HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1900-1-1 .: . ~1'IUNCr:1I1L(J ~equired Inspeiions .. ~ 1,'. ~ IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF TilE PER-'lIT HOLDER TO SEE TIlAT ALL INSPECTIONS ARE MADE AT TilE PROPER TII.lE, THAT ~EACn ADDRESS IS READABLE FROM THE STREET, AND THAT TilE PERI'lIT CARD IS LOCATED AT TilE FRONT OF THE PROPERTY. BUILDING DIVISION APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON JOB SITE AT ALL TIllES. PROCEDURE FOR REQUESTINr. U1SPECTIO~S, Call 726-3769 (recorder) "tate you CITY DESIGNATED JOB NUMBER, job o.ddres~, type of inspection requested and \olhen you will be rc.::.dy for the in:;pecticn. Contl"lJcto=s 0= owners name tind phon2 number. Requests received before 7:00 am will be w'ndc the same day, requests ycccived nfter 7:00 am will be made the following work day, Your City Desip,nated Job Number Is, ~~~~17I~ Job Addre"s, -:2"'?c>3 6L'7"~;::>/C: Sr:- . Owner, 7~~Atc;? U~, Phone: contractot':_&s.- r-"'; 7~'T""~~ Cc>. Phone: _ _ _..c...::..; _ _ _-__ D D o o o D D D D D o SITE INSPEr.TION: To be mnde after cxcnv~tion, but prior to setup e f fc I'm:;. IINIlEIlSI.All PI.IIHIlING, EI.ECTlllr..\I. r. ~IECIIANICAI.: 1'0 he made befere any \\'01'1: is covereJ. CONcnr:"E St.AI\ INSPECTION: To he :n:IJC after all ins lab building service equipment, conduit. pipillt.:. accessories :lIld other nnci llnry equipment items arc in plnce but hefore any coneret:: is poured. o rOOTINC;S r. FOllNllATH1NS: To he made :1I'tel' trenche~ arc excavated nml form~ :Ire erected, :111 steel in plnce, ~lUt prior to pouring concrete. II:>:lJERr,IWIINO: Plumhin1:. Electric:lI, Gas. S:lnit:lry Scwer. Storm Sewer, 1'1;1 tel' ;1Ilt! Dr:l in::lgc 1 ines. To he m:ld:: prior to covering or filling trenches. lINDERFI.rn:}l{:. Plumhing, Electrical, Mech:\l\ical. To he m:ule Pl'ior to inst:lllation of floor insulation, licckinl~ 01' fluor shc:lthilll~. POST r. nEMI: '1'0 he m:1Je prior to iI15t:lll:ltion of floor il:sI11ntiol\, decking or fIoor ::he::t ing. FI,Ofm INSUl.ATION r. VAPOIl MIUHERS: To he m:Hle prior to install:!tion of decking 01' floor sheating, f.lASONnY: Steel location, honli heams grout i ng 0 I' vert i en I s. in :n:cordnncc I"ith U.ILC. Section 2<115. o o o ROOF S!lI:A.!ll1~!r. ANn Nr.II.INr.: Prior to inst:IlI ing any roofing. 0 nour-II I'l.l!MI\ INe: rT:U:crnlr.^L}f, MEr.!lANCIAt.: N~ I,'ork is to be co\'ered lIl:til these inspectio:ls h<lve been made :lnd :Ipprovell. D PINAL pl.Ut-mING 0- FI~AI. ~~LECTnICAI. D FINAl. ~IEr.IIANICM. o Arnr. Illl^",r STOPS f, r.lIllTAHI WAl.I$, rml:P!.ACE: Prior to placing facing materinl s :md before framing inspection. INSlIIATTON r, VAI'On I\AIHUEIl: To be mnde after all illSlIlat ion :lml required vapor harriez's ore in plnee but before any J:\th or gypSUQ hO:lrd interior wnll covcrll~g is npplied. FltAMTNG: To he made nfter the roof, all framing, fire blockinr. anu bracing arc in pl:\ce nnd nIl pipes, chimneys and \'ents nre complete and the rough electric:ll. plumbing <lnd hcnting wires. pipes and ducts al'c <Ipprovcd. o o ::J IAnl ANn/OR GYPSUM nOARO INSPECTION: ::J To be Ill<lde after :\11 lnthir.g :l:ld gypsum hoard, inte~ior nnd exterior. is in phce but he fore any PlasterlllI;::J is appl ied or hefore t~ypfollm hoard joints :ulll f:lsteners arc t;lped and finisheli. SPEr:IAI. INSPECTIONS: In aecorcl:lIlce \\.ith Section 306 of thc nuilding Code a ~pecial inspector shnll he employcd by thc O\\'ner/ Contractor during con~truction of the fe Ilowing work. ^ copy of the sped a I testing reportl> shnll he furnished to thl.' Uuilliing Division. ::J ::J ::J STRUCTURAl. CONr:n!:'1'H: In excess of 300'1 1'.5.1. p06..I) FIRE r. Sr:PARATTON WALl.: I.ocated r. censtructed according to plans. D o NoonSTOVES: After installation is I completed. --' StnmM1.K r. nRtvEI~^Y: llequireJ for all concrete pnving within street right~of-way. to be I113lie after all excavnting complete r. form work G sub-base material in pl:\ce. CURn ANn :\PPROACII APIlON: After forms nre erected hut prior to pouring concrete. STIUlCnJR:\I. WEI.nS: I'reformed Oil the job. (2722 f) mGII STIlt:N(;T1I ROI.TING: Durin~ all holt insul1ation llnd tighting operations (306 n.S) SllllAYErl ON FlnEPHOOFING; (ll.n.C, St~ndards ,43 ~8) - ?PI!CIAI. GItAOINGt r:XCAVATION ANn rll.I.ING: Ourlng enrthwol'k. (306 n.l t : G Chapter 29) I GW-J,AM nr:Mt<;: Inspection Certific:lte, by :111 :\pproved a/.:ency. furnished to I the City's Uuilding 0lvlsion hcrol'c I hcnms nre pluced. (2S0l~U.n.C. STDS. I 25-10, \1). * In .Iudition to the inspections specified hereon, the Buildinc OHichl :nay muke or require other inspections of any construction work to ascertain cOl':lplinnce with the Buillllng. City 01' Zoning Colles. CITY'S SITE PIAN Rr:VH.W llO.'I.no INSPECTION: Mu~t be reGuested 2 d"ys in :llivance of the d:lte yo wish i~speetion, All project conditions such a~ landscaping, pnrkin& lot striping etc. mur.t bu com~leted hef3rc requestint this inspection. ~ PINAl. ml1l.nlNG: Must be requested after the fin:\l Plumbing. Electric::zl, Mechanical and rire , Oepnrtmcnt inspections arc made anu approved. No Occupancy of the premises can be m~de untit u Certificate of Occupancy has h<:::en issueu b)' the Building Divisien anli posted on tbe pl'emif,e~ D FINAL rllm OEPARTMr:NT SIGNATURE *.\11 o rAIlKING 1.01': After gr::lvcl is in place but prior to pI::Icing nsph~lt or concrete. _'^~Illnl r.c;: ^tJn rll:^MntITC;: UII<:T IH~ "rrl:<:C;:Tlll r. ^nlll<:'n":~IT 'I'n nl: ~'^"': ^T ~'n rn<:'I' Tn Tln: rT'!'V DATE ~ I