HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1996-2-3 . .. I 'j,'7g7 ~~ :W Cf't(jfl'2-.5 1t?-3 February 3, 1996 Tom Marx Development Services 225 North 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Dear Tom, I would like to request that the Occupancy permit for the warehouse space we have rented be considered under the 1994 use codes as an F-2 site. Jim Henley has verified that the plans show a 1-hour fire separation floor to ceiling, as well as between the individual units. This is in compliance with this requirement. In regards to the use of the welder, since only non-combustible materials are used in the process of our art work we would respectfully submit we are in compliance. We understand and agree to comply with the standard of the F-2 code. We are prepared to change the current exhaust system. However we would like some specific guidelines on how to meet the code. I appreciate your help in getting this request approved in a timely manner. Sincerely, ~VMA-V Jan Wanner -ee-: 2!1.81D\VWLOI(, '1/"2'5 ~ Sl:.lltuc.n: "CI . Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additlonal services. a; -Complete items 3, 4a, and 4b. CD . Print your name and address on the reverse of this form 80 that we can retum this e card to you, ~ -Attach this form to the front of the mallpisce. or on the back if space does not ! permit. -Write'Retum RfIC8ipt Rflqll8St9do on the maUploce below the article number. -The Return Receipt will show to whom the artide was delivered and the date delivered. BUILDING I also wish to receive the following sarvices (for en extra fee): 1. 0 Addre..ee's Addre.. 2. 0 Restricted Oelivery Consult postmaster for fee. 40. Article N Jmber Z. '1 ~D 05+ D10 4b. Service Type o Registered ~ertifled o Expre.. Meil 0 Insured o Return RecelP.!:f<!r\Merchandise 0 COD 7. Date of Deliv;;;(. I a ;Z -{ f(J - /0> 8. Addre..ee's Addre.. (Only If requested and faels paid) !i ~ ., Ul .9-1 J 1 E :0 'ii a: '" c Vi :0 ~ .!! :0 o ':-1 c l! I ... ., = c o -g 3. ArtIcle Addressed to: ,'ii ''D. E o u (lr '" w a: c c <l 'z ~ 5. Received By: (Print Name) a: \ - ~ 1 ~ Z!. . n~rt.: Cfddrefi(,efor Agen 1 1:- X .J,fIr*/lAAM ~ 1- ormp8rt, Desember-1994 bCWtV\.;c... V\Jo....nVltJ( 1:2&Zm {\f~ 16\'1- ~1" ~l^5J1-eAoIl 6f~tY1 O/\~'1'1 .P ..,... Domestic Return Receipt , I First-Class MaiL ] I Postage & Fees.!'eid I USPS _ _ I Permit No. G., 0 I ~ J f ~ " ~. -+--- '- [,'~'i~~ti'if~f:jiF1JlJrr.ml~l;l~~f ,,:,~.ti...~~. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 ; ~ 1/,1"1",/,1,.1/",1/,,,/,1/,,/ ~ f, , " .. l~ r I ~. . .' SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 (541) 726-37S3 FAX (541) 726.3689 February 12, 1996 Donnie Wanner 2250 North lOth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Subject: Occupancy Inspection at 2787 Olympic #23, Springfield, Oregon. Proposed Use: Sculpture Business Dear Mr. Wanner, At your request, the Community Services DivisionlBuilding Safety conducted Wl inspection of the building at the above address. The purpose of the inspection was to determine the suitability of the building for the proposed use as indicated. Based on the proposed occupancy, the existing conditions which are mentioned below do not meet the minimum Building Safety Code requirements. Corrective measures must be taken prior to occupancy to install, repair, replace or modify the following items in order for the building to conform to applicable safety codes: Your request for classification as a f-2 occupancy \ffider the 1994 Structura1 Specialty Code will include the following requirements. 1. Occupancy separation walls between lease spaces shall meet one hour fire-resistive construction standards. 2. A mechanical permit and inspection approvals are required for installation of the ventilation system. The opening at the west side of the building where the existing ventilation duct terminates, shall be sealed as per original construction requirements. Ventilation ducts need to terminate a minimum of 10 feet from Wly property line. 3. Provide one 2A-IOlb fire extinguisher mounted 3-5 feet from the floor. If you need any further information or have any questions regarding the above requirements, please contact me between the hours of 8:00-9:00 a.m., 1:00-2:00 p.m. or 4:00-4:30 p.m. at 726-3759. Sincerely, jUM/~ Tom Marx Building Inspector cc: Dave Puent, Community Services ManagerlBuilding Official Brian Whitlow, property owner . . h '.1'" @JIJt1@?~~ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT ..' "s~:::~~;~i' . .' , I lld~ p~<.. I 225-FIr=TH STREET ~ ",,-,-' "-.J SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726.3689 OCCUPANCY INSPECTION APPLICATION CITY OP SPRINGPIELD BUILDING DIVISION ::;::=======~=~=~=~=~=~====================~========:::=:::::::<:{=G;=~~~ ADDRESS OF INSPECTION: l3e;/f1J ~7)l.7 OWNER: APPLICANT: ..J) 0> tJ r-r (.4L ~,c. f'/rv-e.J!( APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: ~ r)V, LG 'Pt- ~1 f'l/L.L()" rOR FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE NUMBER: 7 l.( b - ')> { " ::l. #''''~-.J.V':t4-o~ , =a====a====c==================c================================================= PROPOSED USE: ...;--c..c..... L ~ .3 ~ : ...r- {'J/LJ"' y- " A $35.00 INSPECTION FEE IS REQUIRED AT THE TIME OP APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY TO BE INSPE D. ~ r ' LlA.A ./ '"' -r-I'J r ttfiitURE OF P'ko~ 0 E -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POR OPFICE USE ONLY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE PAID: /-5-Cj'(p, DATE OF INSPECTION: DATE OF CERT!FICAT~ OF COHrLIANCEI COMMENTS: RECEIPT NUMBER: .DATE OF REPORT: . ", "'- ..'," ", ' ", ,";-.~ ~1:"t",1:".:' " . ,'. ~-.. . ~.~ . ..",','" ..-.._~_~:.... .....~Yt..:...,,-. ...~... . , .' .. , .1. :. ~: " ." Citl of S~t~!ng~ield 225 Fifth Street SpI~i(\gfi01d, OR 97477 (502 i r'26-3?5~3 T "'.:.;ns;')('1; i on nJJnlbC:.~r' G:i. 3983 ,J-:l{llAi:1PY OS, 13.96 :7=38 ~1l','i :'C:C(I.i.'Vi-~1j ;!'DITI~ DGNNIE ~J(.:li';N;::r\' ::81\'i,r'.:Jct,/OWT\ = FOR 2787 Oi...YMr'IC SF23 ~Udr'ess; 2250 N" 10TH STRf~T! C~t~~ SPRINGFIELD' St= OR Zip~ 37477 -Bf,Ji lding- ~:~I ,';.: 3t,u025 ::~~,.~;::r"ipt. ion ~':.::>, ~~)rlC',v If\SPt:..C!; iOri ",r" ""', ",'...1 ~ t..ri..! .~ C':. -::,} ~ ~\5.GO '~;ll ;:: ,'" ;:;. ~\ i '.' ~~ c; ; 40" OD ~.~ ::\-.:; ,;', "'\:: ""~~;:: n'..:G ~ 5.00 : '-\.::'}): you, 1~2lncy M. .~.' ~ .~. ::.:;::i".... .~: ~ , ...~.; ...~: ~.?~?::;~:.. . .. 'ty:.' ,. Fe-p