antar upon the PtopMly to malnlaln th. PropertY and """" the sam. In repair; to pay th. casllllhareof and of all sarvlcaS of all eri1pIoy.as, including th.~ equipman~ .nd alall continuing costs and ~..~._. of maintaining lhe Property In proper repair and condlUon, and also to pay all lax... _._....,,$ and water ulIIlUes, end th. premiums on !im and other Insurancellffected by Lemler on the Property, Compliance wHh Laws. lender may do any and all things lo exooute and comply WIlh the laws of the Stale of Oregcn and also all other laws, ruJes.llIders, ordinancas and requl,"!"ents of all other govemmerilal.ganciss atfecIIrtg lhe Property. ' Lease the Property. Lender may rent or Ieese th. whol. or any part olth. Property for such term or tenns and on such oondilions as Lender may deem appropi!ate. ' , Employ Agents. Lender may angsge such agent or agents as Lender may deem approprfala, aIth..- In Lendefs name or In Granlof. namo. to rent and manage the PropMly. including tho coiJecIIon end appllcetlon of Rents. Other Acts. I.m1det may do all such othat things and acts with raspact 10 Iha Property as Lender may deem ...,...:.... and may act BlCCluslvaly and sol;ly in th. piece and stead of.Grantor and 10 have all of the powers of Grantor for the purposes slated above, No FlequI",",antlO Act. Lender shall nat ba required 10 do any of !he L....:. '. acts or things. and Iha feci that Lender shell have paJlormed one or mono of the ..,...:... acts or things shall not raquirelender 10 do any other speclflc act or thing. APPUCATION OF RENTS. All costs and ~...~_ Incurrad by Lender In cannBClion with !he Proparty shall be for Grantor's account and Lander may pay such costs and expanses from the Ranis. lander, In its sole ~;,,_-.:..... shall detamin. tho application of any and all Rants racalved by it; howaver. any such Rents racelvad by Lander whfch "'" not epplied 10 such coSls and expen... sheU be epplled lo lhe indebtedness. All expendihJres made by Lender under thla .: _:.. "..~.l and not_ from the Renla shall bacllm. a part of tho Ind_ase sacured bylhls Asslgnman~ and shall be payable on damIInd. with _.t the NoI8 rats lrom data of ~._ ,~:.n unIiI paid, FULL PERFORMANCE. R Grantor pays eU ol1he Indelllednass \'4han due and ollllllWlsa. ..,'". all 1he obligations Imposed'upon Grantor under this A...""".~,. tho Nale, and Iha Reletad Oocumenls,.Lend.r shall ox.cule end d.1lvet to Grantor a sullable salIsfacl!on of this As.:." '""" III1d suitebI. statem.nts of termination of any f",anclng slat.ment on me avidenClng Lendef. .acurity intanlst In Iha Rents and the PtopMly. My tennlnallon fea reQulted by law shall be paid by Grantor, ~ .....""". by'appRceblEiIew. ' '. ;. EXPENDITURES BY LENDeR. If Grantor fEiIIs lo comply with any \llO'IlsIon 01 thIS AL.;"'.,,~J, lncIu<1lng any otl1lga1lon 1D maintain ExlsUng indebtedness In good StandIng as requited baloW, or n any acuon or procaeding fa commenced Ihat would materIa1Iy affect Lender'll inter8Sts in !he Property, Lesxler on Gtantor's bahalf may. but shell not be l1Iqufred to, lake any action Ihal Lendor d.oms aP\iroprlate. My amOlJllllhe' lender expends in so doing WIll beer Inlatast ol1he rate pmv1ded for In the Note ftci11the dete Incurred or paid by lendBt lo the dete of repayment by Granlot. All such expanses. at Lender's option, wm (0) be p.yable on demand, (b) b. added to the balance of the NotS and be epportloned among .nd be payable with any installment payments to bacome due dUllng .Ither (I) th. term of Boy appIIcabI. in.urance policy or (II) 1118 remaining tenn olth. Note, or (c) ba treated os. balloon payment which w1II D. duo and payable olthe Note'. maturitlj. this AssIgnment also '/1m...... p.,yman\ ol1hese amounts. Th. rights provided for In IhIs paragraph shall b. In addlUon to any other rights or any remedies to which Lender may be entIUed on account of 1he defaull My such action by lender sheU not b. construed as cutlng the default .0 os to bar lend.,!tom an~rainedy that II otherwise would h.ve had. -~IIPMI F I I DEFAULT. Each 01 the following, at the option 01 Lender, shall consll\ut. an oven. of delault ('Event of D.faull"j undo ~t~lgnment lTAl R - C [ Default an Indebtadn.... Falura of Granlotlo make any payment when du.on Iha Indabledness. 'DE C 2 2 2U09 Camplfanc. Da/aUIL . F.,1ure of GranlOr lo comply with any oth.r tenn, obligatIon. covenant or condlUon conlained in this Assignment, the Note or in any 01111. RalatBd Documents. ' DalaultlnF.vor 01 Third Parttes. Should _er or any Granlar def'ult und.r srry loan, axtansion of cracfll, sacur1ly 'QIlIBman~ purchas. or saIEis .greemenL or any othat agreSment, In favor of any other credilot or person that m.y mate~ly.lIIIecI any ot~~e1."-,1!!1P.erty .!If Sormwilr's or any Grantofs .WIly 10 repay th. loans or perform thalt respacUve obngelfon. under this Assignment or any of !he lleIalEiCl Oocumenla. False Statements. Any warranty, represenlation or slatem.n! made or furnished to lander by or an behalf of Grantor under this Assignment, the Nola Or !he ReI.ted Documents is false or mIsleading In arrj malerill raspact. either now or at the time mad. or furi1ished. Defective CollaterallzatiDtL This Assignmsnl or any of the Rel.tad Documents ...... to be in full farce and affect (Including fallum of any '" ...~,,,....,, _.,.~,..".., ..~ ,.~ .._""_,_,, ..... .". .,._ o. ...... ,~.. .... ...., M............. ."......, .... .. ,........ .._.n............,. " .. ",,,,,,. ... ""-.. .",,""'1. I - - 07;24-2000 Loan No 5053050411 - ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS I (Co~tinued) PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'&ge 3, ni='r l) 'l ?nnq collateral documanl!llo create a valid and perfected security interest or lien) at any Ume and far any reason. , , Other Defaults. Failure of Grantor to I:omply. with 'any tenn, obligation.. covenant, or condiUan contained In any .other agreement between Grantor and Lender. I Insolvency. The dissolution or tennl~aUon of Grantors exlslenca as a going business, tha ilsolvency of Grantor,' the appolnlment of a racelver for any part 01 Grantors proparty, any assignment for the benem of creditors, any type of creditor WOrkout. or the commencement of any proceeding ""der any bankruptcy or insolvency lews by or against Gran1or. - Foreclosure, Forfelture, ete. Commencement of foreclosure or forfeiture proceedings, whether by jUdlciel proceildlng, self.help. repossession or any other method, by eny creditor of Grentor or by any govemmental agency agslnst any of the Property.' However, thl. subsecllon ,heD nol apply in the event 01 a good faith dlsputS by Grenier as to the vaUdlty or r.esonableness 01 the claim which is the basi. or fI1e roreclosure or fcre/elture proceeding, provided thai Grantor gives Lender written notice,ol such claim and fumlshes reserves or a surety bOnd lor the claim saUsfectory to Lender, ' Events AfIecl1ng Guarantor. Any of tha preceding events occu", with respect to any Guaranler 01 any 01 the Indebtedness or any Guarantor dies or beccmes Incompetent, or revokes or disputes llie validity 01, or lIabWty under, any Guaranty of the Indebtednes; Lender, al itS cpIIcn, may, but shall not be required to, pannil the Guarantor's estate to essume uncondiUonally the obUgstbns arising under the guaranty In a mannar satisfactory to Lender. and, In doing so, oure the Event of DefeulL Adv",,", Change. A meterial adver.le change occurs In Grantor's financial condiIjon, or Lender believes the prospect 01 peyment or parfonnance of the Indablednll5S Is impaired. Insecurity. Lender In good laiih deems itsell insecure. , ExlsUng Indeb1edness. A default shall cccur under any ExisUng Indabledness or under any Insirumenl on the Property securing any EJciSting Indebtedness, or ccmmancement of eny suit or other ectlon to foreclose any existlng lien on the Property, " .. - l - ,._., Righi to Cure. If such a failure is cwable and if Grantor hes no! been' given a nollee cI a breach of the same provlslon of this ~menl within the precedilig twelve (12) -months, II mtrf be cured (end no Ev.nt of Defauti will lieiIa acctirred) J -Grantor, after l.Si1d.i sendS written nDlles demanding cure of such failure: (a) cures the failure within fifteen (IS) days: or (b) if the cure requires more than fifteen (15) days, immedlalely inWates staps sufficient 10 cure the faDura and.'thereafter continues and completes eD rBasonable'and neceSsary steps sufffclant to produce complIance as socn as reasonably precllcal. : RIGHTS AND REMEDIES-ON DEFAULT.' Upon the occurrence of any Event olllefeult and el any lime thereefter;,Lender may exercise ,any one or . more of the fcIIcwlng rights and remedlas, In addllion Ie any.oIher rights or remedies provlded by law: ' Accelerate Indebtedness. Lender shell hawlherighl at its opUon withoui nollce to Grantor 10 declare the enUre Indebtedness Immediately due and payable, Including any prepayment penally Y.!1ich Granier would be required Ie pay. .. . ~ CoDecl RenIs. LendersheB hava the right, _ notlce 10 Granier, Ie take .__;_, 011l1a Property and collect the RenlS, including amounts past due and unpaid, and apply Ihli net proceeds, over' and ebova Lender's cosIs, agatnsllhe Indebtedness. In ,funherance of this right, Lender lIheD have all the rI!lhts pravtded Icr iii the Lender's .Righlto Collect SeclIon, above. II fI1e Ranis ere collected by,Lender, then Granter Irrevocably <fBsIgnales Leniler as Granlor'. ,..,", , 'rHar:110 _e Insbumants rscelved in paymerllthereollnlhe nema,ofGrartlOr and to negolIete fI1e same and cc11ei:t the proceeds. PayinSntS by tenants or other us"", to Lender In ..,.,...,_ 10 Lsnder. demerid shall .alisfy the obIlgallcns fer which Ihe .",.._,~ are made, whelher or no! any proper grounds for the demand existed. Lander may axwse lis rigllls under this SlJbperagraph either In parson, by agent, or through a recelver. : . , . . i1' . AppcInI-.r.' Lender shall have the righllD haw e reCeiver appointad 10 take possesslDn of all or any part Of Ihe Property, with the power to prctecl and ~ _, ,_ Ihe Property, 10 operete the Property preceding fcreclosura or sale, ami 10 coIlac\ the RantS frnm Uie PlopertY and epply Ihe procaads, ever and abrlv8 the oost cI the racelvership, agalnsl the lndebIedJiess. Th8 rScelvSr maY serve Without bond II permUted by law. Lendafs rlghI to the eppofrt1ment 01 a receiver shall exlsI Y.!1ether or notlhe-epjlarenlva!lle 01 the Property 'axceed.-the indebtedneSS by e substantial amount Employment by Lender sheD nOl dIsqualify e person from seNlng as a receiver. ~ Othar RemlldJes. Lender shaU have ell other rights and ramedtes provided In Ihfs Assignmant or the Nate or by law. '. . I ' - Waillei'; SllClIon 01 Remedies. A waiver by any perty of e breach of a prcvlslon oflhls Assignment shaiI not conalilule a waiVer of or prejudice the party's rights othlllWlsa 10 demand sllICt compliance wIlh that provision or any other PllMsion. EIeclloi1 by linder 10 """"" any rilmedY shall not _ pursuft of any oll1er remedy, imd an i>lecIIcil- to'make ..~ or tBIai acl!ori'lO p"rfomi an ',obIlgaIIcn of GrantOr under this Assignment after failure of Grantor 10 perlenn shall no1 affect Lender's right to declare a default and exercise its remedies under this Asslgnmant. . I Altomeys' Fees; Expenses. If Lender mslitutes any sUll or sellon to enforce any c1the Isnns 01 this AssIgnmen~ Lender shaD be entitled Ie recover such sum es the court mtrf adjudge reasonable aa etlameyo' faas at1rfal and on any appeal Whalhar or not eny court ectlon Is Involved. all reasoneble axpanses Incurred by Lender thet.in Lenders opinion are necessmy at any time lor Ihe protection of its Interest or the anlorcemant of its rights lIhall became a pert 01 the Indebtadness payable on demand and shall bear Interest from the dete of expenditure until repaid althe rate pmvIded for In Ihe Note. Expert.es covered by this paregraph include, wllhcut IImiIatiln, however subject to any limits under applicable law, Lender's etlomays' fees and Lender's legsI expenoes whather or nolthere Is a Iewsut, including ellameys'ilees fcrbankruplcy proceedings (Including _ to modify or vacele any sutomelic slay or injunction), appeals and any anticipated past-judgmerit oollecllcil services, lI1e cost 01 searching records, obtaining UDe reports (Including foreclOSure reports), surveyors' repor'Is, and appraisal lees,: end DUe Insurance, to fI1e extant pe_ by appilcable law. Granier a1eo will paY,eny court costs, In addition to all other sums provfded by law. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. The fallowing miscellaneous provfsions are a part of this Assignment Amendments, this AssIgnment, together wllh eny Relaled Documants, constilUtes the antire understanding end egreement of tho partles as 10 the mat!el1lsel forth In this AssIgnmenL No alterallcn of or emandmentlo this Assigmnant ,hall beeffecUve unless given In writing end signed by the party oqiartles soughlto be charged erbOund by the alteral!an or ~,,_.";'.~,-' AppUcable Law. This Assignment has been deflverecf Ie Lender and accepted by Lendar In the -Slate o/Oregon. This Asslgnmenl shaU be governed by and conswed In accordance with the laWs 01 the Slate 01 Oregon. . Multiple Pert/as; COrporals Authority. All obligations of Grantor under this AssIgnment shall be Joint and several, and all ralerencss 10 Grantor sheD mean each and e1l91Y Grantor. This means theleach of the persons slgnlng below Is responsible lor all abilgaUons In this AsslgnmenL "No McdtUceUon. Grantor shall not enter IrtIO any .......~.l wllh the holder cI any mortgage, deed of truSl or other .ecurity egreement whIch has priority over this Assignment by which that sgreement I. modified, amended, extended, or renewed without the prfor wtitlan consent 01 Lender. Grantor shell neither raques1 nor eccepl any future advances under any such security agreement wllhcul the prior written consent of Lender. Saverablll\y'. It a court 01 campetentlurisdlcllcn IInde any prcvlsiJn of this Asslgnmanl to be invalid or unenforceable as 10 any person or .. ,.." " ....~,. ... ""I".~ .. ..... .j". I.,,~" "" .j " . ".. ." .. , 07-24-2000 Loan No 5053050411 . I ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS .. (Continued) Page 4 circumstancs,"such fmdlng shall not r~nder Ihat provision Invalid or unenforceable as to any other persons ar circumstancBS. If feasible: any such anondlng provision shall be deemed Ie be modified Ie be wiUtin !he "mils of enforceability or validity; however, n !he aflending provision cannot be so modlfled, It shall be smcken and all oll1er provisions of U1is Asslgnmonlln all other respects shall remain valid end enforceable. Successors and Assigns. Subject to 1110 lImilanons slaled in this Asslgnmonton cransler of Grantor's Interos!, !his Assignment shan ba binding upon and Inuro to the benefit of lI1e parties, Utelr successers and assigns. If ownarshlp of !he Property becomes vesled in a person other Ihan Grantor, Lander, without nonce to.Grnnlor, may deal with Grantor's successors willi reference te this Assignment and lI1elndebledness by wey or forbearance er extension without releasing Granter from lI1e obligations of this Assignment or liability under lI1e indabledness. Time Is 01 the Essence. TIme Is olUte essence in the per1onnanoe of this Assignment Waiver of Homeslead ExempUon. Granfllr hereby releases and waives ail rights and benefils 01 the homesteed exemption laws 01 the Slale of Oregon as to ail Indebtedness secured by this Assignment Waivers and Consents. tender shaII not be deemed tc have waived any rights under Ihls Assignmenl (or under the Related Doouments) unless such waiver is In writing end signed by Lander, No delay or omission on the pert ol Lander In axarcIslng anY,right shaII operate as a waiver of . su"" right or any other right A waiver by any perty of a proVision of Ihis AsSignment shali nol conslitula a waiver of or prajudlce !he party's rlghl olharwlse tc demand alrfcl campliance wilh that provision or any other provision. Ne prlor waiver by Lander, nor any caurse of deallng between Lender and Grantor, shall aanslilute a waiver of any of Lander's rights or any of Grantor's obllgaUons as Ie any future transaclions. Whenever consent by Lander Is required in Ihis Assignment the granting of such consent by Lander In any instance shaD not ccnstilulB contlnulng cansent ID subsequent instaru:as where such consent is required. GRANTOR ACKNOWLEDGES HAVING READ ALL'THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS, AND GRANTOR AGREES TO ITS lERMS. GRANTOR: :~73Y' BiD Wellard, ExecuOve DIrector I", CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT = STATE OF Orp5r- l"...t \ ISS ..,.""..~~ , NCTARYPUBUC-OREGON CllMMISSlOIl NO. S01988 '. MYCOIoIYISSlONEllPIIlESJUNE1Q,2mI1 COUNTY OF On this 'Z,. '1 dey of '"S../ ~ 20~ beJore me, tha undersigned ,NOIaJY Publlc,pelSQ'1~ty ~PIleared BDI Wellard, Exocullve Dlrectar 0' Menial Health lor Children, In.. dba The ChUd Center, and known ID me tc be en aL.,_~_ agent of lI1e COJpCratlon Ihat executed the Asslgnment 01 Rents end acknowledged Ihe Assignment ID be Ihe free and vOluntary aot end deed 011118 COlJlCfatkln, by authorfty of Its Bylaws or by roselullon oIiboatd 01 d1reclDrs, lor the uses and pulJlCSSS Ihanlin men_, and on oath stated thai he or she Is authorized Ie execu~gn~d fectaxecutedtheAssfgnmentonbehaJfOllhe,cr...,~. . ~ rj Bu' ~ "'7/"'.' Residing al .g:.r, "5 ,,! . Q'{ , NoIaIy ~bllC In and far ~e Stale 0' Or,<=:. JA. ~. My commission expires C lid J Z tIU I . LASERPAO, ReCl. U.s. Pat." T.M. OIL, Var.128a M2DOOCAPRISelIrices,lr=, All r1ghll1l'8Served. t~'4E3.2DF3.28 M~AL.LNC1.OVlJ . .... . PRE.SUBMIlTAJ. Rtc'D DEe 2 2 Z009 "'-"---- .. ~_""__'''''~'_'' ,'........,... ............L~.".....,,,......_.,...'~ . ," ...... ..,..,,,.,...... '" . ". .. ...,".1.." .I~""'.. ......1......... ~,L.oo......,' """... "" ".... .. '. tit I ~ ,~ , .. Exhibit" A' aunched 10 thot soid DEED Of' TRUST and ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS dated 7/24/00_ Exhibit "A" Beginni~ at a point 24 feet North of the corner of sections 1.9, 20, 29, and 30, Township 17 Soutti, Range 2 West of the WilIamette Meridian and running thence S04th 25030' West, \9\.7 feet to the left bank of the McKenzie River; thence North 700 40' East, 90 feet to the meander comer ofthe left bank of the McKenzie River between sections 29 and 30, :ofthe same Township and Range; thence North 700 East 349.8 feet to the meander corner between Sections 20 and 29, on the left bank of the McKenzie River; thence along the meander line of the left bank of the McKenzie River, North 520 30' East, 96.6 feet; thence North 520 30' East, 96.6 feet; thence North 330 East, 44.3 feet; thence North 80 East, 317,\ feet; thence North 860 11' West, 132.8 feet; thence North 450 37! West; 16\.0 feet t center of the County Road; thence South 610 West along the center of the County Road, 84.8 feet; thence South 290 42' East, 74.1 feet; thence South 250 30' West, 453.8 feet to the Place of Beginning, ! Me~tal Health for Children, Inc. 2.7ld Center B}r. A/ &/d-L . Bill Wellard, Executive Director Date: lul" 24. 2000 ::! PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O DEe 2 2 2009 ~~." II II. I.. ,oJ.. ':....-=I......b . ; '., ,...,. ". ,", ...../0... I.. . ''''''.l. . ........ " ..Ii"... ~. ,I '.1..,..., , ., ... . . "'~I.. . ."..... .., ,." I I ; l I ~ r Olylolan or Chi.' O...u\y Cl...k 2M2-hf9lee Lane CounLy Deeds and Reoords UU -VU YU mWllIW!OOIDJDI!~~!~~!~ IO:~~:':: R1'R-ESIIT Cnbl Sln;8 cilsHIER 01 $10.00 $10.00 $11.00 JWE.SUBMlTT4L peC'D DEe 2 2 t:U09 8 E1 t- o z 5 z w w '" I l: :z ' a: :> '~ l..L,- ?,CO<::'--O'1 SPRINGFIELD UIU.rrv BOARD RlGIIT "()F-W A Y EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undmigned, MENTAL HEALTH FOR CHILDREN, for a good iIlld valuable considel'1ltJoll, of the paymenl of the sum of SO_DO, the receipt wh=of is hereby acknoWledged, does hereby grant unlO the City of Springfield, a municipal corpol'1ltioo, aeting by and through it's SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD, and unto its succ,essors and assigns, the righl 10 enter upon the lands of the undmigned silUated in the City of Springfield, State of Oregon, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a poinl24_0 reeiNorth ofilie comereommon to Sections 19, 20,29 and JO in Township 17 South R.ange 2 west of ilie WilI...e.e Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon, lUn thence North 25" JO" East 453.80 feet to a poio~ said poinl being referenced by a 5/8" iron rod, thence NortJi 29' 42' Wes127.J3 feet (0 11 point on the Easterly right of way line ofMarcoJD Road, said point being referenced by S/8" iron rod, thence run South 60' 22' 24" West along the Easterly right of way line of said Marcola .Road] I [1.7 feet to a point mllrked by a 5/8" iron rod found marking Engineers eeoterline station 30 plu. n57 P.T. (and being 54.85 feet Easterly when measured at rightangles to the said centerline of Marco[a Road), continuing a[oog saidrighl of way line South 60' 22' 24" West a distDnce of 112,3 [ feet 10 a point mllrked by a 5/8" iren rod set at a poiol51.72 feet Easter[y (when measured at righlangles to the centerline of said M.u1:ola Roed) of Engineers centerline station 29 plus 00 P.O.C.. thence along the arc nfacurve [eft (the chord of which bear.; South 55' 16' 5S" West [95.23 feet) to a point marked by. 5/8" iron rod (said pninl being 46.51 feet Easterly of (wben measured al right angles to the centerline of said Marco[. Road) al Engineers centerline statioo 27 plus 00 P.O.C., thence leaving the Easterly riiihl nf way lineofsaid Marcola Road and run South 6' 57' SO" West 261.48 feet to a poinl marked by a 5/S"iron rod, th=North 8S' IS' East 362.06 feel to a pointtltal bean 16239 feet South 25' 30' West nftlte point nfbeginning, thence North 25' 3D' East [62.39 feel to tlte poinl of beginning. in Lane Coonly. Oregon. Also known as: Tax Map #17-<12-30-00, Tax Lot #00100 Does bereby grant Springfield Utility Board an Cllsement beginning at the North East comer oftlte above described property where it meets the Easterly right of way line of Marcola Road; thence South 2'1' 42' East 27.33 fee~ thence Soulh 60" 22' 24" West 10 feet; thonce North 29' 42' West 27,33 fee~ thence North 60' 22' 24" East 10 feet to the poiillofbeginning. . ADd to place, _"~___~ operate, repair,_ maintain, relocate, and replece therein' an overluiad electric diStributinn and tel___--JcatioD lines, ineluding poles, guy wires, vaults, lnu1Sfonners,' and other =CSllUIY !bcIliUes, to remove and replaee fences and lawns to the exlent necCSllUlY to, eoastnlct, maintain, aad protect said lines, In cot and trim trees and sluubbery, and to lrim and remo.. all dead, weak, leaning. or dluJgerous _ehes or entire lrces thai aie high enough to strike wi.... No part of any building or ,_~_ stIUclule will be placed upon this easement, ntlter titan aspbaltie pavernen~ curbs, sidewalks, and driveway aprons. Tho undetsigned covenants that they are the ow.... nf the above-<!cscnbed property and that such property is free ind n!ear of encumlmmces and liens ofwbatsoover eh....ter. wdL .1A)dJ'/ 9" :)-c;; ~ WUUom Wellard, AutII_ Rep""enlative fnr Meulal Henlth For ChiJdreD - Date PRE,SUBMITTAL REC'O DEe 2 22009 " STATE OF OREGON ) ) ... County ofLano } Bll IT REMEMBERED, That an, this .tf::'day of~A1'I~002, hefon: IDe, tlte undersigned, a Notary Publie in and for said County and SIlIIe, personally appeared the within named . wn.LIAM WELLARD. AUTHORIZED .....,."...,..,..ATlVE FOR MENTAL HEALTH FOR gm.DREII! know to me to be the identicai lndividuai descn'bed io and wbo execoted,tlte within instnlmenl and acknowledged to me that she executed tlto same !Rely and voluntarily. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I bave ben:unto set my hand and affixed my official ,eal tlte day and year last aboYl ..':iil-v .R.~ ,: _ nI , n~...",.., ) , I'. f"\.~~~ON ~ y~ fAJfVJ/OV . ~~~; .: .' -,:,.J$ON Notary Public tor Oregon . CffICH.>W'~iio:I Mycommissiooexpires: 0\ -~5'-o3 !ANIlRALEE~1 ~/,I... ~ ~~ ~L. \h.. . loft COMMISSION EXPIRES FBl2S.llm Robart C. Linabarz, P_E. Electric C t" ........:..:..,.3 Director Pi.... = 10: SUB. 1001 Main S.... Sorinafiold. OR 97477 AIIll: Toov T'lbot