HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 12/12/2007 'City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 .. -- f . , . '.i '"'-' Site Plan Review ppli4ati-(lIi~TYpe~~.",~.....~.~';ttr ,,' ",,'. '"~ :i,..(Applicant: checkoneY. Major Site Plan Mo'dification Pre-Submittal: Major Site Plan Mo'dification Submittal: o o Site Plan Review Pre-Submittal: 0 Site Plan Review Submittal: ~ Req u(red' Project' Intor .. nr~i.;.~:'- %"<} b . (App(i~ant. complet~ this sei::tiol)) Applicant Name: Steve Barrett Icompany: Springfield Public Schools IAddress: 525 Mill Street, Spri~gfield OR 97477 r"".;/'hjd1i_"/....A';_'hi4Mi;YMr-."Ai._%.0i."";M*A3fS"'~'_;S"';;'0"'~~"_=0=~"'"'==""'W"']'W";7:m," IApplicant's Rep.: David L Guadagni Icompany:. Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc IA1ddress', . 5 0 132 East Suite 4 , I ~roperty Owner: Springfield Public Schools I COmpany: Springfield Public Schools IAddress: 525 Mill Street, IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02.35.00 I' Phone: 726-3218 Fax: 726.9555 Phone: 342.8077 Fax: 345-4302 OR 97401 ,. , Phone: 726-3218 Fax: 726-9555 OR 97477 ITAX LOT NO(S): 02100 and 02~00 II Property Address: 7345 Thurston Road, Springfield OR Size of Property: 11.40 Acres Acres ~ Square Feet 0 l~r())J()s,E!d Na~e_of ~rojE!~t: .~~~r.~n~le~e,nta'1School d... . d .. ..... .. . ".~_".",...,,,,,,~~**;x*,",,.",,XI=~'"""=""","**'d.d""~"=*' ""'*m**"h***""""_"***_**__~~_ .v _"""ll..,. _,' " .,_',.. ."'Y"E..':'0','1f.A. :4c.A,Iff'.''''''.,;,j'"ll: .,",.,,%, _*':"","diK"""M"Xili..""A~,..,~;' ,,""51..,lk%X;0t ,'0&""';';, I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your pro~osal description \p this application. Proposal: New replacement elementary school on existing school site. :: ,. I Existing Use: Elementary Sc~ool INewImpervious Surface Coverage (Including Bldg. GroJs Floor Area): 11,852 sf Si natures: Please si nand rint our name and date in the ~ riate cox on the next , . - - Associated Applications: ;.~.~ - Lj'1.. - \) \ ,vi. Signs: I( '2n~ Pre-Sub Case No.: ?tc.~~ -l"ib~tI Date: .' ii I Reviewed by: v Icase No.: ])RC:261)";f -()\\cH'1-' Date:/2-(n...lo}-iil RevieweJ by: ~ IAPPlicationFee: $ 7 2J,p 1. CO ITechnical Fee: $ 3 &'3, 33 I poltaqe Fee: $/55f5? ITOTAL FEES: $ 7785,3.5 N'UMBER: P Revised 11/06/2007 Molly Markarian Date Received: Planner: SH t 2..-... I z-- 1 of 10 (f Owner Signatures . '. " This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are requir~d at both st4ges in the application process. An application withollt the Owner's original signature wil!, not be accepted. Pre-Submittal " The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and acctrate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. ':~ Owner: Date: Signature Print Submittal , ,I " . I. . I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the1completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm "the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not bel provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with t~e information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.i78 pertaining to a complete application. ' A-~~rn - &vJt-. Dat~: i: I' 12/11/2007 Owner: Signature; Steve Barrett Print ie , ~ ..... ,t: )j , \1/' eO' . ~\'4 . ., <(l..0 <;~ . .",\e ,.., U,,: '(\e" ,?\'3-'('i, ' :: Revised 11/06/2007 Moliy Markarian 2 of 10 ro. II :1 ". '1 TYpe II Site Plan Approval Narrapve for: " II Thurston Elementary School 2109 J Street il Springfield, Oregon " 11 December 2007 ADlllicanllProller:!V Owner Springfield Public Schools 825 Mill Street Springfield Oregon 97477 Alln: Bili Hirsh Phone: 541-954-6525 Fax: 541- Architect II Mahlum Ar~hitects &, 'I' Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc 132 E. Broadway, Suite 540': Eugene OR'i97401 I Alln: Dave Guadagni, AlA I Phone: 541 ~342-8077 Fax: 541-345-4302 . , Civil Enllineer KPFF Consulting Engineers 1201 Oak Street Eugene, OR 97401 Alln: Mall Keenan, P.E. Phone: 541-684-4902 Fax: 541-684-4909 Landscape'~Architect Walker Macy 111 SE OaK, Suite 200 Portland, OR 97204 Alln:.David Aulwes Phone: 503'228-3122 Fax:,503-273-8878 I: Electrical En!lineer Interface Engineering 708 SW 3'd Avenue #400 Portland OR 97204 Alln: Chris Larson Phone: 503-382-2266 Fax: 503-382-2262 Project Description: I: This application is for site plan approval of a replacement elementary:school for Springfield Public Schools to be located in the area now used for fields and play at the existing Thurston Elementary School site. The project includes construction of a new elementary school and its ~ssociated parki'ng, walk systems, paved and solt play areas and landscaping. Included in this packet is': information reg~rding alternates for adding 2 classrooms and for adding covered play structure. , :' Project Location: ;1 The property is Tax Map No. 17-02-35-00, Tax Lot 02100 and 02600,11 The project address is 7345 Thurston Road.' II Approvals Requested: Type II, SitePlan Approval Attached Information: Site Review Application and Fee Narrative 8-1/2" x 11" Site Plan Tree Felling Applicationwith Plans and Fee ' Large Plan Sets (18 copies) Refer to second sheet of drawings for index. Transportation Impact Analysis, prepared by Branch Engineering (3 copies) Drainage Plan, prepared by KPFF (3 copies) 1i Geotech Report, prepared by PSI, Inc (3 copies) . Preliminary Title Report Deed Irrigation Specifications Electrical Cut Sheets of Proposed Site Light Fixture , ;.. . le-.J?- -01 Date Re.celved.- PlannedSH " Thurston Elementary School Page 1 Type II Site Plan Approval Application Narrative' Mahlum Architects Jill fj1obertson/Sher.yood/Archltects pc I If i Site Ownership:, :1, As of this submission, Sp'ringfield Public Schools is the owner of the ;acre parcel sho!("n for development in this site plan review application. Please refer to the updated preliminary title report,iincluded with this ~~. . ! I Easements: Survey information indicates there are no easements on the property, The School district is in Ihe process of recoding a 7 feet wide utility easement along the property line at Thurston Road. C9PY is attached. ' I: Phasing: , ' The project is designed to be done in two phases. Phase 1 will be a Grading Packag~ that creates a workable surface for the Phase 2 construction access drives, staginglarea and building pad. A Land Development and Alteration Plan (LDAP) will be submitted in advance of starting Phase 1. Phase 2 will be the building and site package that will follow soon after the completion of the Phas~ 1 Grading Package Proposed Development Site Data: Total Site Area: 497,626 SF Impervious Area Building Footprint 2 Classroom alternate Covered Play alternate Additional Imperious Areas Total Impervious Area 40,050 SF 2,620 SF 4,900 SF 121.130SF 168,700 SF Pervious Area 328,926 SF Existina Imoerious Area 156,875 SF Net Change in Impervious Area: Add of 11,825 SF. Zoning: The site is wl1hin the City of Springfield's Urban Growth boundary and is zoned PLO, Schools are a permitted "special use" category. The adjacent 101s are privately owned residential properties at the south and southwest portion of the site. Properties 10 the north, east and n9rthwestare curr~ntly in agricultural use. ' ,I \; Student Population: II, There are currently about 475 students enrolled at Thurston Elementary School.' It is anticipated that this number will not change significantly with the construction of the replacement school. The new school is designed to accommodate up to about 500 students. 11 Site' Access /.Transportation: I Primary vehicular access will be off of Thurston Road with the bus drop off lane separated from the public access drive. There will be pedestrian access to the site 1rom Thurston Road and from a pedestrian alley off of the residential area at the southwest corner of the site. Students arrive either by bus, walking or are dropped off by their parents. The number of students typically dropped off versus walking are described in the Traffic Impact Study. An assessment of school zone signage and hossings along~with the number and type of busses anticipated at the site is also 'included in the Traffic Impact Study. ' , I Off-Street Parking Facilities: All off-streefvehicle parking will conform to the standards listed in theiSpringfield Development Code (SOC). The maximum number of parking spaces per the SCD Is 2 spaces for each teaching station plus ,1 space for each 100 sf of public indoor assembly space. In the full bylld out (Including 1he 2 classroom alternate) there will be 24 teaching stations (48 parking spaces allowed) and about 7,940 square feet of public ,indoor assembly space (79 parking spaces allowed). Maximum vehicle parking spaces allowed: 127 spaces Total vehicle parking spaces provided: 100 spaces Date Received: Plal1ner: SH " Il. - \ z -01 '~ . ~ " , Thurslon Elementary School Page 2 Type II Site Plan Approval Application Narrative Mahlum Architects "'. J' . Robertson/SherWood/Architects pc i' Loading Areas: The school function of the project does not require significant amounfs of loading or unloading to occur since products are not manufactured or sold at the site and the site does not appear to fall under the ioading requirements of Development Code 4.6-130 since i1 is not a commercial or in~ustrial development. None-the-Iess the site will receive deliveries. These will mostly be limited to office arid educational suppiies and food products. For this purpose there.is a loading area at the screened :service court. , Occasional and small front office. deliveries can also be made at the Iront area drop off zone. " , " Utility Infrastructure: " The project site is served by adequate public utilities. The project proposes to extend these utilities on the project site, to provide adequate fire protection and utility services forlithe proposed school building. All new utilities will be placed underground. Refer to the drawings included with this application for description and location of the proposed utility ex1ensions. , i: Stormwater Management: The site is designed so that all non rooftop impervious surfaces stormwater runoff wili be pretreated 1hrough drainage swales prior to being piped into the public stormwat~r system. Building rooftop run-off will be captured by external downspouts that connect to the stormwat~r system. The "site is served by an existing stormwater line running along Thurston Street. :: ' Floodplain: The property is not in area of flood piain. Wetlands: " The property has identified wetlands on the site. The Department of State lands (DSL) has received the wetland delineation report that Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc. prepared on behalf of Springfield School, District 19. The DSL file number is WD 2007-0524. It has been assigned to Anna Buckley at (503) 986- 5321. Based upon DSL's work and priority system, the report has been assigned to a Tier 2 review (greater than 120+ days). DSL Staff will review the report butlhey are not able to provide an estimated timeline for the review. DSL has advised the District that their review "could take seve'ral months and has , apologized that they are unable to provide prompt review 01 all deline~tion reports. ~hh this in mind, the District has proposed a development that avoids triggering 'the need for a wetland fill permit and we see no reason to anticipate that DSL will question our consultant's delineation report. " DrinkingWater Overlay District: " The site is located in the unregulated Zone of Concentration. The proposed building is for educational use. The project does not propose to store, handle or use materials which are listed as hazardous materials.3xcept for those conditions exempt from regulation per SDC Section 3.3-200. The building is being planned to include rooftop mounted HV AC units. These units Will be provided with spill pans that will be piped to the sanitary sewer system. Landscape maintenance is handled by the School District. No landscape maintenance materials, including fertilizers, are stored on site. . Thurston Elementary School . Page 3 Type II Site Plan Approval Application Narrative :Mahlum Architects Robertson/She~ood/Architects pc' ,~! . r-- v I N I o ~ ~:r: . Q) CI) o alL: !l:Ql , 'C: ;.1) c: ~.!2 '10. II 11._- The proposed emergency generator will be located in the service ~oJrt and be desig~ed with double wall type fuel tank. If a leak occurs in the main fuel tank, a secondary tan~ with an audibl~ and visual alarm contains any leakage.' ' i Fire Protection: . ii"'~ The school will be fully sprinklered, Location of the fire hydrants and jfire department 'connection (FOG) has been coordinated with the Fire Marshal. Fire truc~ access to the:lbulldings is accomplished by a partial length 20 foot wide access route originating at the south end of the bus drop zone and heading along the north end of the building and south along the east side of t~e building. Thel.route terminates before the beginning of the we11ands and a hammerhead turnaround in along this route. A partial 20 foot wide lane along the west side of the building travels up the to the hard play area where a hammer head turn will be provided. The route will be marked and designed to support 80,000 pound wheel loads. Per meetings with the Fire Marshall Aerial Fire Apparatus Access Roads JWill not be required since the eaves of the school will be less than 30 feet in height. For Fire Department 'convenience a loop size for a large fire truck turn around will b~ provided at the end of the bus drop for n\>n-fire emergency visits. , I ' , Trees:", There areseverai existing trees on 1he site. A few will be removed, refer to attached lifree Felling Application. Numerous additional trees will be added per' the attached landscape plans. ' . r Irrigation: . I ''', The landscape will be a combination of irrigated shrub and lawn areas, and drought tolerant shrub and, seeded areas which will not be irrigated. The irrigated areas will hav~ a fully automatic irrigation system which conforms to the Springfield Public Schools irrigation standards! The non-irrigated areas are ' designed to require no supplemental water once established. During jhe establishment period the schools' maintenance staff will hand-water as needed. To aid watering, city,standard perforated pipe root watering systems will be provided at non-irrigated trees, and additional mainlin'es and quick-co:uplers will be provided as needed to hand-water shrubs and trees. Hydro-seeding ~i11 occur at the ,start of the wet season to ensure germination and establishment. Fencing: 'The perimeter of the site will have a 6 feet tall chain link fence. landscape drawings. A detail of the fence ib included in the ~r .- !! Building Height: In the PLO zone, "Special Use Standards for Elementary Schools" re~trict the school to a height not to exceed 35 feet at mid height of the roof. The maximum.mid-roof height of the buildings are under 35 feet. II it , Screening: , " The trash and recycling areas are located within the screened service courts. will be screened from view. ' , ' II " " Rooftop mechanical units " I' Datk Received' '\ Z ~ I Z--(J7 Planner: SH " " " ., , '1 Thurston Elementary School Page 4 Type II Site Plan Approval Application Narrative I' Mahlum Architects J'lobertsoniSherWood/Architects pc 'I ~: ' 1! I 11 -00 -01 01... :1m ffiA' :1 CD g CIl_ ::I: < m ~ 'N, \ ~ \ \:) -.J' (J~~O 0'1 UllJ v I' ' . , ' ,'. ,// ~ I",,. <61 100 DO, , 'I" , ~.;..-.;.;-t." ~ +:+-rgo~tEJ~l:~:::1 ~AT~L1~ , /""""1,1' 'II I' , , , " ,/ 1\ ;: -:.: -: ,:I- /'~-I )1 <.: -:':- :1'1: I, /, , , . " , ~_, -! W ~~. .'/ ::::::::;-:J C />~ 1:1 :.:-:.::,~)1 ' ,/ _===:: . .' '~ /""",,//,') ---=,,- ./,/ 1\\ I""'/~'V'/ I"~l' , '. \ ,',' ,/7'.' ; ~ _ _.~--- '\':>" n..-/./'~" , _ - - /. '~-: ~0~~/" /' '--1::-1 ~ A ....:'.,~,.0' ",\",,'0\" ,~ '-, ~,../'. 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"""'" '" -- ...:..--:; ",""""m ~~ (-000-1 II Il*- II II PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT 'I 'I Tax Map & Lot Numbers 17-03-36.12 TL 100 (on'lthe date of execution) !II\ I' :: THIS INDENTURE MADE and entered into this _ day of _ ]1 , 200~by <::1nd between Springfield School District No.1 9 . hereinafter ~eferred to as the Gr~ntor(s), and the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a municipal corporation, in Lane County, Oregon, hereinafter referred to as the Grantee. li;f ': il WITNESSETH: In Consideration of the acceptance by Grantee and the use or holding of said easement for present or future public use by Grantee, Grantors hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee, a perpetual easement 7.00 feet in width, together with the right to go upon' said easement area hereinafter shown in Exhibit "A" for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, main$ining and using PUB'LIC UTILITIES which may hereafter be installed on the following described property, to-wit: II! '" , !i If The west and north 7.00 feet, by perpendicular measurement, of those lands conveyed to Springfield School District No. 19 by that Warranty Deed recorded an August 23, 1945 on Pages 130-131 of Book 295, Lane County Oregon Official Records and tilat Warranty Deed!recorded on August 10,1945 on Pages 224-225 of Book 294, Lane County Oregon Official Re~ords and surveyed by Gary L. Cartier in CSF filed 0'0 , :' II I TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above easement unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. II : IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantors above named have hereunto set their hands and sealsl this ,dayof ,2D~ Ii Nancy'GOlden, Superintendent STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF Lane } 88 I' BE IT REMEMBERED that on this day of J 200.L-.befoye me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for said County and State, personally appeared the within named Nancv Golden II wh'ose identity was proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence and who executed the within inst~ument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same freely and volunt~rily Ii I, ' . \ IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my 6fficial seal the day a'nd year last above written. ~,~ " , I; Notary F;ublic for Oregon " " My Com'mission Expires " THE CONVEYANCE set forth in this instrument conveying title or interest to (he City of Springfield;ia Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, is hereby approved, and the title Of interest conveyed there,in is hereby accepted. ' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD By: Dennis P. Ernst - City of Springfield Surveyor Date : ~t-6 I, t' (BAR CODE ~TICKER) Ii. c i,'>leO'. ) ~\e ~e. Sr\ 0.. l\et. ?~~l\ RETURN TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD- PUBLIc WUKK0 UI::I-' t -225 Flrl H ~ I KI::I:.: I -.sPRINlit--II:LU, UK~l:iUN8/477 II :1 Z;\20l:l7107-135 MAPLE ELEMlSURVEY\EASEMENTSIPUE Dedlcation.doc REVISED Sepl8mbBr, 2004 ~! ) I~ I -1[- _ _1 I 'J' STREET I 8880I5'4/"E ,-- -'~.fr- I 25,00" J L 22.5a' 1 47.50' RIW- <>>, "=1 ~-.,J ~ I ~T I ~ _ I 7.00" PUE ~ rIl '-BEING DED/CA TED ,} , I ~,'>j \) ,,, 0 (.V n. I ~, ~ I '\' 0 /\'V \-J ~ "," , ,0 \::,x ~I G ~ ~ ~~. ; :r 1 0<( " 888003'47"E C5 1 OY. ,,<foG 12./2 ~ I '" ,,0 l' STREET I 0 v - =--+-c I 'Y-~ OV I I v yP 0C; 28.50"- - ~ F- ~ Branch Engineerin~, Inc. (PR~~~~:~~AL-] :,g I ~10 Fifth Street LAND SURVEYO'R II 30.50'~~ ~ ~BEIN~og~;'~~~;D '~(~m~~e~~63o;e#,;';(5~i)~l~_0389-~-Aii :;t7,;r~ -,~ I ~! branchadmin@branchengmeenng.com l, F t OREGON 0 {Q I Civil . Structures. Transportation. Surveying l: JULY 19. 1994 :r I GARY L. CARTIER C5 I 2658 59,00' RIW - I ~ r- I EXPIRES' DECEMBER 31. 2007 '-~~'~-s~~7 ~~. -~i?-~-';;~~~~~,~' N8.!!020'0~W _ -~ 749.41 r- -:~~'-~~~I:=-~I- ._~ _ _ - "(I!'~ 40.00' R1WJ ~ ~ I~I~' \V ~'/:[[] \VaD-d-' \tv D-o~"</~ ~ " ~,:".~" "ll~ ..,. . ~ ~&. "l &.; ,"lf~' [gJ :'JOO 0'v Ii] ,,'\' '-J I .)' 'C;>: I I ~ ,-------' \\<- f-.- r . "0 I I J \V I \ ~ , = \ I 7.00" PUE J BEING DEDICA TED 663.63 30.50"- 40,62'- _I 71./2' RIW-' I r--- - - ~- I I J'1 ~ Cl Cl ~~ CC ::c:C Cj)"'3 l\:l"t:l ~~ ~t: C') ~~ SJ1 ~ o:...,~ ~~ S5~ tlj:r.;: ""3~ _ L]_ : j &; ~ >" ---~ ,,':la' 07.- ,,<:i \V co':- ~'>j ,\,0 ----I ~~ ~~ ,(} !? r '\v ,\v 251 co t SBBO/5'O! ''E 75.50 4' SAN. SEWER~L EASEMENT .. ' '\' 00 ,,<0 \V '" ~o'C co " iR \V '" ~ i\i r-- p C\J u fJ)~U~ ' ~ 00 \V ~'\ I 00 ,,'0 '\V 00 "OJ \V ~ ~ ~ ~ .-j . . I e-. ~I ~I IrIl l\,) Cl Cl "\! '..., IG ."l u. ~OO ' ~~~ ~... ~o \V TL 4/00 [ZJ 1m I I 1 I <;J'I 50 , I..... o ...., 100 (~ v. "( '~ ' "T~ Branch Enginyering, Inc. ' . 310 5th 81m'" 8pri09',Id, 0"90097477' (541) 746-0637 . F" (541) 746-0389 '\ PRINCIPALS: . James A. Branch, P,E" P.L.S, Rene Fabricant, S.E., P,E. Michael Lane Branch, P,E, Damien Gilbert, P.E. Renee Clough, P,E. TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Re: Thurston Elementary School Replacement Springfield, Oregon Branch Project No. 07-235 Date: December II, 2007 To: Mr. Gary McKenney, P.E. City of Springfield Transportation Depatiment From: Damien Gilbert, P.E. EXPIRES: JUNE 30. 2009 This memorandum is intended to supplement the Minor Traffic Impact Study for the Thurston Elementary School Replacement dated'on November 16, 2007, in response to relevant completeness review comments received during the pre-submitt,!l meeting with limited attendees on November 30, 2007, Based on the meeting minutes supplied':by Robertson Sherwood Architects, P.C., there were three traffic related items to be addressed. The foHowing summarizes the additional items that are addressed herein: .:. Assessment of school zone signage and crossings .:. Number and size of busses anticipated at the site .:. Information on Modes of travel . \1~,OOY ,.,' ~ '/Jeo.. ~er:ft~ O~\e et'. S'P f?\~'(I'('I , School Zone Signage and Crossings A sign and crossing review was perfotmed for the immediate school area. There are currently no crosswalks on the abutting public street or at existing adjacent intersections in the school vicinity. There is a school area speed 20 MPH zone in place on Thurston Road fronting the site, There are no sidewalks on the north side of Thurston Road across from the school, and that area is for the most part undeveloped with few origins/destinations (homes) for students. The Vast majority of students that walk or ride bicycles to school were observed to distribute to/from the "- .) CIVIL STRUCTU8AL TRAFFIC / TRANSPORTATION SURVEYING ~t ~~ Thurston Elementary School Replacement I!. . ....., ' Page 2'of 2 west. Based on our observations, there were no areas with concentrated groups of student pedestrians crossing Thurston Road in the immediate vicinity of the school. Crosswalk treatments should be included at the visitor parking lot driveway access point due to the high number of student/vehicle traffic conflicts expected at that location, ' School Busses Based on District supplied information, there are four full-sized standard 40-foot busses serving Thurston Elementary School. Modes of Travel Based on School District supplied information for an observation performed on a Tuesday during .. .. 11' p last year's school year, and limited sample confirmations performed by our office, the following table summarizes the Modes cifTravel for the Thurston Elementary School: Walk 45 66 Bicycle 11 11 Bus drop-off 137 162 Parent drop.off 203 167 Based on the above information, the vast majority of the students are dropped-off and picked. up by their parents, or are bussed to school. Conclusion In summary, the result of the Traffic Impact Study remains the same as originally presented. The proposed Thur.ston Elementary School Replacement project will not cause significant adverse impact on the operating characteristics of the existing adjacent roadway system. DE.Cl2. R(C'U Branch Engineering, Inc. December 11,20.0.7 :---- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ",",(1 MINOR TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY FOR Thurston Elementary School Replacement Springfield, Oregon Iiiiiiiiiii,", " """" ,1",,,,,.,,...'."....""11..11''''''"',,,, ,"'''' ., """ I ,. ''''"' ,.", .,,, '".''''''' " ".,"". '''' " November 16, 2007 Preoared For: Springfield School District 1890 North 42"" Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 Preoared Bv: BRANCH ENGINEERING, INC. 310 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Phone (541) 746-0637 Fax (541) 746-0389 Project No. 07-235 . 12--12--01_ Date Recelved:- Planner: SH I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MINOR TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY FOR IIII 11111111. III ""'111""""1111 lilli' 111_1,.nllll I I 11111111'" 1111111111 III I 1111111.11.1.1....1111111111 . """"'''1111111111''11'" 11111 '1~11 IIII I I Thurston Elementary School Replacement Springfield, Oregon ~ November 16, 2007 Preoared Bv: EXPIRES: JUNE 30. 2009 BRANCH ENGINEERING, INC. 310 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Phone (541) 746-0637 Fax (541) 746-0389 DEe 1 2 REC'O Project No. 07-235 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS ...-...............:......-....--....., w 1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................1 2. PROJECT DESCRiPTION.................................................................... 2 Site Access.,................:......,..............................................,............. 4 Site Circulation..........,....,..............................,.,..,..,..,...................... 4 3. EXISTING CONDITIONS ...............................:...................................... 6 Street Network.............,...............................................,................... 6 Crash Analysis.................................................,..,...,....................... 6 Transit Facilities.,..,.,...:.................................,........"....................... 6 Non-Motorized Facilities........................,.......,........,.........:.............. 6 4. PROJECT TRAFFIC..........................~.................................................. 7 Modes of Travel.........,. '............................,'.....................'...........'.... 7 Delivery Vehicle Traffic,................................. .:..................."...........7 Non-Motorized Facilities......:...............................:........................... 9 Trip Generation.............,..............,......................................., ,.........9 Trip Distribution and Traffic Assignment.......................................... 9 5. CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC ROUTING/ACCESS..............................10 Construction Phasing....................................,..,.........,....,............. 10 Construction Staging....................,.."....................,....................... 1 0 6. RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION .....................................11 DEe i 2 REC'D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LIST OF FIGURES ~- ...,.---....,- " Figure 1: Vicinity Map............................................................................ 3 Figure 2: Site Plan................................................................................. 5 Figure 3: Delivery Circulation Simulation ..............................................8 LIST OF TABLES . _,...,...,.."..._._."".",....,::o:'---..__..___.._.....~ .- Table 1: Delivery Truck Traffic .........................................,.................. 7 LIST OF APPENDICES ..---......... ---.. '" Appendix A: City of Springfield Traffic Impact Study Scope Appendix B: Lane Transit District Route Schedules ,Appendix C: ODOT Accident Data Appendix D: Tentative Design Schedule DEC.1 'l. \\tC~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '/I'fj'>. . ' MINOR TIS: THURSTON ELEICl'ENTARY SCHOOL RE;PLACEMENT PAGE 1 OF 11 1. INTRODUCTION Branch Engineering Inc. has been retained by Springfield School District to prepare this Minor Traffic Impact Study as required in Springfield Development Code to meet the criteria of Springfield Public Works Department policy S.O.P.P. #T-6.1 and the Traffic Impact Study Scope of , Work, dated October 4, 2007 (see Appendix A), prepared by City of Springfield Transportation staff for the Thurston Elementary Site Modification in Springfield, Oregon. ' A reduced traffic study has been allowed for this project, as there Will not be new traffic generated by the school replacement. The primary focus of this study is to summarize expected!changes to local traffic patterns. DEe i 2, REC'D ~ Branch Engineering, Inc, .~ November 16,2007 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MINOR TIS: THURSTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL REPLACEMENT PAGE 2 OF 11 2. PROJECT DESCRIPiTION The Thurston Elementary school site is located south of Thurston R.oad between Weaver and Billings Roads in Springfield. The project consists of replacing the existing ,school buildings, improving the parking facilities, and developing sports fields on the existing scho()l site. The school currently has an emollment of 453 students, and there are 53 staff members. The new development is planned to begin construction in Spring of 2008 for building pad preparation. New' construction will continue after the school is out through June of 2009 and demolition of the existing buildings will occur after the school year ends in Summer of2009. The final landscaping and site improvements will be completed prior to the start of the next school year in September of 2009. The property is identified on Assessor's Map 17-02-35_00, Tax Lot 2600. The site is currently occupied by Thurston Elementary School. Figure I illustrates the location of the proposed development " '}. ~t\.:\'\ ~t.c' \ l,tiJi Branch Engineering, Inc. --= November 16, 2007 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . -:.~( MINOR TIS: THURSTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL REPLACEMENT PAGE 3 OF 11 f- '" I f- '" '" f- " Z W Z o '" ~ "" s\<\~ " Cl Z .J .J '" THURSTON RD THURSTON RD / ~ '" w ~ > 1f IG ST I ~ ,~ OPACA c=: ___ ~ ~E CT ~ ~ G. : -...l E TiE I ~ " D- ex; I- " ~ I'" ~= D ST .F~~;; [~' c r'i ,i':J , v:: ~"J C _ I J! ~Ltt-("9 [) , I A ST,~ A ST r J 0 ~ \ ;J ~ ~ 'A ST ~I MAINSTUOglL0 ~ ",,1 ~CK(N2\( f- " " z OJ ~ f- " I f- ~[2 ~TER -.J ~ I f- ro '" MEMORIAL /STER I r-' SPRINGFIELD f- " I f- D ~ ~BELLE CT ( CEMETERY L--- BLUEE:WLE VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE FIGURE 1: Vicinity Map DEe 1 2 REC'U " ~nch Engineering, Inc. November 16, 2007 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MINOR TIS: THUR.STON EL~r;lNTARY SCHOOL REPLACEMENT PAGE 4 OF 11 Site Access There are two existing driveways on Thurston Road. As proposed, flne full-movement driveway will be dedicated for visitor parking, parent drop-off/pick-up activities, delivery traffic, and staff parking. The other access will be located at the east side of the proposed development for school bus circulation. Site Circulation The west driveway will consist of visitor, parent drop-offi'pick-up and staff parking. Bus loading will occur in the northeast part of the school. Delivery trucks will enter and exit the site through the west driveway on Thurston Road. The proposed site plan is shown in Figure 2. ",,,S'\\ \'l." \')'t-I:, -@ Branch - EngiIleering,_Inc. November 16,2007' I I I I I I I l I, 1 I I' 1 I I I 1 I I "--~E::!iZ , . , ! i m---'w L+ 12}: ~ . "lli~' .~ 'II ~",'1ir ~l~ "r~ rr =- = " , I il I;~ I ~~Ti r !:'/H -Co~:J() . -!i' . """ / ~zs:,(~'\EE CJDJ ,r;" /: J ;s:r"-' rn ~ I I ' I,i ~ ~=)8__"~'1~1~ i. _ -.) ~ge:n:Evj I, . '. 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Fw:SOJ_17,-8818 SPRlNGFIELDPUIlLK:SCHOOLS 525M111.S1REET sPRINGFlELD,ORwm THURSTONElaEI(l'ARYSC~ T34STHURSTONRil'J:l 5PRI~,OR~74TT , FIGURE 2 DD lC11Z12OO7_!lACKGROlJNOOI"IGS II.W(lI/..r;~ ~ OESiGnOE',,'EUl?IIiEro'T ~ '" i:iA ~"n. . - ----.......... SiTE PlAN DEe, 12 REC'D L..1 00.. T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ -,-",~ MINOR TIS: THURSTON ELE1efENTARY SCHOOL REPLACEMENT PAGE 6 OF 11 3. EXISTING CONDITIONS Street Network The relevant roadway for this study is: .:. Thurston Road Thurston Road is functionally classified as a collector roadway; it is a two-lane east-west running street with a sidewalk on the south side ofthe street (school side) which ~onnects students to neighborhoods , II ' west of the school. There are on-street bicycle lanes and the posted speed is 40 MPH. Crash Analysis An analysis of accident history was performed for the relevant existing roadways in Springfield. The most recentthree full years of accident data was evaluated (January I, 2004 through December 31, 2006) as supplied by the ODOT Crash Analysis and Reporting Unit. It should be noted, that Legislative changes to DMV's vehicle crash reporting requirements, effective January 1,2004, resulted in fewer property damage only crashes being eligible for inclusion in the statewide crash data file. During the period of analysis, there were no accidents reported on Thurston Road between Weaver and Billings Roads. The ODOT accident data is included as Appendix C. Transit Facilities The school site is serviced nearby via Lane Transit District (L TD) Routes 8x and'll. The bus stop that is regularly served by this route is located on 69th Street and Thurston Road. The current L TD route . . schedule is included in Appendix B Non-Motorized Facilities Thurston Road has a sidewalk on the south side of the street in the project area. -@ Branch Engineering, Inc. November 16, 2007 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MINOR TIS: THURSTON ELEtENTARY SCHOOL REPLACEMENT PAGE 7 OF 11 4. PROJECT TRAFFIC Modes of Travel .:. Pedestrians coming from the east and west will access the site through the north entrances on Thurston Road. One pedestrian access is located to the west. side of the staff and visitor parking area and the other one is located between the staff and visitor parking area and the bus drop-off parking. .:. Bus drop-off will be relocated to the north-east side of the school. .:. Student drop~off and pick-up will be accomri:1odated on-site'via a new re-located visitor parking lot to the-west side of the school. Increased queuing storage area has been provided. ,\ .:. Staff and delivery vehicles will use the same driveway access as the parent drop-off and pick-up parking area. Delivery Vehicle Traffic Delivery vehicle will be entering and leaving the site via Thurston Road (west site access). Based on school district supplied information, the following table shows the schedules and lengths of the delivery trucks for the Thurston Elementary School. TABLE 1: Delivery Truck Traffic, Type of Vehicle: Day(s) Time Truck Length I Milk Tuesday and Friday 6:30 AM 45 ft Produce Tuesday 9:00 AM 31 ft (Friday if needed) Food Wednesday 12:00 PM 35 ft The largest expected delivery vehicle circulation simulation is shown in Figure 3. , '}. ~\.(ilj \'Jt..\" \ l@ Branch Engineering, Inc., November 16, 2007 I ~ I I I I ,1. I ~I I, I I I I I I I I I I ~ .., :1 : I . . i I -7! .1 . , , I '" ~.. ~ . ~ I ~, '~ I -1\ ~ - ".....,... -,.."" , ~ . ~ JIL...,, ~ I ~ ~ I p. , ~ I -11 I -11: II~I . .1 ' I ~ . I, , I / I / ,,' / Iili ,/ / ~/ ( I , '~ -11 I -11 I . / "" I .1 ~" /.. -it "". , ~J ' - I , I Wi' , '.1:/ . / II 1 -\ L-LI", t Lj'll'1l 1'1i' ~t \ A , ~) 11 . .... '. //- .. ml , , , DEliVERY 'VEHICLE SIMULATION "FOR , . THURSTO~ ELEAfETARY SCHOOL ! I " -J , -'. . , , j , i 'Ir=~- ,- I. -'1 I I I I I I I I I I I I : [ I : [ l___. - .., 7.50 ,33.00 11 ...c 300 -1191 g Jr: 0.00 ~ ~t@l 3.00 12.50 .. . 25.50 ' I r I ~@' , WB-40 feet : 8.00 Lock to lock Time .: 6.00 : 8.00 Steering Angle : 20.30 : 8.00 Articulating Angle' : 70.00 , : 8.00 Tractor Width Trailer Width Tractor Trock Trailer Trock PRE ,-- ~ , ~ Branch . ~ngineerin~. Il!.c. ~' 310 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 ' (541)746-0637 FAX (54,1)746-0389 e-mail: branchadmin@qwest.net ' Civil. Structures . TJ;"ansportation . Surveying. ., 10 I rr'-'-'-'- 1. o 20 EXPIRES: JUNE 30. 2009 .. FIGURE 3 rU I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MINOR TIS: THURSTON ELE~NTARY SCHOOL REPLACEME~T PAGE 9 OF 11 Non-Motorized Facilities One ofthe entrances of the school is for cyclist and pedestrians. It is located south of the school grounds. It takes children down to a small subdivision close to Highway 126. A proposed bike path and shelter will be added into the overall transportation plan for the school, encouraging more children to walk and bicycle to the Thurston Elementary School. Pedestrian and bicycle accommodations will include internal private sidewalk connections to the public street system, and bicycle facilities. Based on school district supplied information, the majority of the students are mopped-off and picked- up by their parents. Fourteen percent of the students walk to and from the school on regular weekdays. Trip Generation -' Peak hour trip generation values will not change sigruficantly as a result of the proposed Thurston Elementary school replacement project. Trip Distribution and Traffic Assignment There will not be any changes to off-site traffic patterns as a result of the proposed school replacement, project. " '!. ~tt\'-' ~t.c' \ -@ Branch Engineering, Inc, November 16, 2007 I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I \ MINOR TIS: THURSTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL REPLACEMENT - PAGE 10 OF 11 5. CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC ROUTING/ACCESS Due to the location and nature of the proposed development (Elementary School in a residential neighborhood), potential impacts on neighborhood and student safety were considered. Construction Phasing Phase 1 consist of site the grading package that is tentatively scheduled to start on February 2, 2008 and will be completed February 18, 2008, , , Phase 2 is the building package that is tentatively scheduled to start on June 16, 2008 with the new building completion on June 12,2009. The existing building demolition and final landscaping will be completed prior to school starting in Fall of2009. The project schedule is included in Appendix D. Construction Staging Construction access to the development will occur along the east edge of the existing school. Contractors will turn west at the south edge of the existing hard play area and the access point will be through the existing asphalt. Contractors will turn south adjacent to southeast corner of existing west parking lot and proceed south along the future driveway to staging area at future parking/drop off zone. II The existing west edge bicycle access path will be fenced off and remain accessible for public use during construction. \ '}. ~tt'\) \'It.\' 1@'1 Branch Engineering, Inc. November 16, 2007 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MINOR TIS: THURSTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL REPLACEMENT PAGE 11 OF 11 6. RECOMMENDA liONS AND CONCLUSION Transit Facilities The development site is conveniently served by pu~lic transit. No special transit accommodations are necessary to serve the proposed development. Non-motorized Facilities , No special pedestrian or bicycle facilities, other than those required by code, are T\ecessaryto accommodate the proposed development. Crash History Analysis During the three year period of analysis, there were no accidents reported on Thurston Road between . Weaver and Billings Roads. No accident reducing measures are recommended.' Large Vehicle Circulation As illustrated in Figure 3, some areas will require adjustments to accommodate the design delivery vehicle. There appears to ,be adequate space for this to occur.'Driveways and bus loading areas have been evaluated by others, and were not reviewed in this study. Conclusion In summary, the result of this analysis indicates, the proposed Thurston School redevelopment will not cause significant adverse impact on the operating characteristics of the existing adjacent roadway system. Dt.C\ " ~tt\\ r@l Branch Engineering, Inc. November 16, 2007 I' 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I II 1 1 1 1 - APPENDIX A CITY OF SPR.INGFIELD TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY SCOPING CHECKLIST ~tc. \ 'l. \\tt\\ I ',~~, I fjj!&'l~%~~r!'::!!i~~!l1Jj(JJJllri}}JitHJ!l AOivlliViSTRATJON '''v1A//'jTENAj\fCE DiViSION, ENG/NEER!l\iG O/l/!S/()iV TRA/\iSFCF?T!.l.TiON 0-/1/6/0l\l .~ 3i=PiiVGFfELD_ C:_:-~' ,9:?::i?7 I Ei'\jVi.AONi'vlENr4L S"E;S\/iCES Df/iSle.'!'.! T~C.'-fN!C':..\L i:.;.EFiV!CES[}!V!SiCIf'.f C..-.J"" I October 4, 2007 I Darnien Gilben, P,E. Branch Engineering 310 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 I I I Subject: Traffic Impact Shldy Scope - Thurston Elementary S"hool I Dear Damien, I Enclosed per your request is a Trajjic Impact Study Scope of Work statement for the proposed Thurston Elementary School site., This scope is based on our linderstanding that the project consists of replacing the existing school, parking facilities, and'itields with a new schooL parking facilities, and tields on the existing site. I Please give me a call if we may provide additional iIlfOlmation~ I Sincerelv. ~~~ Greg Kwock, P.E. Transportation Engineer I I I I I , '},. ~\.(\\ \jt.\' \ I Ij,DM/j\.jl,ST'=i~4TlON / TEC/--ii\fiCAL SEFil//C"cS/ E.NG!i\jEEr:Jil'./G: (5,:,11) 726-375."3 .,=:,;',.,' : rL" ) 73e-1!)2~! I . _/,_;,:,'\',,:\',I~:',:.I~, oEI';I'nl'l'"',~\c::::,,,:.,~,,~_~,._r,:,;'~,,~, ".;..:,_,;,;.-,~,',~61 ~ ;='4)( (541) 723-3621 TFi,4NSPC..'FiTJ. nON: - ' .--- ~'-- v__ (5Jl) 726--'3694' .F-d./: (541) 726"-2'309 -: j -':~'''-:._...~.'7';':._,- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~'" 1 ,-..' TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY SCOPE OF WORK ,I Date: October 4,2007 Consultant: P.r<:l"!'''-'}, l=''tHTJ.nppr-inn .J...J.lU-.lJ........u .........LJ.E- ............................6 310 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Project Assumptions: Project Name: Location: land Uses: Size: Access: SpfJd - Thurston Elementary Site Modification 7345 Thurston Road, lIE Code 520 - Ekmentary School Use appropriate of Target A.r~a (GSF) or Student Population Via Thurston Road for staff parking and student and school bus drop-off / pick .up. Completion Date: Estimated 2008 General: The proposed development will impact city streets; therefore the supporting trame impact analysis wilrneedto address Springtleld Development Code (SDC) requirements. Because the development is not anticiDated to add.significant t~ips to the site, a reduced (ramc study is being allo';ved. The study should address all the criteria outlined in SpriJ)gtleld Public WorksDepartment policy (S.O.P,P. #T-6.1) for a Minor Traftlc Shldy, modified as follows: Project Traffic: Trip Generation and Trip Generation Assignment: Full trip generation and trip generation assignment is not being required for this site. However, truck traffic due to deliveries and other operations should be considered in the TIS: Include an analysis of the route that truck traffic will be utilizing to access the site. Include estimates of the volume and times of entry/exitto the site. Period{sl ~ Analvsis Year 2008 (or assumed build year for individual phases) , Scenarios Build Construction Traffic Routing/Impacts Due to the location and nature of the proposed development (elementary school), potential impacts on neighborhood and student safety shall be considered. The TIS should include a sign and crossing audit that addresses safety issues for the area. . 't\.\'~ \'l. . \'Iy\ Include this Scope of Work in the appendix of the Traffic Impact Study Page 1 of 1 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX B LANE TRANSIT DISTRICT R.OU 1 E SCHEDULES \. '1 ~t.t\\ \)~C ~-, 11 Thurston ~ u..i n . l\\lI .... lTD Station Estacion de LTO m lTD Park & Ride >- s '" 0. a:: w w Z o c;:: ~ " "" ". '" " MAIN l.;:J R.a:C <b '211 .2 ! l-~'-" " \1 \ , u i'- <;0\.)'\" m Papa's Pizza Springfield ~ Station Bay IUI Springfield Station Thurston Area via Main Street 11 Thurston From: To: Name: Thur3ton Area Springfield Station via I\::ain 51. 11 Springfieid StHion From: To: Name: ARRIVE L:.~,vt LEAVE Main Main Tnurstor. 69th Thurston Thur-sion rvlair. Main ,Jl.RRIVE Spill! at at S,31ion a' -Staion StatiGn <- ar 'Spfla Station 21st 42nd BayS Main ,3a}.' A 8::.yA 42no 23rd Statkl;; W I "".M 7:25 7:45 8:07 8:,0 3:14 8:.17 8:2!: 8:38 8:27 8:30 8:34 8:37 8:45 8:5C< 3:50 3:34 3:58 8:50 8:53 8:57 9:01 9:09 9:',6 9:21 8:26 9:3, 9:10 9:13 9:17 9:21 9:29 9:36 9:41 9:45 9:5, 10:00 9:30 9:33 9:37 9:41 9A9 9:55 10:01 10:06 10:11 10:20 9:50 9:~,<:; 9:57 10:01 10:09 10:16 10:21 1Q:26 1Q::.1 10:40 10:-10 10:13 10:15 10:23 10:32 10:38 10:44 10:49 10:5.l ;1:04 10:30 10:33 10:38 10:43 10:52 10:59 11:04 11:09 11:14 11:24 10:50 10:53 10:58 11:03 11:12 11:19 11:24 11:29 11:34 11:44 11:10 11:13 11:18 11:23 11:32 11:39 11:44 ' 11:4B 11:54 12:04 11:30 11:33 11:38 11:43 11:52 11:59 12:04 12:09 12:14- 12:24 11:50 11:53 11:58 12:03 12:12 12:'\9 12:24 12:29 12:34 12:44 PM 12:1'0 12:13 12:18 12:23 12:32 12:39 12:44 12:50 12:55 1:05 12:30 12:33 12:38 12:43 .12:52 12:59 1:04 1:10 1:15 1:25 12:50 . '12:53 12:58 1:03 1:12 1:15 1:2-4 1:30 1:35 1:4-5 1:10 1:13 1:18 1:23 1:32 1:39 1:44 1:50 1:55 2:05 1:30 1:33 1:38 1:43 1:52 1:59 2:04 2:10 2:15 2:25 1:50 1:53 1:58 2:03 2;12 2:19 2:24 2:30 2:35 2:45 2:10 2:13 2:18 2:23 2:32 2:39 2:44 2:50 2:55 3:05 2:30 2:33 2:38 2:43 2:52 2:59 3:04 3;10 3:15 3:25 2:50 2:53 2:58 3:03 3:12 3:19 3:24 3:30 3:35 3:45 3:10 3:13 3:18 3:23 3:32 3:39 3:44 3:50 3:55 4:05 I 3:30 3:33 3:38 3:43 3:52 3:59 4;04 4:10 4:15 4:25 3:50 3:53 3:58 A:03 4:12 4:19 4:24 4:30 4:35 4:45 4:10 4:13 4:18 4:23 4:32 4;39 4:44 4:50 4:55 5:05 4:30 4:33 4:38 4:43 4:52 4:59 5:04 5:10 5:15 5:25 I 4:50 4:53 4:58 5:03 5:12 5:19 5:24 5;30 5:35 5:45 5:10 5:13 5:18 5:23 5:32 5:39 5:44 5:50 5:55 6:05 5:30 5:33 5:38 5:43 5:52 5:59 6:04 6;10 6:15 5:25 5:50 5:53 5:58 6:03 6:12 6:19 6:24 6:30 6:35 6:45 6:10 6:13 6;18 6:23 6:32 6:39 6:44 6:50 6:55 7:05 I; 6:30 6:33 6:38 6:43 6:52 6:59 7:04 7:10 7:15 7:25 6:50 6:53 6:58 7:03 7:12 7:19 7:24 7:30 7:35 7:45., 7:10 7:13 7:18 7:23 7:32 7:39 7:39 7:45 7:50 8:00 7:30 7;33 ;:38 7:43 7:52 7;59 7:59 8:05 8:10 8:20 I 7:50 7:53 7:58 8:03 8:11" Service end5 at 69t/: at r'1:iaiii. Drop-off only sErvice 'Jr. Main Stre~t froril 69t11Stmt to 55thStiee;. EI sen'icio {ermine en fa esquina de las calies 69 y Main. S610 parara para baiar ,Y.isajeros durante SiJ recorride, en is. Calle j!,.jain enUB fas Calles 69 y 58. I", ,_. to ~ Thurston ivTjddlc School >- S: :t: THURSTON RD )r~~-;"," -"J~ :t,_ f:~Uh;'5ChOOI Co Lt1 tC , _!A! '~Ti ~\~ ~~' Lc Station ~~ ~ CO ~\ .,..~ I I I I From: To: Name: Springfield Stalion Thurston Area via Main Street 11 Thurston ; LEP.VE Spfld Station Main at 21st Main at 42nd Thurston Station Bay B 69th at [../lain ARRIVE Thurston Station Bay A From: To: Name: Thurston .~"ea Springfield. Station via Main St. 11 Springtield Station LEAVE Thurston Station Bay A Main at 42nd 'Mail1. at 23rd .A,RRIVE Solid St3tion I I AM 6:25 6:45 7:07 7:27 7:50 8:10 8:30 8:50 9:10 9:30 9:50 10:10 10:30 10:50 .11:10 11:30 11:50 PM 12:10 12:30 12:50 1:10 1:30 1:50 2:10 2:30 .2:50 3:10 3:30 3:50 4:10 4:30 4:50 5:10 5:30 5:50 5:10 6:30 6:50 7:10 7:30 7:50 8:05 8:25 8:45 9:05 9:25 9:45 1.:05 10:25 10:45 11:05 I I I I I I I I I I I 9:53 10:13 10:33 10:53 11:13 11:33 ,1:53 12:13 12:33 12:53 1:13 1:33 1:53 2:13 2:33 2:53 3:13 3:33 3:53 4:13 4:33 4:53 5:13 5:33 5:53 5:13 5:33 6:53 7:13 7:33 7:53 8:08 8:28 8:48 9:08 ,9:28 9:48 10:08 10:28 10:48 11:08 6:28 6:48 7;10 730 7:53 6:32 6:52 7:14" 7:34 7:57 8:17 8:37 8:57 , 9:17 9:37 9:57 10:18 10:38 10:53 11:18 11:38 11:58 12:18 12:38 12:58 1:18 1:38 1:58 2:18 2:38 10:01 10:23 10:43 11:03 11:23 11:43 12:03 12:23 12:43 1:03 1:23 1:43 2:03 2:23 2:43 3:03 3:23 3;43 4:03 4:23 4:43 5:03 5:23 5:43 5:03 6:23 6:43 7:03 7:23 7:43 8:03 8;18 , 8:38 8:58 9:18 9:38 9:58 10:18 10:38 10:58 11:18 6:35 6:55 7:17 7:37 8:01 8:21 8:41 9:01 9:21 9:41 3:1::: 3:19 3:32 3:39 3:52 3:59 4:12 4;19 4:32 ;4;39 4:52 4:59 5:12 5:19 5:32 5:39 5:52 5:59 '6:12 6:19 6:32 6:39 6:52 6:59 7:12 7:19 7:32 7:39 7:52 7:59 8;12 8:19 8:27 8:34 8:47 8:54 9:07 9:14 9:27 9:34 9:47 9:54 10:07 10:14 10:27 10:34 10:47 10:54 11:08' 11:26* 5:43 7:03 7:25 7:45 8:09 8:29 8:49 9:09 9:29 9:49 6:48 7:08 7:30 7:50 8:16 8:36 8:56 9:16 9:35 9:55 6:48 7:08 7:30 7:50 8:21 8:41 9:01 9:21 9:41 iG:01 10:21 10:44 11:04- 11:24- 11:44 12:04 12:24 12:43 1:03 1:23 1:43 2:03 2:23 2:43 3:03 3:23 ~I 3:43 4:03 4:23 4:43 5:03 5:23 5:43 6:03 6:23. 6:43 6:5~ 7:19 7:39 7:59 8:19 8:41 9:01 9:21 9:41 10:01 10:21 10:41 11:01 8:46 9:06 9:26 9:46 10:06 10:26 10:49 11:09 11 :29 11 :49 12:09 12:29 12:49 1:09 1:29 1:49 2:09 2:29 2:49 3:09 3:29 3:49 4:09 4:29 4:49 5:09 5:29 5:49 6:09 6:29 6:49 7:05 7:25 7:45 8:05 8:25 8:46 9:06 9:26 9:46 10:06 10:26 10:46 11:06 6:52 7:12 7;34 7:54 8:26 10:31 10:54 11 :14 11:34 11:54 12:14 12:34 12:54 1:14 1:34 1:54 2:14 2:34 2:54 3:14 3:34 3:54 .4:14 4:34 4:54 5:14 5:34 5:54 6:14 6:34 6:54 7:10 7:30 7:50 8:10 8:30 8:51 9:11 9;31 9:51 10:11 10:31 10:51 11:11 6:56 7:16 7:38 7:58 8:31 7:05 7:25 7:.17 8:07 . 8:40 9:00 '9:20 9:40 10:00 1o:io. 10:40 8'" , ;v 8:33 8:53 9:13 9:33 2:58 3:18 3:38 2:58 4:18 4:38 4;58 5:18. 5:38 5:58 ',6:18 6:38 6:58 7:18 7:38 7:58 8:13 8:33 8:53 9:13 9:33 9:53 10:13 10:33 10:53 11:13 10:09 10:32 10:52 11:12 11:32 11:52 12:12 12:32 12:52 1:12 1:32 1:52 2:12 2:32 2:52 10:16 1039 10:59 11:19 11:39 11:59 12:19 12:39 12:59 1:19 1:39 ' 1:59 2:19 2:39 2:59 8:51 9:11 9:31 9:51 10:11 - 11:04 11:24 11:44" 12:04 12:24 12:44 1:04 1:24 1:44. 2:04 2:24 2:44 3:04 3:24 3:44 4:04 4:24 4:44 5:04 5:24 5:44 6:04 5:24 6:44 7:04 7:20 7:40 8:00 8:20 8:40 9;00 9:20 9:40 10:00 10:20 10:40 11:00 11:20 I Service ends at 69th at fl..1ain. Drop-off only service on Main Street from.'69th Street to 58th Street. E! servicic terminaen la esquina de las calies 69 y iviain. S6/0 .oarara para baJar pasaleros Q'urante su recorrido en la Galfe Main entre las Ca!fes 69 y 58. I I ,- From: Springfield Station From: Thurston ~.fea I To: Thurston Area via 1\"1ain Street To: Springfield Statiofi via Main S:, Name: 11 Thur510n Name: 11 Springfield Station ARRIVE LEAVE LEAVe Main Main Thurston 69th Thu~$t(1I1 Ttiu'i.too M~;,n 1v1:\in ARRl'JE Sp1!ll " ,I Station "' 5taticn Station "' or Splin I Station 2'"' 42nd Bai'E; Main Sa)' ~. SayA <:2no 23rd Station [J'] I AM 5:02 5:06 5:10 5:16 5:21 :;-:25 5:30 ,,5:37 5:2': 5:"'" 5:31 5"35 5:41 5:45 5:46 5:51 ~.y" ;'E.:05 5:55 _5:57 5:01 5:05 6:11 5:16 6:16 6:21 6:25 6:"'" 5:20 6:23 '3:27 6:31 6:33 6:45 5:45 6:51 6:55 7:05 5:30 6:33 6:37 6:41 6:48 O:::>:J 5:55 7:01 7:Q5 7'15 6:50 6:53 6:57 7:D1 7:D8 /:",5 7:15 7:21 7:27 I 7:02 7:05 7:09 7:13 7:20- 1'27 7:27 7:33 7:39 "7:-1:;; T:1i 7:20 7:25 7:29 7:33 7:45 7:45 7:51 7:57 3:06 7:30 7:33 7:38 7:42 7:51 8:DO 8:00 8:06 8:12 8:2 ~ . 7:55 8:D2 5:09 8:09 8'.15 8:18 8:23 7:48 751 7:55 8:00 8:07 5:14 8:17 8:23 8:27 8:35 I 8'J2- 8:06 8:10 8:14 8:21 3:25 8:28 E:34 8:38 8:47 8: ~ 8 8:21 3:25 e:n 8'36 8:';3 8:46 8:52 3:56 ,,9:85 8:33 8:35 8:40 8:44 8:51 8:58 8:53 9:94 9:08 ~:~:~~ 8:4~ 5:51 855 8:59 9:06 S':13 9:16 9:22 9:25 9:02- 9:06 8:10 9:14 9::1 8:28 9:28 9:34 5:38 9'47 9:18 9:21 9:25 9.29 "':.0\] 9:43 8:46 952 965 ,o:os' I 9:33 9:~6 ,9:40 9:44 >.':51 to'::'o 9:5& 10:04 10:0S 10:17 9:48 9:51 9:55 9:59 1G:06 10:13 10:16 10:22 10:26 10:35 10:03 10:05 10:10 10:14 10:21 10:25 10:28 10:34 10:38 10:4;. , 1Q:-;B 10:21 10:25 1'1:23 10:3'3 10:43 10:46 1C:52 10:56 11:05 10:33 10:35 10AO 10:44 10:51 10:58 1D:5a 11:04 1'<:03 1,1:;', I 10:.1~ 10:51 1'0.57 ;1:02 11:11 11:18 11:13 11:24 11:29 11:38 11:03 11:06 11:12 11:-'7 11:26 11:33 11:35 1 ~:42 11:47 11:55 11:18 11:21 11:27 1"1:32 .11:41 11:48 11:48 11:54 11:59 ~,2:08 11:33 11:36 11:42 11:47 11:56 12:03 12:06 12:12 12:1i 12:26 11:48 11:51 11:57 12:02 12:11 12:18 12:18 12:24 12:29 '12:38 PM 12:03 12:06 12:12 12:17 12:26 12:33 12:36 12:42 12:47 12:57 I 12:18 12:21 12:27 12:.n 12:41 1:::48 12:48 .12:54 12:59 1:0'3 12:33 12:36 12:42 12:47 12:56 1:03 1:06 1:12 1:17 ':1:27 12:48 12:51 12:57 1:02 1:11 1:18 1:18 1:24 1:29 1:39 1:03 1:06 1:12 1:17 1:26 1:33 1:33 1:39 1:44 1:54 1:18 1:21 1:27 1::>2 1:-41 1:.18 ~:4S 1:54 1:69 2:09 I 1:33 1:36 1:42 1:47 1:5;; 2:03 2:03 2;09 2:14 '2:24 1:48 1:51 1:57 2:0~ 2:11 2:18 ::18 2:24 2::29 '2:39 \ 1:58 2:01 2:07 2:12 2:21 2:28 2:28 2:34 2:39 .::49 2:08 2:11 2:17 2:22 2:31 2:38 2:38 2:44 2:49 '2:69 2:18 2:21 2:27 2:32 2:42 2:50 2:50 2:56 3:01 .3:10 I: 2:28 2:31 2:37 2:42 2:52 3:00 3:00 3:06 2:11 ,~:20 2:38 2:42- Z:49 2:55 3:05 3:13 ::13 3:19 2:24 3::;3 2:48 2:52 2:5S 3:05 3:15 3:23 3:23 3:29 3:34 :;:43 c;' 2:58 3:02 3:09 3:15 3;25 3:33 3:33 3:39 3:44 3:53 :::08 3:12 3:19 3:25 3:35 3:43 3:43 3:.Hl 3:54 4:03 , 3:18 3:22 3:29 3:36 3:45 3:53 3:53 3:59 4:04 4:13 I 3:28 3:32 3:39 3;45 3:56 4:03 4:03 4:09 4:14 4:23 3:38 3:42 3:49 3:55 4:05 4;13 4:13 4:19 4:24 4;33 :::48 3:52 3:5S 4:05 4:16 4:23 4:23 4:29 4:34 4:43 3:58 4:02 4:09 4:16 4:26 4;33 4:33 4:39 4:.14 4:53 4:08 4:12 4:19 4:25 4;35 4:43 4;43 4:49 4:54 6:03 Ii 4:18 4::22- 4:29 4;35 4:44 4:51 4:51 4:57 5:G2 5:10 4:28 4:32 4:39 i:45 4:54 5:01 5:01 5:07 .6;12 5:20 4:38 4:41 4:47 4:53 5:02- 5:09 5:09 6:14 5:19 5:28 4:48 4:51 4:57 5:03 6:12 5:19 5:19 5:24 5:29 5:38 4:58 5:01 5:07 5:13 6:22 6:29 5:29 5:34 5:39 -5:48 5:08 5:11 5:17 5:23 5:32 5:39 5:39 5:44 5:49 5:58 I 5:18 5:21 5:27 5:33 5:42 5:49 5;49 5:64 5:59 6:08 5:28 6:31 5:37 5:43 5;52 5:59 5:59 6:04 6:09 1;:18 5:38 5:41 5:47 5:=3 6:02 6:09 6:09 6:14 6:19 6:28 5:48 5:51 5:57 6:03 6:12 6:19 6:19 6:24 6:29 6:38 5:58 6:01 5:07 6:13 6:22- 6:29 6:29 6:34 6:39 6:48 I 6:08 6:11 6:17 6:23 6:32 6:39 6:41 6:46 .6:51 7:00 6:18 6:21 6:27 6:33 6:42 1;:49 6:51 6:56 7:01 7:10 6:-28 6:31 6:37 6:43 6:52 6:59 7:01 7;06 7:11 7:20 6:48 6:51 6:57 7;03 7:12 7:19' 7:19 7:24 7:29 7;38 7:07 7:10 7:16 7:22 7:31 7:38 7:.41 7;46 7:51 8:00 I~ 7:24 7:27 7:33 7:39 7:48' 7:56 8:00 8:06 8:10 8:19 7:44 7:47 7:53 7:59 8:08 8:15 8:20 8:26 8:30 8:39 8:05 8:08 8:14 8:20 8:29 8;36 8;41 6:45 8:51' 9:00 8;:;1= 8;28 8:34 8:40 8:49 8:56 9:01 9:06 9:11 9:20 8:45 8:48 8:54 9:00 9:09 9:1; 9:21 9:26 9:31 9:40 9:05 9:08 9:14 9:20 9:29 9:36 9:41 9:46 9;51 10:00 I 9:25 9:28 9:34' 9:40 9:49 9:56 10:01 10:06 10:11 10:20 9:45 9;48 9:54 10:00 10:09 10:16 10:21 10:26 10:31 10:40 10:05 10:08 10:14 10:20 10:29 10:36 10:41 10:46 10:51 '11:00 10:2-5 10:28 10:33 10:38 10:46' ~t.t\\ 10:45 10:48 10:53 10:58 11:06' \)t.\" \ '!. I, 11:05 11:08 11:13 11:18 11:26" . S~l~i~~ \fills d\ oSi,'J a~ M3in. Dro~-Qff n~:1' service on il,lain Street tram 59th Str~st to 5~1i1 Street. Elsen'iGia mrmina ,m la ~sq!1iiJa de las calles 69 J' Main. SiJlo parai;; para talar p.1Saifi(Js dmJnte 5iJ recl1rrido en 13 Calle Ma:"n amre i~~pa!;es 69 V 53. I, " ~, I I I 1-105 Thurston Middle School THURSTOj\j RD n'~=;'(11:m>- I :,~~",-",",2rxi':7r:1l?/' ;;''n,'G Q fi,--- :;fv f3:'0i ",)1 n 8J .. 6th If N M.'IIN STREET "' -!. ~ :ill Thurstan .:!l High Schoo! J. L I 8x Thurston Station ~ LTD Station Estaci6n de LTO G LTD Park & Ride \ g~ 8th z' 0 '" '" en cc '" ;;;' 10th '" >' ~ u '" '" z ;:: = ;;;' ;2 <t 11th ~ ~=~W~ ;r;;;n';EZ I Thurstan Starior: I ,Gth I .'5acredHcart Medicol Cinta I ~ ~ - AM Routing/l?uta PM RoutiRg/l?uta UOSratioll Kincaid at 14th z:.,~~ I From: Thurston Area From: UD!S~cred Heal't, Eugene Downtown To: Eugene Downtown, Sacred Heart/UD To: Thurston Area ' Name: 8x UO Name:, . 8x Thurston Station' LEAVE LEAVE ARRIVE Thurston 69th Thurston Pearl. ARRIVE U8 Sta, Oak. Thurston 691h Main Station at Station at UO Kincaid al Station at at I Bay B Main Bay A 8th Station at 14th 10th Bay B Mair, 58th I I I I AM 6:14 6:20 6:26 6:40' 6:48 7:12 7:20 7:26 7:42* 7:50 PM 3:45+ 3:50 4:03# 4:12 4:17 ,- 5:10+ 5:17 5:30# . 5:40 5:47 I * Does not se~Je bus stops on 13th Avenue between Pearl Street and Patterson Street. No da servicio alas paradas de la Avenida 13 entre las calles Pearl y Patterson. + Does not serve bus stops on 11th Avenue, No da servieio a/as paradas de fa Avenida 11 entre las calles Patterson ypearl, # Starting at Thurslon Station, changes to express servic8,and only drops off customers, Ends at Main at 58th aftel' completing the Thurslon loop, ' Empleza en la estaci6n de Thurston, cambia al servieio expres y s610 ,I7ace paradas para baja! pasajeros, Termina en la esquina de 18 cafies Main y 58 despues de compietar ei recorrido de Thurston. I I I , t'\1 ~t.C '\ 'J. ,~tI ' I ~ ~ o 1 . -. - j 1 APPENDIX 1 C 1 I I 1 II I I I 1 II ODOT ACCIDENT DATA I I I 1 I I I (~ "'~ '\ I ~\.. <;I' I I. - - - -,- CDS 150 10/22/2007 COLLISION TYPE YEAH' FATAL CRASHES - - - - - - - - DAY DARI( - INTER- SECTION TOTAL FINAL TOTAL Note: ,I~~gjslalive changes t~ DMV's vehicle crash reporting requirements, effective 01/01/2004, may result in fewer properly damage only crashes being eligible for inclusion,ih 'Ihe Statewide Crash Dala File. ~ <" ~. v:P ~ C'1. "'" - - OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT DIVISION TRANSPORTATION DATA SECTION. CRASH ANALYSIS AND REPORTING UNIT CRASH SUMMARIES BY YEAR BY COLLlSION'TYPE ' Ttlllrsloll Road between Weaver Road and Bilhngs'Ruad, with ending intersection, in/near Spllngfietd 1-1~2004 tlirollgll '12-3-1-2006 . ',NON, FATAL CRASHES PI~0PER1Y DAMAGE ONLY TOTAL PEOPLE PEOPLE CRASHES I(ILLED NJURED TRUCI(S , DRY SURF WET SURF - INTER. SECTION RELATED - - PAGE: '. OFF. ROAD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Cindy --.-------- .... ....____,..,_~_.__.:I:!IGI ,>.._'. From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: RIFE Christina M [Christina.M.RIFE@odot.state,or,us] Monday, October 22,200712:14 PM C indy@branchengineering,com RIFE Christina M Crashes in/near Springfield along a part of "J" Street, along a part of 21 st Street, and aiong a part of Thurston Road . CR. ThurstonRd Weaver-Billings&Ends(SpringfieldL CDS 150,pdf; CR21 H. J&Ends(SpringfieldLCDS150pdf; CR21 H-J&Ends(SpringfieldLCDS380,pdf; CRJ St 21.25&Ends(SpringfieldL CDS150,pdf Attachments: Cindy, Attached are detailed and summary reports for the above sections of streets,for 1-1.2004Ihrough 12.31.2006Ihal you requested, Since there were no crashes reported along "J" Street between 21 st Street and 25th Street, wilh ends, or along Thurston Rd between Weaver Rd a~d Billings Rd, with ends, I could only send a summary report for each section. <<CRThurstonRd Weaver.Billings&Ends(SpringfieldLCDS150.pdf>> <<CR21 H. J&Ends(SpringfieldLCDS150,pdf>> <<CR21 H-J&Ends(SpringfieldLCDS380pdf>> <<CRJ SI 21- 25&Ends(SpringfieldLCDS150,paf>> Christf!1a "Chris" Rife Crash Data Technician ,Crash Analysis and Reporting Unit Transportation Data Section 555. 13th Street NE, Suite 2 Salem, OR 9730,1.4178 503.986-4239 Fax:503-986-4249 mailto:lchristina, m. rifeRi>odot state, or, us 1 , 'l. 't\.\'~ \)S\.,\ 1 ' I I II II I I I I I I I I I II 1 I 1 I I. II I APPENDIX lJ , I II 1 J:.NT A TlVE DESIGN SCHEDULE ~'-(~ \.'" '\;)X,\" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ./ to I () - kSk Narmo Duration I Start Finish 1 I : Educational Specification J5days: MOn4/16/07'i Fri611/07 " 1----;,,- Holt Elementary Tou,- 1 day: Mon 4/16/07 f Mon 4/16107 Vlsion and Goal Selting 1 day t Tue 411$7; Tue 4/17101 -'-ra EO>C""~", ""': T,. .n.IO' T", .n.IO' -S-@3 :- '.Userlri:irVlewS '.-'d?.;. 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J page 1 I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ..a~ _ Information K~. .To Build On EngIneerIng · Consultlllfl · 7esffng Geotechnical Investigation and Engineering Services Report For the Proposed New Thurston Elementary School 7345 Thurston Road Springfield, Oregon 97478 Prepared for Springfield School District No. 19 1890 N. 42nd Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 Prepared by Professional Service Industries, Inc. 1040-A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Telephone: 541.746.9649 October 26, 2007 PSI REPORT NUMBER: 722-75056-1 -z - \"2-- - () 1 cei\jed"~ oate Re. 5\'\ p\annef. II I I II , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l"~;l lnfonnation ,.,..,. .To Build On Engineering. Consulting . Testing October 26, 2007 Mr. John Saraceno Facilities Manager Springfield School District No. 19 1890 N. 42"" Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 Subject: Geotechnical Investigation and Engineering Services Report Proposed New Thurston Elementary School 7345 Thurston Road Springfield, Oregon 97478 PSI Report No. 722-75056-1 Dear Mr. Saraceno: Professional Service Industries, Inc. (PSI) is pleased to submit our Geotechnical Investigation and Engineering Services Report for the above referenced site. The purpose of these services was to assist you, the architect, and the engineer in designing foundations, floor slabs, parking lot and driveway pavement areas, and preparing plans and specifications for construction of the proposed structures. The results of our Geotechnical Engineering Investigation indicates the property is generally suitable for the intended buildings and parking lot structures from a geotechnical standpoint, provided the recommendations in the attached report are incorporated into the design and construction of the project. If we can provide additional assistance, or observation and testing services during construction, please do not hesitate to contact Ray Aliperti at (541) 746-9649. Respectfully Submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc. ~~,~ dw~~ Raymond V. Aliperti Project Manager Charles R. Lane, P.E. Senior Geotechnical Engineer Attachment: Geotechnical Investigation and Engineering Services Report Distribution: Addressee Bill Hirsh @ comcast.net Mahlum Architects Robertson Sherwood Architects . . t 1-- \1--0~ Date Recelved.- Planner: SH RVAlrva Professional Service Industries, Inc.. 104Q-A Shelley Street. Springfield. OR 97477. Phone 541046.9649 . Fax 541n46-7163 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.0 2.0 3.0 4,0 5.0 6.0 7.0 Table of Contents Introduction.....,.,......"....,..,......,.,.........,.,..........,......"........".,......."".....,....,.".........,.,.,.,. .... ,1 Project Description.,.....,.....,.,......,.".,....,.,.......,...".,."..,.,....",.,.....,.,.,...,.....""...,...".".,',."., ,1 Scope of Services."...,..,.....".....,...,.,......,.,..................,..,.........,........,...,.,..,."...",."",.....,....1 3.1 Subsurface Exploration.............................................................................................1 3.2 Laboratory Evaluation .... ,.. ,. ,... ,........ ...",.. ",.",.,. ,..., ,.,. ........ ,..,...,.,...... .... ,. ,.............,.2 3,3 Engineering Analysis .............,.. ....,.. ........ .......... ................. ........... ..... ......,....,. ..... ....2 Site Geology and Subsurface Conditions ...................................,.........................................3 4.1 Site Description".... .,... ......., ,......,... .... .",., ".. "..... ".. ,. ,. ,.,..... ....... ,."... ......., ... ,... .......,.3 4.2 Site Geology..,.......,' ,......'. "..... ".,.. .... ."",..'. "..,..."", ,. ,.,......... .....". ...... ..,., ". ,.... ,......3 4.3 Subsurface Conditions.,...."........,...,.....,......",............,.,.,.,.,...............".."..,..,.......... 3 4.4 Groundwater.",.....,...,.....,..,.....".......,...."....,.......,.".,........"..."..".........",..,...........,.4 Site Specific Seismic Evaluation, .............. ......................., ........... .......,............., .............. 4 5.1 Structural Geology Setting .................................................................................., 4 5.2 Seismicity.................,............... .................,.......".... .......... ....".............,.............. 5 5.3 Regional and Local Faulting ...............................................................................' 6 5.4 Historical Seismicity ..................... ............. ..........,.... ........ ......., ....... ...........' ......... 6 5.5 Code Defined Response Spectrum......................................................,............... 7 5.6 Site Specific Response Analysis.......................................................................... 7 5.7 Seismic Site Hazards,................................,..,.....,..........,...........................,......." 9 Conclusions and Recommendations ,......"........,.......... ,....,....... ..",.,...". ...........".....,. .."...,1 0 6,1 Site Preparation ..................................................................................................,..10 6.2 Site Preparation during Wet Weather ............................................:.......................11 6.3 Foundation Recommendations ........................................................................,11 6.3.1 Drilled Pier Alternative .............................................................................12 6,3.2 Conventional Spread Footing Alternative..........................:...................... 12 6.3.3 Rammed Aggregate Pier Alternative......"................................................ 13 6.4 Floor Slab Support ................................................................................................13 6.5 Pavement Recommendations......................................................................,...... ..14 6.6 Construction Dewatering and Drainage Considerations........................................15 6,7 Excavation/Slopes".,....., ....................................................................................,15 6.8. Construction Monitoring.,......................................,... ....................................16 General..".,......,..,..........,...................,........."....,.,............,.,..,.....,.....,.,.,...........,.,.,.,....,.., ., '16 References .....".,."..... .................,....,.... .."..,.......... ..,.....,. ,. ,........ ... ....,... ,.."..:. .,."...,. ...........18 Appendix: Site Location Map Soil Boring Location Map Soil Boring Logs Geologic Map Regional Fault Map Historical Local Seismicity A B Laboratory Test Results Soil Classification Chart General Notes C Shake2000 Analysis Results (MCE) Design Response Spectra Recommended Design Response Spectrum D Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Deaggregation Graphs Shake2000 Soil Profile Summary \ 'l. 'I;..\.\'~ 'iJ't-\' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proposed New Thun..", i",'E1ementary School A; ",.', 7345 Thurston Roao'- Springfield, Oregon PSI Report No, 722.75056.1 October 26, 2007 Page 1 Geotechnical Investigation and Engineering Services Report Proposed New Thurston Elementary School 7345 Thurston Road Springfield, Oregon 97478 1.0 Introduction Professional Service Industries, Inc. (PSI) is pleased to submit our Geotechnical Investigation and Engineering Services Report for the above referenced project. The purpose of these services was to assist the architect and the engineer in designing foundations, floor slabs, parking lot and driveway pavement areas, for use in preparing plans and specifications for construction of the proposed project. Our evaluation was completed in general accordance with our proposal number 722-07-100 dated August 27, 2007, which was signed by Mr, John Saraceno with Springfield School District on September 5,2007, ' 2.0 Project Description Project information was provided by Mr. John Saraceno during a telephone conversation on August 17, 2007. Additional information was provided in the form of an e-mail dated August 17, 2007 as well. The e-mail provided a site plan of the proposed new building, associated parking lot and driveway pavement areas, and proposed soil boring locations. The e-mail also included requested Geotechnical Investigation Criteria from Mahlum Architects. Based on the information provided to us, we understand the' proposed structure will consist of the construction of one (1) two story structure just south of the existing school. It appears the building will have a gross footprint of about 50,000 square feet. Although the e-mail did not provide the type of building construction, maximum column and wall loads of 250 kips and 4 kips per linear foot were provided. We also understand that there will be an associated asphaltic concrete driveways and parking for fire trucks, cars, and pedestrian. 3.0 Scope of Services. Our authorized scope of services included drilling 13 soil borings in locations that were designated in the RFP, Six of the soil borings were performed under the proposed building and seven under proposed pavement areas or other areas. Evaluation of the site soils included laboralory testing and analysis in order to generate engineering data for foundation recommendations, site-work recommendations, pavement recommendations, and the preparation of this geotechnical engineering services report, Our study included the following authorized scope of services: \)'C,C \ ~~tr\\ 3.1 ' Subsurface Exploration In order to characterize the general nature of soil and groundwater conditions at the site, soil test borings (B.1 through B-13) were drilled per ASTM D1586 using our CME 75 truck-mounted drill rig with an automatic Standard Penetration Test (SPT) hammer. The Standard Penetration Test is performed by driving a 2-inch, O.D., split-spoon sampler into the undisturbed formation located at the bottom of the advanced auger with repeated blows of a 140-pound, pin-guided hammer falling a vertical distance of 30 inches. The number of blows I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proposed New Thurst'>ViJementary School 7345 Thurston Road, Springfield, Oregon PSI Report No, 722-75056-1 October 26, 2007 Page 2 . required to drive the sampler one-foot is a measure of the soil consistency (cohesive soils) and density (non"cohesive soils). It should be noted that the automatic hammer used in this study generally produces lower standard penetration test values than those obtained using a traditional safety hammer. Studies have generally indicated that penetration resistances may vary by a factor of 1,5 to 2 between the two methods, We have considered this drilling and testing methodology in o'ur description of soil consistency for cohesive soils and density for non-cohesive soils in our evaluation of soil strength and compressibility, SPT samples were taken at 2 Yz foot intervals for the first 10 feet and at 5-foot intervals from 10 feet to the termination depths of the borings. Disturbed split spoon samples were collected from the SPT intervals. Samples were identified in the field, placed in sealed containers, and transported to the laboratory for further classification and testing. The 'soil boring locations are shown on the attached Soil Boring Location Map in the Appendix, A log of each of the soil borings are also attached in the Appendix. Upon completion, the soil borings were loosely backfilled with the auger cuttings, granular bentonite chips, and in pavement areas, asphaltic concrete "cold patch", 3,2 Laboratory Evaluation Selected samples of the subsurface soils encountered were returned to our laboratory for further evaluation to aid in classification of the materials, and to help assess their strength and compressibility characteristics. The laboratory evaluation consisted of visual and textural examinations soil classification tests (ASTM D2487), moisture content tests' (ASTM D2216), Atterberg limits tests (ASTM D4318) and gradation tests (ASTM D422 and D1140). Results of the tests are shown in the Appendix. 3,3 Engineering Analysis Engineering analyses and recommendations regarding general foundation design including allowable soil bearing pressures, minimum footing depth requirements, and estimates of foundation settlement are included in this report, In addition, recommendations were developed addressing site preparation, placement and compaction of fill materials, pavement recommendations, and site preparation of the floor slab areas, The geotechnical recommendations presented in this report are based solely on the available project information, the proposed building location and the subsurface materials described in this report. If any of the noted information is incorrect including the assumed column and wall loads, please inform us in writing so that we may amend the recommendations presented in this report, if appropriate and if desired by the client. PSI will not be responsible for the implementation of its recommendations when it is not notified of the changes in the project. \ '). ~tt\\ \jt.C I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proposed New Thurs -::Iementary School 7345 Thurston Roaa, Springfield, Oregon PSI Report No, 722-75056-1 October 26, 2007 Parle 3 4.0 Site and Subsurface Conditions Site and subsurface features encountered at the time of our field services are described below, 4.1 Site Description The subject site is located at 7345 Thurston Road in Springfield, Oregon, The proposed building site is currently a baseball field, and playground, and is covered with grass and asphaltic concrete. The existing building will be demolished to make room for car parking and bus traffic lanes. The site is bordered on the north by Thurston Road, the south by undeveloped portions of school property and the east and west by an existing residential development. 4.2 Site Geology The subject site lies within the southern portion of the Willamette Valley Geomorphic Province, east of the Coast Range and west of the Cascade Mountains Geomorphic Provinces. The Willamette Valley Province is a regional lowland that extends from just south of Eugene, Oregon to Vancouver, British Columbia. Within Oregon, this narrow alluvial plain is approximately 130 miles long and ranges from approximately 20 to 40 miles wide (Orr and Orr, 1996), The province is drained by the Willamette River, the longest north-flowing river in North America. Compressional forces attendant with uplift of the Cascade and Coast Range Mountain Ranges during the Miocene and Pliocene epochs depressed the Willamette Valley. The bedrock lithology of the Willamette Valley in the vicinity of the subject site consists of the late Eocene aged (approx. 35 million years ago) Eugene Formation, a generally well consolidated to Iithified, tuffaceous, near-shore marine sedimentary rock that was gently folded during the geosynclinal compressional period described above (Yeats and others, 1991). Prior to deformation, low energy streams and lakes present within the southern Willamette Valley during the Pliocene epoch covered the Eugene Formation with fluvial and lacustrine deposits of silts and clays to various depths. With the rapid uplift of the Cascade Mountains in the Pliocene epoch, steepened stream gradients resulted in increased erosion of the Cascades and rapid deposition of thick gravel layers that incised the soft fluvial and lacustine deposits overlying the Eugene Formation. Locally, fining upward sequences of rhythmite deposits from the Pleistocene aged Missoula Floods are preserved that record up to 30 advance and retreat cycles of Lake Allison (Waitt, 1985), which filled the Willamette Valley to a depth of approximately 350 feet with each flooding event (Allen and others, 1986). 4.3 Subsurface Conditions Based on the test borings, the soil profile was generally found to consist of either 2 to 3 inches of asphaltic concrete overlying approximately 6 inches of crushed aggregate or approximately 4 inches of an organic rich vegetation layer (grass and grass roots), Underlying the asphaltic concrete or topsoil was approximately 2 to 17 feet of dry, very soft to hard elastic silt or elastic silt with sand that becomes wetter and softer below about 4 feet. Underlying the elastic silt or elastic silt with sand was dense to very dense, well graded gravel with silt, sand and cobbles locally known as "bar run" gravel. The gravel extended to the maximum depth explored of 21 Yo feet. ;' Within the gravel layer there were thin layers of sand that ranged from 1 to 2 feet in thickness . \ '). <t"'-""I, based on our soil borings, 'i;)xS, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proposed New Thurs olementary School 7345 Thurston Roaa, Springfield, Oregon PSI Report No. 722-75056-1 October 26, 2007 Page 4 For more specific details of the soils encountered in our soil borings, please reference our Soil Boring Logs in the Appendix of this report. Borings show soils and strata at the locations of the borings only. Depth's can be expected to vary between borings, 4.4 Groundwater Static groundwater was only measured in our deeper soil borings and was generally found to be approximately 13 to 17 feet below existing grades. We anticipate that groundwater may rise during months of peak runoff, Variations in groundwater levels should be expected seasonally, annually and from location to location. Groundwater measurements were taken during the dry season with rainfall totals lower than average for this time of the year. The contractor for this project should anticipate surface and subsurface seepage into any subsurface excavations performed during high moisture periods of the year. We recommend the contractor verify groundwater levels at the time of construction. 5.0 Site Specific Seismic Hazard Study As required, we have completed a Site Specific Seismic Hazard Study in accordance with Sections 1802.2.6, 1802,2,7, 1802.4,2, 1802,6, and 1802,7 of the 2007 Oregon Structural' Specialty Code (OSSC), an amendment to the 2006 International Building Code (IBC). The OSSC 2007 allows for the development of a site specific response spectrum, based upon the analysis procedures specified in Chapter 21 of ASCE 7-05 (Minimum Design. Loads for Buildings and Other Structures), using recorded or simulated horizontal ground motion acceleration time histories. The following subsections present details of the analytical procedures and results. 5.1 StruCtural Geologic Setting In terms of local tectonic settings, Oregon's position at the western margin of the North American Plate and its position relative to the Pacific and Juan de Fuca plates has a major impact on the geologic development of the State. The interaction of the three plates has created a complex set of stress regimes that influence the tec10nic activity of the State. The seismic response for the western part of Oregon is largely influenced by the active subduction zone formed by the Juan de Fuca Oceanic Plate converging upon and subducting beneath the North American Continental Plate off the Oregon coastline. The Columbia Plateau, further to the east, is associated with north.south compression created by the interaction of the Pacific plate with the North American plate.. Their compression has resulted in deformation by late Tertiary (about 3 - 11 mya) to Quaternary (about present day to 3 mya) strike-slip and reverse faulting and folding along east-west aligned structures such as the Yakima Fold Belt, the Horse Heaven Hills, and the Columbia Hills Anticline (Geomatrix Consultants, 1995). On a regional scale the project area lies within the Willamette Valley Province, a predominantly synclinal topographic and structural depression located between the Oregon. Washington Coast Range to the west and the Cascade Range to th'e east. Columbia River Basalts were depressed to 1,300 feet below sea level by steady eastward tilting of the Coast Range' block. Within the Valley, broad northwest trending anticlinal folds are interspersed with parallel low synclines. These lowland areas have become filled with fluvial sedimentary and volcanic deposits that can extend to over 1,000 feet in thickness. DEe 1 2. \\EC~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proposed New Thurst :iementary School 7345 Thurston Road, Springfield, Oregon PSI Report No, 722-75056.1 October 26, 2007 Page 5 According to the Map of Quaternary Faults and Folds in Oregon there are no surficial expressions of faulting within the immediate area, 5.2 Seismicity The primary tectonic feature of Oregon, and the Pacific Northwest, is the active subduction zone formed by the Juan de Fuca Oceanic Plate converging upon and subducting beneath the North American Continental Plate off the Oregon coastline, Three principal types of earthquakes characterize this active subducting plate. 1, Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ), or "Interface", earthquakes that occur on the seismogenic part of ' the interface between the Juan de Fuca plate and the North American plate as a result of convergence of the two plates" 2. Relatively deep "Intraslab" earthquakes that occur 30 to 50 kilometers beneath the surface, within the seismogenic part of the subducting Juan de Fuca plate, 3, Relatively shallow "Crustal" earthquakes occur within 10 to 20.kilometers of the surface of the North American plate, . CSZ or Interface Earthquakes The CSZ, located approximately 100 kilometers off of the Oregon and Washington coasts, is a potential source of earthquakes large enough to cause significant ground shaking at the subject site. Research over the last several years, has shown that this offshore fault zone has repeatedly produced large earthquakes every 300 to 600 years. There is wide speculation that the last great CSZ earthquake occurred about 350 years ago. Although researchers do not agree on the likely magnitude, it is widely believed that earthquakes of moment magnitude (Mw) 8.5 to 9.5 are possible. The duration of strong ground shaking is estimated to be about 1 niinute, with minor shaking to last several minutes. . Intraslab Earthquakes Intraslab earthquakes originate from within the subducting Juan de Fuca Oceanic Plate. These earthquakes occur no less than 30 kilometers beneath the surface, and are not usually associated with visible faults. It has only been possible to distinguish intraslab earthquakes in western Oregon for the past few decades. Numerous small intraslab earthquakes have been recorded in western Oregon beneath the Coast Range. An estimated magnitude 6,7 earthquake near the coastal town of Port Orford in 1873 was probably Oregon's largest intraslab earthquake (Madin, 1993), The frequency of large events has not been determined due to the short period of records available. The scenario for an intraslab earthquake could include a magnitude of at least 7, with strong to minor ground shaking possibly lasting a couple of ,minutes. \ '2. IItt\\ \jt.C . Crustal Earthquakes Crustal earthquakes are relatively shallow, occurring within 10 to 20 kilometers of the surface. Oregon has experienced at least two significant crustal earthquakes in the past decade~the Scotts Mill earthquake (Mw 5.6) on March 25, 1993 and the Klamath Falls earthquake (Mw 5.9) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proposed New Thurs elementary School 7345 Thurston Roaa,'Springfield, Oregon PSI Report No, 722-75056-1 October 26', 2007 Page 6 on September 20, 1993. Based on limited data available, an Mw 6.0 crustal earthquake could be expected. Based on the available research it is our opinion that this fault system would likely control engineering of the proposed structure. 5.3 Regional and Local. Faulting According to the US Geological Survey 2006 website - Quaternary Fault and Fold Database for the United States, accessed October 11, 2007, from USGS web site (http://earthquake.usgs,gov/regional/qfaults/or/ros,html), there area 11 faults or fault zones within a 1 DO-kilometer (km) (60 mile) radius of the site, The faults are summ~rized in the table below. All of the faults are more than 50km from the subject site. The Closest is the Owl Creek Fault, approximately 55 km north of the site, The Owl Creek Fault is a north-south trending reverse fault located in the southern Willamette Valley. The fault has a length of approximately 15 km in the subsurface, The fault does not appear active during the Holocene. The slip rates for the Owl Creek Fault are low because there is little or no evidence for fault displacement at the surface and because recurrence intervals for faults in the Willamette Valley appear to be very long, Table 1 - Seismic Sources Within 100 km (;0 miles\ of the Site Fault Number Fault Name or Approximate Length of Slip Rate Zone Distance From Fault (km) (mm/year) Site (km) 100 Between 0.2 and 1.0 Unnamed Suislaw 85 12 Between 0.2 River Anticline and 1,0 'US Geological Survey, 2007, Quaternary Fault and Fold Database for the United States, accessed October 11,2007, from USGS web site: http://earthquake,usgs.gov/regional/qfaults/or/ros.html 854 862 863 869 870 .871 872 873 884 885 887 Unnamed faults north of Diamond Lake Unnamed Faults near Sutherlin Upper Willamette River Fault Zone Corvallis Fault Zone Owl Creek Fault Mill Creek Fault Waldo Hills Fault Mount Angel Fault Cape. Foulweather Fault Yaquina Faults 5.4 Historical Seismicity' 44 Less than 0.2 65 12 Between 0,2 and 1.0 70 44 Less than 0.2 65 40 Less than 0,2 55 15 Less than 0.2 85 18 Less than 0.2 85 12 Less than 0,2 100 30 Less than 0.2 100 10 Less than 0.2 .100 13 According to the USGS National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC), only three earthquakes have been recorded within a 30km radius of the site. The magnitudes were all less than 3. DEe 12 REC'O I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proposed New Thur Elementary School 7345 Thurston Roao; Springfield, Oregon PSI Report No, 722-75056-1 October 26, 2007 Paqe 7 5.5 Code Defined Response Spectrum In accordance with Table 1613.5.5 of the 2007 OSSC, we recommend a Site Class C (Very Dense Soil and Soft Rock) for this site when considering the average conditions of the upper 100 feet of material. Site Class justification is based upon the average Standard Penetration Resistance within the upper 100 feet of material. The OSSC 2007 Code specifies the use of an earthquake event having a 2% probability of exceedance in 50-years (return period of 2,475 years) as the maximum considered earthquake (MCE) for use in structural design, The seismically induced acceleration values at the rock interface for a design earthquake event at the site have been determined according to the 2002 USGS Seismic Hazard Map and are presented in the following table: Table 2: USGS Seismic Desirn Parameters I I Peak Bedrock Acceleration (PBA) I Spectral Acceleration, 0.2 second period (Ss\ I Spectral Acceleration, 1,0 second period (S, \ Value 0.264g 0.614g 0.281 9 Based on these values, a complete MCE response spectrum at rock interface can be developed for the site following the general procedures described in ASCE 7-05 Section 11.4.6 (presented in Figure D-1 of Appendix C of this report). The code dictates that the spectral accelerations be multiplied by factors designated Fa and Fv, (for 0.2 and 1.0 second periods respectively) to determine the equivalent spectral response at the ground surface, For Site Class C, and the values of Ss and S, presented above, those factors were determined to be 1.154 and 1.519 for the short and long period spectral accelerations, respectively, From these" the MCE spectral response accelerations for the short period, SMS, and long period, SM', adjusted for site class effects (Fa and Fv), were obtained as 0.708g and 0.426g, respectively. 5.6 Site Specific Response Analyses . Site Specific MCE Earthquakes Based upon our discussion of the site geology and seismicity In Section 2, our opinion is that the CSZ earthquake is the major earthquake threat for the project site considering the 2,475 year event. To identify the magnitude of the earthquakes that contribute most of the hazard, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Deaggregation graphs at various spectral acceleration frequencies, which provides histograms of the magnitude and distance of the contributing earthquakes, were obtained at the project location (Longitude" -122,896, and Latitude" 44.052) from the USGS web site. Based on the deaggregation results, a site seismic hazard spectrum is generated and is used as the Targeted Base MCE Rock Response Spectrum (plotted in Figure D-1 of Appendix C) in our analysis. In Appendix E, a typical deaggregation graph (peak horizontal ground acceleration) Is presented. The obtained magnitudes of the model MCE earthquakes having a 2% probability of exceedance in a 50-year return period are M8.3 and M9.0 for the subduction zone earthquakes, The distances (R) of the earthquake sources to the project site are approximately 80 to 100 kilometers for the MCE. The Peak Bedrock Acceleration (PBA) estimates for the model earthquakes were calculated from the attenuation relationships of Atkinson & Boore (2003)for , DEe 1 2 REC'O I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proposed New Thurs;'ci~"lementary School 7345 Thurston Road, Springfield, Oregon PSI Report No, 722-75056-1 October 26,2007 Paqe 8 CSZ earthquakes. These analyses yield the possible PBA ranges of 0,1-0,3 for the CSZ earthquakes, and these model earthquake parameters are used in our selection of input ground motion records. . Selected Ground Motion Records A total of five input ground motions from a variety of similar e'arthquakes were selected to represent a 2% probability of exceedance in a 50-year return period earthquake event. These five ground motions (Motions 1 through 5) were scaled to so that their response spectra are, on average, approximately at the level of the targeted base MCE spectrum over the range of significance to the structure, These ground motions are selected as subduction zone earthquakes, and the match of these input ground motion response spectra to the targeted base spectrum are presented in Figures D-2 & D-3 of Appendix C. The selected input ground motion records and their scaling' factors are presented in Table 3. Table 3: Input Roc,," Ground Motions for Respo'lse Analysis Motion Nol Magnitude Station Name Original Closest Scaling 1 Earthquake PBA(g) Distance (km) Factor Motion 11 ,8A Moguegua 0.30 280 1,0 1 2001 Peru Motion 21 7.6 Observatorio OA3 91 0,7 1 2001 EL Salvador I Motion 31 7.8(Ms) La Ligua 0,18 101 1.0 1985 Valparaiso, Chile Motion 41 8,1 La Union 0.17 37 1A 1 1985 Michoacan Motion 51 7.3 Caleta de DAD 84 0.8 1 1997 Michoacan Campus o Site Specific Response Spectrum Development To develop the site response analysis, we used an equivalent-linear one dimensional method with the aid of the computer program, Shake 2000, The Input soil parameters for the SHAKE analyses principally include soil profile (units and thickness), unit weight, soil damping and shear modulus reduction curves, and SPT N-values. The summary of these input parameters is presented In the Appendix E of this report. A total of five SHAKE analyses were performed for the 2% probability of exceedance in a 50. year return period earthquake event (MCE), and the response spectra of these five ground motion at the foundation level (on top of the gravel deposit) are plotted in Figures D-4 through D-8 along with the input rock response spectra of each individual ground motion. The rock time histories were scaled and input in the analysis as outcropping rock motions rather than at the soil-rock interface. From these analysis results, the ratio of response spectra (RRS) of foundation level response spectrum to individual input rock response spectrum was calculatE!d, and presented in Figure D-9 along with their average ratio curve for the subduction zone earthquakes. DEe 1 2 REC'O I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proposed New Thurr Elementary School 7345 Thurston Roau; Springfield, Oregon PSI Report No. 722-75056-1 October 26, 2007 Paqe 9 The site specific MCE response spectra at the foundation level were obtained by multiplying the targeted base MCE response spectrum period by period with the average RRS presented in Figure D-9, This spectra is presented in Figure D-10 of Appendix C, along with the code generated MCE response spectrum based on the mapped values of SMS and SM1 discussed in Section 3,1, and the targeted base MCE curve. Figure D-11 presents the ,design response spectra obtained from the site-specific procedures for the targeted earthquakes and the code defined design spectrum, As may be noted, the site specific spectra generally follow the trend of the code developed spectra, However, at periods between 0.13 and OA seconds, the site specific analyses yields higher acceleration values than the general response spectra developed by the building code procedure. For the periods where the lower response acceleration values were obtained from the site specific analysis, ASCE 7-05 dictates that the design accelerations cannot be less than 80 percent of the value of the code developed spectrum for the corresponding site class, regardless of the results of the site specific analyses, Based on this premise, the recommended design response spectrum at this site is developed combining the code generated and the site~ specific curves. The recommended design response spectrum is presented in Figure D-12 of this report, . Site, Specific Design Acceleration Parameters As specified in ASCE 7-05, the design spectral response acceleration parameter at short periods (Sos), obtained from a site specific procedure, should be taken as the 0.2 second spectral acceleration, but should not be taken less than 90 percent of the peak spectral acceleration at any period larger than 0.2 second, ASCE 7-05 requires that the parameter S01, the design spectral response acceleration parameter at a period of 1 second, shall be taken as the greater of the spectral acceleration values at 1 second or two times the sp,ectral acceleration value at 2 seconds. Based on these procedures, the site specific values of Sos and S01 are recommended as OA72g and 0.284g, respectively. 5.7 Seismic Site Hazards . Fault Rupture Hazard Based on our review of the geologic literature and geologic maps. there are no known faults that travel through the project site. The nearest active fault is more than 50 km from the site, Based on this information, we would classify the risk of fault surface rupture to be low. . Liquefaction and Lateral Spread Hazard Liquefaction involves the substantial loss of shear strength in saturated soil, usually taking place within a soil medium exhibiting a uniform fine-grained characteristic such as sands orsilty sands, loose to medium dense consistency, and low confining pressure when subjected to impact by seismic or dynamic loading, , Based on our geotechnical evaluation including area seismicity, on-site soil conditions, SPT N- values and depth to groundwater, the site is considered to not be susceptible to soil liquefaction and lateral spread. DEe i 2 REC'Q I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proposed New Thurs':'",,<~lementary School 7345 Thurston Road', Springfield, Oregon PSI Report No. 722-75056.1 October 26, 2007 PaQe 10 . Earthquake Induced Landslide Hazard Earthquake-induced landslide hazard at this site is considered to be low, primarily because existing slopes are generally not steep and near-surface soils are dense to very dense (for the cohesionless soils) or firm to hard ( for the fine-grained soils). . Tsunami and Seiche Hazards A tsunami, or seismic sea wave, is produced when a fault under the ocean floor shifts vertically, displacing the seawater above it. A seiche is a periodic oscillation of a body of water that results in a change of water levels, Tsunami and seiche are not considered to be hazards at this site because the site is not near the coast and there are no adjacent large bodies of water, . Seismic Induced Subsidence Ground subsidence is a phenomenon generally associated with subduction zone earthquakes, Significant subsidences due to interplate events in the Northwest have generally been restrained to the Pacific coastline, It is our opinion that the potential for fault displacement and associated ground subsidence on this site is low. . Seismic Induced Settlement Seismic-induced settlement generally occurs'in loose sands and soft silts as a result of ground shaking and/or liquefaction. Due to the absence of liquefiable soils at the proposed addition, there appears to be little potential for seismic-induced settlement to exist at the site, 6.0 Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the results of our field work, laboratory evaluation, and engineering analyses, it is our opinion that the site is suitable for the proposed building provided that the following recommendations are incorporated into the design and construction of the project. 6.1 Site Preparation In general, we recommend that all structural improvement areas be drained of surface water, and stripped of surface vegetation and topsoil materials (approximately 3 to 4 inches), saturated or disturbed soil, and any other deleterious materials encountered at the time of construction, Additional site preparation will depend upon the proposed site grades and building features. Prior to backfilling any excavations with structural fill, the area should be observed by a representative of the Geotechnical Engineer to ensure that the above items have been properly removed, and the exposed subgrade is ready for fill placement: All density testable structural fill materials placed in the building area should be moisture conditioned to within :t 2 percent of optimum moisture content and compacted by mechanical means to a minimum of 95 percent of the material's maximum dry density as determined In accordance with ASTM D1557 (Modified Proctor). Fill materials should be placed in layers that, when compacted, do not exceed about 8 inches. DEe 12 REC'O I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proposed New Thurs"" ,;,,;Elementary School 7345 Thurston Roa'b,':Springfield, Oregon PSI Report No, 722-75056-1 October 26, 2007 Paqe 11 Additional fill material, if needed, during wet weather construction should consist of an all- weather, clean, granular fill containing less than 5 percent material passing the U,S. #200 sieve, such as sand, crushed rock, or sand and gravel. A non-density testable fill material such as sandy gravel (locally known as bar run) may be utilized for achieving desired grades, Due to the variability of the fines content, in locally available bar run gravel, if earthwork construction using bar run gravel is anticipated to take place during wet weather, it will be important that the suitability of the bar run gravel is evaluated by the geotechnical engineer, Selected samples of the materials to be used for structural fill should be submitted to our laboratory in order to evaluate the maximum density, optimum moisture content, and suitability of the soil for. use as fill. The on-site, native soils should not be considered for re-use as structural fill. Selected samples of the materials to be used for structural fill should be submitted to our laboratory in order to evaluate the maximum density, optimum moisture content, and suitability of the soil for use as fill., Excavation and construction operations may expose the on-site fine grained soils to inclement weather conditions. The stability of exposed soils may rapidly deteriorate due to precipitation or the action of heavy or repeated construction traffic, Accordingly, foundation area excavations should be adequately protected from the elements, and from the action of repetitive or heavy construction loading. 6.2 Site Preparation during Wet Weather Placement of crushed rock should follow immediately after site grading in order to provide protection of the sensitive subgrade soils during construction activities. In traffic areas, the placement of a one-foot thick granular working base is generally recommended with thicker sections and/or geotextile fabrics recommended in heavily traveled areas. Generally, three to six inches of crushed rock is sufficient in foot traffic areas. Additional fill material, if needed, during wet weather construction should ,consist of an all- weather, clean, granular fill containing less than 5 percent material passing the U,S, #200 (0,075 mm) sieve, such as sand, crushed rock, or sand and gravel.' During wet weather grading operations, all excavations should be performed using a smooth-bladed, tracked backhoe working from areas where material has yet to be removed or, if necessary, from the already placed structural fill. If excavation equipment does work on the structural fill, care should be taken not to disturb (pump up) the underlying moisture sensitive' native soils, Should soils become disturbed, the soils should be removed to firm native subgrade and replaced with structural fill in accordance with the section 6.1 of this report Proofrolling of excavation bottoms is likely not appropriate during wet weather grading in order to avoid disturbance of m'oisture-sensitive soils. Should construction take place during wet weather, we recommend that a representative of the geotechnical engineer be present to observe the subgrade in order to evaluate whether additional preparation is indicated. '6.3 Foundation Recommendations The primary geotechnical factor which will influence proper foundation support is the presence of up to 17 feet of potentially expansive, very soft to hard elastic silt/elastic silt with sand, DEe 1 2 REC'O I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proposed New Thurs' :Iementary School 7345 Thurston Raaa; Springfield, Oregon PSI Report No. 722-75056-1 October 26, 2007 Page 12 We do not recommend directly supporting the foundation loads on these soils, Based on our analysis, foundations bearing directly on these soils may result in settlements close to two inches. Please note that it may be more economical to move the building south of borings 8-5 and 8-6 where the native gravels are much shallower. To limit settlements to the typical industry standard of less than one inch under the proposed foundation loads, we recommend the following options: 6.3.1 Drilled Pier Alternative Based on the anticipated column loads and depth to the very dense native well graded gravel with silt and sand (locally known as "bar-run"), concrete pier foundations are recommended as the foundation elements for the proposed building, The diameter of the pier is recommended to be 24 or 36 inches, and the piers should be extended at least 2 feet into the very dense native well graded gravel with silt and sand (locally known as "bar-run") deposit. Under these conditions, the piers may be designed for a net allowable end-bearing pressure of 10 kips/W or an allowable compressive capacity of 31 kips for the 24 inch diameter pier and 70 kips for the 36 inch diameter pier. The allowable bearing pressure includes a safety filctor of 3 and is intended for dead loads and sustained live loads and can be increased by one-third for the total of all loads, including short-term wind or seismic loads. Estimated maximum total and differential settlements due to an axial compressive load are anticipated to be on the order of less than 1 inch and Y, inch, respectiv'ely. We have ignored skin friction of the pile when calculating load carrying capacity because of its very small contribution. , Lateral load capacities can be provided once pier diameters are known, The selection of the appropriate pier diameter(s) will require input from the Structural Engineer. 6.3.2 Conventional Spread Footing'Alternative The planned buildings can also be supported on conventional spread footing foundations bearing directly on the native well graded gravel with silt and sand (locally known as "bar-run") or on granular structural fill overlying the well graded gravel with silt and sand, The granular fill may consis1 of Imported crushed rock or well graded gravel with silt and sand (i,e. "bar run"). , The granular fill should be free of organic' or other deleterious materials, with a maximum particle less than two inches and less than five percent passing the U,S, #200 sieve. The granular fill should extend horizontally on all sides of th'e footing a minimum distance equal to one-half the depth of the fill (i.e. for a four foot thick fill, the width of the overexcavation should be at least 2 feet wider than the footing on either side), Th~ granular fill should be properly compacted as described in the section 6.1 of this report. As an alternative, backfill under the proposed foundation footings could be performed using Controlled Density Fill (CDF), or sand/cement slurry. If a CDF is used, it should meet a minimum compressive strength requirement of 100 pounds per square inch (psi) at an age of 28 days. If CDF is used, the foundation footing excavations can be excavated vertically to match the dimensions of 'the proposed footing and do not need'to be O\zersized as recommended '\,~ ab~,0e Spread footings for building columns supported on either native well graded gravel with sill a~\' sand or on structural fill overlying the well graded gravel with silt and .sand can be designed using a maximum allowable bearing capacity of 6,000 pounds per square foot (psf). Allowable I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proposed New Thu"'iyElementary School 7345 Thurston Roi,'IJ,"Springfield, Oregon PSI Report No, 722-75056-1 October 26, 2007 Page 1 3 soil bearing pressures are based on dead load plus design live load. A one-third increase is allowed for short-term wind and seismic loading, Minimum dimensions of 24 inches for column and 18 inches for continuous footings should be used in foundation design to reduce the possibility of a local bearing capacity failure. A factor of safety of 3 has been used for allowable bearing capacities recommended herein, Consolidation of the overburden resulting from the foundation loads will result in some foundation settlement. Based on the results of the field tests and the anticipated foundation loads, we estimate that foundation settlements should not exceed one inch. Differential settlement between two adjacent columns will probably not exceed 50 percent of the total settlement. Horizontal loads acting on shallow foundations are resisted by friction along the foundation base and by passive pressure against the footing face, which is perpendicular to the line of applied force. The coefficient of friction between the base of the footing and properly compacted, granuladill is 0.35. If a well graded gravel with silt and sand is used, the design coefficient of friction between the base of the footing and properly bar run fill is 0.30. Passive soil resistance values equal to an equivalent fluid pressure of 270 pcf may be used for either compacted, granular fill or bar run sandy gravel against the face of the footing. These values, for friction and passive resistance, incorporate a factor of safety of 1.5, which is appropriate due tei the amount of movement required to develop full passive resistance. The foundation excavations should be observed by a representative of PSI prior to steel or concrete placement to assess that the foundation materials are capable of supporting the design loads and are consistent with the materials discussed in this report, Soft or loose soil zones encountered at the bottom of the footing excavations should be removed to the level of firm soils free of deleterious materials or adequately compacted structural fill as directed by the geotechnical engineer. Cavities formed as a result of excavation of soft or loose soil zones should be backfilled with lean concrete or dense, well-graded compacted crushed rock, 6.3.3 Rammed Aggregate Pier Alternative Rammed Aggregate Piers may be considered for founding of the proposed building. Rammed Aggregate Piers are densely compacted columns of well-graded gravel that transfer bearing loads in a manner similar to a concrete pier or caisson. Rammed Aggregate Piers can be designed to transfer loads to competent bearing materials underlying the soft soils or, by utilizing skin friction, rammed aggregate piers can be terminated before reaching competent ,bearing materials. They can typically be installed both above and below groundwater. Casing methods may be necessary in soils that easily slough (i.e. low shear strength soils or cohesionless soils). Using Rammed Aggregate Piers can be a cost-effective method of reducing the need for over-excavation, and eliminating more costly concrete deep foundations (i.e., piers or caissons). They have been used successfully on similar projects with soft soil conditions in the Willamette Valley. Rammed Aggregate Piers are a proprietary design/build method provided solely by a specialty geotechnical contractor. Please contact us for more information if needed, 6.4 Floor Slab Support, 'l> "'\.(~ '\)S\' \ The floor slab can be grade supported on at least 12 inches of properly compacted, crushed, granular fill placed as described in the section 6.1 of this report, In order to achieve compaction of the granular fill, a geotextile fabric and possibly additional 6 inches of granular fill may be I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proposed New Thur"';,,/;,.'':::Iementary School 7345 Thurston R0<3\'i;,~pringfield, Oregon PSI Report No. 722-75056-1 October 26, 2007 PaQe 14 necessary depending upon the moisture content of the native soils at the time of construction (i.e. if the natiile soils are wet). For any heavily loaded floor slabs, we should be contacted with specific load information in order to provide additional recommendations. If the soil conditions allow, proofroll testing with a fully loaded, dual axle dump truck should be accomplished in order to identify any soft or uns1able subgrade soils that should be removed from the floor slab area prior to structural fill placement., A representative of the geotechnical engineer should be present to observe the subgrade in order to evaluate whether proofroll testing is feasible and whether additional preparation is indicated, Additionally, the structural fill should be proofrolled to a firm unyielding condition, The crushed rock fill should provide a capillary break to limit migration of moisture through the slab, If additional protection against moisture vapor is desired, a moisture vapor retarding membrane may also be incorporated into the design. Factors such as cost, special considerations for construction and the floor coverings suggest that decisions on the use of 'vapor retarding membranes be made by the architect and the owner. 6.5 Pavement Recommendations Our scope of services included evaluating the surface soils for the specific purpose of a detailed pavement analysis. The recommended thicknesses presented below are considered typical and minimum for the derived parameters. After the site has been stripped and prepared in accordance with section 5.2 of this report, and prior to placing the base or leveling course, the pavement subgrade should be proofrolled with a fully loaded dual axle dump truck. Areas found to be soft or yielding under the weight of the dump truck should be overexcavated as directed by the Geotechnical Engineer's representative and replaced with additional base course. The base course should consist of well graded crushed stone with a maximum particle size of 2 inches and no more than 5 percent passing the .U.S, #200 sieve (0.075 mm), The base course should be moisture conditioned to within three percent of optimum and compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 95 percent, as determined by the ASTM D1557 (Modified Proctor), Using the AASHTO method of flexible pavement design, the following design parameters have been assumed: a California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value of 5 for the elastic silt/elastic silt with sand soils that underlie much of the proposed new parking lot and driveway pavement areas, a pavement life of 20 years,.a terminal serviceability (Pt) of 2, a regional factor (R) of 3.0, and an 18,000 pound equivalent axle load (EAL) of 10 per day for car parking, and 100 per day for driveway areas. Additionally, the driveway must be designed to support an, 80,000 pound fire truck. Making these assumptions it is possible to use a locally typical "standard:' pavement section' consistinp of the followinq: Asphaltic Concrete Recommended Minimum Thicknesses (inches) Driveway Areas(Fire Lane Access Road/School Bus Lanes Pavement Materials Car Parking Asphaltic Concrete Surface L:crushed Aggregate Base Course underlain by Mirafi 500X geotextile fabric or equivalent 3 4)1, 'l. ~\.\.<:::, , \l~\' \ 12 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proposed New Thurs' ::Iementary School 7345 Thurston Roau, Springfield, Oregon PSI Report No, 722-75056-1 October 26, 2007 PaQe 15 Concrete Recommended Minimum Thicknesses (inches) Pavement Materials Car Parking Driveway Areas/Fire Lane Access Road/School Bus Lanes 8 8 Concrete Surface Crushed Aggregate Base Course 5 8 An' average weight of 4000 pounds per car, 15,000 pounds per loaded bus, 30,000 pounds per loaded delivery truck, and 80,000 pounds per fire truck was used in our calculations. Asphaltic concrete materials should be compacted to at least 91 percent of the material's theoretical maximum density as determined in general accordance with ASTM D 2041 (Rice Specific Gravity), ' Geotextile fabric should be placed over a smooth subgrade and should be placed with no wrinkles. The fabric should be overlapped a minimum of 18 inches. Construction equipment , ' should not be permitted to travel on the geotextile fabric. For areas that will just receive crushed aggregate we recommend a minimum of 12 inches of crushed rock for all parking and driveway pavement areas. Water should not be allowed to pond behind curbs and saturate the base course, In down grade areas base course should extend through the slope to allow any water entering the base course a path to exit. 6.6 Construction Dewatering and Drainage Considerations Water should not be allowed to' collect in foundation excavations, on floor slab areas, or on prepared subgrade of the construction area either during or after construction, Excavated areas should be sloped toward one corner to facilitate removal of any collected rainwater, groundwater, or surface runoff. Positive site drainage should be provided to reduce infiltration of surface water around the perimeter of the building and beneath the floor slabs. The grades should be sloped' away from the building and surface drainage should be collected and discharged such that water is not permitted to infiltrate the backfill and floor slab areas of the building. Should excessive arid uncontrolled amounts of seepage occur, the geotechnical engineer should be consulted, 6.7 Excavations/Slopes Temporary earth slopes may be cut near~vertical to heights of 4 feet. Excavations deeper than 4 feet should be performed in accordance with Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines. Job site safety is the responsibility of the project contractor. 'lo ~\.("V, \l<(..\" \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proposed New Thur! Elementary School 7345 Thurston Roau, Springfield, Oregon PSI Report No, 722-75056-1 October 26, 2007 Page 16 In Federal Register, Volume 54, No, 209 (October 1989), the United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) amended its "Construction Standards for Excavations, 29 CFR, Part 1926, Subpart p", This document was issued to better insure the safety of personnel entering trenches or excavations, It is mandated by this federal regulation that excavations, whether they be utility trenches, basement excavations, or footing excavations, be constructed in accordance with the new OSHA guidelines, It is our understanding that these regulations are being strictly enforced and, if they are not closely followed, the owner and the contractor could be liable for substantial penalties,' The contractor is solely responsible for designing and constructing stable, temporary excavations and should shore, slope,. or bench the sides of the excavations as required to maintain stability of both the excavation sides and bottom. The contractor's "responsible person", as defined in 29 CFR Part 1926, should evaluate the soil exposed in the excavations as part of the contractor's safety procedures. In no case should slope height, slope inclination, ' or excavation depth, including utility trench excavation depth, exceed those ,specified in local, state, and federal state regulations. We are providing this information solely as a service to our client. PSI does not assume responsibility for construction site safety or the contraclor's or other parties' compliance with local, state, and federal safety or other regulations. 6.8 Construction Monitoring It is recommended that PSI be retained to examine and identify soil exposures created during project excavations in order to verify that soil conditions are as anticipated. We further recommend that structural fills, if any, be continuously observed and tested by our representative in order to evaluale the thoroughness and uniformity of their compaction. If possible, samples of fill materials should be submitted to our laboratory for evaluation prior to placement of fills on site, Costs for the recommended observations during construction are beyond the scope of this current consultation. Such future services would be at an additional charge. 7.0 General PSI did not provide any service to investigate or detect the presence of moisture, mold or other biological contaminates in or around any, structure, or any service that was designed or intended to prevent or lower the risk of the occurrence of the amplification of the same, Client acknowledges that mold is ubiquitous to the environment with mold amplification occurring when building materials are impacted by moisture, Client further acknowledges that site conditions are outside of PSI's control, and that mold amplification will likely occur, or continue to occur, in the presence of moisture. As such, PSI cannot and shall not be held responsible for the occurrence or recurrence of mold amplification. This report is for the exclusive use of the addressee and their representative to design the proposed structure described herein' and to prepare construction documents. The data, analyses, and recommendations may not be appropriate for other structures or purposes. We recommend that parties contemplating other structures or purposes contact us. In the absence of our written approval, we make no representation and assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. '}. ~~(\I \)'t-C \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proposed New Thurston Elementary School 7345 Thurston Road; Springfield, Oregon PSI Report No. 722-75056-1 October 26, 2007 Paqe 17 The recommendations contained in this report are based on the available subsurface information obtained by PSI, and design de1ails furnished for the proposed project. If there are any revisions to 1he plans for this project, or if deviations from the subsurface conditions noted in this report are encountered during construction, PSI shouid be notified immediately to determine if changes in the foundation recommendations are required, If PSI is not retained to perform these functions, PSI will not be responsible for the impact of those condi1ions on the project. Services performed by the geotechnical engineer for this project have been conducted with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing in this area. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made. Respectfully Submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc. ~~.~ Raymond V, Aliperti Project Manager Charles Lane, P.E. Senior Geotechnical Engineer \ '}. ~\.t~ \)'C,C I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proposed New Thurs"j;;.,::Iementary School 7345 Thurston Roaa;'Bpringfield. Oregon PSI Report No, 722-75056-1 October 26, 2007 Paqe 18 References Geomatrix Consultants. Inc., 1995. Seismic Design Mapping State of Oregon, prepared by Oregon Department of Transportation. International Conference of Building Officials, 2006, International Building Code. Oregon Building Codes Division, 2007, State of Oregon Structural Specialty Code. Latitude and Longitude coordinates. Geocode, www.geocode.com. accessed April 25, 2006 USGS Quaternary Fault and Fold Database for the United States, Salem 1 x 2 sheet, accessed April 27, 2006, htto://earthauake.usas.aove/reoional/afaultsfor/ros.html USGS Quaternary Fault and Fold Database for the United States, Roseburg 1 x 2 sheet, accessed April 27, 2006, htto://earthauake,usos,aove/reaional/afaults/orfslm,html USGS: NEIC Earthquake Search Results, Earthquake Database, accessed April 26, 2006, htto:/feauint.cr. usos .aov/neicfcai-bin/eoic ' Geology of Oregon, Orr et ai, 1992 USGS: Map of Quaternary Faults and Folds in Oregon, 2003, Open file report 03-095 . \ '}. ~~S:1l \)<C.\., I . I I :. I I I I . . . I I I I . I . Proposed New Thurston Elementary School 7345 Thurston Road, Springfield, Oregon PSI Report No. 722-75056-1 October 26, 2007 Page 19 APPENDIX \ '}. ~\.(\l \)I(..\" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proposed New Thurston Elementary School 7345 Thurston Road, Springfield, Oregon PSI Report No. 722-75056-1 October 26, 2007 Paqe 20 APPENDIX A Site Location Map, Soil Boring Location Map, Soil Boring Logs, Geologic Map, Regional Fault Map, Historical Local Seismicity , '1 ~~(\\ \j't-C \ I I tf'&, ,"'~'~' II A I 1~ I I I I , MAPQVE~'\' " :1r II "1.' .... 0: ,2DDm . 6DD ft Flat creCtk cediif' 6ti1J, Sr :E ~ ~ efHIa, Flat Cr I J'Q>'!.~.Rd $ n ,~ I ~t 19- !:t "lC :5! ~ II- 00 (.fee ",.,/at I I II I FSt r; ""ton Rd ~ I I Subject Property ,:, ~ I OSt - !ii Ie I CSt - ... ~ ... :5! ASt eSt i :5! B St ,:, 5' ~;t 3: 'bo S.:; -:of .... "9- .,. 5 -~" '" ,.., on "a\1I ~_c=~77~~_""- a "I .-.!".!.-...,-~::.....-"'- ..... A S\ 'lQ _~ ~;..?~~r.-- "'-~~--~ ~ ~ -'C~~.:Jd-_c- r-~_.~ ~~~ ~- - s P. S\ I I g; '3' ~Q,,---' _-L~ fa ...' , .P.200? MiilpOuC!'SJ Inc. Map Data Q12a07 N,.,VTEQ or TeleA.tffl6 I I I II 'j Source: Mapquest I Project Proposed New Thurston Elementary School 7345 Thurston Road Springfield, Oregon 97478 SITE LOCATION MAP Project No. Date I 722-75056-1 October 26, 2007 Prolessional Service Industries - 104Q-A Shelley Street - Springfield, Oregon 97477 - Phone (541) 746-9549 - DEC54{l24 I .;;r;= == == _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~L c-> ~ ~ ~ <'l c:> ,I \ ----=-~-~'- " , '\, ." '\ , , ",--'" .-\-_._~...~ :] "] JI " ~~ ~ "" ,! " v' ' , ... ;- ,."t., L_~J, Ii... ' "," ' ":'~"\'" ""h_,_~"'~:",';:'__~~_~' ~'-~..: 9 3~~r-t~~]~]~~t;~~J~~~.~}1Lr1; lilt:':', '=:~:, ~ -r.r:~~E'~Q~~;~:;J ~~~;: Iri~i~~;-~1~1~ '\ - - -, . ~ "0 " --"- ff. '!i\il .' \ ~;h " , ,__"', _ II' -e ~; :! U~~L~UJ Lll!Li [IUI}) 1]];!flJg'\:;I';:;:-!-', '~.', L~lH~~~D,W~[;ill~~i~~i\.IJ1~I\ " ~~ '~"'~IB"",5 ',"",..,.....,....,.." , """,'" '''--1 ' ' , '," , ' ' D-'-Q'c""''''"''='''"'''''''''''B--''~;.i''--~--'---+ri I,' . ~'m'm f312 ~I,II '" _"~'<" "i ~-/I -i-lf _. ':'-=---~~~--~::=:I,KF ;;\ B~1-0- 1'<~rqJ~''':.~_'~f~'~~'i~::' ii" . ~'~'=~L~i~-;~;~~~~i~rd\: ,[';';t\"\, ;'" - \1 - U .C1r.:~' 6 -,,- l :1 -.::--.' -,-- --~__I : tU!l: \ - - ",-' -' ";'1, ' 'I'.: ',--.' >,- \ . ,',;, '~ \~,'_- '. "'.";, . ..,! ..: \ r~ ~ _ ~_ / '.' , . '".... , u'= ,.....', 'i . .. : " . \ ,,' '"-'-''' B 18':-::Jb,!;:"="~IB' .::iA;r,c::"'::. ' ,'<,ore 'i " ,-.' "'.' , i:' -'~':":~:~~::>:"~"c:.c;~,,:,,:-.:~:c i.~.'~:o'~~i~:Li~=:~~f',~:'-=jJ::o:o~: ~::;:::'=~~t'~;;"':'o~"",,,",~~I~~i '. .. ',' ',' [] ',~ .. ~:- ...'1. \ _r~ .:(-" . .;',1 L1 CI ~- Approximate location of soil borings. ' Source: Unknown Scale 1 "~60' Proposed New Thurston Elementary School 7345 Thurston Road Springfield, Oregon 97478 SOIL BORING LOCATION MAP Project No. Date 722-75056-1 October 26, 2007 ProfesSional Service Industnes M 104D~A Shelley Street M spnngflelc , Oregon 9'477 - Pnone (541) 746-9649 - Fa-x (541) 746-7163 ..J LOG OF TEST BORING NO. B-1 CLIENT: Springfield School District No. 19 DATE OF EXPLORATION: 9/25/2007 PROJECT: Proposed New Thurston Elementary Scho< IEQUIPMENT: CME 75 with auto hammer LOCATION: 7345 Thurston Road, Springfield, LOGGED BY: Ray Aliperti Oregon 97478 BORING LOCATION: see attached soil boring location PSI PROJECT NUMBER: 722-75056 map SURF. ELEV.: ~ l.I..l~' """:' 'Ou.:! ...- U'J ....J .....,;~ u..1\o '" OJ 0 Clien ::;f- ::0'" f-c;Z:> :i a: co (jUJ ~Z ....J~~~Ci)~ f- ::;: son. DESCRIPTION ;;: CIi :::i ~ i= <: ~ u Z en en ~ <: 1;; ::iU o;z: >:g 2g:~c~' _~ ~ _ :ER Z~ a::~ . IASPHAL TIC CONCRETE, 2 inches thick, J:"': ~..:..:..: =::...: n . -. :,..:..: _ SPT lasphalt is distressed in many areas with cracks ME -<J-=:J-03- tr.Y _ -land settlement, ' ~---------------------- -:-- lC.!:.ll.!~~ ~~~!t~JL.IhL..l.~...Y Ldry l.-d~n~e_ _ _ J - SPT elastic SILT with sandred-brown, moist, soft to 1-1-2 0.5 medium stiff ' 1 I. I 1 1 I I -5-- _SPT 23 1-1.2 0.5 58 I Boring was terminated at 6 1/2 feet below existing site grade, The boring was loosely backfilled with auger cuttings, bentonite chips, and asphalt cold patch at the end of exploratIon on September 25, 2007, Groundwater was not encountered in this boring on this date. Stratification lines/depthS are approximate, Actual soil conditions encountered during construction may vary from those described above. I '10- II II .15. II II II - 20, - 25. II ~ o e- " II b ~- ~ ~ - 30, u ~- ~ II ~- ~ ~ ~- o ~ ~ N- ~ ~ - 35, z 1< ~ ~ ~ r II II fPJ)-7 1040-A Shelley Street ~"S.., Springfield, Oregon 97477 (800) 783.9649 ",..1;0;. ......... REMARKS DEe 1 ~ ~I\ ~ I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I II I II I II I I II , II I II , I II I LOG OF TEST BORING NO. B-2 CLlENT: Springfield School District No. 19 'DATE OF EXPLORATION: 9/25/2007 PROJECT: Proposed New Thurston Elementary Scho, ,EQUIPMENT: CME 75 with auto hammer LOCATION' 7345 Thurston Road, Springfield, LOGGED BY: Ray Aliperti Oregon 97478 B?RING LOCATION: see attached soil boring location PSI PROJECT NUMBER: 722-75056 map SURF, ELEV.: ~ '~~' r-' CIJ ......l ~ - t.lJ ~ ~ :3 0 0~ ='~ ~~ f: ~ SOIL DESCRIPTION ~ ~ :'i ~:: <! ~ @ <: >- jU o:z; ~~ Cl C/J C/J ::E 0 :z;;;; [) - . IASPHAL TIC CONCRETE, 3 1/2 incb thick >0Q' - - - - - - - c- - - - -.. -- _ SPT Ipatch, asphalt is distressed in many areas outsideJl' . ME - 7:- - -5-4-6- - - -- - - _ -Ith<:.patch with cracks and settlement - ~Ci:~~l ;;gg,~~ ~("i~.1-;-YEi.~~~ ~ ~ J - SPT elastic SILT with sand, dark brown to red-brown, moist, soft _ becomes red-brown and very soft below 4 feet .) -- , - _SPT ow f;;C:Z;;> _v.J-lI.l ,,:_C/J_ UZU'Jc/) O~<:o "- "-0 Q.. ~~ REMARKS 2-2-2 0.5 57 0.1-1 0,25 81 .10 - Boring was terminated at 6 i/2 feet below existing site grade. The boring was loosely backfilled with auger cuttings, bentonite chips, and asphalt cold patch at the end of exp1orauon on September 25,2007, Groundwater was not encountered in this boring on this date. Stratification lines/depths are approximate, Actual soil conditions encountered during construction may vary from those described above. .15 - .20 ' - 25- ~ ~- ~- ~ o ,,- 0: :5 .30, u u;- ~ Dr.C 1 ']. \ltt~ ~- " g- o ~ N- N ~ - 35, z " ~ '" ~ , fils; 1040.A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (800) 783-9649 I I I I I I I I I II II II II II II II II II II LOG OF TEST BORING NO. B-3 CLIENT: Springfield School District No. 19 DATE OF EXPLORATION: 9/25/2007 PROJECT: Proposed New Thurston Elementary Scho, ,EQUIPMENT: CME 75 with auto hammer LOCATION: 7345 Thurston Road, Springfield, LOGGED BY: Ray Aliperti Oregon 97478 BORING LOCATION: see attached soil boring location PSI PROJECT NUMBER: 722-75056 map SURF. ELEV.: ~~ --: G: ~ ....J u:iCIJ ~;-' UJ\o _....J_ 0 "00 ~~ ~~ .. c:lU,-"'L.z.....J~ f- ::;: SOIL DESCRlPTION ::;: en j iIi '" <0:: ~ @ <0:: >- :iu 012 :-:13 o en en ::;:0 Z '" " - ,IASPHALTlCCONCRETE,2inchesthick, J'~'--_:::_=="':=' -"==,== _ SPT lasphalt is distressed in many areas with cracks MH 5-='hj- - land settlement - ~---------------------- - lC.!:u~~<!. aJ:~~!!.t,,- ~L.2. gay,jry ,-d-,,-n~e_ _ _ J ' - SPT elastic SILT, red-brown and black, moist, soft becomes wetter and very soft below 4 feet .5,- , _SPT 0'" f-cZ> tI.lv.l-u.l ;::.::::_cn_ UZCl:lCIJ 0",<0::0 0.. 0.0 ~ ~~ REMARKS 23 2-2-2 0,5 58 89 0-1-1 - 10. Boring was tenninated at 6 1/2 feet below existing site grade. The boring was loosely backfilled with auger cuttings, bentonite chips, and asphalt cold patch at the end of exploratIOn on September 25, 2007. Groundwater was not encountered in this boring on this date. Stratification lines/depths are approximate. Actual soil conditions encountered during construction may vary from those described above. . - 15. .20. - 25- ~ o ~- ~- ... " OJ- a: is .30- u <n- o. DEC.1 '}. ~ECU ~ 0.- OJ ,,; ~- o ~ ~ N- N ~ OJ' 35- z a: 0. '" ~ . 1ft:;i' &~I.nl." 1040-A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (800) 783-9649 1 1 'I 1 1 1 1 1 1 II II II II II II II II II II LOG OF TEST BORING NO. B-4 CLIENT: Springfield School District No. 19 DATE OF EXPLORATlON: 9/25/2007 PROJECT: Proposed New Thurston Elementary Scho, IEQUIPMENT: CME 75 with auto hammer LOCATlON: 7345 Thurston Road, Springfield, LOGGED BY: Ray Aliperti Oregon 97478 BORING LOCATION: see attached soil boring location PSI PROJECT NUMBER: 722-75056 map SURF. ELEV,: [J.J~_ --; ~ _ ~ i.o -I- :J'" => Z ...J;:.J I-UJ - ~ r-- <C '-'l OZ >" :;;0 Z S ,) ~ SPT ,'i!1I ~'!Y l'Q~S.9g,-,- <!...ry.:. ~0,,g~~Jl!~~r(~.oE.J .""~: - - - - - - - -:>-4='5" lY 5'" -- - _ elastic SILT, red-brow~ and black, moist, soft J\.1R. . G: .J o c:l :;; ~ OIl OUJ I-cZ> ~Vl-UJ ",:::0 Ul_ UZ(J)CI) Ou.:l <:0 0.. "-0 ~ ~~ OIl UJ .J "- :;; -<( OIl uiUl , OIl u-<( Ul.J ::iu REMARKS :r: I- "- UJ Cl son. DESCRIPTION -SPT 4-4-4 1.5 -5-- _SPT 1-3-3 3.0 -10 - Boring was terminated at 6 1/2 feet below existing site grade. The boring was loosely backfilled WIth auger cuttings and bentonite chips at the end of exploration on September 25, 2007, Groundwater not encountered in this soil boring on this date. Stratification lines/depths are approximate, Actual soil conditions encountered during construction may vary from those described above. - 15- - 20' - 25- ~ o ~- ~- >- Q ~- ~ ~ - 30- u <;;- ~ DE (,1 2. REC'O ~ ~- ~ <ri ~- o ~ ~ N- ~ ~ - 35- z ~ ~ ~ ~ m l-"' ,m...", """'~ 1040-A Shelley Street ~...~.. Springfield, Oregon 97477 __ (800) 783-9649 ._"...~i1.J:.l~l,J;"""" I I I I I I I II II II II II II II II II II II II LOG OF TEST BORING NO. B-5 CLIENT: Springfield School District No. 19 DATE OF EXPLORATlON: 9/25/2007 PROJECT: Proposed New Thurston Elementary Scho, ,EQUIPMENT: CME 75 with auto hammer LOCATlON: 7345 Thurston Road, Springfield, LOGGED BY: Ray Aliperti Oregon 97478 BORING LOCATlON: see attached soil boring location PSI PROJECT NUMBER: 722-75056 map SURF, ELEY.: t en '" -l 0.. ~ -< en -l o co ~ >- en u.l~' o:::?-- tl.l;.o 0?2 :J'" :=Jffi ~ -< f-. Z ..J ~ IZI...J CI) u.l <C tIl -;u -I- >~ ~ 02 '0 ~R 2 as " --'MH- --- T4-o ------ REMARKS OLU I-cZ> WV,I-t.I.l :;:G-u:J- UZIZlIZl 0'" -< 0 0.. "-0 c... ~~ son. DESCRIPTION r: "- LU Cl SPT \s!!\L ~~' .rQ~S9!L.:. <!...ry.:. ~rE...E~~[f~~r~o.!S .J I" " - _ elastic SILT with sand, dark brown, dry, hard - ' -SPT 2-4-6 4,0 .5 .- _SPT 35 3-6-7 4.0 81 becomes red,brown at 6 1/2 feet _ SPT becomes softer below 7 1/2 feet . gray below 9 feet -10-- _SPT 3-2,3 0.5 2.2-4 1.0 - -w.;U graded -CRA "ECWith Silt; ",ll"d-;- and -- - 15 - cobbles, gray, dry, dense to very dense _SPT 5,10-2( H -20'~ _SPT 5.12-3; - 25, Boring was terminated at 211/2 feet below existino site grade. The boring was loosely backfilled with auger cuttings and bentonite chips at the end of exploration on September 25, 2007. Groundwater was not encountered in this boring on this date. ~ fa- e_ Stratification lines/depths are approximate. Actual soil conditions encountered during construction may vary from those described above. ~ o ~- ~ ~ - 30- <.> iD- ~ DEe 12 Rf.C'U , ~- o ci ~- ~ " N- N ~ ~ - 35, z ii' ~ ~ ~ ~~!J 1040-A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (800) 783-9649 1 '. " . 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 .1 1 . 1 1 I 'I 1 1 1 LOG OF TEST BORING NO. B-6 CLJENT: Springfield School District No, 19 DATE OF EXPLORATION: 9/26/2007. PROJECT: Proposed New Thurston Elementary Scho, ,EQUIPMENT: CME 75 with auto hammer LOGGED BY: Ray Aliperti BORING LOCATION: see attached soil boring location map LOCATION: 7345 Thurston Road, Springfield, Oregon 97478 PSI PROJECT NUMBER: 722-75056 SURF, ELEV.: ..., E- u..l ~ - 0 r.:.l u.. g] ....l r/Jr/J ",,-- "'~ I-cZ> ....J 0 : CIJ ::J t'"""z :J ffi w.~ en w_ ~ ~ son. DESCRll'TION ~ ;;; "1 ~ 1-'" :;;! ~ t3 Z <r/J r/J Ell < ~ ::iu 0 Z ::;- is 0 ~ I>. g Cl rzl CIJ ~R Z05 Q.. ~g SPT ,~ID'.!'I~YJ..9.!'~Olb ~'l'.,E~d-,-l>!:a~s{g~~ !:9,"ts...' ~ - -CL - - - - -5-6-:5- - - -- -- - _ lean CLAY with sandred-brown, dry, hard ~ -- ~ - SPT ~ ~ %~ ~ '" I _ SPT dark brown to black, moist, medIum stlffbelow 7 ~ 1/2 feet ~ '10-- ~ _ SPT red-brown, brown, tan, moist to wet below 10 feet ~ -15-- gray and very soft below 15 feet _SPT -well gr:ll1;d -GRA YfCWith sut, ",;d-;- and -- cobbles, gray, dry, dense to very dense . ,. :.e.~ . ... '. . ,0 REMARKS 4-4-5 3 0 3-4-4 2.0 38 3-2-4 1.0 89 2-2-3 1.0 1-1-2 0.25 --- --- ---- ------'t' -20-- _SPT 4-12_1' - 25- Boring was tenninated at 21 1/2 feet below existing site grade. The boring was loosely backfilled with auger cuttings and bentonite chips at the end of exploration on September 26, 2007, Groundwater was measured to be 17 feet below grade immediately after auger removal. Stratification lines/depths are approximate. Actual soil conditions encountered during construction may vary from those described above. ~ o ~- a ~ o ~- ~ ~ - 30- u Oi- ~ DE.e 12 RECU ~ ~- ~ w .- o ~ "'- N ~ ~ - 35- z 2 ~ ~ ~ m fP!!)11040-A Shelley Street J!..., ~. Springfield, Oregon 97477 .... (800) 783-9649 ....1 lo. 1L. .iiII.~.1 ., , 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I' 1 1 LOG OF TEST BORING NO. B-7 CLIENT: Springfield School District No, 19 DATE OF EXPLORATION 9/26/2007 PROJECT: Proposed New Thurston Elementary Scho' ,EQUIPMENT: CME 75 with auto hammer LOCATION: 7345 Thurston Road, Springfield, LOGGED BY: Ray Aliperti Oregon 97478 BORING LOCATION: see attached soil boring location PSI PROJECT NUMBER: 722-75056 map SURF, ELEY.: r-: UJ~~ -; Ot.z.:l u.. ~ ...Jo cncn o:::~ UJ:: r-cZ> .....J "CI) :J z :::> UJ LLl en ...... t.Ll -r Q. SOIL DESCRIPTION al U < f- ....l ~ '" - U'J - E= "'" :;E c/).....:! C1)UJ <en UzCI)<U'J '" ""- >- ' - f- >" 0 '" ,0 Ui < C/J::>UOZ '00...0...0 o CI) :ER ;Z; ii 0... ~~ , IASPHALTIC CONCRETE, 2 inches ru;~k, l;-:'V<~ :--..: === =-~- :.;;::-: :== - SPT lasphalt is distressed in many areas with cracks MH r-_-)- ,_T - land settlement - ~---------------------- - IC.!:u~~<!. ~~~.'!.t~ ~L-,-~'!YLdryLd.'Cn~e_ _ _ J - SPT lean CLAY witb sand, black, wet, soft 2-3-4 ,25 REMARKS -5 .- - SPT \b.Ec~~e~ ~~b.!o~~ ~!9~ 2.. ~2.J",~ _ _ _ _ _ J _ - well graded GRAVEL witb silt, sand, and _ cobbles, gray, dry, dense to very dense -SPT '0 ' . ._-'~-,-~ 1_,.R 1.5..., 7l_ 0-35(5' ) -10-- _SPT 31 35(3") 35(1") _SPT - 15 - Boring was terminated at 13 1/2 feet below existing site grade due to practical auger refusal. The boring was loosely backfilled with auger cuttings, bentonite chips, and asphalt cold patch at the end of exploration on September 26,2007. Groundwater was not encountered in this soil boring on this date. Stratification lines/depths are approximate. Actual soil conditions encountered during construction may vary from those described above. - 20, - 25. ~ o i>;- ~- ~ c ~- ~ ~ . 30. u ;;;- ~ ~ ~- ~ '" ~- o ~ ~ ,,- N ~ G - 35 - z ~ ~ o " c DEe 12 REC'D l'''... ,"", -7 1040.A Shelley Street ~"II.. Springfield, Oregon 97477 _ (800) 783.9649 ., L. I ".aa:..,.o. II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LOG OF TEST BORING NO. B-8 CLIENT: Springfield School District No, 19 DATE OF EXPLORATION: 9/26/2007 PROJECT: Proposed New Thurston Elementary ScholEQUIPMEJ-rr: CME 75 with auto hammer LOCATION: 7345 Thurston Road, Springfield, LOGGED BY: Ray Aliperti Oregon' 97478 BORING LOCATION: see attached soil boring location PSI PROJECT NUMBER: 722-75056 map SURF, ELEV.: . w~ o~ t ~ ~o u:iu:l C:::f=' ~~ t-cZ> ..J . CIJ .;:J . -' I.U t.lJ v, ...... t.lJ :I: 0... co L.?< \-z .....Jc-.. ~......r/)_ "" '" SOIL DESCRIPTION :.a "'..J '" fU -< ~ u:Z: '" '" Co "" >- ...;u -r-' >" oou-<o w < -' oz '0 0...Q..0 Cl: r/) V1 :Ep z~o... ~~ SPT \~ID'.!'I~):...T..9~~O_~ irr- E~d-,-~a~s.!g,-as~ C9~lS_' ~,~ . -Cl - - - - 5-1 j:-2C 4.0 -- - - = _ ~~~<:'L:2'~~~s~~dr~~b~o~~~~,~~d___ ~, ___ ___ ____ ______ _ weU graded GRAVEL with silt, sand, and ' - SPT cobbles, gray, dry, dense to very dense i ,. . . ,. .,. !. . ,. .," !. . ,.. .,. !. . ,-. .,. . REMARKS 0-18.21 '5 -- _SPI : 2,35(5') , -SPT 8-22.2 ; ,10,- '_SPT !7-27-21 . 15- Boring was terminated at II 1/2 feet below existing site grade due to practical auger refusal. Ihe boring was loosely backfilled with auger cuttings and bentonite chips at the end of exploration on September 26,2007. Groundwater was not encountered in this boring on this date. Stratification lines/depths are approximate, Acrual soil conditions encountered during construction may vary from those described above. -20' ,25 - , e ~- ~- ~ o 0- ~ ~ - 30. u 0;- ~ we-\. 1 'l. ~tt~ ~ ~- o ci m_ e m , N- N ~ -35- z 2 ~ w " ~1104o.A Shelley Street ~"S. Springfield, Oregon 97477 II (800) 783-9649 .....'oI',..,c.o...IrIiool LOG OF TEST BORING NO. B-9 CLIENT: Springfield School District No. 19 DATE OF EXPLORATION: 9/26/2007 PROJECT: Proposed New Thurston Elementary Scho, iEQUIPMENT: CME 75 with auto hammer LOCATION: 7345 Thurston Road, Springfield, LOGGED BY: Ray Aliperti Oregon 97478 BORING LOCATION: see attached soil boring location PSI PROJECT NUMBER: 722-75056 map SURF, ELEY.: ~a::' 0:: --' u.l \0 0t:5 :J~ ~ffi ~-< t-~ ~c.. V"1..:J ~ r-- -< CI) jU ~ 5 i ~ ~r"i c:J SPT \si!tr<:!~'IQl.:.sQg,-,-<!..ry-,-~~,,g~~gra..s~r~o~,j"":: ---- --- -4-0-4 ------ - _ elastic SILT, red-brown, brown, white, gray, MH dry, hard I I I I t I f: "- "-" Cl I I ---:- SPT en "-" ....l "- ;:;; < en ....l o CO ;:;; >- en SOIL DESCRIPTION 0"-" I-cZ> u.J(Il-UJ ~---CI)_ UZ r.n,crl 0,,-"<0 .o...c...~~ ;'::'It 31 4-3-8 4,0 88 WellW~~GRAVEL~iliillt,~~~~d-- - 5 - - cobbles, gray, dry, dense to very dense _SPT, I I - 10- I I .15. I - 20- I I I - 25- ~ " ~- e_ I >- Q ~- 0: is. 30. '-' in- ~ I , ~- " ~ ~- o ~ E- I ". 35- z " ~ '" ~ r I ,- , .,. \. . ,II . 35(6") Boring was terminated at 6 1/2 feet below existing site grade, The boring was loosely backfilled with auger cuttings and bentonite chips at the end of exploration on September 25,2007. Groundwater not encountered m this-soil boring on this date. Stratification lines/depths are approximate. Actual soil conditions encountered during construction may vary from those described above. .1 ...~. I!',~~ 1040.A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (800) 783-9649 REMARKS DEe 1 2. RECU I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LOG OF TEST B JRING NO. B~10 CLIENT: Springfield School District No. 19 DATE OF EXPLORATION: 9/26/2007 PROJECT: Proposed New Thurston Elementary Scho )EQUIPMENT: CME 75 with auto hammer LOCATION: 7345 Thurston Road, Springfield, LOGGED BY: Ray A1iperti Oregon 97478 BORIN'G LOCATION: see attached soil boring location PSI PROJECT NUMBER: 722-75056 map SURF. ELEY.: <Il~ .., 0<Il G: '" ....l "'~ <Il'" <Il 0 cnU) ;::of- ;::0'" f-cZ> 0:: .", UJUj-W .,; SOIL DESCRIPTION '" u<( f-Z ....lie ~_U)_ REMARKS 1= ::E ",<Il <(~ UZU)(/) ::E "'....l _f- >" o <Il <( 0 "" <( >- :ju OZ <Il '" '0 .c...c..c..o Cl '" ::EO Z.o ~~ " OJ SPT\~!Y .!'I~):..T.9i~O_II.e, .cl.I}',Ea.!:d.:..llE"~s{g@~ ':905..'" _ elastic SILT with sand, red,brown, dry, hard .~---------------- MH 3-3-5 -SPT 3.6-6 4.0 ---------------------_..~~---------------- well graded-GRAVEL with silt, sand, and '". - 5 ,- cobbles, gray, dry, dense to very dense I . _ SPT ,..' 33 4-6-8 52 I .10 - Boring was tenninated at 6 1/2 feet below existing site grade. The boring was loosely backfilled with auger cuttings and bentonite chips at the end of exploration on September 26, 2007. Groundwater was not encountered in this soil boring on this date. Stratification lines/depths are approximate. Actual soil conditions encountered during construction may val)' from those described above. . 15, - 20. . 25 ' ~ e ~ ---:-- a ~ o G- ~ ~ - 30, u ;;;- ~ DEe 1 2 REC'O , ~- o . .- o . ~ ,,- N . ~ G . 35 ' z ~ ~ ~ ~ m [j;!si 1040-A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (800) 783-9649 I LOG OF TEST BORING NO. B-ll CLIENT: Springfield School District No. 19 DATE OF EXPLORATION: 9/26/2007 PROJECT: Proposed New Thurston Elementary Scho )EQUIPMENT: CME 75 with auto ha=er LOGGED BY: Ray A1iperti BORING LOCATION: see attached soil boring location map I I LOCATION: 7345 Thurston Road, Springfield, Oregon 97478 PSI PROJECT NUMBER: 722-75056 SURF, ELEY.: I t r/J L<l ....J "- ~ < r/J SOIL DESCRIPTION I T ;:: c.. L<l Cl I I SPT ,~il.!J'.!'l~t. T..9!'~O_~ irr- Ea!A,gI:a~s~~~ !:9<e!~/' _ elastic SILT with sand, red. brown, dry, hard -SPT w~ .., QL<l ....i cnr/J o<~ L<l'" I-<cZ> 0 'r/J =>1-< =>'" Wl/l-W co c.J< ' z ,UJ ~-r/J_ '"L<l - <- REMARKS ~ r/J....J ~I-< <~ UZCZlCZl >- ;:;U > ,. oL<l <0 r/J OZ i 0 c.. 0.0 ~O -' c.. ~~ () '" -,------------- MH 6-7-8 4-6.12 - ------------------------..... ---- --- ------ well graded GRAVEL with silt, sand, and . ~ - 5 . - cobbles, gray, dry, dense to very dense ;' _ SPT -.' 3.35(5') . I Boring was terminated at 6 1/2 feet below existing site grade. The boring was loosely backfilled with auger cuttings and bentonite chips at the end of exploration on September 26, 2007, Groundwater was not encountered in this soil boring on tbis date. Stratification lines/depths are approximate, Acrua! soil conditions encountered during construction may vary from those described above. I .10. I I -15 . I - 20, I I - 25, I ~ ~- " I e- o ,,- a: ~ - 30. u <n- o. I , '-- " ~ ~- o ~ ~ ,- ~ I " .35- z "' '- w ~ I ~'" ..,~'" ,,~, "'1' 1040.A Shelley Street I!"'~." Springfield, Oregon 97477 _ (800) 783-9649 . ".,~ Iilo%l; I .1.'. . DEe '12 REeD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LOG OF TEST BORING NO. B-12 CLIENT: Springfield School District No. 19 DATE OF EXPLORATION: 9/26/2007 PROJECT: Proposed New Thurston Elementary Scho )EQUIPMENT: CME 75 with auto hammer LOCATION: 7345 Thurston Road, Springfield, LOGGED BY: Ray A1iperti Oregon 97478 BORING LOCATION: see attached soil boring location PSI PROJECT NUMBER: 722-75056 map SURF. ELEY.: t t.l.l~ ..., o OIl ..J CIi", o::~ OIl'" I-cZ> 0 . '" ::01- ::>~ U.lcn-!..I.l c:l u< I-Z ..Jo.. ~-,CI)...... REMARKS ~ ",OIl <~ UZC/)CI} "'..J -I- >" o OIl <0 >< ;:ju OZ '" '0 0...0..0..0 ;;:0 Z--' ~~ " co o ~ : ,---- --- ------ MH 4.7-8 20 4-6-8 4,0 30 3-8-9 3.0 61 37 4.5-5 1.5 55 '" '" ..J 0- ;;: < '" :I: l- e.. '" Cl SOIL DESCRIPTION SPT \!.il!l'.El~LT.9.!'~O_~ irx,E,!!:d-,-ga2s~~~ ':90~J'. _ elastic SILT with sand, red.brown, dry, hard -SPT -5,- _SPT SPT -----------------------...'l---- --- ---- --'--- , 10 - - well graded GRAVEL with silt, sand, and ' _ SPT cobbles, gray, dry, dense to very dense ~..~ 4-12-3~ ,01 '.. ;.'~ ... '15-- ~ & _ SPT ,.: 7-35(4') ...... .20 ' Boring was terminated at 16 1/2 feet below existing site grade due to practical auger refusal. The boring was loosely backfilled with auger cuttings and bentonite chips. at the end of exploration on September 26, 2007. Groundwater was not encountered in this boring on this date. Stratification lines/depths are approximate. Actual soil conditions encountered during construction may vary from those described above. - 25. ~ o ~- a >- o (0- 0: is - 30- u <;;- <L <L- (0 ~ ~- ~ ~- ~ (0 - 35, z ~ <L ~ ~ m DEe 1 2 REC'D IP~~J 1040-A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (800) 783-9649 . . '. .' . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . LOG OF TEST BORING NO. B-13 CLIENT: Springfield School District No, 19 DATE OF EXPLORATION: 9/26/2007 PROJECT: Proposed New Thurston Elementary Scho, ,EQUll'MENT: CME 75 with auto hammer LOCATION: 7345 Thurston Road, Springfield, LOGGED BY: Ray Aliperti Oregon 97478 BORING LOCATION: see attached soil boring location PSI PROJECT NUMBER: 722.75056 map SURF, ELEY.: t :r: i- "- '" o u..:J~ ..., 0'" ...J '" '" en'" "',~ i-c:z:> 0 ::0.... ::0'" .", ....l~ UJU).....t.:J C!l u<( i-:Z: :,<-"'- REMARKS ::;: ",'" <( ~ uzV)CJ) "'....l -i- > " 0",<(0 >- ::iu '" o:z: , 0 "- "-0 ::;:0 :z: ...J Q..; ~~ C) co . ,---- --- ---- ------ '" '" ....l "- ::;: <( '" SOIL DESCRIPTION SPT \~il.!}'.!'I.!l.L T..o.!'~O_Ib ~ry, E~d.l.[I:a~s{g~~ !:9~~1 . _ elastic SILT with sand, red.brown, dry, hard MH 6-10-6 -SPT 8.11-9 .5-- _SPT -----------------------...... ---- --- ---- ---~-- weU graded GRAVEL with silt, sand, and . a. cobbles, gray, dry, dense to very dense ;.. ... 3-10.11 , ". ~ . ,. ~6-32-3 ; ". I. . ,. ~ ". I! -26-35( ''') I. . -SPT -10'~ _SPT . 15 - Boring was terminated at 12 feet below existing site grade due to practical auger refusal. The boring was loosely backfilled with auger cuttings and bentonite chips at the end of exploration on September 26, 2007. Groundwater was not encountered in this boring on this date. Stratification lines/depths are approximate. Actual soil conditions encountered during construction may vary from those described above. . 20' .25. ~ o ~- ~~ ~ c ~- ~ :5 - 30. u <n- o. DEe 1 2 REC'O , Q.- ~ g- o m ~ N- N ~ ~ . 35. z ~ Q. ~ " c lp!: B11040-A Shelley Street D~.. Springfield, Oregon 97477 II. -- (800) 783.9649 .- - - - - - ,- r= - , , -. ~"~~~~"'~J~~"-I !: : JI I il r' j I .. g \\ I \.. ' v-pV l: : ~ ~F ~ .~.......~.. 0\'" ' '. ., II /)l " I Id' )~~" ". \1))\ " ~Y::= ' ~. "," /', ,), ' " /-~. ~- -;=.1r-.::::-,' , _...!!I... ~11 V' -.._'", ___.~_"';)) ~. ~'::,-_:'1' I': -~ JI ~~" 1\ -1 ?06ir;-....--~ ,~ a "'\ ~.,.. 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[ "',171;%~ /" ,_=t::-:.-~_::-. :.zi~ ~. ~'. -'...~;-.. ,.--~""""_,. __~ ,._", I d ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - Qf J Qf - Braided-fan alluvium (Pleistocene and Holocene) - A broad, braided. channelized fan of sand and gravel deposited by the Willamette and McKenzie Rivers, the head of which extends into the Springfield quadrangle, Braided fan sediments range from silt to boulder gravel, but are mostly sandy pebble-cobble gravel. Source: Slate of Oregon, Department of GeoloQY and Mineral Industries, Open File Report 0;06-07. 2006 I ~L i<.:> Proposed New Thurston Elementary School 7345 Thurston Road Springfield, Oregon 97478 GEOLOGIC MAP I J Project No. Dale 722-75056-1 October 26, 2007 = rr1 " d ProfeSSIonal ServIce Industries ~ 1040~A Shelle-y Streel- SpringfIeld, Orego!1 97477 ~ Phone (541) 746-9649 _ Fax (541) 746~7163 '~,Il~;!'~l7i htto:/IeaWJ~ua~",}Isgs.gov/regional/qfaults/or/ros.ml7'l ..!roJect Proposed Thurston Elementary School 7345 Thurston Road Springfield, Oregon 97478 ,--- ....., ",. .. -- ----y.....' , 122-/ y'~rV-1 I Professional Service Industries - 104D-A Shelley sii~et: springfield, Oregon 97477 ~ ~)-jone (~!i)~!~964'g - Fax (541) 7 . ,-,' . '" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 798~ t ~,\ \ Y ?'~ --~ II __ II \ \ ~ "- ',/: \ ~ ,J \ ,- Ih 1.1; 7'> I ~\( '~ - !! ........... ~ \ 781 !! \i ;; ,..:tl \ . ) /f~5 ~f(f,:;,) (( l' '[ I, '/J ~I 1 f J (/784,' '- ~ ~ I I . 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'r~ ~ Redm end 852 . / ~. ~ 81-.3 - '-; .. , .I Brothers ~ \,\~ ~~~s ,,"- ( "f.\~ :\ \~ 1 ~3 \ zot"""- . 1-- 30 .ao I " oj ii Ii !l 837 Fort~Rock " 't1~ o .~.... 10 I MIles ~ Jl OEe 1 2 REC'D October 26, 2007 ----- I I ..... -: ',L" - ~r),. *....I-:Jj.........~:... ..~t~,.:~~~~. _~i~ ., .ti....... .";1"',' ....,.. 0:. ':",~u' a,~. ',\". ... .~""".., .' C 0 *#. i . 4 ~ . r:~ ~ J.!:i :t: " ,:.ii,' ;I~.:.'i- '.. I' ~ ;..'.~.;..:. : S_~ v. ~:" ".; . 'I" '.':" :'~ .,"1 'r . . ... 'eA' ' ",,'. '" t""-. ~,~",;o!' ;~~'l\:~. .ii~, \:~.: :....,,~~"lJlnO~",K hOUU ,. \ :. ir. ~ "!1'iE'" ,. ~"'-'" . , '''\\' . '.' '..\-. ...' 1 . "ty'f"Ll '\ : \. . .' . . I', ,.. w:~ =:. '" '~" .: :l.l,~Zt\:::t~S . <> " ~...; ," ,"-...'\{ :, .-..!itfj.':. '~'O~l\\~ '... ::. _' ~'1'4".:t' '\. \ \ .-"/,, . '~''l\ . ARlO/-. "- ./- /1\ .' I . I I \ .' -- I Till ",t-t...:,;" .'. -- I . /'. I POL, ,r'lfl '( III, ,II/ ' . ---~ \" /. f_ \ ;'- :1I'<U\l"- , , I . - , 'EF"E"SO~ ~.. Z'I Sfot.TOI, llM' I , I, ,0 \ .' \\\\, 0\1\, \"~,~ ,"~ '\ .' " I SITES ~M..: . )'.:i '" / / '-'" "- .....l , (! ,II " ;::S.:I-<J:"': I , 1/, j; ~p, / I 1\ I (I I I f '" _,\ T, , ~ .~t!.~:.~;.. .' . ...... , _ ~.iK_(H... ""Il';," . I :_1 ~.~'r -..- " Gr.nqPu$ "t< - ,. E' I , I Source: Open File report 03-02 Project I .' 'n._ , , .,.see :-;- ... 5r<ERr>l, , .s~ . ~.: '" ~ "~' .- , , " ," ~ ...~ ...----- ~ . --< y , . :( '.~ .;;: ?>..;' , .., I.~' " .- 'iILL"\~: . , eo.:.,.,.,.:........Q.. ~\" , .'- :;>QC,.. , -(I. ...; ~.- , . I I '''EEL!:"' ~.. t- I'"., ..... --: .:10 . ~,-J.., ... , ~ i . -~, . ~ , '''- -.,.:,'~ .'-~~" '," i~:.:..~ .; '.' I " ......~ .. .1IL. .' ---. , ';"~1'l0'i,' Gf'.->^.T .~Clty "" .~ \ l-''''p~,E, I , ;~ . " .\'\ (u~ ..lC: '" C.. '~a-. '\ ;' I), .w.s_TOHlC.....o " ;~ '\.i.-:i'_,,;, \ . 0 . ... .--- \:/ :0;..><,,0 ---- ... . ~1_h9* t.. UegnIOua.e~ - 6i ~5C'B ~H~' ~30H MognlluClOIC21l flIagnllulltOO-09 ~..... .........,.". F_-LlWqual."'-') ~.- 0..,- """'- MAP OF SELECTED EARTHQUAKES FOR OREGON 1841 THROUGH 2002 \ ,. ~v_ ; ~ October 26, 2007 DEe 1 2 REC'O I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proposed New Thurstc." Elementary School 7345 Thurston Road, Springfield, Oregon PSI Report No, 722-75056-1 October 26, 2007 Page 21 APPENDIX B Laboratory Test Results, Soil Classification Chart, General Notes DEe 1 2 REC'D U.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES 6 4 3 2 1.5 1 3/4 1/23/8 3 1- 'I "','" J 'J', I I U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER 80 I 6 8~ 1416 20 30 40 5060 100140200 ':;N~: ..~ \ "'I .1 \, I \, \ \i I I- I- I- I- 1uu. 95 -- 90 85 - 75 70 -I tJ I 65 >- I ~ 60-1 >- 55- 'fE 50 J ~ 45 J ,~ I ~ 40-- UJ a. "'I 30 I I ":---1 '::~J 35 25 20 15 I- I 1---- 10 - 5-' o I 100 1J 0, 0, )1 0,001 GRAIN SIZE IN MilLIMETERS ,I COBBLES [ GRAVEL coarse I fine I coarse I SAND medium I fine I 1 SILT OR CLAY D100 Classification elastic SILT with sand (MH) elastic SILT with sand (MH) elastic SILT with sand (MH) elastic SILT with sand (MH) elastic SILT (MH) D60 D30 LL PL PI .Cc Cu M"'ft:;:' II!'. "I Engineering Consulting Testing 1040AShelley Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 Phone (541) 746-9649 Fax (541) 746-7163 I DEe 1 2 ~EC\l Client: Springfield School District No. 19 Review By: Project Name: Proposed New Thurston Elerrentary Scho,1 Project Location: 7345 Thurston Road, Sprln-ilfie1d, Orego 19747< Report Number: 722-75056 I I 50 32 18 %Gravel %Sand %Silt I %Clay 0.0 48.0 52.0 0.0 39.0 61.0 0.0 45.0 55.0 0.0 19.0 81.0 0.0 11.0 I 89.0 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION D10 These results apply only to the sample tested. U.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES I U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS I 6432.5 1314"2~ 3 4 6 8~14162030405060100140200 I I I \I~T.,' "'~1=~. ~" I I . . ~ I . , ' ",. - --.. . :....... . -.......: . . , ., - . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ c z I ~ N , z I ffi ~ 1001 951 901 85 ---,---- 80 751 70 1 65 - - - ~ I Q 60 --- .~ 1 >- 55 - - - ffi 50 I ~ ~51 '~ 401 ~ 351 301 251 201 I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I J I I 1 I HYDROMETER ""I " . '- . 1"" -""'. I "" "j, I ~. l~ 1 II 1 I 1- ._J · 1 15 ____ ,_J _____ ,_J. 101 :1 1l GRAIN SIZE IN MilLIMETERS o. 0,11 0.001 100 I COBBLES : GRAVEL coarse ! fine I I coarse I SAND medium I I fine SILT OR CLAY LL PL Cu PI Cc Specimen Identification o 8-5 at 5.0' 1%1 8-6 at 7.5' ~... B-7 at 5.0' e ~ * 8-9 at 2.5' Classification elastic SILT with sand (MH) lean CLAY with sand (CL) lean CLAY with sand (CL' elastic SILT (MH) nl=r U REC'D I >- o ~ ~ Specimen Identification c u. B.S at 5.0' ;:: ~ 1%1 B-6 at 7.5' c. ~ A B-7 at 5.0' " ~ * B-9 at 2.5' D100 D60 j..s:' "" .... ,.1 Engineering Consulting Testing 1040A Shelley Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 Phone (541) 746.9649 Fax (541) 746-7163 These results apply only to the sample tested. 47 21 26 D30 D10 'IoGravel 'IoSand 'IoSilt I 'IoCiay 81.0 89.0 71.0 89.0 19.0 I 10.0 I 21.0 I I 11.0 : GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION 0.0 1.0 8.0 0.0 Client: Springfield School District No. 19 Review By: Project Name: Proposed New Thurston Elerr 3ntary Scho, I Project Location: 7345 Thurston Road, Sprin!lfield, Orego I 9747E Report Number: 722-75056 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , c ~ ~ ~ I Q ,. ~ ~ Q , in ~ I " ~ 0 . " c . , N I ~ 0 Z ~ ~ m m' I ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ W . ~ I w ~ ~ o B-3 III B-7 ///' /' // /rrv. /" /' ,/ 40 6J 80 100 LIQUID LIMIT LL PL PllFines Classification 50 32 18 89 elastic SIL T(MH) 47 26 21 71 lean CLAY with sand(CL) 60 50 P L A S T I C I T Y I N D E X 40 30 20 10 CL-ML o o 20 Specimen Identification at 5.0' at 5.0' In I I I I '1'''~iJ II" , "I Engineering Consulting Testing 1040A Shelley Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 Phone (541) 746-9649 Fax (541) 746.7163 @ @ @) @ I I I I DEei ~ 1i~C~ IATTERBERG LIMITS RESULTS (ASTM D4318r Client: Springfield ,School District No. 19 Project Name: Proposed New Thurston Elementary Scho, I Project Location: 7345 Thurston Road, Springfield, Grego I Report Number: 722-75056 . J I I L...~;J Information "''''.lTo Build On Engineering. Consulting . Testing I SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART MAJOR DIVISIONS SYMBOLS GRAPH LETTER TYPICAL DESCRIPTIONS I I I COARSE GRAINED SOILS I I I MORE THAN 50% OF MATERIAL IS LARGER THAN NO. 200 SIEVE SIZE I I I I I I FINE GRAINED SOILS I MORE THAN 50% OF MATERIAL IS SMALLER THAN NO. 200 SIEVE SIZE . I I GRAVEL AND GRAVELLY SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF COARSE FRACTION RETAINED ON NO, 4 SIEVE SAND AND SANDY SOILS uOvouoJ III D III (I >0001 000,,0.,0 ~o~o~o~ :"1-:"''':'':- (LITTLE OR NO FINES) .......' .. ..... ... .. ~1~1~1~ ~I~f ."r. GRAVELS . .. · ~ "..., WITH FINES . ; . ;!. ;I~, APPRECIABLE AMOUNT ~~~, ~~' OFFINESI ~;.' "'~___ /.: '~/f/}JY~ ........ CLEAN GRAVELS CLEAN SANDS ......... .......... ......... ,........' ......... .........' ......... ......... ......... .........' ......... ,......... (LITTLE OR NO FINESI . . . . . . '.' '.' '. '. . . . . . . - . . , SANDS WITH :t. > . > MORE THAN 50% ~~A~~~~E . FINES /(,'l~'~~~ 'Y.:~..: .~'.: :, PASS.'NG ON NO.4 APPRECIABLE AMOUNT y~~~ S1EV. , OF FINESI . ~ . Y/A SILTS AND CLAYS SILTS AND CLA YS . LIQUID LIMIT LESS THAN 50 ~ LIQUID LIMIT GREATER THAN 50 =--=-j- ---- --- I I ;;1'/;/////;/' ~fjfftffjfJ = ~~, MISCELLANEOUS FILL SOILS I GW WEu'-GRADED GRAVElS. GRAVEL. SAND MIXTURES. LITTLE DR NO FINES GP POORLY.GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND MIXTURES, LlTTLE,OR NO FINES ' GM SILTY GRAVELS. GRAVEL. SAND'. SILT MIXTURES GC CLAYEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL. SAND. CLAY MIXTURES SW WEll-GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SANDS, LITTLE OR NO FINES SP POORLY.GRAOEO SANDS, GRAVELLY SAND, LITTLE OR NO FINES SM SILTY SANDS. SAND. SILT MIXTURES SC CLAYEY SANDS. SAND - CLAY MIXTURES INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE ML SANDS. ROCK FLOUR. SILTY OR CLAYEY,FINE SANDS OR CLAYEY SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO CL . MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVELLY, CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, SIl.TY CLAYS. LEAN CLAYS OL ORGANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY INORGANIC SILTS. MICACEOUS OR MH DIATOMACEOUS FINE SAND OR SILTY SOILS CH INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY OH ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY. ORGANIC SILTS FILL SOILS, CONTAINING VARYING AMOUNTS OF DEBRIS, ," v.' t\) NON,ENGINEERED FlLL1',}: \" ( NOTE: DUAL SYMBOLS ARE USED TO INDICATE BORDERLINE SOIL-CLASSIFICATIONS , , Professional Service Industries, Inc.. 1040-A Shelley Street. Springfield, OR 97477.e Phone 541fi46-964g-e Fax 541n46-7163 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l rta~;l Information ,.,~. .To Build On Engineering' Consulting' Testing GENERAL NOTES' SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION The Unified Soil Classification'System is used to identify the soil unless otherwise noted. ' SOil PROPERTY SYMBOLS N: Standard "N" penetration: Blows per foot of a 140 pound hammer ialling 30 inches on a , 2-inch 0.0, split-spoon. ' Qu: Unconfined Compressive Strength, TSF. Qp: Penetrometer value, unconfined compressive strength, TSF. Mc:' Water Content, %. LL: Liquid Limit, %. PI: Plasticity Index, %. ad: Natural Dry Density, ,RCF. ~ Apparent Groundwater I_eifel at time noted after completion of boring. DRILLING AND SAMPLING SYMBOLS SS: Split-Spoon - 1 3/8" 1.0., 2." 0.0., except where noted. ST: Shelby Tube - 3" 0.0" except where noted. AU: Auger Sample. DB:' Diamond Bit CB: Carbide Bit WS: Washed Sample: TERM (NON- COHESIVE SOILS) STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE (SAFETY HAMMER) 0-4 4-10 10-30 30-50 Over 50 I Very Loose I Loose :i Medium I Dense I Very Dense TERM (COHESIVE SOILS) Very Soft Soft Finn (Medium) Stiff ' Very Stiff Hind I I. I, .., PARTICLE SIZE Boulders Cobbles Gravel 8In.+ 8In.-3 in. 3 in.-5mm Coarse Sand Medium Sand Fine Sand Qu - (TSF) , 0-025 '0.25-0.50 0.50-1.00 1.00"2.00 2.00-4.00 4.00+ 5mm-0.6mm O.6mm-o.2mm O,2mm-O.074mm STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE (AUTOMATIC HAMMER) 0-3 I 3-7 I 7-20 I 20~33 ' I Over 331 I r I I I I I \ ~ ~t.t\J \)'t.C Silt Clay O.074mm-O.005mm -O,005mm Profes~ional Service Industries, Inc.. 1 Q40-A She"lIey Street. Springfield, OR 97477.- Phone 541f746.9619 . F~x 541/746-7163 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proposed New Thu";,;,::'n Elemenlary School 7345 Thurston Road, Springfield, Oregon PSI Report No, 722-75056-1 October 26, 2007 Paqe 22 APPENDIX C Shake 2000 Analysis Results (MCE), Design Response Spectrum, Recommended Design Response Spectrum \ '}. ~~\:\,\ \'.1(\ ------------------- '6l '"' iii 0.5 rE o ;> l! ~ 0.4. u u <I: G> .. [ 0.3' .. G> II:: ~ u 02' G> . CL en 0,7 0.6 ' ~~ ~, 0.1 ' -Targeted Base Spectrum -ASCE 7-05 MCE (General Procedun) ~ ("l ~ ~ ~ c""!. ~ 0, o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Period, T (see) Figure D-1 MCE Rock Response Spectrum .......-.. . . ---iiij; =-- - 1.4 1.6 2 1.8 ------------------- ~ C" ,.; ~ ~ '" c::> 0.0 o " Period (see) Figure D-2 Match of Input Ground Motion Response Spectra to Targeted Base Spectrum (Subduction Zone Earthquakes) ------------------- .. '01 - C 0.6- o .. as ... '" a; u u c( ~ 0.4- "0 ., J:l "'f o 'C :> '" ~ 0.2- ~ ("'l ",; ~ ~ <"- ~ Match of Average to Target Spectra 0.8 Average Spectrum / \ /' Base Spectrum \, ~ 0.0 o Period (see) Figure 0-3: Match of Average Input Response Spectrum to Targeted Base Spectrum (Subduction Zone Earthquakes) ------------------- 1.2 1. - S c: o :w 0.8' l!! .. a; ... ... c( .. Ul c: o a. Ul .. D:: 0.6 . :s 0.4 ... .. a. UI - 0.2 ' o o r 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Period, T (see) 1.4 1.2 -Motion 1 (Rock) Motion 1 (Surface) 1.6 1.8 2 Figure 0-4 Shake Analysis Results - Response Spectra at Surface/Foundation Level and Input % Rock Response Spectra (Motion 1) ("l ~. .,:> ~ ~ c:> ------------------- 1,6 1.4 . - -Malian 2 (Rock) $12, \ ~ ."\ 'j 1 ~ J M ,,' \ ~ 0.8 \t 1 1" \II \ ~ \J \ I ~ 0,6' \ / ~ I', ....1"- g t \: /l; 0,4 .J .I ----Motion 2 (Surface) 0.2. o o 0,2 0.4 0,6 0.8 1 Period, T (sec) 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 ~ '" .... ~ ~ 'J Figure D-5 Shake Analysis Results - Response Spectra at Surface/Foundation Level and Input Rock Response Spectra (Motion 2) ------------_._-~~- 0.9 0.8 ' I "l 0.7 ' ) ~ ~\ i 0.6 . \ . tf '* VII \ o :i. 0.5 ' ~ I~\", 8. 0.4 J \ \ ) ~ I J If i 0.3/ Ul 0.2 . I' 0.1 . o o 0.2 ... .... 0.4 0.6 0,8 1 Period, T (sec) 1.2 -Motion 3 (Rock) Motion 3 (Surface) -.. 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Figure 0-6 Shake Analysis Results - Response Spectra at Surface/Foundation Level and Input Rock Response Spectra (Motion 3) ~ ('"> ~ .,.. ~ r. .:;:> ------------------- 1.2 1. ..~ -Motion 4 (Rock) ~ Motion 4 (Surface) ~ \ I\.( ~ 0.6 J../1 \ I \) \ I ~ I J '/ \ I r:t:: ] 0.4 .)' ~ " ~ I .I --~ -----...... 0,2 ' o o 0.2 0.4 0.6 ' 0'8 1 Period, T (sec) 1'.2 1.4 1,6 1.8 2 ~ C" .,,;' .,:> ~ o Figure D-7 Shake Analysis Results - Response Spectra at Surface/Foundation Level and Input Rock Response Spectra (Motion 4) ------------------- ~ r:: 1. o :;::: '" ~ CI> Cii ~ 0.8. <( CI> '" r:: o g- 0.6 ' CI> ~ iU ~ - u ~ 0.4 en ~ 0, .,; ~ ~ C"- <:::> 1.4 1.2 . 0.2 . 1,\ \ I \' \ I V I I \ 1,1 \ , I J J o , o 0.2 A - -Motion 5 (Rock) Molion 5 (Surface) -- 0.4 0,6 0.8 1 Period, T (sec) 1,2 1.4 1,6 1,8 2 Figure 0-8 Shake Analysis Results - Response Spectra at Surface/Foundation Level and Input Rock Response Spectra (Motion 5) ------------------- ~ (" ,; ~ ~ (""'. .::;:> 1.5 " 1,1 " ';1 1.45 . I, i ....,', I I: : 1.4. 1 , 1.35. " , 1 : 1.3t III IX: 1.25' IX: 1.15 ' 1.1 ' 1.05 ' 1 o - - - Motion 1 .. ... Motion 2 -. - -Motion 3 -.. -Motion 4 - Motion 5 -Mean :' ,: ,', \' . " '" . 'U',,, ,', . ... /'1 ._' -...... '" ~l.- ..' ',: ...,.~:... -..........- ", I', 'v" ." ',' '\7", __' .... .. " I ,'--', ................. . -'-~-~"'----x---.--:~ - " ." \.. ::::~ ~7J ,. - 0.2 0,6 0.4 0.8 1 Period, T (see) 1,2 1.4 1,6 1,8 2 Figure D-9 Ratios of Response Spectra (RRS) of Surface to Input Rock Ground Motions ------------------- Oi - c o ., l! .. -.; u u < ~ ('> .... ~ ~ c"'l .:;:> 0,9 L~-------------- - - - -~~=-=-~~- j..... \ 'I ........ \ 0.5 '1- " .....,\ "~I ',," ". . ",...... M~------~~---~----- ~I ' ~ . . . . 0.3 f------------'~=_ -~......-;~- , - .....~ ......... -.... --~--- -- - 0.8 - Base MCE (at Rock level) 0.7 , - ASCE 7-05 MCE (General Procedure) 0,6 , Site Specific (MCE - Subduction ....-....._...1. .., ____ 1- , , 0.2 0.1--- 0, o 0.5 1.5 2 Period In seconds - . ~~ ---. -;--: 2,5 Figure D-10 MCE Response Spectra (Foundation Level) & Base MCE Response Spectra - - - ~ s c o ;:; l! '" Gi u u < ~ ~ .,; .,.. ~ r- .::;> - ----- - - - - -- - 0.6 u-~/~~_~--------- ,.. . r J -. - . - \>" l' \ 1; I ' " " 03 l' ------~"~~,.----- , ,,', , ul--------~~~2',.---- ............. ... ... ...... ..... ............. ... ... ..... ..... ~...............-..- .....-- .............. .......... -- -- ......... - '. ---~-- " - -ASCE Design (General Procedure) - 80% ASCE Design (General Procedure) SUe Specffic (Design. Subduction Ea:thqua ,es) 0.1 -------------- o o 1.5 2 0.5 Period In seconds Figure 0-11 Design Response Spectra (Foundation Level) - -- - -- . . "-" ---. 2.5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I - .!:!! c o :;::; E '" ~ u u < ~ c-> ~ "" 1% <'! ~ O,f 0.5 --L/~------- (-' - -\- '\ 1 "", 1 \ '" 1 " " -------~- '-..... 1 "...... , .......... ...... ...... .......... ...... ----~-_.- --------- .............. ...- -.. ......... -...... .......- - --- --- -- -- - -- -- - -------------------- ~~-- -Recommended 8jte Specific Design 0.4 - -ASCE Design (General Procedure) 0.3 0,2 L____ 0,1 0.- o 2 2,5 0,5 1.5 Period In seconds Figure D-12 Recommended Design Response Spectrum (Foundation Level) Vs. ASCE General Design Response Spectrum Proposed New Thl,,<m Elementary School 7345 Thurston F{if::J, Springfield, Oregon PSI Report NO-'?22"75056-1 October 26, 2007 , Page 23 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I APPENDIX D Probab,ilistic Seismic Hazard Deaggregation Graphs, Shake 2000 So.il p'rofile Summary \'1. \\'tt\l \l't.c' Prob. Seismic HaL.'ud Deaggregatioll Maple_Ele. 122.9940 W. 44.026 N. Peak Horiz. Ground A=I.>=O.2652 g Mean Retllrn Time 2475 years ... Mean (R,M,Eo) 82.6 km, 8.57, 1.04 <:'>, I Modal (R.M,EO) = 67.4 km, 9.00, 0.63 (from peak P.,N I in) Modal (R.M,E*) = 67.5 Ian, 8.30, 1 to 2 sigma (fro: I pea ~ R,M,E bin) Binning: DdtaR 10. km, ddtaM=0.2, DdtaE=1.0 . l:) .,. ~~ ~ . ~~. Q~. t:: .~~ .....1\1. ~ ~ltl ~ ... ~ .... ~...:,.'" r9. ~ . ~~... 'oJ ~" '0 C>~ O"ltl, ~...~~ .~ Q r:> ~ '-'>.. ~ ~<>~ <:;;> ~ I I ,~ ..... ~~1Ii ~6- -l1G:~~? ;:'v -t:tl ~11f- ~~.,o<S. CD <~C).s> ~.... ~ Prob. SA, FGA <:::,..~~ ....-~o-"" ..medial1O~~~ 0< 1:0 < 0,5 4-&,J:.. [J 0,5 <eo< 1 -9~ . <$"" , 1 <1:0< 1.5 :! <1:0<3 ~..-/ .J 1,5 < 1:0 <:! 2003 u pdale USGS PSHA <i".~ <:i2-~ ~~ .;::.<;:::. ~C:::? ~ as1U'~. (6'). ma{11l'LIdlo l7iIl. .,.1a1 C 8),El dNg:]1'8911bn 1::Ir . !II. a'l ROCK ,~ \ls,:7eO m'S 't:.p 30 m USQS CCHT PSHA.3X2't3. U~ DATE Bhs WI"" 11 ~ ca"lt1b.. c:nt1led <median I R,M . Eo < -:! . -:! <eo <-1 -1 < 1:0 <-0,5 . -0.5<1:0<0 m!il2DJ70d 1711 Z')l1 $ c;:.. ~ "" ~ ..... '--' u.J CO ------------------- I I I C:\Doc:u,...ntsands.lUnQ$lyt".n.l...,g\Duiuo~peEl.\MIpI.EDT.ECT PegeNo.l Option 1 . Set NO.1 - Material No.: 1 G/Gmax - C3 (CLAY PI =20-40, Sun etal. 198) I Dampin9 for CLAY May 24.1972 Point Shear GIGmax Po;ol I Shear Dampin No. Strain No. Strain gRatia (%) (%) (%l 1 .mj01 1 .1. .ot;011 2 I 2 .001 .999 2 .001 2.5 , .00~16 .98 , .00316 3.5 , .01 .9il , 0'[ 4.75 5 .0316 .78 i 5 .0316 6.5 6 .1 .532'1 6 ., 9.25 7 .316 .293 i 7 .3161 13.15 I 8 1 .137) 1~ I 11 20 9 3.16 .075 3.161 26 10 10 .025 101 29. I Option 1 - Set No.1. Malerial No.: 2 G/Gmax. Gravel (+50) - Rollins et al. JGGE, V. 124, No.5, 5/98 Damping for Gravel (+SD) - Rollins et al. JGGE, V. 124, No.5. 5/98 Point Shear GIGmax Point I Shear Damp;o I No. Strain No. Strain gRatia I (%) (%) (%) 1 .0001 1 1.1 .0001 ;.4 2 .001 1 2 .00031 1.81 , .002 .98 , _00061 2.11 , .00' .96 , .001 2.5 5 .004 .9' 5 .ooil 31 I 6 006 .915 6 .0031 3.7 7 .008 .88 :1 0041 '.1 8 .01 .855 .006 5 9 .oil .741 .008 5.6 10 .031 .665 101 g}i 6.1 I 11 041 .61 11 8.2 12 .07 .495 1'- .03 _ 9.8 13 091 .445 13 .05 11.71 14 .'. .4251 14 ., 14.5 15 .2 .31 15 .,- 10.61 16 .4 .,- 16 ., 17.81 I 17 .5 .17 17 .4 18~ 18 .6 .15 18 .6 19.2 19 .7 .125 19 .8 19.61 20 1 .09 20 1 19.91 I Option 1 . Set NO.1 - Material No.: 3 G/Gmax for Rock - 121 to 250 feet (EPRI, 1993) Damping for Rock - 121 to 250 feet (EPRI, 1993) Point Shear G/Gmax POint ,I Shear Dampin I I No. Strain No. Strain g Ratio (%) (%) (%) 1 .0001 1 .0001 31 2 .000316 1 2 .000316 '~ , .001 1 , .001 3.SHS , .00316 .97 , .OU316 4.SI I 5 .0101 .8' 5 .0101 71 6 .0316 .61 6 .0316 11.251 7 .1 .35 7 .1 17.51 8 :316 .165 8 .316 23.~ 9 1 .06 1~ I 1 28.S I 10 3.16 .02-1 3.16 31.sl Option 2 - Set No.1 I I I I \ '}. \\'tt\\ \jt.c' I I I C;\Oocumonls and Se~ing"\yu>:in.l~n~\Des~toplMapi.. ElelMepleEDT.EDT Page No. 2 Option 2 - Maple Elementary, Springfield. Soil Profile Soil Deposit No.: 1 - Soil Profile Layer Soil Type Thickness I Shear Damping Unit Weight Shear Wave I Modulus Velocity ,ft, fksfl (kef) (fos) 1 1 51 2000 .05 .11 , 2 1 ,; i 2000 .05 .11 I 3 21 7150 .05 .14 , 4 21 10' 14300 .05 .14 I 5 21 10 14300 .05 .141 1 6 21 10 14300 ,05 .14 1 7 21 10 14300 .05 .14 I 8 21 10 14300 .05 .14 1 9 21 10 14300 ,05 .14 1 10 21 10 14300 .05 .14 1 11 21 10 14300 .05 .14 1 12 ;1 101 14300 .05 14 1 13 1 .05 .15 25001 I I I I I Option 3 - Set NO.1 Option 3 - Peru June 2.3, 2001 - Mw 8.4 - EW Component - Station Moquegua No. of acceleration values to be read for input motion: 19888 No. of values for use in Fourier Transform: 32768 Time interval between acceleration values (sec): .01 Name of file for input motion: C:\Program Files\SHAKE2000\Quakes\lnterlace\Peru_6_01_EW.eq Formal for reading acceleration values: (BF9.6) Multiplication factor for adjusting acceleration values: Maximum acceleration to be used (9'S):- Maximum frequency to be used in the analysis: 15 Number of header lines in object motion file: 10 Number of acceleration values per line in object motion file: 8 I I I Option 3 . Set NO.2 Option 3. EI Salvador Earthquake. January 13, 2001 - Mw 7.6 -Station: Observatorio. Com No. of acceleration values to be read for input motion: 12168 No. of values for use in Fourier Transform: 16384 Time interval between acceleration values (see): .005 Name of file for input motion: C:\Program Files\SHAKE2000\Quakesllntraslab\SaJvador180.eq Format for reading acceleration values: (8F9.6) Multiplication factor for adjusting acceleration values: .7 Maximum acceleration to be used (g's): - Maximum frequency to be used In the analysis: 15 Number of header lines In Object motion file: 45 Number of acceleration values per line in object motion file: 8 I I Option 3 ~ Set NO.3 Option 3 . Valparaiso, Chile March 3,1985 - 070 Degrees Component No. of acceleration values to be read for input motlon:.15872 No_ of values for use in Fourier Transform: 32768 Time interval between acceleration values (see): .005 Name of file for Input motion: C:\Program Flles\SHAKE2QOQ\QuakesllnterfaceIVA..Q70.eq Format for reading acceieration values: (8F9.6) . Multiplication factor for adjusting acceleration values: Maximum acceleration to be used (9's): - Maximum frequency to be used in the analysis: 15 Number of header lines In object motion file: 11 Number of acceleration values per line in Object motion file: 8 I I Option 3 . Set No.4 I I I .. \ '1 ~t.\:'I\ \)'C,\, I I I I C,IDccumenl5and SGlllng~\yuxin.lang\Desl<top\Maple ElalMapleEDT,EDT -Page No.3 I Option 3 - Michoacan, Mexico September 19, 1985 - Station: La Union. Component: NOOW No. of acceleration values to be read for input motion: 12584 No. of values for use in Fourier Transform: 16384 Time inteNal between acceleration values (sec): ,005 Name of file far input motion: C:\Program Files\SHAKE2000\Quakes\lnterface\MichoNOQW.eq Format for reading acceleration values: (8F9.6) Mufltplication factor for adjusting acceleration values: 1.4 Maximum acceleration to be used (g's): - Maximum frequency to be used in the analysis: 15 Number of header lines in object motion file: 113 Number of acceleration values per line in object motion file: 8 I I I Option 3 - Set NO.5 Option 3 . Michoacar1, Mexico - Earthquake of January 11. 1997 - Station: Caleta de Campos ~ No. of acceleration values to be read for input motion: 13096 No. of values for use in Fourier Transform: 16384 Time interval between acceleration values (see): .005 Name of file for input motion: C:\Program.Files\SHAKE2000\Quakes\lntraslab\CaletaSOOE.eq Format for reading acceleration values: (8F9.6) Multiplication factor for adjusting acceleration values: .8 Maximum acceleration to be used (g's):-- Maximum frequency to be used in the analysis: 15 Number of header lines In object motion file: 113 Number of acceleration values per line in object motion file: 8 I I Option 4 . Set NO.1 Option 4 - Object Malian Assigned to Layer 13 (Outcrop) No. of sublayer at the top of which the object motion is assigned: 13 Object molion is assigned as outcrop motion. I Oplion 5 - Set NO.1 Option 5. Number of Iterations: 10.Strain Ratio: 0.75 - Mw= 9.0 Strain-compatible soil properties are not saved after the final iteration. Number of Iterations: 10 Ratio of equivalent uniform strain divided by maximum strain: .75 I Option 6 . Set NO.1 Option 6 - Computation of Acceleration at Layers 1.13 Layer Type Maximum I Time History of I Acceleration Acceleration 1 Outcroo :1 .' 2 Within ,1 3 Within ~I .' 4 Within ,1 5 Within I 6 Within ~I I 7 Within I 8 Within I 9 Within 1 10 Within ,I I 11 Within :1 1 12 Within 1 13 Outcroo 1 I I I I Option 7 - Set NO.1 Option 7 . Shear Stress and Strain Time History at Layer 3 Number of First Sublayer: 3 I I I . '). ~~\,~ \)IC-\" \ I I I I C:\Documontsand Sedlngs\yuxin.l.ng\D;",~tofl\Maple Ele\MaplaEDT.EDT _Page NO.4 I Computation of Shear Stress time history at top of specified sub/ayer, Time history will be saved: Number of values to be saved: 2048 Identification information: Stress Layer 3 Number of Second Sublayer: 3 Computation of Strain time history at lop of specified sublayer. Time history will be saved. Number of values to be saved: 2048 Identification information: Strain Layer 3 I I Option 9 . Set No.1 Option 9 - Response Spectrum at 10 Feet Response Spectra at layer No.: 3 Layer is assigned as within the soil profile. Number of damping ralios to be used: 3 AcceleratiOfl of Gravity: 32.2 Array for damping ratios: 5% 10% 20% I I I I I I I I I I ~~ '\'" \jS"-' I I I 1 .' I; I:. I' I: I: I: Ii 11. : Ii r I! I; I 1 I ,. I I 'I '1....... ~H~i.~;l'l r;:~~l~t~}.~t~~:~~~.fj~~;.~,. ,-' :.~~~l. 'l'-,.I 'll1:'~iHi;:il';:ltHP::.i' r4. - . . . ,,',~j" .l..,. ..;~il..!- '-,' , ,1-- , , . . . Stormwa~er Drainage. Report: for Springfield Public sch~ols' '. Thurston' Elert:1entary ': Springfield, Oregon . ". .\ - .' , \ . J . " :' Prepared For: .. . ... .' The City of Springfi,eld~. ' 225 Fifth Stre~t . .... ..... Springfield, Oregon 97477 . "'. '. '" . Prepared By: .- KPFF Consulting Engineers 120rOakStreet, Suite 100 . Eugene, Oregon 97401 .' . '. " . . , - . ~">. '. ,., . 'I EXPIRES: M30~j , I' I KPFF Project No: 307823 December 2007 . ,,' -........ " ~ .., , ~ , . " " ....~.... . e~eo' . ~ec; c:,1(<. . f)'().\e ~e(' .. ~\'().fi . I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I Table of Contents 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ,...........,..::.....................,.........,...,.....,.......,...............,..,.....".,....,..,.....,...,................1 . 2. EXISTING CONOITIONS ....................,....,.........,..,.............,................,..,..,.......,..,...............,........,......,:,.........1 2.: 1 Description ot Pre-Development Site..,..,.."..,.."....,..,..,..,..,..,....,.."..,..:..,...,..,....,..,.."....,..,..,..,..,,1 2.,2 Pre-Development Drainage..,..,.."..,..,..., ....,..,..,..,..,..,....,..,..,....,..,..""..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,.. ,....,..1 3. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ...........................".....,.:....,.........,:,...................,..........,..,.....,.....,............;.,.....,1 3,1 Description ot Proposed Development ....,....,......:....:........,..................,..,..,..,..,.....................,..,1 4, HYDROLOGIC ANAL YSIS,...........,.......,..,...,..............,..,..,.....,..,.......,.......................,.....::..,..............,..,..,....1 4,1 . Computer Modeling...,...........,..".."..,........., .:,..":""..:..,..,...."....,...............,,.., ....,..,.."..........,.....1 4'2 Post-Development,..".."..,....,.. :....,..,..,.."..,..,.."....,..,..,....,..,..,...."..,..,..,..,.,.......,..,.."".."...."....2 . " 5. PROPOSEO STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS.........:.....,...;............,.............."L,..,.......,..;..,..,....."....2 ~:~ ~:~~:~~~~~::: ::::: ::: :::: :::: :::: ::: ::::: ::: :::::: .::::::::: :::::: ::: ::::: ::: ::: ::::: :::::::::: ::: ::'::: ::::::::: ::.::~:: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::~ . . 7. PROJECT OVERVIEW ......"..."..:........,..:...,....,..,..............:.........:."......................,.......................,...........,.:,.:.3 , '10100., ce~ . . ~e~~. 'O~ O~ . r-et, . ((\90(1 !'.J:d',." li:::\i;~" ",.._.i','.... ,', ~,. '<<')' \ ";~t::i~~~~;:':~ )'..,1/. ,,~,. i';t~i;~$i~~ : .'''. i:t~~f~'~: 11i.1,,;I1..)."'))'>''''''' .(;~2;;i!~f; ~~~d::1:!~;:~' I,,,,,,,,,,,,... ,," ~~!~~;~ ~~;i! ~';'1!~~"~": I~."~.~ :j-~; <i "~,- ' 1 I I' I 1 1 I I I' I I I I I I 1 I 1 I , SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOLS- THURSTON ES SPRINGFIELD, OREGON , ' , 1. EXECUTIVE SU MMARY This Storm :Orainage Report has been prepared for the proposed Thurston Elementary' School (Thurston ES) replacement located south of Thurston Road in eastern Springfield, Oregon, This report presents the results of ,the hydrologic and hydraulic analysis for the new development and deScribes, proposed storm drainage improvements that will meet or exceed City of Springfield storm drainage criteria and standards, . ,-' . 2, EXISTING CONDITIONS 2.1.. Descrip,tion of Pre~Oevelopment Site' The Thurston ES site is apRroximately 11.5 total acres in size and located atlhe existing Thurston Elementary School site in Springfield, ,The site is bounded by Thurston Ro.ad to the north, and residences east, west and south. . , ' ' " , ihe lane Qounty Soil Survey indicates the followi;'g soil types'arepreseht on thesite: . _ . .' . '". ::t.,' _ ,.,". ".' . TABLE 2,1-SCS SOIL CLASSIFICA TION CRITERIA I Chapman ' . Urban land complex ' 25, I Cobur~ Silty clay loam 31 I I Holcomb Silty clax loain " 56 I , I Salem Gravelly silt loam ,118 I '" .. . For additional detail and information regarding the existing soils, groundwater and permeability,. , reference. the Geotechilical, Investigation' and. Engineering Services Report. Prepared by PSI -Engineering, October 2007, ' 2,2. ~re-Development Orainage The existing site conditions primarily rely on overla~d fiow to area drains which connect to the public system through manholes on site ~onnecting to the street. There are rriultipie ~rea 'drains and catch " ,basins throughout thil norther~ portion of the site, ' ' 3.. PROPOSED OEVELOPMENT \, 3;1. Description of Proposed Development The prop~sedTliurstonES development area is 'approximately 11,5 acres and.consist(of a sch,ool, hard and soft play areas, bus dropoffs, and the associated parking lot areas and sidewalks', ' , . . . . . . i . 4, ,HYDROLOGICANALysIS , \ 4,1. Computer Modeling \ Several. spreadsheets based on the Santa Barbar~ Urban Hydrograph Method are used in the calculation of this report, These spreadsheets were 'used for the conveyance and peak runoff calculations. . The spreadsheets used for the water quality calculations meet the criteria outlined, in the City of Portland's SWMM and have been approved by the City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Service\ '? \\'tt\l . (BES) on similar projects KPFF has completed in the past. ", . \l't.c' KPFF Project No 307823 . , Springfield;~Oregon Storm Drainage Report December 2007 I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOLS'-THURSTON ES . SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 5..2. Conveyance The conveyance system is designed to convey the storm\\!ater runoff peak flows of 25-year storm event or greater, Pipe sizes and slopes shown on plans reflect the'results of the calculations, The complete conveyance calculations and. worksheets are in Appendix C ofthis report, . , ' 6. PROJECT OVERVIEW This Storm Drainage Report as prepared by KPFF Consulting Engineers (KPFF) describes the concepts and design intent for stormwater management at Thurston Elementary School in Springfield, Oregon, _ . e,t '1. ~'t~'\l ~'2 . KPFF Project No. 307823 Springfield, Oregori 3 Storm Drainage Report December 2007 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I T " . , _~~~-r- -:;::-- . ... , .~- ~~I' ~.. .~~ 1~{.t~r.E:~_._, ~ . u . I Ai 'EA 2' AREA j-i' D AREA 1.... I .... I AREA 7 ! /1, .... .J . r - - - - ~ '\ '. I _~_ . - AfEA t;( -' AREA 9 AREA E \ 000 C'J DL~.L- JREA 10 AREA 11 ~? . :::l E: )'X -\- ~- 1 -{l,' !EI>c::l:.<-\. f-I ~. ~ -- -r ~,j ~~:' ~ '. ~. \ <( . . P ~EA 15 I ' _ _ _..::1 ~I.-. r- uJ ~ld ~ L-I _ MATCHUNE -' REA 16- _ _ SEE UPPER RIGHT I I I l' . * 1 _ i ~ , ; , ~ ~ - i , , , ) d it ~~ !~ ~~ "g ~ 0> 1~ "' P.~EA 17 : MA TCHLINE SEE LOWER LEFT ~-lf- -~J- . I AREA 19 :i~) . .- ~ e:: ,- ~! c:;,~ , . r' . ,- ~..? ,F II ,\REA 21 '('q) .t~1 :t'20'~:" ',' I cr,J' ,),!" ~~ 'J .:5:. A::EA 18 [ o o ..~. ~l /~ AREA 22 ----. AREA 24. ',~. !'t' .1 i , .. ~ . iJilJiJ'"" 'Co c . ' nsulting En"'in.. l!l'IIl>>_&$fll /:;t- rs _.~.e-:9.68f--4'.102 F""W~$l"""-~- - ~"';;':=:=u;:=:'---- - -. '_'T__'_~ SPRINCFlELO S25 MU ST PUBUC 5CHOOLS SPRINCFIEI.D: OR 97477 . THURSTON ' 7345 THLRS~ARY SOfOOL SPRINCFlELO 00, , OR. 17478 BASIN MAP 1l2lL2OO7 NORTH ~ .. SCALE Il'1 II 2" .ao . - -- lID!.. 40 I'EET .. , 307...... STORM DRANA GE REPORT ST-1 MAHl . ("n .. ",;,<<" ': U M <: r 1'l. \\'t\' \l .... ~_ ~LV Iiirt! Rt>bertsonl ~ ,SherwoadIArth~e<ts.. 1 I 1 'I I I I 1 I I ,I I I 1 ~. I I I I I -- "..~ ~ -- 12''1/ --- ---------- , 2 i i ~ .; ,< o. iHA 0" .0 ~i. ~~ ~~ "-" " > ~o i~_ ...----- .1 ---- .,- -- ,~eT~z~ . _ _ 6"fl.(E)_~1~,64 . . __ . 8"fL(S).~lS.40 _ ""-(",.,,"'...----- ~ -=-- ~ - - . -'TON - - , '--. THURS ~\5"WN ~. ~,~ lZ"W (BY SlIB) J7lF_B"W(B ~ onUojI1"5 . , -~EX.ELECT'~III 'VAUlT (4'X41, :J I , ~-j Om ,~ g ~ ~ " 0 ....i ~ RI~E_tlQa.7~ ,. I \, 2L[-'-,2"ST' S~O.0100 I "'--1 -, IE_S~~/' ~' ~~\ SW/IU: 1 . ~ ~I ~ )'" ~I SWAIL - . reit_ ----:. ( ~'r~\ ~_521~ ~ ~ r: ---.....-.. ;:::::-C,",,-.,-.. .--- '-3 ~2J: r~:,,~ )("00 I. -.;" "-/ CB '-'-, :. ",,0.,_...>. _:;; ~ ~~~'B,c:io' 1.( );;. ~ ~ ~O~~T"'N. t ~",i' g r \ ',,\~ 0,,( ~;6_rol './ . i, /'~-:';'-:""i:" lOO1.F-lO"sr ".,. ..;.'_~' "'..!LJ". s..O.OO50 ......,,'J' ~~A~~)~" .~~=- ,(;..........'\.1 ~,'~7\ \ it'\;.~, ~." , IEDSj.JO \ .~.,.:," :; { \1..1.- I', '\'T~ , ," .- (- :-1'['''' ~- ~ , -' /' - \ - . , -. 111101_514.20 IN(S",SE)_SlB.47 L OUT(8",Nw)-SlB,J7 !!\ I: 1 \{:I I: I .J . -. \.\ ~ 1 -"aACKFlOWENO..OSI!~cv.... ""::~:;,I:oc.'~~ .I ", HlOLF':'1Q"ST S-O.OO~ .Io~~= -" e'~~=_', ~ 'li! ~ ~ ~..?,,~ /1 -~~'~ IN(a",SE)_Sle.3\ (NEW) ouT(a".tlW)_SI5.33(n 'fe". /" ---""". , ., ( /) "---' ,,/- 7!/Lf'-15;;T S-0.005. -...-.,.;- / '. "-. -~~----------, .,),,(/ I / ~; "'. R1~~524,~' stt"0~~~6 " ,/1" ~ """'- oo.~ 1E_521.42 " ~L ~ H~, 1.1 ; II~ S ~.I:~ .-' --", ,- ~- / ' ) ) { ~} ... , 1l.l_524.8O 1[_522.13 - - - ,("- " Ii '- "._~". ' (~~t :'-;t-" \~t::;? ~: .!: ~, , IE_~22.71 ,.~:; l1i'f2.. '" 1'>.-.< \~ ) 1'..,--' i -\ ,I )~.-c.:::;_>_.\. C......-.-"') \ Dim l~lET /, ~ffiOO=(" - '________ 1E_~'g,31' 1:1 ~.\ 1""_--"-""'\ ~, I j ; / )/J - , I ----8MI~~2r2-;w 5-0.0200 ~3LF_'4"ST FF=530.00 / .~ ~6.~~&5' : ---e11~~23.27 [I 1_____ .:.J. - -MATCHLlNE SEE SHEET C-112- T 1 ,:/. ~.."...... , . \ ~ ~ 1. , .< _--:..:;;:;".t'" """1 " ~\ o v r ~lF-l0-ST " 5-0.00501. ( / I., " 'I ) "'--."...__Ir" -,-~ ~, ....~-j/! 1 { ~t <OJ, --- --- ROA~_" ,j" \ I .;-._~~...... .7 /1 _.:;;:;."'-;;;;:;' ('.~'(x) . 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'Ig '/""~'-\ ~ ~(:)_I: J.HOST(! / ',., ~'2 \ \.~,..~,,,, ~ ~~:~'''''~ Ii;;'>' ~ ,r -- , ~;.N'~' --- ----- - --- --- ?HEETNOTE~; SHO\\lol ON ATO,020FT/nIollN.(U,N.O,)fROl.lNl~l.lunurr ~P~~~A~E~~~l1l~~gESf.:~m'N Of UN~ ~~r:icrSSAAYTO"'AKEPOINTorCONNEC'[lON. o o o (;) (;) (;) KEY NOTES: AREA D/lAlN: SE:E.~ETAl. 8/C-S01_T. CATCH BASIN. SEE DETAILS ~/C~501_T. WATER QUAI.ITY CATCH I3ASIN. SEE: OCTAL '/C-S02~T, 'lRENCHOllAIN,SEfDETA'L9/C_501_T a.EA/lOUT. SEE DETAIl 7/C_501_T VEGETATUlSWAl.E',SffDErAl..l/C_501_T ~-----='"~ , '" A H l U M ('P 7'<;;"""'"" ',",,400 ""'....WA.".. 1:!JINWHoyo 50'.. ,O~ r..."od.O~'7~" I~,,"I ...."1' (121)6)<''''''71 IlOlI21"OJl (,<0-'1224"'1/ "'-""'Wmahlum.com <., ~ ." R_rtson:Shotwood:"'<I'IiIeCt>~ 132Ealllrolmay~450 EIlQflI'Ol.~97401 J J'=.. Consulting Engineers w!,l.ii~~~-Fo<"},.~~- ,. - -"'=- ] SPRtlGFlELD PUBUC SCHOOlS 525~II.L$1REET SPRlNGFlElll,OR91471 ~. THURSTONB.EMENtARYSCH:lOL J'345THllRSTONRQ,I,o SPlllNGAElD,OR91471 , NOT FOR CONSTRucnON NORTH ~ SCALE ro ,- ~ -- "NCH_20fEET 00 12/1112001 SITEPlANRa'lEW _ClATE IlESc>lII'fDl SITE PLAN REVI~ AA78,23.(Ig -AMI' .I1~ ... f'!!nJF<'T',.,. .............. , UTILITY PLAN \It-C) \ ~tt\l C-111-T I I I ----I .....~~- I . I / com/'" ~ / /"-"""''',- ~ ~ -,=>. ~gr- ~.~ I >- (- q\ "':i '-, P ....- i l ,I \ r;--i -~.-'. I IE"5;~~ //<"-' I .' -/ IE_5:fl-;m' \~'1'!'l =""""-="= =~~ ! ~ " I 1 (~ , I I , I I ,~ I No ~ " lE_5~~.~\ I 0, ~ i f c::::::::J I I f g € l ~ , ," ;~ g.-i,A E-" ~f ;~ ,/ ~~ ~. > ~: lLE_ I....... I _.N'.'L -., <.- -- ...1 .111.1 1- MA TCHLlNE . ,SEE SHEET C-113- T I I r- ;11- lii,,' <.,. I ~~ " . ';-.' J a ~;. ..h .." '",.,,"i'Si' . 0 ~5[ L! ,..-.. ,/'\" )"-'", \.<l:.-,,_,' ~PPROX. F*IILDING I F0V/>Il)4m>>! OOJlJ~E ,1. . "" u ! ~ y- --- " ,'\ ,.) I' SHEET NOTES: SlOPE PIP( OO'IIN ~TO_02O n,lrT Id~. (U_N,O.) FIlOU IESHO\\tl 00 PlANs. SloPESTEE/>El!,ASNEGESSA,RYTOPRQlllrlE;UINlMlJllUllUTY ~::r;i ~crs~~y ~c:~~~~c~~~~~ <X UNf KEY NOTES o AAE^OllAIN.5EEOtr1Jl6/C_S01_T. o C,t,TCHBASlN.5EEDETAllSs/c_50,_r. o WAlER C\.IAUTYC....TCH BASlN_ SE(DET....L~/C-502-T, o TRtNCHORAlN.SEEOCT/Jl~/C_501_T CD ClE.o.NOUT'SE!'OCTM.7!C-SO,-r o VEC(lAltoSWI\LE_SEEOCTAIL1fC_501_T J M ^ l U M ."H"", ('P' "{"",umbo. '"i...oo ""n!..":A"3111-1 Ill''''''H." ...",Ol ""rtJ.rul.O~'1:!'JO Ill"I'''.'l5l I Il"")....~.78 l'Ollll"'"'! 150lIl!"'!''''' W#w.m.t>lum.torn f.-w. ~'-rtson:sr.e...-!~;tod'"" 132EB!l~SuIlll45ll Et.vene,Or.gan97401 J!. fpl...1J. J Consulting Engineers IM:J/III :;':.~~~ ~"r~91.o -'O..~=""~~---c--_~"--",,,--=. SPRlNOflELOP\JIllJCSCHCXl.S 525M1llSlREET SPRlNGFlELO.OR97477 THURSlONUBENTMYSCHOOl. 7345THURSTONROAD . SI'RINGFIELO,OR97477 , ~OT FOR CONSTRUCTION NORTH W SCALE 20 0 ?n 'Q ~----- lINCH_20FITl Dt.c,l 'H't\.'\l 00 1211112007 - ~~ .~ ~"'" (>EDrn>BY, """"""""'" ~ SrTE PLAN REVIEW i07iii3.OO Mif -=:..:'-~ ~'Il. -""'w I ~ 0 I x.:.tIE_527,SO /:. ~J, / 99lF-S"W 'ii /'-"~:\ '?~:--'.I\ _: ~f;t - ~'r!;!;:~~"l"" ",. '~~.~ 1\ ) \1111 il---]~~ ~ ~:.~~~ I .' 'com." ... ~"7 r-[ IT; S-0.02ool,llH. ~_~591' I ~ "-. V ~~;2~~O, j&'.ST - " ,", ,_._", I S4LF_S.ST 1(_~27.5Il ""UU4U ~_ S-O.mOOUIN. '<:"~'''''I',. j/" . !'1" ~ .. .I '.~ , .';.L.........-- , Rtl,lw529,,". '" . i .'\'7'1....1'.: ,'''-E:.~,c':.,. Pi: 'In\l~:,;:,'fY) ~ ~ ,,;r' ~ / "4" / \ ~ " / [ ---1 'j' ~,-~,v.-r:Jr{ = ~ :" ~;.' ~'7t:52'4.~~ " r- s-~.gr~8.iNr, '" \ ~_~ ",r .l--~ I..--------~- "-------{>-~ , ~~/';-{~.Ullt" i r ~" ill ' I I ! I J g~~' L \. ~ I ' _~25J' ~ ,"~ "R1U.52;.~ " ~ Z--:-/--;:- ---'---: lL f ;" l;.1:;;~:I~ : \. ~'"""-'" ")','" , ',..'{. /j:'rn'~ <':""'y1'il'. L -I" : \ []2J \J..L....2J ~; ~ \/A_~ ,t'~_____________..J , it "s:r;/9, EEl EEl '-v i ! , / "" ! "' , .i I .. /" ,.. .;. !...: . p ,. "" I ~ " , I ",,' j' " ;. "" , ! I I ! I .'V " "" " i I ;. I ;. ! v "" / - '~ ,"' ,C , - - - - - - - - , UTILITY PLAN C-112- T 1 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I, I I' 1 1 , I ~r ~ i , 5 Ii] ., g.,',... .- l~ ~~ ~~ - "" " > 'lie; U_ I I I I - :~l~~ ~'.~.~ ::-, ~i.l: ;"r\ I-I IE_5'29.24 I. "'~","~.,.-f -.--:.',.....' . [.....-J "1 " _.. I , , 'I I I ,I // i1 I,;' / , ., ///:/~" / i '.... I, Ii , ., I + I , I ( 'J-' 'V ;i\\ I: i" II i '1 i \\. '\" "v " , '-Ii I I 'vi ~',\.,'...>,w . ~-+ ". ." I, " I ",.----_~___. " '1" ., ., .'>" ,/ ,/ v '- -.. i i i I / I "" 1\ //.0" /:~ ~ / i i- I J .... '-- .-- -c .; ~"~ IE:.S26.75 -:.<,' '.j..- . v , " " ----..::!:::.//.... / A"" / ~~~ "18. '0 ~1 of, Rl.._530,OO ~r27.1 " 'j' " .....' v ~/ MA TCHLlNE SEE SHEET C-112- T jll"TlT T 17-- T ~OO CJ 0 I 0 O. rnrn i Ii / i" v .i-v i ./ i i , j ,N -./ / W /f -.l- ., " / , ., , !'W I ! , / ". '" ~ , '" 'v 'J,- , /.- V 'I' '" ':.- " " .. v' '" v 7 I, 'v /J + , / i l I ,. f- , v ,/ , " ',", w " ". '" ." ./ ""'// " .......;- ! " ,,,. I t". -v ,.. v " ". , '" , ., v y ., '" .y. \! v 'v '4' ,-t: ., v ./ *..... 'I' ...../' '" .,. , .....[. , ., / '" '1'1::::", /~'/ ~# ~>. / 'v .,~" .---'.. -~/ /. "". / ,.'" / .. A .. ..' '-:, ,.-,"\\ .'. .. / .-.J .J..- .<,".:-- ...... .' ---I- v , --- , v '" ,<' / .,; -.j.- v " , y " v / , v , .y v , " ., , '" 'k,/'/ I' 'f.-", ,//' .. / '" v '" ',. v v " ~ ",,/ " ..v.^ ''I' ." ~ " -,v' '-Vi i'" I v I 1 ! / I, ! '! , 1 '" if, ., I wi :t /.1 , 1.1 l / I /i'\ I " /' I -.z! ' /" I I , I I '1/ I / , .1 1 /' -,,' 5~"SVI(APPRO~-)- /..~ . ::-=-.:::: ,-'- --::'-- " jC"'..------'-- 1 ..;; ~HEET NOTES' ~~iP~~~o~tp~:~;O:T/n t.(lN, (U.N,D.) fT<QU IE SlIOvM ON CU:AIIANC(SASSHOWH.SL~~E=~TOPRO"OE"':Nto.llJ"'Ul1UTY S'tEEPi:R AS NECESSAIlY TO r.lA~E POlN~ c&:~E;;e:l1C~~ CII' UNE KEYNOTES: Q 0' Q 8 (>) (;) AAEAtmAlN,St:EOETAll6(C-5QI_r. CATCH BASIN. SE:EDHAllS5/C_501_r W"TF.:R ciu~TY CATCHi~N SEE ~~T' _' "" "'L~/C-~2-T ITlE;t1CH DRAIN. 5II O~TAlL 9jC_501_r' . a..E.o.NOUT. SEE OCTAIL '/C_~.cn_r vtGl':T^~SWAILSa:O(TAIL \/C-~1_T r r ) M A H l U M ('P" 7,Col.",h. '.,,,,,,,, s..'d..W^"1/'" Ill'N'" ,I"" >0;..'01 "'mlon4,<JR'nO' 1)'''1'''.''$' (1:!ll61"'-"'" "0'111<'<',1 "0311_",""'''' wwwmahlumcom ."<:>-- ~ RDMrlson:S'-:A<CI\iloctl;~ 132El!Sl~SUIltl'l5O EugowI,0r0g0:wl974l11 I'1!iJ'ff'71 Consulting Engineers W:UU~~~~","h."r.:.~-. " ,....._~,~ ~~ SPRlNGFl8.DPuSLlCsCHOOLS ~M1LLS1REET SffiINGFE..D,OR914T1 TIlURSTONB.EMENTAAYSCHOOl. 7J.I5THURSTONROAD S1'RtNGFlBD,OR974n .0 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION NORTH .~ ~~ SCALE '" ~ , ------- 1 INCH_20 FEET DEe 1 '2., \\tfl) DO 12111f2007 SITEPl.ANREVlEW i.WatIlATE ~1'!Ial !!'IE SrrE PlAN REVIEW V171\~.PO "'t.fF _JLH -=.';':;;--:s PROJErT..,. ~......... -- , UTILITY PLAN C-113~ T 1 I I I I I 1 I I I , 1 I I I 1 , . . , i " t- ;; ~ { , , " H .. l.,!,A . ~~ ~~ ~~ ;;~ ~ '" " ~~ i~ I 1 I I ,. ~;.. t , , CB f; @ ZlJllHIG'E~-.JE.""'='~4" ~wririit.7lDI""T"'aOPE. llEla'-D1lMRTU". . i .~I ,~ I ~ ,. G) ( , / " .~ I ..,. ii' ~"""'!!.. . lr Co\STIWY ~ SANITARY DRAIN. ..~ ~.. "~ ~ . =..... DEEP SEAL TRAP 'iU.s. ~ 7 7 ., .~~m~ . - ~ 1'fT1') . ..,. ELEV....llON , TRENCH DRAIN ..~ :;gii~~;,Vi;~~t;t{~;4G~:y:~S!:~i.~B~:~i~2 ~I -~~.%~~-,,~ . ~~~_~1DUL ..-.cm> __ .... 1 <XlIICllE'ft:SlW.LE4lIDOPlL ~ IWIIUt CCIl'IRCl. .lOIff .ACHI ttW.I. BE 12 REI'. So IilAlIIYAICOlS1RUC1llIII.lOIff.oIICMOSHALLIE3lI1'EE1', HEAW CONCRETE PAVEMENT SECTION @ ..~ ::(""'l. -" " ..~ , 'llf'ASlMABa,ClItMlI: ...~ : ....._~...,..~~::;'. ~ ....-.-18t1UC'11Z... """""t~:i=""-"-"" /. ~ """'...,.-" rl~~ir' } "'Y"'- W WC~;~.I~;~~~ :~ ,i " ~~~ ,~~h,.~ :1 I I:.'" ". "'H - ,,',.n,"," Hi". =~ ''''- -;~~Itf.,~ ~ :~i'r . ~ EMQIERD~~ : .~ ~ ...""', f"1 -..,., '_,,0 10 GMI! SIEE1. PLA'IE. ----../ :.;:. -'-"'/K"" .~ =l.~~ , 24"1Q,_ i ~ ~ I . I I<<J'/El" toClllTMlCllM'AlmlllI ;0.0. EXlCAVA'llI*ASRD:I.IIlED 1.~CXM'AC1lClNECU'YENT. ~ GIlA1I:IIW1.BEllAlEDfOIIlO-20UWlNI_1IICI1IE. G) TRAPPED CATCH BASIN ..~ -r-"'" PDIPlMl1 ~;;:;; ~-,. ~..-""'--- ~"""Xlf--""", ~ ,:i ~~ :291. ~~t!t- !I'IORYDRAlN ....,'" ~ .........,. - ,-" -' i! ...' .. tt I :; --If;.- PER EIDEEJlED~?: ~~ I~~ 1'lA1L~, _' ." ~~--";\ '''~I -.--.....'yJ""-i I1EELBASllSClIt '~... .'1"..... I ~. N'f'flCMDEXIIJAl.. _'_._~ o TRAPPED AREA DRAIN ..~ . HAADSlIRFACFI1a..........""ARl'"... ""---~~=."'" ClMJIIlOFlDEDIlIWlI: llSERo.D. CASTIlCIIIFIlME I4PAIEDNCAS +~.... 8El'lIICOlC11E1! ICCltcaatElEP........., l . atOHltSURFNXI \ . I '~.. ". '--lif---r . '11"'lolb--LI. L.'"MAX. J .1.-:':/;':._-:._ --=_.~,~~~ ria rIa ~~::r. ...:...~ _: HDCP II T -'T.'"J':.'. '~'k'.lL...... ~....~;, ~'~" ~PAll. "',. ......K'_ "'1 I CUNl:oW:lfOlt I I CCI'ICl'EIl!:PAD --<= _1ISUtPIPI: ~. , i ----illER '" t.~IIW.L~~2tl """ .......... 2.Rltc.--PlPl:~~ =~;:a:CNIIlER~ .1Fa1CMlIERPRIIlI:1" _lMG1ER,IISERPI't: flWJ..fI[1ll"f. 4.lISERPRllIA1EJlIAL .TOMAlOICNlAER ... ......... , .., -- """'"" o STANDARD CLEANOUT L'~ ., , a-.... 12' IIlAlt '-lrAMDClEDLCIMl ~~..... -''''''-r 11) Ir SWU IIEJI1H r-rDED'aclJ(OMIS ~~~~ -.. IIlIEl -8.OI'I:TOIEAS!ItlOlIlatl'UHSc:'~"""" 1.1JIIlCiI1I.DW. ..uETAtDt8IWJ..WlZTCltDll&!l1ll!: 2. sa: JII..W11Ng PlANS '!!...~~SRIltIIWA1UI1WWi1EaDT IIAM.W.. ~aF'IHE..,. VEGETATED SWALE 8 ,u.s. . .' ~;'~"''';-I ;c-!I ./ "">>~W ImIIIII PI'! ~/),Y/)IY/)y/w/>>,n,Y/},)"^ l~=_~"_~"~ . i ""::. "':::.: ........ I ""1IIlIII"'""=="~~~~ (UtS). SIZE(IC. 1IEIIlIfT lID! I ~~,_.... ..o-~ll' ~ I 10-"" ..._~ 311 :1;_'" :q_e.7:: ------I n_' 0_1l.. o TYP. STORM OUTFALL U~ -~~ -l-7=j ";~~~~a~:12:!'?',?{;W~"~ 'l'lml~" Ii ~ ,; lii![r~@} &ti.: ,_ 01 ~ k~ ~ -.. 1\'ifE"i..""" i ~ : ~i! ~I 1) ~07%idll~ - ~' ~ !/.H#tf~jl\ E, .,c"'",,~ll.ii; ~~j~~;I~ r rr 4J -. -'-. (.;\ TYP. PIPE BEDDING & BACKFILL o MoTA. . k -.",. mk ~lO""".EXr'AV"'11CjAS t.RElllJIlEI)'lUC8'I .._.,;;,;..........1 CXXlRAC'RIISCGPAC11llIl....--.... Lt---.. PrIlF. . fI.Al!I PPElIUT 8 ~ mmm). , , I I I I I I i'l I , > I I , I r ~__}:. 3-!t ~1~r~Jr_ IllllIIt :I M ^ H l U M ('P , 71 CoI,mbY ~"''' "., ,..~I,."'A"""" 1:!J1NWllo" '"",'0' """'<01.''''"'''''" (l06IU1.<lIl {i20>6"<l.o-<78 l,on11'.'OJ1 1.,mI2RO""/ """""""mahIum,com ~- ~ R._:S.....-:Ar<h'_5~ L 132E.allrolt:ta)'&II&~ Eugene,Onvon91401 Consulting Engineers wuJii::,~-~~~-- I,~ ~ ~-~- .... SPRlNGFlElDPUBUCSCHOOLS 525Mlll.STREET $PRlNGF\BJl.ORfT14T1 llfllRsToNElBIENtARYSQiOOL 7345111URSTO!<lRQAD SPRINGFIElD,OR<n4T1 , NOT FOR CONSTRUcnON DI:c' 1'}, \\Et\l .00 1211,12IXI7 SITE!'I.ANREVJEW_ _a.o.1E ~ SrrEPLAN~ "'~ 'ME "H -=:"-:"";r"";: - """"'" ....., """"'" CIVIL DETAILS C-501- T 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I -. I ,l'.., Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet'. Project Name: Springfield Schools, Thurston Elementary School (25-Yeai Event) Designer:,J. Holcomb Date: 12/10/07 Basin 1" User~Suppfied Data ~;8e-iYi6i.j"s-'AYea~1'W1~~~~Jg~"%'f~t;;Y;~~~f~!1~~~~~]',m:;kJri1tiervious;AreaWh."W~tt:l~,*;m;,'*"Y;_'?i:'S-:=-;r,;'O/}~1i~;~g;~ Pervious Area, SF In~Hi5t131' Impervious Area, SF 1m""~~WI PeryiousArea, Acres. 0.121 Impervious Area, Acres . I 0.00/ Pervious Area. Curve Number, CNperv ~80 Impervious Area Curve Number, C~imp 11I~~g81 Precipitation in 24 hours (PI) = ~~A!8 Time"of Concentration, Tc, minutes ~~:R~rmlmli5 Note: minimum Tc is five minutes . rgCarculatrons:-are1foJ:.;ttl€lBESi2S;Year.S:torm:W:4:81iR-clies'i6frrain!irl124)hoifrsliri'lanlNRCS\Tv'oel,1A'distrib-ution~EJlJ.~r~'i-~it~{::;ml " Calculated Data ," , Total ~r~j~cJ Area, Acr~s '. '; p~~,~. FJo~. Hate, qpea~ cfs <'r:'",' ' . II '.1.1591' .. 7.83 1 0.1173783291 'I 0,081 Tota! RunoffV6lume, V, cubic feet Time to Peak Runoff, hours.. .,' ::~ "" .:{' " \, -'. .... . Ruil.Dff Hyc/;og,aph . H " ". 0,09 .\ 'i " 90r ./ 0.07 0,06 , 2 0.0:- o '" o c " e:::: .0.0<' 0,03 0.02 , ' j~ / .\ , ,0,01 . 0.0.0 o Time, minutes , 2000 " ft 1500 500 1000 2500 DEe 1 2 REC'D ."".;,.ttt~<t -l-' . ~.. ' ,:/.( ;.~:; ~: !HZ! ;: . ';~'!i'~: :rffTi ::i: :'d '[-: ~; i ~.?: I.'.' :.' '.. fl,";,' i,~f.'-.i,:.;. '11'...1 i^"" 't},~ , _ ~ d ;..f.:,,!~! ~ . f ~{ . ij :~.!~ ~!.~ ~J, I I I 1 I I I I. . ~ " I ,/ 1 I I I 1 1 1 I I I f- ., -;+ ~ : , . . . t:r t;. ~ ~ t ~',,~ ; . . Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet , . . . Project Name: Springfield Schools, Th'urstori Elementary School (25-Year Event) 'D~sigher:~. Holcomb . . Date: 12/10/07 fjasin 2 User-Supplied Data ~Pe-rviojjsYAre-ar~~~~~~~:i~~~,it1~i::;:j.~i',::rJ~-,-~..r.lmpe-r:vious'!Area~]t~~i&::"&'t.~'m?tI~~~;j Pervious Area, SF U;:~~13t1,1] Impervious Area, SF I~Th103441 Pervious Area, Acres . 0.30] Impervious Area, Acres I 0.241 Pervious Area Curve !':lumber, CNperv _'if~~80 Impervious Area Curve Number. CNimp 10A5j~~~,981 Precipitation'in 24 hou-rs (Pt) = \?t'J:;~~~A78 Time of Concentra~ion, :re, minutes 1~\i~'\$1\ii~~~5 .' Note: minimum Tc is fiv~ minutes Calculated Data IlitCalculiitionsTare';for~the;BES:25~Yearrsto'rm:lr4:8~inchesTofrr'ajrljhll24\tiol.jrs1inninlNRCS~TV'lje'~1'Naistrjljutiori~1iD~1;{'!!~~1 J . ~.. ,. . T oU:d P~ojecl Area, A~re-s" . . 'P.~ak:Flo~ Rate/Qp~~.k;.crs ,0.5384527091' 0.521' . . Tota(RunoffVolume, V, cubic feet , Tjme)~ .Peak Runoff, hours . ,.,,1 ,". ''- . ",: 'j , ,." . Runoff Hydrograph " . 0,50 0.'40 .!!l u "' 0.30 0 c " '" 0.20 ,- ~; 0.60 ;" " ., 0.10 \ il Ly 'i 0.00 o 500 1000 1500 Time, min'utes ",-.c. ~. ~~~----'. .. .f ',' ,., )'f~'I,a.l'l <4't'" ~ .. ".. . ,:,!,; ;:'d L h h:.;. E'fh' ~ :'~f:;' ~,~~ ~;: .~ f ;~ 1 LT' ) ,I 'I 6.9051' 7.831- " '. ,!, f. 2000 'I " . 2500 II" I' " i !, II ,.' P;i';t~" , ,.' .'" t : -l ~ , : 1_.......",. DI:.Cl'l. \lEt'\) . ~r[f; ;,': ti:;; , :..~ r: 1 I I I I 1 I' I 1 1 I I I I I I' I 1 I- Ii: . ..~ .;".,... .;- ,', I; t'~;) fl. ; 1- f , "'.... I, "".",-", . >' i: 1. Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet Project Name: Springfield Schools. Thurston Elementary School (25-Year Event) Designer: J. ~olcomb Date: 12/10/07 Basin 3 . User-Supplied Data IE~p'er:vioirsYArea~~~f?R0'~~~~lrriper>iicius'fArea({fiti[11~~i:;'t\{;r,.\l:lt;'E';~~~~~li' Pervious Area, SF lijt'f$-Z~1.1818 Impervious Area, SF ,., I~HEt'1::fi7.6601 Pervious Area, Acres '0.27 Impervious Area, Acres I 0.181 Pervious Area Curve Number, CNperv' ~!~i80 Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp . 1~~~981 Pre~ipitation in 24 hours (Pt)'= . ~b~a4!8 .. Time of Concentration, Tc, minutes ~MlI~~'5 Note: minimum te is five minutes , j. Ii.Cillculaticlnslar"Eilfor;the;BESI2S:Yeaj';sform:OC4l8(iifch-e-sT6f/raimim24:no1irS'imamNRCS81>io~,!,1'A'fdistritiutioiia~~'l:11,rk~j~1 II 'Calculated,Data Ii .'j', ;- ,'Tpla'l P!91ec~ p,r.ea, A~~_e{ Peak Flow Rate,:Qpeak, Cfs . ",,'._11,-' :',' ", :. " '. '."- -', . :'Runoff.Hyd~ograph . 0.4~ J. '0.40 0..35. . 0>30 . ~ .0.25 " o " , D::: 0.20 .0:1: 0,10 / ), / q,05 0>00 o ,i' ;'-,~,~ ':,J,;;;~! t+~., "1.0.4471533521 I' . 0.42 \' .. Total Runoff Volume. V,-cubicfeet, Tiffi,e 10 ~eak Runoff, hours " T . -i" ) II >' .. , " I I 5.5911 7.83 , '..,~, ---- \: 1000 1500 2000 2500 I, Time, r:ninutes ,!I ( 500 '. .~.> '., ,~1l:" h ",,1,1,.. .. "". ""~' L' .". .f:"t :,~,' t'f If..t; i'f:rr . f: ~ ; _ :,~t:' ;~i ! iH;' :.~' 1.1 DEC'1'l. \lEt'\) ;: ..;~G..p...~ .;.,. .J; ;! d n ~ ~: ., ~f); !I I. I 1 Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation. Worksheet . . ' \ I Project Name: Springfield.Schools. Thurston Elementary School (25-Year Event) Des~gner: J. 'Holcomb' - . Date: 12/10/07 Basin 4 'User-Supplied Data. mP,eryious(Area~1~;t,)2/;;tW$)iJ~i~~~~_~~~lmpe""ii::iussArea;~j~:':;~~~~:~1ilii:,'llif~;l";;.1:f'dlffll'&f.m~~__ Pervious Area, SF. -' , 1~~~~OI Impervious Area, SF' . 1::::;1:.1Liiit.:;2155I Pervious Area, Acres 0.00 Impervious Area, Acres I 0.051 Perviouh' Area CurVe Number, CNperv ~80 Impervious Area Curve Number,CNimp lW:r~~~98 Precipitation in 24 hours (pt) = . . _ i0~~~~!;4:8 .... ' Time of ~<;Jncel"!tration, Te, minutes' . ' .~:i~iwl~l5 Note: minimum Te is five minutes 1 I I1l!Calcjjlatib1'fS'Vare;for:the1BES125~Yfiar;starif':-if4;8!incne's\6f{raifi'~im24\ho'i.rrs~inT~i:nlNRCS11TvDe:;,1'A'(distrlb'uti6'n~:~~~::.~~i~l . I Calculated Data ., ~ c 1 T,ot~! P;r9je~tA,.[ea; A.cr~s. Peak~Flow.Rate:9peak, cfs '. ::'_....'~ .'~.> :-)- '., :1\ 0.0494719931. .0.061 'Total Ru~~ff Volume,V, cubic feet Time to Pea~k'Rurioff,/hours. -.' . L I 8201 7.831' :'.. , " , ,''': 1 RunoH Hydrogtaph " .0.07 " ~. \ " ., ,.,' .i \ .''. 1 ,I" " < . o.or I r, I o.or I , ow $ .0 ., , r I '5 " o '" 0,03 I om . I )~ / .~ \ '0.02: I 1 I 0,00 o 500' 1000 1500 2000 II 2500 Time, minutes I l .DEC,'1 ~ ~t~~ I , ~-,---;..- r- -~ '_" -'''' .; ""'I" '. j'lt".". I'"'' .1 '~"i ; It, ,{.;r'~I..} rJ'..~ '" ~ >c.,. . , .... .. r ~ , , . "" ".... .., ",..1 . ~ :i:t.~ ~-: i~i Ht t. , ____:;.,t._ .i'~'~~"tl:ii~, . d :!_!:! ::, t: ~:: . ....., ~'1~~.:,~~Pi ;~:! . ~,,: :-! . r ,! ~: i. . .1, :.p I I Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Workshee.t . . I I Project Name: Springfield: Schools, Thurston Elementary School (25-Year Event) Designer:' J: Ho190~b . Date: 12/10/07 Ba.sin 5 . User-Supplied Data f:P"e-ijiibus":'AreaiSi~jk~i@tdJ~iWab;;~w:~2~ifili,!)Jr>i~~~lmtfe~ious1Area{,*~m$,~~~flm'~~~~ ::~:~~: ~~::: ;~res 1~~~~;i~~90~~;:' :~~:~:~~: :~::: ~~(es ,. 12~~:~1~6t.;~: Pervious Area Curve-Number,CNperv ~~,~,~~~80 Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp I~JI1!E~~981 . Precipitation in 24 hours (pt) = . - ~"mffrI;B"4:8 Time of Concentration, Te, minutes $L'ITt,~~D~'i~~5_ Note: minimum Tc is five minutes I 1 I l~lCalclilati6riS1are~fcir~tt"elBES\25:.Year;stofm:14i8lin'ches1'ciftraii11im24~h-oii'rS1inran)NRCSkTvpe~1Ndistrjbutiori,if~i~~[}:!;~~ifi.~ij'[!jJ:~\~ ~ 'f Calculated Data I Total Project Area, Acres Peak.Flow Rate, Qpeak:Gfs " ",.' -,.' - -, -. I 0.2186179981 10.161 Total Runoff Volume, V, cubic feet Time to peak Ru~off, ~ou~s .1 I. 2,,581. 7.83 " , 1 . ,RunoffHYdrogra'ph'. \,0.18 " " :'11 ,': " " " I ..1' ^ 0.16 r. I 0.1' '0,12 1 ';, $! '0,10 u 1 '0 " " 0::: O.Q8 I 'i" a.or I 0,0' \ j'.~ / I 0.02 I 0,00 o 500 , '1000 1500 2000 2500 Time, minutes 1 \lEC,'l'}. Rtf\l I -~ ~t ',. . : : ~! ;. , . ..:.-... ~':J ~,~ti,Jn ~r; I t ttr~~: !~:'f~U'; '-1U'!:: ~ !~'~;',. A ~~'iJfl:}t 1 ~ :~i;-\ ~ ~;h~ . -j,1 i ~ !_:!- ! ~ j J f~ ".. I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I~ ~ i, ;:n!':: Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet Project Name: Springfield Schools, Thurston Elementary School (25-Year Eventr Desjg~er: J. Holcoml? Date: 12/10/07 Basin 6+11 User-Supplied Data . Ijg~eNi6i.JsYArea~'[~\~?Z~'i\~~~.~~~~~~;ll"~~lmper:vious~Area'~liU~~~~j,.~::;:ji::f.$J ::~:~~: ~~::: ~~res :~~J~~l~~~; :~~:~:~~:-'~~:::f:res 11~12~~~~ P!'lrvious'Area Curve Number, CNpe~ . t!Alilt'W~.k1!l[80 'Impervio~s Area Gurve Nu.mber, CNimp 1~lJZ1l~981 ~recipitation in 24 hours (PI) :::: $lJ?!:-~l;l!4~8 . Time of COl)centralion. Tc, ininutes &~~iY'31~~ Note: minil)1um Tc,is five.,minutes II ~C~I~'urations~rarel'f6!;ttle~BES~25~y'e-iff;storrn:'1L4:8!incliesTO~.'raiil-!int24!lio~rS1inlanlNRCSYTvtf~.1'A"""d!stfi~~ti(>"ff~Jr~~~4lt'~~'J ) .. Calculated Data '^ 'TO,!?I P~oj~~t ~r!'la, .Acfe~.~; P.e~k FI~wRate, 9peak,.cfs , . - '<'>'" ~-. '.'-'. . .;-' ~"; , "" ' \ ," .. .\" .' Rim.9ffHydrqgraph '. '. '1.0r,. "i,' ., , 0.ge :,: :~: 0.80 '0.70 r IiI / / /'. 500 ,~ , .- ~ >-~ . . l?tt. '.d.f", f: !l-~: r lJ~;;1JIH:iJ, : .' 1 '0.8849862261' I 0:901 :rolal Runoff VOlyrne, V, cubic f~et' . '..Time to Peak RU,noff, ho~rs "'\, {' -y, " ", " ',: i ./ " - L,. · .~ \ i 1000 1500 2000 ,Time, minu.tes ,t!{}; i,~H1. ; .f 'f ~"". . f1 ',,' ".. ,-". . .'. I," 12.,0111 '7.83 ", ",;,' .-i: .'. ' " '. 'j' , . - . ,,' :' -:.) '. " :' 2500 DEe 1 'J.RtC:.\l r.....:..-lq1l-- hI ..:H _ !~J!. t. ~j~'.~ ,_IT:- ..' ~J.. ,p t. ,';'.<,' I I I I I I I I "'- I. '"': I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I ' . .-."""'--.::, .f 1 ~ ".-',.:~. '. ", I, ..., ! t~. ., : i;!:;-;: ~ iH 1 t Bureau of Environmental ,Services - SBUH Calculation Workshe.et Project Name: Springfield Schools, Thurston Elementary School (25-Year Event) Designer: "J. Holcomb . Dale: 12/10/07 , Basin 7 User~Su/J/J1ied Data. 1~~F?,ervious:Area~~it~~~~~~f6:~~fil1.:~~iit''"''''''''-~lmperviousrAi"ea'm~tWi'';!i.$1M;t<<~mm:,~t1;W~1W~~'' ::~:~~: ~~::: ~~res t~1~i'4~'250~;~: :~~:~:~~: ~~::: ~~res. ~~1t~'~i~~l Pervious Area Curve Number, CNperv [ff~\Nl.:f:~80 Impervious Area Curve Number. CNimp 1~3981 Precipitation in.24 hours (PI) = m-~~~1't:[4!8 . . Time of l?oncentration, T<;:, minutes !~I:m~];il5 Note: minimumTc is five minutes .' .' _ B lilc\Calculations:'i:irejf(fr~tnj:iiBES;25l_Yearlstorm:t'4:8Hnc!ie'sfofirainlinI24tnciurSJima'flINRC S_~Type~1'Ardistribution~~~~~~~~~1 .' " ." I .1'- - Calculated Data ,;..,;:, . ' .,l:otal.i:roje~J A.rea; Acres ~e~.kFlqw Rate: Qpea.k. cfs .1 0.5796602391 'j 0.421 T ota! ~unoff Volume, 'V. cubic feet Time to Peak ~un6ff. hours' ",..,,,1 .. ,- ,.' '.Runoff Hydrograph .,,;. ,.' " '0.4: f,: , ! ~. ., i'l , I ( .: '.0.40 'I 0.35 0.30 4!! 0,25 u .j,..:, '0 " " -0:: 0.20 0.15 0.10 ) / o.of 0.00 . , 0 500 1000 1500 Time, minutes .i . ; ':,;~ ;;, ; ~'aL .~ . . '. . '. ~~. ... ....,. . .' ;..... f.",' .~. 'i-j ..,l~,':":" ;;. j'f.--?' . ::J ;.H d l-~!!::: :_ ~i~IL~,i !T!'; ~ ~ "i-.' ,,'J t _~: till: ; . I'/.-' , .1 '-5.7211 I '. .'7.83 .' .',' " ..y ,', .. .J:,. ~ .:,f 2000 2500 \)\:c1 '2RECn ." -:';;-l.ti:' :.! ~;:! d .1 ~ I! "\'f"..J. , .a'r~,: Project Name: Springfield Schools, Thurston Elementary School (25-Year Event) Designer: J. Holcomb . . 'Date: 12/1.0/07 . Basin 8 User-Supplied Data lllP.erviciusfArea_.hf:;;'s~~~Jil'h~h:~~,,1~~~Pf~..lfu....~~~lmp'erviOusrArea~,mlI:;~!;}'~"{t~~-m']';:; Pervious Area, SF 1~~1t-4M3 Impervious Area, SF Im~~370ol Perviou~ Area, Acres I 0.10 Impervious Area, Acres I 0.081 Pe_rvious'Area Curve Number, CNperv ~>'<-~$j;~~80 Impervious Area Curve'Number, CNimp 1'~,~:~r~'~W~-~:98J Precipitation in 24 hours (PI) = &"i;jJE:~t~4~8 . Time of Conc~ntration, Tc, minutes :llB~~_~5 .Note: minimum Tc is five minutes 1 "r I ,Bureau of Environmental Services"" SBUHCalculation Worksheet I I I I - ~, Calculated Data ['$Calc-ulations'faieifol~th~eJBES;25~.Yeara;torrfi:14~8)ifict1es(ot;rain]in;24~houYs:in(anlNRCStirv-6e11AVdisti'ibution~~~~!~; "I, 1 . _ ~Total Projet"t p.reCj; Acres . ':R~a.k ~,Io~ Ral~;'.apeak, ds "Total "Runoff Volume, v, cubic feet ~ime.to PeakHUlioff,'hO~~S' ," " 0.1869375571 " 0.161 I " ",,,-' . . . . 'Runpff Hydrograph ~ '. 1 --I' "" "0"0,20 "., ~, . ", , ). I O"W " :1: 0.16 I '0.14 . , "I. '" I 0"12 .1! o '" f10 I 008 I I ;, 0.06 ),L~ /' \ : , I , 0"04" I 0"02 0"00 I o 1000 1500 500 Time, minutes I I <'-,-" " , ::'--;.~~; - .::.". . ;..... - .~-..; ~._-".!~.t.I~~l 1';'1"1;r4 '-(,~!."f', ,- rt-i!-'.~1 i ; ! " ~ 1 gt t -: t , ; ,\~f,:t 1- , r J' r~: '--:.,,',~! t ~. t f i ~ ~ I , "'" . ..t-. .t-. ..., ~ I. . , , . '~".""", . , ~ . ., J "'.' .",., ~_" . , '.' . . " . : ~ , ~. :'1 >; 2000 I;, ';'F~;.Ti~1"1" ~,~~.:~;.-~i~r" I., '~~4_:-'. t ht 'I 1 f"H j ~.: , 'I::h--l'. . t~. i;.. . ; .I)l_i~ 1. i J; i},. ~, . J.- , , . . , ~ . . .' . , .~. ... . ., , , , >. . 1,.,........ ... _ " , .2;.4141' 7.831 ~ , "I, 2500 DEc.1 '1., \\t\.'1l t ~ , ~. _! . '~ ~ 1 1 . ., " . Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet, I 1 .. . . . . . Project Name: Springfield Schools, Thurston Elemeniary School (25-Year Event) '"I;)esigner: 'J. ,Holcomb \. Date: 12/10/07 SUBBASIN 8 User~Supplied Data de.eivjous'Are-a~IDlti~~~:;.~~~~"ti:lmperviotisiAreaIa~~~ft~~~ii";ro: Pervious Area, SF 1[;;~~:i~,;!ih~LI Impervious Area, SF II 15~~~,-1;1831 Perv!ous Area, Ac'res I 0.00 -'Impervious Area. Acres I 0.031 . P~rvious ...;\rea Curve Number, CNperv ~~~80 Impe~jous Area Curve Number, CNimp IR~J;~~]'!981 Precipitation in 24 hours (Pt) = . i~i.I't'lfmB4!8 . . . . Time of, Co.ncenlralion, Te, minutes ~~ Note: minimum Te,is five minutes I I I lir):GatcUlati~irs+'arE!1f(fr;,;thej8ES)2~Ye'ar;sto"i'ilm.w8iinchesf6finiiil1im24~lioui:S1inWanmRCSllTijO'e'b1'A':distribIJtion~~mJ . ,'/ ~ CiJIcuJated Data. "", I 1.0.0271579431 I;; , ~ 0.03 . . TotarRunoff Volume, V, cubic feet Time to piak Runoff, .hours . 'I 1 4501 7.831 I j". Runoff.Hydrograph "". ....... :o.rA 1 O.C I 0,03 .~. I .,..... , 1 . 0.03 " 1 J'l o :~r ,0.02 c " "'. ,. I 0.02 I J . /I~ .0.01 / ..0.00. o 0.01 I ~ \ I 500 1000 1500 20~p .il 2500 Time, minutes " I DEe 12 ~trU 1 . . -=-.~!. - e, ..:- __ ";'i'1'.I+J:r'~'f.'.";-l.'i}"\ "t~:-:'l~"" ... J,t~. !~'~~'i~' it. 1':it{,I>~ill '1':";"1"') .~~;I!~:t.'-~.~; .:.. "" '....), l '.1, ,'..",,; .,' " 1~1 I" '. " ",t" ," ~ ;,,. tH,,,"'" , ~ ",'" . ~ I ~"'fY~; ;'.ffl'1 ~j :; ~~.f1~; ;.n-l-; :'~ L ; :.:t't~. f dJ:'; _ ," 1 ',' " c I .,Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet I I . Project Name: 'Springfield Schools, Thurston Elementary School (25-Year Event) Designer: J. Holcomb . Date: 12/10/07 Basin 9 User-Supplied Data If*p,er:vj(li.is':'Ai'ea'?~~~:;:~>~~~~.0'll1;.S~S!i;lilmpervious:Area:~~:m;fi...'R1ijQ,R11t'~1':f~~Jj~t&;#t1i:;:;~r~7J ::~:~~~ ~~::: ~~res 1~~280~~~: :~~:~:~~~ ~~::: ~:res , I~r'~;~g! Pervious Area CUNeNumber, CNperv- tf~ri1J.:!mt.m80 Impervious Area Curve Number:CNimp ~:i.:~"t_981 Precipitation,in 24 hours (PI) ::: ~~:1t~~~'J~.4:8 ' . " Time of Concentration, Tc, minutes l~~tr~~'i~5 Note: minimum ~c>is five minutes " I I I ! I~Calculatj(rnSrare1f6'r;:me1BESI25~Year.'S:to~:;:[4~8!inch-esTof[raii11in{24mouYs~iriTIfnlNRCSk1voe1-1'A1ojstril5fiti{inl1!7ifj~Ji'!tj0~;t~:a~f~;;:i':f:~ll " ,Calculated Data I , . ",~ 'l To'tarproject Are~~ A~'r~s' '. 'j I Pe'a-k F,low' Rate: Qp~ak, 'cfs "1"',.''''\ ",:___ : _,- ','1 0,6440541781 0.471 "Total Ru~off.volum~~ V,,'cubic feet Time to p.ea{k Runoff, hciu~s . 1-, 6,3571' . 7.831 ';l. .',- "'A ,',_.-o~, ", ;,.' , .. " I'. " '''y ,0,50 l" t' ., I .0.45 .. " ,0.40 I 0.35 I' 0.30 $! 0 1 '" 0.25 0 ,0 , '" 0.20 1 ," , 0.15 I 0,10. 1 0,05 0.00 I 0 1 1 '. ",.t +. '~..~ H~ t ~lll~ ,,- ... '" ,;~ .,"_ . .' . RunOff HyiJiograph ' ( , . -?-~ ':. .' ~'. .";, :: l~ I',. " I. \ ------r ':1 :i " :, " it i \ :' :\. . " J ) I --L.. ~ ::: Time, minutes :11 '., :11 il: : ~ 'II. 2000 " !I I. 2500 500 1000 1500 , " Ii "r:~ 'l11l\H:~ ul:-\- IJ~ bl='l2.RECG > II" '. :.1};~H+}{f ~!. ~~Ft~,,~ id t:; ~ ' ; ':A t.. k ~.~Jt-~,';_ " J,~ ~;..+ . , ; I' .,.) ~;~~,\, ~ ,;J/htdlt~~:l : . ;f~!'~ ~; H~' ). l~:"d~t~!!~ 1 I Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation,Worksheet Project Name: Springfield Schools, Thurston Elementary School (25-Year Event) Designer: J: Holcomb Date: 12/10/07 Basin 10 User~Supplied Data ~P,erviousfArea~~,*;:;mr;fS;~~:;;:&I~?~~~'i~~Jlllmoervious~'Area~~~X;~!if0,~~t;~,?:'.Itri~ ::~:~~: ~~::: ;~res " :[;lt~20~~~1 :~~:~:~~: ~~::: ~~res' 'l[~&i~~~~~~~: PeivioLis Area Curve !'Jumber, CNperv. ~~~80 Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp Ifli.tl!t~~39Bl Precipilationin 24 hours (Pt) = l&m:~mm:j.~8" . ~. Time of Co~centratio'n;Tc, m[nutes ~,illM~5 Note: minimum T~ is five,minutes . II'Cali:ul~iti6rYsTare~for;;thelBESf25".Ye'ar7stOim~4~8]inchiisrof{rajff!in!24!~r6urs:in~a-n-!NRCS~Tv-oe'~1'Afi:listi"ll5uti(fnl~~~Jf71!':~i~fflmYiWr~,~ . \", ,- 'Calculated'Data ...f'-. o T;t~I'Pr6ject'Area, A~res p.eW< Flow Rate, Qp-e'~k,_cfs "'.t ( ~! . >10 j ~\ ,),~. . : - - , ' / I I I I' 1 I 1 Runoff Hydrograph' .. 0.18 I 0,.16 I 0.14 0,12 I , $ 0:10 ;0 '0 " " 0::: 0:08 I I 0:06 I 0.0' I 0,02 I 0,00 o I 1 .:- :'f:'t~,;~[~~:: _ .;~lf1.., ;;: ~d:L:r! j"!~U~ ':; ~! ~:!t;:!!t~ ~l~" 0.1508953171 0.161 ,Total RunoffVoJume,-V, cubic feet . TirTie/to Pe'ak.J:~,}lnoff, h~urs ,,- " /i " " , .' \ 500 1000 1!?OO Time, minutes " .. _.~--- -- .- "~,~"~"\crl'i':'~.i """t':'", 'J'~t., -tJ?:lL:.:__.?'!t.:~d~J!~.~fhi ':.. ,. it, ~'d ~_~:! H,~,! 11. " I ~. " , , ,]I " (' : ~I :11 " i 'II 2000 2,125\ 7.83 ' " 2500 DEe 12 \l.U:U ) ~ ~ ~ ;'ttH f: ,!: r:tJi': It '1, I I 1 I I 1 I , ) I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet . , . Project Name: 'Springfield School;, Thurston Elementary School (2S-YearEvent) Designer: J. Holcomb . . Date: 12/10/07 ' SUBBASIN 10 User-SuPDlied Data Jgp,er.Vi6usfArea~.s~~:t~~~~~~Jiripe-r:vjousMrearul~il~~Jii:L,-'W:~ ~:~:~~: ~~::: ;~res I~IiI~~: . :~~:~:~~: ~~::: ~~res :~~m6~6;j Pervious A~~a Curve Nu~ber, CNperv ~D"'i801 Impervious Area ~urveNumber, CNimp Im~i~98 . Precipitation in 24 hours (Pt) =' ~i;.il4:8 Time of Concentration, Te, mf~utes !lmg~5 Note: minimum'Tc i~ five~inutes , Calculated Data "JaC~I~~latjo~sYiffe~f6'r:thelBESj25~Y iiar;storm:-1i:4:8~irich-es16!iraifiHIi124!hoiTiS'jinran!NRCS;'Iv[)'e';;1:A.rdistribljtiori!!1!l-mtj~"l~~2:~f;~1 . -~. - .::-" " .;, . ' T~tal P~oj~ct Are~"A~res . pe'ak Flo~.'Rate;9p~~k,-_CfS. ' 0.021005511 ' .0.03 Totar Ru:toff Volume, V, cubic fe'et Tim'e' to. Peak Runoff;'hours . , .< <',' ""'. ..,..,,:, , " R~nolfH~d~9gr~~h ",_' 0) , "~ . . , 0.03 ".' . ' " -';i " , " , " 0.03 Ij <. '" ,0.02 .:'! u .: , '0 0.02 0 " '!' , 0.01 0.01 il .~ \ 500, 1000 1500 :~i 2000 " Ii ) Time, minutes 1 1-,,:;;,~t:i,i~A ;.i'::. i'~"tf" ",;;.:-,1 . "" . 't' q .1~.";:Jh 'f~.~.~i.t'l'fJr 'If'ill rT'I:~ )1~~! ',. , ... , , , . ! . I . \ , . Iii. ~, . ~" '11' I'. j~. . ". . . . . . ' . , . ~,-. ~. -~ ., ...!'.. -", '\\:.'~l,t~"'il, ;::\,.;;..~< i:.!;:~f' .; j "d;,"o f'! ~tl'f''1'" ...... -1ft ~"I .r~l~",". ~'''!e -,l ~l,t~.' ;", '. ~.' '.' '''' . . . . ,. ~ ,....... '" . , . .,~. .... \. "... .....f, , ~', , . . . " ,[ [ 3481 7,83 +, ~. ' - .i--- ./ 2500 'DFC12~E(,\l : '" ~"!'~ ".t=- 'd~.~~~L~ I I I I I 1 I I I .. 1 '(' \..' I I 1 I I I I I I 'I I, .i' Bureau of Environmental S.ervices - SBUH Calculation Worksheet Project Name: Springfield Schools, Thurston Elementary Sch?ol (25-Year Event) D~sign~r:..J. Holcomb .Date: 12/10/07 Basin 12 . User-Supplied Data . ~dP.erVjOjjsrArea~~~t~m:~;~~~rr;1~{fi&:'i~lmpeiYioiJs!Areafiw..Ma.r",O::',*"..Q~k1R!;1~Wi;,~'ti~~~,m; Pervious Area, SF l~if~q;~~~49Z,1'1 Impervious Area, SF 1~99301 Pervious Area,.Acres . 0.111 ImperVious Area, Acres I 0.231 Pervious Area Curve Number, CNperv ~~~~80 Impervious Area Curve Number:CNimp ~1198 PreCipitation io'24 hours (pt)'::: . !;'&~~4:8 ," . . . Time of Concentration, Tc,'minutes . ~~Mt,'15 Note: rninimum.Tc.js five minutes ltiCalculati6-n'slarelfor;;thiHBES~25;Xear;sti5rm:~4:8Iincheslofiraiii~iifl124Ih"6TiFS)jnj'anlNRCS~TVbe":11'N'i::Iistrjbutio~'~M~-&;;~~t(J.l!~~m~fft:il I. Calculaied bata :r o~al Proje:::t A(~.a, Acres . ~ \ Peak:FIo~ Rate,,"9pe~k, cfs. 1, . ',~.. .' >. : .. , ',-." " Rurioff}tydrograph ,. DAD.' ., "f; ", .0.35 0.30 ,'- 0.25 J. '" 0 '" 0.20 0 0 , "'. 0:15, 0.10 , - -~. .' 0.05 I '.1- 0.342079891 . :0.37 Total RunoffVolume,V, cubic feet ",1 Time 10 Peak Runo~: ho~.Jrs '\, -Y," ~. .1: .: i J~ '----} :", 500 ..0- . ,.,--~'" ~.- - ~ -. "'''.~ <.c- I >.ft - %.t"lj:'j,j'fl \ Ji;1'"".t:.,~; '-"1 1 ,-' ..,:i-;+;," .',t. ~~t rJ ':.1 i-f~ f'~ l~~r"r,.i"\ t f U''f. #;, n~f;,:,~...'i ll'i'~: ..... """,.. "I OJ:,.. ... '-.. ., .", .,.._.....".... ,,~ ,. ,.e' ....,,;. ...,~c,..,.. ... _, . , 0,00 . 0 1000 Time, minutes . Co' -,:' ,. ( ./ t.,_ 479~~ 1 ',,' \ 1500 IJ 2000 ! J! " 2500 I'lE C~ 2' ~tt'U ','" , . __'I t'\ at'j"1~, i,.', '. f..~rr:i,:;~,l;~ i l~ j 1 , I... or. iI, :.- ~.. . I..... ".' ...',. _ . . _ t. ._. ,L....... . '".. . "!.'~ ': - _ ,. " 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 " , I I 1 I I ~. I I I I 1 . . . "~f l ~ ,1\ ~. . l'} t.i t . ,< '".,. ,- ,~ 1. ~ ,-"c, . . . . Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet. Project Name: Springfield Schools, Thurston Elementary School (25-Year Event) Designer: J. ~olcomb D-,ite: 12/10/07 SUBBASIN 12-1. User-Supplied Data iUP,ervioLis-:Area~~iW$0~ac~,~~ilik6i~;;;&lj;F::;'f:&~lmperviousfArea~m;Bi~~~~~ Pervious Area; SF l:?I'i~1r:r~~m~1 ImperVious Area, SF 1~~~..i:~16001 Pervious Area, Acres' I 0.00 Impervious Area, Acres I 0.04 Pellvious Area CurVe Number, CNperv ~~.;~~[;i~~~'r:M80 fmper:vious Area Curve Number, CNimp 1~r;~~,:;::98 Precipitation in 24 hours (Pt) = ~~A~8 Time of Concentration, Te. minutes _~5 Note: minimum Te is five minutes 1~[CitlC1ilatioos'''aiEi'ifo'r~theiBES125~Y eafiStorm:I4!SnncHeSYofirain'i!i1I24t1i'OurslinraillNRCSilTvDe'\,1:A1'distrib-utjon'~'~~;~m\m~~1 '.' Calculated. Data . ".,." - Total.Project Area, A~res p~~~ Flow 'Rate';: Q'peak: 'cfs 0.0367309461 .MSI " " Total Runoff Volume, V, cubic feet ji Time to P~ak,R~nof.f, hours ) 6081. ,H31 " ", 1 _Runp~ff Hydro'graph 0.05 0.05 '0.04 0.04 0.03 .:'! u ., 0.03 0 c , 0: 0.02 0.92 0,01" 0.01 0.00 0 -,,' '. I' I ,Ii r I, I J r I ;1 ,:: : r r / I \' , '- ! 500 1000 "I 2000 i: 2500 1500 Time, minutes DEe 1 2, REC'D ~~ ~. ~-':~.__._"C-.",-_.....~ ':'j- ,~,4'-; i1-i~iij,} -j :. f 1ti-+;"~I:(->~'" i-.j t" l~~' j-hJ-i f~ t ~ i fort: d,~, ":, t'l'" ~ 'I.' ..1,'.0 t. ".-..,:~ .:..", ~.~ .. _. "',..,........ ,.-, . ., J" \ .~' .,.....:.;....' .,... .+ -, ::. ~ . ,)I:t.i'11.i-'~~l1' "H'.rrt~. :~.,.t:-"r' ;;;l !~:fUr!Jh::! ?:H:!! LdH:;.. . '! ~"f :'d!':~: In! r "-I" . ~ . 1., ~. I, Il_ ' , t ,,,-,... "'. . . ,.. . ~., I I I , Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet I Project Name: Springfield Schools,Thurston Elementary School(25:Year Event) Designef: J. Holcomb Date: 12/10/07 SUBBASIN 12:2 User-Suppiied Data 1~~er.vjousfAreag~:;&!if:.f$iJ,tt~2;.~~~__~J:~]:~~li1lperVii:iu-stAr~ia~~"'~~~.1Z(;;:~~ii~~ ::~:~~: ~~::: ;~res :\t~~1~~:1 :~~:~:~~: ~~::: ;:res :~jft~201.'6~1 Pervious Area Curve'Number, CNperv M:::~~~80 ' Impervious Area Curve Number"CNimp IM~5,g98 Pr~c;pitatjo.n in 24,hour~,{Pt) =' n!fj~1!~~~W8 ' 'Time of qoncentration; Te, mi~utes ~'5~~~5 Note:, minimum Tc is five minutes .. .' I I 1 . fitCaJCulatiorf51,'~'rEM6r~tnetBES:25;.Yea~r;stoim:*A!8!incliesf6firain;inl24;ho(jrslini:anjNRCS~Tvoe~1Afaistfii5litiorltR~~:f~: .' - "ll . '. CalculatedDa'ta ,'- '. ;.-. ,'. " I , . Total P.!oi€!l::t Are~.iAc;:_~es .' Peak Flow Rale.-Op"eak, cfs ~,. : - ,I ' 0.0491735541 , 0.061 Total Runoff Volume, V, cubic feet Time to Peak Runoff, hours " " ',0-, \8151 '7,831 ,'-' '.'," , .."";', I ," '<..... ... CC RluiOff'Hydrograph ,.\ \ ;',:,' , ...,' '". ">'- , 0,07 1. I " o,oc ~ I I , ., " 0.0: I 1 1 0.02 I ) .001/ 000 . I \ I o 500" 1000 1~00 ~doo 2500 Time, minutes I DEe 12. REt'D, I. . 1~1..;;1-.;;. . d~J,~;;: l'~H~ t,+-I: l!cl '-1' -';.' ,f'~;. t-llv., , .,~.-.',t" .,. ,-, ", " ~ ".. . ~ ,'. ,', ',."\.', ~: .~,...-,....., ,.jjlt~!tiIt111 ~;~~:H.~.~~_~~'i lli f ; -,i~.~ .;:if! f :~,i.'d..t.~.~ : '~'l .ll- " .1~' ~ Ii ~Jtf~ ~ 1 (1- . '~l~~j :;.~.t:, f : .~. . ... ~. ". ._ r , .. ......., .....1. , 1 I ',j I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I " , Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet Pf9ject Name: Springfield Schools, Thurston Elementary S.chool (25-Year Event) D.esigner: J. Holcomb Date: 12110107 Basin 13 User~Supplied Data' I2PerviousrArea*:::Tht~~g~~~~i:m~~~1~linp'erviousrArea~~~{~4!i(f:,1W.~t~~~7,~~ Pervious Area, SF 1~lr~m~2685 . Impervious Area, SF l~r~10501 Pervious Area, Acres I 0.06 ImperVious Area, Acres I . 0.02 Pervious Area Curve Number; CNpefV 1~~~80 Impervious Area Curve' Number,. GNimp ~1~~1t98 Precipilationin 24 hours (Pt) = i~~4!8 Time of Concentration, Tc, rrii0ute:; 1~~~~5 Note: minimum Tc is"five.minutes \. 1~-CaICuJatii:iris:rare~f6r';the;BES}25;.YE(arjstorm-:1;4!8~inchesrof,:rain'!ii'i124ltfo'lrrsjinrariiNRCStTvp-e~1A\'distritjiiti6Fi'lP~~~;t~~~ , '. . Calculated Dati f ""I \ "." Total'P{ojeet Area, Acres ' . . Peak Flo\.v Rate~'Qpea~~.cfs , .. 0.08S:;.30~~~j . 'Total Runoff Vol~m'~, V:cubic feet' Time. to Peak Runq_ff, h.ours \ 1.0081 7:83 i: ", ; ", .'\. ,,' . , 'J , ~,tt. : .'. RunoH,Hyd;ograph . , , ,',\ ' !' ;,(.-, j,' '.0.6r .... ;" ',": .r " .'0:07 ! I 0.05 , " ,', , .\ 0,06 "'; ',. .!! u ~-'o.o.' c' , '" 0.03 0.0:::: 0.01 0.00 o \ SOD 1000 1500 " 2000 I~' " 2500 Time, minutes DEe 1 2 REC'D I '--;'. . "";':' · . . ~:. fl1~-{'" . i'l 'F; ~ ~ .i:~-~ f,~' '_ :j" ,"- t1~f~ ,~. .J ~:'! n:,. t ~~~ ~ ~!'::!i:U :.n!'l ~':1 t~~,:,:,f.~ d,!,~. ; L . . ,. . , . J ;.1~ ~-ann,~ t~,~lJt~Li'~Hf11: ; ;,1_!::- ri'Hn.; ! r...:/j'f:,fti"i ,.t~d!.d!~!~ I 1 1 Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet I Project Name: Springfield Schools, Thursto'n Elementary School (25-Year Event) Designer:"J. H?lcomb Date: 12/10/07 Basin 14 User~Supplied Data 'Sj.1I;"e-ryious"'Area~~i',~m:f~~~~%TIZ4'ir~~lmperiiious~Aream~~t~~:J{,:illRillr.~~ Pervious Area;SF l:ta~.lTji8228 Impervious Area, SF . r 1~5~441 Pervious Area, Acres I 0.19 Impervious Area, Acres I 0.12 Pervious Area Curve Number, CNperv ~~4:80 Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp If#1[ilJil~98 PreCipitation In 24 hours (Pt) = ~i~'[4~8 ' Time of Concentration, Tc, minutes . ~.IU~j@5 ~ I I Note: minlmumTcls.five minutes 1 \j:l!CalcTilatiCinsYiffEFifor;melBES:"25;Year;:-siormJI:4;81inches[of[raimifi124]hoursjinra'nlNRCSkTvDii111\'aistribTiti6'ri'~iSw~~~I' . .". . .- , ~. . -Calculated,Data. , "I, "''- I ,T ?j~L~r~j;,c!_ ~r~~, ,~~r~s '. pe~k~FI6w.. ~~I~:,Qp~ak, cf~ l ". ",' .;\ . :1 0.3138659321 I - 0.291 . Total Runoff Volume, V.'cubicfeet -Time to p~~~ Runo__ff, h~~rs > I I 3.9351 7,S31 j... '. (" ,. ".~ ;',:~ ", " :.'., ,') ,. I '" ,,',' , c" .-Runoff Hydrograph " I. ... ; " ",' 0.35 ':\ ,. " '" " I . 0,30 ,(. I \' I ~.. " 'j., 0,25', I 0.20 .:" 0 1; c , no 0.15 I. 1 0.10 1 0.05 I I 0.00 o \ .sOD 1000 1500 2000 2500 Time,-minutes I DEel 2 ~f.C'\J 1 , .- . . ~..:..;.... ~- ..,~.., ,_.. "~': - '. ~,-$- '. .' r\;\:'.'!~;~:il~1: ,~.~A'~l'l~I' "~; ......t;\"\~-,. , ldhd_'lI/":I'i-l;::.FI+t j,I'l:'I~'1-,J'\_ !-tJ:!."'t jtn>:o- "," ., "-i,,, L' '. .' ~ "''''''''__~,,' ~"t. ,'.' L. .'. ",,,. i>.",., ...',.-"",-..... "1 ;,;, F/'}li .-. ~;:j~Ht,;:!'~ . . . -. -'j. . ." , ,'~ ~ ~ , " .., . {' ,.&:'Ep~ 'll~:'l" _ . ,'1'1" ; !{.: l'lr;;'t'f h.-~t~"l~ \ l. ,',~l.:. 11.t:," . . r ~ ..,_. ~," _ pi ".. . _, . . ,... ,. .' . .', ... ~ . '. I I I I I I 1 I I , '" I " I I I I I 1 I I I:,. . ,~h~', ;UJHt. "', [ Burea!l of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet Project Name: Springfield Schools, Thurston Elementary School (25-Year. Event) Desig~er: J. Holcomb Pate: 12/10/07 Basin 15 User-Supplied'Data l~jP.er:Vious:rAfeai~h(t@;;:w.r~&T'f,~~j~~lmpei;VioiJs'Ai"ea~~~""7&\''~JW~- Pervious Area, SF, 1~~;)tlf::~38081 Impervious Area. SF 1!!t~~!5421'1 Pervious Area, "Acres "I 0.091 Impervious Area, 'Acres I 0.12 Pervious Area Curve Number, CNperv "JI1il'"",.l!:i1!'80 Impervious Area Curve Number. CNimp 1I.:;'''''''liL>liJ98 Precipitation in 24 hours (pt) = 1tt~~~4t'8 .''j Time of Concentration, Tc;minutes . f;['Sm,__;J1[,5 . Note: minimum"Te is five min_u1e~ , ItiCalci.itati6ns':are1for~the!BESf25~Yeif.'stofm:~4!8jillcheSrOfrrain~jm241h'ci'ITrSjiri'f<fr'i:NRCS~Tij~ei',,1NCtistritiutjOn~!!f;~~#~"]~I' ',.f Calculated Data ., . TotalP,roject A;ea, A6res , ~eak' FJowJiate,-:()p'eak, cfs ^,' "'.-=, ~':,~" "::-..'~ ': ' ,,--",' ,,',,: ,'J.:,.;.''-,., _:'"",',_;__' : .Runoff Hydrggraph , ,'.<-..,-. -. ", " '(' ~"7~" ", ;,:,\<:' ,';- '1 i 0.20 , O,1f / .i!! o " a c o '" 0,10 ' 0.05 0.00 . o . I 0.21,18686871 .\ "'0.22) Total Runoff Volume,~V, cubic f~~t - Time to.Peak Runoff, hours' " ~-' / , ,.." '- ",'il '! , --2.9241 I ", 7.83 'j',. ,,!:r. ~l , ,j ~ \, ,. ,: ;', . ~ . r ~ ../ , . \ 500 '1000 1500 '" 2000 " II '2500 Time; minutes DEe 12. REC'O -- - - -- .'':'-'.-~\' " '. ... '''-',''f' -: -~_" ,. :" ~i..!.;..~ ..-c_'-." _L, - . '_T '?-t.iJ..ijP:~'~~'H.,. ~(ift_,,'\'f.tt., ,_-', ''''~r''~~ ,~:rt;,r.dttfH: !f.~h:.:!.'r':dL~L~'1 i t:J_~_:: If!~ ~ L , - :~ ..-----\1.::! -~r. .~, ':;:~ -, ~~'. . < . .l~; nO'" "'J';l.--f:~~""" ~.t"::,1 1'~., f' , : (1'T' ,.' ::,r =' ~n_!.:!fH; f: E!1Jrt d !Li 1 f~: ~-~J :-_.: ': ~ d!::!. 1 1 I I I 1 I I 1 { 1 r I I 1 I r. 1 1 I I I; .. 'IH,t., .:' '1:H 1- iii,!:.. ~ j,' teL ~l;~ , " ~ "'" . IL ~ ",... ,C ... ,._, ~ , Bureau of Environmental Ser:vices - SB,UH Calculation Worksheet Project Name: Springfield Schools, Thurston Elementary School (25-Year Event) Designer: J. Holcomb Date: 12/10/07 . . 'SUBBAS/N 15 User~Supplied Data \li'f>erViotisfArea~-z~~~qr:iW~tf&:~~t:tr0,J:::;i2&t~~"'~t~lmperYious\Area~';;~11<~~~Fk~~"l~lktf~W: ::~:~~: ~~::: '~:res :rrt~~~Wlfij~~: :~~:~:~~: ~~:_:: ;~res ,'~~~~~~~~'l Pervious Area CUr'VeNumber, CNperv, 1~~~mIll801 Impervious Area Curv~ Number, CNimp Im~m98r Precipitation in 24 hours (Pt) = . , ~"~':L4:8 . Time of Con central ion, Tc, minutes ~,m,.'t5 Note: minimum Te is five minutes. ~C~I.CLilatiOflsrarelf~~j;th~BES.!.~::'.Year;storm:li"4~8~inChesToffaimin'24ih-O-UrS]iniaii~~~CSH:voe1.1A\Ctistii~utjOn~1W~~~e~JlJ -' Calculated Data ',' , Toial~roject Arecii, Acres . . '.~ P~ak ~I-?'W-R~.!e_;:ppeak,. cfs.: ,,'.' '."'.' ..., 0.07:3213961 &10 Total Runoff.volum~,y,cLi~ic fe.et Tim€! to Peak Ru.noff, hOl,1rs . ,'.' . ,.:,< 't,";' ,-.-- ., .~RJnoitHYdrograPh . .'\,., i " .;--->'. .~. 010:1' . , 0.09 . .. 1'" "1: ,. , , , .'. : , ~. '0.08 ., 0,07 :.. 0.06 .'!! u, ..:::~ 0.05 0 c , 0: O.DA 0.03 O.O? .-.;: 0.01 I 'f' r :\ /~ I \ , 0.00 ' o .'500 1000 1500 Time, minutes .. ~ u._...:_~.. ~ . . . . . . ~ETIj f}Hti ~; ; .(~,:f".; i;Jrn~'~ : < ~ ! : 1 ; ~j- t -ffl'1l1':" : i,r.t:;,:;"t!:::_.:~,;".,~: <. ..1 . :::1 ., :' i: 2000 1.2481: . ' 7.83 "i " r 2500 , DEe 1 2 REt'D "' ,. . . ,:,j.;~?rnH ~L ;!~r~:'i,!.ri-Tl!; l~ f'~:!.~ I 1 Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet I I . . . . ProjectName:.Springfield Schools, Thurston Elementary School (25-Year Event) Designer: J. Holcomb Date: 12/10/07 ' Basin 16 User~Supplied_Data' .l l~j-p'ervious-{AreaJ!'l:.J;:t~-'.~:_;m~1l.w.!lSl~t.~~~~d~lmpervjous~'AfeaBJkf~~~~~~~wJi~i Pervious Area, SF li5:~:t~7.0791 .Irilperv;ous Area,';~ ""' .IL"It~iiii;t~'l")::1ul Pervious Area, Acres; I 0.161" Impervious Area; Acres 0.031 Pervious Area Curve Number, CNperv __'Y~~t]80 Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp Precipitation in 24 hours (Pt) = ~~~4j8 Time of Concentration, Te, minutes ~~~~11S5 Note: minimum Te is five minutes I I IiCalculatioriSi'3retfof~the)BESi25~Year:_'storril:[4~8iinch-es'-of[rajn',in'i24!hours'liilfanjNRCS~Tvp~1'A'(distrioution~'Jltii-l1',~if~~~~~ 1 . Calculated Data I Total Project Area. Acres , pe'ak F!Ow _ Ra.t~,' bpea~, cf,s' 0.1944214881 ' 0.16 Total Runoff Volume. V, cubic' feet Time to Peak ~unoff, hour~ . 2.1331 7,83 . .' .' I Runoff Hydrograph ":, ,. , ~. , 0,1f \. . 1 ~. , I 0,16 1 0.1/ I: ~ .' 0.12 I , j .1 . ~ 0.10' :,<.:J " o c " e:::: 0.08. , '. I r I 0.06 I 0.04 1- ~. 'i 1 0.02 \ 1 0.00 o 500 1000.' 1500 2000 2500 . Time, minutes I . DEel UEC'D IT+~- -,.,,,, ' {j" ~."I.f'H o'''''1,14..;...iH~>.. 'to. , i'~:~"''.f,... ,If,, -~ ,tt ;, ~ 't-il1} r~l" ~ _..1, :l'tof:~~ j;1.llt to. '" ,.. ,/ ,L.., ,.".., .. .,'"" _. ." ...... , . ~ . - < : . 'r~i.;i~_1';4i... I *:~:t'~;H;}:i'_-, ,',' ...:,t't, , ~j ~.~tL HUJ! ~!!l!h}~oLft!t!~! ~ CdJ :_dJ!!:! JI "'--;-'", ~ .f ,~~ t -'-fl~t~i ';':1 ::J ; !! t I y,. ! ~ : : ~'~ ~~ 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I v I I (' I 1 I 1 I I I . Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet , Project Name: Springfield Schools, Thurston Elementary School (25-Year Event) Designer: J. Holcomb '.' ..' Date:.12/10/07 . Basin 17. User-Supplied Dafa 1~~.e-rViOi.is~Area~~~~:12~'i-;;;E;;::013'3?k~1i')~n~~lmper:itiotislAreiiiia~-~~~j~:,N&'(@{j~?Wi~i~'r~~ Pervious Are~, SF 10!;~!;Ji~~~'(~-3509J Impervious Area, S~ .1~~~46201 Pervious Area, Acres I 0.081 Impervious Area, Acres' I :0.111 Pervious Area Cl,lrve Number. CNperv 1~323'f~~~~801 Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp Ir.;,jtR'ID~981 Precipitation in 24 hours (pt) :;= . Time of Concentration, Te, m}nu,tes Note: minimum Te is five minutes . ' \, '. iI.CalcUlatjo~ar"e1fi)"r;:the1BESr2S;.Year-:-storm:rt4~81inc~srof;"rain';im24:ho[jrslinranlNRCS~Tv-o"el,1'A1faistfitiuti~~~~~ 'i" Ij , Co/cuiafed Data.. ~.~ ' '. .'" -.'1' Tota),Project Area: Acres p~~~~tOw)~~!e: Qpe'ak cfs .. I 0.1866161621 I. 0.191 .. ~:. ", .. '.-. '".", <', .....-J.'<i "," "'.:r,' -~T ,'~..'. '_ .'.C'. '..' Runoff Hydrirgraph ;' , I '- v- ,'o:~r ',t. -.i 0.20 . 000 )" Y- ~-i , .'~ . , 0.00. o ' 500 1000 I .-...,--.... .;. .,. ..,...,:..>--i-~_:._._~.._;...".,~<~~,~_"_ _ .. ..1+_ ./1';;.j in~liH ~ t"tit~c~rltf'11' ~1 ::-}' ~ i,-.;..;j,ij,} dh!:~tfl '~,l""l,.l'::.-'-t,d.~j:,'~ .l..,{tll\l"<,~r~~t'.,. ~.. "... ,_, ,_. ._ . " 1.. '. ,~. '...., ....". ,~ . ~ ,'-"" ,~.d. .,., ....... . , .. c. 1" otal Runoff Vcilume,' v, c'ubic feet .Tinie'lo'~iak Runoff. ho:~rs -. ....,: , .,,, .' ':-'" "~I' , \ 1500 Time, minutes -I 'I '. ~ '" 2000 11 I, +.-.,---_;.~ ,.~...__._ .. '_4-_ 7 .i~;l..'j'i7TL : :#i:jD. fffil";; ~"""J:'," " ~ H ' ~. '.~~t ~ ~.~ .,. ,r,. ~ ! H!. H~!,d~.! ;,,~! h:.~.d,d~ ~ ~.! J!! ~ t.. '2.5521.. .' 7.83 J-,l " \. 2500 . DEe 12 REC'D ~ ,.:. .:Jd I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I. I I I'; nt, Bureau of Environmental Services -. SBUH Calculation Worksheet , Project Name: Springfield Schools, Thurston Elementary School (25-Year Event) Designer: J: Holcomb ' Date: 12/10/07 SUBBASIN 17 . User-Supplied Data Iw1PefViOuiFAr'eaT4"'Jmci]fii~~~~&G'{;:~~~{13~~lmperVious'rArea~r2L',(Mr]f1tolr~L;~g,1N:~~~ifp"t'; PerVious Area, SF H~~~tIj~9551 . Impervious Area, SF . 1~'5,~!~37271 pe'ivious Area, Acres "I 0.021 Impervious Area, Acres -'1. . 0.091 Pervious Area Curve Number, CNperv ~D!180 Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp ~~~i981 Pr~cipitation in 24 hours (Pt) :: ~~~~~A'!'8 ,Time of COr)centralion, Tc, minutes ;?y.IB'11~t_~5 Note: minimum Tc is five minu"tes Calc'Lilated'Oata . I:t\Calculation-Sf<!r'Eilfof,th-e'iBESj2S':;'Ve<'.lr<storili;j[4!8:iilcne'sroffi'airi]in'r24jhour-s1in1anlNRCS\;TvDe'~1'A.1distributio'ii~:iS~4j,~.t'01ml .Total ProjectArea. 'Acres Peak Flow'Rale: Cipeak. cfs ,:~ '~i . ' {" . ". 0.107483931 . '10.12 ,Total R'unqffVolume, V, cubic feet " Time to Peak Runo~:' ~ours . , I ~ .'....5-' :"_ \'.',.. ',I' _ '~_. . .R,!Jf)of(lfydiograph , ':, '0:1) .' I. " ", \: .0.12 ., I "." ,0.10 " 0.08 .'!! o .! ') o . c. .0 '" 0.06 ;1 . , i )~ / \ 0.04 0.02 ~ 0.00 o 500 1000 1500 Time, minutes ,,6341 .7.63, ./ " , , '. 20~'0 Ii '1; 2500 DEel 2. ~EC'O .' _.:;;..i __*"" _ ___ _, _. '_..;, . .;,~ :l1i:..~ ~Tfc'P;{,L".:_~-_;,t\:tl'P:H;-q;'T~ .' ~ ." ..~l~.'.~ ,~j,;! ~;;tL,!:...f.~,!! t!~r..:~,t t~ f-!lf ;;:::t .n~! 'Lit :1.1 ~ t, ':. .'_.'-'~' ";,;:::~'.:,..j'~~ .lbt.:'.'"~-~i-1 ' ;;1-; ':"~"i ~. ~i il~ -Hot., ~'ttl;~j_j ~.t .tt, f ~ " ", _ ,,11'1 .' 'I, 1 ,:~lH~'d! .,~ Ul ~'!l!!'L,~ i~!tb: ~~: .d' ~::: !!! .!!~; I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I , I I 1 _. .;~~" J-<. t,;:lt~. j ltL, ~ >, :l 'MI "',~. ,: 'o,t '. -". t . Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet Project Name: ~pringfield Schools, Thurston Elementary School (25-Year Event). Designer:.J. Holcomb .. ,. Date: 12/10/07 Basin 18 . .. User~Su/Jplied Data 1~R.eryiousiAreait:?'~~~"'1t~;:;~rw.;u:.tKh'mRi;;...4.'1)ttird:~~4!lmperirious)'Are-a~~~:rJ:4f~1.~~'Thlit;<;m1~~~0m'f~' . ~:~:~.~~ ~~::: ~~res. 'I I~~T~~~~~~: :~~:~:~~: ~~::: ;:res .. F~~80~~~' Pervious Are~ Curve Number, CNperv. "~~'.1mO Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp I~A~f19~ Pr~cipitation in' 24 hours (Pt) = miiKF__JlJ4';8. Time of Concen!!Btion, Te, minl!tes 1!!l~~~~5 Note: minimum Te is five minutes f, . . ~'iculaticirisrare~f6r~ttfEfiBESJ25~Year.storm:ft4~8ti'ncheslOfjfaih'1jm24~t\o(frsiiif"aniNRCSkTvOei1~:aistriDUt;oh~;.I,'8i;!-1'~~]!:~JK~~Wi;~1 . Calculated Data . , . Total,PrOj~ctArea:A;c;es' ~- Pe'~k;Flow.R.a~e'; Qp.e~~k, cfs ,):-"" ~.- -,. " 0.3273186411 1>.0.341 Total Runoff Volume, V. cubfc feet Tir;n,~. t~ Pe~~_~uno~,. ~OlJ~S. !". "-: ':<. ",': I,..~. '," ~ "', ,,~, " , ':j Runoff f:lydrogr;;ph. .' ". "J' '. r' -'; 0.40 ,. ." " " ..~ .1 , \ . 0.10 ),~ " . , . . , / \. 0.05 ~ 0.00 o 500 1000 1500 Time, minutes / ".i ..,. -... - .-~"'.~-,;: ""~ . .-~, '.:' '; ., " ' 2000 .,-....-'--.-- ~t~ 1 ;.Hti (. .~, . 1 ,I '4.4621, 7.83 \ ,'\ ( " 2500 DEe,l HEC'D '.", ~- ~..--j' ,~.-::';;. _:. . ~ 'J' rfl:i-H ::\'{:O-d j~ ". '" 'lft 1. ..!i.!HL,! ttH'u ~ t.r! :!rSi~'t.n I 1 I I I 1 I I I' . ~ ~- . " '. '\ j I 1 1 I I I 1 I I Bureau of EnvironmentaiServices - SBUH Calculation Worksheet , . Project Name; Springfield Schools, Thurston Elementary School. (25-Year Event) .Designer: J. ~olc6~b . Date: 12/10/07 SUBBASIN 18 _ User-Supplied Data . iP,_ervfous~Area~~~;;~\&~r$kr~~,;rg{\1g.}liryi.iri1f;;iW~lmper:vious;Area~~1~~~ofii~~ Pervious Area, SF 1Th.~~~::Zol. . Impervious Area, SF . 1~"'~~:!56501' Pervi9us Area, Acres . I '0.001 Impervious Area, Acres . I 0.13"1 Perv!o.us ~re~ curv. e Number, CNperv ~;.f.~.::~.:_ - _ -.,,!,80 . Impervious Area Curve Nur:nber, CNi~p 1_(~;981 PreCIpitation In 24 hours (PI) = !:L:~~~~!8 Time of Concentration, Te, minutes ~'~~DiZ:5 Note: minimum Te is five minutes 1'J3-Calc-ulati6"r'iSlafir,fcrr'~thelBES;25iYE!"ar;stohT'-:1fA!8finchesTom'1iii11in124\h~oTirsnhTcifiINRCSfTitoE;11'Ardjstribution~~m~:~..:tm~1 Calculated Data , Total ProjedArea, Acres . . Peak Flow Ra'1;;: QPe8k,'cfs ,,- ~'.;;' "', " ~:', . '}'- -., ", . I O.1297061S21 . I '. 0.16 Total Runoff Volume,-y,'c~bic fe.et '. Time 1C?'Pe.ak"Runoff, .hours I ',1 ';2.1491 ,7";J ~, ".;(, " . ". , ~" ,.... .' 'F?unOFfHj;(Jrograph ( ". .t O.W }.' " .~ ' ,- .," , ' ~::. '. I,' - ., 0.16_ ..'I! ~~ : ....."-. 0,14 '0.12 ~ 0.10 u .:to o c o a:: 0.08 . Tirne, minutes -..,: .. :' \ 'II 1500 2000 2500 II 0.06 )~ 0.0' 0.02 I r 0.00 o 500 1000 DEe 12 REC'O 1 ' ' ,- .-, -_.. . ....., ..--:-.".;~.,:--~,~. -, '. .:'1i-,~.' ., ~1'-"11'1 ,-; J", -, 'h_' h.",,, ! 4 ;.- :Hi' lj: h ~-~ _ 11:, b.~ if'tU,' \~ L ~I''ll.'''''"" f, .-1.", ."....f...t.Il;....'..~,. ~':~. .- .~r! .~ - ~\,~;, ';''::';'~.... .~.'~. ...~-- .:>., 'f,."lW.1,- .<P~li'I"~!;' """1'j"" .,~~t-'t~l'fd:i. frj~I':-1,.., ~,J ,rl,~J...nl\,,~~.;h",;', .~.,,'" ......_.' . '.1 '" ~. , ~.~ 1;;, ..". '. -,.. ....'.. , '..... ~ "'., .I"~ . ....., '.'. >. . ,I.' . ~ ".-~;:;:-~.' . . . - ~ . * ~,,~huJHl '~lj;l' .il-' :..t!~_ !.ttHt Ht~? ern.! tLJ! 1 I,' I I Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation. Worksheet. I P~oject Name: Springfield Schools, Thurston Elementary School (25-Year Event) Designer: J, Holc9mb Date: 12/10/07 . BASIN 19 User-Supplied Data 11JlP,er:Vjous'Areat..~~~~~~~~i$lnipei:Vi6usiArea~~0~~.i:~Zif~~BEi:t%!'~~ Pervious Area, SF I~~~~ltil Impervious Area, SF 1~"11i38721 Pervio'us Area, Acres 0:00 ImperviousArea, Acres I 0,091 Pervious Area .Curve Number, CNpe~ W.~80 Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp' 1"'~981 Precipitation in 24 hours (PI) = . ~,;gn&:ii~=4:8 Time of Concent~ation;Tc, minutes j*~jr~.~~~5 Nate: minimum Tcis five ,minutes I I I lit!Calctil~tioRsrare1for~tneIBES~25;Yea1'lstorm:'lL4;8]inctleSfof;-rajnlinl24~~OUr'S~inTa"fl!NRCS',:Tvoe1,1'Naistributi6n'~~;ytt!is~~~~"\ffil . ,.' . r. ," , , .Calculated.Daia. I T atal. Proj~ct Area: Acres Peak':Ffow Rate, Qpeak,'cfs ': ;"~ ..""' . ( ..,". .1 0.0888888891 I 0.111 . lTolal RunoffValume, V,'cubicfeet ,.< "'Ti,'!i to Peak'Runoff,'hours' '. f.. :;...., ',. 1.4721 ..7.831 . r~ ~ d' ,~ .1.- -.1 ': " I ., . , - Runoff Hydrograph " 'I .,..;: ". ~ .. - .'. ~, ',- . I ~. .~': " ( ~ . ~ '.;1 .0;,2 ' '- , " '.;' '. 'r: >,.. 0.10 ...~ 1 0.08 I I ,J'; u 1 '0 0.06 o , . 0:' ;, 1 0.04 ) 1 0:02. / \ I I 0.00 o . .500 1000 1500 2000 .' 2500.. Time, minutes I DEel2 REC'O I---..~."- ",..o--'l'~"";--;-'"""~-'. ,'-ib, "'j ;': ;'.' ~ ,:""H. ..".,,,f.~,t.,., ~.;;:lp ','. ':. 'l~, ~,,{ ;"l".tlltlf IU 11 ~LHa "Jhi.i f nlhH. it tl.., , j~, ~ <"I ,., .", .~,'" ....~./J'. .,.... .r,~..,"":"~"',.~.'.~l''''.''.'''.'''.'''I'I.1',' "," .1 . ~'.3'"._.~:." . ;~. , .....;.J',.tl...., j" :'F;~Ftilfj.;~;~l'~t~i;Jf!;li" i j".;~11', . ;;'UH ~:! L".~ L,! ~'t:~r;,:~! ~.f.J'~J:t:t'~, n;~;.:H.,\HL t ~". .....- ., - '""i" ";'1'. \~ 4 i1'1!t-F ::;~Hl.!l!? I I B~reau of Envi~on';'ental Services - SBUH Calculation Workshe~t I I , Project Name: Springfield Schools, Thurston Elementary School (25-Year Event) Des!gner: J., Holcomb Date: 1 ?/1 0107 SUBBASIN 19 User-Supplied Data 'I@lRervious'rArea'i:['~:}~~~~i!f.<.>?r~,~~~.%i~J~~lmper:vioijs'AreaWl'$D~"S?~~~~~,,~~~ta~ Pervious Area, SF ~~lr:-~O Impervious Area, SF 1~'ii16461 Pervious Area, Acres 0.00 Impervious Area,- Acres 1 . 0.041 Pervious Area,Curve Number, CNperv mMf~~80 Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp I~J&f':tli!"~1ff:98 Predpitalio!,! in 24 hours (Pi) = . ' Time o~ Concentration, Te, minutes Note: minimum Te is five minutes I I lum;,CalculatiClns-rare;fOi'~t1'e';BES~25~.Yea-r;;storm:0:4~8!inch-e~slOfrraifi!in124~holii'slin1anlNRCS*Tijpel:1A.'i(tisti"ibution~~jliff;Ii&.ffi:{~j~ I Caiculated Data I Total Proj~ct Area, Acr~'s Peak.Flow Rate, Qp'e_ak, cfs t.. ~ :: .". .' '1 0.0377869611, I 0.051,' I Total Runoff Volume, V, cubic feet Tim~ to Pe~k Runoff; hours . 6261 ~ 7.831. . , I " 'FJ<m;'ffHydrogiaph <,j ,','1 0,06 . i \. I " \ a.os ,. I 1 0.04 , $? 0 '" 0,03 '0 c ,. "' 0,02 I 1 I 0:01 / Ix ~' . , .. , . , I I 0.00 o \ 500\ 1000 .1500 , 2000 2500 Time, minu.tes I DEC 12 REm I -~~"~'-',-::';~ ....<.._-~- . ,-~ ;j:~ l_~lliit'\l T.- J~~.":~Hl~:f:~ ~t ..: ',(:., !,~,f:t~;,. hUHL-L ~ dU~1'!r;,d !,;,J~J"d,:'~'!:ltt;,: t.: !f~!. ,'l ,.~...,......_---:-+.,..:, ._--,~~--.- .....,. ._;_.:.~~:~~:j~:r-.";7;:;:::.;.:J.; . ";''';':i ....~ '-'f!1_r-11J--ilt '- : '~rJr~ ~'>1tf:5 (1 ,-;f". ~'+'1:t'4.'" d,~i'_!lt!,h ..~ ti,t! i f!._:~tt~.!dL~ ~ -{ ~.:: L:f~t f.! L ~!, I I I I I I 1 0"";,, I I 1 I I 1/ I I I I I 1 ,..;:di"l" ."t tl:, H'd j,. tll"..'."',-....,....,_.. -ii '"' -c_ " , ' Bureau of Envi~onmimtal Services, SBUH Calculation Worksheet Project Name: Springfield Schools, Thurston Elementary School (25-Year Eveni) . Designer: J. Holcomb . Date:12/10/07 , ' BASIN 20 User-Supplied Data ~Rer:vibus~Area';:-~J1k~~iiif;f1W~~~Jl1ImpervjoListArea';iillfZ~~~.alS~21t~rmEtZmtll '~::~:~~: ~~::: ;~res . ~:t~Y:r~~o~b~1 :~~:~:~~: ~~::: ;~res , :~~~'~1~~~~: , PE;!rvious ATea Curve Number, C~perv 1~~otr.80 Impervious Area Curve Number,GNimp IlfjBi~~i1?!~m98[ ,Precipitation In 24-hours (PI) = ~~'VL4!8 Time o{C~mcentratio'1, Te, minutes ~~_il!~'5 'Note: minimum Tc is five minutes , ~C~lculatio~s~'(em)i<tne1BES~25~:Year;StOfm:t4:8:incli'.isTof;r~1~':.in124Jhou7S1iifiari1NRC s~Tvoet1A'f.i:listr;b1.itiofi~~~~~l Calculated Data :;'" ,",' , "'.' '1. .. ,Total'RunoftVoJume, v, cubic fe'el ' l\. T(mefo'-P"eak Runoff;.hours , ,'.' ,.,:': ..' / 4.1.111 '7.831 'Totaf Proje:ct~rea,.Acres \p,e'ak Flo~' Rate,':Ope-ak, cfs_ " ,", ';. .,',J '2 0,248186411 ,.', ,... 0.311 I' -I 'C";'., '.". ,~ ,'. ".t '/ l. ,'., r' -, F . . '. ,- :,'- '. , .,,0,35 ",' , \~ 0.10 ) LL- ' "/ ~ ::1 " "I 0,05 \ 0,00 . 0 "I '2060 500 1000 1500 2500 Time,'miri~tes DEC12 REC'D :.t t . '~ . .:+:::-~T3:~'~~. ~_"~_':~:~"~..:r'.,. . _J++ ".,"l",,,!,cl"'lj"'" f" "'.(""['" ,. I' .. '1'" t ". -- ..,.,-t.~,+ """';~ ".'. ":'" .' 't~'''~l .'r~:fl,-".h '~f~~'r~ilfl-r 1';!j~.lnl~<~f.II' :'i, . ;'''12'''' .,,'.....'-'1;....>...._, "..",""'_~"h" .".~.l'."'_'~ .... '''>-_~'''''>'' .~...... ',1 ~ ~::':~.~:IG;';_:_,. ,-,,,.'_.~. _:.._ . .~~. '~'N~!'I;i3l'Jl' ;~f-i.i:,.ni,H;1" . -' tH'-rH . d!,~_~!:.:f,nL ~ f'1 f~.1L! LrlJ1:! ~.~; i d_!,;: !.!JH !-, ,..".... Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet. Project Name: Springfield Schools, ThurstonElementary School (25.Year Event) D~signer: J. Holcomb ',' Date: 12110/07 BASIN 21 User-Supplied Data ImP,eryibus~Al'eam~:'I;;t;11!.~~,(~~jj;~~~~~""7~~~~~~liTipef:tlicius~A-rea~}!~M:<<l1TI1t~~\~; Pervious Area"SF t~fi~~ro65701 Impervious Area, SF li~~lJl-~~OI Pervious Area, Acres I 0:151 Impervious Area, Acres, . I 0,001 Pervious Area Curve Number, CNperv IJl~~J1801 Impervious' Area Curve Number,CNimp' 11I1~~981 Precipitation in '24 hours (PI) = 1~~~ilt4t81 ' Time of Concenlration,Tc; minutes 1~J!i51 . Note: minimum Tc is five minutes 'IUlCalc(jraticn:'isTarefforah~e1BESf2s;.YEi'iffJ'storm:i:4:8!inch(;s1of;rain1in';'24:noiTi:slinranlNRCS~Tvn€h1'AfdistiibutionjB~~~t"~~f'~t;;'0ffi':~~~'~~~~J ~ . . , 'CiJlcu/ated,Data , 'J ".,~1., ,-',.,,'" -.".:,: . To'tai ProjeCt An~a~Acres '~~ak;FI(,w,Rat~":9~eak, cfs ..L" _" ., O:,~508~60~~~l .~ / " ' Total Runoff Volume, V, cubic feet. :; ... " ,. - ..~ Time 10 Peak Run9ff, ~9urs ", . /- 1.489J 7.83] , ,', ".1,.>" ,,' . ' ~ . '. .'.~ -' '-;' 'Runoff Hy'dro[fiaph ' ..,c ." . . , I, 0.12 ' \. , , i' 0.10 'I 0.08 ' .' .i<! o '0 0.06 c , '" " ,~ 0.04 0,02 .~ ~ \ 0.00 o 500 1000 1500 . 2000 2500 Time, minutes DEll 2.RECO I ., :\ji;;j;lii~',; ... :Ji1ti,i. fl~'t_il, ,'dh.,l u t ~-t,'~r.u t.l i~ ,,1 I !t'''.'''' ."',,., :'.' '. ~ I ,OJ.. ,~.~"" N,'l ....,'.c":' , .. .( :..'1,< .. --~ -.",.----..,.. --,. ---- '.r'ii?;;~-~!:;~~,:Hl I;U;;';jilfh'h~"."- '!~'1~~t;, . H~!l-liA:lttliji:HH th!f1:H{!:t1Ifi':'~I-.I\<J:, u", td,"..".t...,..d., .... >.~ 1;.., ....'. ". ."... . ., '. ".._.. ..'... "... '.. it' II.. ~-'.-,,',~' ..~..._--. . "..~~ ~~.::-.-- - _.-.t.,~ ---:'-..-" :J;t'll'lf:ifti; ;j~rtrt (Unt t~ , ... , , ,-" .. .. . , , . ~... , -,,- . ... , . 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 :, I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 ',c Bureau of Environmental S!,rvices - SBUH Calculation Worksheet proiect Name: Springfield Schools, Thurston Elementary School (2S.Year Event) Designer: J. Holcomb Date: 12/10/07 c Basin 22 User-$uppliedData ~P.e-ijiOlisrArealli'~~nlii';1i.W.t!Z\t:,2;,~"";]f-1f6t:;'!;l1l.;-rQ:{t';[t'{mw;tmrr.~lmpervjoiis~Area~~CZ~~1'~~&Jf;J~~~m "::~:~~: ~~::: ~:res 1~~~220~~~~ :~~:~:~~: ~~::: ~:res :_t~r;0g~~~~: Pervious Area Curve Number, CNperv !ljij!illlf,f~80 Impervious Area Curve Number, ~Nimp '1~981 Precipitation in 24 hours (Pt) = r.,W~m'iD~;!tA~8 . Time of Concentration, Te, minutes U~~~~5'l4!!5 Note: minimum Tcis five minutes ~ riCalciilatiori's:a-relfo-r,,th-elBESI25~YE{<Ir;stcirm:[4~8~;iYche~srofifainjin'r241houi"s~in'ah1NRC S]T;lt:rEf~1Ndisti"ib-utiofili~wI~~i~'fi!'~~jmtJ c Ca/culatedcData Total Project Area, Acres .' Pe.ak Flow~ ,Rate, .Qpeak, .Ct5' :':., .','-,' 'I 0.5283746561 I. ' Oc391 Total,Runoff, Volume, V, cubic feet Tin.1e'to'Pea~ ~unoff, ~our~ . -,.. ~. ~\. . - '.'.' ,"' : Runoff;Hydrograph ' -"j. "'-""\, <,r" O.4f 0.40. " 0.3f ~I Oc30 , .:'l 0:2f o. '" 0 " , ~ 0.20- 'O.1f 0.10 0.05 OcOO 0 .,; , ..., " f\: " '~. .~ ," , . . ' . ' ; ':: " I i\ --'-i. . . ~ ., r .\ c 500 1000 1500 . 2000 " " Time, minutes c, I.~~- ..... '. ".. . . ..'--o---,..--I-T-." ,.__".,,,~__~_'r'~" ....,..,___.: "'lll"\{ ,... mJ!""l'li~H"';"c. ';,,1'., :'~ !J.,. uH H'!!!L.Jtr.'!1.~ Htn~Lt!,u-;~J!:~U . ;f;~i1 tIT1I~i;IID;Mi ;itj~ij;, li.h; :riHk: ,~. '. I cl. .5,2701 .7.831 / ) .... , ,~ 2500 DEe 1 2 REC'O '- .~ -:f~; ~..~.,~"l --~-"., ',t " "'11 ",Hi , , . !fii:HHl-_?!.~.tr! I I I I I .' 1 I I' ,',;." , I 'J , .. I , I I.: I I I I I I I / '- , Bureau of Environmentai'Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet Projecl'Name: Springfield Schools, Thurston Elementary Sch'ool (25-YearEvent) Designer: J. Holc9mb .. D~te: 12/10/07 . :. Basin 23 . User-Supplied,Data ~Rervious~Aiea~;i""'X;"'A~Ltfr.4Ji4i~~~~S~~e~liTlp'eryious~Are-a~.R:h~B!1z~:2&<i~~~Th~ . ::~:~~~ ~~:::;~res. :~Zf~~90~~;1 :~~:~:~~: ~~::: ;~res :~~;~~i~~~;1 Pervious Area Curve Number, CNpef\l '~~i~J'80 Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp 1~~rK&.!Ilf'.~98 Prec!pitalion in 24 hours (PI) = _~~j"i.i~']W8 - . . Tif!1e of Concentration, Te, minutes ' ~~~5 Note: .minimum Te is five minutes . . l!l?arCUlati6'n"i'a7~fo'l'Ltne)8ES125~Year;sti5rin:;[4!8nnChElS'f6ftiaiii;;ii)241hOUfs~jnIal11NRC StTVif€i~1'A""distril5ulio'n;~f...~J~}i~t:~)1. , . Calculated Data . '. ..~ . ".~ "'\,',. ' -.- ~ - ',1\ " '.', ',' Total P.roj~ctArea,'Acres . Pe~~ ElOy( 'Rate..' ~~.i~~, Cf,5 ..,J "-./ .j."., \', ,'.- Total Runoff Volume. V, cubic feet 'Timeto ~eak'R~noff;,hours '1,' ,':' - ',. , '1 0.248"1"175391 ' . 0.19 2.6341- 7.831 '1::. '. ., ", ., ;: 1":-" '" , . .' , """,..,,,", "'.'" , Run.off Hydroiiraph .' '",'. ,.~, " l ! ',':.'" ....' ., .~ '.. 't" ., " '0,25 c ,f ,I , ,~ ~ r ) i, " 020 "., ,! I: " 1 0.15 .i!! u " 0 c 0 '" 0,.10 "\ ", 0.05 \ 0.00 o 'ij 2000 . 500 1000 1500 2500 Time, mil)utes .' GEe 1 2. \ltC'll ".~. _.~._~~,.,<...;!:--;._, . ..-- .c;;,'T'.;",.,~,."" .f"H,'"" .' .r'l., ~i!,~" ~ ~lU,U'l i 'lr,i,l'b:,ti:.~'1"'~1~,,<':~,' '; Vta:fl'H . i.l!.~t~ !,."..:~'! : t t. ~!'E'!.l~Et1.U ~ It!~l'-t~,:~,'~ ! ~ _ ',:.~ ~ .."! '!. , ..... ~ : ~..~t~~; ~ :.~;; ~ :~4:; ~':.;. _: . _ _ ~.~ . J:.i ~;~ l:14~w~+r~ ~ I ~iJ,,;<,'t )!if "..... t ~, -. ~.f :.; ~;1 ~'l! .;"~ ~ .:,~~,_.H ~!.J!~!.!.L.! t,!~'.'1!Jb"F!',~ tJt!f d ! ~ ~ t-u _ i f _. !: 1 I I I I I I I" 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I I fil'i" ,!L-~:!! " .'. " '.' ~! 'Il --./ , Bureau of Environmental Services: SBUH Calculation Worksheet --' Project Name: Springfield Schools, Thurston Elementary School (2S.Year Event) D~signer:. J. Holcomb Date: 12/10/07 SUBBASIN 23 User-Supplied Data t,Pervious~fJ.rea:~~~~~Jt~~~~~lmpeNious~fJ.rea'~~~~~~'~Iftl~~&il;&~Z1L~~~' Perviol!s Area, SF Impervious Area, SF IMil~D~309!+1 Pervious Area, Acres Impervious Area, Acres. I 0.07 . ( Pervious Are? Curve Number, CNperv Impervious Area Curve Number,-CNimp ~_98 . Precipitation in 24 hours (Pt) =, . " "- Time of Concentration, Te, minutes Note: minimum Te is five minutes . [fJiCalculationsrare1fof;th"e;BES}25:'Xirar;'iW5rm:1:'4i8,incheslOfifaiiliin124\hourslima'fi:: NRC S\;Tvoe1,1Ardistributi~~ii1~'i~'t~~\ . .dicul;;ted Data ' '. .-~ -: .,,: j'.' J'.. T ota,1 Project Area; Acres' Peak-Fiow Rate/a'peak, Cis . ':~- <" ;~,,",,,' ~. --;- .'::', . , ' ',. .. , ' Tot?I.Ru~o!f Vo:lume,'V, cu~i,cfeet.i' .- . Tirileto Pe'ak Runoff, ho'urs ,', . \" - I,.. '.1' 1,1771 ' 7.83' .1 0.07-10284661 0.091 " .-'" ", -t"U . / .:.. "IF " ,. .',. '- ,,' . Runoff Hydrogra,ih ;,' ',"'1.,'"": oO.1~ " > ,'" , ~ ': ."' :' ( , ,. 099 l . .~o 'I " " " o.or 0.07 . , " 0.06 " < w <; ~ O.Of " " '" .,' . '" ',( 'O.O~ . 0.0:' /' I ' /1~ I \ 0.02 0.01 ;' " , p.OO o " '2060 500 .1000 '1500 2500 Time, minutes' DEe '12 REC'U . l.._ " ~,,-.;.-~-;-"'i~"" . . _'"";'~.--' . ',J. .':-' ':"_~ ;. _ ....., . _ __ ,', _ .., _; '*~il'jtliiN;;;i~1;;;;,~;J'I"ni~.'", . "elt;;' '.:' ~X,!;..':iLtntH~fl!f'itu-J~.t~.,~;'H:~td !,!.~n-;~tl: , '...... "'.'~'--r~'''''''' & .'!, 'J#'lrilfIH'i:rtli ~iriTp' ':. ]1'1" '. ~'! !~~ i,j,.! L,H~ ,~~~L,i !~,,:_!:1 ;:.~.~} rd H ~ u_H t ~. 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 .r I' 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I" . ~ , . . .':--f j. f~:lh ~ .' d'~l'h .::Yl.~-H~_n:U!;.u t.t!: Bure'au of Environmental ServiCes - SBUH Calculation Worksheet ,.:' Project Name: Springfield Schools, Thurston Elementary School (25-Year Event) De~igner: J. 'Holcomb .. Date: 12/10/07. Basin 24 User-Supj:ilied Data F:eer.vi6us:'Area~1',ffi~1,~~~Jt;~Jr';;~;ln;~~,:,~f,b~l:t+'%ro1m;;1mD-eiVioiJs,Are-a&t'B~~~;,'(r~dO"~~ , Pervious Area, SF .1~'i-~125853 Impervious Area, SF I' 1~~::lt~40931 Pervious Area, Acres I 2.89 Imp'ervious Area, Acres I 0.09! . Pervious Area CUNeNufnber, CNp~rv ~~,'t!80 Impervious Area. Curve Number, CNimp 1:~iJfs~1W:ttl!;i981 Precipitation in 24 nours (Pt) = a~:~~4!8 , .... Time of Concentration, Te, minutes ~~5. Note: minimum Te is five minutes t, : IICalcufiitio'iis:rarfMOi;t~:e1BES~2~Yifa~torm:rr4!8IiriclieS'of/i'aimjff!2~:houfs\irnan;NRCSliTvoe1fNdistriouti6'nw~ifhi{[F~~;~::&J . II C~lCulateiJ Data i~taJ projectAr~a,'Acres Pe'ek .Flow ~a'i$;_QRe'a}; cf? 2.983149679\ .2,211 Total Runoff'volur1)e, '{,~cubic-feet Time I~"p'eak Runoff, ~C!ur~ . "~ ..,-. "\ RU~'b",Hydrograph 2.'50 . , " )" 2,00 .~ , 1.50 . ~ o .,: '0 o , "' 1.00 0.50 '~L' . - '-\ \ ,0.00. .0 500 1000 1500 Time, minutes . ! ~. .c ~,t:,~~ttI:~~_~",~-;~.:~:::-:-~t:~ . " ,,~;,.' ' \~t i !--';'if'f:IJ.<l;I' th ~;;:~:;i' n:i;~ r"" ',~..,:, _Hf~t-n ~ j,:~!'-!: ft!.1:.:~t._tr'!_~f'H.:rn !:!J to: t.: l-(+'~ ,~!.!-:! !!-1 U; ..k " 1 ,I 30,0741 7,83 . ~ ,;'- ;'" ( ., t.. , [. , " 2000 2500 \1FT 1 2 REfU ,~~,q~,:~-:~T,1~';1'! ; ,;'i(,~,; :-;{i;:'~;,~, ' j~d!~ dlfl~ ~_! ~ U !it.!':!:! nl!!! ~tJ ! d' !!~ .-;,,' " ....' " "_""_""'_'"'_.,"_ "'._ c ."" .,~,.- ,,,.. . - -, , I I I I ..'...,......:. .,' . """ liT" .,,'.~ "". ' ~.. Consulti~g Engineers . ;,..,-,,,;:'f~~~:;" . m. .. ',' - . BASIN. TOTAl BASIN AREA ". 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 sub8 9, 10 sunJO 11 . 12 sub 12:) sub 12.2 13 14 1.5 sub 15 16 17 sub 17 18 sub 18 19' . sub 19 ' 20 21 22 . 23 24 I I I 1 I: I I ,.:,. I 1 I I 1 I I I' , SI'.,' 5,11~ 23,455, ,19.4.77 2,15~ 9,523 ,19,9~5 25,250 8:143 , 1;1B3, 28,055 ',','." 6,573 915' , 1'8,625 14,~Q1 1,600 2,142 3,735 13,672 9,229 3,281 8,469 '8,129 4,682 14,258 5,650 3,872 1,646 10,811 . 6,570 23,017 10,808 129,946 444&08 BASIN AREA- Thursto~.xJs . ACRES, 0..1174' .' 0,5385 0,44!1 00495 @86 0.4574 0:9197. 0,18,8,9 0.0272' 0@449.. 9j~Q9/ 0,0210 OA276 . 0.3421 0.0367 0,0492 0,0857 0.3139 0.2119 0,0753 0,19.44 0,1866 0.1015 0-.3273 0.1297 0,0889 . ,6,0378 16:2482 ,.._:c~ ''', '0.1508 0:5284 0.2481 . 2,9832 11 ':";.~~:}l ::_",;:~~~' :~;,;t~_;;'i:i" '.;, t:'li;'.'J.:.'? ~'\;~C~:1:i:~':: ./,~:~ I~'f.ir:i ;':-~-;i'" " .~gff!Nc,;J;I~h[),~M~H9.;~~!;I9q,~~ 'e'k!,.,..... ,,"THURSTON'ELEMENTARY.' ";'i' Ii i;I;'"'.' "'J'"'.'_'-'"'<'i:''''~.'~~''' H .,-'so- :;-~"',."" , '. . ',i;' ',' ;". Project307823 . . . . KP'FF COnsill;;hgEiigine~rs' . , By:'JLH . '; '):_/;~;i,_',.~r~:~'}iAt :'~:,~,,;}~~:_:L.}!_:'::, . DRAINAGE:BASIN AREAS .. - ... - <'"'W.,,''-'.'_''' .,:'(.".c":;,.... -:..<..~' ., TAEl~E C-.1' '.' PERVIOUS AREA (CN 85) " . 'SF., '.' . ACRES 5,113 0,1174 '13,1110.3010 11,818, . 0:2!.13 . . 0 : 0.0000:< 9,523' 02186' 7,3~0 . 0 16~6 25,~59 05!~! 4,443 ' 0.1020 0,. . 0.000'6 . 28,~55 0.6441 '. . 2.436 0'6559 :oi 0.0000 9,845 . 022'6Q . 4,971 OJ141 . o .0,9000 o 00000 . 2,685 0,0616 8,228 0.1889 . 3,808 0.0874 . 0 0.0000 . '7,079 0.1625 3,509 0:0866 .955 0.0219 6,246 . 0 1434 o 0.0660 o 0.0000 o 00090 ,0 0.0000 o 0.0600 22.662 . 0.5203 9,603 0,2204 125,853. 2.8892 312,581 7 ,,;!. lofl IMp'E~VIOUS AR~A (9~ ~8);~ .' , - SF" . . ,.ACRES '0<:, ' 0,0000' 10;344 0.2375 i660 01'758 . . "..,- ",...,,,....,.... 2;15~ 091~,? '0' , 0,0000 12',535 02@i . . o ' : 0'0000:' 3,706 . ,00849; . (183' 0'0272 0'" 00000' . 4,13~ .00950 . 915'00210;' 8,780 6:20'16 ' 9,936 0??80' 1 ,~og o,oia? 2;142 0,Q4~2 1,050 00241 5,444 . 0 1250. . 5,421 0.1245 . 3,281 0.0753 1,390' 6.0319.' 4,620 . 0.1Q6\ 3,727 0,0856 , 8,012 01819 5,650 . 0.1f97 3,872 0,0889 1,6460,037.8 .10,811 . 0.2482 6,570 . . 0.1508 354. '. 09081 1,205' 0:0277 4,093 00940 132,~t7 . 3' '. " , '85' 91 99 ~8 '85 93 85 .91 . 98 85 ,93 . 98 91 94 98 . 98 89 90 93 . 98 87 92 .95 92 98 . 98 98 98 98 85 86 85 92 WQVAUL TICB . AREA(SF~ o DEe '1 2 \\f.t'O 12111/2007 1 I 1 I I I, I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I Storm Drainage . Springfield Public Schools KPFF Consulting.Engineers Thurston Elementary Conveyance Calculations By:JLH Springfield, Oregon Roof West 2.5-year Project: 307823 .DESIGN SECTION DESIGN CALCULATIONS . DESIGN SUB.BASIN RUNOFF TOTAL SLOPE alA CAPACITY VEL. RUNqFF VEL. LENGTH OR TIME 0 0 Of Vf RATIO AT STRUCTURE MIN. CFS CFS % IN. . CFS FTIS OIOf OIOF FEET CONNECTOR 1 5.00 ' 0,00 0.14 1.50 6 0.69 3,44 0.20 2.68 78 CONNECTOR 2 5.00 .0.14 0.22 1.00 6 0.56 2.81 0.39 2.62 44 CONNECTOR 3 5.00 0.22 0.34 1.00 6 0.56 2.81. 0.61 , 2.95 68 CONNECTOR 4 5.00 0,34 0.42 1.00 6 0.56 2.81 0.75 3.09 19 CONNECTOR 5 5.00 0.42 . 0.51 1.50 6 0.69 I 3.44 0.74 3,78 46 CONNECTOR 6 5,00 0,51. 0.59 2,00 6 0,79 3.97 0.74 4.36 60 CONNECTOR 7 5.00 0.59 0.63 2.00 6 . 0.79 I 3.97 0.79 4.40 73 DEel2 REC'O con'veyance calcs 25-yr:xls 12/11/2007 1 Springfield Public Schools Storm Drainage KPFF Consulting Engineers Thurston Elementary Conveyance Calculations By:JLH Springfield, Oregon ,Roof East 25-year Project: 307823 DESIGN SECTION OESIGN CALCULATIONS DESIGN. SUB-BASIN RUNOFF TOTAL SLOPE DIA CAPACITY VEL. RUNOFF VEL. LENGTH OR TIME 0, Q Qf VI RATIO AT STRUCTURE MIN. CFS CFS % IN. CFS FT/S Q/Of Q/QF. FEET CONNECTOR 1 5.00 0.00 0.09 2.00 6 0.79 3.97 0.11 2.54 35 CONNECTOR 2 5,00 . 0.09 0.24 1.00 6 0.56 2.81 0.43 2.69 46 CONNECTOR 3 5.00 0.24 0.39 1.50 6 0.69 3.44 0.57 3.54 88 CONNECTOR 4 5.00 0.39 0.54 1.50 6 0.69 3.44 0.79 3.81 32 CONNECTOR 5 5.00 0.54 2.82 2.00 12 5.04 6.46 0.56 6.59 16 I CONNECTOR 6 5.00 2.82 2.94 . 2.00 12 5.04 ' 6.46 0,58 6.72 83 CONNECTOR 7 5.00 2,94 3,04 2.00 12 5.04 6.46 0.60 6.78 94 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 DEe 1 2. Rt~'~ 1 I conveyance calcs 25.-yr.xls 12/11/2007 I I I I I .-..... ::' I 1 'I l I I I 1 I I I I I I ~ .,~. ., " ;. :t h,: ~ ';.t",U".. , . "'~'~'~~:~}:' . Bureau of Environmental Services, SBUH Calculatio,,'Worksheet >,.,. Project Name: Springf!eld ~chools, Tl1urston Elementary School Designer: J. Holcomb Date: 12/11/07 Area 2 WQ CB User.Supplied Data t;p'ervious:Area>:k:{;?~)~~~!t;~i~ Pervious Area, SF Pervious Area, Acres.- Pervious Area'Curve Number, CNp~rv_ Precipitation in 24 hours (pt) = Time tlf Concentr~tion, Te, minutes '.~ :ii,7(f~>~~]~?)'~<tF;:[~~::i*~Jr4t~~4:b';;:1~~f'~."'i;;i-!~~:~lfi1r.ervic.Lis~Arear~;;\~~"i:i?,/i'&"!$:tl1H~:~-!~~;:;.:.;;~~;;t~:~:;!f;:!% _:r'\~>\\ti11 1;;;;!,~~~~13U1 hnne!"vio,~s Area. SF F~10i3,rd:1 I 0.30 Irn~ervious Area; Acres ! 0:241 Im,;e,v")o$ Area Curve N"IT'ber. C"irnp 11R)i,jl"il;i98J . - . Note: mjni.lr~.uill'fc is five,minules - ~: 1;~;Calclilation-s:1fretfor;,th-e;BES(water-;a-iialitVi'sti:lrm:80:83linches':of;(aifflinI24\h6tifs':jriVan1NRCSgT'iiie';,1'A"ijE;trjblitioj}lTIr~~.[J u ,-,Calculated Data .-..,...- ~TOi<:; Proj~~t Area, Acres ~Pe~k Flow Rate, ~peak, cfs 0.5384527091 0;04! ,".*~;r;;_ ";Runoff Hydrograph 0.05 0.04 ~ l 0,04 0,01 . 0.03 t; :::. 0 c , cr:: 0.02 0.02 / 0.01 0.Q1 0.00 0 500 )JO~3! f~lu~Cilf Vo!ume. V, f;ub;c tEe! :.nr.':: tr1 Peak Fun0tf,.t.cU~,:; . [~]1~' ;~ . .. ,.. . ~ ._-------~---'--:----,--.,.-,..-~,.._.--. , ' , _._-_.._.__._----~ . . , ," ~ ., ': , il' :'1', :1;' " 10001500 Time"min~te5 2000 . ~~ 2500 Drc 1 'l. \\EtU 1 I I I, I.' -" ,.,.-' I I :,.l:'".'7i':1r.'1't.;;\~;~ ...--' 'II'" '-'r 'l!~f, f!i;'},.4 r:",,,. ;"\.;......-.1.. " - ;.., " . pl"';\~,~ b~.;.. . Bureau of Environmental,Seniices " SBUH GiilciJiiitiiih Worksheet , . Project Name: Springfield Schools; Thlll:stori Elementary s(~iirjol .Designer: J, Holcomb ' , Date: 12/11/07 Area 4 WQ CB User,Supplied Data mPervfous:A.rea~mITi?;i,**'i,mii?:r;'!i;_~M;~J~~;:' {)'::;~i~:;1t~0,-:j%tfP_Xi!~,~I\;;l?;1 :.... Pervious Area, SF Pervious Area, Acres Pervious Area Curve Number, CNperv Precipitatic~m. in 24 hours"(Pt) = Time of Concentration, Tc,'minutes ,. ~ ....;-;.f..-. ,.1,- . 1~_01 I 0.001 Impervlous7Area-,%-\~'\~:;:$tGtD;-;il'i'E@i;::;~*fi~:t~*iili:yk;iS-f11-~;*\;'ll:,?-,,'fi:;' Im~erJious Area, SF I~W~~!\t2:-.155~1 Irnpervir;us ('-rea, Acres L_ . _ o.~ ImperVious Area Curve NUrTlber: CNimp L ~~188 , i:: , ._ .,....."'..."'_ _~ _.,JCalculated.Data '>.'.""~",,." Note: minimum Tc is five minutes "":.'0 .'~";~';;{.;.;:", ',~ ~Tot~rp~ciject Area, Acre~ ~'1; . ,.....;.:,.,.;1;.:. > - $?e:.~k'F!ow Rate, Qpeak, cfs',' , -" I' , '. '.,-....._.,-_...~~. ~ . 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I l!iCi:i1c-ulatiijnsrare';f(n;;th'etBES~wat~"r,cfLialitV:sto{m:;:o:83iii'iches';ot;f3ifilin124~houl"s\fnJ;in1NRCS~Tv0i!1,1A:distritiution'iDfff/l~i"i.~ft$"i1 .~ ..,..,.-...~--'-"""--~' "0.01 -''.-Runoff Hydrograph .._. 0.01 0.01 0,01 0.01. ~' u . - 0.01 I 0 0 , " 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 I 000 0 1\ 0.0494719931 0.011 Tctai Runoff Volume, V, cubic ff.:st Timeto,Peak Runoff, hOlirs , C~-'--ti3T ... L.._-_~~2~~ll; . ~ ~... ~. ' '," :(. ,., :' Ii ~- \ : 500 1000 1500 2000 .2500 . Time, minutes DI:Cl2. \\Ett\ ~I 1 I I,' 1 1 I .-c.' ~., I I I I I I I. I I I I ., J!I~.":':'f- Thurston ES"", ..:. . .' . West'Swale'," '. (Areas 1,8,9, 10,12, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20:'ii ,'23 an'd associated subareas) S - ", . Wi 1; d' .q""M~nit . r Diagram Swale Variables Used in Spreadsheet User-Supplied Data Variable Name . ,,'~. Side Slope.1. .: .::, ,SS1 ,,,'1.-~~." ,;,~.', "1' 'Side Slo'pe 2 .... - SS2 Swale Width .' . . W '" .. ".. ~.,.."LengthwiseSloi;e::'_ S .: Peak Flow Rate Qpeak SwaleHeight Height Manning Coefficient n cc Unit 3 SS1:1 3 SS2:1 5 feet 0.005 feet/foot 0.31 cfs .1.5 feet 0.25 '~~,:~ "~ :.....~ Computed oata Variable . Unit 3.63 inches 1.79 sf 6.91 feet 0.26 feet 0.31 cfs Name 'd A WP R Qpkcalc Depth . Cross-sectional Area Wette_d Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Computed Peak Flow Rate Computed Peak Velocity IComputed Length Vpkcalc 0,17 ft/sec , L 92 feet Designed swale length is approximately 230 ft. f',. \)EC12 ~tt'n BES~SW ALE_ West.xis I 1 I I I I l ~~',: l. I I I I I 1 I I I I I r Height. Qpeak = Peak flow rate, cfs ~. ~~l!~ Thurston ES Bus Swale (Area 3) 5 \~/ ~ rd 'Y . Diagram of Swale Variables Used in Spreadsheet User-Supplied Data Variable Side Slope 1 Side Slope 2 Swale Width . Lengthwise'Slope Peak Flow Rate Swale Height Manning Coefficient. Variable Depth Cross-sectional Area Wetted.Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Com puted Peak Flow Rate Computed Peak Velocity IComputed Length Name SS1 SS2 W S , Qpeak. Height n Computed Data Name d. A WP R Qpkcalc Vpkcalc L Unit 3 SS1:1 .3 SS2:1 5 feet . 0.005 feet/foot 0.03 cfs 1.5 feet 0.25 Unit . 0.84 inches 0.36 sf 5.44 feet 0.07 feet 0.03 cfs . 0.07 ftIsec .37 feet Designed swale length is approximately 125 ft. GEe 1 2 REt'n , BES-SW ALE_Bus 1.xls 1 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 Thurston ES Bus Swale (Areas 6 and 11 ) 5 ~- y,.,,,,, .= "!'""" . d r Diagram of Swale Variables Used in Spreadsheet User-Supplied Data . Variable Name Side Slope 1 SS1 . Side Slope 2 SS2 Swale Width W Lengthwise Slope S Peak Flow Rate Qpeak Swale Height Height Manning Coefficient .n ,'--. Computed Data Name d A WP R Qpkcalc . Variable Depth Cross-sectional Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Computed Peak Flow Rate Com puled Peak Velocitv IComputed Length Vpkcalc L Unit 3 SS1:1 3 SS2:1 5 feet 0.005 feet/foot 0.09 cfs 1'.5 feet 0.25 Unit .1 .72 inches 0.78 sf 5.91 feet 0:13 feet 0.09 cfs . 0.11 ftlsec 59 feet Designed swale length Is approximately 180 ft. I ( DE.e 1 2 F~f'f\ ,;BES-SWALE_Bus 2.xls " I I ~:", I:: 'lr"::~ . ,~)',~.:~~ ....... . \;t~!'~T'1 Water Qua!i!}' Basin: Class 1 (Area 13) ,.' -;- ~."';' '. -~'~rr;'!>: ~:~:;;.}f;;~' I I New or Redeveloped Impervious Site Area r--l L i.,05G _ Box 1 Iq- (donat include roof areas that ~iII.be'infiltrated on-site withdrY~eliS or scakas.etrenches), Column 1 Column.2 Column 3. I INSTRUCTIONS . 1. Enter square footage of new or 'redeveloped~ l. impervious site-area .in Box 1 at the top of,thisform. 2.- Select impervious area reduction techniques,from rows 1-3Jo;reduce th"e site's > resulting'stormwater'~. .. management fequireTnent. ~ =rree'credit:c.a0'be'~.k;ul,(]ted , using,the'tree creditiWorksheet on,the:n-extpage; &it 'I . . - ,~. ~ac 3. Select desired.stormwater man13gement. faGililie_~' from rows 4-10. In ColumnJ ,enter the sqt,lare footage of: irnpervious!area that will flow l~tf.? ea~~ ~ad\ity type. I J I 'I 4. MuitiplYjeach impervious area from Column 1 by the corresponding sizing factor in Co!umn'2~and enter the result in Column 3. This is the facility_surface area needed to 1"-------- ~anag~.rlJnoffJrom.the~ . Impervious area. . - . 5. Total Column 1 (Rows 1- 10) and enter the resulting' "Impervious Area Managed" in Box 2. I I 16, Subtract Box 2 from Box 1 and enter the. result in Box 3.' When this nuhlber reaches 0, stormwater pollution reduction and flow control requirements have beeh met. Submit this form with the application for permit. 7. If Box 3.is greater thanD square feet, add square footage or facilities to Column 1 and recalculate, or use additional facilhies from Chapter 2.0 of the Stormwater Management Manual to manage stormwater from these remaining impervious surfaces. I I I I I I Total Impervious Area I - 1050 Managed Box 2 Box 1 - Box 2 -0 I Bod ' Current swale ~rea is approximately 390 sf. . UEC,l'1. \l,tt\\ .:.,"%. I ., I -'< I. I It 1-"~' '. :' ", , .., j L.~ . I .,.\.' _,,", 'it: .:. J ;....., .\ . ...;'~fl"';/f :' ll/')I\ .t'~~;)'",i~4, .', '.j'\ "'; . ~ . . ,",,"~, .! ,I'. .,. .~ . Water Quality Basin: Class 2 (Area 16) i.',i' ':"1 I I I INSTRUCTIONS 1: Enter square footage'of new or redeyel.oped ~..., imperviou.s-site area in Box 1 at the 'top of.thi~ form. I 12. Setect impetyiol,.l~.area .. reduction, technique~Jrom I -. :,:,row~:;i.3:,to:rer}ucern'~.site's . ---~~.:-. ~;';t'~ r'J,es,~ltiGg stor~wateL"\;" . "-,,,!" .r'~;"ir~' -;#"fi; manaqerner!t'require~ent. 'r~.." :'.~~ ~.}~:~~r~d~tc~~;be ~~Iculated .1 ",~ .~..,.JIIM"~,ttl~., :'11~e'lr~.e:fred!t ,":,orksheet )' "~r: ~n~W;~ ~extjp~ge, "g~;, ~~ '..' ~~-,'. 3. Selectdesireo'stormwater manager~ent iaciliti~s from ' rows 4.10.. In Column.l enter 'the square foo~age,of~ ,,' imp~rvio!Js area tl1at.wi[i'flow. intc each facility type.' ".... 1 I 4. Multipiy each impervious ar~a from'Col~Hnn 1 by the corresponding sizing factor in Column ~;,a.n~J'cmter th~Tesult in Column 3~ ~ 'This is the facility ~urfaceareaneeded to ------~ manage runoff from the-~- I Impervious area 5. fotal Column 1 (Rows 1- 10) and enter the resulting '... "Impervious Area Managed" ,in Box 2, . I I 6, Subtract-Box 2 from Box 1 and enter the resuIUn'Box'3. When this ~umber reaches 0, stormwater pollution reduction and f1ow.control requirements have been met. Submit this form with the application .for permit. " 7. If'Box 3 is. greater than 0 . square feet, add square ' footage or facilities to Column 1 and recalcul~te, or use additional faCilities from Chapter 2.0 ofthe Stormwater ManagemenUy1anual to manage stormwater from these remaining impervious surfaces. I I I ~ I I J " .-' TotalllTlpervious Area "I Managed --"I Box.2 1390 Box 1 - Box. 2 0, I' Box 3. , . Current swalearea is approximately 4?0 s~. DECl ~ Rtt'~ " I.",.. ~\, MAHLUM ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEMENTARY SCIIOO"L SECTION ;>0 329500 Pi\. ,__u 1 of 23 'ESTABLISHMENT MAINTENANGE .7S%,DESIGN DEVELOPMENT " SECTION 32 8400 - PLANTING lRRIGA TION GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDES A. This Section includes piping, valves, sprinklers, speciallies,.~ontrols, and wiring for. central satellite control irrigation system. B. Related sections: 1. Division 31 Section "Earth Moving" for utility trench excavation, backfilling, compacting, and grading requirements. . ' 2. Division 32 Sectlon "Plants" for tree and shrub planting. 3. Division 32 Section "Turf and Grasses" for seeding of lawns and graSses. 4. Division -26 Section "Common Work Results for Electrical" for providing electrical i~ connection La irrigation controller. 1.2 DEFINITIONS A. Mainline: Piping downstream from irrigation point of connection to lateral zone valves. Piping is under constant pressure. B. Lateral Line: Piping downstream from control valves to sprinklers, outlets, and drain:; valves. Piping is not under con~tant pressure. c: The following are industry abbreviations for plastic materials: 1. PE: Polyethylene plastic. 2. PP: Polypropylene plastic. 3. PVe: Polyvinyl chloride plastic. 4. TFE: Tetratluoroethylene plastic. 1.3 SITE CONDITIONS A. Meet with Owner's Representative and Owner's maintenance staff on site to review scope;~ of work of this contract prior to installing any parts of the system. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Materials List: Within 30 days after award of Contract, and before any irrigation system .;; materials are-delivered to the job site, submit to the Owner's Representatiye a complete list of all irrigation system materials proposed to be furnished and installed. Include ';, manufacturer's name and catalog number for each item, ., B. Record DrawIngs: Provide Record Drawings illustrating actual as-built locations for all irrigation equipment per Division 01 Section "Closeout Submittals." PLANTING lRRIGA nON 328400-1 .....,~ Received, . oate .5\-\ p\annet. , ~, MAHLUM ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SECTION 329500 PAGE... v. 23 ESTABLISHMENT MAINTENANCE 75% DESIGN DEVELOPMENT I. During the course of installation, carefully show in: 'red ,line" on a print of the irrigation system Drawings,' all changes made to the irrigation system during installation. This drawing to be labeled "Record Copy". Make available for inspection. Do not use for co~struction. . Upon completion of the work, transfcr all changes to a complete set of the construction drawings. Changes to work drawn to be cleanly erased and new work professiQnally drafted in proper locations. Dimension and note clearly all underground work located horizontally and vertically. Clearly mark each sheet with the words" As.Built" and date. Submit As-Built Drawings' for approval. If Drawings are not clear, o~ information is not complete, revise and resubmit for approval. Project will not be complete until As-Built Drawings are submitted and accepted by Owner's Representative. Submit As-Built Digital Drawings after hard-copy drawings ar~ approved. Digital drawings shall be in AutoCAD 2005 format and copied onto a compact disk or zip disk. Submit at time of final examination for irrigation system. 'i l' t , 2, 3. 4, C. Tools: Submit to the Owner two sets each, as appropriate, of controller keys, quick coupler operating keys with hose swivels, gate valve keys, air compressor valve keys, valve box keys, wrenches for removal and adjustment of type of sprinkler head, and unique tools or devices needed to' access, operate, adjust or maintain the system. Submit at 1~ . time of final examination for irrigati?n system. D. Zone Map: Submit a laminated irrigation plan sized to fit inside controller enclosure indicating by varying colors the area, of coverage for each control valve, and' showing which valves are activated by each station on the controller. Show the location and valve number of each valve and the corresponding controller station nu~ber. The valve numbers ~shall be the valve numbers shown on the As Built Drawings. The Zone Map may be made from a ~ropped copi of the, As-Built Drawings. Submit to the Owner's Representative at ,ti~e of final in~pection for irrigatio~. E Guide Manuals: Submit operating and maintenance guides for the entire system and for each piece of equipment in the sys~em~ Instructions for system weatherization are to be included. Submit to the Owner's Representative at the time of the final examination of irrigation system. . F. Irrigation Schedule: Submit 6, (s.ix) 8-1/2 inches x 11 inches copies of an irrigation schedule. On the schedule, indicate theday(s) of the week each zone is watered, and the duration each zone is watered (in minutes). G. Testing Certificates: 1. Certification of backflow devices. 2. Hydrostatic pressure testing. ., 1.5 . QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide at least one person who shall be present at all times during execution of this portion of the Work, af!d who is thoroughly familiar with the type of materials being PLANTING.IRRIGATION 328400-2 ;',~ . ece\"e,a. . . oa\e \<I . S~ ?\al\l\e( , " MAHLUM ARCIIITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SECTION .329500 P/,"v""; 3 of 23 . ESTABLISHMENT MAINTENANCE 75% DESIGN DEVELOPMENT installed and the manufacturer's recommended methods of )nstallation, and who shall direct all work performed unde(this Section. B. Except where more slringent~' requirements are specified. conform to the "Uniform Plumbing Code" as adopled and modified by lhe Sli"e of Oregon and all legally constituted aUlhorilieshaving jurisdiction. If more restrictive than those specified herein, . notify the Owner's Representative prior to starting work. c~ All materials and equipment in the system to be new and be brands and types as shown in the plans or as specified herein, or as accepted by the Owner's Representative. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver piping with factory-applied. end caps. Maintain end caps through shipping, storage, and handling to prevent pipe-end damage and to prevent entrance of dirt, debris, and moisture. ' B. Store materials in areas designated by the Owner. C. Store plastic piping protected from direct sunlight. Support to prevent sagging and bending, D. Use all means necessary to protect irrigation'system materials from damage, theft and vandalism before, during, and after installation. E. In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the satisfaction of the Owner's Representative, and at no additional cost to the Owner. 1.7 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Meet with Owner's Representative and Owner's maintenance staff 01). site to review scope of Work prior to installing any parts of the system. B. Interruption of Existing Water Service: Do not interrupt water service to facilities' occupied by Owner or others unless permitted under the following ,conditions and then' only after arranging to provide temporary water service according to requirements;' indicated: ' L Notify Owner's Representative no fewer than four days in advance of proposed, interruption of water service.. 2. Do n-ot proceed with interruption of water service without written pennission of the " Owner's Representative. , C. Locate and identify, with visibIe marking, existing underground utilities in the 'areas of I' work. Call Northwest Utility Notification Center (800) 424-5555. - If utilities are to remain 'I in place, provide actequate means of prot"ection during excavation operations. ! . PLANTING IRRIGATION 328400.3 " 'I '\'1. \\'tt\l \l~c' ',' MAHLUM ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SECTION. 329500 PAGE 't vi 23 EST ABLlSHMENT M~INTENANCE 75% DESIGN DEVELOPMENT D. Should uncharted piping or other utilities be encountered during excavation, consult the utiJity owner immediately for directions. Cooperate with the owner and public and private utility companies in keeping their respective services and facilities in operation. Repair damaged utilities to the satisfaction of the utility owner. The cost of repairing charted utilities shall be paid by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. E. Protect buildings, equipment, utilities, sidewalks, paving;. reference points, monuments, and markers on the site. Take extreme caution when trenching at adjacent to aggregate base courses and around existing trees and their root systems. No root cutting is allowed without prior approval. Protect adjacent properties. Protect work by others. Replace or repair damaged items at 110 cost to the Owner and to the approval of the Owner's Representative. F. Coordinate with other trf.des affcctin'g or affected by Work of this Section. 1.8 WARRANTY A. Warran~y work and materials in writing for one year from the date of final acceptance, against defective workmanship and materials. All failures in workmanship or materials will be repaired at no additional. cost to the Owner immediately after notification by the ,?wner's Representative. B. Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining system and protecting it from all damage until date of Final Acceptance at no additional c~st to Owner. This shall include damage caused by vandalism or adverse weather conditions. 1.9 ONE-YEAR CORRECTION PERIOD A. Repair any settling' of backfilled trenches occurring during the one-year correction period . at no cost to Owner. Include complete restoration of all damaged planting, pavement, and or other impro,:ements of any kind. 1.10 SYSTEM COVERAGE A. The system is designed to 'provide full coverage, less plant interference, on all planting areas, It is anticipated that. Contractor will exercise professional judgment in location, height, slope of sprinkler heads without, measurably changing the system design. No changes shall be made in the system design without the prior approval of Owner's Representative. J.J I SYSTEM FAMILIARIZATION A. Upon acceptance of the system by Owner's Representative, Contractor shall provide the necessary keys and other tools necessary to operate, drain, and activate the system. Contractor shall train' Owner's maintenance personnel and provide written instructions to PLANTING IRRIGATION 32 8400-4 " , \ '!. \\tt\l \l't.c' . MAHLUM ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SECTION 329500 PAv"":'S of 23 ESTABLISHMENT MAINTENANCE 75% DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 'ensure that the system opera,tion, maintenance, and wi~tcrizing can continue after departure of the Contractor. Contractor will be l,iable for all damages or losses resulting I from failure to comply with the provisions of this Article. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS 2,2 PIPES, TUBES AND FITTINGS A. Steel Pipe: ASTM A-53, Schedule 40, Type S or E, Grade A or B, galvanized with' threaded ends.' II I. Steel Pipe Nipples: ASTM A-733, made of ASTM A-53 or ASTM A-106,' Schedule 40, galvanized, seamless steel pipe with threaded ends. 2. Malleable-Iron Unions: ASME B16.39, Class ISO, hexagonal-stock body with hall- and-socket, metal-to-metal, bronze seating surface, and fl?male thr~aded ends. 3. Gray-Iron Threaded Fittings: ASME BI6.4, Class 125, galvanized, standard pattern. ' . 4. Cast.lron Flanges: ASME BI6.1, Class 125. 5. Cast-Iron Flanged Fittings: ASME B16, I, Class 125, galvanized. B. Hard Copper Tube: ASTM B 88, Type K, water tube, drawn temper. I: I. Copper Pressure Fittings: ASME BI6,18, cast-copper-alloy or ASME BI6.22, i' wrought-copper solder-joint fittings. Furnish wrought-copper fittings if indic-ated. !~ 2, Copper Unions: MSS SP~123, cast-copper'alloy, hexagonal-stock body, with ball- ii and-socket, metal-to-metal seating surfaces arid solder-joint or threaded ends. , C. Bronze Pipe: ASTM B584 Alloy C84400 Standard Specifications for copper alloy sand " casting for general applications.;' 1. Bronze Pipe Nipples: ASTM ~-43, seamless red brass pipe with threaded ends. 2, Bronze Pipe Fittings: ANSI B-16, 15 cast copper al,loy threaded fittings. 3. Bronze Flanges: ASME B 16.24, Class 150, with solder.joint end. 4. Bronze Unions: ANSI B-16,15, Federal Specification WW-U-516 for Type Ill, Class A and Class B cast copper alloy threaded unions. D, PVCPipe, General: 1. Material used in the manufacture of the pipe shaH be domestically produced rigid , pve 1120 compound, Type I Grade I, with Cell Classification of 12454 as defined " , in ASTM D-I784, 2. Pipe shall continuously bear the National Sanitation Foundation seal of approval for' potable water usage and comply with the following requirements for product marking ASTM D-2241, D-1785 and D.2665 as applicable. Markings shall include: manufasturers name; nominal p,ipe' size; outside diameter system; material designatio~ code; applicable Standard thermoplastic pipe Dimension Ratio designation code (SDR number) or pipe schedule, and corresponding pressure rating in psi for water at 73 degrees Fahrenheit. PLANTING IRRIGATION 328400-5 \ 'L ~'tt\l \l't.c' '. ." MAHLml ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THVRSTON AND MAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SECTION 329500 PAGE b 01 23 ESTABLISHMENT MAINTENANCE 75% DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 3. Belled-end pipe shall have tapered sockets to create an interferenceAypc fit, which meet or exceed the dimensional requirements and the minimum socket length for pressure-type sockets as defined in ASTM 0-2672. 4. Pipe sizes 1/2 inch'and 1-114 inch are not allowed. E: pye Mainline: ASTM D-1785, Schedule 40. F. pye Lateral Line, Pressure-Rated Pipe: ASTM D-224 I , SDR 21, 200 psi minimum. G. pye Nipples and Fillings: I. pye Socket Fittings, Schedule 40: ASTM D-2466; and Schedule 80: ASTM D 2467. 2. pye Pipe Nipples: ASTM D'I785, pye 1120 compound, Schedule 80. 3. PyCThreaded Fillings, Schedule 80: ASTM D-2464. H. PE Drip Line Tubing with In-line Pressure Compensating Emitters: I. Tubing shall be of nominal sized one-half inch low-density,'ultra.violet-resistant, linear polyethylene tubing with internal pressure-compensating, self-cleaning, integral eID-itters at a specified.interval. The tubing shallbe brown in color and shall confonn to an outside diameter (O.D.) of 0.60 inch and an inside (I.D~) diameter of 0,54 inch, The low volume tubing shall be capable of a discharge rate of [,61] [,92] gallons per hour (GPm and between operating pressures of 7 to 70 psi for each individual emitter. The individual self-cleaning, pressure-compensating emitters'shall be co-extruded to the inside of .the tubing wall. The emitters are constructed of'three individual pieces. Emitter spacing shall he available in the following' on-center intervals: [12] [18] [24] inches. . Available Manufacturer: As scheduled on Drawings or equal. 2, 3: 4. I. PE Tubing Fittings: 1: All insert barbed fittings shall be constructed of molded, ultra-violet-resistant, brown colored plastic having a nominal inside dimension (I.D,) of 0.54 inch. Each fitting shall have a minimum of two ridges or barbs per outlet. All fittings shall be of same manufacturer as drip tubing and shall be available in one of the following end configurations: a. Barbed insert fittings b. Male pipe threads (MPT) with barbed insert fittings c. Female, pipe threads (F~) with barbed insert fittings~ 2. Fittings for mainline gate va~ves, manual drain valves, air relief valve and quick couplers shall be threaded Schedule 80 PVC. ASTM D 2464, "Yith Schedule 80 pye nipples, ASTM D 1785, pye 1120 compound, 3. All socket fittings for pye Schedule 40 pipe to be Schedule 40, NSF approved and complying with ASTM D 2466. PLANTING IRRIGATION 328400-6 ~i' " I' ,I il DEe 1 'l. v.tC~ MAHLUM ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOl.; SECTiON 329500 PA....C: 7 of 23 ESTABLlSIIMENT MAINTENANCE 75% DESIGN DEVELOPMENT J. Sleeves: pve pipe under all paving, sized to accommodate required sizes and numbers of pipes and wires, 6~inch minimum diameter, in no c_ase less than twice the diameter of the' pipe being sleeved. I, Schedule 40 PYC, ASTM 0-1785 or Plastic Sewer Pipe ASTM 0-3034, SOR-35, PYC conforming to ASTM 0-1784, N.S.F. approved pipe, 2.3 JOINING MATERIALS A. Pipe Solvent Cement I.. PYC Solvent Cement ASTM 0-2564. 2. ' 'Weld-On' I.P.S. 705 for pipe sizes up to 2 inch diameter. 3. 'Weld,On' I.P.S. 711 cement with P70 primer for pipe sizes 2-112 inches and larger. B. PYC Primer: I. 'Weld-On' I.P.S. P-70, ASTM F-656. C. PYC Cleaner: I. . 'Weld-On' IP.S. C-65, SCAQMO 1168, Low V.O.C. D. Field assembled Swing Joints: I. For Rotors and Quick Couplers: Schedule 40 PYC fittings and Schedule 80 PYC nipples as sh9wn on the drawings. Size to match inlet size of rotOr head or quick coupler. Use is acceptabl~ for all flows. E. Pre-fabricated Swing Joint Assemblies: l. CJas~ 315 pve constructjon with leak-proof "O-ring" seals. Size to match inlet size of pop-up rotor head or quick coupler. Use for flows greater than 4 gpm. Length as required. Lasco triple swing joint or equal. 2. Flexible PE swing pipe flexible riser assembly: Minimum 18-inch length polyethylene piping with black Marlex spiral barb fittings. Use for flows under 4 ;1 gpm. RainBird swingassemblies,or equaL F. Electrical Control Wire: I. Single-sttand copper, UL approved for direct burial, A WG-UF type, sized per ,: manufacturer's recommendations, #14 gauge mini.mum. " 2. Use red wire for each contro} valve and white for common. Reserve yellow for~: spare wires, af.Ld blue for tracer wires. PLANTING IRRIGA nON 32 8400-7 ~j DEc' i 2. Rfn MAHLUM ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SECTION 329500 PAGE b ve23 ESTABLISHMENT MAINTENANCE 75% DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 2.4 GENERAL-DUTY VALVES A, Isolation Valve: Full port ball valve with threaded ends. minimum 400 PSI CWP rating. forged brass and cast bronze bodies and end pieces RPTFE seats and seals, blow":out proof stem design, chrome-plated brass ball, with stainless steel handle. 'Apollo' 77 Series or equal. Size same as pipe on which it is installed. B Drain Valves (Mainline Drain Valve~): bronze. angle-pattern, globe valve with screw-in bonnet, integral seat, 200 PSI CWP rating, conforming to MSS SP-80: 'Nibco' T-31 1- Y or equal, 1 inch minimum. 2.5 SPECIALTY V ALVES A. Quick Coupling Valve: RainBird 44~LRC, I-inch with locking rubber cover, corresponding.key and swivel hose ell. B, Remote Control Valves: Sizes and type as scheduled on Drawings. 1. Master Valve: Normally-op'cnbrass globe' valve.. Size and type as scheduled on . Drawings. C. Backflow Preventer Assembly: As specified on Drawings, and shall be approved by the City of Springfield for cross-connection control. D. Pipe Supports for Mas~er Valve and Backflow Preventer: Standon Pipe Support, size as required. E. Drip System Air/Vacuum Relief Valve: 'RainBird' AR Valve Kit, or equal. 2.6 CONTROL-VALVE BOXES A. Valve Boxes and Vaults: HOPE plastic boxes. 'Carson Brooks', 'Armor' or equal, with locking top and 6-inch extensions to facilitate required depth of installation where applicable. Lids shall be black in.color unless otherwise noted. I. Electric valves shall be installed in jumbo boxes. 2. Electric drip system valves sh;,U1 be installed in jumbo boxes. 3. Isolation valves'shall be installed in standard boxes. 4. Quick couplers shall be installed in 8-inch round valve'boxes. 5. Drain v'alves shall be installed in 5-114 inches round adjustable valve bcixes. 6. B'ackflow Devices shall be in~talled in a 24-inch~x 36-inch x 24-inch deep polymer concrete vault. 7. Grounding rods shall be installed in 8'"inch round valve boxes with black covers. 8. Flow sensors shall be installed in standard valve boxes. 9. Filter assembly units shall be installed injumbo valve boxes. 10. Pull boxes and sp1i~e boxes shall be standard boxes with bl~ck covers. 11. Drain Rock: 3/~ inch to 1/4 inch clean and washed pea gravel, no fines. PLANTING IRRIGA nON 328400-8 ,!. DEe. 12 ~tn " "l ,I ;' '1 I MAHLUM ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SECTION 329500 . PAuti.: 9 of23 ESTABLISHMENT MAINTENANCE 75% DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 2,7 2.8 12. Filter Fabric: Woven or non-woven geotextile for use in separating drain rock from subgrade-in valve box installations while providing adequate drainage. 13. Brick or Concrete Block Supporls: (2)-4-inch by 8-inch by 4-inch bricks or (1) 8- inch by 8-inch by 4-inch concrete.paver at each corner of valve box. .' SPRINKLERS A. As scheduled on Drawings. AUTOMATIC-CONTROL SYSTEM A. Field ~atel1ite Irrigatio~ Control System 1.. The control system ass-embly consists of a completely pre-assembled control system 1) that is' tested for,operation and is housed within a cabinet. The components are pre- wired in the cabinet, which is to be mounted on a vertical surface. The only connections required are primary power, dedicated phone line, proper grounding, valve station wiring, ano flow sensing. All conduits and wire runs are to be . provided and. installed by the Contractor. Controller shall be equipped for remote telephone, computer or radio operation from a central control site. 2, Controller Stations for.A':ltomatic Control Valves: 3. a. Each station is variable from approximately 0 to 60 minutes .with percent ';:' adjust by program from O~255%. Include switch for manual or automatic j1 . f h ' · operatlon 0 eac statIOn. , b. Timing Device: Adjustable, 6-week scheduling calendar, with automatic " operations to skip operation any day in timer period, to operate every other ~~ day, or 2 or more times daily, as well as_ MapTo capability to permit:: communi~ation to another field controller within radio reception. Field ;: satellit~ 'controller shall be capable of being fully integr.ated with Toro:~ Sentinel Central Control System. 1 c. Manual or Semia~tomatic Operation: Allows this mode without disturbing ~~ , preset, automatic operation. :1 d. Nickel-Cadmium Battery and Trickle Charger: Automatically powers timing :, device during power outages i: e. Surge Protection: MetalMoxidewvaristor type on each station and primary Il power. !,I f. Independent Operation: FieJd Satellite 'cont~oller shall be able to operate;1 independently of the central computer. 1 Ground testing and verification of electrical continuity of communication cables and iJ control, wires shall be.completed and reported after the installation. . Grounding Rods: Per manufacturer's recommendations. Ground testing and verification of electrical continuity of control wires shall be ;~ completed and reported after the inst~lIation. ;; Components for wall mounted Controller: j Model No: SSAMN24WS36NS3 or approved equa! 4, 5. 6. PLANTING IRRIGATION 32 8400-9 .\" ~'tt\\ \l't.C U , \ MAHLUM ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL- SECTION 329500 PAGE Ib ".;.l3 ESTABLISHMENT MAINTENANCE 75%' DESIGN DEVELOPMENT SSAMN ::: Toro S~ntinel Satellite with MapTo 24 = Station count WS3 = Powder-coated steel wall mount cabinet (Small) 6 = Electric output-24V AC N ;;: Narrow-band comrnUl1ication S ;;: Sensor 3 = Surge protect.ion on small wall mount. B. Sensors: 1. Flow Sensors: As indicated on Drawings. Or approved equal C. Electrical Control Wire and Accessories: 1. Single-strand copper, UL approved for direct burial, A WG-UF type, sized per manufactuJcr's recommendations, No. 14 gauge minimum. Use red wire for each control valve and white for common. Reserve yellow for spare wires, and blue for tracer wires. Control Wire Connectors: 3M! DBY and DBR connectors, or equal. Communication cable: Paige Electric cable Model No. PE-89 (6-pair), Communication Cable Spliceand'Cap: Prefonned Line Products "Super Serviseal" closure with Poly~Bee sealant. Model #8006039. or approved equal Electrical Conduit and Fittings: High-impact Schedule 40 pvc C-2OO0 compound, UL approved, gray colo'r, size as required. Solvent.:.weld fittings. 2. 3, 4. 5, " 6. 2,9 OTHER MATERIAL A. Identification Markers: 1. Detectable Warning Tape: Minimum 3-inch wide, 5 mils thick inert plastic tape with continuous layer of aluminum foil encased in the plastic. Tape identification shall match the utility being marked on all mainline. 'Terra Tape' Detectable, or equal. 2. Valve Identification Tags: Polyurethane tag with integral attachment neck and reinforced attachment hole. Tag shall be hot stamped alphanumeric lettering 1-118 inches in height. Christy (T Christy Enterprises), or equal. 3. Control Wire Numbering Labels: Self-adhesive alpha-numeric labels. 3M or equal. B. Concrete for Thrust Blocking: All concrete for thrust blocks shall achieve minimum strength of 3000 psi at 28 days. C: Protective Concrete Sprinkler Blocks: Christy Concrete Products; Inc., Model M30SBA, or eqlial. D. Drainage Backfill: Cleaned gravel or crushed stone, graded from 3/4' inch minimum to 1 inch maximum. PLANTING IRRIGATION 32 8400-10 DEe \2 REC~ MAHLUM ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, 'ii:"\> SECTION 32 9500 PAGk~il of 23 E~5T ABLISHMENT, MAINTENANCE 75% DESIGN DEVELOPMENT E. All other materials not specifically described but required for a 'complete and proper il irrigation system installation shall be new, first quality of their respective kinds, and,~ subject to approval. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3,1 GENERAL A. Prior to all work of this section, carefully examine the installed work of all other trades and verify that all such work is:complete to the point where this installation may properly commence. B. Verify that irrigation system may'be installed in strict accordance with all pertinent codes, and regulations, the original design, the referenced standards, and the manufacturer's recommendations. c.' In the event of discrepancy, immediately notify the Owner's Representative, Do not proceed with installation in areas of discrepancy until all such discrepancies have been fully resolved. Start of work denotes acceptance. D. Install materials and equipment in strict accordance with manufactur~r's written specific~tions and recommendations and all applicable codes. E. Provide protection at all times to keep roc~, dirt, gravel, ~ebris, and all other, foreign ;,1 materials from entering piping, valves, and other irrigation equipment. 32 LAYOUT A. Make all necessary measurements in the field to ensure precise fit of items in accordance ." with the original design. B. Layout to follow as closely as practicable the design as shown on the Drawi.ngs. Stake out locations of all proposed equipment for acceptance by Owner's Representative, prior to trenching. C. Full and complete coverage without overthrow onto roadways, sidewalks or buildings is I required unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or as accepted by Owner's', Representative. D. Systems shall meet minimum pressure at last head in each zone as shown on drawings. . Notify Owner's' Representative'immediately if any modification oCpiping layout will be' required to accomplish this. Do not proceed until layout has been verified in the field with the Owner' s Representativ~. PLANTING IRRIGA TION 328400-11.' , ~ '\ 'H'tt\l \lEe. . MAHLUM ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL D[~TR[CT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SECTION 329500 PAGE 1:':' __~3 ESTABLISIIM:ENT MAINTENANCE 75% DESIGN DEVELOPMENT E. . Follow pipe layout plan making modifications as necessary to avoid tr~nc~ing through roots of existing trees or other obstructions. Take care in protecting all existing tree root zones. F. All valve boxes shall be located in planting beds. Mainline shall be run,24 inches from the edge of paving, or in lawn areas 24inches from the edge.of the adjacent planting bed. 3,3 WATER SOURCE A. Connect system as indicated on Drawings. Make arrangements with the Owner for water shut.off, if necessary; 3.4 TRENCHING A. Referto Division 31 Section "Earth Moving" for excavating and trenching. B. Locate existing ut{lities. Trench along routes as indicated on Drawings. , C. Trenches, to be- straight and true or confonn to. adjacent curved edges, with bottom unifonnly sloped ata minimum 1 percent. D. Provide minimum cover over top of underground piping according to the following: 1. Irrigation Mainline Piping: Minimum depth of 24 inches below finished grade, or not less than 18 inches below average local frost dep~, whichever is deeper. 2. Lateral Line Piping: 18 inches. 3. Drain Piping: 18 inches. 4. Sleeves: 24 inches under paving; 36 inches under roads. E. Keep trenches free of pipe-damaging rocks and de~ris. F. Trench to be 12 inches wide minimum and wide enough to allow all pipes to lie side by side with 6-inch minimum separation between pipes. G. Install warning tape directly above pressure piping, 12 inches below finished grades, except 6 inches below subgrade under pavement and slabs. 3.5 PIPE A. Do not use solvent cement on threaded joints. Wrap joints with minimum three wraps of Teflon tape,' ' B. Ensure that the inside of the pipe re,mains absolutely clean. Pipe ends shall be protected ana not left open. Remove' all foreign matter. and dirt from inside of pipe before loweri,ng into trench. PLANTING IRRIGA nON 328400-12 D't.c' 1 'l. ~t.t\) , MAHLUM ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SECTION 32 9500 P Alu:. 13 or 23 ESTABLlSUMENi MAINTENANCE 75% DESIGN DEVELOPMENT . J C. Lay pipe in accordance with standard practices, on solid foundation. uniformly sloped,l substantially supported at all locations. "Snake" pipe slightly from stde to side in trench to';' allow for expansion and contraction. Keep pipe markings visible. D. PVC pipe joints to be solvent:,welded except as iodi.cated on the Drawings. Cut.pipes;; square, deburr, wipe from surface all saw chips, dust, dirt, moisture 'and all foreign matter ::, which may contaminate the cemented joint. Clean pipe with pipe cleaner to remove dirt" oil and grease.' Apply primer and solvent cement. Make joints in accordance with ,1 manufacturer's recommendations. E. For 90~degree turns in mainline pipe, install two 45-degree fittings. F. For non~standard angles and bel1ds, install double fittings to avoid stressing the pipe or fittings. I. Do no solvent welding of pipe when raining or when temperature is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. J. No fittings are to be closer than 6 inches apart. K Obtain tight, inseparable joints. Allow 24-hour curing before testing. L. Install concrete thrust blocks at 'all changes of direction for mainline pipe 2~ 1/2 inch or i' greater in diameter. Place a minimum of 1 cubic foot of fully mixed "concrete against the ;; pipe and firm undisturbed soil in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's ", recommendations. , 3,6 IRRIGATION SLEEVES A. Install piping and wiring in sleeves under pavements, including but not necessarily limited to; sidewalks" roadways, and parking lots. \ 1. install piping sleeves by'boring or jacking under existing paving if possible. B. Install separate sleeves for irrigation .Jines and control wires under pavement prior to i': placing pavement materials wherever possible. C. Extend sleeves' beyond pavement edge a minimum of 12 inches. Install sleeves with II minimum 24 inches depth of cover to the top of the pipe. PLANTING IRRIGATION 328400-13 . GEe 12 RECTi MAHLUM ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DlST~ICT . THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL , SECTION 329500 PAGE hut" 23 ESTABLISHMENT MAINTENANCE 75% DESIGN DEVELOPMENT D. If length of required sleeve is greater than the length of the unit of pipe, solvent'weld joints. Otherwise all sleeves shall b~ of one continuous length of pipe., E. Tape ends of sleeve closed to keep soil out of the sleeve until irrigation lines and control wire are installed. F. Permanently attach a single length of 14 gauge trace wire abov~ the entire length of the sleeve. G. Stake both ends of sleeves with a readily visible stake extending 12 inches above-grade and below-grade to the bouQin of the sleeve. Mark the above-grade portion of the stake with the words "Img. Sleeve". Remove stakes after sleeves are recorded on As-Built Drawings and after irrigation lines and control wires are installed and accepted by O~ner' s Representative. 3.7 CONTROL WIRING A. Install per manufacturer's instructions with minimum 24 inch expansion loop at each controller. B All wire splicing to be made waterproof by using U.L. approved wire connectors and sealant. Follow manufacturer's instructions for installation. C. All wire splicing shall occur only at the valve or at the controller. D. Provide 2 spare wires, yellow in color, making a circuit to all valves and to controller. Coil 36 inches. length neatly in each box. E. Lay wire in trenches adj!lcent to mainline or lateral lines for maximum protection. Place wires IS inches below grade in electrical conduit where there are no pipes in the trench. F. Pilot wires to each solenoid from controller shall have a coiored jacket, and common neutral wires shall have a white jacket. G. All valve wiring back to controller to be identified and labeled with self-adhesive labels manufactured for this purpose prior to installation of the controller and remote control valves. H. Pilot wires sharing the same controller, shall all be the same color. I. Provide different'color pilot wires' for each controller installed on the Project. J, Where there is more than one controller, common wires shall be white with a' colored stripe to match the pilot wire color with which it is circuited+. K. ~undle and tape wires together at IO-foot intervals, PLANTING IRRIGA nON 328400-14 , I, 'I IJ~ \l't.c' \. '1. \\t.t\l . MAIILUM ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SECTION 329500 PAt."c.15of23 ESTABLISHMENT MAINTENANCE 75% DESIGN DEVELOPMENT -' L Provide 24 inches expansion lo'ors at least every 100 feet in runs of more than 100 feet in i' length, at changes in direction along the mainline, and at entrance and exits to all sleeves '~ under paving. Provide 24-inch expansion coils at connection to control valves. Provide expa~sion loops in neat l-inch diameter coils. M. Master Valve Control Wires shall be orange and white dedicated common wire for.the', master valve only, and with a yellow wire as a spare. ,: * ,'; 1_ -1 Formatted: Bullets and Numbering ~Flow Sensor Cable: Install communication cable from flow sensor to satellite controller as~; recornmendedby man'ufacturer;, Provide a minimum of 36 inches of slack communication !1 wiring in the flow sensor valve box and in the base of the controller pedestals and i;' cabinets. Splices between flow sensor and controller are not allowed, 3.8 A. B. C. D, E, CONTROLLERS Install per manufacturer's directions where shown on Drawings. Provide conduits for al~ wiring entering c~binetand enclo~ure. Follow manUfacturer's instructions for wire hook-ups. yerify organization of zones with the Owner's Representative. Otherwise, follow the zone ~: numbering as shown on Drawin'gs. . Provide electrical storm protection as specified by the manufacturer to protect each ' controller. [I 3.9 VALVES A. General: . 1. Install valve boxes plumb to grade in a neat and uniform pattern per manufacturer's directions, and as shown on the Drawings. 2. Install valve \yith 3 inch of clearance between top of valve and 1;lnderside of valve box cov'er 3. Install I cubic foot of drain rock in the bottom of all valve boxes. 4. Provide l'...inch clearance between bottom of valve assembly and top of drain rock. 5. Provide schedule 80 PVC threaded nipples and unions at on both sides of the each control valve. 6. Provide schedule 80 PVC threaded nipples and fittings at quick coupler and ball valves. 7. Thoroughly flush supply lines before installing valves. B. Control Valves: Follow manuf~cturer's instructions and adjust pressure regulating module, to achieve optimum operating pressure for each zone. C. Drain Valves: PLANTING IRRIGATION 328400-15. DEe. 12. REeU MAHLUM ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SECTION 329500 PAGE Ib UI 23 ESTABLISHMENT MAINTENANCE 75% DESIGN DEVELOPMENT I. Install manual drain valves at,j'owpoints along'mainline to ensure-complete gravity drainage of all mainlines. More drain valves may be required than are shown on approved Shop Drawings. Provide required number of drain valves at no additional cost to the Owner. " 2. Install one drain valve in point of connection vault immediately downstream of .backflow preventer. .. 3. Pipe drain valves into approved drainage structures. Install drain piping with minimum of 18 inches of cover to top of pipe. 4. Drain Pockets: Where no drainage structures exist, excavate 1/2 cubic yard of soil materiaL at discharge to drain valves. Backfill with drainage backfill to 12 inches below grade. Wrap drainage backfill with drainage fabric and backfill remainder with amended topsoil. D. Quick Coupling Valves: Install quick coupler valves at lOO-feet on center along all mainline and one at the point-of-connection and at each trash enclosure. Stabilize quick coupler nipple with one 24-inch number 4 rebar stake. Attach stake to nipple with two I/2-inch stainless steel worm drive hose clamps. E. Isolation Valves:- Install isolation valves along mainline at all points-of-connection and upstream of all road crossings. Install plumb to grade in a neat and uniform pattern as per manufacturer's directions, and as shown on Drawings. F. Combination Air Release andAir and Vacuum Release Valves:' Install at high points along the mainline as indicated in the Dra~ings. Install below grade in valve box. 3.10 BACKFLOW PREY ENTER A. Install per state and local codes, and"as detailed, Install pipe supports as recommended by the manufacturer. Provide di-electric unions to insulate dissimilar metals in backflow assembly. 3.11 FLUSHING A. Flush lines with water for a minimum of 5 minutes each zone prior to installation of irrigation heads. B. Cap risers immediately after flushing. 3.12 LABELING AND IDENTIFYING A. Equipment Nameplates and Signs: Where there is more than one controller on the Project, install engraved plastic-laminate equipment nameplates and signs on each automatic controller. B. Install valve identification tags on each automatic control valve per manufacturer's recommendations. PLANTING IRRIGATION 328400-16 GEe 1. 2. ~E['D MAHLUM ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEMENTARy'SClIOOL SECTION 329500 PAlJrtJ70f23 ,ESTABLISHMENT MAINTENANCE 75 % DESIGN DEVELOPMENT C. Install control w'ire numbering labels on each control wire to correspond with the valve station number at both ends of the control wires. Label spare and trace wires. D. Warning Tapes: Arrange for installation of continuous, underground. detectable warning tape over underground piping, d~ring backfilling of trenches. 3,13 TRACE WIRE: A. Place one strand of trace wire for all mainlines, and leave end ,at point of connection .location. Tape wire to top of mainline at no less than 36~inch intervals. All locator wire shall be spliced together with water-tight splice connectors. B. Run a 12-inch loop of trace, wire into each remote control valve box for ease of detection. 3.14 PRESSURE TESTING A. - Notify the Owner's Representative five days before pressure testing. B. Backfill trenches sufficiently to ensure the stability of pipe, leaving joints exposed. c. Mainline and latera11ines may be tested at <:Iifferent times to allow isolation of either D.' Supply certified pressure gauge and force pump during tests. E. Mainline Testing: 1. 2. ThorougWy flush piping before testing, Cap all fittings on rniinline fill with water. Test mainlines to control valves at 100 psi for 1 hour. If pressure loss occurs, inspect the entire'system, make water-tight, and retest until no pressure loss occurs, for the testing period. Pressure test must show no pressure loss for the specified period and be accepted by the Owner's Representative before backfill of trenches willbe,allowed. 3. F. Lateral Line Testing Under Paving: I. ThorougWy flush piping before testing. Cap all fittings on lat~rallines and fill ~ith water. 2, Adjust bleed screws to open remote control valves-to allow a,downstream pressure' of 100 psi. Use motorized air compressor as needed to achieve pressure. 3. Maintain 100 psi pressure for I hour before and during observation by Owner's Representative without the aid of air compressor. . 4. Installation may not leak or lose pressure during test period. 5. Detect and repair leaks and' retest system until acceptance is granted. 6. Thoroughly flush piping before testing and installation of sprinklers. G. Drip Tubing Testing: PLANTING IRRIGA nON 32 8400-17 " i,l I i! OEe 1 2 REC'O ., . , . MAHLUM ARCHITECTS SPRINGI<'IELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SECTION 329500 PAGE 1l'J UI 23 ESTABLISHMENT MAINTENANCE 75% DE~IGN DEVELOPMENT 3.15 3.16 3,17 L Before backfilling, maintain 45 psi pressure for 15 minutes before ~nd during inspection by O"Yner'sRepresentative. 2. Installation may not lose pressure or experience breaks at barbed fiuings during test period. 3. Detect and repair leaks ~nd' re.test sy'stem until ~ccepted by Owner's Representative. / BACKFILLING A. Refer to Division 31 Section "Earth Moving" for bac~filling. B Delay backfilling until piping is pressure tested and accepted. C. Place clean sand or approved backfill 3 inches below and 6 inches above'all pipe. Fill the rest of the trench with approved material, free of rocks and debris capable of damaging pipe. Compact to adjacent soil density in 6 inches lifts. . D. Stones larger than I-inch diameter are not allowed in backfill material. E. Place ,'metallic locating tape in all ~ainline trenches in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. F, Fill mainline with water at approximately 25 psi during backfilling operations. IRRIGATION HEADS A. ,,' Install irrigation heads after pressure Jtest approval. B, Install sprinkler heads of types, sizes, and coverage at locations shown on Drawings. C. Minor changes in head location may be necessary to achieve head to.head coverage at no additic,mal cost to Owner. Notify Owner's Representative for approval prior to making any changes. Document all changes on Proj~ct Site As-built Drawings as they occur. D. Provide freedom of movement at all swing and swiveJjoints. E. Adjust and set for optimum perfonnance as shown on Drawings. F. Locate heads adjacent to planters, mowstii.ps~ walks, pavement, and curbs with a 2-inch minimum and 3-inch maximum clearance between head and hard surface. G. Locat~ no head closer than 6 inches from building foundation. Install protective concrete sprinkler blocks on sprinkler heads adjacent to vehicular p'aving where,heads are riot prolected by curbs as approved by the Owner's Representative. H. DRIP TUBING PLANTING IRRIGA nON 328400-18 Dec' \ 'l. \\'tt\l . ii . MAlILUM ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 'N:':;;';':_ SECTION 329500 PAtO"h 19 of 23 ESTABLISHMENT MAINTENANCE 75% DESIGN DEVELOPMENT A. Qelay installation of drip lubing until pye supply line and header piping is' pressure tested r accepted, and backfilling of amended topsoils is complete. B. Drip Tubing Layout: Verify existing field dimensions of the area to be irrigated with the irrigation plans for accuracy. Begin emitter tubing layout 4 inches away from both hard; surfaces; (i.e., concrete sidewal.ks, curbs, asphalt), and/or undefined edges; (i.e., sh<,>vel-cut, headers). Mark tubing interval~ on the ground with flags" paint, or some other markings :,' that can be maintained throughout the installation. ' C. Layout tubing as shown on the Drawings. D. Installation Drip System: 1. Tree and Shrub Areas: Layout tubing per spacing and depth indicated on Drawings. Minor adjustment to the spacing may occur because of plant placement. Connect drip tubing to rigid PVC supply line and exhaust headers. Trenching: Hand or mechanically trench to the tubing to depth indicated on the i. Drawings or in' these specifications and backfill flush with finish grade. Remove all :: rock I-inch and larger when excavating and remove from site. Do not backfill! trenches with rock that will come In direct contact with tubing or rigid PVC piping. ;: Flush the lines to'clear the tubing of dirt and debris. Install line flushing valve, air~' release valve and test for leaks. Repair leaks and retest. I, Compact backfill by hand to a minimum of 80 percent relative compaction. .': Maintain adequate soil"' levels as needed to achieve the required compaction < requirement. Following the tubing installation and backfill, installation of groundcover may occur. Exercise caution in digging to plant groi.mdcover, avoiding cutting or i! puncturing emitter tubing: . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6: E. Drip Tubing Depth: Install underground piping horizontally and as .Ievel as possible to a depth of 2 inches unless otherwise specified. Cover with aI) additional 2 inch of bark :: mulch as indicated. 1. Drip tubing can be installed with the water outlets facing upward or downward. ' Offset the water outlets to fonn a triangular pattern throughout the tubing layout. In, irregular areas;,some water outlets may end up too close to fixed improvements and may have to be capped off with an emitter plug ring. ' '. F. Barbed Fittings: Connect drip tubing to barbed fittings by pushing on, and over both barbs until the'tubing has seated against another piece of t4bing or has .butted against another portion of the barbed fitting. G. Air/Vacuum Relief Valve: 1. Install the air rehef .valve below-grade at the highest elevation within each zone. Depending' on the site conditions aild tubing layout, more than oneair/vacuum reli~f:: valve may be required. . Install per manufacturer's recommendations. Place the valve within a round valve box with a locking cover and a 1 cu-fl gravel sump as shown in Drawings. H. Flush Valve: PLANTING IRRIGATION 32 8400-19 \ '1 ~'tt\l \l't.c' MAHLUM ARCIIITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SECTION 32'9500 PAGE 2" VI 23 ESTABLISHMENT MAINTENANCE 75% DESIGN J;>EVE~OPMENT L Install flush valves below grade at the lowest elevations within each zone Depending on the site conditions and tubing layout. more than one flush valve may be required. Install per manufacturer's recommendations. Place the valve within a round valve box with a locking cover and a 1 cUMft gravel sump as noted in Drawings. 3.18 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Manufacturer's Field Service: Engage a factory-authorized Toro Sentinel service representative to inspect, test, and. adjust fieJd-assembled components and equipment installation, including connections, and to assist in field testing. Report results in writing. Representative to verify that all Sentinel Satellite~related components are properly assembled and ready for future Sentinel Controller applications. B. Backtlow Preventer Testing> . All back flow preventers shall be tested and certified for proper operation prior to being placed in operation. I. Original copies of the certification shall be submitted to the Owner. 2.' Backflow preventers shall be labeled with plastic laminated field history tag showing date and tester information. C. Irrigation Coverage Test: l. The coverage.test procedure will be, conducted by the Owner's Representative only if the entire'irrigation system is completely automated to include permanent electrical power. 2. Prior to 'the coverage test, make all required adjustments to the irrigation systems. Test the system to assure thai all areas are irrigated completely and uniformly. Change or adjust heads and nozzles as'required to provide full coverage, matching precipitation rates and meeting final grades. Do not spray oino pavement or structures. 3. When the sprinkler irrigation system is' completed, but prior to planting, perform a coverage test in the presence of the Owner's Representative to determine if the irrigation coverage for all planting areas is complete and adequate. Notify the Owner's Representative 48 hours in advance for the irrigation coverage test. 4. Furnish all materials and perform all work required to correct any inadequacies, to the complete satisfaction of the Owner's Representative. This shalUnclude any changes affecting coverage due to any deviation from plans. 5. Operating sequence for all co*rol valves must match the sequence as shown on the Drawings. 6. Provide a minimum of two working individuals for the duration of each coverage .test. Each individual provided by thecontractor must have a two~way communicatiOIi device for proper manipulation of the control valve sequencing of the irrigation system during the coverage test procedure; The lead individual must be a representative from the installing contractor's company. During the irrigation coverage test, bring keys t_o unlock cabinets and valve boxes. Open all controller cabinets, enclosures, valve boxes which are part of the irrigation system. PLANTING IRRIGATION 32 8400-20 1)\=.C1. 'l. \\tCil . MAHLUM ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SECTION 32 9500 PAu~ 21 of 23 ESTABLISHMENT MAINTENANCE 75% 'DESIGN DEVELOPMENT , 7. At the end of the coverage test for any specified area, a FiCld Observation Report shall be generated by theDwner's Representative. This report shall serve as an Item/Action notification which may require the contractor to make changes and repairs as noted therein. 8. One return'site observation shall be provided by the Owner's Representative to determine whether the items listed in the first site observation report have been corrected. After making the corrections noted in the Field Observation ,Report, .,' notify the Owner's Representative at least 48 hours in advance, and perform another:1 coverage test in the prese,nce of the Owner's Representative for approval. j,; 9. If.the items have not been fully corrected or repaired tothe complete satisfaction of ;' the Owner's Representative, and as noted in the first Field Observation Report, the I contractor must reschedule another field observation and shall bear all financial responsibility to reimburse the Owner for all costs incurred by the Owner's Representative for the failed field observation performed. 10. Any item listed in the Field Observation Report requiring action that is not considered to be apart of the original contract"must.immedi'ately be brought to the jl , attention of the Owner. This shall be the responsibility of the contractor and must i be done in a manner as to'enable the contractor to correct the item prior to the next i,' 'I field observation. ! 11. Upon completion of each phase of work, the'entire system shall be tested and ,adjusted to meet site specifications. .r 3.19 STARTUP SERVICE A. Verify that controllers and all associated components are installed according to the Contract Documents and are functioning properly. i and connected I ~', , B. Verify that electrical wiring installation complies with manufacturer's submittal and, installation requirements in Div~sion 26 Sections. C. Co~plete startup checks according to manufacturer's written i~structions. '~, 3,20 CLEANUP A. Remove debris from project site upon completion or sooner, if directed. 3.21 FINAL INSPECTION. A. Thoroughly flush, de'an, adjust, and balance the entire irrigation'system for complete coverage and efficient operation. Set heads to avoid over-spray on walks. Set up control wires to operate in an organized clockwise pattern. Upon 5 .days written notice, demonstrate the entire system to the Owner's Representative, proving that all valves and controls are properly operating apd that the installed system is workable, clean, and i' effi'cie"n,t. PLANTING IRRIGATION 328400-21 I, \)'t-c, 12 Rt.t~ MAHLUM ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SECTION. 329500 PAGE 2i.'ol23 ESTABL:ISHlVIENT MAINTENANCE 75% DESIGN DEVE~OPMENT B. . Contractor to deliver to the Owner the items scheduled for submittal at the time of the final inspection for irrigation. ' C. Upon completion of the ins~allation, turn over the following spare parts and specialty tools to the Owner. Include with the following quantities of items a list of each part with appropriate part number (for ordering replacement products) and local supply store of where these parts can be purchased: 1. (50') of Landscape Dripline tubing for each dripper interval and discharge rate. 2. (6) Barbed couplings. 3. (6) Barbed 90 degree elbow fittings. 4. (6) Barbed tee fittings, 5. (6) 180 degree 2-way adapter tees. 6. (6) Male adapters with 3/4-inch FPT. 7. (1) Spare Y-strainer filter element of the mesh size indicated on the irrigation legend. 3.22 WARRANTY A. Full and complete head to head irrigation coverage without ovenhrow onto roadways, sidewalks, or buildings is required. B. The warranty pe~iod relating to all products, materials, and -workmanship will begin on the date of final acceptance of the work and extend for the period of one year. C. The Contractor must repair or replace all defective materials and workmanship during the 'warranty period. The conditions o(the 'warranty applies to all replacement material and repair work from the d~te such materials are installed or repair work done. 3.23 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS A. Provide Owner's Maintenance Personnel with system familiarization and 8 hours minimum of instruction in maintenance' and operation of each piece of equipment installed. B. Repair settling trenches. Include complete restoration of plantings, mulch, grades, pavements or other improvements. C. Fall Winterizing Visit: Return to-the job site at the beginning of the first winter season to perform a general inspection of the system, test all valves, lines, sprinkler heads, vacuum breakers, repair all leaks and faulty work, check operation of the system, adjust spray patteIl)s for full coverage, then drain system, blowout drain lines with compressed ai~ and show maintenance staff location of all drain valves and blowout points. Restore. all areas where'.trenches have settled. PLANTING IRRIGA nON 32 8400-22 .." \\'tt\l \)t.\, \ f,l ( . MAHLUM ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEMENTARY-SCHOOL SECTION, 329500. PA~?;'23or23 ESTABLISHMENT MAINTENANCE 75% DESIGN DEVELOPMENT D. Spring Start-Up Visit Return in spring after the first winter season for system check and if necessary, restore system for spring and summer operation. Explain system and ',: 'operation methods to maintenance staff. Restore all areas where trenches have settled. I END OF SECTION 32 8400 PLANTING IRRIGATION.. 32 8400-23 !' I , " . 'l. IItt\l DE.C 1 100 LINE 101 , PERFORMANCE SCONCE .; l~ ~. " .:- Notes: Job: Type: f / --:- -~ d The Gardco 101 Trapezoidal Wedge high pertormance sconce offers an excellent alternative to unsightly wall mounted fixtures. These architecturally refined luminaires are designed to integrate naturally to wall surtaces, The 101 luminaires are available with three (3) different distribution pafferns - a wide throw, a medium throw and a forward throw, Each luminaire is designed to accept sources up to 175MH. Housings are sealed throughout, completely excluding moisture, dust, insects and contaminants. ....J1:~I.J.:.:u'lllile- PREFIX LI'll,1 !"II III] "tl] i:.,..lij,'1'l:III:, 1.1 i.. i,~ "'1 I ,,1~1""11 fill IIi I j 'UW'J .J.....,ll.J.. J j JI i. ,1,., J111~ iu III Oj~" j :;.:'11 J . . :/,11 j II '" I ;101';IiIlIII~ 111__ DISTRIBUTION WATTAGE VOLTAGE FINISH OPTIONS 1101 HMT Hm H I HNP H242TRF Enter the order code into the appropriate box above. Nole:Gardco reserves the righllo refuse a configuration. Not all combinations and coofigurations are valid. Reier to notes below for exdusions and limitations. For questions or concerns, please con~ult the factory: D I S T.R I BUT I O,N P'R,E F I X '01 Trapez;oidal Wedge 101 EM Emergency Sconce 101EMR Remote Emergency Sconce Refer 10 confiiguralion Chart below for available rombinalions FT WT MT Forward Throw NoJ Availabls' wi~ FIuOf8SC8nt ~mps Wide Throw Not AvaNable with Fluorescent Latrps Medium Throw WATT.AGE ANJ:> VOLTAGE : lAMPNOLTAGECHART _ 101 Vo/faoe: ill 50MH 70MH 100MH 150MH 175MH 35HPS 50HPS 70HPS 100HPS 150HPS 50CMHE 70CMHE 100CMHE F=IIInM.""/lnf l1li 26QFl 0 2260F' . 32TRfl . 42TRFl CI 232TRF' . ~TRF' . 120~081~1m: o __ _ ' . . " v. . 0 . . o . . . :~. .., . . o .. . . 0 . . . . I . . . CONFIGURATION CHART -101..fM n1,;trlhutlnn ~. .r; 1;O:.~t7 , ' - 2260F 42TRF CONFIGURATION CI-IART -101EMR Distribution FT IWT MT 120 F=llInmW'Ant 2260F ,. 0 . 42TRF . . 242TRF . 0 Comb/nations marked with a dot ars available for ordering. MH _ Metal Halide CMHE., Ceramic Metal Halide with Electronic Ballast HPS - High Pressure Sodium QF - Quad RuoreSamt mF. Triple Tube Fluorescent 1. 25QF, 32TRF and 42TRF types feature an electronic f/uoresamt ballast that accepts120V through 277V, 50hz or 60hz Input, ,- -1 2, Coo""""'ryr"FJu'~~oJD;mm;og '," J z.,-JZ---O ..J- Date R~ce\Ved. . lannef:: SH FINISH BRP Bronze Paint F Fusing (12ovr.mVonly) ,I BlP Black Paint PCB Button Type Photocontrol (nJa wf48OV) WSIUT WS Option with'So Uptllt WP White Paint as Quartz Standby (HID only NlA WG Wire Guard (NotA""'blo'"tI1WLUOpdonj NP Natural Aluminum Paint withCMHE6allasls<)(w~h 175MH-46OV) 830. Bodine Emerge~cy Battery Pack If"Ll!;\tOoIpl<'1 BGP Beige Paint Q924 Quartz Emergency (WT. l50W Max HID only) 884CG* Bodine Emergency Battery Pack DC Optional Color.Paint Q12V Quartz-12VEmergency (WTonIy) 894C.CAN* Bodine Emergency Battery Pael< Specify RAL designation Sl So/ile@Diffusing Lens (Cao1"""1 .. ex: OC-RALT024 .or 50 Uptilt POLY POlycarbonate.~ag LenSll00wHIDMa>j SC Special Color Paint WlU Wet Location Door for Inverted Mount !I Specify. Must supply Co~or chip (Not8Y_!eWiIhWGoJ>tion) . EMR luminaires only. Emergency ~a~ery Packskn EMR WS Wall Mounted Box for Surface Conduit types must b8 Ofderlld wllh IUmina!jeSarnl supplilld bjlGardco. Gardeo Lighting reserves the right to change materials or modify the design 01 its product without notification as part of fhe company's continuing product improvement program, Solite is a Registered Trademark of AFG Industries. . Gardeo Lighting 1611 ClovisSarker Road San Marcos, TX 78666 )1 (800)'227-0758 (512);753-1000 FAX: {512) 753-7855 www.sileiighling.com :! ~ LIGHTING 79115-12411306 A Genlyte Company "Copyright Gardeo Lighting 2001-2006. All Rights Reserved.lnleinatlonal Copyright Secured. 100 LINE 101 PERFORMANCE SCONCE S PECIFI CATIONS : GENERAL: Each Gardco 101 Line luminaire is a wall mountedocutoff luminaire for high intensity discharge or compact fluorescent lamps. Internal components are totally enclosed in a rain-tight, dust-tight and corrosion resistant housing. The housing, back plate and door frame are diecast aluminum. A choice ot three (3) optical systems is available, Luminaires are suitable for wet locations (damp locations if inverted), HOUSING: Single-piece soft trapezoidal housings are diecasf aluminum. A memory retentive gasket seals the housing with the doortrame to exclude moisture, dust, insects and pollutants from the optical system, A black, diecast ribbed backplate dissipates heat for longer lamp and ballast life. 0 DOOR FRAME: A single-piece diecast aluminum door frame integrates to the housing form. 'The door frame is hinged closed and secured to the housing with two (2) captive stainless steel fasteners, The heat and impact resistant 1/8" (,32cm) tempered glass lens and one-piece gasket are mechanically secured to the door frame with four (4) galvanized steel retainers. 0 OPTICAL SYSTEMS: Renectors are composed of specular extruded and faceted Alzak" components, electro polished, anodized and sealed. Renector segments are set in arc tube image duplicating patlerns to achieve the wide throw, forWard throw or medium throw downlight distributions. ' ELECTRICAL: Standard Luminaires: Each high power factor ballast is the separate component type, capable of providing reliable lamp starting down to -20'F/-29'C. Component-to-component wiring within the luminaire will carry' no more than 80% ot rated current and is listed by UL for use at 600 VAC at 150'C or higher. Plug disconnects are listed by UL for use at 600 VAC, 15A or higher. Standard and dimming fluorescent units have a starting temperature of 0'F/-18'C. Oimming range is 15% to 100% Standard fluorescent ballasts are solid state. " EM Luminaires: Electronic fluorescent ballasts are high power factor. Sockets are high temperature polycarbonate with brass contacts. In the event of power interruption, integral batlery paCk will power (1) 42W or (2) 26W compact fluorescent lamps at"reduced light levels. Maintenance free batlery is rated for ambient temperatures down to 32'F/0'C. Indicator Iight)s visible through t~e lens. A test switch,is acce~sible through the door assembly. EMR Luminaires: Electronic fluorescent ballasts are high power factor. Sockets are high temperature PBT with bra~ contacts, A 7.5'/2,29m, 12 wire, quick disconnect assembly is provided for wiring through conduit (by others) to a Bodine B30, B84CG or B94C-CAN nuorescent emergency ballast. The fluorescent emergency ballast must be supJJied by Gardco, Th'e B30, B84CG or B94C-CAN Option is required to be on the order to the factory, In the event of power interruption, the B30 remote batlery pack will power (1) 42W or (2) 26W compact fluorescent lamp at full light levels; the remote batlery pack'(B84CGIB94C-CAN) will power (1) 42W or (1) 26W compact fluorescent lamp at reduced light levels, Maintenance free battery Is rated fo~ ambient temperatures down to 32'F/0'C, Indicator light is visible through the lens. A test switch is accessible through the door assem~ly. NOTE: B30 does not bear CUL label. ;; LAMPHOLDER: Pulse rated medium ba~e sockets are glazed porcelain with nickel plated screw shell. Fluorescent sockets are high temperature plastic (PBT) with brass alloy contacts. , FINISH: Each standard color luminaire receives a fade and abrasion resistant, electrostatically applied, therriially cured, triglycidal isocyanurate (TGIC) textured polyester pow~ercoat finish. Standard colors include bronze (BRP), black (BLP), white (WP), natural aluminum (NP) and beige (BGP), Consult factory for specs on custom colors. LABELS: All fixtures bear UL or CUL (wher~ appiicabie) labels, Lens down application is Wet Location and lens up is Oamp Location, except when using the optional inverted Wet Location'components. " DIMENSIONS ", I l: I \I7L/ ,IL, I L,,:;,mJ 161/4' 41.28cm Mounting Plate 1~45116'----'-11 o B'~::: , 44= 762cm J o MounUngBoll Patlern " Nole: Mounting plale center is loc4ted ,in the ce'nlet of the luminaire, width and 3.S'(B.89cm) above lhelu'minaire bottom (Iens'down position). Splices must be made in the'J-box (by others). Mounting plate must be secured by max. 5116" (.79cm) dIameter bolts (by others) structurally 10 the wall. : .. II Gardco Lighting reserves the right to change materials or mOllify lhedesign or its productwithool notlficatiO!1as parI of the company's continuing product improvement program. SollIe is a Reglstared Trademark 01 AFG Industries. I . C Copyright Gardea lighting 2001-200_6: All ~ighi~ Reserved. International Copyright Secured. A Genlyte Company Gardea-lighting 1611 Clovis Barker Road San Marcos, TX 78666 (800) 227-0758 ;..1 (512) 753.1000 _ FAX: (512) 753-7855 www.silelighling.com Date Received:- :; PlanneT: SH '1 2> 11-011 ~ LIGHTING 79115.124/0306 Notes: Job: Type: GULLWING G18 AREA lUMINAIRES ~'--- ~ " --=r~ '. " GEN'ERAL DESCRIPTION: The Gardoo Gullwing is an area luminaire defined by lis sleek profile and rugged oonstrJction. The housing is one-piece, diecast aluminum and mounts directly to a pole or wall without the need 01 a separate support arm, The mulfilaceted arc-image duplicating optical systems provide IES Types I, II, III, IV and V distributions, The door frame is single-piece diecast aluminum and retains an optically clear tempered tlat'glass lens. The luminaire ~ oomplete~ sealed and gasketed preventing intru~on from moisture, dust and insects, The Gullwing luminaires are finisf1ed witl1 a fade ana abrasion resistant TGIC powderooal CUTOFF'CLASSIFICATION: Rat glass lens luminaires pro>1de tull cutoff pertormance. Sag lens luminaires provide'eutoff pertormance. ORDERING ' PREFIX CONFIGURATION DISTRIBUTION WATTAGE VOLTAGE J~ FINISH OPTIONS 1101 H HMT H242TRF H277 HN~ H . , U Enter the order code into the appropriate box above. Note: Gardea reserves the right 10 refuse a configurallon. Nol all combinations and configurations are valid. I Re.fer 10 noles below for exclusions and limitations. For questions or concerns, ple~se consulllhe factory. ,I G18 PREF,IX' 18" ~ullwing Luminaire DISTRIBUTION 2XL 3XL 4XL Q MTS Type I, Horizontal Lamp (N/A above 400w) Type II, Horizontal Lamp Type Ill, Horizontal Lamp Type IV, Horizontal Lamp Type V, H~rizontal Lamp (N/A above 400w) Medium Throw with Solite, Lens (Fluorescent only) l.'oI TAGE 120 208 240 277 347 480 UNIV'O FINISH BRP BLP WP NP OC SC Bronze Paint Black Paint White Paint Natural Aluminum Paint Optional Color Paint SpGCify RAL designation as shown ex: OC-RAL7024. Special Color Paint Specify. Must supply color chip. CONFIGURATi'ON I 1 2 2@90 3 Single Assembly Twin Assembly Twin Assembly at 900 Triple at 900 " 3@120 I 4 W WS 150HPS 250HPS 400HPS 600HPS 750HPS' )I Triple at 1200 Not available with PTF Option. Quad Assembly Wall Mount, Recessed J-Box Wall Mount, Surface Conduit WATTAG.E I ,. Requires E28/BT28/amp.- 2. Furnished with sag glass lens only. 3. Venture mogul b8Sf/ lamps required. 4. M138 or M153. 5. M132 or MI54. 6. M135 or MISS. 7. M149on/y. Requires MS7501PSlBU- HORlBT37 lamp. MH PSMH .HPS CF Metal Halide Pulse Start Me/al Halide High Pressure Sodium Cof1}pactFluorescent MTS DDries Dnlv (2}60Cpo." (2)85CFw." (2)120CF'o.n 10. Gl8fluorescenlbaHastsacceptl20V through 277V. Specify "UNIV' for vot/age. Starling temperature is -22' F 1-3{). c. It. Notevsilable347Vor480V. Notes 8 ;~nd 9: For 1000 Metal Halide, use: l1r1m4 Ii Prnrl,;"t ~n-&. CRhlloD Number Venture 53702 MS1000WIHORIBT37I3K G.E. ': 18205 MVR10001U1ST37 Ventu", 15332 MH1000W/UIBT37 :1 For 'DDf Pulse Start, ufJe: JkJm!1 !,Prnrl'I"! t:.r>rlA Cataloa Number G.E.:) 10389 MVR100MJIBT37IPA Venture, 49111 MS1000WIH0Rff251PS WARNING: Use of other lamps voids warranty RPA2 PTF21r. PTF3' PTF4' SOPTF TR1- TR21r1r MF F OPTIONS . : 100MH3 150MH3 175MH 250MH 400MH' 1000MW,a 250PSMH' 320PSMH,.5 350PSMH' 400PSMH',' 750PSMW.7 875PSMH' 1000PSMW.g Fusing In Head NIA with 7SOW and fOOOw. LF PC In.Line/ln-Pole Fusing Photocontrol and Receptacle N/A wilh480V. Photocontrol Receptacle only Polycarbonate Sag Lens (25Ow max.) Internal Houseside Shield Quartz Standby (400w max.) Quartz Standby-Timed Delay (400wmax.) Sag Glass Lens In lieu of flat glass. Supplied standard with 7S0wand 1000w. 3" Round Pole Adapter . Required for J 00 round or tapered round po/es where top 00 is less than 4'. PCR POLY HS OS QST SG RPA1 Gardeo LlghtirlQ raserves the right to change materials or modify th.e design of its product without nomication as part 01 the company's continuing produo;;t improvement program. The Gullwing design is protected by U.S. patent number DES.391.6S9, The XL optical system is protected by U.S. patent number 5690422. Cl Copyrig~t Gardeo Lighting 21001 .2007. All Rights Reserved. I.nternational Copyright Secured. GenlyleGroup Gardeo Lighting 1611 Clovis Barker Road, San MarCos, TX 78666 4" anCt 5" Round Pole Adapter Required 'Of 4'-5" 00 round poles. Pole:Top Fitter - 2 3!8'; --3" Dia. Tenon PoleTop-Fitter. 3" - 31/2~ Dia. Tenon Pole /1" op' Fitter - 3 1/2" - 4" Dia. Tenon . PTF /va with 120.' mounting configurallons. Squ~:re Pole Top Fitter Single Transition Twin\ij-ransition '.Mounls to a 2-318' Top Tenon. Specify a pole with 4.5(7 OD for a smooth transifion. Mast)Arm Fitter Slips overa standard 2-31(; davit arm. , ~ LIGHTING (800) 227-0758 (512) 753-1000 FAX: (512) 753-7855 www.sitelighting.com DEe 1.2 REC'D 79115-85/0507 GULLWING G18 AREA LUMINAIRES SP'ECIFIC'ATIONS : I I GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Gardco Gullwing is an area luminaire defined by its sleek profile and rugged construction. The housing is one-piece, diecast aluminum and mounts directly to a pole or wafl wllhout the need of a separate support arm. The multifaceted are- image duplicating oplical systems provide IES Types I, II, III, IV and V distributions, The door frame is single-piece diecast aluminum and retains an optically clear tempered flat glass lens. The luminaire is completely sealed and gasketed preventing intrusion lrom moisture, dust and insects. The Gullwing luminaires are finished with a fade and abrasion resistant TGIC powdercoa!. HOUSING: A one-piece diecast aluminum housing mounts directly to a pole or wall without the need for a support arm. The low protile rounded form reduces,the effective projected area of the luminaire to only 1.2ff'{.11 m'. LENS ASSEMBLY: A single-piece diecast aluminum lens frame hinges down from the housing and is secured by a stainless steel lanyard and hinge pin. An optically clear, heat and impact resistant tempered Ilat glass lens is mechanically secured ..;th eight retainers, The electrical and optical chambers are thoroughly sealed with a one-piece memory retentive hollow-core EPDM gasket to prevent intrusion by moisture, dust, and insects. OPTICAL SYSTEMS: The, segmen'ted optical systems are manufactured from homogenous sheet aluminum which has been electrochemically brightened, anodized and sealed: The multifaceted are imageduplicaling systems are designed to produce IES Types I " (1), II (2XL), III (3XL), IV (4XL), and V (a), With the 2XL, 3XL and4XL luminaries, the reflector facets form a conicalifan around the. arc tube with each facet positioned to be precisely tangent to the top 01 the arc ~~ I The lampholder is glazed porcelain with a nihel plated screw shell, Position-oriented mogul base sockets to accept high output horizontal. metal halide lamps are supplied standard, Fluorescent luminaires use a Me<Jium Throw refiector with a Sollle@glass lens (MTS), !1 ELECTRICAL: All electrical components are UL recognized, faclory tested, and mounted on a unitized plate with quick electrical disconnects. Each high power factor ballast is the separate :component type capable of providing reliable lamp starfing down to -20'F {-29'C. Standard fluorescent ballasts are solid state. " FINISH: Each standard color luminaire receives a lade and abrasion resistant, electrostatically applied, thermally curea, tnglycidal isocyanurate (TGIC) textured polyester powdereoat tinish. 'Standard colors include bronze (BRP), black (BLP), white '(WP), and1natural aluminum (NP). ' , Consult tactory for specs on optional or custom cQlors. 1, LABELS: .All luminaires bear UL or CUL (where applk:able) Wet Location labels, " FULL CUTOFF PERFORMANCE: Full cutoff p6rfoonance means a luminaire distribution where zero car.dela in\,ens~y occurs al an angle 0190' above nadir. Addtl(lnany. the candela ~r 1000 lamp lumorlS does not numerICally exceed 100 (10 percentjal avertlcalanglecl80'above nadir, ThIS aw1ies to an lalera[ angles around theluminaire. ~~ CUTOFF PERFORMANCE: Cutoff perlormarlCll mllans a IUlninaire dislritlulicm where the candela perHlOO lamp lumens does not numeri:ally exceed 25 (2.5 pelCenll al an angle al or above 9O'above rh~d~:~i~~ (10 pelCllnl) al a vertical angle of 80' above nadir. ~f appies 10 alllaleral angles around . . I DIMENSIO,NS . 311/2" 80.01 em if !I '. 1- J 18" 45.72 em ~~ ~. ~ i t ...--------~ 6 1/2" ~ . \/:1 16.66 em ~ 111/2" t ~ 29.2J em r I ~ --.,' ~ ~ ~ ~~) Gardeo Lighting reserves Ihe right 10 change materials or modify the design 01 its product without notilfcation as part orlhe compsny's continuing product improvement:program. The Gullwing design is protected by U.S. patent numb",r DES.391.659. The XL optical system is protected by U.S. patent number 5690422. I C Copyright Gardeo Lighting 2001-2007. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured. . , GenlyteGrollP .. "Rtt\l \)Ec' 1 9 EPA 1 g 3-4 1.2 f1' 2.4 f1' 3.211' .11 m' .22 m' .30 m' Gardeo Lighting 1611 Clovis BarkerRoad, San Marcos, 1X:786!36 (800) 227-0758 1:1 (512) 753-1000 I~ FAX: (512) 753-7855 www.sitelignting'9pm ~ LIGHTING 79115'8510507 " ": \.<,;, \ -' , .I!!. ~ . ~ ~ ~ " .'t'1i.:"'!'!. . ~l1t . . Y~'" I- ',. ',*", J\ &X~[g{~~U TITLE INSURANCE SERVICES' ESCROW CLOSINGS 875 COUNTRY CLUB RD. . EUGENE, OR 97401 P.O. BOX.1 0211'. EUGENE, OR 97440 PHONE: 541.687.9794 fAX: 541.687.0924 1651 CENTENNIAL BLVD, . SPRINGfiELD, OR 97477 P.O. BOX 931 . SPRINGfiELD, OR 97477 PHONE: 541.741,1981 fAX: 541,741.0619 October 29,2007 Our Order No.: ELT-53429 SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT Springfield School District #19 1890 North 42nd Street' .' Springfield, Oregon 97478 l.-' Attn: John Saraceno Estimated Premium for: PARTIAL BILLING $200.00 TOTAL $200.00 Dear John: . We are p;epared to issue on request and on recording oftheappropriat~ docum~nts, a policy or policies as applied fo~, with coverages as indicated, based on this pre]jmjnaryr~port. ' . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A Sho"'~ng fee simple titie as of October 23, 2007, at 8:00 a.m., vested in: . - '. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO,19, . Lane County,Oregon . ' ' Subject 'only to the exceptions shown herein and to the terms, conditions and e)(ceptions contained in the policy fohn, No liability is assumed until a full premium has ~een paid, CONTINUED I , \~ - r2,01- c6\"ed,~ oate B,e, 5\-\ . P\annef<, : , "IN OUR BUSINESS, yOU MATTER MOST" V\f\V\',' < evergreenla n dtitle. com ELT - 53429 Page 2 SCHEDULEB GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing. authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2. Facts, rights,' interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an'inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. I 3, Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the'public records; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, 6,laims or title to water. 4, Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachn1ents or other facts which a correct survey would disclose, 5, Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, material, equipment rental or .workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not sho~, by the public records, CURRENT EXCEPTIONS 6, The real property taxes f9r the fiscal year 2007-2008 are exempted by virtue of school .ownership. The company assumes no liability should the exempt status be lifted and taXes levied, (Map No, 17"02-35-00-02600, Code'I9-00, Account No, 0142560) Parcel I The real property taxes for the fiscal year 2007"2008 are exempted by virtue of'School ownership. -The company assumes no liability should the exempt status be lifted and taxes levied, (Map No.1 7.02:35-00:021.00, Code 19-00, Account No. 0142503) Parcel II ! l .1 7. Easement, granted to Eugene-Springfield Land & Water Company, including the terms and provisions thereof, biinstrument Recorded April 13, 1936, Book 187, Pages 118 and 119,' Lane County Oregon Records,' . I NOTE: The address of the property to be insured herein is: 7345 THURSTON ROAD, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478. Ii . NOTE: A JUDGEMENT/LIENIBANKRUPTCY SEARCH was done for the rl'ame(s) . I. ' SCHOOL DISTRICT NO, 19,and as of October 23,2007, none were found, .. NOTE: As of October 23, ~007, there are no liens for.the City of Springfield,' I CONTINUED ~,,~/oJ- . ~' ,: \'Iled', ~ece. 'Jete I r S'" ~\a~~e ' ELT - 53429 Page 3 NOTE: SUPPLEMENTED TO UPDATE REPORT. Very truly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFFICE BY:~~~~ Joseph M, Silence Title.Officer . ' . . CC: Branch Engineeril1g (Fax No. 746-0389) " " NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PAID. IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CANCELLED,:A MINIMUM CANCELLATION FEE OF $200.00 WILL BE CHARGED, . 'p ~; ;DEC 12 REC'D :' J ELT - 53429 Page I of! Legal Description '", EXHIBIT A , ," PARCEL I: Beginning at a point on,the Southerly right of way line of the Old McKenzie 1;lighway 663.4 feet South 0012' East and North 890 48' East 536,6 feet from the Northwest comer of the James C. Looney Donation Land Clain: No, 54, Notification No, 7310, Township 17 South, Range 2 Westcifthe Willamette Meridian; running thence South 00 12' East 719.0 feet; thence North 890 48" East 3 13.9 feet; thence North 00 01 1/2" West 769,0 feet to the.Southerly right of way line of the Old McKenzie Highway; thence along said right of way line in a , Southwesterly direction 3 16.2'Jeet, more or less, to the Place of Beginning, in'Lane County, Ore gem, PARCEL II: Beginning at a point on the Southerly right of way line of the OJd McKenzie Highway 663.4 , . feet South 00 12' East and North 890 48'; East 536,6 feet from the Northwestcomer of the James C. Looney Donation Land Claim No. 54, Notification No, 7310, Towns'hip!7 South; Range' 2 West of the Willamet:te Meridian; running thence South '00 12' East 7,J 9,0 feet; thence South 890 48' West 50 feet; thence North 00 12' West 715 feet more or less tojthe South right of way line of the Old McKenzie,Highway; thence along said right of way lin~ in Northeasterly direction 52 feet, more or less, to the Place of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon, _ r ' . ALSO: Beginning at a point on the West Line of the James C. Looney Donati6n LandClaim No. 54, Section 35, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meri,dian, South 000 12: East 1382.40 feet from the Northwest comer of said claim; thence North 890 48,' East ' . 486.60 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence South 000 12' East 720,00 feet to the center of a ditch; thence along the center line of ditch North 670 46' East 29,53 feet; lhence along center line of ditch North 61039' East 239.00 feet; thence along the center lin~ of ditch North . . - - /1 52030' East 156.26 feet; thence along an old line fence North 000 1 1\2' West'501.50 feet; thence South 89048' West 363.90 feet to the True Point of Beginning,in Lane County, Oregon. DEOl2 REC'D \; i u o I [, r' , MIlP .~" .~~. 2: "-J 2: ~ (J. ," <I ..j (SE: MAP ~ \2: 17 02 35 2.3 =:!J ~ '" ",,' .,:> i% <'? c:> THIS MAP IS TO ASSIST LOCATING PROPERTY THE COMPANY ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR INACCURACIES. N COURTESY OF . W + E EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CO 741,1981 . S mAf Cr .-1' T I-:J I~ ~;\~,11JI,::~'~' . I'. "'. '. . 10",'\ -: . 7r.~;,.~~: .. ~ '. .~. .~tf;~'.'rlo..jot"\oI' '-.;'4",:''"7L~~~'' ,",.,', .....-r.~-\,.........DO.I~ . -----':""'';:'''''.t' I) .;~ G i'~""Y ...\...~. :, 2700 _. 2800 2600' g~ .., . -:; C\J* ~ ~ . . ' ::; -~ "-1 ~ ' W' . . "-' [J) :.o)A - . 'Ii' : F -.:',. ',;.; . ~ :.!! , . . . "-' u.1 "-'. n: t; ~. . ;..,. . " 0 , !i "\.\\' lo~' I..'\.....~. - Vl SEE, MAP 17 02 ~524 -('.'- . ~,..~...~. '\01.,.... r-- ---1) I ~ 3603 W '!ol~.'\O. "'1""4'.",,\1.'-'" ;, - .r -,::i C N ,!'- '.2100 . '" ~f ,J1l{~ " ') / . ~I ('- :5 SEE"'MAP, tr -1 "-' W w n: --::.' ~" _~I II , 17 02 35 3~. . , I~\ '-" / 7~ 02. -.'35'-c,G A..'\....\.~. .. ~"'l' ..a'.... ..~. ---- ~.~ o ...,'l-' ____ l',.'" -- ....~. 1'~.~\s.,\"".11' ~. '"l.'~' . 3200 -!'1t.";.r; ~ O\.avn~ , 2900' ;:C 0-' . g (j) ~ ... N" , ~ ~ o , ~ ~ 'c J ~,~' :: f ~i Sl , . <. o~ M , ' " . ~O~."l~ . 11."- Wli.~, '<1-1.'''': --:"':.-.. W.S,'{v , D.L.C, INT, ELL, COR~ /,,""", D,L,C, 54 '"^' I . , E,N,E, . 'IDLe.' ~ I 3600 I I I.MAP ~ /; I " 'I 7 ~~02'r"~351~4J'- I~ \1"" '0. -';""~~6~'~:' >. ~- 3EOI SEE .J ~ . , > o " " , , \, 0rder No. .. il '),,'Jo ~J::::.55' ~ ' 18143 . 'W'arranty Deed THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That husband and wife, ~ R. STONE and GENEVIEVE R. STONE, the Grantors, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and Other---------- -_______ DOLLARS to them paid, do hereby, bargain, sell and convey unto School District No, 19, Lane County, Oregon, , the grantee , the following described premises, to~wit: PARCEL 1: . , Beginning at a point on the Southerly right of way line of the Old McKenzie Highway 663.4 feet South 00 12' East and North 89'048' East 536.6 feet from ;the Northwest corner of the James C, Looney Donation Land Claim No. 54, 'Notifi9ation No. 7310, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette 'Meridian, running thence South 00 '12' East 719.0' feet, thence. South 89948' West 5'0 feet,. thence,N9rth 00,12' "Jest 715 feet. more or less to the South right of way line of the, Old McKenzie Highway, thence alon'g said right of way line in NortheasteI-ly direction 52 feet more or less to the place of beginning, in Lane County., Oregon: 1.. . (..,~ .1(':". J/,',,:o:Y;S4. "~~,"lT ..", -..t ~ -. ;' .I ~ , , PARCEL' 2: Beginning .at a point on the West line of the James C. Looney Donation Land Claim No. 54, Section 35, Township 17 South Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridi~n, South 00012' East'1382.40 feet from the Northwest corner of said claim; thence North 890 .48' East 486,60 feet to the true point of beginning; thence South 'CO? 12' East 720.00 feet to the center of a ditch; thence, along :the center line of ditch North 670 46' East 29.53 feet; thence along center line of ditch North 610 39' East 239.00 feet; thence along the center line of ditch North 52030' ' East 156.26 feet; thence along an old line fe~ce North 000 It' West 501.50 feet; thence South 89048' Vest 363.90 feet to the true point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon, (.5.15 acres more or less) '.I TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises, with their appurtenances, unto the said Grantee!, , . its ' heirs and assigns forever. And the said Grantors do hereby covenant to and with the said Grantee ,. its heirs and assigns - that they ~re the ownerS in, fee simple of said premises; and that. they are free from all encumbrances '-'( F. and that they will warrant and defend the same from all other lawful claims whatsoever, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, They have hereunto set their hands and sealS this N~~=M___~'=, . JZ2-__""Ll .....mm__'_'___m_mm_mm.m~__m_'_.mm__m(SEAL) ~'-'<"~y,/---.r[?...-/]:;-;,k~'(SEAL) STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF LANE: ss, Be it remembered that on thi~: /i" '.! day of me, a Notary Public in and for-s"id county, the within named . ,KARlJ"R,., STONE andGENEVlEVE R. STONE, husband and wife,. tg"rt~:~~~~~~~~"t:t~ be t~e identical person~ described in and who executed the within instrume~t, and ,f!c~~;W~%,~,~o.;~.~~t i they executed the same freely and voluntarIly for the uses and PUl'pOS~S. therem :njt1..e~4i1~~;^1 2..~...~~=t~;j;~, .' I J":llM!it~s~'l':i"ana ,aoo\seal this day and year last above written~~ ~ . :",i~",,'!Ji,,'n'ftt,1i~?" .'::&:'1~%1' 4,' . {:" ,1>),~ '.~~1.~1~ ~ ..~t::) ~/,!:NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGGH , . , p ~ ,"nJJ)ltPl>:,l:;~J, '1>,1v Commis'lOn Ex Ires luJ 17 19 ------- - - n' - -' -- -- - ___cd_. ------- n______ - . !"~'i', _ ,.Jfff.:\;;~}"~f:~';~' p y ~ .5+" otary PublIc for O~egol1. ";',." -~'\:,;,;>>4.~~ ~~,\",\~<, ",. J J I",,'-",~~,; ~".. .~,,1:- ""~"f.(i/'" . . '.~'"4'~if::,~irft.}f~~"-~':'" LA~E COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. EUGENE, OREGON , \. "'~f~:"'(o" ,"I'.; '~\:"- November ,19 5:3 personally came' before ....j.. " U Ul ~ " ",/ l,r " f ....... , "",'~~C\ ! DEc' \~ \\'tt\\ " '\ .,~;;' \' - :'. 6~f~~~~~1~" ", '1"\" ", ,"';,THIS'INDENTBRE'WITNESSETH:C",Thii , arl.R, <,Sto ' "en' "".\-l"-"'io...,.,...\.n.~. -' ''''''\,,' . ''''"-l;.,l'~'jd''~'''~\~~'''~}~ " t' .-1' r.~,rl"~'iifIil<;,,'J'"' ~:~'"},~'J'":~:J.~, "'~.". :? .;:, f' ~:,-' .t' ":r;:~~w::/~r;'.'<,:~~:~"'{;~<!,7' ':">~;i1;i,:>.,~.:,}'t~'\'~~1,'t\,"r;'}~'{'~ ~ (j -'v.-" "';"':-" ,., huspand' and !,1v:1:f;~e:1:'t'~':<h"J.~ 1'~","'-,o;.4"J?\' 1:t t!~;~'\:;_ :~~.;:f {.,'t"- ~ ~~,\,t'~"',;:e' .:~ -. "" ;.' _ '. ..,~,.: .H";",t\\::,~' '''-';':i~', '".,q~'. .:\ ',"t:'-'J'~'N:'," ~;. ;, ~\., .~J'" ~., 1', ''>', ":<, "~l \, _;"." ~u '~"'"'''' I J.'f~ ,,~.\d..l' '~S~ '. "''j~ . ." " " f . , . d' ,. .'.' f "".' .., "'f t ' "," "-~ . ,', , .' ." ,,' ,<' ': tne'GrantOlS of and-dn consi eration'o 'lol1e sum'o , en!'. ; ~;t(ic~'I- . \~>';'-"""}i.~~.2\::, \," 'k;~ 1,"'- ,,',';l"';"~.r~~.".... '~' " . . f. 't."""''fI~,,-,:" '~~".';"'l'. "".,,1 ,'-'~',~A~'Co;'~*-. ~~\:._. "J~,'~ ".' :t,<f)~:: r:.tnem' ,paid",do, . ". !igre9Y"bargalu, '~e!l~~P?~ c9pvey~un~.o:". ~"'~I'::.:;~',~:N, ~~~}JE:~ c.;:~,:;;'::;;{'~~::,,:", /. '." .': "i. ,; ')G't":;4j;;\j-,.;e~':_k"': /i~Jf~;'~~j;\:~;;:;::::-::I;\l~.;'t'';1i~'t . -i;I' ,:',$chqo:L'. :,Di sitrict-No:J306, - ~qn~:,,;CP\l!l,tYi;",,:9r,eg9n;A;,ltc'1',;\;i"Mi':; '; '.;-,,,,, ""_~:;"i,II,' ~'"" - " .' '. , ',_I"'" - ".' ,: -.' " .~.,~, ';~:'" I",', I, ".,'.. '. ,~"~'- ~. ',;:, _, _\:-~",;, '_'i "i".. il ,.,:\;> ~, 2' ~-~'tlle'/follo:wirigi:'des'cribed-\premises, ;to~wif:~ . ;;i!J~,:;,,:~{~~:';~;'~""- ,.;.,. ~,":' /_" "";'9 "/';:",,;",7: '~-'~;,~),)'...I!:-'(;;"~~,~r,{ . ;it~<i~~: _ ..' . '. ...,s';~~~~r~~~\~~&~,~t~:_~T , ':1.:. ~.:#B~g:t~n1n,g"~t;"a 'Ro,Mrit;';J;(j::~Q'qi:-cJi~1Ji}'~~:e'~?t}:A1J.,q'i:jS:9'9}0: f;r,,\', :'~ ' '. \ :.', '"l-1t):1 e-"inor,tI'lw.e s,t:",c 0 :gn~'r. :'o~ ;:;J;'!'l!";'~~B.me;s,:;C".,.;\!t9}2M,Y.;;)?9,n.SI;t.: gn:i:",apo:M ~ ., - ,{ "c.; .< ~'''''.No;::''54J' Not i'H'cB~tiofr';N(j7,\.7Jl'O~',ifn ~,t O\:,;r'r8nrp'!)ill7j~SOii'th~;;R1l:fi~"ejZitWe1>" ' . "".~i~ ," .' ,.' "t "'~' ~~ .. '.... 'o-i"? l' " ,'~,) ~\",~~;.),><o"~"'''' '~j", ti~..,$-'{""it"r."_", D""" "i;l'~'~~'~I:<"A;:'''' .;',. . ,'''"li''fof,'',,,t he ',.W::l1ili'a me t t e',:Mer,idian,,:';;runnJ'nQ' : ',thenci:e\fsc6ut h9,2;eill"~.! 'itf\eejtlfii,t 1-,.., d,,,,'" ~,^. r't' 3c'08 'S- ';'f"" t : ~,-Y" ..'",''l,' ,..' t' ''-'''2''1'1,'''iI'lf "" "t' '\"""~"""'''t'h'''';'''w,Ii'''''''~''-'''' "OS' ", "r.;.1>'I....:..I-'1,wes.. . ee ,,'ld.1811ceynor l1',jij. , ',/P" "'ee .;:"!,anl:lttk ence~\eas P'4 ,"; " "~,,? J'J~":(i~fe:e;f} t' o:'~th e'~ p'jl EtO e'('o1,,~ble~tnn(jj ng7.;~ "?i~rrf~:fu'ane'{~~C,ount"Y;J;~\~~e'i . , ~ ':-:,::;:~~;~:.):~~::;/" . ;:": ':.' , ;,~:'i~,\'~d~;,:::":1{~: ~"':~ -"::;":;,!,"i~~~::~~;~~~;;'::;;e~t: "'"'4':\;),,, ~;~"- ~ ~_,jf...'!,...,--,~-\l"J.'-~J.t'.::'~'/->~<_ t. .....~>@'*-'"'!i'."'~-iJ,f,,,. . ''1',<~' ,,~. ;" ~ ,'" .- '"' '. \ ( '" "~. 'c," ~':4-\.tl-:.:: ":'''-'''tf "::''f-.;.~.,~l'f'1:>J,', 't'__'~\I" , ~:'~''4,''.iJ~_1'i'''t>~ '_~l'.' . ::;;~r, ""-',,,-' I ~';1',;j ;i~,:'~ ~r~\:',~ ,,~ 'r;> ~!::f': ,m~' ." J1t,..~." ~,;..>>;::- ~t~~ ti~~'i ~' rlE1;;: ~;",,"". ~J.,ij, 'ur , S'J";t." ~-, w~ ," "'F~" ~:i,; ~'''i'''\' ~. 'f.'1;~' ~, "", ~'i',;:_, . t,,~... , :!i:~;', h~i;:i:>: " '.'t\V:~. L ~lt~.: '",,,',~... '~' '.. t:1>:;f.. ;~~~~ iR1'g',r" rf!~it11 lW~'" :{~"',' ~.<,. ,,;\t~;f" j~J"i"" .:~~~R;r;>" 'l"~ ~,';.~/,r.-; ~~'\1~ ro' :.::....I. -q,"';,,!(\ tt.~ '-If JI>;;, IV" "!~\ ;. , ' ~ ~ ~:' ,l , . ~ ,"k>;~~:~:;~~~%1,:ft$~< ,t?,~~ illi '_'lt~~.;.ffi',~~, ~"~tgr:~.;;>, ~ ,"\~ryr.~~vpi}',~~,..,'l!' : <N""t<, ,J,'''"i1!1'1'l.'. <., ",,,~:,, ",: '~"'''''',,;<&" , I ' -";'--:r,. ~'~~-!"(q..b'-;;";l ~~~$...,~ftr'lQv~~.y':rt3J~ m " "~ ,'''':,,' ;"f- .' .-Y~'_"I," ,,~ :' '- ' ...~>f 'YL",.~,- \';- / .' '}. \\t~\\ ~~c,\ , l;~~~ ,. ,:~f&k ~ . J;':\';~' '~;~ ~~1~ '..r<:_+,'; ,,/'Ii' ~~~)' .'.,::';,1)1 T."'i!"',\ P',~ $il, 1W~!" -'" It~~ ~--~-~ ,.~4.%;~ .;o.J'Il ~;f* .",,1,h' ~,,:i'o ' ~* ,~(l! n"''' ~.~ J-.~ I'~:' ,....' ','Ii' 'fr.~' " ;>1 1>--;. (f:~l >-:<t~ ~'~ti ':t' ~~ . ~i5if. }'~~ "i.~l\ft .'.;t(!, ,-'kif.' 1,t>;.ry ~;t~ ~"';'~- ,;t;- 2~~;' 1,\", . ,~~~- l;'" '1;.>-;;': '~~:J' . "> ~~ "!:~ ,-- ," ,,~~, ~J l'~ ~ ~~, ,,.,, ! i, I WARRANTY DEED H TH'IS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: 'That School District No. 19, , Lane County, Oregon, a municipal corporation, the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten - - ($:r.O.OO) -. - _ DOLLARS to it paid does hereb'... bargain, sell. and .convey. unto Ka,rl'.R. Stone and ~ene- vieve R. Stone, l}.usband and ,wife, the grantees, the following described premises,'j; DWi t: Beginning at a pojnt_ in the South line of the McKenzie High- way 13,06 chains ;eastl and 8.96 cnai ns Sont.h of the Northwest corner of t'he ,Tarnes C. Looney Donat ion Land Claim No. 51!" Not if. No. 7310 in Township 17 South, Range 2. West 'cif the Willamette Meridian, running thence South 308 feet,; ,thence West ,308.8 feet; thence North 258 feet to the ';South line of, th'lMcKenzie Highway; thence North 800 47' East along the South line of the McKenzie Highway 312.3 feet to the pIRce of b,eginning, containing 2.00 acres, in Lane County, Oregon. , Beginning at a point 13.06 chains ERst and 899.36 feet South of the Northwest corner of the James C, Looney Donation Land Claim No. 54, Notif, No. 7310 in Township 17 South, Range 2 West 'of the Willamette Meridian, running thence South 211.6 feet; thence West 308.8 feet; thence :~ort!1 211.6 feet and thence E"st 308.8 .feet;~o the. p,lace, of beg~nning. J.nLaneCounty, Oregon.. . . .....o.........,.....J ,,'",''0.,,''''' '. TO HAVE,AND TO HOLD the said p~emises, withtheir appurtenances unto t he said Grantees, their neirs and assigns' foreyer~ And the Grantor does hereby covenant to and with the said ,i ! . ,.,-: ";G'J;',,antel3s, their he,irs and. a'ssigns that it is the owner in fee simple of '::~,!,'t . . '''said p~emises and- that they are free from all incumbrances and that it . dWill warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims whatsoever. <i....: ... IN WITNESS WHEREOF, School District No, 19,. a municipal corporat.ion, ,has caus ed thes e presents to he duly signed by its Board of Directors this 22nd day of September, 1949. By 'ttuv 'D 8~~ Director U)~-~ Director (Seal) By {tl~. '1/;:4-jg;~/1 (S eal) 'r., . '/1', ') Dire ctor fSeal) By "lli)(:4z3fkJ'A-/: (Seal) ( !. Director' , I (Seal) By"-! (Seal) Director, ~j:; By By ~d/.. I' ',,' 1':0 / Director DEe 1.2 ~Et'~ I"'." ~"'. . (i I ~~, ~.\1!i? ;rot', "..' ': ! i i I i tc i " I ~ V '..~ f.. 1.;........ WARRANTY DEED :\ I THIS INDENTURE WITNI<;SSETH: 'That School District No, 19, '..,~" ,Lane County" Oregon, 'amunici.pal...,corporation,,': the Grantor" for and in consideration of the sum of Ten - - ($lO,qO) - - - DOLLARS to it a i paid does hereb. barg,!:ln, sell,and .conv,ey, \ll1to Karl R. Stone and Gene- vieve R. Stone, husband and .wife,. the grantees, tqe, followi,ng described t premises, ."t owit: '" ~. ' Beginning at a point in the South 1in~ of the McKenzie High- way 13.06 chains east' and 8'.96 chai ns South of the NorthwNit corner of tihe James C. Looney Donation Land Claim No, 5:l" Notif. No. 7310 in Township 17' South, 'Range 2 V'fest of the Willamette Meridian, running thence South 308 feet; thelj.ce West .~)08.8 feet; thence North 258 feet to the South line of the McKenzie Highway; thence North 800 47' East along the South line of the McKenzie Highway 312.3 feet to the place of beginning, contai ning 2.00 acres, in Lane County, Oregon. . . .. ,Beginning at a point ~3.06 chains ERSt and 899.36 feet South of the Northwest corner of the James C. Looney Donation Land Claim No. 54, Notif. No, 7310 in Township 17 Sonth, Range 2 West 'of the Willamette Meridian, running thence South 211.6 feet; thence West 308.8 feet; thence Nort? 211.6 feet and thence E~st 308.8 feet .to t he place,o,f beginning, in LilneCounty, Oregon., ,... ""':' ;:...., ,.... ' , I . i I I I .1 I I , " TO HAVE Al'''D TO HOLD the said premises, withtheir appurtenances unto t he said Grantees, their heirs and assigns forever. And the Grantor does hereby covenant to and wi th the said ":.i G~antees, their heirs and assigns that it is ,the owner in fee simple of .t<:( '. l"~ .ok _~~ '_ . _"'-, "L~....'.~ s'aidpremises 8!\d :that they are fre'~ from-.a.J_l irii:\.imlirances and that it ,,,?wil'l warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims whatsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, School District No, 19,. a municipal corporation, has caused these presents to be duly signed by its Board of Directors this 22nd day of September, 1949, By ~"'D 13~Lc..L U)~" (Seal) By f21? /-?:1'_&~C:::?L(Seal) "ft ~ . 1 Direct6r heal) By iI?<-~A~",~' (Seal) ( ! Director' , . (Seal) By\,j (Seal) Director ill , ~ By Director ~ " Director By ~'"'' Director I. " . . , . ~.........- ---- --.-- . -- --.. - ,', : Urder 1'\1 o. 7 () ~ rfc Warranty D.eed BflOl< 40a f'IIGF 221: THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That Karl R. Stone and Genevieve R. stone, , ,. husband and wife, the Grantor ,for and in consideration of the sum of Ten - - - ($10.00) - _ _ _ _ _ DOLLARS to them paid, do hereby, bargain, sell and convey unto School District No. 19, Lm e County, Oregon, the following described premises, to-wit: the grantee , ' Beginning at a point en the Southerly right of way line of the Old McKenzie Highway 663.4 feet South 00' 12' East and North 890 48' East 536.6 feet. from the Northwest corner of the James C. Looney Donation Land Claim No. 54" Notification No. 7310, Tovlnship 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willainette Meridian, running thence South 00 12' East 719.0 feet; thence North 890 48' East 313.9 feet; thence North 00' Ol~1 West 769.0' feet to the Southerly right of way line of tfie Old .McKenzie Highway; thence alonr, said right of way line ina Southwesterly direction 316.2 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning, in Lane County;' Oregon. - '~. ;- L." I:' "r -. " . . ~~. '- ~. ~ ". 'I')/l''" I C.I I ,~ ,/ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises, with their' a~urtenances, unto the said Grantee , its heiq/~H.!g,~s~gbg'l8rever, successor 3 And the said Grantors do hereby covenant to and with the said Grantee, its heir,y'and assigns that the yare the ownerS in fe" simple of said premises; and that they are free from all incumbrances and that theY will warrant and defend the same from all IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We ha ve hereunto set our 2.2nd day of . September. . A. D7'49 , '-(SEAL)-L~:"n ,,(SEAL) (SEAL) ~':~---q;~_(SiAL) lawful claims whatsoever, hand s and sealS this STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF Un:o 1'1 ss, Be it remembered that on this .22hd day of September ,~9 49 personally came before me, a Notary Public in and'for said county" the within named Karl' R. Stone and Genevieve R, . \l}~I~JJII, Stone, his wi fe, ""~1'''''Pi~Nt,,.,:'',, . .:' '\~~..,;":r"f4il'.' .."'..... " .,,'S'~~~~~s~ ~ to me personally known to be tl\e~ri&.a"J.~pe:so~~described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that th~~~if~ut~'df~I~~Je'ifreelY and voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein ' '.'i':lJ;~~"'~'b"'~ :\\'i!'" named. :~:r~,'S'(< "'~ """',; :[c';:=- . Witness my h,md and seal':(li1J!<o Iim ~~rllasf~bove written, ~ ~ -;:~j ..)f"-l"....,...- ~ .... r.--:;':II .~j!<:)~'';-: 7f2 ~ ~,\! 'tJ'Y.'"-. .;- M C ... E ..c . .,....f;;.:~" I y ommlSSlOn xplres -,;., " 1,\" ,'Cm 'mm___m __ ", __ __'mm , 'c,___' m" _____,__________m ~ 'J. / /q <C"'3"';:;'; ~,\l.\~'.I{";~" " Notary Public for regon. ' "'/ I v. .Uf'IUH l...,:""'" . , . 1>j.'~~'J,,~.j\. i"101ARY PUBLiC FOR OReGOt r=;:, , ..'_',O.U . _ _ .,.... ~ ~.'_,._ ," ,.~'" ~... 'l'~';f-'-l I ., LANE COUNTY A,8STRACT COMPANif:JE,J'GENE,"O'REGON ' .-. ~'--~~C'[i"RECi' ," "" Ii.. .~... ~ ." I . ~"""., t;:. o c; rl " -",' CJ , ., ~'\ .... '0<> 'co .":" ~ ,:,<: 6 'H .. 1- <J <::> ''-' L,-_ c[:;: -< ! :..:: .;:'1 ;-, " " 37'20 ..,--....,-...~......-.. ."-'-- " .r ~_..~. ," W ~llJrranty Deed !If / ~ 'J-~ ;Uj / St.ate of Oregon, Couilt~r of Lallc-ss. r Hai'ryL. Chase. County Clerk and ex-officio Recorder of Conveyance, in and for said County. do hereby certify that the within instrument was received for. record at 1949 OCT 10 PM 4 17 and Recorded In .Book.... 403 224 ....on PagC.m..- J I Q ) By _ eputy. When RecQrded Return to r~~ ~r" , I [)U_ , , I. ! . .J"..... .t' i .---"'-c-:":i.-' i "I 0;; " ,. \ > i" 1- """'j j':.l' i" I .J j' , I ..1 . ~ ,.t . , .\ .j. ..,' . . ~ ~-' . j I '.' :: ". '., " J . \~ J: i, '; "'J. '''Under All 'the.c:')l,and The Title" " ';'~.,--'- T-;{jAA-~~~ Lart~. County Abstra:Ct Com,pat,iy' ,'; 'f;~ ~ -'l, c_..- , .'+;~"'" Eugene, Orego~ "', ~~., . , \J: ._...:_~',~ ;fl:1 elpber of .~'.. Americ4jl Title Associatio~;..;~, , '.',:,!' t.,,::" ,.c., 'I' Depend~b!e Title Service . _'. ._,-' . i<"', S"m' '~e 1.888.,'.:...., ,.C,) .'"- ' n, .~t~:~ ~:,.;, ~ .,~ . ~'~.Title InsJ/iance A b~,tTacts Escrows !~B ':; '.;-' :-""- ':e'!' !'..' " (y-, [,:: CO).VIPLE~ '~7'ITLE SERVICE '.',' . . ~ ~.' '3). D\ ~~', . !~-" "