HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Sewer Connection Record 1975-9-15 . .. CITY OF SPRINGfIELD APPLlCATlONAND AGREUD:NT FOR SEWER HOOKUP 'Application is hereby made by the undersicn~d property owner for permission to connect the following described property to a city sanitary sewer line, owned and maintained by the City of Springfield, and I agree to pay such a hookup charge of $4.50 per front foot of the prop<,rty for the first 15'0 feet in depth to be served by s~ch city sewer line in lieu of an assessment against the described property. , An additional $0.03 per square foot will be charged for any additional property beyond the first 150 feet. 3501 Olympic Street . Property Description: Address: 3501 iN' Street (Former address) Beginning at a point on the West line of Block 7, First Addition to Adams Plat, as platted and recorded in Volume 15" Page 2, Lane County Oregon plat Records, Lane County, Oregon"said point being on the East right-of-way line of North 35th Street and 310.37 o ' ' feet North 0,33' )<:ast fromthe Southwest corner of Lot 7& Block 7, First Addition to Adams plat: running along said right-of-way line North 0 33' East 303.05 feet to a o . point 5.0 feet South 0 33' West of the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 7,. of said Plat; thence parallel to the North line of Block, 7 and its extension, which is the South right-of-way line of 'N' Street. as,platted, East 286.20 feet; thence South 00 33' West 305.80 Feet; thence North 890 27' Io/est 286.19 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Except the north 5 feet and the West 121 feet. LATERAL ,Sewer hookup charge: front feet @ $4.50 per front foot = 49,891 square feet @ $0.03 per sq. ft. = $ 1,496.74 This agreement has been computed as being one-half (1,) of the equivalent cost of an eight' (8) inch 'lateral sanitary sewer at the rate of $4.50 per abutting front 'foot and does not include the'60st of a house connection to said city sewer, SCHer user charges, plumbing permits or other such costs to be assumed by the property owner. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. OREGON By: Y,O/;<ff\Jr Q~~ '.'~ , 0 } i 0 '-i Date: 9//0/7/.:; . PROPERTY Qi./NERS: R 2? ~LjJ.a~. ; 7 J~d~) STAT:: OF OREGON ), ) ss County of Lane ) BE IT REHEHBERED, that on this /5. tJ. day of ,& KJb~.R.A/ , 19 7 c:,:> before'me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and fot the said ~ounty and State, pel"sonally appeared the within named _J j), :"Y:nl/?,tn I l:...a-.-- -1<1::. rY1J),fJ.LJ o lJ known to me to be the identical individU.:11 d1/,:) dcscr;i~ed in and \-.'ho c~ccutcd the \.Jithin instrument and acknol-lledged to me that ,~ executed the same freely and voluntarily. WlTl\'ESS my hand and seal this day and year last above written. 7{~>;ru 'tf(Sd04) (Qto-&/v0, 191 e' My C(lllUlli,;s lUll EXl'i'n's ~ " . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD APPLICATION AND AGREEHENT FOR SEWER \lOOKUP 'Application is hereby made by the undersicned property owner for permission to connect the following described property to a city sanitary sewer line, owned and maintained by the City of Springfield, and I agree to pay such a hookup charge of $4.50 per front foot of the propc>rty for the first 150 feet in depth to be served by such city sewer line in lieu of an assessment against the described property. An additional $0.03 per square foot will be charged for any additional property beyond the first 150 feet. 3501 Olympic Street , Property Description: Address: 3501 'N' Street (Former address) Beginning at a point on the West line of Block 7, First Addition to Adams Plat, as platted and recorded in Volume 15, Page 2, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, Lane County, Oregon, said point being on the East right-of-way line of North 35th Street and 310.37 feet North 00 33' ~ast from the Southwest corner of Lot 76 Block 7, First Addition to Adams Plat: running along said right-of-way line North 0 33' East 303.05 feet to a point 5.0 feet South 00 33' West of the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 7,. of said Plat; thence parallel to the North line of Block 7 and its extension, which is the South right-of-way line of 'N' Street. as, platted, East 286.20 feet; thence South 00 33' West 305.80 Feet; thence North 890 27' West 286.19 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Except the north 5 feet and the West 121 feet. LATERAL , Sewer hookup charge: front feet @ $4.50 per front foot = 49,891 square feet @ $0.03 per sq. ft. = $ 1,496.74 This agreement has been computed as being one-half (l,) of the equivalent cost of an eight (8) inch lateral sanitary seHer at the rate of $4.50 per abutting front foot and does not include the cost of a house connection to said city sewer, sewer user charges, plumbing permits or other such costs to be assumed by the property owner. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. OREGON By: Y/O~\\)fJ8-JJ. fL- , 0 '-\ Date: 9, '/0/7 /.~ ' PROPERTY mINERS: ,\ f?t? ?lU~ (" \11p1"1J STATE OF OREGON ), ) ss County of Lane ) BE IT RENENBERED, that on this '/Sti day of .x:1Do~c.6XA./ , 19 7t:~ before'me, the undc>rsigned, a Notnry Public in nnd fat the said County nnd Stnte, pel"sonally appenred the Hithin named _J, j) ~tlJ.(n J /:...&-r i<E m J Q.LJ o \) , known to me to be the identical individunl "1/0 descr/ibed in nnd ,.,ho executed the Io/ithin instrument and ncknolo/ledged to me thnt ,.-/I..C-- executed the same free ly and vo luntilrily. Wl1'l\'ESS my hand and seal this day nnd year "rast nbove written. ~(;,~>}r0 'rf(wew-) (Q:to-~_Uv'ro 191 ~ My COIIUlll,;sIoll EXl'lres