HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1989-3-2 Ci ty or s p ringfi e Id' 225,n. 5t'h street . '- .~~. INt'UI1.MAIION: 1;lt)-37S3 I I . INSPECTIONS. 126-3769 SIGN PERMIT APPLIC.~'P.,QN . '" , I ! , I I i A. LO~:r~~N OF SIGN (ADDRESS) ~303 d?~U/.>7~fC. -S-c. , LECAL DESCRIPTION \ '1 \ h?' ::;) S 4 \ TAX LOn" n \ \ C-YJ 'O\olNER 'OR PROPERTY 7 EkAcn /./.5A- PHONE ADDRESS 99"0 ,uf<) &4dEttJS fcl - /<f~{-!4N1J c>f/...... ,ZIP 97::t1't:5' OllNER OF SICIl (IF OTHER TlWI PROPERTY O\lllER) ADDRESS NAME OF IlUSIIlESS, FIRM, ETC. -r;;.xAm ~,,; .5;"..0.) , ," .... ,PHOllE TYPE OF .IlUSIIIESS c... f . .~. '. S77IT7",,J B. TYPE OF WORK: l", 8, STRUCTURAL 'IYPE 'OF SIGN:. jLERECT ALTER,;: ?' .\'LUALL _FREESTANDIlIG - ',1. :~1 ; _RELOCATE _ROOF _PROJECTING OTHER ,- _MARqUEE C>. USE AND CEARACTER OF SIGN: ~IDENTI'IY ' ' ---.,;.INCIDEllTAL " -Z....DOUIlLE FACE _SINGLE FACE __'!Ui.TI-FACE _P.EADER IlO~ ~UNDER UARqUEE ' .! 'i;_O'I1lER }... :~'" rb:' '..:~.:. 1 :), .. _BILLIlOARD , I i '.,), ~: VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: SIGN ERECTOR :::r(j.n5 ,..$;,<;.J $7~nmS .f.DD~.ESS I ~ 7 B tV. '1 7Z!.do6 iE ., 'I ~,u ~ i'lL CITY LICENSE Il\P.1BER " ". ",'t'" SIGN IWlUFAC'IURER (IF OTHER 'IHAN ERECTOR) ADDRESS ..,.:,lr '.",.",! 1'1101-.'1:48</ -~slz. ,:m 9?t:/o:l- )00'. DATE i I ,I :pHONE F, ,D~':llSIONS, D1STALLATIOII & CONS}lU;TIOII .. TOTAL, HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE JiIif.) C. . VERTICAL DIMENSION OF SIGN I fI " .;tif" HORIZONTAL WIDnt OF SIGN '....."" g' ~V. , DUIENSION FROM GRADE TO BOtTOM OF SIGN "",' /~~". 1</' \' ,.--J G. EXISTL'lG SIGNS ..'-.--- .. ~.~ro;:A.!I, EXISTII1G HGIIS? ..x..YES ~110 t1tJl.lBElt SIZE IN SO.FTG.. ALL EXISTING SIGNS FOR EUSINESS, ETC. nlICKllESS OR DEPTHJ 0' '2{""~~ " ""'., DOES SIGN PROJECT IlEYOND PROPERTY LINE? _YES LNO , IF YES, DIMENSION"BEYOND " PROPERTY LINE' , ,NOTE: IF PROJECTIOn IS IIORE THAN 12" , OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TI!F. SIGN ERECTOR HUST FILE Wlnl THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/IlER LIABILITY AND PROP- ERIY D~~GE IIISURAIICE POLICIES. H. HIll. SIGN HAVE ELECTRICAL IVIRIHG? l/ e 5 ' IF YES. \1IlICH APPLY? . "'- ELEC'IltICAt SIGn , _ILL\JHIIIATED (INDIP.F.CTLY LIGHTED) ELECTRICAL COllTP~CTOR ADDRESS LISC.NUMBER PROIIE , , , DESCRIBE TYPE OR t'ATERIALS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED OX. ' t!..h...040 '1'4$-1,,<- J'SITE INFOFlfATIOll (LAlID USE) -- EXISTING USE OF IlUILDlilG OR LAND (IJR LAST USE IF VACANT) 's€.tL'u/c€. ~o~ . i. ~;. . K. VALUE OF SIGN: ...3~OO +g(rf} 1?rotJ _INDOOR BUSINESS ...:,OUTDOO:t HERCllAllDISING PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND: 5c:,..,,rc.E ~.J L'I HAVE CAREFULLY ~lINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify chat,all information is true and correct, and I further certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance wich the Springfield Sign Ordinance, the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by che City of Sorin~ficld and all other Ordinances of the Ciey of Sprin~field and t~c laws of the State of Ore~on peitainin~ to t~e ~orl: described n~4~Ln. I further certify tha: rn~ ~~zn Co~tr~ctor Li- cense with the City of Sprinr;field is in full force 'o;md effect as requl.red by Sprinr"f.l.cld Codes 3-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). I will requesc all requir~d sign insceetions lisced on the approved ::i:~LEASE ~NT-;])A-vt;. 'K,",,",,/ -~"J. a.<.J5<d.~ ~tll~E$ SIGNATURE ~ ~."..." ,// ' DATE 2-";2~-e'f "..-. /- P L'EAS E . READ . " "...,.....'......:"....1 1) ,2) Seoarate Si2n Apolication. A separate application is required for each separate sign,as defined In itt:.e" S.lgn (;ode. . ..:.:"t::.: . E1ectri'cal:, Any permit issued under this application will inc1ud~ wiring in or", on' sign scrucCure the sUpply'wires for connection mu~t be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection mus.c be-made only by a Scace Licensed E1eccrical Concractor. Illuminaced signs (both interMlly and excernally) muse conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Springfield'Sign Or- dinance. . 3) Plans,:Reouired: This application'is to be submitted with two complete sets of plans showing di- mensions and height of sign; advertising message on sign; location of sign on property with di- mensions to property lines, ~tructural details of support framing, bracing and foocines: ~ateri81! of construction for sign and sign structure; el~ctrical equipment and lighting; -size'and location of existing signs on property for the same bus1cnss, all as required to determin~ com~liance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also,. show the follow- ing informacion on the plot plan (plan showing'property lines and locacion of signs): a) Show the location of all existing sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s). b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up ,by the business or bUilding. For wall signs, show che length 'of the bUilding frontage. , c) Show the location of entrances open to the public al1d(d~ijreways. . "'" ....t'f'f{. 4) When required, because of design, size, etc., engineered,:,drawings and calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design stan~ards'on file at the Building Divi- sion Office. ' , ' , 5) Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant with no permit being issued. ',;. ,.... , 5) Signs must 'meet corner vision clcarancereqUirements as lIescribed in Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive, Zoning Code. ,__ I) .NOTE: No sign may be erecced which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from'overhead 'electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less than5ffeet in any direction froe overhead electrical lines which arc energized at less than 7~O, volt~~~~~ . . ..,..-..../~,. J), If a sign is not ins called within 60, days after the ,date of ' is' sue of thiS permit, the permit shall " be void.. .' ?_' Insoections, ,... b) c) a)' Site Insoection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, th~ Footine Insoection (it applicable) may be made at the same time as the Site Inspection. lne looting lnspec- tion is to be made after hole(s) is excavateci, but ,prior to the placement of concrete. Finai Insoeccio,n,- to' bl:: made up~n c~~lei:i~n of_ all work. " lClectrical - all" 'electrical signs must be inspected for electrical, hook_ up after the sign 1s erected and, before the sign is turned on. ' ....,: : , ' .,' " " ' ~'FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION ,LINE AT 726-3769 ~ ' J~ , ._, . FOR OH~\i US;; ONLY GN DISTRIUJMlJfflJt1?,r!1'.ONE DISri!JI (./ '_ IAL SQUARE FOOTAGE, OF "SIGlI: , ! J I ,)".' .' ." Jq!l.~'B1D!41-' ..--: S,IGN PE~!I~ 'sf) : 'ELECTRICAL ,J?;~IID: 47. STATE SURCHARGEt6, , , '" . ...'. , , " , ,," .'.!~ .. ~~ ~i. .:\ .:).-; ~ :;":,C:~~--'[ .:",' OUIRED INSPECTIONS: .__ ~,~", vfu:TE/LOcATION \/FOOTING OR METHOD OF A~CIlMENT C6.ECTRICAL V;INAL; - '- _OTHER --"-.-~'''' ~- .-_., . ::~~~~.~~ '.' SATISFIED: BEFI)!iE"ERECt:!:ClN: OF.,SIGN. .. ',~...:.- TOTAL, &;10,7..- 6 DATE-;' 9/J-lg1 ItE!=EIl?:r~~'0.I, CLERK ,\ ~f> ~~ \((J - : I 0," \.)"',,, " ' .., . f'~' .....~~., CIAL CONDITIONS TO BE .-.....:.:..--.....-.....--.. ~ '. .-..~' 'ITIONAL INFO~TION~;;;"",,"'u BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: ". ' ';' ;. :'~}!:!:,'.. .,.' ;:~~~::,.;;;;. --..""' 'f':': <it;j~i~: lOVED BY: 5M :/!Jc/tfk~ <"-rfj, 0 or 0 ()(), .i?Rr,;;c;nU.D SlGM ORD!:l.,~i:l: DATE 3/2/BC?; " :WN: '._..~.~, ...~~..:._--_.._--,..,._.~~---, . "00' ~ _.- A. LO~.~~~N OF SIGN (ADDRESS) ,~30.3 , LECAL DESCRIPTION . ~.. OHNER OR PROPERTY / E.k A en Us ~ ADDRESS s/9<,o -tJ41 ...5'L-, 4 dEAJS c011.~"'/c. .~ . PERMIT APPLIC'~~H!,.ON'{M~ ' , , DO UilA JA-f(l; jJ V /, ! r::~~'i I i ,ZIP 97~~~ ,Yun .-. -.-.., 225,n. 5th street 1 . INSPECTIONS: 726-3769 " . ~~ SIGN S-c fd - /c5;-eI~1J CJ/l...... OUNER OF SIGN (,IF OTHER THAN PROPERTY Ol:1NER) ADDRESS NAME OF BUSINESS, FIllM, ETC. 7"," XACD trlt:s' ..s~o.J . " .... PHONE . .~. '. TYPE OF .BUSI1IESS C-A f S7'1977"",.J B. TYPE OF WORK: . , ~. STRUCTURAL TYPE 'OF SIGN:, LERECT _ALTER:; ;;': \~,Jl~ ....:..~.]REESTANDIlIG _RELOCATE _ROOF PROJECTING I;, - ,_OTHER _MARqUEE ~UNDER liARqUEE ' ., .~:._OTPn .:j,., .~'" 'n', D. USE AllO CP.Al~ACTER OF SIGN: LIDENTI-IT' ' ---.:.INCIDEllTAL ' _DOUBLE FACE -f. SINGLE FACE ~'rut.TI-FACE , P.EADER BOARD - , _BILLBOARD , " , I ~~l:' ''':~'')'.1 :), ", , ,1 E: VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: SIGN ERECTOR :::r;;,vt.5 ~<:;...J , ' ./.oD~':::SS /'-78 to. '"}7.l! ke. CITY LICENSE I~BER :$H";~S' , , ~"'T~,uE.. ...: .~ ','~ ...? ,.': .g' ..f~,If"" . " f'IlCl\'l:t/8c/.. s0yz. ,ZIt' 9~~:l- ,EXP. DATE ilL: SIGN liANUF ACTURER (IF OTHER THAN ERECTOR) ADDRESS .' ,PHONE e (, ~ F- DII1F.!ISICNS, IIlSTALLATICN & CONSTRUCTIOn TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE' .. I i ~l VERTICAL DIMENSION OF SIGN ~ 3 I HORIZONTAL WIDnt OF SIGN ,/0 ' , DIHENSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN - - -., , G. EXISTING SIGNS, , , Ii.. ::,': ,ARE TIIERE AllY EXISTI!1G'l'IGNM LYES _110 <;; , IMlBE? . SIZE IN SO. FTG. \ '11 " ,t, ALL EXISTING SIGNS ! FOR BUSINESS, ETC, '.' I .- O,~..:.../,,.l,,, ' . T/.'.;:J'''7 4' . ._ THICKNESS OR DEPTH " " '/ .,., I /0 , , ,1/;) .. 'j .1; , .' I. I. 1.1 '. J' . , . DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? _YES :i..NO IF YES. DllfENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE . "NOTE: . IF PROJECTIOn IS llORE THAN 12" i' OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TEE SIGN ERECTOR ~ruST FILE WI111 THE BUILDING DIVISION i . COPIES OF HIS/HER LIABILITY AND PROP- : ERTY DANAGE INSURANCE POLICIES. " H. \'lI~L SIGN IlAVE ELECTRICAL IIIRIlIG? J,/ 0 ' IF YES: WHICH APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGN __ILLUMINATED' (INDIP.P.CTrY LIGHTED) . ELECTRICAL CO!lTRACTOR , ADDRESS LISC.NUMBER P~ONC '.. , ! ; I , ~ I ~ . ? i . ! " I.' "DESCRIBE TYPE OR'I'ATERIALS CONSTRUCTED OF. _ "/14,w1.{ J~ .. -f,.. LF , i. . I J ~ ~ i ;" SIGN IS ,)i,J'f / ~7,.) J. SITE INFOPllATIOlI (LAND USF-) -- EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND (nR LAST USE IF VACANT) ~~dc;e ..5-,~- ,.,J r , ~ i l ~ , . I' t ~ , , : . K. VALUE OF SIGN: aooOE "" ,INDOOR BUSINESS' '. OUTDOOlt I~ERCIlANDISING: I - -- PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND, "s:~rc;.r, ~TP#6,J 'I . . . ," I \ I' '. ~ ~ , - " - , L. I IlAVE CARF.FULLY EXMlINEO che compleced application for permit and do hereby certify that all information is crue and correct, and I fUrcher cercify that all work performed shall be done in accordance wich the Springfield Sign Ordinance. the Uniform Sign Code as adopced by the City of Saringfield and all other Ordinances of che Cicy of Sprin~field and the laws of the Stace of Ore~on per'tainin~ to ttle worl; described r'lt::4t=Ln. I further certify that my :3:!.zn Co~tractor !.1" . ~ cense with che Cicy of Sprin~field is in full force and effect as re~uired by Sprin~field Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). I will request all required sign insaections listed on che approved permit.' .......;.,11 /? .' ..: 'i'ICI.I.'j.....1 ,'l. -~~E-(;~~~~hINT~~-~~~.:.. .IPRAdaA~;~;~:.,.;~ 3;;;;;~~--;--~. :! SIGNATURE~_.~,'.l)"""',";' ' "DATE..:1.-;l;)-e1 ,.:1';': ': I' l ., ,I -~---_..., , 1'-- --