HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 1/26/2010 ~ ~ RECEIVED Current Planning Staff: G. Karo. J. Donavan, Liz Miller, M. Metzger, Lissa Davis, L. Pauly, Tara Janes,1 Andy Umbird.\Dave Reesor, Steve Hapkins, Mally Markarian 'Matt Stauder, Engineenng - Public Warks Department Brian Barnett, Traffic EngineerlPE, Public Warks Department (agenda anly 2/02) . Jan Driscoll, Transportatian Planning Engineer, Public Warks Department By 'DRe. 0_ _ L ~ 'Gilbert Gardan, Depuly Fire Marshall, Fire & Life Safety Department . r~ . Melissa Fechtel, Fire Agenda anly I r" 'Ranni Price, Planner, Willamalane Park and Recreatian District OJ 1 '-f (J~ *Tamara Jah~san, Springfield Utility Baard (Electric) Q 'Bart McKee, Springfield Utility Baard (Water) Jack Faster, Springfield Utility Baard (Energy Conservatian) Amy Chinitz, Springfield Utility Board (Drinking Water) Jim Henry, Central Lane Cammunicatians 911 (Subdivisians, Street name changes) Dave White, U.S.P.S. (Growth Mgmt. Caardinatar) Dave Share, Narthwest Natural Gas (needs full packets far Partitions/Subdivisions) 'Celia Barry, Lane Caunty Transportation Thamas Jeffreys, Emerald Peaple's Utility District (EPUD) Lane Caunty Land Management . [Urban Transitian Zane] Gearge Ehlers, Lane Caunty Sanilarian [Urban Transitian Zane] (if applicable) Tim Hanely, Rainbow Water District(' only if in the North Spfld area) (if applicable) . Ralph Jahnstan, Lane Regianal Air Pallutian Autharity (if applicable) Dale Ledyard, Operatians Chief, McKenzie Fire District (if applicable) Tam Henerty, Camcast Cable (if applicable) Debbie Cramptan, EWEB (electric) (' If in Glenwood) Dick HelgesanlMel Damewood, EWEB (water) ('If in Glenwood) Steve Mae, Glenwood Water District ('If in Glenwood) Bill Grile - Develapment Services Directar (agenda) Jahn Tamulanis, Econamic & Cammunity Develapment Manager 'Dave Puent, Building Official (agenda) Lisa Happer, Building Services Representative (agenda) . Greg Ferschweiler, Keilh Miyata, Brian Canlan, PW Dept. 'Craig Fitzgerald, Maintenance PW Dept Gearge Walker, Environmental Warks Dept., (agenda anly) Deanna Buckem, Engineering Assistant, Public Warks Dept. Palice Chief, Jerry Smilh, Palice Department (agenda) *Will Mueller, L TD Narm Palmer, Quest Carparatian (agenda Dennis Nuuanu Santas, ODOT, State Highway Divisian (agenda) Jeff DeFranco, Springfield School District (agenda) William Lewis, Financial Services, Springfield School District ( agenda) Susan Palmer, Reparter, EugeneRegister-Guard (agenda) INCLUDE WEEKLY LAND USE INFO Jae Leahy, City Attamey Dennis Ernst, City Surveyar ., CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - DEV'" 'PMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DISTRIBUTION DATE January 25,2010 TO: ./ v ,/ v 2 ~ ~ \7 -;T 7' 7' ~ ~ t ~. JAN26 2010 (agenda) (agenda) (agenda) A request far land use actian, as described an the attached agenda, has been received by the Develapment Services Office. Specific concerns af yaur divisian/department/agency shauld be addressed. If yau have comments ar requirements af this propasal, please send them in writing ta the assigned planner @ Develapment Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477. If yaur written comments are not received by Friday, February 5, 2010 specific concerns af yaur divisian/department/agency will nat be addressed unless yau attend the meeting an February 9, 2010. The Develapment Review Cammittee halds staff review meetings an Tuesday @ 8:00 -10:00 a.m. Yau shauld alsa plan ta attend the staff meeting an Tuesday if yau have specific concerns so that the Planning representative can discuss them priar ta meeting with the applicant. If the Planner feels iI is necessary far yau ta participate in the public meetings helshe will let yau knaw an Tuesday. . . will receive a full packet AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENTSERWCESDEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET Conference Room 615 Staff Review: February 9, 2010 @ 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. 1. SITE PLAN TENTATIVE #DRC2010-00004 THE CHilD CENTER 9 -10 a.m. Assessor's Map: 17-02-20-00 TL 700 Assessor's Map: 17-02-30-00TL 100, 200 Address: 3995 Marcola Road Existing Use: The Child Center Applicant submitted plans to construct a new 5,151 sq ft outpatient/assessment building, parking lot. and second site access driveway to the existing Child Center facility. Planner: Andy Limbird 1 :City' of Sp~ingfield Development Services Departmellt 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review . " '. , Aoolicant Name: M~I _ \.1~-cr.l:t:::'':lr'' ,( ~('N'?I~lr, Phone: Icomoanv: -n)r::-:- / l.l.ll 1:') /" I-::;t"'\' u 17 Fax: I Address: ~qq _ t="\ 1:;:1 't:"' ('f} Aoolicant's Reo.: ().,)I~"_,:::r ~~..,., I Phone: &.11. \nlt) Icompanv: -t""'~ 6.'tZ.,.~\,~.....,.." "R ^J/"l!>.\I;?De:. /-0..\'" ,Fax: f'c/6/.0h76 IAddress: 12:>..7- l~'-- :.~~(A,)l>..<\ t:..r-r~"70~\_ t:;:;1r^~~~ i!Jr-z_ Iprooertvowner: ~'16' .N.-b..\7"' .I-:A\^""'- s.'~ Phone: Comoanv: Address: Fax: 17-0l--'ZD-CO ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: '"" -(')7 ,-"2.,t"\-1"Y) ITAX LOT NO(S): - ,(5)0 Prooertv Address: ~q-==- ~"""'; t?~ , c::.r-"v~""" ISize of Propertv: 4.!.\- Acres ~ Square Feet 0 !propos.ed Name of Project: '. -\~ 6J.;''f':\ (: =...-1"~I/ I Description of ;: yau are filling In this form by hand, please attach yaur prapasal descriptian ta this applicatian, Proposal: ~_ ._- /' ?","\ -.!..{' v .-:-' c". ..,,~_.,.~^........ (~~ I ExistinQ Use: I-i H?', ...., / "Pr::>" I~ L,I' L.I,.."""N ~ New Imoervious Surface Coveraqe (IncludinQ Bldg. Gross Floor Area): ~7 11/..\ l Si natures: Please si nand rint our name and date in the a riate box on the next - loCY\ 1. "7t:J.r"'I ~ sf . -. 1-'.'- ',;1 ~ 'i};............. \-. Associated Applications: Signs: ~;t( iJJtif..q.,( \pre-sub Case No.: pre., JorA -G;'D~2- Date: Reviewed b'/: Icase No.: 0 QC 2610" 6?Sbog Date: //21 (/0 Reviewed by: ~ IAPPlication Fee:!Ii 1J.j .C;Cj~,fjb ITechnical Fe~: $ 72 f. 0,.:> Postage Fee: $ J(..'c, T~m~,~~2:.1 tS / 4'-1~<[:~":~,,,,,....,,,..,,,J .r.~,?l~f.r~~~~..~,Q:,~, ~~l JAN 2 j ?OIO Revised 11{19{09 1 of 10 O";JinQ~ 2ubrr.it~f:L_, , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP DRC2010-00004 3995 Marcola Road !J.t, /..::. ~ tc Q. I Date Received: JAN 21 2010 Original submittal SITE Map 17-02-20-00, Map 17-02-30-00 Tax Lot 100,200,700 North .. ~~%'~\, =..~?"P ../<.'~ ! 'l\ ~/" I ~ ~anr /...... ~\,.y. " , i" ...~M'.'l'Ia,",~.: \. '" ~'~_"~I"" i /' .... ..." . ---/----r - ;;..', ' /'. :-." I . ''-.-''-''-..-..-..-..i . _,AVrJ> , _ro ' =~ f Ka:l!IlOlPlIll , :::--' i - ~--------......! . ! i ! i i ! i i i i i ,J / .~' ./ / /., ...-/. ~ . _.' .J>"'-"/' SITE AREA CALCULATIONS ...- .-- :::.:"'..:-u-............_-""- / .... /,- :~:~. lOr"'"" ..-/~ l1,l.<1 :::::: .-.- ....,;,.-;, ~;. ::: _..,-0'-' @~~~~ PLAN ......-- GENERAL NOTES () "..,.....---==.. - .....- _ro_ --- .-- ~ -- .,/' / ./.- ./ / /' ./., / ./.. / .,r" /i / : ... ! i /1 i ! i i i ' . , -I i 1_..-..-.. ./. __.1..-..-..-..-..-,,----"-"-"-"-"-"-"- j..-..// ..................,.,,-- ,..."'.... """,.,.......".......... ,"'0"'" / ./ ./Oate Received: / I. Ol.l"'""'""""""""""___n.ou:LO....._.. .......__.....................""mr: =-- ..""'_...........a:OamNI ..___IIIII.lmaI!!I........,..,1\IlIC1FtO:II:r -....-"""...- 4,""'''''''''"'''''''_ JAN 2 1 2010 Original Submittal \ --- --=---...... --- , ""'" --- .,_to_ ~~ -'- ~ ~ "" -. ~=: --- ..-",...- ..._......,.._...__-.c._ --- ____,",0'. """-. 1>f..'O!ll"l._ IU........... ___ ......11""...,.. TBG ,o,RoiITECf5& PLANNERS/INC ",,""........, SolI""" ,-"""...".... "","'_'0'. F..IW'..'......, ~ l:t lJ.I I- Z lJ.Iu U~. C~ 'I'" -uw -",\;, :t2tj UIO f-=' ~I ~u UJI:r .....~f- ......<. L-~~ r::Eo , , . :;; z o oiG ~~ ~o oei u~ ~~ .~ .~ ~e. SITE PLAN -. -. -. -. oao.l(;IO ,.- O...:ltD ." . . .- A1 .!'-'~'~"-'-" ~ .i The Child Center Site Plan Review 1 Compliance Statement I i Date Received: JAN 2.1 2010 I. SUMMARY Original Submittal . A. Summarv of Reaues~ This request is for Site Plan Review approval for a new single-story outpatienVassessment building with associated site iniprovements to The Child Center located at 3995 Marcola Road in Springfield, O~egon. The proposed new office building is about 5,151 square feet in size and will be located near the existing office buildings on.the site. The Site Plan Review appUqation includes information for the entire development site, although the focus of the ~equest is for proposed changes to the existing facility and grounds. The proposed new building will shift where ~ervices are provided on the site and improve th~ quality of office space. The proposed new building is not intended to accommddate additional staff but to provide a better environment for counseling and asses~ment of youth. The proposed new building and other site improvements will also not increase the number of children that will be served on The Child Center campus, B~ proiect Obiectives Operating since 1971, The Child Center provides a unique, vaiuable service to families in Lane County. The proposed site plan primarily addresses the following objectives:. ' I 1. Enhance the quality 'of services by improVing thd office space used f~r counseling and assessment activities. I 2. Improve the safety of the site's access and on-site circulation for busses, motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians. In response to suggestions from EWES .and City of Spri~gfield staff, the project also incorporates relocating the lower parking area to a higlier elevation and greater distance from the river. The existing lower parking are~ is, very close to a major source of drinking water for EWES. The proposed pr6j~ct will retain the existing unimproved gravel area for emergency vehicles but will! not be used on a regular, daily basis by the Child Center. Relocating the parking area requires a substantial capital investment by the Child Center and is depende~t on a successful fundraising campaign. Relocating the parking area will reduce the.potential negative environmental impacts on water quality and riparian vegetation. arli~ 0:r:ohipiiny www.arlie.com . 2911 Tennyson .Avenus, Suite .400 . Eugene, Oregon 97408 . 1" . P h 0 n e 5 4 1 - 3 4 4' - 5 5 0 0 . Fax 5 4 1; - 4 8 5 ~ 2 5 5 0 . m a j ! '. a r 1 i e . c ,0 m ... ;.0; '.' Date Received: IAN 2 1 2010 '''\1';<1''): submittal ,~. .~,.. C. Overview of The Child Center Services I . I The Child Center is a community-based private non-profit agency thathas served the , Lane County region since 1971. The Child Center provipes a continuum of psychiatric and special education programs to children with severe emotional and mental disorders. Day treatment services inciude therapeutic and special education programs that proviqe "short-term, intensive, or school-based assistance" to children ages 3 to ;12. Day treatment services are provided on ~6ne-to-one basis or in small groups at The Child Center. The Child Center also provides individual or small group counseling at other locations including the child's honi~ or school. This community- based out-patient program focuses on children betwee~ the ages of 3 and 18 with emotional, behavioral and mental disorders. A crisis hotline is also maintained to , . provide a 24-hour response to a mental health emergeQcythafincludes a child. This hotline can activate a mobile response team, a variety Qf respite care options and a referral system that helps the child receive appropriate ~are. i Over the past few years, children are increasingly served in area schools. .' , Approximately 24 staff provide services while working at area school sites. This shift in where services are provided has also resulted in a decrease in the number of school busses transporting children to The Child Center~ 1 . D. Overview of The Child Center Camous The Child Center is located on a generally terraced site on Marcola Road near the Hayden Bridge Road intersection. The entire developm~nt site includes about 8.4 acres. The improved portion of the campus is significantly less and encompasses about 4.2 acres. . I The existing campus includes: I OutpatienVoffice building - 784 square feet (to:be demolished) Older reSidence/office - 1,200 square feet Maintenance building - 1,200 square feet Administration building - 4,717 square feet. Classroom building - 2,479 square feet Office/classroom buildilig - 3,611 square feet Modular office/classroom - 1,850 square feet Library - 1,200 square feet Currently, there is a gravel parking lot at the lower plate,au primarily for staff, visitor parking spaces on the upper plateau, and overflow parl'.ing spaces at the older residence used for office space. The property is surrounded by natural vegetation at the:property lines to the east and west, the Mckenzie River to the south and Marcola Roap to the north. The existing I i The Child Center Compliance Statement January 21.2010 Page 2 of 9 .:: I::<~:. '@$ ~. ; , buildings and site infrastructure are to remain except for the older residence/1,200 square foot office. building.! . i II. SITE INFORMATION 'LMal Descriotion: (Refer to Legal Description u$der separate cover~) Acreal!e: The Child Center's entire developmen(site is about 8.4 acres according to the County Assessment and Taxation records. The portion ofthe site with improvements consists of about 4.2 acres. The area affected by the proposed development is only about 1.9 acres. I i . Address: 3995 Marcola Road, Springfield, oreg?n 97477 Ownershio: The site is owned by Mental Health for Children (The Child Center). (Refer to the Deed and Preliminary l:it1e Report under separate cover.) Surrounding: Land Uses I Access: :. , . . The site is. located at the edge ofthe Springfield :Urban Growth Boundary on the south side of 1\i1arcola Road. On the. north side of the site, across Marcola Road, is property used for industrial actfvitY. Oni~he east.side of the property . is open space with the McKenzie River apout5Qfeet away. The McKenzie River provides the site with a natural scenic bcir~er along this portion of the' property. In general, tl1e site is fairly secluded with no development , . . , immediately adjacent to the site. The primary access to the site is via Marcola Road. (Refer to Photographs of Site & Vicinity under separate cover.) : I' Plan Lahd Use Desif1nation: The SUbject property was annexed to the City of ~pringfield in January of 1975. At that time the property was designated;in the Metropolitan Area General Plan as Parks and Open Space. As of April 1, 2000, the MetroPian Diagram continued to designate the subject property as Parks and Open Space. Perhaps in an effort to resolve the pote~tial conflict between the Metro Plan designation and local zoning ordue to a mapping error, the Metro Plan Diagram dated April 4, 2004 designated thk subject property as Heavy Industrial. The Metro Plan Diagrqm currently designates the subject property as Heavy Industrial. .' Date Received: The CIi i1d Center Campliance Statement January.21,2010 JAN 2 1 2010 Page 3 of 9 Onginal Submittal ~. ""'" -~g~ ~'~"!te Received: JAN 2 1 2010, . , ';"al Submittal Zoning: The site is zoned Pu.blic Land & Open Sp'ace. Property to the north is zoned either Heavy Industrial or Public Land & Open Space. A narrOw strip of land to the west, south of Marcola Road is zoneq Heavy Industrial. Property to the south is outside th.e Springfield Urban Gro'0.r Boundary and governed by County zoning regulations. (Refer to Zoning Mapjunder separate cover.) , , III. BACKGROUND OFTHE SITE I In March of 2004, The Child Center initi?ted a zone chainge application for the subject property to bring the zoning into compliance with the Metro Plan designation and to niake the uses consistent with the zoning. (Ref~rto City case no. ZON2004- 00005.) On May 18, 2004, the Springfield Planning Commission approved the requested change in zoning from HI Heavy Industrial to ,PLO Public Land and Open S ' ; ~~ I i , According to the Fina I Order approved by the Springfield Planning Commission; the zone change would bring the property in conformity wit~ the Metro Plan designation of Parks & Open Space. In addition, the PLO zoning "would permit private, not-for- profit scl:lOols and treatment facilities, therefore alleviating the non-conforming status'. The Final Order acknowledged that following approval of the zone change, The Child Center intended to submit a Site Plan Reviewiapplication for the expansion of the existing treatment facility. ' IV. SITE PLAN REVIEW APPROVAL CRITERIA , The Director shall approve or approve with conditions: a Type II Site Pian Review application upon determining that apprqval criteria A. through E., below have been satisfied. If conditionscannotjbe' attached to satisfy the approval criteria; the Director shall deny the appiication. Decisions approving an appiication, or approving with conditions shall be based on compiiance with the following ctiteria in Springfield Development Code Section 5.17-125: , 1 A. . The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram, and/or the .. I . ,applicable Refinement Plan diagram, PlEin District map, and Conceptual Development Plan." . The Metro Plan designates the subject site as HyaVy Industrial. This land use designation is intended to provide land.for businesses that will help diverse the economy and that often have unique characteristics with special siting requirements. To provide consistency between the former plan designation of Parks and Open Space and local zoning, the Springfield Planning Commission . , approved a request from The Child Center to chqnge the zoning from HI Heavy Industrial to PLO Public Land and Open Space. According to Section 3.2-705, the PLO zone is established to prOVide land for government and educational uses. These include schools and treatment facilfties. ! I The Child Center Campliance Statement January 21, 2010 Page 4 of 9 .~ ~@~ ~b~. I There is no applicable City Refinement Plan, Pla8 District map, or Conceptual Development Plan for The Child Center. B. Capacity reqliirements of public and private facilities, including bLlt not limited to, water and electricity; sanitary ~ewer and stormwater . . J . management facilities; and streets and t(clffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve . , the site at the time of development, unless otherwise provided for by . .. ] this code and other applicable regulations. The Public Works Director' or a utility provider shall determine capacity issues. ' , I The subject properly is within the Springfield Ur8an Growth Boundary and the City limits. It is curr~ntly,served by the key urban services as prescribed in the Metro Plan except for stormwater facilities. Sinse there are no stormwater facilities available to the site, the project will 'nc\ude retaining, treating, and disposing bf all stormwater on site and thru the use of vegetated infiltration basins (rain gardens). ! C. The proposed development shall comply With all applicable public and private design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. ! . . i The Child Center is a non-profit organization esdblished in 1971 and ; operating at the present site since 1974 when it purchased and occupied the . . , former Town and Country Day School. Following.the initial land acquisition, . The Child Center purchased an adjoining lot to the southeast to expand the facility to.serve the growing volume of students needing treatment services. . I Assessor's Map 17-02-30-00, Lot 100 remains undeveloped except for a single-family dwelling rented to staff of The Child Center, The proposed changes to the site are limited to a small portion of the develcipmentsite. Proposed new site improvements comply with applicable standards as further discussed below. Section 4.2-105 Public Streets , ,. The proposed development does not trigger the need to create or extend any , new publiC streets. The Child Center will continLje to have direct access to Marcola Road, a minor arterial street The section of Marcola Road adjacent to The Child Center meets the standard street right-of-way and paving width dimensions. No additional public right-of-way oristreet improvements are needed.' One.existing curb cut/driveway on Marcola Road will be closed as part of the project. The closed curb cut/driveway will be replaced with a standard curb, sidewalk and planting strip consistent with the rest of the street frontage abutting the properly on Marcola' Road. i . .! Date Received: JAN 2 I 2010 The Child Center Compliance Statement January 21,2010 Original Submittal Page 5 of 9 ,~ ,@, ~c..~: Date ~eceived: \ I JAN 2 1 2010 . Section 4.2 - 120 Site Access an~~118l1b~ittal . i Currently there are two drivew,ays on Marcola Road that serve The Child Center campus, Both of the existing driveways ~re located at the northeast area of the,campus and each allow full. turning nJovements. The centerline of each driveway is within about 50 feet and the eqge of the pavement areas are within 30 feet. This driveway spacing is confusing to the motorist and does notmeet the spacing standards for safe turning'movements.' FUrthermore, the main driveway entrance hasan unusual configuration immediately after' enteri ng the, site. ' ! One existing driveway is on Assessor Map 17-02,20, Lot 700 and the second is on Assessor Map 17-02-30, TaxLot 100. Thereis currently no public access from Marcola Road to Assessor Map 17-02-30, Tax Lot 200 located in the,southern portion of the campus. There is also no public access from , Marcola Road to Assessor Map 17-02-30, Lot 100. The proposed development retains two driveway,s to the site but significantly enhances the safety of the access and on~site circulation by increasing the d.istance between the two driveways and aligning one driveway with an existing one on the opposite side of Marcola Road. Although the existing driveway to the lower plateau will be retained. it >><ill primarily serve as an additional access for emergency vehicles or occasional needs to do repair and maintenance on the buildings or grounds~ In general, the driveway to the , , lower plateau will be barricaded and will not be available to the general public. According to a publicatiofl titled, ITE Technical Committee TENC-l05-01: School Site Planning, Design and TransportatioM, "Road user safety in and , ,. around school areas is a highlY'sensitive subject among the public, school officials, and local officials." The Institute ofTrapsportation Engineers (ITE) recognized. this problem and established.a technical committee to address it. One of the key factors the committee recommerids is that access to a school campus should occur from more than one drive0ay, and major driveways should be carefully located to avoid left-turn conflicts with driveways .and intersections on the opposite side of the street. ; The proposed access to The Child Center will improve the driveway locations and on-site circulation thus enhancing public safety. They will not create an unsafe traffic condition and will be less confusing than the current situ(3tion to The Child Center patrons and staff. I . , According to Springfield Code.Section 4.2-12b(A)(1), all developed lots shall have an approved access either directly to a public street, a private street that connects to a public street, or thro'ugh an irrevocable joint use/access easement. The Child Center campus includes three developed lots. Two of these lots have frontage on Marcola Road and will continue to have direct access to a public street. The third .lot does not have direct access to the The Child Center Campliance Statement January 21, 2010 Page 6 af 9 5@l:. ",~...',f Date Received: Jt.N , j 2010 street and thus requires either.apriyate street csnnection or CitRrillirtW~l8fmittal an irrevocable joint use/access easement. Upon request by the City, the applicant will submit an irreimcable joint u~e/actess easementfor Tax Lot 100. The Code does not limit a developed lot to',one access. As described above, providing at least two cjriyeways to q school is very important for safe ingress and egress. According to Table 4.2-2, the width of a 2-way driveway shall.be a minimum of 24 feet and a maximum of 35 feet. The Child Center driveways will be 35 feet in width at the property line to accommodate bus turning movements. Each driveway has, a throatdepth of 60 feet from the start of the drivev..:ay and at least 35 feet from the property line, exceeding the minimum standard. As stated previously, the two existing driveways serving The Child Center are within 50 feet. According to Table 4.2-4, the minimum separation should be 200 feet. The centerline of the proposed new driveway locations will be about 260 feet exceeding the minimum requirement and resulting in a significantly safer environment. ..., Sections 4.4-100 (B) 2 and 4.2-140 Street Trees Currently, there is only one street tree along'the entire section of Marcola Road adjacent to The Child Center.developm'ent site. Previously, the City has approved alterations and additions to The Child genter without a requirement to install street trees. Due to significant changes in the parking and circulation on-site, the proposed development in~ludes a substantial new landscape area next to Marcola Road. These improvements provide a logical basis for The Child Center to concurrently install and maintain street trees. In areas impacted by the proposed project, The Child Center is proposing to' plant nine (9) new street trees within the public r,ight-of-way. Due to the extensive amount of street frontage and the practical and economic difficulties in providing maintenance, The Child Center is deferring further streettree planting until the vacant portion of the site is developed. Nothing in the proposed plans will prevent or hinder additional street trees from being planted in the future. . D. Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed to: faciiitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacent residential areas, tlclnsit stops, heighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas; minimize driveways on arterial arid coliector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the' ODOT access management standards for State h'ighways. The proposed driveway locations and the overall site design will provide safe ingress and egress. for all modes of transportation. Busses will enter the The Child Center Compiiance Statement January 21, 2010 Page 7 af 9 .... ....., "'.'=1- ~..';' campus from the western driveway and drop off,or pick'up students without any back-up ~or circui~6us tUrning moVements. Students entering or exiting the bus stop area have safe, clearly defined walkways to an attractive outdoor open spacei3nd nearby buildings. Bicyclists are'provided convenient,easy access,to covered bike' racksi3'nd a network ofpedestrii'ln paths to nearby bUildings. Pedestrian access will be provided primarily from the eastern driveway with a series of pedestrian paths providing on-site. circulation. . . , The Child Center is not adjacent to a residential area, transit stop, neighborhood activity center, or other uses that r'ould benefit with additional connectivity to abutting propertjes; , As stated above, the proposed changes to driveway locations on Marcola Road are in compliance with the Springfield Code standards and address the unique access requirements for schools and oth~r uses serving youth. Locating the proposed new driveway fUrther tothe east would result in increased paving and unnecessarily impact Tax Lot'iOO. E. Physical features, including, but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil or geologic conditions; areas with susceptibility of flooding; significant clusters of trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their associated riparian areas; wetlands; rock outcroppings; open spaces; and areas ofhis~oric and/or archaeologIcal significance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS97.740-760, 35B.905"955and 390.235-240, shall be protected as specified/Ii this Codi; or in Sta,te or Ftiderallaw. The Child Center campus does not contain any Statewide Goal 5 resources. The propos(3d site changes avoid development 0." steep slopes or area susceptible to flooding. To enhance protection of drinking water, the parking area in the lower elevations ofthe site will be relocated to the upper plateau. There are no wetlands or rock outcroppings on the site that are impacted by the proposed development, There are no known' significant archaeologica I resou rces. The Child Center proposed site plan will result inthe removal of a cluster of Fir and Oak trees. (Please refer to the Tree Felling Plan submitted under separate cover.) The Child Center design team carefully evaluated alternative locations for the proposed new building. The proposed design reinforces the main entrance to the campus thru the location and orientation of the new office building. The new building will provide the optimum safety for children and visitors. For c(jmpus.security, the new bUilding will provide staff excellent visual surveillance of people arriving or departirig from the campus and a way to ensure only authorized visitors have access to the remainder of the campus. Date Received: JAN 2 j 2010 The Child Center Campliance Statement January 21, 2010 Original Submittal Page 8 of 9 . ,.., @i In response to requests from City staff and EWES to relocate the parking area from the lower plateau to the upper elevation, the designatso prevents the ability to fully preserve the existing cluster of Fir and Oak trees. Again, for further rationale concerning the number and ty'pe of trees being cut, please . . . refer to the Tree. Felling Plan submitted separately. . The Child Center Campliante Statement January 21, 2010 Date Received: JAN 2 I 2010 Original Submittal Page 9 af 9 ~. t@, r..~