HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Correspondence 2000-4-7 Apr-ll-00 . ..00b ; , ,.' '" . , 09:59A Mortier . Eng & Building De (541)484-6859 P.Ol , .' MORTIER ENGINEERING, Pc. . 1245 PEARL STREET !;UGENE, CREGON 9;d01 ,o~ONE (5"') 48d09080' FAX (541) ,ad"e59 iOLL F;:1EE IN OREGON ,.d77.66i.99f:9 STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN - FIRE PROTECION CODE CONSULTANT, PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION April 7, :WOO Ehlers Construction 2066V, Roosevelt Blvd. Eugene. OR 97402 RE: 3436 Ohmnic Street - Pacific Detroit Diesel - W,O, il12641-0LG As you requesred. 011 Apri 1402000 r performed an inspection "lthe above noted loemion to e'la]ualc damage done by a 'Ichicle running into the building, During thot inspection, I madc the following observations and recommendations, The existing building has exterior CMU walls. The point of impact i, at one of the service bays whcrc the building was added onto. Thcre cxisls a cold joint between where the addition and wr.ere the original building join logether. The CyfU block that was u~ed to support the addition at this point was completely blown out with the impact fmm the truck, The return at the door cntry is five cells wide, Repair of rhe building shall be constructed as detai led on the attached sheets, All temporary shoring is LO be providcd by the contractor during the repair of the building. I hope you find this reporl adcquate for your purposes at this lime. Thank you for this oPPor1unity to bc of service, Tf you have funher question,. please do not hesitate to contact me at 484-9080. Very truly yours, Owen Grover, P,f, OLG/mm ,~ 'c' RPR-11-2000 10:87 541 484 6859 5E% P,01 Ii Apr-11-00 09:59A . ~ '. Morler Eng & Building " , . .,:.,~\~.I..II.+ ...~'!::.', .'\. " -.1 . .". . ...r 0:;"/~1 "L:J, ,':,...:' , .. o:.'t"'"' ,. "'.\'i:I',\\: CI,II:.NI De (541)484-6859 . EHL. CONHi:.l.ItT'iol'.) I 0' '"L P.02 CALCULATIONS St'1EET .~a. CALCULATED 3Y O.L-" OATE STAUCiUAAL 9UILOINQ OESIGN . =i.=lE .:lROTEC'ION COOE CONSULT ANi. PLAN CHEC1<ING CONSTRUC!10N INSP~CTlON CHEClCED 9" O....TE W.O.- I V... '1 I , ... ~: "3Y3l.1 01..'(0'\\)\(" ~I "t'M(IT'C 'i)"T;!.QIT D\E~I2.L- S~ "TH,UlcO lE TIE',..:. rei(" l)fSLe,'pT';O"-l OF 0:: T~i l. 5 ~J fJzltes: 6.30. 01 I&. E-,!,',)T COL() J'O",rr ( - E)I"J I HALL- 'TO ;:'e/'1~ J , / h, AOJ ~F<.., ,i'i''-! , .' I / . ' f_J: ; /. i ~ . "Pl.AN VltW @.. FeN -_.. Nn, Cy./:JI 'SEc::nON @ AN. ~lL 151\1:.. e '1\~T uNI.I3'15 NCitt'O. 5o.lD gU>JT !.VALL. f ~ =- \'Soo PSt. I:jj2a;T ~ z= Ps', N5P. ~Tf'E"L ~ (-fA<:X: 40. (\'1o"-TA~- T\r'l:' f - . ~coo p;,l NfiJ Et1/L N cr" E'YV)(i.,;o i ...no ?,;<: \ ( FOI'J r"'\'.....J, 611 Nu I ~flfU~L ;"'Sf> ,zM. ,.. f.l' 1245 PEARL 51. EUGENE, OREGON 97401 RFR-11-2000 10:07 541 484 6855 TEL: (541) 484-9080 SE% ~ y:J? i 'j ~ I , ! Apr-11-OO 09:59A C{';" ""CO ;'.1 ~! I \-r.LJ I LJ..~ ~ I ,~TT~ I~~ (a"~Ll'NTO t;";o:',Sr'So..JDI3r1, 4..:. 0 UllI lllP."" /'.'r. ) / 1 ~. ;' (- ~ ",---- J1: J. ~: , /__2__.1. , I I E Xl'; '/ .J-. ,. , -TO-( i<.l;\lL ~ T";:?:::. rl Ve:"'<.T ~Tl:"FL p~ f'.-tN :5~'" VI l-,;>/ I ,.. I / " ,...\.. ; .. "-'-- J., -..,. I : / "i q " I II / \ ; I I __...~.e.M, ~L v " '1'~'0. "I~ <'''''''" I '" I \ k:: I J"'-If'Q t:'")l:I'I~-' '~I- i 1 ""AL~ ~">" I J..---- 12. LAP 'It- CtJvrl.S" / '--' - I CTYP) ("T"l1') / '--- ! - .~, ,~ -,I d. ~..u ,,\~rli , " .0,., ,,:" :II!E!!.:~, .,' 'i~~.I!J' .:..-:..... .. :"tl.U..I;..':; ';. . .....,~ -I."E\'.\~ I ~ E~~r . -ro rz<NP\lN NCUJ Mortier . Eng & Building De (541)484-6859 EHL. 7 (H1 CLIENT CALCULATIONS S;.;t.CT NO. CALCULATEO BY STFIucrURAL aUIL;)ING DESION . i=IAE' P.ClOTECTlQN CODE CONSULiANT . PLAN CHECKlNG CONS~UCTlON rNSPEC":'lON eN€eXEO PlY wo. 17 (~<.../ I l' ,j.- IN~I Of eLc:-VAnor-J N.T.S. 2:") ~E'S TO e.fPl"lLE' 1245 PEARL ST. EUGENE, OREGON 97401 TEL: (541) 48409080 98% APR-11-2000 10:ae 541 464 5253 0' OAT!: QATE P.03 "Z- -- :::/ P003