HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-5-17 lil~I'ECTIOrl lJia. 716-3769 .. Job Address 2787 Olypmic, Unit 4 I.e~al Oemipt ion \ f} () 3 d ~ \ (jO"5:CfJ L11 y I)f SI'RlIlGf I EI.U COIlBlIIATlON APPLICATION/PERMIT E!IERr,y SOURCES: Ileal Hater Heater Owner Tom KE:l0Tiia 2787 Olympic, Unit 4 ,\ddress Construction lender Address Ul~llirl ll^" \namcJ I'hnnc (address) Primary Structura I Electrical !lechanica 1 CONTRACTORS (name) (address) Genera 1 Plumbino Electrical OREGON ELECTRIC SERVICE 2370 W 7th Pl., t'~chan i ca 1 PLUlIBIrIG ElECTRICAL ....1ill..:. ....liL CIIARGE . JIG- . IResidence of SQ. FT. Each single fixture -/ I I I- I I I I I I -,_.. I I I 1-' I I I I COI~1./INO. F[[OERS - I~~MK!'/reloc.te _J1..is.trih rplWrorc: Of amps.1 IRelocated building (new fix. additional) I'S.F, r.esidence 'I bolthl -louPlex (I batb) each IAdditional bath I ~!ater service I Sewer j Storm Se\'I~r. -, New circu!ts all{' \__ or extens Ions C)...,"'I 'SERVICES -, I Temporary Construct ion IChallqe in existing rf''l; drnr~ ImultifJmily, comm. or IndlJc:.trial IOf Zone Tyoe/Const. Bedrooms Units Fire lone Occy load Flood Plain Stories Occ.y Group BUILOIrIG PERI.lIT Char'}es an~ Surcharges Plan Ck, COllJll!lnd 65!/Oldn Ppr Fpp Plan Ck, nOes JOt/Oldn Per Fee Fence ------------ PLU"BING PERMIT Cholrges and Surcharges ------------ Dnmo . ClECTRIUL PERI:IT Cha rQes and Surcharges &~~SJ 1.\3 Sidewalk ..1 A/C Pavin9 I Curb Cut IIEClIAlIICAl PERIHT Charges and Surcharqcs Ranlle Valu( of HorK; (I ics. no.) (I irs. no, I \0 mORllAI:.:1 ll.... 716-175} So. Ftq. '.:ain ~Q. ftl). Access. So. Ftg. Other Ilel;' Add ",1 ter ~eD, --rence Demo Chan9c/Use Other - - !Q:l ..()I ~! ~! I ~, -I It! (\1 }) r) 11 T'S I J I ll3 Cexnires I (l'xoirpc:. \ Eugene 2046C 10/89 MECHANICAL -ELL J:JIARGlI..illL.. iUtlDS.1 .XJ,SC I I I I I I I I I I I I c:lJ .'y) 686-4blL.ilh;inn Permit Info: (Jescnbe I-Jork{i.e., Build Single Phone r,lr.Ii 1 V nes idence Hi th (It tached r..\rane) llNloi\l 01+ I TOTAL Ct1ARGrS TOTAL CIIARGES TOTAL CIIARGES I HIlEP.E STATE l \11 REQUII~[S thell the Electrical ''lark be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical rorUon of this permit shall not be ."alH until the label has been signed by o'In Electric;ll Surervisor and returned to the Building Division I HAVE CAI!UUllY EXMlIr/[[) the completed aprlication for ryerlllH, and do hereb,v certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all ''1ork nerfonllcd shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Soringfield and the laws of the Stille of Orellon oertaining to the work descrihed herein, and thilt 110 OCCL!rMlCY ''1ill be made of any structure without the permission of the llllildin~ Division. I further certify tho1tlTl'y rC!1istration "lith the Ouilder's OO<lrd is in full force and effect ilS required by ons 701.0!J!i, th,ll if cxel1lot the basis for exemntion is noted hercon, and that only subcontri'Jctors and employees who are in com::l1iance with Of~S 7111.055 \,,'111 be used on this nroject. IIMIEe"le.,e print) 1/ fl V-WoM t!JLlt;.v- . SIr.llATURF. --:> J. 12-, (!).I k FO~ OFFICE IISE ~ So. H!J. fl<'lin SQ, rt~. Access Sg. Ft9. Otber furnace/burner to OW's I Floor furnace and vent I Recessed wall _~KLhp"t,.r "nr! I I Apoliance vent c;,eoal'atp I Stationary evap. cooler I Vent fan with sinole duct I Vent ~ystcm apart from I heHinq or A.C. I Nechanical exh<1ust t"!ClClc1 .lnd rlurt -I \lood stove/heater -I I I ISSIJAflCr OF PFP,/11T x Value x Value x Value TOTAL VAlUATIOrI Systems Development CharQ. (I. 5'.) /Total (~b. rermit : TOTAL fohnnf' no. I (l)hOI1P nn \ ! i / ] J ; i 343-1681 rLIJJlAIlliL vpnt I 1 I 1-' I I II I -I I I DATE ~ -n-~ d3,la3 III"""'" I . I COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I. Appl icant to furnish .A. Job Address B. legal Description 1. example. Tax lot 100. lane Counly Map Reference " OJ 43 2. ex.mnle- lot I. Block 3. 2nd Addition to : ~prln9fjeld (stales C. Name. etc. of owner and construction lender O. Energy Sources 1. exam~le. heal/electric~!~eilin~/or forced air Qas 2. examole. wdterhcdler/clectl"lCill/or solar L Square footage or valuclUon. etc. - 1. examoJe- 1250 sq. foot house. 500 sq. foot garage 2. example- TTnew project. checknew _ if addition, check add. etc. F. Building permit information: 1. examnle - construct sinyle family house with an attached garllge Z. eXdmole - remodel existing garage into family room J. eXdmole. convert single family residence into restaurant (change of use) G. Vdlue of \'Iark as defined in Section 303 (a) of the Structur'a I Spec ia Ity Code II. DESIGN TENI AND CONTRACTORS To avoid desif)n or construction delays, Ouihliug Division Staff must be able to contact ilpproprillte persons rega rd i ng lies i gn in fonna t i on or job site corrections, etc. II. Abbreviated Plumbing, Nechanical, & Electrical Schedules A. Except Hllere b lank spaces OCcur in the descript ion portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules. the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adjacent to the appropriate item(s} to be installed 8. Full Plumbing, Nechanical, and Electrical Schedules are available at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedules have been abbreviated 2. If the item(s) to be installed arc not Covered on the abbreviated schedules you should consult the full schedules C. BUllOIIIG DIVISION STAFF Will FIll OUT ALL FEES AlID CIlARGES 011 THE SCllEUUlES O. As noted on the CAP, the label must be delivered to the electrical contractor for signature by his electric,)) supervisor. The general contractor is not authorized to sign the electrical label. - III. Applicant to sign and date I-lhenever possible. the initial application will be used as a worksheet only. I-lhere possible. Building Division Staff will prepare a type written copy and return-i.t-to the applicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his signature. IV. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of the application, and no plans ,.,.ill be processed until these fees are paid. All other fees and charges are due and payable when the permit is issued. V. FOR OFFICE USE OrllY . ~ PermitCle k PERMIT VALIDATION ~~~ ~~ \2P\O~ .... PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAtICY: d . ~ Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: . I -'; Additional Project Infonnation: PLANS REVIEWED BY: name signa ture . da te ,1