HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2006-5-4 J . .CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2006-00405 ISSUED: 05/04/2006 APPLIED: 04/05/2006 EXPIRES: 11/04/2006 VALUE: $ 4,000.00 Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line SITE ADDRESS: 2787 OLYMPIC ST I ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: t 703254100500 Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Tenant Infill TYPE OF USE: Alteration PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Tenant in fill alterations for Wash Your Dog Spot Commercial Owner: WHITLOW BRIAN J & LYNDA C Address: 541 SPYGLASS DR EUGENE OR 97401 Phone Number: 541-726-2903 Contractor Type General Electrical Plumbing I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I ~'I:-'~ Contractor ,,< ~r ","\0 License PETERSON & MOORE GONSTRUCTION IN 106969 STEVEN GEIS~F(,R';~~~ \\:)'-' 95472 BARNES HIGI;I',!E~IU~L"UMBING INC 83311 Expiration Date 06/13/2006 11/23/2006 02117/2008 Phone 541-998-5320 54t-726-0618 541-726-9854 0' v"'~;I~;IJ'UILDlNG INFORMATION I ",,-0 "".,, -~"?' ~~ ~ ..:.,c' ,-~,-r' " # of Units: ,:. ~ '-:i '0"'"<::So..~ ~<::). # of Stories: ,~"c,(')'" ..,Y,', Lot Size: Primary Occupancy Gr~up':~",<<::) " ~B.~ Height of Structure r/" ~'" "';'- .'... Sq Ft 1st Floor: '",","- (IV .~'v'v (;V <\v " 0 'i> J Secondary Occupancy.G.roup:" r:v.\ '< Type of Heat: ~~ r. ,.'-0 ,)> _, Sq Ft2nd Floor: :" ",~".)'~~,"" ,,~.'" ~'O' '. Primary Construction;:Typ~, ,~<.i; :\<;)VB Water Type: ,,~_\'> 0'.... : ~ '1:'~ Sq Ft Basement: Secondary Constructioa~Type: .,,:<;:' Range Type: r~ ;o.,'V 0' ,,), U Sq Ft Garage/Carport 'V'_\ " ~f..: ,r"....... o. ( # of Bedrooms: \j ~ Energy P~!h:.(';;t. ^' ",-!i (~:". Sq Ft Other: "?' Spria~.!..~~~uJld~~gif .",'0,: n/~,) " Occupant Load: Frontyard Setback: Side I Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: I DEVELOPMENT,INFORMATION I,' , 2t~..,(.i.J" '-:J)" ,,' ,cJ .,"." ~ ~'.<:''' 0':::' ,..:." ...." ,1 Overlay Dist:~ \ '- \ > .} ... -' \,)' (' . - # Street-lr.;es,Rqdu r ,.- \:)'- _( ~ 'V Paved Drive Rqd:' "v % of Lot Coverage: REQUIR1'D PARKING Total: Handicapped: Compact: I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I Street Improvements: Storm Sewer Available: Special Instruction: Sidewalk Type: DownspoutslDrains: Notes: Paee I of 3 . Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Description Tvpe of Construction Estimate Use Bid Amount Estimate Pavine Fee Description \ Plan Review Comm/lnd/Public + 10% Administrative Fee + 8% State Surcharge Building Permit Fixture Paving Plan Review Comm/lnd/Public Sanitary Sewer - 1st 50 Feet Sanitary Sewer - Improvement Sanitary Sewer - Reimbursement SDC MWMC Administration SDC MWMC Improvement SDC MWMC Reimbursement SDC Sanitary/Storm Admin SDC Transpo Admin SDC Transpo Improvement SDC Transpo Reimbursement Total Amonnt Paid Fire Department Review Initial Review Plannine Review 04/t t/2006 04/06/2006 04/t t/2006 Public Works Review 04/11/2006 Strnctnral Review Structnral Review 04/11/2006 05/03/2006 Structural Review 05/04/2006 . ~ITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2006-00405 ISSUED: 05/04/2006 APPLIED: 04/05/2006 EXPIRES: 11/04/2006 VALUE: $ 4,000.00 I Valuation Deserintion I $ Per Sq Ft or multiplier $1.00 $1.00 Square Footage or Bid Amount 3,600.00 400.00 Value Date Calculated Total Value of Project $3,600.00 $400.00 $4,000.00 05/04/2006 05/04/2006 Fpp< Pi1lIJ Amount Paid Receipt Number t200600000000000416 2200600000000000560 2200600000000000560 2200600000000000560 2200600000000000560 2200600000000000560 2200600000000000560 2200600000000000560 2200600000000000560 2200600000000000560 2200600000000000560 2200600000000000560 2200600000000000560 2200600000000000560 2200600000000000560 2200600000000000560 2200600000000000560 Date Paid $29.25 $24.86 $16.29 560.60 $98.00 $45.00 $10.14 $45.00 $400.39 $526.55 $10.00 $229.68 $2 I. 77 $49.89 $t34.25 $2,033.43 $461.00 4/5/06 5/4/06 5/4/06 5/4/06 5/4/06 5/4/06 5/4/06 5/4/06 5/4/06 5/4/06 5/4/06 5/4/06 5/4/06 5/4/06 5/4/06 5/4/06 5/4/06 $4,196.10 I Plan Reviews I 04/1 t/2006 04/12/2005 APP LLH APP EMM Site approved by LUeS on last tenant in fill. SUB has looked over MSDS sheets and determined that no DWP app is needed. SDCs added for change-in-use from warehouse, and fixtures. 04/27/2006 APP SB 05/03/2006 10 RWC WE JMP See attached documents for 5 structural comments emailed to Debra Reese. Per Dave Puent. 05/04/2006 APP JMP Paee 2 of3 . ercITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2006-00405 ISSUED: 05/04/2006 APPLIED: 04/05/2006 EXPIRES: 11/04/2006 VALUE: $ 4,000.00 , Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541- 726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line SUB Review 04/t t/2006 04/18/2006 WE JF JM P called Debra Reese and requested the energy code forms. No energy eode issues or inspections. SUB Review 04/2512006 04/25/2006 APP JF To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. L.R.elllJired Insoedions I Bolts Installed in Concrete: To be done by a State Certified Special Inspector. Provide inspection test reports to City Building Inspector. Final Building: After all required inspections have been requested and approved and the building is complete. Rough Plumbiug: Prior to cover and including required testing. Final Plumbing: When all plumbing work is complete. Rough Electric: Prior to Cover Final Electric: When all electrical work is complete. Framing Inspection: Prior to cover and after all rough in inspections have been approved. By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made ofany structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on tbis project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. . (QW!ttL ~QDz_ S ~ t.f ~ D to Owner or Contractors Signature Date Paee 3 of 3 ., . AITACHMENTA . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE SsHEET JOURNAL OR JOB NUMBER COM2006-00405 NAME OR COMPANY: Wash vour Do. Soot LOCATION: 2787 Ol",!,oic Sir, Suite #1 MAP & TAX LOT NUMBER: 17 03 25 41 00500 DEVELOPMENT TYPE: Dog Wash NEW DEVELOPED AR:.A (S.F.): EXISTING DEVELOPED AREA (S.F.): 929.00 929.00 vet 929.00 whse Other Services 720 150 900 lTE: ITE: TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE (S.F.): ~ I STORM DRAJNAGE IMPERVIOUS SQ. IT. LOT SIZE (S.F.): x S 0.323 PER SF TOTAL STORM DRAINAGE SDC:I TSANlTARY SEWER-CITY A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF DFU's B. IMPROVEMENT COST: NUMBER OF DFU's (SEE REVERSE SIDE) 21 x S 25.07 PER DFU 21 x S 19.07 PER DFU S 44.14 TOTAL WCAL WASTEWATER SDC:, S926.93 I $926.93 3 TRANSPORTATION Compued to vct office BLOO AREA TGSF x TRIP RATE x COST PER ADT x NEW TRIP F ACfOR NEW A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: 0.93 x 36.13 B. IMPROVEMENT COST: 0.93 x 36.13 EXISTING A REIMBURSEMENT COST: -0.93 x 4.96 B. IMPROVEMENT COST: -0,93 x 4.96 x S 19.09 PER TRIP x 0.85 NTF $544.55 I $2.401.97 , x S 84.19 PER TRIP x 0.85 NTF x $ 19.09 PER TRIP x 0.95 NTF (S83.55)~ ($368.54 >! x S 84.19 PER TRIP $ 103.28 x 0.95 NTF TOTAL TRANSPORTATION REIMBURSEMENT SOC:I TOTAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT SOC: TOTAL TRANSPORTATION SDC:I S 2.494.431 "OTHER SERVICES" 4SANlTARY SeWeR - '>lli'MC NEW: A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU's B. IMPROVEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU's 0.93 $46.88 PER FEU $43.55 I $459.36 I x 0.93 x $494.46 PER FEU EXISTING: A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU's -0.93 B. IMPROVEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU's -0.93 MWMC CREDIT IF APPUCABLE (SEE REVERSE) $23.44 PER FEU ($21.77)' ($229.68)! x x $247.23 PER FEU TOTAL MWMC REIMBURSEMENT FEE: TOTAL MWMC IMPROVEMENT FEE: MWMC ADMlNJSTRA TlVE FEE: TOTAL MWMC SDC:' $ 261.45 SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS 1,2,3. & 4) ,.- $3,682.82 I 5 ADMINISTRA TlVE FEES' BASE CHARGE (SUBTOTAL ABOVE) $ 3,682.82 x 5% , SI84.14 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION ADMlNJSTRA TION FEE: S TOTAL SEWER ADMlNJSTRA TION FEE: S St-.. M. ~ &.- SOC COORDINATOR 412712006 DATE TOTAL SDC CHARGES C0M2006-00405, Wash Your Dog Spot, 2787 Olympic SUite #1.x1s -- :S 3 - 8'" ~ E~t .a-iJ o &l u 0 a:'-!, SO.OO SO.OO 1178 - $526.55 1183 $400.39 1184 $461.00 1173 $2.033.43 1094 $2,494.43 L $0.00 1054 $21.77 1186 $229.68 1187 $10.00 1189 $261.45 134.25 1175 49.89 1190 $3.866.96 1 JULY 2004 . . = DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT (DFU) CALCULATION TABLE NUMBER OF NEW FIXTURES x UNIT EQUIVALENT ~ DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS (NOTE: FOR REMODELS. CALCULATE ONLY TIlE NET ADDlTlpNAL FIXTURES) Wash your Dol< Spot FIXTIJRE TYPE BATliTUB DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR DRAIN, FLOOR SINK INTERCEPTORS FOR GREASEJOIllSOLIDSIETC. INTERCEPTORS FOR SAND/AUTO WASHlETC. LAUNDRY TUB CLOTIiES WASHERlMOP SINK CLOTIiES WASHER - 3 OR MORE (EA) MOBILE HOME PARK TRAP (1 PER TRAILER) RECEPTOR FOR REFRJGERA TOR/W A TER ST A TlONIETC. REl."" I VK FOR COMMERCIAL SINKI D1SHW ASHERlETC. SHOWER, SINGLE STAlL SHOWER, GANG (NUMBER OF HEADS) SINK: COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTIAL KITCHEN SINK: COMMERCIAL BAR SINK: WASH BASINIOOUBLE LAVATORY SINK: SINGLE LA V A TORY /RESIDENTIAL BAR URINAL, ST AU.JW AIL TOILET. PUBLIC INSTALLATION TOILET, PRIVATE INSTALLATION MISCELLANEOUS: FIXTURES NEW OLD 6 UNIT EQUIVALENT 3 I 3 3 6 2 3 6 12 1 3 2 2 3 2 2 1 5 6 3 NUMBER OF EDU'S' TOTAL DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS= *EDU (EQuivalent Dwellin~ Unit) is a d.iscbarJ?:e equivalent to a single family dwc1line (20 OFU) set at 167 e;aUons oer day CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: BASED ON ASSESSED VALUE IF IMPROVEMENTS OCCURRED AFfER ANNEXATION DATE IN TABLE, CALCULATE CREDITS SEPARATELY DRAINAGE FIXTIJRE UNITS 18 o o o o o 3 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 21 YEAR RATE PER S 1,000 YEAR RATE PER SI.000 ANNEXED ASSESSED VALUE ANNEXED ASSESSED VALUE 1979 or before S5.29 1992 1980 " S5.19 1993 $1.45 1981 ' S5.12 1994 " SI25 ]982 $4.98 ]995 " ,. , S1.09 1983 ': $4.80 19% SO.92 ]984 $4.63 1997 SO.72 ]985 $4.40 1998 $0.48 1986 $4.07 1999 $0.28 , . 1987 $3.67 2000 $0.09 1988 $3.22 2001 SO.05 1989 ' $2.73 2002 $0.00 1990 $2.25 2003 SO.OO 199] S\.80 2004 SO.OO CREDIT FOR PARCEL OR LAND ONLY IF APPLICABLE x SO.OO IMPROVEMENT (IF AFfER ANNEXATION DATE) x SO.OO CREDIT TOTAL SO.OO C0M2006..Q0405, Wash Your Dog Spot, 2787 Olympic SUite #1.x1s 1 JULY 2004 i25 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 '541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number COM2006-00405 COM2006-00405 COM2006-00405 COM2006-00405 COM2006-00405 COM2006-00405 COM2006-00405 COM2006-00405 COM2006-00405 COM2006-00405 COM2006-00405 COM2006-00405 COM2006-00405 COM2006-00405 COM2006-00405 COM2006-00405 Payments: Type of Payment Check cRcccintl .~~ CiIi(lf Springfield Official Receipt DWIopment Services Department Puhlic Works Department RECEIPT #: 2200600000000000560 Date: 05/04/2006 Description Fixture Sanitary Sewer - Reimbursement Sanitary Sewer - Improvement SDC Transpo Reimbursement SDC Transpo Improvement SDC MWMC Reimbursement SDC MWMC Improvement SDC MWMC Administration SDC Sanitary/Storm Admin SDC Transpo Admin Building Permit Paving Sanitary Sewer - 1st 50 Feet Plan Review CommlInd/PubIic + 8% State Surcharge + 10% Administrative Fee Paid By WASH YOUR DOG SPOT Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received jmp 1160 In Person Payment Total: Page 1 of 1 11:18:26AM Amount Due 98.00 526.55 400.39 461.00 2,033.43 21.77 229.68 10.00 49.89 134.25 60.60 45.00 45.00 10.14 16.29 24.86 $4,166.85 Amount Paid $4, I 66.85 $4,166.85 5/412006