HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Field Test & Inspection Report 1996-1-1 T.._. """'" """" _,.. ,_,.." ,....... "',"" "'" .r.. 0.,,, _..., s",."" Co<. ,.., .,r., '" "''''''''' ...... WI,,",.. . have filliShed, ICkno\Vledge all undel1landing of lha informalion by signing balow, and ~tum Ihl. fOITll to lba City. ......, ''"MOT CAN "ISSU,O, ". _. -'. ................ ".1..... -.r," ...." ..,r_" ,"".... ..... _,1'0, .......d ....." 10 lhe Cily for revie" and approvallhls fonn completed on bolh rhe /Tonr Ind back. Tho Ow....d o....r c..,~... ..,. .P'.... "'" ok. ............ __ ....... .,.'... . ""," "_ ..... Tw"" I. Conlrulol' is responsible for proper nOlirleallon for !he InspeClion or Testing of floms Ibled, 2. Tnllll!: laboralol')' sJlllltalco apPropriato umplOl and trllrulpolt!hem 10 their IaboralOI)' for proper evaluallon or lesting. . Copies of IIr laboralOI)' rCf'Orts and IRSpetlions uelo ba senl 10 Ihe City by rhe Testing Agency. 3. SpctiallnspccUon ACClley is 10 submii nanes and q~lirJCalions of on.sile Specialln.p<cton to the City for approval. 4. Spe.lallaspeerol' 511111 provide inspeclioll roJlOrll to !he building omcial of alllnspeclion Icdvities. S. Contro.'or is responsible 10 rev;'IVlIlC City approved plans for addilionaJ inspection or lestlng "'q<liremenlslh.at llIay be naled. """', , ""TI"", TE 0' OCcuP'NC, WILL" IS'U"" Tho -, '""'''' '..." ...."...."... "''''''' 0_', ....... ... .. ..~...... . I........R... ..""..... _.. .,d - .., """,.. '_.............." '..'_."'......... .~........_... .,.,..." _.' . p...".... 'I... .... o. '~"'''''''''''''...r.. ..... · .. ,~-~. ............ ....." ... "" "".... __ "llo.,..",_ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Cb.i:u-tMeJ-eV r6,r ~r O....cr Name (Prinled) f1. LP. U{!g (j,Nr~~. t,1L. Engineer cw Architecl Finn (Prinled) [ Cj r(()8/7 Building PelTllir Ii PS- O~7 ~.,J~ry( Projecl1ille 2'5(; 011-.f" A.I(n.(, ~.'I';.~.(:!j Projecl ^ddtess v - - City of Springfield Community Services Division 225 Fifill Street SprIngfield. OR 97477 Telephone: (541) 726.3759 FIX: (541) 726-3689 Special Inspection And Testing Dale L-.. I c c . . en '" ;g ., ':l en !:i C!j~f> ~;!~SlgnaIUre .JOE.. r'A-'(~ ~ 'BEc~ Clen. Contractor Finn Nama (Prwed) '~J Telling Laboratol)' Nama (Printed) Special JOSpoclion Agency NlImo (Printed) 101/1n1 LIboralory Rop Siglllluro . . Building Official Namo (Prinled) Building Official Sl8narure 6J o o to Cil)' of SpringflC:Jd Communily Services ~ivision 225 Finh Street SprIngfield, OR 97477 relep/lone: (541) 726.3759 FIX: (541) 726-3689 Specilll Inspection And Testing CJ!oOg/PJ Building Penni! Ii fs - 0"87 Dale <;"""1 Ltld P'~jecl' Tille AJt~.~ I yr'j 8rJ Projecl Address 2656 01......:0."<. , - J T..",,_ .r ..jo<.. ""'ri.C .,...,., ,....... ...... po &"... '~I.' .r.. ""'~ ._.,....~. CoI,. '.., 0.... ,~ or_,... ..,~. Whm".. have fiuished, oclnowledge au unde~taudin8 ofllla infOlTnalion by signing belol\', and rerum Ihls fonn 10 Iha Cil)'. "PO.. , "'MIT CAN" "'.'D, n. -....... ......,.,... ~ .. ".i..".. ~",... "".. ",._" A"'""" .~. ''''~'' "" ~d ....., to I'" Cily for review and .pprovallhls fonn completed on boIh rhe fronr and back. Th, 0... Ud "'~, c.,,_, .... ......., "'".... -''''.. "" _... .....,.... ..,"'." '",", ,._ ,"""""""C. I. Con',..elol' is responsible for proper notiflcalion for the hl.1peelion or Tesling of flams listed. 2. Testlllg laboralol')' shall lake apPropriale IImpl.. and transport them 10 their Iaborato/)' for proper evaluation or leSling. . Copies ofllllaboralOIY reports and Inspections are 10 be senl 10 Ihe Cil)' by rhe Tesllng Agency. 3. Speciallnspectloll Aeelley is 10 submil n.n.. and qu.,if..alions o( on-site Specie/Inspectors to Ihe City (or approval, 4. Speel.llaspecIOl'Slulll provide inspecliOlI raJlOf1s 10 the building official of all Inspection lecivilies. en "ll ~ ., !:! ,. Cool_ow. --. '"0. "" """"'" ...... ""................... ....""''"'.....,.. _od. 6 ''''JR' A CORn"CA,., 0' OCcrJ'ANCY WILL RE ISSUeo, Th, """"."",. .....', "" ~... . "" """'. 0_,. ....... .. ,. ,,~""''''C . ........ ~..~ '01'....... .""d .od -... boor .rn. "'''''.''-'' '....... .,........., _ _"......... """"". -WOO -."". Th... ~~ ....of .... '''''' """,.. "'of . .._ "'_ "......""'. n. "".....,.,... .. "'"..",,,,,,, Engineer Oll,,~hilccc Signature -y -- ~. -, /:- .<-", ./ ~- . . ~ ,,~... ~..... _T<fl/lnal.abor.l..y Rep~i2.1II..1urO ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a ev +0", J;;8':~+ O.....er NIllle CPr; led) ~~1." ui22 (D~U~I1X. Engineer or Archilecl Film (Prulledf '" ',~ . I ' . . .. ... Testing Leboralo/)' Name (Printed) '. 1/~} Special lospection Agoncy Nama (Prinled) Building Official Nama CPrinled) Building Omelal Slgna[Ure I!J o o ...