HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddressing Correspondence 1998-9-17 September 17, 1998 Terre J. Gores Oregon Metro Federal Credit Union 2355 Olympic Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: Additional Street Address Assignment Dear Ms. Gores: I am writing in response to your request that your structure. currently located on property commonly known as 2355 Olympic Streel, Springfield. Oregon, also known as Lane County Reference Number 17032541, Tax Lot 01002 be assigned an additional address. Your additional new street address will be 2357 Olympic Slreet, Springfield, Oregon. I will notify the following companies and/or agencies oflhis address change by sending them a copy of this letter: Springfield Police Department Springfield Fire Department U,S. Post Office U.S. West Communications Northwest Nalural Gas Tel Cable United Parcel Service Springfield Utility Board Lane Council of Governmcnts 911 Dispatch. Public Safety Lane. County Elections Departmenl Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springfield News/Register Guard This additional address is effeclive immediately. Please placelh" address numbers on the structure and mailbox as soon as possible. If you havc any questions, please feel free to phone me at 726-3664. Sincerely, 4L0~ Kaye Wilson Community Services .~ p/ ' 138-113-1998 '16";:,/~8 09:4; T. 08: 33RM F~OREGON METRO FCU ROCO BR 'ZS'S03 726 _ SPFD DE\'. SER. sJate: 1 Person t..c Agency re'luesting change if ot~er than owner: OREGON METRO FEDERAL CREdIT UNION I . Phone number when' you can be contacted: ;746'-0527 Fa~_:_?42:.!!~ 97 hddress of property you are re'lUesting tJ have an additional address assigned: 2355 Olympic St. Springfield, ~R 97477 I :""''',"50X Map fI: 1'1-{)3 - a.~ - L/ I I ~l~aue ~xplain s~ecifiC~llY why you feel !the location needs an additional address aaaigned: : , We have a business tenant renti~g the office space in the back of our building. We would like ]to have seperate mailina addresses. I 1 I I I Proposad Address: No preferences I pl::opecty Owners Signature: C ~M../O ~ / ~(lJ./ ..--'- ---- - ---------------------- - --------lr-----.--- _iJlIJt~_ - OFFICI USE . I !l.ece~v..d By: I , I Denial: , I i I'" I)lElnied: bllmUJic. Slrhf I 0 , Or/ i Dattt,_Cj-/1- LL. I ! I I i ADDITIONAL ADDfESS Propert y Qo..-ner: OREGON METRO FEDE~L 23~$'Olympic Stre~t Mailing Address: City: .' Sprin'il'Iield .' Oa~B Received: 'X -i<i? -q Y Reference Number: l"i-03-.;lS;-t/-, Plannin9 Approval: N/~ 11 denied, please explain: Planning Rev1aw By: NM Approved: V'" If app:,oved, nGO'" ..ddres~ is: .2.557 ~LW''J.~ r Rf!!!oviewed by: lY) 72636139 P . ",2 ~002 REQUEST , i CREDIT UNION OR Zip: 97.77 Tax Lot #: \ 0/ DO;;"" r- A--I Tax Lot #; 0' 00 )...- Oat~1